Patron's subscription has been expanded. There are now three levels: Goudron, Patron and Positron. Goudron is the same level as Patron before this update - 20% bonus for 300 lemons. Patron gives a 50% bonus at a cost of 1200 lemons. Positron 60% and 1800 lemons. All existing Patrons will be automatically upgraded to level 2. Thank you for your support :3 Existing Patron boxes have also been updated to level 2. In addition, we have added a new group "Lemons" to the auction interface, separating them from the "Misc" group.
Fixed a critical auction bug. Thanks to player Dritty for the detailed bug report! The default duration is 30 days instead of 7 at the same placement cost. You can now place orders for 90 days. The interface has been slightly redesigned.
Hunting and dungeons
Boss respawn time has been accelerated and ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 hours instead of about a day. Monsters leap has been accelerated. It is no longer possible to build a respawn at -2 and -3 levels. High damage to the target leads to a partial rollback of casting progress (this also works for players). The exp and composition of monsters at levels -2 and -3 have been rebalanced. Item and gold drop rates in the rift have been increased. You can get infernal scrolls from the Hell Rogalian (very low chances). You can get dark scrolls from the Prince of Darkness.
The Blacksmith Experiment has been slightly reworked. It should now feel significantly less greedy. Lucky boxes have been redesigned and may drop energy and sacred offerings. Updated vendor's selling interface. Restoring of the map also restores the amount of sand (or other tile resources). Fixed a bug due to which player-made objects outside of claims were not decaying. Fixed mana updating when changing character attributes. The color of nicknames in chat no longer blends into the background. Chat no longer overlaps skill descriptions. The time to cast the Scroll of Town Portal and Return Home has been accelerated. The visual effect of the Omsk debuff is greatly slowed down. The server code has been optimized, which should reduce lags when a character has thousands of items.
[ 2024-04-28 17:47:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed: 1. Cash reward for buyers. 2. Seed planting interface. 3. Blacksmith Experiment accepts old sacrifices. 4. Explicit limit of 64 items at a time for vendor buyups. 5. Option to disable the animation of picking up items in the UI tab.
[ 2024-04-20 11:07:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.46.3
We've introduced camera zoom setting which now defaults to 150%. You can change it in settings->graphics. You can also toggle "fullscreen" checkbox to revert to previous rendering, when game area is fixed.
Buying system
- Added over 200 buyer positions to NPC vendors.
- Each rank upto 10th is guaranteed to open new positions.
- Maximum rank for buyers is limited to 100.
- Fix: Cash reward is correctly increased based on the buyer's rank.

Blacksmith experiment
Added dark blacksmith enchant.

The dark blacksmith enchant allows you to improve the quality of items up to 150. At the moment, the dark scroll can only be obtained by performing a blacksmith experiment in the alchemical transformation circle. The recipe for the blacksmith experiment involves any 3 blacksmith scrolls + a plate of any material + any sacrifice + energy. The blacksmith experiment gives extremely unstable results that depend on multiple factors. In addition to scrolls, during the experiment you can obtain a plate of a higher quality or even change the material of the plate.
Negative actions no longer drop Karma below zero in cases the player had a large positive Karma pool. Karma was planned as a necessary element for getting a sacred sacrifice, similar to the blood sacrifice, but it require more work on our side. Instead, as a temporary bonus, with high enough karma, players will be able to see other players on the map if they perform any activity.
Trading system & Auction

When viewing orders for buyers and suppliers, the most profitable orders are displayed first in the list (it was available before, if you remember to enable sorting, but you had to sort every time and many did not even knew about it). Orders with a cost of 1 silver will be forcibly closed when the server is restarted (the goods will not disappear anywhere). The order placement system has been reworked:
- Placement tax is 10% of an order value.
- When trading through Larisa, the buyer or the supplier pays an additional 10% for the delivery. This can be avoided by trading directly with the player's vendor.
- To create an auction, it is necessary that the cost of such an order starts from 10 platinum.
Leveling up
The vitamin formula has been changed to significantly speed up acquisition of first 25 attributes. Further growth will proceed just as quickly, but not as noticeably. In addition, leveling will not suddenly slow down after attribute reaches value of 80. Indirectly, this can also affect the speed of getting skills.
Fixed a bug due to which the surface map was not restored correctly. As a result, it will be easier to find plant seeds, ore and clay.
Gutting of animals
In some cases, animals took too long to be gutter; now it is much faster.
Added a warning about the danger when entering the Rift.

In the red portal you will now have to fight against groups of daemons, as it was originally intended.

Added the Mana parameter, which regens fully in about 6 minutes of real game time in the absence of hunger or thirst debuffs. Maximum mana increases as base stats improve, especially from the bottom three. Added the first basic spell: Heal.

Necklaces are now upgraded with scrolls. The monsters on the surface have been changed a bit. New players now should have more monsters to hunt. Mob AI has been readjusted to resemble older behavior. The radius within which you could get experience in the party has been increased. Added animation for picking objects up. Bruno can now exchange raw leather and linen into processed items. Damage numbers now use nicer animatations. Added tooltips for items, improved interface throughout.

Clicking on a player in the party selects him as a target. Hotkeys have been added to sort the container: shift + Q and O.
A huge number of interface and visual bugs have been fixed. Fixed a synchronization bug while on the mount. On devices that support both touch screen and mouse, touch support will be automatically turned off when the mouse is detected. Previously, this led to a bug where the character would endlessly run after the mouse.
[ 2024-04-19 17:50:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Character panel now shows level bonuses. - Each level now gives 1% bonus to the maximum weight - Ivan took up hunting and started selling bows, spears, a sling and a Healing Cream. - Bruno now sells leather. - Added copper nails. They have no skill requirement. Most NPCs can now buy up various items in exchange for experience and silver. Long-term work with a specific NPC will open up new sales markets and improve prices of already open buyups. Here's some things what NPCs are buying: - Blacksmith Kuzma. He is interested in various metal products. - Tailor Bruno. Buys cloth, leather and jewelry. - Alchemist Sabrina. Buys almost everything related to alchemy and herbalism. - Bertran buys various food and things related to farming/fishing. - Ivan is interested in the wooden things, as well as various goods obtained by hunting. Balance fixes: - Honey Gingerbread: increased carbohydrate to 1.0, energy to 3.5. - Reduced weight: Hunter root, gears, eggs (raw and cooked).
[ 2023-07-05 20:46:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reduce attack time of Shomen [2] - Make attack sectors brighter - Improve movement prediction on the client - Clicking on horses now mounts them - When horse has as rider do not draw it's hp and name - Fix issues introduced in the last patch
[ 2023-07-04 07:04:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Improvement movement system - New auto-attack based combat system (there's more to come!) - Minor balance changes - Crazy trees respawn fixed
[ 2023-07-02 11:16:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch updates Steam libraries to fix "Error on initializing STEAM API".
[ 2022-07-27 09:51:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear Rogalians,
Good news! Today we are opening the one and only server for the game - Pulsar.
It is a community funded server and we look forward to having you play here with us. The aim of the server is to try keep the game alive as long as possible.
We have a donation shop to help with the funding. More details are in the forums https://forum.rogalia.ru/
Again please read the rules and the post about violations, warning and bans.
Tatrix is still the owner and developer but I am the one maintaining things in game.
Enjoy and have fun!
[ 2021-08-22 13:35:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear fellow Rogalians, Sorry for the long awaited news and as you are aware we have taken the servers down for now. Currently we are undergoing a transition of finding a suitable server host. Once a suitable host has been found, we will then need to do a few things before launching it to the public. Some of these are as follows: - Generate New Map - Create a new town and NPCs for players - Test changes and resources to see for server stability Many thanks for your patience and please stay tuned.
[ 2021-07-26 19:55:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Private servers are welcomed if players wanted to. The lead player would have to put in and sign a rental agreement and would have to pay the upfront costs of the rent (Minimum 3 months and paid up front). Pricing is also cheaper with 12 month contract. The server will be a functioning copy of the game albeit a smaller one (~3 times smaller) and would have an item capacity and player capacity limit. This is to prevent server destabilisation and server lag. There is an option to increase these limits but would require extra costs. Server admin roles can be given and this will be at the discretion of the lead player. Ultimately the lead player and thus the lead admin role is ultimately responsible for the server. Should the server become unstable due to i.e. going beyond the stated safe item count and player count, the lead admin is responsible for any difficulties and for problem solving this. Any crashes caused by exploitation i.e. spawning thousands of items which in turn causes crashes is the responsibility of the lead admin. The lead admin role is ultimately responsible for the upkeep of the server and any late payments would mean server deletion and a fresh start would occur again. There are a few caveats: 1) The hosting is done by Tatrix and therefore there will be no direct server access 2) In game shop revenue is not easily configurable and therefore proceeds would go to Tatrix 3) There will be no support and no warranty. The server obtained is AS IS the state of the game (As of June 2021). Extra support can be acquired by paying for "premium support" and costing can be discussed with Tatrix. Having said this, Tatrix will try and maintain full stable operations of the server. Server location/hosting can be chosen by the client and once chosen cannot be changed during the rental period. Extra costs may be added due to the hosting location price. Costing: All based on USD. Cheaper pricing on 12 month contract due to discount from hosting company This is the price for the cheapest server with a player count of 10 (recommended max) 3 months contract: $12 USD a month = $36 USD 6 months contract: $12 USD a month = $72 USD 12 months contract: $10 USD a month = $120 USD Next server tier with a player count of 20 (recommended max) 3 months contract: $18 USD a month = $54 USD 6 months contract: $18 USD a month = $108 USD 12 months contract:$16 USD a month = $160 USD Any higher server tiers would have to be discussed Any interest please make a post in the forums below and we will contact you when available. https://forum.rogalia.ru
[ 2021-06-06 18:31:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear Rogalia Players,
This has been a difficult decision but one that was coming. As you know, I have been incredibly busy with real life and work and have not had any time to work on this project for a long time now. Analytics from the past 6 months have indicated the game is no longer self sustaining in terms of cost. There are 2 options I would like to propose and it is detailed as below:
1) Try and work with players to obtain the required server cost of $15-$20 USD a month for the servers to maintain itself.
- Should this be the result - it will be a brand new server with fresh start and will be the only server. The server location is most likely to be EU based. It will also be a lower specification server (due to increase cost associated with higher specs)
- Each of the servers players can also band together to try and keep their own server should they wish.
2) Do nothing and Rogalia will close at the end of July 2021.
Any proposals please write in the forums: https://forum.rogalia.ru/
I apologies it has come to this. I have enjoyed creating Rogalia and seeing players play the game I built as a hobby.
[ 2021-06-06 11:12:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi! This is a blog-like post where I'm going to share some news and thoughts about the project.
First of all, I've created a new official forum: https://forum.rogalia.ru As you may noticed I'm not very active on steam forum and I really glad that Kziko is helping me with this. On the other hand, I do monitor our new forum so if you want to contact me directly please use it. I've also moved in-game news to the forum, so please check patch notes as well as other announcements there.
Diablo-like movement
Since today you can just hold your mouse to move, the same way it works in any diablo-like game. You may also want to check "Settings -> Character -> Obstable Avoidance" as I think they work pretty nice together.
Project status
Some of you already know that I'm working on a project only in my spare time, thus it goes pretty slowly. I'm starting on a new job in August so I will have even less time. Anyways we are working on the game, especially as I can see people are interested. If you want to support us, please share info about us and visit our forums! TatriX
[ 2019-07-14 20:33:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Improved melee combat system. Beats after a 50% swing (cast) become uninterrupted, the movement at this point will be in the queue immediately after the end of the swing. Similarly, a jerk works. With the active movement of the fighting should be easier and smoother, because you do not need to wait until the end of the strike, to be sure that the strike will be completed.
- Harvesting unripe onion added 1 seed.
- Chicken nests and other structures should now correctly receive average quality from the components used.
- Fixed a bug that caused the spell boxes to disappear in the mode of hiding objects. Also in the mode of hiding objects animation spells are now visible.
- Plant decay/rotting timer extended by 3 days.
- Removed boulder from respawn.
- Book removed from scroll recipes.
- Added two chests - copper and mithril. At the same time, the capacity (not slots) of all existing universal containers has been changed.
- Monsters with a prefix, as well as monsters in special dungeons, can have significantly more loot and gold. The base loot of many monsters has been changed.
- The demonic rift is increased, the total reward in the rift is increased several times.
- Monsters in the demonic rift are divided into camps and fight together.
- The gutting time of spiders, rabbits and chickens is changed. Spider mandibles can now be sold to NPC's.
- The message of the day now does not clog the chat with multiple copies.
[ 2019-06-05 08:48:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added magic plow scroll that converts 8 * 8 tiles into tilled land. You can buy it for lemons or craft under Alchemy.
- At -3 spiders have a plague with a 10% chance on hit.
- Fixed a bug in which the lootboxes in some cases did not contain enough money.
- Fixed a bug that prevented resurrection of animals on the altar from working.
- Fixed a bug due to which the edge of the map was not subjected to regeneration.
- When disassembling, a particle of pure power shard depends on the quality of the object being disassembled.

- Carrots and onions grow for 20 hours instead of 24
- Reduced weight of items: thread, gear, demonic soul, plates.
- bundle of wood expanded to 48 slots.
[ 2019-04-30 22:31:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Withdrawal of Vitamins
The Crystal, which is a drop from the Shadows, can be used to store the Vitamins. Combining the Crystal and Vitamins will produce the Blood Sacrifice. The Daemon Circle can be crafted from Energy and Daemon Souls. The Perfect and Infernal Enchant can be crafted using a Daemon Circle and a Blood Sacrifice. Demons and Rogalians no longer drop Scrolls of Infernal Enchant. The chance of getting Daemon Souls has been reduced.

When Disassembling objects, in addition to 7 Atoms, you can get another object by chance - a Pure Power Shard. Disassembling using simple object such as sharp stones, nails or cutlets, will never have a chance of obtaining the shard. Therefore to obtain it you need to sacrifice expensive items such as armor, weapons, tools and high-level food. The more complex the item is to craft (more steps in the process), the higher the chance of getting higher complex atoms (example R and O atoms).

Disassembly Mechanic:
The disassembly of expensive items can yield higher chances of acquiring different atoms. Therefore for every disassembly there is a yield percentage chance for each atom i.e. disassembly of iron pickaxe may yield (not actual percentages used here but just as an example) 110% for K atom, 90% for I atom and 0% for L, A, G, O and R atoms. When a yield for an atom goes above 100%, it is taken into account and goes into a formula to increases the chance of producing a power shard as a bonus. In essence this is why simple items such as cutlets, sharp stones and nails will never give enough extra yield to increase the chances of acquiring the power shard bonus. Consequently the more expensive the item is, the yields for the atoms are much greater and therefore gives a better chance to increase the chances of producing the bonus power shard. Also, because the chances are very low and the alternative is a raid boss, which not everyone can kill as one person, so as not to tempt fate, the same item can be obtained with the following recipe: 20 Bloody Sacrifice + 2 Bloody Gem.
Added Lootboxes.
Among the contents are Lemons and pure power shard. Lootboxes can be purchased from NPC Sabrina.
Map updated.
Over time, new lakes will appear on it, the amount of land on which edible plants appear will increase. Claims can now be placed underground (-1 or one level down from top of map). During the construction of facilities, the final quality is correctly taken into account. The Rating System now has filters: All Time / 30 days. The Exchange has a limit on the purchase of assignation notes in an hour. Chests and bags placed in the area of spells. When shooting monsters, if something prevents them from getting to the player, they can use the jump. Snowdrifts begin to melt. In the information of long-range weapons, Accuracy is removed, the Rate of Fire is shown.

Other Changes
Experience for the initial quests reduced. A merchant license costs 50 gold instead of 2 platinum and requires level 15 instead of 30. The quiver requires 16 skin instead of 25. The speed of the arrows and bows in crossbows is increased. The arrow recipe for bows and light crossbows is simplified. Crossbows ranging from titanium require another version of arrows. Crossbows require less intelligence for production. Gems required for t2 weapons require less intelligence. The weapon has various accuracy bonuses, the t2 and t3 options have higher bonuses. The smelter/furnace now holds a lot of fuel (to see the changes, you will have to build a new one). Chance of mining ores has increased. Damage tinctures last 50% longer. The candle recipe is modified to use wax effectively. Potion Cabinet can now hold mushroom tinctures.

Editing food: Coconut - Fat increased 0.04 to 0.09. Rest of vitamins removed. Banana - Carbohydrates increased to 0.08 and 0.02 protein added. Magnesium removed. Raw Mushroom - Magnesium increased from 0.03 to 0.04. Carbohydrates removed. Fried Mushroom - Magnesium raised to 0.01. Carbohydrates removed. Mushrooms On Stick - Magnesium to 0.7. Carbohydrates removed. Vitamins from Grapes increased by 60%. New stats for Saltwort: Protein 0.6 Fat 0.9 Magnesium 0.5 Energy 50 Vit / Satiety 4.0. In the recipe the vegetables is replaced with mushrooms, the chicken was removed, and salt was added. Recipe level is reduced from 75 to 25. New stats for Mutton Pie: Protein 1 Fat 1.8 Carbohydrates 0.8 Energy 70 Vit / Satiety 5.14 (was 5). Potatoes added to the recipe, which can help raise the quality of the pie. The Satiety of BigTat is reduced to 75 from 90. The Vit / Satiety is 5.33 instead of 4.44. The Bavarian Sausage Satiety is raised to 50 from 45. Rogalik recipe now needs an extra dough.
[ 2019-04-22 20:36:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
So we are f2p now!
It happened slightly earlier because it was handled by Steam support manually.
First of all, let me say welcome to our new and old players!
Let me remind you that we are a team of two people and we are not professional game developers. We have regular work so we can work on a game only on our spare time. So changes are not delivered as fast as we'd like to, but we are trying our best.
If you have bought a game during the last month before f2p, you can write your character name in the comment section below and I will manually give you a patron status!
[ 2019-03-26 16:52:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are going free-to-play in a week.
We will not change anything in a gameplay because of that. At least not until it will be demanded by players. You still can support us by buying various stuff in our in-game shop.
[ 2019-03-22 16:34:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
It was a long time since the last update. Today I'm going to do a
servers maintenance so servers will be offline for some time.
Except for internal changes here's what will be deployed:
- new wyvern and underground wyvern sprites
- auction house bugfix which prevents old buyups from showing on server restart
- add patron shop item description
- other minor fixes and changes
- translation tool https://translate.rogalia.ru/
- new wiki
[ 2019-03-17 14:24:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
The slot of open bag is highlighted in the parent bag.
The information about the item is shown in the Craft window.
The checkbox to disable steps sound was added to the Settings.
[ 2018-11-08 13:38:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Drop from monsters.
Getting 100q of skin sets turned out to be too easy. From now on, the quality of components extracted from monsters will be set at a range other than -2 | +3 Instead of -2, the formula now works: 0 - Qu / 4 Which means that with a 100q monster, a 75q component can now fall out.
Houses for monsters.
Monsters can now get out of any fortifications. Spell casting range increased 8 times.
Scrolls treatment.
Scrolls, while in a group, you can cast on an ally, guided by a scroll on the character's icon.
Arena 1 on 1 and 2 on 2.
The arena now has a character with equal stats and equipment. Elo rating will be updated in patch 0.44 for a new search algorithm. It will also add the ability to create a duel with the price of entry. (!)In the demonic rift, you can now get pure power. Experience and loot in this place is increased. Good and flawless sharpening became cheaper. Flawless sharpening can sharpen level 99 items.
Other edits:
- Fixed an amulet of immortality when triggered in a safe area. - The quality of the leftover scraps from the triggering of the amulet of immortality depends on the quality level - Reduced weight of items: bottle, beer / wine bottle, demon heart, brick, wolf tooth, nails and flax flax. - Vitamins obtained via drug injections are increased by 60%. - Preved medved and Wyvernhave been increased to level 130 and give more experience. - The wyverns at -3 received subspecies. The basic wyverns are lower in level and are easier to kill. This has led to an increase in wyvern population - Increased damage received from Rogalians. - Fixed bug with repeated death from bleeding. - Improvements on the Village of the Damned instance - Corrected long-range weapons: Armor of the targed is now taken into account - Arrow recipe slightly changed - Birch has 3 barks instead of 2. Fir 2 bark instead of 1.
[ 2018-11-01 18:43:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Game process:
- The bug with shield block was fixed. - Leather armors now uses the right attribute.
Weight changes:
- The carrying capacity formula was changed. The quality of the bag now affects the carrying capacity. - The dragon bag has received a strength bonus thus adding more carrying capacity. - The weight of many items has been reduced. - Horse carrying capacity increased by 2.4 times. Attribute restriction changes had wrong effects on all players. It affected all stats at once rather than using the stat/attribute opposite system.
Softcap changes:
- The effect of the opposite attributes has been reduced by 2. - The crafting exp reduction penalty has been reduced by 3. Meaning you are able to craft 3 times as much before a reduction penalty to the exp kicks in.
Softcap fix description:
- The level sets the softcap restriction for attributes. - Upto 25 attribute points there are no restriction - If you concentrate on the first 3 stats (Strength, Vitality and Dexterity) and do not put any attributes on the bottom 3 (Intelligence, Perception and Wisdom), you can max the top 3 stats to 100 at level 50. - Every 2 opposite skill points will reduced the cap by 1. Therefore you need to be level 75 to max all stats to 100. - If you reach the limit, the vitamins will stack but will not be converted. They are not lost either or used up until there you are able to progress the stat.
[ 2018-10-22 17:43:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Medium armor and protective parameters

In addition to armor, two other protective characteristics are now visible: magical resistance and protection. They grow with quality as well as armor. All armor and necklace now possess magical resistance. Protection parameter gives a new set of medium armor, which requires perception instead of survivability and is made mainly from different skins. Also, medium armor has more resistance to magic, unlike heavy one. The increase in armor from the level has been removed. All armor has been rebalanced. For processing large volumes of leather, a large drying frame was added for 4 slots.

Chance of hit = 90 - (accuracy - protection) / 10 Magic damage is reduced by the formula: d * 100 / (100 + r) where d is the original magical damage r - magical resistance

Most monsters now have different subspecies that change their power and level. Wyvern received a unique sprite and besides on the surface, it can be found underground. The underground version only drops dragon skin. Demons and Hellish Rogalians drop components for enchanting.

Each item has a weight value. A bag in the bag slot directly increasing carrying capacity, the increase depends on the type of bag (the highest tier is a dragon bag). Strength and vitality also affect the carrying capacity. When overloaded, the character walking speed decreases due to weight. The transfer speed debuff has been removed, allowing you to carry light containers without losing speed.

A horse can be overloaded just like a character, but it carries more weight. The tolerated weight of horses grows with quality, from 250 to 1000. The speed of horses grows with quality, from 150 to 200.
Cap from level

The level sets the restriction on attribute leveling. This does not kickin until your attributes are above 25 points. Opposite attributes also interfere with attribute increase and balancing. If you reach the limit, the vitamins will simply not be absorbed (but they will not be lost). Rebalance the consumption of food. Maximum satiety grows at 2 units per level, up to 300 at level 100. Fasting is a percentage, so as the level increases, you can get more vitamins. The formula of vitamins has become tougher by 60%. On the background of an increase in satiety up to 3 times, pumping has become faster. Saplings and seeds in nature have been corrected: now they grow and appear in quality upto 29. However, the products that are being torn off (except seeds) from wild plants have 2 times lower quality. The area of land regeneration in nature has been expanded under the seedlings.
Ranged weapons and tincture

Added 3 crossbows and 1 gun. The characteristics of the existing long-range battle have been rebalanced. Long-range damage now affected by level and potions.
Blacksmithing Enchant Scrolls

Added 5 blacksmithing enchant scrolls. A simple blacksmithing enchant will sharpen up to 75 and only items up to level 50. Good blacksmithing enchants can be used to make better equipment for late game. Excellent blacksmithing enchant is required for meteoric and demonic armor. Perfect blacksmithing enchant does not break the item being sharpened. However, the cost of such sharpening is very high, besides, it is not suitable for dragon and bloody armor. For enchanting up to 120 quality levels, there is an Infernal blacksmithing enchant. At the time of the introduction of sharpening, it can be obtained in the following ways: by killing the infernal rogalians, supreme demons, princes of darkness, as well as completing a side quest.
[ 2018-10-17 11:15:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Armor and New Materials

We added new class of armor of five items. The recipes of these items base on various leather. Now, we also have a variety of leather and hides; some are obtained from mobs; some are craftable.
Armor, Shields and Weapon Enhancement with Sockets and Runes

Meet a new tool - chisel to create sockets on armor, shields and weapon. We’ve got five types of chisel; the type affects your chance to create a socket for rune. Runes of each color should be inserted into respective socket. Runes slightly increase: - damage - attack speed - health - defence - resistance - block chance. The effect from each rune depends on its color and hosting item.
New Weight Mechanics

Now, every item has its weight. Bags itselves have weight too; though, equipped bag increases the value of weight the character can carry. This value depends on quality and type of equipped bag. You can also see a new parameter “Weight” which shows the percentage of weight you carry, from your maximum value. Maximum value of weight depends on your strength and stamina as well as on bag type and quality. The items you hold on your head also burden you. When your carriage weights more than maximum value, you get a debuff “Overload” which slows you. If your carriage exceeds the maximum value around two times, your character cannot move. Weight also affects your mount.
Changes in Fullness Mechanics

Maximum value of Fullness now changes respectively to the level of your character. The limit of Fullness is 300. Vitamin gain formula was also changed. Also: - Your character won't drop any items anymore if it dies on level 3. You still drop stuff on the rift. - You can now place your merchant on a friend’s claim. - Firewood, worms, and hunter roots are placed in the bag immediately. - Sounds for various actions added. - The formula for accuracy, defence and block chance was changed. - Mount speed now depends on its level. - Most mobs now vary in speed, damage, attack speed, and experience level. - Softcap was added to the attributes. - The auction items limit was increased from 50 to 64. - Character level weapon damage bonus now affects the range weapons. - Irimi speed bonus increased to 50%; this buff now has 1.5 second cooldown. - Most game item levels were changed for sake of balance. - Magic resist of necklaces was updated. You can check this parameter in character stats dialog or in necklace information dialog. - Shields no more disappear when they reach zero durability; now you can repair them. - Enchantment scrolls were added. These scrolls allow to enchant an item, but, there’s a slight chance to break an item if you have a bad luck. - New leather racks were added. - Monster damage and weapon damage were rebalanced. - Training dummy now has fps meter. - The possibility to teleport to the Rim via your portal was removed. - World plants now have maximum 29 level. - Everything you harvest from world plants will have 50% decreased quality; but seeds will keep the same quality as the plant. - New crossbows and energy gun. - Damage bonus gained from smoking affects ranged weapons as well. - You no longer spend vitamins if an attribute cannot be levelled up. - Auto Attack is set on by default. - Now you can check the mount speed by shift-hover it. - Incorrect buff duration display was fixed. - The bug which made players under invisible buff visible, was fixed. - “Bloody Armor” achievement is now available to achieve. - The vulnerability which allowed to sell items different from auction lot was fixed. - The vulnerability which allowed to sell manifold stacks was fixed.
[ 2018-09-06 12:13:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! steamhappy

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! They give gifts and help to arrange a holiday! There will be daily quests from December 25 to January 7. We wish everyone a good mood and success in 2018!
[ 2017-12-25 08:05:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ːsteamhappyː

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! They give gifts and help to arrange a holiday! There will be daily quests from December 25 to January 7. We wish everyone a good mood and success in 2018!
[ 2017-12-25 08:05:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
We released Rogalia: Early Access a year ago. We really wanted our release to happen exactly in one year: 10 Dec of 2017.
We put a lot of efforts this year: released updates making the game better, received a lot of feedback from our precious players, made changes in roadmap and released updates again.
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to release on the due date. But the good news is that, with some short breaking a deadline, we hope to improve the quality of the game to a more impressive level and release everything we planned.
Look how Rogalia changed and developed through all this time:
2013 year
2014 year
2014 year
2015 year
2016 year
2017 year
Before the release, we’ll issue a detailed report of what is done (with examples and statistics and charts and everything!).
So what do we want to do?
Our pre-release updates list in a nutshell:
- Totally renewed trading system with new features (bid auction, stack buying and selling, vendor levelling system and better interface).
- Transfer between the servers
- New grade of armor (5 new sets, new ingredients and craft recipes)
- Guild system and social relationships (for example, the leader Guild will manage auction fees and other)
- Rift instance for guild raids (maybe the Rift capture will define a leader Guild)
- Make use of vitamins when all stats are levelled
- Voice-over!
As you can see there’s no much left. Hurry and implement bugged features is way out of our rules. We want to be sure we did everything we can and want and did our best! New release deadline is March 2018.
P.S. For those who rated our way to manage and wants to support us please don’t hesitate to subscribe on Patreon!
[ 2017-12-18 08:16:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
We released Rogalia: Early Access a year ago. We really wanted our release to happen exactly in one year: 10 Dec of 2017.
We put a lot of efforts this year: released updates making the game better, received a lot of feedback from our precious players, made changes in roadmap and released updates again.
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to release on the due date. But the good news is that, with some short breaking a deadline, we hope to improve the quality of the game to a more impressive level and release everything we planned.
Look how Rogalia changed and developed through all this time:
2013 year
2014 year
2014 year
2015 year
2016 year
2017 year
Before the release, well issue a detailed report of what is done (with examples and statistics and charts and everything!).
So what do we want to do?
Our pre-release updates list in a nutshell:
- Totally renewed trading system with new features (bid auction, stack buying and selling, vendor levelling system and better interface).
- Transfer between the servers
- New grade of armor (5 new sets, new ingredients and craft recipes)
- Guild system and social relationships (for example, the leader Guild will manage auction fees and other)
- Rift instance for guild raids (maybe the Rift capture will define a leader Guild)
- Make use of vitamins when all stats are levelled
- Voice-over!
As you can see theres no much left. Hurry and implement bugged features is way out of our rules. We want to be sure we did everything we can and want and did our best! New release deadline is March 2018.
P.S. For those who rated our way to manage and wants to support us please dont hesitate to subscribe on Patreon!
[ 2017-12-18 08:16:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Trading system is totally renewed. New interface for common lists of selling and buying items and list management.
1. Auction
Now you can not only buy stuff from Larice the Auctioneer but also make a bid on it. If player puts an item to auction they can set a buyout rate and/or initial bid sum. You can set up how much your bid lasts (max is 28 days). One percent auction fee prevents traders from setting unreasonably high prices. Little hint: if you place your vendor somewhere in public buyer will buy an item from your vendor. This let them avoid paying 10% buyer auction fees. Now you can also put a group of similar items on auction without a container! People will see min, max and average values of quality. Price is set for one item, total will be price x amount of items (max amount is 50). Bids are listed in separate tab for your comfort. You can raise a bid or see if you won or lose the trade.
2. Buying up
Now you can set an amount of items you want to buy. It’s also restricted to max 50 items per position. Every position lasts for 28 days. There’s no fees in buying.
3. Vendor (your personal shop)
Now you can revoke license from your vendor (RMB click). When you revoke it you get the vendor license back; so you can move it or place it back later. You can also remove another player’s vendor but only if it placed somewhere out of its owner claim. You won’t get the license this way. We also implemented sorting by every column of auction display (see Auction and Buyup tab), automatic selling of your burden, search by stock and more. We’ve tried to predict every important case having the results of our trading survey in mind. We’re also planning to add vendor levelling system (increase shop slots by level) and give a small amount of slots to those who cannot afford a vendor yet.

Other changes: - Snowdrift respawn is enabled. You can find snowflakes for Christmas tree in these. - If shop’s mount owner didn’t show up in 24 hours mount will disappear. You can call it back on your claim. This is to prevent those swindler players from selling mounts they don’t own. - Chat now handles “/me

New sign-in screen Now you can see world map with markers instead of server table. Markers show servers location. Please pick the closest server to you because ping rate can change.

Patron rank For those who support us on Patreon we added a small name highlight in game and chat. If you want it too but don’t have Patreon subscription you can buy it for lemons. Finally we have a mark of distinction for generous hearts!
[ 2017-12-17 19:45:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Trading system is totally renewed. New interface for common lists of selling and buying items and list management.
1. Auction
Now you can not only buy stuff from Larice the Auctioneer but also make a bid on it. If player puts an item to auction they can set a buyout rate and/or initial bid sum. You can set up how much your bid lasts (max is 28 days). One percent auction fee prevents traders from setting unreasonably high prices. Little hint: if you place your vendor somewhere in public buyer will buy an item from your vendor. This let them avoid paying 10% buyer auction fees. Now you can also put a group of similar items on auction without a container! People will see min, max and average values of quality. Price is set for one item, total will be price x amount of items (max amount is 50). Bids are listed in separate tab for your comfort. You can raise a bid or see if you won or lose the trade.
2. Buying up
Now you can set an amount of items you want to buy. Its also restricted to max 50 items per position. Every position lasts for 28 days. Theres no fees in buying.
3. Vendor (your personal shop)
Now you can revoke license from your vendor (RMB click). When you revoke it you get the vendor license back; so you can move it or place it back later. You can also remove another players vendor but only if it placed somewhere out of its owner claim. You wont get the license this way. We also implemented sorting by every column of auction display (see Auction and Buyup tab), automatic selling of your burden, search by stock and more. Weve tried to predict every important case having the results of our trading survey in mind. Were also planning to add vendor levelling system (increase shop slots by level) and give a small amount of slots to those who cannot afford a vendor yet.

Other changes: - Snowdrift respawn is enabled. You can find snowflakes for Christmas tree in these. - If shops mount owner didnt show up in 24 hours mount will disappear. You can call it back on your claim. This is to prevent those swindler players from selling mounts they dont own. - Chat now handles /me

New sign-in screen Now you can see world map with markers instead of server table. Markers show servers location. Please pick the closest server to you because ping rate can change.

Patron rank For those who support us on Patreon we added a small name highlight in game and chat. If you want it too but dont have Patreon subscription you can buy it for lemons. Finally we have a mark of distinction for generous hearts!
[ 2017-12-17 19:45:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Creating auctions and created auctions window.
Last time we deciced to fix the marker. We asked you what do you want to change and improve. After reading your comments we decided that market update is very important so we should spend more time on it.
So we are doing a full qrework of the auction. We are going to make a real auctino with bids and buyouts, nice interaface etc. Follow the development here.
[ 2017-11-27 21:33:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Creating auctions and created auctions window.
Last time we deciced to fix the market. We asked you what do you want to change and improve. After reading your comments we decided that market update is very important so we should spend more time on it.
So we are doing a full qrework of the auction. We are going to make a real auction with bids and buyouts, nice interface etc. Follow the development here.
[ 2017-11-27 21:25:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! If you would like to know what kind of patch took us so long to make it ready, here is the brief info about its 3 key components. The details will be in the patch related news.
Let me start with the most time and effort consuming work we've done.
1 - New armor type (includes 5 sets)!
At the moment, the game has to offer only one armor type, the Heavy armor of 5 sets (iron, steel, titan, meteoritic, and bloody). Its key feature is high Armor performance that absorbs damage. With the upcoming patch, we will make available another armor class, Medium armor. Like the existing type, it will include 5 sets (leather, riveted, thick, daemonic, and dragonic). Their main feature is high Protection ability that will help you dodge damage. To craft new armor sets, we will introduce new materials, ingredients and ways to get them.
2 - Cross-server character transfer
Previously in the forum we talked about the transfer and the underlying technical constraints. We regret to say that it will still be impossible to transfer the personal land plot with buildings. Transfer will be possible for the character itself, whatever it has on (bags+equip), and all its customization. Plus the character's achievements and statistics. Bank accounts will transfer, too. Each account will be eligible for 1 transfer to any server. More transfers will be available in the shop. The server selection window will be modified. As there are several servers now, sometimes new players choose a faraway server and end up having slower service response time.
3 - First Market improvements
The Market system needs upgrade. It has evident problems the next patch will solve. We will then organize a survey to get the feedback about the Market from our players. We will need this info to improve the interface and will appreciate your participation. Meanwhile,we will expand the vendor control functions: - easy withdrawal of goods put up for sale, - better compilation of purchased good (split to smaller batches, select particular items), - vendor removal and transfer.
[ 2017-11-17 20:06:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we open a new server located in the USA. We are not going to open more after that.
Currently we have these servers:
* Quasar (Europe)
* Tokyo (Asia)
* Andromeda (Northern America) - new

Our goal was to solve the latency problem, so the player could choose a nearest server. We want to give the opportunity to play in the primordial world for the first players of the new server. Therefore, we do not yet allow the transfer of characters from the older servers, but this will be added later. The character himself will be transferred with all hist equipment and bags. Every transfer after the first free one will cost some lemons. Transfer can be done to any server. Try a new wild world, while there are no experienced and strong players. Everyone is equal on the Andromeda now!
[ 2017-10-27 22:39:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello. We want to add the ability to transfer the character from one server to another. But there is complexity.
The fact is that in the development process we did not anticipate such an opportunity and now we are unfortunately limited in the final development for technical reasons.
It will not be possible to transfer the claim of the character, only the character himself and what is put on him with bags.
According to the experience of previous updates, we know that sometimes our desire to do better, listening to the players, some players still perceive negatively. Therefore we htim to hear your opinion.
Do I need to transfer the character ONLY with NO claim?
[ 2017-10-23 11:17:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Now the receipt of lemons is accompanied by an alert. - Fixed a bug when interacting with the NPC in Korean. - Bug fixed: in the group when you click on the remote group member. - Thanks to your help with the translations, the translation into Japanese was updated. - Restoration of the map now does not touch the claim (2 cells from the border of the claim). Restoration of the map now spreads all kinds of surfaces, including sections of constructed roads without road pillars. - Now in the arena, weapons and armor do not lose their durability. - The loss of durability in weapons and armor during battles has been reduced by a factor of 2. - Fixed a daily quest. Since this quest you could not execute due to an error, we added a nice bonus. Go into the game and get a check for 5 lemons in the mailbox!
[ 2017-10-08 20:12:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Death Fees

Many players wanted death be less fatal, so that guided us to the decision to reconsider fees after death.
1. Death is followed by screen change, where you get a notification about your death. You can move character into the Sanctuary by pressing the button, or, it’ll be done automatically. So, gamer may see who did the deadly damage. It was impossible earlier due to immediate transfer to Sanctuary.

2. Gear loss works only on 3rd level of undergrounds and in the Rift. In other cases, character will keep the gear but it will lose it’s durability like it is with tools. Durability will decrease from damage dealt during battles. Decreased durability won’t cause gear to break but will slightly reduce its stats, say, armor will lose its defence, and weapons will lose their damage. What to do with damaged gear? Repair it! Cosmas the Smith will help you with that. He’ll fix it but will charge you as well.

3. Another great update: vitamins loss decreased to 50% of its initial value! As you can see now, you may not fear your neighbors and freaky monsters. Don’t spend days sitting inside your citadel, explore the world, fight beasts, go down the undergrounds to find rare resources!
Claim rent is easier to pay!

- Claim rent system is changed. Actual payment is no longer depend on time you want to pay for. But, maximum time you can prepay depends on character level. So, now first, second and third week cost equally but 10th level character may pay for 2 weeks max and 100th level one can prepay 12 weeks. This update will make rent easier for constantly playing people and clean up empty claims. Claim's prolongation price was changed so bigger claims cost more. But because you don't have a duration multiplayer, it should be cheaper do prolongate for a longer period. - We also improved our rent payment interface (see Bank) and claim post sprites (active claim post is animated). - Now you cannot rob overdue claims. The thing is, we wanted to give people with overdue claims an opportunity to come back. But, in practice, comes that overdue claims are robbed in a few hours which makes the very idea of comeback senseless.

We actually want to hear from active players what do they think about claims robbery. If the majority of you is pro-robbery, we will think about more interesting robbery schemes, say, limit it to a couple of items and make it more hard to do. We believe this will heat up the interest to explore. What do you think? Let us know via special theme on a forum.
Shop changes

Rogalia world contains one very rare fruit - lemon. Once upon a time all lemon trees were cut off and now, only faction officials have lemons. Complete their difficult daily quests and you will get a worthy reward: lots of exp, gold and a lemon! You can buy shop stuff for lemons: hair styles, mounts, walls, jukebox or slot machine.

Pay attention to the new viking-style haircut!

Issue with bad link to the shopper instruction was fixed.
Event: Horse Tournament

Now the Horse Tournament is available! Developers will run this event from time to time. Armored with spears, two players must mount a horse and stand against each other within the bordered area. On command, they must approach the enemy and hit them with a spear. Hit your enemy when you approach the green area. Damage dealt by you won’t depend on level, so everybody can join this contest despite the character’s level. Damage depends on distance between the foes; the farther you stand the more damage is. The point of the contest is to deal as much damage as you can before your health points run out. If health points reach zero you will be dropped off the horse and fail. Every person may participate the tournament. Tour winners will compete each other till the only champion left. The winner gets a reward. If we see that players are interested in Horse Tournament, we will add something remarkable for a reward in the next updates! Say, Special Mount or Collectible Spear!

Memory usage is now more efficient. This update must significantly increase performance on a large amounts of objects or a crowded party of players/monsters. Rags - first clothes and armor Rags moved from body slot to leg slot. This is for beginners to be able to improve their defence with wooden armor, because armor fits the body slot. Those characters who carry their rags in the body slot will appear naked. Move your rags to the leg slot and your clothes will come back. The look of rags was also updated.

Dynamic stats of damage and defence Characters dialog now contain dynamically changed stats of damage and defence. That means you can switch between your weapons and gear and see how these stats change. Moreover, these stats not only depend on actual gear but count on current buffs, potions and scrolls. Experiment with your gear and buffs: now you can see the effect.

Additional panels update Hit “+” (it’s next to the big active button) to enable additional panel. Second hit will disable it. Every slot of each additional panel has its own hotkey so you can use scroll, potion or tool really fast.

Changelist: - Error caused by removing map marker while switching over levels is fixed. - Error that caused Firefox crash is fixed. - Quests that require to build now display progress bar, object sprites and recipe links. - Top 20 is now Top 100. - Invisible scroll: makes character invisible for 2 minutes and reduces speed to half. Every action removes this effect. - Characters removed after 3 days. - Teleportation Rune craft now gives 2 runes. - Happy Weed Stick durability increased as well as usage speed. - Monsters loot and craft recipes are slightly rebalanced. - Signpost with icons recipe is added (like those signposts in town). - Faction rank is now easier to get. - You can summon your mount on your friends claim. - Heads on peaks now have a tooltip saying whose head is it. - Deleted characters claim becomes overdue and breaks gradually. - Now PK-characters don’t have a red dot on a map. - The bug that caused underground monsters on a surface is fixed. - Stats - Skills relationship is changed: Leathering now relates to Perception instead of Strength, Tailoring goes for Intelligence (instead of Agility), Fishing relates to Agility (instead of Perception). - Boulders underground spawn rate is significantly increased. - Now you cannot sell corpses via your seller.

The game is available in website shop! We’re testing selling now, so we’re giving discounts!
[ 2017-10-04 13:16:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we upgraded Tokyo's server hardware to improve it's performance. It also should make it more reliable. The update lead to changing server's IP address and it can take some time for your Internet Service Provider to get it. So if you cannot connect, please just wait a bit.
[ 2017-09-28 22:20:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Map restoration

We’ve made it possible to restore the map to its initial condition. So far, restoration will work for the surface only. The map will be cleared up gradually, without touching the claim areas. NB: If you’d like to keep a road outside claim without change, you should place a Milepost in it.

Instances: New instance for Cursed Village has been added. Levels for any instance are advisory, not mandatory. Experience, gold and trophy rates have changed in instances. Rebalancing: - Bleeding effect will now adequately penetrate armor. - Weapon will be better scaled with quality, up to 30% instead of 20%. - De and Inspiration buffs have been reinforced. Absorption corresponds to 20%/35% with/without Inspiration and applies to magic damage, too. - Inspiration effect piled up with Nya effect has increased its coverage. - Experience bonus for each team member has increased from 20% to 50%. - Experience for monsters has been rebalanced. Maximum rise is provided for Wyvern, Preved medved, Abu, Omsk, Prince of darkness. - E.g., you’ll get maximum Experience for Preved medved: 120.000 for solo murder or 360.000 -for team murder (team consisting of 5 players). - Death will decrease LP by 10% instead fo 50%. Other changes: - New items have been added: Coniferous magic wand and Leafy magic wand. You can use them to terraform the surface, particularly to transform land tiles to forest tiles. - Potions cabinets have become larger. - If a player kills another player in his claim, the karma will not change. - As you fire a distant weapon, you’ll see an icon next to the target name. - Broken items will be displayed in a different way (in case of Durability reduction): as you point at the item, it will look red (instead of a red circle). - Haystack and chicken nest may be moved without a crowbar. - Destruction of old items is now active for underground levels and spawn is active for other locations. - There are new NPC prices for nails, rims and wind walk scrolls. Their number has increased, too. *Error that appeared in blank rotation has been fixed. *Error that prevented award of certain achievements has been removed. *Bug fixed: it’s now prohibited to place and build items in the outer space. *Error that prevented avatar update after hairstyle change has been removed.
[ 2017-09-07 07:01:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Official wiki was updated to a newest mediawiki version and was moved to a separate domain.
Translation extension was installed so now players can use it to translate relevant pages.
We are working on improving off-game documentation among other things and we will be happy if you can write an article or translate one.
P.S. Bugfixes and balance updates are coming this week.
[ 2017-09-04 13:28:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings to Korean speaking players!
We have added the official translation to the Korean language. It’s such a great luck for us that the players have translated the game. We are extremely thankful to you and happy to welcome the new players!
Character removal
You can now put a tick against the character you’d like to remove; the actual removal will occur 24 hours later. Remember that you will not be able to retrieve the character! We introduced this feature: 1) to make it impossible to undo the removal; 2) to make gold farming for training unprofitable. Changes: - Chat channels for Portuguese, Chinese and Korean languages have been added. - You can distribute experience among your team members within 15 cells around a killed mob. - To turn around a large item like a chest, you can use the Backspace+Mouse Wheel Scroll combination. - Server selection window now displays the settings for language selection and simple render on/off for slow PCs. - We have removed the magic damage from mobs for Sinod protected players. - Every level will by default give you +0.3% health, +0.2% damage and +0.2% armor. - Necklace of immortality will guarantee 50% protection from magic.

Get ready for discounts!

August 28 through September 11 you can enjoy 42% discount.
[ 2017-08-28 17:18:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings to everyone.
To those of you who are not indifferent to fate of the game, we would like to say what’s going on with it.
Why no patches so long?
As many of you know, the game development team is my husband and me only. We don’t have any investors. In the summertime, the income from the game dropped so drastically that even the summer sale didn’t help us improve the financial situation. Besides, it’s hard to compete with other games as we stick to our decision not to sell accelerations and other cheats. We would be perfectly well like this for some more time, but we have a baby. So we had to get back to full-time work to make things better. Therefore no more patches have been released yet.
No time for the game any more?
Before joining Steam, we worked over the game in the same manner, every night after the official work. So it’s not a big deal for us. We’ll just release patches less frequently. We still want to stick to our initial plans we made for this year.
What is still to be done?
Let me briefly describe our plans. The details will be announced immediately before each patch release. Must do (we won’t release the game for full access until we complete these to-do’s): * Add Guilds * Get the “Rift” done * Transfer characters between servers * Character removal function Whenever possible (if we have enough time and energy): * Improve Market interface * Improve Claim Management interface * Expand the variety of mobs (add new types) P.S. We are grateful to those of you who understand and support us. If it wasn’t for you, it would have been so much harder for us to go through all the troubles and challenges that come our way. Thank you so much.
[ 2017-08-27 07:38:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
By popular demand, we’ve finally translated the game to Chinese.
This would be impossible without our volunteers. We are so thankful to every one of you who contributed to the Chinese translation.
We would also like to greet the new players!
P.S. China-based players might need VPN access to the servers.
[ 2017-07-04 14:46:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day! We have two good news items.

We've added achievements to the game. You can find those in Assignment Log. So far, there are 35 achievements. We made sure to link those to Steam.

New character models

Rogalia world has lately gone through great transformation, while the character models didn't look good enough against the new textures. They look better and more distinct now. Please compare.

Fixed some minor errors. P.S. No matter what, we are still against pay-to-win. If you wish to support further evolvement of the game, see our store which offers style/design items only (hairstyles, titles, decor walls, and vehicles). Starting from today, the 42% discount is also applicable to the in-store assortment.
[ 2017-06-26 09:32:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Performance enhanced
Fast Render option has been completely remade using WebGL and applied to all players. In case of a trouble, you can disengage this new option in Settings - “GPUrender” or try to update the video card drivers. The tick for full-screen mode is back to Settings. All textures of the world map have been redrawn for the new map rendering. Thus, performance will be markedly better now! We are looking forward to your feedback on the new map rendering.

Fighting modified
The target hitting algorithm has been improved and is now self-explanatory: if the attack radius overlaps the target hitting range, the attack will be performed. Settings now have a tick for Autoattack which is active by default. As you press the attack button, you'll see the attack radius; to hit it, just click on the desired area. If you have Autoattack active, the attack will be performed immediately wherever the cursor is. We have re-examined the attack impact area for each monster. You will feel more comfortable fighting with monsters.

Global instance: Rift
We have added the new instance: Rift occurs every two hours at the 3rd level of the dungeons. The map will show its location to everyone. Any player may get inside the Rift even if there's someone else there. Please mind that the Rift hosts the most powerful monsters. Players may build teams to mop-up the Rift and other teams. The future patches will add more levels to Rift varying in complexity, with a final boss and better rewards.

- The axing sound sticking bug has been eliminated - The incorrect target autoselection has been readjusted - For the browser version, Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 and the like will no longer switch the browser tabs. - Server selection window has been modified. There will be a ping displayed for each server. - The notification of an item moved to the inventory has been changed. - The craft error that caused client failure has been eliminated. - Cooldown and Radius have been added to the scroll Info. For the scrolls used from the shortcut bar, cooldown will be shadowed. - PvP block chance has been added to the shield info. - You can now minimize toolbars and windows by double clicking the caption. - The bag window caption will now display the bag's slot inside the container. - To improve performance for weak computers, we've reduced the maximum chat length. - TAB will now let you select a distance target within a small radius , if there are now targets in close combat. - Assignment window will not close as you move away from NPC. - The assigned target name will be marked by curly braces. - The error that caused the lack of the last attack message in the chat has been corrected. - When you open a deposited bag in the inventory, while moving, the character will not stop. - Displaying of tooltips for combo strikes has been corrected. - The error that prevented update of a container's contents has been eliminated. - The plague robe doesn't ensure 100% plague protection. - Bleeding effect can cause death. - As you collect items, they'll go to the inventory, not to the hand slots. - The Hunter's scroll has been corrected (to display the location of a random boss). - The slow/speedup effects have been modified; the is now a percentage change of their values. - Roofs and carpets will no longer cause garbage pileup. - The error that made characters stuck in Domination instance has been eliminated. - The hedge has been corrected. - Abandoned claims will lose endurance in percentage (approximately every week) - The monster attack radius will now vary - Requirements for a crossbow have been modified: recoil time changed from 2.8 to 2.5. - Ammo speed has decreased for bows and crossbows. - Sword balance has changed (for lighting, robber and fire swords and for scimitars). - Dynamite has a smaller effect range now, unlike large dynamite which has a bigger range now. - Wolf undead and wolf demonic have grown way stronger. - The second level of dungeons has a new imp. - Monetary rewards from wolves, bears, imps, daemons and rogalians have changed. - Shadows can give a crystal that you can sell to a state vendor for 1 platinum. - Purchase prices have changed for state vendor. - Basic armor has decreased by 50 for bloody boots. - We have updated the translation to the supported languages. We would like to thank each one of you who helps us with the translation!

We have also added new models for imps, daemons, higher daemons and prince of darkness.

[ 2017-06-11 15:57:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are about to make the next patch ready. To release it, we've tackled quite challenging tasks done a lot of work. We had to readjust many things to ensure that the new WebGL-based map rendering could be applied universally.
For this purpose we created new textures for the map, including the transition tiles, which makes 13 surface types and 8 floor types.
The outcome of our efforts will guarantee a significant performance improvement, even in full screen mode!
The patch is expected at the end of this week for you to experience better fighting and not only fighting.
[ 2017-06-06 21:08:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fast Render mode has been fully modified (in Settings).
Map rendering is now based on WebGL. This enhances the performance as it engages GPU. The thing is that about half FPS load was from the world surface rendering. For the new generation mode, we have modified the code and redrawn the textures at a different angle, but without transition tiles for now. Now the performance will be way better even in fullscreen mode (*fullscreen to chat). Please activate Fast Render mode in Settings and give us your feedback in the forum. When the new map rendering is ready, along with the textures, this method will be the main one, so you won’t have to activate Fast Render mode.

The option to remove items from optional panels by Ctrl+click has been added. Application of different scrolls from an optional panel has been corrected. Generator implementation has been made more complex. Generator takes into consideration the context, e.g. it does not place large objects in narrow passages. Decor will now be spawned adequately; the number of ore veins, blocks and mushrooms has increased. Memory leak attributable to bags has been adjusted. Partial translation to Chinese has been added. Translation is still in progress. Collector has been updated to solve the issue of starting the game in certain cases. It will also help to handle the situations where it's impossible to restart the game. Pocket version of dynamite has been added. Its explosion yield and blast range has increased 4-fold. Damage will vary from 1-fold to 2.5-fold according to quality. If a tile is undiggable, dynamite will make it diggable. A diggable tile will be made passable. Within a half of explosion radius, dynamite will explode twice (applies to the landscape only).

- After sawing of logs, boards will be piled into inventory. - Grandmaster mark will remain after cooking in the oven. - Wild cats and dogs will not foul any more; wild chicken will not lay eggs. - Motion speed on sand, water and mountain tiles has increased. - Horses can be reanimated. - Sprites of horses that were not displayed have been corrected. - Monsters will not chase horses to the end of time. - Axe parameters have been changed: speed down by -25%, durability up by +50%. - When you get hunter’s root or worm from a stump, firewood will also drop. - Firewood from skill dependency improved: on skil 100l you will get 5 firewood from a log or stump. - Wild animals will now be adequately generated. - Durability of shields, starting from titanium, has significantly increased. - 10-minute speed-up scroll has been added. It will be discontinued by damage or mushroom essence. - Speed-up scroll, like portal scroll and runes, can be purchased from Sabrina. - Number of monsters under ground has increased by appr.20%. - Monster aggression period under ground has reduced to 45 seconds. - At level 3 of dungeons, there are more ores now, except meteor platinum and mythril. - Potions have been added to trophies from Mocherators. - More soulstones added to trophies from Shadows. - Energy has been removed from the teleportation rune recipe. - There is a minor chance to get Mandibles from an itsy bitsy spider. - Heads and runes will now adequately get linked to the chat. - Health formula has changed: initial basic HP is now 480 instead of 300. Maximum HP remains unchanged. - Potions and cream have changed. Cream: restoration effect before 0.8%; now 12 + 0.4% Minor healing potion: restoration effect before 3%; now 45 + 1.5% Healing potion: restoration effect before 6%; now 90 + 3% Greater healing potion: restoration effect before 9%; now 135 + 4.5% - Smokes have changed. Cigarette duration: before 10, now 30; hunger before -5, now -7; recipe x2. Cigar duration: before 40, now 90; hunger before -10, now -12; Joint duration: before 60, now 120. - Levels of certain monsters have changed. - Experience for monsters has reduced, it no longer depends on the level. - Healing scroll has been added. It can be applied to an ally and other player. - A soil dryer to desiccate soil to sand has returned to the game. Basic durability is 36. - Higher daemon now controls 2 fire pillars instead of 1. - A stone pile contains 96 stones. - Added a bone bow and steel crossbow. - Improved crossbow shooting speed from 3 to 2 seconds.

New items have been added: a new wooden chair, a new bookshelf, a three-candle chandelier, a glass table and a glass stool, new carpets varying in sizes and colors, a new stone fence fleeced with moss, and a wooden clock. The images for a stick gate, a bookshelf, a bed, wooden chairs, columns and thrones have been modified.

[ 2017-05-18 21:11:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings from our team! We have been through a step-by-step process of updating all the media for the game, including arts, screenshots, videos and website. It took us quite a long time but we managed to finish before the week discount started. We are so thankful to you for your help in translation of the game. Your contributions and efforts are extremely important to us.
We did not expect the Server in Japan to be so strongly sought for. Salute to our new players!
Sadly, the week discount did not affect the online coverage of the server in Europe as we lacked translation to the European languages. There is no server-to-server transfer of characters at the moment due to grave technical and administrative reasons.
We are working on the translation and will keep on expanding our European audience.
Very soon we'll introduce new achievements to the game and integrate those with Steam. A new patch is on its way, with new images and items.
[ 2017-05-11 15:44:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated map. Now you can see maps of all levels including underground. Map markers are bound to the level. Draggable map feature added. Map controls added.
Every underground level now contains decorations. Soon they will be useful for ore mining and items craft.
Additional quick access panels.
- Online tab removed. Some people don’t want anybody to watch their activity. Instead, guild activity list will be implemented soon.
- 2x2 battlefield added. To join the fight, gather 2 players into a party, after that your party leader will be able to activate battle search.
- Mobs respawn speed is significantly increased.
- Better object generation algorithm. Now it counts not only general objects density but particular kind of objects density too.
- Combat buff Nya now affects only party players and ignores anyone standing nearby.
- Fishing bug that caused server error is now fixed.
- Fixed: now you cannot guess which fish you’ll get while fishing. Fish is absolutely random.
- Fixed: now you cannot move portals and teleportation points with a crowbar.
- Fixed: recipes now contain correct ingredient images.
- Runebook bug fixed: your own rune won’t appear in the teleportation list. -
- Name duplication in the teleportation list is fixed.
- Fixed: recipes links now open correctly.
- Target sector of a party players is now blue.
- Fountains appearance changed. New fountains added.
Better joints, cigarettes and cigars effect: quality of an item enlarges the buff value up to 2 times.
Physical damage of Spiders and High Demons is significantly decreased.
Margo’s service quality 2 times increased.
Margo’s service prices are now related to currency rates. Currency rates are displayed at Scrooge bank (Stock).
Steel creation speed decreased to 24.
Ore smelting speed: titan ore - 112 minutes, meteor and mythril ores: 168 minutes.
Axes speed and durability increased. Shovels and knives speed increased.
Stock changes: Silver assignation price is 3g, gold assignation price is 7g.
Min and max stock spreads increased.
Bleed debuff stacks correctly and penetrates the armor. Beware the shadows.
Periodical intoxication damage increased from 5 to 6.
Loot quality depends on monster quality, as well as gut loot.
Shadows don’t drop money.
Some monsters level increased.
Kitty instance loot decreased as well as enter price.
[ 2017-05-02 14:36:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
All cave levels which change shortly. There will be lava, clefs and acid.
[ 2017-04-29 20:15:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Runes now teleport you directly to your ally
That’s what you need: 1. Rune book 2. Runes related to your ally players 3. Party with desired ally First, craft a rune book. Next, buy a rune from NPC Boris and make a Teleportation Rune. Give it to the player you want to teleport to. Next step, that player has to relate this Teleportation Rune to themselves and give it back to you. If you have a Rune related to a desired ally in your book, you can hit RMB->Teleportation on it and pick a player to move to. Teleportation will take 15 seconds to apply.

New item: Amulet of Immortality
If you die having this amulet on, you won’t lose anything but the amulet. Some parts of amulet will remain on your body. So, your murderer can loot these parts from your corpse.

Our biggest thanks to the players who help to make this game better!
- Portuguese (Brazil) translations added. - Japanese Windows client now displays native font. - Japanese translations updated.

Periodical damage from Tincture of Rage and Tincture of Berserk significantly reduced Player damage and buff duration enlarged. Tincture of Rage recipe is now easier.

Shields Now you can hold a shield in both hands. Shields have fair block chances.

Axes Axes require 7 ingots instead of 4. Copper axes and better now work faster. Damage and level requirements for axes now closer to a real weapon values.

Slow mechanics Any debuffs affecting character’s speed cannot reduce it lower than 10. If you get another slow debuff, the game will compare old debuff duration and value to the new ones. Debuffs which are less strong than that you already have will be ignored. Update priority: 1 - slow value, 2 - duration.

Mushroom trip changes Mushroom trip gives +20 to speed instead of +35. Raw mushroom gives +35 to speed instead of +70. Mushroom effects duration is now at least 2x longer than before.

Scrolls Spells won’t damage your party. Ice Scroll damage and duration is reduced. Inferno Scroll duration reduced to 2 seconds. Circle of Fire Scroll damage is now 4 times greater than before.

Monsters Monsters AI is improved. Now, it’s more difficult to hit them. Monsters underground will chase you for 1 minute. So, it will take a minute or more to run away from it. Boss monsters will teleport to a random location from time to time. Boss cannot teleport when you fight it. Soulstones drop chance is now 6x larger than before. 3rd underground level now contains rare, significantly dangerous and very rich monsters. Don’t even try to kill it solo.
Other updates:
- You can now pick a look for that items which have a several looks. Click a picture in a recipe. - Character movement is now improved. If character collides with something, they move to the side. - Party leader now has a marker. - Instances now support parties. First, party leader must move inside the instance. Next, other party players must pick this instance from Diego’s list. After that, party will teleport to the instance. - Combat was improved. Now, instead of target circle, more precise target segment is displayed. If your target collides this segment, the segment will change its color. - NPCs open a dialog with them. NPCs interaction buttons displayed in the bottom of the dialog. - You can set markers for the containers. - AOE spells damage won’t affect your allies. - Landscape gardening speed is now equal to sand/dirt dig speed. Now you can fire ahead. - Precise positioning with Shift is updated. Now it displays an item frame. - Incorrect display of building area is fixed. - A horse won’t be a target for automatic target pick. - You have to stay on claim to participate the duel on Arena. - Combat Elo-rating formula is changed. - Traps will not work on their creator and friends. Trap damage is enlarged. - Dynamite requires small transmutation circle instead of large one. - Small transmutation circle durability value is 70. - Trees context menu has “Harvest all” option. - Containers and NPCs interaction bug is fixed. - Bug that affects Information dialog for distant items is fixed. - Bug that affects unpaid claim durability is fixed.
New graphics
- New ores! - New heads on peaks! - Severed heads! - New Guardian and Wiseman statues. - New flower pots. - Posters. - Various bumpers. - New red and white wall banners. - New underground entrances.

[ 2017-04-24 20:01:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello. Unfortunately we experience network issues again. Thus we decided to move server to another cloud which, we hope, should resolve the problem.
New patch because of this will be applied tomorrow.
Sincerely yours,
sad TatriX and Nanalli.
[ 2017-04-22 22:12:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings. Hosting related problems were resolved and main server is running now. We are very sorry about the downtime.
I'm happy to announce a new server which will be located in Tokyo. It will be available in several days.
And finally we are working on a path which will change combat, smoother movement and other cool features. More details will be available soon.
[ 2017-04-20 14:37:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! We're here to represent you new and soon to be released arts and sprites: now, ores will differ with shape too.
Underground levels won't be desolated no more! Spider cocoons, egg layings, skeletons, stalagmites and snag will come to take a place.
Heads on lances now looking way better! Motley and manifold! New statues are coming too.
[ 2017-04-15 12:06:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
PVP duelling
Fight and win! Our brand new combat search will help you to find a right fit to spar. The results of your fighting will affect your position in the PvP-20 top list. It’s super-easy to use. Open the Social dialog from the right panel, navigate to the “PvP” tab and hit the “Search battle” button. The system will find you a perfect sparring partner. There’s a special map for 1x1 combats. Later, we’re planning to add some more maps and implement group PvP battles with Dominating and Flag Capture regimes. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=902009535 - New quests chain added. Running these quests will teach players to protect their belongings with a claim and pay a rent for it. - Quest requirements you already meet are tagged as fulfilled. - Now, if you forgot to pay a rent for the claim, but left some stuff on its territory, it won’t disappear. Instead of it, all the things on its area will drop their durability bit by bit and will be destroyed after the durability reaches 0. And, beware the robbers! Unpaid claim won’t protect your stuff! - Hotkey added: E - harvest the nearest plant; Ctrl+E - harvest several plants of one kind nearby. - Drive your bike carefully, otherwise you can easily destroy it! To restore a bike, call it on your protected area. - The hover hint on a container now displays occupied space. - The “Map” button on the right panel is removed. Click the mini-map or hit “m” to open a map. - Container/bag search window displays amount of found items. - Wooden trough will change its area color according to its fullness. Full trough will display green area; empty trough will display red. - Bloody armor appearance is renewed. - Updated sprites: stones, cactuses, grass, flowers, mushrooms. - New discount in the shop. This time short haircuts, forged and gothic walls. Sale works till next update. Please note: we are not selling items to power-level or boost mining speed/quality, nor any in-game currency. By doing so, we are keeping the game balanced and the economy pure.

[ 2017-04-09 19:59:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
While we making a new patch let's show you some new sprites: flowers, mushrooms, cactus, grass, stones, stone blocks and boulders.
[ 2017-04-07 15:22:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bloody altar can now revive hens, rabbits, pigs, sheep and cows.
To restore to life a hen or a rabbit, place demonic essence and animal corpse into the altar.
For big animals, put the corpse next to the altar within its area of effect colored in green and place demonic essence into the altar.
- Doors in instances have been adjusted. Doors should be opened now (not walked through).
Mobs in all instances have become aggressive again.
- The bug that prevented players from connecting to the server has been identified and fixed.
Very soon! A new look for a bloody armor set.
[ 2017-03-29 14:00:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
We were going to release a minor addition to the previous patch but have done way more than we planned.
So we ended up with a new patch :)
Craft window improvement
Recipes in 'by skill' tab will no more be grouped within skill. Recipes in 'by purpose' tab are grouped in several levels. The third tab, 'favorites', has been created. You can add any frequently used recipes to this tab. To do so, just press the asterisk next to the recipe. Favorite recipes will be marked with green stars. As you craft a new item, the used ingredients will be blocked in your bag. This will be done in both manual and automatic modes. In automatic craft mode, ingredient list will now show correctly the number of crafted items. In manual craft mode, ingredient list will show the number of ingredients already applied. In complex recipes, as you select a recipe for an ingredient, all active filters will be disabled to facilitate the search. After construction blank is set, craft window will close. To repeat the action and set more blanks, use 'R' button or action panel.

Orientation training
As you start the game, you'll have to complete 10 simple quests to get to know the basiс principles. All rooms and environment have been fully redesigned, with a variety of items from the recent patch. We have also restyled the quest window. Now you'll be able to see task completion progress. Boxes with texts, demands, advice and awards are now explicitly partitioned. Task log has been updated, too. All in all, the start tasks look nicer now.

Safe exchange (or is it really safe? :))
"Trade" action added to character's context menu. In the popup window you can safely exchange items. Each character must drop such items into slots as they agreed to exchanged and press "Confirm". The deal will be closed, but any attempt to remove an item from exchange window will cancel the deal.

Combo attacks
The look of tips for combination of combat strikes has been modified. With the press of the button that starts a combo attack, at the bottom of the display you'll see a tip with options for further strikes to achieve a combat effect and complete the combination with a heavy blow. We've added description to each of the combat effects De, Su, Nya.

- Map rendering for client has been optimized. - Thanks to the collected server statistics, we have identified the server bottlenecks and improved the situation. - Appearance of dialog boxes modified for communication with city characters.

- Major efforts have been made to edit the description of items in English and Russian. - Deceleration caused by over-nutrition and thirst has been reduced to 10% (vs. 45% earlier). - New gothic walls have appeared. - Map colors have been corrected.

- In the city, Sinod protection will be displayed over the character. - 'R' hot key moved to the bottom bar to redo the latest action.

-Hidden walls now become semitransparent. In graphic settings, you can enable full hiding of walls. -In friends list, you can mark the friends online. -It's prohibited to move construction blanks, entrances/exits and plants with a crow-bar. -It's prohibited to gut corpses which are not empty. -Issue solved: the chat not scrolling automatically corrected. -Error corrected: the chest armor did not have 'Equip' action. - The special offer on the simplified bloody altar functioning is over. To revive the altar, you'll have to contribute the quintessence of evil. You can also revive rabbits. - The shop has a pink bike and new gothic walls available. A 25% discount is offered for industrial and painted walls and 50% for long haircut (until the next patch).

[ 2017-03-25 12:34:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Rogalia's citizens. We work on a minor but important update.
- we will change craft window based on your feedback
- we got some useful stats which allow us to improve server performance
- new gothic-style objects, e.g. walls.
[ 2017-03-18 22:25:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Craft Window
Craft Window fully redesigned. Now in its top part you'll find: - keyword-based search; - ingredient-based search: it's a slot you can fill with any item to find a recipe that contains the same item; - "Has items" button will show only those recipes for which you have items in your bag; - filters: by default, all recipes will be displayed and all filters disabled. With a filter enabled, you'll see only those recipes that can be crafted, or built, or available for a skill. Two tabs added to sort recipes, one by skill, the other by group. All recipes are initially grouped. We wish for this patch we could finish the third tab for selected recipes. We are committed to do it later. Recipe has been redesigned, too. In the ingredient list, the figure in brackets will show the number of ingredients in your bag. You can enter a number here to indicate how many items you'd like to craft. Where it’s important to use certain higher quality items, you can use the new manual crafting button (gear-shaped). In the pop-up window, arrange ingredients in the slots and press Craft button.

The craft improvement task turned out harder to accomplish than we had expected (more than 500 recipes). We've been doing our best to avoid errors. If you face any problem or bug related to craft please inform us in this forum. Thank you.
Bloody altar
To reanimate a chicken you've been breeding so long, you should build a bloody altar, place a chicken inside (one at a time) and add Quintessence of Evil to it. Then right-click on the altar -> 'sacrfice' -> A miracle! The chicken has resurrected!

But don't forget that it was willed by the evil shaman Xirtat that throughout next week no potion will be required for sacrificial offering!
Container search
'Search' button added to the bag window title. In this window, you can now find the item you need by a keyword and narrow your search by a property.

Access setting for the whole claim
You can now set an access color that will by default apply to all items within a claim. For instance, you've set the yellow color, so now all your friends marked yellow will access all the items unless such item has been assigned a different color.
Other changes
- We've added the ability to move unliftable objects. To do so, you'll need 30 strength points and a crowbar. You may move an object by one square, but the crowbar will lose its durability. - With this ability, you can build floors under unmovable objects. - The scroll has a stylish look now. It will appear as you place the pointer in the area that requires scrolling. - The avatar will now show both the character's level and animals' level. It will also display the animal's gender. - You cannot turn/rotate items in the claim which is not yours. - Players from your black list will not be able to send you letters via in-game mail.

New items added
Build a real bar: bar counters of various sizes, a bar stool, wine racks of various sizes, new sprites for alcoholic drinks, a variety of canvasses to hang on the wall. Furniture and decor: folding screens with various patterns, big Japanese style paintings, tatamis, katanas, scrolls to hang on the wall, tables, chairs, cushions, closets for clothes and armor, a hanger, cabinets for potions and tinctures, flower pots and vases (with or without flowers), limiters. A sandbox to store sand.

A game in a game
We are planning to introduce board games for you to play with your friends right in Rogalia. This is how you can support the game development and entertain yourself and your fellows. Random card decks are available in the shop: - 'Newbie' set: 5 random cards; - 'Pro' set: 7 random cards; - 'Master' set: 9 random cards. For the poker card deck recipe you'll need 9 cards from Six to Ace. With this card deck you can play poker (or any other card game) in the city tavern or in your claim.

P.S. We had unfortunately no chance to release the patch at the weekend, therefore the altar will function according to the simple algorithm (no potion will be required for sacrifice offering) not only this weekend, but during the next week too.
[ 2017-03-14 10:01:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello. Let me show you other new items.
The next patch is on its way. It will bring closets for clothes and armor, cabinets and shelves of different sizes for potions and tinctures, painted vases and canvases to hang on the wall.
[ 2017-03-11 12:35:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Evil alchemist Xirtat killed all your chickens? Not a big deal!
On this weekend you can use brand new bloody altar to revive your lovely pet!
More information will come. Stay tuned!
[ 2017-03-10 16:43:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
There was a problem with connecting to the game server. Some players do not connect to the game server.
We solve the problem and regret the inconvenience.
We will notify you when the connection is restored.
[ 2017-03-10 12:54:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
You asked on forum to add an option to move items based on their quality.
So I've added a search feature to bags. In the next patch you will be able to click on the search icon, which will open a search window. There you can enter desired search pattern and filter results by minimum and maximum quality.
Follow me on twitter to get the latest dev news.
[ 2017-03-09 18:47:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello. As I promised, here are some more new items.
Japanese style
Let me show you a range of Japanese style items: variously designed folding screens, katanas, tables, tatamis of various sizes, flower pots, scrolls to hang on a wall and other decorations.

[ 2017-03-08 13:45:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings. Flu attacks us so unfortunatelly update will be delayed.
Despite being ill we made a lot of new items. Some of them were suggested by you on forums.
Everything one need to a make a cool bar.
Bar counter and chairs, wine cabinet of different size and also decorations: flower pots and signboards.

More items in the future news. Stay tuned.
[ 2017-03-07 21:01:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Next update introduces craft interface update.
There are search options and filter in the upper part of the window. Recipes will be sorted and grouped by skill and by purpose.
Also we will add favorites to simplify using frequent recipes.
[ 2017-03-03 22:10:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Characteristics windows readjusted. Info grouped into logical blocks. Characteristics dependence on vitamins is vividly displayed. Zero values of vitamins are colored grey. As you start accumulating a vitamin it gets colored; connection with a characteristic is marked with an arrow.

Access right settings
You will now be able to set access rights to property through color keys. You can choose from 8 colors. By default, color keys are inactive, so all players in your friends list may access your containers and doors. If you'd like to restrict access to a certain container or door, set any color. Then they'll be accessible to those players only who have the same active color in your friends list.

- After patch 0.29 some players experienced erroneous font rendering. This error fixed. - T hotkey added for dismount/mount action. - New interface for slot machine added; it displays image rotation and spin results in a dedicated window. - Ping value in system menu now changes color according to the communication quality. - Following our players' advice, we've adjusted required skills for some recipes. - Active action bar will now display percentages. - Game loading bar added. - After changing the character customization settings, the character's parameters will now be shown correctly. - In Customization window enabled settings will now be highlighted; you can disable them with a click. - A hint for "Space" hotkey is now displayed on big button. - In bank, the image for vault slot price corrected - New items added to the shop: forged fence, imperial floor, painted floor, slot machine, jukebox and poker table. - Drawings for shop wall construction can be stacked now. - For parcels from shop, various sprites added for different groups of purchased items. - In shop, you can now see avatar modification samples in hairstyle slots. - Slot machine and jukebox are now movable. - It is prohibited to write in the chat system tab - It is prohibited to collect ready items from tanning tubs in another character's claim. - Hunter root added to buy up. - Fuel amount for furnace loading increased. - You may now put paper in spellbook. - You may now fill containers with water from overhead containers. - Fixed: text highlighting in Craft window search bar. - Fixed: displaying of items carried overhead. - Error that didn't let you see shop contents without reload fixed. - New recipes for forged fence and night light (three colors) - New images for carpet, awesome carpet, fireplace, iron fence, parcels, wall decorations such as shield and axes, shield and swords, axe and sword, food such as Big tat, carrot cake, coconut cookies, hemp cakes, meat pie, mutton pie, pizza and potato casserole.

[ 2017-02-25 20:39:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
In the upcoming patch, Characteristics window will be changed. We are doing our best to put the most important info on the foreground. This way, the focus will be on the connection between vitamins and characteristics. Below find the concept to be partially adjusted while being applied.

Access right control
We’ve come up with the system to control access rights to private property within claim area. In friends list, you will be able to set access colors that will or will not match colors of access to doors, chests and other containers. This way, certain items of your property will be accessible to all your friends, other property – to some friends, and the rest you can make inaccessible to all.

New sprites for food and other items like carpets and wall decorations. New metal fence.
[ 2017-02-21 13:14:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Chevrons added to character customization. To get one, enter promo code in the customization window.
- Window-to-window and window-to-screen edge "sticking" added.
- Window arrangement on screen will now be saved for each character individually.
- Container control keys moved to title bar.
- Hotkey for Suicide changed to 0.
- In some cases, adding fuel functioned incorrectly. This error fixed.
- Sleeping in bed error that appeared at server restart fixed
- Book recipe added. To make a book, use 6 paper sheets to write text on them. Then sheets will be bound into one book through craft.
- Rendering mended; sprite versions added for some items.
[ 2017-02-17 11:33:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
We keep improving the interface. Basic appearance of all windows changed. Design simplified. Windows occupies less screen space now.

In upcoming updates, we will rearrange windows to make them more informative. Useful info will be displayed in the foreground, while window size will be reduced (wherever possible).
Playable in browser
We made the game playable in a web browser (Chrome, Opera). Please note that it supports latest releases only. You will be able to play even in case of Steam authorization failure. For some players, the game performance in browser may be markedly higher than via client. In control menu, Profile button added to let you create an account to play in a web browser (Chrome, Opera). - With R key you can now plant seeds and repeat the action for seeds of the same sort. Use the same key to drop items of similar type. - 'R' key will repeat use of prospector until endurance value gets down to zero. - 'B' hotkey will now hide/unhide all containers. - 'I' hotkey opens/closes bag in inventory slot. - Alt+click combination added to quickly fill the fuel slot with relevant items. - Ctrl+Shift+'selected action' for all items in bag now also includes "Cut" and "Gut" actions. - 'Q' hotkey added to sort items in active container. - New item added: "Stone pile" to keep stones, sharp stones and crushed stones. - Container icons moved to title bar menu. - Texts in Japanese updated/corrected. - New states added for dining table, bundle of wood and stone pile. - In Craft window, ingredient search tips and filter icons added. - Every connection to server will be followed by Steam authorization. This will slightly increase load time. - Window movement improved to become more responsive. - In "Contact us" tab, you can now see Steam forum. This will let us react to your bug reports even more promptly. - We fixed the bug that didn't let you open character's statistics during teleportation or caused other failures. - Error fixed: if merchant is wrongfully used, a relevant tip will appear instead of server error. - Error fixed: with "fast render" enabled, all items in sanctuary will be colored black and white. - Bug fixed: when large items are excessively placed in construction blank, relevant message will appear instead of server error. - Effect display adjusted. - Bug that caused wrong state of equipment after use: fixed.

- New sprites added for apple jam, jam, jam toast, dough, fried eggs, lavash, apple pie, bread, toast, honey cake, shashlik, shawarma, wolf meat, vinegar, construction blank, all metal plates, book (4 versions), bulletin board, cigar, cigarette, coal sac, fabric bag, garbage bag, bath, dining table, flask, grave (2 versions), flax, sign, teeth trinket, mushroom essence, queenbee, wooden table, wooden troughs, and new fire animation.
[ 2017-02-15 20:55:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
While steam is broken, I open an alpha test server: http://alpha.rogalik.tatrix.org/?gateway=alpha.rogalik.tatrix.org You should use latest chrome (55+) browser and create an account. The base is temporary and will be dropped after steam will fix the problem.
[ 2017-02-11 11:36:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Currently there is problem on the steam side which prevents the game clients from getting an authorization. It's a common problem for several games including ours. I wrote several messages to the steam support but they didn't respond yet. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will update this post as soon as I can get any further info. UPD. Should work now.
[ 2017-02-09 14:46:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- In settings, Fast render option improved which resulted in performance increase by up to 20% (fps).
- All snowdrifts have melted.
- Wide action bar is back.
- Ore veins disappear as time goes by. This way they will now update their location.
- New icon added to pin/unpin chat in the lower left corner.
- For prospector and frying pan, durability bar and 'Equip' added.
- You may not break branches and boughs in other’s claims.
- In instances, you can now use AoE scrolls.
- Context menu and tool tips no longer move beyond screen.
- New option in settings: it will change Enter key function if a blank message is sent in chat.
- Outdated options removed from settings.
- Esc key logic changed: if cursor is in play area - remove target, otherwise - close current play window.
- In settings, the option to paint whole claim area readjusted.
- Bug that caused other character's claim to protect from PVP removed. PVP protection is active in your character's and you friends' claim and in the city.
- Bug that didn't let you construct a training dummy removed. Recipe simplified. Dummy HP increased.
- Error corrected: there were no requirements to use scrolls. Alchemy skill will be required (similar to gun use requirements).
- Bug that prevented you from filling small liquid containers from big ones removed.
- Error corrected: after death on arena, character will now resurrect at arena entrance.
- Bug removed: a client-side error appeared when "Inspect" function was active
- Character's hairstyle and hair color now displayed in avatar.
- New avatars added for bosses.
- Redrawn images for birch, apple and fir trees, coconut and banana palm trees, their plants at all growth stages, and all items you can get from trees, such as tree log, stub, bark, bough, branch, stick and twig.
[ 2017-02-07 10:29:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are working on the patch in which avatars will change based on your character's haircut and it's color. The same applied to a lobby window.
There are 4 haircuts for male and female characters. Any color can be picked using a palette.
Some examples:
[ 2017-02-03 12:25:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- In settings, there is now a box you can uncheck to disable Hide big objects (it's active by default).
- Performance corrected (improved) for slow computers.
- Herb racks are now portable.
- To use herb racks, you'll need Survival skill.
- You may use a herb rack to dry tobacco, weeds and sliced pepper.
- When a chopper is summoned by its owner the rider gets off the chopper.
- We've added a processing bar for all items that can be processed (smelted, baked, dried or otherwise).
- Bottom panel moved to the right side. - Action bar is now displayed under character's HP bar (big bar will no longer be shown in the middle of the screen). P.S. Next update will bring new images for all trees and items you can make from trees.

[ 2017-02-01 13:16:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Screen Interface
The box displaying core characteristics of a character has been made larger and now shows digital values. The box with character's effects has been relocated, size reduced. Left mouse click will still open the effect details. Views of team members and selected target have been modified in a similar way.

Right panel, minimap and chat views changed. All views are now translucent to expand play area view.

Bottom panel fully reconfigured. XP bar is now closer to the bottom and reflects digital values. Big button still displays a current action. Fight buttons are in the top bar. Bottom bar now contains frequently used control buttons. Hot keys are also displayed.

Future updates will keep affecting the interface: windows for craft, auction, vendor, pillar and claim and others will be modified.
Shop and Character Customization added
In-game shop has been activated to let you buy options for your character customization: hairstyle, title or skin (in further updates), and a vehicle you may summon in case of a loss, but within your claim only. Here, you can buy some looking walls and floors for your house. Please note: we are not selling items to power-level or boost mining speed/quality, nor any in-game currency. By doing so, we are keeping the game balanced and the economy pure.

Game mechanics update - Any large static object will be concealed once you get behind it. - Stubs and stone blocks will disappear as time goes by and appear again in other locations on the map. - Now you'll be able to queue activities: Wash soil, Break branches and boughs (Ctrl+Shift+select activity) - Now animal hunger will become active within the claim (previously hunger appeared only in feeding zone, i.e. at trough/haystack/copper bowl/beehive) - You can now select NPC as target but not damage it. - Juxebox interface modified. - Bank interface upgraded with new buttons to clear the form and collect amounts from all deposited bags. - As you shift from one chat tab to another, focus will be automatically set on text entry line. - All fences and walls can now be selected by Ctrl + click. - Request to confirm Change faction added. - In character selection window, the name may be colored red for negative Karma. - Dice rolling results will be shown in the team chat. - No damage can be made to chopper - Performance of mechanic plow improved (time for unplowed soil transformation reduced). - Formula of explosive damage changed (damage reduced). Engine update - Topological sorting added to correct rendering of objects, where a further object would overlay a closer object. You can make this rendering method active in Settings. - Collision (collision area) determination added to reduce character knockback when colliding with impenetrable objects during client and server synchronization. - Sorting of context menu items adjusted. - Container automatic closing when moving away from them on a horse – corrected. - Training quest text about mob non-aggression corrected. - Bug that didn’t let you destroy plants and trees outside the claim – fixed. Arts update - New recipe for Wooden marker, Flax marker added. You can apply it to large containers and sacs inside the bag to sign them. - New recipes: Boulder walls, Brick fence, Japanese fence, Log fence, Brick floor, Pavement floor, Parquet floor, Tile floor, Bundle of wood, Herb rack, Crushed stone, Steel swords (wall decoration), Confederation flag (wall decoration) and Empire flag (wall decoration). - New images for all atomic containers, activated coal, arrow, bark basket, beehive, all metal ingots, all shields, bung, candle, chicken nest, clay cup, clay pot, clay vase, copper bowl, crossbow, crystal (event item), dried tobacco, all pills, slot machine, fire trap, floor chandelier, frying pan, all assignations, healing cream, all energy guns, herbalist table, honey, honeycomb, honey extractor, metal and wooden chests, wooden and metal fishing rods, scissors, joint, lasso, leather chain, insect net, medal, mailboxes, pillow, propolis, quiver, rope, shaky cage, shredder, sling, atomic trap, soulstone, spellbook, straw basket, tobacco, torch, Torii, trap, tripwire, underframe, wall torch, wax, malt, wicker basket, wooden bow.

[ 2017-01-29 09:57:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are working hard (and very long) for the new patch. There are a lot of changes comming so we want to ensure everything will work as expected. Until then, new portion of art:
- atomic containers;
- pills;
- energetic guns;
- fishing rods;
- assignations;
- wax, propolis, honey and honeycomb;
- crystals;
- shaky cage, candle, healing cream, torch, bung, activated carbon, rope, sling, medal, leather chain, scissors, joint, cured tobacco leafs and tobacco.
[ 2017-01-24 12:24:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Brick floor;
- Parquet floor;
- Tile floor;
- Pavement.
Also new sprites for all ingots, necklaces and shields.
[ 2017-01-22 11:09:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Sprites, sprites everywhere:
- pillow;
- copper bowl;
- chicken nest;
- herbalist table;
- spellbook;
- linen insect net;
- trap;
- wooden bow;
- crossbow;
- quiver;
- arrows;
- wooden chest;
- iron chest;
- firetrap;
- fire-trap;
- small atomic trap.
New object: log fence.
[ 2017-01-20 17:03:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are working on improving old sprites and new objects:
- wall decorations: swords, lamp, flags;
- mailboxes (wooden and metal);
- beehive;
- baskets (bark, wicker, straw).
[ 2017-01-18 13:29:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
First interface changes are coming in the following update, making interface more convenient and useful. Interface elements will show more helpful information. Semitransparent backgrounds are added for better overview.
New features and improvements
There are some new items in game: - whitestone floor panel; - 2 new fence types: wooden and brick; - storage for sticks and branches â
[ 2017-01-16 15:47:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added zoom (ctrl+wheel).
- Added experimental "fast render" which should remove map loading delay (Settings -> Graphics -> Fast render).
- Added EUAL text to the lobby screen.
- Use Tab to name autocompletion in the chat.
- Automatic disassemble and destroy for similar items (ctrl+shift & rmb->destroy).
- Added durablity/progess bars. Hover the mouse to see exact numbers.
- Updated recipes of chess figures (sharp stone + pearl).
- Buying already bought item on the autction shouldn't give a server error anymore.
- No chip stone block and boulders and chop trees, logs, trungs on the claim.
- Fixed recipes of the "mushrom on the stick" and "iron fence pillar".
- Daily faction quest fixed.
- Placing a blank will now take 1 second. Finishing the building will take 1 second too.
- Empty blank can be destroyed imediatelly.
- "Spliting" gold in the chest on the foreign claim is now forbiden.
- Sex will no longer cause plaugue.
- No duplicated items in the mail attachments.
- Any group member can not invite others to a party.
- Synod protection don't workn on the arena anymore.
- Changing a target won't abort the combo.
- Fishing window updated.
- Fixed error when "Quit" button didn't work.
- The game will make a steam auth on every launch now.
- Updated English and Japanese translation.
- Updated "Claim is about to end" warning.
- "Equip" option removed from already equiped items.
- Equip options added to lasso, insect net and fishing rods.
- No more letters in the bank input fields.
- Context menu splited on logical blocks..
- Added confirm suicide dialog.
- Added confirm gutting player's corpse dialog.
- New sprites: prospectors, all fish and fish dishes, rabbit meat, sausages, meat, intestines, flax fibber and yar, mutton, skull and skull totem, paper, licenses, flour, salt, paprica, coal powder, sand, soil.

[ 2017-01-08 23:00:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
We take our best effort to consider ASAP the inquiries you are sending us through Help. We really appreciate it. Together we are making the game better.
- Entrance window positioning slightly changed at game start.
- Newbie Protection effect informs player of its character's loss at death (for various levels).
- Stumps are now removed faster.
- Item's durability is now updated in Info window after change.
- Food info now shows total Fullness after consumption.
- Equipment durability is now indicated in Tools slot.
- Move All in containers now functions correctly.
- Shift + click combination will now let you see character's parameters and skills in chat.
- It is prohibited to break and reap harvest in other character's claim.
- Aggressive mobs can attack players up to Level 10.
- Character's first bag no longer has special status.
- No more equipment for fire possible.
- Trade channel added to chat.
- Japanese chat channel fixed.
- In Wiki, Japanese client tab (Help) shows Japanese wiki.
- Palm trees fixed.
- Fixed: Bleeding effect gain after death.
- Bug where you could take plough from plowing character fixed.
- New sprites: licenses for claims and vendor posts.
- New item: shredder. It’s a container whose contents can be destroyed in no time.
- Men's hairstyles updated: short haircut and hairstyle with beard.
- Synod protection now works on spells.
- Killing a horse unmounts the player.

[ 2016-12-25 18:18:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added Chrismas quests.
- Snowdrifts generation enabled.
- Japanese translation.
- Synod protections is fixed for PVE.
- Bed bug fixed.
- When player logs in on the foreig claim he will be teleported to this homestead.
- Updated ore sprites.

[ 2016-12-22 22:39:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Log off mechanics changed. When you disconnect the character waits for 15 seconds before disappearing. With pvp flag character will remain in game for 2 minutes.
- Health formula changed. The initial and maximum value has remained the same, but now affect all attributes.
- Damage in pvp has changed. On the surface, there is an additional protection. Details.
- When building a new respawn player is always automatically assigned to it. The ability to set respawn yourself removed.
- New effect "Synod protection", which works only on the ground layer. It allows teleport to the homestead.
- Karma is no longer updated on death. Boris the priest can clean your karma.
- Tutorial quests are redesigned and simplified. Added new quests which teach about teleportation.
- Vendor’s license price is now 2 platinum.
- Reduced time gutting animals. Gutting quality is not fixed anymore.
- Changed the recipes of coal powder, scrolls of town portal and almost all tools in metal processing.
- Item descriptions are initially translated into English. Feel free to send bugreports on wrong texts.
- Claim will change it’s state when the lease is about to end, thereby suggesting to the owner that it is time to renew the lease.
- Fixed issue with the wiki (the wiki taking up an entire screen, not giving the option to close it).
- Wiki links fixed.
- Windows are now correctly save their position.
- Added Minimize/Maximize button in the top right corner which toggle between windowed/fullscreen mode.
- Fullscreen checkbox removed from settings (for experts only: use chat command).
- Now you can take screenshots (PrntScreen key).
- "Drunk" effect changed: max hp + 10%, dmg - 10%.
- Ovens, bonfires and furnaces can now be snuffed out.
- Small oven now has 4 slots instead of 2.
- Press Enter to unfocus the chat when it's input is empty.
- Necklace now depends on Wisdom, not on Intellect.
- Garbage will now disappear when the last item is removed from it.
- Drying frame updates progress more often.
- Eating (or taking other activities) on the horse will stop the horse.
- Fatal damage now correctly displayed in the "system" chat tab.
- Weapons, armors and tools can be "Equipped" via context menu.
- New sprites: mug (also mug filled with water or beer), transmutation circle, stake claim in the warning state, indulgence scrolls, kitty meat, fried meat, copper bath.

[ 2016-12-18 14:14:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
The changes that will be applied in the next update:
- Log off mechanics changed. When you disconnect the character waits for 15 seconds before disappearing. With pvp flag character will remain in game for 2 minutes.
- Health formula changed. The initial and maximum value has remained the same, but now affect all attributes.
- Damage in pvp has changed. On the surface, there is an additional protection, the details of the link (http://rogalia.ru/wiki/PvP_mechanics).
- When building a new spawning player is always automatically assigned to it. The ability to assign spawn yourself removed.
- Under the protection of the Church the player can at any time to teleport home. This capability will not act on the lower levels of the dungeon.
- Karma is no longer updated on death. Boris the priest can clean your karma.
- Vendor’s license price is now 2 platinum.
- Reduced time gutting animals.
- Gutting quality is randomized.
- Changed the recipes of coal powder, scrolls of town portal and almost all tools in metal processing.
- Tutorial quests are redesigned and simplified. We are going to add more quests in the city. They will teach for the game mechanics and skills. New NPCS and Christmas quests will be added soon.
- Translated descriptions into English
- Claim will change it’s state when the lease is about to end, thereby suggesting to the owner that it is time to renew the lease.
- Fixed issue with the wiki (the wiki taking up an entire screen, not giving the option to close it).
- Windows are now correctly save their position.
- Now you can take screenshots (PrntScreen key).
- New sprites: mug (also mug filled with water or beer), transmutation circle, stake claim in the warning state, indulgence scrolls.

[ 2016-12-15 15:20:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- After death player will get to the Sanctuary, from where he can return to the city or to the respawn.
- Minimap will now show markers for claim, respawn (last registered) and last corpspe.
- Press G to enable grid on the map. Also there is a checkbox in the settings.
- Container destroying or disassembling will now ask for confirmation.
- Updated destroy time for containers.
- Fixed target selection in party. Party members cannot be selected by click now.
- Autotarget fixed.
- Gut quality do not depend on cooking anymore.
- New sprites for stick fence and for minimap markers.

[ 2016-12-12 11:31:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Crops generation fixed and enabled.
- Plowed soil under ripe crops will change to usual soil, indicating that crop can be successfully harvested.
- Bank will now warn you about zero amount deposit or withdrawal instead of showing server error.
- Building placement fixed: no “Cannot build there” error when the blank can actually be placed.
- Enabling fullscreen game area will now warn about performance penalties (low fps).
- Private messages now go only to the active and private tabs.
- Linking items, recipe, markers etc in chat will not send the message immediately, allowing editing and sending via private messages.
- Destroying a container (bags, chests, sacs etc) will now ask for confirmation.

[ 2016-12-11 12:31:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Rogalia Linux64 [371.89 M]
General features:
- Character levelling is based on vitamins gained from meals.
- Every attribute of your character may reach maximum value.
- You may share your rented patch with other players.
- Free economics developed by players.
- Crafted items have durability and quality attributes. Their values depend on your skill.
- A plenty of recipes and skills: craft, animal breeding, monster hunt, building and many more!
- An open world with free PvP and PvP-protected areas (towns and rented patches).
- Vitamins, gear and bag loss after death.
- Loss-free arena to fight people with no death fees. Battlefields and dungeons to hunt some good loot.
- Terraforming.
21+ game content. Smoking, booze, gluttony, chance games, promiscuity and, last but not least, a payment for these sins: from hangover to STDs.
Upcoming features:
- Armor will split to heavy, medium and light with appropriate features and restrictions.
- Range weapons.
- Advanced alchemy with special interface to craft scrolls and potions.
- A possibility to build a village with separate chat, shared bank, stash, and recipes available only for villagers.
This is an alpha-version of the game. We are the team of two who make it and put a lot of heart in it, so we already have a spectacular community who will kindly help you with the sayings and doings.
Welcome to the Rogalia World!
- OS: any
- Processor: Intel 2.77GHz Dual CoreMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel 2.77GHz Dual CoreNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 300 MB available space
[ 6070 ]
[ 1356 ]