Hey everyone! It's been a while. Knightfall has been in early access for just over 3 years. In our opinion (as well as the opinions of many others), this is way too long for a game like this to be "stuck". There are currently zero employees working on Knightfall and we do not know what Knightfall's direction needs to be. We also do not know when Knightfall will be picked back up out of it's hiatus. As of today, we've pulled the buy button from the Steam store page.
What does that mean?
It means that from here on out, Knightfall cannot be sold in any package, whether it be by itself, with it's soundtrack, or as part of the Static City Games package. It's no longer available for purchase until we choose to make it available for purchase again.
But I bought / activated Knightfall in the past, will I lose access to the game?
No! We wouldn't want anyone to lose access to anything they've purchased / activated. It's only not available in the Steam store anymore. You'll still own your license to the game in your Steam Library.
Will you ever complete Knightfall? What's its future?
We want to finish Knightfall. We need to finish Knightfall... but it needs a new identity. It needs a graphics overhaul, a story overhaul, and it really lacks any direction. We have some ideas that may come to fruition soon, and everyone on Steam will be the first to know. If anyone has any concerns / quandaries / feedback / issues / worries, do not hesitate to reach out to us via email or Twitch. info@staticcitygames.com http://twitch.tv/krassenstein If you don't hate us after this post and want to still support the team, we have other games available for sale on Steam and itch and other means of support! http://store.steampowered.com/dev/staticcitygames http://krassenstein.itch.io/stopdrop http://streamlabs.com/krassenstein/merch We love you guys! Josh Static City Games
[ 2020-12-06 01:10:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
So, as you know, Knightfall went through a complete recode and re imagine of the first level, systems, and combat.
Knightfall's development is currently on-hold, much to my chagrin. Unfortunately, we forgot to post about it here on Steam.
Here's the reasons why:
- Knightfall has a story, which requires a lot of planning and cohesive content.
- Knightfall is currently a one-man project. The one person on the project (Josh) has not put a lot of time into learning pixel art and animation. So getting anywhere with good content requires an outside party to visualize the direction of the game.
- I do not want Knightfall to feel rushed in the slightest and it would be terrible for me to look back at a game that did not get completed in the original, intended way.
Knightfall WILL be picked back up to be complete after the current game in development, Chronicle: Unit Eight leaves Early Access in Late Q2 / Early Q3 2020.
Chronicle will be releasing into Early Access in 11 days (3/16/2020) and has a team behind it to ensure it's potential success.
There is more information available on it's steam page as well as a free arcade demo. Don't hesitate to wishlist Chronicle!
We're looking forward to picking Knightfall up again soon, we just need to finish this current project as it seems the most attainable to complete.
Love you guys!
Static City Games
[ 2020-03-05 15:08:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Knightfall is back from the shadows with a brand new content release and update! Look down at the update notes for all new gameplay, new mechanics, less bugs, and an overall great time!
New Gameplay!
- Explore Eora's most perilous dungeon yet, with traps, enemies, tricks, and SPIDERS! - The inventory system has been reworked to allow for two weapons, one shield, one item, and one key at any time! (No more juggling keys and potions!) - Stamina is now used for dashing and you can gain it back by attacking your foes!
New Sound Effect Systems
- Sound has been reworked to better give you a 3D relation to where the sound is. With headphones on, you will be able to hear secrets as well as where the next enemy is waiting in the darkness.
Trinkets Trinkets Trinkets!
- Trinkets have been reworked! - There are no more cursed trinkets. You now have a "Trinket Bag" that allows you to carry up to 18 total trinkets! - All trinkets have a 3 tier scale for choosing the strength of the trinket. ---> (Weak, Average, Strong, all with varying degrees of effectiveness)
New First Floor Map
- The first level has now been completely remade and has an all new floor plan.
Saving! Loading! Oh my!
- Saving and loading now work better than ever. (They used to not work at all.) - Continue your game from where you left off! We're really excited to build the next levels of Knightfall for you all. Here's to an awesome next few months! Knightfall will stay on a 40% off sale for one more week after the Halloween Sale ends to celebrate this major update. Josh Static City Games
[ 2019-10-31 00:06:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there guys! Patch notes incoming!
- Floor 3's quests fixed.
- Artifacts can now be placed on altars.
- Chests can now be opened (again, oops).
- Fixed a bug that caused all of the mind puzzle on Floor 2 to disappear.
- Fixed a bug that stopped Boris from being able to repair your shield.
- Shield Durability now works as intended when you pick up a shield.
- A new stat system has been added!
- ---> Now you can pick from multiple classes at the start or tweak them to be your own buildout.
- ---> Presets available: Swordsman, Archer, Brute, Brawler, Rogue, Civilian
- Repair cost changed from (100 * Floor)Gold to (50 * Floor + (missingDurabilityOnShield * 5).
[ 2019-04-27 03:35:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Time for a really really exciting patch! We're excited to finally phase out any old Text objects and give you an enhanced (and expected) clearness!
- All text in the game has been replaced with a sweeter, cleaner-edged, non-blurry text. ----> This means you no longer need your bifocals to read the text anymore!
- Fixed the SFX distance issue. It was too quiet due to the closest sounds still being 10+ distance units from the Camera. This has been adjusted. Everything is louder now.
- Fixed a bug where leaving focus of the game (alt-tabbing out, clicking on another window, etc), would cause the journal to open when you click back to Knightfall.
- Removed second instance of main menu music from the main menu. #loudIsAnUnderstatement
- The sliders for Music Volume and Sound Volume now actually work!
[ 2019-04-13 19:59:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys, quick hotfix to adjust some things that were found during playtesting today! We couldn't wait another week to patch them so here they are!
BUGFIXES - Fixed a bug where two instances of the background music where playing at the same time. - Fixed a bug where enemy speed and aggro range changed after being ambushed by a spider. - Fixed a bug where health pickups would give double health. - Adjusted text in the intro cutscene to not be cut off on smaller resolutions. - Shield unlock animation now works as intended. - Fixed a bug where you were unable to Counter when you had a Shield. - Removed some rogue sprites on second floor (random walls, staircases). CHANGES - Moved "Counter / Block" to Left Trigger on controllers. - Lowered music during intro cutscene by 20%. - Increased all (non-music) SFX by 20%. ADDITIONS - Added Dash ability to controller support (B Button) - Added Dash to Controls screen for clarity.
[ 2019-03-31 20:43:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Time for some of those wonderful weekly patch notes!
Additions - Areas in the game now have "Point of Reference" location names. - You can now Dash with the Left Shift key!! ----> Evade enemies! ----> Re-position! ----> There's a 1.5 second cooldown! Good luck in the dungeon and see you guys next week for more patches!
[ 2019-03-31 13:53:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there everyone! Sorry for being in the dark for a bit, I was super sick for the last month and a half. All better now, here's a new patch!
- Fixed a bug where sometimes swapping a weapon would leave a transparent "Weapon" on the ground.
- Fixed a bug where elemental weapons would not do elemental damage or effects.
- Fixed a bug where you could hit skeletons if you were at a much higher elevation than them.
- Fixed a bug where item chests were showing the items.
- Fixed a bug where the quest "Room of Power" would crash the game if the quest wasn't found but the completion marker was triggered by the player.
- Fixed a major bug where the game thought you started on the floor of your current playthrough after returning to the main menu and starting a new game. (Basically, you ended up with a blacked out screen and could not swing your sword.)
- Fixed the sorting of different UI pieces so that they no longer overlap incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where the first floor boss's legs went underneath level detail props and were unseen.
- Fixed a bug where the "Poisoned" effect text would appear in the lower left corner instead of where the player was.
- Reduced the camera's vision range by a bit.
- Hatchery colliders now turn off at point of death instead of waiting for the sprite to disappear.
- Collision box on first floor boss after death changed to reflect sprite.
- Spiders! -----> Base Health increased from 10 -> 12 -----> Aggro Range increased from 2 -> 3 -----> Speed decreased from 3.25 -> 2 -----> Attack Rate Interval slowed from every 1 second -> 1.2 seconds.
- Skeleton Warrior Base Health increased from 12 -> 14
- Skeleton Commander Base Health increased from 20 -> 25
- Skeleton General Base Health increased from 30 -> 38
- First Floor Boss Max Health increased from 250 -> 500
- New voiceover!
- Added delay to sync voiceover to subtitles.
- New room details! Rats, mushrooms, boulders, and skulls, oh my!
- Added selection clarity to the main menu.
- Attack animation system revamped, unarmed attacks are significantly more responsive.
[ 2019-03-24 21:27:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there guys! Patch notes incoming! PATCH NOTES (Do I Lie?) BUG FIXES - Fixed the shield next to the fountain. - Fixed a bug where spikes from the boss on Floor 2 where double-hitting. - Fixed a bug where the shop was showing zero items. - Fixed a bug where chests no longer spawned any items. - Adjusted crate item spawning. - Dialog Options for changing weapons / freeing prisoners / quests now are clickable as intended! Additions / Changes - Prisoners are now in the game and can be freed! - Projected release out of Early Access - March 31st, 2019 ------------------------- See you all next Friday in the next patch notes! - Josh Static City Games
[ 2019-02-01 12:03:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there everyone! Good news! Patch notes below. PATCH NOTES BUGFIXES: - Status Effects (poison, bleed, burn, etc) now show in game. - Fixed a bug where sometimes arrows would not damage you. - Spiders no longer skate as fast. (Movement Speed reduced from 3.5 -> 2). - Torch Selection system in Menus has been adjusted to work properly. - Fixed a bug where hidden chests would not randomly choose the weapon they have and instead give you the worst weapon out of their choices. #meanChests - Stat screen weapon and shield info has been corrected. ADDITIONS / UPDATES - Status Effects now appear as icons when you have them. - Clarity has been added for when you are poisoned. - Added art for "Bleed" status effect. - Added art for "Burn" status effect. - Weapon, Armor, and Item systems have been remade for efficiency and clarity. Thanks for playing the game as always and much love! - Josh Static City Games
[ 2019-01-25 12:07:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Day Patch Day Woop Woop! Hey guys, whole bunch of fixes this week, check it out below! PATCH NOTES BUGFIX: When the journal opens on quest activation, it now pauses the game as intended. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where sometimes the stat screens would show when new game is started. BUGFIX: Fixed an issue with some resolutions at game launch (it may route you to windowed mode on default, can be changed in settings). BUGFIX: Fixed an issue where some item chests had the action button always on. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the Floor 2 puzzle was no longer appearing. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that made it unable to use health potions after exchanging a silver key. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that disabled the Okay button in the journal after receiving a quest. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where starting a new game after dying or going back to main menu allowed you to keep your current weapon. - Mimic Chests are now more responsive and cannot be cheesed anymore. - Enemies now have sighting marks that show when they see you / hear you in their range. - Stairs now move you up or down in elevation and it's now harder to hit enemies if you are on different elevations. - New Mouse Cursor! **Known Bug** - Sometimes the resume game button click does not work and you have to instead press "Escape" to close it. Thanks a ton for playing and looking forward to seeing you guys tear it up in the dungeon! Josh Static City Games
[ 2019-01-18 12:28:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day fellow Knights! Feast your eyes upon a new patch with fixes and other interesting things! PATCH NOTES Bugfixes: BUGFIX: Arrows no longer can be heard from across the level. BUGFIX: All audio has been optimized. BUGFIX: Breakable Walls now break as intended. BUGFIX: Closing the controls menu no longer closes all pause windows and sends you back to the options menu. BUGFIX: Doors no longer reset when continuing a saved game after unlocking the doors. BUGFIX: Players no longer slide while moving and activating a portal. BUGFIX: Fixed scaling issues with UI on lower resolutions. Additions: - New Mage Enemy Added - 3 New Quests Added Keep crawlin' that dungeon! -Josh Static City Games
[ 2019-01-11 12:17:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey! Super quick hotfix released! Optimization here, optimization there! Optimization everywhere! PATCH NOTES BUGFIX: Fixed FPS issues when near walls. - Removed the mage unit from the start area.
[ 2019-01-02 14:29:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! It's been a long while but we're back full force and working at our best to deliver you a pleasing and wonderful experience in the dungeons of Knightfall! Quick hotfix that has been reported numerous times and been an overall nuisance for people who keep dying in the game. (I mean, come on, it's not like the spiders are very fair or balanced at the moment). ----- PATCH NOTES BUGFIX: New Game should now work as intended after dying without reaching a checkpoint. (No more black screen after the intro cinematic.) ----- Look forward to a bunch of new updates in the near future as we're expecting an end of February release out of Early Access! - Josh
[ 2019-01-01 22:34:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there everyone! New patch means new things! Details below! //PATCH NOTES// BUGFIX: Main menu music is now not being flooded by many sounds. BUGFIX: UI no longer shows up on loading screens between levels. - Floor 2 Boss now has a locked door. No more runnin' past! - Floor 2 Boss has death animation, - Optimized Floor 3 - Added chests and enemies to Floor 4 - Added an Intro Cinematic!!!!!!!! - Added breakable walls. Start randomly swingin' everywhere! Thanks again guys and happy exploring!
[ 2018-06-01 13:05:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys! Hope everything is going well and you're still having a blast playing Knightfall. Patch notes are as follows: ///PATCH NOTES/// BUGFIX: Floor 2 puzzle's solution was not showing the correct solution. - Added more area to Floor 2 and Floor 4. - Some chests are now mimics and will attack on sight! Be careful! - Other small bug fixes / tweaks. Happy playing!
[ 2018-05-18 14:20:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Time for the weekly patch for Knightfall! PATCH NOTES ----------------------- BUGFIX: XP Bar now updates properly at level 1. BUGFIX: Locked door on second floor now properly unlocks when needed to. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that ignored any pause menu inputs. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that corrupted the save file on Floors 2, 3, and 4. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stops quests from removing themselves when complete from your active quest box. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the door locked information to be unreadable. - Added a copy of the solution of the 2nd floor puzzle to the top. - Removed Exit Game button from Pause Menu, can still exit by going to main menu. - Added loading screens with tips!
[ 2018-03-23 13:48:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Time for the weekly patch for Knightfall! PATCH NOTES ----------------------- BUGFIX: XP Bar now updates properly at level 1. BUGFIX: Locked door on second floor now properly unlocks when needed to. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that ignored any pause menu inputs. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that corrupted the save file on Floors 2, 3, and 4. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stops quests from removing themselves when complete from your active quest box. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the door locked information to be unreadable. - Added a copy of the solution of the 2nd floor puzzle to the top. - Removed Exit Game button from Pause Menu, can still exit by going to main menu. - Added loading screens with tips!
[ 2018-03-23 13:48:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys! Just a quick patch today to fix some things in the first two floors of the game! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the first boss doesn't descend after killing its minions on phase 1. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where dying would make your continue show a black screen. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where enemies would not cooperate and act normal on second floor. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped saving from persisting through playthroughs. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that would sometimes crash the game to desktop when using a key on a crate on the second floor. Happy adventuring!
[ 2018-03-20 13:45:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys! Just a quick patch today to fix some things in the first two floors of the game! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the first boss doesn't descend after killing its minions on phase 1. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where dying would make your continue show a black screen. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where enemies would not cooperate and act normal on second floor. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped saving from persisting through playthroughs. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that would sometimes crash the game to desktop when using a key on a crate on the second floor. Happy adventuring!
[ 2018-03-20 13:45:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! New patch coming at ya! No longer will you have to worry about saving issues! ///PATCH NOTES/// - Saving Saving Saving! --> Chests now save correctly. --> All breakables now save correctly! --> All portals now save correctly! --> All enemies now save! No more loading to a room full of already killed enemies! --> Doors now save, hooray for touching things! Look forward to even more patches in the next upcoming weeks as we get closer to full release!
[ 2018-03-18 14:23:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, We know that it's been a little bit since the last patch, our team turned attention to a new pixel art Life Management Simulator game called "Life and Debt: A Real Life Simulator". You can check out the game here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/799840 We also started a thunderclap for the release and we would really love it if you clicked through and supported it! All it takes is a Twitter account, it's totally free and it will only tweet that one post. Here's that link: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/68258-life-and-debt-steam-release
As soon as Life and Debt releases on February 28th, the team here at Static City will be focusing all of our attention back to Knightfall! Look forward to lots of patches, bug fixes, and tons of new content coming soon! Thanks again guys and we're sorry to be in the dark. As always, you can always come over to our Twitch Channel or come and follow us on twitter @krassensteintv Much love, Static City Games
[ 2018-02-22 23:13:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Sorry that it's been a little bit since the last patch but we've been hard at work getting the localization system into the game and configuring saving (still a fair amount to do). Nevertheless, here are the patch notes! Patch ------------------- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the pause menu would not cooperate after leaving the controls menu. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the item replace dialog to not disappear when alt tabbed out of the game. - Added a Spider Hatchery to the 1st floor. - Changed how attacking works, you no longer can attack enemies while facing away from them. - Added framework for localization.
[ 2018-02-05 12:36:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a quick little fix for the first boss! BUGFIX: Enraged spiders no longer twitch and freak out on death and now respond normally. Happy holidays!
[ 2017-12-22 20:28:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys, here is a brand new patch fixing some key gamebreaking bugs and adding some other stuff! ///PATCH NOTES/// BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that did not allow you to unlock doors on key press when holding a silver key. BUGFIX: Silver and Gold keys now work as intended. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where you were unable to heal after dropping a key and picking up a health potion. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused Energy Shock damage to overlap other damage values making everything harder to read. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the options menu to appear on pause instead of the pause menu due to pressing escape in the main menu before playing. - Added a notification when the door is locked and you have no key. - Added new enemies to the third floor. - Added a new puzzle to the third floor. Happy holidays everyone!
[ 2017-12-20 22:15:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys! Just in time for the holidays with a bunch of fixes and features coming at you! Happy holidays! ///PATCH NOTES/// BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where you couldn't reactivate quests after declining to read them. BUGFIX: Trinkets now properly reset on new game as intended. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that didn't let you close the journal menu. - Changed "Solution" in mastermind to say "Answer" for clarity. - All health bars now fade when enemy dies. - Reduced speed of arrow traps in puzzle areas to 0.8 seconds from 0.9 seconds. - Major UI Rework! --- Everything, revamped version 2! That's everything guys, enjoy!
[ 2017-12-16 11:53:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! New weekly patch notes coming to you now! //Patch Notes Start Here// BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the game shows a black screen if you continue from a save in main menu after dying. BUGFIX: Fixed grammar errors in some of the quest text in journal. BUGFIX: Chests that spawns keys are fixed. BUGFIX: Silver key's animation looks less sporadic and awkward. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused certain sealed doors to appear open but still impassable. BUGFIX: Stamina potions no longer heal your HP. BUGFIX: Fixed scaling of floor textures in some spots. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped players from being able to pick up chest contents sometimes. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped the controls menu's okay button from working. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where you sometimes couldn't close the options menu. - Removed Anti-Aliasing from options, defaults to Off. - Removed iron sword near spawn. - Reduced screenshake during fountain cutscene from "Earthquake" to "Tiny-Earthquake" - UI is currently being reworked! Some of it looks new and different!
[ 2017-12-01 14:59:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! New weekly patch coming at you now! ///Patch Notes/// BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where you could dodge the arrows in Mastermind when failing. - All items have been changed to new sprites with animations! - Mastermind has a new look! - Fixed stat screen tooltips to reflect the correct information for each equip slot.
[ 2017-11-17 13:58:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys, here are some weekly patch notes! ///Patch Notes/// BUGFIX: Fixed item descriptions when standing near dropped items or in shop items. BUGFIX: Gold now decreases as intended when purchasing n shop. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that did not change the sprite for the picked up weapon in the UI. - Updated the basic weapon tier with new sprites! - All basic weapons now have animations. - Added weapon effects to elemental weapons (burn, chill, poison, shock). - Enemies will react accordingly to elemental damage. --= Burn and Poison = Damage Over time --= Chill = Enemies slowed by 50% --= Shock = Increased damage
[ 2017-11-10 13:55:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, its weekly patch day! This is going to address some concerns for the shop and for the mastermind game. --Patch Notes Here-- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the player would be invisible on Continue from Main Menu. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where enraged spiders' eyes were missing mid animation. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where level up would show +0 HP gained. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where level up would sometimes not show any health gained. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where shop information for weapons would sit outside of the text box. BUGFIX: Weapon/Shield/Item rarities should now be colored correctly. - Added a smooth gold collection effect to better understand how much gold you're receiving. - Nerfed attack range by 20% to clarify your attack range and sync it with the animation. - Populated shops with more variations of weapons, shields, and items! --Mastermind Changes-- --- Rounds in one game of mastermind changed from 9 -> 10. --- Round numbers now permanently show on ground for clarity. --- Quest "Crack The Code" now notifies you when you finish the puzzle. Thank you so much for playing and we hope you enjoy the changes!
[ 2017-11-03 16:07:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, here's some patch notes for the new hotfix that fixes a couple of bugs and allows for the feedback form to happen again! Patch Notes! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused health potions that dropped from Crates to not work properly. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped you from gaining health when consuming health potions. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the Feedback form to freeze. - Removed stamina potions from drop list for crates. - Added music to Mastermind.
[ 2017-10-29 13:17:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys, here are some wonderful weekly patch notes! BUGFIX: Spider's eyes no longer disappear between animations. BUGFIX: Damage and Gold Text no longer stay on screen when moving to a new level. BUGFIX: Fixed inconsistencies with how players taking damage and player healing were portrayed. - Started work on Second Boss - 2nd Floor Boss is playable and can be killed, known bug with the second half of the fight where it's decisions seem to be sporadic. - 2nd Floor Boss now also notifies the player before dashing to a new spot. Thanks to everyone who has supported Knightfall so far on Steam. It means the world to us!
[ 2017-10-28 00:26:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys, quick hotfix released fixing a few major gamebreaking bugs. Check them out below! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused multiple of the same item to spawn at once and consequently reducing framerate. BUGFIX: Optimized some of the system functionality with input support. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the death animation to not trigger on the second playthrough after dying for the first time. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the main menu would show a black screen after dying. Thanks so much for playing and stay tuned for an amazing and difficult second boss in the near future!
[ 2017-10-19 02:44:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there guys! New patch out, saving and more! Notes are as follows! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the player to freeze for too long when saving the game. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the pause menu's torch still showed up in game. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused resolutions and volumes to not save. - Saving should now mostly work! Here here to progression! - Mastermind changes ---- Added round clarity ---- Added solution checker ---- Added damage when losing to mastermind *KNOWN BUGS* - Pressing escape on new game start sometimes shows options menu instead of pause menu. Thanks again for being a part of Early Access!
[ 2017-10-16 14:04:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there everyone, we're moving to a weekly patch starting today. Look for updates every Friday! Here are the changes for this patch! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where pressing Resume Game would show the pause menu selector torch still in game. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where some items could not be collected from chests. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused spiders to have a neon red underglow in the dark. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped the in-game shop from having items that worked correctly from the new item system. - Added room torches scattered on Floors 1 + 2 - Changed the layout of the 2nd floor boss' arena. (Boss and Boss AI coming soon) That's all for now guys! Thanks for the support as always and joining us on this adventure!
[ 2017-10-07 00:16:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, here's some more fixes! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the options menu to appear on game start. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused some arrow traps to not fire when player is near. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the pause menu's selector icon (torch) to show when not in paused state. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug during the Crack The Code mission. - Game now properly pauses if you minimize it or alt-tab out of it. - Reworked item system to have over 30 weapons currently. As always, thanks so much for playing Knightfall!
[ 2017-10-03 09:19:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey guys! Quick Patch Notes, much more happening soon! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the trinket dialog to be unresponsive. - Reworked the item database to now have over 30 Weapons. Will have probably closer to 100 by full release. That's all for now! Happy exploring!
[ 2017-09-28 21:38:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there guys, hopefully you aren't tired of the almost daily patch notes but here we go! BUGFIX: FPS Counter now only activates / deactivates while in game and not paused. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the Okay button on the Controls window was not closing the controls window. - Revamped controls menu to include a gamepad. - Added controller detection to all interactable objects in game.
[ 2017-09-25 02:27:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there guys! Quick fix of an annoying bug! BUGFIX: Keys now work correctly! You can now unlock a gold lock door with a gold key! That bug haunted us for a good month and it's finally resolved! Happy playing!
[ 2017-09-23 17:43:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! Sorry for the delay between patches, there was a super rough bug that we couldn't find a fix to for a good while. But now we're back with Patch Notes! BUGFIX: Spiders are no longer broken when spawned in same room as Player. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that showed the pause menu at incorrect times (and sometimes hidden) BUGFIX: Fixed that bug that caused Player and Controls UI to show up when you click new game before the game actually loads. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused auto-pickups of items and weapons when opening chests. Thank you so much for the support and we're looking forward to adding more patches in the near future!
[ 2017-09-23 01:56:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Larger patch just released, here's the awesome details! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where dying or going back to main menu made interesting things happen and required a full restart of the game to play again. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that stopped you from destroying crates. BUGFIX: Enemy health bars now correctly show as intended. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where running over a weapon while picking up caused the new weapon's animations to not show until you stopped. BUGFIX: Corrected damage dealt per level and enemies damage dealt per level. - Improved AI Collision System - Heavily Optimized Floor 1 - Increased 1st boss HP to 250 - Enemies now do more damage as you get higher in level - Added confirmation of Max Health when using a HP Potion at full health. Thank you so much for enjoying and supporting Knightfall! Static City Games
[ 2017-09-14 03:26:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there everyone! Patch list incoming! Good fixes! BUGFIX: Spider lunge now correctly lunges towards you. BUGFIX: Keys can now be picked up from chests as intended. - AI improved to check for walls and collisions - Pause menu optimization between levels
[ 2017-09-09 03:25:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch notes here! BUGFIX: Quest dialog now works again as intended. BUGFIX: Journal Menu now cooperates as it should. BUGFIX: Item pickup alert will no longer trigger if your consumable slot is empty BUGFIX: Archers can now damage you.
[ 2017-09-07 16:25:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Here's some patch notes comin' at ya! BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the boulders to fall when close to them which would block your entrance. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused all arrow traps to not fire arrows. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the "Entries Active" to slide off screen. - Partially fixed the bug that causes enemy archers' arrows to push you instead of do damage. - Partially fixed the bug that breaks the continue and reload last checkpoint buttons. (they probably still wont work perfectly (or at all)) - Reduced all menu sound volumes. - Added a new quest and puzzle! - Worked on some optimizations to hopefully reduce the CPU usage for the game. Thanks as always for being so supportive and don't hesitate to stop in to the Twitch stream when Krassenstein is working on the game here: http://twitch.tv/krassenstein Static City Games
[ 2017-09-07 02:31:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Two Hotfixes?!! One Day?! BUGFIX: Removed the constant ticking sound (arrow-wall collision sound) when not near arrow traps. BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that caused the journal menu to randomly appear and break the game.
[ 2017-09-05 01:34:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there everyone! Thanks so much for supporting our release! Here's a super quick fix that hopefully will make the experience a little better. - Fixed a bug that caused stamina potions to behave improperly and stop you from equipping any other weapons. - Fixed a bug that stopped arrow wall traps from firing. There will be a new update almost every day until things get into a significantly more stable state. Thanks again! -Static City Games
[ 2017-09-04 16:16:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Linux Depot [210.22 M]
- Knightfall Original Soundtrack
Features On Full Release
- Singleplayer adventure with multiple floors that will challenge you in different ways!
- Full controller support!
- At least 25 total purchasable or dropped items on full release!
- 100% Real Time Combat System
- A fully incorporated questline found on the Knights that have died before you.
- A full Original Soundtrack composed by Christoph Gray
Armed with a sword and shield, your squadron crumbles under heavy arrow fire. As you break from the rain of fire, you fall prey to a ground trap and plunge into the dark abyss - A mysterious dungeon filled with infernal creatures of dark magic and the undead. How far did you fall? Will you ever reach the surface or will this dungeon be your tomb, like so many others who have fallen before?
Live Development
Knightfall is developed live on Twitch every single morning! Since day 1, it has been modified due to changes and feedback of the community. Join the development stream on Twitch!
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+ or equivalent
- Processor: 2.2GHz Dual CoreMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.2 compatible. 512 MB VRAM
- Storage: 250 MB available space