Welcome to the first dev-log of 2024, which casually comes on my birthday. I am happy to celebrate it with the biggest update in terms of new features since I started working on this project! As I mentioned in my previous update I was expecting this month to be productive, but for once reality exceeded my expectations. Without further ado, let's dive into all the new features and changes.
Mission accomplished!
I am proud to start this dev-log announcing that one of the main missing features is fully implemented... at last it's possible to complete a mission! At the moment there are 3 different mission types and more will be added in the future.

The mission completed dialog will be expanded and improved in the future, for now I just wanted to implement a minimal version to get done with this important feature. The results of your conquest are also reflecting on the planet map of course and when you complete a mission that territory will be assigned to your faction and new missions will be unlocked.
Abandoned temple
The second main task planned for this month was a special structure that can be considered as an advanced loot box: an abandoned temple. You will find abandoned temples while exploring maps with your units.

When you make your unit interact with one using the action button you will get a dialog that asks you to allocate some resources. Those resources influence exploration time and success rate and obviously the more you spend the better conditions you'll get.

Then you can start the exploration or you can leave. If you decide to proceed you will see a new dialog when the exploration is completed. This dialog will present you three possible outcomes:
- Exploration failed, but nothing happens
- Exploration failed and you have to choose between 2 penalties
- Exploration succeeded and you can choose between 2 rewards (see next screenshot)

When your exploration is successful the temple will also be conquered and it can be linked to your base to expand your influence area.

At the moment rewards and penalties are all affecting your resources and their production, but also the existing resources on the map. More and different ones will be added in future updates.
A medic joined us
I introduced a new unit: a medic. Not surprisingly, it is specialized in healing other units.

Healing is a new unit action implemented this month and it's something all units can do, but medics do it better of course.
AI will shoot you
This month I also spent some time working on the AI, which now is able to attack your units when in range.

Another very important new feature is the possibility to interrupt a task when a higher priority one comes up (like for example attacking an enemy).
Planet screen redesign
I worked on a partial redesign of the planet screen. This is how the screen looked before:

And this is how it looks now:

It's important to keep in mind that this is not the final design, just a new iteration and that things will change again in the future as I work on new features and add more content.
Map dragging
Even if it was already possible to navigate a map by edge scrolling and the WASD keys I decided to implement mouse dragging as it feels more natural for quick/short movements of the camera. This feature also comes with 2 options in the settings dialog to control the speed of each drag and to disable entirely the dragging as you can see in the following screenshot:

Minor updates
- Many fixes and improvements in the game code and in SGL, the game library which is the tech core of Virtueror. - Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes. The latest commit that made it into this update is number 1700 (Virtueror + SGL combined, as usual), which means a very respectable +108 commits from the previous month. That is more than double the commits I put together during the month of December... not bad! The secret of so many commits is that I worked on Virtueror 28 out of 31 days this month and as you can see from my commits heat-map the difference with the previous months is pretty clear:

Now my goal is to do at least as well during the month of February.
What's next
This time I won't anticipate anything because I am planning something special for next month. I can only disclose that next update will be a true milestone for the project and, if all goes well, it will bring a new minor version as well. In case you wanted some anticipation, you can follow the development as it happens and the best way to do it is joining the official Discord server of Virtueror.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2024-01-31 12:09:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the last update of this 2023. This month has been pretty slow for the development of Virtueror as the holidays and a few other things took a good chunk of my time, nevertheless I am glad I managed to continue a slow, but steady progress. Let me show you the main new features and changes from this month of development.
Loot box
From now on, you can find a new collectable object spread around the maps: a loot box.

Loot boxes can be collected by your units and reward you with a random amount of resources. I was tempted to add a (low-probability) negative reward too, but for now that's not going to be implemented and it will remain just an idea.
Growing trees
Trees are no longer a static scene object, but they can grow and expand in the surrounding cells, in a way that recreates a growing forest.

Growth is not as fast as the one represented in the previous image, but you can expect to see the scene changing over time during a mission. Also keep in mind that trees can be destroyed by your units (like anything else on the map), so you can always clear up areas if needed and no green protester will show up to face your lasers! steammocking
Minor updates
- Mission mini-map is now only available when a radar station is connected to your base. - Map editor received a few improvements to simplify the workflow when creating and deleting objects. - A few fixes and improvements in the game code and in SGL, the game library which is the tech core of Virtueror. - Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes. The latest commit that made it into this update is number 1592, which means +47 commits from last month. It's not much, I know, but as I said the holidays took their toll this month and it's better than nothing anyway!
What's next
For next month I will finally implement some basic game end, that will allow to complete a map when playing to conquer it and that will affect the planet map. I am also already working on a special structure that can be considered as an advanced loot box and that will give more complex rewards, both positive and negative this time. Other things will be decided in the next few weeks. This time I will also try to release a new alpha build at the end of the month as traditionally January has always been my most busy month of development (probably cold and rain do not help doing anything else). Hopefully the tradition will stay the same this new year too! Do you think I'll manage to put enough work for a new release in the next 31 days? The only way to find out is to follow the development and the best way to do it is joining the official Discord server of Virtueror.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2023-12-31 15:32:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you have been following this project in the past year you might know that once again I had to put it on hold... but once again I came back to the active development and the good news is that for a while I'll keep working (almost) full time on it! Anyway, enough said about that, let's focus on what I did during the month of November 2023.
Long life to the Map Editor!
This month I focused mostly on the development of the map editor and I managed to get a first working version that can be used to create, edit, load and save a map. Everything is still a bit rough and it will require many little improvements before it can be used by others, but it's usable enough for my development needs, so I am happy with what I achieved so far. Now let me show you all the current features in detail. A core feature of every editor is placing objects on a map. This can be done here after selecting the wanted object from a dedicated panel:

Every time you add an object to a map the cells underneath and around it are automatically updated to reflect the proper type. Objects that have multiple variants, like mountains or trees, are also procedurally randomized to add more variety to the scene. It is also possible to edit every single object when selecting it:

This allows to fine-tune the elements on a map in case you're not happy with the current randomization. Something less visual, but very important is the capacity to load and save map files:

Right now the editor is operating on a single, hardcoded file, but as I said I'll be the only one using it for a while, so it's not a big issue. All this combined will allow me to create maps in the editor and to use them in game. Also from now on it will be fairly easy to add new features as all the basics are already covered. Someone might argue that it would have been better to spend more time on the game as it's not finished yet, but the map editor had to be done anyway and it's always been extremely frustrating to postpone other changes because I didn't want to waste hours updating the existing maps manually with a text editor... so here it is! Another important reason for working on the editor is that to get everything done I was forced to sort out some tech debt the project has been carrying on for a long time, that's where 3 weeks of work went into. Even if it's not been fun, it was very needed and it will help any further development.
Minor updates
- New map file format to support all the changes and new features - New structure dialog shows structures grouped by category - Units move along the conquest path while conquering cells (as they used to do) and along the planned design path while building walls - A few fixes and improvements in SGL, the game library which is the tech core of Virtueror - Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes. The latest commit that made it into this update is number 1545. From now on I will report the new number on every update to keep track of much (coding) work I manage to do in a single month. Also keep in mind that this number is the sum of the commits of Virtueror and SGL (the game library I created for it), as they are pretty tightly coupled at the moment and there's no reason to consider them separately.
What's next
For next month I will probably focus on gameplay, game UI and AI development, something that's been neglected for too long. I think an achievable and very useful goal is to implement some basic game end, that will allow to complete a map when playing to conquer it. Other things will be decided in the next few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to release a new alpha build at the end of December and if all goes well you can think about it like a late Christmas present. Do you think I'll manage to put enough work for a new release in the next 31 days? The only way to find out is to follow the development and the best way to do it is joining the official Discord server of Virtueror.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2023-11-30 16:16:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Special post as this is about the usual monthly dev log, but also to announce the second alpha build of Virtueror.
New alpha build available
To be honest it's another pre-alpha build, but hopefully people who are going to try it will still appreciate the new features and improvements, which are all listed here and in the previous dev log. Unfortunately there's no major update for the gameplay (hopefully that will come in the next build), but a lot of new minor features and improvements, hence the codename: "does it run better?". As for the first build, if you want to try it join the Discord server of the game as that's where you can already find the links to download both the new Windows and Linux build.
Control areas
Now colored lines on the map highlight the area you control, which is based on your connected structures. Obviously the more you expand your base the bigger this area will get.

I will probably change the graphics of the lines in the future, but for now the important thing is this new feature is implemented and working fine.
In-game settings
Until last update it was only possible to access settings from the main menu, entering a dedicated screen. Now they are also accessible in game while playing a map.

News & updates dialog
I created a dialog in the main menu that will list all changes in new builds and eventually any kind of relevant news. This might seem a secondary feature, but it's very useful to make early testers aware of changes from previous builds, especially when a build spreads over more than 1 month of development, hence more than 1 dev log, like in this case.

Minor updates
- Now all UI has some kind of sound effect associated to major actions like mouse over and clicks. - Implemented new UI widgets: scrollbar and scrollarea. - Video settings now allow to choose from 3 different video modes: borderless, fullscreen and window. - Added map scrolling speed control in game settings. - Fixed camera ending with an empty screen when scrolling diagonally. - Several fixes and improvements in game library code - Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes.
What's next
For next month I want to go back to focus on gameplay and AI development, something which I couldn't manage to do in the last few weeks. I also want to try to solve all the weird tech issue the game has on Windows because until I do that I won't be able to release a public alpha and to access a broader audience. I wish I could be more specific when talking about my future plans, but as now I work on Virtueror on the side of a day job it's hard for me to offer a detailed roadmap. Check out next month's dev log to find out what I will manage to achieve during the next 5 weeks of development.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2023-02-28 16:07:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the first update of 2023. This is also a special update because it's the first one after I started closed alpha testing about 3 weeks ago, so let me tell you what happened with that and how things are going.
Closed alpha started
On the 13th of January I released the first alpha build, for Linux and Windows, allowing all the people in the Discord server of the game to try Virtueror out. So far almost 20 people downloaded the game, which is okay considering the very little gameplay which is fully implemented at the moment. Nonetheless I received some very useful feedback and I found out about some issues that I wasn't aware of. That allowed me to focus my work for the rest of the month on annoying bugs and most wanted features. Also, because of that, I keep considering the community behind this game the most important asset I could have. Closed Alpha testing will continue for at least 2-3 months and I am going to release a new build at the end of February. If you want to be one of the first gamers to try Virtueror join the Discord server of the game as that's where I will share the links to download all the early builds.
Music and sound effects
The main feature for this month is the brand new audio support in the game engine, which now allows me to add music and sound effects to the game. Unfortunately having this feature fully implemented took more time than I expected, which means I could spend less time on other major features, but at least everything seems to work fine and now I can count on a solid base that should cover most of the game's needs. At the time of writing I already added several tracks and a couple of sound effects to game, Everything is still to be considered a placeholder for now, but I will try to finalize things in the upcoming months. I also implemented a first version of the audio settings dialog, which allows to control volumes and to disable music and sound effects.

Another important new feature is support for tooltips in the GUI library of the game engine. This is something that was suggested as key feature by a playtester and which will help me explain the game a little better before a tutorial is in place.

I will also use tooltips to extend the existing UI, for example showing more information when moving your mouse over the resource bar. That's a classic way of providing more detailed info without cluttering the screen too much.
New structure: Radar Tower
I added a new structure: Radar Tower. It's like a smaller (and cheaper) radar station, but it offers a smaller visibility radius. It can be used to extend visible areas more easily.

New scene elements: Trees
I also added a new scene elements to add more variety yo the maps: trees. They are not static like other scene elements as they grow and change over time. That should help to make the maps more lively and real.

I am also planning to make the trees expand in the surrounding cells when they reach their last stage, but that's something I am going to implement in the upcoming weeks.
Minor updates
- New exit dialog - New dialog to create a new map in the map editor - Game is paused when the window is minimized - Fixed several crashes and bugs - Minor changes in game UI - Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes
What's next
I am currently working on the second alpha build, which has the goal to be more stable and closer to the actual game, features-wise at least. The week following the release of the first alpha build I posted a poll on the Discord server of the game, asking people to help me define the development roadmap and these are the top priorities according to their votes: [olist]
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2023-02-02 13:16:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am happy to announce that the first alpha build of Virtueror is now available for testing!
To be part of the alpha testing you can join the Discord server of the game, where you will get access to a Windows and a Linux build.
People who will take part in alpha testing and will provide useful feedback will be rewarded with a Discord role and mentioned in credits.
The game is not fully playable yet, but you can already:
- play a mission
- create units and buildings
- conquer cells
- conquer buildings
- build walls
- shoot at anything you want

Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2023-01-13 17:29:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been 9 months since my last update and that's because the development has been on hold from April to November. Things are back to normal now and I worked hard all December to bring you plenty of news and updates in this new dev log.
Getting ready for the closed alpha
The most important news is that I am going to release a first alpha build on the 13th of January. Most of the work during December has been focused on completing all the features planned for this first release and I am happy to say that all the basic features are already implemented and the release date is confirmed. If you want to be one of the first gamers to try Virtueror join the Discord server of the game as that's where I will share the links to download all the early Linux and Windows builds.
New mission screen
I implemented a brand new screen to select the mission to play, but it brings much more than that. This screen is far from finished, but it's already fully usable to select a mission to play and for some other gameplay actions. This is how it looks for now:

As you can see, a planet is divided into 12 territories and you need to control the majority of them to control the planet. Once your troops can reach a territory it's possible to interact with it in different ways:
- EXPLORE: will send a squad of scouts to find out more about the territory
- CONQUER: will start a playable mission
- SEND AI: will delegate the conquest to your AI generals
The AI is alive!
It took a good amount of work, but at last the game has a basic AI and I have to admit that it's very rewarding to see it doing things on its own! At the moment the AI can do the following things:
- Create a new unit
- Conquer a resource generator
- Connect a resource generator to its base to extract resources

I am planning to add more actions soon, but it's hard to predict how things will work when everything is in place. For sure the AI will take a lot of work and balancing, so expect to see many updates about it for a long time.
Wall building based on waypoints
Until now the game didn't offer much control when designing walls. Basically you could only select a starting and an end point and an algorithm was deciding the layout of your wall. That was okay for something small, but it was making design quite frustrating and tedious most of the times. Now it's possible to set waypoints with a single action click and start the construction with a double click.

This allows to define any kind of turns and corners and it's way more flexible and intuitive. In the future I will improve the feature showing the waypoints during the design stage, but for now this works well enough.
Cell conquest based on waypoints
The same design limits that were affecting wall design were also affecting the design of areas to conquer with your units. As for the walls, it's now possible to set waypoints to better define the cells your units have to conquer.

This feature reflects the one implemented for wall building, hence I will work on the same improvements in the future.
New settings screen
I started to implement the settings screen even if for now the only settings available are the video ones:

I will probably start to work on the audio settings next, especially if I add audio support to the game before the second alpha build as planned.
Minor updates
- Now game uses data packages for all images - Now units do not move along the conquest path while conquering cells. This is for consistency with wall construction. - Fixes and improvements in game code - Fixes and improvements in the GUI library - Updated code of the open source repository on GitHub to the latest changes
What's next
For the next 2 weeks I will keep focusing on the first alpha build. In particular I have to prepare the packages for Linux and Windows and make sure they work on other computers too. I will also try to implement a couple of new features before the release, but I can't be sure of anything at the moment. Then I will prepare a new roadmap for the second build that I will release in February. Obviously much depends on the feedback I will get from the early testers of the first build, but you'll find out more in the next update.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you in a month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2022-12-30 10:07:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
March has been the most productive month since I restarted to work on Virtueror last December and I am quite happy with the progress I achieved. In my previous update I had anticipated that I was supposed to work only 3 weeks this month, but I managed to work the full month and that definitely helped doing more than I had originally planned.
New UI
You might have seen old screenshots and updates where the game UI looks like this:

Well, it doesn't any more. Early this month I worked on a second iteration of the UI and I designed a new, lighter and more colorful style. To be accurate the actual style hasn't changed at all, what changed is the color scheme, but for simplicity let's say it's a new style. This is the result:

Before committing to this new version I asked on the Discord server what people preferred and the results were pretty clear:

I do believe that the new UI looks much better too, but let me know what you think in comments. Another good thing is that now game and map editor share the same UI style and that will help making the whole experience more immersive and the development a little easier.
A good amount of work this month went into the creation of an important UI element: a minimap. This is how it looks in game now:

These are its current features: - 80x80 cells area - Buttons to navigate bigger maps - It can show structures and units of any faction, and scene objects (like mountains) - Current camera view is highligted by 4 markers - Clicking on minimap moves camera to corresponding location Another important feature is that the minimap can be closed in order to minimize the area of the screen it covers. When closed it looks like this:

Obviously it's possible to reopen it with the button in the top-right corner or using a shortcut key.
New structure: gate
I created a new structure that can be combined with defensive walls and towers: a gate.

Gates can be controlled with a single button/shortkey, but in the future they will also be automated for own units.
New structure: material extractor
Another new structure will allow to produce basic material the same way solar panels do for energy.

In both cases the production is much lower than the one that can be obtained by mining generators, but at least they allow to get some resources in areas where they are scarce.
Attack range
Now units and defensive towers show their attack range when selected and in attack mode (only units):

I will probably change the graphics of this indicator in the future, but this gets the job done for now.
Map editor progress
This month the major change in the map editor is the new paint mode that makes it easier to set the tiles of a map.

As you might notice, another change is that now secondary tiles are automatically set while "painting". Just yesterday I have also finished to implement the panel that allows to choose the objects to place on a map, but I will show you that in the next update as the editing part is not implemented yet.
Minor updates
- From now on left mouse button selects objects and right button is for actions (move, attack, etc...). - Implemented ComboBox widget in the GUI library. - Several refactories, improvements and fixes for the GUI library. - Source code updated on GitHub up to today's changes.
What's next
As anticipated in the paragraph dedicated to the Map Editor, I will definitely implement some kind of basic object placement and maybe try to work on something more advanced like defensive walls or faction bases. It would be nice to start to work on loading and saving of maps in the editor, but to be honest I doubt it will be done in the upcoming weeks. The main reason is that during April I will only be able to work 2 full weeks (plus some spare days), so I am not going to make any further promise for now. Make sure to check out the next update to find out what I manage to do next month.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you next month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2022-03-31 12:46:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
February has been the first full month that I spent working on Virtueror and I believe that it shows in the progress overview I put together in this post.
Map Editor, the beginning
As planned last month, I started to work on a map editor. Initial progress was slow as I had to come up with a full design from scratch. Furthermore, a good chunk of work went into implementing several new features of the GUI library. Currently the editor only allows to create a new map and to set tiles, but new features will be added soon (see the "what's next" section below for more info).

The map editor will be fully integrated in the game and I am doing my best to make it look like part of it and not an independent tool.
Quick unit selection
A key feature of Virtueror is that only a maximum of 10 controllable units will be allowed per map. The UI now has some buttons to select and to monitor them.

In the future these elements will also show special events or states, like for example when an enemy is spotted or when a unit is under fire. At the moment the plan is to start with a limited number of units and to grow that number with research and upgrades.
Units consume energy
Units in Virtueror are like RPG characters. They have attributes, they gain experience and now they consume energy when they do something.

A way to see the current energy level for each unit is the new quick selection button. In order to help the player to gather more information at glance, energy values are also color-coded, as you can see from the images above.
New unit: scout
I added a new unit, a scout, which is represented by a sphere.

As you might imagine, it's lightweight and not very effective in combat, but it is fast and with a bigger view radius, if compared to other units.
Minor updates
- Main menu now shows version and build number - Source code has been split and now there is an independent framework repository which is linked by the game repository as git submodule. Both are updated to the latest version.
What's next
During the month of March I will be able to work only 3 weeks because of some personal stuff that will keep me busy for about 10 days, but I will try to stay productive the remaining 20 days. Obviously I will continue to work on the level editor. My main goal for this month is to add more editing features like placing game objects on the map. I would also like to start to experiment with some simple procedural generation, but considering the limited time, I am afraid I will have to delay that to next month. A mix of level editor and procedural generation has been voted as the best option in the Discord server of the game and I totally agree it's the way to go.

If you want to take part in the next polls to influence the development, make sure to join the Discord server, where you will also find regular updates and occasional memes (ratio may vary). Recently I started to work on a mini-map that will be accessible both in game and in the map editor. After that is completed I will probably go back to some core gameplay elements like for example handling experience and upgrading units. As usual plans are pretty loose, so make sure to check out the next update to find out what I manage to do next.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you next month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2022-03-01 09:47:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
In January I could only work on Virtueror from the 11th, but I have been pretty productive since then and the results of all that work are here for you to see.
New dialog to create units and structures
Most of the work this month went into the implementation of the new dialog to create new elements in game which I introduced last month. Implementing the dialog didn't take too much time, but before doing that I had to implement a new unified stats system for units and structures and I had to change several things in the existing code that handles how new elements are created. The dialog itself went through several revisions and improvements. For reference, this is the initial mock-up I posted in the previous update:

And this is how the dialog looks in game now:

The new version of the dialog can show an extra element, it has room for more attributes, all elements have a title and a description and colors are used to highlight what resources are sufficient and what are in need.
New structure: solar panels
Now it's possible to build solar panels that, once connected to your base, generate energy.

A solar panel occupies a single cell of the map, but you can build and chain many of them to increase your production.
New structure: storage units
I added 4 new structures that act as storage units for the different types of resources. Once connected to your base it's possible to accumulate a bigger quantity of the corresponding resource.

As for the solar panels, each structure occupies a single cell, buy it's possible to link and group together several of them like showed in the image above.
New scene element: mountains
The spiky rocks you might have seen in older posts or screenshots, have been replaced by mountains, which I believe fit much better the style and the scale of the other graphics.

I am not planning to use the old rocks from now on, but maybe I will introduce a revisited version later.
Minor updates
During this month I also worked on many minor improvements and fixes. Some of the most noticeable are: - Rendering optimization that limits the part of the map rendered for better performance. - A new loading screen used to pre-load resources when the game is launched. - A brand new, bigger, 80x80 map. - New screenshots for the Steam page of the game. - Game source code in the GitHub repository is now updated to the latest changes.
What's next
February is going to be the first full month that I will be able to dedicate to the development since I restarted to work on this project last December. I might spend a good chunk of the upcoming weeks on the creation of a first version of the level editor, which will be fully integrated in the game. I said "I might" because I am also thinking about implementing some sort of procedural generation for the maps. Something like that would make the editor less important for now. Soon I will probably post a poll in the Discord server of the game soon, to check what people would prefer. Make sure to join today if you want to vote for it. Other features I would like to work on this month are a new, improved way to build walls and conquer cells and maybe upgrades of units and structures.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you next month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2022-02-01 14:19:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
In case you are wondering what happened to this game after last summer, the short answer is that I had to take a break from development to focus on other stuff. The long answer is in this previous Steam update. This month I went back to work on Virtueror on December the 13th and despite the Christmas and New Year's break I managed to push the development forward a little in the last 3 weeks. These are the main changes from this half month of work.
In-game currency
I introduced something that can be considered a new resource: money. It is represented by the first icon from the left in the following image that shows the resource bar at the top of a mission screen.

For now players will only be able to use money to buy and to sell other resources. I am not planning to let players use it to buy upgrades or structures as I believe that's something that should still require active work from existing game elements (ex.: some unit building a wall). I might experiment a bit with other uses though, like for example unlocking tech research that will give access to new upgrades.
New dialog for units and structures
I have completely redesigned the dialog to choose the unit (or structure) to create. The old dialog was like this:

And the new one is this:

The old one was something quick I implemented to have something functional, but it was not supposed to be used in the final game as it was pretty limited and not designed for showing many elements. The new dialog will allow to navigate through elements more easily and it can show more information at glance, which is something pretty important considering that now each unit has 11 attributes, whereas they were only 6 in the past. Another major difference is that the old dialog was specific for units, but the new one will be used for both units and structures. Unfortunately I haven't finished to implement this dialog yet, so for now I am only showing you a mock-up image, but I will make sure to include a GIF in the next update to show it in action.
Updated faction selection screen
I updated the dialog of the faction selection screen to make it more consistent with the new in-game dialog.

In this case everything is already implemented as changes were minor. I also re-balanced the attributes of the different factions after noticing something was a bit off (one faction was slightly stronger than the others).
New selection highlight
I changed a bit how selected elements look in game:

Before they only had a thick outline, whereas now the outline got a bit thinner and the whole element is covered by a semi-transparent light color. A subtle change, but I can guarantee it makes easier to recognize selected elements.
Minor updates
During this period I also worked on other minor updates, like for example a new command to center the camera on the player's base and some work to improve and to simplify the UI system. I normally don't post much details about these kinds of updates here, but if you are interested in knowing more about them make sure to join the official Discord server of the game and to check the #dev-updates channel.
What's next
I already know I will have to spend at least 1 week away from home this month, so I prefer to keep the planning pretty loose for now, but I will start finishing the new dialog, That will also require some work to adapt all elements to the new unified and extended attributes. Then I will probably spend some time on some mechanics to upgrade structures. Eventually I will start to work on new dialogs like the ones to trade resources. More might come, but as I said, it's hard to plan things for now.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and to follow it. Thanks and see you next month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2022-01-03 17:26:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you have been following this project on Steam, but you haven't joined the official Discord server, you might have had the impression that this was just another dead game. That would be totally fair, as most games are never finished, especially in the indie scene, and this one didn't show any activity for months. Luckily it is not the case this time! What happened is that I had to suspend the development for a while because I have been extremely busy with other things IRL. In particular I have been focusing on a career change (for my day job) going from software developer to skydiver. Pretty unusual, I know, but it's what I love and what I am trying to do. The good news is that thanks to that I quit my old job and starting from today I will be a full time indie developer, at least from Monday to Friday. Obviously it will take me a a few days to be fully productive again, also because I have to plan a lot of things pretty much from scratch and I will need to get familiar again with everything I had done so far. Hopefully that won't take too long though, so expect a new monthly update on the 3rd of January 2022 and more regular updates after that. In the meantime you can join the Discord Server to follow and to influence the development from close. Also don't forget to wishlist and to follow the game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2021-12-13 14:53:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
This month's update is going to be a short one. the main news is that there's no news! But let me explain things better... During the month of August I have been very busy with some real life things, including my day job, and because of that I couldn't dedicate any meaningful time to Virtueror. I only fixed a couple of bugs, but nothing major or worth to mention here. It's very likely that things will be the same during September, but the good news is that they will completely change in October. Unfortunately I can't tell you why or give you more details yet, but I will do that in my next dev log. I know it's not nice to see 0 progress on a game you follow, but for now I can't do any better than this as I don't work full-time on this project, yet... ;-)
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and follow it. Thanks and see you next month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2021-09-01 14:16:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the second update on the development of Virtueror: The Virtual Conqueror, a Real Time Strategy game with 4x and RPG elements I am developing as a solo indie developer. This month the development has been slowed down a by several events in my private and professional life that drastically reduced my spare time, but I managed to achieve some progress nonetheless. These are the main changes for this month:
Damage particles
Now, when an element (unit, structure, etc...) is hit by any weapon, there are particles coming out at every hit and also a bigger explosion when the element is destroyed.

Unfortunately the GIF compression reduces the video quality and frame rate a lot, but I can assure you that this looks much better in game!
Working defensive towers
Now defensive towers can shoot enemies when in range.

My work on defensive towers is far from finished as they can't be selected or upgraded yet, but that's something that I am going to implement soon.
In game UI improvements
Action buttons used to control units are now toggle buttons, which means they stay selected until the action is completed or cancelled.

They are also disabled while an action is in progress and the cancel button now works with all actions.
Improved faction selection screen
The new faction selection screen highlights a faction when selected.

Probably a minor change, but it makes the screen more polished and interesting, especially when you see the effect in real time.
Bug of the month
When I started working on the defensive tower I created a little monster... The first version was shooting at everything in range and it was destroying everything with 1 hit.

Things were even weirder because there were no particles yet, so all you could see was objects disappearing. It was almost like a black hole!
What's next?
The main goal for the month of August is to implement a basic AI that will allow the first testers to experience some kind of gameplay. Another important thing on my TODO list is finishing the defensive tower. In particular I want to make it possible to select and to upgrade it. I also have other things in my mind, but it looks like August will be another busy month for me, so I don't want to over-promise for now.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror make sure to wishlist and follow it. Thanks and see you next month with a new update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2021-08-03 13:08:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the first monthly update on the development of Virtueror: The Virtual Conqueror, a Real Time Strategy game with 4x and RPG elements I am developing as a solo indie developer. This month I had to spend a good amount of work on the new Steam page of the game (which went live on the 9th), but I tried not to neglect development and these are the main news.
Radar station
I introduced a new building, a radar station. Its main purpose is to make a big area of the map constantly visible.

It's not possible to build one yet, for now you can only conquer an existing one. Then, as for the other structures, you have to connect it to your base to get it to work. In the future it will also be possible to upgrade it and it will give you access to a mini-map.
Factions and new faction selection screen
I designed and implemented a first version of the screen to choose your faction when starting a new game.

That also allowed me to define and to reveal a few details about the 3 playable factions. You can find out more about them in the "about this game" section of the game page.
New main menu
I have been using a black screen with 2 gray buttons as main menu for the last 6 months. It was time to introduce something different.

As for everything else, this is a first version and things might change in the future. I believe this is already not bad, but let me know what you think about it in comments.
Video dev log
If you want to see the latest changes in action check out the dev log video of this month: [previewyoutube=gZ5XZo8DT40;full][/previewyoutube]
Bug of the month
This month I don't have any special bug from the development, but I have one from my Steam page launch.

I did a live stream on Steam when I launched the game page of Virtueror, but for some obscure reason OBS decided to not capture my audio when I started. Because of that I spoke to myself for about 25 minutes before realizing what was going on. People tried to warn me of what was happening, but (obviously) my Steam chat crashed and I closed Discord to not get disturbed during the stream, so I didn't realize what was going on until I stopped to try to get the chat working again. Murphy's law, right?
What's next?
During the month of July I will focus on getting everything ready for the closed alpha testing. That's mostly going to be fixing bugs and improving existing features. If you want to get access to it you will need to join the official Discord server of Virtueror. There you will also take part in the open development, which means you'll be able to vote for features, to influence the development roadmap and to suggest ideas and improvements. In the next few days I will also need to decide if it's better to give people access to the current version of the game as soon as possible or if instead I should take the whole month to develop some new features and some kind of basic AI before starting with the alpha testing. Let me know what you would prefer in comments or join the Discord server to vote in the poll that I will post there.
Support this game, wishlist and follow!
If you enjoyed this update and if you want to support Virtueror I would really appreciate if you could spread the word, but also wishlist and follow it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1607580/Virtueror_The_Virtual_Conqueror/
[ 2021-06-30 15:36:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, my name is Davide and I am the solo indie developer who's working on Virtueror. To celebrate this new page I wanted to introduce myself and my game to the Steam community. I will do that with a live stream where I will show you the game in action, but also something from behind the scenes. Then I will talk about my future plans for this project and I will answer any question people might have. If you want to find out more about this game and if you want to follow the development closer, make sure to join the Discord server where you will also get access to the first pre-alpha builds.
[ 2021-06-09 16:19:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Virtueror is an RTS with 4x and RPG elements. Your mission is to conquer new worlds and to extend your domain over the whole galaxy. Build your base, command your units, gather resources, set up defenses and crush anyone challenging you. Have no mercy and the universe will be yours!
Game mechanics
These are some of the main game mechanics you will find in Virtueror:Set up defenses
You can create perimeter walls and defensive towers to protect your base and your resources. Then you can upgrade and improve them to be even safer from your enemies.
Mine resources
To mine resources in Virtueror you need to take control of generators with your units and then you need to conquer enough cells to create a path between your base and the structure you want to mine.
Explore new worlds
Every map is constantly covered by Fog Of War and you need to explore with your units and to expand your territory to find out what's hiding in the dark.
Build your base
Build new structures and conquer existing ones to expand your domains and to get access to new and different technologies and abilities.
Grow your army
Create and upgrade your units with better weapons and special abilities to prevail on your enemies.
More mechanics will be announced and added to this list as the development moves forward.
Main Features
- Clean and easy to use User Interface.
- Modern isometric graphics with a retro vibe.
- Mix of strategy, 4x and RPG mechanics
- Your strategic choices matter
- Improve and upgrade your units like in an RPG
Active development
This game is still in early stage of development, but it's constantly making new progress and here you will find detailed updates posted every month.Make sure to wishlist and follow this game to not miss them.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 or compatible
- Processor: Dual-core 2.0 GHz
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.0 support or better
- Storage: 200 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or compatible
- Processor: Dual-core 3.0 GHz
- Graphics: OpenGL 4.0 support or better
- Storage: 200 MB available space
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