During the last few months, Sergeant Volkov and the Matriarch demonstrated their full potential when working as a team: Wolf & Owl have been proven to be an incredibly strong combination, because doubling the spawn rate of an Owl did not only mean twice the damage, but also twice the meat shield. Once they hit the field, fighting the almost endless stream of Mice quickly became a disheartening endeavor for the opponent. Preventing the duo, however, was not easy, either: especially Lizards, Snakes, Skunks and Machine Guns served as powerful tools to safely get to the late game. That is why this balance patch introduces several changes, not only to the interaction of Wolf and Owl, but also generally trying to empower aggressive playstyles in the early and mid game. It also contains some modifications behind the scenes that should improve ranked matchmaking and prevent occasional desyncs.
Multiplayer Balance
Changes in a Nutshell
Expansions start with 1/3 of their full health and slowly increase their max. hitpoints in the first 200s after construction. Wolf buff lasts longer on cheap units, but shorter on anything expensive. A buffed Owl will no longer spawn Mice twice as fast, but only 50% faster. Skunk gas deals less damage, but can be fired at longer range. Snake poison kills more slowly, but lasts longer. Health automatically regenerates anywhere on the map (not only in friendly territory). Toad, Falcon, Ferret, and Barbed Wire get a small buff. Lizard and Machine Gun get a small nerf. Neutral Cabins deal less damage. Commander burrows faster.

Details on Big Changes
Gristmill: Expansions will start with 50 HP and gain +10 HP every 20s, until they reached 150 HP (starting Mills remain unchanged, with 150 HP from the beginning). Mill HP is displayed during construction, when the Mill is damaged, or briefly after it gained +10 HP. Wolf: Buff duration depends on the target's cost, i.e. 4s on t3 units/warrens and Drumfire Cannons (180 Food), 6s on Balloons and t2 warren (120 Food), 12s on t2 units, t1 warrens, Pigs and Machine Guns, 36s on t1 units. As a rule of thumb, one Wolf can keep 360 Food continuously buffed. (Previously it could buff up to six units/structures of any kind, and was thus much more efficient combined with t3 than with t1.) Skunk: Has 6 range (from 4), deals 2 DPS (from 3). Snake: Has 32 HP (from 28), can no longer attack structures. Each tag of poison lasts 20s, deals 1 DPS per tag, no longer slows down affected units, and prevents natural healing (previously 2 DPS, got cured only when natural healing kicked in). Healing in water or from Pigeons still works, but does not cure the poison. Natural Healing: Starts after 10s of not getting hit regardless of territory (5s for cold bloods, at the same rate), and only if the unit is not poisoned. Previously, natural healing only worked in friendly territory, after 5s, cured poison, and was 3x as strong for cold bloods (Lizards, Toads, Chameleons, Snakes).

Smaller Changes
- Lizard: 7 HP (from 8).
- Toad: 8 HP (from 9), flat 3 damage in a 3x3 area (from 4 single target damage + 2 aoe); 4x "crit" factor on aoe damage against structures remains.
- Falcon: Shoots 16 bullets in one burst (from 12), then reloads for 2.4s (from 1.8s); damage per bullet, DPS etc. remain the same.
- Ferret: 7 DPS (from 6 DPS), i.e. one shot in 2s, dealing 14 damage.
- Owl: Spawns 4 Mice at 2s intervals, then pauses for 8s. Wolf buff will only reduce the spawn interval from 2s to 1s, not the 8s pause. (Previously 3 Mice at 1s intervals with 7s pause; Wolf buff doubled the speed.)
- Mouse: Cannot be healed, stimmed or targeted by focus fire, and cannot attack Barbed Wire, anymore. Life time to 36s from 30s.
- Barbed Wire: 8 HP (from 7), vision to 2 tiles (from 4), sell timer removed.
- Land Mine: Vision to 2 tiles (from 4; also fixed a bug that could result in a desync when Mines were sold).
- Machine Gun: 5 DPS (from 6).
- Cabin: 50 HP (from 32) and 1 DPS (from 3).
- Flying: All flying units/structures have +4 vision (from +2); only Balloon vision range has been reduced by 2, so it remains unchanged.
- Cloaked: Cloaked units/structures do not emit visible particles.
- Commander: Burrows in 1s (from 1.5s).
Community News
In November, the Tooth and Tail Championship 2021.2 culminated in a very close match between the Premier league finalists, mad Dr. Mishi and Tatanka, the master of Wolf-Owl. I really recommend you watch them: url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgAcMDAzeH0 Congrats to both of them, as well as to the other finalists: Queen Sasha (Premier Division), Meek, xnor, and Big Pimpintosh (Intermediate Division)! Meanwhile the "Fall Open" of Gent's 21 Duels only waited for the Championship to end, and started right afterwards - a series of boss battles with special rules. See the stages and challengers here. ... and find the links to (re-)watch the casted episodes here. Enjoy! EELuminatus
[ 2021-12-20 19:21:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's tournament finals weekend For Tooth and Tail! The modern meta master Tatanka faces off against the old school great Mishi today at 3pm CST (Sat, 21:00 UTC) on ToothAndTailTV for the grand finals of the 2021 TnT Champions Premier League!!
Tomorrow for the intermediate league finals we have our previous season winner Meek up against Xnor at 4pm CST (Sun, 22:00 UTC) on Tandordraco's Twitch channel!!!
[ 2021-11-20 19:55:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new season starting with clean ranked leaderboards, a couple quality of life features and fixes regarding multiplayer games, and a few balance adjustments come with this patch. You'll also find some news about past/current/upcoming community events at the end of this announcement.
Ladder Reset
We have seen lots of familiar names in Season 5, but also some new players making it to the top of the ladder (in no particular order): NightSlayer, Kipo, Imari, Tatanka, Ploob, QQ, Trumpet, Melvinfro, Snake, The Gentleman, Arilou, mocaccino, Satoros, Tiki Gray, Pile, Big Pimpintosh, R22, Epicosity, James, and Meek have all made it past 1,000 points (hope I didn't miss anyone, you've been rushing past me way too fast). Now we all go back to a fresh start. Have fun climbing the ladder, again, in Season 6, beginning now! (Or simply take a few steps and have a good time anywhere on that ladder.)
Balance Changes

These adjustments are mostly minor tweaks (Mole buff, Toad nerf, better counters against Barbed Wire), and a slightly bigger change to Mines, which are now faster to build, slower to sell, easier to reveal, and less efficient against units of higher tiers: That should shift their use towards offensive play, covering your retreat or protecting your siege and poke attacks.
- Commander: Reveals cloaked enemies after standing still for 1.6s (from 2s)
- Toad: 9 HP (from 8 HP), 1x speed (from 1.3x), 2 single target damage (from 4)
- Mole: warren has 24 HP (from 18) and loses 2 HP (from 3) per Mole spawn; effectively increasing the durability of Mole warrens, and reducing the loss per Mole from 10 to 5 Food
- Barbed Wire: 7 HP (from 14 HP), takes only 50% damage when touched; effectively making Wire more fragile against melee/aoe attacks and during construction
- Mine: 5s build time (from 10s), 2s sell time during which the Mine is revealed/can be attacked; 8 single target damage (from 14), revealing that unit if it is cloaked/can cloak
Improvements and Fixes

- Multiplayer on Mac has not been possible for a while due to some changes on the infrastructure TnT multiplayer is running on. but it's finally fixed!
- Ranked matchmaking goes faster to full search range (14/14, which means any rank in any region) and restarts automatically every 2 minutes (with full search range) to prevent your lobby and search from timing out. (There has been a bug that prevented you from finding a match after searching for too long without restarting the search - should be better now!)
- Hourly leaderboards don't get wiped completely when the next hour starts, only entries older than one hour disappear. (Thanks to pyro for significant help on this!) Also, the style of the "Me" filter changed, showing other players' rank in relation to yours.
- Some players reported crashes in local FFA games due to a divide by zero error. I cannot reproduce that issue, but I changed something that will hopefully prevent this bug from occuring. (In case you've had that issue: please tell me whether it actually got better with this patch!)
- Sometimes players started without a full deck in multiplayer games. This should no longer happen. It was a rare and irregular bug, though, so I cannot verify this is fixed 100% - please tell me if it still occurs!
Community Events

The "Summer Open Lunch" of the (20)21 Duels just started. It's a competitive play-at-your-own-pace series of games against "bosses", each with their own special rules. See all details here: https://21duels.delamarche.com/ The TnT Dual Championship's grand finals will be streamed live, soon. This series of 2v2 matches has been interrupted due to the Mac multiplayer issue mentioned above, but now we are looking forward to see Premish vs MeekSlayer and Heartaru vs Satball in the semi-finals of the upper division, as well as SzenPaw (already qualified for finals) vs GEG (semi-), Gortoros or The Tatankas (quarter-finals) in the lower division - guess yourself who's in there or watch the finals to find out! Tandordraco is now doing a show called TnTTalks on Twitch every other week, discussing various topics like tournaments, balance and meta with changing guests, showing highligths of recent games etc. - You can find it on Twitch or YouTube! Kipo recently started a King of the Hill format: Players can claim a hill by winning a best of 5 match against a King of the Hill. There are four hills for different skill levels, and you can jump in or drop out at any time - just contact Kipo on the Pocketwatch Discord!
The first season of the 2021 TnT Championship ended in March, with these medal-grabbers: Meek (1st), Melvinfro (2nd), and The Gentleman (3rd) in Premier Division; Tatanka (1st), Kerpa (2nd), and Epicosity (3rd) in Intermediate Division; Leon (1st), Tandordraco (2nd), and Cavernus (3rd) in Beginner Division. Congrats to you, and thanks to everyone taking part in the Championship, as player, organizer, caster or viewer on Twitch! The idea of TnT Clan Wars may have started as a joke, but eventually they also became a cool new tournament ending earlier this year, with Lizard Wizard Magic beating the Toad Road Gang for first place, and the Badger Missionaries in third place. Congrats and thanks to everyone involved! Enjoy and have a great feast! EELuminatus
[ 2021-07-14 16:10:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
https://www.twitch.tv/toothandtailtv Going live for the first episode of the 2021 Duels Summer Open! Broadcasted by Delthius.
[ 2021-06-24 21:55:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Horus takes on Epicosity for the bronze and Kerpa takes on Tatanka for the gold in the TnT Championship Intermediate Division. See you there!
[ 2021-03-13 03:14:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
21 Duels
The new season of the 21 Duels is here! Prepare for 3 weeks of Tooth and Tail madness, starting from the second week of March onwards! 7 bosses are waiting for the reckless challengers who would dare face them with the craziest decks! Sign up now, and take up this first challenge of the 2021 Duels, in March! Score a lot of points over this season and/or the next ones, and you might even qualify for an epic final event coming up in late November! Everything is explained here: https://21duels.delamarche.com/ (yes, the 21 duels have their own website now!) Join the 21 duels discord if you want to signup: https://discord.gg/qcTe3Xx (everyone is welcome!) Signups will close after the coming weekend.
Other Events
Meanwhile the Tooth and Tail Championship 2021 is about to come to an end: the quarter-finals are almost finished, and semi-final matches will probably start being streamed this week. These players are currently qualified for the semi-finals: Melvinfro, Meek, The Gentleman, Tiki Gray (Premier) Epicosity, Horus The Holy, Kerpa, Tatanka (Intermediate) Cavernus, Leon sderfw, Snake, Tandordraco (Beginner) If you want even more: The first TnT Clan Wars are nearly finished, too, with semi-finals scheduled for 7th March and finals for 14th March. Yes, we got clans now: Badger Missionaries, Fox Babies, Lizard Wizard Magic, Pboop, Toad Road Gang, Formless Bearsloths (though I hear they come from another world)... all of them wonderful creatures.
Note on the "Log into Steam" Error
By the way, if you recently had issues playing Tooth and Tail online, getting an error message like "Log into Steam and restart the game" whenever you tried: That issue should be fixed, now! If you still get that message (even after making sure you are logged in and restarted Steam), please let me know!
[ 2021-03-01 10:03:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today a new tournament series starts:
The Furball Cup
There are quite a few competitions going on for TNT right now, so the purpose of these tournaments will be to provide a periodic single day event that is slightly different from the Pocketbot Cup (an automated tournament happening each Monday). Trumpet is kicking off the series today with the 1st Furball Cup: Saturday Open on his Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/trumpetsc2 The first open tournament starts now, at 1pm Eastern time. It is a double elimination bracket. To prevent the tournament running too long, not all games will be casted, instead the games will run in parallel. The sign up, details, and rules are here: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/kfQro4mZfX#/signup/peyrgsmkqe8 and this discord can help you find your opponents https://discord.gg/VeUj34eaKy if you didn't already join too many Discord servers! Sunday will mark the next season of the...
Tooth and Tail Championship
We've got 48 players in 3 divisions (beginner, intermediate, and premium). Seeds will be determined this Sunday and the first matches will probably get streamed later next week. For more information on the schedule etc., visit the Championship's Discord server: https://discord.gg/4y9mQdXqg6
[ 2021-01-30 18:00:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch comes with three new languages (Ukrainian, Esperanto, and Dutch) as well as a couple of balance tweaks to make certain playstyles a bit more risky. Most importantly: Barbed Wire no longer heals and Mole Warrens even deteriorate, so they keep most of their strength, but you better make it count!
See all the details about this and some other, small improvements below.
Multiplayer Balance
- Pig: 18 HP (from 20 HP).
- Toad: moves at the speed of regular units on roads (x1.3), on all terrain types.
- Mole: Warren to 18 HP (from 25 HP), and the Warren loses 3 HP whenever a Mole spawns from it.
- Chameleon: can attack immediately after uncloaking (from 0.25s delay).
- Barbed Wire: 14 HP (from 16 HP), start building with 1 HP (from 2.5 HP).
- Barbed Wire, Landmine, and Mole Warren: never regenerate HP.
- All Structures: cure poison on themselves even outside territory (poison used to get cured only in territory).
- Stealth Reveal: Commander needs to stand still for 2s (from 1.2s). Changed visualization and audio. Enemy commanders will not see the highlighted tiles or hear the sound effect.

Other Improvements and Fixes
- Shared replays now also work if they have been played on Workshop Maps.
- Mice no longer regenerate HP while being attacked (which was particularly bad in Story Mode missions where water heals, e.g. Sage Marro Speaks).
- Increased the impact of the difficulty slider for Awash in Solawa (Food gain per kill now depends on difficulty) and Vacancee Downfall (enemy has more/less resources depending on difficulty).
- Fixed the localization of summoned unit names in Story Mode.
The game can now also be played in Ukrainian, Esperanto, and Dutch! Many thanks to Anastasiia Vestel, Daria Titarova, Dina Dusha, Faina Zholobak, Lesia Ivashkevych, Maksym Zholobak, Roman Hardashuk, Tetiana Nepypenko, Viktoriia Farenyk, Vladyslava Niroda, Yaroslav Strigun (Ukrainian), and Vincent "Babelismoj" Oostelbos (Esperanto and Dutch).
Community News
End of July, the Tooth and Tail Championship 2020.2 started with almost 60 players. It ended in September with these winners: Premier division: Arilou (1st), The Gentleman (2nd), mocaccino (3rd) Intermediate division: Sulomon (1st), Trumpet (2nd), Satoros (3rd) Beginner division: elverdulerojorge (1st), Kin_Replica (2nd), Horus The Holy (3rd) Shortly after that, The Magnificent 21 started: a team-based tournament with a lot of flavor, deck restrictions, and advantages for less experienced players. See The Magnificent Gazette for weekly reports on the tournament! [spoiler]In the end, the Badger Brothers barely defeated the Kasha Agency in the Grand Finals![/spoiler] Mocaccino, the main organizer of the Championship, recently started a Pre-Season Cup, and more events are planned, e.g. another Boss Rush tournament (like 21 Duels), more seasons and spinoffs of the Championship as well as another 2v2 tournament early next year. Jump into the Discord server to stay updated about these events! Enjoy! EELuminatus
[ 2020-11-13 17:52:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
In "The Magnificent 21" five factions of mixed skill levels will fight each other. The first Episode of the community event goes live now, at 6pm EDT/ midnight CEST on ToothAndTailTV: https://www.twitch.tv/toothandtailtv
[ 2020-09-11 21:57:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
French localization, the ability to reveal cloaked enemies, and a ladder reset - these are the headliners of this patch. We also threw some small balance tweaks in the mix, mainly to make poking and siege strategies stronger, and added a few minor fixes and features (Fog of War on the Minimap and first steps towards Custom Mission support).
Season 5
All ranked points have been reset to zero, again, season 5 has started! Eight players managed to get beyond 1000 points, this season: Congrats to Arilou, Gent, James, Imari, QQ, Melvinfro, Jakobi, and mocaccino!
Multiplayer Balance/Gameplay Changes

- Commander: After standing still for a short time, any other team's cloaked units and structures in a 3x3 area around the commander will be forced to uncloak for 1s. (Rallying allowed, burrowing resets the timer.) Visualization as seen in the GIF is off by default, but can be turned on in other options.
- Toad: Moves at the same speed on all kinds of terrain; still slowed down by Barbed Wire, Daze etc.
- Pigeon: 4 tiles range (from 3).
- Ferret: 6 DPS (from 5 DPS), 6 tiles vision range (from 5 tiles).
- Chameleon: 32 HP (from 34 HP).
- Badger: Rev up in 5s (from 6s) and rev down in 3s (from 2s).
- Wolf: Buffs units for 10s (from 12s).
- Fox: 12 DPS (from 11 DPS), 25 HP (from 24 HP), 6 tiles vision range (from 5 tiles).
- Barbed Wire: 16 HP (from 18 HP).
- Landmine: Gets triggered at 1 tile distance, again (from 0 tiles = same tile), 16 damage against a single target (from 18), including 2 damage in a 3x3 area (unchanged).
- Machinegun: 28 HP (from 24 HP).
- Artillery: 6 tiles vision range (from 5 tiles).
- Lower max. amount of water on Old Mother Township maps.
Thanks to The Gentleman, we can add another language to the game: French localization is now available!

Some players also notified me that the game partially handled keyboard inputs in a strange way: Despite using the correct localization in the menus, the game assumed a QWERTY layout as soon as you started playing. That issue is fixed, now. However, you might have to rebind your keys in case you are using an AZERTY layout (for example) with the original key mapping (WASD for movement).
Graphics Options
You can now make the Fog of War visible on your Minimap. It is disabled by default, but you can turn it on in the Graphics Options, where you'll see a checkbox "Fog of War on the Minimap".

Some systems have been heavily slowed down when certain lighting options (especially bloom) were active, allowing them to play only on low quality graphics. These lighting options will from now on only be active in high and ultra settings, so if they caused you any trouble, you can enjoy the lighting and shadows of the medium settings, instead of having to choose low quality.

Fragile Wire on Custom Maps: Barbed Wire placed next to decor assigned to a different faction* took way too much damage when touched. Only happened on custom maps, should be fixed, now. *) Faction-aligned decor is mostly useless, anyway, will no longer occur on new custom maps. Some (rare) crashes should be fixed, too - just keep telling me if something bad happens!
Modding Features
A couple of new possibilities for modding have been added:
- units can be spawned from bullets (yes, the Toad thrower is now possible)
- added amphibious trait: unit moves at the same speed on all types of terrain
- added revealed status effect: forces units to uncloak and stay uncloaked while it lasts
- build and production time of one tier can now actually differ
- mods can now be loaded automatically for a map (currently needs XML editing in the map file)
- spells (like air strikes) no longer get picked randomly/by CPUs, which didn't know how to handle them, so you can include these in your mods, now
Community News
We've had a couple of events since the last update, first of all the TnT Championship 2020.1 - a league with three divisions (beginner, intermediate, premier) and over 50 participants. Well played, everyone! Since the Championship has been casted by different streamers over several weeks, we do not have a complete collection of all the matches, but here are most of the (near) final games. There will probably be a second installment of the Championship in autumn. We also had a continuation of Gent's famous series of tournaments with special rules, this time: The 21 Clues! All participants could gather and exchange information that helped them pick their targets in four challenges: smuggling contraband (Longcoats), raiding meat hoarders (Commonfolk), catching the assassin (KSR) or preparing the perfect feast, by cooking an enemy with a special "recipe" (Civilized). After catching the assassin and raiding the most meat, Arilou won over the three other finalists: Melvinfro, Mishi (best cooking), and Cyanide Trick (best smuggling). The finals have been casted by Delthius and JetEriksen on ToothAndTailTV. Delthius also recently celebrated the 100th Episode of his replay casting show The Feast (on ToothAndTailTV, as well) with a wacky tournament, that allowed only Fox, Turret and Artillery Cannon in each player's deck - and the winner of this crazy format was: [spoiler]The Gentleman![/spoiler] Our most recent tournament, the 2v2's Bizarre Adventure, took place last Saturday. Each team consisted of one experienced and one learning player, and the experienced player had to play with one of several pre-defined "bad decks", so they had to rely on their learning team mate. The almost 5h tournament has been casted by Delthius, with lots of otherwise rare genius strategies and hilarious moments. Congrats to [spoiler]Wyld kin and Big Pimpintosh[/spoiler] for winning this 4th season of the 2v2's Bizarre Adventure! The next tournament is going to be Vyeshal Kyawlnez, a 1v1 tournament played on custom maps. It will start the coming weekend, June 27th, and this time you can pick your own dates for playing the matches (one per week). For more information, signup etc., join the Vyeshal Kyawlnez Discord server! The approved maps for the tournament can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1597066158 Salut et bonne bataille ! EELuminatus
[ 2020-06-24 20:30:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
[ 2020-04-18 23:53:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Most of the changes in this patch are rather subtle or even behind the scenes. Especially the balance changes are mostly about timing, e.g. allowing surprisingly quick Mole attacks and making it easier to get tier 3 units on the board. It should also lower the efficiency of the popular mass Falcon + Chameleon combo in the late game. On top of that:
- some details have been improved (or fixed) about rally commands and map generation,
- the difficulty slider now has a bigger impact on the Civilized missions in the Story Mode,
- and some new possibilities have been added for modders.

- Mole: the first Mole of each warren spawns as soon as the warren is finished and the Mole is paid
- Skunk: gas canisters hit within 0.4s (from 0.5s), even faster if the target is nearby
- Chameleon: 0.5s recloak time (from 0.25s)
- Falcon: shoots 12 bullets over 1.2s, then reloads for 1.8s (from: 10 bullets over 1s, reload for 1s), damage per bullet is still 1, DPS reduced to 4 (from 5)
- Boar: 100 HP (from 110 HP)
- Tier 3 & Artillery: 45s build/production time (from 50s)
- Flying over Gristmills: air units can no longer stay on top of a Gristmill, that means they can still move over it, but no longer rest or shoot there
Commander Inputs
- easier targeting against ground & air units: if a ground unit and an air unit are on the same tile, you can target the air unit in the upper half of the tile, and the ground unit in the lower half
- fix a rare bug that caused some units to ignore the retreat command (hold rally without target)

Map Generation
- improved fairness calculations
- inaccessible high ground cannot be as close to a player's spawn base as before
Difficulty Slider (Story Mode)
I got feedback that the 3rd and 4th Civilized missions (Vacancee Downfall & Sage Marro Speaks) were not sufficiently affected by the difficulty slider - very hard for new players, same old strategy for veterans. With this patch, the difficulty setting will get a much bigger impact on these two missions. That means they will be a lot easier on low difficulty, but also more challenging on higher difficulty.
Modding Possibilities
Some players already started working on Mods, but they want more power... and I'm experimenting with new units/balance, as well. That's why I added support for a couple of mechanics that have not been used in the game, before:
- fixed Food Crates placed in the Editor (they disappear when collected, but do not respawn automatically)
- added action to set production progress (Type="SetProductionProgress", Value of 0 means no progress, Value of 1 means production finished; used when a new Mole warren has been built)
- structures can have the property "AirBlocking": if true, air units cannot stay on top of that structure (see the balance change "Flying over Gristmills")
- structures can have the property "BurrowTarget": if true, Commanders can burrow there like they can to Gristmills and Campfires
- added action "SpawnStructure" (used like the Owl's SpawnUnit; warning: will only happen when a structure can be spawned at that position and the owner has at least as much as the structure's cost of food in stock, even though the cost will not be automatically substracted from the food stock)
- if a structure that provides territory is destroyed, the territory bounds will be adjusted immediately (previously this only worked for Gristmills and Campfires; warning: does not (yet) work when the structure is sold!)
- heal/stim behavior can be applied to structures
- new status effect "status_blinded" reduces the vision and attack range of affected units/structures to a certain value ("MaxBlindedRange" in balance.xml)
- "OutsideTerritory" condition can be used to define the Scope of Events (= effectively the opposite of "InTerritory", but used the same way)
- improved display of negative food generation (warning: if you reach negative food stocks, you won't see a minus sign; instead, the displayed number will simply turn red)
Community News

After several turns of events, the war of the 21 Generals ended somewhat surprisingly. The faction led by (King) James, who emerged victorious from the last couple of events, initially struggled to defend their territory against the insurgents. As soon as the "Royal Knights" recollected, however, they conquered the biggest part of Vyeshal within a few weeks. The rebel armies surrendered, and battles between royalists and mercenaries ensued. One of James' followers, Haru, eventually seized the opportunity to overthrow his leader. Rumor has it that James himself provoked this act of treason by wrongfully suspecting Haru of being a spy all the time. After Haru successfully usurped the over-cautious King, he even managed to beat the mercenary champion Arilou, and thus to end the war. In the meantime, a new monthly tournament called "Vyeshal Kyawlnez" has been established by JetEriksen this year: a 1v1 tournament on custom mirror maps - a good occasion to see rare, map dependent strategies, as well as some glorious cheese! This weekend, the Tooth and Tail Championship 2020.1 will start: a new league, with beginner, intermediate, and premier divisions, that will last for several weeks. Currently about 60 players are signed up. The first battles will be casted March 13 to March 15 - time and channel of these (and other TnT streams) will as always be detailed in this thread. (Subscribe if you want to be notified!) Have fun! EELuminatus
[ 2020-03-11 17:18:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
A Championship for Tooth and Tail is about to start next week. This one is meant for beginners and experienced players alike! It will be a league system with different divisions, so you will only play against players at roughly your own skill level. All of the leagues are round-robin, so everyone will play everyone else in their group. There are three divisions playing at the same time: Premier Division: the crme de la crme of Tooth and Tail players split in two groups (until the playoffs). Intermediate Division: You are experienced but you can't compete with the top players? This is your division. There is only one group, but you can get a coach to give you advice and analyse games, if you want, to help you improve your game. Beginners Division: You are rather new and want to play without getting stomped brutally? This is your division. Almost the same rules as the in intermediate division, but with beginners or players who are out of practice. (Also with coaching, if you want.) Interested? Join the Discord channel "Tooth and Tail Championship 2020.1" and read the rules in detail, talk to the other competitors, and find a coach, if you are beginner or intermediate level. Or are you an experienced player who wants to support upcoming talents? Be a coach and/or play in the Premier Division! Deadline for sign ups is 9th March. The league will start on 13th March. Many of the games will be streamed by the following casters: Delthius / Tooth And Tail TV: https://www.twitch.tv/toothandtailtv Big Pimpintosh: https://www.twitch.tv/wittypun7 QQ: https://www.twitch.tv/ticklebandit Jet Eriksen: https://www.twitch.tv/jeteriksen (precise dates tbd)
[ 2020-03-05 09:24:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Vyeshal Kyawlnez
Vyeshal Kyawlnez is a new series of 1v1 tournaments on symmetrical custom maps. After its strong debut two weeks ago, it returns today (2pm EST, 8pm CET) with Vyeshal EXTRA! This tournament will use Pocketbot (on the Pocketwatch Discord server) for signups, and through Pocketbot replays will be uploaded. The rules are similar to last tourney with a few rule changes.
- Map pool has been adjusted and may be adjusted further until 24 hours before the tournament starts
- The same map may not be played twice in a row
- A bronze match has been added
21 Generals
The 2nd week of the 21 Generals event just ended. In week one, The Legion (red) had a powerful start, claiming four new territories, including the Capital of Vyeshal. Now the tide seems to have turned: the other two factions reclaimed most of their territories, and the Royal Knights (blue) is currently the most powerful faction. The Penal Squad (green), however, has been very stable, and still controls eight territories, like it did when the war started. Here is the current map of Vyeshal: https://pocketworld.live/

Stay tuned for more streams of this event, usually three streams a week (e.g. Thursday, Friday, Saturday). For updates on community streams in general, subscribe to this discussions thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286000/discussions/0/1640915206466368885/
[ 2020-01-26 16:44:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
The year starts with a new version of Tooth and Tail! Several new features are focused on more customization and comfort. The headliners are:
- a difficulty slider for the campaign,
- and Steam Workshop Mod support for multiplayer.

On top of that, the patch also comes with:
- a ladder reset (Season 4),
- multiplayer balance changes,
- some fixes for multiplayer map gen issues,
- and a couple of smaller improvements & bug fixes.
Difficulty Slider for Story Mode
You can now scale the difficulty of the campaign whenever you are on the Mission Briefing screen. 20% (lowest) should allow you to get past even the hardest missions, 180% (highest) is supposed to be challenging even for Tooth and Tail veterans. Note that leaderboard entries are only available for standard difficulty (100%), and speedruns as well as heroic achievements are not necessarily easier on reduced difficulty.

Steam Workshop Support for Multiplayer
It's finally live! On Steam you can use the Workshop to upload and play Mods! Mods can include balance changes, completely new units, weapon swaps and more... Try it! Go nuts! Here's a guide on how to do it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1934816955
Ladder Reset: Season 4
Seven players got past 1000 points on the ladder in Season 3, in this order: The Gentleman, ThisGuy, Arilou, Haru, Legomann96, Imari, and James! Congrats! steamhappy Now everyone gets back to their starting position and the new season begins!
Multiplayer Balance Changes
All the changes in a nutshell: Toad, Pigeon, Mole nerf; minor nerfs to Skunk, Cham and Snake (daze); Boar and Badger buffs; cheaper (& weaker) Barbed Wire; kind of a Landmine nerf; general Daze nerf (stacking; starts weaker, maxes like before); randomized spawn Farm positions.

All the juicy details:
- Toad: 8 HP (from 9 HP), 2 damage in aoe (from 3), 4 direct (from 3), direct damage with 2x structure crit (from no crit)
- Pigeon: 3 HP (from 4 HP), 2s cooldown and healing duration (from 1s)
- Mole: 12 HP (from 14 HP)
- Skunk: 5s gas duration (from 6s)
- Chameleon: 34 HP (from 36 HP)
- Snake: Daze effect is slowly stacking (see below)
- Boar: Boar bomb has 2 tile radius = Lizard range (from 1 tile = melee/Toad)
- Badger: 64 HP (from 60 HP)
- Barbed Wire: 10 Food cost (from 20 Food), 18 HP (from 28 HP), 2 DPS (from 4 DPS), slowdown to 0.4x speed (from 0.2x speed), 0.25s sell time
- Landmine: triggers only if a unit is on the same tile (from 1 tile radius = adjacent tiles), Daze effect is slowly stacking (see below)
- Daze: slowdown by 10% per stack (i.e. 2 stacks slow down to 0.8x normal speed), max. daze slowdown is 0.6x (needs 4 stacks)
- Farms: spawn positions are randomized (again)
- Fairness calculation overhauled (mostly based on type, accessibility, and elevation level of expansions per player/team).
- Cabins are guaranteed to spawn out of range of a spawn Gristmills' farms.
- In 2v2, no player can spawn closer to an enemy than to a teammate.
Convenience Improvements, Fixes, Other
- You can now access Options (e.g. volume, controls...) without leaving an unranked lobby or the ranked queue.
- Crashes in/before the first campaign mission should no longer happen if the Cinematic is disabled.
- Fixed some translations and unit descriptions.
- Editor no longer crashes when trying to create a new map on Linux (affected only some systems, maybe also Mac).
- Commander portraits on the victory screen are positioned correctly, again (opposing factions no longer overlap after 2v2 etc.)
Community News
The 21 Generals event has started! In the pre-season tournaments last weekend, the three faction leaders have been decided:
- Jakobi for The Legion (red),
- Mishi for the Penal Squad (green),
- James for the Royal Knights (blue) - because he prevailed in the last two installments of the 21 Duels.
[ 2020-01-10 19:25:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Public Test Beta
Workshop Mod Support is Ready for Testing The next patch is supposed to come with the possibility to share unit/balance Mods on the Steam Workshop. A test version of this feature is now available on the public_test branch. (The possibility to upload Mods to the Workshop is locked by default during the beta, because Mods are not fully compatible with versions before 1.6. However, you can contact me for instructions on how to unlock that feature. Here's a guide on how to create, publish, and play Mods.) Other Features The new version also includes improvements and fixes of other changes introduced in the last public test version. Especially feedback on the Story Mode difficulty slider are still appreciated! How to Switch to the Test Branch Right-click Tooth and Tail in your Steam Library, select Properties, go to the Betas tab, then select "public_test" from the drop-down list. Note: In Multiplayer, you will only be able to find players using the public test version, as well. In order to switch back to the current live version, just select "NONE - ..." in the same drop-down list.
21 Duels
Season 4 (finished) The 21 Rooms - Bizarre Adventure / Pyramid of Doom ended with the grand finals on Dec 8! Although the Raiders defeated every single guardian and took every last piece of gold out of the Pyramid, James Bowring eventually defended his throne! A big thanks to the 16 raiders & the 12 guardians who participated in this experimental format! You can rewatch it all on Youtube thanks to Tosh & Delthius! Season 5 (coming Jan 2019) The 21 duels will return in January for a 5th season, with another new weird & spectacular format! It will be called the 21 Generals and have 3-kingdoms themed rules. In January, join King James or one of two rebel factions! (Or join no one and become a Mercenary, loyal only to Meat!) Main season will be a 3-way TnT Team League/Board Game mix! Those who survive the main season will fight in a final bracket, for a 100 prizepool! The leaders of the two rebel factions will be decided by two pre-season open tourneys in early January (Sat 4th and Sun 5th of January - 12pm est / 5pm gmt / 6pm cet). >> Read the Rules / Join the Discord server
[ 2019-12-19 21:37:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
The 21 Rooms Bizarre Adventure in the "Pyramid of Doom" is coming to and end, and a new patch is coming up - you can now test some of its features on the public test branch.
News from the Pyramid of Doom
The Raiders already played their six turns inside the Pyramid, looted as much as they could or got killed in the attempt. Turns 5 and 6 will be streamed tomorrow: Sunday, Nov 24, 12pm EST (= 5pm GMT / 6pm CET), on: https://www.twitch.tv/wittypun7 You can find a detailed recap of everything that happened in the Pyramid before (Turns 1-4) in this presentation (link), and here is a snapshot of the Pyramid at the beginning of turn 5:

The event, however, won't end with Sunday's stream! - The survivors who raided the most gold will fight the final battles live one week later, on Saturday, Nov 30.
Public Test
Story Mode Difficulty Slider and more... A test version for the next patch is now available on the public beta branch. You can activate it by right-clicking the game in your Steam Library > Properties > Betas (tab) > and selecting "_public_beta" from the drop-down list. While playing on the public test branch, you will only find multiplayer lobbies/matches with other players on the test branch! In the beta version, the Story Mode's difficulty can be changed on the mission briefing screen (same button as map type selection, usually X, then "Select Difficulty"). For now, achievements & leaderboard entries are deactivated for any setting except standard difficulty (in the middle, 100%).

Be aware this has not yet been thoroughly tested, so the difficulty curve might feel off and there might even be some bugs left! I'd appreciate any feedback, especially on the lower difficulty settings, because those are hard for me to judge. The lowest setting (20%) is meant to allow everyone a comfortable playthrough, whereas the highest setting (180%) should make even the Longcoat's campaign tough for veterans. Other changes already available on the _public_test branch are:
- Balance changes: Toad, Pigeon, Mole nerf; minor Skunk and Snake (daze) nerf; Boar buff and minor Badger buff; cheap & weak Barbed Wire and kind of a Landmine nerf; general Daze nerf (stacking --> starts low, maxes like before).
- Multiplayer map gen improvements: better fairness calculation; preventing spawns too close to the enemy in 2v2; preventing Cabins too close to spawn Gristmills; farms spawn in random positions, to make early game scouting and attacks more interesting, again.
- Some convenience improvements in menues: Options can be changed while in a lobby; crashes in/before the first campaign mission should no longer happen if the Cinematic is disabled.
[ 2019-11-23 14:05:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Less than two weeks after Strawberry Series III (results & YouTube link below), a fourth season of the 21/12 Duels series has been announced, yet again with a new twist:
(thanks again to Glorious AYY FB / @WolfdawgArt for the artwork)
21 Rooms
or Bizarre Adventure Part 4: The Pyramid of Doom is a mix of a virtual boardgame adventure and a TnT tournament (see the rules & further information here). It will start on October 16 and last for about 6 weeks. Before that, however, we will see a pre-season event...
A Clash of Gods
This Sunday, October 13, starting at 2pm EST (18:00 UTC), a couple of round-robin showmatches will be played between the "guardians" of the Pyramid, and streamed on: https://www.twitch.tv/wittypun7 (+ maybe some other channel)

If you're curious about the last few seasons, btw, here are the YouTube playlists for former parts of the 21/12 Duels series: Season 1, Season 2, Season 3
Strawberry Series III
The winners of our last major tournament are #1 Mishi (who happens to have been the end boss of the last 21/12 Duels, btw) #2 ThisGuy #3 Big Pimpintosh Results of all matches can be found on challonge. The whole stream of the event is also up on YouTube.
[ 2019-10-12 08:51:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
With last weekend's "Old vs New" tournament, a legendary Tooth and Tail caster from the days of yore returned:
Strawberry continues with Strawberry Series III!
Date: Sep 29, 2019 at 16:30 UTC (12:30pm EDT)
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/strawberryspeedruns
Signup & more: https://challonge.com/de/strawberryseries3
As for the Old vs New tournament:
After 42 competitors, 7 casts and nearly 5 hours of streaming, it has been settled once and for all* that new is indeed better than old. Congratulations to Jakobi, who is now officially the best player ever, and to Gentleman, who came second by killing his own teammates!
Full list of participants:
(in the order determined by BlooCoon's matchmaking bot)
[td]That Scar[/td]
[td]Big Pimpintosh[/td]
[td]Raben Lied[/td]
[td]Mole Rush[/td]
[td]The Gentleman[/td]
[td]Citizen Weasel[/td]
[td]Arbuz Budesh[/td]
*) until next year
[ 2019-09-19 05:59:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Distillery Brothers aka "Squirrels" have probably been the most reliable unit type in Multiplayer for a long time. Especially when defending on top of their own warrens, Squirrels often defeated even superior armies. Their safety is now going to be compromised by reducing the tankiness of cheap warrens and generally making mid-game units (tier 2) more of a threat to the small ones.
Also in this patch:
- fine-tuning of random map generation,
- changes to the ranked point system,
- and a couple of smaller convenience fixes/impovements (mostly in the UI and menues).

Unlike the the Squirrels, new players on Ranked should have an easier time in the future: Previously, players on the top of the ladder risked to lose a lot of points against low level players. This was meant as a benefit to new players, but also made players at higher ranks play somewhat merciless if they wanted to protect their points. From now on, point gains/losses will be rather low for matches with big rank differences, so the higher-ups can relax and take a more playful approach (e.g. using crazy/random decks), thus letting newer players have more fun, and learn to take their chances. New ladder score system: [table] [tr] [td]Rank diff.[/td] [td]Pt. +/-[/td] [td]Old system[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]+6[/td] [td]9[/td] [td](from 80)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]+5[/td] [td]12[/td] [td](from 78)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]+4[/td] [td]17[/td] [td](from 74)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]+3[/td] [td]24[/td] [td](from 68)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]+2[/td] [td]30[/td] [td](from 60)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]+1[/td] [td]24[/td] [td](from 50)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]0[/td] [td]20[/td] [td](from 40)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-1[/td] [td]18[/td] [td](from 30)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-2[/td] [td]15[/td] [td](from 16)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-3[/td] [td]8[/td] [td](unchanged)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-4[/td] [td]4[/td] [td](from 5)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-5[/td] [td]2[/td] [td](unchanged)[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]-6[/td] [td]1[/td] [td](unchanged)[/td] [/tr] [/table] For Windows users: If you tab out of the game while queueing on ranked, the minimized game's icon will now start flashing as soon as you find a match. (Not yet possible on Linux & Mac, sorry!)
Discord & Linux/Mac
Discord Matchboard entries now also get reported from Linux & Mac. Discord rich presence is now working on Linux (is already working on Mac and Windows PCs).
"Random" map type option is back in unranked/offline lobbies. Replays of games played on new Editor maps are working now (Workshop maps have already been working). In order to make existing Editor maps compatible with the replay function, just load and save it, again, or open the map's XML file and change
Map Generation
Bases generally offer more warren spaces, especially on maps with a lot of water. They can also have more organic-looking surroundings, from now on.

Improved map fairness calculation: Distances between spawn bases and expansions should be more equal. Especially pocket expansions count as a massive advantage in fairness calculation, now. Slighty increased minimum distance of cabins from spawn Gristmills.
Multiplayer Balance Changes
Squirrel - needs to stand still for a total of 0.25s in order to shoot, so poking and retreating becomes more viable against Squirrels, and they become slightly less efficient in large numbers. To be precise: 0.1s cast time (from 0s), 0.9s cooldown (from 1s), 0.15s movement cooldown (from 0s). Toad - small buffs to make them more useful, again, especially when microed deep into the enemy army: 9 HP (from 7 HP), 4x structure crit (from 6x) in whole aoe (has been from center tile only), 0.1s fuse time (from 0.25s), +3 damage on their actual target (from 0). Pigeon - range 3 (from 4), duration 1s (from 2s), cooldown 1s (from 2s), will only stack 3 heals per tier (additional heals will increase only duration; pigs count as t2, mice as t1). Prevents some rare/weird behavior, e.g. 15 HP/s on a single Squirrel, while the Badger slowly dies.

All t2 units (Ferret, Falcon, Skunk, Chameleon, Snake) - will push away units of lower tiers when rallied on top of them. This makes micro management of t2 much more reliable.

Skunk - 30 HP (from 28 HP), gas duration 6s (from 5s). Boar - 4x Crit against structures (from 6x Crit). Fox - 22 damage per shot (from 20 damage), 0.4s cast time (from 0.2s), 0.2s root time (from 0.4s), makes better control possible. Barbed Wire - 4 DPS (from 2 DPS, both to enemies and to itself), especially makes melee units less efficient against wire. Bullet Hive - 24 HP (from 28 HP), 6 DPS (from 5 DPS). Balloon - 6 aggro range (from 8 aggro range), reverting a change from last patch that sometimes resulted in strange behavior (not shooting at enemies when it could). Will shoot Commanders normally, again. Tier 1 Warren - 36 HP (from 50 HP). Tier 3 Warren - 64 HP (from 50 HP).
Community News
Many thanks to the whole community for the preparation of this patch, providing data, testing features and balance changes etc. Thank you also for continuously organizing events, participating in them and/or streaming the game! We've recently had an amazing series of battles, called the "12 Duels Challenge", with more than 30 participants, streamed in 16 Episodes. Our weekly Pocketbot Cups are now taking place three times each Monday, and we're about to see a small 2v2 tournament becoming yet another frequent event each Tuesday. On 15th September we'll see the next big event: A "New VS Old" Tournament, which will show us who are the best players of all times. Streamed on: https://www.twitch.tv/wittypun7 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1854500956 At least two big mods are in the making, also introducing new units and structures - and we intend to add Steam Workshop support for customizations like that in future patches.
[ 2019-09-12 17:17:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
In celebration of Tooth And Tail's 2nd anniversary, players from the early days of the game will fight against those who joined the War for Meat more recently. Organized by Big Pimpintosh and BlooCoon, Streamed on: https://www.twitch.tv/wittypun7 Sunday, September 15th, 18:00 UTC (12pm EST) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1854500956
[ 2019-09-05 14:33:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
While Andy has shifted his daily focus to streaming development of Pocketwatch's next game (Monday-Friday on the Pocketwatch twitch channel), Tooth and Tail shall live on! EELuminatus (you might have seen him playing with Lizards or advertising his mods) will be working on Tooth and Tail patches from now on. A new season has begun
Ladder Reset
Some players started to feel lonely on the top of the ranked ladder, some wanted to experience the thrill of fighting their way up, again - so we put everyone back to the bottom. Happy climbing!

If the ladder reset hits you just before you managed to complete the ranked achievements: No worries! We just happened to add alternative ways to get them
Alternative Ways to Obtain Multiplayer Achievements
Some achievements required players to win (lots of) ranked games, which could make them very hard to get. Now there are alternative ways to unlock these achievements, all possible in unranked and offline matches against 1-2 CPU opponents.
- Agitator: Win a 1v1 against a medium CPU.
- Rabble Rouser: Win a 1v1 against a medium CPU.
- Militant: Win a 1v1 against a hard CPU.
- Firebrand: Win a 2v1 against two medium CPUs.
- Hero of the Hungry: Win a 2v1 against two hard CPUs.
- The Great Provider: Win a 2v1 against two brutal CPUs.
- Fury of the Feast: Win a 2v1 against two ruthless CPUs.
- Deadbones: Win a 1v1 against a ruthless CPU in less than 5 minutes.
Multiplayer Balance Changes
As a result of mods made and tested by the community, a couple of multiplayer balance changes is coming with this patch. Probably the most important changes in a nutshell are: Toads, Moles and Landmines get nerfed; Chameleons, Boar and Drumfire Cannon get buffed; Snake poison wears off outside territory, but slows down enemies while it lasts.

Now, here are all the juicy details:
- Daze - Only slows down movement (slowed down the whole simulation, including attack speed, before). This change makes mines less crippling in fights.
- Focus Fire - Can be used for a structure (group), e.g. for letting only your Balloons focus the incoming Badger (not the pigeons) or making your Drumfire Cannon shoot directly at the opponents Mill (not the Pigs).
- Mole - 2 DPS, 3x crit (from 3 DPS, 2x crit), same power against structures, less against units.
- Toad - 7 HP, 3 damage, 6x crit (from 8 HP, 4 damage, 4x crit); structure crit only affects one tile, in the center of the explosion (applied crit to all structures in the aoe, before); aggro 3 tiles from own position (has been 2 tiles from rally point). They lose some of their power, but now they go after Lizards even if they are unattended.
- Chameleon - 36 HP (from 30 HP); 0.25s stealth entry time (from 0.5s)
- Skunk - 28 HP (from 32 HP); cannot target Commander (could target Commander, before)
- Snake - poison is cured 5s after last attack regardless of territory (used to be cured only inside own territory and lasted forever outside territory); poison slows down movement (Daze)
- Boar - 6x damage against structures (from 2x damage against structures)
- Badger - 60 HP (from 65 HP)
- Fox - 24 HP (from 25 HP)
- Barbed Wire - slows down movement speed by 80% (from 75%)
- Landmine - 4 HP (from 8 HP); 3s Daze duration (from 2s Daze duration), but only slows down movement, not attack speed
- Balloon - does not target Commander if enemy units are nearby (within a radius of 8 tiles)
- Artillery - 28 DPS (from 20 DPS)
[ 2019-06-24 18:48:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Deal: Save 85% on Tooth and Tail + Monaco!*
Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!
*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2019-06-08 17:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
The community had a blast with the last 2v2 ("Bizarre") Tournament, and the next one is happening this weekend! Date: March 9th, 2019 1:00 PM EST Organized by: PremiumBow426 and Delthius Streamed on: https://www.twitch.tv/toothandtailtv Challonge (signup, teams etc.): https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/0WoGcpNH67 Featuring old and new players, random and custom maps, and meat for the victors! Come and watch or, if you want to join, hurry and ask on the Discord server! (https://discord.gg/6TwVBdS)
[ 2019-03-05 21:42:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Andy Schatz, creator of Monaco and Tooth and Tail, is streaming development of Pocketwatch's next game over on the Pocketwatch Twitch channel. Code-named Bowhead, it's a top-down open world Action RPG with some Monaco-esque visibility and stealth.
Don't forget to follow the Pocketwatch Creator page here on Steam, our Twitter, and the Twitch channel or join our very active Discord channel for updates.
See you on stream!
[ 2018-12-06 21:29:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Save some room after your holiday meals, you'll need it for all the meat in this patch! Sweeping balance changes, as designed and requested by the community -- including Moles that are built from warrens (instead of individually) and Landmines that apply a Daze effect. The Level Editor is now live and custom maps are playable online and offline. And new multiplayer features like Neutral Cabins guarding the campfires and healing water for those nasty multiplayer burns. Incoming!
The Level editor we used to create the Story Mode hubs is now available for making multiplayer maps! Custom maps can be played online via Steam Workshop (Steam only) or offline (all platforms except PS4). Build the balanced map you've always dreamed of and say goodbye to the whims of RNGesus!
Massive changes to some core design incoming! High level players have long complained about Campfires creating too much imbalance and reducing player choice. So we made them into cabins that have a neutral defender that must be killed before claiming! Campfires are now Cabins

When I originally designed the campfires, this is always what I intended for them to be: civilian pigs holed up in cabins out in the wilderness that you kill and cook on a spit. The cabin resident has a gun that shoots once per second for 3 damage. Once the cabin is destroyed, you must still spend 60 food to light the campfire. Campfires can be extinguished and re-lit just as before. Change your Deck size

You can now battle with up to 9 unit types, or as few as 1! Try out vs battles with the original 3 units we designed the game around: squirrel, ferret, and bullet hive. Also: Water heals in multiplayer - 1 HP per second, even outside territory. Super Random Decks - Random decks now choose 1 tier 1 unit and then fill the remaining slots with entirely random selections.
Balance Changes
Some sweeping changes to unit balance, as researched and tested by our community! Aside from the headline Mole and Landmine changes, one subtle but interesting change is that short range units now also have a slightly shorter aggro range, preventing them from getting pulled and sniped quite so easily.

- Mole- Now spawns from a single tile warren, which can be built anywhere. Up to 3 moles can spawn from the warren, like any other Tier 1 unit. Mole Warren has 25 HP. Mole now has 14 HP, 3 DMG, 6 DMG to structures (was 21/2/5). Aggro range is 3 (was 4).
- Lizard- 8 HP (was 7). Aggro range of 3 (was 4)
- Squirrel- 0 second cast time, 1 second cooldown (was 0.25, 0.75). Removed movement freeze (was 0.25 seconds)
- Toad- 8 HP, 3 DMG to all affected units, 12 DMG to structures (was 7HP, 12 DMG to target, 3 DMG to AOE, no structure crit). Aggro range of 3 (was 4)
- Chameleon- 8 DMG/32 HP (was 6/40). Stealth Entry/Exit time is now 0.5/0 seconds (was 0.25/0.25). Aggro range of 2 (was 4)
- Skunk- 32 HP (was 29)
- Snake- 0 second movement freeze after attacking (was 0.25)
- Boar- 110 HP (was 100)
- Fox- 20 DMG per shot (was 24)
- Balloon- 14 DMG/20 HP (was 15/30). Visibility of 12 tiles (was 10). Fires every 2 seconds (was 3)
- Landmine- 8 HP, 18 Single target DMG, 2 DMG AOE (was 5 HP, 12 AOE DMG). Explosion radius 2 tiles (was 1.75). Activation time is 0.25 seconds (was 0.4) Applies a 1 second daze to all affected units that reduces attack/movement speed to 60%.
[ 2018-12-05 23:43:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends! Today marks the one year anniversary of Tooth and Tail's launch! A heartfelt thank you from me and the rest of the crew to all of our amazing, passionate fans.
(artwork by the amazing Glorious AyyFB)
To celebrate, Mishi and Delthius are hosting a one year anniversary tournament TODAY at 3PM Pacific on Mishi's twitch channel. I'll be entering for the first time, and I'm expecting to get crushed! I'm super rusty... because...
...my second daughter was born two weeks ago, so I've been away from work for a little while. I'm just EASING back into things now, but just to let you all know, I'm working on improving our modding tools. Have some patience as my schedule is still a touch spotty, but I should start streaming some of my work again soon on the Pocketwatch Twitch channel.
Don't forget to drop by the tournament, and follow us on twitch for more development news! I'm working on a new game too!
-Andy Schatz, Studio Director
Pocketwatch Games
^(follow me and the company feed on twitter too!)
[ 2018-09-12 18:48:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
TnT is almost a year old, and members of the community (TheGentleman and Delthius) have plotted a celebratory tournament! It is organized via Discord: http://www.discord.gg/Pocketwatch - in order to sign up, enter the Discord channel, head over to #tournaments, and give the pinned announcement there a thumbs up! Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 6pm EST / Midnight CEST Format: 1v1, Open bracket, randomized/shuffled seed, single elimination, Bo3 with Bo5 finals (pocketbot cup format) Caster: Delthius, streaming at https://www.twitch.tv/toothandtailtv Brackets/Challonge link: https://challonge.com/fr/koqj4icp
[ 2018-09-12 12:25:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
HUGE Story Mode patch -- we've now got a Standard, non-random campaign and leaderboards! Players can choose to play Standard, Random, or with a Custom Seed.
When playing Standard, you can compete on leaderboards for time and score! Rank on the leaderboard is determined by your time in hundredths of seconds, plus the total food value lost over the course of the mission, minus your net worth at the end of the mission. Scores where your final net worth exceeds the total food value lost are displayed with a "+" before them. Leaderboards didn't make it to the PS4 build this patch, sorry!
If Story Mode isn't what floats your boat, there's also some balance changes and a major revision to map generation. Have fun!
Balance Changes
- Squirrel - 0.25 second movement freeze after shooting (was 0.4)
- Toad - 7 HP (was 8). Primary and AOE damage is now centered on closest tile when targeting 2x2 structures
- Chameleon - 40 HP (was 38)
- Snake 28 HP (was 30)
- Falcon - 1.2 seconds of firing, 0.8 second cooldown (was 1.5 seconds and 0.5 seconds)
- Owl - 40 HP (was 50), no longer stop moving over enemies
- Barbed Wire can now hit stealthed Chameleons
- Landmines can now hit stealthed Chameleons
- Structures no longer heal if they are not in your territory
- Territory now symmetrical on all sides of mills and fires, resulting in larger territory
New Features
- Story Mode Standard and Random Seeds.
- Standard Story Leaderboards
- Map generation now adds ramps around spawn to prevent high ground within 3 tiles of spawn farms
- Map generation now takes water into account when assessing fairness
- Map generation now compares natural expansion distances when assessing fairness
- Map generation changed to create more organic shapes around bases instead of fortress-like topography
- Map fairness variables added to map generation xmls
- Single Player Balance updated to current multiplayer stats
Bug Fixes
- Story Mode - Meat will no longer spawn inside rocks
- Repeating sound bug fixed
[ 2018-07-26 00:32:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Play Tooth and Tail for FREE starting now through Sunday at 1PM Pacific Time. You can also pickup Tooth and Tail at 55% off the regular price!*
If you already have Steam installed, click here to install or play Tooth and Tail. If you don't have Steam, you can download it here.
*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2018-06-07 17:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
With a big patch in the rearview and a couple of big patches on the horizon, it was time for a small balance patch with a few quality of life improvements and bug fixes.
Balance Changes
- Gristmill starting health reduced to 7.5 HP (was 22.5). Added a 1 second sell timer
- Campfires must now be stood upon to build them. This allows you to build moles and landmines next to them without having to build them.
- Unit collision radius reduced to 0.4 tile radius (was 0.5) - this was done to improve retreating -- units in the rear don't get pushed back quite so much. You may notice units will tend to bunch up a little more!
- Squirrel - 0.4 second movement freeze after shooting (was 0.25), 0.25 second cast time, 0.75 second cooldown (was 0 second cast, 1 second cooldown)
- Mole - 21 HP (was 20)
- Chameleon - 38 HP (was 36)
- Falcon - 16 HP (was 15)
- Snake - 30 HP (was 28)
- Balloon - 3 second reload, 15 damage per shot (was 2 second reload, 14 damage per shot)
New Features
- Streamer Mode option removes the button hints from the bottom of the screen while spectating or watching replays, and hides the match progress bar behind the match time
- Holding the analog stick in a direction during menu navigation will scroll more quickly
Bug Fixes
- Targeting highlight in 2v2 fixed
- Increased frequency of stormy and hail weather types in multiplayer
- Discord Rich Presence fixed on Mac
- Decreased VRAM usage
- Looping campfire/machine gun sound after match end fixed
[ 2018-06-07 00:17:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooth and Tail 1.2 has arrived! PS4 Crossplay, a new territory game that integrates with our Discord server, 4 new languages, and the biggest balance patch we’ve done in months. Pull up to the table, here we go!
PS4 Crossplay
The long-awaited PS4/PC crossplay is now live, which means PS4 players can play against Steam and GOG players and vice versa. Note that the leaderboards are still segregated by platform.
New Discord Game - Pocketworld (Beta)
Head to the Pocketworld channel in Discord and type ’!team red’ (or green, blue, yellow) to declare yourself a member of a particular faction. When you play ranked matches, you’ll advance that faction’s territory on the map! Help your faction conquer Vyeshal and feast on your enemies!

New Discord board - Matchboard
See a history of ranked matches and their outcomes! Revel in that time Mastastealth beat ChipFromSpace on the ladder!

New Languages
- German
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Turkish
- Russian
Balance Changes
- If a structure takes damage while building, it will stop earning health for 1 second (but it will continue to build). No more mill/mg tanking!
- Commander burrow time 2 seconds (was 2.5)
- Reptiles and Amphibians heal 3x as fast in friendly territory (1.5 HP per second after not taking damage for 5 seconds)
- Enemies can see what type of unit is building from all Tier 3 warrens
- Lizard: 7 HP (was 8)
- Mole: 20 HP (was 22), 2.5x damage to structures (was 2)
- Chameleon: 36 HP (was 38)
- Falcon: 15 HP (was 17)
- Skunk: 29 HP (was 32)
- Snake: 28 HP (was 27)
- Boar: 100 HP (was 120)
- Barbed Wire: 28 HP (from 24)
- Machine Gun Turret 5 Damage (was 6)
- Artillery: Range 10, Bullet time 2 seconds, Build time 50 seconds
Bug Fixes
- (PC) Fixed Mission Hint in Archimedes mission 3
- (PS4) Fixed Audio-related crash
- (PS4) Fixed online gameplay crash
- Increased Redplug timeout to 60 seconds to account for longer load times on PS4
- Galaxy crash on Linux fixed
Upcoming Community Events
Don’t forget, the Tooth and Tail PVP Campaign event starts May 26th! Discord server is here and Official Rules and Entry Instructions are here!

[ 2018-05-16 16:38:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ahoy everyone, starting tomorrow (the 19th), qualifiers for Season 2 of the League will open up! There will be qualifiers from the 19th - 22nd, and then from the 26th - 29th, with days alternating between NA and EU times. For all the details, please read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oTFgPqkzhYIvh_Vm7-i_8ElNYPil8t6LrTKsdOer_0c/edit?usp=sharing Qualifiers and registration will be handled purely through Discord and Pocketbot! This is brand new functionality, so please bear with us if we run into any bugs. Feel free to ping @mastastealth if you have any questions. If you want to get in on the competition, head on over to http://discord.gg/pocketwatch and ask around in the #tournaments channel to see how to join!
[ 2018-04-18 21:35:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Since our launch on September 12, 2017, Tooth and Tail has seen over 100,000 copies sold, a resilient competitive community, 16 major patches with bug fixes, balance changes, and feature additions, numerous award nominations, and a growing mod community.
Looking to the future, we know we have some challenges ahead of us. Our player community is still very active via our discord channel, but the simultaneous Steam player count isn't actively growing. We still have a number of major bugs on the PS4 version. And the Story Mode content is still receiving complaints about inconsistent difficulty scaling. Let's take a quick look at the story so far and then figure out where to go from here!
Dont forget, you can follow development via our public roadmap or say hi to the devs in Discord!
Here's a recap of major developments and accomplishments since launch:
Launch Day

- Destructoid gives us a 9.5 - "Tooth and Tail has rekindled my love of RTS games." Eurogamer, Gamespot, PC Gamer and Hardcore Gamer pile on the praise.
- Launch day September 12: Top player ZenoAkoop does a 24-hour stream
- We peak at 985 simultaneous players, higher than Monaco's launch day peak
- Tooth and Tail Shirts went on sale via Fan Gamer.

Season One
(WARNING, strong language in this video)
- Total Biscuit and Artosis develop a rivalry, Artosis cleans up. Total Biscuit gets his vs Jesse Cox.
- Our largest community tournament has 40 entrants and is won by ChipFromSpace.
- Tooth and Tail launches in Chinese and Korean, and later adds Spanish, German, and Italian. Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, and Turkish are in progress.
- Community members Glyde, BestTeaMaker, and Delthius show up to help us out as we demo the game at TwitchCon in Long Beach

End of Year

Let's just show off the 2017 nomination list: 2018 Independent Games Festival - Finalist: Excellence in Narrative, Honorable Mention: Visual Art, Audio IGN - Nominee: 2017 Best Strategy Game The Game Awards - Nominee: 2017 Best Strategy Game PCGamer - Nominee: 2017 Best Strategy Game PC Master Race - Nominee: 2017 Best Strategy Game Hardcore Gamer - Nominee: 2017 Best Strategy Game Total Biscuit - Top Ten Games of the Year - #8
Season Two
We launched Ranked Season 2 on December 19th with an MMR system closer to traditional Ranked ladders. Other major developments:
- The Tooth and Tail Official Soundtrack launched on CD and Vinyl (also available digitally directly from Austin Wintory or on Steam
- We launched GOG/Steam Crossplay, which is powering development of PS4 to PC crossplay, and hopefully more platforms to come!
- We've been featured in four major Steam sales (Winter, Midweek Madness, Lunar New Year, and an IGF nominee sale), a Chrono.gg sale headlined by Total Biscuit, and one major sale on PS4 (Outside is Over-Rated), bolstering our player community. You can bet that there will be more to come!
- Campfires, new tiles sets, and a revamped world generation algorithm were added to ranked and unranked play.
- Story Mode was completely rebalanced to bring it in line with current multiplayer balance.
- ToothAndTailTV, a fan-run channel, casts a massive North America vs Europe tournament, which culminates in a final game matchup of the titans, ChipFromSpace [NA] vs ArbuzBudesh [EU]
What's Next?
With Tooth and Tail starting to enter its "long tail" life cycle, we're taking a broad approach to keeping a healthy player community. Crossplay We're finally moving towards combining our PS4 and PC communities via crossplay, powered by GOG Galaxy. This means that anytime there is a sale on any platform, the increased player count will benefit all platforms. Mod Support

Our latest patch (1.1.4: Eat Crow) was largely inspired by a balance mod that our player community put together. I hope that our community can continue to help us balance the game, as well as create and test new features, including new units. In fact, a new Hedgehog unit is currently being developed and tested by community members. All of Tooth and Tail's assets are in human readable XML files and PNGs, so adding new stuff or modifying existing units is accessible to everyone. Community Tournaments and Games via our Discord Channel

We have possibly the most tricked out Discord channel in gaming, due to the efforts of our community, lead by community manager, Brian Franco (mastastealth). The short list of Discord features:
- Pocketbot (a Discord bot to help the community learn about the game and keep the server in order)
- Automated weekly PB Cup tournaments
- Support for player-run tournaments
- ReplayUltima (replay analyzer)
- In development is Pocket World, another Discord integrated tool that will allow players to fight for the four in-game factions simply by playing the game. Players will take and lose territory for their team as they play.
- 1.0.2: Howling Nerf -- Single Player Changes, Bug Fixes
- 1.0.3: Kasha So Sad -- Reduced Landmine range, Kasha nerf, Wolf re-stim removed
- 1.0.4: Butterbomb -- Campfires, tile sets added to multiplayer, Boar bomb added, boar slow, toads get structure crit, barbed wire redesign, lizard range 1, snakes can't hit structures, owl bomb removed, fox hp mega-nerfed, warren health scales by tier
- 1.0.5: Chicken Mole -- Flag customization, Editor Preview, Discord Status
- 1.0.6: Lizard Love -- Tier 3 build time increased, lizard buff, boar no longer slow
- 1.0.7: 鼹鼠 두더지 MOLE -- Chinese and Korean added, focus fire improvements, lizards range 2, another mole revamp, major chameleon buff
- 1.0.8: Nibbles and Tweaks -- Starting Farms always adjacent, major boar buff, pigeon AI changes
- 1.1.0: ('Tis the) Season 2 -- Ladder reset, unit and player stats added, MMR, Map Fairness
- 1.1.1: GOG Crossplay -- Crossplay, Tier 2 Artillery with scatter shot, Fox rooting, Landmine vision, Tier 3 build time increased, Warren health returned to 50
- 1.1.2: Snek House -- Snakes can poison structures again, Artillery returned to tier 3
- 1.1.3: Diamonds are a Lizard's Best Friend -- Single player rebalanced to fit Multiplayer stats, Burrowing to Allied bases, lizards range slightly reduced, MG nerf
- 1.1.4: Eat Crow -- Swift reduced to 1.75x speed, toad redesigned, boar given semi-agile, artillery range increased to 10
What do you want to see?
So what do you want to see out of Tooth and Tail in the months to come? What was your favorite balance patch? What kind of mods would you like to see? Let me know in the comments!

[ 2018-04-09 23:15:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Sometimes, you just have to admit you're wrong. A few of the changes that I've made over the past months haven't been received well, and I spent a lot of time trying to fix them when in fact the best thing to do is just back them out.
And because I was away for a week at GDC and I didn't have my finger on the pulse of the community, the changes in this patch are largely derived from mods that the community made -- in particular by the esteemed JetEriksen and EEluminatus.
The lizard changes from last patch are gone, and by community request, swift has been reduced from 2x speed to 1.75. This affects fox, lizard, and mouse. Boar bomb has been greatly reduced and boar has been given a modified agile: he can move at 50% speed while firing. This means that his bomb can both be buffed (to 20 DMG!) but reduced in range from a 9x9 radius to 3x3. Toad, skunk and mole changes also come directly from community modding and testing.
I've also made a couple of changes that I've wanted to do to Pigeon and Artillery. Pigeon now has less heal but a much longer range. Artillery has a slightly longer range and the bullet time scales with the distance it is firing.
We've also added German as an official language! Turkish is coming soon.
New languages
- German
Balance Changes
- Lizard - Reverted Diamond range to standard 2 range, 8HP (from 7HP), reduced Swift to 1.75x speed (from 2x)
- Toad - 8 HP, 12 Dmg + 3 AOE Dmg, no structure crit (was 9 HP, 6 Dmg, 3 AOE, double damage to structures)
- Mole - 22 HP (from 25)
- Pigeon - 1 DPS heal, 4 range (was 2 DPS heal, 1 range)
- Skunk - 32 HP (from 35)
- Fox - Reduced Swift to 1.75x speed (from 2x)
- Mouse - Reduced Swift to 1.75x speed (from 2x), 8 HP, 3 DMG (was 7 HP, 2 DMG)
- Boar - 4 DPS, removed structure crit (from 3 DPS + structure crit). Boar can move at 50% speed while firing. Boar bomb reduced to 3x3 (from 9x9) and boar bomb DMG is 20 (was 5 to units, 10 to structures), no longer targets commander
- Badger - No longer targets commander
- Artillery - 10 Range, Bullet lifetime 2 seconds, scales by range (was 8 range, bullet lifetime of 1.5 seconds at all ranges)
[ 2018-04-06 22:50:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance-wise, this patch is focused on reducing lizard spam through a fairly major lizard nerf and nerfs to both Bullet Hive and Featherwire, which have been used to establish containment chokes. Also, there's a major buff to Owl to bring her back into play.
On the single player side: Multiplayer stats have diverged significantly from single player stats since the game came out, so I moved the stat changes over to the single player campaign and rebalanced the whole darn thing in order to have a smoother difficulty curve.
New Features
* Players can now burrow to allied bases in 2v2
Balance Changes
* Lizard - 7 HP (from 8); 2 range only covers a diamond shape rather than a circle shape (slight reduction in attack range coverage at 2 range)

* Chameleon - 38 HP (from 40) * Boar - Flamethrower Coverage of 6 tiles (from 10); Boar bomb 5 dmg (10 to structures), no longer hits air (was 7/14, hits air) * Owl - 1 mouse per second up to 3, 7 second reload, leading to 3 mice every 10 seconds (was 1 mouse per 5 seconds), they live for 30 seconds (was 60), mice have 7 HP (was 10) * Barbed Wire - 24 HP (from 30) * Landmine - 12 Damage, 6 AOE (from 18/6); 0.4 second trigger (from 0.5 seconds); Can target cloaked Chameleons * Machine Gun Turret - 28 HP (from 32) * Artillery - 60 HP (from 50)
Bug Fixes
* Campfires no longer push back gristmill territory as if they had gristmill-sized range * Artillery shots no longer remove decor objects (like trees) when they miss * Lizard no longer hang out in back, waiting for a reservation position to open up
Story Mode
* Moved all single player unit stats over to Story Mode * Snikaree Liberation (Hopper 1) - Start with Chameleons not Lizards * Scrapetown Racket (Hopper 5) - Increase number of merchants by 2 * Frozen in Noe (Quartermaster 1) - Enemy spawn rate ramps up more slowly * Howling Vell (Quartermaster 2) - Player starts with an additional mill * Defense of the Cold Mark Lows (Quartermaster 3) - Archimedes starts with an additional mill, one fewer campfire on map * Betrayal at Vacancee (Quartermaster 4) - Player starts with 2 additional farms * The War For Meat (Quartermaster 5) - Player can build skunks, not pigeons, Campfires have Skunks not Pigeons, number of enemy on enemy kills required for Heroic reduced from 150 to 60, Enemies start with 1 mill with 4 farms instead of 2 mills with 3 farms * What Might Be (Quartermaster 6) - Player can recruit falcon, boar and wolf instead of falcon, pigeon, skunk * Awash in Solawa (Archimedes 2) - 50% fewer enemy landmines * Vacancee Downfall (Archimedes 3) - Player can build mole instead of snake
[ 2018-03-06 22:39:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
A quick hotfix for all yout Midweek Madness customers. The game was being a bit of a hog with VRAM, which was producing some of the Black Screen, White Screen, and "SharpDX" errors on lower spec machines. I've reduced the Graphics Memory footprint when playing in Medium and Low Graphics Quality settings. Don't forget, you may also improve VRAM usage by disabling the cinematic under Graphics Options. I also replaced the Galaxy libraries to fix a crash upon leaving a lobby. Annnd, if you fail to join a lobby, it won't try to join that lobby again until you leave the Ranked screen. So for those instances where you kept trying to play ranked and it kept failing out, this problem should be fixed. As usual, if you have problems with the game, post on the troubleshooting forums, email me at support@pocketwatchgames.com, or best of all, jump into our Discord channel and chat with us directly in the #troubleshooting channel! http://discord.gg/pocketwatch
[ 2018-02-02 04:56:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 1.1.2 is a small bug fix/balance patch with big changes to Snake and Artillery. Sorry about the late patch notes!
Balance Changes
- Snake - HP 27 (from 35). Can now poison structures again. Ever since we removed structure tagging, snakes have felt very flat. And since structure play is now much more viable, there needed to be more options for dealing with things like MG Turrets, Balloons, and Artillery.
- Artillery - Cost 180 (from 120), Build time 30 seconds (from 20), HP 50 (from 45). The Tier 2 Artillery was stupidly strong, and was even unbeatable in rush scenarios. Unfortunately, bumping it to the Tier 3 timing, which is now 50 seconds), meant that I suspect the unit would never get used. So I broke down and made an exception to the strict timing consistency that I've maintained for other units. It feels pretty good now, and I think will still get used quite often.
Bug Fixes
- Winning multiple stars in a match in ranked will now display the correct star animations.
- Multiple crashes and disconnects in Ranked games fixed.
- Crash on starting matches fixed.
[ 2018-01-30 18:49:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
A little hotfix for y'all that makes a more appropriate statline for the Tier 2 Drumfire Cannon. There's also a significant Mole nerf and some fixes for the new crossplay code. Yay!
Balance Changes
- Mole - Dmg 2 + structure crit (was 4 + crit), HP 25 (was 15). High level players have essentially stopped using Mole because it's nigh unbeatable, so we've nerfed its statline again. Mr. Mole will still get a significant redesign at some point, while hopefully retaining his character.
- Fox - Cast time and Post-shot Root time changed from 0.3/0.3 seconds to 0.2/0.4 seconds. The fox still is rooted for 0.6 seconds but has a shorter cast time to make the animation look right.
- Artillery - HP 60 (was 45). 10 Dmg per shot with random 1 tile scatter to shots - NO AOE (was 6 + 1 AOE). Fires 4 times in 1 second, takes 1 second cooldown. (was firing 3 times in a second with 2 second cooldown). This is more fitting with the t2 pricing/timing while still accomplishing the feeling of an anti-t1 AOE.
Bug Fixes
- Galaxy/Steam crossplay crashing issues fixed, works correctly on Windows 7.
[ 2018-01-17 01:36:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 1.1.1 is out, and with it, crossplay between Steam and GOG players is now live. There's also a number of stability fixes for Mac players, a ton of balance changes, and a revamp in the MMR points for winning in Ranked matches.
- GOG players and Steam players can now play together! You will notice that you need to select your region before playing online, which you can always change via the options menu.
- Global Pick and Win Rates now represent last 2 weeks of data rather than all time
- Ranked Bottom tier no longer loses points upon loss
- Sneaky hidden option for saving out minimaps (figure it out or ask me in discord!)
Balance Changes
All the balance changes in this match were based on the Global Pick and Win Rates in the last two weeks of Ranked play. I nerfed Falcon, which had a very high pick rate, and over 50% win rate, and I buffed some Tier 3 and a bunch of defensive structures. Here are the stats:

- Toad: 6 DMG, 3 AOE; 12/6 vs structures (was 9/3, no structure crit) - This is just fixing a mistake from the last patch, the new numbers were the intended design.
- Falcon: 5 DMG 17 HP (was 6 DMG 15 HP)
- Boar: 10 tile flamethrower coverage (was 8), Death bomb does 7 DMG, 14 vs structures (was 6/12)
- Fox: 0.3 second cast time, 0.3 second movement cooldown (was 0.25+0.5 seconds) - Fox now is rooted for a total of 0.6 seconds instead of 0.75. Back when everyone thought she was overpowered, she was at 0.25. Hopefully players can still counter her.
- Owl: Mice have 10 HP (was 12)
- Wolf: 50 HP (was 60)
- Landmine: 18 DMG, 6 AOE (was 15/5); Vision increased to 4 tiles (was 1 tile), trigger time returned to 0.5 seconds (was 0.25)
- Barbed Wire: Vision increased to 4 tiles (was 1 tile)
- Artillery: Tier 2! Costs 120, build time is 20 seconds. 45 HP (was 60). 3 shots fired over 1 second, with a 2 second cooldown before next volley. Each shot does 6 DMG, 3 AOE. (Was 5 shots over 2 seconds with 3 second cooldown, each shot was, oh hell, the math was weird, I have no idea).
- Tier 3 build and production time increased to 50 seconds (was 45)
- Warren health 50 HP for all tiers (was 50/65/80)
MMR Changes
Points for winning vs players with the following tier differentials are now:
- 6: 80 (was 100)
- 5: 78 (was 90)
- 4: 74 (was 80)
- 3: 68 (was 60)
- 2: 60 (was 45)
- 1: 50 (was 30)
- 0: 40 (was 20)
- -1: 30 (was 10)
- -2: 16 (was 5)
- -3: 8 (was 4)
- -4: 5 (was 3)
- -5: 2 (was 2)
- -6: 1 (was 1)
Bug fixes
- Wolf buffed toads no longer fizzle
- Crash when using boar fixed
- Random Mac crashes fixed
- Mouse position on weird Mac resolutions now lines up to buttons correctly
- Duplicate flag design for Hopper mission 6 fixed
[ 2018-01-12 22:31:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Season 2 has arrived, and with it a revamp of Ranked matchmaking!
Ladder Reset
Season 2 uses a different model for determining player skill, so we're resetting the ladder. Come scramble your way back up again!
Player Stats
You can now see your pick rate and win rate for each unit on the Ranked screen by clicking the Stats button. You can also see community-wide pick and win rates. If everyone is going squirrel, follow the meta or play counter meta!

You will now gain/lose different amounts of points based on the difference in rank between you and your opponent. Earn 100 points to advance a tier. While "Fury of the Feast" is still the top tier, every 100 points will advance you another master rank. If you beat someone 6 ranks below you, you will gain a point and they will lose a point. If you beat someone 6 ranks or more above you you will gain 100 points and they will lose 100 points. Point change for each tier differential are as follows:
- -6 or more: 1 point
- -5: 2 points
- -4: 3 points
- -3: 4 points
- -2: 5 points
- -1: 10 points
- Equal Rank: 20 points
- +1: 30 points
- +2: 45 points
- +3: 60 points
- +4: 80 points
- +5: 90 points
- +6 or more: 100 points
Map Fairness
During map generation, if the game determines that there is a severe imbalance in spawn positions, it will throw out the map and try again. Currently, the algorithm takes into account:
- Number of expansions each spawn point is closest to
- Elevation
- For FFA: Distance to closest opponent
- For 2v2: Distance to farthest teammate
Balance Changes
- Landmine: Cast time 0.25 seconds (from 0.5)
- Toad: 9 HP 6 DMG / 3 AOE (from 11 HP, 8 DMG / 2 AOE), can be denied during 0.25 second detonation time
- Skunk: 35 HP (from 32)
- Chameleon: 6 DMG (from 7)
New Language
- Italian
Follow Development
Don't forget to follow our Twitch channel if you want to be a part of development, and join our Discord to be a part of the community and find matches! One last thing: If you want a wallpaper version of our gruesome Last Supper -- without the Patch text -- here ya go!
[ 2017-12-21 00:11:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
In addition to launching two new languages, we've got a bunch of balance tweaks in this 'ere patch!
New languages
- Traditional Chinese
- Spanish
Balance Changes
- Starting Farms are always next to each other
- Boar: 120 HP (from 100), death bomb does 6 damage to units, 12 to structures, no longer in a checkerboard, and can hit air.
- Badger: 25 max Damage, 65 HP (from 20/60). Weapon spindown takes 2 seconds (was 1 second).
- Chameleon: 7 Damage, 40 HP (from 8/35)
- Toad: 11 HP (from 9)
- Pigeon: No longer targets commander, no longer rallies to commander while focus firing (attack moves unless the commander has no focus fire target, then retreats)
- Balloon: 14 Damage per shot (from 16), 10 Vision (from 8)
- Warren health per tier: 50/65/80 (was 50/75/100)
Bug Fixes
- Memory leak fixed
[ 2017-12-07 01:45:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
For those not fluent in Simplified Chinese or Korean, that reads MOLE MOLE MOLE, which is the major change this patch.
Also, don't forget to go vote for Tooth and Tail for Best Strategy Game in the 2017 Game Awards!
Two new languages were adding to the game this patch! You can now play the entire game in:
- Korean!
- Simplified Chinese!
- Focus firing units on top of warrens is much easier now
- Melee units surround enemies much better
- Toads no longer derp out on their way to their targets
- Ranked matchmaking now goes through the entire search once with the "Far" filter, and then if no matches are found, it runs through it again with the "Worldwide" filter. This will result in longer queue times but fewer bad connections, which was necessary as we expect an influx of Chinese and Korean players.
Balance Changes
- Lizard - 2 Range, 8 HP (from 1 Range, 11 HP). No longer hit barbed wire. Yes, I finally relented. Everyone’s favorite range 2 lizard is back. FML
- Mole - The headliner of the event. They are now 15 HP, 4 DMG + x2 DMG to structures (from 25 HP, 2 DMG, no crit). This makes them less effective at killing early game pigs and far less effective as mid-game tanks, but they are now a constant threat vs your structures. Players can sell off their structures and invest in moles at a moment’s notice and push in on your stuff. They will go from being an early game threat to being an ALL game threat!
- Toad - Dmg reduced to 8+2AOE (from 9+3AOE)
- Pigeon - They were listed as healing 2 HP per second, but were only healing 1 per second. This is fixed. They now heal 2 per second.
- Chameleon - 35 HP from 40 HP
- Snake - Last week I accidentally nerfed them to 30 HP, they are back to their intended 35 HP.
[ 2017-11-18 00:39:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooth and Tail was nominated for Best Strategy Game in the 2017 Game Awards! Winners are picked by popular vote, so go vote now or I'll nerf lizards!
(also, please share wtih your friends! We can win this!)
[ 2017-11-14 16:43:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch is mostly bug fixes and balance changes, no major new features to announce. We’re trying to fix some of the problems with the meta from the past couple of patches so we can push a patch to PS4!
As for balance changes, we’ve scaled back some of the more drastic changes from previous patches, trying to bring things closer to a balanced meta. And there’s a 1 HP lizard buff that we’re hoping makes all the difference in the world to high level lizard players!
- Tier 3 units now take 45 seconds to build the warren and unit production (up from 40)
- Lizard: 11 HP (was 10)
- Toad: 9 damage to single tile, 3 damage to 3x3 aoe, 9 health. Still has double damage to structures. Once initiating their 0.25 second self-destruct, the explosion is guaranteed, and will be centered on the tile where their target was standing when they initiated the self-destruct countdown. Primary damage is limited to 1 unit and 1 structure. (Toad was a flat 7 dmg in a 3x3, centered on their own tile, they had 10 health and structure crit)
- Mole: 2 dmg, 25 HP with double damage to structures. Selling has returned, but there is now a 1 second sell timer, if they take damage during that countdown it is cancelled. This brings moles back close to what they were when mole rushes were dominant, but with the nerf of the sell timer.
- Fox: 0.5 second movement freeze post shot (from 0.75). Since they still have a 0.25 second cast time, they are now rooted for a total of 0.75 seconds instead of a full second.
- Boar: Butter still has a bomb, but it’s less dominant and his stats are largely returned to what they were before the bomb. He’s now 100 health (from 80), with double damage to structures. He is no longer slow. His bomb now explodes in a checkerboard pattern covering his entire range. Each tile in the bomb creates a single flame, doing the same damage as his primary flamethrower, for 0.8 seconds. This does not hit air. Tile offsets are specifically: (-4, -2), (-4, 0), (-4, 2), (-3, -3), (-3, -1), (-3, 1), (-3, 3), (-2, -4), (-2, -2), (-2, 0)… etc
- Barbed Wire: Health 30 (was 25). Now takes damage for ALL damage that it deals, as opposed to just a single target at a time.
World Gen changes
- Several map types have fewer forests and decor, leading to fewer linear maps.
- A couple of map types that had nearly zero decor have had some added to make them slightly more dense.
- A couple of map types that had TONS of water have had their max lake and river size reduced.
- Many map types had more random ramps added across the board.
Story Mode
- Howling Vell stationary defenses reduced
- The War For Meat stationary defenses reduced
- Sage Marro Speaks: swapped one lizard warren for squirrels, reducing the intensity of the nightly raids
Bug fixes
- Platinum Achievement (actually) fixed
- Holding rally near to structures with units that can’t target structures (fox, snake) will allow those units to find alternate focus fire targets, or allow them to retreat. Fox will no longer get hung up when the player is trying to retreat through warrens.
[ 2017-11-10 21:18:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
SURPRISE PATCH! 1.0.5 is here, and it's got some nifty stuff in it.
Flag Customization
Adorn your flag with a variety of symbols! Every Achievement you unlock will grant you new ways to look like you just walked out of Hot Topic. Go to Customization under Extras & Options.

Editor Preview
We're including access to the world editor in this build. NOTE: We are not currently fixing bugs or adding features to the editor. Please log requests with our discord community and we will eventually address things. What do we say to the god of level editor bug fixes? Not Today.

Discord Rich Presence
If you are playing Tooth and Tail, your Discord name will now have all sorts of fancy info attached.

Balance Changes
Bug Fixes
[ 2017-10-24 23:33:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
I hope you're wearing your flame retardant undies, the Butterbomb is here.
Massive changes in this patch both from a feature perspective and balance adjustments.
First up: campfires have made their way to multiplayer! Campfires are like a mini-mill/farm combo. They cost 60 food, take 30 seconds to build, and they produce 1 food per second for 300 seconds. They do stave off starvation and they do have to be destroyed to win.

Map Customization
Not just campfires though, desert, snow, and other environments are now mixed into multiplayer matches!

On the world selection screen in unranked play, you'll see this list of options for world generation. You can add more gristmills, make larger maps, or play in a variety of environments featured in the Single Player campaign. Now you can make your opponent fear Howling Vell as if it was their first time all over again.
Massive Balance Changes
Our goal with the balance in this patch was both to mix things up and provide more incentive to tech up out of tier 1 play. So many matches were ending in the first 3 minutes that we had to make some major changes to Lizards, Toads, Moles, and Pigeons. Boar - Get ready for the Butterbomb! Slower movement (67%). HP-20 (80) His flamethrower No longer does 4x damage to large structures like warrens and gristmills, instead does 2x damage to ALL structures. Upon death, he explodes in a 9x9 tile massive explosion that does 10 damage to units and 20 damage to structures. We made this change so as to make Uncle Butter’s gameplay have a little more texture and decision making. He’s a lit fuse, kill him before he gets to your base! Barbed Wire - HP+5 (30), any damage it deals out it also takes. Will no longer damage commanders. We made this change because there was no real way to clear Barbed Wire from the field with certain unit compositions. Now you can just tank the damage to make a path. Barbed Wire should see lots more play because of the follow two unit nerfs. Mole - No longer does double damage to structures. Cannot be sold after they have fully spawned. Damage -1 (2) HP +5 (30). This is admittedly underpowered now, but Moles were such a huge problem in high level play last patch that we had to nerf them. Expect them to get a buff next patch. Lizard - Range-1 (1). HP+1 (10) Having a ‘melee’ unit with 2 range never made any sense, and significantly reduced barbed wire usage. Making lizards range 1 makes barbed wire more effective against them and reduces their viability in large numbers. To go along with this nerf, though, we made a fix for targeting and patchfinding that will allow lizards to surround their targets more effectively in large numbers. They can still hit air units. Pigeon - Range -1 (1), HP -1 (4). Reducing pigeon range means that the max number of heal stacks is 9 rather than 25, which should reduce the Tier3+Pigeon Spam strategies we were seeing (while still leaving that somewhat viable). Toad - Apply equal damage to all in AOE (6 to all instead of 18 to single target, 3 to others). HP + 3 (10). Double damage to structures. Explode on own tile rather than target’s. While the previous meta had toad as the third element of a tier 1 rock paper scissors, this change is intended to make toad be viable versus squirrels, and to force your opponent to tech up. Exploding in their own tile means that they are more likely to hit 3 units rather than 6, so they should be marginally weaker versus lizards even though the lizard range was reduced. Snake - Remove ability to poison structures. It was always dumb. It's gone now. They are still good. Chameleon - Will not unstealth to attack the enemy commander. Owl - Removed death-bomb. Mice last 60 seconds rather than 30 (so they can build up to a maximum of 12 mice). HP +10 (50). Mice no longer aggro to enemy commander. Mouse damage -1 (2). Might be a sleeper hit here. Fox - Damage +6 (24). HP -10 (25). Cast time +0.25 secs (0.25), post shot movement freeze +0.25 secs (0.5). Another day another fox change. Hopefully she's easier to catch now that she has to stand still for a full 3/4 second around each shot. Badger - Fixed bug where her weapon spindown was taking as long as the weapon spin up. Minigun now spins down in 1 second, rather than 6. Machine Gun Turret - HP -3 (32) Landmine - Damage +3 (12, 4 to AOE). Warrens - Health per tier: 50, 75, 100 (was 60 for all tiers)
Other Stuff
[ 2017-10-17 00:23:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's true, we fixed all bugs, ever. Here's the list of those bugs. And to celebrate having fixed all bugs, ever, here's some wallpaper we made for promo art that we never ended up using. Enjoy!
- Users that couldn't play online due to "Please log in to steam to play online" can now play online. (it was all you silly folks with symbols in your steam name)
- Top scores on the leaderboard are no longer missing or blank
- Improved lag handling that was introduced in cross-play patch.
[ 2017-09-29 23:51:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good news and bad news for you snipers out there: Kasha’s getting nerfed… but Thermal Airsnipers (balloons) are going beast mode. Patch 1.0.3 is out!
- GOG Crossplay - At long last, GOG and Steam players can now play together!
- Ranked Matchmaking searches with “worldwide” filter to solve people not finding matches
- Added a player list to the post match screen
- Passworded lobbies - When you create an Unranked lobby, you can optionally enter a password. This lobby will only show up for users that search with that password.
- Friend Invites temporarily disabled to support crossplay (we hope to re-enable invites next patch). For now, use passworded lobbies.
- Warren Health now 60 (was 50)
- Wolf now stims for 12 seconds (meaning they stim up to 6 units), but their stim does not affect other wolves’ stimming ability
- Skunk Health now 32 (was 30)
- Badger Health now 60 (was 50), Warm up time now 6 secs, warm down time 1 sec (was 4, 2)
- Fox Damage per shot now 18 (was 24), vision reduced to 5 (was 8)
- Artillery Damage to single target now 12, damage to surrounding tiles now 2 (was 4 on all tiles)
- Balloon Damage per shot now 16 (was 12)
- Barbed Wire Health now 25 (was 20)
- Landmine Damage to single target now 9, damage to surrounding tiles now 3, range reduced to 3x3 square (was 3 to all tiles, range was 5x5)
Story Mode
- Victors Will Feast - Heroic fixed
- Sage Marro Speaks - Primary Objective no longer requires you to recruit neutrals
Other stuff
- UI Audio cleaned up
- Added ambience to post-match feast screen
- Game now allows for us to balance single player and multiplayer independently
- Implemented an option called “ModDir” (in your options.xml) that allows the game to load data xmls from a user defined folder.

[ 2017-09-27 22:13:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 1.02 is live - We've fixed a bunch of problems pertaining to multiplayer and sanded down some of the mission difficulty. Hopper's campaign is less brutal across the board, and a couple of her heroics are made a touch easier. Howling Vell is significantly nerfed.
- Ranked Matchmaking searches with "far" filter to solve people not finding matches
- Fixed Ranked Cheating problems: Increased redplug timeout (which results in a draw) to be longer than the Steam lobby timeout (which results in a loss). Players should timeout of their lobbies first. Increased to 30 seconds rather than 9 seconds.
- Ranked - Reduced queue times for higher tolerances: Changed to 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 from 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
Story Mode
- Snikaree Liberation - Removed time requirement on Heroic
- The Sand Kiln at Levacaloo - Removed time requirement on Heroic
- Scrapetown Cutpurse Changes - Removed skunk patrollers, Revised mission hint
- The Hungry Face a Stiff Wind - Removed 2 artillery cannons, several machine gun turrets, and 25% of the barbed wire.
- Howling Vell - Reduced enemy mills from 3 to 2, Spaced out mills better to prevent enemy pigs from spawning in range of player pigs
Bug Fixes
- Added option to disable video (for people that crash on video playback)
- Fixed problem where game would crash on start because it couldn't load the audio - now it just disables audio :-/ If you are experiencing this bug, you may need to update your drivers for one of your external devices, like headphones.
[ 2017-09-16 17:28:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends! We just set version 1.0.1 is live. Accepting an invite from inside the game will no longer result in game disconnections.
mmmmm PATCHY.
Also, thanks to everyone, especially our fantastic alpha community, for helping to make this launch so succesful and so exciting. <3 As a bonus, here's the first ever screenshot of Tooth and Tail!
[ 2017-09-14 20:59:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooth and Tail is now available on Steam!
The animals of Tooth and Tail are at war over who gets to eat, and who must be dinner. From the creators of Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine comes a similarly fast, distilled, darkly humorous take on the Real-Time Strategy genre. http://store.steampowered.com/app/286000/Tooth_and_Tail/ For more information, check out our announcement here!
[ 2017-09-12 17:06:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooth and Tail is Now Available on Steam!
Lead the revolution with an army of flamethrowing Boars, mustard gas-lobbing Skunks, and paratrooper-puking Owls. Tooth and Tail is a Real-Time-Strategy game featuring Single Player, Online Competitive Play, Split Screen, Replays, and more.
Build a base, lead your army, eat your enemies!
[ 2017-09-12 17:00:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you haven't played our last game, Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine, now's your chance. Click a button on the Monaco page and add the game to your library permanently!
And if you don't own Monaco, but you want that sweet-sweet pre-order discount on Tooth and Tail, all you have to do is add Monaco to your library, and then the 10% off pre-order discount will unlock for you!
I should probably close this announcement with some sort of clever punchline.
Uggggh arrrgh. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF. SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!..........
[ 2017-09-07 17:20:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Add Monaco to your account for FREE*! Once you add the game it will remain in your account permanently, so don't miss out on this great opportunity.
Additionally, check out Pocketwatch's upcoming title, Tooth and Tail, currently in pre-purchase. All Monaco owners receive 10% off now through launch on September 12th!
*Free period ends September 8th at 10AM Pacific.
[ 2017-09-07 17:15:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
GOG Galaxy, Steam, and PSN players will all be able to play together seamlessly!
GOG and Steam cross-play will be available when the game launches on September 12th, and PSN to PC crossplay will be available shortly after launch.
[ 2017-08-14 22:06:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwP_zAJmKdU Tooth and Tail’s extensive Story Mode follows the leaders of the Longcoats, the Commonfolk, the KSR, and the Civilized, and they fight for who will eat, and who will be dinner. With procedurally generated maps and a deep and engaging storyline, the Story Mode has endless hours of fun for those new to the Real-Time Strategy genre and strategic experts alike. Visit http://www.toothandtailgame.com for more information!
[ 2017-08-08 18:17:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
After Monaco came out in 2013, a friend of ours approached us about turning Monaco into a board game. While it was an interesting thought, we at Pocketwatch were perhaps a bit too protective about the world of Monaco, so we ended up passing on the opportunity. That friend’s name was Tim Fowers, and he ended up designing the game anyways.
Burgle Bros, a cooperative heist board game, is now listed as one of the top 300 games of all time on Board Game Geek.
We’re not passing on the chance this time: Tim is currently honing a real-time-strategy-inspired board game, based on the world and characters of Tooth and Tail!
It's still too early to share game details or a release date. But for those of you who follow Tim’s games, you know that a Tooth and Tail board game is bound to be great. Tim is well known for having full control over his games’ production, as well as his complex takes on simple designs. If that sounds similar to Pocketwatch Games, well, it’s no surprise that we eventually found a way to work together!
More about Tim and his games:
Pre-order Tooth and Tail, available now, releases Sept 12:
[ 2017-07-26 16:59:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come join Andy Schatz on the twitch stream! We're talking about the rendering pipeline for Tooth and Tail.
Follow us too! We stream every Friday at 2PM Pacific.
Also, here's Andy as a nerdy kid.
[ 2017-07-21 21:02:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our massive alpha community has been absolutely amazing to us. They've helped test, run tournaments (check out the finals of last months Clash of Comrades), and run our Discord.
While we always said that we would be revoking the alpha keys before launch, when it comes down to it, we just can't quit ya. So everyone who got a key gets to keep it!
But we also know that some of you might want to support us. To that end, Valve set up a special thang for us such that those who already had a key could prepurchase the game anyways. You can do that via the TnT store page or right here:
We don't expect you all to buy the game you got for free... after all, you gave us something of great value by participating in our alpha. But if you feel like supporting us, and cranking up our precious pre-order stats, we'll give you a lotta lotta hugs.
And yes, that Wine Archie is for you, community!
[ 2017-07-20 20:43:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Pre-order on Steam (10% off for Monaco owners), game launches on Sept 12:
Pre-order on Steam and get 10% off for owners of Monaco.
We’re as excited as you to get the game out there… help us spread the word and make our launch community packed with players like you!
Other Questions:
Q: Do I get anything with the pre-order? A: You mean, aside from the discount? We’re working on some stuff, but we don’t have anything set in stone and ready to announce. No promises, okay? Q: A 2-month pre-order? Why so long? A: Wanna hear a secret? Come a little closer. OK, here it is. We were slated to launch on August 15th, and then a little company called Blizzard announced that Starcraft Remastered was launching on August 14th. We didn’t want to destroy Blizzard too badly, so we decided to give them a little breathing room. Gotta look out for the little guy, ya know? Q: I’m so excited to play! A: Me too. Me too. If you’ve got any more questions, drop by our Discord channel and chat with us!
[ 2017-07-18 18:41:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooth and Tail, from the creators of Monaco, is Now Available for Pre-Purchase on Steam!
Lead the revolution with an army of flamethrowing Boars, mustard gas-lobbing Skunks, and paratrooper-puking Owls. Tooth and Tail is a Real-Time-Strategy game featuring Single Player, Online Competitive Play, Split Screen, Replays, and more.
Build a base, lead your army, eat your enemies!
[ 2017-07-18 17:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tooth and Tail launches on September 12, 2017!
Additionally, pre-orders will be available on all platforms this Tuesday, July 18th! For more information, visit the Pocketwatch blog
Wishlist Tooth and Tail to help us crank up our internal stats! Wishlisting will send you a reminder when the game is available for pre-order.
The long wait is finally coming to a close. We started work on Tooth and Tail in January of 2014, and now, three and a half years later, we’re excited to finally announce our release date. We’ve got the Cinematic Trailer hot off the presses too (which is the intro to the Single Player campaign). You’ll see all new screenshots and video on the TnT store page.
If you wanna chat with the devs, join us in Discord.
We’ve got lots more announcements in the coming weeks… We can’t wait to birth this 3 and a half year old baby!
[ 2017-07-14 15:34:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 28 features fully voiced commanders, live instrumentation for all music, and a slew of balance changes based on feedback! You can learn more about what's in this patch HERE
This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to learn more about Tooth and Tail, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2017-06-22 21:57:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello community, As Tooth and Tail approaches launch and the sun slowly sets on the alpha stage of the game, alpha keys will no longer be given out BUT keep earning those lotto tickets in Pocketwatch Games' official Discord server, as there may be another wave of beta keys closer to launch. Until then, keep being the awesome community of Pocketwatch Games that we know you to be!
[ 2017-06-10 06:06:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 27 features Arena, a brand new way to play Tooth and Tail online! Everyone has been asking us for a ranked competitive mode for Tooth and Tail, and we’re super excited to finally be bringing this to the feasting table!
This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2017-05-01 18:16:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check out full patch notes.
Patch 26 features an improved control scheme, which enables high level players to make more accurate targeting, while being more intuitive for low level players.
This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2017-04-04 00:34:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
This year’s PAX East was by far the biggest and best event Pocketwatch has ever done! We had our biggest booth ever and if it weren’t for a miracle, we would have been overwhelmed!
Read the full post HERE!
[ 2017-03-23 14:24:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Clash of Comrades is back with another 1v1 Tooth and Tail tournament. April Assault is a weekend long double elimination tourney, with a sizable prizepool, which will take place on the 15th and 16th of said month. Information about the tournament can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NCYIu9EILMSJhrG7U8EzAb_7y509xTjk4VDsSYXS_k8/edit?usp=sharing
[ 2017-03-22 22:29:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Interested in having your very own Tooth and Tail themed plushie? Let us know if this idea interests you via the form linked below! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfeV8r-oYjpHVjZb5PZGmt-LcM-3_zEWVhNhI05DHHeS8JVQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
[ 2017-03-16 18:53:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are happy to announce that Pocketwatch Games and Tooth and Tail will be at the Indie Megabooth for PAX East 2017! Check out the full post HERE.
[ 2017-02-23 17:23:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check out full patch notes.
Patch 25 features a revised lobby and army selection system, drastic balance changes based on player feedback, and new character lines for the Commanders.
This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2017-02-08 21:53:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check out full patch notes.
Patch 24 features a brand new end match screen, some quality of life changes, and many balance changes to many units based on player feedback.
This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2017-01-17 02:36:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
2016 was an incredible year for Tooth and Tail, boasting a number of amazing events. The retrospective on GDC The MIX, Pax East, E3 The MIX, Pax West, BICFest, MineCon, TwitchCon, and PSX can be found here.
[ 2017-01-11 21:31:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check out full patch notes. This patch features many performance optimizations, updated graphs, and a number of balance changes. The world generation underwent some changes. Voiceover was added for a number units. This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2016-12-22 12:54:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Pre-Alpha 22
Check out of full Patch Notes This patch marks the reveal of the first Unit Voice Overs. Check out the voices for The Distillery Brothers, Engineers for Hire, and many more. An addition, we have redesigned Sergeant Volkov and The Outlaw and the Wretches. This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2016-11-16 01:14:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Pre-Alpha 21
Check out of full Patch Notes This patch marks the reveal of a large number of quality of life changes. Many of these will require tweaking, so please provide us with any feedback you might have on them. This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.
[ 2016-11-02 20:00:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Steam Page for Tooth and Tail is now live! Please add us to your wishlist and tell your friends about it!
Also, please tweet or share on social networks! The more wishlists we get, the better the game will do at launch.
Join the Alpha for Tooth and Tail
We've been running a Private Alpha for over 2 years now. If you'd like to help test new features, help us balance the game, and talk directly to the developers... join the Alpha! Come visit our Discord or Twitch stream to be a part of the community! Join our Official Discord Channel! Watch our weekly Twitch Stream
[ 2016-10-19 17:56:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Steam Page for Tooth and Tail is now live! Please add us to your wishlist and tell your friends about it!
We've been running a private alpha for over 2 years now with those who have interested in Tooth and Tail. In the Alpha you can regular test the game for new features and updates to balance, as well as talk directly to the developers and provide your own feedback.
If you want to join the Alpha for Tooth and Tail:
Join our Official Discord Channel: http://www.discord.gg/Pocketwatch
Watch our weekly stream at: http://www.twitch.tv/Pocketwatch
[ 2016-10-18 21:43:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
The return of our Community Spotlight features one of our most dedicated fans, who has been with the Tooth and Tail alpha through it’s many iterations. He’s constantly adapting his strategy to stay at his best despite all the ongoing changes to the game. Here’s what he has to say. Kvothe “Roughly 18 months ago a group of friends bought a humble bundle which included, among others, Monaco. This led one of said friends to find Tooth and Tail, (then LEADtoFIRE), which he promptly introduced me to. Since then I’ve gotten over 800 hours registered in the game on Steam and I’ve gotten introduced to one of the best communities I’ve ever been part of, as well as one of the best games I’ve played in my life. The combination of strategy and fast paced matches makes for an incredibly intense experience while still being more approachable than most other games in the genre.” -Kvothe
[ 2016-04-14 23:06:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Reposted from PWG blog. It’s been a while since we reported patch notes because we had our heads down crunching for GDC. With that out of the way, we have our sights on PAX East. Here’s a summary of all the new features we cranked out for GDC. This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our chatroom and talk directly with us HERE. Gameplay All damage now operates on a damage per second system, instead of damage per 5 seconds New players often had difficulty reading the original damage numbers. Before, Squirrels were listed as 10 ATK, which meant that Squirrels did 10 damage over 5 seconds. People interpreted this as Squirrels doing 10 damage per bullet and were confused why enemy Squirrels did not die instantly. We changed the number to now reflect how much damage that unit does per 1 second. We didn’t convert to a damage per bullet system because many units have different fire rates, so we believe this is the easiest way to convey how much damage a unit generally does. Fox now instantly casts shots, instead of waiting 2.5 seconds Fox is now 30 DEF, down from 50 Fox sniper shot is now previewable by the enemy for .25 seconds Fox Tier 3 Units and Structures now have a 30 second build time and production time, down of 40 seconds Tier 3 has fallen heavily out of favor in the current meta. We believe this is due to a change we made to map generation in the last patch. In an effort to make matches shorter and more dense with action, we shrank overall map size by 10%-15% on average. As a result, it became more difficult to get away with Tier 3 production. With this new change, Tier 3 will be a more viable option. Snakes now fire once per 1 second instead of once per 2.5 seconds Snakes now deal 1 damage per second on their poison, but poison lasts forever. Poison does not apply to commanders. Lizards now have 3 ATK, down from 4 Skunk gas now does 2 damage per second, up from 1 per second Wolf buff now has a 10 second cooldown, down from 15 Wolf won’t target or trigger its buff on enemy Commanders anymore Barbed wire no longer blocks movement, slows units to 25% of their movement speed, and damages all units adjacent to it. Only melee can damage it. Barbed wire is now 20 DEF, down from 30 Anything can now target Barbed wire while it’s building Toads can no longer hit Barbed wire We removed the ability to use Toads against Barbed wire because it is generally a really bad trade. If players ended up wasting Toads to kill Barbed wire, they were actually worsening their strategic position. Mice spawned from Owls no longer have Swift Badger ATK increased to 30, up from 28 Landmine damage is now 5, down from 10 Pigs now have 10 health, down from 15 Pig health was lowered to increase the risk of going full economy, since rushing was falling out of favor in the meta. It is no longer 100% safe to go all farms in the beginning of every match. Artillery Cannon is 12/100 up fro 6/60 and is now a Tier 3 structure We wanted to explore the idea that we have structures in each of the Tiers. The Artillery Cannon is now the most powerful defensive structure in the game Artillery volleys now take 2 seconds to hit their target instead of 1.5 This change was made to make Ferrets primarily an anti-structure unit, rather than a combat unit as we had seen during a recent meta. You can now sell HQs, Pigs, and structures at any time for up to a full refund value. If the structure takes any damage, you will only be refunded a percentage of food based on the percentage of HP remaining. For example, if a structure has only 90% of it’s health remaining, you will only be refunded 90% of it’s food. Toads are now 5/15, instead of 10/10 Pigeons now heal 1 per second, down from 2 per second After burrowing, you may now choose which target windmill you will spawn from Audio Temporary voice over added for each commander Performance Fixed a bug that was causing Skunk gas to do 5x its intended damage Pathfinding optimization improves performance PAX East is only 2 weeks away, so we will be unable to make new patch notes until afterwards. We are hard at work at some amazing new features we can’t wait to tell you about, so please stay tuned for the coming weeks! -AndyN.
[ 2016-04-05 01:02:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- LEADtoFIRE Linux [622.35 M]
In victory we feast. Our enemies will be dinner.
Tooth and Tail is a Real-Time Strategy game set in a world of animal revolution. The Commonfolk, the Civilized, the Longcoats and the KSR are at war over who will eat and who will be eaten.
Lead the Revolution
Wage war with customizable factions, featuring units like mustard-gas skunks and flamethrowing boars. From the creators of the IGF-winning game Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine, Tooth and Tail distills the Real Time Strategy genre down to a few buttons and eight-minute matches.
An RTS for e-sports and casual couch play alike
Tooth and Tail has an incredibly high skill-cap without getting bogged down by high APM/micro requirements. It's the type of RTS that can be enjoyed by competitive gamers and total gaming noobs alike. Pick up a controller and play with your friends on the couch, or hop online for intense competitive play. Tooth and Tail pits you in an animalistic war for food where the stakes couldn't be higher.
- Original Soundtrack by Grammy Nominee Austin Wintory
- Online play
- Split-Screen
- Story Mode
- Arena mode
- Advanced Bot AI
- Up to 4 players, mixed split-sceen and online
- Controller or Keyboard/Mouse
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit)
- Processor: 2 GHz ProcessorMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: (Driver mesa 10.6) 1.5gb video card required to play. nVidia 320M. Radeon HD 2400. Intel HD 3000 or better
- Storage: 1 GB available space
[ 6014 ]
[ 3582 ]
[ 3975 ]