tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Complete as fast as you can every puzzle in this game containing more than 60 000 boards!

Controls :

  • Arrow keys : Move on the board
  • A : Change tile's color (blue, pink or gray) (red cursor means the tile is from the beginning statement and can't be changed)
  • B : Undo last change (only keeps last twenty changes, red cursor means there's no more history)
  • Start/Select : Pause menu

The game has three simple rules :

  • There can't be three tiles of the same color aligned in rows or columns (Flag will be red if there's an error)
  • Each row and column has three tiles of each color (Flag will be red if there's an error)
  • Two rows can't have the same pattern, same for columns (Flags will be gray if there's a duplicate line or column)

Play with your friends!

The game has a password menu to select which board should be generated. Thus you can compete with anyone using the same code and find who's the fastest to finish it!

If you select "New Game" in the pause menu after entering a password, the same board will be used.

Designed to be fun to play!

  • When holding a direction button, the cursor will be pushed to the border. This mechanic is called the DAS (Delayed Auto Shift) and the options menu offers a way to modify its speed. May help going faster from a side to another!

Have fun playing!

(v1.1 :
Added rules & controls screen
Added screen when game is run on GB)

(The game was fully developed by myself with GBDK 2020. Original concept is "Binairo" by Frank Coussement & Peter De Schepper. Thanks to everyone who helped <3)