tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


For the best experience, play the desktop version. WebGL can struggle to keep a steady framerate.
Also, run the game fullscreen in the dark and with headphones for maximum immersion.

If you're having trouble finding the objectives, click here to view a topdown map!


Into The Abyss is a 6DoF game where you investigate a sunken city and what lurks beneath it. Control your submarine, perform the tasks and put a stop to the madness.

This game was made within 7 days for Brackeys' Game Jam 2023.2, themed Diving Deeper. All content, except for some textures and samples, was made from scratch during this period.

The game is beatable, but the final mission can be quite tough. In the main menu, there is a button that lets you start with the final mission, so you don't have to play through the other objectives. However, it is highly recommended to play it the normal way until you reach the final mission. You'll know when you've reached it.

Keyboard Controls

W/S - Move Forward/Back
A/D - Turn Left/Right
Q/E - Strafe Left/Right
Shift/Space - Down/Up
Up/Down - Pitch Up/Pitch Down
Left/Right - Barrel Roll

F - Toggle spotlight (affects enemy sight as well)

Tab/Esc - Menu

Gamepad Controls

Note: Gamepad controls are untested and may not work at all. Please let me know if you'd like to play with a gamepad and whether it works or not for WebGL or Windows. Also please let me know if the binds are ok like this.

Left Stick: Pitch and Roll
Right Stick: Strafe and Vertical
Triggers: Turn left/right
Shoulders: Move forward/back

South button: Toggle spotlight (affects enemy sight as well)

Start button: Menu

Will most likely still need a mouse to navigate the menus

Touchscreen controls

Note: Very experimental and probably not worth it. If you want to play this game on a mobile device (phone/tablet) and the WebGL version doesn't run like ass on your device, you can enable touch controls in the in-game settings menu.

Right stick: Movement forward and strafing
Left stick: Pitch and turn
Other Left stick: Barrel roll and up/down
Top right: Toggle spotlight
Top left: Menu


The monsters can see you from much farther away if you have your lights on. Turn them off to avoid making them mad when they're close. Also, you can hide inside buildings to lose them.

Navigating the city and what lies beneath can be tricky, especially in the dark. Some of your on-board displays can help you track your position and orientation, and where to go next.

Yes, the final mission is quite hard. You can do a few practice runs before getting past the point of no return.


Some textures taken with a CC0 license from https://polyhaven.com/, some sound samples and instruments originate from Steinberg Cubase or Serum. Everything else (music, models, story, gameplay, code, etc etc) was all made by myself.

Final words

Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoyed it!