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Our Yuri Game Jam 2023 entry attempt.

There are two mysterious towers that randomly appear in different parts of the world from time to time and the Gods choose two heroes to try to earn their favor. These chosen ones enter the towers and...the rest is unclear. No one ever returned or anyhow interacted with the outside world after entering the tower.
That's where the story unfolds.

So, that is it! We successfully released our first ever game! At least a demo of it! It was such a wonderful adventure working on it, slowly getting it done piece by piece. We all had some prior experience, but none of us ever worked on something as big ((and cool, honestly)). It was a total blast and we did our absolute bests.

Sadly, we weren't able to add a lot of ideas we had for the demo. Proper tutorial section, item shop, stress and consequences system, dialogue options and much-much more! Gosh, even the yuri aspect of the game is kinda out of the board because we were running out of time! But I hope you could really see how charming all of the characters are and how much love we put in this project. Don't tell anyone, but my favorite girls have to be Yrellis and Lavender. I'm absolutely in love with them.

I hope you'll be able to enjoy this little game as much as we were enjoying making it.

With love, your Rubyheart Games.

Yuri Game Jam 2023