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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Game for Ludum Dare 55 with the theme: Summoning

You are Satan and livestreaming the atrocities you conjure.

Go on - cook up some hellishly good recipes, entertain yourself and your viewers with the hilarious mix of art styles in order to reach the top of the pyramid scheme streaming leaderboards!

How to play

  1. Start the stream
    • Optional: Enable online features to enable live chat and a global leaderboard to compete with your friends. Just enter your email and password (email can technically be anything, we don’t check and will not send you anything) and enter a username. When you play again, you can log in with the same user to try to beat your highscore.
  2. Click the ingredients on screen to collect them for your recipe, while keeping an eye on chat. If chat sounds unhappy, you’ll probably start to lose viewers. Make them happy by trying new recipes and interacting with chat using the hype button or actually sending messages.
  3. Once you have the ingredients you want chopped up, click the summon recipe button to create your meal. If you are successful, your recipe will appear, otherwise you’ll know you messed up. Chat will once again let you know how you’re doing as well.
  4. If you manage to make chat happy, you’ll start to see more subscribers and donations getting added to the donation goal.
  5. Try to reach your donation goal before losing all your viewers to win the game.


  • Randomly generated chat messages which react to your actions
  • Global leaderboard and live chat
  • Several recipes to discover (recipe book with a list of unlocked recipes might be added in a future update)

The game is open-source - thus available on GitHub to build it yourself, or take the easy route and download it from our itch page.