tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Two friends try to summon a demon to fulfill their wish.
Can you solve the riddles to figure out which symbols to use?

This game has autosave. It saves after solving a page.
You can fast forward dialogue using F.
You can mute the audio with M.
F11 for fullscreen (not in browser version).


Q: How does this work? I don’t get it at all!
A: Each page is a short story, with each line referring to a certain symbol. Your goal is to solve each page by drawing the four unique symbols the page refers to. Click on the smaller circles in the summoning circle to draw a symbol.

Q: These riddles are very confusing. Can I get a hint?
A: Try to think about why certain words were used in the riddle. Why was that specific phrasing used, when there were other options? You can also just try. The game will tell if you made any mistakes or not.

And remember that each page is a short story. The line 'shielding us from the flashes of death' is referring to the line before that. 'Echoing through the caves, far below its peak.' The answer to this is what is shielding from the flashes of death. But what are those flashes of death?

Q: I try to draw a certain symbol, but it doesn't work!
A: Sometimes it helps just to draw a little extra. Also, take a good look at the symbol. For example, lips only occupies the lower half. Desert has a line at the bottom (which is not part of the ocean symbol).


Turn on subtitles for an explanation on each riddle.

Full video
