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White Cat Wanders in The Dark Assbyss

This is the completed version of the game that join the 
Godot Community Game Jam - June 2018 and Weekly Game Jam - Week 49

The themes : Temperature and Explore the Abyss.

Story: Opposite day, now you have to work , cat! After that, the white cat was taken to the abyss entrance. While exploring the abyss, the cat found that some monster there would drop dungeon tokens when defeated.  But they are just appear sometimes unless he goes deeper into the abyss. As he explored deeper, he found a strong monster that make his ear displeasing. And he continued going deeper and deeper. Will he be able to find the dark secret of the abyss? Will he survive or not depends on you. 

Merchant: You forget to mention about me. You can buy thing at my shop. But don't look around to find some dropped tokens. There are something hidden "in the dungeon" (Believe me only in the dungeon). If you pay attention you may find it. The gamemaster is really like to hide things.

There are 3 kinds of gameplay involving the use of dungeon generator. They are similar though. 

  • If it is bad dungeon room, blame it on the God of Random and me
  • Fishes are consumed when player is not supposed to be "alright" 
  • Everytime you came back to the entrance merchant, the temperature will reset and change like the weather. If you have 35 or more, it's best to go deeper.
  • You can even custom the jump speed some time.

If you have found a bug, be sure to comment so I could fix it.

Source code will be release after the jam in case someone finds a bug and I have to fix it. (P/s: my code is not easy to read though.)

Some problem I have before submitting:

  • Instead, the game was submit at almost late. But it's still have bugs at that time. And when I played the game to testing I found even more bugs. It took 12 hours to fix all those bugs. So now, I just uploaded the complete game  version.

The asset, audio belong to their proper owners. (Some of the assets/audio are CC0, others are Attribution License)
I have made a really nice credit screen that you get 5 tokens everytime you watch it.

Credit: I got free assets from those below.  I'm grateful that I found them (I mean the assets).

Graphics: dogchicken - opengameart.org
Luis Zuno (@ansimuz) - opengameart.org
Ravenmore http://dycha.net/

Music : bensound.com
skymary - freesound.org
Matvej - freesound.org
levelclearer - freesound.org

And now enjoy!

Thanks for reading/playing and sorry for my bad English.