Thanks to all those players out there still grinding away in the post-apocalypse. We've added a bunch of new features to the game. Plus we've updated our roadmap for the next year. Join us on discord to see what the future of TombstoneMMO holds Discord for the fastest way to report your bugs. __Update 0.3.7 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 2/27/25 New SPURS!
- Added SPUR Rock Cleaver. Unleash a powerful strike with your Sword
- Added SPUR Long Shot. Shoot your next repeater shot from a far distance
- Added SPUR Double Shot. Shoot two arrows at once with your bow
- Added these abilities for certain enemies to use, who will also drop them
- Winning team now gets 50 bone fragments each
- Considered a safe zone where you wont drop items on death
- UI has been resized and made pixel perfect
- Monsters here will now drop Bone Fragments, which can be spent with Frank for unique accessories
- Fixed Famine spawn not working
- Higgins Farm: added a bank, moved beehive closer to farm house
- Changed Dolores on NW task to an actual quest that teaches about crops, with a new quest indicator
- Added Hunter Charms: a progressive craftable item that gives some hunting stat and bonus exp. Only 1 can be equipped at a time
- Added +1 ranged stat to quivers
- Added new leather-only recipes: Rabbit Headband, Coyote Leather Gloves, Boar Shoulder Guards, and Wolf Fur Cloak
- Added a Sandworm Tracker rare drop from the boss that will point you to its relative location
- Added an agriculture tab to the journal
- Moved the achievements menu to the journal (like actual journal pages, not a separate menu)
- Added a woodworking shop NPC, George, to Rustwater
- Added a low level Technomancy shop to Alexandria Nash in Frontier
- Reduced price of Stone Cells to 5 (was 10)
- Added lore notes around the Trailhead bunker
- Increased the size of hitsplats to be more visible
- Bandages now give bleed immunity for 1 minute
- Antipoisons now give poison immunity for 1 minute
- Added a supply chest to NW where you can claim various bottom-tier ammo every 30 mins
- Increased the exp given by making sushi
- Increased rice crop harvest amount, but decreased exp per harvest
- Added a top tier Fishing catch: Crayfish to trap-cold-freshwater spots
- You will now keep your 5 most valuable equipment on PVE death (PVP still remains full loot)
- Improved stat descs
- Added an ideal agri level to seed tooltips. Seeds can be planted/harvested at any level, but the ideal level indicates how well you will harvest it
- Gave real values for hybrid leather-metal gears
- Gave real values to medium and large paramours
- Large paramours now take Witch Hazel instead of Ruby to make. (However, Witch hazels are not available yet)
- Abuelo will now also cure debuffs on you
- Enemies will now despawn after 5 minutes of no players around
- Better feedback when opening crates without enough inv space
- Campfire charcoal now spawns for everyone else after 50 ticks instead of instantly
- Removed the passage block between Steve and the Giant Snake
- Bosses will no longer hit other enemies
- Added current server to friends list (open by pressing 'F')
- Added more worm sources near fishing rod spots
- Added a world map icon for Sawmills
- Added another Oddrey spawn to the meadow biome
- Adjusted pistol/rifle levels. Generally they will need higher levels to be equipped
- Rename 'Pine Resin' to 'Resin'
- Added resin to frontier bounty crate rewards
- You will now refill HP on health level up
- Made Rats a bit weaker
- Added recipes for Gold laser guns
- Increased snake oil drop quantity from Giant Snake
- Removed a repetitive system message when you finished crafting
- Added an opening on the south side of the NW town hall
- Added more sources of low level seeds and stone cells on Trailhead
- Fixed certain quest task progresses not shown in quest menu
- Fixed some instances of loot being unreachable on N-Tech containers
- Fixed linear telegraphs not visible when facing left or down
- Fixed some blocky sand-grass tile transitions
- Fixed bank placeholders not graying out when loaded in
- Fixed caret going invisible when entering a whisper name
- Fixed various animation bugs
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't click tile objects again to interact with them again without moving
- Fixed a bug where you could add noted items to animal pens
- Fixed the Skull Hitsplat skin not being centered
- Fixed a bug where crafting stat bonuses didn't allow you to craft recipes beyond your level
- Fixed login screen UI could be shaking on logout
- Fixed various achievement issues
- Fixed crops not visually updating as time passes while in range
- Fixed certain skins not saving. This change may require you to re-equip all your cosmetics
- Fixed not being able to start Mistaken Identity if you abandoned Maza
- (Tried to) Fix a bug where b01a would spawn multiple times
[ 2025-02-27 16:36:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have made significant changes to most exp sources to make them feel more balanced and smoother. Most are buffs, and some of the increases are small, others are huge. This should help you prepare for our first major content update next month! Join us on discord to see what the future of TombstoneMMO holds. Discord __Update 0.3.6 EXP Revamp__ 2/14/25
- Beehives will now gain an exp multiplier for the amount of living bees
- Improved gem tiers/rates from mining nodes
- Increased bullet and cell output from tinkering
- Guns take less materials to make
- Improved healing values on cooked animal meat
- Added Scrap Electronics and Batteries to Peace Cells shop
- Added a custom soundtrack for the Buried Mines
- Improved Salado rope hurdle visuals
- Added lighting to Cherytol and Rustwater
- Added another path out of Cherytol to the northwest
- Changed water source minimap icon
- Added Abuelo the medic to all towns. He also no refills all your resources instead of just health
- Shifted around some fiber nodes to improve harvesting flow
- Added a plant harvesting sound
- Added a new NPC "Laura" to frontier for info about tailoring
- Updated and added a glow to login buttons
- Improved clickbox of several crafters
- Added quick-shop option to Jack in frontier
- Increase bark chances from woodcutting
- Added a login error if you tried to login with steam while it was not open
- Reduced amount of spools to craft tunics
- Added a Turkey spawn near Frontier
- Moved the right-click menu customizer from the options menu to the menu itself
- Added 3 cooking recipes
- Improved click pathing to worm wood nodes
- Added stat descriptions
- Added a right-click option to skilling nodes to open the journal for them
- Fixed a bug with new leather recipes not showing all info
- Removed birch tree icon showing for the fishing nodes
- Fixed a bug that made it quick to gather nodes with several level tiers (mainly fishing spots). This will make the gathering rate a bit slower, but is counteracted with the new exp values.
- Fixed some instances of enemies spawning out of map bounds
- Fixed minimap textures
- Fixed various instances of unreachable item drops
- Fixed tilemap not fully loading on left/right edges in 1440p resolution
- Fixed opening bounty crates not giving you items when your inv was full
- Mobile: Fixed unable to send chat messages
- Fixed Tanning Solution being eaten by tub if you added any quantity besides "all"
- Fixed the frontier tanning area not using its own inventory (was using the same as bayou)
- Fixed certain node group nodes becoming invisible at low depletion (like sand piles)
- Fixed "Casting the First Stone" being stuck in incomplete state when already finished
- Fixed quiver tooltip not showing attack speed gain
- Fixed campfire sound loop
- Fixed SPUR abilities not updating intractability while open
- Fixed using kinesis on the starting ship tunic visually turning it into moonshine
- Fixed Ben tutorial arrows not showing
- Fixed a bug where adding rental days to the rustwater animal pen wouldn't work
- Fixed steel bullets recipe was replaced with tin bullets
- Fixed Journal achievements button not opening the menu
- Fixed tilemap not loading in properly (rather, unloading too soon)
- Fixed translation issues not falling back or defaulting to english
[ 2025-02-15 15:16:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to all those players out there still grinding away in the post-apocalypse. We've added a bunch of new features to the game. Plus we've updated our roadmap for the next year. Join us on discord to see what the future of TombstoneMMO holds Discord for the fastest way to report your bugs. __Update 0.3.5 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 2/6/25
- Bounty Hunter
- Completing bounties will now reward you a bounty crate for the corresponding board that gives you various random resources.
- Added another higher tier bounty board to Odyssey Outpost in front of its new beer garden
- Adjusted the existing bounty exp to be more consistent, and added a few missing bounties.
- Jewelry: Added silver tier jewelry
- Main Quest Changes: At the start of the main quest you are told to go all the way to Salado, then back to Frontier. This seemed unnecessary and may have been overwhelming for newer players. So we have moved Cain to Frontier's bar instead of Salado's.
- Added Overcharged enemies to most spawn areas. They have a 1% chance to spawn, will be twice as tough, and have 3x the drops. They are indicated by a cyan glow.
- Added Campfires: You can make a campfire in any 2x2 area using a Tinderbox and a log. You can cook on these campfires at a slower, less efficient rate. This might help hunters stay out in the field longer and get more leather by cooking and eating the meat they get from skinning.
- Added a friends list! Press 'F' by default to open it.
- Added new cosmetics: the Amorganoid pet, and Marshmallow on a Stick weapon skin.
- Added a new hair color: Hazelnut. Visit a barber with a color change coupon to change your hair color.
- Added craftable Wooden Clogs
- Added Tinderbox for sale from various shops
- Adjusted some animal meat recipes and added one for Grilled Wolf Meat
- Added a bar to Odyssey outpost where the tinkering bench is named 'Odds and Ends Beer Garden'
- Added a visual indicator the the "hit shield" on the final boss, becoming more red as it breaks by hitting it
- Made various improvement to the companion journal page
- Player combat levels are now shown in all right-click options
- Added a better warning before triggering the final boss fight
- Increased animal pen product quantity
- Changed scrap metal to be less abundant, but more valuable (caps and exp-wise)
- Increased giant snake carcass hunting exp to 100 (was 50)
- Increased repsawn and regen rates of Glassworts
- Increased exp from woodcutting for all trees
- Added Piles of Sand and the Shovel tool. You can find these in Frontier.
- Added another entrance to the Bayou town on the NW side.
- Updated minimaps
- Taking down the SEA server for the time being to save costs since it was getting little traffic
- Mobile: Forced 16:9 resolution which should help with UI scaling
- Mobile-related: Added ability to attach a username/password to your account. Primarily Steam users may do this to then login from their phone using the user/pass method.
- Fixed a bug where certain variable objects were not preloaded, such as the doors in the Silver Mesa Bunker asking you to pay to open them again if you relogged. (However, the boss door is always paid.)
- Fixed Salt Veins not spawning in the Salado salt mine
- Fixed a bug where players would get stuck in a server if they logged out while the database was down
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't progress/complete the Silver Veil quest
- Fixed a visual bug with torch stand sorting
- Fixed a bug that did not remove your completed quests from in progress. This may have been causing the journal not to update as you were questing (which was fixed with a relog)
- Fixed visual clipping on frontier's bridge
- Fixed pets disappearing if you changes maps
- Fixed sorting on some bunker doors
- Fixed positioning of final boss visuals
- Fixed final boss wall laser sprites
- Fixed the periodic table in the silver mesa bunker not being readable
- Fixed a bug where entering the final boss area would not let you leave through the same door you paid
- Fixed some lighting around Frontier
- Fixed harvesting anim not playing when digging through garbage
- Fixed worm-spawned sandstorms not despawning
- Fixed Baby Sandworms appearing huge sometimes
- Fixed some sorting issues near doors on the north side of buildings in NW
- Fixed animal pen UI dragging not in screen
- Fixed various bugs with pen resources
- Fixed animal pen products claimed not providing exp
- Fixed some inv arrowshaft recipe exps being too high
- Fixed a bug where enemy drops would spawn for other enemies if attacked by them. This would appear as if the item didn't drop for you and appears after some time.
- Fixed a bug where the bank UI wouldn't hide upon closing the bank if you pressed a hotkey to open another window.
- Fixed a bug where the journal would close if your current interaction was canceled (i.e. killing an enemy)
[ 2025-02-06 17:03:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're still working hard on getting to all the bugs and suggestions that you've reported over this first month of gaming in Tombstone. Keep 'em coming. There are a few updates within this community update. Check out what we've been doing! As always, join us on Discord Discord for the fastest way to report your bugs. __Update 0.3.4 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 1/23/25
- Leatherwork: Added a tanning process for hides! This is an active playstyle to squeeze out more exp from the hides you get. There are several steps to this process, and some are automated so that you could have multiple steps going on. The exp output of leatherwork was low in the last update, so with the previous exp increase and this providing even more exp for going through the process, it should bring it up to par with other skills.
- These only apply to the basic tiers of leather from rabbit to wolf at the moment
- Added Tree Bark which can be cooked into Tanning Solution. Tree bark is a stackable resource from woodcutting
- Salt is required for one of the steps, so we made it stackable. Increased its input quantity in other recipes to 2 (from 1)
- Added autocrafters: Soaking Tub and Drying Rack. You can place the proper items in these for them to craft. You will get the exp reward when withdrawing the crafted products.
- As a result, the leather stall products have also been updated. It also depletes slower and replenishes faster
- These leather tanning areas have been added to the Bayou and Frontier City (west side)
- Added hybrid metal-leather tiers of armor which utilize the new leather items: Fire Helms and Lamellars
- Greatly improved melee responsiveness. Previously, your character would stop dead in their tracks if the enemy started moving while you were approaching them. Now your character should follow it better until you attack.
- Added a new hairstyle: Majestic Hair
- Added a new hair color: Purple
- The click effect is now white by default and red when you click on something interactable
- Stylized the slot row for equipment tooltips better
- Moved a freshwater cold rod-fishing spot closer to Odyssey
- Quiver recipe now uses Deer Leather
- Heavy Rain/Chill effects now apply properly while youre in the weather events
- Can now press the Cancel button (esc) to close an open tooltip
- Added /ignore as a variation of the /block chat command
- Added a message to /unstuck with your next available usage time
- Replaced raw meat with wolf meat on Wolf carcasses
- Mobile: set ui scaling to 2 (login screen looks huge, but should help with game UI)
- Fixed a plethora of memory leaks
- Fixed CRT setting not applied on start if toggled on
- Fixed Rick mentioning he gave you a pistol when he doesn't
- Fixed deer spawn near bayou spawning off the cliff edge
- Fixed various swimming and butcher hair animations
- Fixed leather hood inv crafting animations
- Fixed a bug where banks would not save if you had a massive amount of randomized equipment
- Fixed "Barbelll" earring name
- Fixed the login mascot not showing all of his lines
[ 2025-01-29 15:06:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're still working hard on getting to all the bugs and suggestions that you've reported over this first month of gaming in Tombstone. Keep 'em coming. There are a few updates within this community update. Check out what we've been doing! As always, join us on Discord Discord for the fastest way to report your bugs. __Update 0.3.3 (EARLY ACCESS)__ 1/4/25
- Added 2 new cosmetics: the Cowboy Hat and Green Shorts!
- Added glass making: A new node which gives Glasswort, which can then be cooked into Soda Ash, then smelted with Sand to make Molten Glass. You can make glass vial casts and use them to make vials with molten glass.
- Added recipe to melt down some broken glass
- Added Latte item and recipe
- Increased regen rate of all stalls
- Meat Stall: Added venison. Lowered raw meat drop weight so it doesn't appear as much
- Bar stall: Removed cloth. Decreased small empty vial and poppy rates.
- Increased cap yield from robbing people
- Increased Oddrey spawns and adjusted drops.
- Added some iron nodes upstream from Rustwater. These are slightly closer but won't have Buried Mines nearby.
- Added a blue star to an item to indicate a perfect roll
- Simplified some shop item ratios (like feathers being sold in bulks of 10 for 30 caps -> 1 feather for 3 caps)
- Reduced Fletcher feather price to match other shops
- Clarified some dialogue with Tina if you already helped Eddie
- Added proper values for Medium Crush and Delight
- Swirled Storm recipe now takes 2 energy cells to make.
- Kakutes now take 3 fangs to craft
- Fixed world map icon size slider not working
- Fixed trough recipes all being for birch feeding troughs.
- Fixed a Water Cell recipe giving cryo cells instead
- Fixed grilled boar/venison not burnable when cooked
- Fixed a trade bug where both ready states are not reset if one player removed an item
- Fixed enemy aggro not respecting aggro radius when they spawned
- Fixed FPS unlocking again after logging into game
- Fixed bulldog not being reobtainable
- Fixed multibench visual layers sorting below it
- Fixed bank drag image getting visually stuck on the tab after the first time you did it
- Fixed a rounding error on beehive drone drain
- Fixed Cowboys not being ranged
- Fixed double hit SPUR ability not doing any damage
- Your target is now unset if an enemy "returns"
- Fixed "Enter" sending unfinished chat message
- Fixed collision behind a container where zombies could spawn but you couldn't walk to
- Fixed a potential race condition where your quest wouldn't be loaded before talking to an NPC the first time. Such as Wesley where he wouldn't show options for travel
- Fixed sparse overworld music not audible outside towns
- Reduced enter/exit swimming sound volume
- Changed rod fishing sound
- Added Yohnny to the Buried Mines entrance! He will transfer your mine cart inventory directly to your bank for 10% of your ores.
- Up to 33% more nodes could spawn, and 50% more beams
- Fixing a beam now shows a visual time addition on the UI
- Added two new cosmetics: Monocle and Face Paint!
- Accessories: These slots are now generic, so you may equip up to 4 unique accessories instead of one of each designated type.
- Added a new accessory: Quiver
- Party: Added the ability to set a leader, and to leave the party
- Journal: Added more information to recipes
- Added animal pen map icons
- Chat bubbles will no longer be shown for messages received from hidden channels
- Moved a distant Cotton cluster closer to Frontier
- Lowered footstep volume
- Added tooltip for empty equip slots to say what goes in them
- Added a recipe to break broken bottles with a hammer to get broken glass
- Tried to fix Steam achievement claiming and now gives better feedback if it fails.
- House of Bones: Fixed various bugs that would not let you in and play the minigame
- Fixed a bug where you would see yourself twice in party UI
- Fixed the raid on NW not spawning all raiders or brute
- Tried to fix a bug with server shutdown saving people into the void
- Pen product claiming has been re-enabled
- Changed Pens to send products to your bank instead of withdrawing to your inv
- Fixed dying on a spawn point not resetting you properly
- Increased max feather stack to 50k (was 5k)
- Pressurized cells from Kruger are now sold at 15 caps each (was 5)
- Limited crafting amount of a single action to 30
- Added rare pets to the rest of the trees
- Frozen entities now take more damage from blunt weapons
- Login is now prevented during server shutdown
- Reduced overkill exp to 1.2x of entity max health (was 2x)
- Fixed alchemize spell not taking its item cost
- Moved Odyssey bee spawns a bit closer together
- Fixed trading a non-noted item taking from a stack of noted items of the same kind
- Fixed various trade bugs
- Moved a Wolf and Glacial Organoid spawn to a pve area
- Fixed a bug where if you bought stackable items with a partial stack in your inventory not giving you all of what you purchased
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't rent pens if you didn't have a beehive
- Changed Pine tree sprite back to normal
- Added crop plot map icons
- Robert Skinner now shows his full name to reduce confusion
- Fixed inability to interact with the pickaxe south of NW (and other interactables that were 1 tile off)
- Fixed torch not modifying your light radius.
- Fixed light radius from equipment not changed if you had a cosmetic over it
- The task HUD is no longer stretched along the left side of the screen
- Fixed side panel toggles not lighting up
- Tooltips are now pixel perfect
- Added quick options for Harold and Fletcher shops
- Removed hurdle rope collision north of Salado
- Fixed item value and color for attack speed mods
- Fixed a regression where your inventory would toggle instead of open, such as when opening the bank
- Rearranged equipment side panel slots
- Renamed accessory slots to be more generic in preparation of upcoming changes
[ 2025-01-16 16:41:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
A very heart felt thank you to all of you who have been playing and reporting the bugs you run into. We're very lucky to have you all playing and keep reporting those bugs. The following is what we have fixed so far. As always, join us on Discord Discord for the fastest way to report your bugs. __Update (EARLY ACCESS)__ Hotfix 1
- Fixed a bug with max bank tab saving not saving a tab
- Changed burnt fish to generic burnt meat
- Load in FPS setting on start so its not uncapped (should help with performance)
- Bank: add tab is hidden when at max tabs
- Fixed bank item count not updating instantly
- Fixed beehives being pathable sometimes
- Server dropdown now shows ping and is sorted by ping
- Halved replenish delay of worm wood.
- Added a 100 item gather limit when skilling
- Left clicking an inv item while in a shop now sells it instead of uses/selects it
- Updated venison, boar, and wolf meat values (not visually updated yet)
- All players now forced saved during server shutdown
- Fixed an error when both players traded no items
- Fixed creating a new bank tab visually breaking when selected
- Fixed login session not refreshing automatically with Steam
- Fixed various issues with blocking people
- Reduced Iron Birch Arrow recipe level req (not visually updated yet)
- Improved melee combat feel
- Reduced tooltip open delay
- Fixed casting Kinesis making your character stuck thinking it's ranged
- Fixed tab navigation on login screen
- Doubled queen bee weight from beehives. (They will be sold by Beekeeper Tom for 2k each in 0.3.3)
- Increased Buried Mine base timer to 3 minutes (was 2). Beam repair now adds 30 seconds (was 15).
- Fixed various errors
- Fixed health stat not starting with level 10 exp.
- Fixed fire vents not visually disappearing on final boss
- Fixed range check on large, stationary enemies
- All entity names are now shown by default
- Clamped purchase quantity to what you could afford if you tried to buy too much
- Fixed server dropdown list not loading servers sometimes
- Fixed karma abilities not visually toggling off if you ran out of karma
- Fixed various physics problems related to combat, such as Sandworm abilities
- Fixed unreachable drops by last story boss
- Fixed relogging or quitting the final story boss fight bringing you back to where you didn't have to pay points to fight it again
- Fixed combat zone effects (like multi combat) not clearing on when it despawns (i.e. with the Sandworm)
- Fixed party chat sending double messages in local
- Fixed party chat errors being send to the wrong players
- Fixed instance cache not clearing if leaving an instance via teleport
- Fixed noted tools working for skilling
- Fixed antipoison reapplying poison instead of curing it
- Fixed employee points not dropping by all mobs in the Silver Mesa bunker
- Fixed invisible companions and interacting with them crashing you
- Fixed a memory leak
- Fixed players not saved properly if logged out during combat
- Doubled bullet output (and caps input) of bullet recipes. This is not yet visually updated.
- Fixed mesa bunker employee point drops spawning in the wrong map
- Fixed beehive rewards not being claimed when you try to send them to the bank
- Added a timer for mobs to get bored of hitting you if you dont hit back
- Fixed a networking issue that didn't allow mine cart invs to save
- Fixed projectile visuals not clearing properly. This may have been causing projectile skins to not work
- Fixed Sandworm inhale attack slow effect causing you to crash if you tried to run away
- Fixed other various sandworm bugs
- Fixed whispering. You must now type /w full name then press enter to start a whisper chat.
- Prevented unlinking steam if you had no other login credentials
- Changed login error text to yellow to look less scary
- Fixed html/rich text chat messages not being sanitized properly
- Fixed Spore Zombie poison status ground thinking you're in PVP
[ 2025-01-01 00:12:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tombstone MMO is bringing the world back from the Apocalypse with more than 100 players a day. We want to thank you, the players, for being so active and enjoying the game. Please continue to level up, submit bug reports and don't forget to write a review. As always, join us on Discord Discord __Update 0.3.2 (EARLY ACCESS)__ Movement: This has been a pain point for some players. The movement is fundamentally tied to the tile-based, tick-based nature of the game, e.g. you move one tile at one tick, there are no fractions. So we have made other aspects of it better:
- Movement is now visually smooth by default (the Linear movement ease option)
- Stamina now drains half as quick
- WASD/joystick movement and sprinting should feel much more responsive
- Bank: Added an item counter to each bank tab. Bank tabs can now only have 250 items in each one. Your inventory and equipment are now saved when your bank saved to keep everything consistent.
- New cosmetics: Bow of Holly (bow), Swordfish (2h), and Crab Claw (2h)
- Added 2 new recipes
- Reduced gunmetal ingot recipe's copper ore input from 2 to 1
- Added more festive pine trees
- Added better clickboxes for the rest of the trees
- Added new icons for jewelry to make them all look unique
- Added a Rubble animation to make it more obvious
- Added a "Value" row to tooltips for non-equip items
- Used proper verbs when panning and catching bugs
- Raider Brutes now move 1 tick faster
- Changed default world map key to 'M' and journal key to 'J'
- Apples now also restore 1 of each Karma
- Wallace now sells Pine Bows
- Fix several instances of ledges without collision
- Multibench: fixed unlock visuals. Fixed it activating unprompted. Fixed it activating a visual tutorial out of sequence
- The NW visual tutorial chain should now only activate once per character
- When autocasting and running out of cells, autocast will be canceled automatically
- Made the trade window more opaque and a bit smaller
- Added a drop shadow to the login play button text to improve legibility
- Added a Patreon button to the login screen socials corner
- Added town icons to the world map along with a slider to change the size of these icons.
- Made the chat wider and it no longer blocks clicks when unfocused
- The side panel slide-out tab is now shown by default
- Added a "Sell item" notice above your inventory when in a shop. It isn't obvious to new players on how to sell items.
- Fixed Wesley Waves not recognizing that you sided with the raiders which blocked him from taking you to Boia
- Fixed your cosmetics not always showing for others
- Fixed not being able to click outside of the bank window to walk away
- Fixed swimming map transitions from Boia to Trailhead
- Fixed more uncommon cases of players getting stuck during the tut raid instances
- Fixed an error when using antipoisons
- Fixed an instance where clicking a journal recipe not showing the details page
- Fixed RCM persisting in the crafting menu after you have chosen a recipe to craft
- Fixed a bug where the play button in the login menu could get stuck uninteractable
- Fixed cooking range UI name text positioning
- Fixed "User" word being filtered
- Fixed Yohnny at Bayou and Salado not taking you to Northwell, but still stole your caps
- Web: fixed potential material loading issue
- Fixed invalid stat in the equipment stats page
- Fixed an error with Earth elemental's boulder spell
- Fixed readable objects (like signs) not disposing of the "Close" button
- Fixed respawning with 1 health in rare cases
- Fixed the impassable alleyway in Salado
- Fixed inconsistent sorting in the ability menu
- Fixed the multibench and other UI opening unprompted when another player interacted with the same object
- Fixed sand casts not breaking. They now break with a 1/6 chance
- Fixed robbable enemies potentially walking through walls when they hit you
- Fixed cash shop previews if you had an invisible cosmetic on
- Fixed sprite sorting on Spinning Wheels
- Fixed queen bees not being added to hives
- Fixed woodworking recipes not appearing at woodworking benches
[ 2024-12-23 15:56:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you to all who joined us on launch day and for all the bug reports you submitted. Here is what we fixed with your help! Please keep sending in those reports. We will be supporting this game fully while we develop the remaining content, including the 2nd continent. As always, join us on Discord Discord __Update 0.3.1 (EARLY ACCESS)__
- Added a quick-login/register button for Steam. Registering with Steam will also allow you to skip the email verification process. This is intended to get Steam players up and running quick! (If you want to link your Steam account to an existing Tombstone account, sign in with your TS account first, then go to Options menu > Account tab.)
- Adjusted node rates across the board. Mining rocks now deplete 2x slower. Herbs now replenish 2x faster. "Material" plants (like Linen) now yield 2x as much. Trees deplete slower and replenish faster.
- Added more Tin and Copper nodes near the cliff ramp east of NW
- Set Login buttons as first selected so you can press enter a few times to login quicker
- Added ability to filter journal nodes by tool type
- If you have enemy names enabled, enemy names will now disappear when they die
- Optimization: greatly reduced caching of the boat raid instance.
- Fixed the tutorial boat raid instance not unloading
- Fixed some of your items drops when dying not being able to be picked up again
- Fixed the cutscene not exiting when you first meet Cain.
- Fixed others not being able to see your cosmetics
- Fixed enemies spawning on signs
- Fixed an error related to pets. This may fix the pets not despawning when a player leaves.
- Fixed not being able to see others skilling animations
- Fixed Bait being taken on ticks where you didn't catch a fish
- Fixed short hair animation being a frame off
- Fixed battle music not stopping after the raid on NW ends Nvm, still occuring
- Fixed the dialogue portraits when you first meet Cain
- Fixed combination icons on your inv slots not disappearing when the item was deselecting
- Fixed the "Sell All" option in shops not giving the correct caps value.
- Fixed a rare error when failing a pilfer
- Fixed journal not showing recipes
- Fixed scaling of the side panel
- Remove control rebinding on mobile. This caused a soft lock when pressed
[ 2024-12-20 15:22:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
That's right! You can finally play TombstoneMMO in Early Access. What that means is from here on out NO MORE WIPES! Your character's progress will be saved forevermore. We plan on adding an entire new continent for full release, but for EA there is content for hours and hours of play time. Get in, level up and get on the Leaderboard! Discord __Update 0.3 (EARLY ACCESS)__
- Replaced the Charisma skill with a Quest Point system. Charisma was intended to be our NPC interaction skill for unique dialogues, but was hard to balance and keep track of as a skill that needed exp. Quest points are much more manageable.
- Activating Karma skills now has an upfront cost, but drains much slower over time.
- Added several new Karma skills for basic stat, damage, and defense buffs
- As a reminder, the exp rate was boosted to 5x in the Alpha. It is now set to its default value.
- Similarly, the barber was free during the Alpha. But now requires a barber shop coupon from the Cash shop.
- Added new skin color changes to the Barber Shop.
- Added new achievements, for a total of 10. You can find and claim them in your Journal > Achievements tab.
- Improved Karma buff tooltips.
- Equipped Cosmetics will now be saved and re-equipped when you log in.
- Added a combat instance for new players once they step off the boat.
- Set a level difference limit for PVP to 5.
- Blizzard intensity now affects world objects properly.
- Added special attacks to Deer and Glacial Organoids.
- Added a new shop to Salado's bar.
- Added some quest-related unique shops that your quest choices can affect.
- Fixed Wild Boar's dash ability not working.
- Fixed telegraph tiles persisting on screen when you log out.
- Mobile: You can now tap and hold bank tabs to edit them.
- Mobile: Fixed not being able to send chat messages with the submit button.
[ 2024-12-19 23:30:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
The servers are quite, but we have been busy as bees getting the final updates in place in preparation for Early Access. If you're waiting for the wipe to hop into the game, you can still hop into Discord now! Discord __Update 0.2.26__
- Added a game-wide feature: Defeating the final boss will now grant you a choice to modify the weather intensities on Boia. This has certain effects on things on the island, including monsters and skilling nodes.
- New Dialogue Box UI layout.
- Added new cash shop pets: The Toucan and Parrot!
- Damaging spells now have their damage scale with your Technomancy level and stat buffs
- You can now set your respawn point at some towns with Rollin Yohnny
- Added new Status Effects: Poison, Chill
- Added new enemies: Glacial Organoids, Predatory Mushrooms
- Bosses are now much more deadly. They were intended to be group fights, whereas before they were soloable.
- Added an icon indicator when combining items to show which items are combinable in your inv
- Added a new achievement for completing "A Needle in the Wasteland"
- Added missing kill bounties
- Added ability for some enemies to poison you
- Added cooldown to /unstuck command
- Added encryption for locally stored sensitive data, like passwords. You might be required to reinput your password (if saved) on login
- Added Northwell travel options to Yohnny
- Added a new cold element damaging spell: Ice Shard
- Added status immunities to certain enemies.
- Added Cyborg sounds
- Added descriptions for all items
- Added ability to press Esc when dragging an item to cancel dragging it
- Added UI health bar to the giant snake
- You may now report the thief in "Mistaken Identity" to Slate for different rewards
- Changed the Stone Staff to a Sandblaster with new visuals and information
- Fixed telegraphed tiles not visible
- Fixed lighting in NW
- Improved level 30s loot tables
- Fixed rubberbanding when swimming with high ping
- Prevented ability to talk to certain enemies if you were attacking them
- Chat bubbles are now removed/prevented on death
- Updated some missing portraits
- Fixed dmg anim not playing when hurt
- Made side panel tabs double size for easy tapping
- Made minimap toggle notch larger
- Fix tap+hold not showing proper menu options
- Fixed cash shop preview sizing
[ 2024-12-04 17:25:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
The final part of the main story quest has been added: The Silver Veil! This will give you access to a new zone, with new enemies, and a final boss! (Boss rewards are not fully complete just yet) EA is almost here. Don't forget to join us in discord and find out how our new, community led, adventurer is fairing. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.25__
- New enemy: Spore Zombie
- New teleport spells the rest of the towns and changed their level reqs
- New utility spells: Vulnerability, Enfeeble, Blind, Debilitate, Exposure
- Improved Recipes and Nodes tabs in the journal
- Changed the player's light to appear pixelated to match the rest of the game
- Changed formatting of quest task progress
- Nerfed all sledge top end damage by 1
- Changed Cattleprod to be Static element
- Improved Pestle & Mortar item description
- Improved feedback when login fails (i.e. if you didn't verify your email)
- Improved rarity text colors to be more legible
- Improved visual interactability and tooltips of spells
- Changed health/def exp gain on hit to only come from your primary attacker
- Shops now buy items at full value listed on the tooltip
- Added zone indicator ribbons
- Added Boulder spell to Earth Elementals
- Added cast times to some spells that prevent you from moving right after casting
- Added progress bar to quest menu tasks
- Added a game setting to autocast spells by default (in spells menu)
- Added visual UI feedback when gaining items
- Added chat icons for mods
- Added an inventory recipe for making bowstrings
- Added a loom to Old Williamsburg.
- Added names under Crafters to easily identify them
- Added a completed quests section to the quests menu
- Added recording for first players to hit level 100
- Added some NPCs to Salado's bar
- Added a bleeding attack to wolves
- Added Bleed cure to Bandages
- Added tooltip offset to inv items
- Added daily backup for player stats
- Added confirmation message if donating a very expensive item
- Added a kebab to topright of chat with clear option
- Added character origin: fell off the boat bc you were drunk
- Added jingle to quest hud animation
- Fixed the NW axe-in-the-wall...again
- Fixed wrong portrait showing when talking to your companion
- Fixed error text for invalid/taken names when pressing the submit button during character creation
- Fixed not being able to fight Stone during raid quest
- Removed ability to track completed quests
- Fixed A Fateful Encounter quest showing last tasks as incomplete
- Fixed Kinesis not playing an animation on the player
- Fixed chat channel dropdown incorrect naming after "Party"
- Fixed casting spells at own companion causing errors
- Fixed chat channel editor closing when clicked on
- Fixed non-random equipment tooltips not showing value
- Fixed settings not persisting in new browser builds
- Fixed certain randomized equipment not being tradeable
- Fixed register and login tabs missing in Login menu (for PC and browser)
[ 2024-11-15 15:33:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Part 3 of the Main Quest is here. Just one more to go and then...EA in December! Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.24__
- Added a new main quest part: Mistaken Identity! Just one more part to go!
- Added a new hub: Northwell Research Center. Found in the icy biome, west of Odyssey Outpost.
- Redesigned the side panel with new sights and sounds. (We would love to hear feedback on it!)
- Added heavy rain weather events! Currently it will just soak you to 100% while inside. Appears on coasts.
- Added a fletcher NPC and shop to Odyssey
- Added dynamic hunting events. These can be found around certain spawns where there are both hunters and animals. The events will increase spawn rates and drop more varied loot.
- New game option: Max visible players slider. Control how many players are drawn on the screen at once. Lower is better performance.
- Controller remapping now works in the Controls menu.
- Added Quickdraw ability to Cowboys.
- Added a gap closer ability to Coyotes.
- Fixed opening settings menu making the login mascot tiny.
- The amount of time played has been refactored, and essentially been reset for all characters.
- Added a slight pivot when dragging items around
- Fixed screen shaking even though setting was toggled off
- Fixed screen shake not working for combat attacks
- Moved shortcut settings to the Controls panel
- Added a reset button for the combat xp allocation menu
- Added a particle effect when inv items are drag-and-dropped.
- The stat req is now specified in spell tooltips.
- Fixed NW raid theme continued playing when logging out during it.
- Selecting Autocast on a spell that is already being autocasted now toggles it off.
- Changed the item at the beginning of the game to a Cotton Shirt
- Fixed the opening boat scene not always showing the spell select tutorial
- Fixed changing the color of your bank tab hiding the item icon
- Improved lag spike when first combining items after opening the app
- Renamed "Workbench" to "Woodworking Bench" for consistency
- Kinesis will now visually boomerang the item back to you.
- Fixed Joshua Tree sprites appearing glitchy
- Selected inv slots will now be unselected after combining items.
- Fixed snake bunker exit teleport causing infinite movement
- Players that teleport will leave an animation behind
- Prevented players with <100 total level from appearing on leaderboards.
- Improved performance with map caching
- Improved potion buff tooltips
- Fixed Earth ele and Cowboys doing 0 damage.
- Added sounds for Zombies and Earth eles
- Fixed server status saying it's online when there were no servers available.
- Fixed an issue with android build taps going through UI
- Fixed browser builds not working
[ 2024-10-21 17:21:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Part 2 of the main questline has arrived along with other fun new enemies and cosmetics. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.23__
- Added part 2 of the main quest: A Needle In The Wasteland!
- Added a new enemy: Earth Elementals. They are powerful harbingers of earthly energy
- Added a new cosmetic: the Shark Head!
- Added a new SPUR ability: Rock Cleaver! Restricted to swords and can deal extra damage on hit.
- Added NPC Portraits!
- Added a CRT screen effect. On by default. Can turn it off in the Settings>Screen panel
- Added lighting around Salado
- Added 2 more main quest Anchor statue outcomes
- Your character will now persist when you log out during combat. The logout timer is 20 ticks (8 seconds)
- Your client will now try to refresh your login ticket so you dont have to keep relogging in every day
- New login menu background and more consistent pixel scaling
- Fixed various inconsistencies in the Trailhead tutorials
- Added a controls page to the settings
- Improved the quest menu's readability
- Fixed inability to right-click bank tabs to edit them
- Fixed many bugs that prevented you from completing the first main story part.
- Fixed Hunters creating perfect carcasses if they killed the animal
- Buffed Hunters to be able to compete with Coyotes
- Zone indicators have been moved next to the minimap. They will now blink for a short time when activated.
- Moved Dalton to the Bayou town and gave him some lyrics when spoken to
- Fixed mouse hover label not showing up
- Slightly increased entity click boxes so it feels nicer
- Fixed messed up sand tiles in Trailhead
- Improved performance of item drops spawning
- Better caching for player variables
- Fixed task hud not updating personal quests
- New sandworm equipment item icons
- Added UI animation for personal quest updates
- The zone indicator will now blink when they appear
[ 2024-10-01 15:00:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Even more quests and a new weapon await in the most recent update of Tombstone MMO. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.22__
- Added a new side quest, "The Joshua Tree Juice Conspiracy", with a new NPC, Rick
- Added new weapon types and recipes: Flails. These are slower, but slightly stronger than swords and provide a Karma stat bonus.
- Added a new mid-tier miniboss: Somad, an elite nomad with a unique flail
- Added new enemy: Cowboys, a mid-tier, rifle-totin', highfalutin passive enemy
- Mac builds are now automated and hosted on itch (https://goonby.itch.io/tombstone). Will be hosted in our launcher at a later time. Please test the mac build if you have one!
- Added a more obvious tutorial sequence in the first scene on the SS Jen for new players
- Fixed the compass and Colorado Nash dialogues in his camp
- Fixed previously inaccessible Snake Bunker from the Boia overworld during the main quest
- Renamed quest "The Plot to Burn the Panhandle" to "Casting the First Stone"
- Fixed pet and companion not following you properly
- Spawned pets are now remembered
- Fixed companions persisting after owner left
- Added teleport threshold for companions if they get stuck
- Companions now sprint if you do
- Updated loot design for levels 10-20
- Fixed server not being selected by default, preventing a successful login
- Fixed Cain's name when you first meet him
- Dynamically replaced "{Username}" in dialogue
- Joshua trees between Frontier and Cherytol are now harvestable with a knife
- Joshua trees now subtly sway
- Some trees now have better click areas instead of just on the base tile
- Dialogues for good, bad, and Mirage options are now indicated by an icon
- Added new visuals for Ash in her bar in Frontier
- Fixed some animations not playing the first time they spawn
- Fixed Rustwater bank being inaccessible, and banker appearing invisible
- Fixed caldwell banker being unreachable
- Fixed aloe and cotton being blocked on Trailhead
- Fixed zombies not spawning
- Added a new recipe for polymer
- You can no longer cast spells in trade/bank
- Fixed task hud not properly updating bounty and quest zone entries
- Fixed crops being visually sorted incorrectly
- Fixed Rollin' Yohnny name text being too small
- Fixed various instances of non-pixel-perfect text
- Fixed journal UI looking bad on mac resolutions
- Plays a sound when server is running in main menu
- Added more Login Mascot lines
- Fixed quest zones not added to your quests once you log in
- Removed the old input system, which may have been causing weird behavior with taps on android
- Fixed "Click to talk" shown above River even if he died
[ 2024-09-17 15:43:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Main Questline is here! Jump into the story of Tombstone by venturing out and learning the story of the Frontier, and how we got to where we are. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.21__
New Features
- Added first part of the main quest: A Fateful Encounter. This quest can be started on Frontier's docks.
- Added more companion functionality, including a new main quest companion
- You now require a verified contact email to log in. This can be changed in the account settings menu
- Quest menu: Press Q to toggle. This menu will show you your current started and completed quests.
- Click on a quest to show the details of your previous and current tasks. The toggle next to the quest menu will show or hide it from the task hud. Bounties and quest zones will always be shown.
- Task hud quest tracker: You can now hide toggleable quests and not track them in your side bar.
- Mouse hover label: Added a label next to the cursor when hovering interactables that would show their default interaction. Its transparency can be adjusted in the settings
- Crafting menus now have a default craft amount dropdown
- Revamped metallic crafting exp and levels: copper now starts at 10, bronze+ tier is now crafted at 10 levels higher
- Rebalanced laser gun weapon stats
- Added an antipoison mixology recipe. The consumable does nothing yet.
- Adjusted plank and trough crafting levels and exp.
- Bug nets now require logs instead of planks to craft
- Added Rat People enemy
- Revamped crop levels, exp, and seed values
- Farmer robbery: removed lv60+ seeds, and reduced chance of higher tier seeds
- Capped overkill exp to 2x the enemy's health.
- All burning status tick rates increased to 3 (from 2).
- Added new mixology recipe type: Crushes, Delights, and Slushies
- Added many new harvestable plants, such as thistles, water lily, and globemallows
Other Additions
- Added town name signs
- Added new icons for the account settings buttons
- New characters now start with half health.
- Added a food eating/heal tut to the intro boat.
- New quest NPCs around south Boia
- Darb and Lisa are now in under deck of the boat. Lisa will sell you another Kinesis for 10 caps if you lost it
- Improved Trailhead island quest info
- Added music to intro boat
- Companions can now be dismissed by right clicking them
- Various mapping changes, notably in Caldwell and Rustwater
- New vial pack icons
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Sandworm music playing over the ambient music instead of replacing it
- Fixed selected server changing when available servers update
- Fixed barber "show equipment" toggle
- Fixed water vial filling animation
- Fixed some funky water edge tiles
- Updated Boia minimap to be in line with the world
[ 2024-09-04 15:43:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this update, we've added a number of quality of life improvements, a few new tutorials and some bug fixes. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.20__
- Fixed brand new accounts not being able to log in.
- You can now party up to do Bounties. You will only get progress if active, in range, and on the same combat bounty as your party members. The kill exp is distributed amongst your members with an added 10% bonus.
- There is a new introduction cutscene and map before you end up in NW, with some additional tutorials.
- Added a new weapon SPUR: Kinesis. Allows you to pick up an item from a distance, costing 50% particles.
- Fixed not being able to gather resources that did not require tools
- Added UI arrows to cave entrances and exits to make the clickbox for more visual feedback
- Moved preference saving to a local file now. Your preferences have been reset. But this should now allow the browser build to remember all your settings.
- Crafter usage no longer requires the tool to be equipped (i.e. anvils).
- Fixed harvest animation not playing
- Fixed dialogue UI sometimes immediately closing or appear not to open at all.
- Updated karma drain calculation. Karma is now drained 1% slower per total karma bonus.
- Added a simple NPC to Frontier's donation house to explain Karma and its skills
- Added foliage around the swamp.
- Carcasses can now be "perfect" based on your total Hunting bonus and the carcass level. Perfect carcasses allow 2 gathers. These are indicated by sparkly particles.
- Bows have been given a hunting bonus
- Fixed mining nodes duplicating their sparkle particles when depleted.
- Improved appearance of Frontier's northern bank
- Added a medic NPC to the south of Frontier
- Dying on Boia will now respawn you in Frontier by default. We will add the ability to set your spawn point in future updates.
- Fixed various UI windows stacking on each other or being duplicated
- Fixed multibench visuals not spawning
- Logout UI should now always be on top of other UI
- Fixed a killing combat blow not playing the attack animation
- Added a setting to automatically save a screenshot on level up. This is located in the app data folder. This is off by default.
- Only one Sandworm will spawn globally
- Fixed boss health bars persisting after boss despawns
- The World map key is now moved to the tilde key (was the Q key)
- The 'Q' key will now open the quest info menu. This is still a WIP, but gives more info on what you're doing
- Added a well near New Williamsburg
- Fixed location text not showing under minimap
- Dragging a bank tab to the edges of the list will now scroll item
- Fixed various animal pen bugs
- Fixed when depositing noted items, it would deposit all of them no matter what quantity you chose
- Stamina bar is now untoggled and untoggleable when out of stamina
- Animal pen: Pigs now give bacon
- Added a bacon egg and cheese food recipe.
- Fixed bounties not loading properly
- Party text chat channel now works
- Improved NPC chat bubble sizing
- Toggling sprint now stops/starts sprinting immediately
- Prevent zoom updating when game is unfocused
- Added a fail state to Yohnny's dialogue if you don't have enough caps
- Highlighted the side panel tab of current the open side panel
- Fixed rarity arrow persisting when swapping to/from an average item
[ 2024-08-11 15:12:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update features a full rework for combat values. Combat should feel more fair, balanced, and make more sense! Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.19__
- Combat equipment rework: All metal, leather, and cloth equipment and weapons have had their stats reworked. These are intended to be final values for the beta.
- We wanted to respect the combat triangle and have leather somewhere in the middle.
- Reworked some combat calculations. Stat bonuses provide accuracy. Attack/defense bonuses provide damage and reduction of this additional damage, respectively. As a result, most weapons have had their base damage range reduced to make your armor feel more important.
- Bows and guns now only provide accuracy, while ammo provides the attack.
- Removed the melee attack types (thrust, swing, slash); now it just uses Melee or Physical bonuses.
- We wanted to respect the combat triangle and have leather somewhere in the middle.
- Added an achievement system (not connected to Steam for now) and our first achievement. You can see the achievements menu through the tab in your journal.
- You will now gain a Stat bonus according to the skilling node you're on for each additional person on the node (up to +8).
- Fixed the camera not following your player when relogging.
- Prevented minimap from appearing over some windows.
- Fixed multibench leatherwork unlock not working.
- Renamed "Elemental Attunement" to "One with Nature"
- Renamed "Forgiveness" to "Retribution"
- Animal pens and beehives will now only update on active players (online in the last two weeks)
- Fixed equipment stats panel visual layout
- Added some new foliage around the wasteland biome.
- Fixed the Buried Mine not loading when entered.
- Fixed the Buried Mine restarting when leaving as the last person inside.
- More accurate tumbleweed spawns. Also added water waves to the ocean.
- Increased network spawn range for objects to 32 tiles
- Applied various optimizations
- Stat buffs can now apply to enemies
- Added music to the northernmost ice biome. Fixed a bug when cosmetic swapping
- Added burn defense to tutorial island enemies.
- Fixed not being able to harvest nodes that don't require a tool
[ 2024-08-04 16:14:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update has a lot of code related changes. I'm getting a bit brave with my changes now that we are ~5 months away from beta. I figured I want to get all the big stuff out of the way and break things now than later. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.18__
- Added the ability to make proper character names! When you log in, you will be prompted to remake your character again and give them a name.
- Did a lot of performance optimization, especially on server side, related to movement, combat, skilling, saving, Soak stacks, and physics (overlap detection) with 1000-2000 players for stress testing. All of these systems should work exactly the same, but if they don't, please report it as a bug!
- Added a new Hunting tier: Snow Wolves. You guessed it, they are in the snow region all the way up north on Boia!
- Fixed unable to do multi combat if the zone was both multi and PVP.
- Added a drop shadow under your character
- Set a limit to max visible players to 50. This will be a settings slider later on. Important players like yourself, your party, etc. will always be rendered. Unrendered players will only show their drop shadow.
- Added a HUD animation when your Karma changes (not the Karma skill).
- Fixed butcher animation not playing properly when skinning carcasses
- Your login info should save (if checked) on browser now
- Fixed animated previews going blank in some cases
[ 2024-07-16 13:45:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ongoing work on updates to the game that will be leading up to the Early Access launch in December. Get in the game now to help test out new updates and give your feedback on development. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.17__
- Overhauled UI scaling for different resolutions. Texts and menus should look much more crisp and readable. Redesigned some menus.
- Fixed a race condition in browser transport, browser should be much more stable now
- Added a UI scaling slider for much higher resolutions (4k+)
- Fixed spell usage and damage not gaining exp
- Twiser spell: is now water element
- All projectile spells: set different level reqs, more exp per usage, and more damage
- Fixed depositing more than 1 unstackable item only depositing one
- Changed World map key to Q (was W)
- Improved appearance of boss health bars
- Added tool animation when skilling if tool was not equipped
- Fixed tool resources (i.e. bait) not being consumed if tool was not equipped
- Redesigned blacksmith house in Frontier, and added an Anvil
- Added spinning wheel to Frontier
- Fixed rubberbanding that occurs when you try to sprint while almost/out of stamina
- Fixed visual tutorial chain when grabbing the axe in the wall
- Music now fades better when going in/out of towns
- "Repeatable" quests are now indicated in the task HUD
- Added bounty board interaction sounds
[ 2024-06-30 18:12:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed many issues that we had during Steam's Next Fest that propagated to other issues, like appearing to lose all your stuff when you logged out. I believe this was a combat related bug, where your player died and you dropped all your stuff, respawned, and potentially were kicked from the game. If you believe this bug is still occurring, please let us know! Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.16__
- Fixed a regression with combat events. This caused many problems especially for combat, including no attack animations and getting DC'd during combat, and the appearance of losing your items when you logged back in.
- Added Bank placeholders: Toggle the placeholder button in the bottom right corner of the bank, and withdraw items to leave a placeholder behind. This can help with bank organization. (Note for older players: when withdrawing a randomized equip with placeholders enabled, then depositing it back in, it may not go into the placeholder slot. This is due to some mismatching of old data vs new. To fix this, turn off placeholders, then click the broken placeholder slot to remove it.)
- Fixed the NW portion of the Bayou town being blocked off.
- Added Bayou town lighting
- Added a new enemy: Poachers. They are a stronger variant of Hunters and can be found poaching Boars.
- Fixed projectiles trails not resetting when spawned.
- Added boar sounds.
- Added our first stackable status effect: Soak. Soak will be applied when getting water on you, whether its from swimming or a water-based attack or skill. You will have water particles dripping from you when soaked. Soak will help you remove burns, prevent them, and reduce their damage on you. Later on, it will also interact with static damage and freezing status.
- Started overhauling the UI to scale better, mainly in the login menu and main player UI. From now on, the UI will remain a constant size so it looks good on all resolutions. Please let me know if anything looks off! There will also be an option to scale up the UI in a future update. (This might look awful on android atm)
- Improved movement prediction with larger amounts of network drops
[ 2024-06-20 14:54:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
The next fest has begun and it's your opportunity to try out Tombstone MMO and get in on the game development with questions, suggestions and recommendations. The steam next fest lasts though June 17. Tell your friends!
[ 2024-06-10 22:41:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just in time for the Steam Next Fest, we've fixed lots of bugs since the last update and added our first supporter pack to the cash shop: the Farmer pack! But if you'd like to support us without paying, simply play the game and give some feedback Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.15__
- Added the Farmer supporter pack! A $76 value for $25! You can buy it in the cash shop. It comes with 2500 BX (what youd pay $25 for anyway), PLUS cosmetics: Farmer Hat, Farmer Outfit, Sword on the Cob, Sunflower Shield, Pea Shooter, and Aspearagus. Thanks in advance for your support!
- Animal pen update: now works differently in the back end, updated every hour, and improved resource gain from animals. Ideally you should not see much of a difference.
- NW raiders during Stone's raid will now conintuously find new targets, instead of just standing around awkwardly
- Improved withdraw selection functionality in banks
- Completely replaced old fonts with the new one
- Improved bank tab color saving
- Fixed bank edit color toggle not updating correctly when opened/closed multiple times
- Fixed various issues with cash shop previews and equipping cash shop items
- Fixed not being able to sell randomized equipment
- Improved visuals of shop slots
- Login: hide login/register tabs if already logged in from a previous session
- Login: if already logged in, connection updates now shown
- Fixed minimap appearing over character creation screen
- Fixed some interactable objects like axe in the wall and pickaxe in rock not appearing.
- Fixed tutorial chain not starting
- Fixed location text not showing under minimap
- Fixed robbery anim continuously playing even after robbery stopped
- Robbery victims now play attack anim when they catch you
- Fixed various anims not stopping when skilling was complete
- Improved lack of tools message when skilling nodes
- Fixed Good Karma player HUD tooltip
- Added a skilling nodes page to the journal
- Various fixes for the repairable walls in NW
- Robert now mentions for you to take the axe in the wall
- Multibench unlock slots now show the craft type name
- Fixed creek animal pen pulling from odyssey pen data
- Fixed pen resources not added correctly
- Fixed some conditional dialogue options showing up when they shouldn't
- Fixed spawn aggro conditions based on quests
- Fixed lots of hitsplats appearing on monsters when they load in sometimes
- Fixed fishing animations not playing correctly
- Fixed squashed looking chat channel edit tab menu
[ 2024-06-08 16:52:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us during the Open World Survival Craft fest for live events, giveaways, contests and world boss fights. We'll also be doing a fresh playthrough on stream during the event. Get in the game now to join in on the fun!
[ 2024-05-26 17:55:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gearing up for the Steam Survival Fest and the Steam Next Fest, we've added a bunch of cosmetic updates and bug fixes. Get read for Steam Fest Season!!! Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.14__
- Changed game font
- Added a basic server selector in login menu
- Changed how scenes are loaded
- Added a Steam account link in options menu->Account settings. Steam requires all purchases to be via the steam store if you play the game through steam
- Fixed left clicks being processed twice
- Improved performance of visual projectile spawning
- Improved performance of hitsplat spawning
- Improved entity world UI spawning
- Fixed tutorial walls not working as intended
- Fixed ramie tunic colors
- Added 2h sledgehammer weapon types
- Swapped UI style to a new greener, post-apoc looking style Beehive Changes
- beehives now updated hourly
- calmness now loses 1/8 of its value every hour of not enough food/water
- queen now loses 1/4 of its health every hour of net Bee loss
- drones now have a 50% chance to be gained every hour of net bee gain
- you will now get 5x more items from beehive
[ 2024-05-23 15:44:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our most recent update introduces The Sandworm world boss. Hop in game today to try it out and collect the materials needed to build the best gear yet. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.13__
- Added a world boss: the Sandworm. The sandworm will spawn inside of sandstorms. It drops materials for crafting the best helms and tribrid armor currently in the game (note: these currently dont have any visuals made yet). They don't walk, but it doesnt mean they cant get ya
- Added a new pet: the Capybara! Get this friendly creature at the cash shop for 600 BX!
- Added an Alchemy spell that turns an item into caps at 40% of its value
- New login screen with a cowboy that talks to you and gives advice on game status!
- Login session will also be maintained for up to 24 hours (backend limitation)
- Certain buttons on mobile are now twice as large
- Increased animal hide chances from hunting (about 50% more hides now)
- Adjusted leatherwork crafting exp values (more exp in lower levels, less exp at higher levels)
- Adjusted tree tiers level requirements to be every 12 levels (was 15).
- Hit chance calculations now factor in your distance to your target. Adjusted stat buffs on ranged weapons as a result
- Added a new setting: camera smoothing slider. Increasing this might make it easier to click on stuff while moving.
- Added a new status effect: Slow. Self-explanatory
- Added a subtle sway to harvestable plants to help differentiate them from collision and decoration tiles.
- Added a shimmer to mineable rocks.
- Added shallow waters near shores
- Added lighting to burning ground
- Added new biome transition tiles
- Added tile coords in debug mode
- Improved client-side API call batching
- Improved perfromance of right click menus
- Improved UI performance
- Fixed equipment tab slot quantities not updating while it was open
- Fixed Cloth Hat anims
- Fixed NPCs spawning out of bounds in the swamp town
- Fixed incorrect spell casting animations with certain weapons equipped
- Fixed errors if a target died in the middle of an attack (like a delayed spell cast)
- Fixed fading on non-PC clients
- Fixed minimap click to move feature being inconsistent
- Fixed autocasting and using spells in combat not working as intended
- Fixed animal pens not updating right away
- Fixed animal pen UI not refreshing after culling an animal
- Fixed tool-less inventory recipes not appearing in recipe list when combined.
- Fixed gaining exp when damaging yourself
- Fixed an error when buffs expired
- Fixed ranged energy weapons giving Ranged exp instead of TM exp
- Fixed an error with protective enemies
- Various combat, status effect, mapping, lighting improvements
[ 2024-05-07 14:11:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update features a new weapon modding like system called Self-Replicating Particle Utilization and Reconstruction, or SPURs which you (and your enemies) may equip to get unique abilities. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.12__
- Added a "weapon modding" system: *SPURs**. These act as regular equipment and grant you abilities when equipped. They are only for weapons and shields and have weapon type requirements, such as Double Hit only on Daggers.
- Added a new resource tentatively named Particles, which refills up to 100 over time and is used by your SPURs when activated.
- Added SPUR: Double Hit: Hits your enemy twice with an equipped dagger. Costs 40 particles.
- Added SPUR: Plasma Shot: Shoots a slow moving projectile that moves linearly and hits anything it passes through. Only works on laser weapons. Costs 40 particles.
- Added SPUR: Guns Blazin': Use a pistol or repeater to shoot a fireball at your enemies and potentially set them on fire.
- Certain enemies can also use these SPURs and drop them. Costs 40 particles.
- Added new cash shop category: Projectile Skins
- Added three new projectile skins to cash shop: Lovestruck, carrot, and fireworks!
- Overhauled cash shop prices. Most are now more expensive. They have been repurposed in order of more effort and detail being more BX. Keep in mind this is our primary source of income from the game!
- Huge status effect refactor. If you experience any related issues, please file a bug-reports !
- Added a new level 30 Good Karma skill: Elemental Attunement. While active, grants more elemental attack/defense at the cost of physical.
- Added new Settler visual variations.
- Added tile transitions between biomes
- Added hotkeys 1-5 to switch between side panels.
- Increased minimap texture scale to appear less pixelated
- Multibench now shows recipe level limit, and improved UI
- You will now refill a random Karma point when donating an item.
- Burn and Stun, and consumable item buffs now show in the status bar (under your health)
- Cyborgs are now ranged and use energy attack type
- On login, you can press enter with password field highlighted to login
- Fixed fading on non-PC clients
- Fixed minimap click to move feature being inconsistent
- Fixed autocasting and using spells in combat not working as intended
- Fixed animal pens not updating right away
- Fixed animal pen UI not refreshing after culling an animal
- Fixed tool-less inventory recipes not appearing in recipe list when combined.
- Fixed gaining exp when damaging yourself
- Fixed an error when buffs expired
- Fixed ranged energy weapons giving Ranged exp instead of TM exp
- Fixed an error with protective enemies
- Various combat, status effect, mapping, lighting improvements
[ 2024-04-18 17:49:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've added the Buried Mines to the game which is a gameplay loop that has a chance to be initiated by mining ore. Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.11__ Added the Buried Mine: a basic gameplay loop feature for the Mining skill. Full details and gameplay video in our dev updates channel: dev-updates Temporarily removed the nomad cutscene when you land in Boia Various optimizations. Clients should run significantly smoother than before. Changed the minimap look. It is texture based now instead of camera based so it will look much lower quality, but saves a ton of performance. The world map (press W) remains the same. Revamped the entire tutorial questline. Gave the player a chance to redeem themselves if they initially sided with Stone. The quest now has 4 outcomes. You can now gain Charisma exp from doing quests and menial tasks (mainly just the tut questline atm). I like to think of it as our sorta quest point system. Charisma checks open up new dialogue opportunities. Provided clearer fail messages to crafting fails A tombstone now drops on your head on death Added Rollin' Yohnny transport service to major cities. He will teleport you to other major towns for a fee. Added FPS counter in debug (F2) menu Added Wesley Waves, the raider ship captain at the southern dock of the tutorial island. Added a shift-sprint tutorial to NW Added a visibility toggle to the minimap Added woodcutting and mining sounds Added readable objects, such as signs Added various crafting bench sounds Added missing weapon sounds Added a small screen shake when skilling Fixed face mask layering below helmets Fixed screen shake not working Fixed Stone not dropping his pistol on death Fixed a bug with enemy instance despawning Fixed a barber shop UI memory leak Fixed crafting not working if your inventory was full Fixed a case of getting stuck in the blue void on login Fixed not being able to right click or interact with other players Fixed not being able to fix NW broken walls Fixed coupon redemption not appearing to work Fixed browser build playing music when in another tab Fixed HoB and barber shop collisions Fixed variables changes not updating pathfinding Fixed a memory leak related to equipment items on relog
[ 2024-04-03 16:15:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
This new update features an overhaul of the Agriculture skill, including animal keeping, as well as extreme weather events, the first being Sandstorms! Please visit our website to play the alpha NOW! __Update 0.2.10__ - *Major update*: Overhauled Agriculture and **animal farming**! Visit animal pens around Boia and get started by renting them for 100 caps a day (up to 30 days). You'll need troughs made by Woodworking, animal vouchers bought from the pen keepers, and food and water to keep your animals satiated. You can then come back every hour to collect their products. Make sure to keep paying your rent, or your animals might suffer. - Added our first major weather event: **Sandstorms**! These will reduce your accuracy while inside them. More events and content are coming in the future, including unique enemies, bosses, extreme rain and blizzards, and more! - Added the first cutscene once you land on boia docks for starting the main quest - Added an elevated swamp village. Currently a bit empty, but features a bank and several crafting benches. - Added face accessories to our cash shop, with our first one being the **Plague Doctor mask**. You can buy it for *500 BX*! - Renamed the "Energy Weapons" skill to "Technomancy" because it's more lore appropriate - Added more benches of all types around Boia - Added a couple more bridges to Silver Mesa - Added visual variations to certain enemies, see our lovely new female mutant settlers! - Added falling leaves to choppable trees - Added a status effect bar under the stamina bar. Not all status effects are currently displayed - Improved enemy aggro. Hunters now try to aggro nearby animals. - Enemies now de-aggro after 10 seconds of inaction. This caused players to appear to be stuck in battle - Fixed certain hitsplat sprites gone missing - Fixed bank "deposit all" not working for non-stackable items - Fixed not running away from exploding barrel in tut quest
[ 2024-03-18 15:48:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our next update includes major changes for agriculture and animal farming. Rent a plot of land and get ready to take care of some animals.
- Major update: Overhauled Agriculture and animal farming! Visit animal pens around Boia and get started by renting them for 100 caps a day (up to 30 days). You'll need troughs made by Woodworking, animal vouchers bought from the pen keepers, and food and water to keep your animals satiated. You can then come back every hour to collect their products. Make sure to keep paying your rent, or your animals might suffer.
- Added our first major weather event: Sandstorms! These will reduce your accuracy while inside them. More events and content are coming in the future, including unique enemies, bosses, extreme rain and blizzards, and more!
- Added the first cutscene once you land on boia docks for starting the main quest
- Added an elevated swamp village. Currently a bit empty, but features a bank and several crafting benches.
- Added face accessories to our cash shop, with our first one being the Plague Doctor mask. You can buy it for 500 BX!
- Renamed the "Energy Weapons" skill to "Technomancy" because it's more lore appropriate
- Added more benches of all types around Boia
- Added a couple more bridges to Silver Mesa
- Added visual variations to certain enemies, see our lovely new female mutant settlers!
- Added falling leaves to choppable trees
- Added a status effect bar under the stamina bar. Not all status effects are currently displayed
- Improved enemy aggro. Hunters now try to aggro nearby animals.
- Enemies now de-aggro after 10 seconds of inaction. This caused players to appear to be stuck in battle
- Fixed certain hitsplat sprites gone missing
- Fixed bank "deposit all" not working for non-stackable items
- Fixed not running away from exploding barrel in tut quest
[ 2024-03-18 15:47:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
For this update, we added throwable items, the first of which are Molotovs which ignite in a small area and set everything inside of it on fire! We also added a bunch of jewelry related content, including new equipment slots, recipes, and items. __Update 0.2.9__ - **Added throwable items, first one is a Molotov**: applied burning ground which takes 2 ticks to arm, then has a chance to apply burning effect to any entity on it (including yourself!) and does a damage over time (DoT), both based on Heat defense - Tutorial Multibench is now limited to recipes up to level 10 - Added Hot Toddy mixology recipes that provide Heat defense - Added jewelry recipes up to Copper tier (< 30) - Actually updated gem refining recipe data (all shifted up a tier, starting at 10) - Improved Heat defense of various enemies - Casts now have a chance to break when jewelry making - Fixed chat not being clickable, and not being able to customize chat tabs - New characters start with 25 caps in the bank - Added arrows to item slots indicating if the equipment is below/above average - Added equipment slots: ring, necklace, earring, and face accessory - Added placeholder sprites for empty equipment slots - Added coupon redemption to cash shop - Added Credits screen to Login screen - Changed various item sources on tutorial - Added new unique item variants of certain items around tutorial - The pickaxe south of NW is now takeable - Hurdles now account for your movement bonuses - Pickaxes now require Mining stat to equip (previously Melee) - Added more tutorials to NW for using the bank, multibench, combining items, and rendezvousing with Captain Ben - Added better alpha info to login screen (hover over the version) - Added Mushroom harvesting nodes around swamp region - Added organoid sounds - Added mutant/brute sounds - Added character overview page in Journal (press V) that shows your total exp, total level, etc - Added various crafters to tutorial south raided village (Old Williamsburg?) - Moved tutorial raider dock to OW - Your total PVP kills are now tracked (will not account for previous kills) - Fixed Z-fighting when things were on the same tile - Karma bonuses on equipment now give drain reduction - Recipe UI slots now show the stat to craft them - You can now burn cooked fish - Fixed various anim bugs, such as playing wrong anims - Fixed becoming invisible after respawning - Fixed item drop examine name being very long - Fixed enemies still targeting you after you die - Fixed Silver Mesa hurdle - Fixed bank tab name input not being automatically selected when editing/adding tabs - Fixed the add tab being opened when the bank opens - Fixed Silver Mesa bridge being blocked off - Improved rendering performance - Mapping improvements around boia - Improved building tileset at the creek - Improved inventory recipe loading speed - You can type /logs to open your log folder
[ 2024-03-01 19:01:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Train up 24 unique skills
Several combat choices (melee, ranged, or energy weapons)
Many gathering skills to harvest more and more items
Many creation skills to use your harvested (or purchased items) to make rarer, more powerful and useful items
Make difficult decisions: Some decisions are semi-permanent and will affect how you play the game. Whether you do what's right or wrong, you set in stone your destiny in the lore and the gameplay loop.
Two islands: One smaller, tutorial island that showcases everything to come, from using most of the skills to progress, to making game-changing decisions, to discovering hidden island secrets for more power. A second island (or first main island) that is much larger, full of more skilling content, monsters to fight and loot, more secrets, and more NPCs to discuss the world with.
Player interaction such as trading, marketing, partying up, ganging up, and PVP
NPC interactions such as buying, selling, Robbery, and charismatic conversations
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: 1.80GHz ProcessorMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Integrated graphics or dedicated GPU with at least 1GB VRAM
- Storage: 1 GB available space
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