- All versions
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when a Water Cooler was destroyed while a Duplicant was seeking refreshment.
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed Flydo getting stuck while trying to pick up things it could not get positioned above.
[ 2025-03-20 21:40:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes All Versions
- Fixed issue causing some symptoms of Slimelungto persist after the disease had been cured.
[ 2025-03-15 07:27:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements All versions
- Updated localizations.
- Fixed Flydo not shutting down when its power bank was depleted if there were high-priority chores to do.
- Fixed a crash when loading workshop translations last updated in 2020 or earlier.
- Fixed issue where Slimelung would cause a Bionic Duplicant's breath to decrease incorrectly.
- Fixed issue causing Bionic Duplicants to appear to contract Food Poisoning despite being immune to all the symptoms.
- Fixed Bionic Duplicant Radiation Sickness status item tooltip showing effects that do not apply to Bionic Duplicants. Note that while they are immune to the Stamina and Bathroom Use Speed effects of radiation sickness, Bionic Duplicants do suffer athletics penalties at all tiers of radiation sickness.
- Fixed typo in ModDevLog of requiredDlcIds/forbiddenDlcIds when testing dev mods.
[ 2025-03-14 21:10:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, friends!
Our March 2025 Quality of Life update is out today! This free update squashes some long-standing bugs and improves UX in all versions of the game. It also includes DLC-specific additions, bug fixes, and improvements for The Bionic Booster Pack.
Highlights of this minor update include:
QoL & bugs for all versions
Weve introduced a smarter search function in the build menu and Research screen. It uses fuzzy search, synonym matching and even initialismfor example, you can now search "mm" to find the Microbe Musherto help you find what youre looking for faster. Improving searchability is an ongoing process, and we hope to keep building this out in the future.
Another thing thats got us all in a fizz is the new range of visual effects applied to liquids: a mild "underwater"-type distortion becomes increasingly conspicuous as the liquids temperature rises, eventually leading to bubbles that intensify as it approaches its boiling point.
Weve also changed the way that liquids get displaced in the sim, to fix some liquid duplication bugs.
The database continues to expand, and now contains entries for our quirky little Duplicantsincluding basic health metrics and links to the various systems that keep the crew alive and well.
The Bionic Booster Pack
We fixed a bug where the Flydo fetch drone would fly erratically on autopilot when it depleted its power bank supply. We also updated the Skill screen for Bionic Duplicants to add an overview of all the boosters available on that world. You can even assign or unassign boosters directly from that screen. Bionic Duplicants are now susceptible to diseases, too!
The Frosty Planet Pack
Bammoths wont run into walls anymore, and there are now themed Monument blueprints for this DLC in the Supply Closet!
We fixed a bunch of bugs (including some veteran ones like liquid duplication!), made our search functions more responsive, added visual feedback to liquids that are heating up, improved booster management in The Bionic Booster Pack, and added cosmetic blueprints to The Frosty Planet Pack.
If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Previous Update branch.
Help us track down new bugs to fix, or click here to send us your feedback and ideas! We appreciate all your input.
Full patch notes below.
Changes and Improvements
- All versions
- Smarter search text matching in the Research screen and build menu
- Search inputs (e.g. a buildings category, recipes, common name synonyms, and small typos) now return more useful results.
- Initialisms can also be used, e.g. mm will match Microbe Musher.
- Updated liquid visual effects, including special visuals when approaching boiling points.
- Updated Solid Crude Oil tile and ore art.
- Building requirement text and status items now better indicate the skill or booster required to operate them.
- Database
- Duplicant and Bionic Duplicant database entries now contain more information about their survival and advancement needs, and links to relevant systems. These are works in progress.
- The Health entry in Systems now includes information about Sleep requirements.
- The Printing Pod database entry now shows the art for the building.
- Added building icons to building category database entries.
- Smarter search text matching in the Research screen and build menu
- Spaced Out! only
- Worldgen: Minor changes to mining room POI on Superconductive Asteroid. Removed oxygen and changed the material of the doors.
- Duplicants incapacitated by Deadly levels of radiation will now have their exposure severity reduced to Extreme upon entering a triage cot.
- The Frosty Planet Pack
- Fixed an issue that was causing Bammoth animations to clash with walls.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Updated bionic boosters Skill screen UI to allow for booster management.
- Bionic Duplicants now have the capacity to actually get sick from germ exposure.
- Fixed a bug where Bionic Duplicants consuming disease-tainted oxygen canisters were not transferring the disease to their internal oxygen tanks.
- The Gunk Extractor now applies germs to Bionic Duplicants after use.
- The room bonus from the Gunk Extractor now lasts 3 cycles.
- Added a Diagnostic that signals when an Atomic Power Bank is nearing the end of its lifetime. (Spaced Out!)
- Building requirement text and status items indicate the bionic booster required to operate them in lieu of skill assignment.
- All versions
- Fixed a bug where liquids on special tiles (e.g. airflow tiles) were being displayed as if they were floating above the tiles instead of sticking to them.
- Fixed Biobot, Rovers (Spaced Out!), and Flydos (The Bionic Booster Pack) choosing to idle over lower priority chores.
- Fixed a bug causing the element of worn out Atmo Suits to change to Dirt after being repaired.
- The Power Control Station building no longer describes itself as being a necessary part of a power plant.
- Fixed a bug where Duplicants could slip when walking over a mesh tile that had a slippery liquid inside.
- Fixed Bottle Emptier not emptying milligrams.
- Fixed an issue with the UI scale on 16:10 monitors causing the UI to appear small even at 200%.
- Fixed an issue that could happen when launching the game on Macs, when installed on a non-native file system such as FAT32/exFAT.
- Fixed an issue where an Incubator whose egg had recently been removed would request the egg when loading the save again.
- When the power circuits are rebuilt (e.g. network is disconnected or reconnected either via construction, destruction or circuit breaker):
- The current load on all circuits is now set to an invalid value (-1)
- the wire sidescreen will display this state as "?"
- the wattage sensor will now not change its automation state until it receives a valid value from the wire it is monitoring.
- Power icons on the Power overlay for under construction and placement preview are now consistent.
- Fixed an issue causing critters to recalculate their food target more often than necessary.
- Fixed the top of the Fish Feeder not visually updating correctly.
- Fixed Pacu not eating seeds from a newly built Fish Feeder.
- Fixed Sweepy sometimes not picking up an item when moving.
- Fixed inconsistent text alignment on suit dock sidescreen buttons.
- Simulation
- Fixed liquid duplication caused by a liquid falling and displacing a neighboring cell simultaneously.
- Changed the way liquids are displaced in the sim, preventing liquid duplication in certain situations.
- Performance
- New conduit flow computation algorithm to improve worst-case performance when rebuilding liquid/gas conduits.
- Performance improvement: Reduced number of memory allocations per frame in various systems of the game.
- Reduced memory allocations during Auto-Sweeper update.
- Database
- Fixed missing link on "Buildings->Category".
- The database entry shortcut icon in the Microchip and Data Bank UIs now correctly links to their respective database entries.
- Spaced Out! only
- Fixed potentially spawning partial unit mass when transfer pickupables to debris.
- Fixed space exposure surrounding a rocket interior not working correctly until save/load.
- Added Data Analysis Research to the list of research types in Systems/Research, and corrected a typo where Interstellar Research pointed to the Orbital Research Center instead of the Virtual Planetarium.
- Fixed an issue causing Duplicants with deadly levels of radiation sickness to repeatedly fall out of their hospital beds.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to deploy a dead Duplicant in a Trailblazer Module.
- Fixed oversized click area on Launch Rocket UI button.
- Fixed oversized click area on Abandon Ship Rocket UI button.
- The Frosty Planet Pack
- Fixed Bammoth navigation to prevent them from running into walls.
- Fixed an issue where Ice Meteor Showers didnt contain meteors if The Frosty Planet Pack was not installed.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed Flydos moving erratically when their power bank was depleted.
- Fixed Flydos sometimes not being eligible for errands.
- Fixed a crash related to power banks depleting in a Flydo.
- Fixed a bug that caused Bionic Duplicants to not use assigned Gunk Extractors if a hospital room existed in the base.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a Bionic Duplicant leaves a rocket interior to land in a Trailblazer Lander.
- Fixed inconsistency with Flydo recipes and mass of Flydo.
- Fixed newly crafted Flydos having a missing status item.
- The Frosty Planet Pack
- Added DLC-themed cosmetic blueprints for monument parts.
- A significant refactor of the DLC system was made. Attempts were made to prevent mods from breaking, but some will need to be updated by their creators.
- Deprecated supportedContent in mod_info.yaml, instead use requiredDlcIds and forbiddenDlcIds. See the stickied post in the modding forum for more information.
- A large number of methods were marked [Obsolete] with descriptions of what to switch to. Please check your warnings and turn on warnings as errors.
- Added IHasDlcRestriction interface. The intention is for this to be implemented anywhere requiredDlcIds/forbiddenDlcIds are used.
- Specifying DLC requirements for IEntityConfig has changed.
- Deprecated IEntityConfig.GetDlcIds().
- DLC restrictions are now optionally specified by implementing IHasDlcRestrictions.
- Mods implementing GetDlcIds are detected and assumed to be in the old AVAILABLE_
format, and loaded correctly.
- IEquipmentConfig implements IHasDlcRestrictions with similar considerations as IEntityConfig.
- IBuildingConfig implements IHasDlcRestrictions.
- ComplexRecipe now supports forbiddenDlcIds too.
- Added IHasDlcRestrictions to a number of other classes.
- Deprecated all SaveLoader DLC methods. Added static methods to Game for checking DLC state of the current save; use this instead.
- Removed support for pre-Spaced Out! mods missing mod_info.yaml. The mod_info.yaml file has been required in order to upload a mod since 2021 and the majority of affected mods no longer work.
- Mod screen:
- Added tooltip explaining why a mod cant be loaded to the mods screen.
- Added tooltip to mods on the mods screen to display their description defined in mod.yaml.
- Added translation support for name and description in mod.yaml. The fields can be either a string key or plain text.
- Changed codex yaml DLC checks to requiredDlcIds and forbiddenDlcIds (previously it was dlcIds and forbiddenDLCIds).
- FileSystem ignores filenames starting with "._" (AppleDouble format)
- Fixes
- All Versions
- The water shader distortion effect is no longer affected by the camera zoom level.
- Stabilize the ordering of items in the Research Screen and Build Menu.
- Trim whitespace off the ends of search text to avoid excluding
- matches due to whitespace differences.
- Base game only
- Fixed crash when using Triage Cot
- Spaced Out!
- Fixed oversized click area on Abandon Ship Rocket UI button.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed inconsistency with Flydo recipes and mass of Flydo.
- Fixed newly crafted Flydos having a missing status item.
- All Versions
[ 2025-03-13 17:09:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Improvements to Bionic Duplicant oxygen tank refilling behaviors
- Bionic Duplicants whose oxygen tanks are low during scheduled downtime will refill in cells whose values are at least above the "Breathable" threshold (see Oxygen overlay).
- Critical/involuntary tank refilling now only starts when the oxygen tank is completely empty.
- Bionic Duplicants now play the Gasping for air animation after refilling their oxygen tanks from empty.
- Reduced the frequency with which Bionic Duplicants will reconsider their options when selecting the best cell to refill from.
- Further aligned Bionic Duplicant suffocation breath recovery behaviors with Standard Duplicants for a better near death experience.
- Bionic Duplicants will avoid (though still consider) stacking on top of each other when selecting where to refill their oxygen tanks.
- All versions
- Fixed not clearing on the building category if The Frosty Planet Pack or The Bionic Booster Pack are installed but not enabled in the current save.
- Fixed crash that could happen when a Duplicant digs solid Tallow tiles painted in with sandbox tools.
- Spaced Out! only
- Fixed a bug causing the game to freeze when entering the Temporal Tear or self-destructing a rocket with a significant amount of single-unit objects on board.
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed issue preventing the Plant Pulverizer from dropping the dirt byproduct of Phyto Oil production.Fixed crash that can occur when Flydo empties Interplanetary Payloads.
[ 2025-02-03 20:04:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements
- All versions
- Geotuner delivery errand type is now Research Supply.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Lavatories now have adjustable priorities so you can set the priority of unclogging a gunked lavatory.
- The Priority setting for Bionic Duplicants to be rescued will now only appear while they are Powerless instead of at all times.
- All versions
- Fixed incorrect material name showing for some resources in world pop-up text when material is automatically changed.
- Unrefined Oil database entry no longer implies that Phyto Oil can be refined into Petroleum.
- Fixed a bug where repeatedly clicking on the Stress icon on the top left of the screen was not cycling through the list of Duplicants in the order that their names were listed.
- Fixed issue causing database entries to show malformed 'Produced By' and 'Applications' rows for DLC-exclusive conversions.
- Steam turbines no longer show previous output level visuals when disabled by automation.
- Fixed string formatting for destructive Duplicant notification tooltip.
- Fixed a bug where the meter on liquid oxidizer modules was not working to represent the amount of liquid inside the tank.
- The Frosty Planet Pack
- Fixed a bug where the Bonbon Tree trunks that had a blocked pipe connected to them were not restoring their harvest ready animation after playing the unentomb animation.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed crash that could occur when Bionic Duplicants were critically low on oxygen.
- Eco Power Banks no longer change their primary element from Abyssalite to Aluminum after recharging or exploding.
- Insulated Flydo's battery storage so batteries would not melt when Flydo is in high-temperature environments.
- Fixed a crash that happened sometimes with Bionic Duplicants during red alerts.
- Fixed Robo-Pilot not requesting more Data Banks when destination changes, and upon landing.
- Status item for Duplicants watching a Flash Mobber no longer shows debug text.
- Fixed a bug where the yellow alert screen effect would stay on in a rocket if a Powerless Bionic Duplicant on board had its priority of rescue set to yellow alert, and continue to stay on after the rescued Bionic Duplicant had left the ship.
- Traits can now specify required/forbidden DLCs. This also fixes The Bionic Booster Pack Overjoyed/Stress traits being added in saves without the DLC.
[ 2025-01-23 23:24:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed crash that could occur when selecting Robo-Pilot Module or Robo-Pilot Capsule.
[ 2025-01-17 23:03:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements
- All versions
- Sweepy's Dock only builds Sweepys out of the material matching its building instead of any refined metal.
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Increased Bionic Duplicant inhale radius when refilling internal oxygen tanks.
- Bionic Duplicants are guaranteed a minimum consumption throughput during critical breathing chores comparable to standard Duplicants' recovering breath behaviour.
- Changed Bionic Duplicant oxygen search behavior to better balance the trade-offs of travel distance, cell safety, and oxygen mass. This should result in better location selections.
- Bionic Duplicants who are urgently refilling a completely depleted oxygen tank now have a separate status item and tooltip to explain that they will do so in the nearest accessible breathable area rather than traveling to farther areas that may have more oxygen.
- Added some information to Robo-Pilot status items about the number of data banks stored.
- All versions
- The database entry for Unrefined Oil now correctly lists links to elements in that category (Crude Oil and Phyto Oil).
- Fixed incorrect formatting of the "Manage my Duplicant Priorities" tooltip.
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed a crash loading some saves with Bionic Duplicants assigned to habitat modules requesting crew in Spaced Out!
- Power Bank Chargers now preserve their charge progress on save/load.
- Fixed Flydo not drowning when out of power.
- Fixed a bug where Bionic Duplicants unequipping an atmo suit would produce CO2.
- Fixed Bionic Duplicants showing incorrect gloves and collar in the main menu.
- Fixed Bionic Duplicant assignment to Command Module in the base game incorrectly showing ineligible while inside instead of assigned.
- Set Frozen Phyto Oil material category to 'Liquefiable' to allow for storage filter selection.
[ 2025-01-16 23:04:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, happy new year! This is the first of a couple hotfixes we have in the works. Mostly relating to feedback on The Bionic Booster Pack over the holidays. Changes and Improvements
- All versions
- Overjoyed Response errands can now be more easily interrupted by certain higher-priority chores, such as eating.
- Equipment and Amenity assignment sidescreen rows are now sorted alphabetically.
- Minor adjustments to Schedule screen layout and colors.
- Changed order of the Priorities and Schedule management buttons.
- Removed "Eaten Today" column from Vitals management table and added this information to the "Fullness" column tooltip instead.
- Other small adjustments to management table screen UIs to improve consistency.
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Added "Power" column to Vitals management table for tracking the charge of Power Banks installed in Bionic Duplicants.
- All versions
- Fixed an issue where Duplicants would stop breathing after recovering breath until they entered a breathable area again.
- Fixed some metals displaying missing property strings.
- Spaced Out! only
- The Combustible Liquids database entry now correctly links to the Petroleum Engine.
- Bionic Booster Pack
- Fixed Power Banks and Gear Balm not spawning if you save/load too quickly on a new game.
- Fixed rockets being unable to launch without a Rocket Control Station if a Robo-Pilot is installed.
- Fixed copy settings not working for Flydo power bank settings.
- Fixed crash related to Remote Worker Doc/Remote Controller chore evaluation.
- Fixed issue causing the Default Bionic Schedule to appear incomplete in the Schedule screen.Fixed issue causing Bionic Duplicants to lose their schedule assignments when exiting a Command Module or Trailblazer Lander.
[ 2025-01-09 19:35:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All Versions
- Updated localizations for Chinese, Korean, and Russian.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Adjusted Bionic Power diagnostic icon line thickness.
- Added SFX for robo pilot reaction to databank delivery.
- Small art revisions to the Retro LED Crafting Station blueprint.
- All versions
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Yodelers got Chilly Surroundings.
- Fixed a bug where flushed toilets were no longer transferring germs to the user.
- Fixed a bug where cancelling the chore of going to use a flushable toilet would trigger a flush on said toilet even if the Duplicant had yet to arrive.
- The Bionic Booster Pack
- Bionic Duplicants are no longer able to suffocate to death while actively absorbing oxygen canisters.
- Fixed issue that could cause Bionic Duplicants to become invisible during the Shocker stress response.
- Fixed issue causing Bionic Duplicants to become frozen during the Shocker stress response if surrounded by water.
- Fixed (another) crash that could occur when opening the database to certain entries while using translation mods.
- Potential fix for a bug that sometimes causes Bionic Duplicants consuming an oxygen tank to drop the task and absorb from the atmosphere instead.
- Bionic Duplicants who run out of power while traveling in a transit tube will no longer stop their travels. They will instead stop in place after they exit the tube.
- Fixed a bug where Bionic Duplicants were not using the medical cot when they were in sleep schedule blocks.
- Revised Supply Closet diorama for some automation buildings.
- Fixed Pyrotechnics badge on the skill screen using the wrong icon.Flydo no longer automatically accepts newly discovered Power Bank types.
[ 2024-12-17 23:01:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All versions
- Fixed crash that could occur when opening the database to certain entries while using translation mods.
- Base game only
- Fixed crash due to Power Bank Scrap recipe appearing on Rock Crushers despite the Bionic Booster Pack DLC being inactive.
- Fixed a crash when loading a save with a Duplicant in space.
- Fixed Doctoring skills missing in the Skills screen.
[ 2024-12-13 00:39:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Brace for electrical impact: The Bionic Booster Pack is out today!
This DLC brings a surge of power-themed content to the ONI universe, including new portable power banks, remote-operation buildings, bionic Duplicants, bionic boosters, robo-pilot rocket modules, an airborne work drone, new elements, 70+ new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), and more!
The Bionic Booster Pack can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam, WeGame and Epic.
Grab some power to-go, hook up standalone power grids in isolated corners of your colony, and manage them from anywhere on the planetoid with remote-work buildings and new bionic recruits whose idea of resting after a long shift is to practice the Zen art of microchip programming at bedtime. But when you see a Bionic Duplicant losing their cool, steer clear! Their stress response can be very...shocking.
If you own more than one DLC, mix things up by using the Scramble DLC tool when making a new game! It works for The Bionic Booster Pack as well as past and future additions to the ONI universe.
What's in this DLC?
- Portable power banks!
- New power bank buildings: Compact Discharger, Large Discharger, Power Bank Recharger.
- New remote work buildings: Remote Controller and Remote Worker Dock.
- Six new Bionic Duplicants!
- Bionic boosters!
- New Stress and Overjoyed responses: Stunner, Flash Mobber, and Rainmaker.
- New bionic-themed buildings: Gunk Extractor and Lubrication Station.
- Other new buildings: Soldering Station and Data Miner.
- New Robo-Pilot Module for Spaced Out! and Robo-Pilot Capsule for base game.
- New Flydo work drone.
- New elements: Phyto Oil and Gunk.
- An exclusive new power-themed blueprints collection!
- ...and more!
[ 2024-12-12 18:11:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Big news, friends: The Bionic Booster Pack DLC comes out next Thursday, December 12th on Steam, WeGame, and Epic!
This DLC is for the truly power-hungry space colonies out there. It's got new portable power banks, remote-operation buildings, bionic Duplicants with electrifying stress and joy responses, an adorable airborne work drone, new elements, 70+ new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), and more!
With great power comes great responsibility...like not letting your power banks explode in a puddle.
Want to amp up your base ASAP? Play the free beta version here today! The beta will be playable right up until the DLC goes on sale. Remember to back up your saves first.
The Bionic Booster Pack will be out on Steam, WeGame, and Epic at the same time. It will cost 7.99USD.
We hope this high-voltage DLC will spark bright new colony-building ideas throughout the ONI universe! For more info on The Bionic Booster Pack's content and features, check out our store page here.
Which platforms will this DLC be available on?
Oxygen Not Included: Bionic Booster Pack will be available on Steam, WeGame, and Epic.
How much does it cost?
Do I need to own the base game?
Yes, you will need to own Oxygen Not Included in order to play this DLC content.
Do I need to own Spaced Out! DLC in order to play this DLC content?
No. The Bionic Booster Pack does not require anything except the base game to play
[ 2024-12-06 19:12:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All Versions
- Improved errand multithreading for situationally better performance.
- All Versions
- Fixed memory leak that could lead to crashes.Fix for some AmountInstance-related crashes.
[ 2024-12-04 02:51:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements
- All versions
- Added strings for the schedule morale effect shown when hovering over Morale when selecting a Duplicant.
- Shift break bonuses are now called Downtime Bonuses to clarify that they are directly associated with the number of Downtime schedule blocks assigned to a Duplicant.
- Schedule screen height starts smaller and grows when a second schedule is added.
- All versions
- Fixed issue causing morale acquired from Downtime schedule blocks to disappear on save/load.
- Fixed issue playing video on final screen of a colony imperative victory sequence.
- Fixed Full Steam Ahead achievement not working.
[ 2024-11-26 01:55:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
Our November 2024 Quality of Life update is out today!
This free minor update features new buildings, UI improvements, bug fixes, and performance improvements for both the base game and Spaced Out! There are also changes and additions to The Frosty Planet Pack.
Before we get into the free update, we've got some exciting news:
New DLC Coming Soon!
We've been working on a new DLC, and it's absolutely electric! In this paid DLC, we introduce new bionic Duplicants, portable power banks, buildings that allow Duplicants at one end of the planetoid to operate machinery way over on the other endand more.
Check it out here and wishlist it to make sure you're the first to know when it's out! We'll be announcing the date very soon.
Free Weekend & Deal!
The whole ONI universeincluding the base game, Spaced Out! and The Frosty Planet Packis on sale from now until December 4th! Curious new space explorers can play the base game for free from November 21st to 25th.
Now back to today's free update...
New Buildings
Redistributing gas canisters and bottled liquids is easier than ever, thanks to the new Canister Drainer and Bottle Drainer buildings that allow contents to be released directly into connected pipes. There's also a new Bottle Filler that automatically stores piped liquids into bottles. These buildings have been added to all versions of the game.
The Schedule screen now supports multi-cycle schedules in all versions of the game, along with easy ways to duplicate schedules, shift schedule blocks left and right, or swap entire schedule rows with the ones above or below them.
Duplicants now prioritize finding a new errand once they've completed their current one. They'll spend less time idling before they get back to work, which will be most noticeable in late-game saves.
We've increased the drop rate and recycling yield rate for blueprints (aka cosmetic skins). That means more opportunities to collect, recycle and print new styles to customize your colony.
The Frosty Planet Pack
There's a new Regal Bammoth morph! Feed it Squash Fries and watch it grow a shiny crest that can be shorn for gold amalgam. We tweaked diets to give these behemoths (along with their fellow Ceres critters) an appetite for additional foods, so that they can thrive in DLC-scrambled worlds outside of their native biomes.
Take on fresh challenges in the new Spaced Out!-style mini asteroid cluster: it features a new Ceres Mantle starting world, as well as Sweet Ceres and Ceres Core asteroids.
We fixed a set of bugs that were causing temperature miscalculations: Materials that become debris or recently entered or exited storage will now show the correctly updated temperature. For example, if something falls onto an existing pile of debris, its temperature will change the pile's overall temperature appropriately.
Sublimating elements (like Oxylite) are now allowed to emit their gasses into adjacent tiles in situations that would otherwise delete mass.
For a full list of patch notes, please see the official forums.
There's a new DLC coming soon! We've added Canister Drainer, Bottle Drainer and Bottle Filler buildings! Schedules can now last for multiple cycles! Blueprints will drop more often! The Frosty Planet Pack has a new Regal Bammoth morph, expanded critter diets and a new mini asteroid cluster! Sim heat transfer bugs got squashed!
If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported
[ 2024-11-21 18:07:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All Versions
- Jet Suits now provide immunity to Chilly Surroundings and Toasty Surroundings.
- Duplicants will no longer perform Recover From Heat and Recover From Cold errands during red alert.
- Slight changes to save game presentation in the Load Game screen to better accommodate DLC settings.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the loading of a backup save made when adding The Frosty Planet Pack to an existing save.
- The Thermal Tolerance Overlay hovercard text now includes a description of the cell's projected Chilly Surroundings or Toasty Surroundings status.
- Added new strings for the Duplicant thermal tolerance tooltips for Body Heat Loss and Body Heat Retention to specify that they are associated with Chilly Surroundings and Toasty Surroundings respectively.
- Updated localizations.
- Spaced Out!
- Lead Suits now provide immunity to Chilly Surroundings and Toasty Surroundings.
- All Versions
- Fixed incorrect coordinates being displayed on the destination selection screen when first opened.
- Modding
- Fixed issue where modded Scramble DLC settings were not applied correctly.
- Spaced Out!
- Fixed a minor typo in the Cosmic Archaeology Steam Achievement.
- Frosty Planet Pack
- Fixed Wood Tiles not tiling correctly beside regular tiles.
- Fixed missing body temperature string in critter Happiness tooltip.
- Edited the Blocked Geo Vent description to specify that the hot liquid would have to be pumped through the vent in order to clear the obstruction.Fixed Ice Kettle indicating it had some water when it did not.
[ 2024-08-16 00:29:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements
- All Versions
- Updated Localizations.
All Versions
- Fixed crash that could occur when loading some saves.
- Fixed crash when starting the game related to old worldgen files being present.
- Fixed layering issues with DIY Cot
- Fixed a bug where hovering over critter "Excretion" in their UI was displaying an incomplete tooltip on critters that can eat plants directly.
- Fixed double "Click to view store page" text in DLC icon tooltip.
- Fixed Full Steam Ahead achievement showing on the Printing Pod sidescreen when not playing on a Ceres asteroid.
- Fixed bug in the Power overlay causing preview buildings to use gray tint for ports.
- The Frosty Planet Pack
- Fixed a Bammoth navigation issue preventing them from going down one cell.
- Fixed issue where the Wood Heater's decor value was inconsistently presented in the build menu.
- Fixed issue where the Wood Heater changing decor values did not update the room type.
- Fixed an Issue where the Geothermal Heat Pump could get stuck due to floating point rounding.
- Fixed an Issue where polluted water inside the Geothermal Heat Pump would off-gas.
- Worldgen
- Fixed Ceres Fragment (Scramble DLC world) geysers from spawning close to the surface which could result in them appearing above the Temporal Tear Opener if replacing the Tundra Asteroid.
- Improved worldgen failure rate of base game and classic style Ceres.
[ 2024-07-25 23:31:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements
- All versions
- Bottle Emptier and Canister Emptier now show a list of relevant buildings in the Enable Auto-Bottle button's tooltip.
- The Auto-Bottle: On/Off status items now refer to bottling stations and canister filling stations rather than to Pitcher Pumps or Canister Fillers only.
- Critters now always show their body temperature in their UI under the Condition section.
- Minor adjustments to Mercury Ceiling Light artwork.
- Minor edits to Blasted Ceres descriptions.
- Added tooltips for DLC icons on the main menu to explain when they are not owned yet, or owned but not installed.
- Small adjustments to main menu DLC logos for clarity.
- Changed "Tune Ups" in the Improved Plants list to "Crop Tending".
- Frosty Planet Pack
- Water from an Ice Liquefier can no longer be requested by a Bottle Emptier unless the user has turned on Enable Auto-Bottle.
- Adjusted the offset of growth bar icons shown in Bonbon Tree branches when using the Farming overlay to better position them below the cell where the branch will grow into
- All versions
- Fixed crash that could occur when equipping clothing items.
- Fixed crash that occurred when viewing the Electric Grill in the database.
- Fixed missing Ice Maker recipe selection tooltip.
- Fixed a crash that happened when loading a save that had two Arbor Tree branches growing in the same spot.
- Fixed an issue preventing sublimating materials from appearing in the Materials / Consumable Ore sub-overlay.
- The Improved Plants tooltip now correctly indicates that Crop Tending will improve growth times for the plants listed.
- Frosty Planet Pack
- Fixed a bug where Duplicants who unequipped an Atmo Suit in an ideal temperature zone right after exiting an extreme temperature zone would still get scalding or frostbite.
- Fixed missing strings for Electric Grill and Gas Range blueprints.
- Fixed inconsistent Bammoth navigation up and down a single tile.
- Fixed an issue where the Geothermal Heat Pump could get stuck.
- Fixed an issue where polluted water inside the Geothermal Heat Pump would off-gas.
- Fixed issue where changing a Cot to use the “DIY Cot” blueprint would sometimes make parts of the bed disappear.
- Fixed plant mutation symbols not appearing on new plants.
- Fixed a crash that occurred whenever a Bonbon Meteor lands on a solid tile above the red unbuildable zone at the top of a Ceres asteroid.
- Fixed a bug where the Bonbon Tree was not playing the harvest ready animation if it reached full capacity with a blocked pipe connected to it.
- Fixed the little lines of black that were sticking out from the wood and snow tiles.
- Enabled the Bammoth Patty to be displayed on pedestals.
- Fixed a typo that added an extra space between words in the Wood Tile description.
- Fixed Carved Lumen Quartz not showing up as a resource.
- Lumen Quartz carve errand now persists on save/load.
- Fixed incorrect Ceres Fragment asteroid icon on the Scramble DLC tab.
- Adjusted Ceres space destination when playing with Scramble DLC on non-Ceres starts. Increased the number of Flox to 3 and added 4 Pikeapple Bush seeds.
- Worldgen:
- Fixed Metal Rich and Metal Poor world traits not affecting Cinnabar Ore. Applies to new saves only.
- Improved compatibility of the Volcanic Activity world trait on base game and classic-style Ceres asteroids.
- Minor adjustments to Geo Vent spawning placement on Spaced Out!-style Ceres Minor to reduce worldgen failures.
[ 2024-07-23 23:56:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small hotfix for today's DLC release. All Versions
- Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing phosphorite in the codex.
- The Frosty Planet Pack main menu icon subtext now reads "Available Now" instead of "Wishlist Now", or "Installed" when the Frosty Planet Pack is already active.
[ 2024-07-19 02:54:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Guess what, asteroid explorers...
...The Frosty Planet Pack DLC is out on Steam TODAY!
This DLC features a frozen new world filled with brand-new biomes, oddly adorable new critters, new buildings, blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), plants, resources and deliciously deep-fried foods! We've even recruited a new Duplicant!
The DLC can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam! It'll be available on WeGame and Epic soon, too.
If you dug into this glittering new icescape during our free beta period, rest assured (or alarmed) that there's plenty more to explore in the full versionincluding a big engineering project deep down at the planet's core. There's also a Blasted Ceres option in the Lab for the thrillseekers who want an extra-challenging version of this new starting world.
Sure, the whole colony's complaining about frostbite, but wait 'til they discover the hot new ways to stay warm! Just don't let those snow tiles melt...
We've revised temperature mechanics for Duplicants and critters to make things simpler and more interesting. We've also introduced the option to mix in asteroids and biomes from one or more DLCs when making a new game, so you can scramble the cosmos at will! The "Scramble DLC" tool works for The Frosty Planet Pack and future additions to the ONI universe.
Additionally, we're releasing a free update for the base game today: It includes the temperature mechanics revisions mentioned above, plus the new elements, UI improvements, and more.
What's in this DLC?
- A brand-new icy starting world.
- New critters: Flouncy Floxes! Behemoth Bammoths! Sweet-toothed Spigot Seals!
- Three new biomes: Ice Cave, Cool Pool and Nectar.
- New plants: Pikeapple Bush, Alveo Vera, Sherberry Plant, Plume Squash, Bonbon Tree, and Idylla Flower.
- New buildings: Wood Heater, Snow Tile, Deep Fryer, and more!
- New elements: Cinnabar, Tallow, and Nectar.
- New Duplicant: meet Freyja!
- New POIs: a Gravitas live/work showroom! An enlightening Research Portal! A power plant that may or may not have wreaked havoc on past colonies!
- Exclusive, cold-themed new blueprints collection!
- Revised temperature mechanics.
- ...and more!
- The universe can be a cold, cold place...conquer it all from the questionable comfort of your cool new snow fort colony in The Frosty Planet Pack DLC!

What platforms will this DLC be available on?
The Frosty Planet Pack launches on Steam today (July 18th) then WeGame and Epic soon after. We'll share more info as soon as we can!
How much does it cost?
Do I need to own the base game?
Yes, you will need to own Oxygen Not Included in order to play this DLC content.
Do I need to own Spaced Out! DLC in order to play this DLC content?
You do not need Spaced Out to purchase or enjoy The Frosty Planet Pack.
Can I play with my old save game?
Yes, you can upgrade your old save, but any new worldgen and improvements will not be available.
Is there still a Previous Update Branch?
Yes! If you're playing on the base game and this free update breaks some of your mods, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Previous Update Branch.
Where can I find more details and information?
Check out our Steam Store page for more information! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2952300/Oxygen_Not_Included_The_Frosty_Planet_Pack/
[ 2024-07-18 17:15:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends! We have exciting news: The Frosty Planet Pack DLC comes out next Thursday on Steam for $7.99usd!
This DLC features a new, deep-frozen world brimming with brand new biomes, floofy (and pokey) new critters, new buildings, new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), a new Duplicant, and even new resourcessure, the whole colony's complaining about frostbite, but only until they discover the hot new ways to stay warm!
Can't wait until next week? Play the free beta version here today! The beta will be playable right up until the DLC goes on sale. The full release has some notable new additions that didn't quite make it into the beta, so stay tuned... even if you've been in on it from the start, that was just the tip of the iceberg! There's a big new engineering project and dozens of new cosmetic skins coming in.
The Frosty Planet Pack will be out on Steam first, then WeGame and Epic at a laterbut not much laterdate. It will cost 7.99usd.
We hope you'll enjoy our tip of the (polar) cap to the wonders of snow, ice, and deep space.
Which platforms will this DLC be available on?
The Frosty Planet Pack launches on Steam July 18th, then WeGame and Epic soon after. We'll share more info as soon as we can!
How much does it cost?
The Frosty Planet Pack is 7.99usd.
Do I need to own the base game?
Yes, you will need to own Oxygen Not Included in order to play this DLC content.
Do I need to own Spaced Out! DLC in order to play this DLC content?
You do not need Spaced Out to purchase or enjoy The Frosty Planet Pack.
Where can I find more details and information?
More details can be found on the Steam Store page. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2952300/Oxygen_Not_Included_The_Frosty_Planet_Pack/
[ 2024-07-12 18:47:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=eBSxacI3pSg;full][/previewyoutube] [table noborder=1][tr][td][hr][/hr] [/td][/tr][tr][td]
Oxygen Not Included - A New Animated Short & DLC News!
[/td][/tr][tr][td] There's a new ONI short! The Dupes are gearing up to explore an icy new planet, but one crew member finds the prospect of this adventure rather...chilling. Will the colony keep its cool? Or will dire warnings derail this mission? We also have a new DLC coming very soon! The Frosty Planet Pack features a new sub-zero starting asteroid with new biomes, new buildings, and new critters so cute, your colony might temporarily forget how cold they are. We'll be releasing a beta version early next week - keep an eye out for updates if you want to be the first to test out this new content! You can also check out the store page and wish list it to make sure you don't miss anything. [/td][/tr][/table] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2952300/Oxygen_Not_Included_The_Frosty_Planet_Pack/ [hr][/hr] [table noborder=1][tr][td][hr][/hr]

It's Klei Fest! - News and Sales!
[/td][/tr][tr][td] Hey Everybody! Klei Fest is our annual event where we celebrate all things Klei with some great discounts and game updates. This year we've got a lot cooking. We have never had so much exciting stuff to look forward to, and we've always got something coming soon. We have news for Rift of the Necrodancer, Mind over Magic has an exciting update, Oxygen Not Included is bringing news for their upcoming DLC, Rotwood has an update AND news on their first new hunt and DST is finishing up beta on their next big update! We also have some fun animated shorts to share! In addition we're offering our best sales of the year. Highlights include:
- DST, DS, and ONI owners can score an additional discount on Mind Over Magic with new Colony Sim and Base Builder bundles.
- Invisible, Inc. turns 10 this year and we're celebrating with an Anniversary Bundle for -90% off!
- Get every Klei game in the Klei Fest exclusive Klei Fest Bundle for an additional 50% off already discounted prices!
- Get the lowest prices ever on Griftlands, Hot Lava, Mark of the Ninja, and several bundles!
- We've also got some new cross-publisher bundles featuring Cobalt Core, Dwarf Fortress and more.
Don't Starve Together - New Skill Trees and Staying Afloat Update Next Thursday!
[/td][/tr][tr][td] No matter where you find yourself stranded, survival is better with friends by your side. Thank you for joining us through 11 years of Don't Starve! It's been an amazing adventure with our community through 11 years of Don't Starve. For this year's Klei Fest We wanted to take a little trip through the past as we look toward the future. The new update for Don't Starve Together launches next week on June 27th at 10am pacific time. Highlights Include:
- Skill Trees: Wurt and Winona Skill Trees have been added.
- Crab King redesign: new behaviors, minions, arena and loot.
- Sunken Chests: added new exclusive loot - Surprising Seeds and Archaic Boats.
- Marotters: new creatures found on the coast line.
- Additional Pirate Raid behavior: they can sometimes be found post raid, carrying loot.
- Kelp Boat Patch, signs of Powder Monkeys territory on sea stacks, new ocean set pieces, a new Pearl trade and a new Salt Lick made of actual salt!
Rotwood - New Powers Update and Tundra Beta News!
[/td][/tr][tr][td] Today we're adding nearly twenty new Powers available from the start of the game. These new powers are intended to add some variations to your runs in the earlier portions of the game and will help us transition into the release of our first new Hunt! Whats next? We will be opening up a beta branch for the next Hunt: Bonechill Quarry next week! This includes a completely new environment, a new Boss Rot and Rot Miniboss, new enemies, new armour and weapons, more new Powers, new decorations, bug fixes, and a familiar friend who has found their voice. With the new hunt we will also be sharing an updated roadmap that will describe our update schedule and content plans! We also have a Rhymes with Play stream today! We'll be showing off the some of the newest update and what you can look forward too with the the upcoming Hunt! Join us at 3:30pm Pacific time on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/kleientertainment. Or for more details, check out the announcement [yrl=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/157325-rotwood-rhymes-with-play-dev-cast-this-thursday/]here. See you soon! [/td][/tr][/table] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2015270/Rotwood/ [hr][/hr] [table noborder=1][tr][td][hr][/hr]

Rift of the Necrodancer - Demo Available Now!
[/td][/tr][tr][td] "Hi everyone! Rift of the NecroDancer has a short, free demo available to try RIGHT NOW until June 27th during Klei Fest. Leaderboards are enabled, so see how you stack up globally against other players! You can download the demo directly from the Rift of the NecroDancer store page. If you enjoy it, make sure to wishlist, and let us know how you do! You can play the following songs in EASY, MEDIUM, and HARD difficulties:
- Disco Disaster by Danny Baranowsky
- Amalgamaniac by Alex Moukala
- RAVEVENGE ft. Aram Zero by Alex Moukala

Additionally, the original Crypt of the NecroDancer is on sale and included in several bundles throughout Klei Fest for STACKABLE DISCOUNTS! https://store.steampowered.com/app/247080/Crypt_of_the_NecroDancer/ One of these bundles is the new NecroDancer Essentials bundle, which contains Crypt of the NecroDancer, AMPLIFIED, SYNCHRONY, and Hatsune Miku for an additional 40% off their sale price. Now's the time to get the complete NecroDancer experience!" [/td][/tr][/table] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073250/Rift_of_the_NecroDancer/ [hr][/hr] [table noborder=1][tr][td][hr][/hr]

Mind Over Magic - The Apprentice Update
[/td][/tr][tr][td] Mind over magic has a huge update now available! This Major Update enhances Mage progression, introducing Apprenticeships, Mage Level, Relics, Quirks, and Wand upgrading. These are fundamental changes aimed at providing new ways to grow your Mages without being forced to graduate or retire your favorites. Mages are now much more customizable: you can use an Apprenticeship to dual-class them, or have them Attune to the powerful Relics left by departing Mages. They've also got an updated roadmap to share, as well. head over there to check it out! [/td][/tr][/table] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1270580/Mind_Over_Magic/ [hr][/hr] [table noborder=1][tr][td][hr][/hr] [previewyoutube=u_lCvohRQcw;full][/previewyoutube] [/td][/tr][tr][td]
HOT LAVA - G.A.T. Cartoon - Saturday Morning Cartoon Marathon
[/td][/tr][tr][td] We created a lot of short animations for Hot Lava and we've put them all together for a fun Saturday Morning Cartoon Marathon. There is a ton of unreleased footage here. Enjoy! [/td][/tr][/table] https://store.steampowered.com/app/382560/Hot_Lava/ [hr][/hr]
[ 2024-06-20 17:04:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
All versions
- Fixed Duplicants getting stuck trying to attack critters stuck in tiles.
- Fixed Slicksters being able to path diagonally between tiles.
- Fixed incorrect reachability of Storage Tiles.
Spaced Out! only
- Fixed crash unpausing save with a defrosted Duplicant entering the temporal tear.
[ 2024-03-26 21:17:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
A small hotfix for the February 2024 Quality of Life update. Fixes
All versions
- Fixed Duplicants not being able to attack critters unless they were on the floor.
- Fixed Pokeshells defending an egg getting stuck trying to attack a threat that is out of range.
- Fixed issue causing Pacus caught in a Fish Trap to sometimes become irretrievable.
- Fixed a visual issue with Signal Counters.
- Fixed issue causing Element Filter sidescreens on some buildings (such as the Storage Bin) to appear empty after switching to a different sidescreen tab.
- Fixed crash when changing graphic settings and clicking X instead of OK/Cancel.
- Fixed missing section of the Rust Deoxidizer animation.
- Fixed layout width issue on some automation building sidescreens.
Spaced Out! only
- Fixed a rocketry-related tooltip crash.
- Fixed bug causing buildings marked for Change Material reconstruction not to be rebuilt after deconstruction if the player was focused on a different asteroid.
- Rovers and Biobots can no longer deliver critters to the Critter Cargo Bay. Errand type was also changed to ranching.
[ 2024-03-07 18:54:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
A small hotfix for the February 2024 Quality of Life update. Changes and Improvements All versions
- Updated localizations.
- Fixed Disable Autoharvest button not working.
- Fixed crash that could occur when changing the material of a Heavi-Watt Conductive Joint Plate.
- Fixed crash that could sometimes occur when ordering building deconstruction.
- Fixed crash related to errands at invalid locations.
- Fixed Fish Release not correctly counting fish in cavity.
- Fixed crash that could happen on Mac OS when the game is installed on a non-native partition.
- Fixed Inflatable Water Cooler blueprint meter animation.
- Fixed crash related to files present in archived_versions directory.
[ 2024-03-05 22:44:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
It's time for the 2024 roadmap! We've been having lots of conversations behind the scenes, and have some big news to share:
We're back to work on content-focused DLCs!
There are tons of great things we want to add to the ONI universe, and they're getting too big to squeeze into free updates.
Wait, What?
When we were originally considering making more DLCs back in early 2022, we had just come off a three-year-long haul on Spaced Out!, and our ideas for future DLCs were all on a similar scale. Trying to make them work for both the base game and Spaced Out! was daunting. But over the past year, DLC ideas just kept comingmany of them focused on content that would be a more natural fit with the base game, Spaced Out! DLC, and each other. So after a year of smaller free updates, we're switching back to paid DLCs that'll allow us to take our derpy little colonists into wild new uncharted corners of time and space. Our plans for these modular DLCs center around new asteroids packed with new biomes, critters, plants, buildings, elements, lore and blueprints (aka cosmetic skins). At some point, we may make systems changes. If that happens, those changes will likely be added (for free) to any existing versions of the game that you may own.
What's Next?
We haven't nailed down an exact schedule, but we do know that it won't involve multi-year waiting periods between DLCs! In fact, we're planning to release the first one this year. Perhaps featuring a chilly new starting asteroid...

We'll keep releasing free quality of life updates, fixing bugs and improving performance. We're also continuing to build out the blueprints system, creating more opportunities for colony customization. You'll be able to earn blueprints through gameplay, and we expect to include new collections in DLC as well.

Our plan for this next chapter is to switch from occasional smaller free updates to content-focused paid DLCs. We're still doing free QoL updates. We know it's a big pivot! This year's ONI adventure promises to be a particularly exciting one. Thank you all for your ongoing supportit means the cosmos to us. See you at the next DLC!

Why the change from free updates back to paid DLCs?
DLCs were always the better choice for expanding the ONI universe, but we just didn't think we could do it. Now that we have new ideas that play nicely with existing versions of the game and lend themselves well to mixing and matching later on...we're making it happen!
Will these new DLCs work with both the base game and Spaced Out?
What kind of DLCs are coming?
Lots of new content: New starting asteroids, biomes, critters, plants, buildings, elements, lore and blueprints (aka cosmetic skins). We expect that each DLC will contain all of these things, but that may change depending on demand or scheduling concerns. No big plans for systems changes right now.
How much will these DLCs cost?
The plan is to have them cost less than the Spaced Out! DLC. Well have more details as we get closer to release.
How often will we get new DLCs?
The first one is scheduled to come out this year, and the turnaround time between DLCs will be (much, much) shorter than it was for Spaced Out!
What's happening to blueprints (aka cosmetic skins)?
We expect that DLCs will include new blueprints, but blueprints already in the game will be attainable through gameplay.
Are you still doing free QoL updates?
Yes! We're still figuring out the scale and scope for these, but we have lots of performance improvements and bug fixes on our To Do list.
[ 2024-02-29 19:25:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends,
Welcome to ONI's February 2024 Quality of Life update!
This minor update includes new buildings, UI improvements, performance improvements, bug fixes and new cosmetic skins for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC.
We split the existing Critter Drop-off into two separate buildingsone for drop-offs and one for pick-upsmaking it easier to manage critter population and relocation between rooms. These buildings will only count or permit drop-off/pick-up of the critter species specified in their filters. We've also added a new Airborne Critter Condo! It's an elevated take on critter relaxation, designed specifically for Gassy Moos, Pufts and Shine Bugs.
You'll notice significant performance improvements for critters, as well as improvements in myriad other parts of the game. The Gas Reservoir storage capacity has been increased from 150 kg to 1,000 kg. We improved the organization of tabs in the details sidescreen to make it easier to find what you're looking for. We've also added new tools there: "Material" lets you view and change what a building is made of, while "Blueprint" allows you to toggle easily between relevant cosmetic skins for buildings or Duplicants directly in-game. The latter also contains a shortcut to the Supply Closet.
Bugs & Other Cool Stuff
In both versions of the game, we fixed a slew of critter pathfinding bugs, as well as a bug where some plants were looking wilted when they were actually ready to harvest. The "Easy Livin'" achievement bug that required Auto-Sweepers to outperform Duplicants by 50% (rather than simply outperforming them) is also fixed. For Spaced Out!, the Water Asteroid no longer mistakenly gets discovered on load when a Rover is stored in a rocket in space, and we fixed a glitch where rocket ports would sometimes delete liquids and gasses. We've added more than 100 new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins) for both the base game and Spaced Out!, and added two new categories of blueprints. In honor of the precious goobers lost in the name of space colony-building, we've updated the Tasteful Memorial to display the portrait of the Duplicant buried there. This applies to all future burials. In memoriam duplicantum, friends.
The Critter Drop-Off building is now two separate, single-purpose buildings! There's a new Airborne Critter Condo! The details sidescreen is simpler and contains new tools! Bugs have been squashed! Critter performance has been improved! The Tasteful Memorial now features Duplicant portraits! There are over 100 new blueprints! You can find out more about our plan for this year in the 2024 ONI road map! If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Previous Update branch. Help us track down new bugs to fix, or click here to send us your feedback and ideas! We appreciate all your input.
[ 2024-02-29 19:12:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy holidays, everyone!
We're releasing a special batch of blueprints to wrap up another 365 cycles of astronomical adventures. They're available for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC.
You can claim some of these through the Klei Rewards website, which can be accessed via the link in the main menu.
As ever, it's been great having you in our orbit. We can't wait to see what you build this winter. See you next year!
Warm wishes to you and yours,
The ONI team
All Versions
- Added new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins).
- Fixed a visual error in Storage Tiles.
- Fixed crash that could occur when cancelling construction of rocket modules.
[ 2023-12-19 20:09:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes All versions
- Fixed a crash that could occur when destroying a Rehydrator while it was being worked by a Duplicant.
- Fixed issue causing "Steel" to appear as an option in the Canister Emptier filter UI options.
- Fix crash that occurs when a Biobot interacts with the Pajama Cubby.
- Fixed crash which could sometimes happen when one Gassy Moo cheers for another.
[ 2023-11-29 22:58:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements All versions
- Clicking idle diagnostic now cycles camera focus through idle Duplicants.
- Added customizable hotkey to Story Trait Sandbox tool.
- Fixed issue that dehydrated food package content could start rotting if removed from a Rehydrator via destruction or melting.
- Fixed eggs incorrectly marked confined when in small spaces.
- Fixed crash that could happen when a rocket goes through the Temporal Tear or is deconstructed.
- Fixed a crash related to binge eaters.
[ 2023-11-24 00:02:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
This hotfix is focused on fixing some issues in the Packed Snacks update. Full changes below. Changes and Improvements All versions
- Changed idle diagnostic to display quicker after a Duplicant becomes idle.
- Added all remaining details to the Building / Category database entry about which rooms require or prohibit a particular category of building.
- Updated all localizations.
- Fixed hang when starting a new game on Mac OS 10.13 and 10.14.
- Fixed crash loading saves on Mac OS 10.13 and 10.14.
- Fixed various logic buildings getting stuck in an uninitialized state, such as the Memory Toggle and Signal Counter.
- Fixed a crash that can occur when a critter is moving towards or using a Critter Condo or Water Fort when deconstructed.
- Fixed a crash that can occur when dehydrating food completes.
- Fixed crash that could occur when a robot tries to empty the Dehydrator, robots are not permitted.
- Fixed issue causing the Dehydrator animations to continue playing when a Duplicant is interrupted while emptying.
- Fixed missing glass string Solar Panel database entry.
- Added status item when moving a critter but the colony does not have a rancher
- Fixed crash that could occur when a Duplicant fetches an item marked for moving.
- Fixed crash which could happen on startup.
- Fixed issue sometimes preventing Duplicants from finishing the last < 1g of food when eating.
- Potential fix for critters getting stuck in the excited state.
- Fixed missing Biobot Builder string when starting a new game.
- Removed Rocket Interior building category as this only exists in Spaced Out!
- Fixed missing string issue in Artifact Analysis Station.
[ 2023-11-22 20:27:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes All versions
- Fixed overcrowding penalty calculations when Pacus are swimming in an open door.
- Minor animation adjustments in Biobot Maker and Biobot.
- Fixed Pokeshell missing a claw when eating.
- Improvements to Database entries relating to building categories.
- Added info to the Metabolism tooltip to specify that it also affects the production of materials.
- Updated localization.
- Fixed issue causing an empty patch notes screen to display the first time the game was run.
- Fixed issue causing unexpected output from Rocket Platform automation output.
[ 2023-11-17 02:32:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=wdA-TmYSTH4;full][/previewyoutube] Hey friends, Welcome to the Packed Snacks Update! This is ONI's 50th updatewe can hardly believe it! Whether you've been choking down mush bars with us since the first one or joined in somewhere along the way, thank you for being here. We're celebrating with a new germ-themed story trait, new buildings for storage, food preservation and critter happiness, a sandbox story trait placement tool, expanded critter moods and new cosmetic skins (aka blueprints). These can all be used in both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We also fixed some bugs, and made a new ONI short! Check that out <here.>
Grow A Bot
An abandoned lab full of decommissioned machinery offers an unexpected new use for Zombie Spores that really puts the "ew" in "renewable energy." Once the musty old equipment is up and running again, the colony can use it to build and grow the necessary components for a mechanical alternative to Duplicant labor. That means fewer Duplicants being sent into hazardous work environments!
Food Dehydrator and Rehydrator
The new Dehydrator building is designed to drain all of the moisture out of foods prepared on the Gas Range. Dried foods aren't edible, but they are conveniently non-perishable and don't need to be refrigerated. When it's time to eat, just send the dried food through the new Rehydrator building to restore its original texture...and most of its flavor.
Creature Comforts
Critter moods have been revised and expanded. The new Miserable state is for extra-glum critters, and results in Glum levels of metabolism plus zero egg-laying. Critters who are not Happy, Glum or Miserable will feel Satisfiedthese will have default metabolism and fertility. Only Happy critters get a fertility boost. We've also added new Critter Condo and Water Fort buildings to boost critter happiness, and worked on some long-overdue bug fixes and changes to Pacus that might affect existing ranches.
Other Cool Stuff
- New design for messages on the Main Menu screen.
- Nearly 50 new blueprints added to the Supply Closet.
- New Storage Tile.
- New sandbox tool for adding story traits to existing saves.
- Added a Rocket Port Extension for Spaced Out! DLC.
- Added a search function to more sidescreens.
A new story trait! A new sandbox story trait placement tool! New blueprints! More nuanced Critter moods! New critter buildings! A new Storage Tile! And so much more. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported <Previous Update branch>. Fifty updates later, and we're still loving every moment of this astronomical adventure. If you have <bug reports> or <feedback>, let us know! We're so glad you're on this ride with usthe ONI universe wouldn't be the same without you.
[ 2023-11-16 18:08:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes and Improvements All versions
- Updated Russian and Chinese localizations.
- Fixed formatting issue with critter age in details screen.
- Fixed a bug where buildings under construction didn't show all their effects listed under the Effects section (in the info screen) when selected.
- Fixed a bug where the logic input port for critter traps was not working.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Dream Journals were delivered to the Somnium Synthesizer.
- Fixed a bug where delivering zero Dream Journals to the Somnium Synthesizer would prevent further delivery errands from being created.
- Fixed issue causing building health bars to hide and show unexpectedly when toggling between different overlays.
- Fixed a crash when canceling Move To errands if the item was already at the location.
- Fixed a crash when queuing multiple Move To errands where one of the items was already at the location.
- Fix crash that could occur when loading a save with an invalid Move To order.
- Fixed Grubfruit plants not dropping fruit when playing on higher game speeds.
[ 2023-10-17 18:06:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends,
Our October 2023 Quality of Life update goes live today!
This minor update includes bug fixes, UX improvements, new buildings and a new free recycling system for blueprints (aka cosmetic skins) for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC.
- Critter-themed improvements: wrangling, Move To tool, gas consumption, and a new Field Guide!
- Added a new Critter Cargo Bay module to Spaced Out!
- Added a search bar to the storage filter sidescreen!
- Added a new Light Sensor building!
- Revised which buildings are considered Industrial Machinery!
- Blueprints are now recyclable!
Critter Improvements
Gas consumption for Pufts and Slicksters is now linked to their hunger levels: the hungrier they are, the more they'll consume. Hunger and other critter states are now explained in depth in the new Field Guide we've added to the database. Individual critter database entries also include additional information about specific space requirements and life span (formerly called Max Age). We've adjusted the idle behaviors for Gassy Moos, Pufts, Slicksters and Shine Bugs, so that they can now be wrangled. These crittersindeed, all critters except Beetascan now also be easily relocated using the Move To tool that we introduced in the June update! In addition, Spaced Out! players can move critters using the Critter Cargo Bay described in the next section.
New Buildings
There's a new Critter Cargo Bay rocket module in the DLC! It's designed to transport furry (or slimy, gassy, scaly...) passengers between asteroids, one at a time. Critters will continue to age while they're in transit, but they won't lay eggs or get hungry until after they've been released. They also won't poopum, excrete resourceswhile they're in there. Both versions of the game now have a new Light Sensor building, which sends signals based on the ambient light detected. It can be used anywhere that light levels might inform your setup: everything from opening/closing surface bunker doors for solar panels, to keeping your colony's beach chairs nice and sunny.
UX and QoL Improvements
We're making things more searchable: there's a new search bar for finding specific elements in the storage filter side screen, and another one in the Supply Closet accompanied by a toggle that filters which Blueprints are displayed (all/owned/multiples owned). The Industrial Machinery buildings category has been reassessed, with some buildings added and others removeddetails in the patch notes. We added automation ports to the Plant Pulverizer in both versions of the game, and to the Manual Radbolt Generator in DLC, making it easier to "set it and forget it" so you can get on with the business of colony-building.
Recycling Blueprints
We've been working on adding a recycling system to the Supply Closet so you can customize your Blueprint collection. If there are Blueprints (aka cosmetic skins) that you currently own but aren't super attached to, you can now recycle them into spools of Filament. Once you have enough Filament, you can use it to print a fresh copy of a Blueprint you're more excited about... including one of the 60 new ones we've added for this update! It's a work in progress, so let us know what you think.
The Move To tool works on critters! There's a new Light Sensor for both games, and a DLC-only Critter Cargo Bay! It's easier to search for things in storage buildings and the Supply Closet! Blueprints can be recycled to print other Blueprints! If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Previous Update branch. Whether you were involved in public testing or are joining us for the full update, we're happy you're here!! We look forward to hearing about how these changes land for you and welcome bug reports here, or feedback and wacky ideas here.
[ 2023-10-05 18:12:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small hotfix before the weekend.
- Updated Meteor Blaster description to indicate that blown-up meteors now drop harvestable resources.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when a Duplicantdies.
[ 2023-08-04 22:18:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends,
We're udderly excited to be releasing our Song of the Moo update!
This update is packed with new elements (including a frothy green substance that technically counts as milk), new buildings, two new food recipes, critter ranching improvements and a brand-new behavior for the mighty Gassy Moo. There are new cosmetic skins too.
Got Brackene? (aka New Elements)
Tame, well-fed Gassy Moos now produce a new milky element called Brackene. Ranchers can call a Moo over to the new Milking Station building to milk them when the time comes. If your colony doesn't have Gassy Moos yet, don't worry: you can also get Brackene by smashing up certain crops in the new Plant Pulverizer! Duplicants can drink Brackene at the Water Cooler, while critters get it from the new Critter Fountain. In both cases, it's a nutrient-free mood booster. Alternatively, Brackene can be refined into a strange polymer called Brackwax at the new Brackwax Gleaner building. The Brackwax can be used in the production of a highly heat-resistant super plastic called Plastium, or as a lubricant for faster travel in transit tubes.
New Moo-lody
Gassy Moos can now reproducesort of. Once a domesticated Moo has consumed enough Gas Grass, they belt out operatic moos that echo across the galaxy, which attracts a new member to that asteroid's herd via the infamous Gassy Mooteor.
Other Cool Stuff
The new Bleach Stone Hopper building can turn out a steady supply of Bleach Stone from Salt and Gold inputs, though you should expect some sand as a byproduct. Meteors will now drop some resources when you blow them out of the sky with the Meteor Blaster. Weve added an automation port to the Egg cracker and given Duplicants the ability to eat raw eggs. If youre feeling fancy you can cook the eggs into Souffl Pancakes at the Electric Grill, or into a delectable Mushroom Quiche at the Gas Range. All critters traps and lures are now made from raw metal, and can be rearmed after use. Finally, weve made some UI improvements to the Supply Closet and added over 50 new cosmetic skins.
Weve made lots of improvements relating to the Gassy Moo, including making them milkable. Their strange brackish milk has a variety of uses for colonies both small and large. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported

[ 2023-08-03 18:07:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small hotfix for some visual bugs. Fixes
- All versions
- Fixed issue preventing natural tiles from using their biome-specific visual trim.
- Fixed two canvas skins being assigned to the wrong canvas building types ("The Swell Swell", "Flight of the Slicksters").
[ 2023-06-27 23:25:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes All Versions
- Duplicants in the wardrobe screen now show the correct outfit artwork when the default Atmo Suit is selected.
- Fixed stall that could happen when the Spice Grinder had food but not enough ingredients to spice it.
- Fixed crash that could occur when a Duplicant could not move off of a suit marker while idling.
- Fixed Duplicants moving only the lesser mass when more than one Move To is queued to the same location.
- Corrected update name in Russian localization.
- Fixed broken tooltip that displayed when hovering over the clock in a Skewed Asteroid save.
[ 2023-06-20 23:17:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends!
We're twice as excited as usual today, because not only is the June 2023 Quality of Life update out...it's also time for our big
An obstructed tile now blocks visibility from that tile out towards the nearest edge of the scanning range. Plus, improved range visualization makes obstructions super easy to spot...see below.
These improvements (and others!) might necessitate adjustments in your colony's current setup, so there's a 20-cycle pause on meteor showers.
Improved Range Visualization
We took the range visualization that we recently added to the Meteor Blaster, pepped it up and applied it to other buildings. Now you can tell at a glance exactly what's going on with each building's view of the sky. (Apologies to anyone who enjoyed guessing.)
A Bunch of Cool Things
There's a new version of the Move To tool that lets you instruct Duplicants to transport objects to a specific spot! Sinks no longer produce less water than they consume! Robo-Miners can now mine through open doors! We added ~50 new blueprints, including our first-ever Atmo Suit skins! Oh, and remember when a Duplicant might work up a sweat digging up a seed or a chunk of ore, only to have the dang thing pop out on the unreachable side of a wall? We fixed that too.
Klei Fest Surprises!
The universe is vast and unknowable, especially when there's a Temporal Tear at play. A new asteroid has plinked into existence. It's familiar and yet... not.
The Skewed Asteroid is a fixed seed (i.e. impervious to worldgen shenanigans) that allows players to share the experience of exploring the same unknown landscape simultaneously. We can't wait to see how your colonies adapt! Share your success stories, tales of despair and everything in between.
Playing during Klei Fest also unlocks a special new 'print: the Puft Atmo Suit! Fits like a glove, and hardly smells at all.
There have been some potentially game-changing upgrades to the Space Scanner, Telescope and Enclosed Telescope, and new ways to visualize scanning ranges! There's a special new asteroid and Puft Atmo Suit 'print for Klei Fest. And of course, bug fixes and UI tweaks.
We love hearing what you think! Send your bug reports here, and feedback or even (dare we hope?) screenshots of your Skewed Asteroid setup.
Thank you to everyone who helped us smooth things out during the testing period!
If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary Previous Update Branch.
For full patch notes, check the official forums here.
Play on!
It's Time For Klei Fest!
Hey Everybody! Klei Fest is here!
Summer is on its way and that means so is Klei Fest. During Klei Fest, we have a burst of content, items, events, sales, and more interesting things happening for all things Klei!
We've got game updates for Hot Lava, Oxygen Not Included, and Don't Starve Together. We have a new game to announce and we've even got more exciting news and demos from Klei Publishing and more!
Check out our sale page here for up to 75% off all of our games. Scroll down for tons of news, updates, and announcements.
All Things Klei!
Hot Lava
New Items, Taunts, and more!
Prepare for another scorching hot summer with Hot Lava. Weve got new summer activities, two new playable characters complete with their own unique unlockable items, taunts, and action files, new summer activities, and more!
For more details run, jump or swing on over to the store page on Steam.
Don't Starve Together
New Content Update Available Now!
Something sinister is seeping to the surface, and new horrors have taken up residence in the dark. Will our Survivors be able to band together to push back the encroaching darkness, or are the cracks in their resolve already starting to show?
For more info head over to the announcement post here!
New Klei Games!
Combat Focus Test Now Available!
Rotwood is almost here! For a small taste of the action, head on over to the Steam store page and participate in our combat focus test!
During our single-player combat focus test, players will get to play a combat focused version of the game so you can let us know what you think.
Sign-up now!
Dread Pilots
Survival at all costs!
From Klei Entertainment, creators of Don't Starve, Invisible Inc, and Griftlands comes Dread Pilots, a new space survival exploration sandbox game.
You are a Dread Pilot, an unfortunate soul trapped in a dangerous and uncaring purgatory with only your wits to aid you in your quest to escape.
Head on over to Steam and wishlist now to keep up to date with news on the game as it develops!
Klei Publishing
Mind Over Magic
Check out the new trailer!
The wizards at Sparkypants are excited to announce that Mind Over Magic will have a demo live for Steam Next Fest June 19th through June 26th!
Build and manage a school to teach aspiring mages dangerous arcane arts. Soothe sanity-shaking nightmares and explore the perilous Underschool, all the while trying to keep everyone alive and content. But beware the ever-encroaching Fog
Make sure to wishlist Mind Over Magic on Steam to keep up to date on the latest news!
Announcing Beastieball!
Were also excited to announce that were working with Greg Lobanov and Wishes Unlimited, creators of Wandersong and Chicory on their next game, Beastieball! Coach a sports team of Beasties in this turn-based volleyball RPG! Your Beasties relationships power up their teamwork!
Excited to learn more? You can read all about Beastieball, listen to samples from the soundtrack, and more while backing the game on Kickstarter. Theres also this super fun explainer video from Greg and the Wishes Unlimited team at Day of the Devs. And did we mention the playable demo?
And of course, dont forget to wishlist Beastieball so we can notify you when it comes out.
Lab Rat
Play the demo!
If you havent had a chance to check out the Lab Rat demo, now is the time.
Lab Rat is a hand-crafted narrative puzzler masquerading as a machine-generated video game. This satirical adventure stars a metrics-obsessed AI who will monitor, profile, and guide you as you solve over a hundred unique spatial problems.
The demo is available until June 26th, so check it out and be sure to wishlist on Steam!
[ 2023-06-15 17:02:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Everybody! Klei Fest is Coming June 15th!
Summer is on its way and that means so is Klei Fest. During Klei Fest, we will have a burst of content, items, events, sales, and more interesting things happening for all things Klei!
We've got game updates for Hot Lava, Oxygen Not Included, and Don't Starve Together. We have a new game to announce and we've even got more exciting news and demos from Klei Publishing and more!
If you're not already, make sure to follow our Steam developer page so you don't miss out!
During last year's Klei Fest we announced Rotwood, our 1-4 player hack-and-slash dungeon crawler. For this year we're going to be opening up a single-player combat focus test so you can check it out for yourself!
In this single-player combat focus test you will try out four different weapon types and fight through two dungeons, each populated with a unique set of Rots and a large Boss Rot at the end. As you delve into the ever-changing Rotwood, you'll also meet a handful of villagers who will support you by using the materials you've gathered to craft and upgrade sets of armor & weapons (and maybe even cook you the occasional delicious meal!)
While you will get a small glimpse of our weapon, armor, and other work-in-progress systems, this playtest is entirely focused on combat. So sign up now so you can join us next week and let us know what you think!
Head over to the store page to sign up now to get in on the action when we open up the playtest next week!
While you're there make sure to wishlist to keep up to date on Rotwood news.
See you soon!
[ 2023-06-09 23:08:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All Versions
- Added Blastshot subentry to Meteor Blaster database entry.
- The availability of Klei Rewards website items no longer triggers any notifications in game. In-game skin notifications are now limited to playtime-based drops.
- Updated Chinese, Russian, and Korean localizations.
- Spaced Out! Only
- Added Interplanetary Payload subentry to Interplanetary Payload Launcher database entry.
- All Versions
- Fixed bug causing Ancient Specimen story trait to reveal some unrelated locations on activation.
- Fixed an issue with the build tool when using the drag straight modifier.
[ 2023-04-06 21:08:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, This hotfix has just a couple of "Whatta Blast!" fixes we wanted to get out before the weekend. All Versions
- Worldgen
- Fixed issue causing Somnium Synthesizer story trait building to be misaligned on spawn.
- Fixed crash that could occur when exiting game to main menu.
- Disabled "" blueprint available alert icon in main menu and top left game panel.
[ 2023-04-01 00:16:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends,
Welcome to the Whatta Blast! update.
Notable additions for both base game and Spaced Out! Include lots of new meteor-shower play, a new way to receive cosmetic skinsaka blueprintsand a paleontology-themed story trait we think you'll really dig. (Couldn't resist.)
We've got a new ONI short out, too!
Meteor shower intensity can now be adjusted in the new game settings. We've also added a new Meteor Blaster building to blow incoming meteors to smithereens when they get within range. Aside from the obvious fun of shooting things down in a spray of sparkles, this keeps your colony's surface setup from being damaged. The projectiles for this building are produced at the Blastshot Maker, which can be operated by Duplicants with the new Pyrotechnics skill. Some Duplicants get extra hyped about meteor showers! These Duplicants possess the new Rock Fan trait, which increases all of their attributes by +3 when there's a meteor shower in progress.
Timed Blueprint Drops!
This update introduces weekly blueprint drops that unlock at randomized time intervals during gameplay. We're starting with 3 individual items per week and you should get everything within 6 hoursthese numbers will likely be adjusted in the future. You can check the drop counter on the Klei Rewards page to see how many you have left! Don't forget to redeem your Klei Rewards crate while you're there. To claim the Klei Rewards crate: Click on Supply Closet in the Main Menu, and hit the Claim Blueprints'' button to navigate to the Klei Rewards webpage. Once you've redeemed your crate, you can view your collection of blueprints in your online inventory or in-game, in your Supply Closet.
There's an unidentified new critter in the colony. The catch? It's been dead for a very, very long time! But with careful excavation and inspection of the fossils it left behind, your Duplicants can glean key info about where it came from...and what might be waiting for them out there in the galaxy. Plus, assembling the full skeleton for study unlocks a deep cache of resources.
New meteor shower-related buildings, traits and skills! Fresh new blueprints unlocked while you play! A fossil story trait and a new short! We've also squashed some bugs and fixed a few crashes. [quote]If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported
[ 2023-03-30 18:05:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small hotfix to official Russian translations. Changes
- All Versions
- Updated Russian translations.
- All Versions
- Fixed issue causing Korean text to appear in Russian language patch notes.
[ 2023-03-08 23:04:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
A small hotfix to update official translations and fix some localizations bugs. Fixes
- All versions
- Fixed localization of strings using "click" and "press" verbs.
- Fixed severalinvalid or unsupported characters in strings.
- Fixed issue preventingpatch notes summary showing correctly when Korean language selected.
- Updated Chinese localization.
- Spaced Out! only
- Fixed issue causing build menu category buttons to bounce for an unreasonable amount of time when switching active worlds.
[ 2023-03-01 21:54:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, this fixes a couple of issues some OSX users were experiencing in the new update. We're still working on other fixes but wanted to get these ones out quickly. Fixes
- All Versions
- Fixed issue causing sudden slime lung and radioactive contaminant germ blooms.
- Fixed DLL related error on OSX save game loading and new game starting.
[ 2023-02-24 21:24:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends,
Welcome to our February 2023 Quality of Life update!
This update includes a bunch of fixes, additions and changes designed to help colonies look and feel even better in both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. That includes UX improvementslike a new search function for the build menu!along with bug fixes, sweet new cosmetic skins (aka blueprints) and a snippy new tool.
Bugs! Fixes! Changes!
Weve been steadily squashing bugs and making changes. Recent efforts include: Critters no longer get stuck in their Waiting to be Groomed state! Equipping a suit at a dock no longer plays the yellow alert sound when the suit was previously marked as yellow alert! Drywall can now be rotated! and more.
All versions
- Added search function to the Build Menu.
- Added list view option to the Build Menu.
- Added a new Disconnect tool.
- Equipping a suit at a dock no longer plays the yellow alert sound when the suit was previously marked as yellow alert.
- Drywall can now be rotated.
- Added new cosmetic skins.
- Dream Journals can now be stored in any storage that allows inedible solids.
Spaced Out! Only
- Squelchy Asteroid now starts with random geysers, like the other Classic-style asteroids.
- Replacing one rocket module with another now returns materials from the original.
- Asteroids will no longer be seen on the top edge of certain asteroids, above the red-lined world limit.
Searchable Build Menu
There are a lot of buildings in ONI, so weve made it easier to find the one youre actually looking for. The build menus new search function pulls up any building whose name is typed into the search field, no matter which category its in. You can also search by subcategory (e.g. searching for Pipes will pull up all of the pipes in the game) or click on the new list-view icon in each category to browse the subcategories in that section.
New Disconnect Tool
You can now sever the connection between pipes, wires, Transit Tubes and Conveyor Rails yourself, using the new Disconnect tool. That means your Duplicants can focus on more interesting tasksor spend more time at the water cooler, if youre feeling generous.
Supply Closet
The next time youre in the Supply Closet, turn up the volume! Weve added new music and UI sound effects, so its more fun than ever to restyle Duplicant outfits and swap out blueprints. (Hint: the latest batch of blueprints includes whimsical new floating friends for Balloon Artists!) To claim your new ONI blueprints: Click on Supply Closet in the Main Menu, and hit the Check Shipments'' button. Thatll take you to the Klei Rewards webpage, which has two free mystery crates up for grabsyoure welcome to redeem both. You can then view your collection of blueprints in your online inventory or in-game, in your Supply Closet.
The build menu is now searchable and sorted into subcategories, theres a new way to cut conduits and connectors, the Supply Closet sounds are jammin, and weve squashed some bugs! You can share bug reports, feedback or ONI-themed philosophies about life here. We really appreciate your input. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Previous Update branch. Full patch notes on the official forums here.
[ 2023-02-23 19:12:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Happy 2023! This patch fixes a number of Hot Shots issues we saw over the holidays. Patch notes below... Fixes
- All versions
- Fixed Laboratory room sometimes failing to detect a working light when a non-working light is also inside the room.
- Fixed Geotuner sidescreen not allowing more than 5 Geotuners to select the "No geyser selected option.
- Fixed crash that could sometimes happen when deconstructing a statue or painting.
- Fixed Pips looking like they are carrying a seed all the time.
- Fixed issue allowing decor bonuses from previous artworks to stack when an artwork's style selection was changed.
- Fixed Somnium Synthesizer story trait Pajamas not displaying correctly after being equipped.
- Blueprints
- Fixed Puft Bed layering issues when a Duplicant is disturbed while sleeping.
- Fixed Dreamboat, Puft Bed, and Bouncy Castle beds looking built before the construction errand is complete.
- Copy building tool will now select the default version of the building if the copied item's blueprint is not owned.
- Fixed issue preventing selected blueprints from applying to buildings placed as replacements to other buildings.
- Mysterious Hermit story trait
- If a Duplicant dies while knocking at the door, its now possible for another Duplicant to complete the chore without reloading the save.
- Fixed crash when removing food from the Mailbox while the hermit is retrieving it.
- Disabling/enabling the Gravitas Shipping Container during the same session the story trait was completed no longer crashes.
- Game no longer crashes when completing the story trait while the hermit checks the mail.
- Conduction Panel
- Fixed a bug where Conduction Panels built behind a Manual Airlock or Mechanized Airlock door would crash when the door closes.
- Deconstructing a Conduction Panel behind a Pitcher Pump no longer crashes.
- Fixed a bug where a building would not stop overheating when cooled below its overheating temperature using a Conduction Panel.
- Spaced Out! only
- Fixed an issue causing Conduction Panels to behave differently based on the number of asteroids visited and rockets built.
[ 2023-01-10 01:49:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends,
Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out!
This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildingsincluding one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption actionweve also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONIs new cosmetic skins! Whew.
If youre new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the roadmap here.
Lets dig in!
New Buildings and Rooms
We added a Conduction Panel that exchanges heat with buildings that it overlaps with, offering a new way to cool down space industry buildingsor whatever else youve decided to build in the glorious vacuum of your asteroids surface. The Mission Control Station broadcasts guidance data that ramps up a rockets speed during flight. It needs to be built inside one of the new rooms (the Laboratory) with a line of sight to space in order to function. The Laboratory also enables the use of the Geotuner We like making things go boom as much as anyone else, and the Geotuner is built to do just that: aim it at an analyzed geyser anywhere on your asteroid, send a Duplicant over to compile some amplification data, and your targeted geyser will automatically get a little extra juice (heat- and output-wise) the next time its erupting. Are we nostalgic for our old science-fair days? Maybe. Duplicants are now rewarded with an extra large morale boost when they are given a Private Bedroom. The Private Bedroom requires a single comfy bed, a fully constructed backwall, and a few decor items to make your Duplicants comfortable.
Story Trait: Mysterious Hermit
The Mysterious Hermit is the star of our latest story trait. Convince him to join your colony (and let you repurpose his old haunt) by completing some tasks, like delivering tasty, tasty food to his curious domicile.

Preview of ONI Skins!
Each Duplicants default outfit can now be customized in the Supply Closet screen. You can also explore different cosmetic skins for buildings and artworks there.

The ONI skins system is still a work in progress. Were not interested in rushing it. In the future, the primary method for obtaining new skins (which were calling blueprints) will be through timed drops. For now, were setting everyone up with a few intro blueprints so that you can get a sneak peek at how it all works and let us know what you think. To claim these sampler sets of ONI blueprints: Click on Supply Closet in the Main Menu, and hit the Check Shipments'' button. Thatll take you to the Klei Rewards webpage, which has three free mystery shipments up for grabsyoure welcome to redeem all three. You can then view your collection of blueprints in your online inventory or in-game, in your Supply Closet.
Quality of Life
Weve made a bunch of quality of life improvements! It is now possible to order an artwork (such as a canvas or sculpting block) to be cleared or replaced with a different style of the same quality. Revisions to Drywall tuning make it significantly cheaper and faster to build. Drywall and floor tiles can now replace each other (rather than requiring a manual deconstruct and rebuild). Geysers now show their calculated average lifetime output in the details panel. And many more you can see in the full patch notes.
Weve added a new Mysterious Hermit story trait, a Conduction Panel, Geotuner, and Mission Control Station, as well as a preview of the new ONI skins system (aka blueprints). Weve also made some quality of life improvements and squashed a few bugs. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt into the temporary, unsupported
[ 2022-12-15 19:16:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, just a few fixes in this small patch. Patch notes below. Fixes All Versions
- Fixed issue that allowed Duplicants to get stuck when trying to enter a Transit Tube.
- Fixed issue preventing Industrial Ingredient category from appearing when the system language was Turkish.
- Fixed crash that could occur when rocket modules were deleted.
- Fixed crash that could occur when loading a save with a pajama wearing astronaut.
[ 2022-11-16 23:15:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Back in 2020 we created the very first handmade prototype. Since then, we have spent over a year creating the surprisingly complex custom internal mechanism that allows the Puft to live up to its gassy reputation.
For KickStarter we'll be releasing the Puft along with a new line of character plushies from our games called Soft Spots! Be among the first to get your hands on these cuddly friends! We've put together some special bundle prices for so you can get a Puft and one or more Soft Spots of your selection.
Check it out!
[ 2022-11-03 20:54:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, This hotfix addresses a few issues we noticed in the Sweet Dreams update. Patch notes below. Fixes All Versions
- Fixed an issue which allowed Duplicants to occasionally pass suit markers without wearing proper suits.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when food decayed inside the Spice Grinder.
- Fixed issue preventing Duplicants from eating food after using theTeleporter Transmitter.
- Fixed issue making Duplicantswith Slimelung more likely to suffocate after using the Teleporter Transmitter.
- Fixed a crash relating to fetch chores that could occur during rocket launch.
[ 2022-10-17 20:59:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, this hotfix has a few fixes for the Sweet Dreams update. Patch notes below. Changes and Improvements All Versions Added sound to Pajama Cubby Duplicant interaction. Fixes All Versions Fixed issue preventing regolith tiles from falling from the top edge of the map. Fix for crash that could occur when Oxyferns were uprooted. Fixed crash that could occur when a Duplicant sculpts an Ice Block. Corrected misaligned UI main menu UI that displays when the build is run on the "public_previous_update" Steam branch. Note that this change will not be observable until the Sweet Dreams update moves to that branch. Spaced Out! only Fixed crash that could occur when a Robo-Miner mines Resin.
[ 2022-10-06 22:06:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
The Sweet Dreams update is out today!
Its the first installment in our new series of ongoing updates. Want to know more about why we made the switch to consistent updates instead of making a DLC2? Its all right here.
If youre curious about our plans for the next few months, check out our new roadmap.
Story Trait System
This update marks the debut of our new Story Trait system, a collection of interactive POIs buried deep inside the asteroids. You can find them in the Story Options tab on the Choose A Destination screen in-game, and read more about them in the roadmap. Were pretty excited about our first two story traits: the Somnium Synthesizer harnesses the power of Duplicants subconscious minds by unlocking their ability to dream for the very first time, while the Critter Flux-O-Matic offers a new way to roll the dice on critter morph outcomes. This systemand this inaugural pair of traitsis designed for both base game and Spaced Out! DLC.
New Room & Building
Duplicants in all versions of the game can now enhance their food with delicious additives! Weve added a new Kitchen room, which enables the use of the new Spice Grinder. Spice mixes produced at the grinder can be sprinkled onto certain meals to improve things like shelf life and Duplicant strength. Bon appetit!
Other Cool Things
In Spaced Out!, the Plug Slugs have gotten some tuning changes (including a new refined metal diet), and their species has grown to include two new morphs: the unbreathable-gas-guzzling Smog Slug and the liquid-inhaling Sponge Slug. Also: Critters in all versions of the game now queue for ranching, the build menu showing room requirement info, and weve put an end to the total anarchy of multiple meteor showers sometimes happening all at once.
All versions
- Added Story Traits system and UI
- Added Somnium Synthesizer story trait
- Added Critter Flux-O-Matic story trait
- Added Kitchen room type
- Added Spice Grinder building (Freshener Spice recipe, Brawny Spice recipe, Machinist Spice recipe)
- Enabled renaming rockets
- Fixed a number of Transit Tube bugs
- Added Smog Slug and Spong Slug critter morphs
- Added Rocketeer Spice recipe to Spice Grinder
Weve added a new Story Trait system with two new story traits, a new Kitchen room and Spice Grinder building, and two new Plug Slug morphsalong with a bunch of other improvements and bug fixes. More info in the patch notes below. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary Previous Update branch. Just keep in mind that its unsupported. Thanks for all of the feedback and suggestionskeep em coming! You can report bugs here. For the full patch notes, please see the post on our official forums.
[ 2022-10-04 18:49:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends,
As we mentioned recently, were shifting our focus to releasing ongoing updates instead of a DLC2. You can read more about that here.
A new adventure means a new roadmapheres what you can expect from us over the coming months!
Well be releasing free, ongoing updates several times a year. Actual timelines will vary as we settle into a rhythm. Currently, the plan is for them to be seasonal. You can look forward to fresh new content thatll keep your Duplicants on their nonexistent toeslike the Story Traits mentioned belowas well as bug fixes and performance and quality of life improvements. Therell be something for both base game players and Spaced Out! DLC players in every update. One of the big new additions is the Story Trait system. Its an interactive POI take on world traits, with unique gameplay challenges that unlock new lore and offer ongoing benefits once completed. Theyre designed to build out the ONI universe and create new ways to interact with the existing gameplay loops.

It all kicks off in our October update.
A few specifics
Some of the projects were working on for the next few updates include:
- Story Traits! The inaugural pair are a gargantuan dream-analyzing machine and a handy critter-mutator. More to come
- Expanded surface gameplay tools and content!
- QoL improvement! E.g. Expanded database and a searchable build menu for the base game, and improvements to Spaced Out! rocketry.
- New Room types! Were thinking: Laboratory, Mission Control Room, better bedrooms
And then?
Bigger things like new starting biomes, richer world gen options, and even new sim systems are on the horizon too, but these take longer to develop, so no short-term promises. Another long-term goal were working on is a cosmetic skins system. Our skins system will be modeled on whats worked for Dont Starve Together, so anyone whos ever played DST will feel right at home. Were starting with some new decor, buildings, clothing and then we'll gather feedback and see what else youd like skinned. It may be a little odd to add cosmetic skins to a single-player game, but were hoping thisll let us keep making free content updates for everybody rather than DLC.
Were planning to release several free updates per year, starting in October. Theyll include new content, performance and QoL improvements, and bug fixes. A new cosmetic skins system is also in the works for future updates. Thank you to everyone for your bug reports, feedback and forum posts! We read it all, so keep it coming. Were so excited to be blasting off in a new direction with such a stellar crew.
[ 2022-10-04 18:48:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends,
We have some big news
weve decided to release ongoing updates instead of a DLC2!
Ever since the Spaced Out! DLC launched in December, weve been exploring ideas for the next chapter of Oxygen Not Included. Those conversations started out as discussions about DLC2, but as we kept digging, we realized that a distant DLC2 release just wasnt the right fit for our long-term goals.
We want ONI to feel like a true universe: infinite and ever-expanding!
And most importantly, accessible to our whole community.
While a second DLC would certainly expand the game, itd limit our design choices. Wed have to decide which features base game players would have access toand which ones theyd be left out of.
The more DLCs there are, the harder it gets for us to implement bug fixes and balance changes that are viable for everyone across all versions of the game. That sounds about as appealing as an all-mushbar buffet.
We want you all along for the ride! So were shifting our focus to building out a lot of the same content and systems youd expect from a DLC, and releasing them regularly as free game updates that work for both base game and Spaced Out!
No colony left behind.
Whats next?
Were working on a roadmap to let you know what to expect as we explore this exciting new chapter of ONIwell post that here as soon as its ready.
Were expanding the ONI universe through ongoing updates rather than a DLC2! These free, regularly scheduled updates will be designed for both the base game and the Spaced Out! DLC. Roadmap coming soon. Our heartfelt thanks, as ever, to this incredible community! Were overjoyed to be able to share our little corner of the cosmos with you.
[ 2022-08-03 18:34:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks, This is a hotfix for the Fast Friends update fixing a few critter crashes and Gassy Moos not eating. Full notes below: Changes and Improvements All Versions
- Minor revisions to Chinese translations
- Fixed issue preventing Gassy Moos from eating gas grass.
- Fixed crash that could occur when an egg leaves an Incubator before a Cuddle Pip finishes hugging it.
- Fixed crash that could happen after ranching critters.
- Dupes are no longer able to stand at locations where their heads would exceed the world boundaries.
- Fixed issue causing digging Duplicants to occasionally get stuck in an infinite falling loop.
[ 2022-07-13 19:14:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, just a small hotfix today to address some issues in the Fast Friends update. Patch notes below. 510738
Changes and Improvements
All versions
- Added a new masterwork canvas artwork.
- Updated all Korean, Russian, and Chinese localizations.
All versions
- Fixed issue causing certain strings to show in English when running Russian translation.
- Hatching Oakshell, Sanishell, Cuddle Pip and Delecta Vole eggs now qualifies for the Good Egg achievement.
- Fixed crash that could occur when atmo suits melted.
- Fixed issue causing camera zoom and UI scroll commands to sometimes conflict when using a gamepad or Steam Deck.
- Close UI panel sound effect is no longer played when switching asteroids.
- Fixed issue causing crash on launch when a minor error was detected in translation files
[ 2022-06-09 22:06:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Everybody!
Its time for our big annual publisher sale on Steam!
During Klei Fest, well have a big burst of content, items, events, sales and interesting stuff happening for all things Klei! And this years fest is bigger than ever.
Our focus for the past few months has been on improving performance for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. Weve been tweaking, fixing and changing lots of things: not all individually noticeable, but they add up to a faster, smoother gameplay experience. Youll also be seeing some new faces at the watercooler.
Highlights include:
- Ranching gameplay improvements, including gaining Husbandry experience during Critter grooming
- Fixed many Critter bugs
- Improvements to UI and Critter performance
- Significant memory savings on both new and late-game saves
- Added four new Duplicants
- Added four new Critter morphs
- Added new Overjoyed trait: Yodeler
- Added new Stressed trait: Banshee
- Added new Clothing Refashionator building that upgrades Snazzy Suits into one of 12 extra-Decor-boosting Primo Garb outfits
- Steam Deck compatibilityverified
- Speeding Things Up
- Weve made a significant reduction to the amount of memory that ONI takes up on your system. Plus, frame times have been reducedgreat news for very large basesand the New Game and Load Game screens now open faster.
Smoothing Things Out
Weve optimized the background behavior of several UI screens, which helps the game run more smoothly even when the UI isnt open. (This is one of those things youll feel rather than see.) Sneezes and snores also perform better! Thereve been a number of significant improvements to critter performance, toomost notably in the way they find food.
Bug Fixes
Many bugs were squashed in the making of this update. We now have more reliable Critter sensors! Pacus dont get stuck in mixed-liquid tanks! Flying critters no longer get stuck in liquid! Duplicants won't get trapped in certain spaces anymore: theyre now able to climb down one tile and jump across a gap to escape. and lots more!
New Content
Joining base game and Spaced Out! colonies today are four new Duplicantsthe first newcomers since the base game launch. They come with one fun new Overjoyed behavior, and one uh, slightly shrieky Stressed behavior. Youll also find four new Critter morphs, like a Cuddle Pip whose affectionate hugs boost egg incubation rates and soothe stressed-out Duplicants. The new Clothing Refashionator building upgrades Snazzy Suits into flashy new Primo Garb outfitsincluding the pink unitard of Ellies dreams.
A ton of behind-the-scenes improvements mean faster, smoother gaming for everyone. Plus, a new building, new Duplicants, new Critter morphs, snazzier suits and of course, countless bug fixes, tuning, polishing and more! Huge thanks to everyone who helped us fine-tune things during the testing period. You can post feedback here, or report bugs and other suspiciously strange happenings here. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary Previous Update branch. We hope you have as much fun with this update as we did! [hr][/hr]

Hot Lava: Say hello to two new characters:
T. Rex and Venomess - two rocking reptilian members of Mutant Mayhem! A brand new Klei Created map, Roccos Arcade is a hotbed of hopping set in a retro-arcade pizza place. Of course with a new map and characters we have two new courses, and plenty of new collectables and accessories! https://store.steampowered.com/app/382560/Hot_Lava/ For more details on the Hot Lava update check out the patch notes! [hr][/hr]

Don't Starve Together:
The enigmatic Corvus Goodfeather returns with a bunch of new prizes and three new games during the Midsummer Cawnival! https://store.steampowered.com/app/322330/Dont_Starve_Together/ For more details on the Don't Starve Together Update check out the patch notes! [hr][/hr]

Introducing Klei Publishing!
We have teamed up will a couple of great game studios to publish two new games coming in 2023! Check them out and don't forget to wishlist them on Steam and show them some love!

Lab Rat
Chump Squad, the developer of Kine brings us Lab Rat. In this satirical adventure a metrics-obsessed AI will monitor, profile, and entertain you as you progress through over a hundred genre-bending puzzles.. Lab Rat even has a demo available now! More details on this game will come in future announcements. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1304610/Lab_Rat/ [hr][/hr]

Mind Over Magic
Our friends at Sparkypants bring us Mind Over Magic. Design, build and manage your magic school to explore what lies below. Study lost arcana, grow exotic plants, brew potions, and raise undead servants -- only you can prepare your fragile students to harness their Mind Over Magic. More details on this game will come in future announcements. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1270580/Mind_Over_Magic/ [hr][/hr]
And announcing a new game from Klei coming soon!

You will be able to check out the official teaser trailer for Rotwood during the PC Gaming Show on June 12th! [hr][/hr]
Woah, that's a lot of stuff.
Thanks for checking out all of our games and for all your continued support. Have fun out there!
[ 2022-06-02 17:02:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Everybody!
Klei Fest is Coming June 2nd!
Last year we introduced Klei Fest to take place during our annual Klei Publisher sale. During Klei Fest, we will have a burst of content, items, events, sales, and interesting things happening for all things Klei!

Hot Lava:
Say hello to two new characters: T. Rex and Venomess - two rocking reptilian members of Mutant Mayhem! A brand new Klei Created map, Roccos Arcade is a hotbed of hopping set in a retro-arcade pizza place. Of course with a new map and characters we have two new courses, and plenty of new collectables and accessories!

Oxygen Not Included:
Our new content pack called "Fast Friends" includes some big performance boosts in both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We also have four new Duplicants, four new critter morphs and a dozen brand new Duplicant outfits craftable at the Clothing Refashionator building.

Don't Starve Together:
The enigmatic Corvus Goodfeather returns with a bunch of new prizes and three new games during the Midsummer Cawnival!

New Twitch Drop Campaign:
We will begin a new twitch Drop Campaign for the Rusty Anchor starting June 2nd.
And more!!
We will also have some big announcements that you definitely don't want to miss, a few in fact. See you next week!
[ 2022-05-26 20:48:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, this is just a small hotfix to update translations and address an issue in the world gen screen.
Changes and Improvements
All versions
- Updated Chinese localizations.
- Updated Russian localizations.
All versions
- Fixed issue where right clicking during worldgen would put the game into a bad state.
[ 2022-03-10 01:53:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, This is a small hotfix to address some issues with the build menu changes introduced in the recent update, including poor performance when selecting a building and the menu resizing when clicking the Copy Building tool. We also made some modding changes to better support adding buildings to the game. This may restore functionality to some mods which were adding buildings in an unorthodox way. Lastly we have an announcement to make regarding mod support, see our post here.
Changes and Improvements
All versions
- Updated Chinese localizations.
- Fabricators which have recipes with seeds as ingredients now include a toggle to forbid the user of Mutant Seeds.
All versions
- Fixed issue causing build menu building buttons to be improperly sized after activating the Copy Building tool.
- Fixed issue causing tools drag area tools such as Dig to get stuck in drag mode after releasing their button.
- Fixed issue preventing gamepads from controlling the Skill Screen camera.
- Fixed issue causing performance hitch when selecting a building from the build menu.
- Fixed an issue that was causing modded Duplicant personalities to not show up as initial Duplicant choices.
- ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen now supports adding buildings before or after another building ID.
- Some functionality was added to attempt to detect modded buildings added incorrectly and add them through ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen.
- Marked Obsolete
- PlanInfo.data Use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen
- Personality constructor - without isStartingMinion
- ModUtil.AddBuildingToHotkeyBuildMenu BuildMenu class is not used
[ 2022-03-03 01:58:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Weve been thinking about ways to create a smoother update experience for players who use mods. We make an effort to avoid breaking mods if possible, but we also need to be able to improve our code and add new features. In future updates, well be creating a previous update branch that offers a grace period for mod developers to update their mods without disrupting gameplay. There are a few caveatssee below.
For players: Previous update branch
Each time we ship a major update, well make the previous update available on a Steam branch. This branch will be available for a limited period of time after the updates launch and will be removed when a new previous update branch is created. Players can opt in to the previous update branch to continue playing while mod developers update their mods, finish the current playthrough, and/or use this extra transition time to prepare their save file for the new gameplay challenges. Caveats: Opting in to the previous update branch means opting out of all new features, fixes and content contained in the update.
- If a mod developer has updated their mod to match the live branch (aka current update) and has not created an archived_versions folder, the mod will be broken in the previous update branch. See below for information about archived_versions.
- This branch is unsupported. Please do not report bugs or issues related to this branch.
- This branch is temporary.
Does this affect the Public Testing branch?
No. The Public Testing branch will still be updated with work-in-progress changes prior to an updates release.
When is this happening?
When we ship our Klei Fest update (tentatively scheduled for sometime in May or June), well open a previous update branch to temporarily preserve the content from our February update.
For mod developers: archived_versions
We introduced mod support for archived_versions a while back. This makes it possible to publish two or more mod versions in the same distributionthe game will dynamically load the correct one. Archived_versions are intended to allow mod developers to update their mods on one branch without breaking them on another. When an update goes live for everyone, it seamlessly transitions to using the updated version. Best practice: When updating a mod to support the live branch, we recommend that you include an archived version for the previous update branch so that anyone playing on that branch can continue using your mod. More info on the archived_versions folder here.
For mod developers: Obsolete attribute and modding API
When we preserve old code to maintain mod support, well mark it using the Obsolete attribute. This indicates that this code may be removed in a future update. You should see warnings when compiling your mod. It recently came to light that building mods were not using ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen because it lacked the ability to insert it before or after a specific building. We added that functionality in a recent hotfix. While we cant promise to expand our modding API with every request, we encourage you to let us know in this thread if you feel that something is missing.
Opting in to the previous update branch allows players to continue their games short-term, and our existing archived_versions system allows mod developers to maintain mod compatibility across both the previous update and live branches. Theres a chance well need to make adjustments to this new strategy as things develop, but well make sure to loop you in on any changes. We hope this will help make future updates easier to navigate for everyone!
[ 2022-03-03 01:39:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends, Weve got a minor update going out today! If youve had a chance to check out our roadmap post here, you know that our main focus these days is on improvements for later updates. But we made time to work on a few key things to make sure theyd be available in time for the Steam Deck launch. Highlights:
- Better controller support for Steam users using Big Picture Mode:
- Wider range of actions that can be activated by a controller.
- Mouse/trackpad is still the most comfortable way to play, but a controller can now activate a virtual cursor
- Added default controller configurations for: Steam Deck, Xbox 360 Controller, Xbox Wireless Controller, DUALSHOCK4 Wireless Controller
- Steam Deck support.
- Minor UI adjustments to support smaller resolutions.
- Fixed issue where Duplicants could get stuck depressurizing an Oil Well.
[ 2022-02-25 19:14:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, just a small hotfix for some issues we've been seeing in the base game and Spaced Out!
Changes and Improvements
All versions
- Updated Chinese, Russian localizations to latest.
- Updated .pot file with latest strings to allow community translations to come up to date.
All versions
- Fixed crash if an entity outside the grid tries to navigate somewhere.
- Remove skill point earned notification when a Duplicant dies.
- Fixed a number of crashes related to Duplicants being removed.
- Fixed crash that could occur when Duplicants enter the Temporal Tear.
Spaced Out! only
- Edited descriptions of Nuclear Fallout, Nuclear Waste, and Solid Nuclear Waste.
[ 2022-02-03 23:36:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everybody,
Its been a few weeks since Spaced Out! launchedits time to share our roadmap for ONIs shiny future!
The DLCs debut on December 16th marked the end of two busy years spent building and testing new multi-world gameplay, expanded rocketry, new planetoids, nuclear and radiation systems, new critters and lots of other cool stuff. And of course, our efforts in the final year were propelled by our incredible Early Access community. Thank you for all of your helpful feedback, bug reports and great ideas! So whats next?
Weve got two core projects happening in the first half of the year: tech improvements and a free content update! After a whirlwind two years, were excited to finally have time to dig into the backlog of technical tasks for both Spaced Out! and the base game. Well start by working on highly-requested mod support for WeGame (just launched!) and support for Steam Deck in the coming weeks. Then the next several months will be all about:
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes both old and new!
- Building out our collection of developer tools
- Streamlining our workflow behind the scenes
What about a DLC2?
All we can say for now is that were actively investigating possible themes and directions for DLC2. (As soon as we can tell you more about that, we will!)
Were hammering away on tech improvements and a free content update while we regroup and begin concepting ONIs exciting next chapter. This roadmap will be updated in the summer. We read everything you post to the forumswhether its praise, constructive feedback or genius new ways to turn bodily fluids into valuable resourcesso keep it up! It takes a colony to produce ONI. Thanks for being part of ours.
[ 2022-01-28 21:22:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, Welcome to the first patch of 2022! Just a few minor things weve been working on since Spaced Out! launched in December. Highlights include:
- WeGame mod support
- Fixes for Linux worldgen issues
- Helped Sweepys get a little more confidencetheyre no longer afraid of everything, just critters
- Adjustments to meters on many buildings when using colorblind settings
- Critters wont idle where Pneumatic Doors are being constructed anymore
- Plenty of crash and bug fixes
[ 2022-01-27 20:13:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Everybody!
Just for fun, we thought we would release this animated short for you all!
Thank you so much for all the feedback and support during the launch of Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!
We're headed out for a break and we'll see you in the new year with more updates and fun stuff.
Have a safe and happy holiday out there everybody!
[ 2021-12-22 22:18:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Oxygen Not Included community celebrates the full release of the Spaced Out DLC! Get a guided tour of Twitch streamer LiveActionPixel's megabase, as he revamps his 1000+ cycle colony and shows off some of the new features.
[ 2021-12-16 18:08:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=0zTzkQLMYHQ;full][/previewyoutube] 321BLAST OFF! We are over the moon (read: manic Sparkle Streaking around the studio) to announce that after two years of development, testing and updates: Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! has launched! This rocket-packed, multi-world DLC is now available on Steam, WeGame and Epic Games Store. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1452490/Oxygen_Not_Included__Spaced_Out/ Thanks to the dedicated community members who participated in Early Access and Public Testing, our favourite little space cadets have a vast collection of new planetoids, buildings and systems to exploreassuming they survive all the radiation. (Theyll be fine. Probably.) Rad new features and improvements for the Spaced Out! DLC include:
- New Multi-World Gameplay: manage multiple colonies simultaneously and switch between new planetoids in real-time!
- Expanded Rocketry: customize new modular rockets to explore the newly overhauled Starmapnew mid-game Rocketry options give your Duplicants an edge in the asteroid space-race!
- Radiation and Nuclear: harness the energy of new radioactive elements and ambient radiation to power nuclear machines!
- New Critters: get acquainted with some new fuzzy friendsif youre nice, they might help you out around the colony!
- New Resources, Biomes, Tech and More: discover a whole new universe of unfamiliar biomes, valuable resources and freshly designed tech!
[ 2021-12-16 17:50:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Blast Off! is our final pre-launch update. Were so close to the big day! Weve been working hard on bug fixes, polishing and performance in order to get ready for
the official launch of Spaced Out! on Dec. 16th!
Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! will be available on Steam, WeGame and Epic Games Store.
Well keep right on fixing bugs and making updates up to and after the launch, but for now, youll find our ever-growing list of changes and fixes in the patch notes below.
Notable mentions include:
- Fixed bug where Duplicants were getting stuck in mid-air.
- Improvements to the UI, like updating the cluster selection screen to show all world traits in a cluster in the right column when the left columns header is selected.
- The Piloting Skill now affects Rocket speed.
- Solar Panel Modules now partially block light while grounded.
- Performance optimizations for farms, Sweepys, and the dig tool.
[ 2021-12-09 18:44:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ready to Launch!
We started working on Spaced Out! nearly two years ago. One year of Early Access, one global pandemic and countless hours later, were excited to announce that Spaced Out! is ready to leave Early Access. Hang onto your Rocket Navigation hats, folks...the Spaced Out! DLC for Oxygen Not Included officially launches on December 16th! Itll be available on Steam, WeGame and Epic Games Store. This wont be the last update to Spaced Out! or the base game. Well still be fixing bugs, improving UI and making tuning and balancing improvements on an ongoing basis.
Howd We Get Here?
A lot has happened during Early Access, so a quick recap is in order. Weve released 16 updates (one every 3 weeks!) in the past yearnot to mention plenty of minor patches and bug fixes. Major highlights of our time in Early Access include:
- Improvements to rocketry mechanics, modules and fittings.
- Numerous Rocket interior improvements.
- Introduction of new Spaced Out! and Classic-style clusters for a total of 18 clusters to choose from.
- Addition of new planetoids in all clusters.
- Introduction of Nuclear, Radiation and Radbolt systems.
- Introduction of Space mining.
- Introduction of Plant mutations.
- Unification of the base game and Spaced Out! codebases. (Breath of Fresh Air update, aka The Big Merge)
- Updates to the Mod system and lots of Mod support work.

Whats Next?
Once Spaced Out! has launched our next move is to...keep working on it. Theres always more to do, so we'll work on some post-launch updates for a while before moving on to the next new thing for Oxygen Not Included. Stay tuned! Thank you all so much for your help along the way. The communitys feedback and support is incredibly valuable, and the entire ONI team is grateful for the time you put into helping us get here.
December 16th, here we come!
[ 2021-12-02 21:43:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Were one shiny new update closer to launching Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!
The Buff & Shine update is focused on fixing bugs and polishing existing content, with a few notable changes that have us feeling all a-glow...
Radbolts can now be safely stored, ready for transport, in the new Radbolt Chamber building. It requires automation (youll need a green signal to release radbolts from storage) and radbolts decay pretty quickly while the building is disabled.
Weve added four more Classic-style clusters: youll find versions of The Badlands, Volcanea, Arboria and Aridio in Spaced Out! These options didnt quite make it into the Rad New Worlds update, so were including them here.
Radiation is more intense than ever! All radiation emission sources have been significantly increased. Weve also reduced the impact of radiation on plants and buildings, so the net effect is that Duplicants are more vulnerable to radiation sickness.
There are plenty of other exciting things packed into this update too, including new artwork, restored base game buildings (e.g. Space Scanner, and the Enclosed Telescope formerly known as Telescope), bug fixes and quality-of-life adjustments.
Were so grateful for all the testing, feedback, and commentary the community has given us so far. Thank you for taking this ride with us! You can continue to report bugs here.
[ 2021-11-18 18:45:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Just a small hotfix today to address some issues we noticed in yesterday's release. Have a good weekend!
Changes and Improvements
- Updated Simplified Chinese translations.
All Versions
- Removed an automation port that was unintentionally added to the Refrigerator as a result of a different bug fix.
Spaced Out! Only
- Improvements to worldgen rules for Classic Style Oasisse cluster.
- Fixed issue where warp destination area on the Flipped Asteroid spawned too close to the bottom of the map.
[ 2021-10-29 21:01:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today we have an adventurous new update for Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!
The Rad New Worlds update is focused on adding several new starting world options, making research more accessible, and filling some gaps in the radiation and nuclear gameplay. Weve also been focused on fixing bugs and finding opportunities to polish the game. More on that point below...
New Worlds
Weve added a new series of clusters and asteroids that lean heavily into Spaced Out! mechanics. The starting asteroid in these clusters is smaller, there are fewer biomes per asteroid, and instead of two nearby asteroids there are four. Sustainability in these clusters might require visiting multiple worlds and some creative thinking. These have varying degrees of difficulty, but are generally meant to be harder starts for players looking for a challenge.
Radiation and Nuclear
Weve also added two new buildings to the Radiation category of the build menu. The Radiation Lamp emits a constant and predictable cone of radiation as it consumes the uranium ore supplied to it. The second building is the Manual Radbolt Generator, which produces a small but reliable amount of Radbolts with no electrical power required. Now, a little Uranium Ore and some Duplicant labour are all that is needed to get your Materials Science Research operation underway. Additionally, weve greatly reduced the rate at which Radbolts decay while traveling. It is now possible to send Radbolts a significantly further distance than before.
Research Changes
Weve made some changes to how Cosmic Research is conducted. Firstly, weve renamed it Data Analysis Research and its now generated by processing Data Banks at the Virtual Planetarium. Data Banks can be generated in a number of ways, including using the Orbital Data Collection Lab, studying geysers, analyzing artifacts, and searching satellites and inspectable POIs.
In the last few weeks weve been gradually shifting our focus away from features and content and towards bugs and polish. Our intention is to continue this trend: fewer new features, more fixes! Were thinking keenly about the path to launching Spaced Out! out of early access and so we believe its time to focus on getting the experience as stable and smooth as it needs to be for release. The team is very grateful for all the testing, feedback, and commentary the community has given us so far. Please keep it up! We appreciate any help in getting Spaced Out! to full release - and beyond! Full patch notes on the official forums. Please continue to report bugs here.
[ 2021-10-28 18:08:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, This is just a small hotfix to address a crash relating to Beeta stings in the Unexplained Traits update.
Spaced Out! Only
- Fixed crash that could occur when a Beeta attacked a critter
- That's all! Have a good Wednesday
[ 2021-10-13 19:27:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today were releasing the Unexplained Traits update for Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!
This update reintroduces the world traits system to Spaced Out!
This means that each planetoid in the cluster gets a few randomly selected traits to modify the world generation algorithm and mix up the play experience. There are over 20 different traits that may be selected: some old, some new. Some worlds will not be affected at all.
Weve also upgraded the frigid Rime cluster to be compatible with Spaced Out! You can now find Rime in the Classic destination category when you start a new game.
Weve also added four new Spaced Out! centric Duplicant traits. You might notice some Duplicants now have space specific traits, and some give off a bit of a glow...
Additionally, weve added several new Spaced Out! specific Achievements. You can check them out in the Colony Summary screen.
Database entries for elements and critters have also been improved to include consumed and produced resource amounts.
Finally, weve made a number of performance improving changes that should increase overall frame speed and consistency. We hope these changes improve things a bit, but also want to be clear that efforts in this area will continue.
And as always, some bug fixes!
Full patch notes on the official forums.
A Big thank you to everyone who participated in the testing branch. Please continue to report bugs here.
[ 2021-10-07 18:03:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Today's hotfix includes some telephone tuning and animation improvements. It also includes a number of crash fixes. Notably, we restored some code that should unbreak some mods that were not functional after the Cosmic Calling update. Patch notes below. Have a good weekend!
Changes & Improvements.
Spaced Out! Only
- Party Line Telephone morale bonus for chatting on the same world changed from 3 to 2.
- Re-added BuildingDef.isSolidTile and marked it as obsolete.
Spaced Out! Only
- Added Party Line Telephone to the tech tree.
- Updated Party Line Telephone animations.
- Updates Party Line Telephone strings.
- Fixed crash loading saves where a Saturn Critter Trap was in the middle of venting.
- Fixed rare crash that could occur when Experiment 52B eats food.
[ 2021-09-17 20:42:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today were releasing the Cosmic Calling Update for Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!
This fun new update contains new buildings, revised rocket tuning, art and sound updates, bug fixes, and more
New Buildings:
The Radbolt Joint Plate is a solid tile that allows Radbolts to pass through one-way - just make sure your Duplicants arent standing right on top of it while a Radbolt is passing through! The Party Line Phone is a new recreation building that Duplicants can use to talk to each other over long distances. Duplicants enjoy a small morale bonus if they use the phone by themselves, a bigger bonus if they have a chat with someone on another phone, and an even bigger bonus if at least one participant is on a different rocket or asteroid.. The Automation Broadcast Sender and Receiver allow you to transmit an automation signal between worlds. The broadcaster has a limited range though, so a relay network may be necessary for longer range transmissions.
Rocket Tuning:
Rocket ranges, speeds, and max height tuning have all been adjusted. All rockets have been made faster, and some have gotten range and height boosts. The range of the Radbolt engine has been reduced.
Art and Sound
Weve updated the artwork for a number of buildings that consume Radbolts and new sounds for automation and radiation overlays. A couple crash and bug fixes also made it into this update. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Public Testing branch. Your feedback and bug reports are much appreciated. Please let us know in the bug forums if you see anything unexpected, and as always, thank you for your feedback!
[ 2021-09-16 17:42:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Just a small hotfix to address a couple of bugs with rockets and trailblazers in Spaced Out!
Bug Fixes
Spaced Out!
- Fixed issue causing Duplicants to occasionally duplicate when using Trailblazer modules
- Fixed issue where Spacefarer Conduit Ports could output gas/liquid to the wrong location.
[ 2021-09-02 18:50:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, just a small patch trying to fix an elusive bug, and update the main menu UI for the next update. Have a good weekend everyone!
Changes & Improvements
Updated Simplified Chinese localization.
Potential fix for "Failed to load cursor" issue some users are reporting.
- Spaced Out! Only
- Updated Main Menu countdown timer and name.
[ 2021-08-27 23:40:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today were launching the Rocketry Renovation Update for Spaced Out!
This update mostly focuses on improving the rocketry experience, with some exciting new renovations you can add to your spacecraft. The full patch notes are listed below, but here are a few of the most notable changes:
Liquids and gasses can now be piped directly in-to and out-of Spacefarer Module interiors. This also means that fluids can be vented into space if a pipe is active while the rocket is in flight. This feature is available in all newly built Spacefarer Modules.
The new Wall Toilet building allows Duplicants to flush their waste directly into the world behind the toilet seat. No outbound plumbing required! This building must be built against a wall and requires clear space (or the vacuum of space) behind the wall to vent to.
The Ladder Bed is a tileable sleeping arrangement with a low quality ladder attached to the front. Several beds can be stacked together to create a vertical dormitory in tight spaces. Duplicants dont appreciate others using the ladder while theyre trying to sleep though.
Stranded rockets can now be evacuated using the ABANDON SHIP sequence. This will cause the rocket to explode. Any Duplicants on board will be launched towards the nearest discovered asteroid in a high speed Escape Pod. Some of the resources aboard will follow in the form of Spacecraft Debris.
And of course, there's always a number of bug fixes and polish improvements. Please let us know in the bug forums if you see anything unexpected, and as always, thank you for your feedback!
For as full list of patch notes, see our post on the official forums.
[ 2021-08-26 17:20:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Todays hotfix has a few bug fixes we wanted to get out, as well as an optimization we hope will address a specific performance issue some users have been experiencing since the Breath of Fresh Air update. Were continuing to explore performance improvement opportunities but wanted to get this one out sooner than later to get the needle moving in the right direction.
- Updated Russian localization
- Potential fix for issue causing lasting performance impact after opening the research screen.
- Fixed Pull Back the Veil achievement.
- Base Game Only
- Worldgen: Fixed an issue causing extra space to be unnecessarily reserved around world edges.
- Spaced Out! Only
- Outhouse and Hand Sanitizer can be stocked while rocket building restrictions are in effect.
[ 2021-08-10 00:15:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi there, friends!
Today we present The Solar Swamped Update for Spaced Out! This update contains two new worldgen features. The first is a third Classic Cluster option: a large-sized Swamp Start so you can now play with the new biomes and critters on a larger world. The second is variable sunlight intensity per world. This introduces a progression to the effectiveness of solar panels (and sunburn risk) as you expand across the starmap.
There's TWO new songs in Spaced Out! to feast your ears on, as well as a number of new lore entries in the Codex. We've added details to the background of rocket interiors as they travel to different parts of space.
The new Location Sensor can be combined with an automation port on the Rocket Control Station to manage how your Duplicants use various facilities inside rockets. No more Meep using Mae's toilet or Ruby sneaking in a quick snack before launch!
And of course, there's a number of bug fixes and polish improvements. Please let us know in the bug forums if you see anything unexpected, and as always, thank you for your feedback!
All Oxygen Not Included Players
Now that both versions of the game are on a unified codebase, there will be simultaneous updates to the base game each time a DLC update goes out. While the Solar Swamped Update's new features are for Spaced Out!, this update also includes a large number of bug fixes for ONI. We've fixed a number of issues introduced to the base game by the Breath of Fresh Air update, including a number of worldgen fixes (available on newly generated worlds) as well as some issues with Space Scanners. Occasionally there may be new bugs as well, so as development on the game continues please let us know if you find any issues!
[ 2021-08-05 17:15:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Today's patch continues fixing up many of the bugs and inconsistencies introduced to Oxygen Not Included by this last update. Thank you as always for your bug reports and discussion threads! Additionally, we're aware of performance problems that have shown up recently and are continuing to look for solutions there. Take care!
- Refrigerator now produces less heat when in Power Saver mode.
- Improved vertical spacing of diagnostics and pinned resources UI
- Removed excess width of overlay legends UI
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue preventing wild and domesticated critter report data from being recorded and presented
- Fixed issue preventing Critter Whisperer and Moovin' On Up achievement checkbox progress from updating in the UI.
- Meteor Shower background effects no longer show when meteors aren't falling.
- Resolved inconsistency in Solar Panel/Heavi-Watt Wire placement. These two buildings can once again be built on top of each other.
- Base Game Only
- Worldgen: Fixed Oceania generating without Oil Reservoirs
- Worldgen: Biome sizes restored to their previous size
- Restored Barbeque to the consumables menu
- Rocket animations are no longer cut off when rendered above the buildable area.
- Fixed crash clicking on the Bio tab if a duplicant had a rocketry interest, which is not in the base game.
- Removed Spaced Out! Graphite recipe from the Rock Crusher and its codex page no longer crashes.
- Fixed issue where space destination resources were not reserved by rockets
- Sight-Seeing Module no longer releases an assigned duplicant while in space
- Spaced Out! Only
- Changed Cobalt Ore Atmo Suit to Cobalt.
[ 2021-07-23 00:42:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! We've got a late-Friday patch to address a number of issues that came up in the Breath of Fresh Air Update. This patch should address many of the immediate issues, especially concerning rocketry and UI. Unfortunately, it seems that we didn't catch as many of these issues in the Public Testing branch as we had hoped. We have this patch for you today, and we are still going through your bug reports and feedback while we work to address your concerns, so please let us know any issues you're running into in the bug forums! Additionally, there are some known changes which are going to take longer to work through, so we're putting up a temporary archive branch on steam which represents the state of the game prior to the Breath of Fresh Air Update. You can use this to continue existing saves or play on an older version while we work out the remaining problems. To play this version, right-click on Oxygen Not Included in your Steam library, click on Properties, and choose Betas > public_previous_version. (You may need to relaunch the Steam client for this option to appear.) We know this update has not been great for many of you, and we're sorry for the frustration this situation has caused you! We will keep working hard to fix this situation, and to make ONI even better than it was before. Thanks, as always, for being part of ONI's development with us! Have a great weekend.
- Added "Clear all pinned resources button" to pinned resources panel header
Bug Fixes
- Don't crash the game if a mod has a typo in mod.yaml or mod_info.yaml. (Unless it's a dev mod, then still crash!)
- Fixed issue where the Priorities screen was missing the prioritize/deprioritize all buttons.
- Fixed issue with "Enable Proximity" button on the Priorities screen not being clickable.
- Added a few more mutually exclusive Duplicant traits
- Fix issue preventing right-click dragging on the left half of the screen
- Update Simplified Chinese localization
- Fix doubled-up music when worldgen fails
- Base Game Only
- Fixed issue where rocketry buildings under construction could not be cancelled.
- Rocketry building placement restrictions returned to expected "stacking" restrictions
- Gas and Liquid cargo bays changed back to their original 1000 kg storage limit.
- Cargo bay module strings restored to their expected base game versions.
- Removed Rocketry skill since it's only used in Spaced Out!
- Fixed issue sometimes causing oxidizer tanks to drop their contents of load.
- Restored priority control settings to Solid Oxidizer Tank
- Fix crash that could prevent saves with Space Scanners from loading
- Fixed an issue where rockets returning from a mission did not properly land. This also resulted in a missing Deconstruct button on the Command Capsule.
- Non-command rocket modules launch and land correctly.
- Fixed issue preventing Command Capsules from sending green automation signals when their flight path was blocked
- Spaced Out!
- Fix crash when switching from base game to Spaced Out if the DLC wasn't previously installed. (Now it forces Steam to install it.)
- Updated the update timer in the main menu for next update
[ 2021-07-17 01:17:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch notes:
- Fix issue preventing the game from launching on OSX
- Updated Korean translations
- Fix a crash when completing a Colony Imperative in the base game
- Fixed the Oxygen Not Included logo alignment in the main menu
- Spaced Out:
- Fix some worldgen failures caused by the Niobium Moonlet
[ 2021-07-15 20:02:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey space friends!
It's been a while since we've done a big update to the base game of Oxygen Not Included! While we've been working primarily on Spaced Out! for the last while, our desire has always been to improve and evolve the game as a whole. There are a number of changes we've made in Spaced Out! which are just general good improvements to the game, or that we had planned for the base game all along but finally got the opportunity to implement during Spaced Out! development.
This includes bug fixes to the game and the underlying simulation, making improvements and upgrades to the UI, and a major upgrade to the modding system to help future-proof mod development. It also includes a couple new buildings, Duplicant traits, and improved worldgen.
Up until this point, the base game and Spaced Out! were running on separate codebases, so fixes we made would only exist for one version or the other. After today, the codebases have been unified so everyone is running the same version of the game! This has been an epic process for the development team, but now it means that bug fixes will arrive for everyone at once, and that all players can benefit from ongoing improvements to the game.
This patch includes some major code updates, including a new Modding API and an upgraded version of the Unity engine. There will be growing pains in the short term while mods are updated (please give modders a chance to catch up!) but these will support the stability and growth of the game into the future.
These changes address some long-term concerns in Oxygen Not Included. This game, and you the players, continue to inspire us. We want to keep improving it and making it the best game we can! The major features and changes include:
- New traits, including traits that grant skills to Duplicants right out of the printing pod
- Some shuffling of the tech tree, notably moving most of the Conveyor Rails techs one tier earlier
- Updated food storage mechanics, making refrigeration easier and more effective, but removing exploits and creating a natural progression for fully preserving food
- Meter Valves allow sending precise amounts of material down a pipe, manually or using automation
- Oxygen Masks are a new low-tier suit, allow Duplicants to work for longer in low-oxygen areas but not protecting them from harsh environments
- Suit durability mechanics will be available in the base game (off by default), which add some upkeep costs for suits so they aren't so overpowered
- "Stinging eyes" and related debuffs give more reason to be cautious with chlorine and other gasses and liquids
- The Diagnostics panel, updated Resource screen, and other UI improvements make it easier to stay on top of what's happening in the base
- Demolition skill allows duplicants to destroy those Gravitas ruins once and for all
Spaced Out!
As the Spaced Out! DLC gets closer to launching, we're continuing to focus on polish, bug fixes, and tying up loose ends. We're continuing to refine worldgen tuning, and have added a "Classic Forest Start" cluster to play on. Renewable regolith has landed back in the game on its own planetoid. There's lots of finalized animation and sound effects coming down the pipe, including new art and leak mechanics for nuclear waste barrels. We're also spending more time looking at performance and have some promising leads. Colony Imperatives are being added and revised. With new Monument parts, an Artifact Analysis Station, and a strange Gravitas device hanging out near the Temporal Tear, your Duplicants will have so many boxes to check off! (We also added a few new Spaced Out!-exclusive artifacts.) Thanks for sticking with us through this large technical challenge. If you notice anything that seems to be amiss between the two versions of the game, please report it as a bug! And as always, we'd love to hear any other feedback you have. Take care!
[ 2021-07-15 17:08:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends, Just a small patch today to fix a crash some OSX players are experiencing. Currently Apple Silicon/M1 is only supported through Rosetta and we accidentally included a non-functioning native build. Fixes:
- Removed unsupported OSX arm64 binary (Apple Silicon / M1 chip)
[ 2021-06-28 18:04:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends, Today's release hotfix is quite small, but fixes a crash and a major issue with mod/save loading. Take care this weekend! Bug Fixes
- Oxygen Masks no longer crash in Base Game
- Version numbers for Spaced Out! have been increased. The previous version numbers were causing incorrect versions of mods to be loaded. (SO! compatible mods will need their version updated to 469369 to fully resolve the issue.)
- The public_testing branch is being updated with the latest changes as well.
[ 2021-06-25 20:25:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
Today we present The Big Merge Update: A highly technical squishing of the Base Game and Spaced Out! codebases. This means that Spaced Out! owners can toggle the DLC on-and-off from the main menu with a simple restart of the game. Playing the Base Game in this way will give you all the bug fixes and quality improvements that we've added to Spaced Out! since we went into early access, while still allowing you to enjoy the game-play of the original ONI you know and love.
(These changes will be coming to the Base Game for all ONI players in the next few updates, but we're limiting them to Spaced Out! owners to make sure they get proper testing for now.)
What we're working on here is the continuing evolution of Oxygen Not Included. While our attention has been mostly on the DLC lately, our desire has always been to improve and evolve the game as a whole. There are a number of changes that we've made in Spaced Out! which are just intrinsically good improvements to the game, some we had planned for the Base Game all along but finally got the opportunity to implement during Spaced Out! development.
This includes the many bug fixes and minor improvements we've made during Spaced Out's development, including fixing several major simulation bugs and countless typos. It also means modding should be simplified because there is only one version of the game to mod against.
Speaking of modding... We have a doozy of a modding update! Modders, please read Updating to Harmony 2.0. To all players: these significant technical changes are going to result in many mods needing updating in order to work. Please be kind to the modding community and give them time to react to the new code.
This patch also includes updating our development to the next major version of the Unity engine. While this has little impact on what you see as a player, it's necessary for us to continue supporting the game and pushing development forward.
These are the features that you've seen in Spaced Out! which are now going to be part of the Base Game:
- New traits, including skill-granting traits
- Some shuffling of the tech tree, notably moving most of the Conveyor Rails techs one tier earlier
- Updated food storage/refrigeration mechanics will be the same in both versions of the game
- Meter Valves are now in the Base Game
- Oxygen Masks are now in the Base Game
- Suit durability mechanics will be available in the Base Game (but toggled off in the game settings by default)
- "Stinging eyes" and related debuffs which give all players more reason to be cautious with chlorine
- The Diagnostics panel, updated Resource screen, and other UI improvements will be consistent for all versions of the game
- Demolition skill will be available for everyone!
- All other new content (in particular the new rockets and multi-asteroid starmap, and radiation buildings and overlay) will remain in Spaced Out! only.
[ 2021-06-24 17:02:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the official forums Hello modders! Over the course of this last year, many in this community have requested that we update the version of Harmony that we ship with the game, in order to smooth out mod development and make sure modders have access to the latest features the Harmony API provides! In the testing period beginning June 10th, we will be shipping Harmony on the Public Testing branch. This upgrade will require modders to update all .dll mods! It is also the case that the major code changes we're doing right now are going to break a significant number of mods, and later when the Vanilla and DLC codebases are finally fully merged, all the existing Vanilla .dll mods will have broken anyways. We'd rather not break any mods at all, but since it's going to happen, we're opting to put all the breakage into a single update, and this gives you some time to prepare.
The Mergedown Process -- Use mod_info.yaml
As we unify the codebases, all these changes (including the Harmony 2.0 update) will slowly roll down through various versions of the game, like this: Spaced Out Public Testing -> Spaced Out (all players) -> Oxygen Not Included Public Testing -> Oxygen Not Included (all players) So mods running on Spaced Out will have to be updated first, and will have this testing period to get updated before all Spaced Out players see the code changes. The changes to the base game will happen some time after that, though specific dates are still being determined. Once your mod has been made compatible, it will remain compatible for the rest of the Mergedown. (Breakage from normal ongoing development aside ;) ) Be sure to use mod_info.yaml and the archive folder to separate the versions of your mod and make the transition seamless for your users! (More details below)
How do I update my mod?
There are three key changes you'll need to make: [olist]
- A number of methods in Harmony have changed signature or scope, so various compile errors will have to be resolved
- As always, a number of changes have happened in the ONI code, so those errors will have to be resolved
- Update your mod_info.yaml as described below for best compatibility. NOTE! If you're currently using a single version of your mod that runs on Vanilla and Expansion1, you will likely want to two versions of the mod for the duration of this Harmony 2.0 rollout.
- Finally, upload the new version of your mod!
So what's new, anyways?
Here's the official Harmony update information. Here's the full list of patch notes (Reminder, we're on, catching up from The full Harmony 2.0 documentation.
In Conclusion
Please let me know if there are any gotchas or missing steps I should include in this post! A huge thanks to everyone in this community! I know from personal experience how much work it is to keep modding a game that is in active development, but the champions here nonetheless have made a workshop full of amazing mods! It's always exciting to browse through and see what's new, and to get the chance to play visions of the game that are different than our own. How cool is it that these things can co-exist side-by-side? So again, THANK-YOU! mod_info.yaml for Hamony changes can be found on the post on our official forums here.
[ 2021-06-09 23:31:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Today's Spaced Out patch includes a few fixes, including a crash on the Diagnostics screen that people were running into. Have a great week!
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed issue where old saves would not have Space POIs added until unpaused.
- Refreshed "Mine The Gap" update name in main menu image header.
- Fixed bug where "Satellite Asteroid Field" space Point of Interest had invisible art.
- Fixed crash caused by searching diagnostic screen while looking at a rocket interior world.
- Updated Korean translations.
[ 2021-06-07 18:35:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends!
Welcome to the Mine The Gap Update for Spaced Out! This update brings increased resource renewability with the introduction of Space Points-Of-Interest! Equip a rocket with the new Drillcone and start dredging those interplanetary riches!
While you're out there, keep your eyes open for artifacts! Yes, Gravitas artifacts are back! Collect them all from a number of new and updated points-of-interest. Once you're done gathering them, you can teach your Duplicants the "Demolition" Skill and wipe those Gravitas buildings off the map if you feel so inclined. (World regen is required for the new points-of-interest to show up.)
We've also done some significant rebalancing of the tech tree as we work to optimally integrate new mechanics into existing gameplay. The Atomic Collider and Atomic Research Points are being redesigned as the Materials Study Terminal and Materials Science Research so theyre more thematically neutral for application across the tech tree. Techs have been shifted around and costs have been standardized (including moving all Orbital Research costs up one tier) to reduce the burden on unlocking tier 5 techs.
Plus, we've made changes to the Radbolt Generators and adjusted the overall radiation balance. There is now increased control over Diagnostics criteria on the Diagnostics screen. Biome Codex entries have been finished up. And, some exciting new changes to bottled gasses and liquids: they can now liquify/solidify if they get cold enough!
This update provides new sources of sustainability and a whole new layer of gameplay on the starmap. We welcome your feedback and bug reports! Once again, thanks so much for being with us through this DLC's Early Access period.
What else is going on during Klei Fest?
Dont Starve Together is celebrating summer with the "Midsummer Cawnival!". Our survivors have been greeted by the enigmatic Corvus Goodfeather, who needs a bit of help preparing the festivities for his crow compatriots. Decorate, try your luck at the Cawnival games, and maybe even win some prizes!
[url=http://klei.gg/DSTKleiFest2021Steam]Check Out Don't Starve Together Now!
Hot Lava is having a special Klei Fest Tournament - a new trial course which pits players against a diabolically Klei-swag-outfitted LORD SLUDGE!
[url=http://klei.gg/HLKleiFest2021Steam]Check Out Hot Lava Now!
Griftlands has left Early Access and the full campaign is now available! Play as Sal, Rook, or Smith. Three unique character campaigns with their own specialized decks, abilities and maps to explore. Griftlands launches with a 20% discount for Klei Fest.
[url=http://klei.gg/GLKleiFest2021Steam]Check Out Griftlands Now!
What's New And Improved?
- Added Space POI locations with renewable resources.
- Added Drillcone rocket module for harvesting space POIs.
- Added Diamond Press building for converting refined carbon to diamond.
- Restored artifacts to Spaced Out! and distributed them to new terrestrial POIs.
- Added Artifact transport module for moving artifacts between worlds.
- Added ability to toggle specific diagnostic criteria in the diagnostics screen.
- Add CustomGameSetting to toggle Teleporters.
- Added sounds to plant mutations.
- Added Botanical Analyzer sounds + duplicant interact sounds.
- Added sounds for second Spaced Out! main menu duplicant.
- Added Radbolt Rocket Engine Sound.
- Added sounds for Experiment 52B.
Changes and Improvements
- Many POI buildings are now demolishable by skilled Duplicants.
- Bottled Gasses and Liquids can now condense/freeze.
- Ores and Bottles will now produce secondary elements during phase transitions, e.g. Bottles of polluted water will make both dirt and steam when heated.
- Foods in vacuum now use exclusively their internal temperature to decide if they are refrigerated or not.
- Replaced Atomic Collider with Materials Study Terminal.
- Tech tree changes including adding new categories, moving buildings, and adjusting tier costs so they scale better.
- Changed visual order of unlocked items within a research tech.
- Radbolt generators can be configured to emit at up to 500 particle intervals.
- Radbolt tuning changes to prevent obvious feedback loops. Some radiation is emitted in the form of fallout on impacts.
- Added meter to Radbolt Generator.
- Asteroid selector rows display a status item based on pertinent diagnostics.
- Added remaining cargo capacity status items to rockets in flight with cargo modules.
- Updated codex strings from several Biomes.
- Updated codex entries for several plants.
- Added additional codex lore entries.
- Updated Korean and Russian translations.
- Rocket visual takeoff speed is now based on rocket height rather than module count. Also re-tuned the takeoff acceleration curves.
- Small tweaks to rocket exhaust animations.
- Added a two second "landing cooldown" where rockets keep igniting while they're on the pad.
- Added rocket engine shutoff animations.
- Tuned Rocket Conduit Port audio mix, adjust timing of sound events.
- Tweaked the meter colours on some storage buildings to work when colourblind modes are turned on or off.
- Cost of first tech tier requiring Materials Science Research increased from 5 to 20 points.
Bug Fixes
- Rocket window tiles are no longer replaceable.
- Duress to Impress effect is now applied when loading a save with an already stressed Duplicant.
- Sublimation Station no longer ignores gas pressure limit if a solid tile is built above it.
- Fixed issue causing Duplicants to sometimes leave rockets at launch.
- Fixed crash that could occur on rocket launch.
- Fixed crash that could occur when selecting the printing pod.
- Fixed crash when deconstructing Trailblazer Module.
- Downgraded possible crash when ores melt to a log warning.
- Crash Report Screen now uploads the correct save file automatically when you report the crash.
- Fixed crashes relating to missing UI icons - a default sprite is now substituted for missing UI icons.
- Fixed missing Beetiny hit sound.
- Fixed missing Beeta chew sound.
- Building complete sound no longer plays when Plug Slugs sleep.
- Fixed missing geyser sounds for new geysers/volcanos.
- Fixed main menu animation issue.
- Fix issue where rockets loaded in the takeoff or landing states would not animate their engines or release exhaust.
- Fixed a couple visual glitches with rockets taking off/landing and skipping around or disappearing.
- Fix rocket engine startup animations not playing sometimes.
- Fix issue where rockets would appear to be on the pad right after loading, even if they were in flight.
- Trailblazer Module no longer plays the landing animation when already landed.
- Fixed issue preventing codex from showing accurate plant and critter references in some biome pages.
- Fixed Experiment 52B description to say it emits Resin instead of Isoresin.
- Improvements to rules for generating Classic Style Terra to reduce worldgen failures.
- Fixed status pop text effects being visible across world boundaries.
- Fixed UI elements and overlay info being displayed across world boundaries.
- Diagnostic rows update when changing worlds with the screen open.
- Fixed issue sometimes causing erroneous diagnostic results.
- Diagnostic suggestions (such as rocket in space without destination) now show in white text instead of a nearly invisible grey.
- Fixed crash that could occur when switching worlds after an Atmo Suit was destroyed.

[ 2021-06-03 16:59:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Everybody!
I have a bunch of news for you today - We have some new things coming up to announce, a new set of Twitch drops and the introduction of our Klei Advocates program.
Klei Fest is Coming Next Week!
Once a year around this time we have a Klei Publisher sale. Going forward we are also going to focus on making this time a sort of Celebration of Klei Games. During this two week period we will have a burst of content, items, events, sales and interesting things happening.
As an introduction things will be a little less formal this year as we kick things off with a bit of a test run.
All Games: We will begin our Klei Publisher sale next week on June 3rd.
Hot Lava: June 3rd, Players will Race against Lord Sludge in a special course - secure yourself a win an get a special reward. This challenge and reward are only available during Klei Fest!
Griftlands: Griftlands full campaign officially launches as we leave Early Access June 1st on PC and June 4th on PS4, Xbox and Switch.Griftlands: Griftlands full campaign officially launches as we leave Early Access June 1st on PC and June 4th on PS4, Xbox and Switch.
Oxygen Not Included: The team for ONI has their heads down right now as they work on "Spaced Out!" so we will not have promotional content for you this year, however Oxygen Not Included will be on Sale during the Klei Publisher Sale beginning June 3rd.
Don't Starve Together: We will be celebrating Klei Fest with a new Yearly Limited time event called "Midsummer Cawnival!". Our survivors will be greeted by the enigmatic Corvus Goodfeather, who needs a bit of help preparing the festivities for his crow compatriots. Decorate, try your luck at the Cawnival games, and maybe even win some prizes!
New Twitch Drop Campaign: We will begin a new twitch Drop Campaign for the Leviathan Chest starting June 3rd. Streamers that will have drops available can be found in the spoiler below. Note that this will be the last campaign of this type, further campaigns will be done through our advocates program. See the official forum post.
Klei Advocates Program: We have hired Fourth Floor to run a new Klei Advocates program. This new program will create opportunities for us to grow our relationship with content creators. We have been working with Fourth Floor for quite a while now and this new arrangement will see Fourth Floor working with our most dedicated streamers beginning with the next DST Character refresh at the end of June. More details to follow in the coming weeks.
And that's what I have for you today. See you all next week!
[ 2021-05-28 23:55:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends! We've got a patch for Spaced Out! that enables mutations on Sleet Wheat, Nosh Sprouts, and Gas Grass. It also fixes a few crashes and other bugs. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!
- Sleet Wheat and Nosh Sprouts now roll for mutations across their entire crop, rather than not at all
- Gas Grass is now a normal seed producer for Spaced Out
- Symbol tinting/scaling works for all plants now. This creates new visual differences for Bountiful, Exuberant, and Juicy Fruits mutations
- Revised Metallic biome icon
- Rocket Port building strings updated
- Updated Simplified Chinese strings
- Saturn Critter Trap no longer says it can mutate its seeds
- Hooked up missing Saturn Critter Trap Seed artwork
- Fix crash when toggling compost on mutant seeds
- Fix a case where multiple rockets launching on separate worlds could emit gasses into the wrong world or not at all
- Only play the "launch ignition" animation on rockets when taking off, not landing
- Fix case where rocket ports would appear to be offline even though they were loading or unloading a rocket
- Worldgen: Fixed border temperature gradient sometimes having its temperatures swapped
- Worldgen: Extreme temperature borders now have a less extreme temperature in the middle
- Pause screen now appears above other screens
[ 2021-05-14 17:30:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Where has the time gone? It's May already and would you believe this is the 6th update we've put out this year!
Since Early Access began, we've expanded on the space gameplay, added a bunch of new asteroids to the cluster map, and created new Spaced Out- and Classic-style starting asteroids. Weve launched the entire radiation system, including radbolt infrastructure, research reactors, and Beetas. We've put in railguns, revised rocket parts for interplanetary infrastructure, and restored sustainability to the late-game. And now, we're putting radiation into your farms with...
The Peculiar Plants Update for Spaced Out! This Update introduces a whole new layer to farming, and allows you to utilize radiation for the good of your Duplicants tummies! There's also a number of radiation related (and unrelated!) tuning and balance changes, and new logistics options with the Meter Valves!
First, Plant Mutations are a brand new feature that integrates radiation with farming gameplay. There are now several strains of mutant seed that crop plants can drop when grown in radiation. Once analyzed at the new Botanical Analyzer, plants grown from these seeds will offer new trade-offs or efficiencies for your farms.
Along with updates to the farming economy, we've also made a number of changes and bug fixes to food preservation. Fridges are more effective at prolonging your food (and don't have so many bugs in them), and a more thorough mastery of temperature and atmosphere is required to fully preserve food.
Newly added Meter Valves have been added to allow sending specific amounts of material down your liquid, gas, and solid piping. Research Reactors' internal physics have also been updated, so you might want to double-check your colony's nuclear safety protocols. Rocket Ports and Launch Pads can be chained together. A lot of artwork has been updated and sound effects have been added.
And of course, we've made many fixes and improvements based on your feedback! We're still focused on improvements and quality of life, so there's never a better time to let us know how this DLC is working for you. Thank you for all your discussions and reports, and keep them coming!
What's New And Improved?
- New Plant Mutation system allows specialized crop development
- Exposing plants to radiation causes them to drop mutant seeds
- Botanical Analyzer building will identify the traits of mutant seeds
- Mutant crops can be farmed for new tradeoffs and optimizations
- Added Gas Meter Valve, Liquid Meter Valve, and Conveyor Meter buildings.
- Updated Codex entries, descriptions and lore
- New plants
- Cryotank
- Radiation biome
- New artwork for the Rocket Port Loaders
Changes and Improvements
- Food preservation changes
- Rottable items now have two stages of cooling: Refrigerated and Deep Freeze
- Rottable items aren't fully preserved unless they are both in sterile atmosphere AND deep-frozen, because temperature and atmosphere effects now stack
- Temperature and atmosphere effects have been rebalanced to account for this
- Refrigerated food now lasts 5x as long instead of 2x
- Food preservation times were incorrectly reported in the Codex, and were missing their refrigeration value
- Rottable foods correctly detect if they're in an active fridge or not
- Refrigerators cool things to 2 degrees celsius instead of 4 degrees, so that they actually get cold enough to be refrigerated. (Note: foods in a powered fridge are always considered refrigerated regardless of temperature.)
- Foods dropped from a fridge will no longer continue cooling off on the ground
- "Unrefrigerated Food" notification now jumps to that food when clicked. (Only partially stale unrefrigerated food in storage will trigger the notification.)
- Errand "offset" fixes
- Fix exploit where Duplicants can pick up items diagonally through walls if standing on a raised tile
- Duplicants can access constructions diagonally from a greater number of nearby positions
- Farm Tiles and Hydroponic Tiles now allow corner access for delivery chores.
- Added low coolant diagnostic criteria to Research Reactor
- Research Reactor
- Fixed issue with inconsistent coolant/reaction mass conduction
- Enriched Uranium mass target increased 20x
- Increased coolant/reaction mass conduction scale 5x
- Meltdown temperature increased to 3000k
- Added new meltdown animations
- Fixed issue with temperature meter
- Increased meltdown projectile mass
- All sandbox tools now have their own icon
- Updated the Gassy Moo meteor artwork and impact animation
- Radbolt Generator sidescreen now shows radbolt production progress bar
- Small visual changes and added text label to radbolt direction selection panel.
- Added a new Duplicant animation on the main menu
- Non-crop plants now also have an ambient radiation limit
- Swapped Conveyor Chute and Conveyor Receptacle in the tech tree.
- Added Mud & Polluted Mud ambiences
- Added sounds for Mud falling, landing and Duplicant movement on Mud
- Added sounds for Radbolt Generator and Radbolt Reflector
- Fixed some instances of two click sounds playing simultaneously.
- Added missing Lead Suit Locker door closing/opening sounds.
- Added movement sounds to various radiation locomotion sets.
- Added movement sounds to the vomiter locomotion set.
- Added sounds for Radbolt traveling and explosion
- Added sounds for Duplicants reacting to radiation
- Added sounds for Railgun rail cleaning.
- Added Uranium Ore mining and movement sound effects
Bug Fixes
- Worldgen: Fixed an issue with spawning guaranteed geysers in some Forest Cluster seeds.
- Worldgen: Improvements to guaranteed POI spawning rules to decrease the amount of worldgen failures.
- Fixed closing tag for Forest Moonlet string (for translations)
- Fixed failing to switch worlds after using dev debug
- Fixed animations rendering outside of the world
- Plant sorting was broken on the planter box sidescreen, now the crops are consistently ordered
- Moved uranium materials further in the build materials list
- Fixed crash when dead Duplicant is hit by a Radbolt
- Fixed issue where buildings with solid parts like the Solar Panel and Fish Feeder would leave behind a "ghost floor."
- Fix crash that could occur if trying to load a world whose data no longer exists (i.e. a mod world)
- Fix some cases where a rocket would not correctly attach to the Rocket Ports on landing or disconnect on takeoff
- Launchpads now connect to Rocket Ports through each other in chains, so you can reliably have launchpads share ports
- Fix crash that could occur if a Launchpad was selected when its rocket takes off
- Rockets would sometimes wipe out each other's conduit endpoints, resulting in e.g. fuel tanks not getting fuelled
- Add check on the main menu that prevents crashing if the newest save file is corrupted or otherwise problematic
- Buildings and objects which have been marked "Empty Storage" now save/load the errand properly
- Minor art revision to the Niobium Geyser
- Fixed off by one error when calculating Rocket Platform/Rocket position ceilings
- Wilting Wheezeworts no longer emit radiation if they were wilting on load.
- Gas and Liquid Shutoff valves now immediately end their flowing animation when a red automation signal is received or no gas/liquid is flowing.
- Radbolt Generator progress meter hookup. Restored Radbolt animation when more than 1/2 way to launch.
- Fixed a crash where rockets and pads weren't correctly aware of each other during launch. This won't happen any further, but existing saves may require rebuilding the launchpad under the rocket before the rocket can successfully take off.
- Fixed a scaling issue with the Arbor Tree where the art was blurry at certain stages of the grow cycle
- Fixed issue that caused Cluster Style selection screen background to sometimes misalign
- Fixed rockets disappearing when landing offscreen
- Splitting ores now correctly updates the temperature transfer in the sim for both parts.
- Conveyor Shutoff now has a "Conveyor Rail Blocked" status and behaves like the other Shutoffs when blocked.
- Loading a save with a rocket with a Scanner Module exploring outside the FOW no longer crashes
- Fixed crash building a new module while viewing a rocket interior
[ 2021-05-13 17:07:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all! There were some issues with this morning's update related to the large strings unification. Here's a patch to iron out all the crashes we've discovered. Please let us know in the bug forums if you find any others!
- Fixed crash hovering over Skill Point Earned notification.
- Fixed crashes related to Sweepy status items
- Fixed more Spaced Out Sandbox Tool crashes related to Radioactive Contaminants
[ 2021-05-13 00:25:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! We're made lots of fixes to worldgen to further prevent temperature leakage between biomes, as well as some POI fixes. Thanks for all your feedback and examples!
- Marshy Asteroid now always has at least some Jungle.
- Improved preventing POIs breaking high temperature borders.
- Fixed an issue where the starting asteroid in Classic Style Terra Cluster generated few or no Oil Reservoirs.
- Improved Abyssalite border drawing to prevent small amounts of magma appearing on the wrong side of the border.
- Prevent terrain "features" from drawing over adjacent biomes of a different type.
- Improved border temperature gradient in extreme temperature cases. It's not perfect yet.
- Slight improvement to spawning POIs in the magma core of the Marshy Asteroid.
- Increased water mass on Water Asteroid to prevent significant water receding due to liquid compression.
- Fixed issue that could occur when revealing asteroids with liquid surfaces
- Rockets are once again able to fly through Rocket Platforms and other rockets - though they cannot idle overlapping with them.
- Updated Russian translations
[ 2021-04-26 22:15:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
We're pleased to bring you the Big Asteroid Update for Spaced Out! This is the first in a series of quality-of-life focused updates. The major features of the DLC are in place and working well with each other, so now we're combing through all your feedback to fix, polish, and improve the game as much as we can!
The "big addition" (hahah) in this update is a larger "vanilla-like" starting asteroid combined with the new Spaced Out! starmap and rocketry. The existing clusters still require further balance and tuning, but we're ready to begin expanding the selection of clusters available to play on. In this update, we're adding a large, resource-rich starting asteroid that supports the classic "big base" experience. Additionally, we're putting in a Forest start Spaced Out! style cluster.
We're also turning our attention back towards rockets so this update features a redesigned limit for rocket engines based on rocket height instead of module count. Now an engine can sport more short modules than tall ones. Combined with a significant increase in Cargo Module capacity, there are more viable rocket combinations using the same pieces. Refined rocket automation and updated Rocket Ports allow better use of cargo bays. As well, asteroids are generated with more "headroom" for tall rockets, and a new Solar Panel Module increases rocket power options.
Check out all these changes and improvements and let us know what you think, or if you find any bugs! We'll be eagerly reading your experiences as we continue to iterate on these features and put in more fixes. Thank you so much for being with us through this Early Access.
What's New And Improved?
Main Features
New Clusters
- Added "Classic Style" Terra Cluster
- Classic style worlds are intended to be evocative of the base game experience. They offer fewer asteroids on the starmap, but each is larger and more resource dense.
- Added "Spaced Out! Style" Forest Cluster
- Added an asteroid style selection screen to the new game flow to sort between Spaced Out! Style worlds and Classic Style worlds
Solar Panel Module
- Added Solar Panel Module to generate onboard power for rockets
Rocketry Improvements
- Rocket maximum module count condition replaced with maximum rocket height condition
- Increased all rocket cargo module and Orbital Cargo Module capacities by 10x
- Rocket Ports have been split into two buildings each, one for loading and one for unloading for each of solid/liquid/gas conduit types
- Rocket Platform is now a "Foundation" building, it can be built floating in the air and Duplicants can stand on top of it. Art adjusted accordingly
- Put the Gantry back into the game
- Rocket Ports now require constructing on ground/tiles
- Major overhaul of the internals of Rocket Ports. They now work much more reliably, start and stop correctly, and correctly update the rocket's checklist
- The Launch Pad automation input now "takes over" launch control, either triggering launch or cancelling it based on the signal, so it can be reliably used to start and stop launches
- Added Element Filters to both Cargo Bays and Rocket Loading Ports. Loading Ports will load only materials requested by Cargo Bays onto rockets, and Rockets will only unload materials requested by Unloading Ports
- Added a mass slider to all Cargo Bays
- Adjusted internal storages of the Rocket Ports to match the capacity of the plumbing
- Reduced power consumption of the Rocket Ports
- Revisions and cleanup to Rocket Platform automation ports:
- Output port goes green when all launch checklist items are fully checked (no warnings)
- Input port takes over the launch button once connected. A green signal requests a launch when all Rocket Construction and Cargo Manifest items are fully checked (no warnings). A red signal cancels the current launch
Improved Moo Asteroid
- Gassy Mooteor showers have begun falling on the Gassy Moo Moonlet, delivering fresh Gassy Moos to the asteroid
- Redesigned Moo asteroid including a guaranteed Chlorine Gas Vent
[ 2021-04-22 17:29:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, in conjunction with today's Spaced Out! update, here's a patch for the base version of the game to fix a few issues. Take care! Fixed missing strings on various status effects Updated Steamworks API Don't spawn more germs than are present for falling water, fixes germ duplication (detail) Updated all translations
[ 2021-04-22 17:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends!
Welcome to the Radbolt From The Blue update! This is where your efforts producing Radiation aim once again towards space with the introduction of the Radbolt Engine and the Interplanetary Launcher. These new Radbolt-powered constructions improve your ability to explore the system and to create sustained resource networks.
We've been going full tilt on new features since January as it is important to us that the overall scope of both multi-asteroid play and radiation are in the game and playable for you to experience. We know that there are a number of issues in the game right now that you've brought up, so we're going to shift gears back to addressing feedback, stability, and balance. We really appreciate all the support and encouragement that you give us, as our small team has to really balance priorities during development. We want you to know that your concerns have been heard and we will try to address them over the coming updates, starting with adding a larger "classic" asteroid size to the asteroid selection in the next update.
The nature of Oxygen Not Included is that new features end up getting inserted systemically into the game, affecting gameplay at all levels. In fact, one of our goals for Spaced Out! is to ensure that there's new challenges at all phases of gameplay for you to overcome. Changes to the worldgen as well as tuning changes affected the early and mid-game in particular. However, we understand that some of the changes to the classic experience have been too dramatic for some, and harmed some of the strategies you've come to love. Part of the work we want to do in the next few releases is to make sure there is a proper classic experience even with the DLC turned on. The option for a larger asteroid size will be the first step towards this.
We're in the process of merging the codebases for the base game and the DLC. This means toggling the DLC content on and off will not require re-downloading any files, and additionally it will be easier for us to keep the two versions of the game in harmony, whether that means implementing bug fixes, adding quality of life and UI improvements, or toggling gameplay features on and off.
We want this DLC to be the best it can be! It's your feedback that makes this possible, so thank you so much for all the time you take to leave comments, feedback, ideas, and bug reports. We truly couldn't make this game as awesome without you.
What's New and Improved?
- Added Radbolt Engine for exploring space with your new radiation technologies
- Added Interplanetary Launcher to send resources between asteroids
- Added Targeting Beacon to guide Payloads to a specific spot on a planetoid surface
- Radioactive elements now emit radiation in the world (ores are still work-in-progress)
Changes and Updates
- Add Orbital Research Center sounds
- Add Uranium Ore ambience sounds
- Add Payload Opener sounds
- Add Lead Suit Locker sounds
- Updated Chinese, Russian, and Korean translations
- Rearranged the tech tree to move Solid Rails earlier
- Moved Cryofuel Propulsion and Monuments techs to a higher tier
- Duplicants faces are more reliably changed when they are sick, sunburnt, etc, including new Hypothermia faces
- Modified line weight for consistency on rocket modules
- Solid Nuclear Waste and Corium are now "Miscellaneous" materials and can be stored in storages under that category
- Rocket Pilot Station is now deconstructable and rebuildable. Rockets can't launch without one. If it's destroyed in flight, the rocket travels the same as if a dupe is unable to get to the station, i.e. at half speed
- Research Reactor tile max venting pressure increased to 150kg
- Research Reactor only samples calls near the top of the building for gas venting. It will vent to any non solid under pressure cell available in the sampled space
- Updated Uranium item and UI artwork
- Magma and marsh biome descriptions updated
- Tweaks to various building descriptions
- Orbital Cargo Module can transport items in the Edible, Cooking Ingredients, and Medicine categories
- Fixed Rocket Engine exhaust leaking into rocket interiors
- Fixed Rocket Pad flickering when launching a rocket
- Fixed crash selecting a rocket destination on the edge of the starmap
- Rocket Platform scaffolding now properly tints on overlays
- Fixed detached Duplicant arm in the Payload Opener animation
- Adjusted Radiation build menu icon to match overlay icon
- Duplicants carying an Interplanetary Payload no longer pick up the dirt with it
- Interplanetary Payloads now appear in front of buildings.
- Fix crash when a Duplicant is destroyed
- Removed hidden output ports on cargo modules
- Beeta Hives no longer drown to death or die when unsupported. Instead, they go into a "disabled" state until the issue is resolved
- Beeta Hives no longer emit radiation when they are not digesting ore
- Tweaked Beeta radiation emission values
[ 2021-04-01 17:34:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends! We've got an update with a fix to the reactors! It's been really fun watching them blow up, but this will make them blow up a little more predictably. Let us know if you find any other issues, and enjoy!
- Fixed crash that could occur when one researcher takes over from another at the Atomic Collider.
- Adjusted Research Reactor reaction parameters. It begins reacting with a minimum of 0.5kg fuel and stops reacting when fuel drops below 0.25kg. This should address some unexpected meltdown issues.
- Adjusted Radioactive Contaminant count on Research Reactor's nuclear waste output.
- Adjusted Research Reactor construction time.
- Restored Medical Pack recipe to Apothecary.
- Deprecated Virtual Planetarium building in Spaced Out! until a new utility is implemented.
- Large Solid Oxidizer Tank is prioritizable.
- Beeta Hive animation updates and fixes.
[ 2021-03-16 19:38:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all! Along side the Totaly Rad Update for Spaced Out! we've got some fixes for the base game of Oxygen Not Included:
- Added an OpenGL configuration to the game as a workaround for certain startup issues. If you've been unable to launch the game, try changing your Steam startup option in Oxygen Not Included > (Right-Click) Properties > General > Launch Options, add -force-glcore and relaunch the game.
- Hatch falling animation revisions
- Fixed Hatches floating in the air after being wrangled while burrowed
- Adjusted Hatch collider offset when burrowed making it easier to click on
- Fixed drag area tooltip
- Prevent crash when Spaced Out is disabled with Radioactive Contaminates disease was previously selected in the Sandbox Tools
- Updated base game to use the same strings file as Spaced Out! to streamline translation efforts
[ 2021-03-11 18:51:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
The Radiation System is coming out of testing today and is now available for everyone in the Spaced Out! early access! This update introduces the new system and adds basic radiation/nuclear content, with more to follow in the coming updates.
There's a lot of new content already in today's Spaced Out! release, mainly focused around a core loop of converting raw uranium into useful radiation via the Research Reactor, and subsequently capturing that energy using the Radbolt conduit system. This will be the foundation of new infrastructure and systems throughout your bases relying on powerful, yet dangerous, radioactive elements.
As with every system in ONI, we want Radiation to be fundamentally connected to other systems across the entire game, so we've got lots of new parts to make and iterating to do before it's ready. We'll be rolling these pieces out to testing as they come together, and at this time were expecting the system to be broadly realized over the next two updates.
We're really excited to finally get this out to you. We know it's been teased for a (very) long time, and we've wanted to do it internally for even longer, so we feel this is a big moment for development. Check it out and let us know what you think, post along any bugs you find, and as always, thank you so much for being on this journey with us!
What's New and Improved?
New radiation system
- Radiation overlay
- Mineable uranium element
- New radiation sources including Cosmic radiation, radioactive Wheezeworts, and radioactive Shinebugs
- Atomic Research Points added to tech tree
- Added "Radiation Balance" line item to Duplicant's condition panel
- New "Beeta" and "Beetiny" critters will refine natural uranium ore
- Beeta Hives can be harvests for uranium by Duplicants
Buildings for producing and harnessing radioactive particles
- Centrifuge building refines uranium
- Research Reactor building produces radiation
- Radbolt Generator and Radbolt Redirector harness radiation to produce high-energy Radbolts
- Atomic Collider research station turns Radbolts into tech
- Decontamination shower cleanses both suited Duplicants and their carried items
Dupe vulnerability and protection
- Fallout germ poses ongoing hazard
- Lead Suits and Checkpoints provide shielding from radiation
- Decontamination Shower cleanses Dupes and their cargo
- Radiation Sickness can afflict exposed Duplicants
- Basic Rad Pill to deal with absorbed radiation
And including
- Radiation Sensor for automation
- Orbital Research Station and Space Research Points added to tech tree
Changes and Fixes
- Fixed crashes when deconstructing a door while a Duplicant is passing through
- Fixed Printing Pod crash when trying to generate a Duplicant with an invalid trait combination
- Dupes can no longer sanitize a suit using a sink or wash basin
- Resin Rooster art completed
- Fixed bug in flying critter death animation sound playback
- Adjusted temperature ranges the Saturn Critter Trap and Tranquil Toes plants are comfortable at
- Hatch falling animation revisions
- Fixed Hatches floating in the air after being wrangled while burrowed
- Saturn Critter Trap can only trap when in the open state, this will prevent it from trapping critters when wilting etc.
- The "Elderly" status item is now added when a creature has less than 10% of its lifespan remaining instead of a hard coded 5 cycles
- Remove Unity splash screen
- Fixed a bug that caused sidescreen titles to not update if you clicked from one building with a sidescreen to another
- Fixed missing drag tool width/height/area labels
- Fix rocket paths and names and progress bars sometimes being rotated around funny
- Fix cases where a "new world detected!" message would not appear, notably when a rocket with a Cartographic Module revealed a world
- Updated ui art for the Conductive Wire Bridge
- Swapping out many placeholder strings, editing existing strings
- Fixed long "Colony lacks skill" string
- Added missing strings for Resin Rooster
- Fixed incorrect Fullerene text link
- Updated Korean and Chinese translations
- Tweaked bubble animation on Small Oxidizer Tank
- Art polish on the Basic Nosecone
- Landers can now only be placed in appropriate locations (on the surface) and only on worlds they're being deployed on
- Got rid of the launching fx that was showing up in the under-construction Sugar Engine
- Fix crash if a rocket with a Cartographic Module had a (?) as its destination
- Telescope indicators once again show on the starmap
- Fixed colour issue on liquid oxidizer tank
- Fixed art bugs on Liquid Oxidizer Tank
- Hooked up new backwall artwork for Moo Moonlet biome. Only present in new saves
- Improved robustness of some guaranteed worldgen rules to address a number of worldgen failures
- Hooked up correct Lead artwork
- Improved worldgen rules for generating the core of the Water Asteroid to fix some worldgen failures
- Research point constants were renamed in code for clarity
[ 2021-03-11 18:48:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, here's a patch for the live version of Spaced Out! with a crash fix and a fix for mysterious energy creation that's been around since Spaced Out! went into Early Access. Enjoy!
- Updated Chinese, Russian and Korean translations
- The temperature simulation was not being updated correctly on certain worlds, which resulted in energy created from nothing.
- Orbital Cargo Module would not deliver cargo correctly to some worlds
- Prevent base game rocket modules from spawning in Spaced Out. This fixes a crash in some saves where an incorrect module had been added
- Attempt to "reconnect" rockets on load if any of their modules ever disappear.
[ 2021-02-23 20:03:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends! Here's some fixes we wanted to get to you before the weekend, enjoy and stay safe!
- Hooked up codex icons for aquatic and moo biomes.
- Move the Small Oxidizer Tank to the same tech as the Sucrose Engine since they're necessary for each other.
- Add the Large Oxidizer Tank and Scanner Module to the tech tree.
- Added a tooltip variation to the Fueled item in the launch checklist.
- Improved All crew boarded condition tooltip.
- Duplicants can now deliver resources to the Large Oxidizer Module
- Rockets would sometimes not notice they were ready (animations, button, etc) if the checklist was completed in a certain order.
- Under-construction rocket modules no longer appear to be constructed before they're finished.
- Crew are once again allowed to leave a rocket once it has landed (if the crew access is set to "All").
- Fixed rogue question marks on the starmap, as well as "landed" rockets appearing over planets.
- Fixed some worldgen failures related to the Water Moonlet.
- Fixed launch issue caused by having a warning state in All crew boarded condition.
[ 2021-02-19 18:24:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
Today we're bringing some more rocketry and space features out of testing. There are three major things to try out now!
The first is new conduit fittings for rocket interiors. These allow you to run plumbing directly between rocket storage modules and a rockets interior, allowing for more compact internal layouts, and a completely piped connection between ground infrastructure and internal infrastructure. This includes power, and there is even a new Battery Module to store power between the two systems.
Next, we've expanded the cluster by a couple of planetoids. Please welcome the Water Moonlet and Moo Moonlet to your happy little space family. The new addition of the Hydrogen Engine and Scanner Module will allow exploration out into these far reaches of space.
And finally, on these moonlets you're bound to find new sources of supermaterial components (or supermaterials themselves if youre lucky!). While we still have some work remaining before all base game content is available in the cluster system, this takes us one big step closer to completing that goal!
And with that it seems we've caught up with the edge of space, which means it's time to turn our attention back inward and see what we can discover on the planetoids of the cluster. Hm, what's that glowing green stuff?
Let us know how rockets and the new planetoids are working out for you in the feedback forums or filing bug reports. Thank you as always for your support and participation!
What's New and Improved?
- Added new Rocket Interior Fittings:
- Power Outlet Fitting
- Liquid Intake/Output Fittings
- Gas Intake/Output Fittings
- Conveyor Receptacle/Loader Fittings
- Added new modules and updated modules from base-game
- New Battery Module for rockets which stores excess power generated by a rocket engine or ground facilities. Provides stored power to Interior Rocket Outlets
- Rocket engines now generate some power while in flight
- New "Scanner Module" that will allow rockets to explore unexplored space and reveal tiles as they go
- Revealing tiles on the cluster map with a Telescope or Scanner Module "peeks at" other nearby tiles, giving hints as to where other planets might be
- Added Spaced Out! versions of the Hydrogen Engine and Liquid Oxidizer Tank
- Added CryoFuel Propulsion tech to the Research Screen
- New Battery Module for rockets which stores excess power generated by a rocket engine or ground facilities. Provides stored power to Interior Rocket Outlets
- Expanded on the cluster and its resources:
- Added new Moo Moonlet to Terra and Swamp Clusters
- Added new Water Moonlet to Terra and Swamp Clusters
- Add a new Resin Rooster point of interest. It will appear on newly generated Marshy Moonlets. (Art/Sound are work-in-progress)
- Added "Resin" material to the game. This is a precursor to Isoresin
- Added Graphite material and recipes to the game. This is a precursor to Fullerene
- Suit Durability is now a custom game setting
- In progress: New effects added to rocket modules to indicate when a rocket is ready to launch
[ 2021-02-18 18:09:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
The new year is upon us, and we've got our minds set on steadily moving Spaced Out! towards launch. Now that the DLCs major systems are in place, we're going to begin a new regular release cycle of testing and updates. Every 3 weeks we will take all the content and changes we've finished and make them live for everyone to try out! (And theres a testing branch for owners of Spaced Out! if you want to try the changes even sooner!)
First, we want to thank you for all the feedback you gave us over the holidays! This is the best part of Early Access for all of us: when the conversation flows in both directions. After combing the forums, it seemed like there were three really big things people wanted to see next for Spaced Out!: mod support, rocket progression on par with the base game, and a more fully realized cluster of asteroids that provides late game materials and sustainability.
Mod support was released a couple weeks ago and today's update irons out many of the kinks that came along with that.
As the major feature for this update, we've ported over a variety of the engines and storage modules from the base game to the new rocketry system, which will allow a wider range of rockets to be constructed, and access to more space destinations! The cluster destinations and materials are next on our list so watch for those improvements in the following updates. (And of course, there's all-new content in the works too!)
Additionally, we've reworked the Oxygen Mask system to work more like standard Atmo Suits, with lockers and checkpoints. Were also shuffling around the suit-making tech tree a bit. Finally, we're adding a durability system to all suits. This is to address a long-standing complaint that atmosuits were too easy to maintain once set up. Durability solves this in the ONI tradition, by adding an infrastructural aspect to them, rather than a single one-time cost.
Thanks again for being part of this conversation. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues in the bug forums, and thank you for your feedback during this Early Access period!
What's New and Improved?
Content and Features
- DLC versions of some rocket engines and modules from the base game.
- Added a new smaller Petroleum Engine.
- Balance pass on some rocket module key values (burden, engine power, engine efficiency, and capacity)
- Oxygen Masks reworked to function more like the previous suit implementations.
- Added Oxygen Mask Locker
- Added Oxygen Mask Marker
- Added Crafting Table (you craft Oxygen Masks here)
- Added Oxygen Mask tech item
- Deprecated old OxygenMaskStation building
- Added durability system for equippable suits (Oxygen Mask, Atmo Suit, Jet Suit).
- Added new intro Alert message
- Swamp starting area tiles changed from Sandstone to Sedimentary Rock to match what is found in the swamp.
- Worldgen borders now gradiate temperature between the adjacent biomes. This should prevent temperature "leakage" through Abyssalite. Note: doesn't fix biomes "spilling over" the borders.
- Fixed issue causing invisible lines in diagnostic/resource charts
- Fixed issue preventing diagnostic/resource charts from showing a full 5 cycle history
- Falling Dupes on the edges of worlds are teleported to a Printing Pod/Mini-Pod, Rocket Control Station, or center of the world
- Made rocket interior tiles invincible and non-replaceable
- Fixed Transmitter Receiver Duplicant interact sounds
- Hid Rover pivot symbol
- Disabled the Oversee Planetoid button until the world is discovered
- Sealed Suits now actually clear the "Soiled Suit" status effect when a suit is unequipped
- Worn out Jet Suits now drop remaining fuel in a bottle
- Fixed an issue with an ever growing diagnostic indicator dot in the world selector
- Fixed crash in some old saves with Yellowcake, which has been removed from the game
- Fixed crash that would occur when choosing destinations for rockets that had no passenger modules
- Fixed issue causing small oxidizer tank to have more capacity than intended (2700->300kg)
- Fix for oxygen masks crashing in resource screens
- Fix for crash caused by loading old Duplicant skill data
- Fixed crashes relating to entombed Rovers
- Fixed crash relating to resources screen displaying worn out suits
- Fix for startup crash when loading saves with discovered warp conduits
- Fix for Dupes not falling when digging underneath them.
- Oxidizer tank size and efficiency rebalance. Oxidizer tank capacities made generally smaller while oxidizer efficiency is higher
- Fertilizer: 100% efficiency,
- Oxylite 200% efficiency,
- Liquid Oxygen 400% efficiency
- Fixed issue causing all oxidizer efficiency variations to be ignored in range calculation
- Fixed issue sometimes causing rockets to miscalculate range by 1
- Large liquid fuel tank capacity slider begins at max instead of 0kg for new fuel tanks
- Fixed issue that allowed rockets to burn anything in place of their intended fuel type
- Fixed unit error in rocket range calculation tooltip
- Adjusted rocket launch checklist items for clarity
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed a bug where Duplicants would take suits from suit lockers to deliver them to other suit lockers
- Oxygen Masks are now made with metal ores
- Fixed issue with suits being made of Dirt
- Fixed crash that occurred when trying to camera focus on an out of bounds Duplicant
- Fixed more stranded rocket/misleading rocket range issues
- Rockets can no longer land on Rocket Platforms that are too close to space for them to fit
- Rocket land orders requested from Rocket Platform can now be cancelled
- Fixed crash that could occur when trying to land a rocket that was launching
- Duplicants can no longer be entombed when they are travelling in Transit Tubes
- Fixed a crash on Home Sweet Home victory
- Recipes that have researchable tech are now only visible after the research has been unlocked, after which point they will always be visible
- Renamed Porta-Pod "Mini-Pod"
- Swapped out more placeholder strings
- Worn out suits now have unique names & descriptions
- Updated Russian, Korean and Chinese strings
- Art and animation changes for solid/liquid/gas rocket port buildings
- New animations for when Duplicants and Rovers exit their landers
- Added Dupe interact states for the Mini-Pod
- Added idle states to Rover
- Added a missing Rover movement animation
- Added cap symbols to launchpad to make the connection with the conduit ports look better
- Updated the artwork for the Small Solid Oxidizer Tank
- Revised place art for the conduit ports
- Added a "worn_out" state to the suit and mask anims
- Main menu Dupe anim pass
- Conduit port load/unload animations
- Added art that changes the form factor of some small rocket modules when to bridge with wider modules in a more appealing way
- Minor art changes to the smaller Petroleum Engine
- Minor adjustment to some building art for better color blindness readability
- Fixed some issues with rocket port animations
- Updated artwork for the Payload Opener building
- Updated size bridging art for several rocket modules
- Visual updates to some rocket modules that were ported over from base game (large liquid fuel tank, large solid/liquid/gas cargo)
- Add sound for Teleporter Transmitter/Receiver Duplicant interacts
- Add sounds for Sweetle and Sweetle Larva
- Hooked up some Mini-Pod sounds
- Add sounds for Rocket Orbital Deploy Cargo Module
- Add Rover sound effects
- Add Grubfruit Plant sounds
- Added missing sound for the smaller Petroleum Engine
- Added New World Detected notification music
- Added Oxygen Mask Checkpoint sounds
- Removed flicker FX from the Rocket Platform light in the main menu - now a slow pulse
- Trailblazer and Rover modules now have a wireframe to indicate that construction has been requested
- Camera zooming should be smoother at low framerates and inconsistent framerates. Also, one "notch" of zoom is the same amount in both directions
- Modified place art for the Rocket Platform and conduit port buildings
- Added status item to Rocket Platforms with rockets that have no Spacefarer Modules
- Added liquid port for filling the smaller Petroleum Engine's internal fuel tank
- Small Solid Oxidizer Tank 3 to 5 wide module bridging art pass
- Removed integrated conduit ports on Large Solid/Liquid/Gas Cargo Modules
- Mods no longer crash if they have archived_versions but no versions of the mod support the current vanilla/DLC content. (Instead they just don't load)
- Game no longer crashes if there's a typo in mod_info.yaml. Instead logs an error if the mod is in the dev folder
- Moved the "Mover" and "Rover" ObjectLayers to the end of the ObjectLayer enum to prevent issues with mods
[ 2021-01-28 18:39:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, Alongside the Re-Rocketry Update for Spaced Out! we're releasing a small patch for the base version of the game. This addresses some issues related to mods that arose from the mod system upgrades earlier this month. Thanks to everyone (especially modders!) for the bug reports. Take care! Bugfixes
- Mods no longer crash if they have archived_versions but no versions of the mod support the current vanilla/dlc content. (Instead they just don't load.)
- Don't crash the game if there's a typo in mod_info.yaml (but log an error if the mod is in the dev folder)
- DlcManager is now in the same assembly and has the same interface in both trunk and expansion1.
[ 2021-01-28 18:39:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
Now that the new year is upon us, we've got our minds set on steadily moving Spaced Out! towards launch. With the major systems in place, we're going to begin a regular release cycle of testing and updates. Starting today, we're going to have a DLC branch open at all times that we update fairly frequently. Once every 3 weeks, we will stabilize the DLC test branch and then update the default branch of the game.
To say that a different way: DLC owners can join the test branch for frequent updates and lots of opportunities to provide feedback as features develop, or you can remain on the default branch and enjoy updates to the game every 3 weeks.
Today we're starting the public testing for our freshest content, which consists primarily of bringing many of the base game rocket modules and engines into Spaced Out!, increasing your rocketry options dramatically. (New space destinations will be coming in another update.)
Additionally, there's a large rework of the Oxygen Masks which makes them behave more like the existing suits, with lockers and checkpoints. We've also taken this opportunity to expand on the suit mechanics, by adding durability and repair to the suits. This means that there will be ongoing infrastructure required to maintain your fleet of suits rather than a single one-time cost.
As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues on the testing branch in the bug forums, and thanks for your feedback!
What does this testing branch contain so far?
Here are the changes we've made so far in this update, loosely categorized:
As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues on the testing branch in the bug forums, and thanks for your feedback!
What does this testing branch contain so far?
Here are the changes we've made so far in this update, loosely categorized: Content and Features
- DLC versions of some rocket engines and modules from the base game.
- Added new smaller petroleum engine.
- Balance pass on some rocket module key values (burden, engine power, engine efficiency, capacity)
- Oxygen Masks reworked to work more like the previous suit implementations.
- Added Oxygen Mask Locker
- Added Oxygen Mask Marker
- Added Crafting Table (you craft Oxygen Masks here)
- Added Oxygen Mask tech item.
- Deprecated old OxygenMaskStation building
- Added durability system for equippable suits.
- Added new intro Alert message
- Swamp starting area tiles changed from Sandstone to Sedimentary Rock to match what is found in the swamp.
- Worldgen borders now gradiate temperature between the adjacent subworlds. This should prevent temperature "leakage" through abyssalite. Note: doesn't fix subworlds "spilling over" the borders.
- Fixes
- Fixed issue causing invisible lines in diagnostic/resource charts
- Fixed issue preventing diagnostic/resource charts from showing a full 5 cycle history.
- Falling dupes on the edges of worlds are teleported to the telepad, rocket control station or center of world
- Made Rocket tiles invincible and non-replaceable
- Fixed Warp Portal Receiver duplicant interact sounds
- Hid Rover pivot symbol.
- Disabled Oversee Planetoid button until the world is discovered
- Sealed Suits now actually clear the "Soiled Suit" status effect when a suit is unequipped.
- Worn out jet suits now drop remaining fuel in a bottle.
- Fix for ever growing diagnostic indicator dot in world selector issue
- Fixed crash in some old saves with Yellowcake, which has been removed from the game.
- Fixed crash that would occur when choosing destinations for rockets that had no passenger modules
- Fixed issue causing small oxidizer tank to have more capacity than intended (2700->300kg)
- Renamed Porta-Pod "Mini-Pod"
- Swapped out more placeholder strings
- Worn out suits now have unique names & descriptions
- Updated strings for Korean and Russian
- Art and animation changes for solid/liquid/gas rocket port buildings
- New animations for when Duplicants and Rovers exit their landers.
- Added dupe interact states for the porta_pod.
- Added idle states to Rover
- Removed impact fx on hit state of critter and baby_critter
- Added a missing scoutbot movement animation
- Added cap symbols to launchpad to make the connection with the conduit ports look better.
- Updated the artwork for the rocket_oxidizer_tank_small
- Revised place art for the conduit ports
- added a "worn_out" state to the suit and mask anims
- Main menu dupe anim pass
- Conduit port load/unload animations
- added art that changes the form factor of some small rocket modules when to bridge with wider modules in a more appealing way.
- Add sound for warp conduit sender/receiver duplicant interacts
- Add sounds for Sweetle and Sweetle Larva
- Hooked up some portapod sounds
- Add sounds for Rocket Orbital Deploy Cargo Module
- Add Rover sound effects.
- Add Wormwood sounds
- Removed flicker fx from the launchpad light in the main menu. Now a slow pulse.
- Trailblazer and Rover modules now have a wireframe to indicate that construction has been requested.
- Camera zooming should be smoother at low framerates and inconsistent framerates. Also, one "notch" of zoom is the same amount in both directions.
- Modified place art for launchpad and conduit port buildings
- Added status item to launch pads with rockets that have no spacefarer modules
[ 2021-01-14 20:17:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Prevent a crash when upgrading installed mod data to the newest version
- The "archived_versions" folder now works correctly for mods distributed through steam
[ 2021-01-13 21:49:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Prevent a crash when upgrading installed mod data to the newest version
- The "archived_versions" folder now works correctly for mods distributed through steam
- Fix a crash trying to show the patch notes screen on launch
- Mod animations now load correctly and without crashing for Spaced Out!
[ 2021-01-13 21:49:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome back everyone and happy new year! We hope you had good, relaxing holidays. We've got two exciting pieces of news for you today!
Mod System Enabled for Spaced Out!
We've got a new patch that will release for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC, which will allow mods to control their compatibility with different versions of the game. With this update in place, we've turned mod loading back on for Spaced Out! If you're a modder, head over to this post to see all the details about modding for Spaced Out! For anyone using mods, know that while this doesnt automatically make your mods compatible with the DLC, it will now be possible for them to be updated. Please be patient while the modders work on these updates, and show them lots of appreciation for their hard work too! There are a few other mod fixes and tweaks along for the ride in this update as well, which are listed in the patch notes.
Regular Release Cycle Begins This Month
Finally, those of you running the DLC may notice that we've turned the countdown timer back on in the main menu. Our next release will be on January 28th, at which point we'll be going into steady 3-week releases from then on. There will be a testing period as usual before each release, but we want to do frequent updates so that we can iterate on your feedback more quickly than in the original ONI Early Access. The first testing period will begin in the next couple days, once we're sure this mod patch is stable. Fixes
- Turned mods back on
- Mod Screen now shows which mods are available for the current DLC configuration
- Reactivated the countdown timer on the main menu
- Move the DLC toggle button into the main menu buttons now that the countdown is active again
- Fix crash when entering an invalid int for Coordinates on Asteroid select
- Fixed crash hovering over Skills button while Trailblazer module descends on world without Duplicants
- Fixed typo preventing Sweetle eggs from being printed from care packages
- Fixed crash when Oil Well is deconstructed or melted
- Fix crash caused by running out of TagBits. This would happen in late-game bases, especially with mods
- Fixed crash when changing the Bottle Emptier to Sweep Only when a Duplicant has already picked up a bottle to deliver
- Relink Rocket Platform to stranded rockets when it is rebuilt. For older saves with this issue you will need to deconstruct and rebuild the Rocket Platform
- Duplicant portraits on the Skills Screen are no longer drawn outside the scrolling panel
- Remove debug logging for dupes using oxygen masks in space. It was bloating the log file causing a crash on Linux
- Mod Uploader now prevents uploading a mod that doesn't have mod_info.yaml
- Added a link to the forums at the top of the Mod Uploader window
- Translation mods are now loaded "as mods" rather than directly from steam workshop. This gives the possibility of loading translations locally (easier for developing these mods!) as well as installing translations on non-steam platforms via the "local" mods folder.
- Mods are now enabled per-DLC so that incompatible mods can be disabled in one case but re-enabled when back on a compatible DLC
- Cut down on some log spam by making certain messages only show up if a mod is in the dev folder
- Treat translation mods specially, and default them to ALL DLC combinations if no mod_info is found. This is to make a smoother transition as we roll out the mod_info stuff
- Removed support for archived_versions.yaml, now the archive system relies entirely on mod_info.yaml
[ 2021-01-13 17:59:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Here's a few final bugfixes for the year. Happy holidays and see you next year!
- Fixed rockets not refueling on landing when there are multiple rockets in space
- You can no longer deploy a Trailblazer module without first selecting a Duplicant
- Telescopes built inside rockets will update properly as the rocket moves around the cluster
- Clear Duplicant assigned buildings when a Dupe is deployed from a Trailblazer module. (e.g. bed, mess table inside rocket)
- Rover is well and truly kaput once its battery runs out and can't be revived by save/loading
- Rovers no longer try to deliver themselves as resources
[ 2020-12-22 19:09:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all, Thanks for all the feedback on the Terra start! There's lots of ongoing tuning to do here (and to the worlgen of the cluster as a whole) that will happen throughout EA. This patch, we are addressing the earliest game concerns of there just not being enough basic resources in the Sandstone start. (And fixing a bunch more crashes!) Take care!
- Further crash fixes for errands becoming invalid when rocket interiors are destroyed
- Fix crash when loading a save with active Yellow Alerts
- Invalid characters in a colony name no longer crash the game
- Fix a crash from building a rocket engine after a previous build was cancelled
- Fix crash when cancelling a warp portal teleport
- Increase early game resources (more comparable amounts to base game in the Sandstone biome)
- Prevent warp POIs from appearing on the Terra Moonlet surface
[ 2020-12-18 01:28:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
Today we're putting out a patch with new worldgen in it, allowing you to start on a version of the Terra Asteroid from the base game reimagined as a cluster of smaller worlds, as well as spreading some random geysers around both clusters. We still consider Terra to be the "Default" ONI experience and we're glad to be getting all the old biomes back into the game.
This will be the last content update before the holidays (not counting bug fixes), so I want to let you know a bit more about what's happening next in the new year. As always, this is not a complete roadmap for the entirety of the DLC (especially with regards to Radiation systems), just what we're looking at for the beginning of next year.
Continuing to Expand the Cluster
There's still a lot of work to do to worldgen and clustergen before Spaced Out! is ready for launch. We've been focusing on the three "core" Planetoids up until now, but are starting to turn our attention towards the outer Planetoids -- their design and resource distribution (especially making sure all resources are available and various paths to sustainability are supported). We'll need to see just how many there are and where they sit in the cluster map! Of course, in order to enable the gameplay around this, we'll be building out the next phase of rocketry. This includes porting over many of the original rocket modules to the new system, as well as adding a few new modules to deal with the new challenges of the cluster map. Getting the full breadth of gameplay into the cluster is our first goal, and a little bit later we'll add back in more randomization, traits, starts (including a "classic start" big world) and so forth.
Unifying Spaced Out! with the Base Game
We're making lots of quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes in Spaced Out!, and it's always been our plan to bring the two versions of the game together so that when someone is playing on the base version of Oxygen Not Included, they'll be playing on the latest and greatest version of the game, regardless of whether they own the DLC. However, because of the fundamental changes to the code that we've made for Spaced Out!, there's still a lot of work to do to make the two versions of the game unified. The result is that the base game is "frozen" on the old code, and some time in the future when the new code is ready to support both the DLC and the base game we will have a major update to the base game (with a proper preview period of course) to bring in all the new features. (This will also solve having to re-download the game when you switch DLC on and off.) Sometime before we launch, all players will be playing on the same version of the game, with DLC content and features being toggled on and off from the main menu.
We've been taking a closer look at getting mods going, but there are issues in both the modding pipeline and in mod installs between the base game and Spaced Out! that we won't be able to resolve in time for the holidays. Sometime after the holidays, we'll open a testing branch with fixes to the mod system. From that point on, modders will be able to use the "archive versions" in the mod system to allow both base game and DLC mods to exist in the same workshop download, and later on once the two versions of the game are unified, there will be an explicit setting in the mod config to allow supporting one, the other, either, or both versions of the game in the same download. Translation mods work a little differently, and our goal is to create a single .pot file which contains all possible strings for both the base game and DLC. Translators will be able to just translate the Spaced Out! version of the template and it will work in all versions of the game. Until then, it will be necessary to have two versions of the translation in the workshop to deal with incompatibilities.
And Beyond!
This is not a complete roadmap, but there have been a lot of specific questions in the forums that we wanted to provide answers to before we take a break. We'll continue updating you about our goals as we continue updating the game, and as always: Thank you so much for your feedback, bug reports, and suggestions! If youre interested in a light outline of the future plans for Spaced Out!, you can check out the early access launch post. Talk to you next year.
Patch Notes for 445375
- Added Terra Cluster as a new starting option
- Switched Terra Cluster to be first in the list
- Added some random geysers to the inner cluster non-start worlds
- Added a new Liquid Sulfur Geyser
- Added Plug Slugs and Sweetles to care packages
- Changed the composition of the barren biome in the Swamp starting planetoid, and added volcanoes
- Re-added the Early Access message at the beginning of the game
- First pass planetoid description/name revisions
- New art hooked up on the cluster select screen
- Fix crash when entering an invalid number for Coordinates on the cluster select screen
- Another crashfix for when habitat modules are destroyed
[ 2020-12-15 18:38:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello all! A bunch of crash fixes, as well as some worldgen fixes in today's patch. Enjoy!
- Remove two unrevealed tiles from the cool salt water geyser POI
- Add sound to Plug Slugs
- Got rid of some unnecessary tag animation for Plug Slugs
- Clicking the "New printables!" notification selects each printer/pod in turn, rather than directly opening the printing screen. This was causing things to be printed on the starting colony regardless of where the player was
- Having an inactive Porta Pod on another planetoid no longer halts the Printing Pod's progress
- Rovers can't use massage tables, they are only for squishy things
- Fix crash if a Duplicant dies while warping. Now they'll just fall out
- Fix crash where some cluster generations were getting invalid planetoid locations
- Updated Chinese strings
- Fix crash when placing buildings out-of-bounds
- Fix crash when there is an active errand in a rocket on rocket destruction
- Renamed "High Velocity Payload" to "Interplanetary Payload"
- Clarified Sublimation Station description based on its current function
- Swapped out more placeholder strings
- Fix surface fog-of-war on all worlds
- Idle diagnostic is now muted by default
- Diagnostic pin/mute settings are now preserved through save/load
- Fixed line rendering issues in several UI screens
- Increased collision box of Bog Jelly
- Fix crash when opening the patch notes
- Add another exclusive trait pair, "Beside Manner" and "Unempathetic"
- Fixed possible crash when deconstructing habitat module
- Fixed issue where worlds in some seeds spawned with only one or two biome types
- Added Porta-Pod, Payload Emptyer, and Rocket Control Station to the tech tree
- Reverted some accidental font changes in minion/care package select panels
- Swapped the artwork of the gas and solid ports on the Payload Emptier
- Fix dark colorstyle intended for load screen
- Add icons to the load game details screen
- Allow rockets to travel the final tile when they have exactly enough fuel left, rather than them being stranded with 1 tile range remaining
- Increased the mob density of many creatures and plants across the cluster planets.
- Added a "crust" to several worlds to prevent upper biomes leaking into space.
- Moved outer ring planets in SwampStartCluster.yaml to rings 5 & 6 so they will be accessible until we add later tech rocket engines
- Updated rocket port building descriptions
- Show an icon/tooltip on a Spaced Out save
- Colonies from the wrong version of the game are shown disabled in the load screen.
[ 2020-12-10 21:16:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, what a whirlwind it is to launch something, let me tell you! We just wanted to get this one fix out right away because it fixes a worldgen issue. (Another fix snuck in too!) Have fun and thanks for all your support!
- Fixed issue where worlds in some seeds spawned with only one or two biome types. This fix only applies when a new game is started, so clusters generated prior to this patch will still be affected by the bug.
- Fix crash when opening the patch notes.
[ 2020-12-08 21:31:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
Brace yourselves, a brand new Oxygen Not Included DLC has just landed in Early Access! Presenting:
Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out!
In Spaced Out! you'll spearhead space missions to new and undiscovered Planetoids, transport resources between bases, and manage multiple worlds on the fly to build a bustling megacolony that not only survives, but hopefully, thrives. Over the past months we've been working hard to implement the core systems of Spaced Out! and tackle the major technical and design challenges that the DLCs new multi-world gameplay brings. We're now at the point where the systems are ready to have content and refinement built on top of them. Working on content with the community was a blast during the original Oxygen Not Included early access, and wed like to collaborate with you again on Spaced Out! The starting price for the DLC will be $12.99USD and will require ownership of the base game Oxygen Not Included. The final launch price has not been determined, but will likely be higher to reflect the growing size of the game. This DLC is in Early Access and that means it's a work-in-progress! Come join us! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1452490/Oxygen_Not_Included__Spaced_Out/
What to Expect
Here's what you can expect to find in Spaced Out! so far:
- New Multi-World Gameplay![The Starmap and space program have been completely redesigned to allow you to span your Duplicant civilization across multiple planetoids, each with their own resources to contribute.
- Brand New Starting World! The Swamp start, along with its supporting biomes, provides a new, different mixture of resources to exploit as you nurture your fledgling colony.
- Mid-Game Rocketry! The rocket mechanics have been completely redesigned to make rocketry part of your colony's core infrastructure, rather than just an end-game goal.
- Rocket tech is easier to research and is more integrated with the rest of the tech tree.
- The surface of the starting planetoid is a lot less hostile, and new early-game tech is being added to ease the transition into space.
- Multi-Colony UI Improvements! The Diagnostics side panel and redesigned Resources screen have been expanded to manage your attention across planetoids.
Future Plans (Not Ready Yet!)
Spaced Out is still in development. We've got a solid foundation with features listed above, and here's some planned systems and improvements that will be coming in the following months. You will not find these in Spaced Out just yet:
- Radiation/Nuclear Systems: We've put lots of work into the underlying mechanics of this system already, although its still not quite at a point where we're ready to test and receive feedback on it. Radiation systems should become available for testing later in Early Access, once the existing features and systems are in good shape.
- Late-Game Planetoids and Rocketry: There's still a lot of content to make for this DLC, and we feel it's important to focus on the early and mid game content first.
- Rare Resources and Global Sustainability: We have plans for how we want to distribute geysers, resources, and other sustainable solutions in the late game, but are holding off on expanding on these ideas until we feel comfortable with the early and mid game content.
- Mods:We currently have mods disabled to ensure that the feedback we're getting is specific to the content and balance that currently exists in the game and to reduce unrelated bug reports. As Spaced Out! becomes more stable and gets closer to final release, we'll turn mods back on.
Early Access Timelines and Release
As always, we're dedicated to making a great game and not rushing things out the door, and we want to make sure that you all have a chance to help with the development of this game. We're developing Spaced Out in Early Access, as we did with the Oxygen Not Included base game. We'll be putting out regular updates to add additional content to the DLC and working towards its release. We will be releasing a new roadmap shortly after Early Access launch once we gather initial feedback from players.
Any support for Mac / Linux?
Yes, Mac and Linux are supported, though if you encounter any issues please let us know in the bug forums!
What do I do if I find a bug or crash?
For crashes you can send us a message using the in-game crash reporter. Bugs can be posted in the bug forums, and are most helpful when they include a log. The sooner you let us know about an issue, the sooner we can fix it for you and get the game working again!
Can I load up an existing base game save in Spaced Out?
No, saves from the DLC and base game are not compatible with each other. You will need to start a new colony when you begin Spaced Out, and wont be able to load any colonies played in Spaced Out back in the base game.
What if I want to go back to the base game?
You can manage the DLC using your Steam library the same as other games, or use the toggle in the corner of the main menu. Note that the DLC is not enabled by default because it is still in early access. Mods are disabled in the DLC but will still be available in the base game while you are participating in the Early Access.
[ 2020-12-08 17:44:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out! Coming to Early Access!
With that, we are excited to announce that Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! will enter Steam Early Access on December 8th! The starting price for the DLC will be $14.99usd and will require ownership of the base game Oxygen Not Included. The final launch price has not been determined, but will likely be higher to reflect the growing size of the game. Once again, thanks for all your feedback and excitement - See you on December 8th!
Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out!
The Duplicants are back again, and this time they're ready to rebuild their colonies from the mysterious remains of a planet torn asunder! In Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! you'll spearhead space missions to new and undiscovered Planetoids, transport resources between bases, and manage multiple worlds on the fly to build a megacolony that not only survives, but hopefully, thrives. New Multi-World Gameplay Put your colony management skills to the test by juggling the needs of Duplicants in multiple colonies simultaneously. Switch between planets in real time and secure rare resources on other worlds to supply your home base. Expanded Rocketry Customize new modular rockets to your liking, then explore the expanse of space with the newly overhauled Starmap. Huge expansions to the Research Tree provide new mid-game Rocketry options, giving your Duplicants an edge in the asteroid space-race. New Critters Get acquainted with some new fuzzy friends - if you're nice, they might help you out around the colony! New Resources, Biomes, Tech and More: Tons of new biomes to explore, tech to research, and resources to mine. There's a whole new universe out there - discover it all in Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!
[ 2020-12-01 22:25:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by ipsquiggle on the official forums.
Hi friends!
Were making good progress on the DLC, which will be going into Early Access in December! In the meantime, we've got an update for the base version of Oxygen Not Included: The long requested Cloud Saves!
This is something weve wanted to implement for a while, and we want to get this update out before Early Access starts as it will help support the coming DLC infrastructure. So this is a fairly small update to the game, consisting of basically just this new feature. (We did manage to squash a few bugs too!)
Additionally, this update includes upgrades to both the game engine and audio engine we're using to develop the game. This won't have much impact on you as the player, but it's a technical hurdle we needed to jump over to ensure the ongoing health of the game in the future.
Thanks as always for your support and feedback! Though we may not have been as active in the forums lately, we still read constantly and deeply appreciate all the kind words, amazing colonies, and fascinating discussions that go on here. You're the best!
Features and New Improvements
Cloud saves
- Cloud saves have been enabled! Use the new buttons on the Load Game screen to move your saves for cloud syncing
- Automatic save file migration to one-folder-per-colony:
- New save file migration window reorganizes save files into one folder per colony
- Auto Save deleting policy is now per colony, i.e 10 max auto saves for each colony
- New Colony list on load screen, where selecting a colony enters a second page to view the associated saves within it
- Added a "Default to Cloud" option in game options, and a Save To Cloud setting per colony
- Choosing "Sync ALL to cloud/local" will also update the default
- Load screen has an indicator to show how to start using cloud saves. (Goes away after 5 appearances, or after the user clicks on the button.)
- Oil Well now dumps and takes damage from incorrect liquids, rather than storing them and getting blocked
- Oil Well now has better logic to keep it from getting stuck pumping if something goes wrong with it
- Fix Petroleum Generators from getting stuck if they're supplied with mixed fuels, now they seamlessly change over
Systems and Simulation
- Fixed partial heat transfer increasing energy and flaking fountain
- Fixed Fish Feeder flaking
- Fixed both Heavi-Watt Wire Bridges from flaking and doubling mass on melt
- One cell buildings should no longer flake when melting
- Clarified Petroleum Generator description
- Fixed artifacts not being generated if they are the last artifact of a tier
- Fixed power networks sometimes becoming overloaded when they are exactly at their power limit
UI and Text
- Fixed scaling issues for anims in the UI (notably, Duplicant portraits at high resolutions)
- "More Info" on the error includes the actual error message in addition to the stack trace
- Enlarged the clickable area to close message notifications so that it's easier to dismiss them
- Clarified level up notification
- "Save As" dialog now shows saves (not auto saves). Also inserts the save name and selects it
- Updated localization strings for Chinese, Korean, Russian languages
- Small style changes to the new game and load game buttons in the main menu
- Removed the Sushi entry from the Database codex as it was removed from the game long ago
- Daily Reports screen no longer crashes when hovering the domestic critter tooltip
- Batch symbol override assignments to avoid call overhead, saves 2-3% of frametime
- Remove duplicate entries in Offsets, saves 1-2% of frame in fetch cost calculations
- Push back sort order for Assignable-related chore preconditions, saves 5-6% frametime
- Replace ArrayRefs in ScenePartitioner with HashSet for 5% frametime savings
- Small optimization to Symbol Override system ~.5% frametime by removing unnecessary data copying
- Small optimizations to Symbol Override system ~2% of frametime by changing the way we look up symbols and removing some debugging
- Facegraph optimization, saves about 1.5% frametime on Dupe stress test
- Optimized the way Dupes think about toilets. Saves about 4% of frametime for colonies with many Dupes
- Further optimizations to toilet selection. Can have huge benefits for large numbers of Dupes and toilets: ~20% of the frame on a Dupe stress-test colony
Filesystem and Backend
- When deleting a save, now tries to remove the png as well
- When removing files, now tries to remove the empty folder
- Upgraded to Unity 2019.4.14
- Upgraded FMOD to 2.01.05
- Mods
- Fixed bug in Mod "archived_versions", causing failures for archived versions of mods downloaded from the Steam Workshop
- Mods: Error message when failing to load a building now specifies the name of the building and the mod that it comes from
[ 2020-11-25 21:29:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Just a small patch before the weekend to fix a couple crashes. Have a good one!
- Fix crash if a SweepyDock is destroyed while Sweepy is trying to charge
- Fix crash when changing temperature units in the main menu
- Fix crash on some Windows systems when loading the game
- Decrease the brightness of Insulated Pipes / Insulated Vents. The prior color was making certain elements hard to see, notably Oxygen
[ 2020-07-10 18:35:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted on the official forums by Ipsquiggle
Hi friends!
Can you believe Summer is here already? This Spring has really flown by! And now it's time for another patch.
This update features fixes for some nasty heat creation/deletion issues as well as a fix for the "stuck digging forever" bug that's plagued us for years. More overlays are supported in the color blind modes, as well as a Storage-Compactor-full of other small fixes.
The team has been mostly focused on DLC development (have you seen the new roadmap?), but we still want to make sure that the released version of the game keeps improving. We couldnt do that without all the help you give us by reporting bugs and providing feedback, so please keep it coming!
As always, thank you all so much for your support and excitement. It's so encouraging to us to see everyone collaborating on complex designs, helping each other solve the smallest and largest problems, and continuing to dream about the future of this game together with us!
Color blind modes improvement
- Crop Overlay now supports alternate color sets
- Power Overlay now supports alternate color sets, and "Generator" icons are brighter for each mode
- Rooms Overlay now supports alternate color sets. There are too many colors used in this mode to effectively find excellent colours for each mode, so colors have been chosen to focus on making the most common rooms feel distinct from one another
- Germ Overlay now supports alternate color sets
- Harvest Tool Overlay now supports alternate color sets
- Temperature Overlay and Thermal Comfort Overlay now support alternate color sets
- Timer Sensor's copy settings now copies elapsed time and whether it is in cycles mode or not
- Ice Maker is now overheatable like other production buildings
- Sweepy's Dock is now overheatable
- When a Hammer strikes Automation Wire/Automation Ribbon, it will correctly read the length of the wire/ribbon now
- Sauna no longer requires steam in pipes to operate, only that there is sufficient steam in storage
- Liquid and Gas Reservoirs no longer round the amounts of their contents before testing logic levels. Fixes a bug where they would activate when they were "close" to the activation amount
- Transit Tube corner animations have been made all the same length
- Transit Tube corner animations play faster so that Duplicants maintain consistent speed
- Ore Scrubber no longer requires chlorine in its pipe to work, only in its storage. It also shows a red status icon when it has insufficient mass in storage.
- Skill Scrubber now has a higher priority class, which should help the dupes head there without ignoring it
- Critter Feeder, Fish Feeder, and Lure are now Ranching Supply errands instead of Storage
- Partial fix for Wind Tunnel requiring gas underneath to function
- Outhouse now handles dirt correctly. Dirt is consumed per usage (13kg), Polluted Dirt output now includes Dirt used (6.7kg -> 19.7kg). Dirt is not destroyed on clean (it's dropped with the Polluted Dirt), and is not returned in full on deconstruct. A full supply of dirt is required to become usable after cleaning
- Copy Settings correctly updates the flow rate for liquid and gas valves
Duplicants and Critters (and Robot)
- Prevent fetch errands from putting items in storage that were never requested. This is a partial fix for "buildings with weird stuff inside them."
- Sweepy now correctly starts and stops charging if the dock becomes powered/unpowered while Sweepy is trying to charge
- CO2 puffs exhaled by Duplicants will no longer teleport their CO2 upwards when released inside a non-breathable space. Instead they will try to find a nearby CO2, breathable, or other gas cell to release into.
- Fix Critter Feeder storage errand type to be Ranching Supply instead of Storage
- Duplicants no longer emit CO2 puffs into a cell different than the one they were standing in. This prevents them from injecting CO2 into rooms that would be otherwise air-tight/unbreathable
- Duplicant breath effects now match the actual mouth position and facing of the Duplicant. No more exhaling from the middle of the back!
- Duplicants no longer regain "Mourning" status if there is a dead Duplicant when the game loads
- Balloon Artists now have a status item during their Joy Reaction
Systems and Simulation
- Fix partial melting/partial evaporation heat calculations. Energy used should be the energy required, not the difference of what's available
- Fix solid flaking temperature deletion. Uses the actual energy required for the melt, as well as the SHC of the transition element
- Fix gas temperature swapping heat loss
- Fix bug where Auto Sweepers' storage was growing unbounded, but not delivering contents
- Unfortunately this reverts the fix to the bug where sweepers drop their contents on load - our delivery system requires this, for the time being
- The seed chance bonus from the Agriculture skill was only being applied at 1/100th strength. Now a 3% increased chance actually means a 3% increased chance. (This is on top of the base 10% chance any crop plant has of producing a seed)
- Fix a case where "ghost bottles" would appear outside of buildings
- Fix meteors depositing regolith on the wrong side of thin walls
- Fixed the melting temperature of solid Methane
- Duplicants and Robo-Miners should no longer infinitely dig. Please let us know if you see any new oddness with digging.
UI and Text
- Resources panel should no longer flicker and possibly crash the game when resources change at low framerates
- Fixed vertical wind tunnel description
- Fixed Puft Prince description
- Fixed the Arbor Tree incorrectly stating that it had a seed drop chance. Pips must be utilized to get extra Arbor Seeds
- Significantly reduce wait time when a crash occurs with mods present
- Conveyors show the proper names of contents, rather than always showing their element (e.g. Genetic Ooze)
- Renamed the baby Pokeshell's molt to Small Pokeshell Molt. This makes it more clear in the various lists and screens where the molts can show up and fixes the functionality of the Conveyor Element Sensor
- Fix the Vitamin Chews saying they have no effect, when their effect is, in fact, 0.5
- Microchips and Micronutrient Fertilizer items will group into a single item when on the ground
- Fix drag tools (i.e. pipes, cancel) not stopping when clicking near UI
- Light overlay color is more vivid so it matches color choices of other overlays and is easier to read lower light-levels
- When hovering over a Wire, its current load will only be colored "strained" if its potential load is higher than its max load
- "Underway" text on starmap screen is now localizable
- Duplicant age in Bio panel is now localizable
- Duplicant age once again counts correctly.
- Insulated pipes/vents are now blue in the Plumbing/Ventilation overlay, rather than orange, to differentiate them more from radiant pipes/vents
- As well, duplicant "printed" cycle is correct instead of decreased by one.
- Update strings for Chinese, Korean, and Russian
[ 2020-07-07 18:02:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
We last touched base in February where we announced that we're working on a DLC. Shortly after that, we put out another free Content Pack in March... and then a global pandemic hit and work from home began. At that point we decided it was best for the team to refocus their efforts on the new systems and content of the DLC, while putting out semi-regular bugfix patches for the released version of the game. Since then, we've put out our May patch and now our July patch -- releasing in a few days! (And finally fixed infinite digging, I might add!)
New Systems: There are 3 major new features:
- Multiple colonies on multiple asteroids running simultaneously! From lonely mining outposts to thriving hubs of industry, each world can contribute to sustainability across your civilization.
- A new radiation simulation and overlay, with conduit-like infrastructure to harness it for science and industry! We're adding this as a new fundamental system with integrations into many parts of a successful colony.
- Space gameplay has been reimagined. Space destinations are now actual playable asteroids which can be landed on and settled. Rockets themselves are now easier to launch, more interesting to control, and have a deeper role to play by providing infrastructure between asteroids.
- New Content: While the majority of the new content will of course be in service of the new systems, we're also adding a new start biome, and multiple new biomes throughout the asteroid cluster with their own critters, plants, and resources to discover and integrate into your colony.

What about Vanilla?
The base game, which you currently own, will also see a large update when the DLC is released! Bug fixes, UI improvements, balance and tuning improvements, and base-game content updates will be synchronized across all versions of the game. So even if you choose not to play with the DLC, we're working to improve your experience as well!
We're going to get the DLC into your rubber-gloved-hands some time this year. The fallout from Covid19 has really altered our estimates and shifted our priorities, so we're not going to make a more specific promise than that. As we get closer to the big moment, we'll be sure to give you more updates!
In Summary
Most of the team has been hard at work staying safe and developing the new DLC, even while we've continued to fix issues and performance on the released version of the game. We are adding new fundamental systems so we're taking the time to make sure we get them right, and especially working to integrate them well into the existing gameplay for all players to enjoy. We're as excited as you are to be playing the game with these new features in it, and can't wait until it's complete! Thank you from the bottom of our cardiovascular systems for all your support, suggestions, encouragement and enthusiasm, which has got us this far. Onward!
[ 2020-07-03 19:47:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted on the official forums by Ipsquiggle. Hey friends! We're putting out another hotfix on the live version of the game today! We've knocked out a bunch of recently introduced bugs, cleaned up and expanded some of the new features from the Automation Pack, and added a lot of refinement to the way crashes and mods are handled. Additionally, there's a new color blindness mode which can be selected from the options menu. Read all about it and leave comments on this post! I'd also like to mention that like many other teams, the ONI team has been affected by the transition to working from home. We're not sure yet how this is going to affect our future releases, but we're glad to provide this weird pee simulator to amuse you during these times and we're going to keep making it better! We're still here and still working hard to improve the game, so please report bugs and leave feedback for us. Thank you!
Features and Changes
- Add Protanopia and Deuteranopia color blindness modes.
- Added Feedback button below patch notes as shortcut to feedback options.
- Mod and Crash Screen Improvements:
- Mods Screen button says "Browse" instead of "Subscription" for local mods. Hitting the button always opened a folder to the local directory, now the text matches that
- Hook up new art for crash report screen
- Enable/Disable all mods button on ModsScreen
- Errors encountered while mods are installed will now bring up an error dialog.
- Fix localization on the error screen
- Error screen now has a "MORE INFO" button that reveals the callstack, and a copy to clipboard button
- Mods referenced in the stack trace will be disabled by default (unless they are dev mods).
- Disable mods that are non-dev mods when they fail to load, even if other mods are dev mods. This was causing infinite loops for mod creators when a mod was crashing that had nothing to do with what they were developing
- Mods can be disabled or enabled directly on the error screen.
- Under the hood, Timer Sensor now counts Logic Ticks rather than Time.time, which will make them more accurate and better at staying in sync with each other.
- Counter Sensor improvements:
- Add "Advanced Mode" toggle to Counter sidescreen. Advanced Mode performs a % on the count, rather than a direct comparison, allowing for actual binary counting.
- Advanced Mode: sends a Green Signal only for one logic tick, rather than continuously.
- Standard Mode: After its initial 0, Counter Sensor sidescreen displays its count as "10" rather than 0.
- Counter sidescreen visual polish.
- Improved counter's reset behavior to be more reliable.
- Added some new hammer strike sounds
- New logic gate sounds, changes and remixing
- Sweepbot Station contents are always marked for clearing - similar to user marked sweeps on floor ore. This allows their storage priority to be set right on the Sweepbot Station
- Notifier sidescreen now has tooltips for the three notification types.
- New !! icon for VERY BAD notifications
- OR and XOR gate backpieces shaped to look more like their symbols.
- Add Copy Settings button to Signal Switch, Power Switch, Ribbon Reader, Ribbon Writer.
- Counter Sensor description updated to make it more clear that it resets on the next signal after reaching max count.
- Add localized string for "Reported Error" confirmation dialog
- Ore chunks show their element description if necessary in Sweepy/receptacle side screens. Player visible debug message removed.
- Revised description of the Feedback window
- If world generation fails it displays an error message instead of continuing to selecting starting Duplicants
- World generation will no longer retry with a new seed if a seed fails. This means that errors in worldgen will cause failures instead of silently changing the seed in the background.
- Fixed world generation failing on some seeds resulting in a world filled with Abyssalite. This was reported primarily on Volcanea Asteroids but it could happen on any asteroid type with world traits.
- Note: due to the combination of the above two fixes, a small number of seeds have been changed where previously that seed would fail on the first try and then succeed. This will not affect the vast majority of seeds.
- Medical Cot severity slider requirement default is set to 70%.
- Further fixes for constructions getting dragged around during autosave and when the Notifier triggers
- Fixed building toggle errands not being saved.
- Fix rocket module meters not matching the offset of their parent module
- Fix crash when deconstructing a tile
- Counter Sensor defaults to the "off" anim state when first built.
- Counter Sensor no longer sends Green Signal for its initial "zero" state, making daisy-chaining possible without requiring to reset.
- Copy Settings works correctly for Liquid Reservoirs and Gas Reservoirs
- Signal Switch and Circuit Switch sidescreens now scale correctly with UI scaling.
- Signal Switch now initializes in the right animation based on whether it's on or off, instead of always defaulting to off.
- Signal Switch no longer says it requires Duplicant operation.
- Control Inputs on the Signal Selector/Signal Distributor now only read from the first bit of an Automation Ribbon.
- Canister emptier no longer shares auto-bottle strings with bottle emptier
- When paused, multiple Signal Switches/Circuit Switches can be toggled at a time, and general improvements to the functionality of the player controlled toggle sidescreen.
- Automation Ribbon Bridges now correctly de-tint if they are offscreen when the Automation Overlay is closed
- Light audio mix and performance fixes around creatures
- Fixed issue allowing for 2 Sweepys to be produced for the same base station
- MOTD strings can now be translated by Language Mods
- Sweepy fixes:
- Refined metal for sweepy production will no longer be cleared from the Sweepy base station as if it were swept clutter. This should fix some infinite delivery loops with the sweepy station.
- Improved Sweepy status item when trapped
- Fixed empty status item for Sweepy. Added status items for common states. Added placeholder string to base station description to describe emptying behavior.
- Fixed the dying animation sometimes being interrupted by the idle animation.
- Fixed bug allowing Sweepy to magically change the temperature of things swept.
- Fix some instances of dupes still carrying on conversations after death.
- Fix crash when a dupe greets another dupe right as they're dying.
- A couple fixes for trying to retrieve the schedule of a dead dupe.
- Fix crash when a critter dies right before they get wrangled.
- Fix crash when a building or plant is destroyed while its room is being updated.
- Fix achievement crash for very old saves.
- Fix retry-loop when a translation mod becomes enabled somehow.
- Prevent softlock when a modal dialog is rendering behind the crash report screen.
- Separate limits for sliders and text input fields in sandbox tools. Should allow very negative heat gun values and prohibit <1 brush size values.
- Sandbox brush size limited to 50
- Sandbox settings revert to default settings if the saved data is not applicable (update IDs loaded in base game). Mass, temperature, and brush radius values are better clamped.
- Further fix for refunding secondary materials from construction when a building is replacing itself
- Tweaks to the Reader/Writer and Ribbon art to overlap better and display the proper animations
- Wheezewort description updated
- Sweepy Recharge description updated
- Fixed blank status item for Sweepy moving to charging station
- Make "Infinity" and "-Infinity" translatable.
- Add closing color tag to privacy policy description
- Fix sandbox backup save file path on non-Windows machines
- Potentially fix broken "Browse Log Files" link for Linux
- Fix color for red duration tooltip on Timer details screen
- Hover tooltips properly use selected color mode for logic description strings
- Duplicants can no longer get the "Pacifist" trait if they have a Digging interest. This prevents the bug where their stats would reroll if they ever had both Digging interest and Pacifist.
- Door toggle buttons once again animate while waiting for a Duplicant to perform the action
- Remove duplicate "Tutorial: Scheduling" entry from the codex
- Fix typo in Pip codex entry
- Weight plates now properly detect when an element solidifies directly on top of them
- Fix crash when creature dies while it's laying an egg
- Also cleanup the inactive egg left in the scene
- Fix old hack that had sweepers always drop their contents on load. This was to stop them from putting their current contents into an unrelated fetch. Now the arm drops everything only if its new fetch doesn't match the current request
- Fix unrelated entities taking on mass when combining same elements on a cell
- Fix crash when a sweeper has to drop an item
- Fix Counter not changing output signal when receiving reset signal
- Fix inconsistent Timer Sensor behaviour dependent on framerate
- This will reset all timer sensors for save files currently on the preview branch.
- Fix strange input if a mouse button was clicked twiced in a frame. This caused the area measurement numbers to stick around, "phantom" constructions, and other oddities.
- Properly load localized string keys for Sweepy status messages
- Fixed Auto-Sweepers sometimes dropping their contents before their errand was actually finished
- Removed validations in our arrays which were were taking up over 5% of the frame
- Minor optimize to ConduitFlow
- Bridge optimizations save about 3% of the frame when a steady stream of elements are passing through conduit bridges
- Reduce memory usage during save:
- State Machines don't allocate extra memory
- Compress save data directly into the filestream instead of using a separate buffer
- Move our serialization of the Sim directly into our primary buffer
- Estimate our deserialization buffer capacity based on last load or save
- Save ~1% frame time when setting animation symbol overrides
- Reduce memory usage when saving numbers. And there are a lot of numbers in this game...
- Reduce memory usage for writing out encoded strings
- Reduce Report Manager memory usage while saving
- Slight improvement to the speed of the algorithm for fetch errands
- Slight improvement to the speed of data lookup for fetch errands
- Added hooks to LogException in KMonoBehehaviour's try-catches for mod support
- Removed IEffectDescriptor; in every case except one it just deferred to the game object anyways, so no reason to inject the BuildingDef. This makes all effect descriptors use the same interface, simplifying things.
- Support archived versions for mods
- This will allow modders in the future to publish versions of their mod simultaneously for the testing and release builds. There's no immediate changes to be made right now. However, next patch this can be used to update mods on the Testing branch without breaking them for Release players!
- The "current" most up-to-date version of the mod continues to live in the root folder of the mod as always.
- Archived/previous versions of the mod can be moved into an 'archived_versions' folder, and their last good version specified in a top-level file called 'archived_versions.yaml'. Its structure looks like this:
- archivedVersions:
- relativePath: archived_versions/0
lastWorkingBuild: 10000
- relativePath: archived_versions/1
lastWorkingBuild: 10001
[ 2020-05-06 17:59:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix a crash where animations could be invalid when a Duplicant finished working at a building Fix a crash when a Duplicant leaves a Tourist Module on rocket landing
[ 2020-03-17 19:36:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the official forums. Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that we really appreciate the bug reports and feedback you leave for us. Though the game has been officially released, we have been and will continue to put out patches with fixes and quality-of-life improvements. There are some fixes to new content we didn't get into this patch for stability reasons, but we're continuing to improve the game and will get those fixes into a later update! For the whole story be sure to read the roadmap.
[Game Update] - 399090
- Solid Conveyor Filter no longer gets "stuck" if an ore sublimates and sends an empty box to the filter
- Fix the Conveyor Element Sensor and Conveyor Shutoff being "one tick behind".
- Fix to Sweepy's sleep sounds
- AND gate audio added
- Some automation sound volumes adjusted
- Fix crash in Element sensors when an object is destroyed while in the conduit
- Update Chinese strings
- Logic Gate animations are now Played, not Queued, since they are all much quicker. Prevents the animations from playing continuously even after a signal has stabilized.
[ 2020-03-11 19:04:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix crashes in certain tile/wire replacement situations
- This reverts the change that fixed the bug where replacing a tile with two materials would only refund the primary material
- Changed message text in the new automation ports popup when loading a save
- Send a clearable notification message for each building where a wire is connected to a new automation port (only shows in saves that haven't been "upgraded" yet)
- Art updates for NOT gate
- Fixed sweepy base station rest animation layering issue
- Shortened the animation length for Signal Selector / Splitter for more responsiveness
[ 2020-03-06 19:38:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=D9N3CRrrkfE;full][/previewyoutube] Hello friends! Today we're releasing a new free content pack, Bahni's Automation Innovation Pack, available automatically as part of the game! This includes several new sensors and automation buildings, as well as improvements and bugfixes to many of the existing automation buildings. These new tools will let you increase the effectiveness of your automated contraptions, improve your control and awareness of colony operations, and maybe even let you express your creative side. To help you get started on this computer-controlled journey, we've introduced Sweepy, a sweet robot caretaker to help you keep your floors tidy and dry! Not the brightest little bot, but it'll get the job done. And of course we're continuing to hack away at bugs and work on performance. In case you missed it, we posted a new Roadmap a few weeks ago that explains what's been happening and what will be happening with ONI over the next little while, please check it out. Thank you as ever for your feedback and bug reports, we appreciate them so much! New Features and Notable Changes
- New Automation Sensors
- Counter Sensor
- Timer Sensor
- Wattage Sensor
- Conveyor Rail Sensors
- New Automation Ribbon allows sending up to 4 signals along a single tile
- Ribbon Writer and Ribbon Reader convert single-signal wire to ribbon
- Mixing single wires and ribbons causes a signal overload
- Signal Selector and Signal Distributor for automation routing
- New Automation output buildings
- Pixel Pack
- Hammer
- Notifier
- Updated artwork for Automation Gates to make their function more concrete
- New Sweepy Bot and Sweepy Dock
- Liquid Vent, Gas Vent, High Pressure Gas Vent, and Conveyor Chute can now be closed, both manually and by automation
- Gas Reservoir and Liquid Reservoir have smart storage functionality
- Added an information screen when loading old saves to warn about changes to buildings
- Added a Solid Filter building for Conveyor Rails
- Signal Switch and Power Switch no longer require Duplicant interaction
- Updated Sticker artwork
- Critter Sensor now has toggles for detecting Critters/Eggs/Both
- Gas Shutoff behavior is now consistent with Liquid Shutoff
- Placing a "replacement" building over a deconstruct will clear the deconstruct
- Thermo Sensor now behaves properly when input temperature is equal to the threshold
- Virtual Planetarium requires the Astronomy Skill with Planetarium Researching trait. (Previously it was incorrectly set to Advanced Research)
- Rationbox and Refrigerator are user nameable
- Broken Automation Wires no longer carry an automation signal
- Copy Settings on the Critter Sensor now copies Critter/Egg detection toggles.
- Liquid Shutoff and Gas Shutoff now properly consume power when set to an OPEN state.
- Conveyor Shutoff now consumes power in an OPEN state, not just OPEN+DISPENSING, to align with the Gas/Liquid Shutoff behaviours
- Automatic Dispensers now consume power correctly.
- Disease Clinic now properly consumes power when actively healing a duplicant.
- Fix "ghost" rocket modules appearing for rockets already in space after a load
- Doors now properly melt or don't melt in various situations
- Remove Disable Delivery button from algae terrarium and rust deoxidizer, disabling the building can be done instead
- Logic wires can now be replaced by different materials. Also support logic wires and logic ribbon replacements
- Fix solid conduit contents not exchanging heat when the camera was in certain configurations
- Fix a crash when duplicants try to eat an invalid amount of food
- Duplicants will no longer forget their progress when tuning a power generator, and will be more resilient to changes in the room
- Fix a crash when Pokeshells find an egg to protect
- Closing the Automation Overlay with previously-viewed buildings off screen no longer causes them to render behind Automation Wires
- Fix Printing Pod now showing one of the victory conditions
- Heavi-Watt Wire tooltip is now measured in kW
- Fix output ports hover text using incorrect input ports string
- Massage Table sidescreen tooltip formatting
- Massage Table, Smart Battery, Liquid Reservoir, Gas Reservoir sidescreen tooltips now load correctly the first time
- Conveyor Rails are now highlighted when the Conveyor View is active.
- Conveyor networks now pulse when hovering a rail in the Conveyor View
- Fix Temperature overlay so its tooltips update when F/C/K units option is changed during session
- Sandbox tools save settings. Some other small sandbox QOL.
- Changed many elements' default temperatures to 300k - this should only be relevant for sandbox tool defaults
- Fixed several issues with sandbox temperature tools relating to user temperature unit selection
- More buildings are brought forward into Overlay space in the Gas / Liquid conduit overlay
- Many buildings (e.g. Gas Filter, conduit sensors, etc) are now selectable from the Gas/Liquid overlays directly with a single click rather than requiring the overlay to be closed to interact
- Fixed issue with formatted text where multiple copies of identical strings were not being properly formatted
- Added proper sorting and also categorization to the filter sidescreen
- Changed the default rotation of the Memory Toggle to match the other Automation buildings
- The "Copy" building button now copies the rotation of the selected building
- Add a cooldown to some building noises to fix noisy bases
- Automation sounds recover to full volume more quickly
- Automation inputs/outputs now show the proper localized strings
- Updated Chinese, Korean, and Russian translations
- Change "Forever" string on the recipe select screen to be localized properly
- Updated the link to the newsletter to use the new Klei Account system
- Only test for writeable save paths on Windows
- Cap max number of logs to 10 million - this should prevent hard drives from filling up with enormous log files
- Fix "Flaking" bug. Tiles and doors will no longer partially melt when they get too warm
- Fix solid conduit contents not exchanging heat when the camera was in certain configurations
- Fix cases where doors would technically be melted but the building wouldn't go away
- A bug causing the Automation Overlay to only update on every second automation tick has been fixed. It should be easier to see and debug rapidly-switching circuits now
- Loading a sim cell with a mass larger than a million tons will cap to that max. Fixes crashes in some saves where masses were so large it was creating invalid temperature calculations
- Auto Sweeper caches target positions
- Performance savings for triggering sounds
- Reduce a tons of memory spend on Line of Sight tests. On one save, this cut down on 965MB of allocations during load
- Reduce memory allocations from testing the areas around buildings and other objects
- Load optimization saves 10-15% of load time
- Reduce memory allocations from reports during loading (~200mb in large colonies)
- Reduce filesize usage from reports
- Reduce memory allocations loading up animations (~300mb)
- Reduce memory allocations from buildings during load (~300mb in large colonies)
- Improve speed of saving reports
- Improve speed of saving buildings
- Improve startup times of some UI elements
- Performance improvement to adding and removing animations
- Reduced memory allocations loading and saving state machines. This reduces the save file size as well
- Loading a sim cell with a mass larger than a million tons will cap to that max. Fixes crashes in some saves where masses were so large it was creating NaNs in temperature calculations
- Improve Animation lookup times during load
- Optimize auto-wrangling setting on Critter Dropoffs
- Reduced memory allocations in Conduit system and the PokeShell's egg protection behaviors
- Save 3-4% frame time with proper caching for Errand offsets
- Fix hard crash when new elements are added to the game
- Fix the weird and unnecessary warning when checking for the ModLoader.dll
- Each mod gets its own uniquely named Harmony instance for better dependency management. (Name is
. ) - Don't eat exceptions during Mod DLL loading
- State Machine Exceptions are now logged through a non-generic method, making hooking the exception easier
[ 2020-03-05 17:53:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hotfix 394232 (2/11/2020)
- Further fixes for the crash caused by duplicate pipes/wires on the same cell
- Fixed the main menu to show the message of the day and patch notes
- Updated main menu with a link to the NEW SOUNDTRACK
Hotfix 394616 (2/13/2020)
- Low-Res texture mode works correctly once again. Those who have been experiencing out-of-memory crashes should make sure this is enabled, and those of you who previously enabled it will once again receive the benefit. :) (This is located in Options > Graphics > Low Resolution Textures)
[ 2020-02-13 22:09:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the official forums. Hello friends! We haven't posted a roadmap since before launch, so it's about time we got you up to speed on what the future holds for ONI.
Oxygen Not Included dug its first lump of asteroid in a prototype over 5 years ago. Since that time it's had tens of thousands of additions and changes, from tiny tweaks to game-redefining sweeps. Systems have been added, systems have been removed, systems have been ripped up and rebuilt. With your help in Early Access, we guided the game from a basic thermal sim to an elaborate asteroid-spanning, fart-collecting epic! Post-launch, we took time to recover and focused on bug fixes and performance for some time, while we figured out what was next for ONI. We feel like the game still has lots of room for growth and improvement, and there are so many ideas we'd like to try out! So after a season of prototyping and planning, here's what we're up to:

Most of the team is hard at work right now building a DLC for ONI! This DLC is going to be quite sizable, including new game systems and many refinements on the base game. Because we're introducing new systems, we want to take our time to test and iterate our ideas -- and throw out things that aren't working. This approach means that we can't predict when the DLC will be ready, but if everything goes well we'd like to have something to show during the summer, and the release would follow in the autumn after further testing and refinement. We had ideas for new systems that we thought would be interesting to add to the game for a while, but because of the incremental nature of Early Access as well as the complexity of the game for new players, we decided not to to make these part of the base game. Putting new features into DLC allows us to more deeply integrate new systems, as well as give new players (or anyone!) an easy way to opt in to additional challenges and facets. Overall we want to emphasize quality over deadlines, so this represents our plan at this moment. If the timeline changes, we will let you know!
Ongoing Updates and Bug Fixes
While all that happens, we want to make sure we're not ignoring you in the community, and continue to tend to the released version of the game. A portion of the team will still work to address bugs, take in feedback, and make sure the ONI that you are playing today constantly grows and improves. As well, we want to periodically put out new content into the game in the form of free packs. The first of these was Meep's Recreation Pack in December, and there's another one going into public testing next week!

We know that ONI is a beast of a game, and we think we can still get some significant performance improvements out of it. Improving performance gets more challenging as we make progress, and all the obvious and easy things have been done now. Were now at the stage where we come up with ideas, run experiments, and if the experiment is successful, try to work it into the game without breaking the gameplay. The going is slow, but we're still hammering away at it, and look forward to releasing performance improvements to you as they happen!
In Summary
All in all, ONI is still fully in development, even if we've been pretty quiet from the outside! We're balancing live support with DLC development, and working to ensure that the DLC makes the game better and not just bigger. We love this game and we're so glad that you love it too! Thank you so much for all your support and input over the years, and we look forward to working on ONI together with you from here into the future!
[ 2020-02-13 22:04:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
The soundtrack to Oxygen Not Included is now available! From Feb 11th - 14th SAVE 20% with the Steam Soundtrack sale!
It's the official way to unwind as your space colony teeters on the brink of disaster. Featuring the original atmospheric music composed and arranged by Vince de Vera, this OST contains all of the game music, and a couple of extras, in both FLAC and MP3 formats. Purchasing the soundtrack on Steam also entitles players to free updated of any additional tracks we may add to the game, or in our animated shorts in the future. We hope you enjoy these chill lofi dupe hop tunes while studying / chilling / surviving / thriving. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1244160/Oxygen_Not_Included_Soundtrack/ Special thanks to @Chillhop Music for inspiring this parody and providing us and people all over the world with "beats to study/relax to." Subscribe to them here.
[ 2020-02-11 18:05:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix for crash when deconstruct occurs before a replacement build on the same cell
[ 2020-02-07 20:46:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted on our forums here. Hello friends! In the most recent patch, we upgraded the version of Unity that the game is running on, which resulted in the .net runtime being upgraded as well. The most acute result of this is that any mod solutions will have to be updated to target the 4.0 framework. (In Visual Studio, this is in the project properties, Application > Target Framework.) This will fix compilation issues caused by the patch. The framework upgrade was an unintended side-effect of upgrading Unity, and we didn't do a good job of notifying you in the mod community what was going on. I'm sorry about that. Hopefully we don't have an upgrade like this again, but if we do I'll be more attentive! For questions/feedback please visit the official forums: https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/115509-net-framework-updated-to-40/
[ 2020-02-06 00:46:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends! We've got a patch to fix a number of bugs that came up over the holidays. As well, we've made the game fully compatible with MacOS Catalina. Thanks as always to those who played the game on the testing branch -- this was a bit of a gnarly one -- and we appreciate your bug reports and feedback!
Fixes and Changes
- Update to Unity 2018.4, updated .net Runtime and API to 4.X
- Important note: While Windows Vista was not supported according to our minimum requirements, it was still possible to run the game on Vista up until now. After this update, the game will not run on Vista
- Modders: The .NET runtime has been upgraded to 4.0 from 2.0. You will need to change the target runtime in your mod projects in order for them to compile after this update.
- Fix crash when Duplicants are using the Ice Fan
- Automation sounds should recover to their full volumes more quickly now
- Balloon Artists will now attempt to set up their balloon stand at the Printing Pod if there is no valid recreation room.
- Balloon Artists now need less space to set up a balloon stand.
- Can now set the priority on buildings with a "Drop All Workable" chore.
- Preventative measure to stop NaN masses from getting set on food
- Fix for saves that already have NaN masses stored
- Completing the building of Small buildings is no longer super loud.
- Fix a lot of instances of sounds being played at incorrect coordinates, leading to an uneven mix with unintended loudnesses.
- Fix Ghosts Of Gravitas achievement being awarded inconsistently
- Various typo fixes
- Fixed Sun Lamp sounds
- Fixed bug where wires could not be drawn starting over the ports on Transformers
- Fixed crash when multiple Pokeshells were looking for eggs to guard.
- Conducting heat via loose ore should respect insulation of the tile the ore is resting on
- Took out the eyelashes in the Stinky eye set for the overjoyed reaction. They snuck in there undetected before.
- Fixed issues causing the new game cinematic sequence behave oddly. The cinematic should now show the Duplicants exiting the portal, zoom in, and display the introduction message. After closing the message the first timelapse is taken.
- Fix for issue preventing the Printing Pod side screen from showing checkbox for 'leave' victory condition
- Fix Pips getting stuck when rummaging for seeds
- Rocket landing notification renamed, uses the correct rocket name, and dismisses itself shortly
- Fix for a crash related to Duplicants finding the right item to fetch. This will also correct many instances of dupes fetching items of the incorrect priority
- Solar Panels removed from Power Station description. Solar Panel functionality is unchanged, as they can't be tinkered
- Fix crash when objects in Incubators are destroyed
- Fix crash when dupes with balloons enter rockets
- Adjust some inconsistent buttons orders on building status - Some buttons will move around, but Deconstruct will usually be in the top-left position
- Fix obscure crash by preventing access on potentially destroyed buildings
- Fix saves that have two pieces of pipe or vent on the same cell
- Fix steam overlay on MacOS Catalina
- MacOS builds now automatically choose between Metal and OpenGL graphics, this should prevent the fullscreen glitches on Catalina
- Remaining MacOS notarization issues have been resolved.
- Updated strings for MacOS Chinese, Korean and Russian
[ 2020-02-05 19:52:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Improved the build menu descriptions of the Mechanical Surfboard, Beach Chair, Hot Tub, and Vertical Wind Tunnel, and Juicer
- Fixed a crash when viewing the Colony Summary screen from the main menu
- Fix a crash that could happen when a building was replaced
- The initial camera and portal animations when starting a new game once again play reliably
- Fixed the missing body parts in the Wind Tunnel Duplicant animations
- Juicer no longer gets "stuck" after a use.
[ 2019-12-05 18:23:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
With Meep's Mandatory Recreation Pack - we expect that you all have plenty of time to chill out and relax, right? Nothing to stress about. Everything is going to be O.K.. Oh, hey. While you have all that time to spare, maybe take a moment to nominate Oxygen Not Included for a Steam Award?
[ 2019-11-27 22:14:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added NEW! Insulation tutorial video which triggers when you build a specifically heat-influencing building.
- Fix crash when trying to load the Short image and patch notes
- Added the Mechanical Surfboard's sounds to the main menu
- Added some suntan lotion rubbing sounds to one of the cycles of the Beach Chair
- Worlds that were generated with Mod Traits will no longer crash if reloaded without those mods.
- Fixed crash that happened when multiple sparkle streakers were sparkle streaking at the same time.
- Added some more variation to the wind tunnel sounds
- Balloon anims snap around less often
- Audio doesn't cut out immediately upon stopping a video clip.
- Fixed the Duplicant positions in the wind tunnel
- Fixed blurry Wind Tunnel textures
- Wind tunnel get in/get out animations now play
- Fix Total Skills string so it gets localized
- Small changes to Chinese strings
- Missing Hot Tub interact sounds re-added
- Added "sparkle" states to all graffiti stickers
- Made the dupe less concerned looking in the unlit state of the beach chair dupe interact
- Updating hot tub dupe interacts to final animation
- Sparkle effects should layer better with buildings
- Fix crash downloading patch notes when language was not set to english.
- Fix Duplicant animations not playing when they worked at buildings.
[ 2019-11-22 21:54:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Save 33% on Oxygen Not Included as part of this week's Weekend Deal*!
*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2019-11-21 18:20:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=1X8SuGif6LM;full][/previewyoutube] Originally posted by ipsquiggle on the official forums. Hello friends! Duplicants everywhere are chilling out with Meep's Manadatory Recreation Content Pack! This free content pack contains a set of new recreation buildings to help our Duplicants relax and enjoy the leisure time all that Automation has brought to them. As well, we've added a new mechanic called Overjoyed Responses which gives a chance of bonus improvements to decor or productivity along with new Overjoyed reaction animations when Duplicant morale is much higher than expectations! The team has been hard at work these last few months improving performance issues, building Meeps Recreation Pack, as well as working on bigger things for the future. We've fixed a number of bugs in this update as well, so thank you to everyone who has reported bugs in the forum! We always appreciate your reports and feedback!
New Overjoyed Reactions
- Balloon Artist
- Sparkle Streaker
- Super Productive
- Sticker Bomber
New Buildings
- Sauna
- Mechanical Surfboard
- Hot Tub
- Soda Fountain
- Beach Chair
- Juicer
- Vertical Wind Tunnel
- New Research categories
- Carpets now give better decor and a stress reduction effect, but also slow down movespeed somewhat.
- Moved gas bottler into the "Improved Ventilation" tech tier
- Rocket fuel tanks and oxidizer tanks now support Copy Settings
- Several of the Recreation buildings now have a de-stressing effect. Beach chair provides sleep as well.
- Updated translations for Chinese, Russian, and Korean
- Duplicants now auto-assign to a Medical Cot if they get to critical health.
- Add notarization to macOS builds
- Bump max Rec Room size to 96
- Update desalinator sounds
- The first rockets and Duplicants sent to the temporal tear do not return
- Fix crash when loading older saves that do not have a world definition
- Fix Bed and Bath achievement being permanently failed
- Fix crash when mods trigger a write access dialog
- Fix lit workspace buff not correctly applying when researching
- Fix crash when building items with liquid conduit input or output
- Eating in a well lit area no longer causes Duplicants to waste calories
- Fix Duplicants overlapping walls when emptying the Algae Terrarium
- Fix overlay icon crash when building
- Fix conduit crash when loops are present
- Steam turbines correctly obtain boost from Engie's Tune-up
- Do not cancel tune-up errands if a building becomes nonfunctional
- Fix a crash when opening the pause menu for a save whose world ID is missing
- Fix Duplicants getting stuck in a loop if they are incapacitated near the bottom of a ladder
- Reduce texture usage on the Ethanol Distillery
- Baby Pacu variants now use the correct animations
- Save files work correctly when moving between OSes
- Fix several buildings not playing their "finish up" animations
- Fix bug where pumps will toggle blocked status even when flowing freely
- Fix "Not 0K, But Pretty Cool" achievement not calculating minimum correctly
- Update the Mod Uploader tool for macOS Catalina
- Fix bug preventing the "Temporal Tear" victory sequence from playing
- Work "post" animations play more reliably
- Fix bug where Duplicants can't pump liquids on the surface of stacked liquids
- Loading a world with no starmap target will put telescopes in an active state while researching nothing.
- Telescope doesn't show status warning for no starmap analysis target if all targets already analyzed
- Fix for Duplicants getting stalled at the end of a construct or dig for a few seconds.
- Rockets properly turn off and on manual deliveries when they launch. (No more oxylite delivery while the rocket is in space!)
- Fix stackable items like lumber not properly splitting when going over 100t
- Fix load screen reloading files unnecessarily
- Add Low Res Textures option to the graphics menu
- Load screen now stretches to fit the width of the screen
- Fix lit workspace tooltip
- Remove extra description for carpeted tile
- Align decor text in building descriptions
- Fixed order of cycle entries in My Log database
- Fix various keyword highlights in tooltips
- Fix newly researched build categories not appearing when there are insufficient materials
- Fix video playback on Linux
- Update power circuit descriptions
- Load screen now correctly groups saves by colony
- Improve readability of date text when a save game is selected in the load screen
- Add spaces to keyboard shortcut commands
- Remove unused hotkey build menu strings
- Truncated the displayed mod list in error messages when it gets too large
- Deselecting a building plan after entering an overlay no longer exits the overlay
- Added Lux output to light descriptors
- Fix mipmapping issues on various UI images
- Graphics Options screen now selects the current resolution by default, even if it's an odd resolution.
- Add missing keybindings for Plan 13 and Plan 14
- Fix UI staying disabled but visible if in screenshot mode when timelapser kicks in
Logging/Crash Reporter
- Print more explicit error messages to the log file when IO errors occur
- Add ModUploader logging to macOS builds
- Improve errors when trying to load Yaml files
- Clean up lots of log spam and log warnings
[ 2019-11-21 18:00:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
I'm pretty excited about this patch: We've done a big performance pass and removed a lot of spikes, leading to a smoother experience in every colony we tested. We've been working on some new internal performance profiling tools, and they've given us some great insights into new areas of the code that have been causing slowdowns and stutters. The trickiest part of optimization is that there's rarely One Big Fat Slow Thing that we get to make faster. Instead, there are usually dozens of small, unrelated algorithms that only cause problems in certain situations, and whose problems aren't visible until other systems access them, and so forth. Because of this, the new tools have allowed us to track down a lot of nonoptimal code that we weren't able to find before.
We've also fixed a number of other bugs and crashes, as well as taking a serious pass on the organization and presentation of the codex.
We will continue working on performance and bugs for the live release even while we're busy crafting the next phase of Oxygen Not Included. Thank you so much--as always--for taking the time to bring issues and concerns to our attention, and for being part of this game.
- Improve performance updating the Build menu
- Improve performance updating which categories and buildings have been unlocked by research
- Pokeshells don't check every pickupable to find an egg to guard.
- Don't update animations when the game is paused. This also fixes a bug which greatly improves framerate right after loading a map.
- Remove unused Animators from various UI elements which were processing every frame.
- Use simplified animation for UI elements.
- Improved performance updating world navigation data.
- Improved performance for updating animation render groups.
- Avoid needless calculations when an animation is removed from the scene.
- Pips looking for seeds search among Plantable Seeds, not all pickupables
- Fix math error causing many animations to believe they needed updating every frame when they did not.
- Improved performance when many items are marked for sweep and drawing their sweep icon.
- Improved performance when animations are rendered with offset positions. This has an especially big impact on rocket launches, which are now much smoother.
- Large optimization to the way textures are loaded and freed, improves many colonies.
- Cost of calculating whether materials are available for delivery is spread out over multiple frames, to prevent a spike every second.
- Ore which is not marked for sweep no longer tries updating its status text every frame.
- Also, ore which _is_ marked for sweep no longer tries updating its status text every frame.
- Pressure vulnerable plants and critters no longer triggering "safe" messages continually.
- Pressure vulnerable checks are spread across multiple frames, instead of spiking once every second.
- Optimized the way achievements track stats on buildings, e.g. temperature, building type, and so on. Removes significant performance spikes across frames.
- Prevent achievement tracker from performing excess calculations when the framerate starts dropping.
- Many status items are faster to add and remove.
- Drowning checks are spread across multiple frames instead of spiking once every second.
- Temperature vulnerable checks are spread across multiple frames instead of spiking once every second.
- Changed how "building uptime" data is calculated and stored, this should cut down on the size of data stored drastically.
- Autosave will wait until the mouse button is released before triggering, so no more crazy pipe constructions.
- UI image for various ores is no longer blurry.
- Reduced the red/green saturation of the various sensors and switches.
- Improved linework on hats with logos.
- Added missing hats to some animations.
- Made the arrows on Transformers more visible.
- The logo on the Power Station matches the other electrician logos.
- Fixed the position of the Grilled Pacu artwork.
Database and UI
- Tips and Information renamed to Lessons
- Lessons page moved into a grid of imaged buttons
- Tutorial Videos are pulled out of the big list of Tips, into their own section of the Lessons page
- Big list of links to Tips has been compiled into one big article so you don't have to constantly tab back and forth to read the tips.
- Plumbing and Ventilation tutorial video is renamed to Connecting Pipes, and is triggered by placing a building that has either a piped input or output.
- Morale tutorial video is now triggered by applying your first Skill Point, or when a Duplicant dips into negative Morale.
- Hitting "Reset Tutorial Messages" repopulates the list of possible tutorial messages, not just restores messages the player has intentionally hidden.
- Digging For Resources tutorial video is delivered the first time a building is requesting a material that the colony has not yet discovered, OR 7 minutes into the game otherwise if it hasn't happened yet.
- If a Tutorial Message contains a video, its message gets a Video icon.
- Rename Morale tutorial video to Duplicant Morale for consistent spacing.
- Database search bar can now search for sub-entries like critter morphs, etc.
- Database entries with only one SubEntry no longer show a table of contents of SubEntries.
- Reformatting to Critter Database pages to be more readable.
- Entries (x/y) formatting in the Database is now translatable.
- Hook up icons for Elements menu in the Database.
- Building Requirements and Effects in the Database are presented more similarly to how they are displayed elsewhere in the game.
- Add tooltips to Requirements/Effects for buildings in the Database.
- Fix build menu recipe details on cooking buildings.
- Database entries for fabricators display their recipes in a grid
- Remove research requirement on Royal Flush achievement
- Duplicants weren't properly dead while in containers. This fixes them causing crashes from getting sick but also being dead (and in a container). (Still need to figure out what they are doing in containers...)
- Fix plants showing "Blocked" after a load.
- Less flickering when there is a rogue bit of gas floating around plants.
- Clarify that all mods are being disabled due to a single error, not because they're all broken.
- Fix bug where transformers stop dissipating after a save/load.
- Finish construction of replacement tile if underlying object is deconstructed first.
- Updated Korean translation.
- Tweaks to Chinese translation.
- Temperature/Disease Sensors no longer become unresponsive when in a vacuum or no element in conduit.
- Temperature Sensor initializes network to current value immediately.
- Conduit Sensors update based on the last value measured when no elements is in the conduit.
- World name is shown on the load screen.
- Colony coordinate on the new game screen accepts typed/pasted coordinates.
- Add the full coordinate and a "copy" button to the worldgen seed on the pause menu
- Tooltip for Lit Area in Light Overlay no longer erroneously says that working in lit areas improves Duplicant Morale.
- Won't crash if a worldgen has a difficulty value outside of the range of descriptors.
- Allow spawning worlds that have no start location (new map settings for modders).
[ 2019-10-02 21:31:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Oxygen Not Included is Now Available on Steam and is 33% off!*
Oxygen Not Included is a space-colony simulation game. Deep inside an alien space rock your industrious crew will need to master science, overcome strange new lifeforms, and harness incredible space tech to survive, and possibly, thrive.
*Offer ends August 6 at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2019-07-30 17:30:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the official forums.
Today is the day!
The fridges are full and the toilets are empty, the pipes are plumbed and the powers been generated plus there's hardly any pee on the floor at all! That can only mean one thing; the time has finally come to open the bunker doors and invite everyone in to see the glorious machine weve created!
Oxygen Not Included has officially left Early Access, and we're ready to let everyone come see what we've been working on these last 5 years!
So what have we been working on all this time, anyway?
Oxygen Not Included is a space colony simulation game where you oversee your Duplicants (aka, lovable 3D printed clones) as they attempt to overcome the harsh conditions of deep space. Master advanced science and technology, capture and tame strange new lifeforms, and plan your base with expert efficiency so that you and your colony may survive and even, possibly, thrive.
The game has come a long way since it went into Alpha in February 2017. We started with a game that had little more than a few Duplicants and some pipes full of cold water. Since then weve added oil biomes and automation, Duplicant skill progression and tubes to zip around in, critter ranching and breeding, and more features than could possibly be named. Now Duplicants can even break through the surface of their rocky home and escape away into space with your guidance, of course.
The adventures not over yet, either. We'll continue fixing bugs and balance after launch, so please keep sending your feedback and reports! We also have more we want to do with the game in the future, so keep an eye out for announcements.
It's been an intense but delightful ride and we couldn't have gotten here without the support of all of you from this awesome community. The whole team would like to thank you for your comments and support, your bug reports and your discussions, your insane machines and your beautiful stories.
Please, enjoy Oxygen Not Included! This Mushbar's on me.
Click here for full launch changelist.
[ 2019-07-30 17:02:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted on the official forums.
Hello friends!
Next week, July 30, Oxygen Not Included will be launching out of Early Access! Here is a brief list of the things we've added for launch, a full list will be available on launch day.
- New asteroids to explore, with their own rolled traits
- Three new biomes complete with plants and critters
- New buildings to process and upgrade the materials you'll find there
- Colony goals for the duplicants to strive for
- Balance and polish passes on food, temperature, Duplicant selection, and more
[ 2019-07-24 00:39:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Bigfoot on the official forums Hey folks, Just wanted to give you all a quick status update: We are going to delay the launch of Oxygen Not Included for a bit. After working on the final major update for the game we felt that we werent quite where we anticipated that we would be. Were feeling good about the content of this final update and we really think you will like what we have cooking but if we launch as scheduled, the update would not have seen much testing and its just not as polished as we (or you) would like. Rather than launch something were not feeling great about, were just going to hold off a bit. We are moving release to July and we expect to open for testing around the end of June. Our apologies for making you all wait a bit longer and once again, thanks for all your support!
[ 2019-05-17 21:49:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Save 25% on Oxygen Not Included during this week's Midweek Madness*!
*Offer ends Friday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2019-04-16 17:30:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi friends!
Our final upgrade in the Quality of Life series has arrived presenting: QoL Mk III! As always, we're extremely grateful for all the detailed feedback and intense support youve given us. We've got some big improvements for you this time:
First off, we've overhauled the Disease system. Overall, Duplicant sickness is simpler and more frequent, and can be successfully managed with adequate medicine infrastructure and doctoring time. Germs still work pretty much how you remember them, although Duplicants sickness has since been streamlined. Dupes no longer have an immune system, but instead simply have a chance to get sick each time they encounter germs of different types. Actually being sick is also a much simpler affair: Infected Duplicants will continue performing their duties in the colony, but the side effects from the disease will reduce their efficiency until cured.
Next, we've turned Jobs into Skills. Although we liked the "job" metaphor, it didn't really match the mechanics of the system, so we renamed it to "Skills" and tweaked many of the surrounding features to be more consistent with the idea of awarding new skills to your Duplicants. Morale Expectation is now accumulated per skill earned, so youll get to make a meaningful choice between how specialized or general a particular Dupe's skill set will be as your colony grows!
There have also been a bunch of fixes and additions to fill gaps and correct balance issues: The Steam Turbine has had an overhaul (it condenses the steam internally now!), there is a new Ice-E Fan which replaces the Hydro Fan (with an associated Ice Maker for producing ice!) and new structures for moving solid materials around both by Duplicant-power and with conveyor buildings. Additionally, we've added some new overlays, tweaked tool filters, and fixed a whole bunch of bugs and UI issues.
And with this Upgrade now in your hands, we're full steam ahead towards release! Further details can be found in our roadmap, but rest assured we're not done with this game yet, and will continue absorbing your feedback and making the best [strike]mad science experiment urine-powered rocket factory[/strike] colony management game that we can!
What's New and Improved?
Major Disease rebalance
- Sicknesses are more frequent but less deadly
- Immune System removed, germs have direct chance to infect
- New Medical skills and hats
- New Sick Bay and Disease Clinic buildings
- Medicine redesigned
- Food Poisoning and Slime Lung tweaked
- Allergies and Zombie Spore germs and sicknesses added
Jobs/Skills Overhaul
- Jobs system is now the Skills system
- Experience is now gained up front and then spent on Skills
- Skills Screen (formerly Jobs Screen) displays acquired skills per-Dupe
- Morale Expectation is cumulative per skill learned, rather than tiered
- Freely assign a Duplicant's hat from all the hats they've earned
Major Building Changes
- Steam Turbine total rebuild, it now condenses steam internally, and port and power behavior is much more consistent
- New Sporechid flower appears in the Oil biome, and releases harmful germs
- New Skill Scrubber building to reset skill points
- New Ice Maker to create ice from water
- Cooling Fan replaced with Ice-E Fan, the Dupe-powered method of cooling an area
- New Conveyor Shutoff Valve
- New Conveyor Chute
- New Automatic Dispenser
- New Material Overlay screen
New Integrated Mods System
- Publish and download all mods from the Steam Workshop, or install locally in your Documents folder
- Support DLL, worldgen, element, codex, and strings mods
- Translations still supported, with no changes to existing mods necessary
- In-game menu for enabling and reordering mods
HOTFIX - 326830
- Swapped in the new artwork for the Early Access message screen
- Mods can now overwrite all the remaining files in worldgen (biomes, features, subworlds, etc.)
- Hooked up proper animations for the Automatic Dispenser
- Fixed Duplicant scaling on the new game mode selection screen
- Dupes printed from the portal (not starter dupes) come with 1 skill point
- Tooltips on the skills screen should no longer go off the bottom of the screen
- Deprecated buildings can no longer be copied
- QOL2 saves which were upgraded to QOL3 will no longer show hearts on every skill
- Door state is copied when copying settings between doors
- Medical hat variants show correctly on the Skills screen
- Logic timing should scale properly with game speed now
- Skill Scrubber sounds added
- Sneezing no longer interrupts errands, they will resume after the sneeze completes. (A few more emotes are underway to be fixed too!)
- Duplicants who were in rockets in a QOL2 save will have their skill points properly upgraded. (If the colony has been loaded and saved in QOL3, the points can no longer be restored.)
- Highly germ-susceptible Duplicants will no longer get other Duplicants sick when they are exposed to germs.
- Selected hat displays correctly in the Skills screen
[ 2019-04-16 17:11:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted on the official forums Hey everyone! It's now been over two years since the first public Beta for Oxygen Not Included, and it's finally time to fully launch the game! The third Quality of Life Upgrade is coming to you on Tuesday April 16th, and then there will be one last update to complete Early Access. In late May, we will be coming out of Early Access with new content (3 new biomes, new creatures, new buildings, and more), and official mod support, making it possible for players to create game content of their own. With that, we feel Oxygen Not Included is ready for a full launch. After we've officially launched, we will continue to make quality of life improvements and bug fixes, while the bulk of the team will be moving on to building DLC for the game, where we can explore further ideas and expansions to ONI's world. All in all, it's been a rather surreal journey for the team. The game is extremely intricate, with so many moving parts; when we first designed it, we weren't sure how many people would be interested in embracing their inner scientist, but 1.5 million players later, we're happy to say the experiment has worked out. Thank you so much for playing our game. Thank you so much for all your bug reports, your feedback and all the wonderful support you have given us during this journey. We look forward to launching this game with you.
[ 2019-03-18 21:52:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello spacefriends!
We're keeping the improvements train rolling today with the release of our latest Quality of Life Upgrade, QoL MK II! Our team has continued to scour their bug lists and review all the feedback you've given us here in the forums, and we've been working hard to improve our game systems and overall game performance.
A high level of focus in QoL Mk II has been directed toward adding tools to communicate how Duplicants are choosing jobs or moving around your base, giving you better, more efficient control of your colony. We've also added a whole batch of unusual Space Artifacts for you to display on your Pedestals, and some exciting new upgrades to the Printing Pod's capabilities. And we've knocked out all kinds of bugs and crashes thanks to your reports!
Throughout the rest of the QoL Upgrades we will be continuing to monitor your feedback for more information on how we can improve the game. We've made some serious progress on bugs and polish this update, but there's still lots more to come! We've got even more systems to balance and optimization to perform.
As of the QoL MK II release, Oxygen Not Included is now also available on the Epic Game Store. The game is still in Early Access, and we plan to follow the same Testing/Release schedule on Epic that we currently do on Steam. We're supporting both platforms that the Epic Game Store supports, currently PC and Mac.
A big thank you to everyone who participated in our open testing branch, we hope you enjoy QoL MK II!
What's New and Improved?
- Printing Pod can now print objects other than Duplicants, to give your colony that little extra boost
- Added a new priority to the Priority tool, "!!". This will make a highest-priority errand and put the base into Red Alert mode until the errand is complete
- Added a new side screen for Duplicants which shows all the chores they can perform, and what order they will perform them in
- Added a new "Errands" tab for buildings (other objects coming soon!) which shows what chores are available there and which Duplicants can work on those chores
- Reports Menu now shows a more accurate and better categorized breakdown of where Duplicants are spending their time
- Reports Menu now shows how many errands have been created and completed each day
- "Long Commute Times" notification if Duplicants have a high percentage of travel time in a day
- New Artifacts can be returned from space missions, either by astronauts or space tourists -- display them on Pedestals for high decor!
- Eggs can now also be placed on Pedestals
- Rocket modules now have a "Launch Tower" background that shows where the rocket will land even after it has taken off
- There have also been many bug fixes and minor improvements.
[ 2019-02-19 19:53:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
[img=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/960858511667044128/C59E4FA82231FA6DABA9836122AE238C8D9F79F5/]Originally posted on the official forums by Ipsquiggle Hello astro-friends! The Quality of Life Upgrades continue to roll out as our team scours their bug lists and reviews all the feedback you've given us here in the forums! We're also still working hard to improve game performance and systems. A high level of focus in QoL Mk 2 has been directed toward adding tools to help you understand what work your Duplicants are doing around the base and how they're moving through it. We've also added in Space Artifacts for you to display on your Pedestals, and some exciting new upgrades to the Printing Pod's capabilities. And of course, we've knocked out all kinds of bugs and crashes thanks to your reports! For those who missed it in the previous Upgrade: A public Testing Branch for this Upgrade will once again be available as they have been in the past, with the change that testing periods will now run for 3 weeks instead of the regular 2. Our intention is to provide additional time for your feedback to be heard before these changes go out to the world. (Please note that the Testing Branch will continue to have additional crash reporting enabled and will impact your games running performance. Finalized performance improvements won't be noticeable until the Upgrade releases to everyone.) We look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions on the Suggestions Forum. Thank-you! This update is absolutely massive - for more details and update notes, head on over to the official forums.
[ 2019-01-31 19:24:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello intrepid colony managers!
Today we're happy to bring you the first edition of our new "Quality of Life" Upgrade series! This series will differ slightly from Upgrades we've released in the past, as we shift our focus toward a new stage of development dedicated to evaluating all game content to date. This means looking at improving performance, filling in remaining holes in content, and rebalancing existing systems (hooray!).
The intent of QoL Mk 1 is to begin working through the important issues that have been brought up by users on our forums (thank-you for your feedback and reports!), as well as eliminating major game-impacting bugs, and improving the quality of Oxygen Not Included's early game for new users. As a result, QoL Mk 1 introduces new recipe queuing UI options, more building copy settings, and a bunch of new content expanding the decor system such as varieties on existing paintings, sculptures and flower pots (plus a whole assortment of crash fixes and performance tweaks).
Throughout the rest of the QoL Upgrades, we will be continuing to monitor the forums and your reports for more feedback on how we can improve the game. We've made some serious progress on bugs and polish this update, but there's still more to come! We've still got even more systems to balance and optimization to perform.
In addition, the team will be taking a two week break over the holidays and getting back to it in the New Year. The next update will be on schedule in 8 weeks, coming out February 7th.
Thank you to everyone who participating in our open testing branch, we hope you enjoy the decor!
What's New and Improved?
The majority of the work this Upgrade has been on a wide range of bugs and tuning, so rather than a list of high-level features like we usually do, here's a massive categorized list of the changes and improvements we've made.
New Things
- New Pedestal Building: Use it to increase the decor value of various objects while displaying them for your Duplicants
- New Artifact Objects: Bring them back from outer space for decorative display in your colony
- New Decor Items: Corner Decorations, Carpeted Tile, Trim Tile, new Painting and Statue variations, new Pot types for plants
- New Master Artist role: Allows the creation of the best forms of art (and the Astronaut role finally has its own hat too!)
- Increased Automation: Critter Sensor outputs a signal based on the number of critters and eggs in a room
- New Sight-Seeing Module: Send Duplicants to space for a huge morale and productivity bonus
And A LOT more
For a full list of patch notes, please visit the official forums.
HOTFIX - 299790
- Fix some formatting in the official Chinese and Russian translations
- Add some debug logging to help track down crashes
- Fix crash when Duplicants are trying to unequip items
- Fix crash if a building in fog-of-war gets damaged
- Fix crash when Auto Sweepers are looking for tasks
- Dupe navigation will be correctly affected by their custom access settings on doors.
[ 2018-12-13 18:23:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
After their first exciting foray into space the Duplicants have been eager to learn more about the universe in which they live. Their dedicated space research has brought on a wave of technological innovation, and using the rocketry advancements now at their disposal the Duplicants can fly further into the unknown than ever before. They might even bring some strange new things back for their trouble!
Introducing: Oxygen Not Included - Space Industry Upgrade!
What's New?
An expanded starmap means Duplicants can venture even further out into space, reaching far off locations until now unseen where several powerful new materials are waiting to be collected.
Key Features
New Rocketry options for more ways to get into space
- Steam Engine and Liquid Hydrogen Engine for increased rocket power
- Solid Fuel Thrusters to improve rocket thrust
- Research Modules to gather research data from space
- Larger space map
- New destination types
- Space research, which reveals artifacts and materials
- Shove Vole can now be found on the surface, munching Regolith and waiting for your love!
- New Molecular Forge converts rare materials into industrial supermaterials
- New Thermium, used as an industrial super conductor material
- New industrial-grade Insulation
- New Fullerene-based Super Coolant
- Gelatinous, kinetic energy-dampening Visco-Gel
- Duplicants take to the air in new Jet Suits!
- Jet Suit Checkpoints and Lockers added for Jet Suit management
- Telescopes can now analyze Starmap destinations
- Research Modules produce Data Banks during rocket missions
- New Virtual Planetarium turns Data Banks into research
- Command Modules are now automatable
- Space Scanners can signal incoming rockets as well as detect meteor showers
- Neural Vacillator recharges
- Robo-Miner buildings for automatic digging
What's Next?
As mentioned in the previous update, we will be shifting gears for the next while. Please read the Updated Roadmap for full details and discussion! Thank you to everyone who participating in our open testing branch, we hope you enjoy your improved journeys to space! As always you can head over to the official forums for full update notes and info. https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/forum/137-oxygen-not-included-latest-content-update/
HOTFIX 290261
- Neural Vacillator can now be assigned after it has been recharged
- Various Spacemap strings are now localizable
- Update official Russian translation
- All important properties of Dupe returning from space should be restored when they leave the rocket
- Voles can no longer be Entombed
- Updated text for Spacemap
- Fix crash when Voles die
- Fix broken Database links on seeds
- Liquid Reservoir meter properly shows as empty when it is empty
- Fix crash that could occur when unlocking Database entries
- Updated Gas Bottler sound effects
- New sounds for Auto Miner
- Fix crash when Dupes tried to have a conversation about being an astronaut
[ 2018-10-18 17:09:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Rocketry Upgrade
Since breaking through the surface of the asteroid our Duplicants have developed a curiosity for the endless cosmos that exists outside their little space rock. That’s right, the Duplicants have begun developing their very own space program! They’re now able to build massive rockets, train as astronauts, and journey on missions into space to bring back the resources they find. A big thanks to everyone who participated in the testing branch. You’re helping to make the game better and we always appreciate that effort.
What’s New in the Rocketry Upgrade?
Key Features:
- Rockets: Several new “Rocket Module” buildings for spacecraft construction.
- Command Module
- Petroleum Rocket Engine
- Liquid Fuel Tank
- Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Biological cargo containers
- New buildings to support rocket-related research and development
- Research Telescope
- Space Cadet Centrifuge
- Oxylite Refinery
- A new UI screen for interacting with your fleet of rockets and their missions
- Five mission destinations
- A new critter and plant which can be brought back from space
- Gassy Moo
- Gas Grass
- Several new Codex entries to unlock over multiple playthroughs
- New elements which affect Steel and Natural Gas production
- Sour Gas
- Fossil
- Sulfur
- Buildings for gas bottling and emptying
- Canister Filler
- Canister Emptier
- Buildings for storing gases and liquids
- Liquid Reservoir
- Gas Reservoir
- A couple new settings for custom games
- Hunger rate setting
- Morale stress setting
- The "No Sweat" game mode preset has been added to help tailor your experience to your preferred playstyle.
- Improve some of the framerate hitches introduced in the rocketry upgrade.
- Fixed an issue with translation preview images not appearing when subscribing to languages in the workshop.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on load if you had an astronaut in space assigned to their own schedule.
- Updated next update timer.
- Fix for dupes sometimes not delivering to storage lockers when using higher priority conveyor storage.
- Fixed duplicant centrifuge animation.
- New biological cargo bay art.
- Fix for fishes not being able to swim through tiles under construction.
- Gas bottler sound hookup.
[ 2018-09-06 18:04:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Though originally thrown together by cruel cosmic circumstance, the Duplicants of the colony have weathered incredible hardships together and come out the other side as stronger friends for it. Armed with their new talents of self awareness, compassion and extreme friendliness, our intrepid Dupes are now fully committed to supporting each other through life in the colony - the good times, and the bad.
But mostly they'll just chat about cute Hatches.
What's New in the Expressive Upgrade?
Duplicant Interactions
Duplicants have new powers of self expression and are now more aware of the colony, themselves, and even their peers. New animations, expressions, and interactions have been added to help the Duplicants convey what's happening to and around them.
Key Features
- Reaction Animations: Duplicants will now visibly react when they gain new status effects and notice when important things happen around them.
- Interactions: Duplicants will greet their friends in the halls, chat a bit while working, and compliment each other on a job well done. Turns out they're not alone on this asteroid!
- Conversations: Do you like Mushbars? I like Mushbars! Mushbars are pretty good. You're such a good listener, you know?
- Scheduling: Colonywide schedules can now be adjusted, not only to give the Duplicants much needed Downtime at the end of the day to socialize and unwind, but also to ensure they empty their bladders before they run off to work!
- New Recreation Buildings: While the most basic of breaks can be accomplished by hanging out by the Water Cooler, Duplicants can really let loose at the local Jukebot or Arcade Cabinet!
- Morale Expectation: Job expectations have been unified into a single Morale rating, which encompasses Duplicants' food, lodgings, activities, and whatever else on the asteroid that they find fulfilling.
- New Mini Transformer: A new Mini Transformer has been introduced to improve technological progression through the Research Tree. Pick up the mini version for a quick start into Transformer usage, then build the full Transformer for a real challenge!
- Discoverable Lore Entries: What was "Gravitas", and what was their purpose? How did the Duplicants end up on the asteroid? Inspect buildings, critters, and more to fill your Database and start unraveling the mystery!
- Completed Animations and Sounds: The rest of the Critter animations, including babies, wrangling, and morphs have been completed, along with a number of buildings which previously had been silent.
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, and more!
- ArcadeMachine plays unique player one, player two, and co-op anims.
- Recreation buildings now list their morale effects.
- Water cooler and espresso machine now list their mass requirements.
- Roles Screen: Show expectations on unemployed dupes; make dupe tooltips pop from the dupe name as well.
- Rooms now explicitly mention the effects they have.
- Storage lockers are now considered full if they have less than 0.5kg of space left. This should prevent dupes from attempting to top off storage lockers with just a few grams.
- Fix for graphical corruption happening in the main menu on Linux.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when dupes walked through an area that previously contained suit lockers.
- The word "EggShell" should now be translatable.
- Moved Morale next to stress in the vitals panel.
- Added some Morale related tips.
- Fixed missing string reference: "Any".
- Fixed filter status item not showing the correct element.
- Fixed a crash that could occur after a Dupe died.
- Updated Korean and Russian translations.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on Linux when generating worlds and when loading previous save files.
- Fixed dupes getting stuck animating in place.
- Improved Morale display in consumables screen.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the sandbox stamp tools.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a creature fell off the map.
- Fix for the great hall room type sometimes not getting recognized until you reloaded your save file.
- "Neutral" morale gives a stress bonus
- The stress from low morale comes on more gently (but has the same maximum)
- Custom game settings for morale only apply to negative stress effects (and retuned a bit)
- Fixed an issue where certain objects such as doors were not loading properly if they were saved in the open state.
- Fixed an issue where ONI log files were getting flooded with warnings.
- Duplicants now choose a random dance each time they dance
- Repair various missing/inaccurate strings
- Duplicants now get disease from the water in a Water Cooler/Espresso Machine
- Sand should correctly fall through Bunker Doors
- Espresso machine is now 3 tiles wide
- Duplicants will no longer appear to drink water from the wash station if headed to the water cooler.
- Fix a crash when loading queued Refinery orders
- Fix a crash in generating the Database
- Fix a crash when loading some pipe networks
- New Custom Game Setting to tweak the amount of stress gained from insufficient morale
- Added a popup when loading an existing save game to help players transition to the new morale system
[ 2018-07-26 18:05:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
"Space" just got bigger--literally. Miner Duplicants have broken through the crust of the asteroid, revealing the entire big ol' cosmos beyond! This stellar discovery has spurred new material innovations as the Duplicants rush to exploit the frontier while defending themselves from the uncaring vacuum (and unsightly freezer burn) of space.
The truth is out there!
What's New in the Cosmic Upgrade?
Space Biome
"Look at me, Liam! I'm on top of the world!" The surface of the asteroid is a source of abundant natural resources along with new hazards for your Duplicants to navigate. Key Features
- Solar Light: The abundant energy of a nearby star can be harnessed for electricity with Solar Panels. Your poor cave-dwelling Duplicants will appreciate the warm natural light as well, provided they don't roast!
- Meteor Showers: The good news: free resources! The bad news: they're traveling at 16 kilometers per second. Protect your surface infrastructure with meteor-proof walls and shutters, along with the new Meteor Detector.
- New Elements: Improved material science has enabled the production of Steel, Ceramics, Glass, and other basic materials.
- Windows and Walls: Now your Duplicants can build a room with a view. Transparent windows allow light and decor to pass through, while keeping your precious gasses and liquids right where you want them. Back walls offer protection against the greedy vacuum of space for those who dare to build on the surface.
Critter Additions
Like a swarm of Shine Bugs, the ranching opportunities continue to expand with new buildings and improvements. Key Features
- Updated Egg Economy: An Egg Cracker building makes planning your next omelet as easy as pie, which is a good thing because eggs have undergone some mass changes, as well as becoming unviable if left in storage for too long.
- Updated Critter Artwork: Completed eggs, babies, wrangled, and trapped artwork for all critters. Hooray!
- Automated Pen Management: Before, your Duplicants merely kept critters. Now, they're ranching them! Pen limits, as well as automatic wrangling and transfer, lets you build the coal-producing machine of your dreams.
- Ore no longer gets absorbed by the world when entombed. Instead we store ore in a much more efficient system which should imrpove the load times of worlds that have a significant amount of entombed ore.
- The warning to upgrade your audio driver should properly popup if the game starts without sound.
- Fixed a memory/performance leak that was also causing looping sounds to play quieter over time.
- Fix for portraits not showing up in the roles screen.
- Fixed a bug where liquid could leak through tiles on load.
- Fixed a bug where gas could leak through gas impermeable tiles when displaced.
- Improved load times.
- Fixed one of the issues with hatches not going to groom stations.
- Uprooting a plant will no longer cause a plant death notification.
- Ore that gets entombed into the same element will now add itself to the world.
- Slight increase to dust comet damage.
- Dust comet is now regolith.
- Tweak the comet dirt spawning rules to prevent the dirt from stacking up.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a comet hit a building that didn't have an audio category setup for it.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a liquid droplet fell outside the world.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when FMOD failed to initialize.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if you had more than the maximum autosave files by making your own copies.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on shutdown.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when placing gases using the sandbox tools.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing backspace on an input text field that had localized text in it.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering a light outside of the simulation grid.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading some old save files with some bad assignment data.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to play a missing sound.
- Sandbox tool temperature ranges are now clamped to the max temperature supported by the simulation.
- Fixed another temperature crash.
- Fixed crash that could occur if a piece of ore was emitting at the edge of the world.
- Added some more error info for a crash that is occuring when using input fields in a localized version of the game.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a pipe's content's temperature was NaN.
- Fixed weird building temperature behaviour.
- Fixed showers overheating and destroying the whole world.
- Fixed sandbox tools spawning buildings with incorrect temperatures.
- Fixed deconstruction of Themal Plates/Wallpaper opening up wholes into space.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Aggressive dupes tried to punch space.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when building doors at the edge of the world.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when FMOD failed to initialize using the default audio device. This is usually caused by third party software interfering with the audio device but instead of crashing, the game will start with no audio.
- Fixed for the loud humming sound.
- Potential fix for the black anim outlines showing up on certain older graphics cards.
- Fixed some mismatched POI strings.
- Fixed typo in "Invalid Location".
- Shearing station can only be built on the floor.
- Refinery was only fetching the first ingredient for multi-ingredient recipes. Now it fetches all of them.
- Space art tuning.
- Mesh and airflow tiles no longer invincible to comets, now take proper damage.
- Sneezing now actually plays the full sneeze animation.
- Valves now say that they're manually operated.
- Kiln/Shearing station sound effects.
- Fixed crash when attempting to build wires outside the simulation grid.
- Updated thermal block art.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when harvesting hatches as they are being groomed.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when deconstructing travel tubes.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when you decided to keep all your Pacus at the edge of space.
- Kiln recipes now require coal.
- New egg cracker art.
- Fixed crash when using the sandbox sample tool outside the simulation grid.
[ 2018-06-14 17:27:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
[Game Update] - 265752
- More audio optimization to try and fix audio stuttering issues
Hotfix 269773
- Fixed a crash that could occur on load of some save files.
[ 2018-05-25 20:55:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Out in space there's an old saying; "happiness is a warm Hatchling". Well, today there's more than enough happiness to go around in a certain little asteroid!
Ranchers who have long enjoyed caring for the special critters of the colony have finally perfected breeding them in captivity, and they've been rewarded with the very best imaginable thing; baby critters! Bug-eyed Puftlings, tiny Slickster Larva, and chubby Shine Nymphs all await your care, plus some new critters that can't wait to meet you!
What's New in Mark II?
Critter Morphs
Each critter has latent genes that can be activated through specific conditions in diet, environment, and handsomeness. By giving special care to your critters, they will lay new varieties of eggs that hatch into morphs with new requirements and byproducts. Gotta ranch 'em all! Key Features
- Critter Morphs: Each critter has one or more variations that can be hatched from special eggs, if conditions are right, enabling new means of production and bonus adorableness.
- New Critters: Some new wild specimens have been spotted around the asteroid!
- Drecko: The lizard-like Drecko can be found in secluded corners and high ceilings of the Jungle Biome, nibbling on the local plants and basking in the warmth of the Hydrogen. Its woolly fur grows at an impressive rate and can be sheared off to gain new resources.
- Pacu: The waters of the asteroid have become newly inhabited as well! Delicious Pacu will swim around, looking lovely and reproducing at a vigorous rate. Maybe you'll keep them around for their meat, or breed one of their morphs for their useful side effects.
- Baby Critters: Newly hatched critters need time to grow up and learn the ways of the world before they mature. Some Cycle soon, they'll grow up and really start pooping out coal for you!
- Additional Critter Care Buildings: To assist with the new critters, the Duplicants have developed some new ranching facilities.
- Shearing Station: This station allows you to you relieve your Drecko of all that itchy fur! Works on scales, too.
- Fish Trap, Fish Release: Get your little fishies out of the water and into your belly into a cozy new pond.
- Fish Feeder: Pacu need to eat too! Use this feeder to automatically feed your fish each and every day. So long as you keep it stocked, anyway.
Sandbox Mode
Become the master of space and physics! Use the new sandbox tools to create a world of your own making, or tweak your existing colonies to perfection in this all-new mode. Manipulate elements and temperatures, place buildings free of cost, or add any creature, plant, or geyser to the world whenever and wherever you like. Key Features
- Create and Destroy Tiles: Dramatically alter the landscape of the asteroid by spawning or destroying any element of your choosing.
- Spawn Duplicants: Create as big or as little of a population as you want. See how many Duplicants you can sustain in a single colony!
- Save Compatibility: Enable sandbox mode in your existing save or start a new world. Note: You won't be able to reload your save in survival mode after it's been saved in Sandbox!
And More!
- New Automation Control: The new Gaseous Element Sensor lets you detect the composition of your surrounding atmosphere. In-pipe sensors now let you control you colony based on the element, temperature, or germs contained within your pipes. A memory bit makes building your own super computer easy*!
- More Logic Ports: Even more buildings are now toggleable with a logic input.
- Radiant Pipes: First, there were pipes. Then, there were insulated pipes. Now... there are radiant pipes! Effectively move thermal energy into and out of your rooms with this high-conductivity plumbing.
- Performance Enhancements!
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, and more!
[HOTFIX] 269334 - 5/23/2018
- Fixed an audio stuttering issue
- Fixed ui icons for fabricator queues
- Fixed a crash that could occur when dupes pickup a piece of ore on the same frame it was destroyed
- Fixed an invalid temperature bug that could occur when a door melted
[HOTFIX] 267379 - 5/7/2018
- Fixed a few crashes if a duplicant steps in water, breathes oxygen, or tries to idle near the edge of the world
- Updated Chinese localization
- Fix missing string in scale growth
- Added tame tag to baby slickster
- Fix missing Database icons
- Improve Database load times
- Added Database icons for liquid and gas categories
- Improve memory used by some debug logging
[HOTFIX] 266962 - 5/4/2018
- New grid layout for creature diets in database.
- Fixed duplicate creature diet database listings.
- New baby puft art.
- Fertility modifier descriptions should now respect the player set temperature units.
- Memory Toggle is now in the same layer as the logic gates.
- Memory Toggle should now save load correctly.
- Fixed symbol popping on baby floaters.
- You can no longer build infinite Conveyor Bridges on top of each other.
- Shearing station is now prioritizable.
- Creature diet tooltip should no longer list 0kcal/cycle for all entries.
- Unspoilable food should now appear as unspoilable in the database.
- New fish relocator art.
- Added some logging info to get more details about a crash that is occuring when using localized text input boxes.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using debug keys in the main menu.
- Tropical pacu should no longr have an extra red tint applied.
- Eggs in the incubator should now be in the proper layer.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a fish flopped outside of the world.
- Few fish feeder art.
- Fish eggs are no longer halfway through the ground.
- Dreckos now grow scales more sloly when wild.
- Gas element sensor should now have a gas icon instead of a liquid drop.[/live]
[ 2018-05-03 18:33:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
[img=https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2443642764226458280/19C5E4816BD89AD69552BBED9FF6CBA83733535B/] Hello friends! It's the start of the third trimester for Ranching Upgrade Mark II. Through extensive breeding, Duplicants have begun observing strange eggs... could this be a new species variation? Or a whole new creature? In addition, they've just finally noticed how cute those freshly-hatched critters are! Meanwhile, some industrious plumber Duplicant has been busy in the lab to bring us new pipes and sensors, and it's a good thing too, because there's more ports to plug those sensors into. All this new automation has given the Duplicants a power complex, and they've decided to make the whole world their sandbox. Mind that temperature tool! If you're interested, you can help us test this new content for the next two weeks before it goes live. As always we appreciate your feedback, so please share your thoughts and opinions on the Suggestions Forum. Thank-you! What does this preview contain so far? The following content is available in the Ranching Upgrade Mark II preview:
- New Critter Morphs -- by breeding creatures new kinds of eggs might be laid
- Hatch Morphs
- Shine Bug Morphs
- Slickster Morphs
- Puft Morphs
- Baby critters added to the critter lifecycle
- New critters:
- Drecko
- Drecko Morphs
- Pacu
- Pacu Morphs
- Gaseous Element Sensor
- In-pipe sensors (liquid and gas)
- Germ sensor
- Element sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Radiant pipes (liquid and gas)
- Memory Bit logic component
- Added logic ports to many more buildings
- Sandbox Tools
- Sandbox mode can be enabled on new custom games, or from the pause menu
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 264383 - 4/19/2018
- Fix crash when pressing the "z" key
- Baby critters will now call out occasionally
- Creature's recent diet will properly load to become poop, no more mass loss
- Cleaned up which creatures are listed in which feeders
- Fix for missing scales in Drecko art
- Basic Drecko is now a fibre producing critter, plastic Drecko is a Morph.
- Updated Shine Bug egg and baby artwork
- Tweaks to sub-priority selector
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265004 - 4/19/2018
- Tile hover text should now display correctly
- Cursor should not longer get stuck looking like a hand
- Sandbox UI should no longer appear offscreen
- Possible fix for bottom right buttons not being clickable
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265069 - 4/20/2018
- Another potential fix for the bottom right buttons not being clickable
- Tooltips on character select screen should now work
- Baby creatures should no longer die of old age before they get a chance to grow up
- Fixed a crash that could occur when cloning storage filter options
- Fixed a crash that could occur when deconstructing switches
- Pacus will slowly get tame from eating from the fish feeder
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265092 - 4/20/2018
- dupes should no longer sometimes appear to be invisible
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265257 - 4/23/2018
- Sleeping status item should no longer flicker on and off.
- Sage Hatch babies should now turn into Sage Hatch adults.
- Lightbug babies should now look like their parents.
- Hatches should no longer disappear when laying an egg or being groomed.
- Deconstructing the logic memory bit should no longer cause a crash.
- Shearing station should now require power.
- Dupes should no longer slide through doors.
- Baby hatches should no longer try and burrow into the ground.
- Loading a save file with dupes who are low on breath should no longer cause the dupes to be invisible.
- Debug painting crushed rock should no longer cause a crash.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265438 - 4/24/2018
- Potentially fixed the remaining issues with Duplicants turning invisible.
- Pacus can no longer swim through two touching diagonal tiles.
- Pacus can no longer swim through mesh tiles.
- Pacus are slightly happy that they ate from a feeder.
- Ore should no longer fall/disappear on conveyors.
- Hat wearing Duplicant portraits should properly show their hat hair.
- Fixed an issue where a significant amount of translated strings were not properly loaded.
- Pipe overlays should render properly when using sandbox tools in an area covered by fog of war.
- Stone hatch eggs should now spawn Stone Hatchlings instead of adults.
- Layed eggs should now look like the creature that will hatch out of the egg instead of the creature that layed the egg.
- Fixed some Light Bugs not hatching the correct babies.
- Fixed Slicksters hatching as adults instead of babies.
- Thermal conductivity for heat exchange is now based on the average conductivity of the two elements instead of the minimum. This should improve the temperature exhchange of many things including radiant pipes.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265550 - 4/24/2018
- Fixed another case of dupes going invisible
- Status items should work once again
- Misc crash fixes
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265646 - 4/25/2018
- Fixed another case where dupes could become invisible
- Adult pufts should no longer try and sleep
- Insulated tiles/pipes use the minimum of their thermal conductivity and the
- Elements they are transferring with
- All eggs should now be selectable
- Fixed a crash that could occur when painting toxic sand
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265689 - 4/25/2018
- Using a translation file with nested or mismatched "" tags should no longer cause random crashes. Instead the english text will be used and the problematic strings will be listed in the log similar to strings using mismatched parameters.
- When generating new worlds and when loading save files previous to this changelist, all Abyssalite will take on the temperature of their surrounding cells.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265724 - 4/25/2018
- Fix for crash that could occur when loading/generating a world with abyssalite surrounded by vacuum.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 265826 - 4/26/2018
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using a translation that had unexpected tags compared to the english version which could cause tag nesting which is unsupported by Text Mesh Pro.
- Doors should properly melt instead of providing free resources.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when wearing a suit, a hat, an outfit, carrying a piece of ore and working at a building which had special effects as part of it's animation which would end up using too many texture atlases.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266019 - 4/27/2018
- Fix Drip Cooling. In liquid density settling code we should've been calculating average temperature, not average energy which caused a rapid loss of energy.
- Abyssalite should now ignore neutronium when averaging the temperature of nearby cells during world generation.
- Fixed a bug where elements with zero thermal conductivity were conducting.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a helmet was destroyed.
- Fixed the chewing sound on the adult hatch and added a chewing sound to the hatch babies.
- Added some baby movement and inhale sounds to the Puft/Slickster.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the contents of a pipe froze as the pipe was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where the energy being passed from the conduit contents to the pipe was inverted.
- Creature Lure should no longer crash on deconstruct.
- Algae Habitats now have an empty chore which allows them to drop their bottles on the ground even if there is no bottle emptier.
- Algae habitat no longer allows removal directly from storage.
- Increased bottle emptier speed.
- Fish eating from a storage locker notify the locker that it's contents have been changed so that the feeder gets properly refilled and things like the transfer arms can detect that it needs refilling.
- Fish feeder should properly restore it's contents to the bottom of the feeder on load so that it's reachable by the fishes.
- Baby hatches should no longer attempt to make jumps they can't reach.
- Sandbox clear floor tool will not delete items in storage
- Sandbox mode now has toggleable instant build mode.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 2147483646 world seed due to the Mono Random function crashing when using a value of int.Min.
- Creature wrangling now respects priority. You can also see the priority toolbar if you click on the creature.
- Thermal conductivity displayed on the properties panel for insulated/radiant buildings should now take into account those buildings modifiers.
- Eggs spawned from tame creatures should now be tame.
- Babies spawned from tame eggs should now be tame.
- Adults spawned from tame babies should now be tame.
- Duplicants can be spawned from the sandbox spawner menu.
- Added official Russian translation(beta).
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266094 - 4/27/2018
- Scaled down the thermal conductivity multiplier of radiant pipes.
- Fixed a bug where bottles being dropped by wash basins would get stuck in the air.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266340 - 5/1/2018
- Pipe Empty jobs show the required role
- Fix crash when trying to empty pipes
- Sandbox "Instant Build Mode" defaults to checked
- Fix incorrect temperature changes caused by partial boiling
- Fix crash due to supercooling hydrogen
- Show a notification if there is food available but dupes can't find any due to consumables permissions
- Fix pop text when "cancelling" a non-wrangleable creature
- Fix crash when computing cell visibility
- Fix crash in sandbox brush tool
- Fix crash that could occur when using debug keys
- Shine Bugs now get groomed from the correct location
- Pacu will properly overcrowd
- Fix Drecko movement around corners
- Fix crash when destroying POI ladders
- Fix creatures not landing correctly after falling
- Morbs once again trigger the trap
- Updated Shearing Station animations
- Updated Pacu animations
- Fix Shine Bug egg UI art
- Thermal conductivity is now a log-average instead of an average
- Fix Shearing Station animation layering
- Updated Pacu UI art
- Critters now layer correctly when being ranched/sheared
- Incubator shows egg icons for each variant now
- Database entries for Critter Morphs should be linked correctly
- Updated Slickster morph animations
- Balance changes to Drecko diet
- Drecko now requires Hydrogen atmosphere instead of chlorine
- Glossy Drecko egg chances can now be improved by certain diets
- Dreckos have an info item to show their shearable growth
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266385- 5/1/2018
- Adults should now copy all their attributes from their babies.
- Selection is maintained when spawning egg > baby > adult.
- Fixed crash if Pacu lands on floor.
- Fixed layering issues when using the decor/farming overlays.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266516 - 5/2/2018
- Fixed an issue where dupes would deliver liquids stored in liquid bottlers even if auto bottling was disabled after loading a save file.
- Cleanup symbol override warnings in log files
- Fixed a crash that could occur when entering world seeds in the custom game settings screen.
- Codex subentry links will drive scrollview to the correct part of the codex entry.
- Sandbox Destroy tool deletes POI objects.
- Dreckos should only attempt to eat plants that have grown to at least 25% of maturity.
- Dreckos now poop phosphorite.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the sim send messages back to the game.
- Reduced some of the memory usage of the navigation system.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when ore fell outside the world when using sandbox tools.
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266562 - 5/2/2018
- Fixed misc crashes that could occur when loading certain save files or generating certain worlds
[BETA PREVIEW HOTFIX] 266638 - 5/2/2018
- Shine bug navigation should be fixed
- Fixed a crash that could occur on load of certain save files
[ 2018-04-19 19:50:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been a hard six weeks of survival for our poor stranded Duplicants, but something adorable is on the horizon that's sure to make them smile - Critter Ranching! With new tools at their disposal our Duplicants can interact with critters in a variety of cute and helpful ways. Will Hatches become Dupe's best friend? Is there enough grooming in the world to make a Puft smell good? What DO Shine Bugs eat?
These questions and more can be answered in Oxygen Not Included: Ranching Upgrade Mark I!
Wait... What's "Mark I"?
Our team has a lot of ideas for where we want to take creatures in Oxygen Not Included... So many ideas, in fact, that they couldn't all fit into one upgrade! This means that Mark I is just the first of two Upgrades (the next being "Mark II"), which will have the same development cycle and release another 6 weeks from now with even more critter-related content for the game. Releasing two part upgrades in this way gives us time to fully flesh out more complex ideas, iterate on existing content, and try out new things... and while we can't reveal all of what will be in the remaining half of the upgrade, we can say that it will increase the depth of critter loops and utility, and will further build on the mechanical foundations laid in this half of the upgrade. (And maybe there'll be a new species...)
So What's New in Mark I?
Critter Ranching
Critter ranching allows you to interact with critters in a variety of new ways and integrate them into the daily routine of your colony. Duplicants, particularly those employed as Ranchers, can care for Hatches, Shine Bugs, and Pufts to increase their happiness, farm additional resources from them, and even breed new critters for your herd. Key Features
- Critter Wrangling: Use the new Wrangle tool and your Ranchers can capture critters alive and move them around your base! No traps required.
- Critter Care: Tons of new buildings and systems have been implemented to keep your precious critters happy, healthy, and most importantly productive.
- Needs and Conditions: Each critter species has specific needs that must be met in order to maintain their health and comfort. Temperature, atmosphere, and food needs will all need to be met in order to keep a critter happy, and a happy critter is a productive one!
- Critter Feeders: Critters are hungry little guys and now have calorie stores just like Duplicants. They'll need to eat regularly in order to stay alive, but luckily feeding them has never been easier! Just pop a bit of unused stone into a Critter Feeder and watch a Hatch munch away!
- Grooming Stations: Clip those claws, unmatt that fur, and shine those shells! Critters appreciate it when their handlers keep them in tip top shape, so be sure to build a fewer grooming station and let the primping begin!
- New Ranching Job: This new job comes with a boost to the newly introduce Ranching attribute, and will teach Duplicants the art of wrangling critters in the wild for capture (no traps required!). Dupes who learn the Ranching trade will also be able to use a Grooming Station to give their livestock's happiness a boost from time to time.
- Critter Reproduction: New reproduction cycles means you can ranch critters to increase their numbers. Raise a flock of twenty Pufts!
- Happiness: You know, they say "Happiness is a warm Hatch." Well, Happiness is the new metric by which you can see how well your critters are cared for. Creatures with high happiness will not only produce more useful products, but they may even feel comfortable enough to lay some new eggs!
- Eggs! When a critter's Reproduction stat reaches 100, they will now lay a brand new delicious adorable critter egg. These eggs can be [strike]immediately cooked and ravenously eaten[/strike] raised with the utmost care to produce new critters, allowing you to increase the size of your lovable critter herd.
- Incubators: Build an Incubator to ensure all your critter eggs are safe, secure, and most importantly, warm. These Incubators are equipped with ideal settings for each known species of critter egg, so go ahead, set it and forget it! (But make sure a Rancher is on hand to oversee the hatching!)
And More!
- New Database: A new encyclopedia has been added to connect you to a wealth of knowledge about foods, plants, animals, elements, systems... you get the idea! View all stats and functions for buildings and creatures at any time to plan your base to absolute perfection. And who knows? Some mysterious entries may appear from time to time, too...
- Priority System Tweaks: The "Priorities" screen has been split from the Jobs screen into its own menu and can be used to manage individual Duplicants' priorities. Colony priorities have been replaced with a new "Sub-Priorities" button, which can still be used to set the importance of pending tasks but will be overridden by individual Dupe priorities.
- 18 New Geyser Types: Tons of new points of interest have erupted onto the scene!
- Geysers, Fumaroles, Volcanoes, Fissures
- Copper, Iron, Gold, Co2, Hydrogen and more
- Both cool and hot temperatures
- Explore and find them all!
- Performance Enhancements!
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, and more!
[Game Hotfix] 260921 - 3/22/2018
- Fix crash that could occur when a text box with a link in it was destroyed
- Updated Database icons for geysers
- Fix for a number of bugs related to dupes crossing exosuit checkpoints
- "Rummage" for lockers and vending machines now prioritizes correctly
- Seasoned Rancher hat artwork updated
- Hatch eggs are now visible as they are being laid
- Dupe carrying capacity from strength correctly calculated on load/spawn
[ 2018-03-22 17:18:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
As we know life always finds a way, and it seems the colony is no different. At lodng last, the critters of the asteroid have begun sustaining themselves thanks to the Ranching Upgrade Mark I. When a critter's needs are all met and they're kept in the right conditions, they can now lay brand new eggs. These can be incubated to hatch new critters, or just used as a delicious source of protein (shh, don't tell them!).
There have also been several other exciting discoveries: The Duplicants have finally gotten their priorities straight with new Priority and Urgency systems, and have begun compiling an extensive Database of useful knowledge about their world! Just in time too, because new geological disturbances have appeared which may require further investigation...
If you're interested, you can help us test this new content for the next two weeks before it goes live. As always we appreciate your feedback, so please share your thoughts and opinions on the Suggestions Forum. Thank-you!
What does this preview contain so far?
The following content is available in the Ranching Upgrade Mark I preview:
- New Ranching Gameplay
- New Rancher job
- Critter wrangling
- Critter needs and conditions
- Critter reproduction (Eggs!)
- Critter Feeders
- Grooming Stations
- Incubators
- Critter relocation buildings now lower tech
- Extended descriptions for many entries
- Added more controls for job prioritization
- Renamed errand priority "Urgency" to distinguish from individual Duplicant priorities
- Added optional auto-prioritization for job-related errands
- More geysers in each new world
- Variable outputs and dormancy cycles

HOTFIX - 258798
- Morbs should once again spit out polluted oxygen.
- Wrangle tool now displays hover text if you try to wrangle a creature which cannot be wrangled.
- Hatches should now properly display the 'buried object' marker when spawned inside of a solid tile. This change requires a new world to be generated.
- Hatches should no longer 'freak out' when landing
- Creature info panels should now display what is required to capture the creature
- Build menu should no longer be offset when creating a new game
- Rancher job now has a ranching perk
- Main menu should no longer stutter when you have lots of save files.
- Duplicants can no longer rangle burried hatches.
- Creatures should now consume the appropriate amount of calories every cycle.
[ 2018-03-08 19:49:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
In the many weeks since we last saw our Duplicants they've been hard at working being... well, hard at work. They've recently learned that if they work together as a colony and split up their workloads, everyone can get just a little bit faster - and better - at what they do.
...They also re-invented hats.
Introducing: Oxygen Not Included - Occupational Upgrade!
What's New?
Duplicant Jobs With the new job progression system, your Duplicants will now be able to wear many hats - quite literally! Duplicants can be assigned new jobs in the reworked Jobs Panel, specializing them for chosen tasks within the colony and giving them new perks to boot. Be aware though, Duplicants who work harder may expect nicer amenities to keep them happy, which can mean a heaping helping of stress if you don't plan ahead.
Key Features
- New Jobs Board: Build a Jobs Board from the Stations Tab to unlock the new Job assignments tree!
- Revamped Jobs Panel: In addition to the existing function of toggling work errands, the Jobs Panel now contains the Jobs tree, allowing you to assign Duplicants to positions like Miner, Architect, or Engineer, and promote them as they rise through the ranks.
- New Job Perks: All jobs come with attribute boosts related to their field, but some jobs will also come with work-specific perks that compound as Dupes advance. This means that advancing through the ranks can unlock special skills, like the ability to used advanced machinery or dig through Granite and Abyssalite.
- Duplicant Job Interests: Everyone in the universe has something they enjoy doing! Assign a Duplicant to a job they're interested in, and their enthusiasm for the work will help them learn to master it just a little bit faster.
- Hats: Yes, hats. That go on your Duplicants' tiny little heads. These accessories will used to denote which job your Duplicant has been assigned to, and gosh are the Dupes ever excited to wear them.
- New Stations and Rooms:
- Farm Station: Enclosing a room and adding a Farm Station will now create a Greenhouse. Duplicants assigned to farming jobs will be able to produce special fertilizer in these rooms and distribute it to nearby crops for a growth boost.
- Power Control Station: Enclosing a room and adding a Power Control Station will now create a Power Plant. Engineering Duplicants will be able to create upgrade materials in these rooms, allowing them to tinker with nearby generators to increase their power output.
- Recreation Room: Creating a Recreation Room with a fun building and some decoration will give your Duplicants a place they can hang out and de-stress.
Expanded Automation
Building on existing Automation systems within the game, new buildings and overlays have been added to give you more control over daily colony operations and the breadth of automatable tasks within your base. With the all new Conveyor System, you can deliver ore and solid objects around your colony, put items away in storage, and sweep up floor debris, all without your Duplicants lifting a finger.
Key Features
- Conveyor Rails, Loader and Receptacle: Found in the Shipping tab of the Build Menu, these new buildings can be used to quickly and automatically transport your materials to construction sites and storage areas. No Duplicant effort required!
- Auto-Sweeper: This handy automatic machine will suck up and redistribute all the ore and debris in range and shoot it back out into the buildings and storage containers that need it. What a time-saver!
- New Conveyor Overlay: View your web of conveyor systems and see where materials are headed in your base in real time.
- Smart Battery and Storage Locker: New Smart Batteries and Lockers can be hooked up to Automation grids and will become Active when they fill up to the amount you specify. That's smart!
- Smart Fridge: Existing Fridges have been reworked, adding Automation inputs and allowing them to become Active when filled above the specified amount. They also probably know if Dupes sneak in for a midnight snack, and silently judge.
- Disease Logic Sensor: This Automation sensor will allow you to detect concentrations of Germs and turn systems on or off based on levels of contamination. Automatically lock off a biohazardous area when disease is running rampant, or unleash a flood of Chlorine to flush out a contaminated space.
And More
- Steam Turbine: Get steamed up for this generator, because it can produce loads of energy with practically no waste!
- Food and Plant Rebalances: Plants have been tweaked for a more rewarding overall farming experience.
- Certain plants have received an increase to their calorie output, and have had the ranges of their ideal growth conditions broadened for ease of growth
- Meal Lice now require fertilization with Dirt
- Higher tier food production should now be more viable
- Performance Enhancements!
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, and more!
[ 2018-02-08 18:13:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a quick note regarding priority: in addition to implementing Duplicant Jobs this update, we also tried to tackle some of the thorny issues of Priority. We felt it was a natural fit that Jobs also affect priority, but we haven’t been happy with the side effects. In particular, it was hard to understand, and now that we've added the ability to retain mastery it didn’t make much sense anymore, so we are going to backburner reviewing priorities for a later update. Please keep posting your feedback, we really appreciate it!
- Priorities are now 1-9.
- Jobs now affect priority within a single priority level (e.g. will prefer one prio 5 task over another prio 5 task) rather than across priority levels (6 is always higher than 5 no matter what)
- Job perks are now permanent upon mastery of the job. The expectations of the highest mastered/assigned job determine the duplicant's expectations
- Job attribute bonuses adjust to account for permanent perks
- Jobs can only be changed at the Jobs Desk, construct one to unlock job management
- A larger number of Duplicants can be assigned to a single job
- Re-enabled attribute leveling, reduced max attribute base level to 20
- Reintroduced strength attribute to determine carrying amount
- Athletics is rolled separately from other attributes, and no jobs directly buff athletics anymore
- Add experience gaining and attribute speed bonuses for more chore types
- Steam turbine should properly stop if entombed or disabled
- Dupes will now wait for materials to be delivered before digging out any building which affects locomotion including tiles, ladders, fire poles and the pitcher pump. They will however dig out ladders/fire poles without waiting for materials if the job is attached to an existing ladder/fire pole.
- Liquids will now only sublimate to a max pressure.
- Conveyor contents should no longer melt when loading a save file.
- Multiple instances of a building in a room should now be porperly considered inside that room.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a door was destroyed the frame after it received a logic signal.
- Dig damage texture should no longer disappear just before a tile is properly dug out.
- Fixed an issue where Duplicants would become unselectable.
- Tiles can no longer be build on top of Tempshift Plates.
- Duplicant portraits should now be displaying the proper hats in the vitals/consumables screens.
- Coal Generator is now automatable.
- Duplicant job progression is now displayed at the bottom of the stats tab.
- Duplicants with jobs should now properly prioritize the Massage Table if it is the highest set player prioritized building.
[ 2018-02-02 18:23:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[img=https://cdn.forums.klei.com/ONI/hats_10fps.gif] Hello friends! The Duplicants have been working so hard lately, we decided to acknowledge their efforts with shiny new job titles! Presenting: The Occupational Upgrade. Now you can assign your Duplicants to specific job types to help improve their skills and organize work around the colony. It's paid off already! Thanks to advanced specialization, they've finally figured out how to move chunks of ore around the colony using a brand new ore transport system! If you're interested, you can help us test this new content for the next two weeks before the update goes live. As always, we appreciate your feedback! What does this preview contain so far? The following content is available in the Occupational Upgrade preview:
- New Jobs System
- New job assignments to cover all aspects of colony life
- Many jobs have new or updated abilities
- Revised Food and Decor expectations
- Redeveloped Jobs screen
- Hats
- Food and Crop rebalance
- Ore Transport System
- Conveyor Rails
- Conveyor Inbox and Outbox
- Ore Transfer Arm
- Hats
- Smart Battery
- Smart Storage Locker
- Improved Fridge to Smart Fridge
- Disease Logic Sensor
- Steam Turbine generator
- Farm Station
- Power Control Station
- Massage table revision
- A wide variety of bug fixes
- Hats

For more details on joining the preview branch, check out the official post
[ 2018-01-25 20:50:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everybody, and welcome to the Tubular Upgrade! The Oxygen Not Included team is going on holiday break so we're squeezing in an early smaller update before we go on vacation. We'll resume our normal update schedule when we return in January.
What's New?
Advanced tube technology has been introduce to the world of Oxygen Not Included as a new tier of transportation, above ladders and fire poles. Using refined plastics, you can now craft new Tube buildings throughout your base and drastically improve travel time while sending your Dupes on a ride.
Key Features
- Transit Tubes: New Transit Tubes, Transit Accesses, and Tube Crossings have been added to help your Duplicants zoom from place to place in futuristic style. Tubular!
- Ice Sculptures: Build new glittering ice sculptures in your base for a well-earned decor boost... but be sure to turn the thermostat down.
- Berry Sludge: A "delicious" new recipe has been whipped up at the Microbe Musher, creating a sludge of mashed up berries with an exceptionally long spoilage time.
- QOL, performance enhancements, and more: This will, as usual, address many important bug fixes and game crashes, but more importantly it will drastically improve frame rate and functionality in late game saves or bases that met certain conditions (like a great deal of items in storage, for example). Those who saw frame rate crawl in earlier games should see a major change, so get back out there and push the limits of your base expansion!
- OS: Windows 7 64 bit or Windows 8 64 bit or Windows 10 64 bit
- Processor: I5 2.0 GHz Dual core(or AMD equivalent)
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 1.5 GB available space
[ 2017-12-14 18:29:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the official Klei Forums: https://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/85205-tubular-upgrade-preview-and-holiday-break/ Hey gang! We're happy to announce the launch of our latest content preview, The Tubular Upgrade! Now, using their discovery of plastic refinement, Duplicants can zoom quickly and safely around your base with brand new Transit Tubes! Just set up some tubes, connect an access point, and WHOOSH! You're ready to propel your Dupes at lightning fast speeds. If you'd like to help test us test this new Tubular content, the upgrade will be available for open testing one week before it goes live. We always appreciate your feedback!
Team Holiday Schedule
And while we've got you, we'd also like to let you know that over the holidays, the team will be taking a two week break, then resuming our 6 week update schedule starting in the New Year. Our next update after the Tubular Upgrade will land on February 8th. Thanks for supporting our game, and happy holidays from everyone at Klei!
About Tubular Upgrade Open Testing
The following content is available in the Tubular Upgrade preview:
- Transit Tubes, Accesses, and Tube Crossings
- Ice Sculptures
- Berry Sludge recipe
- QOL and performance enhancements Please be aware that game performance in testing may be reduced as we prepare to make major improvements for release. While your game may run worse during the Open Testing period, this is because we are gathering the information we need to make it better, and are happy to take any bug reports or feedback on performance issues you may have during this time. Thanks!
What is open testing?
"Open testing" means players get to test drive new content early and give us feedback and suggestions before it goes live. Because this is a preview of the upgrade being released on December 14th, it's pretty likely you'll encounter bugs or crashes while playing these builds. We'll try to fix any problems that crop up as quickly as we can, but it's possible you'll lose progress in your games while playing the preview. Please also be aware that once a save is loaded in the Tubular Upgrade preview, it cannot be reopened again in the Automation Upgrade or previous builds.
What do I do if I find a crash or a bug?
Post it up on the Bug Tracker and we'll fix it as soon as we can. If you can attach a copy of your save file to your report, that helps us even more as we can pinpoint the source of problem more quickly.
Do I have to play the open testing build?
Nope! If you'd prefer to only play a stable build, you can continue to play in the current Early Access branch until the Tubular Upgrade releases in full on December 14th. Playing the Open Testing build isn't necessary, but it helps us a lot to receive your feedback and reports - if you're interested, try it out!
How do I become an open tester?
There's no sign up or registration for becoming an open tester. If you own Oxygen Not Included and want to test the Tubular Upgrade preview, all you have to do is play the Open Testing build on Steam.
How do I play the open testing build?
Just switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:
- In Steam, click on Library > Games.
- Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included.
- Right-click and select Properties.
- Go to the BETAS tab.
- In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is "tubular_upgrade_preview" This branch does not require a password.
- In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache."
- Your game will be updated to the the previous branch.
- Launch and play Oxygen Not Included
[ 2017-12-07 20:51:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the official forums
Hello friends,
We've got an early present for you: Oxygen Not Included is now available for Linux!
This time around it's available for everyone by default, so no branch fanciness needed this time, just download and play!
(Because of updating the game on steam, all platforms will see a download today, but there are no new changes. The game is on AT-243285.)
The Linux version of the game is still undergoing testing though, so please let us know in the bug tracker if you notice any issues. We look forward to hearing how it goes.
[ 2017-11-28 18:34:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
[T H I S I S A N A U T O M A T E D M E S S A G E]
Hello [USER], and welcome to the Automation Upgrade!
Our Duplicants have been hard at working researching new and wonderful technologies in the depths of their cosmic prison, and happily to say, they've come up with a brand new system of base management: [AUTOMATION]! So relax, take a load off, and let the machines do the work!
What All's New?
A brand new collection of automation-based items have been introduced into Oxygen Not Included, allowing you to wield Boolean logic to run your base at absolute peak efficiency. Logic sensors, switches, and gates are among a few of the items you can now use to turn your base into a literal well-oiled machine.
Key Features
- Logic Gates: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, Buffer, and Filter gates are now available for devising and building you own logic circuitry in your base.
Sensors and Shutoffs:
- Thermo, Atmo and Liquid Sensors: Detect ambient air pressure, temperature, and liquid pressure with these sensors to turn your machines on and off. Construct built-in safeguards against overheating and high pressures, or just turn your machines off automatically when they're no longer needed.
- Clock Sensor: Duplicants crave structure! Start scheduling your Duplicants' day cycles with these clock sensors, allowing you to determine the exact time of day your systems should turn on and off. You could even turn out the lights when it's time for the colony go to bed.
- Weight Plate: Trigger your automation grids when creatures, ore, or Duplicants press down on these new floor switches.
- Signal Switch: Automation just doesn't feel right without a human touch - or a Duplicant one at least. Use these manual switches to input Active or Standby signals into automated systems at your leisure.
- Liquid, Gas, and Power Shutoffs: Use automation to precisely control when and where precious resources flow in your base.
- Duplicant Checkpoints: Combine these doors with other switches and sensors and you can control exactly when and where Duplicants are allowed to travel. Prevent Dupes from entering dangerous environments, or signal them to travel to remote areas only when valuable resources are available.
- New Building Inputs: Automation ports have been retroactively added to all existing compatible buildings, meaning they're ready and waiting to be automized!
- Automation Overlay: Enter the Automation Overlay to see your new circuitry in all its glory.
A new mid-tier family of construction materials has been added between raw resources and plastics, allowing you to use refining techniques to purifying your metals into more efficient refined metals. These refined metals can be used to construct new buildings, or to create improved versions of existing buildings, such as wires and tiles to upgrade your infrastructure colonywide.
Key Features
- Rock Granulator: Crushing down raw minerals with this Granulator allows you to renewably produce sand, and yields you a bit of refined metal as well!
- Metal Refinery: New metal refineries allow to efficiently process refined metals in bulk, but be warned - the runoff can get a bit toasty.
- Metal Wires: New wire types such as Conductive Wire and Heavi Conductive Wire have been added using new refined metals, improving wattage handling and decor.
- Metal Tiles: These tiles majorly improve decor and transfer heat quickly through your base.
And More
- Fire Poles: Got somewhere you need to go, fast? These fire poles are the answer! ...Unless you're trying to climb back up, that is.
- Aerial Creature Lures: This attractive device can lure those pesky flying creatures that until now have evaded all your traps. Set it with some bait and those Pufts and Shinebugs won't be able to resist!
- Mini Gas and Liquid Pumps: Cute, tiny little pumps are now available to build for those situations where a regular pump is just too much. They're both power efficient, too!
- Tempshift Plates: Slow down or accelerate the rate of heat transfer in certain areas using new Tempshift wall plates. Their efficacy depends on the type of material you use to build them, so choose wisely!
- New Ruins Setpieces: What new things are hiding within your world, waiting to be discovered? You'll need to explore to find out!
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, and more!
- Existing sensors and some switches have been reworked as automation buildings and can no longer be connected directly to power grids.
- Oil and other hydrocarbons have new solid states, and will now freeze when reaching low enough temperatures.
- The Research Tree has been expanded and revised to include new buildings and improve the experience of researching new technologies.
- Finally, we'd like to give a big thank-you to everyone who participated in the Automation Upgrade Preview - as always, your reports, feedback, and contributions have been especially helpful in developing new content for this upgrade. Thank-you and enjoy the Automation Upgrade, [USER]!
[Game Update] 243104 - 11/22/2017
- fixed a crash that could occur when using the refinery
- updated chinese translation
[Game Update] 243285 - 11/23/2017
- misc performance improvements
[ 2017-11-23 18:37:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Save up to 75% on select Klei Entertainment titles as part of the their Publisher Weekend*!
*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2017-11-09 23:45:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
We've been hard at work refining the game, trying to make the next logical move, and after 4 weeks and several minor soldering burns, we've got something! Presenting: The Automation Upgrade. With the inevitable discovery of refined metals, the Duplicants have set their sights on upgraded base automation, and even have begun trying to build their own supercomputer using nothing but logic gates.
If you're interested, you can help us test this new content for the next two weeks before the update goes live. As always, we appreciate your feedback!
What does this preview contain so far?
The following content is available in the Automation Upgrade preview:
- New Automation Overlay
- Automation wiring and inputs on existing buildings
- Automate liquid, gas, and temperature sensors which replace the power switches
- Automated manual, time-of-day, and floor sensors
- Automated Power Shutoffs
- Automated Liquid and Gas Shutoffs
- AND, OR, XOR, NOT and BUFFER Gates
- Mini Liquid and Gas Pumps
- Duplicant Checkpoints
- Rock Granulator
- Metal Refinery
- Pure metal Electrical Wires
- Metal Tiles
- Thermo-Shift Plate
- Fire Pole
- New Ruins setpieces
How do I play the open testing build?
Just switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:
- In Steam, click on Library > Games.
- Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included.
- Right-click and select Properties.
- Go to the BETAS tab.
- In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is "automation_upgrade_preview"
- This branch does not require a password.
- In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press "Verify
- Integrity Of Game Cache."
- Your game will be updated to the the previous branch.
- Launch and play Oxygen Not Included

[ 2017-11-02 21:39:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
We've been hard at work refining the game, trying to make the next logical move, and after 4 weeks and several minor soldering burns, we've got something! Presenting: The Automation Upgrade. With the inevitable discovery of refined metals, the Duplicants have set their sights on upgraded base automation, and even have begun trying to build their own supercomputer using nothing but logic gates.
If you're interested, you can help us test this new content for the next two weeks before the update goes live. As always, we appreciate your feedback!
What does this preview contain so far?
The following content is available in the Automation Upgrade preview:
- New Automation Overlay
- Automation wiring and inputs on existing buildings
- Automate liquid, gas, and temperature sensors which replace the power switches
- Automated manual, time-of-day, and floor sensors
- Automated Power Shutoffs
- Automated Liquid and Gas Shutoffs
- AND, OR, XOR, NOT and BUFFER Gates
- Mini Liquid and Gas Pumps
- Duplicant Checkpoints
- Rock Granulator
- Metal Refinery
- Pure metal Electrical Wires
- Metal Tiles
- Thermo-Shift Plate
- Fire Pole
- New Ruins setpieces
How do I play the open testing build?
Just switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:
- In Steam, click on Library > Games.
- Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included.
- Right-click and select Properties.
- Go to the BETAS tab.
- In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is "automation_upgrade_preview"
- This branch does not require a password.
- In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press "Verify
- Integrity Of Game Cache."
- Your game will be updated to the the previous branch.
- Launch and play Oxygen Not Included

[ 2017-11-02 21:39:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Plumbing further into the depths of the asteroid, our Duplicants have made a fortuitous discovery - oil! Will the colony flourish into an energy-rich paradise? Or devolve into a mire of sweltering heat and suffocating fumes?
Welcome to Oxygen Not Included - Oil Upgrade!
So What's New?
Oxygen Not Included has received a whole new collection of Hydrocarbon resources, along with research and buildings to manipulate them to your benefit. Among these new Hydrocarbons are Crude Oil and Petroleum, which you can use to manufacture versatile plastics for advanced technologies and luxury commodities. Key Features
- Oil Biome: Journey down into the asteroid's depths to obtain the valuable Crude Oil that awaits in this new biome. You may even make some new creature friends along the way. Oil Wells and Geysers: Seek out Oil Geysers and tap them with Oil Wells to extract their precious fuel. You may need to sacrifice some fresh water in the process, however. Petroleum Generator: Use the new Oil Refinery to produce Petroleum and fuel your new high-powered Petroleum Generator. Plastics: The Polymer Press will allow you to start manufacturing your own plastics, unlocking a new tier of advanced and germ-resistant materials. Try not to heat them up though; Naphtha byproducts are no use to anybody.
Suits are heavy-duty hazard gear designed to keep your Duplicants breathing in any environment. With these new additions, you control when and where Duplicants must wear protective suits as they go about their work and keep your base running. Key Features
- Atmo Suits: Crafted at the new Exosuit Station, Atmo Suits increase digging speed and shield Duplicants from unlivable temperatures, gases, and conditions. They may slow your Dupes down a bit, but being slow is better than being dead.
- Checkpoints and Docks: Use new Suit Checkpoints to mark off areas where Duplicants must wear Atmo Suits and prevent them from entering dangerous places unprotected. Once done they've finished their business, you can store and refill your exosuits back at the Suit Docks located next to your Checkpoint.
- New Overlay: Enter the Exosuit Overlay to view docks and the checkpoints marking where Duplicants must change into suits.
And More
- Rooms: When areas you've built fulfill certain requirements, they will now be recognized as designated rooms. For example, an area with a toilet, sink, and a door will now be recognized by Duplicants as a "Bathroom". Completing rooms will grant bonuses to the buildings within them and make Duplicants more efficient.
- New Overlay: Enter the Rooms Overlay to view all current completed rooms in your base and the bonuses being granted by them.
- New Creatures and Buildings:
- Sink: Tired of filling and emptying Wash Basins all the day long? Well now you can build your own plumbable Sinks, complete with clean and dirty water pipes!
- Plastic Ladders and Tiles: Use your brand new plastics to improve the infrastructure in your colony. Plastic ladders and tiles are faster to run on, and their natural antiseptic properties will even keep germ spread at bay!
- Slicksters: These slippery little scoundrels can help you recycle your colony's excessive carbon dioxide production into sweet, sweet fuel. Plus they're cute!
- Comfy Beds: The meaning of the word "discomfort" is sure to fade from collective consciousness once you build your Dupes these fancy beds.
- Heavi-Watt Joint Plate: Run Heavi-Watt Wire through walls with this industrial joint plate.
- Apothecary Unretired: The Apothecary has been reintegrated and can now be used to create general medicines for sick Duplicants, or tasty Vitamin Chews to boost individual immune systems.
- Research Tree Changes: Existing techs have been separated out into more chunks so you have more choices about how to tackle your tech problems, and costs have been rebalanced to fit.
- Improved Daily Report Breakdowns: Reports now display more varied and accurate information about your colony's activities throughout the day, for example - how many embarrassing bathroom accidents your Duplicants had that cycle.
- Disease Mass Limits: New disease mass limits mean germs can no longer reproduce ad infinitum, which is nothing to sneeze at.
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions and more!
- [BETA] Simplified Chinese Translation: We've added a new BETA translation in Simplified Chinese. Additionally, community translations are still available and we are working to provide more translations for many other languages as well.
HOTFIX 236191
- Idle dupes returning their suit should now put their suit in the locker instead of dropping it on the ground if the locker they are returning it is closer to them than the arrow it is attached to.
- Fixed a bug where you could no longer dump the contents of Storage
- Lockers onto the ground.
- Duplicants should no longer sometimes ignore Storage Locker settings.
- Duplicants should no longer deliver food to a Refrigerator if that Refrigerator is not set to accept that food.
- Airflow tiles should now be properly detected as a room wall.
- Fixed a bug where rooms were not being properly detected.
- Newly discovered resource categories will no longer be automatically delivered to storage boxes where the storage box does not have the all button checked.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when dupes are working at a fabricator.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during room detection.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when going to the bathroom.
- Fixed a bug where circuits were no longer overloading.
- Animal Relocator selection box should now match the size of the art.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a translation had bad format specifiers for the Duplicant personalities.
HOTFIX 236264
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using Animal Traps
- Fixed a crash that could occur when destroying electrical buildings
- Fixed a crash that could occur when inspecting the atmosphere section of a plant
HOTFIX 236679
- Research screen scroll bar should no longer be missing
- Duplicants should no longer get Food Poisoning/Slime Lung when using the Impervious Immune System setting
- Stress vomiting Duplicants infected with Hypothermia should no longer vomit Hypothermia germs
- Wearing a suit should prevent your Duplicants from getting the "Unclean" effect when stepping in liquids meaning they should no longer want a shower while using a Suit
- Updated Simplified Chinese localization
[ 2017-10-11 18:11:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everybody!
In our most recent roadmap update post we announced that the time between Oxygen Not Included updates has been reduced down to about six weeks; this is great because it means more updates for you, but it also means less testing time for us. For this reason we've decided to open our testing branch to all of our Early Access players.
Starting today, anyone who owns Oxygen Not Included and is interested in testing new content will be able to access the Upgrade Preview branch on Steam and play the new update two weeks before it goes live. If you choose to participate in open testing next update, thank-you! Your feedback is important to us and helps us shape future content.
What does this preview contain?
The following content is available in the Oil Upgrade preview:
- Oil Biome
- New Elements: Oil, Petroleum, Plastic
- New Creature: Slicksters
- New Medicinal Plant: Balm Lily
- New Exosuits: Allow Duplicants to venture safely into new locations
- New Buildings:
- Oil Refinery
- Well Cap
- Petroleum Generator
- Polymer Press
- Plastic Ladders
- Plastic Tiles
- Comfy Bed
- Sink
- Exosuit Station
- Exosuit Checkpoint
- Exosuit Dock
- Heavi-Watt Tile Bridge
- High Pressure Gas Vent
- Animal Trap and drop-point
- Apothecary reintroduced
- All-purpose Placebo pills
- Vitamin Chews to boost immune systems
- Disease population now limited by the mass of the object it's on
- New "Room" mechanic: Better manage medical facility assignment, and to give poor Duplicants something to aspire to
What is open testing?
"Open testing" means players get to test drive new content early and give us feedback and suggestions before it goes live. Because this is a preview of the upgrade being released on October 5th, it's pretty likely you'll encounter bugs or crashes while playing these builds. We'll try to fix any problems that crop up as quickly as we can, but it's possible you'll lose progress in your games while playing the preview. Please also be aware that once a save is loaded in the Oil preview, it cannot be reopened again in the Outbreak Upgrade or previous builds.
What do I do if I find a crash or a bug?
Post it up on the Bug Tracker and we'll fix it as soon as we can. If you can attach a copy of your save file to your report, that helps us even more as we can pinpoint the source of problem more quickly.
Do I have to play the open testing build?
Nope! If you'd prefer to only play a stable build, you can continue to play in the current Early Access branch until Oil releases in full on October 5th. Playing the Open Testing build isn't necessary, but it helps us a lot to receive your feedback and reports - if you're interested, try it out!
How do I become an open tester?
There's no sign up or registration for becoming an open tester. If you own Oxygen Not Included and want to test the Oil Upgrade preview, all you have to do is play the Open Testing build on Steam.
How do I play the open testing build?
Just switch your branch on Steam using the instructions here. Look for the branch "oil_upgrade_preview". This branch does not require a password. That's it! We hope you'll enjoy this preview of what's to come, and thank-you for your help testing out the new Upgrade!
[ 2017-09-21 17:19:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
HOTFIX - 231825 (9/13/2017)
- Germ icons should now properly disappear in the germ overlay if a duplicant no longer has any germs
- Plants should no longer sometimes unmark themselves for harvesting fixed a performance/memory leak
- Dupes should no longer get stuck at the wash basin/orescrubber/hand sanitizer
- Fixed a bug where your starting base would sometimes be fully entombed
HOTFIX - 232512 (9/14/2017)
- fixed slime lung sometimes not showing up in new worlds
[ 2017-09-14 17:19:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Bigfoot on the official forums. Hello everyone! With the release of our latest major update and moving on to the next one coming on October 5, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the roadmap for the game. The Outbreak Upgrade was a bit rough. Given the feedback, it was clear that we misbalanced the early game difficulty of disease, and we worked hard to identify that and improve things as soon as possible. Additionally, while we agree that a new system was not the most requested feature in the game, we felt strongly that we needed to bite the bullet and work on building out the base systems before digging deeper into those systems. At its core, Oxygen Not Included is about building a thriving colony on an unforgiving asteroid. The game is a huge simulation, with tons of layers that are constantly being simulated at all times. The interaction of these systems is both what creates challenges for the players and the opportunities to exploit it. In order for us to build such a system, it requires that we build a solid foundation to work on. With the latest update, we believe the core systems are now in place, and are now building deeper into the tech tree. The following is a broad view of what you can expect as we fill out the rest of the game:
More variety in the world
We will continually be expanding what the world holds for the players. This means more biomes, more elements to manipulate, more creatures, and so on. The exploration of the world is a key part of the discovery process.
Deeper Tech Tree
If the variety in the world creates the ingredients, then the tech tree is the way players can manipulate it. We will continue to advance the tech tree to allow greater use of the materials and systems in the world. This includes advanced refinement techniques, building protective suits for Duplicants, better resource extraction, improved logistics to increase efficiency, and so on. One of the core principles of the game is that everything you do creates externalities. Want to breathe some oxygen? It produces CO2. Want to electrolyze the water to create O2? It also creates Hydrogen. Want to go to the toilet? Better have a place to put the waste product. The tech tree will continue to push players to manipulate the systems to handle these externalities, and even use them to your advantage.
More Duplicant interactions
Currently, Duplicants mostly interact in solitary ways. Over time, we will be adding more ways that the Duplicants will notice the presence of each other. Loud sleepers or duplicants helping to heal each other are examples of such interactions, but many more are possible. We have many ideas for this, and will expand on it as we get closer to implementing them.
Lore Discovery
The reason why Duplicants are stuck on this Asteroid and the background of the world will slowly be revealed. -- In the final phases of the game, we expect the tech tree to be much deeper than it is now, extending to what we would call “space tech”. During that phase, the Duplicants will discover why they are trapped on an asteroid, and what they can do about it. During Early Access the game will evolve. As the team builds upon the game sometimes it may be too easy, sometimes it may be too difficult, and sometimes it could just be wrong. The process of Early Access helps us land exactly where we want the game to be, and we’re thankful for your feedback as a community helping us to achieve that. We truly think the game is better because of your involvement. This is our 6th Early Access title, but the process is never simple. What you can be sure of is that we always put our full effort to complete our games -- since we launched on Steam the team has grown, and we will continue to build and support it fully to the end. Thanks so much for your support of our game, we hope you enjoy your journey with us as we continue to develop it! And that’s it! With all that said, here is a sneak peak image from the upcoming update. Best, Jamie.
[ 2017-09-01 01:17:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
HOTFIX - 230587 (8/30/2017)
- cooking station should no longer overheat as much
- auto-disinfection of a building should no longer prevent the player from prioritizing the building
- auto-disinfection threshold can now go up to 1million
- fixed a crash that could occur if the object the dupe was carrying evaporated
- fixed a crash that could occur when importing your user settings from the AU update if you had certain anti-virus software installed
- Tasteful Memorial tooltip should no longer cycle through all available messages
HOTFIX - 230365 (8/29/2017)
- auto disinfect can now be disabled in the germs overlay
- empty pipes should no longer prevent irrigated farm tiles from allowing growth as long as the farm tiles have liquid inside of them
- storage locker should now save their user set capacity
- valves should no longer create disease
- dead putrid odour dupes should no longer cause a crash
- mass displacement should no longer sometimes cause disease to multiply direction control building buttons have new button text/icons
HOTFIX - 230103 (8/28/2017)
The following changes were made to make the beginning of the game easier to deal with disease, while keeping disease management a factor in later stages:
- Significantly increased speed of disinfection
- Made disinfection an automatic chore with an adjustable threshold in the disease overlay
- Increase the speed of Food Poisoning germ die-off on buildings and ore
- Increased the speed of using the wash basin
- Improved messaging for disease management
- Burying a dupe with food poisoning should no longer cause the game to crash
- Using the liquid cooling fan should no longer cause a crash
- Dupes should no longer forget to use flush toilet
- Increased wash basin delivery priority
- Refrigerator gauges should now work even without power
[ 2017-08-30 20:10:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
HOTFIX - 229982 (8/25/2017)
- Reverted research speed to previous speed. This will increase research speed for skilled researchers.
HOTFIX - 230032 (8/26/2017)
- Morbs should properly die and dupes should no longer freeze when attacking a Morb and reducing it's health to zero
Game Hotfix OU-230042
Update Information:
- dupes should no longer get stuck at the liquid bottler
- liquid bottler should no longer look like it can work through tiles
- starting the game with a corrupt kplayerprefs file should no longer cause a crash
- loading a save file where dupes have died from slime lung should no longer cause a crash
[ 2017-08-27 23:26:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
As our Duplicants drift further into the depths of space from within their rocky prison, it seems a new threat has presented itself to the colony: germs. Can the Duplicants survive this invisible terror? Will they avert complete biological disaster? Or succumb to the septic indignity of a tummy bug?
We'd like to welcome you to the latest update for Oxygen Not Included - Outbreak!
So What's New?
Continuing on the heels of the Agricultural Upgrade, Oxygen Not Included's farming system has continued to receive new content and development. In particular, the Harvest Point system has now been reworked into the "Requirement" system, to simplify the process of growing of crops. Key Features
- New Plants and Recipes: The addition of new Dusk Caps means more delicious dishes to cook... like Fried Mushrooms!
- New Requirements: Plants now have a wider range of conditions they require to grow, such as pressure and light. Some plants prefer to have a strong light source, while others enjoy soothing darkness. Plants will either grow if you've met all of their requirements (yay!) or won't if you haven't (aw!).
- Harvest Rating Points Retired: Plants will no longer gain Harvest Rating points or have their yields altered by a rating.
- New Overlay: Enter the Farming Overlay to see how your crops are progressing, and batch harvest them with ease when they reach maturation.
Oxygen Not Included has received an all new disease system, complete with new illnesses, attributes, overlays and more. These additions should make disease a challenging obstacle for Duplicants to overcome as they try to maintain the strength of their immune systems in a world teeming with disease. Key Features
- Germs: They're everywhere! New concentrations of disease in the world can be spread via touch, ingestion, breathing, sneezing, coughing, vomiting and more. Germs also react dynamically to their environment, multiplying in the conditions they like and dying off in the ones they don't.
- New Overlay: Keep tabs on the contamination levels in your colony and see which Duplicants are secretly hosting hidden germs by entering the new Germ Overlay.
- New Immunity Attribute: All Duplicants have received a new attribute, "Immunity", which determines the strength of their Immune System. Immune Systems are the first and last defense against germs, so the stronger, the better!
- Medical Aid: Duplicants may now assist their sick peers by doctoring them while they lay in Med-Beds. Duplicants with high Medicine skill will find that aiding the sick comes more naturally to them, and aided Duplicants will recover faster from their various afflictions.
- Improved Diseases: Food Poisoning has received a revamp, and Slimelung has been introduced to the game. You'd better put your Duplicants on bedrest if you don't want them coughing up clouds of airborne germs - that's just gross!
- New Germ-Related Buildings: Contaminated resources can be sanitized in the new Ore Scrubber, while Wash Basins can be placed by your colony's bathrooms to encourage hand washing and good Duplicant hygiene. Germs can spread faster than you'd expect, and you'll be grateful for the preventative measures.
And More
- Asteroid Ruins: Explore deep enough into your surroundings and you may chance upon the remnants of, well... something. What are these strange structures, and how did they get here? Why are they filled with such unusual machinery, and what do they mean for the Duplicants of the asteroid? The answers to these questions are for you to decide.
- New Background Music, Paintings, and Hairdos: Everyone knows that rocking the same hairstyle as your clone friend is just tacky. New hair colours make every clone type in the colony unique!
- New Duplicant Blueprints: Say hello to Ari, Jean, Camille, and Ashkan.
- New Creatures and Buildings:
- New Shine Bugs: Shine Bugs are friends, ready to bring some light to your colony. Try to keep them away from your new Dusk Cap farms, though... mushrooms aren’t terrible fond of light.
- New Liquid Aquatuner: Don't let Thermo Regulators have all the fun. Cool down liquids with this new building, but be wary of the heat it outputs!
- New Liquid Bottlers and Emptiers: Take complete control over your colony’s water sources - no more Duplicants taking your precious liquids without permission!
- OSX Support: Oxygen Not Included is now available on Mac.
- Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions, performance improvements and more!
[ 2017-08-24 18:41:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Originally posted by Bigfoot on the Official Forums.
Hey Everyone!
This Thursday, we will be launching our next big content update since the Agricultural Upgrade. The “Outbreak Upgrade” introduces a whole host of things, including new buildings, points of interest to discover, revamped farming, quality of life improvements, bug fixes, tweaks, and of course a whole new disease system for your Dupes to enjoy.
We also understand that it’s been quite a while since our last large content update. While we’ve been releasing hotfix updates and giving information on our progress via things like the Rhymes With Play devcast, we understand that it’s been almost 3 months since the last big content release. The reason for the length of time is because adding a new system like Disease touches every part of the game, and it took us quite a while to balance and fix things as it was introduced. However, we believe that iteration time was too long, and we’ve decided to commit ourselves to a tighter loop.
Some of you may know from Don’t Starve, Don’t Starve Together, and Invisible, Inc. that we often have an Update Timer to inform you when the next big update will be arriving. We’ve decided to implement that for Oxygen Not Included: starting Thursday, the timer will be set to 6 weeks. This gives us enough time to develop good features for a systems-heavy game like ONI, while also providing a concrete time frame for our community.
In the upcoming upgrades, you’ll see us flesh out the content and tech tree, create more variety in the world, add more interaction between the Dupes, and begin filling in the lore of the world.
As always, please let us know what you think! We really appreciate the support from all of you in the community, and for once again believing in our Early Access process.
[ 2017-08-22 22:25:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you missed our latest dev cast on Twitch, be sure to check out our preview of the upcoming OUTBREAK UPGRADE for Oxygen Not Included. Outbreak Upgrade is coming August 24, 2017. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1100467511 Catch our weekly Rhymes with Play Dev casts on Twitch for update previews, behind-the-scenes, game development streams every Thursday at 3:30 PM Pacific (10:30 PM UTC).
[ 2017-08-04 19:29:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you missed our latest Rhymes with Play Dev Cast stream on Twitch, you can check out the video-on-demand replay now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqvu2KtGIBc Note: As the game is still in development, content shown in the update preview streams may change before going live on Steam Early Access. Be sure to check out the Rhymes With Play Dev Cast on Twitch every Thursday at 3:30 PM (Pacific). Here's a handy tool to figure out what time that means for you: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com
[ 2017-06-30 19:06:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[Game Update] HOTFIX - 219035 (06/05/2017)
- Duplicants will not put themselves or their living friends into a Tasteful Memorial if they're standing beside a corpse that's on its way to be buried
- Duplicants should no longer sometimes teleport into the ground
- Planter Box priority gets applied to the seed that gets planted inside of it
- Planter Box gets applied to the plant inside of it when using copy settings
- Microbe Musher/Cooking Station/Clothing Factory side screens should now properly update to show how many ingredients you have remaining
- Microbe Musher/Cooking Station/Clothing Factory side screens should now properly reserve/unreserve resources when queuing single items to be fabricated
- Remapping your panning keys in the main menu should no longer cause your camera to pan indefinitely when you start a new game
- Clothing should no longer disappear after saving/loading. Unfortunately if you've already lost your existing clothing, you will have to make new ones
- Air Filters should now only drop clay in 10kg chunks instead of dropping clay every second
- Liquid overpressurization should now happen less frequently
- Wheezeworts and Bristle Briars should no longer enter infinite plant/die loops when entombed
- Massage Table settings can now be copied
- Air Filters will be prioritized over sweeping if both are set to the same user priority
- Plants should no longer get double the yield bonus from being fertilized
- Fixed bug where some translations were not showing the proper color style
- Loading a bad translation file should no longer crash the game
- Materials in the build menu should no longer be obscured by the scroll bar
Hotfix 219330 - 06/12/2017
- Game should no longer crash if Steam could not properly install the VC++ 2015 runtime
- Transformers should draw the appropriate amount of energy from their parent circuit
- Dupes should not interrupt delivering as frequently to perform their stress reactions
- Dupes should once again run on manual generators to charge transformers ore should no longer fall through the ground
- Deconstructing a generator with the power overlay up should no longer cause a crash
Hotfix 2197840 - 06/12/2017
- Fixed a crash when loading save files where Transformers were connected to themselves
Hotfix 220294 - 06/19/2017
- Generators with infinitely small amount of energy trying to charge a significant amount of batteries should no longer cause the game to freeze
- Failing to initialize Steam should no longer crash
- Fix for cancel/deconstruct filters being unusable when certain
- joysticks/gamepads were connected
- Framerate when using the priority overlay should be significantly better
- Framerate in bases with lots of sweep jobs should be better
Hotfix 220993 - 06/22/2017
- Fix for sweep chores sometimes not being properly prioritized
Hotfix 221295 - 06/26/2017
- Dupes should now change valve settings even if the valve is blocked
- Air scrubber should now use the water it has in storage even if the pipe it's connected to is empty
- Air scrubber should no longer absorb CO2 if it doesn't have enough water to process it
- Air scrubber should only use power when processing CO2
- Air scrubber should no longer over overfill it's storage with CO2
Hotfix 221697 - 06/28/2017
- Algae Terrariums should once again absorb an appropriate amount of water from the world(if available) so that dupes don't have to manually deliver to them
- Algae Terrariums no longer absorb infinite water(this was fixed in the last patch but wasn't called out)
- Air Scrubbers that were at max capacity before Monday's hotfix should work once again though they will take a while to process all the CO2 they've accumulated in their storage
Hotfix AU-221865 - 06/29/2017
- Fixed another issue dealing with Air Scrubbers not saving/loading correctly
[ 2017-06-29 17:07:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
[Game Update] HOTFIX - 218235 (05/29/2017)
- Pipe contents should no longer reset their temperature
- Loading a game with old audio drivers should no longer cause a crash
- Input bindings screen will show some feedback for when you should press a key
- Harvest bonus should now display the proper amount of points earned
- Selecting clothing should no longer cause a crash
- Liquid should now properly flow through hydroponic tiles
- Plants should now display the air pressure and temperature they use for their conditions
- Maturity tooltips distinguis between stifled and ready for harvest
- Geysers should no longer overpressurize
- Compost should now produce warmer fertilizer
- Pumps are no longer biased towards sampling gases/liquids in their bottom left corner
- Pumps should now properly report whether they are blocked
- Clicking on follow cam a second time disables the follow cam
- Last used save file can now be uploaded as part of the crash report
- Multiple doors beside each other should no longer freeze the area around them and should no longer crash
- Hydroponic tiles can now be emptied
- Fertilizer maker should now use it's internal storage even if it's input pipe is empty
- Dupes should no longer use cooking utensils to clean the toilet(this was also the cause of some of the crashes people were getting)
- Geysers should no longer emit four times more mass than indicated by the ui
- Gas/liquid permeable tiles will try and displace ore, gas and liquid when constructed
- Loading text is now localizable
- Dupes should no longer jump off the manual generator to get to a massage table only to have to go back to the manual generator because the massage table has run out of power
- Things marked for sweeping should still be marked for sweeping after a save load
- You should now be able to build wire bridges on top of heavy watt wires
- Added even more missing Korean characters to the Korean font
- Changed the default font for localized languages to RobotoCondensed since it looks/fits better
- Batteries should no longer appear idle when connected to a transformer
- Plant status items should now tell you when you've irrigated them with the wrong liquid
Recent Hotfixes
Hotfix 217529
- fixed crash when using the consumables/jobs screen
- fixed crash when clicking on planter boxes that were imported from a thermal upgrade save
Hotfix 217565
- fixed a crash when using the consumables screen in a localized language
- fixed a crash when going back to the main menu
- fixed a crash when dupes got infected with certain diseases
Hotfix 217794
- fixed a crash that could occur when placing a dupe in a grave
- fixed a crash that could occur when going back to the main menu
[ 2017-05-29 19:59:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- NA Depot - Linux [1.15 G]
- NA Depot Expansion1 - Linux [1.96 G]
- Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out!
- Oxygen Not Included: The Frosty Planet Pack
- Oxygen Not Included: The Bionic Booster Pack
Just make sure you don't forget to breathe.
Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
It’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.
Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you'll freeze, too hot and you'll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony's heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.
Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.
Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations
Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.
Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.
Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling
Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.
Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04
- Processor: Dual Core 2 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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