This corrective patch 1.0.02 is here to fix a few important crashes for the Mac version only. - Fixed a crash in the Mac version of the game that could freeze after logos in a black screen with music (or not) in the background. This problem was due to the incorrect identification of an important file path. - Fixed a crash in the Mac version of the game which could automatically close the game after the logos. This problem was due to an important file that was missing on recent Mac versions and processors (M3). These problems were identified and corrected after a few weeks' work, with the help of Joe M's tests, whom I thank enormously!
[ 2024-06-27 10:47:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
The original soundtrack for Reliefs The time of the Lemures is now available!
This soundtrack contains 36 unique musics, including 5 exclusive tunes, not present in the game, but composed for it.
There are around 37 minutes of listening time in total in this soundtrack.
Reliefs The time of the Lemures Soundtrack link
[ 2023-10-28 10:22:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The German translation version was not translating correctly after restarting the game. This problem has now been solved. - The horse collision has been revised to prevent the horse from getting stuck in certain rocks. - Fixed the problem of rocks and grasses appearing too quickly and too closely to the ground, and are now displayed more progressively. - Cloud shadows added to Minerva and Pluto levels. - Corrected ambient light in some areas of the Minerva level.
[ 2023-10-15 20:22:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the game has been released from early access! It is now available in final version 1.0!
It's been a long and complex road, with over 10 years of work on this project and 5 years in early access. But after a lot of perseverance, motivation and passion, this game is now finished! I hope you enjoy the work, the adventure, the atmosphere and the universe! ____________________________________________________________
Early access version saves:
To all those who started a game during early access, before version 1.0.00. I recommend starting a new game if you want to get an overall feel for the game. Although your save games may work on this version, many changes to the setting and story elements mean that I can't guarantee that your previous save games will work.

The different versions of the game:
4 versions of the game have been released over the years. And with them, 3 different game engines. - Version 0.1, developed under Blender Game Engine, was the most advanced version before version 0.4. However, it had to be abandoned after 5 years of work due to an ageing game engine and serious crashes at game launch. This version was the first in early access. - Version 0.2, developed under UPBGE (Uchronia Project Blender Game Engine), was an updated version of the previous game engine. Unfortunately, after 1 year's work on this engine, further crashes occurred, and the game engine's slow updates meant that problems could not be quickly corrected. This version was therefore abandoned. - Version 0.3 was developed under a professional game engine, Unity 2019 in HDRP. After 1 year's work and the new possibilities and performance of the next version of the same engine, I decided to change versions. - Version 0.4 developed under Unity 2020 in HDRP. The change of engine enabled me to offer much larger, more detailed and realistic universes than the previous engines, with far superior performance. After more than 3 years' work, version 1.0 is the result. It's worth noting that since the first early access version, 36 developer diaries have been created and 15 updates to version 0.4 have followed. Unfortunately, I haven't kept track of the number of updates made to previous versions of the game. ____________________________________________________________
Version 1.0.00 note:
Demo: - The game's Demo has also been updated to version 1.0.00. Achievements: - 13 new achievements added. Levels: - Added Minerva level. - End-of-game levels added. - Sun position changed in Somnus level. - Changed light intensity in Tutorial, Neptune, Temple, Somnus and Tellus levels. - Temple of Pluto level modified, number of portals and their locations changed. Gameplay : - Fabric color change for the grappling rope. The fabric changes from red to light blue to help color-blind people visualize this aid element. Music: - All music added to the game. Interface: - Added the ability to disable scenery aids in the gameplay menu. - Vertical synchronization added to game options. Graphics: - Improved torch and brazier fires for better optimization and rendering. - Improved player torch fire, more efficient and more realistic rendering. - Vegetation reacts more strongly to sunlight.

[ 2023-10-14 07:27:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
On Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. sharp (Paris time) the game will be available in version 1.0!
So get your bows, torches and strings ready - it'll soon be time to explore Roman ruins!

[ 2023-10-12 20:19:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The early access release is just around the corner!
After more than 10 years of work, including 5 years in early access, the game will be available in version 1.0 before the end of the year!
I'm not giving a precise date at the moment, but I think I'll be able to release it by the end of October or November 2023!
In order to have time to prepare this release and to give you a little more content for those who have already bought the game in early access, there will be no update this month.
I'd like to thank everyone who supported this project!
I hope you all enjoy the end result!
[ 2023-09-30 09:02:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
August update 0.4.14 is now available!
Updated jump system, interface, saves, music and more!
In a nutshell:
A lot of work has gone into the game's save system. Updates to the demo, the player's jump system and the entire interface. Numerous details have been added to all levels, and many corrections have been made to the mirrors and the Somnus level. Also new music in Pluto's temple and tutorial levels. And finally, numerous bug fixes, with the most important ones listed below.
Update note :
- The demo has been updated to 0.4.14.
- Saving now saves player and horse rotation when loading a game or changing levels. - Saving now also records whether the player is on the horse or not when saving, so that the player reappears on the horse. - When the player reappears or after a load or level change, the horse should no longer be levitating above the ground, all the save system has been reviewed and corrected. - The player's jumping system has been modified: you can now influence the distance and direction of your jump. The player is not a plane, so this influence remains weak, but this new addition makes it possible to correct your jump during this one.
Somnus level:
- Mirrors have been reworked to make their light reflection less precise and less difficult to achieve. - Their rotation has been reviewed and they should no longer rotate alone or very slowly. Also, the rotation pivot has been moved more to the center. - Numerous details and new paths have been added to simplify navigation. - Fixed a bug that reduced the intensity of the lights emitted by the mirrors on the first rotation.
Levels :
- Added numerous details in all levels of the game, statues, distant ruins, writings on temples and for puzzles, ... .
- Added new definitive music for the game in the menu, in the tutorial level, in Pluto's temple and in Pluto's underworld. The music will then be added to subsequent levels in future updates. The music was created by myself, so I own the copyright, which wasn't the case before because the music was purchased. So now the game can be broadcast on video and stream sites without copyright problems. - Deactivation of all old music to avoid copyright problems.
- The background scene of the main menu has been completely redone to match the new music and additions made over a year ago. - Modification of the entire interface. Texts are in white and fonts in black. - New cursor added. - All loading images and demo updated.
Graphics :
- Improved rendering of some particles, so that they use the surrounding light correctly.
Major bug:
- After a reappearance following a fall, the player could no longer grip a rope, and on the first jump the character performed a wall jump into the void. - After a reappearance following a fall, the player now automatically unequips the bow or torch. This could cause animation problems. - When the character is underwater for too long, the black veil is now displayed smoothly and correctly. - The player can no longer breathe underwater for as long. The black veil lets the player know when to surface. - The game's overall audio when loading a game could return to 100% at the time of loading. See you next month for update 0.4.15!

[ 2023-08-31 06:25:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
July update 0.4.13 is now available!
This new update greatly improves game performance, adds many new features, fixes bugs and adds new details to the game.
In brief:
The options selected in the options menu are now taken into account. All the game's shaders evolve according to what you've selected, to limit the load on the graphics card. Also, all the game's Post Processes can be activated or deactivated, such as Anti-Aliasing, the display of trees, mountains, effects and even the rendering distance of grass on terrains. This update also adds a new interface that displays your unlocked achievements for each game, and you can now also modify the shortcuts for the movement keys.

Update note :
- Cliffs are better covered by vegetation in all levels except Hell levels. - In the introductory video, the boat's camera now takes into account the FOV selected by the player. - New details added to cliffs and distant terrain in all levels except Hell. - Improved brightness in Tellus level for large caverns to facilitate player movement and mirror visibility.
At launch:
- The game changes the movement keys on first launch. If you're English-speaking the default move keys will be WSAD, if you're French-speaking it will be ZQSD.
- It's now possible to change the player and horse movement keys (ZQSD or WSAD by default). You can now set the keys you want.
- The horse now reacts more quickly when you ask it to go or not to gallop too much, or when you want to stop it.
- In your backup statistics, the time in hours is automatically rounded to the tens. For example, you'll get 2.83 and not 2.8312612. - A new achievements interface has been added to your savegame statistics. This list shows you all the achievements available in the game, with their descriptions and images. In just a few seconds, you can see which achievements you're missing in the selected game. - Added to the options the ability to enable or disable the following options: Bloom, motion blur, water reflection, fog, distant trees, distant mountains, depth of field, Decals, effects and ground grass display. - Au can now disable or enable Anti-aliasing, but also choose between FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing) or TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing).
- A subroutine has been added to check the accuracy of translations against a master translation (French). This avoids non-display errors in certain languages.
Graphics :
- Dynamic depth of field added in-game if enabled. - Updated shaders for mountains in the distance, forests are more detailed and vegetation stops at a certain height to give way to snow for the highest peaks. - The game takes into account changes in the display of effects, mountains at a distance, trees at a distance and the display of grass on the ground in real time. - When you change the overall graphic quality of the game (low, high, ultra, ...), it automatically activates or deactivates certain effects. These effects can be reactivated at any time. - Reworked tree and grass shaders to improve performance and appearance. - Added new anti-aliasing, which can be deactivated, or used with FXAA or TAA (default). - New texture compression, which should reduce loading times. - All the game's shaders have been redesigned to take into account changes in graphics quality in real time. - Optimization of all textures in the game to optimize performance and final rendering. - Increased the display of trees in high definition to prevent them from appearing too abruptly, and to provide greater visibility for players who would not display trees from a distance.
Important bug:
- Resolved a bug that blocked the player in the areas after jumping on a wall to hold onto a rope too close to the wall. See you next month for update 0.4.14!

[ 2023-07-31 09:01:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
This month's update 0.4.12 is now available a little early!
This update adds a new region to explore, adds a few new features and fixes various bugs.
This new region is the domain of Somnus, the Roman god of sleep and dreams, and guardian of the night. His home is in deep caverns where no light ever penetrates beneath a huge mountain.
The descriptions, images and intro video for the stores and website have also been updated to reflect the changes made to the game over the last few months.
It's been a year since version 0.4 of the game is now available in early access with this update at a rate of one per month.
The game has evolved enormously over the past year, with the addition of new regions to explore, simplified gameplay, the replacement of the grappling spear by the grappling bow, the addition of physical ropes, improved graphics... .
And also thanks to you and your feedback, which I receive every month and which enables me to improve the game experience and resolve bugs.
Thanks a lot! :)
Note of the update :
- Added the level of Somnus, god of sleep, dreams and guardian of the night.
- Keyboard players can now use CapLock to run or walk constantly.
- Updated store and website descriptions. - Updated images in the various stores and on the website. - Introduction video updated in various stores and website.
Miscellaneous :
- Added new information for game development to check that the game is working properly (Developer only).
Important bug:
- Steam achievements will now activate correctly with the addition of a real-time verification system and modification of player detection settings to no longer generate this problem. If you've unlocked the achievements in your game and the Steam achievements haven't activated, simply move to the different levels where these achievements haven't activated to unlock them on Steam. - Removal of a system for checking whether or not Steam was connected, as this could cause reconnection problems after a game crash. - Level change zones in Hell levels now use the same player restrictions to avoid activating their loads too early. - Solved a major bug in the previous version that could freeze the loading of different levels. - When exiting the Tellus level to return to the Pluto temple level, the horse no longer appears in the ground. See you next month for update 0.4.13!

[ 2023-06-29 12:31:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
Update 0.4.11 of the month is now available!
This new version greatly changes the gameplay with the addition of physical ropes! It also improves performance and fixes many bugs.
Important information:
The currently available demo is also updated with this version. It goes from version 0.4.07 to the current version 0.4.11. The demo duration does not change, but it now includes all gameplay, graphics and performance improvements made since January 2023.
Summary of the update:
Major gameplay improvement with the addition of physics ropes, a smoother transition when the player grabs onto a ledge, and a significant change to player collision friction has been made (Player is less stopped by collision surroundings). Improved rendering of water and caustic effects, but also the performance with a new system at game launch that allows you to modify the basic graphics quality in relation to the general performance of your computer. Finally, like every update, many bugs have been fixed.

Update note:
Engine :
- Updated Unity from 2020.3.45f1 to Unity 2020.3.47f1.
- Updated game demo, from version 0.4.07 to current version 0.4.11.
Performance :
- The resolution of the textures is no longer modified following a change in the quality of the graphics. The performance gains were too low and bugs could appear following this change in texture resolutions. - The game now takes into account the performance of your computer on first launch. Default graphics quality is now adjusted to your configuration and may well be changed at any time if these settings are not to your liking. - The torches thrown on the ground by the player are automatically deleted at a certain distance from the player in order to optimize the game performance.
- Improved ambient colors of environments and vegetation, they are a little more bluish now. - Improved material shader of buildings near water. The effect of materials wet with water is more realistic. - Adjustment of the color of the water of the lakes with colors closer to those of the Calanques and addition of new effects especially on the shores. - Improved caustic effects in water and out of water. - Increased number of polygons for ropes thrown by the player to get correct curves with new physical ropes system. - Water now generates waves at the edge of the shores.
Player :
- Added a smooth transition when the player grabs a ledge. He is no longer teleported to that ledge magically. - The animations when the player climbs or descends a rope stops when the player reaches the limits of the rope. - Player's swinging animation gets replaced faster when jumping off a rope. - Ropes are now physical. They interact with environment, player and gravity collisions. - Modification for the friction of the collisions so that the player is less blocked by this one. So it is now easier to move around in very tight environments or with a lot of ground collisions.
Important bug:
- In the level of the temple of Pluto, the imposing doors of the levels have a constant collision. Their collision could disappear, and the player would pass through them. - Fixed a rotation bug when the player mounts or dismounts. It is now always done in the right direction and should no longer perform too fast and hazardous rotations. - An error could appear when changing the quality of the graphics and potentially crash the game for insufficient memory dedicated to cookies. - Arrows and ropes are now correctly removed beyond 12 so as not to impact game performance. - Fixed removing ropes and arrows close to a new arrow and rope shot by the player to avoid too many ropes in a restricted area. - The torch thrown on the ground by the player could interact with levers and area changes. She no longer interacts with these activators now. - The torches thrown by the player when he grabs a ledge with the action key are now sent further to avoid it falling down. See you next month for the 0.4.12 update!

[ 2023-05-31 09:10:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
Tellus level is now available!
Tellus is a Roman goddess, the mother of all things, personifying nature, fertile lands and the seasons. It also bears the name of Tellus Mater or better known, Terra Mater.
This is currently the largest area in the game to explore, with puzzles based on the seasons!
Summary of the update:
In addition to a new area explored, this update includes graphical improvements such as adding shadows for clouds, the player now generates a shadow (yes you have a body!), significant improvements for the using the torch in the game and many more!

Update note:
Level :
- Added Tellus level. - Added Tellus hell level. - Addition of a central platform in the level of the Temple of Pluto to prepare the end of the game.
Performance :
- Optimized the particles around the player which give a performance boost compared to the previous update.
- Clouds now cast shadows on the environment without performance loss. - Improved rendering of terrain textures with indirect light. - Improved the light of the torches lit in the environment, adjusted their intensities and their areas of effect. - The torches that can be lit in the environment now generate shadows in real time, their refresh is however longer in order to avoid consuming too much performance. - The torch thrown by the player now generates shadows in real time. - The torch thrown by the player emits a higher light in order to avoid problems with a cut or too big shadow. - Improved rendering of cliffs at long distance. - Changed the color of vegetation translucency. - Added drop shadow for the player, now you have a body!
Player :
- The torch light dropped by the player now activates as soon as it spawns, before it had to hit the ground to light up. - When dropping the torch on the ground, the torch is now thrown in front of the player for better visibility. - When the player grabs onto a ledge with a torch equipped, the torch is now automatically thrown in front of the player so it lands on the platform above the player for better visibility. - Readjusted the size of the player's arms and body to fit more properly into the environment than the horse or structures. - Added many new player animations and improved old ones to better match the new cast shadow. - Increased player detection area for ledges to make climbing easier. - Increased player detection area for the ropes.
Important bug:
- The torch light now correctly follows the torch even if it falls from very high or rotates. - The SPQR banners visible on the trireme in the introduction are now at the correct light intensity. - Changed the color of the game logo in the introduction, the intensity was too strong. - You can no longer run with the bent bow. See you next month for the 0.4.11 update!
[ 2023-04-30 10:19:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
The March Update is now available!
This month, significant change in game rendering, addition of new Steam and non-Steam achievements, horse improvement and many bug fixes!
Summary of the update:
This update was supposed to add a new region to explore. Unfortunately, this region is not yet complete and therefore will not be available today. The work on improving the game's graphics took much longer than expected and all previously made regions had to be painstakingly corrected in order to adapt to this new rendering. The level of Neptune (update 0.4.08) has been greatly improved with the addition of many details and some new places to explore in order to unlock the 4 new achievements available. The horse has also been reviewed and corrected, particularly on these animations and its behavior. The particles around the character have also been modified (pollen, dust, insects) in order to adapt more correctly to the environments.

Update note:
- Added smooth transition between level change. A white fade appears and the audio drops slowly. - Modification in the basic options at the start of the game, the basic limit of FPS goes from 60 to 120 FPS. - Updated loading images.
- Improved how particles work and render around the player. - Improved taking into account of waves emitted by the player close to water. They are now only emitted when the character is in the water and not when he is at the edge of it. - Added emission of dust particles when opening the doors. - Improved the transition of display of vegetation on the ground, it is now smoother and shrubs, grasses or hedges no longer appear suddenly. - Changed sun angle and time of day in Neptune level to make the level more beautiful. - Significant improvement in the rendering of vegetation at long distances, especially with hedges, so that they blend more naturally into the decor. - Significant improvements to the rendering, brightness and colors of the game in order to improve the overall rendering of the scenes. - Improved rendering of rock textures and nearby cliffs. - Improved rendering of terrain textures, with more colors and more realistic. - Improved rendering of the horse's mane with the animation due to the wind and the movement of the horse. - Updated Unity from 2020.3.44f1 to Unity 2020.3.45f1.
Achievements :
- Added 4 new Steam and non-Steam achievements related to the Neptune region.
Level :
- Added 3 new areas to explore in the Neptune level related to new achievements. - Added a new Roman ruin in the Neptune level. - Added music in Neptune's level at some point. - Addition of a ledge in the level of Neptune at the East aqueduct in order to avoid falling into the void after a too hazardous jump. - Changed the size of the notches for the paddle wheels in the Neptune level. - Added many details at the level of Neptunes, rocks, trees,...
Player :
- The delay that allows the player to automatically grab a ledge after jumping against a wall has been increased, which avoids a sudden movement and starts the new jump animation.
Horse :
- Various horse idle animations now work correctly. - Transitions between idle and walking animations are much smoother. - Idle horse animations are no longer affected by the player mounting or dismounting the horse. - Inactive horse animations are better mixed together and the horse no longer tends to stay frozen for too long. - The horse now stops at a very low obstacle, it will no longer advance while remaining blocked. - The player now takes the same amount of time to get on or off the horse. - When the player respawns after a death, the horse is now automatically reloaded to its last respawn point.
- Taking does not count footsteps when the player is in water or not is now more efficient. This avoids, for example, having footsteps in the water when the player is close to the water, but not yet in it.
Important bug fix:
- Fixed a bug that blocked player movement after drowning. - Fixed a bug that allowed the player to walk underwater after jumping. - Removed a misplaced ledge in Neptune's hell level that could get the player stuck in a tree. - Fixed a bug where the horse could stay in running animation after being stopped due to a collision. - In rare cases, the player could get off his horse at the wrong angle and therefore get stuck, this bug has been fixed. - Fixed the camera bug when riding the horse animation, it could spin very quickly on it. (Edit: partial correction because at the time of my last test of this update, this bug reappeared, but less frequent.) See you next month for the 0.4.10 update!
[ 2023-03-31 09:08:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
The doors of the world of Neptune open these doors to you!
New month and therefore new update that adds a new region to explore, the level of Neptune.
This new environment gives you great freedom of exploration and action in a huge semi-open level. Neptune is the god of oceans, water and horses, the puzzles are logically based on the use of water. I wish you a good adventure!
Also a small important note:
Basically, when the game was designed, each level should be explored only once, after having passed this level, the player should never return to it.
This game mechanic has been changed and the player can now explore the same levels to complete as many times as they wish. This is very useful for achievements for example.
Update note:
- Improved rendering of decals (elements used to modify the appearance of buildings, to old them for example), their appearance is now smoother.
Level :
- Added Neptune level. - Added Neptune's Hell level. - Updated the environment of the circle square of the Temple of Pluto. The doors of the different levels have been reworked. Names of different gods and levels have been added along with their statues. The level change areas have also been reworked.
- Significant adjustment to player swimming behavior on the surface and while diving. - Collisions of the character while diving have been recentered in order to prevent the player from seeing through walls. - The character moves down and up much faster when he dives.
- Improved the sounds emitted by the player and the horse when it walks on the different materials.
- A major blocking bug has been found and fixed. In the Temple of Pluto level, when the character changes level. The coordinates of the character's location in the next level could be changed from a nearby save point and cause the player to spawn out of the area and thus make the save unusable. See you next month for the 0.4.09 update!

[ 2023-02-28 15:02:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
I am happy to announce that the demo of the game is now available!
If you want to discover a unique universe and a new adventure, you can now download and try the game demo, it's free! This demo gives you access to the first part of the tutorial only but without time or game limit. Good adventure to all, and welcome to the Calanques!
[ 2023-02-03 20:27:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody ! New month and therefore a new update for the game! This new version solves many bugs listed below, update the vegetation, corrects some areas already present, improves the gameplay and adds the playable demo of the game. The work done on the demo and the fix of many bugs did not allow me to work on adding a new area as originally planned. Creating the demo took much longer than expected. This new area will therefore be available in the next version. Information: The playable demo will be available on Steam and Itch.io from February 3, 2023 for Windows, Linux and Mac.
Update note:
Store update:
Some images have been updated and the addition of the demo will add a new banner to the store in order to download this demo of the game.
The demo that will be available will allow you to play the first part of the tutorial in order to understand the operation and style of the game. It has no time or game limit, you will simply be stopped at a specific place in your adventure.
- Engine update from Unity 2020.3.43f1 to Unity 2020.3.44f1. - Fixed global game colors. - Significant work has been done on the vegetation so that it better matches the Calanques. All trees, grasses and hedges have been reworked and their procedural placement in the universe has been revised in order to generate forests or plains closer to the landscapes of the Calanques region. All the vegetation of the levels already available has been procedurally regenerated and corrected manually. - The terrain textures have also been reworked in order to obtain better mixes between them and colors closer to the desired rendering. - Improved the effect of the arrow which is destroyed when it hits the stone. - Added a shadow of your character on the ground to help you understand where your character is in the environment. - Adjustment of the display of the decals to avoid the stretching of their textures (Textures which are added on the 3D elements in order for example to age a building.). - Improved rendering of water at long distances.
Level :
- Simplified the level of the temple of Pluto when the player must climb a facade of the temple.
- The character automatically grabs ledges and ropes when jumping without having to press the F key (default). This improvement makes the game more fluid and less complex to understand. For example, if you jump to grab a rope, even if you miss the right moment to press the F key, but you aim for that rope correctly, the character will automatically catch that rope. - Updated the tutorial to include this new feature that allows the player to automatically grab ledges and ropes when jumping. Also added some useful information about swinging with a rope. - Improved space and shift key icon to be more visible and understandable. - It is now possible to skip the intro video when you create a new game with the space key. You will arrive directly at the beginning of the tutorial. - Increased movement speed when the player is crouched. - Added new real-time help system when grabbing a rope or ledge and when crouching. - Added a quick delay so the player can automatically grab a rope while jumping. - Return of death which was previously disabled for its malfunction. When you fall with a definite speed or for a definite time and/or from a definite height, your character may die and make you reappear at the last save point.
- Added links in the main menu to direct access to the latest patch notes, to report a bug and to the game's websites and stores.
Animation :
- Added a new animation when the character swings on a rope. - Transition animations when the character drops a rope or swings are faster.
- Added a new sound when an arrow sticks in the wood. - Increased arrow, bow and player sounds.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the player to stay in the landing position indefinitely after jumping. - Fixed a translation issue for the French language. The word spear had not been replaced by the word bow. - Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck on a ledge and not be able to let go after grabbing that ledge with a bow or torch equipped. - Fixed an issue that could propel the player very high after grabbing a rope automatically. - An issue could cause you to automatically grab a rope after dropping an Ivy Rope. - The ivy ropes could reappear after being used as a classic rope. - Fixed an issue that caused the player to get stuck when grabbing onto a ledge after jumping. The character remained in a jump position for a while without being able to move. - Fixed an issue that could cause a ledge near the ground to automatically re-grab after dropping it. - Fixed a bug that allowed the player to jump on an area limit wall (therefore invisible) and be able to climb beyond the limits of the play area. - Character and horse footsteps are now generated correctly. Footsteps on terrain had a higher priority than footsteps generated on structures. Which is a problem when you're walking on cobblestones in a tower and you hear the sound of footsteps in the grass of the terrain 50 meters below. - An issue with the displacement force for swinging the character on a rope could cause you to swing in the wrong direction than the intended one. See you next month for the 0.4.08 update!
[ 2023-01-31 10:33:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! And happy holidays to all! A lot of improvement for this last update of the year 2022. 2023 should follow the same rhythm with a major update per month until the release of early access during the year 2023.
Update note:
Store update:
All store content has been updated with new video, new images, new logo and new game description. This store update was very important because the previous version of video, images and description were over 2 years old. [previewyoutube=1InU5kgcvYE;full][/previewyoutube]
Added achievements:
As promised, here are the first achievements that have been implemented! 8 achievements have been added for the moment, but many more will be added later. These achievements are available to users of the Steam and non-Steam versions of the game. For Steam users, achievements are linked to your account like all Steam achievements. But they are also related to your game. So if you delete your game, you are deleting unlocked achievements from that game only, not from Steam. For users of non-Steam versions of the game, your achievements are tied to your game, if you delete your game, you delete your unlocked achievements.

Game demo:
A free download demo of the game is in preparation and will be available soon! This demo will allow you to play the first part of the tutorial freely. So about 30 minutes to 1 hour of play depending on the players.
Spear replacement:
This update replaces the use of the spear with a bow. I had wanted to replace the spear with a bow for several months in order to simplify the gameplay. Using the spear was illogical and cumbersome to use. The bow that was already available in versions 0.1 and 0.2 of the game had been replaced in version 0.3 for gameplay logic that was never used in the end (object creation). The bow is simpler and more intuitive to use and makes aiming easier. New animations have been created with new sound effects.

Accounting for hours:
A new menu is available when you select your save from the main menu. This new menu shows you the real time played (excluding menu and loading time). The number of achievements and secrets unlocked and the number of orbs collected from the selected save game.
Improved graphics:
- Engine update from Unity 2020.3.42f1 to Unity 2020.3.43f1. - Color correction and improved fog quality. - Added a slight Motion Blur to the player camera. - Improved the appearance of trees with a smoother transition of the different LOD's. - Tree trunks are now moving. Before only the leaves waved in the wind. - Improved indirect light rendering with higher lightmap resolutions when needed. - Significant improvement in the quality of shadows. - Adjustment of the areas already created in order to adapt to the new colors. - Adjusted the color of the sea and lakes. - Significant modification of the mountains surrounding the levels. Their vegetation has been significantly increased for a more detailed rendering. - Better rendering of indirect light for all objects in very large areas of the game. - Readjusted the resolution of low vegetation such as grasses or hedges. Their resolutions were too weak. - Improved rendering of appearances around the player of low vegetation in order to prevent them from suddenly appearing in front of the player.

- Added a quick animation after a short jump to let the player know that the jump is over. - Improved responsiveness of animations when the player grabs onto a rope or ledge. - New sound effect when the character climbs or descends from a rope, but also when he swings. - Released the use of the bow, the player can now jump, leap against a wall, run or fall from a height without the bow being automatically unequipped. The bow no longer unequips when the player shoots an arrow, you can now shoot several arrows in a row.
Level of the Temple of Pluto:
- The outer part of the temple in the Temple of Pluto level has been revised to make the area easier to navigate.
Important bug fixes:
- Fixed collision issues in the Temple of Pluto level. Some collisions were not present and the player could pass through walls. - Fixed animation issues when the player falls from high and landing animation activates, the player could get stuck in this position if torch or bow is equipped. - Adjustment of the aiming aid system, it moves less quickly and no longer passes through collisions without giving information on the materials (wood or stone). - Fixed audio of the Tintinnabulum bells in the Temple of Pluto level, the bells no longer reverb as much as before which could distort their bell sound oddly. - In the first level of the tutorial where you have to grab an ivy and then a ledge for the first time, the ivy has been brought closer to the ledge in order to make it easier to grab onto the ledge. - In the first level of the tutorial where the horse is used for the first time, the tutorial is now displayed correctly and first tells you how to move your horse forward and then stop it. See you next month for the 0.4.07 update!
[ 2022-12-31 10:58:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone !
New month and therefore new update!
New content is available with this update, including new environments to explore!
This update focuses on the beginning of the game's story with the addition of a new area to explore. Improvements to the rendering of long distance fog and forests have also been implemented.
Important information:
For this update, no file restore is required. You can continue your adventure now with your old save from 0.4.04.
Update note:
- Added a new explored area related to the game's story. - Changed in the tutorial level when grabbing a ledge when climbing a rope for the first time, the rope has been moved closer to the ledge to be able to grab it more easily. - Changed the fog color in the tutorial level in the rift area, the fog could appear black and not white. - Changed the fog transition in the tutorial level in the rift area, the fog could appear suddenly. - Changed the display distance of small rocks on the ground, their display was too close and therefore visible.
Game engine / performance:
- Engine update from Unity 2020.3.41f1 to Unity 2020.3.42f1. - Added ambient occlusion for forests for more realistic rendering. Dense forests will now be darker, with the sun hidden by leaves (or thorns). - Slight modification of the indirect light for a better rendering. - Improved fog rendering at long distance. - Optimized all shaders to optimize the workload for the graphics card. See you next month for the 0.4.06 update!
[ 2022-11-29 14:32:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! New hotfix update this month. This new version does not add new content, but improves the one already present! An important modification of the gameplay, animations, interactions, but also modification of some zones in order to improve the game. Initially this update 0.4.04 was supposed to offer a new area to explore and the beginning of the story with its darker side of the game. This is postponed to the next update due to the colossal work that has been done this month in order to make the game as easy to use as possible while keeping the soul of the game. Important info: Global options and gameplay are restored following the addition of new features in the menu options and gameplay. And the backups are also reset, because some areas have been modified too deeply. This prevents you from reappearing in a wall, for example, if you are in an area that has been modified.
Here are all the news, changes and bug fixes:
Player : - The player can swing closest to his anchor point with the ropes. - Removed limitations of player used a torch under certain conditions. Now the player can use a torch while running, jumping and crouching. If the player does not use these two hands, they can now use this torch. - Added a smooth transition for the player's camera when jumping on walls, now the camera rotates in the direction of the jump, before jumping again. - The player can now use a torch on his horse. And mounting or dismounting his horse with the torch equipped no longer unequips it. - Player can now run with a spear equipped. - Many animations have been changed or added to allow the player to use a torch or spear when running or jumping. - It is now possible to crouch to grab a ledge with or without the torch. - It is now possible to drop a ledge just with the back key. - Player collision no longer interacts with a torch collision on the ground. This could cause player character collision issues. - Player can now grab ledges while in the water. - Increased aim assist animation speed when using a spear. - Increased number of real-time hints displayed for strings. Horse : - The transition when the player gets on or off the horse is now smoother. - The player can dismount from the right, but also from the left. If the right is blocked by an obstacle the player will descend to the left and vice versa. And the player will not get off the horse if the left and right of the horse is blocked. - Added limitation to use a horse, for example if the player jumps or uses a rope. But using the horse is now possible even if the player has a torch or spear equipped.
Character :
Horse : - Modification of the horse animation tree in depth in order to obtain better animation transitions and to avoid that the horse is blocked in a type of animation without being able to leave it. - The rotations of the horse are smoother and they now adapt to the speed of the horse which makes it possible to avoid quick rotating at high speeds. - The horse's mane has been updated with its material to be a bit more realistic. Player : - Changed the player character animation tree to simplify transitions between animations and fix issues with stuck animations. This modification also allows me to add new animations later on more easily.
- Added help information to the player in the first part of the level of the Temple of Pluto, it had not been implemented. - Improved visibility of places where you can jump and grab. Tutorial level: - Significant modification of the bridge area lowered for a more logical movement. - Changed grid area. For easier access to the lever. - Changed Ruined Tower area for easier rope use. - Modification of the interior of the first temple. It now makes more sense to climb up to the roof. - Changed the interior of the blocked horse temple, the descent is now less problematic. - Changed the entrance to the tower temple. It is now larger and easier to enter with the horse. - Optimization of the interior of the tower for an equivalent rendering, but higher performance. - Changed the interior of the closed grid area in the tower temple to improve player movement.
Game engine / performance:
- Updated from Unity 2020.3.38f1 to Unity 2020.3.41f1. - Added parallax mapping to water and updated its look and color. - Changed the clouds in the Temple of Pluto level to correctly match the sunset. - Improved reaction to particle light. - Removed high latency when player mounts or dismounts.
- Fixed mouse cursor now turning on and off correctly, whether or not you are using the mouse when a gamepad is plugged in. - The real-time help has been deeply modified. When an interaction with an object is possible, this is indicated with a white square. When the player is close enough, the shortcut to use the item is displayed. The possible interactions are also displayed further and the icons have been enlarged. - Removed the display of the white background when the player jumps from too high. white background now only displays one second before the player dies. - Help controls are now enabled when using a horse. - Controls help has also been updated with player character limitations removed. - Horse camera FOV now correctly scales to player camera FOV.
- Collisions of debris on the ground have been reviewed and corrected in order to prevent these collisions from blocking the player. - A hierarchy issue caused the light from the torch placed on the ground to not follow the torch (object). This is now fixed. - Fixed an issue with the camera shaking when colliding with the walls. - Fixed an issue that could cause the player dropped torch to go through the ground. - Torch physics fixed to behave more naturally on the ground. - Spears thrown against a wall now break correctly. The animation had disappeared due to a priority problem of a script. - In the tutorial, the detection area of the tutorial display has been changed when using Ivies for the first time. See you next month for the 0.4.05 update!
[ 2022-10-28 13:13:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone !
New update this month with the addition of the most important area for the rest of the game!
The Temple of Pluto is the HUB of the game and will allow you to travel through the different levels. New options are also available to improve the game experience. Important changes have been made to the vegetation with the usual bug fixes.
Also this update is the last related to the previous version (0.3) of the game. All future updates will be new!
Important Information:
The global options are restored following the addition of new functionalities in the menu options. But your backups are kept.
Here are all the news, changes and bug fixes:
- - New area to explore with the imposing temple of Pluto.
Character :
- - Total environmental persistence! If you open a door, light a brazier or interact with a piece of scenery, it is now automatically recorded. On your next load, the environment will be restored as you left it.
- - Total redesign of the low vegetation of grass and hedges in order to obtain a more detailed and realistic rendering.
- - Significant increase in vegetation density for denser and wilder forests.
- - Improved lighting with an exposure system.
- - Improved environment ambient color for particles.
- - Fixed the tree trunk shader to obtain a more realistic rendering with large barks at the base and finer ones in the branches. Also added parallax mapping to give a more pronounced depth and relief to the final rendering.
- - Added parallax mapping for the most important shaders such as bricks, cliffs or temple stones for a more realistic rendering.
Game engine / performance:
- - Major optimization of the braziers that you can light in the environment. Their performance hit is now very low.
- - Removed some brightness options in the tutorial level to match the new exposure system.
- - Optimized vegetation for more detailed rendering for equivalent performance.
- - You can now modify the maximum FPS of the game. By default this option is set to 60 FPS maximum. You can change this option from 30 to 180 FPS maximum.
- - Automatic game translation is now available for users of the Steam version of the game only. At launch, if your language is recognized by the game, it automatically selects your language configured in Steam to translate the game. If your language is not recognized, English will be used by default.
- - Fixed issue with Steam overlay not allowing the game to properly load the UI and showing a white screen.
- - The FOV values in the gameplay menu are correctly loaded and displayed.
- - Gameplay options are automatically reset when you start a new game on an old one.
[ 2022-09-30 14:19:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! This update includes new environments for the continuation and end of the tutorial, addition of a mount to help you navigate this vast world. But also the addition of interactions with many new elements of the game, a significant modification of the rendering, addition of new features and many others! Important information: Global and gameplay options are restored following the addition of new features in the options and gameplay menus. But your backups are kept.
Here are all the news, changes and bug fixes:

- - This continuation of the tutorial introduces the horse, which is one of the great novelties of this version 0.4. The environments being much larger than previous versions, the addition of a horse was mandatory in order to prevent the game from becoming a walking game.
- - Simplification of the tutorial, with direct information without text of several lines to read at each action in order to make it more fluid.
- - Added interactive furniture, the player can now open or close different types of doors, but also interact with chests, or furniture doors.
- - Added greater visibility when climbing walls. The camera has been unlocked and it is now possible to look in all directions. (Within the limit of the human body)
- - Greater limitation of the swing when the player is close to the anchor point of the rope.
- - It is now possible to delete the strings already in place in order to avoid having too many useless strings next to each other. This is done automatically, if a string appears too close to one or more others, they are deleted.
Character :
- - Added new material for the arms of the player character, so that the latter can slowly disappear close to the camera.
- - Many new environments are added in order to continue the tutorial and bring the player to the main temples of Pluto.
- - For the tutorial in the lowered pontoon puzzle, the ropes you detach no longer suddenly disappear. Strings are now physical.
- - Increased time for the grid in the tutorial to fully close.
- - Reorganization of the level of the grid in the tutorial, when the player must quickly reach the closing grid, he no longer has to go through the same path he took to come.
Game engine / performance:
- - Updated Unity engine. It goes from version 2020.03.36 to version 2020.03.38.
- - Added the possibility in the options to deactivate certain post process effects. Contact shadows, ambient occlusion, chromatic aberration, film grain and vignette can now be individually disabled at any time.
- - Added the possibility to change the FOV of the camera at any time from 40 to 100, 70 being the default value. This new option is available in the gameplay menu.
- - Increased the display of grasses and certain types of trees for more detailed rendering.
- - Significant improvement in the rendering of marble and metal type materials such as gold for example.
- - Added distance limitation for wind vegetation animation to improve performance.
- - Some background elements have been combined to limit rendering demands on the GPU which drastically improves frames per second.
- - Added a tree LOD (distance simplification) system for terrains to be more representative of vegetation density at very long distances.
- - Added Bent normal maps to many shaders to improve the light reaction rendering of materials.
- - Improved vegetation rendering and performance.
- - Improved rendering of post process effects in order to obtain better performance without much loss of quality.
- - Significant improvement in game brightness for more realistic and dynamic lighting.
- - Adjusted game colors.
- - Increased the light intensity of the torches to match the new brightness in the game.
- - The yellow ivy foliage that tells the player where to grab an ivy now disappears close to the camera to avoid obstructing the player's visibility.
- - Change of anti-aliasing, we go from SMAA to TAA, more efficient and more beautiful.
- - In the menus with a joystick it is now possible to go directly from the first to the last option without having to go down or up all the options.
- - Increased size of shortcut icons in tutorial information for better visibility.
- - Changed the style of the tutorial, simpler and less complex.
- - Added a dark outline around shortcuts for better visibility.
- - Added a priority for interfaces to avoid overlapping information and to obtain smoother transitions between scenes.
- - Fixed the save system to avoid save deletion between updates if deletion is not desired.
- - A translation problem was visible in the tutorial for the "swum" part.
- - Aim assist was automatically disabled when creating a new game, it is now the opposite.
- - Ropes no longer appear all at once when unfolding. The animation is done correctly.
- - The ledges to grab onto in the iron door area in the tutorial had no limits to go left or right.
- - The gameplay menu was not deactivated with the "escape" or "start" key on the keyboard or the controller.
[ 2022-08-26 20:26:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone !
After more than a year of additional work, the first of the Reliefs The Time of the Lemures version 0.4 updates is now available!
This 0.4.01 update is a new iteration of the game, it's not a simple version, but a new game! Almost the entire game has been redone, only the story and gameplay of the game have been kept and some elements reused such as the main character and some objects, but they have all been modified to best match this new version. The development of this version 0.4 will extend over the year 2022 and 2023, for a release of the final version in 2023. You can now download this new version and enter in the world of Reliefs. For the moment the first part of the tutorial is available and the second part will arrive the next month. This new version has been much longer and more complex to achieve than expected and I thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy this new update or rather new game!
Why rebuild the game?
As I said before, version 0.3 of Reliefs had big performance issues and didn't allow me to create large open and detailed environments. Which is a huge problem when the game's story is based on vast environments to explore.
Important information:
Your old saves will be deleted automatically when the game is launched. All levels have been redone and no longer match in terms of size and arrangement of 3D elements from the previous version. The options will also be restored following the addition of new functionalities in the menu options and gameplay.

New in this update:
It would be easier for me to tell you what has not changed. I will therefore give you the general information of the modifications made to the game in order to avoid a too long list of modifications.
- Updated Unity engine. It goes from version 2019.4.18 to version 2020.03.36.
- In order to reflect the environment of the Calanques as much as possible, all the environment elements have been recreated. (trees, grass, rocks, cliffs, terrain textures, materials and shaders.) It's a total overhaul of the exteriors with more details, optimization and a final rendering closer to reality. - The cliffs are now modular in order to create environments faster and with a lot of detail. - Modeling of seabeds for lakes and the sea. - Added Height blending for terrains. Terrain textures blend more realistically. - Redesigned water, sea and lake shaders. - Updated game lights. - Implementation of a "GPU instancing" system for terrain details. In order to display thousands of 3D elements like grasses or rocks to terrains with little performance loss. - Added a procedural creation tool for vegetation to quickly create large, realistic open spaces.
Roman constructions:
- The elements that I had sculpted in my 3D software for version 0.3 of Reliefs have been taken over and improved. Their versions available in the game are more detailed than in the previous version. In particular for statues and sculptures or as the capitals of columns for example. New textures, materials and shaders have also been recreated. - The constructions are now modular, in order to create temples or others more quickly and easily.
- The main character can now swim on the surface of the water but also dive. - The main character can now ride a horse. (The mount will be available in version 0.4.02 for next month) - Dynamic gameplay, the main character can now perform actions quickly without having to store a torch or a spear. For example, he can hold on to a rope while swimming on the surface of the water. - Persistence of spears and ropes thrown in the environment. At each start of the game, the game automatically loads the ropes you have deployed in the levels. - Added deployable rope limit in a level. (16 strings maximum) The oldest strings will be replaced automatically by the new deployed strings. - Added a zoom effect when you charge your spear. - The player can now climb vines. - Added a horse with its behavior and these animations. (More information in version 0.4.02 of Reliefs) - Added limitation to strings. The sway is reduced over time and the further the player is from their anchor point, the greater the amplitude of the sway.
- Addition of a real-time help system that can be activated or not. It will tell you the interactive objects around you and the shortcut to use them. - Addition of a central crosshair that can be activated or not. In order to avoid motion sikness to certain person. - Addition of help for quick controls that can be activated or not. When you equip a torch, for example, it shows you the possible actions and their shortcuts in real time. - Addition of a gameplay menu to activate or not real-time helps. This will only be effective for the save currently in use and will not affect other parts of the game.
- Added new audio effects for environment, main character or interactive elements. - The audio decreases or increases gradually when a loading is carried out by the game in order to avoid cuts of music or sound too abrupt. - Player and horse footsteps now play relative to the texture of the terrain you are walking on.
- All particles have been updated with Unity's new particle system (visual effect graph). Larger numbers can be displayed on screen with better rendering and behaviors. - Updated the torch fire effect. - Added player generated water waves. - Added a real-time particle system that adapts to the environment around the player. For example, if you are in a cave, only dust particles will be visible. And if you are in a forest, insects, birds and pollen will be visible.
See you next month for the 0.4.02 update!

[ 2022-07-23 10:42:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
Here's a new Developer Diary for May 2022!
Can of comments this month for this diary of devs, however work on the tutorial level is progressing fast!
Also, I would like to give an availability date for the 0.4.01 Reliefs update, but I won't. Some features should be checked and potentially corrected. It can take a few days or several weeks, that's why I don't give a precise date in this diary of devs.
The following screenshots were taken in the tutorial level which will be available in the next update. There is still a bit of work to be done on the ambient colors of the environments, but the rest is final.
[ 2022-05-19 09:24:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
Here's a new developer diary for this month of April!
The work on the tutorial level is progressing, but I can't give you an exact release date for Update 0.4.01.
Information: All the following screenshots were taken in a test environment level of the game and are not representative of the final rendering. Many items may be changed or removed before the release of the next update.
A lot of work has been done this month on the architectural elements to match of the work already done on the vegetation and the cliffs.

The shaders of "global" materials such as stones or bricks have been greatly modified in order to remove repetition effects. For example the addition of cracks on the walls, plaster or destroyed elements to obtain a unique rendering of each wall and not a simple copy/paste of the previous one.

Columns and other decorative elements in the Corinthian and Tuscan style for temples have been corrected and now allow their indirect light to be calculated. (see example)

Many other simple architectural elements have been modeled to create corridors, rooms and buildings of all sizes in brick, stone or marble.

The different levels of the game will be in a semi-open world. So limited in size, but big enough to have a feeling of freedom. In addition to these open environments, there will still be oppressive areas in ruined temples, crevices, cliff edges or dark caverns like in the previous version of the game.

Levels size:
Here is an example of the maximum possible level size in version 0.4 of the game. (The little green dots are trees)

[ 2022-04-19 14:56:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
First of all, my apologies for this year of information interruptions on Steam or Itch.io. The development of the game Reliefs: The time of the Lemures continues and people who follow me on Twitter have been able to see the evolution of the game for over a year.
Only not everyone is on Twitter and it's more accurate to give new information about the game development every month here.
Before starting I reassure you, the version of Reliefs The time of the Lemures 0.4.01 is in preparation, but there is no release date for the moment.
Why this stop of updates?
Version 3.03 of Reliefs had many shortcomings and in particular the size of the environment. The Temple of Pluto for example (update 0.3.03) was the most open and detailed area I could offer in this version of the game. If this area had been bigger, the game performance would have been abysmal. But the temple of Pluto, in the originally imagined project must be gigantic, like many other environments. I therefore had to remedy this situation, I have reworked all the 3D models of trees, grass, cliffs, constructions with their textures, therefore 90% the game was recreated. Today this problem is solved and huge areas can be created without loss of performance and quality of the scenery. These new semi-open areas can be very long to walk. I therefore had to add a horse in order to allow the player to cover large distances more quickly. This new mount took a long time to be developed because it was not included in the original project. The tutorial, the environment and the main character had to be deeply modified to add the possibility of riding a horse. These important modifications did not allow me to keep the levels already created (The tutorial area, the temple of the tower and the temple of Pluto). All these levels, therefore had to be redeveloped with the new 3D objects and game operation. Also, the player now has the possibility of swimming which opens up new possibilities in terms of puzzles and exploration. String physics have been corrected and a real-time help system has been added that can be disabled at any time. The game engine has been updated, Reliefs version 0.3.03 used Unity engine 2019.4.18. Today the used version of Unity is 2020.3.29. The list of modifications is very long for the future version 0.4.01 of Reliefs The time of the Lemures and they will be detailed when this new version is available.
The project is progressing :
With this Diary of devs I just wanted to reassure you about the continuity of the development of the game Reliefs which will have taken a lot of delay, but which will also have evolved a lot since it was imagined in 2015. It's not easy to create such a video game alone and I want to thank you for your patience and your support for all these years on this project! Thank you !

[ 2022-03-14 16:30:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody !
Reliefs The Time of the Lemures update 0.3.03 is now live!
In this update a new area is offered to you with new environments. But also several bug fixes and added features.
This update does not reset your save, you can directly explore this new area!
Quick summary of this update:
- Addition of a new zone.
- Updated loading screen.
- Easier interaction with a torch or lance equip.
- Modification of graphics.
- Optimization of loadings.
- Bugfix.
Content details of update 0.3.03:
- The game's main temple level is now available. With many explorable rooms.
- Addition of various details in the tutorial level.
- Added the first statues in the new level. Much still to come!
- Added a small loading interface with random images and little tips while loading the game or between levels.
- You can now climb a wall or use a rope with an equipped torch. The torch will automatically drop to the ground to continue to illuminate the player.
- You can now climb a wall or use a rope with an equipped lance. The lance is automatic without equipment.
- Added a dynamic loading system between levels to optimize performance.
- Improved the appearance of marble textures for more realism.
- 3D modification of the herbs for more realism.
- 3D modification of small trees for more detail and a more realistic shape.
- Updated the LOD shaders of the vegetation, it now moves with the wind even at a great distance.
- Improved volumetric fog. Now it moves and comes alive with the wind.
- Improved textures of cliff LODs.
Bugfix :
- Fixed an issue with the torch going through the ground when dropped.
- Fixed the shadows generated by the torch, it could not display or display too much.
- Fixed an issue with the sound when the character was crouching without the "crouch" key being pressed. The sound emitted was a sound of normal walking while the character was still crouching.
- Fixed the Reliefs logo bug in the interface. On some resolutions it could overlap the menu information.
- Fixed the collision of a temple that did not have the correct properties, the player could climb that temple without rope or ivy.
[ 2021-02-12 22:49:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and happy new year 2021!
Reliefs The Time of the Lemures update 0.3.02 is now available!
This update is very important and changes the game in depth. Modification of the gameplay, graphics, addition of content and of course correction of bugs. On the other hand it does not bring a new explorable zone in the game. Only the tutorial zone is available as before but it has been totally modified. This update was necessary in order to get a playable and enjoyable game before starting to add the rest of the content, environments, puzzles and story.
Quick summary of this update:
- Complete redesign of the tutorial area.
- New tutorial with new interface.
- Changed player physics.
- Simplification of many features
- Modification of string physics.
- New 3D background of the main menu.
- Quick take into account of QWERTY or AZERTY keyboards.
- Modification of graphics.
- Overall game optimization.
- Bugfix.
I have set up a system that allows me or not to reset your options and / or your backups after an update. For this new version the options and the backups are reset because this update contains too important changes. This reset will not be systematic and your backups will be reset as little as possible. But for the options this will be more frequent because many features still have to be added. I would inform you as now if ever after an update your backups or options will be deleted.
Details of the content of update 0.3.02:
- Implementation of a system for resetting options and / or game saves if ever a major update of the game modifies certain options or areas.
- Font size has been enlarged in some game interfaces for better visibility.
- The tutorial level has been recreated to work with the new tutorial, updated gameplays and player physics.
- The tutorial has been completely modified, it is now simpler with an easy to understand interface.
- Stone markers with blue and red fabrics have been added in the tutorial to help the player navigate the level.
- The player is now physical. It reacts to the environment and the environment reacts to it. The player has a weight that can be used to solve puzzles for example and an inertia that is useful for jumps. The movement of the character is much smoother like the vertical movements due to gravity.
- Wall jumping gameplay has been simplified, now you just have to press jump facing a wall to bounce without having to press forward and run at the same time.
- The climbing gameplay has also been simplified, your character climbs all alone in all directions.
- The ropes are now physical, you will be able to climb on these ropes as before, but also to swing.
- Player height is now higher.
- Changed FOV for the field of view which is now narrower.
- The torch automatically stows when the lance is equipped and vice versa, or when you climb and climb a rope.
- Many main character animations have been changed.
- The game now natively supports QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards without having to change the controls in the options.
- Updated Unity Game Engine from version 2019.4.8f1 to version 2019.4.15f1.
- Added parallax map for cliff and rock textures for more details.
- Added parallax map for the textures of ruin walls and bricks.
- Changed the materials of temple ruins, herbs, leaves and rocks for more realism.
- Activation of SSR (screen space reflection) to get real-time environmental reflections for oceans and others.
- Changed the appearance of lake and sea water for more realism.
- Changed clouds more dense and they now affect the color of ambient light.
- Addition of rock in high definition to increase the details of cliffs and platforms.
- Improved grass and leaf shaders with wind effects now visible and enabled leaf translucency for realistic lighting effects.
- Modification of ambient light and color.
- Modification of the shape of the sun, more realistic.
- Added dirt mask to the camera.
- Addition of caustic effects in the water but also the reflection of light by water on surfaces.
- Improved Mip maps of vegetation textures for a more correct rendering from a distance.
- Improved near shadow resolution
- The 3D menu interface font has been completely recreated.
- Addition of many more or less simplified and collision-free LODs, cliffs and trees in order to prevent the computer from calculating inaccessible and unnecessary areas to gain fluidity. This also makes it possible to display a much greater and detailed viewing distance from afar.
Bugfix :
- Fixed an issue where the player using the controller during a jump would not allow the camera to move.
- Fixed sounds not playing when jumping on a wall and using a controller.
- Fixed the option system that allows reversing some throttle axes, some axes that were reversed did not work.
- Fixed with new player physics getting stuck in wall, boulder and cliff collisions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the character to get stuck in receiving jump animation after jumping very high.
- Fixed an issue that caused the character to get stuck in the spear loading animation when the character fell with a spear equipped.
- Fixed an interface issue that could cause texts to disappear on high resolutions.
[ 2021-01-07 16:20:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The game version 0.3.02 was unfortunately not released at the end of the month as mentioned in the last Diary of devs # 31 because the work has been longer than expected.
All of the gameplays have been redone, because the physics of the player character have been profoundly changed.
Physics :
The character will now be physical which was not the case previously. This allows me to completely eliminate the collision problems, including the fact that the character passes through a wall or the ground. You will be able to interact with physical objects such as pushed a crate, stones, .... If the slope is too steep, your character will now slide.
The ropes :
But the biggest change is with the ropes, as they were static and couldn't interact with the environment. Now the ropes are physical and you can climb them or descend them, but also swing to reach platforms or other ropes. The inertia of your character is now considered which greatly changes the possibilities of the game.
Controls :
The controls have been modified and simplified, if you are using a QWERTY keyboard the movement keys will be changed automatically all, or if you are using an AZERTY keyboard. Many other game functions have been changed, and they will all be described when this update is released. The release is scheduled for the end of this month of November or the beginning of December. Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-11-11 13:24:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
I had a lot of feedback from the players who had some tutorial and gameplay issues. (Too difficult, some game systems very complex, ...)
So I decided to change my work priority, the version 0.3.10 will therefore be delayed (end of the tutorial area and the level 1).
I will be working on version 0.3.02 of the game in order to fix many of these issues.
This version will be available at the end of this month.
Gameplay :
- The wall jumping system will be simplified and a lot of restrictions will be removed. For example, you no longer have to obtain a certain speed to jump on a wall. - The climbing system will also be simplified. The player will no longer have to jump from ledge to ledge to climb. You will simply move with the directional keys in order to climb, go left or right and go down. - The character's collision will be reviewed in order to prevent the character from blocking into walls. - The torch and the spear will be easier to interchange, you will no longer have to put away one to take out the other.
Tutorial :
- Simplification of the tutorial, the texts will be changed by the icons of the keys when is possible and the size of the texts will be more larger. - The tutorial area will be completely redone in order to more easily support the player in learning the game and to make the tutorial less difficult.
Miscellaneous :
- Significant modification of graphics, smoothing of vegetation, parallax map for many textures, modification of colors, .... - Added new high definition rock to make the cliffs more realistic. - Addition or modification of many other objects in order to simplify the tutorial and increase the performance of the game. This intermediate update will be important and will greatly improve the quality of the game. Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-10-14 12:04:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! I am pleased to announce that Reliefs The time of the Lemures is now available for download! Regarding the content of this version, only one part of the tutorial is available for the moment, but this should very quickly evolve in the weeks and months to come. It's not a simple little update, or a big update, but a new game! New game engine, new gameplay, new environment and new story! Hope you will like this new Reliefs!
About Reliefs The time of the Lemures:
99% of the game has been redone. Only a few textures and the arms of the main character were reused after extensive retouching. This version 0.3 of Reliefs is an entirely new video game. Only the idea of the game and its gameplay are still there (but modified a little) in order to keep the soul of the game.
About Early access:
Reliefs has been in early access for 2 years and I didn't think it would take so long. - The first version of Reliefs (0.1) was still available until recently. It was developed from September 2015 to July 2019 under Blender Game Engine or BGE. This first version was then canceled due to a problem due to the graphics engine used, too old, not sufficiently capable and no longer updated. These issues were causing the game to be unstable and it could crash at any time, so I looked for another game engine to resolve these issues. - The second version of Reliefs (0.2) was never available. It was developed from February 2019 to January 2020 under Uchronia Project Blender Game Engine or UPBGE. This new engine was an updated version of the previous one, more powerful and correcting many problems. But other problems were present and the non followed of the updates made that I also canceled the version 0.2 of Reliefs. I chose to use a more professional engine with a lot of tracking. I hesitated for a long time between Unreal engine and Unity. But I finally took Unity engine. - The third version of Reliefs (0.3) is therefore available today. It was developed from January 2020 until today under Unity 2019.4. This is why the development time took so long. The early access is not over and the development of the game will take some time yet.
Steam store content:
New game and therefore new content for the store. New images are available with a new description and a new video. New logo and launch image for the game compatible with the Steam interface update!
The engine of the game:
The new game engine used is that of Unity 2019.4 HDRP (High Definition Render Pipeline). This engine now offers me new possibilities for Reliefs with more detailed, large and realistic universes.
The character is now much more dynamic than version 0.1. Your momentum is very important in the game, the more momentum you have the further you can jump. You can double jump, climb walls, and jump over walls to reach higher surfaces. You still have your torch and your bow has been replaced by a spear. This spear is connected with a rope that will always allow you to climb everywhere!
The environment :
I have always wanted to do Reliefs in an environment inspired by the Calanques in France. Only the graphic limitation has never allowed me until today! The Roman temples in the game are as faithfully as possible inspired by Roman building elements that still exist in size 1/1. The temples are huge and very detailed.
The audio:
The Unity game engine helps recreate realistic sound environments. For example, you will have a strong eco for your footsteps if you enter a huge empty temple. But this eco will be different if you are in a valley, on top of a mountain or in a forest.
The story :
Reliefs, The time of The Lemures has a new main story. It is currently not visible because only part of the tutorial is available but later this main story will take you through disturbing environments and radically opposed to white cliffs and green forests. The gameplay will also evolve.
As in the first version of Reliefs you will be able to collect keys in order to open rooms presenting various elements of the game. But this part is not yet available.
As in Reliefs 0.1 you can collect items to make a torch, spear or rope to help you in this environment. The making of tools will be simpler than the old version in order to avoid breaking the rhythm of the game.This content is not yet available. For the tutorial you have unlimited torches and spears.
The future of the game:
Much still remains to be done, but the foundation of the game is finished. The next updates will add content, and the few gameplay that are missing! Thank you for supporting the development of Reliefs for its many years! See you soon for the next Reliefs The time of the Lemures update 0.3.1!
[ 2020-09-26 13:49:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
For this diary of devs we show you many screenshots of the game!
All of these screenshots are taken in the tutorial level.
The modeling of the vegetation is finished and all big structures available in the tutorial level are done.
The work is not over, some small part of the gameplay need to be debugged.
The sounds and musics are not yet implemented and the introduction video need to be made.
But the release date is always planned for the September 2020, between the 15 and the 30.
Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-08-12 13:53:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The work progress every week for the development of Reliefs 0.3!
I have finished the 3D sculpt and modeling of rocks, cliffs, trunks, trees and temples.
For the moment I work on the grasses and hedgerows in order to finish the vegetation part of the game.
With theses all assets, I could do ending the tutorial level with these all elements.
The next screenshots are a test level in order to try the vegetation render with the rocks and cliffs.
(The grasses and hedgerows are not yet on this test level, and the color and post process are not definitive.)
And now the next screenshots are the tutorial level available for the release of the 0.3 versions of Reliefs.
(The color and post process are not definitive and the vegetation or rocks are not implemented)
The release date is always planned for the september 2020!
Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-07-23 11:16:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
These two last weeks, many assets were made in order to build the most realistic Roman temples is possible. Columns, capitals, roofs, walls, floors, everything are sculpted with many variants of the same asset (perfect, worn and broken) for the inside or outside the temples.
For example, inside a temple, if the roof is always here, the columns and other sculptures will always in good condition because they are preserved of the rain and wind. That is not the case for the outside sculptures of the temple.
The temples of the 0.3 version of the game are huge compared to the 0.1 version actually available on Steam. (x5 scale compared to the biggest temple of Reliefs 0.1) This scale is a tool of the gameplay, to use the vertical gameplay of the game. The player needs to use all parts of the gameplay to build a path or to solve a puzzle into the rubble of a huge temple.
This is the idea.
Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-06-24 12:25:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The gameplay of the player is doing!
Now you have the possibility to throw your spear ! (This is the same functionality as the bow of Reliefs 0.1 versions.)
Gameplay :

If you throw your spear on the wall, she will break with many small wood particles fly everywhere and some sparks!

And if you throw your spear on the wood, she will stick to the wood with a rope to allow you to climb on the high surfaces.
Temples :
Actually I work on the 3D sculpting of the all architectural objects for the first temples of the level 1 and the tutorial.

For example, this is a Corinthian Capitals round and square for a Roman column, for the temples. Sculpt in Blender (Left : round with 724,420 tris), (Right : square with 747,686 tris). In the screenshot you can see a temple with 21 columns with Corinthian Capitals rounded. (1800 tris per object)
Global illumination :

The global illumination or GI allows to make a realistic lighting of the scenes. I have made many tests on the real scale temples to understand how the GI work on the complex 3D objects. And the render is very beautiful! (The temple in the screenshots is only an example) Reliefs 0.3 move forward every week and thank you for being more and more numerous to follow this project! Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-06-10 13:52:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
For this Diary of Devs #26 I have prepared a small video to show you the gameplay of Reliefs with the new game engine, Unity. It is not easy to explain how the game work, a video is more simple! [previewyoutube=cT8B1Q2C3g8;full][/previewyoutube]
- Actually, in the game you can walk forward, backward and on the sides.
- You can run and jump with a double jump.
- If you run and jump on a wall you can do a double jump on the wall to jump higher.
- You can climb on the ropes or on the walls.
- You have also the possibility to crouch you.
- And you have a torch, that you can drop or take on the floor because if you have a torch in your hand, you can not run or jump.
- Also you have a spear with ropes join to launch on the wall (wood) in order to climb on the high walls. But this part of the gameplay is not finished for the moment, that's why it is not visible in the video.
[ 2020-05-27 12:17:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Many, many things for this week about Reliefs!
You did not have a new diary of devs since three months, why?
Because many graphical problem was appear due to the game engine (UPBGE = Uchronia Project Blender Game Engine). I'm afraid that this game engine is not stable on the all computers and OS like the first version of Reliefs. I had to resolve myself to change the game engine when is still possible. I have tried many game engines, (Armory, GoDot, Unreal,...) and I have chosen Unity game engine. This is the best compromise to make a game for all computers with unbelievable graphics and with a very big open environment. I have taken two months to learn Unity and the C# language, to use this software correctly. But also during this time I have made much graphical research in order to try the many possibilities of this game engine. These next screenshots are only graphical research for Reliefs. This is not the final result of the game.

And now for Reliefs :
This new game engine changes everything for the game! A world more huge, more details, more interactions, more realism! But unfortunately all the game need to be remade to work correctly on this new game engine.
All interfaces are done!
- You have the possibility to change many options like the resolution, language, quality, full screen and more. - You can change all keys or sticks and buttons if you play with a controller. - You also can load or delete a game session and change the volume of the game. - And the player has an inventory.

The gameplay :
The player can walk forward and backward and side, run, jump and jump on the wall with their animations and transitions. I actually work on the system to climb on the walls and ropes.

The release date :
No change, I want to release the first version of the tutorial and the first level in this summer. And for the official release of Reliefs is still scheduled for the end of this year. Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-05-13 12:24:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! This new Diary of devs #24 present you for this week the new trees and volumetric clouds for Reliefs The time of the Lemures.
The Trees :
Seven unique Mediterranean trees were made with their LODs (Level of details) and collisions. These screenshots show you the different parts to create the textures used for making a tree. You have the trunk, the leaves and the branches :

After the creation of the new tree you need to make different versions of this same tree with less polygon than the previous version in order to optimize the tree in the game. And now the screenshots in game of the trees :

The volumetric clouds :
This is a big work to make as realistic volumetric clouds as possible. These clouds react to the color and intensity of the light in real time and obviously the clouds move and deforms.

Performance :
This new version is more realistic than Reliefs 0.1 and the game use less performance with this new version that the previous versions. With an Nvidia 1080ti in ultra graphical quality in 2560x1080 resolution with 16go of memory:
- Reliefs v0.1 old version : Used 1.4 go of memory and from 70% to 95% of the graphical processor.
- Reliefs v0.2 The time of the Lemures : Used 2.3 go of memory and from 25% to 45% of the graphical processor.
Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-02-19 12:32:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
About the early access :
A new year has arrived and Reliefs is always on early access. When I have released Reliefs in early access, I have planned 12 months of the work to release the 1.0 of the game. More than 17 months later and Reliefs is still in early access and is very far from to be finished. The 2020 year will be for Reliefs a new step of the early access for the development of the 0.2 version of the game. To remind, the 0.2 version of Reliefs is entirely a new game with a new game engine,story , gameplay, graphics and more. This 0.2 version call "Reliefs The time of the Lemures" is what Reliefs should have been. This new version of the game will be playable and available on Steam or other stores when I have finished the tutorial and the first level of the game. In the first part of the current of this year, this big update will be available. And the rest of the year, many new areas will be added to finish the game.
The logo :

To launch this new year, a new logo of the game is available. Reliefs The time of the Lemures is the new title of the game.
Website :
A new website is available on http://www.calepinstudio.com. More easy for me and for you to use, more beautiful and easy to update. In the Reliefs game part of the website (http://www.calepinstudio.com/index.php?page=reliefs), you have the dashboard of the 0.2 version of the game to follow the development of Reliefs.
Reliefs : The time of the Lemures
(All screenshots are take in the new version of the game)
Shaders :

Tone map shader was added into the game to reduce or increase the brightness of the game in real time like the human eye. I have made a new GLSL script to blend several shaders to use as possible less game performance. This new shader blends the gamma, sharpness, chromatic aberration, tone map and the level of the color shaders.
3D environment :

A lot of research has been done in order to make the most realistic environment as possible with the tools that I have. All the next 3D objects are definitive and finished. These objects are ready to 0.2 version of the game.
Rocks :

Grasses :

Hedges :

Next or the game :
To finish the first part of the environment, I need to make some trees and cliffs. After that, I can make the ruins and finish the gameplay. Thank you for your support since the beginning of this early access and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!
[ 2020-02-05 16:09:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The cold is coming to Calepin Studio!
For this Christmas and New Year, all game of Calepin Studio is available at -50% on Steam only!
Carton -50%
Reliefs -50%
Air -50%
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1144520/Air/ Happy Christmas and New Year everyone!
[ 2019-12-19 21:03:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
For this week, I have a lot of work on the size of the game world and to create the most realistic textures for the ground as possible.
This is the skeleton of the main isle of the game.
This basic modelization show the real size of the isle and the structure compared to the scale of the player and allow for me to build on this skeleton the final render of the game.
This new game engine allows me to make a more realistic textures because, she supports the textures more bigger than 1024x1024 and the parallax mapping.
(The parallax mapping allows to simulate the reliefs of a texture using the angle of the camera.(more information on Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax_mapping ))
(The white cube is a player size)
Rock ground texture :
The main texture of the game. Visible everywhere in the new world of Reliefs.
Left : The render in the game of the texture with an resolution of 4096x4096.
Right : The 3D sculpts object of this texture, I obtain this texture from this 3D object.
Path ground texture :
I use this texture only for the paths and roads.
Left : The render in the game of the texture with an resolution of 4096x4096.
Right : The 3D sculpts object of this texture, I obtain this texture from this 3D object.
Shore ground texture :
The shore texture.
Left : The render in the game of the texture with an resolution of 4096x4096.
Right : The 3D sculpts object of this texture, I obtain this texture from this 3D object.
Collapse ground texture :
This texture is only used around the cliffs or big rocks.
Left : The render in the game of the texture with an resolution of 4096x4096.
Right : The 3D sculpts object of this texture, I obtain this texture from this 3D object.
These ground textures are the main textures for the terrain of the game, I blend these materials for make a realistic environment.
The vegetation comes later.
[ 2019-12-04 12:49:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Reliefs : The time of the Lemures
This is the new title of the game Reliefs for the 0.2 version.
For this week, some concept arts of the next version of the game :
These concept arts allow for me to see with some hours of working the game color and the global graphics quality who I want to obtain with the new game engine for the new version of the game.
[ 2019-11-27 09:15:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! I'm sorry for this 2 months without news about Reliefs. Unfortunately for Reliefs I have worked on another game who went release the 30 October 2019. And to release this game correctly, I had to work on this project at full time. (The game is Air, more information on Steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1144520) For the next weeks i can not work on Reliefs because I move into a new town in France. But when is over, i could work on Reliefs to release the 0.2 version soon as possible. I resume the "Diary of Devs" of Reliefs before the end of this month! I thank you because you are always more and more people who want the release of Reliefs! That helps me to support and develop this big project, thank you!!! See you soon!
[ 2019-11-03 10:57:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, this is the Summer Sale! Reliefs is now available at -50% for a limited time!
This Summer Sale starts at the 16 August 2019 at 10h00 to 19 August 2019 at 10h00. (Pacific time) This is only for this weekend, enjoy!
[ 2019-08-16 21:43:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Last week i didn't make a new "Diary of devs" about the evolve of Reliefs because I had not had time to work on the game. And it is the same thing for this week.
Don't worry, i am not going on holiday, but I must release a new game for September 2019.
If i work at the same time on Reliefs, this new game will be never available for September.
The "Diary of devs" come back for the month of September of this year.
Good summer everyone!
[ 2019-07-31 11:59:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
An important point was added this week for Reliefs 0.2, the interfaces!
In the main interfaces of the game, you can change the language, the graphics quality, the sounds or the controls and more of the game in real time. You not longer need to restart the game to apply any modification.
Important : The graphic style of all interfaces are temporary. In the final version of Reliefs, these interfaces will be very different.
The game interfaces :

These bars allow for the player to see in real time the three important information about her character. - The green bar is your stamina, when you run you lose the stamina. To regain your stamina you need to walk or wait (more faster). - The orange bar is your velocity. More you are faster, more this bar is large. Is very important in order to jump the farthest as possible. - The red bar is your strength, when you jump, climb or throw of an object you lose your strength. To regain your strength you need to wait. These capacities of the player can be changed in the future if you make an offering to a god. But is not yet available in the game.
The main interfaces :

Like the Reliefs 0.1 version actually available you have when you run the game a small interface to configure the game like you wish before run the game. But the big change of the 0.2 version of the game is that all the game is packed in one important file to load only once. The load between all interfaces (main, options, audio, controls, save, ...) are very quickly and do not cannot stop the game. The controls, graphics quality or the sound can be changed at any moment and is applied by the game without you need to restart the game. Even if you have already load your game save. You must just only press the "Echap" and you have access to of all parts of the interfaces.
[ 2019-07-17 15:52:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
A new important feature for Reliefs is done for the 0.2 version of the game.
To climb on the highest surfaces in the old version of Reliefs, you use a bow and arrows, but now in the Reliefs 0.2 version is a spear.
This spear can only plant in the wood, on the stone the spear breaks. When the spear plant on the wood, a rope appears to allow pour player to climb.
When you aim with the spear, the player arms follow the camera and the left arm of the player allow you to aim where you want to throw the spear.
The size of the rope when the spear is the planted on the wood can be varied compared to the distance between the spear and the ground. But a max limit was assigned to avoid the too long ropes.
[ 2019-07-11 11:49:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
New small video for the diary of devs #18 of Reliefs game!
For this week, new animations for the player when he climbs on the ropes. And the torch with smoke, flame and these animations was added.
[ 2019-07-03 16:49:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
For this week i have made a small video to show you the evolution of the gameplay compared to the Reliefs 0.1 version.
Very much more dynamic, the 0.2 version change everything in the game.
[ 2019-06-26 13:29:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
The Reliefs 0.2 version continue to be developed!
- The player :
The programing of the motion, interaction and the behavior of the player character evolve. The player can do make a two jump in the air and the distance of these jump can be varied with the velocity of the player. The speed of the player changes progressively to attain the walk speed for example or the run speed. Your character doesn't stop immediately him speed if you don't press the run key, he stops progressively. You can now jump on the walls if you have two parallel surfaces, you can jump from walls to walls if you have enough strength. And also you can climb on the ropes like Reliefs 0.1.

- Level editor :
With this new version of Reliefs, the Reliefs World Map Editor software (RWME), use for making Reliefs 0.1, need to be evolved to the working of the new game engine and the 0.2 version of the game. The RWME is a software available only for the release moment of Reliefs. This software allows you to change the world of Reliefs or add the new levels. The old version of the RWME was not easy to use and to change the world of Reliefs. For example, to edit the world, you had to load an area of 0 to 100. Every area was divided into 16 chunks, and to change one object for example of this area you had to load chunk by chunk in order to find and change this object. Now the new level editor load automatically the area only around you (like the game) and you can fully change the world without to load an area or a chunk. Basically the open world of Reliefs is now available in the level editor 0.2 version!

[ 2019-06-19 10:15:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
The beginning of Reliefs 0.2 :
To make a good Reliefs 0.2 version, we need the new arms for the player! The arms in the game is very important because they are the first element of 3D visible in the first plan with the torches or the Pilums. The 3D object must be faultless with a perfect textures and animations.

Dynamic Reliefs : I want a more dynamical gameplay, where you can climb, jump or run on the wall to reach the new platforms. You have always your ropes to make you a new way in the ruins, but in the 0.2 version of Reliefs you must be carreful of you strength when you climb on the walls or run and jump, you cannot jump everywhere all time. You need to think your path that you will take to arrive at your aim in order to consume the less strength as possible.

Torch and a Pilum ? Yes, the bow is abandoned in favor of Pilum, more Roman and not see or use in the other games. More information about the Pilum in the next weeks!
[ 2019-06-12 09:38:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new next step for Reliefs come with the 0.2 version!
This update change everything in the game!
First, a new game engine!
Currently, Reliefs work on BGE (Blender Game Engine) 2.79 version. This is a powerful engine but now abandoned by Blender Foundation since 2018. This is a very bad news for me, because the BGE in this actually version is limited and many bug needs to be resolved. Fortunately, i'm not the one fan of the Blender Game Engine and many versions based on this game engine exist like UPBGE. UPBGE (Uchronia Project Blender Game Engine) is based on the game engine, but is very most powerful than the BGE and not abandoned. Reliefs will be now develop in this new game engine, but i need to rework all the game in order to make a better compatibility with this new engine. This update will change all the game, this is a new game after the release of the 0.2 version. The 0.2 version of Reliefs take the better of the presently game, but delete the all functionalities not use, broken or not fun. And adding many new functionalities to make an gameplay more dynamic and fun.
The new game engine:
- Update : With this new game engine, it's will be more easy for me to develop the game and to make the updates. Currently, to make an update for Reliefs is not very simple, and i need to change many things in the game to make it compatible with all computer configurations before the release of an update. - Interfaces : New dynamic interfaces will be available for the Reliefs 0.2, more easy to use and more faster to load because is generated or deleted in real time. Currently the interfaces are heavy and statics and you can crash in a loading. - Gamepad : With this new game engine, you can plug or unplug a gamepad when the game is launched and will be automatically recognized. Currently, you need to restart the game if you have unplugged your gamepad when the game is launched. - Textures : This game engine supports the very large textures like 4096x4096 or more. Currently, 95% of the all textures are 1024x1024 max size because if more that five textures is most large than this size, these large textures is forgotten by the game engine. (Appear dark in the game or is replaced by small texture) - Color and shadows : I can make a realistic color environments in real time, with the smooth shadows! Currently the BGE doesn't use the sRGB color and the pixels of the shadows textures are square and not smoothed. - AA Samples : The anti aliasing allows to smooth the borders of the objects and textures to skip the milling effects. Currently the BGE isn't supporting this AA Samples. - HDR : The HDR or High Dynamic Range effects natively use. Currently the HDR doesn't exist natively in the BGE, you need to use a GLSL shader. - Parallax mapping : The Parallax mapping is an enhancement of the bump mapping or normal mapping techniques applied to textures in order to make and relief on this texture. This effect allows me to make a more realistic and detailed textures. Currently is not supported by the BGE. - Mirror : A real time reflection of the water for example with very less performance use. Currently is not supported in the BGE. You have too the geometry instancing, the depth factor for the transparent textures. You can change the LOD (level of detail) of all textures, fake PBR and many much more! You have understood it, the Reliefs 0.2 will be very different of the last 0.1 version of the game. The release date of this big update is not planned, but can arrive in September. In all cases, I will post every week a new "Diary of devs" to keep you the last new about Reliefs 0.2! (The screenshot is taken with the new UPBGE game engine)
[ 2019-06-05 12:43:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new graphic update is available today for Reliefs!
A thousands new objects are added in the world to increase the abandoned and destroy of human structures effects.
New textures :
Three new textures are updated :
The brick wall, stone wall and the stone ground.
More realistic and in high definition to increase the quality of the near render.
Their LOD (level of detail) textures have been updated, this is the same textures in more small resolution for the far render distance view.
New grasses :
Four new species of grasses are added to add of the human structures a more abandon effect.
These new grasses were then placed on all construction of all areas actually available in the game.
Screenshots :
If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me.
If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2019-05-29 14:52:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content.
I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Next update :
The next week for the next update, many things are added to the game.
Textures :
First, the mains textures of the bricks, stone walls and stone floors change. These textures are more realistic with a larger size than the olds.
Grasses :
Some new grasses are added into the world of Reliefs. With the years passed, for example the vegetation climb on the walls, grasses grows on the plane surfaces and in the holes. This update adds thousand grasses on the all human structures of the areas actually available in the game in order to add more old age on the lost and abandoned constructions.
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-05-22 09:08:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new zone can be explored in the East of the world of Reliefs!
A remains of a big aqueduct can be visiting with her old water tanks, but full today of the rocks and gravel. In this old aqueduct you can find and collect a new collectable view.
- LOD textures :
The LOD (Level of details) of the terrain textures for the rocks, cliffs and grasses was updated. New textures with a 2048x2048 resolution was created to increase the quality of the far render view distant of the LOD terrain.
Good exploration!
Screenshots :

If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2019-05-15 10:05:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Next update :
The next update, that will be available for the next week add a new area. This new area is crossed by a huge lost aqueduct in ruin between a two hills. You can climb on this structure to recover the map of this land or you can enter in the tank of the aqueduct to find and recover a new collectable view. In the below screenshots, the vegetation is not added for the moment, she will be available for the release of this update for the next week.
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-05-08 12:30:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new area is available for Reliefs today!
The main new structure of this update, is a big Roman lighthouse.
The global plan of this lighthouse is based on a true plan of a Roman lighthouse still standing today in Spain. And you can collect a new hidden statue and map in this area.
- SSAO :
The SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion) shader has been updated to increase her quality.
- Early access walls :
I have also deleted a part of the "early access wood fences" that stuck the player in order to not visit the no finishing areas. These walls are not now necessary because the new areas and contents will be available every week or two weeks in the next weeks.
Good exploration!
Screenshots :
If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me.
If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2019-05-01 11:33:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Lighthouse update :
A new area will be available with this update! The world open of the game start to be developed. If you don't know, the world of Reliefs is split by 100 areas that make the huge open world of the game. Each area is made manually without automatic world generator. All small objects (rocks, grasses,...) are positioned by me in the Reliefs World Map Editor (RWME). This level editor of Reliefs will be available at the end of the development of the game if you want to change the world of Reliefs. For this update, you can explore a most big structure available in the game for the moment. A Roman lighthouse (based on the true plan on a real lighthouse who exist in Spain) that you need to explore to collect a new statue. A new small village with a big harbor can be visited and the rivers arrived in the game. For the screenshots below, the vegetation is not added, so that's why it's a desert for the moment.
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-04-24 10:35:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new update is available today for Reliefs!
This is a small update that adds a new contents.
I've prepared a lot of new structures (interior and exterior) not visible, available in the next incoming areas of the game. But some new structures can be already visited with this update!
Explore a new deep and lost old sanctuary, hidden under an old temple fully destroy. This new update allows you to recover a new collectable view, this object is dissimulate in these caves.
Screenshots :
If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me.
If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2019-04-17 09:51:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
For this week not an update, but a patch for Reliefs!
Before, this week a new video was created and have been put online in the Steam store page. But also all screenshots of the game was updated in order to show the new graphic quality of the game, because Reliefs have a lot of change since its release!
That is must be imperative to do this in order to that i can only work on the development of the game for the next updates.
This patch corrects the controller problem on Windows since the last Biomes update. To solve the problem that all keys on your controller are inverted or the camera on the player turn constantly, you need to after download this patch, reset the options of your game. To do this you need to open the folder : "Steam/steamapps/common/Reliefs/resource/saves" and to delete the only file "options.sav" This action will force the game to remake a new options file to correct the wrong information contained in the old file previously deleted. This action is only for the old user of the game, if you have obtained the game after this patch 0.01.114, this is not necessary. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
What's up with this new patch?
- The physics of the player have been changed, the character slide more correctly on the rocks and of a good side. When the player jump and that he hit the roof on a construction, the jump was not lost. He falls on the ground with the good speed. - New sound are available when the player slide into an interior, the sound of the falling rocks resound on the walls. - The screenshots of the loading screens was updated in order to be in accordance with the actual graphic quality. - Optimisation of the many objects (trees, grasses, rocks and roots) low polygon versions, for the very small computers, to increase their in game performance. - The graphic quality of the game has been changed, when you choose the global graphic quality in the options of the game. The "middle" graphic quality option is now more near of the "high" graphic quality than before to obtain a more same quality in the screenshots (take with the "high" graphic quality) for the small computers configuration. - Many ultra wide resolutions aren't working in the old versions of the game because i have not seen the error into the search script that allow of the game to load the good scene with the good size screen. This problem was solved and all screen sizes work perfectly!
The new video of the game :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F59LrCsNFm4 It's all for this patch of this week, but in the next update of the game, the world extend with the new areas!
[ 2019-04-10 11:29:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
To celebrate the release of the Biomes update of Reliefs, a special offer will be available. During a limited time, Reliefs will be available at -50%!
This special offer starts at the 5 April 2019 at 10h00 to 8 April 2019 at 10h00.
(Pacific time) This is only for this weekend, enjoy!
[ 2019-04-05 09:50:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new update is now available!
This update is the most important in terms of content and size, since the release of the early access of Reliefs.
The first goal of this update in the first time, was to increase the game performance because when there was a lot of objects on the screen in some area in the world of the game, the FPS (Frame per seconds) could fall below the 40 FPS with a 1080 GTX (Graphics card).
This update fixes this problem, and increase the number of details in the world on the screen.
For a good development of the next updates of the game, it is very important to have constantly in the game 60 FPS.
The Biomes update :
This biomes update increase the game performance, but it's not all. A lot of functions of the game have been updated, deleting or adding. You are ready to read ? If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The screeshots :

The news functionalities :
- The game engine : The most important point of this new content, is the updating of the game engine. Reliefs work with the BlenderGameEngine (BGE). It's a free and open source game engine available with Blender. It is a free software to 3D modelization, texturing, animation, video, game creation (before the 2.80 version) and many others! He blends many functionalities in only one software. More information about Blender available here : https://www.blender.org The last versions of Reliefs work with the BGE 2.77 version, now with this update, he works with the version 2.79. This new version is more powerful than the last, add many new functionalities and corrects some problems of the game engine. This is a big step for the future of the game. - The biomes : An another big point of this update, is the biomes. New trees and roots have been created to increase the diversity of the universe of the game. In the past only three biomes were available (shores, cliffs and plain). Now you have seven biomes!
- - Shore : Mediterranean sea, sand and small grasses.
- - Cliff : Rocks, grasses and some trees.
- - Scrubland : Grasses and some large size hedges.
- - Low forest : Cypress with a lot of hedges and grasses.
- - Mediterranean : Cypress, with a lot of hedges, grasses and many parasol pines and simple pines.
- - Mediterranean forest : A lot of parasol pines with cypress and simple pine, big hedges and many grasses.
- - Lake border : More simple pines and parasol pines with a lot of hedges.
Bug resolves :
- - Bug #1 : When you don't use the the HD objects quality in the options of the game. The harbor that allows you to call your boat not work.
- - Bug #2 : The Alpha and Chanvre plant can appear invisible at near distance if you choose a low graphic quality in the options.
- - Bug #3 : A grid in front of a door in the puzzle of Pluto doesn't disappear which does not allow you to recover the bas-relief.
- - Bug #4 : Some insects, birds or particles can appear in the caves.
- - Bug #5 : Beyond more than 64 ropes in the world, the new ropes are not loaded and save in the world.
[ 2019-03-28 17:17:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Biomes update :
I promise, this is the last "Diary of devs" before the release of this update! All content of the Biomes update for Reliefs will be available the next week! The 27 march if I have no late or the 28 / 29 march if I have many problems. This is the most biggest update of the game since the release of Reliefs. More information about all new contents of this update, the next week!
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-03-20 20:29:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Biomes update :
Not a lot of news for this week, I work just on updating all areas (15) actually available in the game with this biomes update. This is not simple, I need to make the LOD (Level of detail) of each area. The Trees, textures and human structures. After that, the area can be updated. Every object, for example the grasses, rocks, trees, .... are all added by me. This is not generated randomly, every each of the more than 12 000 objects by areas are only added by me. This is a big work an is not easy to make a real and natural world in the limite of our computers. But one new for this week, the ropes that you can use to climb on the human structures or other are now interacting with the wind in real time!
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-03-13 10:29:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs.
I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs.
In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development.
Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Biomes update :
New week and new information about the next update of Reliefs. Normally, the biomes update will be available the last week of this month. For this week, the updating of the vegetation advance. The SSAO (Screen space ambient occlusion) is now more intense. The HDR (High dynamic range) makes more larger light halo.
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-03-06 09:47:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Biomes update :
The biomes update for Reliefs evolve every week to become the most big update of the game. For this week, the vegetation of the area of Pluto was updated with this biomes update. Before the updating this area, she counted 8700 objects (grasses, trees, human structures,...). Now with this update, this area count more than 16000 objects! More realistic, more details and better optimised! New particle system and new realistic animation for the insects. The script that appends the insects, birds, fall leaves and sounds has been updated to increase the game performance. Now more insects, birds or fall leaves can be added in real time without loss of game performance. And i work to update the game engine. The game engine is the BGE (BlenderGameEngine), it's a free and open source engine. For more information about Blender3D you can visit the website : https://www.blender.org Actually Reliefs work on the BGE version 2.77a, and after many tests of the new version of the BGE (version 2.79b), the game engine is more powerful than the actual version. So that's why i update the game engine, but is not easy and a lot of things need to be changed in scripts or functions of the game to work perfectly with this new version. No date this week for the release of this biomes update. Is a very huge update and for the moment, I don't know when she will be available.
In game screenshots :

[ 2019-02-27 10:24:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Biomes update :
For this new diary of devs of the biomes update of Reliefs, I try a new format, the video. This video shows you the future contents for the next update of Reliefs. https://youtu.be/YvydxNH_5s0 The release of the biomes update is not for soon. Many work stay to be done like updating the physic of the player, finish all areas with the new vegetation or rework the "wild system" that allow to add in real time the insects, birds, sounds, ... This update will not available before the next month.
Subjects of the video :
- New 3D models for many objects to increase the game performance. - Deleting the not useful objects and a lot of new objects were added. - New large ways and roads for increase their visibility. - Improving the SSAO (Screen space ambient occlusion) for a more realistic render. - The SSAO now change with the weather to increase the climate visual effects. - Updating the saturate color for a more realistic render. - All objects appearing with a smooth transition. - Improvement of the view distance for more visibility of human structures or trees at very far distance. - New biomes were added to increase the diversity in the areas.
[ 2019-02-20 19:47:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Biomes update :
The biomes update is the most important update for Reliefs since the release date of the early access the 7th September 2018. This update, change all vegetation of the game, correct some problems and increase the game performance. This update will be not available soon because all the vegetation of the game need to be reworked in totalities. Only the human structures cannot be edited.
In game screenshots :

New vegetations :
New ivy, cypress, parasol pine and many roots have been added in order to make the new environments.
New biomes :
Four new biomes are available in the update.
- Shore : Very low vegetation only.
- Dry mediterranean : Very low vegetation with some cypress.
- Mediterranean : Many coniferous like pine and parasol pine and a lot of low vegetation and cypress.
- Mediterranean temperate : Forest of pine and parasol pine with a lot of low vegetation, cypress and other small trees.
New roads and paths :
The road and paths with the new vegetation are more larger, more visible in order to help you to explore the environment.
New 3D models :
I have clean up the statics folder in order to delete many not useful objects. And all rocks, roots and cliffs have been edited so that to use less polygons and increase the game performance.
New "LOD" system :
All rocks, cliffs, trees and grass now appearing with a smooth transition. (LOD = Level of detail) For example, actually when the game load the near area around the player, the objects (trees, rocks, ....) appear instantly without a smooth transition. This is not aesthetic and attract the eyes of the player. With the new smooth system, theses objects appear with a transition which depends on the position of the player. This transition doesn't affect the game performance, but is only activated when the option "nodes" in the options of the game is active.
Improvement of the view distance :
A new layer of LOD is available! (LOD = Level of detail) The human structures are now visible at a very far view distance! For example, if you have a temple at the top of a mountain. For the moment this temple appears instantly when the position of the temple come into the load area around the player. This is not very beautifull and realistic. Now this temple (very low polygon version of the temple) is load with the the environment like the mountains. The temple is now visible at a huge distance without loos of performance. Actually, I work to added this system at the trees. But there is more of trees than human structures in the world of Reliefs. And is not good for the game performance.
Increase the game performance :
Less polygons for a lot of objects, new transition system for the vegetation and rocks, the new layer of LOD for the human structures and the smooth transition system to appear the objects. The view distance to load the objects around the player is now more small, is not necessary to load the objects at very far distance in order to not show the loading of the world. With these all new function, the game has never been so fast !
Problems correction
Some problems have been corrected with this update. - In the smaller graphic quality, many objects like the alpha grass or the hemp, becoming invisible at near distance of the player. - In the smaller graphic quality, when you click on the harbor to appear the boat, but the boat never come.
[ 2019-02-13 13:35:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new update with another "bas relief" on the story of the game is now available !
The Neptune update :
A new area opens these gates. This new area is an ancient complex of the Neptune god, the sea god. With many new temples in his memory. Old Roman tools and structures will allow you to recover the new "bas relief" available at the highest temple. If you want to go in this new area, this the last land in the East. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The news functionalities :
- Neptune area : New area is available of the Neptune god.

Troubles :
- Some double actors appear again. Unfortunately, this problem was not corrected with the lasts updates of the game. Don't worry, this bug doesn't affect your game session, the puzzles or your progression. You can continue to play if you meet this problem. - For the update of the next week, I am going to remake the scripts that add the objects (trees, rocks, structures, ...) around the player for added some new layers in order to split the number of objects in real time in the game. These new layers will allow to increase the game performance because, with these news area. The number of objects in real time constantly increases and is not good for the smaller computers. And these layers added can as well resolve this problem of double actors.
[ 2019-01-30 12:31:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Neptune update :
For this week, many new screenshots are available to show you the work in progress of this update. Some objects have not been yet modeled in 3D but the new area is finished! More than 9600 objects (Grasses, trees, rocks, ruins, ...) are added in the world only for this new cell. A lot of work remains to be done, but this new update will be available the next week on Windows, Mac and Linux!
In game screenshots :

Play area :

If I count the next update, 15 areas are available at this moment in the game. Which corresponds to 1/6 of the real size of the world when the game will be finished. This huge world will be completely open and free to be explored!
Size world example :
This next map, show you the size of the world available at this moment in grey color. And the rest of the world to make in sepia color. This is an a good example of the size of the world.

[ 2019-01-23 10:23:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Neptune update :
With this update, a new bas-relief of the story of the game can recover! This new area has many new puzzles to solve based on the water dynamic and logic. A lot of new temples, structures can explore and many objects can be used to restart these antique machines in order to understand the mysteries of this place. (Screenshots take in the RWME (Reliefs World Map Editor))

Release date :
So many works remain to work for done this update. She is not be available this week or the next week I think. But she will be available before the end of this month on Windows, Mac and Linux.
[ 2019-01-16 10:18:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The first update of this year is now available for Reliefs!
The Music update :
This is a feature that I was very often asked since many months. Add a musics in the game, and I understand! This functionality was planned and is now available. These musics they have been created from a more than one year but, I preferred to work on the functionalities more important than the music until today. A new year started and the future next updates of this year for Reliefs they will allow that to enlarge considerably the world of the game. For now, if I count the next update for the next week, 15/100 areas are available in Reliefs. I hope at the end of this year, 100/100 of the areas they will have been created, with all puzzles, story and collectable objects. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The news functionalities :
- Music : Now, at more or less regular intervals, the game load a new music in a repertory of 8 musics. More music will be added in the future. You can, if you wish in the options of the game, change the sound level of the music or just desactivate her if you don't want a music in the game.
Update functionalities :
- Objects viewer : For the mouse user, the objects viewer as improve. Now the objects turn correctly with your mouse. It's easier to see an object with the mouse now. - Lights in objects viewer : The light in the objects viewer was updated for improving the visibility of the objects that you look. And the shadows are less visible.

- Double actors : In many cases, the actors objects (door, lever, ...) can appear in double. This problem is very impacting on the performance of the game and the animation of an object. For example, if a door is duplicated and start her animation (open or close), the objects can overlap and this problem is visible in the game. Now to solve this problem, I have created a new function that checks at every distance traveled by the player all actors objects of the world to see if he is double or not. If is the case, this object (double) is delete of the world. - Sundial : The sundial is now surrounded of an a blue stripes for more visibility the day or night.

[ 2019-01-09 15:43:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The winter is coming to Steam!
For this Christmas and New Year, Reliefs is at -40%!
Happy Christmas and New Year everyone!
[ 2018-12-21 10:54:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
An important update is available today for Reliefs!
Information :
In the end of this year, ( only this next two weeks) no updates for Reliefs are planned. With the Christmas and New Year that arrive, I will not have the time to launch the new updates. But don't worry, the next updates they will arrive for the beginning the next year ! Happy Christmas and New Year everyone !!! ____________________________________________________________________________
The Collections update :
This is an important update for the next of the game. Now you can collect many items hidden in the world! For this new content, some new places are available in the world. Many new ruins to visit!

The news functionalities :
- Interface : Three new tabs in the interface of the player in game are now available! The objects, statues and views tabs are accessible. These tabs allow you to collect seventy-five items hidden through the world! For the moment, only three objects can be collected in the world. The others will arrive with the next updates of the game. - The chests : To collect these objects you need to find the hidden chests in the world. And to open them, you need to find around these chests three same objects that you can be placed on their locations on the chest. After that, the chest open and you receive a new object, statue or view to collect. - Collectibles: You can see your collectible objects that you found in the world in the objects, statues or view tabs in the interface of the game. Click on the icon of an item to see in 3D the object, statue or view. - Objects tab : 25 objects can collect on this tab in the game interface. These objects are many tools, furnitures, weapons used in the roman time. Only one object is available for the moment. - Statues tab : 25 statues can collect on this tab in the game interface. All are statues that can be met in the world. Only one statue is available for the moment. - Objects tab : 25 views can collect on this tab in the game interface. These views are the parts of temples, houses or vegetations that you can meet in the world of Reliefs. Only one view is available for the moment. - New places : Three new structures are available hidden in the world of Reliefs! These ruins hide three chests with the news collectibles!
Update functionalities :
- Collectibles icon : Three new icons are available in the maps menu. The location of objects, statues or views can be found where they are in the world if you have the map of this area. - SSAO enhancement : The SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion) is now more strengthening. Without loss of game performance.
Bug resolves :
- Bug #1 : When you start a new game by avoiding the tutorial. The first map and bas-relief that you recover in the tutorial not appearing in your map tab. - Bug #2 : The player can stay stuck in the rocks or in the structures after a jump. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2018-12-20 21:31:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs, I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Collections update :
With this update, the last tabs in the interface in the game will finally be available!

These three tabs are collection tabs, they allow you to collect many objects of the world of Reliefs. Various simple or complex puzzles will enable you to recover these objects to better understand the life during the time of Roman age or the big work accomplished in the game. Twenty objects per tabs will available at the end of the early access of Reliefs, and all objects in these tabs can see in 3D under the "viewer interface objects" in the game.
The tabs :
Collection : Objects This tab contains many objects of the daily life at the time of Roman age. In order to show you their technology or their knowledge level at this age. Collection : Statues Every statues of the game can collect on this tab. Gods of puzzles or the simple statues that you meet in the world of Reliefs. Collection : Views The view objects are the miniatures of a part of an element of the game. For example, a part of a temple that you meet in Reliefs.
How to collect them ?
These objects are hidden in the world, in a big chest behind a puzzle. To open this chest, you need to recover three parts to unlock the chest.

This update is not for this week, and I'm not sure that she will be ready for the next week because is a not simple update, is very complex to make this.
[ 2018-12-12 10:43:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new update is available today for Reliefs!
The world update :
A dozens new statics are created for this his update and many hundreds new objects are added into the world of Reliefs! This new objects allow to make more beautiful, lost and live universe.
- Many new paints are available on all of the walls of the world.
- Many new tile floors are added in the temples and other building to make a diversity in these places.
- Some roads and paths in the world of Reliefs are updated to make their accessibility and visibility more easier with a many new rags to show you the path and rocks to highlight the outline of the roads.

Bug resolves :
Bug#1 : All objects with an inscription of the first puzzle of the game that you recover, are now in 3D not in 2D for more visibility. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2018-12-06 14:28:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new update is available for Reliefs!
The weather update :
A new weather system and some effects are available for this updated.
The news functionalities :
Weather system : The weather system is added in Reliefs. The weather change in real time at any moments. This functionality is very important for the next updates of Reliefs, because some puzzles will need the weather system to work correctly. The duration of the weather is random and like the world of the game is in the Mediterranean climate, the clear and hot weather is more frequent. The weathers available :
- Clear : Hot and wonderful day with some clouds in the sky.
- Small fog : Grey weather with a fog not very dense. But also the winds are here and no insects or birds sing.
- Fog : The sunlight is more mitigating and the fog is more dense. But also the winds are here and no insects or birds sing.
- Small rain : A light rain with a small fog and wind. No insects or birds sing.
- Rain : Heavy rain, fog and wind without a sunlight. No insects or birds sing.
- Storm : Heavy rain, fog and wind without a sunlight and some thunder at any moment! No insects or birds sing.

The sun lens effect is updated. The halo of the sun is more bigger and the sun lens appears more smoother. Sounds and effects : Many new sounds and effects are available in the update to simulate the rain, fog and storm. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2018-11-28 16:20:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone !
A new update is available this week for Reliefs!
The time update :

The time update deletes the old system to pass the time. And add the new system more simple and quick. Also, this update adds a new objects and update the olders like maps or bas-reliefs.
The news functionalities :

Time system : Now if you want to pass the time because is the night for example. You must use the sundial that you can find everywhere in the world. When you use this sundial, the time passed very quickly. Press a key to leave the use of this sundial for restart the normal time. Every sundial are not far to the respawn pillars.

Bas-reliefs : A new objects are available to replace the old bas-reliefs object's. The bas-reliefs are on a shelf to be more visible in the world.

Maps : A new object is available to replace the old maps object's. The map is on a shelf to be more visible in the world. Take system : The script for taking any objects in the world is now updated. The old script date of more than two years and many problems could be appear when you use it. (Objects not delete in the world, a another object could be deleted in place of the object you can want.) Tutorial map : More rocks are now available in the temple area, because, if your game session was updated when the player was in this area and if the player did not have a rock to open the gate. The player could stay stuck in this place. Area : For this update, all areas was been updated, to place the new sundial and to update the positions of the bas-reliefs and maps object's.
Bug resolves :
Bug#1 : A maps had not been added in the world. In the south of the world. Bug#2 : Every bas-reliefs are now unique. If your game session was updated and if you recover the bas-reliefs that you already had, this bas-reliefs is not counted as a new bas-reliefs. Bug#3 : Some objects could not be deleted by the old script to take the objects in the world. Bug#4 : The old time system could not be used with a gamepad.
[ 2018-11-21 13:48:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Small patch today for solving some problems of Reliefs, since the last update.
Bug resolves :
Bug#1 : The color of many elements of the HUD in-game when you use the mouse, did not change when your mouse over on this elements. Bug#2 : In the map tab in HUD, when you select a map to show in big with a gamepad, you can stay stuck in this menu. Bug#3 : In the easy and normal difficult, when you climb on the rope after be use your bow, the viewfinder not disappear of the HUD. Bug#4 : When you update your game session, you can have a problem with your game progress in your map files. I'm sorry for these problems, but they are now corrected. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
[ 2018-11-15 14:11:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The interface update part-2 of Reliefs is now available!
The interface update part-2 :
Now, all the game is more easier to use with a gamepad! In this interface update, not less than more 1200 lines of script were added to improve the compatibility of the game with a gamepad. Also, the difficulties of the game were appended in the game (not just in the interfaces) and the movement with the joysticks is now smoothed. With your follow and support, Reliefs evolved in the good direction. And will continue to evolve in the next months, thanks to you! If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The news functionalities :
Joystick user : - All in-game interfaces are now better compatible with the gamepad. Smooth joystick : - Now the movement of the camera in the game is more smoothed. It's more easier to aim with the bow and to explore the world with the joystick. Help to aim : - If you choose the easy difficulty for your game session. Now you have the aim help system that allows you to see exactly where your arrow go when you throw her. Viewfinder : - Now if you choose the normal or easy difficulties, a viewfinder appear to help you to aim if you use the bow. Warning : In the hard difficulty, you have no help to aim and no the viewfinder. Blue cloth : - The blue cloth that helps you in the world to see where you can jump on the rocks or where you can hang with a rope. They now adapt to your difficulty that you have chosen.
- If you choose the easy difficulty, all blue cloths appears in the world.
- If you choose the normal difficulty, 50% of the blue cloths appear in the world (random).
- And if you choose the hard difficulty, no blue cloths appears in the world.

Bug resolves :
Bug#1 : If you use the system to delete your game session in the saves menu, at many times, it was not working. Bug#2 : In the options menu, when you choose a low resolution of your screen, many information were not being visible. Bug#3 : In the advanced options, when you choose a low resolution of your screen, many information were not being visible. Bug#4 : In the main menu, when you choose a low resolution of your screen, many information were not being visible.
[ 2018-11-14 14:05:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A new update is now available!
The interface update part-1 :
The interface update part-1 allow you now to navigate in the menu of the interface of the game with better facilitate for the joystick user! But that's not all, a new functionalities are available for improving the game and to prepare the future next updates in the next weeks! I cut this update in two parts, for this week all interfaces of the menu of the game are updated. For the next week, all interfaces in the game (in game, inventory, tabs, ...) will be updated for the part-2. It's a big update and is not possible to do this update all interfaces (menu and in-game) in 2 weeks of works. That's why I cut this update in two parts. With your follow and support, Reliefs evolved in the good direction. And will continue to evolve in the next months, thanks to you! If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The news functionalities :
- Joystick user : All interfaces of the menu are now 100% compatible with the joystick. It's more easy to use the different sections of the menu for the joystick user. If a joystick is plugged, the keys informations to use in the menu appear in the below of the screen. - Make a new game session : Now when you start a new game many news informations are available. You can choose to skip the tutorial or not. You can choose the difficulties of the game. For this last point in the game, this functionality is not added for now. (The next week) If you choose to skip the tutorial, you appear in the output of the first big temple, when you recover the first bas-relief of the game. You appear with the first map and bas-relief, already recover. You are ready to explore the world. For the difficulties, three levels are available : Easy :
- Blue clothes show you where shoot an arrow and where jump.
- An advanced visor is displayed when you use the bow.
- A few blue clothes show you where shoot an arrow and where jump.
- A simple visor is displayed when you use the bow.
- No blue clothes show you where shoot an arrow and where jump.
- No visor is displayed when you use the bow.
Bug resolves :
Bug#1 : When you change the global audio volume in the options interface. The sound in the background change in real time. Bug#2 : The fonts change for many information on the game for some languages. Because, the old versions are not with the good fonts.
[ 2018-11-07 13:16:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs .In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game, in order to give you the last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Interface update :
The interface update is a very important update for Reliefs. All interfaces of the game were updated or rebuild. For a better and easy use of these interfaces with the keyboard and the joystick. The game is divided by two parts of interfaces. The "menu interfaces" and the "game interfaces". "Menu interfaces" is all interfaces before your game session was loaded. "Game interfaces" is all interfaces after your game session was loaded.
Menu interface :
- Launcher (Easy use of the joystick and more information) - Main menu (Easy use of the joystick and more information) - Saves menu(Easy use of the joystick, more information and rebuild) - Options (Easy use of the joystick, more information and rebuild) - Keyboard and joystick menu (Easy use of the joystick and more information) - Advanced options (Easy use of the joystick and more information)
Game interface :
- Inventory of player (Easy use of the joystick) - Reliefs tab (Easy use of the joystick) - Maps tab(Easy use of the joystick) - Object tab (Not yet available) - View tab (Not yet available) - Statue tab (Not yet available) *(Not yet available) : These interfaces are not available in the game for this moment. *(Easy use of the joystick) : This is the end of the cursor when a joystick is plugged. All interactions with the joystick is more simple and intuitive. *(Easy use of the joystick and more information) : This is the end of the cursor when a joystick is plugged. All interactions with the joystick is more simple and intuitive. And many new information was added like the buttons to use, if the joystick is detected, ... . *(Easy use of the joystick, more information and rebuild) : This is the end of the cursor when a joystick is plugged. All interactions with the joystick is more simple and intuitive. And many new information was added like the buttons to use, if the joystick is detected, ... . And new layout of this interface will be available, more intuitive and logical.

This update is a big work but is very important for the next updates of the game.
This interface update will be available for the next week, on Windows, Mac and Linux!
[ 2018-10-31 10:29:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
To celebrate the release of the Pluto update of Reliefs the last week. We participate of Halloween sale on Steam! Purchase Reliefs at a smaller price for a small period! Happy Halloween!
[ 2018-10-29 17:39:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! For this week, a new update is available for Reliefs! The update, Pluto update!
This Pluto update arrives at the right time for Halloween! (You need to make a new game session for play with this update.) Welcome in the world of Pluto, the god of the underworlds, ruler of deads, but also a provider of mining wealth! A new area is available in the world of Reliefs, (go west) with new objects to recover, new caves to explore and many new puzzles to resolve in order to open the gates of Pluto! More than 50 new structures or objects were made for this update, new functionalities and many bug corrections for improving the experience of the game. With your follow and support, Reliefs evolved in the good direction. And will continue to evolve in the next months, thanks to you! If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.

The news functionalities :
Pluto update : New area of Pluto is available. Dynamic light : Now the game supporting the dynamic light, in the caves for example, many lights can be added. Without loss of performance.

Update functionalities :
Power of torch : The torches of the player are now more powerful. You can see farther in the dark.

Bug resolves :
Bug#1 : An error could be appeared when you used the spawn point. Bug#2 : The lod (level of distant) texture of the map was not updated with the new area tutorial. Bug#3 : The day now appears when you use the spawn point (interior to exterior). Bug#4 : New delay is added for not skip the movie with the controller too fast. Bug#5 : The viewing system for objects is more smooth. Bug#6 : You have now not infinite arrow or rope when you finish the tutorial. #bug7 : When you started in the cave, cicadas could sing at the beginning.
[ 2018-10-25 14:02:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Diary of devs ?
Every week without a patch or update for Reliefs. I would do a small diary to explain the progress of the next update for Reliefs. In this diary, I show you the last screenshots, objects or just you explain the next patch or update content. I try to involve you in the development of the game a lot of possibilities, in order to give you a last news of the game development. Do not hesitate to submit your opinion.
Pluto update :
Yes, the next update of Reliefs is based on the Pluto god, this is the god of the hell. The next update adds a new area in the world of Reliefs with many puzzles in order to recover the new bas-relief of Pluto.

A huge statue sculpted into the mountain your welcome in this abandoned place. To open the four big doors under him and recover the next bas-relief of the story, you need to understand each puzzle.

Many new objects are availables.
This update will be available for the next week. On Windows, Mac and Linux!
[ 2018-10-17 09:00:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! The new update is available today for Reliefs! With the version "Tutorial Update part 2" many new functionalities, news and bug correction was added!
This update was very long and complex to do made and she has changed many basic functionalities of the game. You need to inevitably run a new game session to allow use all functionality of this new version. All old game sessions of old versions of the game can have many dysfunctions or crash with this version. With your follow and support, Reliefs evolved in the good direction. And will continue to evolve in the next months, thanks to you! The next updates in addition to resolve bugs, they will add a new contents, new areas to explore, the first puzzles, ... . If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The news functionalities :
New tutorial area : The new tutorial area was globally redesigned, rebuild with a new topology. the old area tutorial was too much open and you could avoid the tutorial. It is now impossible with this update. You start in the closed areas in which will guide you between the different parts of the tutorial to arrive in the universe of Reliefs. In the fully open world! New tutorial : The game crash because of the video tutorial is now over! Today the new tutorial helps you to use the game. He help you and show you what to be doing at every step of the tutorial to learn all functionalities of the game. And when you have finished the game, you are free to going where you want! Tutorial now saved : Now, even if you don't recover the first relief at the end of the tutorial. Your game session is saved automatically if you leave the game. So you can reload the game session even in the tutorial. Justitia new saved : The world position of Justitia (blue ghost in the tutorial) is now saved. She appears where you left off when you quit the game in the tutorial. Spawn point : A new windows appear to show you that you linked at this spawn point. When you click on the spawn pillar. (Huge pillar with a big statue at the top)
The updates :
New color of the sea : The sea is now more dark, more blue that in the old version of the game. The old version was so clear. And the animation of water is updated, with more little waves. New reflection : The water reflection to change. The texture of water reflection is now more realistic, more clear and discrete. But this functionality consumes, to activate only for the big computer. New tutorial map : The tutorial area being new, the map of this area has been updated. Justitia pink : Justutia (blue ghost in the tutorial) can appear with the pink color. This problem is now today resolve with new texture for her. Help with the tutorial : When you have made the first ropes, arrows during the tutorial. You have infinite arrows and ropes. (only for the tutorial)
Bug resolves :
- The stalactites and stalagmites, small or big can be changed in size in the game. - The big temple at the end of the tutorial haven't a collision. - The Polish translated (texture) was dark in the help system in the game. - In the saves menu of the game, many translated was not automatically updated. - In the game, many translated was not automatically updated.
[ 2018-10-11 14:23:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! You are every day more numerous to follow the development of Reliefs and my thank you! Without your support, Reliefs can not continue. For this week, I had wished to release the next update for the tutorial (part 2) this week, but that not is possible. To make a better tutorial is more complicated than expected, it will take more time. And I've had many problems with my computer this week. But do not worry, these problems do not affect Reliefs and the files of the development. But must be resolved, what stopped the development for two days. But now is it resolved and the development of Reliefs can restart! I hope the release this update of the tutorial (part 2) will be for the next week, but is not sure. If not, I would do 3 part of this update. Part 2 : - New tutorial area. - End of the video tutorial in game. - New tutorial, more simple en friendly to learn to play of the game. - Many new information in the game. Part 3 : (Or in the part 2 if I've had the time) - The game save your game session even if you haven't recovered the first Reliefs in the tutorial. - The world position, rotation of Justitia (blue ghost in the tutorial) will be saved. - Your game session is automatically updated if the new information about the world of Reliefs (new area, update of an area, ...) is received (new version of the game). For the moment, you need to restart a new game session. - Many bugs corrections.
[ 2018-10-04 10:11:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
First of all, hello everyone and a big thank you to you!
After the small and not visible release of Reliefs. Since more than one week, the game has a real success! Thanks to your follow and support, this project becomes a bit more a reality every day ! You can continue to follow me on the social network or just on Steam with the wish list. After every new update or patch, you will be notified immediately.
Tutorial update part-1 :
I split this update in two parts. Because she is very complex and long to produce. For the first part, many new fonctionalities are available to improve the game, the gameplay and correct some problem. The part 2 of this update, will come the next week, with the new tutorial. If you have a bug or a problem in the game, do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to post on the forum.
The new fonctionnalities :
Help in real time :

Now you have new indication of the keys in real time when you use the torch or the bow for example. This indication of the keys work for the keyboard and mouse, but also the Xbox joystick if he is plugged. If you have an Xbox joystick plugged in your PC when you launch the game, this joystick has the priority of the keyboard. If you don't want to use the joystick, unplugged the controller and restart the game to update this change. Tutorial panels :

When your joystick is plugged, the tutorial panel now indicated the Xbox keys. Example (Before : Button 10 / now : A). The tutorial with the joystick is now more simple. This novelty is also available in the keys options, when you change the keys of your joystick in the options keys, the keys are now displayed correctly. Creation of objects :

Now, when you created a new object, this creation is indicated with a new icon. A simple icon at the bottom of the screen for the classical objects. An icon at the top of the torches when you make a new torches. And an another icon at the top of the bow when you make a new arrows or ropes. Zoom on the maps :

You can now zoom in on your own maps. The maps were updated graphically (more marble) and there are now helpful Every new maps shows you in his influence zone the reliefs, objects, statues or views available. But they also indicated the spawn points of player and the boat. Compass : Now the compass show you all cardinal points, not only the north. This allows you to travel more simply in the universe of Reliefs Bug : When your joystick is plugged, you can add a dozens of torches when you press the key on your keyboard "drop the torch". This problem is now solved.
[ 2018-09-25 13:00:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, first patch for Reliefs is now available!
Since the release of Reliefs, many bugs they have repported. For this week I propose this patch to allow you to explore the world of Reliefs in the better conditions. For the next week, if I have no delay. I propose you a new major update for the tutorial. Many people found that the tutorial is not intuitive and logical. I will rethink the tutorial with new functionalities and delete the olds, as in the video example in the tutorial who have a tendency to do crash the game. Thank you very much for your support and your follow. I remain attentive to your opinions. If you want more information every day, you can follow me on the social network. This patch corrects 32 problem of the game listed below, (17 bugs were listed, but many problems have several bugs.) :
Add :
New #01 : New images are available in the load windows in the game. New #02 : The sounds of the puzzles were increased. New #03 : Now when the torch is on the floor, she emits a sound of fire.
Bugs :
Bug #01 : Justitia (wraith in the tutorial) is now blue, not pink. Bug #02 : Now, Justitia follows correctly her path. Bug #03 : All animations of the puzzles now working. Bug #04 : The player doesn't see anymore through the structures when he jumps. Bug #05 : Updating the white background when the player appears in the tutorial. Bug #06 : The player will not be longer stuck in the rocks. Bug #07 : In the water, when the player collides with a wall. The "splash" sounds will not be activated in loop. Bug #08 : The player can not activate anymore the spawn pillar in loop. Bug #09 : The player can not activate anymore the harbor to spawn a boat in loop. Bug #10 : The collision of many actors now appears correctly in game. Bug #11 : The camera doesn't turn in loop when the windows of the game was not activated. Bug #12 : Now, the camera doesn't move quickly when the player closes the inventory. Bug #13 : The numbers in the craft pictures in the tutorial for the torches, arrows and ropes are now correct. Bug #14 : The save of the actors are now take correctly their position and rotation when be active. Bug #15 : Now, no particles appear when you select the torch in the game, if you don't have a torch. Bug #16 : Sound effects of birds and insects, load now correctly information about options for the volume of sound. Bug #17 : The actors doesn't change their rotation when he saves their position.
[ 2018-09-17 13:00:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Reliefs Linux64 [1.36 G]
- Your universe is unique and randomly generated, each part is unique.
- Complete dozens of puzzles all connected by a main story.
- Move and climb wherever you like with your bow, arrows and ropes.
- Make arrows, torches and ropes to keep moving.
- Collect dozens of objects and statues from the Roman era.
- Lose yourself in a realistic and enchanting 3D environment!
Explore a lost universe, where time stopped at the fall of the Roman Empire.
Where the great cities formerly filled with People have now been swallowed up by vegetation, land and water. Where the passage of time has started to make a once prosperous civilisation disappear.
Explore ruins filled with forgotten puzzles and history, understand these puzzles in order to solve them and to understand your story and the history of these ruins. Based on logic, these puzzles will allow you to acquire bas-reliefs in order to restore two parallel Roman stories and help you make your choice; because this lost universe may not be what you think.
You are not naked in this forgotten world. You have a bow, arrows, ropes and torches to help you move around in this environment. The bow and arrows connected to ropes will allow you to climb higher and higher and to new areas. With the torches, you can explore the dark corners of these ruins. However the arrows, ropes and torches are not unlimited, you will have to collect different materials throughout the universe to create new torches, arrows and ropes. Use them wisely!
What choices led to these large cities being forgotten?
Explore them to learn more about them, but also about you!
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7 64bit
- Processor: Intel i5 2.5GhzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Vulkan-capable NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) or AMD Radeon R9 270
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7 64bit
- Processor: Intel i7 3.4GhzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Vulkan-capable NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 580
- Storage: 5 GB available space
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