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 Tower of Time 



 Event Horizon 



 Event Horizon 










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 50,000 .. 100,000 +/-  


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 Tower of Time Linux [12.34 G] 


 Tower of Time Book One Music Tracks 


Thanks to you, Dark Envoy has just launched!

Thank You!
We want to begin this journey by expressing our profound appreciation to each and every one of you who joined us in our earlier adventure, Tower of Time. Your unwavering support has played a pivotal role in the creation of our latest game, Dark Envoy.

What is Dark Envoy?
Dark Envoy is an RPG-adventure featuring siblings Kaela and Malakai in the fantasy world of Jan. The game blends classic RPG mechanics with skill-based combat, offering 4 base classes and 12 specializations. It can be played solo or in co-op mode. You can watch the launch trailer for our latest game below:


As we embark on this new chapter, we are keenly aware that your enthusiasm, feedback, and support have been instrumental in bringing Dark Envoy to life. We could not have achieved this without you, and we are excited to share this journey with you.

With heartfelt gratitude,
The Dark Envoy team


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[ 2023-10-24 17:37:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Test our new game, Dark Envoy, before its launch!

Dark Envoy is an RPG-adventure with tactical real-time combat and online co-op.

If you're interested in trying out our new game and help us with balancing the combat, please join our Discord. We'll be happy to share access to the private build. - drop a msg on #playest-access. This build contains all of RPG systems (such as e.g. research or unique enchantments), not available before.

As try to be a community driven studio, your feedback plays a vital role in shaping of the final release. It is especially important considering that all the RPG systems we put in the game result in A LOT of available options on how to build and fight with your party, to the point that we could add "a bit sandboxy" as a tag, if there was an option for it.

You can join our discord by using this link: https://discord.gg/eventhorizon

We would also like to mention that at some point before the launch, access to the preview/demo version will no longer be available. The planned release date is for October 24, 2023.

We're looking forward to your feedback! feedback! or drop your thoughts on Discord and we'll be happy to chat.

The Dark Envoy team

Discord | Twitter | Facebook |

[ 2023-09-21 13:05:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

Tower of Time 5th Anniversary

[h2]Today marks a special milestone for us as we celebrate the 5th anniversary of Tower of Time on Steam.[/h2]

It's hard to believe that it's already been five years since we released the game, but what a journey it has been! We're incredibly grateful for the support that you have shown us throughout the years.

When we set out to create Tower of Time, we wanted to craft an RPG that was different from anything else out there. We wanted to make sure that the story wouldn't let you go, and the combat would be challenging enough to inspire your tactical creativity. Time has proven that we've probably been able to deliver on that promise, as so many new players continue to rediscover Tower of Time five years after the game's release.

Tower of Time was our first game, and your overwhelmingly positive feedback has encouraged us to work on our second game, Dark Envoy, which will be released later this year. Without you, we'd never have gotten this far. Thanks for playing Tower of Time and for believing in us with Dark Envoy

[h3] It's not really an anniversary gift but...[/h3]

To celebrate, we have a small package for you a set of posters for our games.

[h3] Tower of Time Quiz[/h3]

And in case you missed it, you can always check which Tower of Time character you are!

[h3] Amazing content creators[/h3]

We know that many of you have discovered and continue to discover Tower of Time thanks to great content creators. From Let's Play videos to expert strategy guides, they've helped showcase the best our game has to offer. We were overwhelmed to see phenomenal influencers showcase our game, and we're so grateful for their support. For an indie developer to experience such a journey is absolutely extraordinary.

To celebrate this special anniversary, we'd like to highlight some of the videos for Tower of Time and thank their wonderful creators. If you don't know the game yet or still have it on your wishlist, check out any of these materials to find out what we have to offer with Tower of Time and the quality you can expect from Dark Envoy.




And don't forget to watch the series by Wanderbots

[h3] Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts [/h3]

Thanks for playing Tower of Time, thank you for supporting us, and thank you for making the last five years an amazing journey. We can't wait to see where Dark Envoy will take us.

The Tower of Time and Dark Envoy Development Team

[h3] Our channels[/h3]

Join our community: Discord
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook |
Tower of Time

[ 2023-04-12 15:27:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

Dark Envoy Demo Out Now!

[h2]Dark Envoy Demo is out now thanks to your feedback![/h2]

Over the past two weeks, hundreds of our followers and members of our great Discord community have participated in friends and family tests of the Dark Envoy Demo. Our goal wasn't to fix the bugs because that's what our QA is for, but to find out what your feedback is and what we can improve to bring you more fun during the upcoming Steam Next Fest.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Here's a list of the latest updates we've implemented based on your valuable comments and observations. Thank you for playing Dark Envoy Demo! Oh, we almost forgot to mention that it is now available for free to all Steam players!

[h2]Patch Notes: Dark Envoy Demo, 3 February 2023[/h2]


  • Added an option for the cursor to be locked to the game window. It can be toggled in settings display.
  • Multiple small performance improvements, especially on lower tier hardware.
  • Target framerate can no longer be decreased below 30 fps.
  • Added VSync setting.
  • Fixed various problems with loading saves from previous versions.
  • Audio banks loading should take considerably less time.
  • Substantially improved level loading times.


  • Neutral summoned units no longer reveal fog of war for the player.
  • Re-rolling item modifiers during item crafting now works properly.
  • The player can no longer move the camera during cutscenes.
  • Some unit statistic values have been renamed, and the values shown have been fixed.
  • Custom items with already applied enchantments on them can be found.
  • Cone skill targeting (e.g., Adepts Frostbolts) had been centered and now show proper range.
  • Fixed a glitch in intro cinematic that caused the first few frames to be rendered incorrectly.
  • Fixed slow time audio effect when opening popups.
  • Fixed face animation in first cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue with enemies getting stuck on covers and other static units.
  • Improved interactions with objects or NPCs when multiple units are selected.
  • Improved line of sight calculations, for both better performance as well as more clarity for players
  • Fixed an issue with player being in combat, despite no enemy being in proximity.
  • AI:
    (1) Threat system had been improved target switching should now be more obvious to the player.
    (2) Skill casting should now be more reasonable.
    (3) Rats should now behave more like actual rats.
  • Removed excessive party join/leave messages.
  • Fixed an issue where audio positioning wasnt always properly set.
  • Added new difficulty setting: Story.
  • Hard statuses (Stun, Freeze, Knockdown etc.) now interrupt casting skills.
  • Removed TAA and Motion Blur display options as they tend to glitch too often.
  • NPC units no longer ignore personal space of other characters.
  • Added Edge Panning sensitivity settings.
  • Added Edge Panning and arrow keys movement to World Map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused blurry screen upon entering World Map.
  • Added item comparison when buying from a Merchant.
  • Fixed an issue with Frozen status that caused damage mitigation not to work correctly.
  • Fixed starting camera position on World Map.
  • Healing fountain logic had been improved, as the previous one could have been abused by the player.
  • Multiple balance changes throughout the game, including, but not limited to:
    (1) Items,
    (2) Enchantments,
    (3) Skills and their synergies,
    (4) Enemies stats and skills,
    (5) Resources dropped,
    (6) Crafting prices.
  • Various tweaks to both boss fights:
    (1) Increased range on some of his skills, as they were not feasible to use previously.
    (2) His charge skill had been fixed to have specific interactions with rats.
    (3) First phase of combat had been altered to the correct version.
    (1) Minor tweaks to his balance.
  • Fixed an issue where Bandit Chief could have become invulnerable for an unlimited time.
  • Fixed the issues with missing item icons in inventory.
  • Fixed marking area of effect skill effects that are triggered by projectiles on hit.
  • Fixed an issue with some enchantments that caused units wearing items with them to stop moving.


  • Input had been blocked on loading screen.
  • Fixed an issue where some skill icons were not loaded.
  • Multiple mini-map fixes:
    (1) Dungeon mini-map is now updated properly when obstacles are removed.
    (2) Fixed mini-map marker rotation.
    (3) Added a setting for disabling mini-map rotation.
    (4) Added labels for map markers in large map view.
    (5) Added dungeon entrance icon.
  • Blocked save button if a save file name is empty.
  • Unit information tooltip will be shown over non-targetable units.
  • Disabled scaling of environment-related overhead messages.
  • Added confirmation popups if a player tries to exit without saving in Settings, Crafting, Skill Tree and Attributes screens.
  • Added icons in Player Menu, when a player has points to distribute remaining.
  • Added sorting inventory by most recent and markings for new looted items.
  • Added warnings when player wants to progress through Class Selection screen without selecting a class.
  • Skill telegraphing UI is now properly removed if a skill is interrupted.
  • Removed unit names over their health bars to decrease screen clutter.
  • Moved Weapon Skill from Skills to Inventory screen.
  • Rearranged multiple settings options as well as added missing descriptions.
  • World Map Location popup is now attached to the edge of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue with Weight modifiers not influencing all shown stats correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where some Attribute modifiers were not shown to the player.
  • Multiple improvements to the quality of background textures in different UI panels.
  • Fixed mouse input problems when trading with a Merchant or using the Journal screen
  • Fixed an issue with cursor rotation image not displaying
  • Character creation panel now explains that the specialization can only be selected at level 5
  • Changed the way Frozen status was shown on units
  • Clicking on the background around the map automatically closes it.
  • New looting popup take all button instead of close.
  • Added an option to hide helmets in inventory.
  • Added continue button that automatically loads your last save.
  • Multiple changes to tutorial popups, for better clarity.


  • Charged Ground range is now shown more visibly.
  • Healing Fountain new 3D model and VFX.
  • Point of Interest icons now have an animated effect.
  • Columns in mines now fade out.
  • Multiple lighting tweaks in mines.
  • Multiple minor item (both weapons and armor) tweaks to the textures and icons.
  • Fixed issues with ocean rendering in City of Bones.


  • Improved automatic region selection.
  • Added connected region and latency info in multiplayer menu.
  • Added latency display per player in multiplayer menu.
  • Online session can be started once the player has at least 2 units in the party.
  • Improved unit synchronization when a client takes control of a newly assigned unit.
  • Fixed skill level synchronization for client.
  • Fixed multiple game breaking errors when loading a saved game.
  • Improved session connectivity and added specific error notifications for easier debugging.
  • Fixed an issue with stats being mismatched between the server and a client.
  • Fixed connectivity errors when a client leaves a co-op session and joins a new one.
  • Fixed client stuck on loading screen when leaving a co-op session.
  • Reduced delay when client is casting skills.

Share your feedback
Join our community: Discord
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook |

[ 2023-02-04 12:11:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Want to play Dark Envoy this week?

If you've been waiting for Dark Envoy, it's closer than you think. Take part in our demo test for friends and family and get a 1.5-hour taste of the game. To participate, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/WR73BFaWdS3KnjBm7.

Well contact you in a separate email with further instructions. More info on our Discord.

Join our community: Discord
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook |

[ 2023-01-31 16:47:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

7 aspects we improved to continue shattering RPG tropes

Tower of Time was a successful experiment for our team, so we want to continue challenging RPG tropes in search of a new, modern identity for the genre.

We gathered a lot of feedback from ToT players and we are going forward with the knowledge that you gave us. Naturally, our next game is based on this feedback showing the impact of our community. We feel that Dark Envoy will be as much yours, as ours.

We want to keep pushing the boundaries of the classic RPG experience, but without abandoning what we love in it. Here are 7 examples of what we are working on to develop memorable and unique RPGs


  • Co-op Campaign Experience[/h3]
    The main component of Dark Envoy is a story campaign and we wanted to make it possible to complete it alone or in online co-op mode with another player. Games are so much better when you grab a friend to travel the world, seeking out whatever dungeons, challenges, and riches may come your way. Enjoy the story, search for ancient relics and forgotten places together.

  • Non-Linear RPG Narrative[/h3]
    In RPG your choices should be the backbone of the entire game. So in Dark Envoy, they reshape the conflict that has gripped the world of Jan. Total war exploded as humans challenge the old balance and traditions of magic with their mana-based technology. As two sibling relic hunters, your actions may change the entire course of this world-splitting conflict.

  • Replayability Value[/h3]
    In addition to the main and side-quests, there are optional shape-shifting dungeons for players to explore. These are challenging areas where the layouts and enemy patrol routes shift each time you enter. These dungeons yield powerful rewards and players will have to think on their feet if they want to attain what these unique spaces offer.

  • Dynamic Gameplay Flow[/h3]
    Real-time combat with the ability to slow time or pause as you make important tactical choices where every moment can make the difference between triumph or failure. With a rich collection of companions from assassins to engineers and robust RPG systems, players will mold the crew and its two lead characters into something that fits their preferred playstyle.

  • High-Quality Visuals and Effects[/h3]
    Motion-captured animation, beautiful, scenic locations, and gorgeous combat effects all in 4k

  • Modernization of Classic RPG Tropes[/h3]
    Dark Envoy takes inspiration from a host of familiar sources but aims to turn RPG conventions on their heads. You can expect well-known structures that we all love, but refined and more dynamic. We want the players to experiment and adapt to various situations: mix skill trees, boost individual abilities, and select classes and specializations that compliment each other.

  • Exploration of an Intriguing World [/h3]
    Humans, mysterious beings with a far more mysterious past, are new to this world but have risen under the banner of the self-proclaimed emperor to establish a place they can finally call home.
    Orcs and Elves have been pushed off their lands and must fight to protect the natural order of magic.
    Explore this world in your Skyship, hunting for ancient treasures through over 15 different biomes with various gameplay mechanics. A large pool of quests and events are waiting for you to discover them.

    Wishlist on Steam HERE and be sure to stay in tune. Weve got more to show in the very near future.

  • [ 2021-05-19 16:50:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Dark Envoy extended gameplay

    If you're interested in our next project - check out Dark Envoy.


    Here is some extended gameplay from current version - please note that it is still work in progress but should give you a rough idea what we aim to create -- a sleek, modern and smart RPG with heavy combat focus and with no absolutely no RNG, where your tactical awareness and party building skills are the most important.

    Also you can get an intro to the world setting, as we think it's quite unique and should be interesting - Humans being a militaristic and seemingly evil faction... but it would be for you to decide as you progress with your adventures.


    We plan to make demo/beta build available soon, so if you're interested, we invite you to our community discord.


    Event Horizon team

    [ 2020-08-29 13:45:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Tower of Time Final Edition

    We have done some final polishing work on Tower of Time and we consider it 'Final Edition' now.

    Here is the content of the last patch:

    • Fixed achievements on Linux -- now working properly
    • Fixed few very small bugs -- e.g. effect of the fountains not visible immediately
    • Rebalancing of the difficulty -- enemy units, items, skills, battle parameters as number of enemies, spawn frequency, frequency of skills used, etc..

      As a result there shouldnt be any spikes in difficulty levels when moving between Tower levels. Still when you outgrow current difficulty level (by building a real kick-ass party) we highly recommend increasing difficulty during the game. You can do it anytime outside combat.

    • Visual upgrade of some skills -- one example below:



    Tower of Time is 75% off for a limited time. Give it a try if you like fast paced RPGs with heavy focus on party customization and tactical real-time combat with pause or slow time. It's not a lot of money and who knows, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.

    Join us on Discord - if you want to chat with us or would be interested in closed beta of our next project (once we are ready with it)



    ----------- ### -----------

    If you like what we have created, our next game -- Dark Envoy -- should also be fun. It is much bigger in scope and quality of everything is much higher.

    Below is the preview of one of our locations - your starting city:
    Pillars of Tyr-Mora, aka City of Bones


    Have a great day.

    Event Horizon

    [ 2020-05-21 18:05:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Tower of Time 60% off

    Tower of Time is 60% off for a limited time. Give it a try if you like fast paced RPGs with heavy focus on party customization and tactical real-time combat with pause or slow time. It's not a lot of money and who knows, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.

    Join us on Discord - if you want to chat with us or would be interested in closed beta of our next project (once we are ready with it)



    ----------- ### -----------

    If you like what we've created, our next game -- Dark Envoy -- should also be fun. It is much bigger in scope and quality of everything is much higher.

    Below is the preview of one of our locations - your starting city:
    Pillars of Tyr-Mora, aka City of Bones


    Thanks for reading all this a have a great day.

    Event Horizon

    [ 2020-03-07 18:32:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Italian language added + Quality of life patch

    We are very happy to announce that as of now we also support Italian language. We also introduced few quality of life improvements requested by you.

    We hope Italian players can now enjoy the game fully.

    BIG THANKS to Marcello 'Darth Vader' Brancaccio, Davide 'Metallo' Speca and Alfonso 'alfx' De Luca that helped us to localize the game to Italian. It was not a small effort, as the game has close to 200k words. They have done an excellent job!

    [h3]Quality of Life improvements[/h3]
    With the recent surge of new players, we have also added few quality of life features that had been requested + few small fixes to some newly discovered bugs:

    • Added Italian language
    • Added option to highlight interactive items ( "H" key by default)
    • Map marker visibility is now better
    • Fixed icon in Crafting Panel that sometimes remained inactive (grey) when new type of item has been chosen
    • Optimized few battlegrounds where enemy summons were especially frequent and which could cause crashes on PCs with low memory
    • Movement paths in few places are now
    • Fixed one dialogue where incorrect champion was speaking with a Mech
    • Fixed one place where translation was missing on floor 3 in few languages

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2020-01-21 22:57:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Dark Envoy - new gameplay preview

    New gameplay preview of Dark Envoy, our next game.

    It has new locations and some new mechanics like the the stealth in real-time exploration, covers and day/night cycle(s)

    Also, a sneak preview of the physics system. So few turn-based RPG games use physics because its quite a challenge to integrate with the gameplay fairly. But its so fun, so we are giving it a try :)


    If you are interested, check out more details here:


    If you want to chat with the developers or fellow Tower of Time players:

    [ 2019-12-30 23:44:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Daily Deal - Tower of Time, 70% Off

    Today's Deal: Save 70% on Tower of Time!*

    Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!

    *Offer ends Sunday at 10AM Pacific Time

    [ 2019-09-20 19:04:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Dark Envoy - new game announced

    Hello All,

    If you are interested what we have been working on, we are happy to announce our new project.


    You can check the trailer also on YT:


    We gained a lot of experience while making Tower of Time and listened to all the feedback very attentively. Now, we intend to prove it by creating even better and more engaging RPG.

    It will have guns and magic as before. But now you will also have your own personal Skyship. What about that?

    If you want to know more, head to Dark Envoy page and look around. Please let us know what you think.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2019-08-07 01:32:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Chinese added / /

    We are very happy to announce that as of now we also support Chinese language - both Traditional and Simplified.

    We hope Chinese players can now enjoy the game fully.

    We have also fixed a minor issue where items could sometimes disappear when they were picked up while in Crafting or Item Forge screen and Player switched to a different character at exactly the same moment.

    Event Horizon team.

    - 200,000

    Maruko Translation Studio

    Event Horizon

    - 200,000

    Maruko Translation Studio

    Event Horizon

    [ 2019-04-30 21:27:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Balancing Hotfix

    Dear Players,

    Based on the feedback we have received recently, after previous Patch with crafting changes, we have rebalanced the game in an attempt to make it equally challenging as before.

    Changes were made to health scaling and defense stats of the enemies on higher difficulties, as well as selective changes to their damage and abilities, for certain enemies.

    We hope it will make the game challenging again on hard and epic difficulty. Please be so kind and let us know.

    We have also fixed some of the issues with Turkish language not displaying properly in certain UI elements.

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2019-03-04 15:02:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 2 + Hotfix 1

    Dear Players,

    We have fixed most of the issues reported by you in the last week. Below you can find the list of new fixes --- as well as the list of fixes implemented in the previous hotfix (1st Feb). We merged two announcements into one, since they both relate to similar things.

    Hotfix 2

    • Fixed achievement "I Don't Need Many"
    • Fixed issue with Tinhead spinning like crazy sometimes
    • Fixed Taunt - it now interrupts drains
    • Fixed issue with golem fight on intro level
    • Fixed toggling heroes using a shortcut

    • Greatly improved UI performance in both exploration and city
    • Fixed issue where a player was shown that his enchant was unlocked while it was not
    • Fixed issue where enchants weren't selectable if first level of an enchant was not attained
    • Fixed issue where unit statistics panel's language didn't update when changing the language
    • Fixed issue where text quality of item tier and the "1H/2H" indication was not clear

    • Fixed minor translation issues and added missing translations
    • Improved performance on levels 9-11 of the Tower
    • Fixed magic penetration calculation on enemies without resistance

    • Improved game stability
    • Slightly improved performance by changing cascaded shadows distribution
    • Fixed issue with certain environmental 3D SFX sometimes loading incorrectly in 2D.
    • Improved Training Dummy battlemap and added 2 Defense Towers to Training Dummies 80%, 100%, 120% and 150% resistances and higher (so you can check you AOE dps as well).

    • Readjustment of hard and epic difficulty, since we got feedback that the game is too easy now - after we the changes to crafting (where you can craft a very selected gear) and some enemy scaling modification.

      It again should be hard as nail on epic. Please let us know if it is. Thanks.

    Hotfix 1


    • 0 dps score is not sent to leaderboards (to confirm: Score and DPS Race is only measured in RPGlite and Permadeath game modes).
    • Fixed crash when migrating broken save file (when this occured, game started with black screen only).
    • Fixed invalid score value after lost battle.
    • Leaving battle in Permadeath is equal to losing it. (Yes, sorry :)
    • Fixed issue with not selectable enchant with higher tier when lower tier is not unlocked.
    • Fixed enchant tier icon not updated when selected category without any valid enchant group.
    • Retreat/Restart battle buttons disabled in Permadeath.
    • Fixed (very rare) issue with teleporting party to a wrong location after unlocking Aeric.


    • Decreased particle count on both Intro levels and 1st Floor (we overdid with the fog here and there).
    • Small graphic adjustments on two Battlegrounds.
    • Added new Permadeath skull icon, when champion dies in combat and cannot re-enter the tower.
    • Small adjustment to the lightning for few skills, so they look more epic.

    UI changes

    • Added slider for heroes voices volume in settings, so you can turn them off completely.
    • Added confirmation popup for links in menu which redirect to external browser (Discord and Leaderboard links).
    • (Permadeath) Dead units can be selected in inventory window - so you can take their items and give to other champions.
    • Added score change info to combat summary window - in the format SCORE XXX (+/- YYY). It shows your current score (XXX) and your score for the last battle (+/- YYY). You get positive points for the first three battles on each level and then small negative value for each next battle. Objective is to reach the end of the game with as little grind as possible.


    If you experience frequent crashes, we implemented few things that should eliminate most causes. However, since we cannot reproduce them ourselves, we would need more feedback from you. Please let us know if stability have improved for those of you that experienced crashes.

    Thanks for playing Tower of Time. If you have some detailed feedback or just want to chat with us, please join our Discord channel (now there is a link directly in game in Settings)

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2019-02-07 17:14:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix and QOL requests

    Dear Players,

    Thanks for a very detailed feedback regarding new game modes and all the report issues you had sent us. We are glad to see that generally you like our attempts at fast-paced dungeon crawler game.

    Please consider leaving a review on Steam, it would help to keep this game alive for a while longer.

    We pushed a small hotfix (only 66MB) that addresses the following issues:


    • 0 dps score is not sent to leaderboards (to confirm: Score and DPS Race is only measured in RPGlite and Permadeath game modes).
    • Fixed crash when migrating broken save file (when this occured, game started with black screen only).
    • Fixed invalid score value after lost battle.
    • Leaving battle in Permadeath is equal to losing it. (Yes, sorry :)
    • Fixed issue with not selectable enchant with higher tier when lower tier is not unlocked.
    • Fixed enchant tier icon not updated when selected category without any valid enchant group.
    • Retreat/Restart battle buttons disabled in Permadeath.
    • Fixed (very rare) issue with teleporting party to a wrong location after unlocking Aeric.


    • Decreased particle count on both Intro levels and 1st Floor (we overdid with the fog here and there).
    • Small graphic adjustments on two Battlegrounds.
    • Added new Permadeath skull icon, when champion dies in combat and cannot re-enter the tower.
    • Small adjustment to the lightning for few skills, so they look more epic.


    • Added slider for heroes voices volume in settings, so you can turn them off completely.
    • Added confirmation popup for links in menu which redirect to external browser (Discord and Leaderboard links).
    • (Permadeath) Dead units can be selected in inventory window - so you can take their items and give to other champions.
    • Added score change info to combat summary window - in the format SCORE XXX (+/- YYY).

    Thanks for playing Tower of Time. If you have some detailed feedback or just want to chat with us, please join our Discord channel (now there is a link directly in game in Settings)

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2019-02-01 22:14:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Daily Deal - Tower of Time, 50% Off

    Today's Deal: Save 50% on Tower of Time!*

    Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!

    *Offer ends Thursday at 10AM Pacific Time

    [ 2019-01-29 19:10:00 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Dear Players.

    We bring you something different this time.

    We have implemented two new games modes. If you want to replay Tower of Time or if you (a New Player) dont really like cRPGs so much and prefer fast paced games like Darkest Dungeon you might find this enjoyable. Several other improvements were also made based on your feedback and are listed below.

    All in all this is quite an exciting update, which far exceeds typical updates we have done before. Apologies for the wall of text below, but there are really a lot of changes.

    RPGlite and Permadeath game modes

    This mode has the following features:

    • You start in the city.
    • All 7 champions are available in the beginning.
    • Blacksmith (Tier I gear), Transmute and Enchanting is enabled.
    • All class buildings are upgraded to the max, so you can level up whatever champions you wish, providing you have the resources.
    • First 4 floors of the Tower are immediately unlocked, so you can move down whenever you are ready. Remaining parts are unlocked when you descend through the stairs at the end of the given floor.
    • You can skip Dialogues and temporarily unlock doors and remove barriers, that usually require doing a quest (via the means of skip content lever.
    • Party alignment is changed to Party Boost and depends on the level of the champion.
    • Some starting resources, so you can customize your starting party a bit.
    • Save games are now in separate categories: Normal, RPGlite, Permadeath.

      --- PERMADEATH mode ---
    • Permadeath mode is for those truly wishing to test themselves. When your champion die in battle, he/she cannot re-enter the tower (unless you resurrect him in combat) and you continue with remaining party.
    • New difficulty setting for Permadeath - Blood - which is the only one available for this mode. It starts relatively easy, so you get the resources to build up your party and then ramps up to half way between Hard and Epic.
    • Game ends when you loose all your champions OR when you reach the end of floor 11 with at least a single one.

    If you played ToT before and descended to 2nd level, this mode should unlock automatically. If you are a new player - you need to kill end level 1 boss (and get familiar with game mechanics in the process).

    So now you will be able to pick Whisper and Kaela as the starting party and build them as pure glass cannons or Boron and Rakhem that will rush into the swarms of enemies to cleave them, laughing all the way.

    Leaderboards and Game Score

    We have also implemented game score for RPGlite and Permadeath, which tells you how well you did overall. You can compare this score with other Players on the new Leaderboard. The score gives you positive points for first three fights on a given level and then deducts a small number after the third battle. The objective is to descend to the last floor as efficiently as possible, without grinding so your tactical skills and party building abilities are tested here.

    Score also takes into account difficulty level giving you more points for Hard and Epic for the first three battles on the level and also deducting less points for each subsequent battle.

    Challenges do not count into the score, so you can do them at your leisure.

    We have also implemented DPS Race Leaderboards for several bosses, which sum up DPS of all party members.

    To check Leaderboards click on

    And then select:

    Items and Attributes

    Based on your feedback, we have also made some significant changes to the items as well and strengthened weapon damage overall (so Skills / Mastery does not trump everything).

    • Reduced RNG on base stats. Each Weapon sub-type is now different. Each Armor, Ring and Amulet type is also different, you can check it when you go to our new crafting panel.
    • Removed some of the weak combinations of pre-fixes and suffixes that immediately were dismantled.
    • You will be able to select which item sub-type you wish to craft. Some items are more powerful or special so they also cost more. When you click on the question mark, you can see exactly what stats those items have.

    • Possible magical stats for crafted items and looted items are now separated. Only looted items can give you a rare and powerful stat such as Spectral (which restores your mana for each weapon hit) or Chaotic (which has a small chance to Stun, Daze or Slow enemies). So now you should never disregard looted items and consider them turning into Epic and Enchanted gear using the forges.
    • Items have much more distinctive characteristics e.g. each of the three 2-handed Swords have a very different stats and unique characteristics now. If you want to have a high stun chance for your melee champions, then you will be able to do so.
    • Might and Speed attributes are now more powerful, making Weapon-based builds on par with Mastery. At 50 attribute points they now grant 150% boost to Weapon Damage and Attack Speed vs. 100% boost to Skill Damage from Mastery.
    • Melee weapons are now scaling much better than Range weapons, so melee-focused party is certainly viable now.
    • Enchanting panel is reworked, not resetting anymore when you switch champions and also showing all possible enchants for the item (Locked), so you can see whether you have missed any enchantment.

    • Cost of enchantments is generally reduced, so you should not be afraid to use them.
    • Likewise, cost of item forge upgrade has been reduced, as the last slots were far too expensive and rarely anyone used them.

    Champions, Skills, Enemies

    We have spent a lot of time also re-balancing and re-working some of the skills and enemies as well. One -- because we always wanted to do so based on received feedback and two -- because we had to level the starting point for all champions - to ensure that any starting combination of champions is viable, even if some of the combinations are more difficult than the others.

    We have reduced Health scaling for the enemies on Hard and Epic and instead improved their skills and resistances.

    We have changed some of the end-game bosses, modifying their abilities to ensure that on Hard and Epic the fights do not drag long but instead are quicker and more intense.

    We have re-tuned some of the fights, creating quite interesting scenarios e.g. a group of only construct crossbowmen that cast their frostbite bolts frequently, effectively immobilizing your party if you dont counter them.

    Another thing changed was mana availability at the end-game mana regeneration was so high that no one had to care about it, spamming skills as soon as they went off cooldown. So we made several adjustments here as well mana regeneration is generally decreased, while maximum mana on items plays a bigger role now. Now items and enchantments that generate mana on hit should be essential.

    Finally, Boron now starts the combat with 25 rage. So he can jump into the group of those pesky Wraiths instantly. Yeah!

    Other changes

    Having worked on this update for a long time, we also took an opportunity to make several general improvements as well. Here is a list of most important ones.

    • Anti-aliasing now works correctly (it is called FXAA)
    • Few Battlegrounds were improved or even changed significantly, such as Titan Battleground.
    • Added voice confirmations for champions in combat, so the combat is more lively now.
    • Several skill SFX were improved, all range projectiles and a lot of skills.
    • UI was optimized, improving FPS, especially for low-end configurations.

    Turkish language added

    Lastly, but very important we have added Turkish language thanks to the efforts of community translators: Gkhan Halil Dzgn and Arda Can Cokun. Big thanks!


    If we see that RPGlite and Permadeath modes are popular, we would consider organizing regular competitions for the highest Permadeath SCORE and the highest DPS on specific bosses.

    We hope you will enjoy playing Tower of Times new game modes. As always if you have a feedback or an issue, please let us know via an in-game Report Issue tool or hop on our Discord to chat with us directly. As you can see - we listen to your voice very closely - and even if we are busy working on a new project, we will not forget about Tower of Time.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2019-01-29 17:19:00 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Dear Players,

    Some of you might have noticed a small (400mb) patch - we have just updated downloadable OST for Tower of Time. All 32 music tracks are now included, split into City, Exploration and Fight in a very high quality mp3.

    You can find them in the main game location in OST folder. To access them easily, just right click on game in your Library --> Properties --> Local Files --> Browse Local Files

    Those of you who did not download the OST yet - a reminder that they are for Free (well, you still need to own ToT). Just click on Downloadable Content to download them.

    We are now working on two new game modes that will turn Tower of Time into a challenging rogue-like experience, with all champions available at start and with removed story elements.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-12-27 11:49:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Cool! -- IndieDB TOP 100

    Hey! Cool news!

    We got nominated to TOP 100 IndieDB competition for 2018 Indie of the Year!

    Now the final part is voting. If you think we deserve your vote - it would be great. Or perhaps you can find a different game on the list that is your favorite.

    Indie developers will appreciate your vote. It is so hard to push through in these days. Help hard working developers, it takes only few seconds.

    You can vote for your game here. Just select your genre (we are in Role Playing :) and click VOTE button. Voting ends on 20 Dec.


    Happy Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-12-12 02:55:16 CET ] [ Original post ]



    Dear Players,
    This time only one but soo important update you can now play Tower of Time fully in French.
    Big thanks to our translators, and long-time fans, Agnieszka Szymanska and Michal Bouleau, for translating the whole game to French.


    Chers joueurs,
    Cette fois une seule mise jour, mais teeellement importante : vous pouvez dsormais jouer lintgralit de Tower of Time en franais.
    Un grand merci nos traducteurs, et fans de longue date, Agnieszka Szymanski et Michal Bouleau, pour avoir traduit le jeu complet en franais.


    The next patch will introduce NG++ that will allow you to skip the story parts and play all champions since the beginning. That will turn Tower of Time into fast-paced tactical RPG with interesting party building options.

    If you feel that we deserve it you can vote for us in IndieDB Best Indie Game of 2018. Voting takes only few seconds and no account is required.

    That would help us a lot. Thanks


    La prochaine mise jour introduira un mode NG++ qui permettra dignorer les parties histoire et de jouer tous les champions ds le dbut. Ce mode transformera Tower of Time en un RPG tactique au rythme effrn avec des compositions dquipe intressantes.

    Si vous pensez que nous le mritons, vous pouvez voter pour nous sur IndieDB Best Indie Game of 2018. Voter ne prend que quelques secondes et ne demande pas de crer un compte.

    Cela nous aiderait normment. Merci !

    Hope you will enjoy playing Tower of Time.
    En esprant que vous aimerez jouer Tower of Time

    Cheers / bientt !
    Event Horizon team / Toute lquipe de Event Horizon

    P.S. If you are interested in our next project and don't want to miss out the announcement and creation of the product page - please follow us on Steam Developer Page

    [ 2018-12-06 18:59:11 CET ] [ Original post ]



    Global warming is evidently becoming an issue and we still have only one planet. So we decided to take up a worthy initative reduce heat emission and increase the lifespan of our planet, our CPUs and our GPUs by reducing the load the game puts on them. It might seem laughable, but as the saying goes drop, drop, drop and you have an ocean!

    Since we dont really have a lot of bugs to fix anymore, we focused on optimizing everything we can also as a learning how we can squeeze maximum from our game engine in our next project.

    As a result ---

    FPS increased even by up to 35% in certain areas
    Build size decreased from 18GB to 10.9GB (!!!)
    Loading times have decreased considerably.

    If you are interested (I guess mostly fellow developers), we achieved that by:

    • Adding an option to limit FPS between 30 and 265 in Settings
    • Increasing the compression of textures
    • Decreasing the range of shadows rendering
    • Optimizing all music and SFX (compression)
    • Optimizing what is being rendered and whats not, if objects are outside of view area
    • Turning off reflection probes in real-time
    • Decreasing amount of memory allocated to raycast of particles
    • Decreasing lightning in places where we use forward rendering
    • Adding an option to turn on/turn off anti-aliasing in Settings


    • Adding missing Days of Old 9 cinematic (damn, that is embarrassing that we lost this one along the way, especially since this is one of the best one we have)
    • Fixed few translations and added few missing ones
    • Fixed Quest Log in Ancient Machine quest
    • Fixed bug when music sometimes did not resume playing after cinematics
    • Fixed volume bar for cinematics (sometimes it stopped working)
    • Removed unlimited teleporting option but added an option to teleport to the beginning of the floor at will (unlimited teleporting could potentially break two quests)


    So, we are working in our new project intensively. If you are interested, just click on our name under PUBLISHER next to reviews and follow us. We will announce when we are ready and also plan to have intensive beta testing at some point for multi-player part.

    We also are finishing FRENCH localization should be ready within next 3 weeks or so. We are working on ITALIAN as well, here I cannot give you any estimates yet.

    We are also working on console version of Tower of Time for PS, Xbox and Switch.

    With the next patch we will also introduce NG++ that will increase difficulty a bit but will allow you to skip the story and play with all champions available since the beginning. You will be able to experiment with really crazy builds. Kaela and Boron will make a short work of this crazy Mimic chest on floor 1.

    Hope you will enjoy playing Tower of Time.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-11-22 18:50:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Polish Independence Day 30% Off

    In celebration of 100 years of Polish Independence we are reducing the price of Tower of Time by 30%

    We will be streaming Tower of Time a lot in the coming days, explaining game mechanics and also trying to beat Epic difficulty.

    Join the adventure in this story-rich dungeon crawler with quite unique real-time combat that will test your tactical skills to the limits.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-11-06 23:46:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Halloween is upon us

    Dear Players

    Trying to trick the Titan to get the candy?
    Well, that is a very daring plan...

    A short update about Tower of Time although we are focusing mostly on our new project, we plan to release a patch within two weeks fixing few small remaining bugs reported by the players and also adding few performance optimization options.

    We are also finishing French localization which should be ready within a month.

    We are also working on console version of Tower of Time, although this is probably of little interest to you (being PC players).

    If you are interested in our new project just click on Event Horizon name under Publisher and follow us. We will announce the new game very soon, with a shining new trailer.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-10-29 18:32:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

    New language (beta) - Français / French

    Nous travaillons actuellement sur la version française du jeu. Même si pour le moment la traduction est en cours, et que beaucoup de parties publiées sont encore en train d’être retravaillés, nous avons décidé qu'il valait mieux faire des mises à jour régulières, afin de rendre le jeu accessible aux bêta-testeurs français.

    Nous avons revu les dialogues du Livre Un plusieurs fois, et même s'ils ne sont pas parfaits, nous commençons à avoir un résultat qui nous plaît. Le Livre Un est entièrement jouable en français. Nous travaillons actuellement sur les menus, les descriptions de monstres et d'objets etc...

    Une fois que nous aurons terminé, nous continuerons les traductions des dialogues des livres Deux et Trois. Puis nous publierons une traduction bêta du jeu complet, avant de tout réviser à nouveau afin de vous fournir une version française finale.

    Veuillez noter, s’il vous plaît, que tout le contenu n’est pas encore correctement traduit. Si vous préférez attendre une version finale, elle sera disponible courant décembre.

    Pour activer la langue française, activez l'option Bêta dans les propriétés du jeu dans la bibliothèque Steam, et sélectionnez PUBLIC_FRENCH_BETA dans le menu déroulant.


    We are currently working on the French version of the game. Even though it is still very much a work in progress, we've decided that it would be better to publish regular updates instead of waiting too much, in order to make the game playable for French beta-testers.

    The dialogues for the Book One have been reviewed several times, and even if they are not perfect yet, we are starting to be satisfied with the outcome. We are now working on all the menus, mob descriptions, item descriptions etc.

    Once this is achieved, we will publish the beta translation for the rest of the dialogues and the descriptions for the books Two and Three, before reviewing everything again and publishing a proper French version for the whole game.

    Please be aware that not all the content is translated yet, so if you prefer to wait for the final version, we expect it to be ready in December.

    To access French language - please activate opt-in for BETA in game settings in Steam library and select PUBLIC_FRENCH_BETA from drop-down menu.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-09-05 10:53:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

    30% Off for Limited Time

    Dear Players,

    If you are on the fence if Tower of Time is a game for you, now for a limited time you can get if with 30% discount.

    If you already own the game and enjoyed it, please help us spread the word!
    Thank you!

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-08-11 22:22:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #7 (hotfix)

    Dear Players,

    We have released a patch addressing the following issue:

    Floor 5, platform reset - sometimes even if platforms were reset, player could not enter the first platform. It is corrected now and platform reset works correctly now.

    We have also implemented some graphical optimization as we are preparing the game for the console release - which resulted in quite a big patch size.

    We hope you continue to enjoy the game.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-07-24 14:49:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #6 and ToT Wiki

    Dear Players,

    Tower of Time Wiki

    If you are stuck somewhere, there is an expanding wiki containing maps, quests walk-through and other special locations.


    If you would like to contribute, we would be very happy. Please share your ideas about the best party builds, best (most innovative) use of their skills or anything else you believe might make the game more enjoyable to new players.


    A very small patch this time, fixing one issue on floor 5 with platforms. Sometimes you could get stuck if you chose to teleport to a different location with one particular lever setting.

    ADDED: Option to reset all platforms to a starting position. Enter 0000 in a code machine next to the first platform.

    We hope you have fun playing Tower of Time.

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2018-07-09 18:04:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #5 - small fixes


    A small patch this time, addressing the following problems:

    • Chest "stuck" bug - that sometimes occurred
    • Progress on floor 1 - it did not count in 1 mimic chest
    • Flying bats - decreased the volume of sound and the frequency of appearance
    • Few quest items (e.g. signet ring on floor 5) are better visible now
    • Melee champion behavior - sometimes they did not want to attack enemies or objects (trap) that were very close.
    • Some more of the graphic optimization in few locations - improvement of the overall performance.
    • Floor 9 map - few details added to make it more readable.

      Thank you for playing Tower of Time. We hope you are enjoying the game.

      Event Horizon Team

    [ 2018-06-28 18:01:06 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #4 + Russian lang.

    Dear Players,

    We are happy to release another update with few quality of life features requested by you and few important fixed. We are also adding Russian to the list of supported languages.

    If you would like to check the review of Tower of Time, we recommend watching the recent one from Skill Up, where he also has an interesting retrospective about CRPG genre in general.


    Russian language added

    Мы с радостью сообщаем, что добавили русский язык в список поддерживаемых языков. Надеемся, вам понравится играть в Tower of Time.


    • Fixed bug that sometimes caused the party to be stuck in opened chests
    • Added option to teleport to any uncovered checkpoint, from any point on the map
    • Fixed the bug that on some configuration caused the cinematics to play very slow
    • Fixed chest progress on floor 1
    • Some minor graphic fixes
    • All bosses are now immune to blind (as was always intended). Weakness, armor shatter and elemental weakness still works on them.

    Quality of life features

    As always, we tried to follow the feedback of the community very closely and are bringing you the following small enhancements.

    Most importantly, we enhanced A.I. of range party members. Like the enemies, they will now look for the most optimal position if the enemy hides behind the wall or other obstacle.
    (they no longer run directly to the enemy)

    Also, champion/enemy combat stat panel will now show the exact effect (in # or %) and the remaining time for each buff or debuff.

    Few other enhancements:

    • Added few more mimic chests, since you seem to enjoy the encounters. Have fun. Those creatures will not yield their treasure willingly.
    • Added few environmental effects such as flying bats or glowing wisp floating around that added some life to the environment
    • Added option to reduce particle number in exploration for slower PCs.
    • Added option to reduce shadow number in exploration for slower PCs.

    Thank you for playing Tower of Time. As always, your feedback/review is highly appreciated.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-06-21 23:35:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Small Hotfix


    Thanks for the positive response about Polish language and other features we have released. We are glad you enjoy them. Please leave us a review if you feel we game deserves it, it will help us a lot. Thanks.

    We just launched a small update which fixes the following issues:

    • Small corrections to Polish texts, mostly in skill descriptions.

    • Fix to floor 1 progress where mimic chest was counted towards a chest while it is not really one... Yes, we are confused about this statement as well. To update the progress, please enter floor 1 again.

    • 4 missing enchants (rewards for challenges) are back. If you did those challenges and did not get the enchants, they will be added now so you can collect all 100% of them.

    • Floor maps - we added some details to the maps, such as bridges and walls so it is easier to navigate through the floors.

    Thanks for playing Tower of Time and for all the feedback. Please keep it coming.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-05-29 22:41:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #4 + Polski jęz.

    Dear Players,

    We are happy to release another update with few quality of life features requested by you and few important fixed. We are also adding Polish to the list of supported languages.

    Język Polski
    Język polski został dodany do listy wspieranych języków. Gra powinna automatycznie wykryć język na podstawie języka systemu - aby przełączyć język ręcznie, wystarczy wejść do Settings/General i zmienić Language na polski.

    Other languages update
    We are entering testing phase for Russian language now. We should be ready to release it within next two weeks. We are also working on Turkish, French, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Japanese – although here we cannot give you time estimate yet.

    Graphics improvements
    We made some significant changes to few areas, adding a lot of “depth”. We also have continued to optimize the graphics, reducing the load in few places indicated by the players

    Quality of life features

    • New Map with Points of Interests
      We have changed the maps - they are now rotated towards camera view, can be zoomed in / out and also contain all points of interests that count towards progress. It will make hunting for this “last chest” much easier now.

    • Fast mode in combat
      You can now accelerate time in combat to 3x normal speed - for those who want to resolve the combat quickly.

    • Pre-battle screen information
      Information about number of enemies - indicated by the number of skulls from 1-4. It should be now easier to prepare for encounters.

    • Mana Orbs fights
      When the last mana orb is destroyed, it does not end the fight abruptly anymore. Instead, it does explode and releases highly toxic gas that is damaging your champions. You can continue to fight and eliminate last remaining enemies, if only few remained.

    • Portal and Tower Icons - we have reworked them a bit, so they present information in more transparent way.
    • Added animations when your champions are idle - not the most important feature, but it adds some life to your party when you are exploring.

    Combat balance
    This time we made only very small changes - mostly to few boss fights. It seems we are done with balancing phase for hard and epic now - with your support we managed to create a game which should remain challenging until the very end. Cheers!

    If we continue to work on the difficulty it would be to add another level - one step above epic or add a mode when you can have maximum three champions in your party.

    We have also reduced a bit RNG for loot and crafting. Sometimes you could get a very powerful (2% chance) or very weak item (8% chance), which was either temporarily game breaking or truly annoying - we removed those outliers now.


    • Fixed key in water sector on level 4 - where sometimes it disappeared after going to the city and returning from it. If you go to this place - it will be waiting there.
    • Fixed fountain on floor 6 giving 10% mana - instead of +10 mana

    Thank you for your support so far. Your feedback is extremely important to us - as you can see we do listen to your suggestions.

    Please leave a review for us here on Steam, if you feel that we deserve it.

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2018-05-27 19:09:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Small Hotfix

    Hello. We just released a small hotfix:

    • We have reduced overall difficulty on epic for mid and end game - reversed most of the changes from yesterday's patch. We kept new new boss mechanics (that make the fights more fun since they were just shoot and forget) and higher rewards for hard and epic.

      We did not want to break anyone's gameplay-in-progress. We still believe adding possibility to craft rings and jewelry and the change to dusty scrolls made the game easier on early levels. We will introduce a higher level of difficulty in the next patch that would be accessible only from New Game.

    • Fixed rare issue that some unique items did not show correct upgrade in item tooltips (they were working fine in combat)

    • Fixed a missing enchant reward in one of the Military Construct challenges. If you did this fight yesterday and did not receive the enchant, please Report Issue and we will send you back fixed save game.

    Please consider leaving a review for us on Steam. It would help us a lot. Thank you.

    Event Horizon

    [ 2018-05-18 20:52:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #3 + German lang.

    Dear Players,

    Another big update that implements few quality of life features and corrects bugs based on your feedback.

    German Language
    We have added German language option. It should automatically detect your operating system language, if not - you can switch it from Settings. Many thanks to all players that helped us with some missing texts and did overall language proofing. If you spot anything amiss, please be so kind and let us know.

    Other Languages Update
    We should be ready with Polish language within few days. Russian language is at about 80% done and should be released in 2-3 weeks’ time. We are also working on Turkish, French, Chinese Simplified, Spanish and Japanese – although here we cannot give you time estimate yet.

    Quality of life changes

    • Reworked dusty scroll mechanics. Now they always show the effect of the scroll. They are split into Lesser and Greater scrolls. Lesser Scroll grants a small positive effect while Greater Scroll grants a powerful positive effect but also a small negative one.

    • Added auto-cast option for buffs. New checkbox is added to the skill button.

    • New battle unit tooltip with more information.

    • Added health and mana regeneration stats to hero portraits.

    • Combat loot is now scaling with difficulty. If there is a unique item as a reward, it has slightly better stats on hard (+) and epic (++). Gold amount is slightly increased and additional crafting crystal can be looted.

    • Added crafting for Jewelry (from Blacksmith level 1) and Pistols (from Blacksmith level 3).
    • Unique items have one item forge slot so their life should now be longer.
    • Each resistance on Armor is now shown separately.
    • Daze and Stun effects are now shown on champion’s portrait.
    • When battle starts, first champion is always selected.
    • Reflect damage icon is changed.
    • Buff graphical effects are now toned down, so the visibility of the effects (if there are many) is improved.
    • Added subtle animated environment elements (e.g. moving machines or swaying chandeliers).
    • Improved graphics on few floors (e.g. intro floor).
    • Four new battlemaps added.

    Bug Fixes

    • Few English typos were fixed. It should be now 100% correct.
    • 100% Completion is always possible now – even on floor 7 if you are kicked out from Daeva realm. However, Imprisoned Daeva (quest) counts towards 100% so you need to kill him before Trial ends if you plan on being kicked out from their realm.
    • Fixed buff timers sometimes duplicating.
    • Fixed hero stats sometimes not updating in inventory.
    • Fixed Main Damage getting replaced with Additional Damage after Item Forge (it caused problems when using Sunpower enchant).
    • Fixed Khan battle – now killing portal first and boss after does not result in a long waiting time before the battle is concluded.
    • Fixed some enemy summons which had 1 Health.
    • Towers and Portals now highlight properly when skill casting.
    • Fixed auto-save icon now showing all the time.
    • Elemental Barrage does not block movement now before projectiles hit the targets.
    • Imprisoned Daeva boss – now his drain life and drain mana skills work properly and channel can be interrupted together with the skill effect.
    • The nasty chest on floor 5 at fountain can now be accessed.
    • Kelsier’s Unique items now work properly and do stack armor reduction.
    • Fixed chest on floor 5 (near the fountain) that was difficult to pick up.
    • Fixed enchant names.

    Combat balancing

    With the help of few players we made tons of small and bigger changes. Most notably – due to reward scaling and received feedback – we increased overall difficulty on hard and epic. It would be impossible to list every single change we made (over 1000), so here is a recap of the most important ones:

    • Super secret dispenser code fight – fixed. It was meant to be unbeatable but some of you made it. So – now it is very hard but doable and therefore has decreased reward (still very nice but not game-breaking anymore).
    • Fixed: Push and Pull skill effects no longer break the channel skills. One problem with difficulty was that lots of mid- and end- game enemies use channel skills that were not a big threat due to pull/push.
    • Thorns Enchant – it was too powerful early especially when Armor was added in Item Forge. We did a lot of testing and rebalanced it to make it still very good early game and scaling well into late game. Also radius of Thorns has been increased from 3m to 4m so you are not forced to micromanage so much.
    • Boss fights were rebalanced – lots of them got new (sometimes unique) skills.
    • Rakhem’s skills: Acid Splash increased poison damage. Blinding Flash increased air damage.
    • Boron’s Cleave increased cleave damage at all levels, to 100% at maximum level.
    • Daeva enemies now should be what they meant to be – terrifying and tough minibosses. Number of enemies in fights decreased but each enemy should be much bigger threat now.
    • Few combats rebalanced – number of enemies changed, portal timers adjusted, trap positions adjusted.

      We hope you are enjoying Tower of Time. Please share with us your feedback so we can continue to improve the game – via Discord server or forums.


      Thank you.

      Event Horizon team.

    [ 2018-05-16 20:13:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Special Update

    Dear Players,

    We hope your journey to the bottom of the Tower has thus far been an exciting and entertaining one!

    And wish to thank you for your tremendous development feedback and continued support. Let us share with you what we are working on at the moment.

    We are finishing localization to German and Polish at the moment. We expect to launch German language on Monday or Tuesday - it had been intense work and possible only with the help of the community. We are very grateful for your support. Polish language most likely will follow few days after.

    Together with German we will launch Patch #3 with another round of changes and improvements, as requested by You. In addition to minor combat balance changes, there are also few bigger improvements:

    • Ability to craft rings and amulets
    • Ability to craft pistols from Blacksmith Tier 3
    • Scaling of the rewards depending on difficulty. That includes amount of gold and crystals -- as well as unique items received as a reward from combat or challenges. Now, when you kill Shade on Epic, the reward will be worthy of your sweat and blood.
    • Dusty Scrolls - complete change of the mechanics. They will now split into Lesser and Greater Scrolls. The effect of the scroll will be clearly noted. Lesser Scrolls will have always a small positive effect while Greater Scrolls will have a major positive but also a small negative effect.
    • Combat UI - re-work of the tooltip showing champion or enemy statistics, with new information added.

    As for other languages - we are very close to finishing localization to Russian and have started community translation projects for Chinese Simplified, Japanese, French, Turkish and Brazilian-Portuguese. If you would like to support the efforts - please join Discord channel for more information.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    We also bring you another interesting news.

    Our co-story developer and lead script writer Nick Macari, has contributed to another fantasy CRPG about to crush its $60,000 Kickstarter funding goal.


    We haven't played it yet, but if the Vienna based publisher, Grape Ocean Technologies, delivers on everything it has planned–"Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness" could be one to watch!

    [ 2018-05-12 00:05:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #2

    Dear Players

    This patch brings a lot of quality improvements requested by you as well as several balancing changes and bug fixes. The list is very long so apologies for a wall of text that follows.

    We will appreciate your reviews on Steam and metacritic. It seems our game somehow is received as too hardcore and that scares a lot of people away. We have several difficulty settings, so it is accessible to anyone - if you come just for the story have no fear.

    Please help us spread the word about the game.

    New Features

    • New steam cards, backgrounds, emoticons and badges.

    • Minimap. You can turn it off and on with 'N' or by pressing compass icon.

    • Buff icons in combat that show the remaining time of the buff above skill tab.

    • Pre-battle movement - initial positioning is very important when it comes to threat. Now you can move the champions within limited area.

    • New enchanting icons. Not the most important update - but they look nicer now.

    • When your champions are immobilized, there is an icon on character portrait (similar to when they are trapped).
    • Hotkey "T" to change champion stances betwen Stand Ground and Move and Attack.
    • Two new high-end practise dummies that simulate end-game bosses.
    • Added achievements for epic - win 5 battles on epic for each floor.

    Gameplay fixes and changes

  • Issue with low cinematic sound on some configurations should be fixed now.
  • 100% Progress fixed - mostly floor 7 (chest and battles in Daeva area are not counted). The battles that count towards progress are show on the map.
  • Daeva are no longer so strict when it comes to trials. Less positive results are required to be able to stay in their realm.
    (if it happens that you don't see all progress bars, please enter this level and exit it.)
  • Graphic improvements to both introduction levels.
  • Journals necessary for quests are now more visible.
  • Floor 9 Elemental Statues' quest is fixed.
  • Bestiary not showing up sometimes has been fixed.
  • Bestiary now opens on the current tower floor.
  • Magic Source quest on floor 1 - new graphic effect when destroyed.
  • Frogs jumps up and down in merriment. Consider this if you want to offer it to Cindros. The most critical update that will help us to get more attention.
  • Lots of typos and syntax errors corrected (we are getting there).
  • Lots of new SFX added in exploration and combat.
  • Aura skills - visual upgrade.
  • Item Forge - health regeneration upgrade - increased from 0.3 to 0.5/
  • Some Unique Items (especially from Challenges) are upgraded - so they can be a competitive option for Item Forged Green items.


    We spent a lot of time on improving combat and balancing the game based on tons of feedback and lots of end-game parties. Some of the "crazy" builds took us by surprise :)

    Most important is a set of changes to animations, pathing and enemy behavior that should make everything much more responsive and smooth.

    Also, we did some rebalancing - especially to champion's skills and mid-game floors (5-7) that were too easy.

    Magic Penetration decreased slightly on higher end items.
    Armor Penetration - increased across all weapons / tiers.
    Physical-based party should be again viable on Hard and Epic.

    Fights on the first floor have an easier learning curve now. You don’t have too many options yet to customize your party and you made a valid point. If you find some of them too easy now - please adjust your difficulty as needed. Level 2 is unchanged.

    There are close to 300 individual changes made, so I will list only the most important ones below.

    Mech companion has been buffed somewhat. He has a speed aura and can temporarily stun enemies around him. He remains the team mascot, but at least he does some confusion on the battlefield now. That is a small compensation that he just charges at closest portal without asking anyone.



    • Stone wall - mana cost reduced to flat 20 for each level, duration set at flat 16 seconds at each level [with max cd reduction the uptime on the wall is now 80%]


    • Arrow Barrage - damage per arrow increased, at max level from 50 to 70
    • Bear Traps - bleeding damage increased, at max level from 10 to 15 dmg per second.
    • Rain of Arrows - damage per arrow increased, at max level from 40 to 48


    • Earth Fury - damage per stone increased, at max level from 100 to 140. B2 poison damage increased, at max level from 9 to 12.


    The new theme at Event Horizon is "Love Thy Dwarf"

    • Rakhem - Base Health increased from 160 to 180. Health per level increased from 18 to 20.
    • Inner Fire - an upgrade for both B1 (tanking path) and significant upgrade for B2 (damage path) - so there is a more clear risk/reward for different playstyles.
    • Path of Flames - increased length at all levels, B2 extended burning duration
    • Blinding Flash - B2 now deals Air damage too.


    • Health per level increased from 20 to 22.
    • Cleave - reduced cleave% by 10% for each level
    • Axe Throw - increased damage per axe. For B2 - reduced weakness to 30% at each level


    • Thunder Injection - reduced elemental weakness slightly at each level, at max level from 18% to 12% (dual wielding was too strong at higher levels / it still applies 2x debuff for dual wield)
    • Elemental Barrage - no of base projectiles 5 to 4, Damage per projectile base - slight reduction. For B2 - increased Void dmg component - so B1 and B2 are now competitive. Overall - at max level the effective damage of this skill is reduced by approximately 20%. It is still very overpowered.
    • Magic Tower -- B1 now deals splash damage of Base damage at the same speed


    We made few interesing changes to Kaela as she was too difficult to master yet too overpowered when did so.

    • Electric Cage - B1 - damage per second increase at all levels, at max from 20 to 24 Air dmg per second. B2 - Weakness reduced across all levels - at max level from 60% to 40% (it is a very long duration skill and it was too easy to stack with other skills for 100% weakness).
    • Summon Mech - variable duration increased from 20-40 to 20-60 seconds. Number of mechs increased. At max level she can now create up to 12 mechs. (insane, yes - but it is so fun skill)
    • Elemental Grenade name changed to Void Grenade. Explosion radius reduced from 5m to 4m. At B1 - resistance reduction decreased, at max level from 100% to 80%
    • Tesla Cannon - as it is high risk / reward skill (requiring positioning), its damage output has been increased significantly. With B2 boost, at max level damage increased from 400 to 600
    • Titan - a massive boost to everything. Now this is truly an ultimate ability.


    • Added new type of skill - magic reflect (similar to physical reflect) - some enemies on floors 5-7 received this upgrade, tired of being shredded by Whisper's Elemental Barrage.
    • Shade - was too easy, Voidspawns now should be more than a nuisance (new skills added)
    • Titan Boss - major overhaul - he is no longer just a target dummy
    • Floors 5-7 - enemies and combat encounters rebalanced as they were too easy. That includes their statistics, damage output and skills. Now there should no longer be such a difficulty spike between 7 and 8 - as you will need to take care of your party always.
    • Both Exo-ME 10 and Exo-RA560 bosses - rebalanced to offer better challenge.
    • Warleader - throws 2 axes and now and the skill description is clear for axes and his leap. He should be much easier to deal with now.
    • Tower Avatar - health increased
    • Francisco Pizzaro - his skills are more dangerous now
    • Ferdinan Magellan - combat overhauled to make it more challenging
    • Irradiated Elemental Lord - he wasn't enough irradiating - now he should be. (he is an optional boss, so yes, he should be very fun now)
    • Void Horror - he wasn't enough horrifying - now he should be.

    We will continue to work on further improvements.

    Please share your feedback via Report Issue or join our Discord to talk with us directly.

    Thanks for playing Tower of Time

    Event Horizon Team

  • [ 2018-04-27 18:16:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch #1 Hotfix 19/4


    We hope most of you are enjoying the game. When we decided to break the copy/paste tradition on present gaming market and try something new, we were expecting that not everyone will like it. Judging by the reactions so far, most of you do like it. We are very happy about that.

    When you play and finish the game, please leave us a review - your feedback is very important for us. This is our first project and we need your input to make sure that Tower of TIme is the game You want to play, and not only the pet project of “know-it-all developers”.

    We received a lot of Report Issue logs or emails in the last week. Only thanks to them we were able to identify the problems that we could not otherwise reproduce. Big thanks for that !!

    The patch notes are as follows:


    • Crashes at start some experienced
      We couldn’t reproduce them but there seems to be a pattern between our compression codecs and players’ codecs. We did two things here - we added a timeout if video doesn’t play at all (that should not cause game to crash) and we rendered all cinematics again. We do hope it will solve the problem - if not - please let us know and we will try another solution with next week patch
    • Performance should improve in several areas pointed out as problematic
    • High GPU/CPU usage - if you are experiencing those, please try vsync option on and off. If that doesn’t help - please be so kind and Report Issue so we can nail this problem.
    • Fixed Tutorial Tips scaling on 21:9 and higher ratios.
      (we also are looking into increasing text size for those of you that play on large screens - that would take a little longer)
    • Fixed issue with black screen appearing sometimes when movie is skipped


    • Selected unit will not move at all even if in aggressive stance mode. You can keep them all in healing totem range. Just deselect champion(s) again (or press “A”) to let him run towards enemies.
    • Fixed issues with item upgrades that had values clamp to integer value
    • Fixed teleporter problem ( teleports no longer block themselves after returning to city while teleportation was in progress )
    • Floor 1 -- Fixed rare issue with Magic Barrier and Devron
    • Floor 5 - Fixed issue with closed door / pinpad and Mech that was preventing access


    We didn’t touch the champions yet, even if some builds are obviously steamrolling things on hard and even epic. Great creativity!

    The only change was to the cost of Elemental Barrage - it was capped at 60 mana for level 3, 4, 5 of the skill. Now it is 60 mana for L3, 70 mana for L4 and 80 mana for L5.

    • Reaper Guard, Floor 1 - can be blinded again (stops drain life channel)
    • Two fights, Floor 2 - in Library and end level portals - decreased difficulty
    • Sewer fight, Floor 3 - decreased difficulty
    • Air Elemental Boss - changed fight mechanics, increased difficulty
    • Screamers - blind grenade duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds

    Item Forge (edit)

    There is a change to mana and health regeneration change per upgrade.
    We had rounding error before.

    • Mana - 1 upgrade granted 1 mana regen point - now it grants 0.1
      (as was always intended).

    • Health - 1 upgrade granted 1 health point - now it grants 0.5
      (as was always intended).

    It is a significant change in case you had invested into those statistics - and we apologize for this. If you have problem with your builds now - please let us know.

    Next Patch

    For the next week patch we plan to focus on the further performance improvement and few other quality of life features.

    If you want to chat with us or other players - please join our Discord and share your thoughts.

    Small Hotfix - 19 April

    When in Save Game screen, sometimes the buttons where grayed out - implying they couldn't be used. They could - but now the color is back as well.
    (did not do separate announcement for that since its minor change)

    Thank you for playing Tower of Time!

    Event Horizon Team

    On the side note - you can download all our music tracks for free - there should be a DLC area. Since there is no price box, it is not so visible.

    [ 2018-04-18 17:02:06 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 04/13/2018


    One day after the launch - thrilling experience for all of us. Thanks to all that have supported us with comments and suggestions.

    We are releasing a small hotfix for some of the issues that players encountered so far. The list is quite short, as it seems there are are no major bugs and the game is stable. If you encounter any other problems - please let us know via in-game Report Issue.

    We are planning a major patch for next Friday with more difficult things - such as extended graphics options for better customization.


    • Fixed sound glitches when videos are starting to play
    • Removed anti-aliasing so the game is now more crisp
      (we will add the option to turn on/off AA in the next patch)
    • Fixed "fountains of 000" when using certain unique items
    • Updated icons of the buildings in the city
    • Fixed bug with enemies sometimes disappearing when retreating from battle
    • Fixed bug with enemies spawning in the wrong direction in few battles
    • Fixed some saving issues (if you encounter them, please report via in-game tool as they are very difficult to spot)
    • Fixed Magic Source quest - when Devron wouldn't talk to you even if you had spoken with both sisters.

    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2018-04-13 18:17:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Tower of Time is Live!

    Tower of Time is Live !

    Tower of Time - our ambitious, modern take on classic RPG has been released.

    Big thanks to all of you that shared with us your feedback and suggestions during our Early Access phase. We implemented almost 400 of them. This game is as much yours now as it is ours!

    We do hope you enjoy the game. If you want to chat with us (or other players) or share your suggestions and feedback, please join our discord:


    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-04-12 13:47:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

    2 Days left

    Dear Players,

    The Big Day is approaching fast. Only 2 days left before we open the portals to the mythical world of Artara, full of dangers and secrets.

    Tower of Time will release as planned on 12th April around 12 CET. Retail price will be 20.99 EUR / 21.99 USD.

    We will release English version on Windows. Linux should follow very shortly (within 1-2 days).

    We are finishing localization to German and Polish but we need a bit more time to ensure the quality is as high as possible. We hope you will enjoy our ambitious attempt to bring something fresh to RPG and mix it with deep tactical combat.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-04-10 03:48:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Linux Update

    Hello Linux users.

    A massive Linux update just went live.

    We originally intended to wait with that for the full release, but in the light of negative comments about Linux version not working properly (even if on unsupported distributions), we decided to push it now.

    There is a long list of changes here, the most important one is the (yet) another one video player and also different format for all cinematic movies we have in game.

    Linux version is giving us headaches since day one. We are struggling hard to make it work on as many distributions as possible, but we cannot guarantee that it will work on each and every one. We do hope that you will understand it.

    In case of problems, please just let us know - either via private message, message here in forums or in our beta Discord.


    If you decide to give us a negative review because of the issues you encounter, please at least give us more details about the problem, so we can try to solve it for other Linux-user. We do hope that your experience now will be very smooth.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-04-01 20:29:01 CET ] [ Original post ]


    (this is Kane trying his new equipment on a training dummy)

    We received a lot of questions recently about itemization. So let me explain few things - as champions' equipment is what really matters the most in any cRPG game. You can revive your champion if he dies, but one you accidentally sell your epic sword to a vendor, it is usually lost forever.

    We created perhaps the most complex equipment system ever attempted in RPG. Items are randomly generated, but they follow very specific and quite simple rules. On top of that, if you are fond of a particular item and you have resources, you can further upgrade as you want.

    Item types

    Lets take melee classes for example. Their "hands" equipment can be as follows:

    • 1H weapon + shield
    • Two 1H weapon (dualwield)
    • 2H weapon

    Furthermore, each weapon type has three or four different sub-types, that differ in primary usage. For 1-handed swords, those are:

    • Regular Sword - high base damage and some Critical Chance
    • Stun Edge - that has inherent Stun Chance %
    • Fire Blade - that deals Fire Damage as main damage type

    Sub-types for tier1 1H Crossbows, for example, are Hand Crossbow, Bolt Spitter, Repeater

    Also, depending on the quality of the item (Green, Blue, Purple) they can roll different additional stats - called Prefix or Affix.

    Green roll only 1, either Prefix or Affix
    Blue roll 2, both Prefix and Affix
    Purple roll 2 + additional enchant slot

    In the examples above we have the following:

    Jagged Steel Sword of Poison
    Jagged ... adds Armor Penetration
    ... of Poison adds 1-3 Earth Damage

    Mighty Stun Edge of Sparks
    Mighty ... adds +1 Might attribute
    ... of Sparks adds 1-3 Air Damage

    Chaotic Fire Blade of Water
    Chaotic ... rare prefix, it adds few nasty effects as Daze, Stun, Blind
    ... of Water adds 1-3 Water Damage

    As you progress with the game, existing affixes and prefixes will increase in strength and new ones will also start to appear, some with both positive and negative effects.

    Each weapon class, e.g. 1H Swords, 1H Axes, 1H Hammers are different somewhat. Also 2H Weapons have special stat - Cleave Damage - x% of main damage is also applied to other enemies in cone area in front of your warrior.

    Range Weapons - both Physical (Bows, Crossbows, Pistols) and Magic (Wands, Staves and Focus Stones) - have inherently different stats, e.g. Focus Stones have Skill Damage while Bows have Slow Chance or Daze Chance.

    Legendary Items

    We also have over 60 unique items that are something entirely different. Early on you get just strong items with powerful statistics.

    Overall a very good weapon, that comes with a different price. This sword has Life Drain Enchant, that heals your champion for the % of damage dealt.

    This Bow is quite strong compared to other weapons of this tier and has a very good enchant - increasing damage and pushing enemies back. But it has one negative trait - each attack with this weapon cost mana. If you want to use it, you probably should invest in mana regeneration, mana leech or +mana items.

    This Armor (you can collect more pieces) changes the way how you play your tank. It has a very high armor (comparing to other pieces at this point of the game) but negative elemental resistance. It also lowers movement speed significantly. However, it has a damage mitigation enchant, very good for certain enemies. With this armor, you do not move your tank to the fight, you try to bring the fight to him.

    One of the "extreme" examples. This item is very powerful but it is also very expensive - it drains life and mana continuously and also additional mana per each attack. It requires rebuilding your character or even the whole party, so other champions can support the user of this weapon.

    This is just a very small sample of itemization. Different weapons, different armor and jewelry pieces can have different combinations of stats.

    On top of that there are almost 50 unique enchants, some of them with different level of power.

    All in all - it creates almost uncountable number of possible combinations and gives you incredible flexibility in champion and party building.

    So we might not have an option to change the hair style or eye color of your champions, but apart from that -- if you include the skill system - you can build them as you want and when you want.

    If you have any more questions, we would be happy to chat about that or any other aspect of the game on our discord.


    Event Horizon Team

    [ 2018-03-21 01:43:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Release price and languages

    As we prepare for the full release on 12th April 2018, we have lowered the price a bit so you can try Tower of Time and regain (hopefully) the faith in Early Access approach.

    Upon the release final price will be 21.99 USD/EUR (or equivalent in local currency) and we will not have any launch discount.


    At the moment we are translating the game into German and Polish and we should be ready at the latest two or three weeks after English version launch.

    As for the other languages:

    We were not expecting to create such a massive game (50 hours of game-time play, close to 190,000 words, over 1 hour of animated cinematics...). It wasn't the best planning perhaps, but since we poured so much effort and our vision into this project - we just couldn't stop mid-way.

    Therefore, we cannot do all other localisations as we have originally planned at the moment of the release. However, we do hope that the game will be well received and we will be able to quickly localize to other languages on our list. Those languages include Russian, Chinese Simplified, Spanish, hopefully also Brazilian-Portuguese and French.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-03-19 19:00:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Pre-release Update


    Final release 12 April 2018

    As Tower of Time is nearing its final release date we have published a major update that makes the game Feature Complete. The only thing missing now are the final four levels of the tower and completion of the story which is in the final polishing state.

    What comes in the Pre-release build:

    Combat state and Pause added

    We have further refined combat system and we have perhaps the most complex tactical system ever done in RPGs.

    We added Pause. You can change between slow time and pause anytime, even during combat.

    There are several new effects in game, for example freeze – if your champion is frozen you can either wait until it thaws (relatively long) or break the ice, sending other champions to attack it.

    Enemies also have few nasty surprises, some elite enemies can sense the weakness of one of your champions and order all other enemies to focus on him/her, much as any player would do.

    New combat mode: Defense Towers can show up in certain encounters. Towers attack your champions in range and thus limit your movement options. You can either avoid them or destroy them, the choice is yours.

    Finally, we expanded Battle Report screen significantly, so you can check in details how your champions performed. This is very critical for the Ultimate Tactical Experience (Epic difficulty).

    Party Alignment

    At certain moments in game, your party will face an important choice. Your champions’ personalities are different and they have (perhaps) their own hidden agendas. As you progress deeper, your champions will diverge.
    In such critical moments you can let your champions decide for themselves or impose your will by the power of the crystal throne. Careful though, no one likes to feel like a puppet.

    These choices are not only dialogue options – party alignment will have an impact on combat as well. If your champions support you, they will support each other in combat too, granting powerful buffs. If not, then they will reduce everyone’s combat effectiveness.

    Skills and Skill Tree

    Skill tree and individual skills are adjusted, based on intense balancing efforts. There are too many changes to list here, but we followed this idea in principal – each of your champion is unique and his skillset has to be unique as well.

    Each skill has two different enhancement paths, one which strengthens the effect of the skill and second which might change its nature.

    We added few new skill mechanics, e.g. damage reflection. If you miss this and don’t adjust your tactics, your champions can literally kill themselves now. Similarly, apply this enchant on your champions and see enemies’ health goes down.

    Finally, we still have only one fireball in the entire skill tree. Mission accomplished.

    Itemization and Item Forge

    We further expanded on our itemization and added new statistics. When we did the counting, we now have over one million possible combinations of weapons, base statistics and additional statistics.

    Very important addition is Item Forge. It allows you to selectively upgrade an item and its certain statistics – as long as the item has unused upgrade counters. The cost increases with each upgrade – so if you want to create an item worthy of a song, it will cost you dearly.

    Guns and 1-handed crossbows

    Physical range classes got two new weapon types – 1-handed crossbows and 1-handed pistols. Yeah!

    Map Markers and Quests

    Map markers and better quest tracking – a feature that was in the top 3 requests from the players. We added that, so you can find NPCs and important locations easier now.

    We improved quest descriptions and also added information where the quest did originate, so if you take a break for few days, you should have no problem getting back.

    New Enemies, New Bosses, New Unique Items

    We have added new enemies, new bosses and lots of unique items. As per request – we added more ”unique” unique that have both positive and negative effects. Encase Kane in nigh-impenetrable Titan Armor but it is so heavy that he moves very slowly -- so have dash on short cooldown or bring the fight to him. Or use powerful Staff of Winds that will drain your mana per each attack.

    Optimization and Loading Times

    We did optimize the game heavily, going area by area and we will continue to do so until the full release. Game runs quicker overall and there should be no more areas that would tax your CPU and GPU over the usual performance.

    Also, we implemented a system of loading part of the scenes into memory. When you enter the new location first time - the loading time will be as before, but then every time you save/load or move between the tower, combat maps and the city – the loading time should be very short.

    Music and SFX

    We have added new music tracks and hundreds of new sound effects.


    We will balance the game until the very end. At the moment Epic difficulty is midly challenging on level 1 but then from level 2 you really need to think outside the box and find the best synergies between champions' abilities be good at tactical-side of the combat (team positioning, threat management, effective tanking, learning your enemies and what they can do, understanding their weaknesses, etc..).

    If you would like to help us, please join our discord channel:


    We hope you will enjoy Tower of Time in its final state.

    Event Horizon team

    [ 2018-03-15 14:11:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Your Help Needed !!

    We are balancing hard and epic difficulty levels and we reached the stage where we need more feedback from veteran RTS gamers.

    If you like to:

    Die in a hopeless fight - so you can improve your builds and tactics
    Die again, so you can understand your enemies and adjust your builds again
    Almost... win, so you can learn the combat map advantages
    Win!!! and have super satisfaction from it

    So basically, if you like your playing your games like this...

    ..and are willing to work with us to make it a super awesome and rewarding experience.

    Then please join our Epic Combat Tester group to learn more and please share with your friends who play real-time combat type of games - write to us and get invite to our discord channel


    Event Horizon

    [ 2018-02-12 23:07:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 1 - Item Forge

    As we are nearing a release date, we would like to share with you some of the more exciting new features that are coming.

    Item Forge

    One of the features most requested by Players is related to items and RNG mechanics. While we are quite happy with the amount of combinations that can roll on the items, we agree that if you want to go a specific build, it can be quite hard.

    Therefore, we are implementing Item Forge, an ability to increase selected statistics of an item, depending on the number of available upgrade counters -- for an increasing cost. Whether you want to boost the main damage component of a weapon multiple times -- or go for multiple stats for balanced item, it is up to you.

    Statistics that can be upgraded will be different for each item type - a combination of currently rolled stats and few "default" ones.

    So you want to see if you can reach 2000 Health on Boron? Who knows?

    You will face a new type of dilemma:

    1. You rolled an excellent item, do you want spend all your crystals to boost this item to a maximum?
    2. Do you want to use your crystals for some enchants and wait for higher tier item?
    3. Or go mid way - spend only green crystals / blue crystals for 1-2 upgrades?

    Whatever you decide, Tower of Time will offer you incredible build flexibility.

    One of the new locations, in all its dark glory.

    Next update on: Party Alignment, another novel feature that can change the way how you manage your party. Your gameplay choices will now have a critical impact.

    EH Team

    [ 2018-02-07 00:37:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Kane Spotlight

    We have added a clip presenting Kane and his abilities to store page. Can you imagine your party without him?

    Here is also a link to YT channel
    Tower of Time YT channel

    Kane's background

    “If man is to survive this world, it will be by courage and duty alone.”

    When I first joined King Daedric, his soldiers fled from me as if I carried the sickness. Only one guard seemed at ease around my unusual nature, Kane.

    For over 15 years, the steely haired warrior has been my closest and most trusted companion. We each owe our lives to the other, many times over. Saved from certain death in battles with brigands, rebellious tribes and dangerous creatures from remote parts of the world.

    Kane is intellectually sharp and a sound tactician. His list of faults is short, far outweighed by his exemplary measure, but if pressed to speak on his greatest weakness, I would confess an ease at which he becomes flustered and impatient. Such headstrong inclinations make him prone to attack problems with brute force, even when a more delicate solution is called for. Faults and shortcomings aside, Kane is the benchmark of a solider and friend, to which I measure all others. I value my second-in-command’s advice more than any other.

    No discussion of Kane would be complete without mention that there is no record, written or oral, of the shieldguard ever withdrawing from combat first. He is valiant and heroic to a fault. While he values his life greatly, I’ve seen him risk it firsthand, without second thought, to protect those under his charge. Bound by the seven virtues of his title, King’s Champion, Kane lives by a strict code of conduct, offering mercy to his most fearsome enemies and aid to any who openly request it.

    After his wife and adolescent son were taken in a storm of fire and ash, Kane turned away from women. For seventeen years he has been without serious relationship. Though if my eyes serve me, I would swear the shieldguard has developed a fondness for Maeve. A bond forged over the five-year duration of their friendship as fellow soldiers, no doubt. How deeply he cares for her, I dare not guess… One thing I know for certain, his dedication to duty would never allow him to openly express his feelings.

    [ 2018-01-23 04:28:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix and Linux Patch (big)

    Hello All,

    We just released a hotfix The following issues are fixed:


    • Daeva Trials - Maeve and Boron issue when game sometimes froze between sequences. Your saves will work as intended.
    • Some Beast challenges did not trigger combat.
    • Beast group in the sewers - upon entering combat player was returned to the city instead
    • Achievements will properly unlock


    We also updated Linux build. We have tested it on Ubuntu 17.04. If you have a different distro and run into troubles with cinematics, please let us know. Thanks.

    Thanks for your feedback and reviews.


    P.S. One of the Primal Beasts (in the screenshots above) is also very excited about this hotfix, since you will finally be able to test your skills against him in the final Beast Challenge

    [ 2018-01-17 18:18:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Upcoming Hotfix

    We will release a hotfix very soon (perhaps even tomorrow), addressing the following issues:


    • Daeva Trials - Maeve and Boron issue when game sometimes froze between sequences. Your saves will work as intended.
    • Some Beast challenges did not trigger combat.
    • Beast group in the sewers - upon entering combat player was returned to the city instead
    • Achievements will properly unlock

    We apologize to all affected players.


    Also, we are testing Linux update - but could use some help with different distributions.

    If you would like to help us - for which we would be grateful - please join our discord channel and we will grant you access to beta Linux build.


    As always, we appreciate the feedback and reviews.


    P.S. One of the Primal Beasts (in the screenshots above) is also very excited about this hotfix, since you will finally be able to test your skills against him in the final Beast Challenge

    [ 2018-01-15 23:50:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update, Pause and Price

    A short update about few things here, as we are working towards the final release.

    Difficulty levels

    We continue to balance difficulty levels and are testing a new way of setting them. On Hard and Epic difficulty enemies will not only scale in health and damage, but also in defense stats and skills (how they use them and how often). We are committed to create a super challenge for veteran players, where winning a battle will be very satisfying experience.

    So no - soloing challenges on epic difficulty with cleverly build Boron will no longer be possible ( ...unless you find a different way)

    Item Forge

    We will add Item Forge - an ability to increase various stats on an item, for an increasing cost. Thanks to that, you will be able to create your ultimate party easier, not relying so much on RNG loot and having a great way to spend any surplus crystals that Maeve is carrying in her loot bag.

    Skill adjustments

    Observing many players in combat, we are making final (hopefully) adjustment to various skills. The list would be too long to present here, but we have some exciting new mechanics in testing, some of them factor in combat length too. One example can be Headshot - new Maeve's ultimate ability, that deals tons of damage to a single target and if that target is killed, the cooldown of this skill resets and its mana cost is decreased.

    Party Alignment

    Sometimes you face difficult choice and your champions disagree on how to proceed. In those crucial moments, you (as a Lord sitting in the throne room) will need to decide if you want to let party decide or impose your will, forcing one or the other option. How the party reacts to you and each other, will also affect

    Price change

    With the recent release of Book Two, we will be increasing the price a little - as announced before - just after current promotion ends.


    We have received tons of detailed feedback after we released Book Two. Some suggestions are really excellent. Thanks a lot to all who found the time to send us an email or post in the forums! If you find the time to review the game, that also would be great.

    If you want to chat with us directly about anything, please join on Discord:

    Pause Time

    One of the suggestions received was to implement pause, next to slow time. We will do so. We still will recommend to use slow time, as it is more fun in our opinions - but if you wish so, you will be able to pause the game now in combat.


    P.S. The screenshots above are from one of the challenges - where you face four Elemental Lords in sequence.

    [ 2018-01-09 21:35:32 CET ] [ Original post ]


    We just released a small hotfix - addressing random crashes and fixing few other small issues:

    • Added support for 64bit systems - it should eliminate most crashes in recent build, that were caused by memory limitations
    • Fixed cursor flickering for some rotatable objects
    • Shade quest / Level 4 -- Water Essence can now be interacted with / picked-up
    • Arachnya - Primal Boss / Level 3 - now she can be attacked by melee units
    • Six Sons quest / Level 4 -- all beacons now display being lit as they should
    • Other minor fixes.

    Thanks for your support and for sending your logs to us. They helped us to identify the source and fix it quickly.


    As for the screenshot above - this is a battle summary from one of the challenges (Epic difficulty). As you can see - Aeric/Druid - is not here. This is to prove that once you get more than four champions, you can really build your party as you want. Even without a healing powers of wood-clad Druid. Also, that Rakhem is far from being useless in combat.

    Please share with us your post-battle screenshots here in Steam (upload screenshot) - it would be quite interesting to see what party composition you have and how you build your champions - so other players can compare themselves to you.

    [ 2017-12-28 21:04:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update, Hotfix and Difficulty (

    We just released a small update and hotfix to Book Two. Here is a short summary:


    • Added description to Battle Challenges.
    • Added relative "power" of Battle Challenges, giving the idea about difficulty of each challenge.
    • Titan - added autoattacks, as was always intended.
    • Few Melee bosses - they complained that Players were kiting them too much. They received an upgrade in a form of various "I catch you" skills.

    Skill changes

    • Kane, Dash - Enhancement 2 decreases mana and cooldown, making it a useful utility skill.
    • Rakhem, Fire Power - Enhancement 1 - adds armor and resistances, making him a durable tank.


    • Fixed a bug with some interactive elements not being "active" - that could case game freezes.
    • Fixed few places where crash could occur.

    That said, we have found two other small isues, which are not game-breaking.

    • Flickering cursor over some rotate-able element (but they do work).
    • Small delay when moving between inventory and skill tree.

    We will address them in a next hotfix coming soon:

    Difficulty Levels

    The best RPG is the one that keeps the player engaged until the very last. Party advancement, item progression and challenging combat is essential in that. Once you build a party than can handle anything with ease, the game looses charm for some. We are putting a lot of effort to avoid that - that's the reason why we spend a lot of time balancing combat and thinking about new tactical challenges.

    We have 5 difficulty levels in game. When you start New Game you can select one of them. You can also change difficulty at any point later on.

    What is our aim behind them:

    Story - for those who came just for the story. Set your champions to Move & Attack and go get coffee

    Easy - very light challenge, you will have to use skills occasionally but no-one should die.

    Normal - a challenge. You will need to use the skills a lot and perhaps go to slow time 2-3 times per combat. Boss encounters will require even more attention.

    Hard- very hard challenge. Your performance in combat might not be enough. Clever champion builds, skill and skill enhancement, using enchantments will also be required. You will probably use slow time a lot, especially for boss fights and more challenging encounters

    Epic - for those who enjoy nightmarish challenge. Here you need to think outside of the box and really experiment a lot - e.g. try building Kane as a caster tank. You will spend a lot of time in slow time, you will need to be smart about crowd control and use the map to your advantage - e.g. "gather" enemies in tight spots for maximum aoe damage or use walls to break line of sight for channel skills.

    Difficulty level is not only about increasing damage and health of the enemies. The combat system in Tower of Time is quite complex and it changes depending on the combat mode, but unless you play and experiment, it is not easy to explain.


    When you get to Tower proper (past intro) - we recommend that you play game on normal for the first 2-3 fights and then decide how to adjust the difficulty.

    Alternatively - start a game on Epic, assign attributes and skill points and see if you can win the first combat. (Yes, it is do-able :)

    That being said, the game is still in EA - we are doing what we can to balance it well, but it just requires time and feedback, a lot of feedback. If you are willing to share it with us, we will be very grateful. If you find some enemies too easy, then it means that probably you are geared up for higher level or you are a very good tactician. Tower of Time is not about button-mashing, slow time gives everyone an equal chance.


    Challenges are optional fights you unlock during the progress of the game. They are meant to test yourself against different, sometimes crazy setups - for a reward. For example - you fought four elemental lords in different battles. Well, can you handle ALL four of them in the same battle?

    Also, each enemy group consists of 6 challenges. Challenges 1-4 are defined to be beatable immediately after you unlock them. However, challenges 5-6 are much different and sometimes require more champions, higher levels or stronger items.

    In the coming small update, we will add proper description of each challenge as well as an "indication" of the challenge power (difficulty). Here is the example for challenges 1 and 6 from Risen.

    As you can see, Challenge 6 is much (much) more difficult than Challenge 1.

    So don't be discouraged if you cannot beat the last two challenges. They are not meant to be beatable immediately. Come back to them later.

    Thanks for playing Tower of Time. Please let us know if you encounter anything new.
    We also appreciate Your feedback, especially on the improved combat.


    (Our unique Boss - Titan - is also very happy that he got those autoattacks...)

    [ 2017-12-23 00:38:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Book Two Released

    We have released additional content for Tower of Time, together with major improvements to every aspect of the game. The full list would be too long, so here is a short summary.

    Book Two

    There are three new levels in the game. Journey deeper into the tower, discover technological marvels of the ancients, meet new enemies, follow the story, meet a mysterious hero, that will join your party as the seventh companion.

    New levels should take about 10 hours to complete - or longer, depending on chosen difficulty level and the amount of side content and combat challenges.


    We made few changes to the story and generally accelerated it. We have improved personality of all characters and added choices, that will have an increasing impact later on. This change also impacts previous levels. We heartily recommend to replay the game, if you already reached end of level four (it will not be a disappointing time)


    We added new combat modes, such as Defend Mana Orbs, It’s a Trap, Portals. All of them require completely different tactical approach. For example - in Portals - you do not defend yourself against the enemy, you need to take the fight to them and destroy three or more portals through which they arrive, else you will be overrun when they finally advance on your position.

    We added new skills - for example movement skills and gravity skills. Use dash, jump, teleport to move around the battlefield in a blink of an eye. Use skills that distort gravity to pull or push enemies away.

    Each champion now have 8 skills at his/her disposal.

    We also added a skill tree where each skill has a main effect and one of the two optional enhancements, often changing the nature of the skill.

    Finally, we created Elite Enemies, a new category that is like a mini-boss and brings a lot of flavor to combat. They can have multiple skills, that often can be quite surprising.

    We improved combat mechanics for melee classes, they now can hold enemies with their presence (body). We also added unit avoidance, so the fight is more natural now. You can hold narrow passage and no enemy will pass through as long as your tanking champion is alive (unless they jump over him to reach high-damage dealing marksman in the back).

    Save Games - conversion

    Due to so many changes, the previous save games are no longer compatible. We recommend to start a new playthrough, however, if you wish to continue from your current place, your save games will be automatically converted (as close as possible to your previous location).

    We sincerely apologize for this. We did our best to keep the saves compatible, but the game became so complex, that it just became impossible.

    Other improvements

    - New cinematics
    - Enhancements to various UI elements
    - New music and lots of new SFX added
    - New unique items added
    - New enemies and bosses
    - New character models
    - New challenges

    We hope you enjoy playing Tower of Time. As always, please send us the feedback and suggestions. We are now gearing up for the last mile here - Book Three and conclusion to the story.

    KM and EH Team

    [ 2017-12-20 02:17:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

    New class in Book Two

    In Book Two Your party will extend to the final number - seven.

    Will it be a lucky number for Artara?

    We will not disclose what this class will be, care to guess based on the concept art above?

    [ 2017-12-01 03:09:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Book Two - coming soon.

    Over last few weeks we have been very busy, working on almost every aspect of the game. We are about to start testing phase for Book Two - about 12 hour of new content will be added - but also lots of changes to the existing levels and mechanics. You can see the highlights below:


    • Characters have more distinctive personalities - almost all dialogues are re-written.
    • New cinematics

    Skills and Combat

    As announced before, we have added new combat modes - with different objectives - such as defend objects, destroy portals or free one or more champions from traps / distant locations.

    We have added elite enemies. They are mini-bosses that might appear at any moment (or might decide not to bother you.. yet). When they approach, they usually mean trouble.

    We have added new skill mechanics and extended number of skills for each champion. We have also added full skill tree. All those changes have significant impact on the flow of combat - especially movement skills and gravity skills.

    There are also a lot of changes and new things requested by the community.
      The list is quite long, the most important examples are:
    • stances (stand ground / aggressive),
    • combat statistics (showing performance of each champion),
    • improved ability to hold enemies by tanks,
    • ability to switch party at any time (not only in city)

      Book Two

      The story will continue and will twist in unexpected way. We cannot say more.

      We will announce the date for Book Two release shortly. We hope you will enjoy those changes.


      Meave is looking forward to incoming changes too.

    [ 2017-11-23 18:43:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

    New Combat Modes - Upcoming

    There had been few posts about our combat mechanics lately. We agree with them 100%. So here is a short update on what we have been working on for the last two months, to improve the variety and challenge players more in the terms of the tactics and builds.

    We are implementing New Combat Modes, where objectives will be different. Here are the main examples - they will be combined as well. We are setting them up and balancing, so we need perhaps two more weeks before adding them to the current content.


    Your party will be ambushed and one or even two champions will be locked in a destructible trap.

    Objective: split damage between trap and incoming enemies / decide if you want to spam all the possible skills first to free your locked comrades, risking that your party will be mana-starved -- or take more balanced approach.


    There will be a number (1-3) of objects on the map, each giving your party certain buffs within the range like hp/regen per second in range, armor aura, damage boost. Or giving global debuffs to enemies - weakness, slow, armor sunder, etc.. Enemies will target objects first, only sustained damage or threat-skills will force them to fight your champions.

    Objective: defend objects (as many as possible) and survive the combat. If all objects will be destroyed, a very strong elite enemy or large group of enemies can spawn / or all enemies can receive a global buff. So decide - choose one priority object and defend it at all costs / intercept strongest enemies / or try to split the forces.


    Finally, the most complex battle mode. Here your champions do not defend themselves, they ATTACK. There will be certain number of spawning portal (2-3) - each GUARDED by a group of enemies, with new enemies joining over time. Once you enter their defend range, they will all attack at once. Also - once they decide that they have sufficient forces, they will also move towards your party and attack. With each portal destroyed, enemies at other portals will become stronger or portal themselves can get a nasty range attack.

    Objective: destroy all portals. Time your attacks well, so you don't fight the guards of your chosen portal AND the enemies that will move from another one. Split the forces OR take portals one by one. If the portals have nasty debuffs in range - lure the enemies away first or take them head-on. Use AOE smartly. Channel enemies into narrow pathways so you maximize AOE dmg.

    Large Maps

    We are also implementing large and X-large maps - especially for Destroy mode. Here is the example of one of the new large maps. You will get a big playground now to play around.

    We are also working on new cool skills and new skill tree. An update on that one will come in a few days.

    All in all - we don't want to jinx it :) but it actually plays quite cool now. Hope you will appreciate our attempts to bring something fresh to the gaming world.


    P.S. The Enemies are equally excited about all those changes....

    [ 2017-10-25 20:16:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes Build:

    Tower of Time is now different look and feel.

    Finally, we are happy to release a major patch with a complete overhaul of graphics, among other things. The game is more atmospheric and realistic right now. The update is quite large: 1.2 GB

    We also made several changes to UI, introduced new character stats (as critical damage and movement speed), added lots of new new SFX and added new graphics options in setting (required for our new look & feel)

    Story wise - we also made significant changes to intro levels (for now) - all characters got their own biographies and we are in the process of re-writing the dialogues so it fits them. This will prepare a ground for new big thing we are working on - Party Alignment.


    When you play for the first time - please adjust your graphic settings such as brightness, saturation and contrast - so the game looks good on your monitor. Our new post-processing method requires a one-time individual adjustment (for the best experience).

    Patch details

    • New graphic look & feel
    • New UI for Character Screen and Inventory
    • New stats for characters and items
    • Gold treasures are now visible as separate objects
    • Added 1H or 2H indicator to weapons
    • Important items are visibly marked with light or effect
    • Added lots of new SFX or fixed existing ones
    • Fixed some enchantments
    • Introduction levels - updates to the story

    We posted few screenshots below, showing some of the changes.

    Thank you for playing Tower of Time. We appreciate your feedback and reviews.



    [ 2017-10-12 22:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Teaser screenshots from Book Two and Upcoming Patch

    Hello Everyone,

    Book Two

    We continue to work on Book Two content. Here are the first preview screenshots from the new locations. The look will be completely different, we will learn how advanced the Ancients' technology was.

    Since our champions know very little of that, even something as simple as electric light can be a wondrous experience for them. Not to mention machines the size of a skyscraper.

    Upcoming Patch

    We are also planning to release a major patch - as of now the scheduled date is 9.10.

    The patch will include, among other things:

    • Major upgrade of graphics
    • Few new combat modes
    • New Inventory/Character Screen

      Here are some screenshots what will change in the existing content.

      We hope you will enjoy all those changes.


    [ 2017-09-26 16:48:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Upcoming major changes to graphics


    As we continue to upgrade combat and work hard on Book Two, we also decided to upgrade our graphics - both in exploration and combat. Here are some examples of two battle maps:


    The new look is more realistic and atmospheric. How do you like those changes?

    If you could review Tower of Time or share with us your suggestions for improvements, we would highly appreciate it. Thanks.


    [ 2017-09-15 20:17:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Soundtrack - available for download as free DLC


    As you had requested, we have published a soundtrack for Tower of Time, available for free download as DLC (mp3 library)

    After download, they are located in your main steam folder: (e.g.)
    C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTower of TimeTower of Time OST

    It contains almost all music present in Book One, split into three categories:

    • City (C)
    • Exploration (E)
    • Fights (F)

    Let us know which track do you like the most - so we can know what type of music you think fits the game and atmosphere the best. We are working on new pieces for next parts, so we would follow your suggestions.

    Also, we would highly appreciate if you find few minutes to review the game. Thanks!


    [ 2017-09-13 13:13:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Future Development Plans

    Hello All,

    We just want to share with you our development plans for the next six weeks, as there is a lot of new things planned. In addition to working on Book Two, we will focus on the following things:

    Combat Modes

    This will be a major area for our development. We plan to implement new combat modes, few examples include:

  • True Ambush - where one or more of your champions are trapped in a destructible trap. Decide - take the time to free your champion or focus on the incoming enemies.
  • Split - where your party will be positioned on the opposing sides of the combat map. Decide - join the forces quickly or slowly move your party, dealing with threats on the way, so they come together and can strengthen each other.
  • Defend the Object - Enemies will target the object, focusing mostly on it. Defend it as best as you can, since if it will be destroyed, enemies will get a major buff to stats.
  • Seek and destroy - reverse of the combat mechanics. Here, you do not defend your party, your goal is to seek the enemies and destroy their spawning points, else they overwhelm you later. Decide - go as a team to each place one by one, or split your forces and harass the enemy.
  • Dark Events - deal with a variety of global effects, such as low or no mana regeneration or enemies regenerating health.

    The main objective is to introduce the variety to combat and offer different tactical challenges.

    Combat A.I.

    Dumb A.I. is the major bane of most RPGs, in our honest opinion. For a long time now, we have been developing our own system to counter that. There are some basic behavior algorithms already implemented - the core of the system - but it is nothing spectacular yet. We plan to continuously expand this system with new algorithms and algorithm trees, that will increase tactical difficulty of combat encounters. It is a long process, for this system to work as intended - needs to be quite complicated, but we are committed to that. We will share some more details on the way towards a final release.

    New Skills / New skill tree:

    Here we plan to revamp the skills and make them more distinct for each champion. Some examples of the planned changes:

    • Increase number of skills for each champion to 8.
    • Introduce a real skill-tree, where leveling skills will also be dependent on champion level.
    • Introduce "movement" skills - especially for melee champions, such as Dash, Jump, Teleport.
    • Split the skills into Magic-based, Attribute-based and Item-based. Today, Mastery is the only attribute influencing skill power. We plan to diversify it, e.g. give Maeve some skills where damage/effect will depend on Weapon Damage or tying some of Kane's skills to his Armor.
    • Introduce new skills with different mechanics.


    Some other plans include:

    • Redoing Character UI and Inventory - combining them together in a new, cleaner and more useful way.
    • Changing "party selection" - where you will be able to select party leader as well as assign characters to different slots (1-4).
    • Item Constructor - a new option in Blacksmith, where you will be able to "construct" an item by upgrading it multiple times and in multiple ways, for an increasing crystal cost. If you don't really like random loot only, here will be the choice of building an item of your choice for your favorite character.
    • Unique boss encounters.


      If you have a good idea for a new skill (for a particular champion) or perhaps for a different and unique combat mode. If you would like to help us with development in more active way - or perhaps just chat with other players and developers - please stop by on our discord channel.


      Thanks for playing Tower of Time


  • [ 2017-09-06 22:40:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix Build:

    Hello, last night we have released a small hotfix, addressing the following issues:

    First of all, we added Book of Old vol. 3 - at the end of level 4.

    Originally, it was meant to be located at the beginning of level 5, but we moved it as it sheds some light on the nature of the events that happened in the past - and should provide a good introduction to Book Two. (You also find out who Mr. P. was)

    Other small fixes:

    • When you delete a save, there is a confirmation request now, so you do not accidentally delete a save game.
    • Fixed Ancient Crafting quest - you can collect the items necessary to complete it.
    • Fixed Report Issue popup, which was closing by itself when you pressed keys assigned to the exploration part of the game. So an official statement: previous difficulties were not intended as way to reduce the amount of feedback received :) --- please continue to swamp us with your suggestions for game improvements or reports about your issues. We are creating a game for you, not for ourselves.
    • Fixed a rare bug, which caused game freeze on level 2, next to Ancient Forge.
    • Added few interactions providing new information regarding the essences which are part of the Shade quest - it should be easier to locate them now.
    • Fixed some graphical elements.

    In the coming days we also plan to share with you the information about our development plans for September - it will be mostly about combat: lots of improvements there, as well as new mechanics and skills.

    Also, we are working on adding music tracks as a free downloadable content, as it had been requested by quite a few players.


    [ 2017-09-06 13:12:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Linux is Released

    After countless days and nights, we finally managed to release a stable Linux build.

    Big thanks to all who helped us with testing it on various Linux distributions! We did not expect that it would be so time consuming, so Your help was invaluable.

    Before you buy

    Please see some disclaimers below:

    • Build was tested on Ubuntu 17.04, Mint 18.2 and Debian 9 - those are the versions officially supported as of now. On clean installations of those systems the game is working as intended.
    • We recommend to use NVIDIA 375 drivers, as newer drivers strangely can create occasional stuttering on some systems.
    • In case you have problems playing cinematics - you need to install VLC package. However, on most systems it should not be required.
    • Unity (our game engine) has some problems with full screen support on Linux sometimes. If that happens on some systems - you need to start the game with a command:
      -screen-fullscreen 0
      This issue will be resolved shortly.

      If you encounter problems still, please send us an email to tot@evehor.com or join our discord server to let us know: https://discord.gg/RcvxZ2


    [ 2017-08-29 22:29:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes Build:

    Patch Notes

    We are happy to release our third and the biggest patch yet - even if the list seems quite short.

    This time it was less about bug-fixing and more about adding various "quality of life" features. There is also a major change to the end-game area.

    The detailed patch notes follow:


    • Keybinding - ability to remap keys to your preference.
    • Advanced Graphical settings.
    • New videoplayer - cutscenes should no longer freeze occasionally.
    • 21:9 ratio support.
    • 'Save' with double-click option.


    • New end game area (Void sector) - completely redone, with new epic chain quest and with upgraded end game Boss.
    • Crystal transmute option - located somewhere on level 3.
    • Added cleave to all 2H Melee weapons as default.
    • Modified range of distance weapons and their stats, to further differentiate them - moving towards clear risk/reward ratio and support vs pure dps categories.
    • Changed some of the melee enemies, so they cannot be ignored so easily now.
    • Rakhem / Runelord - few changes to his skills and stats to improve his role as melee tank/dps or hybrid melee/mage class.
    • Upgrade cost for Artificer Hall is reduced, to take into account that at the moment it is a home to only one class.
    • Rakhem and Boron join the party at level 2, Whisper at level 3.
    • Some various graphical fixes.
    • Small balancing changes to various skills - this time really minor changes.


    We also managed to finally build a working Linux version, please see a separate announcement, if you are using Linux OS.

    Thanks to all who contributed with the feedback to this patch. Also, big thanks to our growing discord community, always ready to throw new ideas at us and that helped us to get Linux build into a good shape.

    If you encounter any issues, please send us an email to tot@evehor.com.
    We are here for you 24/7.


    [ 2017-08-29 21:52:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Upcoming Patch 22.08. A big one.

    EDIT 21.08:

    Apologies, but we'll not be able to release the patch tomorrow. No excuse really - we tried to push too many things at the same time and on top of that test and fix Linux build - and we simply overestimated our development capabilities. All is ready but we need to test it thoroughly as always, so the new date is Tuesday 29.08.

    As a recompense for the wait - we will also add a highly requested feature to differentiate 2H weapons: cleave in cone area, as a basic weapon characteristics (for x% of main damage). It will stack with whirlwind enchant - this opens quite interesting new tactical options.


    An update on our development pipeline: The next patch will arrive around 22.08. That is a long time, but this is our biggest patch yet.

    We had received MASSIVE feedback in the last two weeks. Thanks a lot for all that! Instead of splitting it into smaller chunks, we decided to put as much as possible into one big update - so we can test everything very thoroughly.

    This time we are focusing almost entirely on the things requested by the players. Here is a short list of major things to come:


  • Advanced graphic settings (you will be able to customize your graphic options, one by one).
  • Full screen resolution / dual monitor support (no cursor movement).
  • Keybindings - whether you play typical point-and-click RPGs or MOBA-style games, you will be able to customize everything as you like.
  • Quicksave and double-click to Save.
  • Small thing but incredibly useful for us - added crash dump files to our Report Issue Trello board.
  • Various graphic optimization - loading times should be significantly shorter.
  • Elimination of all gameplay bugs that we know of - including random memory leaks.

    • Void sector / Level 4 - major upgrade and epic conclusion to Book One of the story. If you decide to wake the Shade immediately, well, you are duly warned.
    • Various 'Quality of Life' features - e.g. DPS statistic already on inventory page, so you can quickly check combination of items.
    • Various small changes to combat mechanics - e.g. small differentiation of shooting range for range weapons; increased range for melee weapons, melee enemies behaving more as they should.
    • Crystal Transmute option - so you will be able to test all those powerful enchantments earlier, risking lack of crafting power once you discover Tier 2 Blacksmith upgrade (which will also come earlier).
    • Increased starting level for champions that join later.
    • Changing places for building blueprints.
    • Some more lore books/notes. Stronger personalities for characters
    • Level progress should now finally track % accurately.

    Forgotten Dwarf

    Poor Rakhem. He was trying his best, not well enough perhaps - but we honestly thought that being a Dwarf alone is enough to assure that he has a secure place in any adventure. We apparently were wrong, Boron being no. 2 choice for the front-line - so we are sending Rakhem to a special training camp for aspiring champions.

    As we get closer to the patch date, we will share more details.

    If there is anything missing that is particularly bothering you, please comment below and we will see if perhaps it overlaps with some other changes as well.

    Thanks for the feedback, very positive comments overall and for such motivating reviews.


  • [ 2017-08-22 22:28:21 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Linux version

    Hello Linux users,

    We have progressed with the super annoying issue concerning cinematics (where an in-built player in Unity did not handle them well - they either did not play at all or froze randomly).

    We have replaced the player and it all seems ok now on our Linux installations - however, it sometimes requires new codecs, depending on Linux version.

    We are therefore looking for volunteers that use Linux, who would like to receive steam key and help us test it. The key can be used later for full game as well.

    The reason for that is that we cannot simulate all Linux environments (we run out of available PCs in our studio) and we shall not release a version that just MIGHT NOT work well. That is a primary directive that we always try to follow - never release something half-done.

    EDIT: thanks to all who submitted their specs and agreed to help us with the tests. We hope to have a date of Linux release very soon.

    Event Horizon

    [ 2017-08-12 03:04:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes Build:

    Patch Notes

    We are happy to release the second patch. Again, we followed the feedback received and tried to implement as much as possible:

    The major change is to intro level(s) – we made both of them shorter yet more intense - added new gameplay, new boss encounter and unique items. There is also an interactive battle tutorial – explaining the basics of Tower of Time combat, as requested by many players.

    We also added an ability to reset attributes for a modest cost. It is accessible from Character Screen.

    The detailed patch notes follow:


    • Fixed the bug when you throw a stone into the well on Level 1 – now you can check how deep it is.
    • Game should no longer camera-freeze at random moments.
    • Game should no longer crash after long time (memory leak).
    • Fixed issue when reward panels or info panels would appear with delay.
    • Lots of minor bugfixes.
    • Fixed issue with wand targeting.
    • Fixed issue with Sunpowered enchant on fast attacking dual wands.
    • Fixed issue with brightness (changing colors suddenly).
    • Added Cinematics Volume option in Settings


    • Ability to reset attributes and re-spec, for a modest cost.
    • Interactive battle tutorial – first combat encounter in Prologue level.
    • Changed items to make them more distinct between the types.
    • Added Magic Penetration as new stat for Staff-weapons (reducing elemental resistance).
    • Made small changes to some skills – mostly concerning graphic effects and type of the element (e.g. Blademaster Wall is now Water, not Fire).
    • Few new UI elements (tooltips).
    • Many typos / syntax changes.
    • Extended information about enemies and champions in battle.
    • Added lots of SFXs in combat, fixing some of SFXs that were 2D instead of 3D
    • Fixed Blind Rage skill, you can no longer steer Blademaster when you activate it, he runs around by himself
    • Changed visual effect of Focus Stones
    • New model for Earthcaller skill ability (summon) – it is more visible now when it shoots and when it dies
    • Lots of small graphic fixes, as reported by players.

    [ 2017-08-02 00:59:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Please Share Your Feedback

    We are over two weeks into Early Access I would like to ask for your feedback. It would help us a lot, if you could find few minutes of your time and list:

    pros & cons

    We are preparing for a long-term development now and your feedback would be extremely helpful when we decide on short-term and medium-term updates.

    Please send the email to: tot@evehor.com

    We will aggregate the results and share them later - as the list of things to come. (what is within our capabilities to do do).

    Thanks a lot!


    [ 2017-08-01 03:29:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Upcoming Patch Tuesday 1/08

    Next Tue we will release the next major patch. We are pretty happy with the combat balance at the moment - so this time just minor changes there - mostly to boss fights.

    Instead, we will add some options requested by the players and few other changes - there are clear two winners in our 'feedback' ranking:

    - adding an option to reset attributes to base stats and re-distributing points again
    - adding an option to transmute crystals into higher tier (not on level 1)

    For both options, this is what we planned to add on later levels as part of the lore, but we had received so many requests that we will gladly add this right now, so players can experiment with different builds.

    However, this patch in terms of content changes will be bigger than the previous one:

    - modify and shorten the introduction part of the game (above the tower) to offer more fun in less time.
    - item balancing - making item types more distinct
    - adding magic penetration on certain weapons (reducing elemental resistance)
    - adding more information about champions/enemies in combat
    - graphic changes, SFX changes/additions
    - fix to wands (especially dual wands)
    - fix to certain extreme scenarios (e.g. for dual wield sword with high attack speed and whirlwind enchants)
    - some enchants balancing

    As always, please share your feedback via report issue option - further changes in combat will be largely dependent on your voice.

    (And yes - level 3 and level 4 can be done on Epic difficulty. Thinking outside of the box - enchant-wise and skill-wise - will ensure your victory)

    [ 2017-07-28 21:28:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes Build:

    We have made some major changes in the last week. Big thanks to all who sent us a gameplay suggestion or reported a bug via REPORT ISSUE tool.

    The detailed patch notes follow:


    • Ability to GROUP-MOVE and GROUP-ATTACK – hold left SHIFT and press a location or an enemy – and all your champions will do just that.
    • Added COMBAT STATS of your champions and the enemies: HP, Armor, Elemental Resistances. While in combat, move your cursor above the target to see the current value (so you can see how various skills affect the current statistics - why your champions deal 0 damage to the enemy or why your tanks drop suddenly drop so quickly). We will be expanding this section later.
    • BOSSES are what they should always be: scary and challenging.They should require preparation before combat, on normal and higher difficulties.
    • New ENCHANTING PANEL – clearly showing which enchantments are available and for which item types.


    • Lots of sources for occasional instability (camera issue or crash) were identified and removed.
    • Sound issues were fixed – volume should stay constant.


    • Added tool-tips on character screen.
    • Accelerated item progression – Tier 2 items are toned down, start to appear frequently on level 3.
    • Added information on difficulty level in save game information.
    • Added information (on Main Screen) what each difficulty level means.
    • Made changes to few skills – rebalancing, mana cost or booster(s) effects.
    • Many typos / syntax changes.
    • Reduced the potency of life-steal across the board (sorry).
    • Added some sound effects.
    • Added information that dual wield carries 50% penalty for off-hand weapon. Time to consider 2-handed weapons again.
    • Progress bar – all “missing” events are removed, you can now achieve 100% progress. If you completed the level – just enter it again to update the progress to the correct value.
    • Various changes/fixes to all levels and combat maps:
    • Some gameplay elements are more visible,
    • Reported graphic bugs,
    • Missing dialogues,
    • Textures fixed in Void sector,
    • Sleath’s notes placed in correct order,
    • Chest of plenty (exploit) removed,
    • Camera freeze after Orc Leader defeated without using any explosives,
    • … and plenty of others

    COMBAT (major changes here):

    Our main aim here was to make the combat more transparent and ensure that the role of the melee champions/tanks is now clear. We made several changes to how threat works, how threat-skills work, when enemies switch target, how they select their first target, etc.. We also changed Kane’s first skill (changed to new Taunt), which should better explain the mechanics of ToT’s real-time combat, as the player plays it.

    We have also more clearly split various enemy groups into different categories, requiring different tactical approach – e.g. on Level 2: Constructs now have generally lower health but higher damage, also having few nasty skills. While Orcs have generally higher health and lower individual damage. On Level 3: Beasts are now true beasts – preferring to attack you only if they have superiority in numbers, while Golems are tough and resistant, even single enemy requires some planning. This will results in different combat experience across all four levels of the Tower.

    And yes, bosses got such a beating last time, that they discovered their own blueprints, spent 5000 gold on training and now are ready for your party. They now sometimes (or perhaps.. always) require special preparation and adjustments. If your weapons or skills deal low or no damage, re-adjusts party, skills and equipment.

    Some of other related changes:

    • Added information which skill is under which hotkey.
    • Lots and lots of changes to all enemies and all battle encounters.
    • Lots and lots of changes to Bosses and their battle encounters – they now should require a special preparation, on normal and higher difficulties.
    • Adding new combat types: 1) Large enemies and 2) Swarm (short but very intense).
    • Smoothing difficulty progression between all levels.
    • Making all shields an item worthy of consideration now.
    • Changed Armor and Armor Penetration stats – now armor penetration does come handy sometimes.
    • Added new Battle Challenges with unique rewards – Beasts.

    Thanks for playing Tower of Time,
    Event Horizon team

    [ 2017-07-21 22:47:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Upcoming Patch Friday 21/07

    On Friday we will release our first major patch, addressing the feedback and issues received via REPORT ISSUE tool or posted on forums. Thanks a lot to all who are helping us to make this game better.

    Among many other things:

    - lots of changes to combat: (say ''hello'' to your tanks...)
    - smoothing the difficulty - between first and second level
    - accelerating item progression
    - adding tool-tips explaining various things

    Detailed patch notes will be pinned to the forum discussion area.

    [ 2017-07-20 21:30:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Story in Early Access

    We have been getting quite a lot of questions regarding the content of Early Access from the story perspective, so here is the answer:

    Think of our game as a trilogy, where Early Access is Book 1. Here you uncover the history of the great devastation that happened long time ago. At the end of this part of the game - you find the answers to most of those questions. But new questions arise - and what you had believed so far, take on a new meaning, setting the grounds for Book 2.

    All quests in Early Access can be finished, all secrets uncovered. We do not plan to add anything new from the story perspective to this part.

    [ 2017-07-15 15:52:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Build Release

    Hello everyone. "First Patch" Achievement Completed

    We expected to be very busy today, 20h after the launch, but so far everything is running smoothly. So, just small fixes today.

    We will be collecting all the feedback and by end of next week we plan to release major update.

    Changes in this build:

    * Fix to SFX slider - which was resetting when you enter a new place
    * Small changes to teleportation - graphical effect and sound
    * Reduced volume for “collect treasure” sound

    Please use the tool in Settings - REPORT ISSUE - to get in touch with us. We are looking not only for bugs - but also all the comments you have about gameplay and combat.

    [ 2017-07-14 21:41:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Tower of Time had arrived !

    We have launched on time and so far so good. No critical bugs reported. (we will release a patch shortly with few minor ones)

    Thanks to everyone who decided to give a chance to an early access title. !

    Please use REPORT ISSUE tool, available via SETTINGS - for an easy report in-game, whether you have encountered a bug or have a suggestion or comment. Whatever you report, we see it instantly in our system.

    [ 2017-07-14 17:32:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Just 2 days before the release

    Hello everyone.

    Good news!

    We managed to finish more areas before Early Access. We can officially announce, that our gameplay time is now 13-16h.

    We have also added:
    - Combat challenges with unique rewards
    - Epic difficulty - if you beat it, let us know :) (yes, it is doable)
    - New optional bosses
    - Automatic bug report/suggestion tool accessible from Settings
    - New achievements
    - New algorithms to our combat system

    Looking forward to your feedback!

    Event Horizon

    [ 2017-07-14 16:46:52 CET ] [ Original post ]