This update has some long-needed bugfixes, and lets you separately play through the standard and Endless modes without having to wipe your save! v 1.3.3 Changelog: ===================================== CHANGES: - Each game mode (except Free Flight and Tutorial) now saves its own temporary progress (the progress lost when you die). Starting a game in one mode and switching to another will no longer require you to delete your old temporary progress. - the "Saving..." notification in the upper-right of the screen is much more noticeable now - Added "Remove" button to loadout menus to quickly remove the current item from a slot - Opening an occupied loadout slot will select the item currently in that slot - Added options: Invert Look X or Y axis - If the active controller is unplugged during gameplay, the game will pause - Cockpit animations slowed down a bit FIXES: - Coop: Aerolab menu now also works for Player 2 (regression in 1.3.2) - Stick and throttle weren't appearing in Interceptor cockpits - GRYPHON-AWACS had wrong engine noise - Situations where your save could get corrupted (out of disk space, quitting while saving) are even more rare now - If your save is corrupted, you are given the option to delete it and restart from within the game instead of forcing you to find the files yourself - Playing co-op with a fresh save or after deleting save data will no longer always spawn a single COMMAND as the only mission objective - Controllers no longer get automatically assigned when starting the game in order to avoid messing up your existing controller settings - Modding: On-screen error message now appears when the game can't find a mod's ModPack folder
[ 2021-10-01 16:45:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.3.2 contains a few important bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements: NEW STUFF: - Items + aero currently in loadout are now indicated in the Aerolab - Added steam catapult effect on carriers - Modding: Custom Missions: new spawn data variables "spawnWhenFlagsSet" and "setFlagWhenDestroyed" - Modding: Added support for custom music to be played during custom missions. Put your .ogg file in "/Audio/" and then add '"musicFilename" : "YourFilename.ogg",' underneath the mission description - New translation: CHANGES: - KUNAI railgun: payload 60 -> 50, damage 60 -> 80 - Aero graphics are hidden in glass cockpit mode - Terrain generation algorithm slightly enhanced for more interesting terrain shapes FIXES: - Controller definitions updated, if you had issues getting your controller to work or remember rebinds in an earlier version, this might fix it - If copying the legacy save (in "Sky Rogue/Save") to the new location (in AppData) fails, just load the legacy save - Fixed: rebinding the "Look" button to something else when using mouse controls wouldn't disable mouse roll and pitch while the "Look" button was pressed - Fixed: infrared missiles now lock onto CARRIER engines only from below - Fixed: custom mission environments were not being loaded - Fixed: custom missions using custom aeros either didn't work or worked inconsistently with asset bundle mods
[ 2021-04-01 17:49:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.3.1 brings some important bugfixes to 1.3: Changelog: FIXES: - Fixed: MONARCH now has a cockpit - Fixed: guided bombs now correctly track moving targets - Fixed: Co-op: don't stop music if one player is landing before the mission is complete - Fixed: submissiles on an upgraded ITANO-C now have the correct range and are air-to-air only - Fixed: sometimes operation name text was garbled - Fixed: PUMA description typo - Marked BEAM as a gun, so it will fire using the "Gun" button - Updated Rewired, it may fix some issues with custom rebinds not saving properly
[ 2020-10-20 20:15:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update has been in the works for months, we hope you enjoy it! NEW STUFF: - PUMA Warbird Bomber - MONARCH Experimental Drone (requires you to beat the game) - New ground targets, keep an eye out! - New engine sounds for interceptor and bomber aeros - Co-op: players can respawn if the other player kills a certain number of enemies CHANGES: - All platforms now load savegames and mods from their respective persistent data paths. There is no need for players to do anything such as manually copy saves. The game will attempt to load from the "Sky Rogue/Save/" if a savegame at the new path cannot be found. - Bombsight "zeroes in" 50% faster - Speed display modified so it's easier to judge speed differences across aeros and after upgrades - Reduced volume on BRONCO's prop sound - BRONCO upgrade costs increased from 1000/2000 to 2000/4000 - BRONCO hitpoints reduced 250 -> 200, upgrade hitpoints reduced 170->150 - MEDVED base speed increased 6000 -> 7000 - ZULU base speed increased 7000 -> 7500 - ONI base speed increased 8000 -> 8500 - ODIN base speed increased 7000 -> 7500 - ODIN speed upgrade increased 750->1000 per level - AURORA speed upgrade increased 1500->1700 per level - Added error effect when failing to buy an upgrade - Mention in the carrier menu quit message that your progress is saved - The same mission target shouldn't be repeated two missions in a row - New camera option: "Reduced Motion" - New camera option: "Dodge in the cockpit" : have the aero roll when it dodges in cockpit mode FIXES: - Fixed: camera look rotation using the right stick was very strange and unpredictable depending on the rotation of your aero - Fixed "Bringing a Nuke to a Knife Fight" achievement - Player airbases only spawn on spots that are unlikely to launch the player into a mountain - Fixed: later missions in endless mode will still spawn enemies - Fixed: PS4 button images were showing up as white squares - Fixed: L-DRONE now correctly earns rewards and kills for the player who launched it - Fixed: pressing Escape when changing weapons mid-mission will no longer open the pause menu - Fixed: To avoid weird errors, you can't pause and quit the game when researching new tech - Fixed: destroying a CARRIER by hitting its critical hit point will now correctly credit you with the kill - Optimizations to AI should improve framerate on busier missions
[ 2020-08-26 16:49:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains important bugfixes and some minor gameplay changes in preparation for 1.3 ===================================== v 1.2.9 Changelog: ===================================== CHANGES: - NEW: slight dropshadow added to target HUD text to make it easier to read in bright conditions - NEW: Menus: Added instructions for undocumented Page Left / Page Right buttons - NEW: Progress bar under tech level shows your progress towards the next tech level on the carrier menu - Player missiles slow down slightly when getting close to their target, improving accuracy of fast-moving missiles significantly - Experimental hidden "multiDisplay" option for people with multi-montior setups. Disabled by default. - BADGERs are stationary for now due to some pathfinding issues that made them drive in the sea - An icon on the carrier menu tells you if you are still able to achieve the "Sky Rogue" achievement - Linux builds contain x86 and x86_64 binaries again FIXES: - Coop: P2 couldn't win the game if P1 was dead, also reinforcements wouldn't spawn - Softlocks should no longer happen after landing on the carrier before the mission is over - Under specific circumstances starting and quitting an Endless game would get recorded as standard camapign progress - Aero stat display bars were not changing after you upgraded an aero - MIRVs sort their targets based on the angle between the boresight of the missile and the targets, so you'll never shoot one and not have at least one missile go towards what it's pointing at - Changing to a non-decal skin and then back to a decal skin will no longer disable decals permanently - Building spawn code was not marking spots as being occupied, leading to other things getting spawned inside them - Fixed shadow rendering issues on aeros on the carrier menu - Aeros which are shot down should dive more consistently rather than go into a flat spin - Destroyed carriers now dive properly - Island name on mission start and debriefing was sometimes garbled
[ 2020-07-02 16:42:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a minor update with a few important fixes - Fixed: Enemies would lock onto you but not fire any missiles in some particular situations - Fixed: cash and tech points would not be gained after the tutorial if you started it from the main menu "Tutorial" button. - Fixed: Scrolling down on the warp menu in certain cases could lock up the menu - Fixed: when dodging in cockpit mode, the fuselage will no longer spin - Fixed: Co-op: P2 landing on the carrier mid-mission would bring up an old menu which you couldn't exit - Fixed: Co-op: Enemies would persist and be targetable if P1 died but P2 didn't
[ 2020-02-03 19:29:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release is mostly bugfixes, notably a fix to the bombsight which landed bombs slightly ahead of the crosshairs in 1.2.0. There are a few tweaks to warping (you now get bonus cash) and mods (area of effect weapons are much easier to implement). ===================================== v 1.2.2 Changelog: ===================================== CHANGES: - BRONCO tech prerequisite is now TWIN-GUN instead of AC/40 - Bonus cash is rewarded after a warp (2000 for Day 5, 4000 for Day 9) - When playing with Xbox One, Playstation, or Switch controllers, button icons should match the controller now - Flak explosions now have a unique effect with debris - AC/40, FLAK, RAILGUN, and BEAM have new crosshairs - Mouse controls: the outer limit is smaller than the edge of the screen so you don't have to move the mouse as much to make tight turns - Modding: CustomBulletAOE component is now available, for causing area-of-effect damage FIXES: - TENGU upgrade cost was too low - Bomb sight was off-target - "Delete Save Data" in Options menu wasn't working on PC - In-flight weapon icons did not match your chosen skin - Fixed several issues with upgrades to Specials: -- Max Ammo upgrades were not being applied, upgrades are much more useful now -- Max Ammo changes due to upgrades were not being displayed in the Aerolab -- Upgrade level was not displayed on the loadout hex nor in flight -- the special icon was blacked out when it was actually ready to use -- known issue: for upgraded specials, the icon might not be blacked out immediately after use, but the special isn't usable yet - Drone wingmen fly more consistently in formation - Drone wingmen will no longer crash into things - Fractal Phase logo screen did not obey sound volume setting
[ 2019-12-18 23:45:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
The WARP feature was developed based on user feedback and as you might notice is a fairly standard feature now in a lot of rogue-lite / roguelike games. The pacing of Sky Rogue's gameplay is not as fast as certain other rogue-lites, so the time spent playing through Days 1-4 for the umpteenth time (for example) just to get to missions that match your skill level wasn't trivial. We hope this makes the game much more replayable for longtime as well as new players.
Please tell us if you think the tech point cost is balanced correctly; longtime players probably have a huge bank of them and won't have any trouble, but it's harder for us to get opinions from new players still researching techs, when the price will have some meaning to it.
- WARP MENU: If you have reached a new island biome (Day 5 or beyond), you can now spend tech points to start a new run at a later island
- TENGU Experimental Swing-Wing: unlockable after beating the game
- BRONCO Warbird: a propeller-driven aero which is able to mount two weapons per weapon mount
- DRONE-L Trebuchet: a special which will launch drone wingmen. This was present in some much older builds but needed some bugfixes for the wingmen AI.
- The title screen will randomly choose a biome which you've unlocked
- Added Aeropedia descriptions to a few advanced weapons
- You can now hold down both Yaw directions (LB and RB on an Xbox controller) for a short while to zoom
- "Gun Camera" option is now on by default (this will only affect new players)
- Physics timestep increased from 50fps to 60fps for better game feel
- Enemies with guided weapons will not be as aggressive if you've already got missiles heading towards you
- GB-1 Yumi is now fire-and-forget, does a better job tracking moving targets
- TORPEDO blasts has been given an area of effect
- Bomb blast area of effect increased slightly 15 -> 20
- ITANO-C should be much more effective at hitting its targets
- Stat bar minimums have been set so that the stat bars are more varied and informative
- If you have multiple joysticks plugged in, the one which is first used on the title screen will be assigned to player 1
- Language selection in the options menu now shows native names for languages instead of ISO codes
- Re-added "Rauser" skin
- Achievement "Phyrrus" requires 50 deaths (formerly 100)
- Achievement "Sky Rogue" no longer requires no upgrades
- Mods: Propellers can be animated like you see on the BRONCO using the "Propeller" component
- Mods: Aero templates now copy stall airspeed; this will help with stalling issues on slower aeros
- Mods: .JSON aero mods can now modify some stats; see the modding guide
- Fixed various issues with skin visualization in loadout view
- Fixed minor issues with aero visualization in research menu
- Range calculation has been corrected slightly, everything will have a slightly longer effective range
- Weapons can no longer be fired when landing
- Achievements "Wild Blue Yonder", "Desert Strike", and "Snowbird" triggered at earlier islands than intended
[ 2019-11-05 18:00:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is another bugfix build with some minor improvements.
You may have to set your control bindings again, sorry for the inconvenience, but now they are saved along with all the other save data on the Steam Cloud.
v 1.1.6 Changelog:
- You may need to rebind your controls if you are not using defaults; custom control bindings were being saved to the Windows registry (and other places on other platforms). They are now stored in PlayerProfile.sav so that they are preserved by Steam Cloud.
- Swing-wing aeros are now available for use in custom missions: "Aeroplane_kirin" "Aeroplane_kirin_ace" "Aeroplane_raiju" "Aeroplane_raiju_ace" "Aeroplane_oni"
- Landing is done with the button bound to "UISubmit" instead of the one bound to "Target". This should help if you have rebound the "Target" button.
- Fixed an issue where the game would not respond to joystick controls and only accept mouse input in certain cases, requiring you to disable the mouse entirely.
- Fixed: Co-op: When returning to the carrier menu, both players would be set to the same aero
- Fixed: Co-op: If one player landed safely after "mission complete" and the other died, ending the mission would reset progress
- Fixed: Zulu upgrades were not working despite showing correct stats in the Aerolab. You would not actually get any better stats in-flight.
- Fixed: Endboss would not attack you at a certain time
- Fixed: MIRV upgraded damage no longer displays damage as 0 (ex: "6x20 -> 8x0")
- Fixed "golden cockpit" bug
[ 2019-05-24 01:21:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release has a bunch of minor bugfixes along with some minor polish and upgrades since it's been quite awhile since the last update. Another update is in the works with some new content and possible gameplay changes!
- Upgraded Unity and Rewired; you might see better controller support and less crashes if you had issues with either
- Loading screen will no longer lock up the game and is animated
- Incoming reticles and arrows now animate their color
- Screenshake while in the cockpit has been reduced significantly
- The kill list at the end of an island has been re-added
- The farthest Day completed is now shown on the "You died" screen, tracked separately for Endless and normal modes
- Colliding into aeros which won't result in death will push them a little bit to avoid getting stuck in mid-air
- "Credits" button on main menu so you can see them whenever you want
- F10 dev menu was not working; you can manually add the ability to use it by editing your GameOptions.sav and setting "devMode" to "true"
- Some mods which used aliased template names like "Aeroplane_rogue" were not working correctly
- HUD coloring is more extensive now ("hudColorHTML" in GameOptions.sav)
- Italian localization bug was causing errors in the Aerolab
- In some cases, when gaining multiple tech levels when there was only one tech left to research, you could get stuck in the research menu
- Mods: loading .obj files has been optimized so it is roughly 40-50% faster
- Mods: disabling mods but not restarting the game would cause custom weapons to continue to appear in menus
[ 2019-01-11 03:12:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is mostly a bugfix release which also brings in a number of new translations. NEW STUFF: - New translations: русский, Español, Português CHANGES: - When choosing techs, you will now be told how many more you can choose next to the "RESEARCH" prompt - Widened buttons on most menus to avoid overlap issues with other languages - Reduced Thunder Beam ammo: 50 -> 30 - Adjusted cloud render distance to improve performance slightly on low-performance devices - Dodging with no directional input will dodge right instead of not dodging at all - Disabled audio on carrier engines in carrier menu FIXES: - Upgraded Unity and Rewired (input library) versions, so if you have had persistent crash or input issues they may have been resolved - Fixed minor bug with UB-C accuracy - Thunder Beam would sometimes not actually hit anything - AGM-MIRV sub-missiles would be out of max range if you upgraded the AGM-MIRV and be mostly ineffective; the AGM-MIRV range upgrades were simply removed and replaced with some other upgrades to compensate - Destroying a target with subsections (like a carrier) via the critical hit point instead of the subsections would run into an error
[ 2018-05-25 15:56:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- AURORA Experimental Interceptor
- Cockpit models for all of the aeros!
- Some options can be changed when you pause the game
- "Delete Save Data" added to Options menu
- New translations: , Deutsch, Italiano
- Co-op is vertical splitscreen by default now that it works properly with all menus in the game at 16:9 resolutions
- "Tutorial" menu option added in case you ever need it
- Saving your game happens in the background (but incredibly quickly), look for an icon in the upper-right corner of the screen
- Co-op: Player 2's loadout was not consistently saved to file
- Improved loading times
- Fixed visual glitch when switching modes in Aeropedia
- Explosion count when destroying a carrier has been reduced so that it doesn't blow out your speakers
- M key is no longer hardcoded
- Stats for both players when dying in co-op are accurate now
[ 2018-02-19 18:39:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- AURORA Experimental Interceptor
- Cockpit models for all of the aeros!
- Some options can be changed when you pause the game
- "Delete Save Data" added to Options menu
- New translations: 한국어, Deutsch, Italiano
- Co-op is vertical splitscreen by default now that it works properly with all menus in the game at 16:9 resolutions
- "Tutorial" menu option added in case you ever need it
- Saving your game happens in the background (but incredibly quickly), look for an icon in the upper-right corner of the screen
- Co-op: Player 2's loadout was not consistently saved to file
- Improved loading times
- Fixed visual glitch when switching modes in Aeropedia
- Explosion count when destroying a carrier has been reduced so that it doesn't blow out your speakers
- M key is no longer hardcoded
- Stats for both players when dying in co-op are accurate now
[ 2018-02-19 18:39:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- TORPEDO "Partisan" Aerotorpedo - Heavier, more accurate version of the heavy rocket
- You can change your loadout when landing on the carrier
- Hitpoints for most large buildings and airships halved to make interceptors more generally useful
- Reduced damage of most air-to-ground weapons slightly, but not as much as the hitpoint tweak, so they effectively do more damage
- Landing at a ground base costs half as much as on the carrier, but you can't change your loadout
- AGM-MIRV given its own model
- Added critical hit points to large buildings that were lacking them
- "Phyrrus" and "Auger In" achievements are working again
- Landing a second time during a mission would force you to fly over the landing zone rather than use the button prompt
[ 2017-09-15 01:06:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- TORPEDO "Partisan" Aerotorpedo - Heavier, more accurate version of the heavy rocket
- You can change your loadout when landing on the carrier
- Hitpoints for most large buildings and airships halved to make interceptors more generally useful
- Reduced damage of most air-to-ground weapons slightly, but not as much as the hitpoint tweak, so they effectively do more damage
- Landing at a ground base costs half as much as on the carrier, but you can't change your loadout
- AGM-MIRV given its own model
- Added critical hit points to large buildings that were lacking them
- "Phyrrus" and "Auger In" achievements are working again
- Landing a second time during a mission would force you to fly over the landing zone rather than use the button prompt
[ 2017-09-15 01:06:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release is mostly just bugfixes, thankfully they aren't too many!
- COMMAND model updated
- Rearm + Repair base cost lowered slightly
- 日本語バグ修正!
- Landing on the carrier during a mission would leave a copy of your aero on it, then disable the "Gun" button
- Some words weren't translated in any language
[ 2017-08-29 01:02:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release is mostly just bugfixes, thankfully they aren't too many!
- COMMAND model updated
- Rearm + Repair base cost lowered slightly
- !
- Landing on the carrier during a mission would leave a copy of your aero on it, then disable the "Gun" button
- Some words weren't translated in any language
- Experimental fix for some players who crash when starting the game (presumably after the Fractal Phase logo): open "Sky Rogue/Save/GameOptions.sav" and set "disableNavMeshGeneration" from "false" to "true".
[ 2017-08-29 01:02:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
The very first version of Sky Rogue was made in a week in July 2013. We released it on itch.io in January 2014, then on Steam Early Access in July 2015. The game you're playing today is the culmination of more than 4 years work, we sincerely hope you enjoy it. Good hunting, rogues!
v 1.0 Changelog:
- ODIN Experimental Bomber: only available after beating the end boss
- Detailed Aeropedia descriptions from Sven Bergstrom!
- Most specials are now upgradeable. This should help bombers survive later islands better.
- Translations added: 日本語, 简体中文
- Tailgun damage 12->20, ALMM damage 50->100
- L-DRONE health 40->150, upgraded gun to RAILGUN
- Endboss difficulty reduced slightly
- New BARRACKS model
- New cactus model
- Added light effects to kill booms
- Mouse cursor now has a custom texture
- Upgraded from Unity 5.6.0 to Unity 5.6.3
- Target reticles were very small and hard to read at high resolutions or in co-op. They are now scaled to the screen size.
- Visual fixes to some enemies
- Fixed typo in "Infared"
- Firing effects were missing from Autocannon and Flak
[ 2017-08-24 15:04:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
The very first version of Sky Rogue was made in a week in July 2013. We released it on itch.io in January 2014, then on Steam Early Access in July 2015. The game you're playing today is the culmination of more than 4 years work, we sincerely hope you enjoy it. Good hunting, rogues!
v 1.0 Changelog:
- ODIN Experimental Bomber: only available after beating the end boss
- Detailed Aeropedia descriptions from Sven Bergstrom!
- Most specials are now upgradeable. This should help bombers survive later islands better.
- Translations added: ,
- Landing before a mission is complete will repair and rearm but won't let you change aeros or loadouts. Plan accordingly!
- Tailgun damage 12->20, ALMM damage 50->100
- L-DRONE health 40->150, upgraded gun to RAILGUN
- Endboss difficulty reduced slightly
- New BARRACKS model
- New cactus model
- Added light effects to kill booms
- Mouse cursor now has a custom texture
- Upgraded from Unity 5.6.0 to Unity 5.6.3
- Target reticles were very small and hard to read at high resolutions or in co-op. They are now scaled to the screen size.
- Visual fixes to some enemies
- Fixed typo in "Infared"
- Firing effects were missing from Autocannon and Flak
[ 2017-08-24 15:04:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Lots of fixes, getting ready for version 1.0!
Beta 3.1 Changelog:
- Added weapon firing effects to micromissiles, guns, and rockets
- You can now use the left and right arrow keys while holding shift. If you still experience problems, reset to defaults in the Rebind Controls menu
- MEDVED's cockpit camera was in the wrong place
- Upgraded Rewired input library to ... among other things, this means Nintendo Switch Joycons should be supported!
- ZULU was using the KONDOR's upgrade key, so when you upgraded KONDOR it would upgrade ZULU
- AI escorts were being placed incorrectly so they would often ram into the things they're supposed to protect
- Island names were sometimes jumbled in the debriefing screen
- Pausing the game also pauses sounds, not just music
- TOROs and BADGERs should no longer be spawned in the sea
- Endgame credits sequence was ending immediately
- CARRIER ENGINEs and TYPHON can now be targeted by Air-to-air weapons, because... they're in the air.
- Clouds are spawned all around the player, so there's no longer a large cloudless area bordering the island
- Music volume was not being respected on the carrier menu
[ 2017-08-17 22:05:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Lots of fixes, getting ready for version 1.0!
Beta 3.1 Changelog:
- Added weapon firing effects to micromissiles, guns, and rockets
- You can now use the left and right arrow keys while holding shift. If you still experience problems, reset to defaults in the Rebind Controls menu
- MEDVED's cockpit camera was in the wrong place
- Upgraded Rewired input library to ... among other things, this means Nintendo Switch Joycons should be supported!
- ZULU was using the KONDOR's upgrade key, so when you upgraded KONDOR it would upgrade ZULU
- AI escorts were being placed incorrectly so they would often ram into the things they're supposed to protect
- Island names were sometimes jumbled in the debriefing screen
- Pausing the game also pauses sounds, not just music
- TOROs and BADGERs should no longer be spawned in the sea
- Endgame credits sequence was ending immediately
- CARRIER ENGINEs and TYPHON can now be targeted by Air-to-air weapons, because... they're in the air.
- Clouds are spawned all around the player, so there's no longer a large cloudless area bordering the island
- Music volume was not being respected on the carrier menu
[ 2017-08-17 22:05:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is the last Beta! 1.0 release is coming around the corner. Beta 3 has a lot of stuff we've been meaning to do for months or even years and wanted to get done before 1.0.
- Trees, cacti, and rocks!
- Destroying certain buildings causes certain side-effects
- Carriers and Drednauts now have small, indestructible gun turrets ... watch out!
- New mission target: GRYPHON (the existing GRYPHON-AWACS now has a tailgun)
- New mission target: FREIGHTER cargo ship
- BADGER Land Assault Vehicles will defend some sites, equipped with SAM turrets
- A fun new overpowered weapon can be researched if you have beaten the game
- AGM-MIRV "Hwacha" Air-to-ground MIRV missile
- UB-M "Blackjack" Micro Bomb
- RAILGUN "Kunai" Railgun
- "Wing" camera mode
- New Achievement: "Missile With A Man In It", beat the game in under 40 minutes. The timer starts after entering the carrier menu on Day 1.
- Adjusted default camera FOV 70 -> 65 degrees
- Flares now distract missiles for three seconds after they're launched instead of only the moment they're launched
- Weapons are disabled while inside a landing zone
- Some air enemies will react when getting shot at
- Aeropedia now shows kill rewards
- DRONE-L wingmen are slightly better at not getting killed
- Vets and Aces have more varied attacks, sometimes attacking with guns
- Changed pause menu to quit on spacebar / A button to be more like the rest of the menus in the game
- Changed endboss MASS-DRVR to be significantly more menacing at long range, but slower so it's less menacing at short range
- Custom Environments : there is a new "environmentName" setting in the "site" portion of a custom mission's "mission.json" file. The textures that define an environment are demonstrated in the Example Custom Mission (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=599986464). The only tricky one is "environment.png", the colours on that texture define colours for specific things like fog, sunlight, ambient light, and clouds.
- You can add menu graphics to your custom weapons by adding a child mesh filter+renderer called "graphics". Make sure the mesh you are using is pretty tiny.
- If an aero has a "gun" transform child on it (similar to "cockpit"), all SECONDARY gun weapons will be reparented to that location. Makes it possible to do stuff like an F-16's offset gun port without requiring that the gun be equipped on a particular mount.
- Basic MICRO missile had an incorrectly configured collider which caused it to fly through certain targets
- Sea units should pathfind properly around terrain and other obstacles
[ 2017-07-28 00:39:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, pilots! The 1.0 Release is coming soon! There will be a Beta 3 release before it. Part of that means raising the price of the game to its final release price: $19.95 USD. This might be different in your local currency! The price change will occur Monday, July 24th. Anyone who's sitting on the fence about buying the game should really do it now! Of course, everyone who's already bought the game has effectively gotten it at a significant discount. Please take it as a token of appreciation for taking a chance when the game wasn't finished. Thanks for all the bug reports, feedback, support, and of course, workshop mods! This doesn't mean updates will stop! It just means they will be less frequent and that the core of the game is finished. I've listened to a lot of the requests for features that would end up delaying the release by months, if not years. We'll keep them in mind moving forward and if we implement any of them, it will mean we can focus on them one at a time without having to flesh out the rest of the game. Thanks, Kenny (Forkbeard) Founder, Fractal Phase Games Corporation
[ 2017-07-20 23:57:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
This mostly has some bugfixes and tweaks, but new content is coming in Beta 3 just around the corner!
- Sound slider in the options menu! About time.
- New achievement for researching all 'experimental' technologies
- Missile guidance should be slightly improved now; they would lead their targets too aggressively and sometimes miss when fired at good angles while travelling at high speeds
- FLAK-BURST fire rate toned down a bit
- Reinforcement strength is now eased a bit more on earlier islands
- Aeros and weapons now have an explicit order to them, so they'll be more logically grouped in Loadout and Aerolab menus
- Ground turrets no longer contribute to the enemy's decision to send reinforcements (in effect this means you will have to destroy more unprotected targets to trigger them)
- Removed payload costs of some air-to-air missiles
- AGM-F turn speed and lock-on cone drastically increased
- AA-MR turn speed increased slightly
- Carriers give rewards again when destroyed
- Missile guidance versus moving ground targets vastly improved
- Co-op: only player 1 can set the carrier skin now. Player 1's skin isn't set when player 2 sets their skin.
- Co-op: dying now brings you back to the carrier menu, just like in singleplayer
- "Aero Superiority" achievement fixed so it doesn't require you to beat the game
[ 2017-07-07 16:16:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Beta 2 brings in Endless mode along with the first mobile sea enemies and the ROGUE II aero, which is the first piece of "New Game+" content. Beta 3 has more content planned along with better mission variety and metagame side-effects for destroying partciular buildings.
- Endless Mode! Endless mode has no end boss, it simply continues on forever.
- CUTTER naval craft
- CUTTER and HOVER can now move around a bit on the water!
- ROGUE II Experimental Fighter - You have to beat the game to be able to research it - expensive to upgrade, but it's worth it!
- CARRIERs can now be destroyed by destroying individual ENGINE sub-sections
- Translation support with a partial French translation ... see the MODDING section for details for making your own translations
- More official translations coming in the future!
- Flak turrets have a lower rate of fire
- Fully upgraded Fighters are a bit less maneuverable and thus easier to control
- The Basilisk (huge area effect bomb / thermobaric bomb / "nuke") can now only be unlocked after beating the game. If you already have it, though, you'll keep it. More "New Game+" style weapons are on the way!
- Vets and Aces now fly in upgraded aeros. They'll be able to match your turning speed and take a lot more hits... watch out!
- Toned down maneuverabiltiy upgrades for fighter aeros (Rogue, Schwalbe, Drakon, Kirin) so they're easier to control
- Enemy reinforcements incoming now have a visual warning
- Enemy reinforcements are a lot tougher! Wreak havoc at your own risk.
- Localization: you can now make partial localizations for the game. Simply create a mod with a "Localization" folder and an "en.localization.json" file inside (replacing "en" with the language's ISO code). A template file can be found here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nihilocrat/SkyRogueModTool/master/en.localization.json
- Upgraded Unity engine version from 5.2.4 -> 5.6.0 ... if you are having technical issues with the game they might be fixed!
- You can now scroll the custom mission list if there are more than 6 items in it
- If you die or complete a mission while in cockpit mode, you will start the next mission already in cockpit mode
- Aero models are hidden while in cockpit mode because they would often obscure your vision; this doesn't happen with modded aeros because many depend on this bug to display custom cockpits
[ 2017-06-03 15:12:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version only brings some important bugfixes... Beta 2 has been in the works for more than a month now and should follow on Beta 1.2's heels. FIXES: - Custom missions can be played again! - You will no longer get stuck in zoom if you zoom the camera
[ 2017-04-09 03:36:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release is mainly bugfixes, but includes some changes to the endboss to reduce the ways you can kill it in a "boring but safe" way. There are probably still more ways I don't know about, please go find them. :) CHANGES: - Endboss is significantly harder now ... don't fly too far away FIXES: - Couldn't beat the boss in co-op if one player was dead - Aerolab menu fixed in co-op - Flak bullet collider changed so that it won't pass through objects in its initial stage - Fixed visual glitch where a part of the endboss would weirdly follow it around - Custom missions were still playing the old alpha music - "P", "B", and "I" keys are no longer hardcoded for various functions - Fixed a few building descriptions - Fixed cash exploit when going from the carrier menu to the title menu - Subtle AI aiming bug fixed, it was using the wrong time delta, it may be slightly more accurate now
[ 2017-03-18 18:34:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
- A completely new dynamic soundtrack by Phonetic Hero (https://phonetichero.bandcamp.com/album/sky-rogue)
- Not just blue anymore: arid and snow levels appear later in the game
- You can win: a secret enemy superweapon awaits you on the final island!
- New model for the VECTOR Medium Interceptor
- Several new turret types appear in the arid and snow biomes
- A button prompt will appear when you are in the landing area of a carrier or ground base that will let you safely auto-land; you can still do it the old fashioned way
- A bunch more Steam achievements!
- "Drift" skin
- UI graphics changed in some places for a cleaner look
- UI sound effects improved, and added in many more places
- Aeros will appear on the carrier deck as you unlock them
- Landing during a mission now costs money. The cost increases each time you land on the same island, and increases slightly less as you get further in the game.
- The weapon wheel is now always visible during flight, so you can be aware of everything you have equipped
- The bombsight is calibrated for the altitude of your current target. If you're having trouble hitting a target on a mountaintop, for example, try targeting it first. This does not work for airships.
- Halved the size of speed and altitude indicators to make the HUD a little more lightweight
- Weapon upgrades were being applied too late for their data to show up properly in the GUI, AND it seemed like maybe only Mk 2 was actually getting applied, Mk 3 being ignored.
- A Steam workshop mod will only be loaded if you're actually subscribed to it. Steam doesn't seem to necessarily delete a mod if you've unsubscribed
- In some cases, beginning a mission would load the level twice on top of itself
[ 2017-02-23 17:07:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is just a few important bugfixes before Beta 1 is released! The major change here is much better support for flightstick / throttle controls. Changelog: FIXES: - You will lose any money you make during a mission if you quit the mission or the game. Of course, completing the mission will let you keep any money you gained. - Updated input library (Rewired), adjusted max controllers per player so you can assign more than 1 to support HOTAS and rudder pedals and such - Adjusting throttle now adjusts _target throttle_ instead of _rate of throttle change_; this makes flightstick throttles behave properly and gamepad throttle a bit more expressive. - Destroying multiple mission targets in the same frame will not cause the mission to become uncompletable - Afterburners were sometimes visible on aeros when changing loadouts on the carrier deck - RAYDOME building was completely black MODDING: - Custom weapon MIRVs are supported now; might need work on my end to update the Mod Tool though.
[ 2017-01-14 16:38:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is mostly a bunch of much-needed bugfixes, but a steep difficulty increase after Island 10 has been added to challenge players who get that far. Changelog: CHANGES:
- Added an insane difficulty ramp-up after Island 10
- Dodge tutorial fix (mouse control dodge didn’t work)
- Fixed longstanding co-op bug where player 2’s kills would not earn any money. Sorry that this very important bug somehow never got fixed until now.
- Upgrades are updated correctly on the carrier menu, no more having to equip something to have them show up. This is also true for co-op, which should make things a LOT less confusing.
- Aerododge graphics were appearing in the middle of aeros.
- “Auger In” achievement should be working again
- Mods which use the “Aeroplane_rogue” template should work properly and be upgradeable. Technically this template doesn’t exist (it should be “Aeroplane_aerowing”) but there’s now an alias. Same goes with “Aeorplane_zoke” vs. “Aeroplane_zulu”: both will work
- Asset bundle mods which can’t be loaded show an in-game error dialog
- Campaign menu no longer shows decal icons in the top window if you choose a skin that doesn’t have a decal
- Terrain flickering on shorelines should be fixed.
[ 2016-10-10 19:22:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new aero, upgrades, aeropedia, and a serious easing of the game’s difficulty curve are in this update. Switching to the Rewired input system means a LOT more out-of-the-box support for flight sticks, and more in-depth control rebinding options. This is the last major version until Beta! NEW STUFF: - ORCA Heavy Interceptor - Aeropedia: Permanently records the number of kills for each enemy and the number of times you've been killed by them. It currently doesn't record all variants (ex: FALKE-VETs count as FALKEs): this is a work in progress. - Aero Upgrades: You can now upgrade aeros like you do weapons. The stat progrssions are all very early and need testing and feedback. Payload and Avionics do not change, because then when you lose your upgrades you might have an invalid loadout that won't fit on the un-upgraded version of the same aero. - Vertical splitscreen option: currently the GUI doesn't adapt well to it, so it's highly recommended that you play in windowed mode and strech the window so that the whole in-flight HUD is visible. This should not be a problem if you're stretching the screen across two monitors with a shared desktop. - New bombsight: it's rendered in world space, so it is much more intuitive to use and gives you a more accurate idea of where your bombs might fall (there's a to-do item to make it recalibrate based on the predicted target altitude, right now it is still calibrated for sea level) - Land sites will now spawn companion buildings in adjacent hexes - Throttle changes near 50% throttle are faster for better game feel - "Knife Fight" achievement: kill an air enemy at range 50 or closer CHANGES: - Changed to the Rewired input library. This means a lot more native support for flight sticks (http://guavaman.com/projects/rewired/docs/SupportedControllers.html) the rebind menu should be a bit friendlier. - Difficulty curve has been significantly eased - The total number of aeros spawned at the beginning of an island in later islands has been reduced (though they are still often vets / aces) - Ground defense count grows much more gradually than before - AI aggro range reduced (they will always aggro if you shoot at them, though) - Asset Bundle mods no longer need to be called "test", in fact they should have unique names - Barracks HP 500->1000, large hangar 1000->500 FIXES: - Asset Bundle mods should get loaded in free flight - Dodge tutorial can now be completed (In Alpha 28 it can be completed if you use roll (left or right arrow keys) but NOT if you use yaw (A or D on the keyboard)) - Custom missions use the new terrain system - Completing co-op missions returns you to the carrier instead of immediately starting a new mission - When player 1 dies in co-op mode it no longer resets all your progress (it only does so if both players die)
[ 2016-08-30 18:32:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
New bomber, new bomb, new terrain, and a whole bunch of improvements get us closer to Beta! NEW STUFF:
- MEDVED - Heavy Bomber
- UB-2 - Basilisk - Heavy area-of-effect bomb
- "Dodge" special is now built-in to every aero, triggered using L3 or the C key by default
- New modding system using Unity asset bundles: More details in the official modding guide... basically it's a new method of making mods which is a bit more complicated, but it allows for much more visual design and, eventually, doing proper total conversions. Currently, custom aeros with custom stats are supported along with basic weaponry.
- New terrain: it's generated and spawned in as a single mesh now, with slopes in between tiles, which accomplishes a number of things I was meaning to do for a long time, such as: better performance, allows for mobile ground units, and it just looks better.
- New achievements - Good Stick, Good Sticks, Fast Mover, Dot Chaser, Mud Mover (Dot Chaser cannot currently be achieved because the Heavy Interceptor is not yet in the game)
- Most air-to-air missile hitboxes have been enlared to make them more effective
- Track camera command (R3) now works in cockpit mode, and the camera is now smoothed like in the chase mode.
- "New target detected" noise is less harsh
- New incoming missile graphic, the arrow is now pointing inward and has a little dot to make it a bit easier to estimate the number of missiles in swarms
- Player start position is varied a bit more
- Deadzone for mouse controls reduced by 50%
- Music volume is now adjustable
- Arcade controls are much smoother and much more effective at steeper climb and dive angles
- Menu sliders can be moved with the gamepad / keyboard
- Linux: only 32-bit versions are available, and they should have the correct Steamworks .so built in so the Linux version will launch correctly from the Steam client
[ 2016-07-23 18:25:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes new content and polish that's been in the works for a long time. Hopefully the game will be ready to go into Beta soon! Alpha 27 Changelog: NEW STUFF: - ONI - Swing-wing Bomber - L-DRONE - Special - In-flight Launched Drone - Special which launches a friendly autonomous drone - TAIL-GUN - Special - A tail gun which automatically aims at the closest enemy when you fire it - FLAK - Turret - Fires flak shells with a long range (1000) and a large area of effect - FLAK - Weapon - Player-usable version of the flak cannon - TORO mech has new graphics! - ZULU aero has new graphics! - Fullscreen effect when you get hit (disabled when using Low Graphics) - Sound and animation notification when you detect a new target - Mission complete screen with a little bit of info: still very much a work in progress - A special loading screen with progress bar when loading mods TWEAKS: - Beginner Controls completely reworked: it's now simply the case where moving left or right will cause you to bank in that direction. The camera never rolls along with the aero, and it will automatically right itself if for example you collide with something that doesn't kill you. I've noticed that the core thing beginners often have an issue with is getting quickly disoriented when they have to deal with all three axes of rotation and losing the frame of reference you get when "up" is always the same direction. The Y axis is also by default not inverted, so up pitches up, which seems a lot more natural for beginners and also for mouse controls. You can still force the invert while using beginner controls in the options menu. - Co-op mode is now started from the same carrier menu as singleplayer - AGM-FF - Speed increased x2, Avionics cost reduced 40->20. Players were right that it wasn't worth the avionics cost on a bomber, and was overall not a useful weapon compared to alternatives. This will hopefully change when moving ground forces are implemented. In any case, speed was increased because the missile is intended to take out defenses before they can fight back. - GB-1 - Avionics cost increased 20->30. Intended to balance it more with the AGM-FF. - All GUNs (vulcan cannons, not the autocannon) - new sound effects and slightly less damage, with some upgrade paths tweaked. FIXES: - Custom missions can have squadrons of size 1
[ 2016-05-11 16:29:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
This one is almost strictly a bugfix release, trying to get things stable so that Alpha 27 is a really great version. Changelog: ADDITIONS:
- The total number of deaths you have experienced is recorded on the “you died” screen
- New ground target: CARGO, low HP and come in sets of 4, perfect for cluster bombs (custom mission prefab: “Buildings/cargo_pod_4”)
- Target lead prediction for AI wasn’t completely correct. Drones and AAA might be a little more accurate, but they are already intentionally bad at leading the correct amount so probably not.
- Large numbers of enemy bombers on later islands should not cause a massive framerate drop
- The lock-on diamond should never be outside of the lock-on circle, making lock-on times much quicker in some cases
- Clouds on the tutorial level should no longer be pink
- Directional arrows pointing to the BASE and MISSION targets should no longer get stuck
- Player start position should be correctly assigned during a custom mission.
- Clicking buttons in the custom mission menu should actually pick the mission selected by the mouse and not the one selected by the keyboard / gamepad cursor
- The mouse pointer should disappear / reappear when you use gamepad or keyboard input / click the mouse “Locked Mouse” option should constrain the mouse pointer correctly.
- If you researched a tech (aero, weapon, special, etc) that has since been disabled, you will not be able to use it. Some people managed to research a few that were in an earlier indev version, this is merely to make things fair for everyone and avoid confusion. Don’t worry, everything I’m taking away right now is coming back.
[ 2016-03-05 20:01:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version is mostly bugfixes and minor additions, but also adds basic CUSTOM MISSION support. Check out the Workshop for missions to download, or check out the Modding Guide to find out how to make your own. Alpha 26.2 Changelog: CONTROLS: - "Beginner Controls" have been greatly changed to be a lot more inutitive to use, less disorienting, and work better with mouse controls. MODDING: - Custom Missions - See the Official Modding Guide for how to create them - Engine audio - you can assign custom engine audio to your aeros, consult the Guide for details ADDITIONS: - Zoom key (default Z) - "Clear all" button in bindings menu (it does NOT clear menu button bindings, so you won't lock yourself out) - New achievements! - More info on the fighter chooser screen - A gunsight appears when you fire your gun with the dedicated gun button, making it easier to aim - Loading screen: as long as it's visible the game is loading and is not crashing :) FIXES: - Loadouts should correctly update their upgrade levels if you look at them immediately after upgrading - Potential fix for Linux crashes ... it might have something to do with the Steam overlay, so playing the game outside of Steam might also avoid the crash - AI should do a much better job of not colliding with terrain - Camera shake is disabled when in the cockpit and flyby camera modes - Streamlined loadout menu slightly, for example pressing down brings you straight to the bottom slot
[ 2016-02-10 01:20:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release fixes several bugs in Alpha 26, some more serious than others. Happy New Year! Alpha 26.1 Changelog: ============================================= - Fixed save bug where tech advancement sometimes didn't get save and you'd be several tech levels behind when restarting the game. - Launching an aero whose loadout you never changed while launching (namely in co-op or after returning to the carrier) should no longer lock up the game - Moving the cursor past the bottom of most menus should make it loop around backto the start, and vice versa - You should no longer run into the next tech level costing "9999" - Fixed issues with aeros and airships tilting in weird ways when killed - Minimum altitude for AI increased - Co-op: if one player dies but the other doesn't, you no longer see the restart prompt - Modding: If you have a custom aero that can't be loaded, there should be an error message popup which tells you. - Mac OS X: the dock is now hidden when running the game fullscreen
[ 2015-12-31 16:46:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
The main part of this update is the Upgrade system. The Aerolab has changed, and so have the events that happen after you die. The existing system of taking away items but letting you accumulate money ended up making things tedious and grindy, the opposite intent of any permadeath system. The Upgrades hopefully add a bit more excitement and risk/reward to each playthrough of the game, while letting you keep items (and thus your loadout configurations) reduces a lot of annoying overhead and lets you hop right back into the action after dying. Changelog: WEAPON UPGRADES: - None of your loadouts are lost when you die: you can immediately start the game again with the same loadout. This also means you can set up your favourite loadout for each aero once and never be forced to do it again. - No items are lost when you die - All money is lost when you die - You can use money to buy upgrades at the Aerolab - Upgrades are lost upon death - Tech and tech points are unchanged: you keep all tech points you earn and all tech that gets researched. NEW STUFF: - DRAKON - Heavy Fighter - AAM-S Meteor - short-range missile that has no lock-on cone restriction - GB-1 Yumi - guided bomb - GUN-TWIN Twin Vulkan - twin cannons that can be equipped in the primary slot - A few more Steam acheivements TWEAKS - Tech choices are not limited to a random draw of 3: you can research anything you have the prerequisites for - Added a slight ease-in and ease-out to all flight controls for better feel - Bombsight lock-on time reduced - Pressing A / Spacebar in the fighter chooser will proceed to the loadout menu (press B / escape to confirm your choice): pressing down still works but it's proven to be unintuitive for new players. - Free Flight will open the same pre-flight carrier menu as the main game (for the sake of consistency) FIXES - Reinforcements spawn properly again! - Defense turrets really shouldn't be spawning in buildings anymore... tell me if they are! - Using Aerododge while not choosing a direction or doing so in quick succession should not cause it to malfunction - Autotarget will not target things you can't lock-on to if you're using an air-only or ground-only weapon MODDING: - You can set the position of the cockpit camera for your custom aeros by adding a transform with the name "cockpit" and parentID 0
[ 2015-11-20 17:11:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Barring any major issues found in testing, Alpha 26 is going to contain some pretty significant changes to the way permadeath works in the game. Part of this is adding a new upgrade system to all weapons (and eventually aeros and specials) to give you something exciting to spend money on (more exciting than just re-buying existing items) and make later levels a bit more survivable. The new permadeath works this way: - None of your loadouts are lost when you die: you can immediately start the game again with the same loadout. This also means you can set up your favourite loadout for each aero once and never be forced to do it again. - No items are lost when you die - All money is lost when you die - You can use money to buy upgrades at the Aerolab - Upgrades are lost when you die - Tech choices are not limited to a random draw of 3: you can research anything you have the prerequisites for - Tech and tech points are unchanged: you keep all tech points you earn and all tech that gets researched. There are also some fun new weapons and the new DRAKON Heavy Fighter that are not completely finished, but are finished enough to include in the playtest. I'd really like it if people tried out this new system before we fully commit to it. People already on the "indev" branch will automatically update to this version and just need to play the game. Everyone else will need to switch branches if they're interested. You can play this branch by doing the following: - Right click on "Sky Rogue" in the games list - "Properties" - "Betas" tab - Choose the "indev" branch from the dropdown - Close the window - The game should auto-update to the latest version on indev Please note that the current indev version has not been thoroughly tested, so if you run into any major issues you can just switch to the main branch. Despite the way money works now, because of the way it's tracked and saved you should have all your old money if you switch back to the main branch.
[ 2015-10-24 04:00:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 25.9 Changelog: ================================================= - Pressing Select / Tab will now cycle through Chase, Cockpit, and Flyby cameras instead of just Chase and Flyby - Reorganized save game files in preparation for Alpha 26 - New BARRACKS ground target - The button for Splitscreen Co-op will be disabled if you don't have two controllers plugged in - F8 key: toggle the HUD for better screenshots FIXES: - Weapon stats display correctly on all loadout menus again - Fixed a longstanding bug where the very last tech level would cost 1000 points, this was actually unintentional - The tech level progress bar counts up much more quickly at higher levels - Fixed issues with gun button - INCOMING warning should not get stuck on the screen if you are being attacked while landing - Colliding with AWACS should always kill you - Mod loading very slightly optimized TWEAKS: - More Payload for Zulu: 190 -> 200 - More Avionics for Vector and Raiju: 190 -> 200 - AGM-FF Firestorm graphics updated - Bigger explosion effects tweaked slightly - Airships have multiple damage trails since it looks cooler - If you have Beginner Controls enabled, an indicator appears on the HUD to remind you, just in case they're on by accident
[ 2015-10-17 01:12:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 25.8 Changelog: - Beginner Controls: a new option before the tutorial as well as in the Controls menu for if you have never played a flight sim or flying game and can't handle the normal "direct" controls, or if you really just prefer "point-n-fly" controls. - "Fire Gun" button: L3 / Left Alt by default. You can bind a button to fire the first available gun on your aero (going clockwise on the weapon wheel) GAMEPLAY: - Added Kondor and Zulu squadrons as mission targets - Some enemies have specials (just flares for now) and will use them - Options menu has been reogranized into more submenus because it's getting crowded - "Require Lock-On" Option: When enabled, guided weapons will not fire unless locked on to a target. - "Swap Roll / Yaw" Option: When enabled, using mouse controls (for example), pressing A or D will roll, and moving the mouse left or right will yaw. - "Look Sensitivity" Option: How quickly the camera rotates when you move the right stick or hold down the right mouse button. - Using a gamepad, you can now exit the carrier screen using the B button, then pressing A on the resulting prompt. Formerly you always had to pause and press select to quit, which wasn't obvious. - When a gamepad is plugged in, keyboard controls will still work for menus - You can rebind menu controls. If you lock yourself out of menus, you can always use the mouse to fix the problem. MODDING: - Aeros can use the stats of built-in aeros as a template. This means, for example, that if you've made something that looks like an interceptor, you can give it the same stats as the Vector or Raiju. Instructions are in the official modding guide. - .aero.json "skinName" property: Aeros can specify a default skin that's automatically loaded with the aero, so players don't have to manually equip the skin you provided. The name follows the format: "skin_{.png name without extension}", ex: "Space Police.png" has the name "skin_Space Police" - If a custom aero can't be loaded, it will not break the loading of other aeros of skins. If you don't see your aero appearing, please copy and paste the contents of your ".aero.json" file into this to help you find the error: http://jsonlint.com/ FIXES: - Upgraded from Unity 5.1.0 -> 5.1.3, which may fix some crashes - The locked mouse no longer uses the hexagon icon, but uses the hardware pointer. Recent versions of Unity let me lock the cursor inside the window, so the option still exists but it just uses the hardware pointer. The software-driven hexagon cursor would sometimes move erratically if you ever experienced framerate issues, so this should fix any weirdness related to that. - When the cursor is hidden or shown is controlled more tighly now, so if you were for example playing the game in Big Picture mode and got annoyed with the mouse cursor showing up during flight even though you're using a gamepad, it should no longer happen. - If the AI flies too far off the map, it will try to fly back to the island - AI which patrols (AWACS, Kondor, Zulu) actually does so properly instead of flying in circles - Mods are only loaded at startup to reduce loading times. Free Flight will, however, reload mods every time you enter it just like before. - Minor optimizations in some cpu-hungry code TWEAKS: - Climb performance for all aeros increased slightly (like before, interceptors have slightly higher performance than others) - Interceptors have a 25% higher ceiling (+500 units) - AAM-MR Javelin speed increased 10% - AAM-IR Diamondback speed increased 10% - ACE enemy evasion tweaked so there are windows where they won't actively try to evade missiles. This actually makes them more aggressive! - "Cosmonaut" and "Wespe" skins (now "Hive Drone") are now built-in skins
[ 2015-09-18 00:09:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Again, a quick bugfix release, very short changelist this time: FIXES: - Co-op control issues that made the mode practically unplayable have been fixed. If you experience any issues, try turning on the "XInput" option in settings. Co-op still requires two controllers to work - People experiencing freezes / crashes related to save data corruption, you'll get an informative "bluescreen". This is to avoid overwriting your save data, which may or may not be substantial.
[ 2015-08-21 01:35:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another release that's mostly bugfixes. Same as the version that's been on indev for a few days! Alpha 25.6 Changelog: - Co-op progression should be working properly now - There is an "XInput" box in the options menu. As it says, it requires a restart of the game. Enabling the option will fix the problem with two Xbox 360 controllers sharing throttle inputs. It will PROBABLY fix the double-button issue with Xbox One controllers. I encourage everyone having input issues to try enabling it and see if it improves things. TWEAKS: - Increased AAM-MR reload rate - Decreased AAM-IR avionics cost - Decreased MIRV reload rate - Flares launch in a much wider pattern and trigger sooner, so they should be more useful - Reinforcements will ignore an invisible enemy limit so they more reliably spawn - Quick-switching weapons by tapping the "switch weapons" button works better and doesn't disrupt flight - Therefore, the weapon menu will take a few split-seconds longer to appear FIXES: - VSync setting should work again (use -force-d3d9 if for some reason it doesn't) - AGM-FF missiles aim a few meters higher so they don't run into the ground so easily - Launching the game when the save file or options file is corrupted for some reason should not prevent you from starting the game - When loading skins, the ".PNG" extension won't be accidentally included when it's in all caps - Some non-Steam players were having issues launching the game - Mods should work for Mac players - When landing in-mission, or in co-op or free flight modes, navigating to the Aerolab menu when there's no tech researched will no longer cause the game to soft lock
[ 2015-08-18 02:11:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version has been in indev branch for awhile, so indev players already have this version. - Steam Workshop items should appear in-game - The location of mod files has changed, please consult the modding guide for details: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=495393634# TWEAKS: - Island size increases slightly in later levels - Mission objectives will spawn farther away from the player - There is a short grace period before any enemy will target you - Aeroboost has infinite uses but much longer cooldown - SAM turrets shouldn't appear on Mission 1 - FRIGATEs will likely have SAM-LRs in later islands FIXES: - AWACS escorts were too numerous; they are now the same size as normal patrols - ACE enemies should no longer stall and crash when attacked with MIRVs - "INCOMING" warnings should no longer get stuck on screen - Raiju should no longer be gigantic on the Research menu - TOROs are hostile again
[ 2015-08-09 18:11:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha 25.3 Changelog: - Mouse sensitivity is now adjustable in the Options menu - Fixed default mouse sensitivity being too high - There is now a "Low Graphics" option in the Options menu if your graphics card (such as Intel) has trouble with shadows or AA Next up: A tool to let you upload skins / aeros to the Steam Workshop, and any bugs I can manage to fix.
[ 2015-08-05 16:16:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
This release is mainly to deal with some bugs and areas for improvement in the menu system when using it with a mouse and keyboard. I also snuck in some very minor improvements elsewhere. Alpha 25.1 Changelog: - It's the first minor version! - Menu buttons will interact with the mouse again - You can navigate the menu with WASD again - Escape key will back out of menus or pause the game if already at the top level menu - The Aerolab menu is grayed out if you don't have any technology - Some players were not getting shadows due to incorrect default quality settings. There is now only one quality setting, what used to be known as "Radical". - There's a pretty animation showing how much of your hitpoints you've lost when you get hit
[ 2015-08-02 15:42:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Sky Rogue Linux [178.71 M]
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or above. or similar version of any other distro
[ 5669 ]
[ 1690 ]
[ 1915 ]