Time for a new update, to make sure CoE4 remains playable on new computers. Also Conquest of Elysium 5 has been available for some time now and many bugs have been found that also applies to this version. So these fixes have now been ported to this older version as well. In addition to bug fixes there are also some new descriptions and performance improvements in this new version. General changes
- Message if a commander dies from disease
- Potential crash fix
- Fix for message scrollbar resetting after viewing a message
- Fix for independents showing wrong unit when moving
- Raven scouts were shown moving around even if they were stealthy
- Can now deselect insane units
- Fire Shield spells now only affects friendly units
- Network reliability fix
- shift+arrow keys for faster map scrolling
- Ctrl+up/down can be used for map zoom in/out
- Battle inconsistency fix
- Boots of the North now gives Snow Move
- Sleeping units no longer wake up during prebattle rounds
- Network recruitment bug fix
- Promoted units now lose magic item they are not allowed to carry
- Staff of Fire now grants the Burn Forest ability
- Being panicked reduces chance of going berserk
- Going berserk removes panic
- Background tune, don't repeat recently played tune
- A troll forest that is destroyed now turns into a destroyed forest
- Bug fix for Internal Strife message
- Increased maximum number of enchantments
- Draw map performance improvement
- Bug fix for found item message
- Fix for corrupted text with newer versions of the sdl2-ttf lib
- More descriptions
- Typo & stat fixes
- Baron AI fix
- AI more careful not to drown
- Pathfinding bug fix
- Fix for indep behavior
[ 2022-02-05 16:53:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Illwinter Game Design's latest game Conquest of Elysium 5 has been released now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1606340/Conquest_of_Elysium_5/
[ 2021-08-17 12:52:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Conquest of Elysium 5 is the next game to be released by Illwinter Game Design. It has been in development for a long time now and finally it is nearing completion. If everything works out ok it will be released in August. The Steam page for CoE 5 is available now, check it out for more information and wishlist the game if you want to get notified when it is released. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1606340/Conquest_of_Elysium_5/
[ 2021-05-10 12:25:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains various fixes as well as some new commands for modders. General changes
- Fix for permanently killed plane immortals not staying dead
- Mindless units can no longer get the battle fright affliction
- Visible effect for shooting shard
- Fix for rituals not costing AP if done quickly during network play
- Network bug fixes
- Slightly increased chance of getting an essential commander after they have all died
- Centaurs can now use equipped weapons
- Various charm attacks no longer affect mindless
- Fixed bug when viewing special ability details.
- Added --glfinish switch (noglfinish is now default)
- Increased maximum number of simultaneous sound effects
- Improved text placement
- New ritual commands: nonearby3req, nonearby5req, nonearby7req, noportalreq, portalroom
[ 2021-01-06 10:54:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
This new update for Conquest of Elysium 4 comes with a few improvments and bug fixes. General changes
- Fix for leaving network game after performing rituals
- Fix for cold blooded
- Fix for units/items with extra herb/weed/fungus income
- Missing Hoburgher descriptions added
- Fade map when viewing keyboard shortcuts (?)
- Recreate temp dir if it should be deleted during play
- Make sure render commands don't get queued up too much
- Fewer particles for Shade of Death spell
- Hoburghers created too large battlefields
- Modding performance optimization broke "+class -3", fixed
[ 2020-01-15 10:49:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update has a variety of new features, improvements and bug fixes. General changes
- New Hoburgher commanders, the Markmann and the Burgmann
- The apocalypse is now more devastating
- Fix for uncentered view when summoning
- Faster turn times
- Slightly improved rituals for King of the Deep
- Water Warlock can no longer get winter wolves in the water
- Smooth text scaling for town names on map
- It was possible to steal units from inquisition
- Added some missing options to --help
- Soldiers of Gold got reduced area for dwarf magic
- 120 FPS setting on systems capped to 60 FPS resulted in severe slowdown
- Fix for duplicate resistances shown in unit info
- Network ritual fixes
- Iron Dragons could stop trampling
- Longer delay before opening gates for large fights
- Archers/Mages on walls also charge out of castle eventually
- Reduced chance of getting Temple Attendants for Priest King
- Lore of Dvalin greyed out when no more spells left to learn
- Increased range for Divine Word
- Stability improvement for 32-bit versions
- max known spells per unit increased 40 -> 60
- New void terrain: Color out of Space
- New descriptions
- Typos fixed
- Stat fixes
[ 2019-03-16 18:43:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
IFG is a floorplan generator for role playing games that makes the creation of battle maps very fast and easy. The terrain drawing in IFG is based on the one in Conquest of Elysium 4, but has since become a bit more advanced. Illwinter's Floorplan Generator has previously been in early access, but it is now completed and the finished version can be bought on steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/630900/Illwinters_Floorplan_Generator/
[ 2018-05-04 09:35:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update mainly fixes the very long AI turn times that could occur occasionally on large maps. There are also a variety of bug fixes and improvements for modders. General changes
- Gozu's magical shackles didn't work
- Faster turn processing
- New setting for 120 FPS
- Increased apprentice chance if player has no one with special powers left
- Could accidentally change recruit loc when long right clicking on citadel
- Wheels of ... no longer have eyes
- Exit from view square after new network turn
- Sacred Groves can burn down
- AI improvements
- AI pathfinding performance improvement
- Fix for crash due to overcrowded battlefield with many ballistas
- Sword of War is now a unique item
- Barbarian Warcamp is drawn smaller
- Stat & typo fixes
- Terrain reset properly when changing mods
- alterterrain event sets up gems too
- loner (monster ability) -> alone
- Error message for missing endevent
- Terrain numbers up to 329 can be used
- Everything unimportant on loser side after fight is killed
- Faster modded events
- Improved responsiveness during processing of modded events
- Clipping for too long class names (mods)
[ 2018-04-15 17:56:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds a couple of new monsters, but most importantly it fixes a problem where some Mac users only saw a black screen in fullscreen mode. General changes
- New monsters: Myrmekes & Angler Queen
- Mountain Giants -> Cyclopses
- Will o'the Wisp got poison resistance
- Some more animated things now have no eyes
- Fix for black fullscreen mode on macbook pro
[ 2018-01-27 16:40:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds a couple of new monsters, but most importantly it fixes a problem where some Mac users only saw a black screen in fullscreen mode. General changes
- New monsters: Myrmekes & Angler Queen
- Mountain Giants -> Cyclopses
- Will o'the Wisp got poison resistance
- Some more animated things now have no eyes
- Fix for black fullscreen mode on macbook pro
[ 2018-01-27 16:40:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
With this update the Windows and Mac versions get modernized and receive improved support for HiDPI displays and multiple monitors. There are also a number of new features like new magic items, a better Markgraf and AI improvements. General changes
- 3 new magic items
- Malefic Markmeisters can get to level 2 with mastery rituals
- AI tries to avoid getting too large armies
- Fix for no message when finding magic item
- Size 9 can move aside size 1 immobiles
- Turn port to ruined port when reduced
- Mages could target fliers with earthgrip and similar spells
- Larger maximum packet size for network
- New start option: --multisample
- Soul Scythe was not a unique item
- Dead trees should not sway in the wind
- Typos fixed
- More eyes for swamp god
- Harpies were not female
- More stat fixes
- New hint
- New recruitment mod command "addxcost
- Library update SDL -> SDL2
- Improved support for HiDPI displays and multiple monitors
- Now requires a more modern version of OS X (10.12 or later)
- Library update SDL -> SDL2
- Improved support for HiDPI displays and multiple monitors
[ 2018-01-05 09:35:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
With this update the Windows and Mac versions get modernized and receive improved support for HiDPI displays and multiple monitors. There are also a number of new features like new magic items, a better Markgraf and AI improvements. General changes
- 3 new magic items
- Malefic Markmeisters can get to level 2 with mastery rituals
- AI tries to avoid getting too large armies
- Fix for no message when finding magic item
- Size 9 can move aside size 1 immobiles
- Turn port to ruined port when reduced
- Mages could target fliers with earthgrip and similar spells
- Larger maximum packet size for network
- New start option: --multisample
- Soul Scythe was not a unique item
- Dead trees should not sway in the wind
- Typos fixed
- More eyes for swamp god
- Harpies were not female
- More stat fixes
- New hint
- New recruitment mod command "recxcost
- Library update SDL -> SDL2
- Improved support for HiDPI displays and multiple monitors
- Now requires a more modern version of OS X (10.12 or later)
- Library update SDL -> SDL2
- Improved support for HiDPI displays and multiple monitors
[ 2018-01-05 09:35:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a few weeks delay Dominions 5 is now completed and released. Here is a video of Dominions 5 if you want to see it played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRImsuEu_dI
[ 2017-11-27 11:45:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a few weeks delay Dominions 5 is now completed and released. Here is a video of Dominions 5 if you want to see it played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRImsuEu_dI
[ 2017-11-27 11:44:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update brings a few new magic items and makes the start a little easier for the Markgraf that now gets a small graveyard near his home. Certain exceptional event like hordes of inferno controlled demon being in Elysium, can now postpone a player victory until it has been dealt with. Also a bunch of bug fixes and modding improvements. General changes
- Inferno and other exceptional events can disallow player victory
- 3 new magic items
- Cursed scrolls
- New terrain: Small graveyard
- Markgraf starts with small graveyard
- Twiceborn can now get level 1 ghost necromancers
- AI Baron don't drain iron bogs
- Some High Cultist rituals never failed like they should
- Slightly increased chance for Frost Giants
- Iron Scorpion got poison for its stinger
- Walking through lava and dying didn't work properly in network games
- House ruins will now have living villages in Hades
- Enchanter Portals cannot be created on portal squares
- Tower of the Elements no longer has fungus income
- Massive Boulder siege weapon now has longer range
- Cannot tunnel diagonally
- Tunnel MP cost 6 -> 5
- Warlock Greater pact cheaper for level 3 warlocks
- Instant message and sound when finding unguarded magic item
- Legion of Gods slightly more powerful
- Reduced HP for Oracles
- Kappa can use weapons
- Shikome has spirit sight
- Always a sealed chamber in dark ages
- Coral Tower was not a water square, fixed
- Increased max number of items in a square
- Didn't get message when finding items in unoccupied square on network
- Could not always use void portals
- Typos fixed
- Max nbr of rituals per commander 32 -> 48
- Max number of rituals 1000 -> 1500
- Map editor now scrolls square names too
- Shops upgrading commanders caused a crash, fixed
[ 2017-08-01 07:02:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update brings a few new magic items and makes the start a little easier for the Markgraf that now gets a small graveyard near his home. Certain exceptional event like hordes of inferno controlled demon being in Elysium, can now postpone a player victory until it has been dealt with. Also a bunch of bug fixes and modding improvements. General changes
- Inferno and other exceptional events can disallow player victory
- 3 new magic items
- Cursed scrolls
- New terrain: Small graveyard
- Markgraf starts with small graveyard
- Twiceborn can now get level 1 ghost necromancers
- AI Baron don't drain iron bogs
- Some High Cultist rituals never failed like they should
- Slightly increased chance for Frost Giants
- Iron Scorpion got poison for its stinger
- Walking through lava and dying didn't work properly in network games
- House ruins will now have living villages in Hades
- Enchanter Portals cannot be created on portal squares
- Tower of the Elements no longer has fungus income
- Massive Boulder siege weapon now has longer range
- Cannot tunnel diagonally
- Tunnel MP cost 6 -> 5
- Warlock Greater pact cheaper for level 3 warlocks
- Instant message and sound when finding unguarded magic item
- Legion of Gods slightly more powerful
- Reduced HP for Oracles
- Kappa can use weapons
- Shikome has spirit sight
- Always a sealed chamber in dark ages
- Coral Tower was not a water square, fixed
- Increased max number of items in a square
- Didn't get message when finding items in unoccupied square on network
- Could not always use void portals
- Typos fixed
- Max nbr of rituals per commander 32 -> 48
- Max number of rituals 1000 -> 1500
- Map editor now scrolls square names too
- Shops upgrading commanders caused a crash, fixed
[ 2017-08-01 07:02:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Unfortunately Carrions caused the game to crash after the last update, so this is a quick fix for that problem. General changes
- The on death explosion of Carrions caused the game to crash
[ 2017-04-27 09:34:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Unfortunately Carrions caused the game to crash after the last update, so this is a quick fix for that problem. General changes
- The on death explosion of Carrions caused the game to crash
[ 2017-04-27 09:34:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is mostly a bug fix update and with it a few serious (but rare) bugs are fixed. General changes
- Fixed "out of space" bug with many many siege engines
- Fixed incorrect damage on ...explosion on death
- Prince of Death can no longer cast lichcraft
- Earth Mother can no longer get ritual to summon herself
- Captain Illusions/Phantasms were not ethereal
- Crash fix for Voice of El
- --nocitynames didn't disable all names
- Wrong popup for scoregraph button
- Attack info popups were cut off
- New monster description
- Typos fixed
- Mod comments (#) can start anywhere on a line
[ 2017-04-25 14:40:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is mostly a bug fix update and with it a few serious (but rare) bugs are fixed. General changes
- Fixed "out of space" bug with many many siege engines
- Fixed incorrect damage on ...explosion on death
- Prince of Death can no longer cast lichcraft
- Earth Mother can no longer get ritual to summon herself
- Captain Illusions/Phantasms were not ethereal
- Crash fix for Voice of El
- --nocitynames didn't disable all names
- Wrong popup for scoregraph button
- Attack info popups were cut off
- New monster description
- Typos fixed
- Mod comments (#) can start anywhere on a line
[ 2017-04-25 14:40:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
General changes
- New class: Dryad Queen
- New subsocieties (alternate versions of societies)
- The current history of Elysium can be read in a library
- One graph for all gem types
- Iron/gold/trade bonus tied to the Baron/Senator/King... character
- New mage offer: Scarlet Sister
- New druid and forest magic spells
- Land shape fix
- Stability fixes
- Hate desert, love mine behaviors for independents
- Magic items in statue of Dvalin
- Fewer para-elementals when summoning
- Army of Gold & Oak Army only affects friendlies
- Berserk lost when waking up from sleep
- AI team improvement
- Shapeshifters pop with correct shape
- Perpetual storm cannot create clouds inside walls
- Possible to level up more mages in library
- Paladins & Templars got shields
- Typo & stat fixes
- Fix mod monster start
- resreq for rituals didn't work
- Summoning amounts like 1d6-2 works now
- Portaudio support
- Portaudio is default for OSX 10.12 and later
[ 2016-11-29 08:51:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
General changes
- New class: Dryad Queen
- New subsocieties (alternate versions of societies)
- The current history of Elysium can be read in a library
- One graph for all gem types
- Iron/gold/trade bonus tied to the Baron/Senator/King... character
- New mage offer: Scarlet Sister
- New druid and forest magic spells
- Land shape fix
- Stability fixes
- Hate desert, love mine behaviors for independents
- Magic items in statue of Dvalin
- Fewer para-elementals when summoning
- Army of Gold & Oak Army only affects friendlies
- Berserk lost when waking up from sleep
- AI team improvement
- Shapeshifters pop with correct shape
- Perpetual storm cannot create clouds inside walls
- Possible to level up more mages in library
- Paladins & Templars got shields
- Typo & stat fixes
- Fix mod monster start
- resreq for rituals didn't work
- Summoning amounts like 1d6-2 works now
- Portaudio support
- Portaudio is default for OSX 10.12 and later
[ 2016-11-29 08:51:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update brings new rituals, new monsters, boosts to both the Monument of Hades and to Ba'al, improved performance, improved AI and some new convenience features like an End Turn warning. There is also a new 'wilder' setting that results in almost twice as large independent forces. This setting is intended to make the independents challenging even when playing in teams. General changes
- Wilder setting for larger indep forces
- Pathfinding performance improvement
- New warlock rituals: Perpetual Storm, Raise Volcano and para-elemental summonings
- New monsters: elemental warriors and para-elemental warriors
- End of turn warning that can be enabled
- Rituals for Storm and Mountain giants
- Can change player colors for network games
- Sound when new network turn is available
- New start option: --noturnsound
- Farms now produce 1 herb/month
- New Ba'al with global effects
- Increased recruitment chance for Nekromant
- Fix for terrain popup size
- Murdering Mist less effective
- On death explosions were often more to the left for large units
- Rear/mid rank fliers are now more careful
- Fix for battles not showing during network play
- Fixed bug causing game to freeze during AI movement
- Markgraf cost tweaks
- Monument of Hades now draws dispossessed spirits to Elysium faster
- Monument of Hades gets the allegiance of all existing dispossessed spirits in Elysium
- Fix for units not being unswallowed properly
- More serpents
- Reduced chance for commander from Summon Heroes of Old
- Swallowed units could result in a second battle
- AI improvements, especially for the Druid
- AI do more mastery rituals when having too much resources
- Support for some french letters
- Void Lord armor 1 -> 2
- Starspawn is now slow
- More stat fixes
- New mod command: modprio <1-9> (changes mod load order, 1=first, 5=default, 9=last)
- New map command: nocitynames
[ 2016-09-13 13:51:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update brings new rituals, new monsters, boosts to both the Monument of Hades and to Ba'al, improved performance, improved AI and some new convenience features like an End Turn warning. There is also a new 'wilder' setting that results in almost twice as large independent forces. This setting is intended to make the independents challenging even when playing in teams. General changes
- Wilder setting for larger indep forces
- Pathfinding performance improvement
- New warlock rituals: Perpetual Storm, Raise Volcano and para-elemental summonings
- New monsters: elemental warriors and para-elemental warriors
- End of turn warning that can be enabled
- Rituals for Storm and Mountain giants
- Can change player colors for network games
- Sound when new network turn is available
- New start option: --noturnsound
- Farms now produce 1 herb/month
- New Ba'al with global effects
- Increased recruitment chance for Nekromant
- Fix for terrain popup size
- Murdering Mist less effective
- On death explosions were often more to the left for large units
- Rear/mid rank fliers are now more careful
- Fix for battles not showing during network play
- Fixed bug causing game to freeze during AI movement
- Markgraf cost tweaks
- Monument of Hades now draws dispossessed spirits to Elysium faster
- Monument of Hades gets the allegiance of all existing dispossessed spirits in Elysium
- Fix for units not being unswallowed properly
- More serpents
- Reduced chance for commander from Summon Heroes of Old
- Swallowed units could result in a second battle
- AI improvements, especially for the Druid
- AI do more mastery rituals when having too much resources
- Support for some french letters
- Void Lord armor 1 -> 2
- Starspawn is now slow
- More stat fixes
- New mod command: modprio <1-9> (changes mod load order, 1=first, 5=default, 9=last)
- New map command: nocitynames
[ 2016-09-13 12:52:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains a bunch of small improvements and bug fixes as well as new descriptions for some units that didn't have any. General changes
- More unit descriptions
- Luck from items will now also result in a shimmering unit
- Staff of Arch Magi no longer pretends to contain a spell
- Improved magic item info for some items
- Fix for spell scrolls
- Storm Giants can now be summoned
- Different name for void mastery to make Star Child less confusing
- Giant Rats can now appear in graveyards
- Fix for insane necromancer and F1
- Typos fixed
- Setting values to 0 will not result in "pointless fx"
[ 2016-08-10 10:55:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some recruitment offers that were supposed to be in the game never happened due to a bug. With this fixed there are now more recruitment offers for some classes and even a new unit type for the Senator. A giant rat and his smaller buddy have also made it into the game. There are also the usual bug fixes, minor improvements and modding changes. General changes
- List to select from when loading map at Start New Game
- New monsters: Rat and Giant Rat
- Can now recruit Ether Warriors in Nexus occasionally
- Senator can now recruit Retiarius too when getting gladiator offers
- More special recruitment offers, especially for the Baron
- Getting iron from spoils of war didn't work
- Camouflage for Lord of Corruption didn't work
- Fix for F1 + insane exploit
- Increased maximum number of recruitment locations
- Fix for start citadel getting a town name
- A few new monster descriptions
- Typos fixed
- New monster mod commands: trample, tramplexsize, nocombat
- new monster mod command: meleeweaponspec
- meleeweaponbonus changed to be a bonus attack
- Command poisonaura changed to poisonspikes (but old command still works)
- Unimportant units are now killed after their side has lost a battle
- Fix for smoke on modded terrains
[ 2016-06-20 10:33:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cities, towns and forests now gets random names that are shown on the map and when recruiting in the case of cities. There are also the usual tweak and bug fixes. In addition to numerous bug fixes for modding there is now a proper modding manual for CoE4 that has much useful information for modders. General changes
- Names for cities, towns and forests
- Range bonus for spell mirrors
- Shadow Woods in Hades
- Regen + curse could result in extra afflictions
- Baal is now a unique monster
- Scrollbar fix during network game setup
- New start option --nocitynames
- Club of Dreams now makes blunt damage
- Typos fixed
- +armyowner and +hasunithere were negated
- +player now accepts negative values too
- +hascomhere and +hasunithere didn't prevent events on completely empty squares
- promoteunits, alterterrain, killsquare now takes altered location into account
- Map events didn't run on loaded games
- No longer crashes when adding too many attacks
- Max number of attacks increased 9 -> 15
- Could give items to newly created commander
- You can now name newly promoted unit
- Multi monitor support
[ 2016-05-04 10:04:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update fixes some bugs including not being able to rejoin network games you have dropped out from. There are also some new features for modders. General changes
- Joining ongoing games didn't work
- Faster dropping of dead connections
- Removed fire sound from standing in miasma
- Illusions no longer give HP to life drainer
- Strikeback effects didn't work properly for huge monsters
- Fix for eternal fight
- You can no longer start with a farm in the void
- Newlines (^) in event messages supported
- Event mod performance improvement
- Descriptions can be longer
- New commands: acidblood
, noeyes, makecolony
[ 2016-03-01 14:44:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This a small bug fix update. It fixes a bug introduced in 4.13 that made it impossible to change AI-levels during network setup. General changes
- Network AI-level setup fix
[ 2016-02-18 14:51:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
This a small bug fix update. It fixes a bug in the previous version that made it impossible to change team during network setup. General changes
- Network team setup fix
[ 2016-02-18 09:50:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
There are now a couple of new important events for Elysium, the Bandit King and the Ant Queen. The map editor has also been improved and you can now have an image overlay to easily transfer your favorite map to Elysium. There has also been some improvements to modding and the usual bug fixes. General changes
- Bandit King event
- Giant Ant Queen and ant hills
- Rituals like Create Necrotod can now use small and giant sized corpses too
- Miasma worked against witch on failed summons
- Eyeless units can no longer get the blind affliction at all
- Gates are eyeless
- Ice Druid and some more got winter move
- Increased maximum network packet size
- Fireball now also grants the burn forest ability
- Always init gl-extensions
- Increased chance of Astrologer in the Academy
- Typos fixed
- Show negative shock/poison resistance on stats screen
- Black map text on snow
- Network + loaded map setup fix
- Newlines in mod texts with ^
- descr for ritual modding
- New event commands: killsquare, makestationary
- playerevent could result in one too many on turn -1
- Overlay for map editor (shift+O)
- ctrl-t to remove cold in mapeditor
- Map square names saved properly
- Background texts on maps are slightly smaller
[ 2016-02-16 10:12:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds a map editor to CoE4. Together with some scripting the map editor can be used to create advanced scenarios. Only the plane of Elysium can be edited, the other planes will still be randomly generated. The map editor can be found in the Mods menu. In addition to this there has also been a few user interface improvements and some bug fixes. General changes
- Map Editor
- A * indicating secondary damage effects on weapons
- Improved popups for weapon info
- New monster descriptions
- Moved Illwinter logo to the left side to make space for mod banners
- Confused units couldn't convert to allies
- Blood vengeance incorrectly turned some special effects
- Can use PageUp/PageDown to scroll battle log
- New class mod command: reclimiter
- New event mod commands: +player, setloc, scatterloc
- Mod events can occur at turn -1 (before anyone has played)
[ 2016-01-26 11:47:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a modding and bug fix update. For linux users the game has also been updated to use SDL2 which hopefully makes the game work better with steam's overlay. General changes
- Animated Tools etc. help allied players too
- Stygian Paths now costs 0 AP to cast for real
- Necro grand mastery ritual wasn't greyed out properly
- Living Boulders are now stationary
- Game more responsive during computer moving phase
- Less boxes popping up when showing computer/indep moves
- Memory overwrite bug fix
- Description fixes
- Fix for eternal fight vs a dead unit
- Battlefield enlarged more when stationary units are present
- Battlefield can be enlarged more for really huge fights
- Tidied up help screen
- Modding variables
- Modding season triggers
- New mod commands: +hasunit, +hasunithere
- 12 new monster mod commands
- Fix for fireres etc. giving 100 too much resistance
- Library update SDL -> SDL2
- Support for borderless fullscreen window
[ 2016-01-12 14:46:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds new level 3 rituals for the Dwarf Queen and has major improvements for modding, including support for event modding. General changes
- New lvl 3 rituals for Dvala
- New descriptions for some monsters that had none
- Draw affliction icons on unit tokens
- Emperor of the Underworld no longer takes damage from it
- Wraith Crown grants immunity to hades
- Icons for Dvala's gold/iron bonus
- New location: The Halls of Dvalin
- New monster: Living Boulder
- Divine Marriage cost reduced 150 -> 100
- Boots sprite fix
- Star Oak got a stellar maw
- Improved ctrl-i info on spell casters
- Prebattle message didn't care about altered player colors
- New start option: --tokenstats=
- shift+w didn't look north
- Swamp Guardians can be cast in iron bogs too
- Witch's tower counts as a forest
- Magma etc immune to temperature changes
- Scry cannot spill over to other planes
- Fixed demon control chances
- Infernal Horde and Summon Demon Lieutenant more expensive
- Temples gices higher recruitment bonus chance
- Fix for rear commander deploying in front line
- Improved weapon info
- Some pale one summonings improved
- Frost Fiend and Ice Devil got ice armor
- Text message when summoning fails due to no more available targets
- Bottomless pit could be turned into a desert
- Hydra didn't advance properly
- Stat and description fixes
- Event modding
- Many new monster modding commands
- selectterr can be used to create new terrains
- New terrian mod commands: spr, tempimmune
- Error message on missing icon
- Fixed scrolling of many mods
- Fixed disappearing description of newly enabled mod
- power can use negative numbers too for previous powers
- a second addcost didn't work
[ 2015-12-30 11:30:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update fixes a regression in the last version that stopped the old seator coronation from working. Also some updates for modding and fixes for some minor bugs.
- Senator Coronation in normal capital crashed the game
- Tower Bridges got farsight
- Warlock of Fire didn't get 10% off fire summons
- New bless effect didn't always work properly
- Crusade could start inquisition too
- Legion of Ice & Army of Gold were too loud
- Terrain modding (70 new mod commands)
- ctrl-i to show hidden square and unit stats (for modding)
- Friendlier modding error messages
- New weapon mod commands: range, init, flymode, flylook, flysound
[ 2015-12-17 14:48:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update brings new rituals for the Enchanter and the High Cultist. The Senator can now become a Dark Emperor instead of the normal Emperor under some circumstances. Also modding has now been implemented and it should be possible to add new classes to the game.
- Modding support
- New enchanter rituals: Infuse Magic Library*2, Animate Tools, Animate Ballista
- New information box before fight starts
- Elder things for cultist and the void
- Dark Emperor
- Allied stupids got stuck on allied squares, fixed
- New icon for blunt damage
- Bog Witch consumes the swamp she is resurrected in
- Swamp Ghost changes
- No longer possible to steal units from stupid commanders
- Auto burning didn't work in winter even in the south
- Clipping of too long spell names
- Dwarven Ballista can no longer be converted
- Pontiff got too little money from the tithe
- Take damage from failing to flee
- New abilities: Disease Cloud, Mental Agony on Death
- New location in the void
- New independents in the void
- Network summoning bug fix
- Network plane swap bug fix
- Send Greater Horror cost 40 -> 50
- The spell A New Way was faulty
- Ghost Capitolium is now a citadel
- Fire Cloud range 6 -> 8
- Crystal Golem fix
- Typos
[ 2015-12-16 10:58:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds new features to the void and horror related things. There is also a new Maelstrom that might be a bad idea to enter as well as a lot of tweaks and fixes.
- New terrain, Maelstrom
- Nexus improvements
- More special tiles in the void
- Floating Cube event
- Respawn horrors in the void
- Send horrors cheaper in certain locations
- Increased chance for great foretelling event
- Pyramids can be owned (for mummy immortality)
- Spells with multiple strikes sometimes couldn't affect the same target twice
- Mirrors and other battleslow units are setup with space in between
- Battlefield enlarged more when illusion mirrors are present
- Crystal forests can be used for crystal golems
- Graphic effects for branded arablests
- Fixed siege range for branded ballistas
- Could lose commander ability during network play
- Burning squares makes independents move away
- Desert Sun immortality didn't work
- Some large mirrors had 1 HP too little
- Not all Ancestral Spirits could plane shift
- Location swap didn't work for network play
- Some legendary beings were no longer commanders
- Farm could appear on a river
- Description for Iron Grafting ritual
- Dragon got acute senses
[ 2015-12-08 15:59:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Two alternative Dawns of a New Empire when the humans don't rule might now occur when you play in that era. Also a new ritual, new magic items and many tweaks and bug fixes.
- 2 new alternative Dawn of a New Empires
- New ritual: Iron Grafted Golem
- Magic items that boost spell range
- Put space between immobile units to let other people through
- Large units couldn't reach topmost square on a wall
- Be less willing to open the gates
- Warlock of Fire had too cheap fire rituals
- Colossus don't start as follower
- Call Legendary Beings could fail if Horned God was already summoned
- Incorrect memorize warning for soothsayer
- Could recruit Yetis in a few incorrect places
- Berserking units become front rankers
- Changed move behavior for flying units in battle
- Learn proper start spells for bog witch
- Spells and rituals sorted by level
- Elemental resistances shown on items
- Mass command got new look & sound
- Recruitment of commanders could stop working
- Increased max nbr of commanders 5000 -> 9990
- Fixed some battle backgrounds
- New hammerer description
- --noglext (don't use opengl extensions)
- Description fixes
- Serpent Fiend had to long range on poison breath
- War Dogs now front- units
- Various stat fixes
- Retry with windowed mode if fullscreen mode failed
[ 2015-12-02 15:39:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a minor update to fix an annoying bug in 4.02.
- Fixed message when inspecting a mage to recruit
- Fixed sound for Slumber of the Stones
- Stat fixes
[ 2015-11-24 21:11:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
The update has higher quality music files, a more starlike look for the void as well as a bunch of bug fixes.
- Higher quality music files
- Fix for potential 2 tunes at once.
- New void map look
- Eagle warrior not recruitable multiple times
- Recruited Ghost captains and Elemental Champions are now commanders
- Missing ability descriptions fixed
- Flying units no longer fly out of castles unless gates are opened
- Sacred spring not invisible
- Item effect description for scrolls
- Improved weapon info
- Bucket of frogs no longer an edge summoning
- Warning for incorrect amount of memorized spells
- Desert Sun will be reborn in sun
- AP cost shown for convert settlement
- Fire Brand now has a visible area fire effect
- Fewer sound effects for sleep cloud
- Get correct start spells on converted units
- Shift select units works now
- Smoother spell animations for large fights
- Shortcut for Plane Shift worked without having the ability
- A few typo and stat fixes
[ 2015-11-24 11:07:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
This small update should make the game more friendly to old versions of Windows, like XP and Windows Server 2008.
- Fix description for Witch rituals
- Sacrifice amount bar didn't always work
- Improved support for old Windowses
[ 2015-11-17 14:53:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
The main focus in CoE4 is that each race plays differently. We're not talking about a unique building and unique unit, we're talking about completely differently, with different mechanics and different goals. Perhaps you're playing a druid, focused on amassing a vast forest and jungle empire from which to harvest ingredients to summon creatures of the woods with no practical need to conquer mines. Perhaps you're a dwarf, who's only concern are mines and produce units at a set rate every turn, focused almost entirely on upgrading those units to survive as long as possible since they are so difficult to replace. With 20 different factions that alone is enough to keep your play dynamic as you vie for control of the map to conquer Elysium.
New for the 4th version of Conquest of Elysium is the addition of different planes, many new rituals, monster descriptions, a completely new battle system, new random maps with varying temperatures and much more.
The game has six different planes. There is for instance an Infernal plane that is the home of the devils and the demons. So if a demonologist manages to summon a demon lord, there will suddenly be a dark citadel without its master in inferno. Banishing a devil will now force it back to inferno instead of slaying it permanently. Although extremely difficult it is possible to permanently destroy a demon lord by storming inferno and slaying it on that plane. Although there are many planes now you will only rarely have to visit them. But they continue to run in the background and can make certain actions or random events more exciting.
Most factions start with a random set of rituals, a random set of combat spell and together with the random map that will ensure that no two games are the same. More rituals and spells can be learned during the game if you have the right resources and find the right locations. In addition to the aggressive wildlife of Elysium there's also random events to contend with, from bumper harvests and bandits, to the very gates of the underworld opening into Elysium. Your hands will be full before you even make contact with the enemy.
- OS: any 64-bit distro
- Processor: 64-bit intel/amd cpuMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 1.4+
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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