This patch allows you to move NPCs to different houses, gives the NPCs more to talk about, improves NPC marriages, and fixes a few other minor issues. 0.816 change list:
- now there is an NPC location button on NPCs/town menu where you can move NPCs to different house deed locations
- fixed a bunch of NPC dialog that was there but not being used
- fixed many NPC dialogs only working if they are in a clan (instead of in town)
- fixed some dialogs going to player clan, now go to town
- added NpcDialogChanceMult to database and increased from 1.0 to 1.5
- fixed recruit to party button on npc equipment screen (wrestless/ScrObot)
- now spouses will move into the same house when they get married or are moved
- added next/prev buttons to npc equipment screen (wrestless)
- now reveal NPC personalities quicker when you listen to the things they want to talk about
- now NPC insanity will slowly go down if they are a town luminary (happiness is 100 or over)
- now players get some experience when NPCs get married
- changed showing controller button text to after pressing a controller button instead of moving a controller stick
- no longer get town luminary messages for NPCs that aren't part of your town
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 138
- removed ducplicate item NULL check in PlayerClient::itemsChanged
[ 2025-01-17 20:41:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch updates all of the in-game help pages, adds more to the tutorial to get players quickly up to speed, and fixes a few other minor issues. 0.815 change list:
- fixed a sound positioning issue (Voidbearer/ScrObot)
- fixed a rare way to get negative money (TnuocEht)
- will now get a warning if try to place objects that aren't directly in your inventory
- fixed attacking when having a useable object selected counting as using the object for hint purposes
- added block mining hint
- added background block mining hint
- added talk to NPC hint
- added placing blocks (foreground & background) hints
- added solve quest at lifestone hint
- fixed main game screen help page
- fixed character screens help pages
- fixed equipment screen help page
- fixed map screen help page
- fixed quests screen help page
- fixed town info screen help page
- added crafting help page
- fixed gate hint on random destination gates
- got rid of UI screens help topic
- color coded a bit more in the help topics to make some things stand out better
- put "Right click to teleport to this gate" back in for gates on gate map
- moved DynamicWorld help topic from getting first quest to first level up
- simplified game objective and color coded a little
- now don't show ItemRarity help topic until drop an uncommon magic item (instead of common magic item)
- reworded skills screen help topic some
- fixed a typo in build a workbench quest
- made a minor changed to quick help topic system help topic
- added Discord server link to main menu
- cleaned up drawTutorial code a little
[ 2025-01-10 22:30:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds more to the tutorial to get players quickly up to speed and fixes a few other minor issues. 0.814 change list:
- updated Din's Champion patreons (sorted by amount during development months)
- fixed crafting some higher level vials (sgisk)
- added player tutorial flags
- added WASD hint
- added space to jump hint
- added attack monsters hint
- added use lifestone for quests hint
- added use objects hint
- added use inactive gate hint
- added use world gate hint
- added chop down tree hint
- fixed missing newline in mana gargoyle highlight text
- now hints use correct key names if changed (no controller support yet)
- no longer get DynamicWorld help topic until get a real quest (not tutorial quests)
- changed save version to 302 (old game saves will still work fine)
- updated copyright year
[ 2025-01-03 20:41:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch fixes a crash, allows scooping up liquids into vials, adds craftable keys, and fixes several minor issues. 0.813 change list:
- fixed a crash in Covenant::getNpc (in this case was getting triggered by repairAll)
- can now pickup liquids with empty vials
- added vials for other liquids
- can now craft higher level vials made from higher level sand
- can now have a min vial level for liquids
- added an aditional recipe for torchs - oil/wood
- now lava, poison, and acid vials are used for some rune recipes
- can now craft metal keys (19 versions)
- crafted keys can open an object the key level or below
- changed skeleton key texture
- decreased skeleton key SpawnRate from 1.5 to 0.75
- decreased skeleton key MinDropAmount from 2/5 to 1/3
- now print when keys are used
- fixed critical hit, crushing blow, stunning blow, and deep wounds numbers not having commas when needed
- no longer get town under attack sound when a summon from an NPC in player party is attacked (NotJustAnotherUser)
- Feeding Strike, Defensive Strike, Inferno, and Hardened Armor buff times can now boosted with Status Effects Total Time items
- legendary items can no longer randomly spawn with sockets (can't put anything in them anyway)
- Dampening Field, Invigorate, Intimidation, Lull, Inspire Greatness, Vulnerability, and Luck buff times can now boosted with Status Effects Total Time items (Sneaky Nunga)
- now when highlighting an item, current item display background is a little brighter/bluer and icon more faded so a bit easier to tell difference between current and new boxes
- now skills with status effects that affect minions says "Minion Status Effect" instead of "Status Effect" to be more clear (also improves text on some items like Hellborn) (Destro*)
- can now click lose text and count down to leave lost world (and transition to new world)
- updated Demon Mastery desc that affects Chaos Lord skill also
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 137
[ 2024-12-20 22:48:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds 64 new unique items, updates a bunch of old items, and fixes several minor issues. 0.812 change list:
- added new boots - Ice Boots, Ice Spikes, Sonic Boots, Spring Boots, Frog Feet, Mudders, Holdfast, Stonegrip, Ninja Boots, Sliders, Wave Walkers, and Voidwalker
- added new chest items - Cobra Skin, Unbound, Boulder, Rockstopper, Dragon's Embrace, Snakeskin, Leaf, Stormforge, and Embercore
- added new jewelry - Corrosion Guard and Coyote Charm
- added new greaves - The Acrobat, Brace, Plummet, Swiftstride, Grasshopper Legs, Rock, Lava Skin, Jungle Spirit, and Bounce
- added new capes - Coyote Cape, Cloudcatcher, and Glide
- added new rings - Featherlight, Skyfall, and Emberwake
- added new gloves - Hammer, Whisper Touch, Sticky Gloves, Reach, Spider Gloves, Monkey Paws, Climbing Claws, Dragon's Grip, Ninja Gloves, Grip, and Smoothslide
- added new necklaces - Molten Charm, Amphibian Charm, and Perseverance
- added new swords - Silence and Venomspike
- added new helmets - Sight, Viper's Veil, and Diving Helmet
- added new belt - Anti-Gravity Belt
- added new shoulder item - Lumberjack
- added new axe - Treebane
- added new dagger - Snakebite
- added new staff - Icefire Staff
- added new shield - Stormbreaker
- added new mace - Thunderstrike
- turned attack, defense, and attack/mult magic modifiers back on
- added escape notice to Ghost Evader staff
- added lava protection to Brimstone jewelry
- added fire damage mult to Witch Burn greaves
- added decreased fall damage to Lightfoot boots
- added noise reduction to Silencer boots
- added lava protection and water walking to Firewalker boots
- added slow fall to Bitter Wind cape
- added noise reduction to Whispercloak cape
- added cold resistance to Shankar's Fur Coat
- specific damage type mults no longer apply if attacker is the victim (this happens from environmental damage) (DiceGolem)
- skill damage, damage over time, and spell damage mults no longer apply on damage status effects where creater and target are the same
- added a new illusion
- made strength damage bonus more clear on strength highlight (Nailclippins)
- decreased suffocating sound volume from 1.0 to 0.75
- turned weather fog off for now (doesn't sit on ground correctly right now)
- NPCs/monsters no longer get credit for hitting/killing self
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 136
[ 2024-12-15 02:57:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch improves the fps some, decreases the network usage in multiplayer a little, and fixes a bunch of hitches. 0.811 change list:
- now don't grab entity client skin until after cull call, so more likely loaded (so less hitches)
- optimized ResourceSystem::findResource a little (++ instead of [ i ])
- objects no longer keep searching for a good place to put them if original place overlaps another background object (less hitches)
- overlapping rocks and basic plants are now deleted instead of finding new position
- now don't set entity to idle animation until loaded to prevent some hitches
- status effects can now be marked SkipReadingStats - only StatusEffectBasicRegen right now
- no longer send across burned areas across network (not used in Din's Champion)
- added a shader cache so buildTile didn't always call findResource
- sped up round calls in getBlockVertLightIntensity
- now precache - step.eff, some insect footstep sounds, block.mdl, some mining effects, some mining sounds, plantPuffTree.mdl, objectDestroyed.mdl, splashWater.mdl, plantPuff.mdl
- now precache DeathEffect, monster skill sounds, monster skill status effects, and enhancement OnHitSkill
- now precache UseStatusEffect, tool models on hotbar, and fonts
- now precache - digEntity.mdl, questSolved.snd, block models, combatObjectHit.mdl, gates, regenerationObjectQuiet.mdl, common liquids
- now getDatabaseEntry call in Sentient::addStatusEffect uses DATABASE_ENTRY_TYPE_STATUS_EFFECT hint
- changed a bunch of places to use DATABASE_ENTRY_TYPE_MONSTER_ENHANCEMENT hint
- replaced dynamic_cast call in StatusEffect::isForever to isPlayer call
- fixed wording in "Your mother is better at fighting than you" monster taunt
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 135
[ 2024-12-06 23:55:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch improves a bunch of skill descriptions and fixes a few other minor issues. 0.810 change list:
- now torch place with hotkey has normal distance limits
- changed "Max Digging Power" to "Max Minable Dig Health" (Destro*)
- fixed monster part pickup text always saying Guard instead of body part name (Nailclippins)
- now torch place with hotkey does same rounding as other path to be more consistent
- added physical to damage text in Devastating Blow (Nailclippins)
- changed damage numbers to a smaller font
- changed money print font to be same as other items
- simplified map screen key a little
- added Based on weapon damage to ChargedSkillDesc (Nailclippins)
- added buff text to HolyBoltDesc, HolyStrikeDesc, HolySymbolDesc, and HolyFireDesc (Nailclippins)
- improved FireElementalSkillDesc and LightningElementalSkillDesc (Nailclippins)
- removed stamina text from FastDraw (Nailclippins)
- added damage to CurseOfPainSkillDesc (Nailclippins)
- added pierce info to SonicBlastSkillDesc (Nailclippins)
- rewrote FrenzySkillDesc to specify resets time remaining back to full (Nailclippins)
- improved BloodLustSkillDesc (Nailclippins)
- clarified focus skills time a little (Nailclippins)
- improved SpotVulnerabilityDesc (Nailclippins)
- made more clear which part of damage frost nova is of charged strike (Nailclippins)
- made more clear which part of damage poison cloud is of death blow (Nailclippins)
- now specify Shuriken Based on current weapon damage. (Nailclippins)
- improved PrayerDesc (Nailclippins)
- fixed typo in DynamicChatMonsterRandomTaunt105 so it wasn't working at all (Voidbearer)
[ 2024-11-22 23:15:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds prestige levels, adds a surrender option, adds a place torch key, balances many things better, and fixes a bunch of minor issues. 0.809 change list:
- added a surrender option on town info screen
- can now hit the tab key to place a torch without holding it (need torches on hotbar somewhere though)
- added Prestige levels (after level 100, each time gain enough XP to level up, get a reward item)
- now on area transition keeps original area name and overwrites old area - fixes a bunch of issues
- now gem, jewelry, necklace, and ring NPC gifts benefit both people so don't need to worry about from/to
- fixed an issue preventing NPCs from returning back to their home spot
- now world transition also carries over things near player's gate, mostly just in case no deeds up yet and lifestone was destroyed has something
- increased MinDistanceFromPlayerToSpawnAreaBlock/MinDistanceFromPlayerToSpawnAreaBlockEntities from 300.0 to 700.0
- item magic modifiers values from gems/runes are now more centered around average
- improved Slow Fall GravityMult from -0.33 to -0.75
- increased PickupDistance boost on rune/magic modifier from 0.25 to 0.75
- put "Fast Fall rune/magic modifier now also reduces falling damage by 20%" back in (got removed accidentally while testing)
- made NPC gifts more consistent when flipping from/to (level wise)
- fixed which gems Tree Damage & Air Control runes say they are made from
- fixed a bunch of minor inconsistencies of rune/gem text
- increased wall slide mult from 5.0 to 7.5
- reduced how often NPCs can use Fireball, Sweeping Flames, Immolation, and Maelstrom
- plants and trees no longer count as successful kills
- plants, trees, and critters no longer count as successful hits
- improved GravityMult from -0.33 to -0.4 Levitate and AirControl skills
- added liquid splash sounds
- new npcs can no longer trigger town alarm for 30 seconds (so no false alarms for having a DOT when recruited)
- reduced how often NPCs can use Precise Strike, Viper Venom, Critical Strike, Charged Strike, Jab, Gouge, Daze, Feint, Smoke Screen, Shuriken, Slice, and Caltrops
- reduced how often NPCs can use Frost Nova, Ice Storm, Frost Bite, Permafrost, Shatter, Blinding Flash, Magic Shield, and Arcane Swarm
- now higher level doors & crafting objects can spawn correctly
- decreased ReputationFight in WorldModifierRowdy & LevelModifierRowdy from 0.15 to 0.1 (Voidbearer)
- decreased naga priest acid bolts DiggingMult to 0.5 (Voidbearer)
- increased max level of many blocks from 200 to 300 (should fix level 200 worlds) (ulyssessword)
- can now left click on either gargoyle on main game ui to select self
- increased AutoSmartMiningDistance from 128.0 to 155.0 to match MaxMineBlockDistance
- increased ControllerMaxAimDistance from 160.0 to 190.0 to work with AutoSmartMiningDistance/MaxMineBlockDistance
- quests like curses/plagues get cleaned up correctly now on world transition (Nailclippins)
- increased giant spider InitChance/SpawnChance from 1.5/7.5 to 2.0/10.0
- doubled silk SpecificLootMinCount/SpecificLootMaxCount on spiders
- added SpecificLootNoLowerLevel to zombie spiders (like normal spiders)
- now Leather Scrap and silk drop amounts from monsters are multiplied by monster scale
- increased Leather Scrap drops from medium sized monsters from min/max from 1/3 to 2/4
- increased Leather Scrap drops from large sized monsters from min/max from 2/5 to 4/8
- fixed another way that objects could spawn too close to the player
- improved theme music a little
- added description to all special runes
- fixed a few traps that were still fullbright
- houses and other cover will now keep campfires from going out (Voidbearer)
- can now bind a key to loot all (Athostar)
- made marble textures a little darker (Nailclippins)
- Spectral chests no longer transition to next world (ulyssessword)
- removed mutation XP pillars (ulyssessword)
- now GlobalStatSystem::getTotalStatInfo ignores stats from players that are negative (Nailclippins)
- VirtualSmartMining no longer has a default key - ctrl already being used and AutoSmartMining is better
- now lightning sounds limited to 1 starting at a time so things like ball lightning not so loud (KevinC)
- fixed reset to defaults in keyboard options not clearing keys that default to nothing
- recipes can now specify what kind of recipeType they are (used in showing/hiding on crafting screen)
- moved copper & tin extraction to other instead of bars
- Arcane Essence will no longer add Crystal or Obsidian magic modifiers (desophos)
- fixed new nemesis sound
- fixed stoneskin obelisk being full bright
- fixed mail chest pieces on ground being full bright
- now automatically selects a skill added to your hotbar if none selected yet
- moved pickup text to right side of screen instead of over player (not in way as much)
- fixed getting "Illusion dispelled" message twice on some illusions (desophos)
- changed text in curse quests from "so I can cure it" to "so the curse can be lifted"
- made a couple things cyan in Basics and Using Skills help topics
- fixed some ambushes not referencing player name correctly
- pickup text now uses small font
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 134
- cleaned up getRecipesListInfoProc some
[ 2024-11-15 23:16:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch focuses on adding new skills, runes, and item magic modifiers that give players more control over the environment and how they move. 0.807 change list:
- added Jumping skill to Gladiator
- added Blinding Speed skill to Assassin
- added Trick Jump skill to Trickster
- added Wall Slide skill to Thief
- added Lava Protection skill to Fire Mage
- added Levitate skill to Magician
- added Air Jump skill to Sorcerer
- added Environmental Poison Protection skill to Warden and Nightshade
- added Environmental Acid Protection skill to Blackguard
- added Sonic Jump skill to Minstrel
- added Coyote Time skill to Illlusionist
- added Acceleration skill to Berserker
- added Run skill to Scout
- added Deep Breath skill to Monk
- added Soft Fall magic modifiers/runes
- added High Jump magic modifiers/runes
- added Slow Fall magic modifiers/runes
- added Acceleration magic modifiers/runes
- added Water Breathing magic modifiers/runes
- added Environmental Lava Protection magic modifiers/runes
- added Environmental Acid Protection magic modifiers/runes
- added Environmental Poison Protection magic modifiers/runes
- added Quiet magic modifiers/runes
- added Smooth Jump magic modifiers/runes
- added Unmovable magic modifiers/runes
- added Knockback magic modifiers/runes
- added Pickup Distance magic modifiers/runes
- added Air Control magic modifiers/runes
- added Coyote Time magic modifiers/runes
- added Light Armor magic modifiers/runes
- added Tree Damage magic modifiers/runes
- added Wall Slide magic modifiers/runes
- added Wall Grip magic modifiers/runes
- added Wall Climb magic modifiers/runes
- added Wall Jump magic modifiers/runes
- added Water Walking magic modifiers/runes
- Fast Fall rune/magic modifier now also reduces falling damage by 20%
- poison (liquid & gas) and pollution now have same resistance piercing as lava and acid
- Commoner skill Chop now does 100% extra damage to trees
- weapon master ArmsMastery skill now has some RepairWeaponDiscount
- Defender plate armor skill now has higher bonus than other classes
- added some fall damage reduction to Trickster Dodge & Evasion skills
- changed Combat Reflexes to Reflexes and added some falling damage reduction per skill level
- added some PickupDistance to TreasureHunter skill (thief and scout)
- added Sprint skill to Berserker
- blade master SwordMastery skill now has some RepairWeaponDiscount
- Soldier plate armor skill now has some ItemMovementPenalty reduction
- added some fall damage reduction to Monk Dodge skill
- moved LightTouch from status effect to skill (shouldn't change anything externally)
- added NoiseMult reduction to Light Touch (Hunter and Ninja)
- added some fall damage reduction to ninja Evasion skill
- added another digit of print for skill armor mults
- fixed name on FastFall Modifiers
[ 2024-11-09 23:47:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch focuses on fixing and improving skills for the 39 player classes. 0.807 change list:
- fixed whirlwind sometimes not targeting enemies correctly (might affect other skills?) (LumberingTroll)
- fixed Arcane Swarm movement (ulyssessword/goodgimp/sPiNdRy/HossPorkchops)
- skills like Marked for Death will no longer target entities marked as CanOnlyTargetDirectly unless directly targeted
- whirlwind can now hit targets behind you
- HolySymbol & Earthquake skills now need line of sight to damage an enemy
- halved damage penalities for skills with ExtraEnemies
- improved targeting for lighting type skills (and probably others) (DysDaemoN/Nailclippins)
- now chain lighting prioritizes monsters higher than other targets
- now debuffs won't try to target non-monsters even if you are targeting them
- improved targeting for corpse related skills (Molnyfio)
- now summoned Fire Elementals, Chaos Lords, Furies, Guardians, and Ghosts are smaller so they fit in the same space as a player and can move around better (Molnyfio)
- fixed trap aiming (still needs to have a real gravity applied)
- halved damage penalities for SkillMultiStrike and QuakeStrike
- Savage Strike now teleports correctly
- fixed Savage Strike large range being applied to damage area
- combo master skill now increases weapon damage
- made sleight of hand and feint work on all enemies in range and in front of the player
- shield bash skills hit more enemies reliably
- added some offset to extra projectiles so you can actually see them (AhaloOnDeck91)
- fixed Insidious Poison not actually doing poison damage (Voidbearer)
- now StatusEffectAuraOfPoisonVictim, StatusEffectAcidTouch, StatusEffectPoisonMist, StatusEffectPollution, and StatusEffectLethalPoison do poison damage
- fire shield can no longer hurt the entity it is protecting (Nailclippins)
- skills like Arcane Swarm will no longer randomly target entities marked as CanOnlyTargetDirectly
- critters no longer count for successfull hits or kills (Delilah/ulyssessword)
- added HealthChangeInflation 0.1 to StatusEffectInvigorate (HossPorkchops)
- fixed highlighting player size
- can now use dark ritual from necromancer and summoner on same pets (Molnyfio)
- made block and energizing blocks a little longer
- decreased ShieldBash and ShieldBlast reuse time from 10.0 to 5.0
- lifeburn can now repeat
- flame blade now casts more light
- now MultiShot extra projectiles are easier to see
- StrengthOfStone no longer changed your size
- shatter and bone shatter can now repeat
- doubled Banish distance
- death rune only works if can see enemy
- Slaughter can hit monsters behind player now
- HypnotizingFlow skill now increases weapon damage and attack
- now there is a backwards skill option for the mouse wheel (Molnyfio)
- added "Weapon Attack" wording on skills that do a weapon attack to be a little more clear
- now status effect damage line now always tells you damage type to be more consistent (Voidbearer)
- damage mult bonus now shows an extra digit of precision
- added "without attack penalty" to skill descriptions that have ExtraEnemies
- fixed create character ok button highlight text (no longer references clan name)
- added "Highlight this when using a skill to target." to party member and client highlights
- changed shockwave effect to be in x/z instead of x/y
- added 36 male names for NPCs (really way more since use markov chain)
- added 41 female names for NPCs (really way more since use markov chain)
- sorted npc names and removed duplicates (just easier to work with)
[ 2024-11-01 23:02:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds controller support, adds better smart mining, and fixes a bunch of minor issues. 0.806 change list:
- added controller support (see many more details below after blank line)
- added an auto smart mining option (direct targeting when cursor is close and smart mining if cursor is far)
- reduced mail/plate move penalties by ~25%
- now show red ! next to npc names on gifts screen when they have an enemy
- now show enemies if highlight NPC line on town info screen
- valid house help topic now mentions needing a deed placed on wall
- fixed extraction on special runes not giving you all of the gems that made it
- now stack all/stack all nearby chests has a print that tells you how many items moved
- added permanent note in durability help topic about hardcore character items breaking
- added current quest in area to world map key
- moved world map key up a little to fix an overlap
- moved world map key to left some so more out of the way
- fixed jumping issue with keyboard (never live)
- moved AutoSmartMiningDistance to database
- now i_joystickEnabled defaults to on
- left stick now moves left/right
- right stick now aims
- right trigger now does main skill (attack, pickaxe, torch, etc)
- right shoulder now does alt skill (skill, pickaxe background, etc)
- now left trigger jumps
- A now UI main click
- X now UI alt click
- now B cancels/pulls up in game menu
- removed joystick 45 angle shift (isometric thing)
- down on left stick now falls through platforms
- now right stick aim is instant correct direction (more like twin stick shooter)
- rearranged main menu buttons on bottom of screen - roughly in order of use (most use on left)
- back button now cycles through menus - inventory, map, quests, character, skills, npcs, crafting, journal, bestiary, and then back to inventory
- left/right stick presses go to prev/next tool
- x & y now go to prev/next skill
- made right stick distance from player to be analog
- start button is now stack to all nearby chests
- A now uses objects
- left shoulder is now block
- now joystick use doesn't repeat
- fixed aim being a diamond instead of a circle (an old adjustment that worked in isometric but not from side)
- shifted right stick aim using the player center instead of origin as the base position
- max aim distance is now consistent no across zoom levels
- now if cursor is centered (or close) over player, direction of player changes with movement
- at least with controller, use now has some auto aim
- added virtual keyboard support to new character, set up area, and rename screens
- fixed which objects could use with controller
- fixed dpad on create character screen
- fixed VirtualKeyboard disappearing when advanced options turned off on set up area screen
- fixed dpad on set up area screen
- fixed dpad on select character screen
- added ControllerMouseStartPositionWidget to most menus
- turned off twin stick stuff when open any menu with items
- i_joystickEnabled now on by default (if older cfg save turns on - just once)
- set ui_joystickMappingsSetup back to if older cfg saved - just once
- incremented cfg version
- matched controller linux default setup with Windows
- fixed _hasUsedJoystick not being initialized in linux build
- now controller not on until a button is pressed
- moved everything from handleMoreInput to handleJoystickButtonPress
- now map scrolling with controller is analog (goes slower if stick not pushed very far)
- added all new bindable stuff to controller options
- changed Joystick to Controller in text a couple places
- moved ControllerMaxAimDistance to database
- added start position to VirtualKeyboard
- resurrect and quest screens now turn off twin stick (temporarily)
- prev/next tool can now select potions - right trigger will use
- fixed Controller typo in a couple places (never live)
[ 2024-10-25 22:24:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch optimizes the game better, fixes a few hitches, and fixes a bunch of minor issues. 0.805 change list:
- changed many per vert/index arrays from size/resize/clear to sizeUsed/resizeUsed/clearUsed (~11% fps increase in test)
- moved shouldCullTile before shader check in addBlockSurface to decreased loading hitches
- now effects auto scale a little based on frame rate (increases fps as fps goes down)
- now if try to check collision out of map it returns true (fixes some hitches)
- quests can no longer pick shared levels (fixes some hitches)
- no longer applyGravity to attachments (wasn't actually changing anything except using cpu cycles)
- now Game::getEntitiesInRange only tries to keep entities in list unique if requested (speeds up some things)
- changed some calls in FactionSystem::getExactReputation from dynamic cast to isPlayer call (speeds up a little)
- now for block vert lighting don't do full convertToPackedColor if same intensity as the last vert (speeds up a little)
- removed 3d block lighting - no longer have a working 3d block render path & don't want to call lighting on 24 verts on block items (speeds up a little)
- pulled 2 ifs out of an inner loop in GraphicsSystem::generateColors (speeds up a little)
- now sort emitters so cache a little better and particles group better (rendering thing)
- no longer applyGravity to entities that are out of the world somehow
- now protect player housing more from quests (uniques, renegades, bosses, and uprisings) spawning too close after world transition (ulyssessword)
- added another safeguard to not spawn chests & traps too close to player houses on world transition (Amlealok/ChaoticReaper)
- added more safeguards to prevent objects like doors for set area blocks spawning in player housing on world transition
- increased desert SecondaryBlockClumpsMult from 3.0 to 4.0
- increased sawmp SecondaryBlockClumpsMult from 2.25 to 3.25
- can no longer put an item into a chest that is being deleted (like when you upgrade a chest and the old one is going away) (desophos)
- fixed Elementalist showing up as Fire Mage on skill screen tab (goodgimp)
- doors no longer get stuck open if item in the way
- can now bind a hotkey to StackAllNearby (LumberingTroll)
- can now use empty vials on water barrels
- now ? on maps and quests is purple if it is current quest/or quest is there
- now show an icon on game menu when smart mining is on
- fixed a buying from vendor issue
- decreased max time for vendor in time by 25%
- smart mining will no longer mine platforms
- added a warning if try to upgrade a crafting station without the needed materials (ScrObot)
- made player placed doors more reliably open for players
- doors now save/load their enhancements
- now enhancements on doors carry over world transition correctly (desophos)
- placed doors no longer have any DamageNoiseRange
- fixed town NPCs not being able to go insane
- increased MonsterTrapSpinner DamagePercentPhysical from 2.0 to 3.0
- fixed recipe list not getting updated when item amount changed
- decreased Avatars needed for Divine Intervention achievement from 15 to 10
- added items breaking is permanent to hardcore text
- fixed Level::getRandomValidPosition using y instead of z
- npc statues will no longer have a yellow ! above their head like they can be recruited
- fixed max level drop box on crafting screen going off screen and not allowing you to pick 100 option (Sil/ulyssessword)
- fixed a chest/crafting station upgrade issue
- fixed requirements on pickaxes (which normally has str or dex requirement) when it has a curse which forces a new requirement (Khadgar)
- fixed a few traps drawing fullbright
- fixed random class button picking hunter but not archer (before hunter is unlocked) (Obvious)
- fixed saying unlocked archer class, when the hunter class is unlocked (desophos)
- fixed a few roof issues on houses generated in world
- added a note to onyx and obsidian gems - "NOTE: this will have a smaller affect in smaller armor piece types."
- fixed a couple issues highlighting current zone name on world map
- female imp recruits now use correct model
- added a new tip - "A high perception sometimes highlights traps and secret stashes to make them easier for you to see."
- doors that are dropped from pickaxing them are no longer unidentified
- fixed extra widget shadow in advanced graphics options screen
- fixed a few quests mentioning Steward in quest text (desophos)
- fixed some text overlap issues on UI options screen
- fixed a couple of overlap issues in keyboard options screen
- fixed a couple of overlap issues in 2nd/3rd specialty confirm menu
- fixed hardcore heroes text overlap
- fixed Superior Dexterity spacing issue (desophos)
- changed effect to affect in protection spell descriptions (desophos)
- fixed effect/affect issue in ArmorSocketNote (desophos)
- fixed missing TwohandedSword translation (desophos)
- fixed Rename/Upgrade on chest ui not fitting on button very well
- fixed pick axing a chest that was just open, getting chest UI (never live)
- cleaned up GraphicsSystem::generateColors some
- changed saveVersion to 301 (everything backwards compatible)
- removed _vertTiles var/clear (code was already ifdefed out)
[ 2024-10-18 23:52:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds a bunch of quality of life features (smart mining, stack to all nearby chests, crafting list sorting/filtering, etc), balances the early game better, and fixes a bunch of minor issues. 0.804 change list:
- added a stack to all nearby chests button
- added smart mining (auto targets best block in direction you are mining) - defaults to left ctrl
- halved damage of MonsterTrapConeIce, MonsterTrapConeLightning, MonsterTrapSpinTowerIce, MonsterTrapSpinTowerFire, MonsterTrapTowerIce, MonsterTrapTowerPoison, and MonsterTrapTowerFire
- moved Fast Fall ability from always having it to a special rune that can be crafted and slotted in to greaves items
- can now hide uncraftable recipes on crafting screen (don't have materials for)
- added "hide temporarily unusable" option on crafting screen
- added "hide permanently unusable" option on crafting screen
- can now sort crafting list (none, name, name descending, level, level descending)
- now can show or hide mail armor, plate armor, weapons, tools, jewelry, and other on anvil
- now can show or hide armor, bags, and other on leatherworking/tailoring stations
- now can show or hide crafting stations, cut stones, roof tiles, furniture, crude equipment, and other on workbench
- now can show or hide bars, blocks, roof tiles, and other on furnace
- now can show or hide Weapon, Defense, Npc, Minions, Spells, Special, and other on rune station
- now can show or hide Healing, Mana, Resistance, Attribute, and other on AlchemyStation
- projectiles now go through platforms more reliably (ulyssessword)
- added some more safeguards to not spawn actors, chests, or traps too close to a player
- fixed snapping to collision grid causing some issues
- no longer check entity overlap when placing player lifestone or gate
- for now turned off extra projecties in SkillMonsterTrapTowerIce3Shots and SkillMonsterTrapTowerLightning3Shots
- fixed MinPositionDepth not using version stuff correctly
- in new areas caves will no longer spawn too close to the surface
- in new areas wastelands and inferno biomes will no longer spawn too close to the surface in low level worlds
- surface monsters no longer migrate towards town if no town attacks option is turned on
- fixed a crash if placed a passive skill like lich in hotbar and used it while targeting something (slayerling12)
- decreased QuestWanderingVendorTown RandomEventChance from 6.0 to 3.0
- added "Too far to switch places!" warning (ScrObot/DaimonTrology)
- halved wishing well chances
- now wishing wells that are traps now have MinLevel of at least what the trap has
- increased SkillMonsterTrapArrowSlit ReuseTime from 1.0 to 2.0
- a dead entity no longer blocks placing down a block (ulyssessword)
- changed world map zoom range from 0.5/4.0 to 0.8/6.0
- now start with 10 torches instead of 5
- added PuddleMinLevel 5 (from weather)
- added LightningMinLevel 5 (from weather)
- added TornadoMinLevel 5 (from weather)
- ObjectTriggerIllusionItemBase now has MinLevel 10
- increased BlockOil MinLevel from 1 to 3
- increased BlockAcid MinLevel from 1 to 5
- increased BlockLava MinLevel from 5 to 8
- increased BlockAcid MinLevel from 3 to 5
- added a MinLevel of 10 to some ambushes
- added NoiseAmbushMinLevel 10
- smoke, poison gas, and exploding gas now have MinLevel for starting in a world of 5, 10, and 15 (still can form in other ways)
- made it more clear that pickaxes require strength OR dexterity
- increased wood from trees ~33%
- critters, background objects, and unkillable things will no longer prevent doors from shutting
- sped up Guardian attacks a little (14 fps to 17)
- fixed sometimes getting doors (and other objects) from area blocks placed into your town on world carry over
- fixed size 28, 32, 36, and 40 bags (Sil)
- fixed some runes not being able to go into jewelry (even though says jewelry) (ulyssessword)
- fixed worlds above level 100 not generating blocks correctly (GrayRiceCake)
- now crafting list only updates when shown first time or something changes (so not generating every frame)
- vendors no longer decide to stay in town forever
- added some randomness to vendor in town position
- fixed knockback in liquids not taking into account liquid movement mults
- repositioned player lifestone/gate higher so less chance ends up underground
- decreased LovePotion SpawnChance from 0.5 to 0.1
- no longer get "Can't see" message if try to place torch where no support
- fixed gems and runes not sorting correctly by type in bags
- chisels now have monetary value
- player lifestones no longer make healing noise since it is pretty constant (General Curmudgeon)
- stumps now have attacked sounds like trees
- added almost 100 new monster taunts
- moved stash all and loot all buttons on chest away from each other (Athostar)
- fixed strength & dexterity highlight on plus blocking view
- when holding a block ores no longer show better than +
- now love potions text say how to give as gifts
- fixed party member UIs overlapping god bars if ui_scale smaller than usual
- toned down fire shield effect
- fixed summoning candles saying left click instead of use E (desophos)
- fixed bags above 24 descriptions (Sil)
- fixed Sage achievement text on Steam (MartinElgar)
- fixed magic find chance description wording (desophos)
- fixed cursor typo (desophos)
- fixed XP and XP Needed capitalization issue (desophos)
- fixed affect/effect isue in potions desc (desophos)
- reworded HappinessDesc (desophos)
- fixed Deep Wounds capitalization issue (desophos)
- fixed a left over component reference (desophos)
- fixed an "outside of walls" typo (not sure used right now though) (desophos)
- fixed lightning typo in WorldModifierBlessingThadenDescShort (desophos)
- fixed combat stats highlight text for Direct Spell Damage and Damage Over Time (desophos)
- fixed lightning typo in LightningBlastDesc (desophos)
- fixed heroes typo in GreatnessSkillDesc (desophos)
- fixed naturally word in MeditationSkillDesc (desophos)
- fixed wording in SnareSkillDesc (desophos)
- fixed Enchants in EnchantedBladesSkillDesc (desophos)
- fixed copy paste/typo enhance in TailorDesc, LeatherWorkerDesc, JewelerDesc, WeaverDesc, and CobblerDesc (desophos)
- fixed missing us in QuestTextUniqueRaidPlan (desophos)
- fixed wording in QuestTextUniquePoisonMaster and QuestTextUniquePoisonMasterFromBoss (desophos)
- fixed extra from in QuestTextDeliveryReturnStolenGoods (desophos)
- fixed Extravagant typo in PersonalityExtravagent and PersonalityExtravagentDesc (desophos)
- fixed treachery misspelling in DynamicChatRenegadeKilled2 (desophos)
- made ModifierPetDamage a prefix (desophos)
- changed Bleeding/the Bleeder to Bloodletting/Bloodletter (wrestless)
- fixed armor typo in ArmorsmithCommonerSkillDesc (DysDaemoN)
- temporarily removed donators list - needs to be updated
- fixed getting an assert and that changed the cursor which led to another assert, which apparently kicks game out of debugger completely without telling you what happened
- fixed a crash in SpawnSystem::spawnAreaBlock (never live)
[ 2024-10-11 22:52:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch balances the early game so it is much more newbie friendly, tones down some traps & dangerous objects, fixes torches being destroyed, makes enemy NPCs much more reasonable, and fixes a bunch of minor issues. 0.803 change list:
- decreased TrapChancePerBlock from 0.05 to 0.03
- decreased StatusEffectLethalPoison HealthChangePercent from -0.2 to -0.1
- fixed torches being destroyed by things
- made area on top of windows that you can grab to move windows around a little larger so easier to grab
- now client & server agree a little better on which block the player is mining
- StatusEffectQuestCurse, StatusEffectQuestPlague, and StatusEffectQuestPlagueMutagen no longer debuff str/dex but instead physical damage, attack, and defense (wrestless)
- added ReuseTimeNPC to skills so can control NPC restrictions different than players
- increased ReuseTimeNPC for most skils on Renegade, Smuggler, Sorceress, Warlock, Archmage, Alchemist, BlackKnight, Fanatic, Necromancer, Druid, DeathKnight, and Reaver NPCs
- now critical hits damage mult is phased in (1.1 at lvl 1, 1.5 at level 20) for monsters
- changed EnhancementDeadlyAim to different enhancements for unique monsters below level 15
- changed EnhancementBerserker to different enhancements for unique monsters below level 20
- changed EnhancementThorns to different enhancements for unique monsters below level 20
- changed EnhancementRegeneration to different enhancements for unique monsters below level 20
- decreased chain type traps SpawnChance from 1.0 to 0.25
- decreased BreakableBarrelMoreDangerous SpawnChance from 7500.0 to 1000.0
- decreased BreakableBarrelMoreDangerous AddAdditionalChance from 0.75 to 0.5
- decreased HazardWood Fire DamageResponseChance from 0.25 to 0.20
- increased BreakableBarrelMoreDangerous & BreakableCrateMoreDangerous MinLevel from 5 to 10
- increased BreakableEnergyVortex MinLevel from 5 to 15
- now show tips on resurrection menu
- decreased ObjectTriggerLeverBlast/ObjectTriggerSwitchBlast SpawnChance from 50.0 to 25.0
- increased ObjectTriggerLeverBlast/ObjectTriggerSwitchBlast MinLevel from 8/10 to 10/15
- increased ObjectTriggerSwitchRandom MinLevel from 1 to 10
- increased MonsterCrystalBlue/MonsterCrystalYellow MinLevel from 5 to 10
- increased MonsterCrystalRed/MonsterCrystalOrange MinLevel from 5 to 15
- increased TrapGroundPoisonGas, TrapBallLightning, and TrapGroundCurse MinLevel from 5 to 8
- increased TrapGroundPit, TrapGroundPitBig, and TrapGroundTeleporter MinLevel from 5 to 8
- increased TrapGroundFireNova, TrapGroundIceStorm, TrapGroundMagicalExplosion, and TrapGroundEarthquake MinLevel from 5 to 12
- increased TrapGroundFireNovaChain, TrapGroundIceStormChain, TrapGroundPoisonGasChain, TrapGroundSpawnAmbush, TrapGroundSpawnAmbushZombie, TrapGroundSpawnAmbushHidden MinLevel from 5 to 15
- increased TrapGroundSpawnAmbushRanged and TrapGroundSpawnAmbushCoordinated MinLevel from 5 to 20
- increased TrapGroundTeleporterLong MinLevel from 15 to 20
- decreased EnhancementGargoyle StatMultMinDamage/StatMultMaxDamage from 4.0 to 1.0
- increased EnhancementSavage3, EnhancementTeleporter3, and EnhancementHealer3 MinLevel from 1 to 10
- increased EnhancementVampire3 MinLevel from 5 to 15
- increased EnhancementSlayer MinLevel from 10 to 15
- increased EnhancementWarrior & EnhancementDeadlyAim MinLevel from 1 to 15
- increased EnhancementBerserker, EnhancementAncient3, EnhancementThorns, and EnhancementRegeneration1 MinLevel from 1 to 20
- increased LevelModifierCrystalGreen, LevelModifierCrystalWhite, and LevelModifierMagic MinLevel to 5
- increased LevelModifierHunt MinLevel to 6
- increased WorldModifierCursed MinLevel to 8
- increased WorldModifierHaunted, WorldModifierSpiders MinLevel to 9
- increased LevelModifierTraps, WorldModifierDarkElves, LevelModifierTricksterRealm, WorldModifierFear, LevelModifierCrystalBlue, LevelModifierThorns, LevelModifierFrost, LevelModifierPoison, LevelModifierReptiles, LevelModifierFire, LevelModifierLightning, LevelModifierElements, LevelModifierMight, LevelModifierCrystals, LevelModifierMachines, and LevelModifierMind MinLevel to 10
- increased WorldModifierFireHazard, WorldModifierElectricalHazard, and LevelModifierPlague MinLevel to 12
- increased WorldModifierExplosionHazard, LevelModifierCrystalOrange, LevelModifierCrystalRed, LevelModifierWitch, LevelModifierSmuggler, LevelModifierPirate, LevelModifierWizard, LevelModifierThief, LevelModifierMercenary, LevelModifierFanatic, LevelModifierIllusion, LevelModifierDruid, LevelModifierBlood, LevelModifierDeath, LevelModifierDamned, LevelModifierCult, LevelModifierNecromancy, LevelModifierShadows, LevelModifierIllusions, and LevelModifierBattle MinLevel to 15
- increased LevelModifierRage MinLevel to 17
- increased WorldModifierMonsterTraps, WorldModifierTornados, WorldModifierPayingTraitors, LevelModifierExtreme, and LevelModifierAncient MinLevel to 20
- turned off WorldModifierTrapsSurvive, WorldModifierAggressiveWorldSurvive, and WorldModifierObeliskDeathmatch
- decreased SkillMonsterHorrorPoisonGas, SkillMonsterTrapPoisonCloud, and SkillZombieBroodPoisonCloud ReleaseGasAmount from 1500 to 750
- increased BreakableMushroomExplosive MinLevel from 1 to 10
- added AddAdditionalMinLevel to some of dangerous objects so they don't spawn in groups until higher levels
- decreased ProjTrapFireExplosion, ProjRylorBombExplosion, and ProjExplodingGas Speed from 400.0 to 300.0
- decreased ProjShatter and ProjCorpseExplosion Speed from 300.0 to 250.0
- decreased ProjSharedIceStorm, ProjSharedPoisonGas, and ProjHellStorm StartDistance from 150.0 to 125.0
- decreased ProjSharedGroundFire StartDistance from 100.0 to 75.0
- decreased ProjMaelstrom StartDistance from 300.0 to 200.0
- decreased ProjFrostNova, ProjShockWave, ProjPoisonNova, and ProjFireStrike Speed from 200.0 to 150.0
- decreased SkillHolySymbol, SkillEarthquake, and SkillDeathRune MaxRange from 400.0 to 300.0
- decreased SkillHolySymbol, SkillEarthquake, SkillDeathRune, SkillHellStorm, ProjShatter, SkillCorpseExplosion, SkillFrostNova, SkillChargedStrike, SkillShockWave, SkillFireStrike, and SkillFlametongue DiggingMult from 1.0 to 0.125
- ProjSharedBallLightning and ProjSharedPoisonGas no longer does damage to blocks (direct targeting)
- added a ReuseTime of 10.0 to SkillMonsterHorrorPoisonGas
- increased fire tower shooting time from 1.0 to 3.0
- decreased lightning tower damage mult from 1.0 to 0.5
- totems and towers should no longer spawn too close to another of their exact type
- rock clumps in deserts and swamps are now more likely be in a horizontal direction and longer in that direction
- fixed a couple issues with the placing blocks overlapping checks (wrestless)
- fixed client/server disagreeing slightly where player's mouth is for oxygen checks
- fixed quick transfer being allowed to try to transfer NPC items
- can no longer pickaxe dead bodies and get a chest :) (wrestless)
- now if you upgrade a chest that has been named, the name carries over correctly (desophos)
- flipped Jaggedthorn & Rapidstrike levels
- changed Soulcarver enhancements
- changed Ciglio's Cauldron bonus from 25% Mutation progress (not a thing in this game) to +10% combat experience (wrestless)
- fixed highlighting items on ground saying left click instead of press E to pick up (desophos)
- removed some food usage text from NPC focus text (BU4U Gaming)
- added a good house sound
- now properly get can only salvage items in bags message if try to salvage something on hotkey bar (deadbeef)
- vendor paid to come to town option now works correctly (desophos)
- now level modifiers use monster level of the zone they are on instead of min monster level of the entire area (technically makes them available sooner)
- fixed immaculate ruby xvii effect/level (ulyssessword)
- improved sounds when hitting trees (KevinC/Chopper Dave)
- added "NOTE: Shield is currently not equipped, because holding a 2 handed item."
- fixed town armory highlight mentioning old buy/sell default
- should no longer be able to find 0 of a crafting item like Arcane Essence (deadbeef)
- removed HungerMult from zombasite infections
- removed HungerMult from several npc focus status effects (deadbeef)
- improved death help topic a little - reworded some stuff & mention gate system
- improved moonstone and onyx alpha
- tweaked logo a little
- fixed Jute Cloth Cap being full bright (shader not set up correctly) (deadbeef)
- set incompatible better for Amusing/Joker/Funny/Entertaining & Boring/Dull/Humorless npc personalities (ulyssessword)
- fixed missing SocketRequirementShield translation (ulyssessword)
- fixed missing SocketRequirementProjectileClass translation (desophos)
- now if player dies, pushes Base Gate help topic (along with the usual Death help topic)
- added quick tip "While placing objects, you can rotate them with the left/right arrow keys."
- added quick tip "If you've dropped any items on death, they will be marked on the world map."
- added quick tip "Bosses can bring in reinforcements, so it might be a good idea to kill their allies first."
- added quick tip "If something is in the way, modify the terrain to your advantage!"
- fixed QuickTip31 not being in quick tips help topic
- added quick tip "Get and solve quests by using your Lifestone."
- added quick tip "Below ground is very dark, alway make sure to have enough light (usually torches)." (ArchV)
- added quick tip "Wood platforms are very useful blocks since you can pass through them when you want to." (ArchV)
- added quick tip "You can pick up many objects by using your pickaxe on them." (ArchV)
- added quick tip "You can repair items at the Modification Table." (ArchV)
- added quick tip "Usually salvaging your items at the Modification Table is better than selling them."
- added quick tip "If needed, you can move your lifestone and gate with summon scrolls." (ArchV)
- added quick tip "Click the small green/orange squares on your hotkey bar slots to toggle between immediate use mode and select mode." (ArchV)
- added quick tip "Remember to put items in your hotbar! Items there won't drop on death and it gives you extra space in your bags." (Asp)
- added quick tip "There is a quick item transfer hotkey (defaults to numpad enter)." (Etto)
- added quick tip "There are stack all and loot all buttons in the chest UI that makes chests easier to work with."
- added quick tip "If you can't find a quest target, you might be able to pay a fee in the quest menu to get better location info!" (Etto)
- added quick tip "Be careful of loose solids, liquids, and gases. They can be very dangerous!"
- added quick tip "Remember to keep upgrading to a better pickaxe!"
- fixed Mithril, Adamantium, and Neutronium door names (ulyssessword)
- fixed SoundNameNightStarted (was SoundNameNewNightStarted)
- changed MinPlayerLevel to MinLevel in level and world modifiers to be more consistent with other things
[ 2024-10-02 23:32:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch tones down some monster enhancements, makes deserts & swamps a little more solid, makes the starting area safer, and fixes a bunch of minor issues. 0.802 change list:
- toned down a bunch of monster enhancements: Berserker, Slayer, Warrior, Ancient, ExtraStrength, Vampire, StoneSkin, Guardian, Ancient, Guardian, Zealot, and DeadlyAim
- increased SecondaryBlockClumpsMult for deserts and swamps by 50% so sand & mud don't shift quite so much
- fixed not being able to place objects like crafting stations from hotbar (KevinC)
- fixed not being able to upgrade a crafting station if some blocks are in the way and preventing the new object getting placed (MaDDworlD)
- starting area much more likely to be pretty flat
- starting area much more likely to be solid (no empty blocks and no loose solids)
- fixed some things disagreeing where the start location is which cause some issues
- fixed relic vendors still spawning (Trevelyan_Heart/deadbeef)
- now remove vegetation right next to your lifestone/gate on world start so they aren't covered up (KevinC)
- no longer get smelting xp for making bronze bars (already got some for making the copper and tin bars)
- fixed modification table not telling you what it does when highlighted
- bringing up any menu when in camera mode now exits camera mode (Etto)
- fixed not being able to upgrade crafting stations if materials are in chests (MaDDworlD)
- can now respec out of basic skills that you have put points into (just like other skills) (Chaseowski)
- increased AutoPickupItemsDistance from 35.0 to 45.0 (Molnyfio)
- now also auto pickup items that are a bit higher if they have stopped falling
- added some more safeguards to player trading
- decreased Maelstrom DiggingMult from 0.25 to 0.1
- now all 20 hotkey slots are setup with immediate and select mode marks
- now mention in UI screens help topic that you can move many of the menus to better positions if you want
- fixed zoom quick tip (deadbeef)
- blocks no longer try to compare to other blocks in hotbar (yellow or green + stuff)
- now text in lists will auto drop to a smaller font size if text doesn't fit (deadbeef)
- moved craft button on crafting screen a little to have room for recipes that make 2 things (deadbeef)
- fixed Digging Power typo (Chaseowski)
- fixed Cotton Cloth Sash capitalization (deadbeef)
- can now move the help topic menu around (like most non-full screen menus)
- fixed UI_CONDITION_VALID_QUEST spacing (just a minor code thing)
- fixed a crash in Player::autoCollectItems (was never live)
[ 2024-09-27 22:34:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.801 change list:
- fixed an animation gltich when moving forward/backwards a lot (especially when also attacking)
- fixed not being able to place torches on top of surface (couldn't see)
- fixed a newly falling object applying built up time and falling really fast
- fixed not being able to attack doors
- decreased SkillMaelstrom DiggingMult from 1.0 to 0.25
- decreased wood from each tree a little
- added plants to cave biome
- fixed wishing well tip (said left click instead of use with E)
- updated logo
- fixed a few things taking a while before realizing need to fall :)
- fixed loading screen words being squished some
[ 2024-09-24 18:54:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.800 change list:
- now if transitioned town doesn't fit in new area it will shift it around to fit
- now if transitioned town doesn't fit in new area after shifting it will create a larger area
- fixed a possible crash in Level::addBackgroundBlocks
- fixed adding a larger than 1x1 level on world edge breaking things (crash in addBackgroundBlocks)
- fixed a problem with fake border levels going beyond the max edges
- can no longer attack through blocks and closed doors
- now carried over entities if their corrected position isn't valid, it finds a good one
- fixed a couple places spawn item could fail when loading an item and the loading position when then be wrong (Delilah)
- fixed losing npcs if asked them to join party and then kicked them out of party
- fixed some entities not settling on ground properly the first time they apply gravity
- now reduce damage from monsters in low levels if the monster is a higher level than area
- now blocks only try updateBlockShape in applySlowInteraction 20% of the time to use less cpu
- sped up ResourceSystem::findResource a little
- gates, house deeds, crafting objects, furniture, and player chests no longer go on active list - dropped test case from 150 to 50 active entities
- items should now go inactive when done falling correctly
- items now use timer for deleting if on ground too long instead of using event system (test case has over 2200 delete events posted, now 4)
- changed GraphicsSystem::useModelCache to use insert instead of resize/memcpy
- optimized LightingSystem::getBlockVertLightIntensity a little
- changed ObjectSent stuff on server & client to array instead of linked list
- made it so caves no longer spawn too close to start location
- added in new logo
- hooked up new logo on loading screen
- hooked up new theme music
- no longer try to spawn an area block if too close to a player
- no longer try to spawn monsters, chests, traps, and objects during area block spawn if too close to a player
- added a build workbench quest
- added a build modification table quest
- added a build house quest
- now starting quests auto select
- now show an icon on main game screen for current selected quest - highlight text will tell quest title/text, left click will open quests menu, and right click will go to map location
- now save current selected quest
- fixed explosion barrels sometimes not exploding (TriggerDistanceZ breaking TrapInstantBase)
- now server sends keep alive messages to client when generating a new world so client doesn't timeout
- area blocks set to always have chest is not literal anymore
- made dungeons have more rooms and hallways
- now check monster spawn position against house deeds better
- made spiders and scorpions have slightly smaller x axis bounds
- doubled NewPlantPerSurfaceLevelChance
- increased DamagePercentPhysical/DamagePercentPoison for ArchetypeDarkOrcShaman/ArchetypeDarkOrcWarlock from 0.3/0.3 to 0.7/0.7
- traps and objects can no longer be guards (at least for now)
- now liquid damage has some resistance piercing
- can no longer use a non-player placed chest from too far away
- no longer highlight tree leaves when damaged since it doesn't use alpha and looks blocky (noHighlight in skn)
- increased amorph Weight from 1.25 to 2.0
- hulks now knockback others 50% more
- decreased Obsidian ValueMult from 0.5 to 0.33
- now linked skills all automatically get added to hotbar
- skills put into hotkey bar automatically now set up select/instant use correctly
- harmful liquids, harmful gases, and blight will now eventually destroy plants in/on them
- can no longer place torches out of sight
- no longer lock on to entities marked as CanOnlyTargetDirectly when move cursor off of them
- client no longer sends as many packets to server if last server message is an alive message (generating a new world)
- changed getSightFromPosition from using ReservedPosition to normal position
- halved ObjectTriggerLeverRandom/ObjectTriggerSwitchRandom chances
- set lots of projectile skills to repeat
- increased PowerRegenPerInt from 0.08 to 0.15
- increased PowerRegenPerSpr from 0.08 to 0.1
- increased CombatPowerRegenMultiplier from 0.25 to 0.5
- now don't check if platform blocks things when placed
- now doesn't matter if critters are blocked by placed blocks (Delilah)
- now doesn't matter if entities that can't move, can't be hurt, or can't be attacked are blocked by placed blocks (Delilah)
- fixed a skill immunity problem - which fixes killing critters with pickaxe (Delilah)
- now update screen/clients more when smoothing blocks, settling loose solids, and settling liquids (mostly so clients don't time out when server is transitioning to a new area)
- hooked up tailoring station model
- now ambushes have a MinLevel of 5
- fixed liquid rendering - broke something while optimizing :( (probably fixed editor issue also)
- increased FallingDamageMinSpeedMult for chest from 0.25 to 0.4
- moved lifestone/main gate up a little to prevent getting spawned underground
- added a MinPlayerLevel of 5 to a few darkness level modifiers
- ObjectTriggerLeverBlast & ObjectTriggerSwitchBlast now have a min level of 8 & 10 respectively
- made Game::getEntitiesInRange only add to list if not already in the list
- now dungeons can only spawn deeper down
- now when highlighting an item block tells you GroundMaxSpeedMult, GroundAccelerationMult, GroundDecelerationMult, and GroundJumpImpulseMult if not 1.0
- added oil effect
- added description to guard items to let player know when used they become a temporary party member
- fixed anvilAdamantium.tga typo
- fixed potionsStaminaNormalFlask.tga typo (not using stamina potions though)
- fixed Shaman_orange.skn
- fixed Warlock_orange.skn
- no longer send client data messages to external server when only in fake game
- now don't get Damage help topic until below 67% health (was <100%)
- now don't get LowHeatlh help topic until below 50% health (was 75%)
- turned off "Items on the ground" help topic
- no longer get ObjectInteraction when near player lifestone/gate
- moved WorldCarryOver help topic to pop up on win, lose, or lifestone takes damage (or level up as a backup)
- fixed Base Gate help topic
- fixed a couple foundation issues on houses
- fixed a couple random torches in houses
- fixed weird issues with 2 blocks in same block and one of them has custom slope blending
- now correctly show block outline when highlighting a block that has a slope (because can place in deposit layer)
- fixed missing Effects/brazierfire02.eff
- fixed missing Effects/braizerfire.eff
- fixed missing Sounds/Objects/torch.wav
- fixed test_checkDatabase trying to find Explosion mdl in some database entries when they are projectile entries not models
- fixed Skills/Mutations_Venomous.tga typo
- fixed missing Models/Players/maleHuman/male_platearmorGold.tga
- made other metal versions of Leatherworking station
- now highlighting class choices shows class icon in highlight text
- now highlighting class choices for 2nd/3rd class choice shows class description
- removed a few platforms from houses
- fixed cheat_winGame - not available in public builds :)
- changed save version to 300
- made rock bounds a bit narrower so doesn't get stuck on edges so much
- changed MapVersion to 9 (older maps should still work perfectly fine)
- split loading screen into 2 textures
- added some purpose text to starting quests
- fixed a few item status effects that were trying to change player skin
[ 2024-09-23 22:36:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.725 change list:
- now cache vert lighting - fps increased ~21.3%
- now only active entities think every frame, inactive entities think less often but still account for the full time, ~5.3% fps increase in test (could be much more if lots of entities)
- changed BlockRenderSurface array to not use pointers - this and other BlockRenderSurface changes ~4.4% fps increase
- changed ParticleRenderSurface array to not use pointers
- now cache cull tile results - ~3.7% fps increase
- now don't go through every single entity in the game to figure out what needs to be sent across to players
- optimized minimap some - ~5% fps increase
- fixed possible crash in GameClient::getHighestThreatQuestValue
- sped up ClientSystem::getSelectionBounds (now only check 2 points instead of 8 - because of side view don't need to)
- now put town attack icon on map where last damage was taken
- now partially compress server messages to local client (saved about 28% space of single player data message in test)
- no longer save server messages to local client - not needed (wasted space/cpu time)
- now client & server keeps _workingPackedData around so not allocating space every message
- now server keeps _savedMessageData around so not allocating space every message
- changed x, y, _blockShape, and _blockBackgroundShape in blocks to 8 bits instead of 32 bits (saves 12 bytes per block)
- now numChunks sent across network uses 10 bits instead of 32 bits
- now 8 of the recruit stats sent across network use less bits
- fixed Ninja and Elementalist going over max skill limit
- increased Guardian HealthMult from 2.0 to 3.0
- killing a critter no longer counts in any kill stats
- fixed an issue buying stacked items, having no room to put it anywhere, and 1 count of the item would disappear
- now non-basic blocks on ground have item effects
- now background objects don't get in the way of things like player teleporting in to that spot
- now shows better than + on crafting screen on items that are better than what you have currently equipped
- pickaxe no longer tries to do damage to surrounding things when hits a block
- monsters will no longer attack OpaqueWorld objects when something is in their way
- removed all unused data from BlockRenderSurface
- now wells have a NoDuplicatesInRange of 1000.0 (Eric)
- fixed cap on boss retreats not working correctly
- increased MaxLiquidsToProcessEachFrame from 300 to 400
- replaced several cursed magic modifiers on unique items with non-cursed magic modifiers (Delilah)
- decreased SkillKrallEarthquake UseCheckChance from 0.05 to 0.03
- fixed pick axe anim on other player only drawing about half of animation - needed CHAR_STAT_ATTACK_SPEED_IN_MS & CHAR_STAT_SKILL_SPEED_IN_MS
- now lifestone healths scale with number of town npcs correctly
- now obelisks, lifestones/healthstones, signs, and buttons/levers all won't spawn too close to another object of its type
- fixed not getting some npc messages (started fight, stopped fight, left town, etc)
- fixed npc skill levels not getting sent to clients
- now town attack quest location more accurate
- now show yellow + on items and crafting if item is better than something on your hotbar
- fixed not being able to look at town npcs from npc screen that are too far away
- fixed a gravity problem with liquids sometimes inverting terminal velocity and bouncing things upwards
- now if applying more than 1 frame time of gravity, stops applying if doesn't move in a frame
- now if pathing fails a couple times, melee behavior will clear enemy
- fixed liquids and gases not marked as non-solid (confusing some stuck stuff)
- now if Actor::tryAttackBlocks doesn't have a valid position, ignore it
- improved ReturnHome behavior if fail pathfinding
- improved Idle behavior if fail pathfinding
- can no longer place blocks on top of monsters or players
- added ItemTypeCraftingStation translation
- critters can no longer get special miss types
- rebuilt brick slope textures with clamping
- fixed a few effects using fog1.tga without additive (making them almost black)
- replaced trade skill level up to something that doesn't sound like a windows sound
- turned off ObjectGroundCrack & ObjectCeilingDrip for now
- fixed getting running backwards animation stuck some times
- increased variation in pitch on almost all pain sounds
- added pain sounds to brutes
- separated BlockRenderSurface / TileRenderSurface (just a duplicate right now)
- made tile determination in GraphicsSystem::renderSurface project specific to optimize it
- got rid of generateNonSquareTileGeometry (in block path now)
- now fix surface pointers if block/particle arrays resize (problem never live)
- snd file can now specify a next sound to play - can't point to self, can only chain 10 times (infinite loop prevention)
- improved some anvil sounds (3 dings instead of 1)
- improved night started sound (3 bells instead of 1)
- now show bag capacity when almost or completely full
- fixed braziers and torch models always being fullbright
- removed blood from impale attacks
- decreased lurker scale from 1.0 to 0.75
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 133
- at least for now chest names are limited to letters, numbers, and spaces
- added wind sway to more plants
- fixed a way lighting could be slightly off on blends & cracks
- fixed a way lighting could be off by a full tile on block hit shake (never live)
- added a "Can't drop item from hotbar!" warning
- now NoDuplicatesInRange just does exact copies
- now can specify NoDuplicatesBase to be more specific on which base things don't want duplicates of
- fixed dropItem calls in cheat_playtest
- changed fire and frost novas to move in z instead of y direction
- now vendors have a max of 2 unique items
- guards no longer show up as better than items (nothing to compare to)
- player can no longer teleport to a position that has no tile or block (just a precaution)
- turned QuestUniqueMachineIce off for now
- placed torches should now go out if under water
- decreased torch WeatherTime from 10.0 to 5.0
- made signs smaller and fixed their bounds so they should fit places better
- fixed particle pointers when make array larger (never live)
- made Infernal Hound texture darker
- fixed gravity applying full amount for inactive entities all at once (instead of a frame time at a time - never live)
- added printNumActiveEntities
- now items that aren't falling, attachments, and effects no longer go active
- now items can be marked as CantGoActive (for now simple plants, rocks, trees, and fiber plants)
- critters should now be immune to the pickaxe (Delilah)
- no longer save dig target entities for trapped monsters
- for now turned off ObjectSteamLeakGround (infinite water source)
- removed 3d block path - not maintained so mostly broken
- removed top blend stuff since no longer supporting 3d blocks
- fixed screen shake getting added to view twice which was causing some gaps in block drawing
[ 2024-09-16 21:13:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.724 change list:
- now smooth the player/view movement much better
- fixed a few issues preventing monsters from digging themselves out when buried (Eric)
- doubled MonsterChancePerBlock, but quartered MonsterSpawnChance (so more spawn spots, less monsters overall, and less likely to respawn)
- doubled monster respawn underground - RespawnTimeMultUnderground
- fixed space in new world name causing issues (Eric)
- now if cursor is over top edge of a window you can move cursor changes to a different graphic
- fixed some times foundation getting built on bottom edge of roofs
- fixed fiery blast explosion sound not always playing (increased its MaxCountStartedAtOnce/MaxCount)
- can no longer use pickaxe on secret stashes and get a chest
- added Accepted Escort X quest print so know you just picked up a quest
- added a print when go through an unknown gate
- made torch bounding box smaller so didn't accidentally hit it with a pickaxe as much
- sockets already in an item no longer reduces unrealized potential (Delilah)
- now archer is unlocked at the beginning and hunter is locked
- now can use database override with an EntryVersion to change a biome SpawnChance without breaking older world saves
- decreased dungeon SpawnChance from 1.0 to 0.5
- fixed road SpawnChance not being 0.0
- fixed text on Create New Area button during transition to new area (mentions blocks/objects near lifestone/houses deeds carry over) (Eric)
- now pick axes will do damage to trees and monsters (about half damage of a one handed weapon)
- increased items in chests
- fixed some effects thinking they were houses deeds (was preventing some things from spawning)
- cache a few more basic things at start
- skills that proc from items now only do 25% of normal damage to blocks
- now show unrealized potential in larger font if low or 0
- added MinLevel of 5 to escort quests
- fixed quick tip "You can salvage basic blocks for a chance to find ores." not showing up correctly
- fixed quick tip "Left click the small eye icon (near your mana display) to enter camera mode: zoomed farther out and turns off all of the UI." not showing up correctly
- added quick tip "You can grab the top outline of many of the windows and drag them to a location that you prefer."
- fixed snow accumulating on random height (Eric)
- removed "near your mana display" from camera mode hint (no longer there)
- fixed plains backgrounds not going down far enough
- updated Unknown Gate description
- Braziers are no longer destroyable with weapons
- gravity now applies to camp fire and braziers
- no longer try to smooth movement when player teleports (gate, teleport stone, resurrection, etc)
- bumped MapVersion to 8
- no longer show load old area option during area transition
- decreased npc spawning in houses by 50% (to take into account other recent changes, keeps same overall chance as before)
- can now delete a skill off hotbar and system won't auto put it back
- fixed use & block not working if rebound to a mouse button
- added rune short version to name so easier to match full name to short name
- put short name on runes in crafting screen
- can now repair weapons in hotkey bar
- fixed changing model in model editor stoping music instead of that model's looping sound
- fixed a bunch of projectile effects not cleaning up effects correctly on animation exit
- made maelstrom effect more vertical
- made tornado effect more vertical
- lowered ViperVenom from effect position from 70.0 to 35.0
- fixed a problem highlighting status effect icons on the player
[ 2024-09-07 00:15:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.723 change list:
- now picks one item dropped on death to send across network and show on map (much easier to find items)
- if you pick up item marked, it changes to another item (keeps doing this until you pick them all up)
- added stone roof tiles for each stone type (more use for stone blocks and more variety in house roofs)
- now background blocks destroyed in explosion slope
- now set area blocks will slope properly from an explosion
- fixed lifestone/gate summoning objects getting set to CraftingStation itemType instead of Other and not working properly (probably effects other things also)
- now show yellow or red X on item icons that you can craft to show you if you can use them or not
- now CombatCollisionTargetingPlayerMult & CombatCollisionPlayerTargetMult center
- bounding box instead of shrinking/expanding from origin
- now use loose quest location matching - clear levels, uprisings, etc can be in adjacent level instead of exact level
- fixed some graves not counting in Gravestone achievement
- decreased Obsidian ValueMult from 1.0 to 0.5
- decreased ValueEachPointBlocking from 4.0 to 2.0
- increased BlockCoal DigHealthMult to same as other deposits
- increased brood, changelings, and demon walkers jump impulse from 450.0/600.0 to 600.0/750.0
- added a ValueMult of crafting components so they aren't quite so cheap if you find a vendor selling them
- now get miss types on weak hits (block, parry, deflection, etc)
- increased bow damage by 10%
- made projectile end position when hitting the world closer to the actual blocks it hit (also makes block damage work better)
- now axes get damage multiplier when hitting trees (this more hardcoded than I would like)
- now have to be much closer to a trap height wise for it to trigger
- now block damage should move correctly if block moves
- now items on ground have effects again (not blocks though)
- player lifestone now cast light (like a torch)
- fixed a missing animation in ZombieParasite
- added a few more shale textures to make them tile better
- improved fire elemental icon (replaced on Steam achievement)
- improved ice elemental icon
- made soulstone smaller on maps
- added a Icon Lighting Mode in model editor
- updated several of the monster icons
- now highlight text on bestiary shows monster icon
- deleted unused ara files
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 132
- summoned monsters no longer say (player)
- fixed it so gems on ground were right general color
- made mutated smaller to match player a little better
- added "& resurrection position" to lifestone description
[ 2024-08-31 01:33:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.722 change list:
- added roofs to houses
- now to place a block there needs to be an adjacent block
- moved around achievements so somewhat in order that people might get them
- now monsters can fall through platforms to move around
- now quests spread out better a bit better on world building
- optimized placing a bunch of monsters at once during uprisings
- now explosions damage background blocks also (not player placed though) (this is kind of a test)
- fixed large model shadows getting skewed strangely
- wandering monsters on surface now more likely to go towards town
- now houses in the wild have a foundation so more likely they are sitting on something sturdy
- made direct projectile attacks animations faster before attack frame so more responsive
- decreased m_maxThreshold from 1536 to 1280
- decreased MaxPathfindingJumps from 5 to 1
- fixed MaxPathfindingJumps not working well because PathfindingJumpClearTime was too low (increased from 0.5 to 2.0)
- now keep PackedData from Game::saveFull and PlayerClient::savePlayer so don't fragment memory as much (and more likely to have the memory when saving)
- increased MinLevelSecondaryBlockClumps/MaxLevelSecondaryBlockClumps from 20/30 to 25/35
- ores and gems can be in background blocks in dungeons now (Eric)
- increased Changeling speed, armor, health, and damage
- added Novice Miner achievement
- added Novice Weaponsmith achievement
- added Novice Armorsmith achievement
- added Novice Crafter achievement
- added First Station Upgrade! achievement
- added Lumberjack achievement
- added Through the Night achievement
- added Novice Carpenter achievement
- added Expert Carpenter achievement
- added new achievements to steam & published
- decreased KnockbackMax from 750.0 to 600.0
- turned off IceBomb and FlamingOil for now
- increased CraftingChestRange from 250.0 to 300.0 (Eric)
- fixed a few houses
- now roofs have some randomness to them (clay or stone)
- fixed another issue with highlighting on world map
- fixed Saurian Mage, Stalker Hunter, Naga Priest, Torva Shaman, Dark Orc Scout, Dark Orc Berserker, Fake Changeling, Wisp, Skeleton, Bounty Hunter, Zombie Stalker, Avatar Good, Avatar Evil, and Illusionary Monster bounds
- chests, traps, and objects will no longer respawn in an area block that is respawning
- made block outlines a bit bigger so they can be seen easier (especially for background block)
- now background block outline draws in front of foreground blocks so you can always see it
- added have much money you have to quest search text
- can now pass a clamp value into reloadTextures command to force clamping on or off for building mipmaps
- decreased ProjSharedIceStorm DiggingMult from 0.25 to 0.125
- fixed windows that user moved not saving position correctly if they started exe and immediately left exe
- now stone blocks are marked as Sturdy
- now support matchAttackSpeed and multiFps on same animation (also matchSkillSpeed/multiFps)
- split models for players & npcs
- now selected entity ui works again for combat
- added World Carry Over help topic
- added crafting & building to basics help topic
- fixed higher level roof slopes not working
- fixed normap maps on higher level mud
- turned off dirt/sand destroy sounds for now
- now weaving station starts at a better placement rotation
- now ui_scale and ui_fontScale default locked to same value (there is an option to unlock them)
- fixed a few last things referring to Din's Legacy instead of Din's Champion
- made InternetApps::openBrowser handle if link already has http:// or https:// in it
- game now points to manual website page (coming soon for now though)
- fixed brick slope mipmaps (they need to be clamped when generated)
- fixed UnlockAwardSageDesc
- moved around achievements so they fit on screen again
- fixed mushroom grove spelling in early access text (Sandra)
- added tanning station icons
- added weaving station icons
[ 2024-08-25 21:37:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.721 change list:
- added dungeons
- fixed a crash in Game::spawnAmbientObjects if adding ambient projectiles
- added more variation in blocks to break up monatany especially in the background layer
- made it so blocks can override default slope alpha mask textures (clay roof is test)
- now roof blocks use alpha mask to make slopes look better
- now brick blocks use alpha mask to make slopes look better
- fixed a crash after kicking out a recruit and recruiting someone else (Delilah)
- fixed tiling issue on several stone types (using wrong normal/spec maps)
- rebuilt most block texture mipmaps in tiling mode (should make all blocks look a little better)
- projectiles no longer get stuck on torches
- now will not try to leather scraps/silk of lower levels than monster killed
- poison wastelands & swamps can now start with poison gas
- quarries can now start with exploding gas
- marked BaseObject as OpaqueWorld (put basically all objects behind monsters/player - drawing level wise)
- now dungeon foreground main blocks can be replaced with main alterative blocks
- now dungeon background main blocks can be replaced with main alterative blocks
- now dungeons can have caves in the background (less than normal and smaller)
- now dungeons can be non-square - much more interesting
- moved braziers to copper, bronze, and iron (instead of just iron)
- now high chance already existing Braziers are not lit
- doors from area blocks should use proper level one automatically
- increased BlockBrick DigHealthMult from 3.0 to 4.0
- increased brick levels by 3
- fixed first block in a new level in editor not getting display order set properly
- decreased NormalItemAboveLevelChance from 5.0 to 2.5
- decreased CommonModifierAboveLevelChance from 10.0 to 5.0
- decreased DiggingMult of ProjSharedIceStorm from 1.0 to 0.25 (ice storms do less damage to blocks)
- went back to blips on world/mini maps being centered
- increased cave RockChancePerBlock from 0.75 to 1.0
- increased cave MaxRocksPerBlock from 2 to 3
- turned off roads (don't like the look of them and don't add anything to the game)
- changed Cauldron to only give 1 stack of potions
- decreased MinItemUnrealizedPotential/MaxItemUnrealizedPotential from 10/20 to 9/18
- increased PlantChancePerBlock from 0.5 to 0.75
- increased MinPlantsPerBlock/MaxPlantsPerBlock from 1/3 to 2/4
- increased plants in jungles
- halved most npc crafting chances
- decreased NPC Apothecary, Herbalist, & Alchemist skill crafting chances quite a bit
- made caves derive from BaseArea instead of BaseAreaDungeon (fixes some issues like tons of houses and being able to smooth set block backgrounds)
- now objects spawned in SpawnSystem::spawnSpecialRoom can automatically bump up to higher levels
- specified higher versions for all stations so can randomly spawn higher level versions from special rooms
- Quarry area blocks now have a chance of a torch (kind of a test)
- decreased BaseSpeed from 300 to 250
- now all chests have ExtraMoney 100 (if drops money, now double the average money drop)
- now chances of a boss using a potion or retreating after using a rejuventation potion is half of usual
- moved questCompleted/questSolved sounds to server so would play even if you don't have the quest or another player solved
- fixed SpawnSystem::getRandomItemLevel referencing global SpawnSystem::getRandomItemLevel minLevelSpread instead of one passed in
- increased InitChance & SpawnChance of spiders by 50% (need them for silk)
- added stone roof tiles
- added sloped stone roof tiles
- fixed a block blend issue between a higher priority block with a slope and a lower priority block
- added better sound for crafting level up
- decreased door Specular from 1.0 to 0.5 (Molnyfio)
- fixed another grass on tar issue
- glass will no longer smooth with neighbor blocks (not sure anything tries to smooth it yet, but just in case)
- platforms are no longer smoothable
- made platforms lighter on map
- bumped MapVersion to 7
- renamed getBlockToUse to getCorrectLevelBlockToUse
- no longer get grass on roof (Delilah)
- changed leather and leather scraps to use cape model (better than bag)
- fixed ArchetypeStalkerHunter using stalker portrait instead of stalker hunter portrait
- fixed Scorpid (and probably a few others) Portrait for quests
- grass no longer grows on cut stone
- decreased size of bamboo item model by 50%
- decreased size of Rambie by 50% (item model by more)
- relic vendors no longer spawn (at least right now there aren't any relics)
- added "Hitting inanimate objects makes a lot of noise that can draw attention to you." quick tip
- fixed potion quick tip being off still
- can now add hotkey to camera mode
- made spider teleport effect smaller
- NPCs with Apothecary skill no longer try to create zombie potions
- transform traps will no longer transform doors into spiders :)
- made mud normals smoother
- put a little more randomness in fireworks
- changed mud to use flat normal map (looks better)
[ 2024-08-16 23:41:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.720 change list:
- fixed special rooms so they could spawn again (chance per level)
- added clay roof tiles
- increased MAX_ENTITIES from 4000 to 16000
- increased HouseChestChance from 0.25 to 0.5
- increased npc chance in a house area block from 0.21 to 0.42
- now area blocks (mostly houses right now) will automatic use higher level versions of blocks if appropriate
- added Campsite special room
- added Posion Mushroom Grove
- added Fire Mushroom Grove
- added Crystal Fields
- added Farms
- added Ancient Battlefield
- added Pirate Hideout
- added Smithy (special room)
- added Tailor (special room)
- added Tannery (special room)
- now Sanctuary, Lair, Ancient Battlefield, Graveyard, Boneyard, Barracks, Encampment, Ancient Grove, HauntedMeadow, MushroomGroves, CrystalFields, Farms, WarCamp, and Haven can be bigger
- added a few more houses
- made a bunch of special rooms able to spawn anywhere
- flipped Adding Caves & Smoothing Blocks
- removed food stands from Sanctuary
- removed Mine special room (there are already mines everywhere)
- campfires no longer contain sparks (since craftable this makes them much less dangerous)
- added campfire to Encampment, War Camp, and 4 hideouts
- added a few trees to Sacred Grove, Ancient Grove, and Haven
- renamed Explosive Mushroom to Fire Mushroom
- added candles to Witch Circle, Warlock Circle, and Summoning Chamber
- added braziers to ForestTemple
- increased chance of magical explosion trap in Unstable Chamber
- decreased chance of HolyStatue
- changed Witch House and Mad Wizard Shack to Hideouts
- changed FoodStand to Cauldron in a couple places
- added Cauldron to Witch Hideout
- added candles to Greater Sanctuary and Shrine
- added Lockers to Barracks
- added Crafting Caches
- added Crafting Caches to Workshops
- added Alchemy Basin to some Apothecary special rooms
- fixed hasPlayerVisitied typo
[ 2024-08-09 21:50:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.719 change list:
- added a bunch of new houses
- fixed loading level file crashing - space in connection names or block names causes issues
- can now shoot past manastone and obelisks (can still target directly)
- fixed placed object not keeping rotation correctly
- fixed placed object sometimes moving when placed
- normal arrow no longer has light
- added craftable campfire
- added craftable ItemChairWood2
- added craftable ItemTableWood2
- added 3 craftable candles
- added craftable ItemLantern
- added craftable ItemBrazier1, ItemBrazier2, and ItemBrazier3
- decreased MaxRetreats for quest monsters from 2 to 1
- increased town attack ThreatForParent from -40.0 to -60.0
- increased CraftingChestRange from 200.0 to 250.0 (Delilah)
- decreased NemesisTimeEscalationMult from 2.5 to 2.0
- decreased WinQuestTimeEscalationMult from 5.0 to 4.0
- now immortal being gains some power if their altar is used
- now immortal being loses some power if their altar is destroyed
- added explosive mushrooms
- now MaxCount (if set) will apply to quests that use MinCountMult/MaxCountMult
- decreased uprising MaxCountMult from 1.0 to 0.8
- paintings are now in - still need way to find or craft though
- now play GameChanger.ogg if get a new nemesis
- added icons for modification table, tanning station, leathworking station, and weaving stations
- fixed view point going up/down in model editor when shifting model down/up
- now torch type of objects now always start lit
- changed cave, quarry, and road levels to use main level file
- fixed night sound
- made alchemy/rune stations smaller
- added MonsterTrapTowerFire from Kivi
- added MonsterTrapTowerIce from Kivi
- added oxskull.mdl
- added s_gargoyle.mdl
- added s_gargoyle01.mdl
- added ChestGravestone2 (celtic_cross.mdl)
- added altartable1.mdl, dungeonjar1.mdl - 3, monstaskull.mdl, and tombbraizer.mdl
- added brazier03.mdl, brazier04.mdl, brazier05.mdl, brazier06.mdl, brazier08.mdl, skull01.mdl - 06, statue01.mdl, StickStatue1.mdl, and megashroom1.mdl
- improved chair icon
- improved table icon
- fixed duplicate RecipeWandWood in workbench
- made placeable candles a little smaller
- fixed ObjectChairWood2 & ObjectTableWood2 translations
- added journal sound when opening taunt screen
- now play npc married sound to all players (not just server)
- torches/braziers no longer say use skills to attack
- fixed closestChestDistance; line in the code :)
- added chest opening sound when opening chest ui
- now use stump2.mdl
- fixed skeleton object fullbright
- now connection name can uses spaces
- now area block name can use spaces
[ 2024-08-02 21:25:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.718 change list:
- got Linux build running
- improved "Server could not be contacted, disconnected, or was lost!" message - added "Possible reasons:\n1) Server is down\n2) Internet is down\n3) Firewall refusing connection (your side or server side)\n4) Strict NAT in way (your side or server side)"
- hooked up alchemy stations
- hooked up rune stations
- made alchemy basin icons
- made rune station icons
- added an icon mode to model editor to make making icons easier (blue background makes it easier to make alpha)
- fixed pointing to wrong alchemy station skn files
- fixed some rune station mdl issues
- fixed StationRuneRhutenium.skn
- fixed starting below ground in opening screen game
[ 2024-07-27 19:08:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Dynamic world
The ever devious goddess, Valta, has declared war! She is going to raze the world to the ground and build a new civilization in her dark image. Your choices and actions, or lack of, have real consequences in this dynamic, evolving, living world. This makes the world of Aleria a very dangerous place. Monsters can form uprisings, start wars, set up ambushes, and attack your town. Town NPCs can get plagues, curses, and be killed. Explosions destroy terrain. Liquids flow. Poisonous and explosive gases can build up. Sand, mud, and other loose solids can collapse. The evil gods can even unleash massive area wide cataclysms if they build up enough power!Survival
To survive this dangerous world, you need to explore carefully, collect resources through mining, gathering, and looting, slay hundreds of types of dangerous monsters, build a town for protection, improve your character, craft cool items, dodge deadly traps, quell uprisings, flush out traitors, kill assassins, cure plagues, purge curses, end wars, and complete other dangerous quests or the danger WILL escalate. Every game is unique with different bosses, biomes, monsters, items, traps, objects, and quests.Building
Build and defend your town from active threats trying to destroy you. The monsters ARE out to get you. They will attack. What you build to defend yourself is up to you. It can be anything from a small house to protect just your belongings, to giant towns populated by 100s of NPCs that you've rescued and equipped.Character building
Build your character as you see fit. Choose specialties on character creation and higher levels for over 50,000 combinations! Distribute attribute and skill points as you level up. Craft armor, weapons, tools, potions, and materials to equip or use to survive.Can you be the Champion needed to save Aleria? Can you even survive?
- Explore a dynamic, evolving, living world where your choices truly impact the game
- Build your character as you see fit (attributes, specialties/classes, skills, and items)
- Explore a unique area of Aleria in every game, with different bosses, biomes, monsters, items, and quests, giving the player a new experience every time
- Craft armor, weapons, tools, potions, materials, and town objects
- Build and defend your town from active threats trying to destroy you
- Shape the world through mining, building, and destruction
- Battle hundreds of different monster types
- Fight in the world war between the gods
- Survive Cataclysms, massive area wide events
- Adventure with your friends with co-op multiplayer
- Processor: 3.0 GHz or betterMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTX 970 or better
- Storage: 1 GB available space
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