Av! Some Imperator news for you all! My name is Thomas and Im a Studio Manager here at Paradox, some of you probably know me from the old days when I worked on EU4 among other things. Recently one of my side activities has been to coordinate a small effort around Imperator:Rome. Its now been a while since the release of Anniversary Patch 2.0.4 Augustus. In fact, its been a little over half a year now! We were thrilled by the incredible community support for that labor of love, crafted by some of our developers here at Paradox in collaboration with some exceptionally talented modders. Building on that and a continuous collaboration with parts of our fantastic modding community, we dedicated some additional resources and weve got another patch for you! Patch 2.0.5 is now available on the open beta branch. Like 2.0.4, its primary focus is on providing modders with more tools and greater freedom in the game. But thats not allit also includes several quality-of-life improvements that should enhance your vanilla experience as well. Were excited to hear what you think of this patch, which we plan to release in full in the (near-ish) future. If you encounter any issues while trying out the beta, please let us know! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us fine-tune this update and ensure its as stable and polished as possible for its final release. Additionally, Im not making any promises here, but dont hesitate to suggest additional improvements for future updates if we manage to get to that point. Special thanks to Katten & Sir Rogers who did most of the heavy lifting for this update, it would not have happened without them!. They will also hang around here and pick up on your feedback!
Imperator: [strike](Patch name not decided)[/strike] (2.0.5)
- Thomas Johansson - Studio Manager
- Niels Uiterwijk - Technical Director
- Benjamin Larsson - Build Engineer
- Vjola Velikaj - Build Engineer
- Erik Jakobsson - Community Manager
- Peter Nicholson - Game Director
- Erik Nikko - Tech Lead
- Milica Maricic - Producer
- Roger Webber - Programming Consultant
Modders who supported the release
- Joshua Lilly Zorgoball
- Robbe Vander Kerken Snowlet
- Izn Hasan Naqvi LinkLuver
- Carlos Austin-Gonzalez
- Pureon
New Defines
- If the loser army was not overrun, a random integer will do a module check against this value
- If the rolled value is less than the charisma of the army leader, they will charm their way out of the situation and avoid capture
- This check is done if no charming out of the situation has happened before, and is only done if the winning army has a valid leader. If there are no leaders on the winning side this check is not done
- Mercenaries cannot be captured this way and are excluded from this check
- If the loser army was overrun OR if a random rolled integer with a modulo against this define is smaller than half the martial value of the highest martial winning commander, the loser commander gets captured
- Casualties impact is always the difference of tactics between the armies of the countries involved
- This defines a minimum amount of casualties that will always happen regardless of the difference
- If the attacker has this many times more units than the defender and loses, there is no popularity loss
- If the defender has this many times more units than the attacker and loses, there is no popularity loss
- This amplifies the strength ratio by the given define, so it increases or decreases the impact that the ratio has for end of combat morale boost
- This defines up to how much of the total morale a unit can regain at the end of combat
- The battle result is only stored if this number is surpassed for losses in combat
- This is checked once at the start of combat, if the difference is equal to or bigger than this the enemy army is instantly overrun
New Effects
Scope: Character
set_can_inherit = bool
- The game plays as usual when this is set to true for a character. However when set to false the character cannot inherit anything anymore unless it is set to true again. This includes worldly possessions as well as leadership of a country. When this is set to false successors for the country are instantly recalculated.
- The game plays as usual when this is set to true for a character. However this allows modders to play around with marriage, as setting this to false means the character can never marry, unless it is set to true again.
Scope: Country
allow_trade_goods = goods disallow_trade_goods = goods
- These two allow/disallow the AI from trading away the goods specified. This allows modders to add more interesting gameplay elements around trade.
- This instantly calls an omen for the given deity category. The same way a player would do it from the UI, but there is no cost associated with it.
- This instantly ends the truce that the scope country has with the target country. Truces are unilateral in nature, so both countries may have a truce with one another or it is possible for only one if the countries involved to have a truce with the other.
- This allows you to start an interaction with the target character, as a player usually would via the UI. This allows mods to further customize the experience without necessarily having to touch the UI, or by making actions available that were previously only available through UI or with cumbersome scripts.
Scope: CountryCulture
set_levy_template = template
- This allows you to change the levy template for a culture in a specific country without touching the same culture in other countries, allowing you to reward players for specific behavior. It is important to note here that there are various tooltips in the game that show a cultures composition that will not properly reflect changes from this, as they have no context for which country the composition is being displayed. The Raise Levy tooltip will always reflect the proper value.
Scope: Province
start_building_construction = building cancel_building_construction = building
- These two start/cancel the construction of a building in the given province.
- You can change the climate of the province to one of the following: mild_winter, normal_winter, severe_winter, arid and none
Scope: War
war_score_value = { target = country, local_var = name }
- This will save the war score of the target country that is a participant in the war scope that you are in to the local variable with the name provided. The variable does not have to exist yet. So if you are ROM, fighting against TRE, and you fetch the war score value of TRE, it will save their war score against the enemy war leader (ROM in this case if you are the war leader). So it will be the inverse of what you see as a player of ROM.
New Triggers
Scope: Character
can_inherit = bool
- Simple trigger that returns the value previously set by can_inherit. It returns true by default.
- This checks against the value that has previously been set by set_can_marry, but it also checks the default marriage conditions. This has allowed us to improve some of the script for the game, to simplify the marriage checks and unify them. To make it easier for modders to adopt the changes, here is a document that has all of the relevant script changes from the base game:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ft_BPHm-dWB-IuJ9o8UG4cAutb79tP7jzsVffxvsCXA
Scope: Country
has_claim = province
- Checks if the country has a claim on the given province.
- Checks if the given trade goods are allowed to be traded away by the scope country. This can be modified with the effects listed above.
Scope: Province
is_holy_site_of_deity = deity
- Checks if the given province is a holy site for the given deity.
- Checks if the given province is a holy site for the given religion.
General Modding
- Added modifier script access, on the scopes that have modifiers: country, character & province. Accessible via modifier:modifier_name
- Added MakeScopeBool, MakeScopeFlag, MakeScopeValue
- Added SetVariableIf, SetOrToggle, ClearVariableIf, ClearMultipleVariables to the VariableSystem
- Added support for optional exists equality operator ?=
- Added support for save_scope_value_as and save_temporary_scope_value_as
- Added script list region_governorship
- The automatic legacy character setup conversion has been moved to a console command: legacy_character_setup_conversion
- The setup editor no longer automatically saves every time a province is selected. It now uses the console command only.
- Made religion_category customizable, so mods can add new categories. Also made it localizable: religion_category_X and religion_pantheon_X where X is the category name
- Religions can now also be customized with is_monotheistic
- Added error logs to the set_party_leader effect
- Fixed every_province, random_province and any_province: they now work properly
- SetHighlightGovernorship = governorship and SetHighlightState = state have been added
- PdxGuiWidget.CountVisibleChildren and PdxGuiWidget.GetChildrenCount have been added
- GetGlobalVariable and GetGlobalList have been added
- AddList has been added
- Added GetLevyTemplate to CountryCulture, as unlike the one from a country, this takes into account the one set via set_levy_template
- Other
- has_culture_group and set_country_religion now support more than just hardcoded values, they now have scope support
- Added Log.ClearAll & Log.ClearErrorLog console commands
- Overlords can now construct buildings in certain subject types, set with can_build in the subject type
The Rest
- The AI now disbands units created via create_unit effect and will no longer keep them around forever and unnecessarily hurt its own economy
- Moving pops too quickly, like mass moving slaves would previously cause you to pay for the move but not actually move any pops. This has been fixed, it will now always move the pop if it can, and if it cannot, like if the player clicked more often than pops are available to move, then no cost will be deducted
Combat Simulator
Fixed up combat simulator crashes. Also enhanced functionality:
- location = province has moved to being defined once per simulation instead of per unit.
- is_player_attacker = bool has been added so choosing a battle side is now possible that way.
- enemy = country has been added. This means you can simulate combat against other nations. If those are non-barbarian nations and no war exists, a war will be declared automatically.
- The Find dialog will now also return governorships and states in addition to the previous result types
- Added climate map mode
- Overlords can now construct buildings in certain subject types
- Holdings are now removed properly when characters move countries or the province changes owners. This fixes an issue where third party country provinces are dragged into an unrelated war. Also only owner-controlled provinces join civil wars now.
- Fixed location of Sparta so that it does not visually disappear when a road is built through the province
- Various script fixes related to marriage checks, and adjusted to the new can_marry trigger
- Arrange marriage now available in countries with custom ruler setups, it is now allowed for the ruler family instead of just close relatives
- Mercenaries can no longer be marriage targets
- Fixed a crash that would occur for players using mods that do not have certain gfx assets available, for example from the free DLC
- Revolt countries now instantly recalculate their cached data, this fixes various issues like integrated cultures and levies now being correct instead of only being at the right value at the next monthly tick
- Fixed tooltip that stated achievements would only work with no mods enabled. The tooltips now represent the correct state, which was changed with 2.0.4, as they can be gained with mods
- Fixed 3D map objects like forts and ports not being removed when a province is decolonized. Also now instantly recalculates province dominant culture, religion and modifiers when pops are removed
- Fixed governor policies script bug with country cultures
- Fixed befriending script bug not being removed properly on ruler change
- Fixed DECLWAROTHER_MAP being displayed unlocalized on the map, this only worked correctly in the French language before
- When switching from a government with a co-ruler to a government without one. The existing co-ruler is now removed properly, and will no longer stick around forever causing issues
- Fixed crash on peace offer, when the country to receive a state was not the same as the one making the offer, and the offering country had no province in the area
- Secondary war participants now also see peace deals as popups
[ 2024-12-06 14:42:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Av! My name is Erik Jakobsson, but most of you know me as Katten. I work as a Community Manager for Hearts of Iron IV & Millennia, and with great joy, I can finally tell you that it's herePatch 2.0.4 Augustus is now available for everyone on Steam, GOG, Microsoft Store, and GeForce Now! [previewyoutube=UIVUCE98ebs;full][/previewyoutube] This patch contains 158 bug fixes, improved performance, 25 new modding tools, as well as the ability to earn achievements while playing mods. Now, before we jump into the patch notes, I want to share how this patch came to be!
A look back
Last year, Niels Uiterwijk, currently the Technical Director at Studio Green and the former tech lead for Imperator, decided to begin work on a small maintenance patch for the game. This patch aimed to address issues encountered by modders and regular players. It entered Open Beta exactly one year ago, on April 25th, 2023. However, it remained dormant and was not released to the live branch due to the requirement of needing to release simultaneously on all platforms. This posed a technical resource demand, and simply put, there wasn't enough time available, as Niels was working on this project in his spare time.
The Imperator Day
As we entered 2024, we began hearing whispers of creators coming together to revive Imperator in some capacity. This event was set to take place on February 17th, 2024. We decided to lend our support to this fan-driven initiative by making a small announcement on our Imperator social media channels. When the event took place, it surpassed our expectations, doubling the peak concurrent player count. Following the success of the event, we learned of Imperator Day 2.0, once again organised by Laith from Socialstreamers. This time, we decided to take more proactive steps and announced an Ides of March Sale for Imperator, while also showcasing the exceptional mod, Imperator: Invictus. The event saw another doubling of player numbers, reaching a peak of 2708 players, a figure not seen since early 2021. This surge in community engagement prompted several former Imperator developerssuch as Johan Andersson, Peter Nicholson, Evan Wu, and once again Nielsalong with other developers like Lorenzo Berni and Erik Nikko who are passionate fans of the game and wanted to contribute, to begin work on the 2.0.4 patch as a gesture of appreciation to the Imperator community.
Collaboration with Modders
In the early stages of this patch's development, Niels integrated a mod called the Unofficial Patch Mod, created by "Umgssda." During the early days of Imperator, I engaged in discussions with the Invictus mod team and other creators to compile a list of Imperator: Rome Modding requests. The aim was to provide modders with the necessary resources to create their dream mods. With the Modding Request list in hand, multiple developers dedicated spare time and personal development time (PDT) but Studio Green, Gold and Tinto all provided dev time to contribute to the development of the 2.0.4 patch. Updates for the patch began to roll out. It was during this phase that I once again reached out to Invictus regarding their vanilla bug fixes. They graciously agreed to grant us access to incorporate these fixes into the base game, further enhancing its stability
The Release
As we celebrate the release of 2.0.4 Augustus, I will provide a comprehensive credits list below, acknowledging everyone who contributed to this patch. Their names are now included in the game credits.This patch is a labour of love from the original developers of the game, along with others like myself, who simply adore Imperator and wish to give back to the community. I also want to specifically note the amount of effort that Lorenzo Berni (@Duplo) has put into this, it is a huge undertaking into reviving old pipelines to make builds for all platforms & stores. Thank you all for being part of the Imperator community and for playing this game. You are all truly amazing <3
Imperator: Augustus (2.0.4) Niels Uiterwijk - Technical Director Erik Jakobsson - Community Manager Lorenzo Berni - Tech Lead Johan Andersson - Studio Manager / Game Director Rikard Jansson (slund) - Studio Manager Peter Nicholson - Game Director Jakov Denona - Build Engineer Evan Wu - Game Programmer Kuba Gabryel - Release Engineer Alexander Fast - Build Engineer David Karlsson-Lille - Game Platform Specialist Erik Nikko - Game Programmer Louise Mutel - Release Manager Jorge Baringo - Internal QA George Fournaris - Internal QA Integrated fixes from the Unofficial patch mod Thank you Umgssda Integrated fixes provided by the Invictus team Thank you Imperator: Invictus Mod Development team Thank you Robbe Vander Kerken (aka Snowlet) Thank you Nathaniell Van Drew (aka Dementive)
Why pay full price?
Wait, did I almost forget to tell you about the sale going live at 19:00 CET tonight? How silly of me! Imperator: Rome and all its DLCs will be discounted for the next 14 days, until May 9th!
- Imperator: Rome - 70% Off
- Imperator: Rome - Complete Soundtrack - 50% Off
- Imperator: Rome - Epirus Content Pack - 50% Off
- Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia Content Pack - 50% Off
- Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander Content Pack - 50% Off
Patch Notes
####################### # 2.0.4 Augustus ###################### # Notes - This patch should be save compatible, however not all fixes might be applied to your current save. # Stability & Performance - Improved overall memory consumption & performance - Improved monthly tick performance by performing some more calculations in parallel (state modifiers) - Portrait editor no longer crashes on open - Updated SDL to 2.0.20 from 2.0.10 - Updated Nakama to 2.4.1 from 2.2.4 # Bugfixes - Fix release as client state crash in the UI - Fixed bug where temp modifiers were removed when provinces are annexed as part of a civil war - Fix a bug when using add_to_war effect, adding a defender would always make it the war leader - Fixed a bug where when annexing a country, their abroad prisoners, that were in your prison, would also be counted as an abroad prisoner for you, even though they are local prisoners. - Fixed levy calculations being inverted - default pop right is now correctly working & added proper logging of pop rights - Fixed bug where unused modifiers were still being rewarded for specific missions (local & global cohort recruitment speed) - Fixed bug where integrated cultures were still treated differently when they were converting to your primary religion - Raised levies will select the best tactic for its composition. - Civil Wars will no longer just pick 1 character, but instead take far more disloyal characters. - Fixed bug where released nations during a peace deal would have no proper pantheon. - Fixed bug where you would never see battle results from battles against pirates, barbarians or rebels. - Fixed bug where pops could be promoted above what they were allowed to. # Game Mechanic - Diplomatic range is now calculated between border territories. This should make it easier to hire mercenaries as a large empire. Default diplo range has been tweaked based on this change. - Added four new defines to balance the game (2 related to combat overruns, 2 related to civil war & dissenters) # Modding Tools - Added a modifier cultural_assimilation_speed_modifier, which changes the assimilation speed. Assimilation speed less than 0 prevents assimilation. - Added a property for subject types to allow them to bypass usual subject diplomatic limitations for declaring war (allowed_to_declare_war_against_others). This is not enabled by default for the base game. To fully enable this to work you'll also need to change the allow triggers for wargoals - Added play_sound_effect which allows you to play a sound effect, targeting a country (ported from ck3) - Added set_antagonist = yes/no effect. - Added has_capital_surplus to check for the existence of any capital bonuses from the state's owner - Added has_capital_bonus_for_trade_good to check for the existence of any capital bonuses for the specific trade good - Added a property for subject types to allow them to bypass usual subject diplomatic limitations for declaring war (allowed_to_declare_war_against_others). This is not enabled by default for the base game. To fully enable this to work you'll also need to change the allow triggers for wargoals - Added modifiers for local_happiness_for_wrong_religion_modifier and happiness_for_wrong_religion_modifier which is applied on top of regular happiness for the same religion modifiers. Also fixed a typo with define for WRONG_RELIGION_HAPPINESS which applies always regardless of modifiers (currently set to ) - Made all hardcoded values related to civil wars moddable through define & added documentation on what they mean - Added is_automated_trading trigger to check if a state has automated trading set - Added distance_from trigger to check the distance between a province and another province, state (capital) or country (capital) - Added can_unlock_invention to check if an invention can be unlocked by country (optionally ignoring cost, dependencies and potential trigger) - Added can_add_trade_route to check if a trade route can be added. - Added set_player_country effect to allow modders to switch the player's country - Added add_deity_to_pantheon effect to allow deities outside of the allowed pool to a country's pantheon - Added set_automated_trading effect to enable/disable state automated trading - Added set_governor_policy effect to change governor policy - Added unlock_invention effect to directly unlock a invention for free (without checking preconditions) - Added add_trade_route and remove_trade_route effects to add and remove trade routes, respectively - Enabled script profiling (available with -debug_mode startup command, 'print_event_timings` is the console command) - Added option to run multiple commands at the same time (ExecuteConsoleCommands & ExecuteConsoleCommandsForced) - Achievements now only require that the game is in ironman mode and you achieve them within the time limit (in-game years) Note: This means that mods that are affecting the checksums, no longer will prohibit you from getting the achievements, neither does multiplayer. - Upped the maximum number of tags (countries) from 2048 to 8192 # Other - Updated default message settings
Integrated fixes from the "Unofficial Patch" mod:
# Fixes ## Missions - Fixed mission trigger to ignore city territories in generic mission "Growth of ..." or "Pearl of .." step "Fruits of ..." - Fix check for mission goal in Seleucid mission "Syrian Ambition" step "A Mediterranean capital" to really check for the building number as shown in the tooltip - Fix mission availability for Cartage mission "Iberian Investments" to be selectable after finishing "The Iberian Struggle" with "Hispanic Overlord" ## Events - Fix "There are other options..." option to actually show other territories for "Babarian Bartering" event for greek Missions in western Mediterranean and Pontus areas - Fix party approval target in event for pop integration agenda for roman boni party - Fix "No confidence" random event to target three distinct characters - Fix "Demodamas the Explorer" event to select a sea harbor with enough population according to the existing check - Fix "Fall of the [Family]" event to select the family to remove with lowest instead of highest prestige ## Gameplay - Fix Governors selecting religious conversion policy when it is pointless (thanks to Lewa263) ## Texts - Fixed reference from Argos to Korinthos in tooltip for spartan mission "The Second Peloponnesian League" step "Eastern Capitals" - Corrected event text for the time passed since Alexanders death in initial Alexander the Great event. (english only) - Fix territory names in event Options for Roman Mission "The pillars of Hercules"
Integrated fixes provided by the Invictus team:
# Achievements: - Fixed the Great Destroyer achievement being impossible to obtain - Fixed Cincinattus achievement being impossible to obtain # Governor policy: - Switched to more efficient iterator: any_integrated_culture - AI will no longer attempt the religious conversion governor policy when they have major syncretism # Inventions: - Switched to more efficient iterator: any_integrated_culture # Missions: - Fixed broken tooltip in Strategic Fastness Antigonid task - Fixed broken AI triggers in Carthaginian missions - Fixed Hannid character not being put into the Hannid family - Fixed AI carthage not paying for the city in Cypriot Opportunities task - Fixed Experienced Shipwrights being impossible to complete as it requires impassable territories - Added missing ai_mission_back_out_trigger and start_mission_ai_effect in missions - Macedonian missions now account for Imperial Cult government type - Fixed province investment checks not account for Spartan investments - Addex extra sanity checks to Macedonian missions - Fixed several Macedonian task triggers not working - Fixed Roman AI not getting claims upon Aquitania - Fixed Protector of the Aegean Sea not highlighting subjects correctly # Character interactions: - Fixed still being able to bribe mercenaries from countries with the Mercenary Benefits invention # Unit Abilities: - Optimised check for Barca Legion from Forced march # Events: - Fixed released countries not having a primary culture - Fixed missing 'equals' characters in the scripts - Fixed wrongly set global variable for the parthian invasion - Fixed Antigonid capital being incorrectly set upon collapsing - Fixed Mithradaic events not properly unlocking Pontus content - Fixed Arsaces being able to spawn twice - Fixed ruler not appearing in Carthaginian Iberian events - Deleted extra dot from opinion modifier in Roman Greece missions - Fixed Eastern Empire mission not triggering if you only have land in Macedonia - Fixed duplicated ai_chance blocks in Western Greek missions - Added sanity checks to ports being built through effect - Fixed league of Korinthos not properly annexing subjects - Fixed Serapis sanctuary taking 36 and not 360 days to be built - Added failsafe in Egyptian character creation for events - Fixed wrong tooltip for opinion modifier in Cities of Greece task - Fixed Epirus subjugating themselves in the Magna Graecian missions - Fixed Pax Epirum potentially spamming the error log - Fixed characters befriending themselves - Fixed desecration event opinion tooltip showing the wrong country - Fixed broken modifier duration in Armenian events - Fixed politics events using incorrect syntax to check countries in diplomatic range - Fixed Republic event incorrectly checking for party scopes - Fixed Cretan event occasionally annexing the world - Fixed Co-Consuls being deposed by going to the olympics - Fixed most prestigious family fading into obscurity - Fixed startup events not pointing to your country - Fixed error log spam from a dead character losing health # GUI: - Removed unused GUI types from GUI files making the GUI editor more stable - select_import_destination.gui changed the y size of a scrollarea to remain within the window - Replaced 4 buttons in console.gui that crash the game with useful buttons for modding - portrait_editor_window made it possible to move the window and made all features usable # Shaders: - Changed gfx/FX/coat_of_arms/coat_of_arms_textured_emblem.shader so textured emblems actually work, re-added their red channel which was accidentally removed. # Localization: - Fixed loads of spelling errors - Fixed various grammatical errors - Fixed Agriana being called Agrianaa - Fixed Ati Muwer being referred to as a male - Fixed missing apostrophe in 'Attar - Fixed capitalization issues - Fixed loyalty icon not appearing - Removed extra spaces after names # Various fixes: - Commented out lines triggering non-existent events - Fixed AI Rome not getting claims on Central Gaul - Fixed Anoint heir checking for a commented out law - Fixed Forced March checking for a non-existent terrain type - Added many missing equal signs - Replaced errorous 7 character with "{" - Fixed missions checking for "mountains" instead of "mountain" - Fixed "[" being used instead of "{" in effect syntax - Fixed Elephantina being unobtainable due to checking for "warelephants" instead of "warelephant" unit - Fixed Ferrata being unobtainable due to checking for "heavy_infrantry" instead of "heavy_infantry" unit - Fixed Antigonid events in rare cases triggering a non-existent event - Fixed League of Korinthos forming while the player is a subject of Macedon in Greece triggering the wrong event - Fixed non-existent Rhodes sacking event being triggered - Fixed Carthaginian naval dominance missions checking for non-existent region - Fixed Thracian and Roman events improperly checking for Galatia region - Fixed Oinoandia coat of arms having a wrongly defined colour - Fixed cancelling the Death to Tyrants mission potentially finding a wrong character to put as ruler - Fixed edge-case where recruiting a character could raise an error - Fixed using the omen effect on Daniel having wrong syntax - Fixed Apotheosis manpower and money effects not having a minimum setup properly - Fixed several wrongly defined minimum and maximums - Fixed Daring trait not increasing likelihood of injuries - Fixed "Forced Smiles" event where Commander demands an office for a friend not triggering and not being updated to account for Governors - Fixed wrong areas being selected in for loyalty hit in event where Governor demands they adapt to local mannerisms - Fixed "Learning from experience" event potentially selecting a party leader and being impossible for non-republics to trigger - Fixed several minor edge-case and syntax issues in generic infrastructure mission events - Fixed Carthaginian trade mission events showing the wrong character - Fixed unneeded if's in monarchy events - Fixed "Crisis in X" event attempting to show too many characters - Fixed Rapax and Improba distinctions never triggering - Fixed broken edge-case tooltip in Install Philokles decision - Fixed Egyptian marriage event potentially failing to find a Thracian bride - Ensured else_if was properly used instead of using else, if - In common\loyalty\00_events.txt line 2876 was `ymonths`, it has been changed to `months` - In events\storms.txt there were 2 checks for `is_in_region = areas`, the areas region does not exist so these lines were removed - In common\modifiers\00_from_events_province.txt there were a few modifiers with like `local_population_happiness = -0.1.0` that I removed the extra decimal point from. - The monthly_tarentum_war_pulse on_action incorrectly used is_in_region = carthage_area which is an area not a region, I changed it to africa_region. - Fix great_work_template_06 being used in gw_ai_build even though it was removed - Fix italia_region being used instead of central_italy_region in greek missions 4 - Fix missing = in make_subject effect in 01_seleukid_missions_03_anatolia.txt and in events/me_seleukid_03_anatolia.txt - Fix missing closing bracket in script_values/00_army_values.txt - Fix missing = on line 578 of script_values/00_mission_egypt.txt - Fix is_in_region = tripolitania_occidentalis_area in script_values/00_missions.txt, changed to is_in_area. - Fix bugged is_in_area = carthage_area check in dhe_dde_pyrhus.txt events file - Fix block of code incorrectly placed inside of a random_list effect in events/governor_policies.txt line 657 - Fix incorrectly spelled colors in coat_of_arms/00_pre_scripted_countries.txt - Remove change_country_color = "median_color" line from form_media decisions because median_color does not exist - Remove duplicate modifier = {} blocks from military traditions in 00_latin, 00_persian, and 00_persian_2 - Fix ai_build_city_pay_price_effect being used in area scope instead of country scope in 01_spartan_missions_02_peloponnesus.txt - Fix incorrect use of is_culture trigger in modifiers/00_triggered_character_modifiers.txt - Remove duplicate script values in 00_mission_antigonid, 00_mission_carthage, and 00_mission_epirus - Fix incorrect scope for fam:40 used in scripted_effects/00_dde_pyrrhus_effects - Fix incorrect scope for has_same_family trigger in scripted_effects/00_on_action_effects - Fix incorrect usage of unit_owner scope in scripted_guis/desecrate_holy_site.txt - Remove duplicate map = yes field in civilian_road_building.txt - Change floor = 1 to proper use with floor = yes in unit_abilities/pillage.txt - Fix incorrect scope for owns_or_subject_owns on line 624 of dhe_macedon.txt - Fix usage of has_culture_group instead of country_culture_group in dhe_judea.txt - Fix incorrect use of country scope in right_portrait fields of events in country_diplomacy.txt - Fix left_portrait = yes in me_roman_2_provincia.txt - Fix use of [ instead of { in me_greek_2_greece.txt - Fix use of has_province_modifier instead of has_character_modifier on line 547 of rel_flavor_buddhist - Fix incorrect scoping to head_of_family in royal_marriage.txt - Fix missing = on line 279 of characterwindow.gui - Fix missing = on line 246 of messages.gui - Fix missing = on line 189 of multi_unit_window.gui - Fix missing bracket in culture_view.gui and government_view.gui for the top level base_window block - Fix too many decimals in debug_menus.gui line 649 - Fix too many decimals in multiplayer_lobby.gui - Fix broken block of brackets at the bottom of game_configuration.gui - Remove extra } at the end of overview_view.gui - Fix missing bracket in select_fabricate_claim.gui line 77 - Remove extra bracket from the end of select_target_character.gui and create_social_profile_window.gui - Fix missing bracket errors in gw_tower_03_bottom.asset and female_clothes_iberian_3.asset asset files - Fix missing = in frontend_mainview, frontend_singleplayer, loadscreen, and progressbar_idler - Fix incorrect spelling of GetNameWithNoTooltip function in shared/cooltip.gui
[ 2024-04-25 08:01:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Av! Following the Unofficial Imperator Day, a barbarian incursion has arisen from the north, and now Rome calls for aid. The Imperial treasury assures a discount of up to 80%!
[ 2024-02-27 15:10:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Av! First, Id like to introduce myself, I am not one of the previous Game Directors, Johan or Peter, but I am Niels Uiterwijk, the original tech lead on the project. Today my role at paradox has changed as I am the Technical Director in studio green (studio working Stellaris). But still, from outer space I look back at earth and think of Imperator sometimes and decided to make a small maintenance patch, fixing some of the issues that modders & other people ran into. Without further ado, the patch notes: ####################### # Bugfixes ###################### # Notes - This patch should be save compatible, however not all fixes might be applied to your current save. # Stability & Performance - Improved overall memory consumption & performance - Improved monthly tick performance by performing some more calculations in parallel (state modifiers) - Portrait editor no longer crashes on open - Updated SDL to 2.0.20 from 2.0.10 # Game Mechanic Bugs - Upped the maximum number of tags (countries) from 2048 to 8192 - Fixed levy calculations being inversed - Fixed a bug where when annexing a country, their abroad prisoners, that were in your prison, would also be counted as an abroad prisoners for you, even though they are local prisoners. - default pop right is now correctly working & added proper logging of pop rights - Fixed bug where unused modifiers were still being rewarded for specific missions (local & global cohort recruitment speed) As you can see, this is a minor patch, and for now it will be released as an open beta on steam & windows only. The plan is to release this on all platforms at some point in the undetermined future. Please leave feedback in the comments section, I am quite bad at replying, but I will read them.
Available now on the steam beta branch: 2.0.4 - open beta
I also have to stress that this is not a revival of Imperator: Rome! Do not expect new content or patches going forward.
[ 2023-04-25 10:06:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, today we're happy to release the small 2.0.3 patch. It contains the following changes: ################### # Interface ################### Detailed character health stat was still displayed in a few places: these now use the correct character tooltip obfuscation ################### # Bugfixes ################### Fixed being able to wrongly disband levies in wartime via right clicking on them in the outliner Fixed wrongly calculated legion modifiers leading to compounding martial ability Fixed state capitals being relocated when new territories were added to a province Fixed an OOS when changing effects on a Great Wonder Fixed a rare infinite loop that could cause the game to freeze Fixed river crossings giving a bonus to the attacker instead of the defender Fixed a crash that resulted from destroying a port under blockade 2.0.3 should be compatible with prior version 2.0.x saves, but in case you have any problems, you can always roll back your version via right click on Imperator in library -> properties -> betas -> choose the desired version. We hope you enjoy this latest improved version, and want to thank you for all your support and feedback. Have fun everyone.
[ 2021-03-17 09:29:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens! We are happy to bring you good news: 2.0.2 is done and should be updating on your systems right now. It contains a bevy of balance tweaks and bug fixes, as well as improvements to multiplayer stability. 2.0.2 should be compatible with prior version 2.0.x saves, but in case you have any problems, you can always roll back your version via right-click on Imperator in library -> properties -> betas -> choose the desired version. We hope you enjoy this latest improved version and want to thank you for all your support and feedback. Have fun everyone. ################### # Gamebalance ################### # Economy Fort maintenance reduced to 0.4 Foundries no longer grant any local start experience; population output modifier replaced by 25% tax and research points modifiers Population Capacity modifier from Desert terrain type adjusted to -25% from -30% Population Capacity and Pop Growth from Great Wonders modifiers reduced by roughly 25% Build Cost modifier from Stone surplus in capital reduced to -5% from -10% Build Cost modifier from ruler finesse reduced to -1% per point Several sources of build cost in invention trees reduced to -2.5% from -5% Standardized Construction national idea now reduces build cost by 10%, but reduces build time by 25% # Governments Satellite Status now increases max mercenary stacks by 1 in addition to current modifiers # Religion Stability cost increase per stack of stabbed pig is now 100% from 65% # Units Mercenaries and Pirates no longer have a lump-sum payoff cost. Legion subunit payoff cost is now 50% higher Most sources of reduced mercenary maintenance cost modifier have been reduced in magnitude by between 25-50% Maximum mercenary stacks are now capped. This value can be increased by rank, and from inventions Auxiliary Recruitment invention in the religious tree is now a keystone and grants 5% manpower, 2% levy size multiplier, and 1 max mercenary stack Professional Sailors invention in the naval sub-tree now increases max mercenary stacks by 1 Mercenary Reliance modifier is now a keystone invention, increasing max merc stacks by 2, reducing merc maintenance by 5%, but reducing global manpower by 20% Light Infantry now take slightly reduced morale damage, and deal marginally more damage to heavy infantry and war elephants Light infantry plains combat bonus added to Celtic Britannic tradition path Archers now have 2 maneuver, and take 30% more morale damage (from 25) Take Up Arms now grants -15% Archers cost, from -10% # War & Peace High AE threshold now infers a penalty on increase stability cost, at 1.5% per point Warscore cost for defender and attacker in independence wars is now half of base Levies now grant 25% less military experience when disbanded Levies will start contributing to war exhaustion after 6 months raised. Levies now need to be raised for at least 8 months in order to contribute to military experience gain Most sources of cohort starting experience reduced Military Experience gain from War Exhaustion reduced by 50% # Other Growing Up ambition has a slightly increased chance of generating additional attribute points Mauryas become less aggressive once the initial members of the ruling dynasty have perished Carthaginian heritage now increases max mercenary stacks by 1 ################### # Interface ################### # Country Government View in republics now shows an icon for the ruler and co-ruler's faction Benefits of staffed Offices are now displayed even when the position is empty and candidates can now be sorted by stats Nation province overview can now be sorted by integrated pops and religious unity National cohort count removed from ledger # Icons/Art Character portrait family color corner indicators made clearer Changed color of minimap viewport quadrangle from white to black # Mapmodes Great Wonders are now displayed in atlas map mode, provided other conditions are not fulfilled. Capital City widget is now centered at the location of the city, and will not appear to move as you zoom out Added shortcut to Levies Mapmode in military view # Tooltips Macro builder modification display now shows result values for % modifiers rather than change. 3 values are now displayed, from 2. Several new result value categories added, which should make it somewhat easier to see the effect of constructing some buildings. Added a tooltip for character titles in the character tooltip, indicating the effects of possessing that title # Tutorial Tutorial objective tooltips now have icons in them that match the sidebar UIs, to aid players in finding the right ones Tutorial icons for completed objectives updated to match new UI style # Other Can now drag Technology view and Missions view using both left and middle mouse button Reintroduced Territory List in the Province view, displaying rank, population, and trade goods of all Territories in the Area Reworked Trade import view, which now displays number of currently possible sources for each trade good and quickly shows which countries will export and why Added masking for character health values, with several steps, e.g. Ailing Decisions alert toggle repositioned to move it out of the way of the decision's nested tooltip The alert bar now potentially extends to the outliner - while rare to have this many, it is possible and they will now be clickable Ongoing combat view on map improved: no longer prevented from 'clicking through' to the map by an invisible square, Generals portraits no longer create tooltips, clicking either of the unit number cards will now select and cycle through any of your own armies present in the combat (you no longer have to drag select to be able to retreat) Trade offers rejected from offers sent by automatic trade will now no longer send a player pop-up Culture view sort elements are now fully clickable ################### # AI ################### # Economy AI is more keen to build during wars AI will build more temples and grand theaters, if they have researched the correct invention # War AI vassals more likely to attach to overlord units # Other Reduced magnitude of AI rebellion offset AI should be more likely to construct the Colossus of Rhodes shortly after the game begins AI Rome should now be somewhat less likely to target Dictatorship. Dictatorship inventions now have AI weights for all republics, not just Rome ################### # Usermodding ################### # Triggers Add triggers for checking that unit builds roads ################### # Script ################### # Events Political Influence Price for preparing the recurrent Ptolemia reduced to 25 from 50 # Missions Missions are no longer available in the tutorial # Other Several concepts now have menu icons to make navigation easier ################### # Bugfixes ################### # Code Fixed single-governorship legions not moving region when a new capital is selected Fixed disloyal commander taking foreign provinces they are stationed in when starting a revolt Fixed treasures being deleted on diplomatic annexation - they are now inherited by overlord Fixed crash when hovering over Call to Arms diplomatic interaction Fixed rare case where some civil wars would exist for all eternity, blocking declaration of new wars Fixed being able to edit foreign Great Wonders when their construction was halted Female characters can now be civil war leaders if the country has gender equality Fixed civil war end causing white peace for all parties in the war Naval range now updates when building/destroying a port Legion distinctions now apply properly Mercenaries can now be disbanded again even after they get cohorts from events # Script Fixed lvl 4 Military Training Traditions on GW to be 10% instead of 1% Fixed cases where scripted legions would be assigned rulers as commanders Tweaked A Plea for Asylum event target country weights Fixed Co-Rulers complaining about being unemployed if they asked for a job before their term began Fixed Eastern Capital: Price of Victory event firing multiple times for the Antigonids Fixed incorrect calculation of inheritance cash and rulers not passing it to their children Fixed some triggers inconsistently referring to Provinces as States Family Politics event will no longer fire if parties already have less than 10 approval Fixed Antigonid Cause Wavers event firing multiple times Fixed Argead Unification not renaming the country if the ruler was an Argead Fixed League of Korinthos mission tasks deleting treasures of annexed subjects, causing issues with anthology treasures Fixed claim rewards not being given in the Macedonian Adriatic mission tree Fixed fallback Pleistarchus character in Macedonian Caria event being the current ruler Fixed forming Mithridatic Pontus by events not unlocking the Ktistes achievement Forming Pontus now gives claims on Cappadocia Pontica region, and the events that do the same now also give the claims the decision gives Pontic decisions can now be taken however it was formed Fixed highlighting slowdowns in League of Korinthos mission tasks Fixed missing cooldown on aborting Hellenistic Empire mission Fixed missing tooltip in the ping events of Encourage Greek Colonists Fixed parties forcing construction of buildings in territories with construction already queued Fixed cases where no missions would be available despite not owning most of a capital or neighbouring region Fixed some broken release subject tooltips Fixed the family in generic Greek missions breaking sometimes Hid party impact tooltips when not a republic for some character interactions Library building tooltip now correctly displays Research change Relaxed conditions for Gazophylax This! achievement to make it more easily achievable, task now works if any former Antigonid ruler is imprisoned Simplified requirements tooltip of Port Markets task in generic infra mission Fixed the land tithe invention giving you local speed instead of global Removed superfluous loc in the Zeus Belos description Removed unnecessary bypass in the 'Amphipolian Goods' mission task (Athenian mission) Stopped the easter egg Stonehenge events from happening randomly Civil war annexation no longer casts treasures into the void, and instead correctly transfers them to the winner of the civil war Prevented the 'Demands Office' event from firing for corulers and tribunes Removed unnecessary extra law category that caused two versions of the same law to be applied for monarchies. This should result in a drop in freeman happiness, as well as the ability to correctly start with the nominate heir law selected Local Building Slots modifier has been renamed to Local City Building Slots to match the global version Fixed numerous literally unplayable typos in mission, treasure, and event loc # Setup Fixed holy site of Demeter in Eleusis Made sure that the tech 1 nations start with correct amount of innovations # UI Fixed Siege Engineers icon in the siege window Fixed on-map Ship construction progressbar to match new UI Fixed alignment of some icons and UI elements Fixed lists where teal background clashed with icons or colored text You can once again click to drag the macro builder scrollbar Macro Builder province modification tooltip hitbox adjusted to be easier to mouse-over Fixed redundant empty paragraphs in law tooltips Cohort loyalty gain chance is now correctly displayed when in combat Enact Holy Site button no longer has a false positive enabled state Tweaked country flag in ProvinceWindow to correctly intercept user clicks Improved building info tooltip Tooltip lock indicator bar tweaked to be less intrusive before the tooltip is locked Improved responsiveness of locked tooltips, and prevented being able to click through tooltips in many cases Tweaked many instances of tooltip and text elision to improve look and feel of UI Now shows all pop assimilation modifiers in the appropriate tooltip Pantheon deities can be changed properly again Great Wonders can be destroyed now # Multiplayer Server side connectivity improvements Fixed OOS caused by playing multiplayer in different languages Fixed OOS caused by legions Players are no longer removed from Player Countries list after leaving a game You now enter a lobby again when hosting Multiplayer savegame # Other Fixed Heirs of Alexander music tracks not playing
[ 2021-03-09 13:07:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to another Imperator 2.0 guide! In this episode, SurrealBeliefs helps you keep your empire running by learning how to manage characters and inventions. [previewyoutube=bvd-KC7U67E;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-20 14:16:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
We keep guiding you through your discovery of 2.0, citizens! In this new tutorial video, Surreal_Beliefs dives deeper into empires with an overview of Culture and Religion. [previewyoutube=ntS8eA9MwuI;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-18 16:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens! We've been very pleased with the positive reception 2.0 Marius and Heirs of Alexander has gotten, and greatly appreciate your support and feedback. I'm also happy to be able to present to you the 2.0.1 patch right now, which is the result of fixes and tweaks we were able to get after the code freeze for 2.0. It features some nice free bonus content for all players which we hope you'll like. Details under the cut. ################### # Interface ################### # Art Added unique Anatolian city set, free for all users Family Heads now distinguished by a colored bar in their portraits Pretenders are now distinguished by a bloody ruler coin in the character card # Tooltips Mouseover of state view Pop piecharts now displays the percentage with integrated cultures, adherents of the state religion, and total population [our intention is to iterate on this feature, however, we felt access to these values was more important to include in this state than not at all] Added new tooltip for Ancient Wonder under construction Changed opinion texts from first to third person to avoid confusing tooltips in diplomacy view # Other Characters current Party Conviction in republics is now displayed in the character card Pops are now sorted by Poptype by default in the pop view Added a bunch of extra information to Great Wonders window and tooltips Added warning for lack of materials when building Great Wonders History entries for Legions will no longer use Christian calendar Tweaked provincial trade info interface ################### # Sound ################### Prevented DLC-locked music tracks from playing for non-DLC owners ################### # Gamebalance ################### # War & Peace Levies now have a scaling cooldown based on the strength of the levy at disband time - this also applies to levies who are auto-disbanded due to stackwipe Levy cooldowns will now be reset if attacked while at peace # Other Added Diadochi Rivals opinion modifier between successors to make alliances less likely at the start of the game ################### # Bugfixes ################### # AI AI now properly assigns commanders to Legions # Code Improved Levy size calculation slightly Fixed being able to merge tribal levies led by different chiefs Fixed state capitals ownership flipping Added rounding to Great Wonder price Disallowed risky interactions in lobby view Fixed issue with loading saves made in observer mode Lowered hotjoin tick limit in an attempt to help slower computers catch up Fixed issue where money increased in value when changing hands # Interface Fixed tooltips referring to Great Works instead of Great Wonders Fixed multiplayer interface elements not using new UI design DLC deities will now properly use vanilla icons as fallbacks Fixes issues with character loyalty tooltips Effects section of tooltips should now be hidden if there are none Inventions should now properly list effects in their tooltips # Script Fixed Barbarian Corsairs task not requiring territories to have pirate havens Fixed Divine Founder Thracian mission task deifying multiple characters Fixed being able to arrange marriages with or for imprisoned characters Fixed republic corruption events not making much sense Fixed League of Corinth mission tasks requiring exactly 3 subjects instead of at least 3 Fixed Mithridatic regnal numbers Fixed Thrace event drawing Epirus into war firing if already involved in a war together Fixed Soloi decision being available too widely Fixed broken happiness modifier in reward for Cities of Greece Fixed issue with Italiote League task highlighting Fixed losses tooltip listing Phrygia in Antigonid Cause Wavers stubborn choice Fixed mission tasks requiring more buildings than it was possible to build Made Mithridates events more reliable Fixed tooltips and regnal numbers in heir events for Mithridatids and Attalids Fixed some tooltip issues when becoming Pergamon Fixed matching names of support pretender and intervene in succession crisis character interactions Fixed broken tooltips in Thracian missions relating to releasing subjects Reworked land given to Pergamon in Antigonid split events Fixed some cases where subunits and legion maintenance modifiers were granted in events to countries that didnt have legions Fixed highlighting in Italiote League task for Magna Graecian minors Fixed League of Corinth not being a subject if created anew Fixed missing governor portraits in state improvements events Cleaned up tooltip of Revoke Holding interaction party impact Fixed event not destroying Colossus of Rhodes Fixed missing opinion localization in the Thracian missions Fixed various literally unplayable typos # Setup Fixed some incorrect terrain types in Anatolia Removed Kennataia tribal tag in Anatolia Fixed Gortynas fort locator being misplaced # Other Fixed Spanish localization of Governor Policy tooltip 2.0.1 should be compatible with prior version 2.0 saves, but in case you have any problems, you can always roll back your version via right click on Imperator in library -> properties -> betas -> choose the desired version. We're glad to get this improved version in your hands in time for the weekend. Give it a spin and let us know your feedback, which is, as ever, crucial to our continuing development of the game. Have fun everyone.
[ 2021-02-18 15:08:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
While you're walking in the dust of the road to victory, here's another video tutorial to help you get through all the changes brought by 2.0! In this episode, SurrealBeliefs helps you fuel your empire by covering Income, Expenses, and Trade. [previewyoutube=y6n_daFe3Sg;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-17 18:16:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Heirs of Alexander Content Pack is out! Enter the battle and defy the chaos by proving yourself worthy of the legacy of Alexander the Great. Proclaim the splendor of your empire by designing and building your own Great Wonders. [previewyoutube=0kAwiyxktFU;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-16 16:02:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Raise your army, the big day has arrived: ! The time has come to face betrayals, protect your empire and surpass the greatest conquerors. Let your journey begin, citizens! https://store.steampowered.com/app/859580/Imperator_Rome/ [previewyoutube=ZbVx9vkp6h8;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-16 13:05:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Episode 2 of our tutorial series is available, citizens! Today, SurrealBeliefs dives into warfare and gives you an overview of the upcoming changes regarding , & , . [previewyoutube=R9EnG_iUs5E;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-15 15:03:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all! As is tradition, the diary before an update contains the list of patch notes for the upcoming DLC and free update. Roma Invicta! Everything is here
[ 2021-02-15 14:11:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Knowledge is power, and you must be prepared for the challenges of the upcoming Marius Update! Learn all you need to know about , , , with this tutorial by SurrealBeliefs! [previewyoutube=lhBBZHbRLE8;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-02-11 15:00:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens.
Today, we're taking you through the details of the Great Wonder construction feature which comes in the Heirs of Alexander pack!
Great Wonders
The Heirs of Alexander content pack will include a design-tool which allows you to assemble and construct your own Great Wonders. The tool gives you a 3D view of your construction, and once the building is completed, your creation will be represented on the world map.
Everything is here
[ 2021-02-08 13:19:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salutations, conscript fathers; free people of the republic, and honored travelers from distant lands.
Today marks a special moment in the storied history of our great journey. A moment spoken about in whispers for many moons, and which has been the subject of that most abundant of deep and meaningful questions:
At long last, the cloak of secrecy may be cast off - for the omens augur well.
Read everything here.
[ 2021-02-01 13:03:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all,
Our part of todays developer diary focuses on further changes coming to the population system in 2.0 as well as Marius Map changes.
The changes to civilization value mentioned previously opened up further opportunities for a rethink on population growth. In 1.5 and before, cities were largely sustained by prolonged inwards migration. While this is not something I necessarily want to change, well be splitting up where population growth comes from, with the dual intentions of letting cities stand their own ground when growing pops, and allowing for more engagement in how you promote growth in owned territory...
Read more here
[ 2021-01-25 14:09:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all,
Today well be taking a look at some of the more significant balance changes coming to the game with the advent of the 2.0 release. Then, we'll talk about the last mission coming with our expansion Heirs of Alexander.
Everything is here.
[ 2021-01-18 12:34:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings citizens,
Today, Chopmist will be taking you through the mission trees for the final nation were covering in the Heirs of Alexander content pack: Macedon.
Before we deal with the bloodthirsty Kassander however, its time to explain some of the mechanics Ive been teasing on Twitter over the holidays...
Everything is here.
[ 2021-01-11 10:34:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens!
Today, youll be taken through a deep dive into the Antigonid mission trees coming in the Heirs of Alexander Content Pack but also discover some features as well as new preview of Levy:Legion models.
Everything is here
[ 2020-12-14 15:27:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all,
Today, well be covering some additional mechanics coming in the Marius update, before we take a look at further mission trees coming as part of the Heirs of Alexander DLC.
As the astute amongst you have noticed, weve made several references to upgrading port infrastructure in recent dev diaries and streams.
Prior to Marius, ports were seeded in numerous historical locations, but could never be altered, removed, or added during gameplay. As Imperator is a game where the ability to build your own civilization is paramount, it seemed natural that this behaviour should be reconsidered.
As part of Marius, shipyards will be a constructible building-type, which along with various local effects, will increase the port level of the territory in which they are built.
Read everything here.
[ 2020-12-07 13:11:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everybody!
As you might have guessed, there is plenty of Diadochi-themed goodies in the incoming Heirs of Alexander DLC. Today, we are focusing on Ptolemaic Egypt. While not as adventurous or glamorous as his direct rivals, Ptolemaios I founded the most successful and renowned of the Diadochi kingdoms, which lasted until 30 BC when Ptolemaios last descendant - the famous Cleopatra VII - was defeated and her kingdom annexed by the Romans.
The four new missions from the DLC will accompany you through the greatest achievements and most challenging times of the Ptolemies, focusing on the early kings (Ptolemies I to III), encouraging you to emulate and even surpass their successes. Each mission focuses on one side of Ptolemaic politics: the conflict with the Antigonids first and the Seleukids later in Palestine and Phoenicia, the constant menace from the neighboring people of Cyrenaica and Kush, the dominion over the eastern Mediterranean, and the economic and cultural development of Egypt and, in particular, of its capital, Alexandria.
Everything is here
[ 2020-11-30 15:02:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes !
While there is yet more to come regarding Marian military matters, today Im here to announce that the content pack, Heirs of Alexander, will be released in conjunction with the Marius update.
As befits our 2.0 statement, the Heirs of Alexander content pack will be the largest yet; encompassing mission trees and flavor events for all the Diadochi nations, as well as the ability to customize and build a large variety of Great Wonders as detailed in the Vitruvius dev diary.
Included alongside this will be a variety of additional content that you have grown to expect from content packs, including new event pictures, music tracks, and more.
As time goes on, we will introduce more specifics surrounding the content you will receive in the HoA pack, however, as a small addendum to last weeks diary, I would like to clarify that the Legion Honors that you encountered in the Legions feature reveal will be part of the HoA pack.
With this announcement out of the way, Ill detail a few more changes you can expect in the Marius update!
Everything is here
[ 2020-11-23 14:05:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, and welcome to another diary about warfare changes in the Marius update for Imperator: Rome!
Last week I described how armies as a rule will now be raised by levying the population. This time we will talk about standing armies and how they feature in the game. These are called Legions, drawing inspiration from the permanent Legions of the late Republic and the Roman Empire.
The DD is here
[ 2020-11-16 14:00:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, citizens, and welcome to another Development Diary for the Imperator: Rome - Marius update.
Today, we will be talking a bit about one of the bigger changes coming to warfare, and how you raise armies in the game.
Everything is here
[ 2020-11-09 16:00:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day, citizens!
The UI rework is moving along nicely. We still have things to do before we can call it finished but its starting to come together. Since the last time, weve polished and refined the UIs and their components, so if you look closely you'll notice some differences!
First up we have some new additions to the Nation Overview...
To see everything about it, click here
[ 2020-11-02 15:20:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all!
In Today's DD well be covering changes to Military Traditions, as well as showing you some iteration points on the new invention system.
Military traditions will be receiving a similar treatment to inventions, in that they will now exist in a tree-structure, with a modicum of choice, and continuing to be unlocked by their own unique resource, Military Experience.
Check out here to know more about it.
[ 2020-10-26 14:20:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to another development diary for Imperator: Rome.
Today we will be talking to you about some of the changes that are coming in the Marius update. It is still early days, so take any and all numbers and screenshots as what they are, work in progress !
Everything is here
[ 2020-10-19 14:32:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to another development Diary for Imperator: Rome, and the 2.0 Marius Update.
Today we will be talking about some changes coming to the Invention system as the plan is to replace it in the Marius Update.
Everything is here
[ 2020-10-12 13:18:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, omnes! Tomorrow (Oct 9) we will be working through a Server Restart for the Multiplayer Servers at 09:00AM CEST for routine Server Maintenance. This update will take less than a half hour, but we advise all players to make sure you have a save point for all Multiplayer games in advance of this restart and that you are not playing while the restart occurs or it may cause issues with your ongoing games. While this should not impact any ongoing solo Campaigns, we also advise caution. Please plan accordingly and we will see you on the other side!
[ 2020-10-08 10:28:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Start the week with fresh news!
Our latest Dev Diary is out and awaits you, citizens!
Today, we leave the helm to our UX designer, who gets into the details of the changes ahead.
Everything is here
[ 2020-10-05 13:27:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, citizens!
This week, our latest DD brings you valuable insights with an overview of some of the things we intend to cover with our next update.
Take a look at it here
[ 2020-09-28 13:05:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Take part in our new community challenge, citizens!
You have the power to recreate History every time you play. Now it's time to pass on your stories to make them part of the legend!
Visit our forum to learn more.
[ 2020-09-24 15:05:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete citizens!
As the week begins, we still have a surprise in store for you in our latest DD.
Do you ever wonder how great it could be to build something unforgettable?
The time has come to find out more here.
[ 2020-09-21 12:30:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete citizens,
As a new week begins, our latest DD awaits you!
Everything is here.
[ 2020-09-14 12:56:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome them, citizens! You just met them in our latest DD, and now is the time to dive deeper into discovering the fabulous people of Paradox Thalassic! [previewyoutube=N3Oi38Nbum4;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2020-09-10 16:00:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens!
Our latest DD is out and lifts the veil on a great piece of news!
It is now time to read it here.
[ 2020-09-10 14:00:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens! We've got a new hotfix coming your way to address some of the remaining issues in 1.5. #Gameplay - Threaten War and Demand Military Access diplomatic actions now work as advertised - Fixed typo that made high ranking countries get 1.6% Integrated Culture Happiness instead of 16% - Fixed the first instance of a Food Trade Good not actually giving any food #AI - Fixed AI being unwilling to ever build ships due to being bad at maths #Stability - Solved issue where non-real countries (like Narnia, or Canada) were considered real during setup - Fixed bad error logging for invalid diplomatic relations on startup - Solved crash in Barbarian Diplomacy if Barbarian gets killed when the view is open - Solved crash in Barbarian diplomacy if you had previously selected a Barbarian horde that is now dead, and then opened the diplomacy view again 1.5.3 should be compatible with prior 1.5.x saves, but in case you have any problems, you can always roll back your version via right click on Imperator in library -> properties -> betas -> choose the desired version. Thank you for your feedback!
[ 2020-09-03 12:59:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today is Monday, which means our latest DD is out, Citizens! Over the past two weeks, we have been looking at your feedback to the Menander Update and started working on the next update for the game. Check our latest news here. Thank you for your feedback.
[ 2020-08-24 15:03:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens!
We've just released a new Patch addressing some issues you may have encountered.
Get ready for an immersive weekend in the Ancient World, and don't hesitate to give us your feedback!
Everything is here.
[ 2020-08-20 15:07:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Epirus Content Pack is out! Will you manage to make Pyrrhic Victory not so Pyrrhic anymore? Endorse the destiny of a great warrior and let's see what turning point history will take in your hands. Adventure awaits you. [previewyoutube=Q5Ehb02ubc4;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2020-08-11 18:00:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
As they say, good news never comes alone, citizens! So here's a piece of additional information you might enjoy: The Menander update includes multiplayer that is no longer tied to your choice of store.
Time to connect to one another for epic MP.
Everything is here.
[ 2020-08-11 16:46:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build an empire of many cultures: MENANDER UPDATE IS OUT! There's nothing quite like traveling back in time to quench your thirst for epic challenges. Face cultural rivalries of the Ancient World and enter the legend of Imperator! https://store.steampowered.com/app/859580/Imperator_Rome/ [previewyoutube=imBf6uogATs;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2020-08-11 16:15:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today marks the end of your wait: Our latest DD is out, citizens!
Check out the extensive patch notes of tomorrow's update.
Please note that previous versions of Imperator will not be compatible with 1.5.
Everything is here.
[ 2020-08-10 16:18:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
The oracles have spoken: Epic challenges are calling and the time has come to polish up on your strategies because Menander Update rolls out tomorrow!
Unleash your fighting spirit and your cultural knowledge, start packing to go back in time and don't hesitate to read our latest DDs to be well prepared for these exciting changes!
[ 2020-08-10 16:00:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Steam Summer Sale: Enjoy 50% off on Imperator
Can you feel the thrill of adventure?
It's not a coincidence since now is the perfect time to embark on epic conquests!
[ 2020-06-28 10:00:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, citizens!
Steam Summer Sale is live, and Imperator is 50% OFF!
Take an epic vacation under the sun of the ancient world: Your days will be filled with challenges, conquest, and glory!
[ 2020-06-25 17:30:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
We still have some exciting news in store for the Menander update!
Diadochi Wars, Slave Happiness, Changes to Integration, Stability, Tyranny, and Aggressive Expansion: everything is here.
[ 2020-06-15 13:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes.
Another week begins with our latest DD, which takes a further look at Cultural Integration and brings you exciting news.
Everything you need to know is here.
[ 2020-06-01 15:32:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
Our latest DD is out!
Today, we take a look at the upcoming change of republic government mechanics with a focus on the Roman parties.
Whether you are playing with the Roman parties or the more general ones we think these changes significantly change how Republics play and we hope you will enjoy it!
Everything is here.
[ 2020-05-25 14:06:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
A new DD awaits you with our Game Producer and our Game Director at the helm to offer you a glimpse into the future of Imperator.
Everything is here.
[ 2020-05-18 14:29:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Let's travel back in time together!
Imperator: Rome is 50% OFF until May 18th!
Prepare to conquer the Ancient World and go even further with discounts on Paradox games up to 80% OFF.
[ 2020-05-14 18:00:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our latest DD awaits you, citizens!
Want to know more about the upcoming changes to the rebellion system?
It's all in our virtual agora.
[ 2020-05-11 15:03:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete citizens!
A new exciting week begins with our latest DD. Find out more about the culture changes and the new Pop Type that the Menander update will bring.
It's all here.
[ 2020-05-04 13:07:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Embrace your competitive spirit by taking up our new Community Challenge.
"Benevolent Minos" awaits you to make a mark on Imperator History!
You have until May 1st, 16:00 p.m. to participate and win a Magna Graecia Content Pack Key.
Terms and conditions here.
[ 2020-04-28 11:27:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete Omnes!
Our latest Dev Diary awaits you!
Today, we share with you the broad strokes on what you might expect from the Menander update.
Cultural Integration, rebellions, senate and factions rework: Everything is here.
[ 2020-04-27 12:41:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
When the rulers of Messana invited Roman protection for their Sicilian city, they could not have expected that they were igniting a fierce rivalry that would set the Western Mediterranean aflame for over a century. Carthage had traditionally seen Sicily as its sphere of influence and it could accept no equal on the island. Rome and Carthage would go to war in 265 BC, in the first of three wars that would finally end with the sack of Carthage in 146 BC. This free content pack for Imperator: Rome includes new events and units models to illustrate the greatest wars of the classical age - the superpower showdown between the nascent Roman Republic, and the established Carthaginian Empire. The Punic Wars content pack includes:
- Roman Mission Pack: Nine unique mission trees for the star of Imperator: Rome to guide your conquest of Italy and neighboring regions.
- Carthaginian Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the children of Tyre to help you plan your mercantile and military dominance of Africa, Spain and the rest of the west.
- Numidian Unit Model: New army model for the Numidians, North Africans often hired as mercenaries by larger powers.
- Carthaginian Ship Model: A unique ship design for Carthaginian navies.
- New Music: Three additional music tracks to soothe your conquering soul.
[ 2020-04-22 14:07:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, citizens!
We're back with a fresh new DD!
Changes are coming regarding the way youll be getting information from us in the future, and some exciting teasers are unveiled.
Find out all about it here.
[ 2020-04-20 13:29:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Make every minute count, and rise above the sand of the Imperator arena!
Prove your strategic sense and win a key for the Magna Graecia content pack by meeting the Challenges we've prepared for you this month.
You have until May 1st, at 16:00 p.m. to participate.
May you emerge victorious from these challenges and look back on your achievement with wonder at the strategy you picked on.
Terms and conditions here.
[ 2020-04-17 14:12:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.4.2 patch has arrived and should be updating for you as you read this. Based on the excellent feedback you provided for the previous Archimedes versions, this build includes a bunch of balance tweaks and bug fixes.
1.4.x saves will probably be fine in this version, but in case you encounter any issues and want to finish an older game, you can revert back by right clicking on Imperator in your Steam library, selecting Properties -> Betas -> choose the version you want. Don't save an old, bugged game in the new version, roll back first.
Happy to get this to you in time for the weekend, and we hope you enjoy it!
If you want to discuss this hotfix follow the link here!
Full Changelog:
# Game Balance
# Economy
- Reduced population output from occupied territories by 20%.
- Manpower from tribesmen and freemen reduced by approximately 45%, non-primary dominant culture territories now provide 20% less output.
# Governments
- Moving Province capital now reduces Province Loyalty instead of Political Influence. It is no longer possible to move the Province Capital if you are below 50 Province Loyalty (up from 33%). Moving province capital to a City or even more so a Metropolis will result in a lesser hit.
- Slightly reduced pop type happiness reductions from passive deity modifiers.
# War & Peace
- Macedon will now be far more likely to oppose Phrygian demands in the initial Diadochi War event series.
- Slightly reduced base experience decay for units.
- Slightly increased war exhaustion from battles.
- Tweaked Military Traditions to reduce very expensive units in mercenary stacks (elephants and heavy cavalry).
- Halved how much money is gained from selling Characters into slavery, because the sight of your former adversaries toiling in the salt mine is the real reward.
- Halved loyalty impact, decay rate and maximum from giving away holdings.
- Characters will now gain loyalty from being made Generals or Admirals, just as they do when they are given an office or Governorship.
# Heritages
- Argive heritage increased from 2% ruler popularity to 4, to match other ruler popularity gain heritages.
- Spartocid Heritage now gives higher defensiveness instead of discipline.
- Pontic and Massalian Heritages changed from wrong culture happiness to wrong culture group happiness.
- Epirote Heritage now gives lower commerce instead of fewer diplomatic relations.
- Epirote Heritage now gives global freemen output instead of a war exhaustion reduction.
# AI
- AI will be more reluctant to change its worshipped deities simply because it can. Will be more mindful of conserving its stability.
- AI will better consider naval access when declaring wars.
# Script
# Achievements
- Changed every country specific achievement to have a variable backup, so even if you change the country name (through a formable decision or a mission), you should still be able to get the achievement in question. Among other things this means Sparta can get Molon Labe and Laconic If even if they first form another country. This will not affect games started before the 1.4.2 patch.
- Meroitic culture countries are now valid for the New Kingdom achievement.
# Decisions
- Fixed formables for the two new culture groups, Meroitic and Illyrian.
# Events
- Added a 2 year cooldown per territory for the city sacking event for ruler led armies
# Missions
- 'Planning for War' generic mission task reward increased from 2.5 to 5 military experience
- The Spartan mission tasks 'Reincorporating Messenia' and 'Lands of Messenia' will no longer ask you for a building you cannot build in the territory.
- The mission task ' Greek Allies' in the 'Subduing Greece' mission will now highlight the potential nations when you hover the task, making it easier to find nations that might be relevant for it.
# Setup
- Fixed Madurai not being a city at start.
# Tutorial
- Objective to build a larger navy now requires a navy of 10 ships rather than 20.
- Objective to build a larger army now requires an army of 12 000 men rather than 30 000.
- Tag exclusive deities will no longer disappear or become unavailable after you complete a formable or otherwise change names in some way.
# Bugfixes
- Fixed bug that resulted in characters acquiring multiple spouses.
- Fixed bug that caused all Roman characters at start to belong to the same party.
- Fixed more missing localization in Spanish.
- Fixed combat deployment issue for multiple large armies
- Armies without a leader now also loot provinces instantly. Province loot modifier is now visible right away in the tooltip
- Armies with no food detaching support units will no longer result in the creation of food out of thin air.
- Armies no longer cause food to be added to the province they are in, because wow, the Thirty Years War would have looked a lot different if that were true.
- Fixed bug that caused subjects to cheekily draw manpower from their overlord instead of transferring manpower to the overlord.
- Fixed starting scripts sometimes being run twice in Ironman.
- Fixed a number of rare crashes and out of syncs.
- Fixed trade view resetting sorting whenever a Trade Route was cancelled or accepted.
- Fixed Integration family event not awarding popularity if no families are accepted
- Fixed Weary of War event firing for mercenary armies
- Fixed broken loc strings in Befriend Tribe Roman mission tasks
- Fixed issue where allied countries couldn't be made into feudatories in the Siceliote Overtures task for Syracuse
- Fixed issues with the religious subjects released by Sparta and Athens in their missions.
- Fixed the switched loyalties of clan leaders in the 'From One Clan to Another' event.
- Fixed so that the economics tabs is no longer translucent when you have no subjects
- Fixed opengl shader issues related to map modes with colored water when zoomed in
- Fixed broken loc string in wealth modifier from Expand Estate character scheme, and probably other literally unplayable typos somewhere
[ 2020-04-16 13:19:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
After going through your reports from the release of Archimedes and prioritizing the most high-value fixes, 1.4.1 hotfix is out now and ready to be played over the weekend. It includes a bunch of good bugfixes and some small tweaks to gameplay and balance as well.
1.4.0 saves will probably be fine in this version, but in case you encounter any issues and want to finish an older game, you can revert back by right clicking on Imperator in your Steam library, selecting Properties -> Betas -> choose the version you want. Don't save an old, bugged game in the new version, roll back first.
We'll have more post launch support coming up, and are looking forward to your feedback on this version. We hope you have a fun weekend playing Imperator! You will find the full changelog after a bit bellow!
If you want to discuss this hotfix follow the link here!
Full Changelog:
# Game Balance
- Corruption now scales character wages up to 250% instead of just 100%, because whats the point of theft and graft if you go small time?
- Sanctioned Privileges National Idea now decreases corruption by 5% instead of 10%.
# Interface
- Updated capital tooltip to be more descriptive.
- Many fixes to the non-english localization files.
# Script
# Events
- Added a 2 year cooldown per territory for the city sacking event for ruler led armies
- Moving country now clears interaction loyalty modifiers.
- Antigonus now remembers what country Seleukos is in charge of, when ceding land to him.
- Fixed bad reference to location in desecration popup.
- Added goto button for Sack event
# Missions
- Fixed Destroy Apulians bypass to require both Apulian nations as subjects.
# Setup
- Added trait to forgotten daughter Ptolemais in Miletos
- Athens now starts with regular old Athena in its pantheon. Fitting, since she gave the city its name and all.
- The people of Acragas have overcame their initial crisis of faith, and decided on what deities they want to worship at the start of the game.
# Deities
- Kanya Devi now uses Monthly Stability Change rather than Monthly Stability Decay. Fixes an issue which made the deity harmful to worship.
- Tag exclusive deities will no longer disappear or become unavailable after you complete a formable or otherwise change names in some way.
- Fixed problem with Krishnas deity modifier.
# Map
- Added Golden Horn to Byzantion, so Constantine XI will have something to stretch his chain across.
# Bugfixes
- Restored missing option to change player name in the main menu, fixing an issue locking people out of logging in for multiplayer.
- Fixed the 'Laconic If' achievement, so Sparta will once again be able to sack Pella properly.
- Fixed checking for Agathokles dead father rather than Agathokles in the Potter to King achievement and the Pyrrhus events. His ID was changed in the 1.4 setup update.
- Game wont crash if there is an invalid entry for province treasure
- Fixed a number of rare crashes and out of synchs.
- Fixed Diplomatic Range modifier having a full stop
- Initializing crowdmap on recalculatecache
- Added 'Blood of the Lagidai' trait to Ptolemy's children by Thais.
- Armies without a leader now also loot provinces instantly. Province loot modifier is now visible right away in the tooltip.
- Fixed rival's name not appearing in Twisting the Knife event
- Fixed literally unplayable typo in the Pan-Hellenic government mission description
- Satrap armies no longer get a +70% morale boost from the Satrap Project event.
- Fixed Incompetent Storage and Stockpile Disappears food events sometimes not subtracting food
- Fixed minor characters having unrelated negotiators in marriage proposal events
- The Spartan mission task 'Civilizing the Valley' now states that the territory in question must be a city.
- Fixed Seleukid event for all languages, rather than just English.
- Fixed broken custom loc due to typo
- Fixed typos in some heritages
- Fixed typo in Archimedes event
- Purged Remulus typo for the third time. Let us hope it stays purged this time
- Fixed some issues with the religious subjects released by Sparta and Athens in their missions.
- Fixed a 'null_family' issue in the 'Athens in Chains' mission.
- Units in a lot of formables and Oreos will now use proper colors on their armor, rather than rave green.
- Troops in hired pirate fleets drown when said fleet is stackwiped as opposed to walking on water.
[ 2020-04-02 15:38:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Imperator defies your sense of conquest and challenge in the Magna Graecia Content Pack. Revive the grandeur of Syracusae, Sparta, and Athens through new exciting missions and feast your eyes upon new unit models. Adventure awaits you and we can't wait to hear about your successes! [previewyoutube=ERKYdFnvnWU;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2020-03-31 17:06:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Archimedes Update is live and the ancient gods are ready to grant you their favors! Make your way to glory and fulfill your epic destiny among the riches of this new Update by trying it out for free until Apr.5, 22:00 CEST. If your plunge into the past wins you over, Imperator is also currently 50% OFF. We look forward to hearing about your achievements and wish you to rise by triumph! [previewyoutube=dLuLB9hK6Yg;full][/previewyoutube] Features of the free 1.4 Archimedes update include:
- State Deities : The Omens system has been replaced by a national Pantheon. Gods from across your empire are welcome into this divine assembly, providing powerful nationwide boons. In times of need, their divine aid can be invoked more directly.
- Holy Sites : The Hellenistic world was full of sacred groves and mystery cults. Holy Sites increase the strength of the relevant deity in your Pantheon, or may be plundered of their riches by rulers bold enough to scorn the wrath of the gods.
- Sacred Treasures : Revered historical and divine relics can be stored in your National Treasury, earning national bonuses. If you sack an enemys Holy Site or capital, you may succeed in seizing these great artifacts for yourself..
- Loyalty Rework : Instead of a ticking scale to track, Character Loyalty will be a sum of various factors, making it easier to understand and control.

[ 2020-03-31 08:09:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
We're one day away from the release of Archimedes and Magna Graecia!
Our latest DD puts at your disposal the extensive patch notes of tomorrow's update. Please note that previous versions of Imperator will not be compatible with 1.4.
Everything is here.
[ 2020-03-30 12:20:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes.
We're a week away from Archimedes' release!
Get an exciting glimpse of the future by reading our latest DD!
Loyalty modifiers, subunit deployment, religious conversion, pop resource changes...
Everything is here.
[ 2020-03-23 12:45:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes! Today, we are happy to share with you a piece of news that will satisfy your impatience: the Archimedes Update will be released on March 31! Eager to know at a quick glance the changes that await you with the Archimedes Update and the Magna Graecia content pack? Here are key features point: ARCHIMEDES Harness divine favor
- State Deities: The Omens system has been replaced by a national Pantheon. Gods from across your empire are welcome into this divine collection, providing passive bonuses most of the time, though you can invoke their power for greater benefits.
- Holy Sites: The classical world was full of sacred groves and mysterious locales. Holy Sites increase the strength of the relevant deity in your Pantheon, or may be sacked of their wealth by less faithful rulers.
- Sacred Treasures: Revered historical and divine relics can be stored in your National Treasury, earning small bonuses. If you sack an enemys Holy Sites or capital, there is a chance you might capture these special artifacts.
- Loyalty Rework: Instead of a ticking scale to track, Character Loyalty will be a sum of various factors, making it easier to understand and control.
- Various QoL improvements such as MP AI Settings, Continue button, Trade Request filtering, and more.
- Apotheosis: A popular ruler from a prestigious family may be declared a god and welcomed into the State Pantheon. Elevate enough rulers and you may institute an Imperial Cult religion.
- New Greek Missions: New missions available for Athens, Sparta, Syracusae.
- New Deities: 12 new Greek deities tied to historical Holy Sites across the Greek world.
- Hellenistic Themed Treasures: Collect special artifacts based on the history and legends of the Hellenistic world.
- New Music, Art, and 3D Models

[ 2020-03-18 13:06:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
Today is Monday, which means a new development diary awaits you! Get a closer look at new missions as well as one of the additional features that will be brought with Archimedes.
You can read the Diary here.
[ 2020-03-09 13:43:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, dear citizens!
We have another Development Diary ready for you to read!
Today we take a look at Sparta and Athens with two mission sets we are bringing for the upcoming content pack.
You can read the diary here.
[ 2020-03-02 13:23:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave, dear citizens.
It's time to quench your curiosity with our latest DD!
Have you noticed three mysterious boxes when we took a look at the new Religion View wireframe the other week?
The time has come to lift the veil from this mystery!
It's all here.
[ 2020-02-24 15:17:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Who said Monday had to be a bad day?
Our latest DD takes you into the heart of a unique set of missions for Syracusae.
Exciting, isn't it?
Take a look at the upcoming changes for the Magna Graecia content pack here.
[ 2020-02-17 14:09:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete omnes!
A new week begins with fresh news from our latest Dev Diary.
Today we put the spotlight on Holy Sites.
With the upcoming 1.4 update, Holy Sites will be completely within player control!
As the saying goes: "Dii facientes adjuvant".
Check it out here.
[ 2020-02-10 13:04:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, dear citizens.
A new Dev Diary full of exciting news and dedicated to your previous requests awaits you.
You will discover some upcoming changes regarding commercial requests, cities' appearance, the possibility to continue a game that has reached its end date, and much more.
Check it out here.
[ 2020-02-03 14:19:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete, dear conquerors.
A bright and challenging new week starts on Imperator as our latest DD is out!
Revamp of Character Loyalty, map changes...
Want to know more about what's coming up?
Check out here.
[ 2020-01-27 17:00:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is a piece of good news!
What about enjoying Imperator with your friends, on a single unified MP environment?
An experimental beta version of crossplay has been deployed on the imperator_test branch of Steam.
This way, everyone will be able to play with everyone, no matter where they bought their game.
If you are on Steam and have friends who own Imperator on another platform, you will now be able to dive into the Classical era to achieve your conquests together.
Alliances, tactics, betrayals: Isn't this a good time to defy the "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" axiom?
Find out more here
[ 2020-01-21 17:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Development Diary will be looking at the changes to religion added by our next update, Archimedes!
We will be talking a bit more about Deities and the changes to Omens.
You can read the full diary on our forums here.
[ 2020-01-20 15:15:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
My thanks for bearing with us over the holidays, the team has had a good break, and were back and ready to begin the 1.4 Archimedes update for Imperator: Rome.
Before I go into a little more depth as to what you might expect in the first part of 2020, Id like to address what some of you may already have noticed. Our previous roadmap indicated that 1.4 (previously titled Cassander) would be an weighty expansion to I:R - weve taken the decision to change our tack a little here. This is in part due to the success of the 1.2 and 1.3 updates: the ambitious release cadence we achieved in order to be able to bring the radical changes and additions contained therein, is something that we feel suits Imperator well, and is a practice I would like to keep up.
What does this mean?
Well, in practical terms, you can expect to see smaller, more frequent updates than some of our sister titles. We believe that we can provide a more engaging experience for our players by having the opportunity to react to feedback with relative haste (the development of the 1.2 Cicero update, for example), which in turn gives us the chance to focus on individual, core themes on a per-update basis.
Does more updates mean more paid DLC than were used to on [insert PDS game here]?
Simply put; no. As well be producing more frequent updates, not all of them will have a price tag. Content packs accompanying free updates is a model that I believe serves us well, and gives players the greatest amount of choice and flexibility as to how they spend their money.
Does this mean Imperator is dead?
Absolutely not. Were committed to Imperator - we believe there is huge potential in both the era and game. Indeed, the I:R team seems to have mysteriously grown over the holidays.
Ive pre-empted these questions, and I expect some of you to have more. Ill do my best to answer those which I can in this thread.
Moving on, we come to the subject of 2020. I wanted to give you an update as to our plans for the first few updates this year, however before I do, I must stress that any and all plans are subject to change - the level of communication and feedback weve had with you on our previous updates makes me confident that transparency is the only way forward here, but it should be with the understanding that the realities of development sometimes hit unexpected turns.
To aid our planning, weve split each update cycle into something were calling a season. Giving each season a rough theme allows us to better focus on key parts of the game in need of improvement, without committing to a discrete number of updates or releases.
Season 1: Religion and Culture
My intention is that the Archimedes update will focus heavily on expanding the religious gameplay options. Well be overhauling omens, allowing and promoting hybridisation of religions and pantheons, the dedication of holy sites, and many more features tied to the religious theming of the Archimedes update.
In addition, well be taking some time to rework character loyalty as a more organic system and squashing some oft-requested minor features.
The second major part of this release naturally looks towards culture. Its too early to tell you exactly what you can expect to see here, but to me, the lack of ability to promote cultural diversity is something I believe needs improvement.
Other themes for the Menander update are likely to include Subjects, unrest/rebellions, and more.
Does this mean you wont touch [Feature X] until its part of a season?
Not necessarily. Themes and seasons are a focus, not a restriction.
Whats after Season 1?
Well, its a little early to say. -However-, what I can do is give you the intended theme for S2: Warfare.
To conclude, Im aware that many of you like meaty, detailed Dev diaries that explain features on a mechanical level. This is not something weve forgotten, and next week well dive into the details of the Archimedes update to look at Deities and Pantheons.
As we lack any exciting screenshots to show you due to the recent holidays, I felt it would be a good time to prove that team Imperator is also team CAT (featuring an assortment of team cats):
To discuss this post on our forums (or higher quality cat pics), you can view the original thread here.
[ 2020-01-13 15:51:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just released a upgraded version of our tutorials for Imperator! Make sure to check it out, we cover basic steps to understand the game's features and mechanics! [previewyoutube=pdvoqsda-M0;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2019-12-18 12:42:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, just want to let you know that after a weekend in open beta with no new, severe issues being introduced, we are putting 1.3.2 fully live on all platforms right now. The objective is to have a stable version available for all over the holiday break, without further gating desirable gameplay fixes and balance tweaks behind a beta.
We are aware that some players are experiencing performance issues with the new patch. So far we've had no luck debugging this issue, so any feedback and system information you can share in this thread would be much appreciated:
If you can help us out with your system specs and any other actionable feedback you may have, we'll do what we can to address this.
1.3.1 saves appear to work fine on this version, but in case you encounter any issues and want to finish an older game, you can revert back by right clicking on Imperator in your Steam library, selecting Properties -> Betas -> choose the version you want.
[ 2019-12-17 10:04:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, all!
Today marks my first official dev diary as Game Director of this august project. Many of you have expressed interest in the direction I intend to take Imperator - this is a topic upon which I have made much thought. I:R is a game with huge potential; an era straddling the final days of the ailing yet proud Diadochi, as well as the storied ascent of Rome. The term map painting describes Imperator well, though not only, perhaps, in the way it was originally intended. With the advent of I:R and subsequent updates, the expression of cultural or national identity upon the map became possible through the founding of cities, building of roads, and cultivation of pops - this is an area that I feel strongly about. To me, it is equally possible to paint the map on an internal level, as well as external, and it is paramount to see ones decisions reflected visually upon the fabric of the map.
The war game inside I:R at launch was a compelling simulation, and with the Cicero update, I feel that realm management reached a similar state. That simulation is the core that drives a PDS grand strategy game; Imperator is no different. With Livy, we began working on structure, using great families and missions to provide a framework to identify character and goal, respectively. For the future, were still considering a multitude of ideas.
To say that we have ideas, however, would be an understatement. There are so many things that I believe would fit perfectly into the world were creating. Beginning in 2020, (and in no particular order or discrete timeline!), well be considering culture, religion, and warfare. These are all aspects of the game that are ripe for expansion and development, as well as systemic improvements for culture especially.Additionally, Id like to retain the high level of communication and transparency that weve had with our fans, inasmuch as is possible. Your continued feedback is much appreciated.
As we end the year, however, we have an small patch for those of you that are enjoying the 1.3 update, which includes a host of balance changes and fixes. Ill hand over to Trin Tragula, wholl give you the rundown on what you can expect!
Livy 1.3.2 went out as an open beta for the Livy Update last week and it contains a combination of tweaks and fixes to issues found in missions, as well as some extra stability fixes for crashes that some users experienced. Sometime in the near future, when we are content that this patch is working as we intend it will be released as a regular update on all platforms. Balance tweaks in 1.3.2: Statesmanship: With statesmanship you are rewarded for keeping someone employed, as they will only reach their full potential if given the sufficient experience within the government apparatus. The effect at launch during 1.3 Livy was quite harsh however, with many characters never getting near their full potential. In 1.3.2 the base output of many offices have been tweaked to account for statesmanship, and the Finesse attribute on characters will also help produce a steady increase of Statesmanship for those with a strong inclination for government work. Stability: When stability was reworked some time ago, and made to decay towards the middle, the intent was that you should over time experience periods of good stability, where everything is going your way, and bad stability, which are veritable slump periods for your country. The decay has however been too quick, which means it never really mattered too much when you gained or lost stability as it would always rapidly return to the middle ground. In 1.3.2 we have slowed the decay of stability, which should allow you both longer periods of well being as well as longer periods of crisis. Units & Food: With Livy the food system was expanded to allow armies to carry food and to use stored food to mitigate attrition, with taking provincial capitals in order to secure food supply in hostile territory now being an integral part of warfare. In the balance patch we have looked again at how much food units can carry, and at the cost for the supply trains that are now vital for any drawn out siege or campaign in hostile territory. Fixes in 1.3.2: Stability The patch fixes a number of crashes that some experienced on startup, as well as some minor improvements to performance. Missions: Livy saw the introduction of a new mission system, as a way to guide expansion but primarily also to deliver scripted content such as event, alternate history and meaningful interaction with things that are not directly covered by game mechanics. As with any new system the release to the general public has unearthed some issues in mission design that we now begin to address (especially for the General missions). The 1.3.2 patch will take care of most of the oversights reported in the general missions reported to date, as well as a number of issues in the missions for Carthage and Rome. Highlights include picking more sensible regional capitals for the development mission, as well as a fix for the demand that you grow olives in the wild wastes of Scandinavia. The general conquest mission will also no longer abort when you succeed too well with it. For a full list of mission related fixes see the 1.3.2 changelog at the end of our forum post here. With the holidays approaching us, we'll see you next year for more Development Diaries!
[ 2019-12-16 12:41:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, Jamor here with some news: today we are releasing patch 1.3.2 as an open beta on the imperator_test beta branch. In line with our occasional practice at PDS, we want to get this build in to the hands of our most dedicated players early so you can try it out and give us your feedback. The objective is to gather data on how it performs over the weekend, then put it fully live when stability is confirmed. The advantage for you is that you get early access to a bunch of desirable fixes. See the full list below:
#Game Balance:
- Base Stability Decay is now halved.
- Aggressive Expansion decay from Foreign Minister & Praetor offices increased from -0.01 to -0.015 per skill point.
- Aggressive Expansion decay from Arbitrator office is now -0.01.
- Omen Power from the High Priest & Augur offices increased from 2% to 3% per skill point.
- National Tax bonus from Steward & Tribune of the Treasury offices changed from 1% to 1.5% per skill point.
- Tribesmen Happiness from the Elder office increased from 1% to 1.5% per skill point.
- Characters now receive a monthly Statesmanship increase from their Finesse skill.
- Supply Trains now cost 16 gold to construct, and their maintenance is therefore also higher.
- Horse Archers now carry more food (up to 3 from 2.4).
- Heavy Cavalry now carry less food (down to 2 from 2.4).
- Elephants now deal more damage to Heavy Infantry (up to 1.4 from 1.3) and less damage to Light Infantry (down to 1.3 from 1.5).
- Stability gains from events reduced by around 30% across the board.
- AI tribal nations will now only reform their governments if they have at least 25 Civilization in their capital.
#Complete Soundtrack DLC:
- Three new songs added: Tyros, The Mediterranean, and The Punic Wars.
Stability & Performance:
- Fixed startup crash related to shadowmap resolution setting.
- Fixed crash related to using the back button to negotiate with barbarians.
- Fixed two more rare crashes related to ingame popups and account login.
- Slightly improved performance related to ai threat calculations.
- Fixed mods being unable to load localization files.
- Fixed game not applying Naval Damage Taken modifiers correctly.
- Fixed Slave Raid naval unit ability being available to everyone.
- Fixed problem where countries would not be properly called into wars which affected both humans and AI.
- Adoption will now exclude prisoners in all cases (instead of just some cases).
- Fixed local modifiers being used in Nabatean and Helot Heritages, which made them do nothing.
- No longer possible to teleport armies between Athens and Keos.
- Orontid family now properly a great family in Armenia.
- Fixed all remaining food vanishing when detaching a supply train.
- Made it impossible to adopt Mercenary captains.
- Olympic competitors can no longer form families while they are competing, leading to that family then being dispersed over the entire Mediterrenean world.
- Fixed badly scripted mission requirements for the Roman task to subdue Greece.
- Fixed bad tooltip in Roman Mission relating to Crete.
- Fixed problem with the Roman Mission events relating to acquiring subjects in Italy.
- Fixed problem with Roman Mission tasks to befriend a tribe not finding appropriate countries for their events.
- Carthaginian mission bonus for same culture happiness reduced from 50% to 15%.
- Fixed the generic conquest mission aborting if you conquered every last territory in the region it targeted.
- Fixed bug where Musalamii would not properly turned to a client state in Carthaginian missions if they civilized before the mission was completed.
- Fixed problem with selection of Governorship capital for the General Development Mission.
- Fixed problem related to the dominant culture in the governorship capital changing mid-mission.
- Fixed problem with mission task wanting you to appoint a governor but in fact never actually considering that requirement fulfilled.
- Fixed issue with mining mission tasks being able to target a place where the Mining mission could not be done and therefore bypassing immediately.
- Fixed problem where some tasks would sometimes bypass immediately in a mission.
- General development mission will no longer require only Olives for your slaves but instead Olives or Wood since Olives can be quite hard to come by in Scotland, India or even Germany.
- Fixed the game failing to display last names for minor characters in the minor event window.
- Fixed Spanish localization having no information about what trade good a trade offer was for, or where it came from.
- Fixed badly linked text for event about Roman Eagles.
- Fixed a number of failed references to Family names.
To opt in, go to Imperator in your Steam library, right click on it, select Properties -> Betas -> select "imperator_test". We will update all platforms to 1.3.2 once we've confirmed this version is solid.
Thanks for your support and feedback. Betas like this allow us to get desirable changes in to your hands in time for the weekend, and give them some field testing before going fully live. We appreciate you, our elite First Cohort, going first through the breach with us. Thanks all.
[ 2019-12-13 09:43:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our Free Trial is slowly reaching its end! Thank you all for trying out Imperator, we are truly humbled! If you liked what you saw, you still have a full day to grab our game with a 33% discount! Our sale ends on December 9, 19:00 CET!
[ 2019-12-08 18:00:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
24 hours, citizens, 24 hours is what you have left to try out Imperator: Rome for free and feast your eyes on the tremendous job done by our development team over the past six months! The game is still discounted at a good 33% OFF!
[ 2019-12-07 21:00:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Only 48 hours left to our Free Trial on Steam! In addition, we have extended our 33% discount on Imperator: Rome until December 9, 19:00 CET!
[ 2019-12-06 21:00:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Starting with version 1.3 Livy, Music Modding is now available on Imperator! If you want to try it out yourself, a new mod has been uploaded to Steam today that adds all the soundtrack from "Europa Universalis Rome" and changes the main track to be the one that shipped with the 2008 version. It should automatically extract itself on the Documents > Paradox Interactive > Imperator > mod folder, and from there you just need to enable it through the PDX launcher on Steam and then make sure the build is 1.3+ . So join us on a trip down memory lane and download this music mod that automatically adds an additional hour of music to the base game: Europa Universalis: Rome Music Mod Download Link Read the full Dev Diary here! _________________________________________________________ Europa Universalis: Rome Soundtrack Composed by: Andreas Waldetoft
- Main Theme - Legions of Rome
- Rome Goes to War
- Riding to Battle
- Auxiliaries
- Rome is the Light
- The Senate
- Eagle Fly North
- The Field
- Vae Victis
- To Victory
- Citizens
- Barbarians Approaching
- Battle of Zama
- Elysian Fields
- Grief
- All Trade Routes Lead to Rome
- Rock and Rome
- Imperator
- Victorious - Rome Finale

[ 2019-12-06 11:12:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
The changelog is short and concise. Stand by for more post launch support in future patches.
Here's the changes:
- Fixed a thing that prevented the game from properly shutting down after exiting to desktop on non-Steam versions
- Fixed broken filter for crossplay/non crossplay MP on MS Store
- Fixed ironman save games and autosaves not being rewritten after loading game
- Fixed mouse panning not working in windowed mode
Also, please note that there is a small visual-only glitch that will cause the version number of this build to still be displayed at 1.3.0. I didn't want to delay the patch another day by rebuilding just for that, but we'll get it sorted in the next one that goes out. You can verify you have the new build by the checksum, which is f1f9, visible from the multiplayer screen.
Have fun over the weekend trying out the new features and improvements in Livy. We are recording your feedback and will continue balance and fix work based on that. Thanks all.
Producer on Imperator
[ 2019-12-04 12:13:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Imperator: Rome is Free to Play for until Dec. 8, 19:00 CET! Our team has put their heart and soul into delivering three updates and a free content pack for the game since its release. Make sure to try it out! And if you like what you see, Imperator is currently 33% OFF! https://store.steampowered.com/app/859580/Imperator_Rome/ [previewyoutube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?FTyYvPkiaOs;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2019-12-03 18:01:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Livy Update and the Free Punic Wars Content Pack are available now! They were the labor of love from our development team. And dont hesitate to let us know how you feel about the changes brought to the game! Patchnotes and information are available here! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1173860/Imperator_Rome__The_Punic_Wars_Content_Pack/ Due to the numerous base game changes, 1.2 save files will not be compatible with 1.3. If you have a game going that you want to finish prior to upgrading, please roll back your version via right click on Imperator in library -> properties -> betas -> choose the desired version. Known Issues (our team is currently working on a Hotfix for them!) - Application not properly shutting down after exiting to desktop - Ironman savegames and autosaves could not be rewritten after loading game - Mouse panning did not work in windowed mode - We will get the new tracks added to the soundtrack DLC ASAP [previewyoutube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?FTyYvPkiaOs;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2019-12-03 09:15:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to this week's development diary.
Today we will be sharing the patchnotes for the Livy update which you will get access to tomorrow.
Due to the large size of the patch notes, you can read the full list on our forums here.
# New Features
- New Mission System. The player can at any time pick one out of up to 3 missions. Each mission is a tree that is composed by a number of tasks. Tasks can be timed or instant and some branches of the tree can be exclusive to one another.
- Added Dynamic and Procedural Missions for conquest for all countries in the game.
- Added Dynamic Mission for developing a Governorship for all countries in the game.
- Added mission to reform out of tribalism for Tribes.
- Great Families: Each country will now have a limited set of Major families that expect to hold a certain influence in the state. By making sure their members have the amount of jobs they expect the families will support your rule, but failing to do so will make them rebel.
- Minor Characters: Characters that are not part of Great Families will appear during the campaign and will wield influence and power, but will not be able to call on their kin to get them jobs and positions.
- A Great Familys Prestige rating will now determine their share of a national pool of Power Base, meaning Families that have held many important jobs will be more dangerous over time.
- Families can now adopt minor characters, the player can adopt characters to their ruling families in monarchies. Adoption reduces the prestige of the family that adopts and will present the choice of whether to change the last name of the newly adopted person or not.
- Map Mode Manager: You can now select yourself which map modes that should be shown in the bar above the Minimap by dragging and dropping.
- Armies now Consume and Carry Food: All units can now carry food with them on campaigns and will consume that food if they are in a situation where they would normally take attrition, instead of losing men. Armies in friendly territory will stock up on Food from the Provincial stores.
- Reworked Reinforcement rules: Armies will now only reinforce if they are not currently taking attrition. Consequently sieges can now be lost by the attacker if they run out of food but armies can also operate far deeper into enemy territory without taking attrition, as long as they bring enough food.
- Added Supply Train unit with greater food carrying capacity for long campaigns and sieges.
- Updated Map in Greece, Anatolia, Ireland and the Baltic region. Adding new territories, impassables and countries, as well as more navigable rivers.
- Statesmanship now governs how well your characters perform in administrative government jobs. Statesmanship is built up by a character over time and acts as a multiplier on their skill, meaning inexperienced characters will not perform to their full potential.
- Line System: Lines will now mark ongoing migration and trade routes on the map, more clearly illustrating these features when you are looking at their respective interfaces.
- Subject Interactions: Subjects can now be asked to abandon an ungrateful overlord, and can themselves seek out a new overlord if they are displeased with their current one.
- Added Minor Event Category: Minor events will not open automatically on your screen but will instead be placed in queue before they take effect. Minor events will primarily be those that are of low impact and connected with characters.
Thanks for reading!
[ 2019-12-02 18:57:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Imperator: Rome is currently 33% OFF! Our development team has been working hard to bring significant changes to the game with the Pompey and Cicero Updates! So don't hesitate to try it out and let us know what you think!
[ 2019-11-26 18:05:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings again!
With the team busy putting final touches to the Livy update, we thought wed focus todays diary on the modding power of both the script and mission systems in general. As you might expect at this stage, we are (sadly) not stuffing the Livy update full of new, unseen features, though for those of you who hunger for more substantial news, scroll right on down to the bottom of this post...
As promised, the mission system (and many other I:R features) has been built with script power in mind. Snow Crystal, one of our Content Designers; has spent some time creating a host of modding tutorials and guides to help both novices and veterans alike, to get to grips with scripting in I:R.
PS: We can now reveal that the Livy update will be in your hands as soon as December 3rd!
For links to the guides and an overview to 1.3, head over to our forum post here!
[ 2019-11-25 17:01:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our development team has been working hard and went the extra mile for the Livy Update and the Free Punic Wars Content Pack. We humbly present you a release date for them: December 3! Make sure to try the game and see all the changes for yourselves in December!
Livy Update Changes:
- Character Experience System: The more characters are asked to do, the better they become. Cultivate young talent as they climb the ranks, with new events for experienced statesmen.
- Family System Reworked: Fewer families to track, but great families are more important. Watch their fortunes rise and fall as they accumulate prestige.
- Procedurally Generated Missions: New mission system produces contextual goals and rewards that reflect your current situation.
- Improved Map: Greater detail for some map locations including Sicily, the British Isles, parts of Greece and the Baltic region.
- Map Mode Manager: New map mode manager lets you customize the manager menu so it emphasizes maps you rely on.
- Inferno Graphics: The drama of war is now illustrated on map, as cities burn while under attack.
- And much more: The Livy add-on will include other changes that will be announced in coming weeks.
- Roman Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the star of Imperator: Rome to guide your conquest of Italy and neighboring regions.
- Carthaginian Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the children of Tyre to help you plan your mercantile and military dominance of Africa, Spain and the rest of the west.
- Numidian Unit Model: New army model for the Numidians, North Africans often hired as mercenaries by larger powers.
- Carthaginian Ship Model: A unique ship design for Carthaginian navies.
- New Music: Three additional music tracks to soothe your conquering soul.
[ 2019-11-25 13:15:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello again, and welcome to this week's dev diary.
As powerful as the new mission system is, producing unique and exciting missions for more than a few countries in the space of one update cycle was not something we felt we would be able to achieve. As a result, we felt it would be worth spending some time creating some varied mission templates that could occur for every nation, and that would be capable of targeting different regions or areas depending on position.
We have initially produced two main archetypes that any nation can pick; one focusing on conquest, and the other on infrastructure and internal development.
Conquest Mission:
The conquest mission will select a region that feels appropriate to your current map borders, and guide you through the conquest thereof.
(One example of the conquest mission)
Some branches will be chosen randomly, and others on a situational level. For example, a nation bordering uncolonized land may receive a task to colonize it, or a republic or monarchy bordering a tribe may receive a mission task to fortify the border. We've tried to make the tasks you'll see within this mission as varied as possible while retaining the overall structure - all whilst basing it off the same script structure.
(another instance of the same conquest mission, which this time has generated a different type of tree)
You'll find that families and governorships take a role in some of these tasks, accentuating the importance of favoring the right people. In a similar vein, I took a look at prototyping something we intend to work and build on in the future: namely, the conversion of national decisions into short, story-focused mission chains. In this example, I've converted the decision to reform from a tribal government form into a bespoke mission tree. The mission selects a family to represent those amongst your nation that favor a republican ideal, and another to represent the nascent monarchists.
(the tribal reformation mission that becomes available once you take the Tribal Reform Decision)
The mission framework allows this decision to become a short, paced story; guiding the player through a period of instability and political chicanery, ultimately (and hopefully) resulting in attaining the government form of your choice.
The capacity for telling stories in this way should not be understated, and we've elected to include this prototype mission in the upcoming Livy update as bit of a taster of possibilities for the future.
Development Mission:
Once you have a large enough country for the infrastructure mission to be able to deduce meaningful tasks it will become available and offer a number of branches for how to improve the infrastructure in a particular region. What these branches will actually entail, and even the name of the mission itself will depend largely on what the specific region is like.
This means that while the mission itself will repeat (up to once per region under your control) its content will vary in part or in total, but the overall structure will remain similar.
Starting Branches:
Starting branches are dependent on the resources of the provinces you control in the region. They may relate to things like:
Building up an agricultural focused province.
Facilitating maritime trade and naval matters in a province with many ports.
Turning a particularly populous territory into a city, and building up its infrastructure a bit.
Building up a Mining Region.
Sometimes there is more than one way to progress through these branches, the agriculture focused path for instance lets you decide what to use the newfound surplus for (spend it to increase pop happiness or build up a local Food Depot for your armies to stock up from in the province).
Optional Side Branches:
In addition to there being more than one way to progress through branches there are also optional side branches to the development mission. Things that may or may not be available (depending on what the provinces are like) and that you can go for if you want to spend the resources to get extra things. Some examples here are:
Prospecting for more minable trade goods.
Building up a shipbuilding industry in a naval town.
Importing horses to set up a Military breeding program.
Main Branch, the center of the Governorship:
The main branch of the Infrastructure Mission is devoted to the growth and development of the Regional center. What this means will again differ depending on the circumstances, if it is a foreign culture region then the mission will focus on building up a center of loyal pops of your own culture and religion, for instance. If the region is that of your capital it will instead focus on the embellishment of the capital city itself, and acquiring resources to create suitable monumental architecture there for an Empire such as yours.
The theme of the main branch will also decide what the mission itself is named. Making it clear from the mission selection screen what type of mission you can expect and what the branches in it might be.
There is also an optional side branch to the main branch which will only show up if the region contains a particularly holy place to your religion, such as the Oracle of Delphi for the Hellenistic faith, or the Anu Temple of Uruk for a Chaldean country. This branch will let you embellish the shrine itself and eventually decide on a way to fund the priesthood there in the future, with options ranging from setting up enough religious endowments, to setting up a religious subject state under a scion of one of your great families.
Overall the various tasks in the Development Mission makes use of a number of tasks, with some focusing on very concrete actions such as constructing buildings or making provincial investments, while others are timed tasks that require an initial investment and will then let you react to events over time that pertain to how you want to solve particular problems.
To conclude, we've been working on a little extra for the Livy update, which I'll just leave here...
You can also read this Dev Diary and comment in the forums.
[ 2019-11-18 15:03:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave imperatores!
Today we will be having a look at the Roman exclusive missions coming with our free Content Pack: The Punic Wars.
To give Romas inevitable ascendency some direction, each mission concentrates on expanding into a different part of the world, starting with the Italian peninsula itself and spanning the Mediterranean from Hispania to Syria.
Roman Italia
Rome has ascended swiftly in the wake of her victories over the Samnites and Etruscans, and a desire for control of the entire Italic world has already taken root. Senators vie to stir Rome to war and win glory, with the Latins oldest rivals being prime targets.
Rome may also defy Mars and expand peacefully, organizing a Pan-Italic Congress which can offer opportunities for making allies and feudatories of Italic states, while Approach Greeks and Adriatic Adventures may establish Hellenic tributaries. However, creating subjects will bypass the associated areas conquest tasks and their colonial rewards (see below).
Most Roman missions provide a selection of territories in which to establish a Roman Colonia after completing a conquest task, instantly assimilating a portion of the population, granting a permanent bonus to Pop Assimilation and Migration Attraction, as well as moving the Provincial Capital and instantly promoting the territory to a City - or, if one already, creating some Roman Freemen pops.
After subduing the peninsula, Rome will be able to choose one of four specializations for the Roman Colonia; pursuing enviable cities, bolstering recruitment, encouraging trade, or enhancing conversion and assimilation. This bonus will be applied to all prior and future colonia.
Finally, Rome can either offer Roman citizenship to all Italics, defying Roman mores and upsetting the ancient aristocratic families, or maintain Roman hegemony at the cost of agitating non-Roman Italic pops and subjects.
The First Provincia
Expansion into Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily offered Rome her first so-called Provincia, foreign lands administered by an appointed governor - usually prioritising their own profit - far from the politics and oversight of Rome.
After staking claims across the sea, the three islands branches can be completed in any order. Annexing Sardinia and Sicily will put Rome at odds with tyrants of Syracuse and the Carthaginian empire. Corsica is an easier target, but Rome must be swift to ensure the old Greek and Punic colonizers do not take advantage of Etruscan weakness first.
Settling Corsica will allow Rome to quickly colonize unclaimed parts of the island, Unruly Populace will explore the problems of governing Sardinia, and The Bread Basket will grant bonuses to tax and pop growth across Sicily once it is fully controlled.
With the islands dominated, Rome will be able to choose between a policy of metropolitan Romanization or economic exploitation, affecting output and assimilation across the islands.
Cisalpine Gaul
Northern Italy is still considered part of Gaul, differentiated from modern France as Cisalpine Gaul, or Gaul on this side of the Alps. Conquering this rich region on Italias doorstep is of course necessary to safeguard Romes northern borders...
Granting lands in the Senones territory will upset the Gallic tribes of Cisalpine Gaul, but give Rome claims on them. Attempting to befriend neighboring Gallic and Ligurian tribes opens the possibility of receiving a Vassal Tribe or Feudatory respectively.
Securing all land south of the Padus river (now known as the Po) will allow Rome to fortify a chosen location and grants a temporary bonus to Local Defensiveness and Supply Limit for all owned forts in the area.
Once all Cisalpine Gaul is under Roman control, Rome can encourage settlers to kick-start Romanization, before choosing between boni to assimilation or output across the region.
A few of the Roman missions will also add successive Triumphal Arch modifiers to the Roman capital after conquering a region, each adding +2.50% Primary Culture Happiness.
Punic Rivals
Once Rome has secured Italy and the islands, she may take the fight to Carthage directly. This mission will focus on undermining the Punic empire, culminating in the destruction or subjection of Carthage.
Rome must first force Carthage out of Hispania to deprive her of the rich colonies, and may approach the local tribes to turn them against the Punic barbarians.
Weakening the Carthaginians sufficiently, by taking their land and undermining their subjects and allies, will allow Rome to demand tribute from her old rival. Depending on their response, and the sustainability of the situation, war may eventually break out once again, or else permanent friends may be made of the Carthaginians as a client state.
Hispanian Ambition
The rich lands of Hispania are a prime target for Mediterranean expansion, but the vastness of the task may deter even the most ambitious consul. This mission will grant claims to help Rome expand quickly, and offer opportunities for gaining vassals in the area.
Due to the large size of this mission, you can drop out once the main tasks are completed, but bonuses will be granted to all Hispanian lands you acquire before finishing.
The Conquest of Africa
Whether Carthago has been delenda ested, or Rome just wants a place in the sun, this mission offers opportunities for further expansion into rich Africa.
The Numidians may be befriended or subdued depending on preference, while approaching Cyrenaica will allow the settling of Syrtica if not already colonized. Along with Eastern Glory, befriend tasks in this mission allow Rome to inherit client states from ailing monarchs.
Subduing Gaul
This mission focuses on the conquest of Gaul, allowing two main axes of expansion; west through the Massalian coast, or north to the great river Rhenus.
Both routes grant claims to expedite the conquest of such a great number of tribes, culminating in the pacification of Gaul as a province of Rome.
Subduing Greece
This mission will grant opportunities for diplomatic and military expansion into Greece, Illyria, and Macedonia. Will Rome liberate the dominated city states from Diadochi fetters, or just replace one overlord with another?
Once Greece is mastered, Rome will be able to release certain Greek city states as Client States, or integrate the old Greek lands into Rome.
Eastern Glory
Finally, this mission will concentrate on the rich lands that lay to the east, beyond Greece.
Rome will have opportunities to create subjects, inherit eastern kingdoms, and befriend diadochi dynasts, but beware the vainglory the east can inspire in those who are enriched by it.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned; next week we will look at some dynamic generic mission trees which will be available for all countries!
You can read the full diary on our forums here!
[ 2019-11-12 00:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to this weeks development diary!
Today we will be talking about changes coming to Characters and Families in the Livy Update.
Ever since the release of the game it has been a concern that while you have a great number of characters in your country that matter for things like office output, and civil wars, it is hard to develop an attachment to, and knowledge of, most characters in your country. Often enough you just end up picking the character with the best stat for any given job.
Some things that we have already introduced to make job assignments a trickier decision is Power Base system of the Pompey update, the way Political Influence is generated from loyal officers in Cicero and in Livy the introduction of Statesmanship.
While these changes all make the decision of who to put in a certain job a bit trickier it does not address the fact that most characters can be quite anonymous, and that has been of very little relevance to you what family they belong to.
To address this, and to make Family an important part of the game, we are completely revamping how Families work and interact with your country and its characters in the game.
Great Families
In Livy we are doing away with the idea of an unlimited number of families in a country and instead adopt having limited number for the country as a whole. This number will generally be much lower than is currently the case in 1.2 and will be directly related to your country rank. Families will also tend to be bigger and wield more Power Base than is currently the case and will become scorned if they are not given enough of the jobs in your country.

A country will never have less than 3 potential families, and will gain an additional family when it becomes a Regional Power and a fifth Family once it becomes a Great Power.

In all interfaces each family will also be assigned a color, to make it easy to quickly distinguish what family they belong to.
Family Prestige & Power Base

Family Prestige is a value that is mainly increased over time by a family hold positions in your country, up until now it has not been used for much. In Livy family prestige it will be used to add power base to the head of family. Since Families are now fewer and more important, 120 power base will be distributed between the families in a country in accordance with how prestigious their family is compared to other Great Families in the country. At the start of the game most families will have a Prestige Value of 300 to ensure they all already have a power base, though this may differ in specific cases. What this means is that over time any family that is bestowed a lot of responsibility over the state will also become more powerful, with a higher prestige rating and a larger part of the 120 Familial Power Base tied to its head of family. An exception to these rules are Tribes, where Families will coincide with Clans and get their inherent power base from their retinues as before. Family Prestige will instead bestow Prominence on Tribal Head of Families.
Family Members
Most characters in your country at any given time will be Family Members, these are generally the result of natural procreation, adoption (more on that below) and marriage.
Minor Characters

Not all characters in a country will belong to a Great Family. Minor Characters are characters that do not. A fair number of these exist at start and more will be generated if you have too few characters in your country to hold jobs, most characters generated from script will also be a minor characters. A minor character will: [olist]
Scorned & Grateful Families

(Yes, even though your ruler is always loyal his family will still expect offices from a member in power) Instead of expecting to hold a certain wage as in previous version, Great Families will be scorned if they do not hold what they consider their share of jobs and titles in the country. Since this is an age of Aristocracy families will expect to share 80% of all possible jobs in your country between them. Any Great Family holding less than its share of jobs will be considered scorned, and all members will lose substantial loyalty over time. This includes: All Governorships, all Offices and any Armies or Navies that have a commander (leaderless armies or navies do not factor into these expectations). Likewise any family that gets double the share of work in the state that it expects will be Grateful, increasing loyalty, lowering the wages and facilitating Statesmanship buildup among all members.

(note: the minor_mac family shown here is not a proper family but extra information that I see because this screenshot was taken in debug mode)

(This particular character is cheaper to adopt since it is my ruler's bastard son) Heads of family may adopt successful minor characters to increase their family power and to ensure their survival. At all times families will strive to have slightly more characters that are able to hold offices than they would require to not be scorned. Every time a family performs an adoption the prestige of that family will be decreased slightly, hurting their power base in the short term.

(Stubborn characters may resist adoption) If playing a monarchy the player can use a character interaction to adopt minor characters. Something a Minor Character will generally agree to unless they have a particularly stubborn or proud disposition.
Falling from Grace & Rising from Obscurity
As country rank increases or decreases the number of allowed families in a country may change. Falling from Grace

If a country has a higher number of families than it is allowed to have then the least prestigious family will be removed. This will not be immediate but will happen through an event firing and removing the family from all members of the appropriate family (they will turn into minor characters and eventually die since they cannot have children). Rising from Obscurity

If a country has a lower number of families than it is allowed to have then an event will pop to let you pick a successful Minor Character to found a new family. The selection of characters will depend on your government type, in a Republic the senate will propose candidates, in a Monarchy the most powerful characters will be selected, and in a Tribe Clans are going to be Great Families.

Another example of major vs minor characters. In this case as shown when selecting a candidate for a job. All in all this creates a game in which families are a lot more present and a lot more relevant. Heads of families now wield considerable power and scorning a family will be a big deal. Together with Statesmanship this makes the choice of who to assign to a particular job harder. We feel that focusing on Families and the role of character's within them rather than all individual characters is both relevant to our era and something that will give Imperator: Rome a more unique take on characters going forward, different from what Crusader Kings II (and III) yet more involved than in the pure country level games such as Europa Universalis. As we move forward we hope to build more on this system and incorporate families in new mechanics we add, make them relevant in missions, etc. That was all for this week! :) Next week we will be back to talk about Roman Missions. You can read and discuss this diary on our forums here.
[ 2019-11-04 18:09:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there!
Today I have the pleasure of telling you about the Punic missions, and give you a deeper look into the mission system.
For Carthage, we have split the missions into two categories, conquest and infrastructure, for the sake of simplicity. In the conquest based missions we have focused on the Punic spheres of influence like Sicily, Africa, Iberia, Rome, and even Phoenicia. Whereas for the infrastructure ones, we have looked at some of their strengths, i.e their navies and their commerce.
It should be noted that most of these missions would become active for any Punic country of some size, not just Carthage themselves.
NB: Apologies for the small pictures, Steam does not like large files. You can view full size pictures on our forum thread linked at the bottom of this post.
Aegis of Africa (Conquest)
Africa is the heart of the Carthaginian might, with its rich fertile farms and many Punic settlements. At the start your have a lot of small feudatories as well as the two large tribal vassals in Musulamia and Massylia. Historically the latter would go on to defect to Rome during the Second Punic War, and form a large kingdom threatening their weakened Punic neighbor.
For the mission tasks in this mission, you will mainly focus on integrating your many feudatories, and put an end to the tribal vassals at your borders. As for your larger Feudatories in Emporia and Tripolitania, their integration is set aside as optional mission tasks, giving the player the choice if you want to keep them as feudatories or not. As for the final task, you will be given the choice of two permanent bonuses.
An End to Sicillian Warfare (Conquest)
Sicily was a thorn in the side of Carthage, as the Greco-Punic wars for the island had already been an on-going thing for close to 200 years at this point. Just before the start date of Imperator Agathokles, the Greek Tyrant of Syracuse, had brought the war all the way to Africa and ravaged the Punic heartland.
The mission tasks for this mission is focused around completely conquering the island, and building up the ancient Phoenician cities on the island. In addition, early on you have a choice if you want to liberate or liberate Akragas.
In the second half of the mission we have set aside some optional mission tasks to build some heavy ships, and for the player to be able to improve the wine and grain trade goods across the island. When finishing up the mission, you will be able to focus your efforts on integrating the area or to make a Feudatory that will be put in charge of the island.
The Iberian Struggle (Conquest)
The Phoenicians settled in southern Iberia several centuries before our start date, and by the time of the 3rd century BCE these areas had mostly fallen under Carthaginian influence. The Carthaginians would go on to take control of the rich silver mines of south-eastern Iberia, and the Roman occupation of the area played a decisive role in turning the tide of the Second Punic War.
For the mission tasks in the mission, you will focus on taking control of the silver mines in south-east Iberia, as well as setting up defenses in the nearby area. You will be able to move down two separate routes to either the mission task Hispanic Overlord or Rise of Carthago Nova. The former will quell the unrest in the area, and the latter will make a new Colony subject named Carthago Nova who will gain control of your holdings in Iberia.
Aftermath of the Revolution (Infrastructure):
During the war with Agathokles Bomilcar was a leading commander, and some say a Suffete of Carthage, and one of the strongmen in charge of the state. It is said he was willing to let the Greeks run wild, in the hopes that he could overthrow the Carthaginian government and become a tyrant in his own right. Though his coup failed, the Carthaginian state was still shook for a long time by this unbecoming little revolt.
At the start of the game you will be able to pick up the pieces of the failed coup, and try to make your own mark on the Carthaginian government. You could either try to ally up with the Council of the 104 and turn the state more oligarchic, find like-minded among those who once took part in the revolution and turn more plutocratic, or strengthen the current system. The old Mercenary Patron decision has also been implemented as part of this mission, and removed as a decision.
Trade Investments (Infrastructure):
The Phoenicians were known as avid traders through most of the Antiquity, bringing goods from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, making quite a fortune while doing so. With the rise of Carthage in the west, they became the new overlords of the western trade routes, growing wealthy on the mines of Iberia and Sardinia.
The Trade Investments mission is fairly split up, with a lot of optional tasks you can choose to do. You can choose to build up your riches in Sardinia, set up another journey to explore the borders of Africa, or settle the Libyan desert. The main mission tasks include improving trade relations with Egypt or the Seleucids, and to improve the city of Carthage.
Naval Supremacy (Infrastructure):
The Phoenicians, and later on their Punic descendants, grew a certain reputation for dominating naval warfare. Unfounded or not, it is clear they had a lot of expertise at sea after setting up trade routes all across the Mediterranean.
The mission will focus on improving your navies, dominating the ports in Africa and expand the Cothon in Carthage (the old decision have been removed). An optional task will let you try to buy a port in Gaul, if you want to start looking that way. One of the benefits of the mission is that you can set a focus for all your ports in Africa, giving them a permanent military, commerce or assimilation bonus. Theres also an optional task to set up relations with your Phoenician ancestors to gain access to the great cedars of Phoenicia, to improve your ships.
Entering Magna Graecia (Conquest):
Magna Graecia was a patchwork of alliances, wars, and treaties between the Greek settlers, the locals, and the Italics coming down from the north. Though we never saw the Punics ever enter Magna Graecia with the exception of Hannibals campaigns, it made sense to give them a mission in the area if they were to take control of Sicily.
For the Magna Graecia mission you have an optional path all the way to the left, where you can choose to take a more hands-on approach. Whereas for the rest of the missions, you can mostly do with increasing relations with the major port-owners in the area, and take specific cities. For the final missions, you can choose if you want to focus on approaching the Greeks, the Italics or simply focus on your own territories in the area.
End the Roman Wolf (Conquest):
Though Carthage and Rome were on friendly terms before the First Punic War, they ended up as the two major players in the western Mediterranean. As neither was willing to back down, they eventually up confronting one another, and after three brutal long wars, Rome was the only power left standing.
After you start the mission to beat Rome, you will have a main path to follow as well as one optional path. The optional path on the left will be based around beating the Roman navy, and potentially giving you access to the Rome-exclusive Corvus invention.
For the main path, you will be able to decide if you want to try and enter Italy from the north through Cisalpine Gaul or through Magna Graecia in the south.
In either case, you will be able to release cities in the area you focus on to fight Rome as well. And after you have finally subjugated or conquered Rome, you will be able to do with it as you see fit.
Liberating Phoenicia (Conquest):
The Phoenicians played an important role in bringing trade, inventions and ideas all across the Mediterranean, as well as settling colonies all across the southern and western parts of it. But in-spite of this, they were rarely independent, and often had to pay tribute to one overlord or another. If Carthage were to grow into a strong empire of their own, they might be able to return to their ancient homeland and liberate it from foreign forces.
For the mission, there is an optional path for taking and improving Cyprus to become a copper trade hub. Whereas the main path will focus on retaking core Phoenician lands, and the great cedar trees situated across Phoenicia. At the end of it, you will be able to release Phoenicia as a feudatory, or to take control of the area as a hegemon of the Phoenician cities.
Iberian Investments (Infrastructure):
After the Carthaginian conquest and subjugation of the Iberian tribes, a strong faction grew up around the city that would later be known as Carthago Nova. Particularly Hamilcar Barca and his sons took control of Iberia and made it their power-base, one that would later go on to attack Rome itself.
If you have finished up the Iberian Struggle mission, you will potentially be given the option of building up the infrastructure of Iberia to secure the wealthy lands. The mission is based around the Barcid familys rise to fame, and you will see Hamilcar and his sons play an important role in it.
I hope you enjoyed this little preview into the Carthaginian missions! Next week well take a look at the savages in Rome, and what kind of missions theyll be getting.
To discuss this diary further or to see full size pictures, you can view the thread on our forums here.
[ 2019-10-29 12:09:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have worked quite diligently since our Cicero Update! The Livy Update is making progress and along it will come the free Punic Wars Content Pack! We shall now go back to building an even greater Rome! More information below!
Punic Wars Content Pack
When the rulers of Messana invited Roman protection for their Sicilian city, they could not have expected that they were igniting a fierce rivalry that would set the Western Mediterranean aflame for over a century. Carthage had traditionally seen Sicily as its sphere of influence and it could accept no equal on the island. Rome and Carthage would go to war in 265 BC, in the first of three wars that would finally end with the sack of Carthage in 146 BC. [previewyoutube=A80zmoQurPw;full][/previewyoutube] This free content pack for Imperator: Rome includes new events and units models to illustrate the greatest wars of the classical age - the superpower showdown between the nascent Roman Republic, and the established Carthaginian Empire. The Punic Wars content pack includes:
- Roman Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the star of Imperator: Rome to guide your conquest of Italy and neighboring regions.
- Carthaginian Mission Pack: Ten unique mission trees for the children of Tyre to help you plan your mercantile and military dominance of Africa, Spain and the rest of the west.
- Numidian Unit Model: New army model for the Numidians, North Africans often hired as mercenaries by larger powers.
- Carthaginian Ship Model: A unique ship design for Carthaginian navies.
- New Music: Three additional music tracks to soothe your conquering soul.
Imperator: Rome 1.3 - the Livy Update
The most recent update to Imperator: Rome is named for Titus Livius, the Roman historian whose work was the foundation of schoolboy learning well into the modern age. His wrote stories about heroic Romans like Horatius, Camillus and Decius laying the foundation of a great city, providing role models for centuries. The Free 1.3 Livy Update to Imperator: Rome is also concerned with characters and how they create lasting legacies, drawing you into the drama of history being written before your eyes.
- Character Experience System: The more characters are asked to do, the better they become. Cultivate young talent as they climb the ranks, with new events for experienced statesmen.
- Family System Reworked: Fewer families to track, but great families are more important. Watch their fortunes rise and fall as they accumulate prestige.
- Procedurally Generated Missions: New mission system produces contextual goals and rewards that reflect your current situation.
- Improved Map: Greater detail for some map locations including Sicily, the British Isles, parts of Greece and the Baltic region.
- Map Mode Manager: New map mode manager lets you customize the manager menu so it emphasizes maps you rely on.
- Inferno Graphics: The drama of war is now illustrated on map, as cities burn while under attack.
- And much more: The Livy add-on will include other changes that will be announced in coming weeks.
[ 2019-10-19 08:53:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, and welcome to another dev diary for Imperator: Rome!
As one of the major features in the 1.3 Livy update, we wanted to address objective and direction.
We had discussed the possibility of a mission system well before release, but had not been happy with any of the designs that we considered. There were several key points that we felt (for legitimate reasons), hadnt really been covered by similar systems in our sister-titles, and we felt strongly that I:R should have its own, unique system.
Firstly, we wanted to ensure that any iteration of a mission system avoided rail-roading the player into playing the game in the same way each time (with any given nation), and secondly, that the player did not only complete tasks, but that the tasks and missions would drive story, both for the intended target, and within the local region.
What we came up with, was a system in which we would write mission blocks, if you will, which covered compact geographic areas or distinct subject matter, and of which the player had an array to choose from. For example, Rome may be presented with the initial choice to focus on uniting Italia, or instead choosing a mission to develop the land they already own, or turn to the south and deal with Magna Graecia.
Each of these mission blocks will be self-contained, and are intended to tell a bit of a story alongside the expected mission fare. Missions will appear as dynamically generated flow-trees, and contain a variety of tasks including timed tasks akin to focus trees, and objectives requiring conditions to be fulfilled.
With the relative power of the scripting tools available to us, weve been able to create a series of highly procedural missions with varying objectives and task branches, which will react to the situation in which a nation finds itself, and which should maintain a basic feeling of individuality each time they are selected. This idea of generic missions, if you will, is an inevitability while the mission system is in its infancy, but should provide enough variety as to prevent every nation from feeling directly comparable.
Of course, we are working on a great set of story missions, and one of the primary focuses of these is to provide a sense of regional narrative. A mission for Rome which deals with Sicily, for example, will contain a great deal of regional involvement; for the primary antagonists as well as for nations close by, but incidental to the greater conflict. Our story missions are just that; stories intended to allow a player to pick chapters appropriate to their interests, in which to immerse themselves.
Well cover a bit more about our story missions in the near future, so stay tuned, and Ill do my best to cover any questions that you have about the upcoming systems!
You can discuss today's diary on our forums here.
[ 2019-10-14 13:03:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and welcome back to another Development Diary for Imperator Rome. It is now almost two weeks since we released the Cicero update, and we are now starting to be able to talk about what will come in the Livy update which is planned for later this year.
Lets start by digging deep into a mechanic that has not seen much change in the last 15 years of PDS gamnes.
The reinforcement mechanic of Imperator is basically the same as EU3 has, which every game since then, from Victoria 2 to HoI4, have used. You lose soldiers to combat and attrition, and slowly recover them from your manpower pool, with a speed that depends on multiple factors.
In the Livy update, this all changes.
- Armies will consume food, and they will be able to carry food with them.
- Elephants will not require more food than they can carry, while Camels can carry more.
- Different units have different food consumption values.
- New Unit Type called Supply Train that can carry much more food, but are slow and abysmal in combat.
- Armies stock up on food supply in their own territory, or in territory where they have taken control of the provincial capital.
- Armies no longer lose soldiers to normal attrition.
- Attrition now drains the food supply of an army, with high attrition increasing this.
- Armies without food loses about 5% of its strength each month.
- Your armies can ONLY reinforce when they are not taking attrition.
- AI is better at handling this situation with regards to manpower.
- You will actually be able to lose sieges, as you can run out of food, and lose enough troops.
- A deeper and more immersive warfare.
- You will have more control over your manpower.

One thing that fans of the Crusader Kings series recognise and have been requesting since they first saw the game, is the ability to name your rulers children. In Livy, the popup for newborns for your ruler will allow you to edit the name to anything you want.

Another Quality of Life option which have been requested, that is also being added to Livy is the possibility for you to see what trait your ruler would gain or lose from an event, and be able to to tooltip the icon to show the impact.

Stay tuned for next week, when my padawan Peter Nicholson will explain what the new button in the top screen is for. You can read and discuss the original post on our forums here.
[ 2019-10-08 14:09:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Cicero update to Imperator: Rome makes a number of dramatic changes to the core game, letting the player focus on political consequences and imperial governance instead of waiting for numbers to grow. Provincial populations can now be nudged towards assimilation, but are mostly autonomous in their preferences. Provinces themselves can be developed along a range of settlement sizes, according to your priorities and wealth.
The political and military games have also been enhanced. Advisor loyalty will affect how flexible you are in meeting new political challenges, and balancing the competing factions in your empire will be important in new ways. Your armies must gain experience in order to adopt new traditions, but that might mean risky wars or expensive drilling.
In all, Cicero is an attempt to see if new game design ideas can work in one of our favorite settings.
Deeper Province Management
- Develop settlements in the provinces, founding new cities or establishing great metropolises at the center of your empire
- 17 unique buildings to enhance provincial wealth and capabilities
- Population development, migration and conversion now happen dynamically
- Food may be stored in a province and depleted over time. Save grain for a coming crisis or starve an enemy into submission.
- Monarch power replaced by Political Influence, a store of value based on the loyalty of your advisors. Ruler skills now affect national capabilities, not specific actions.
- Each form of government must consider trade-offs when passing new laws. Republics must consider the balance of their factions, while Monarchies risk pitting generals against governors.
- Unique national heritages for each culture, reflecting historic strengths and priorities
- Unique inventions for many nations
- New events and flavor interactions, many tied to the nation you are playing
- New Ways of War
- Revamped the military traditions available to each culture
- Unlock these traditions with Military Experience, which can be earned incrementally or through combat and peace time drilling.
- Changes to the AI promote conflict between the non-human controlled nations, making a more dynamic and dangerous world, especially in the endgame.
[ 2019-09-24 07:38:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Salvete Citizens, Today we bring you no development diary. Instead, our august conscript fathers bade me convey to you, people of Rome, that the update eponymously titled after our comrade Marcus Tullius Cicero is to be released to you upon the morrow. Indeed, the senate has sent an envoy to further detail the great works achieved in the Cicero update - click below to listen to his rhetoric. [previewyoutube=gCxb-tIs3BE;full][/previewyoutube] Furthermore, details of the features and ephemera present in the Cicero update can be found here: ################### # New Features ################### - You can now disband loyal cohorts, for double the cost, but those loyal cohorts will turn into "veteran cohorts" for that character that impact their powerbase, and will be raised as experienced cohorts if that character revolts. - Pops now no longer instantly promote or demote to another type, assimilate their culture or convert their religion. All of these changes will now instead happen over time due to a combination of factors that you can speed up through government policies and other actions. An overview for current changes underway in a city can be opened from the city interface. - Pops now migrate over time to neighboring cities, cities in the same province, or between provinces with a port in your empire. Manual movement of pops is now only possible for Slaves and Tribesmen (if you are a Tribe). - Monarch power has been removed as a concept. Instead mechanics have been changed to happen over time, use other currencies or opportunity cost. A new currency, Political Influence, is now generated by loyal members of your Government over time. Political Influence will be used to perform actions directly relating to your country's government such as selecting National Ideas or implementing Laws. - Reworked Experience. Unit Experience no longer decays from losses in combat but instead decays over time. All armies now have access to the Drill ability which will increase their cost and loyalty gain chance while allowing them to build up experience. - Reworked Military Traditions. Military traditions are now acquired using Military Experience, a countrywide value that measures the degree of Military Experience your country has built up. Military Experience increases from your average cohort experience and War Exhaustion, where reliance on mercenaries reduce the speed it accumulates by. - Split cities into Cities, Settlements and Metropolises, collectively known as territories. Only Cities and Metropolises are now represented by 3D buildings on the map. - Settlement is the basic owned territorial unit. A settlement has lower population cap than a city and can only have one building. Settlement buildings are different from those available in cities and focus more on production and output. In a settlement the population will trend towards being slaves or tribesmen (if owned by a tribe). - A city can be founded in a settlement for a cost of Gold and Political Influence. A city can have multiple buildings and will have a higher population cap than a settlement. In cities more slaves are required to produce surplus goods, and over time pops will be more likely to become Citizens or Freemen. - A Metropolis can be upgraded from a provincial capital city with high population. City buildings are still available but it will have a higher migration attraction, and more building slots than a city. - A City or Metropolis can be turned back into a settlement for a cost of Tyranny, this costs less Tyranny for Tribes. - Added 11 new building types, to create more depth to develop your cities, - Added 5 new buildings for Settlements. - Fabricating claims is no longer instant, instead it is done over time. - A new character interaction to bestow a regional nickname on governors has been added. - A new character interaction to impose corruption sanctions on a character has been added, reducing their corruption at a cost of loyalty and tyranny. - Food is now produced in all owned territories, the amount is dependent on the local terrain. Food is consumed by Pops and Military units that would otherwise take attrition. Any surplus food is stored in the Province. A large food store will increase population growth and local defensiveness. A depleted food storage results in starvation and lowered defensiveness. - Surplus Trade Goods can now also generate food, these can be imported to feed big cities. - Added a new governor policy: Harsh Treatment, reducing migration attraction and population output, in return for higher provincial loyalty. - Added a version of the War Council government interaction for Republics. - Added a Curiate Assembly government interaction for Republics. - All Republic Laws reworked, with certain categories unlock from tech. - All Monarchy Laws reworked, with certain categories unlock from tech. - All Tribal Laws reworked, unlocked by certain Centralization thresholds. ################### # Gamebalance ################### # Economy - Each Holding now gives a boost to commerce income in the city in which they are situated. - Economic Policy for Wages now only affect those characters that are getting wages. - Economic Policy for Wages reduced to 0.05 loyalty when increased, down from 0.1. - Building cost inventions previously targeting specific buildings are converted to -0.05 build_cost, with the exception of Granaries. - All traits yielding build_cost are now -0.05 build_cost from -0.1 - Aqueducts now require civ of 30. - Mercantile Diplomatic Stance now reduces Trade Route creation cost by 40% instead of 25%. - Reduced price of province investments. - Increased effect of Military Province investment. - Removed the free Capital Trade Route for all countries, instead the mid setting for Trade taxation will now provide 1 extra capital Trade Route. - Increased effect of Military Province investment. - Reduced price of province investments. # Governments - The higher Government ranks now increases Political Influence gain. - Ruler Martial now increases Manpower Recovery Speed & Army Morale Recovery. - Ruler Finesse now increases National Commerce Income & reduce Build Cost. - Ruler Charisma now increases Tyranny Reduction and Claim Fabrication Speed. - Ruler Zeal now increases Monthly Stability Growth and War Exhaustion Reduction. - Disloyal Characters are less likely to be elected in a Republic, as the Senate is less likely to trust them. - Standardized Construction idea reduced to -0.2 build cost and speed from -0.3 - Consort or Co-Ruler will now use their finesse instead of rulers for governor policies, if higher. - Populists no longer block PI gain, but instead has a -33% modifier to its gain. - Finesse impact on governors reduced from 5% to 2.5%. - All laws affecting pop ratios now only affect Cities and Metropolises. - Last 2 tribal laws in the Centralization path now grant 5 Civilization capacity instead of poptype happiness. - Laws now only reduce stability by 15 when changed. # Characters - Popularity from Naval Combat is now 10% of before. - Tweaked down popularity gain from combat further. - Families now keep track of how many children they have in total. - Courtsize limit lowered to 120 - Foreign characters will now have less children. - Families with less than 4 current children will now be allowed more children. - Commanders now earn more gold and popularity from taking cities. - Frequency of disloyalty schemes has been increased - Magnitude of disloyalty schemes has been increased - A country will never assume to have less than 5 holdings when calculating powerbase from holdings. - A disloyal character will no longer get wages from the government. - Ruler Popularity now impacts clan chief loyalty in tribes. - The Ruler of a Tribe will no longer make or keep retinues. - High Wages economic policy now increases loyalty by 0.05 per month (down from 0.1) and the loyalty is only applied to characters gaining a wage. - Characters with prominence will now lose all prominence on leaving the country, with the exception of olympic competitors. - Popularity of characters moving country is halved. - Cautious Personality now gives better morale recovery and reinforcement times on commanded units. # Units - Popularity from naval combat is no longer 1% of what it should be. - Cohorts loyal to a rebel commander, but not in their current army will be disbanded at the start of a civil war, and turned into veteran cohorts for that commander. - You can now move regular cohorts loyal to a character to another unit. (merge, split, transfer, detach..) - You can now assign units to the capital region. - Morale from Military Experience reduced by 10x - Migrant units no longer have any maintenance costs. - Price of Chariots reduced from 8 to 6. - Heavy Cavalry now does more damage to light cavalry and camels. - Heavy Cavalry price reduced from 15 to 10, but build time has increased from 60 to 120. - Archers now have +10% versus Heavy Infantry. - Increased Price of Light Cavalry from 6 to 7. - Reduced Mercenary Maintenance from +300% to +25%. - Latin Traditions are now slightly weaker in their Light Infantry Bonuses. - Boosted some of the Barbarian Traditions for Light Infantry and Chariots. - Increased Siege impact on experience by x10. - Horse Archers now take extra Morale Damage. - Building roads now reduce movement by 75% instead of 90%. - Mega Polyremes and Octeres no longer take less strength damage. - Greatly increased experience gain from combat. - Tweaked naval combat strength damage to be notably more significant. # War & Peace - Powerbase for Subject Loyalty is based around loyal cohorts, not total population compared. - It is no longer possible to demand gold as part of a peace treaty. - Experience from combat increased by 10X - Fabricate Claims now costs 20 Political Influence - A migrant horde without provinces at peace can declare a war even if at low stability. - Pirate Raids slightly less frequent. - Increased the war score from battles significantly, as well as the maximum warscore from battles. - Liberated nations now get a truce from their former occupier. - Added beneficial loyalty modifier after civil wars end. - Pillage now grants treasury based on unit eight and location population. # Technology - Invention costs are now based on cost of X gold per pop in your country. - Inventions no longer improve research speed. - "Prestigious Trade Goods" invention now increases export value instead of lowering Trade Route cost. - "Regulated Money Lenders" invention now increases import value instead of Global Commerce. - Material Science Invention now reduces army unit weight. - Added a number of country specific inventions. Martial technology now increases maintenance costs by 3% per level, from 2%. Civic tech no longer reduces wage modifier. # Religions - Bon Religion bonus reduced to -0.1 build_cost from -0.15 - Canaanite Religion bonus is now reduced Naval Maintenance Cost. - Zoroastrian Religion bonus is now reduced Army Maintenance Cost. - Khaldic Religion bonus is now 10% Freeman Output instead of 5%. - Iberic Religion bonus increased to 10% Global Import value. - Heptadic Religion is now increased Cohort Starting Experience. - All Omens that gave population growth now give increased food output. # Traditions - Agema Military Tradition now reduces Heavy Cavalry Cost. - Greek Tradition bonuses to mountains now instead apply to hills. - Levantine traditions now give 10% Naval morale instead of 5% (so in line with other traditions). - March of the Eagles (+10% Land Morale) is now a finisher for latin tradition countries. - North African Traditions now reduce War Elephant Cost. - Triplex Acies Tactic now available as second tradition for latin countries. #National Ideas - State Religion now grants +5 Civilization capacity (from 10). - Central urban Spaces now give 5% province loyalty instead of 3%. - City Planning now gives 25% population capacity instead of building slots in cities. - Discount from standard construction is now 15% (down from 20%). - Grain Stockpile now increases food output and food capacity instead of population Growth. - Institutional Proselytism now increases pop conversion speed. - Siege ability from Siege Training is now 15% (up from 10%). # Heritages - Tartessian heritage now increases build cost by 5% instead of 10%. - Thracian heritage now reduces Civic Provincial Investment cost by 10% instead of 1%. - Byblos heritage now reduces Pop Assimilation Speed instead of Manpower Recovery Speed. - Arvernian Heritage now reduces Heavy Infantry Maintenance instead of Slaves needed for Surplus. - Rural Heritage now decreases cost to found cities instead of the cost to build roads. - Armenian Heritage now reduces subject opinion instead of siege speed and increases manpower recovery speed instead of Hostile Attrition. - Seleukos heritage now increases ruler popularity gain by 0.04 instead of 0.02. - Ptolemaios heritage now decreases population assimilation instead of reducing diplomatic reputation. - Added Kushite Heritage. - Added Dahae Heritage. - Added Helot Heritage. - Added Kalingan Heritage. - Added Nabatean Heritage. # Territories & Provinces - Governor Policies is now scaled by the finesse of the governor / ruler. - High Unrest no longer blocks you from building units or build buildings in a province, only disloyal does. - Migration logic will not move pops to a city where it would make it go over the cap. - Move Capital no longer costs vast amounts of political influence - Encourage Trade reduced to 25% base commerce income, but now provides 10% local monthly food modifier. - Farmland changed to 50% population capacity modifier instead of 20 population capacity # Mercenaries - Halved the mercenary debt threshold for recruiting. # Pops - You can now enslave population in cities protected by Zone of Control as well, but there is an internal cooldown of about 5 years. - Non-Tribes will "promote" tribesmen to slaves if they have more than enough freemen. - Pop Migrations will not swarm the same place, as each incoming pop reduces target migration value internally by -0.5 at evaluation. - Slaves will no longer be sent to cities that are at their population capacity limit. Instead slaves will be spread out to other nearby cities. - Slaves now produce more gold. - Tribes have less happiness penalties with other cultures. - Slaves will not migrate on their own. - Slaves will not promote if that would mean you would lose a goods produced, in cities where all holdings are assigned. - Slaves may promote to tribesmen in tribes. - Pops of wrong religion are slower to assimilate. - Pops of wrong culture are slower to convert. - Different Poptypes now have individual speeds for assimilation, conversion, promotion, demotion, growing and migrating. - Overpopulation no longer reduces Population Growth, instead it reduces migration attraction and Pop Happiness. - Starvation now more harmful to Population Growth. - Climate now has a smaller effect on Population Capacity but also affects Food Output. - Base conversion and assimilation speed for all pop types reduced. - Penalty for wrong dominant culture/religion to action speed reduced. - Pop capacity now scales per missing pop. - Starvation now affects total population capacity. Overpopulation now reduces population growth by a small amount per overpopulation # Tradegoods - Furs export and capital bonus changed to -0.5% experience_decay, from starting experience. - Marble now increases Civilization Value instead of loyalty, which precious metals already does. - Removed Growth Category for Trade Good, replaced it with a Food category. - Surplus of Grain, Fish, Livestock and Vegetables now generates food. - Salt now increases Population Capacity locally, Surplus of Salt increases Food Storage Capacity. #Buildings - Fortresses, works as before but can be built in any type of territory (only 1 level in a settlement). - Settlement: All Settlement buildings increase population capacity by 25% - Settlement: Barracks increase desired Freemen ratio to around 75%, as well as freemen happiness and manpower by 20%. - Settlement: Slave Estate Increases Monthly Food Output by 50%, as well as Slave Output by 40%. - Settlement: Mines can be built in Settlements that produce Marble, Stone, Precious Metals, Base Metals or Iron and will decrease the needed slaves for producing trade good surplus by 5. - Settlement: Farming Settlements can be built where Grain, Fish, Vegetables and Livestock exists and increases Food output by 50% and reduces slaves needed for producing trade good surplus by 5. - Settlement: Tribal Settlement increases Tribesman happiness by 20% and their output by 40%. - Settlement: Provincial Legation increases Migration Speed by 75% and assimilation speed by 0.2. - City: Training Camps Increase Local manpower by 10% - City: Foundry Increases Unit Starting Experience by 5, increases local ship building and recruit speed by 10% - City: Markets increase Local Commerce by 25% - City: Tax Offices Increase Local Tax by 10% - City: Courts of Law Increase Monthly state loyalty by 0.02 - City: Academy increases Research points Generation by 2.5% and Pop Promotion Speed by 0.5. - City: Granaries increase Maximum Food Storage Capacity by 200. - City: Libraries increase Citizen Happiness by 3% and Desired Citizen Ratio in the city by 0.06. - City: Forums increases Freemen Happiness by 3% and Desired Freemen Ratio in the city by 0.06. - City: Mills increases Slave Happiness by 3% and Slave Output by 3% and Desired Slave Ratio in city by 0.06. - City: Temples increases Happiness for State Religion Pops by 3% and Conversion Speed by 1. - City: Theatres increase Happiness for State Culture Pops by 3% and Assimilation Speed by 1. - City: Aqueducts increases population capacity by 4. ################### # AI ################### # Economy - AI will consider building economic buildings where appropriate based on scripted weights. - AI will consider changing governor policies periodically based on province needs. # Diplomacy - Rewrote defensive league formation logic, they will now primarily grow in response to a common threat. # Military - AI will now assault given breaches and sufficient manpower. - Build ships to navy now will build using naval distance for prioritization. # Misc - AI will no longer trade away food if it would cause them to starve. - AI monarchies will no longer demand that characters support their heir, even when they already did so. - Ai will prioritise disloyal high powerbase characters more with bribes. # Antagonist System - Countries can now be defined as Antagonists, which gives them mechanical benefits against other AI countries, and also higher bonuses at higher game-difficulties. - Rome, Carthage, Macedon, Thrace, Parnia & Arverni are now Antagonists. - Remove deprecated "lucky_nation" bonus for Rome, Bactria and Parnia. - All antagonists use the previous Roman Aggressiveness. ################### # Interface ################### # Alerts - Alertmanager tooltip for disloyal characters now have more information about the powerbase. - You now get an alert if you have free idea slots. # Map - Added a pirate haven indicator to provinces with pirate havens in the barbarian, diplomatic, trade and trade route map modes. - Made claim stripes yellow in diplomatic mapmode. # Misc - Default for trade options is now auto-accept trade, and never give up capital surplus. - Reworked Buildings Interface. - View Pops screen now changes to another province when you click on the map. - View Pops Interface now shows the current pop ratio and desired ratio of pops. - Trade Interface reworked with more information and a sortable list of trade routes. - New Technology popups will now list what inventions were unlocked. - Legitimacy and Centralization is now shown in the top bar for countries that have them. - You can now detach damaged ships from a fleet with one button press. - All characters with a power base will now be considered as relevant for the disloyal characters in outliner and alert. - Added two columns for religious and cultural unity for provinces in the ledger. - Made the event window slightly less squished. - Policy Window now fits all policies again without a scrollbar. - Added sort buttons to the family view. - The total unit strength is now displayed when you have multiple units selected. - Improved tooltips for colonising. - Added outliner category for city building/improvement. - Clicking the top bar resources will now open the corresponding interface. - The total unit strength is now displayed when you have multiple units selected. - Naval mercs are now sorted by naval distance in the Mercenaries Screen. - Added confirmation window when loading savegame with different version. - Game now uses steam rich presence to show information to your friends. - Will now show that a save game is from a different game version. ############################## # User Modding ############################## # New Functionality - Prices can now be scripted to be based on "gold_per_pop". - Territory types can be fully scripted. # Effects - Added 'add_loyal_veterans' effect for character scope. # Triggers - Added 'num_loyal_veterans' trigger for character scope. - Added state_level_loyalty trigger on state scope. - Added has_low_economic_policy, has_mid_economic_policy & has_high_economic_policy triggers. - Added 'is_antagonist' trigger for country scope. - Added state level loyalty trigger. # Other - Buildings can now get scripted triggers to limit them from being built - Buildings can now get scripted triggers to limit them from being shown in the build interface as well. - Inventions can now get scripted triggers to limit them. - UI can now use big terrain icons. - All triggers and effects can be printed to your documents folder using the console command script_docs (you will need to be in debug mode to access the console) ################### # Setup & Script ################### # Decisions - Rome now changes to Roman Empire if Imperial government is adopted. - The "A Mediterrenean Capital" decision now moves your capital for you and gives a better modifier than before to the new capital. # Events - Roman flavor events added, pertaining to schisms and significant civil wars. - Unpopular consuls will now trigger various adverse events on election. - High power base characters will now be eligible for various event chains reducing their loyalty and affecting internal stability. - New consorts will no longer rival themselves in Discreditable Dalliance and Indecent Affair chains. - Fixed military character triggers in military co-consul chain. - Stopped consorts demanding offices. - Increased cooldown of Bureaucratic Issues event from 5 years to 25. - Fixed chance of duplicate characters in Debt Bondage Scandal event. - Reduced harshness of modifiers in Incendiary Slave event. - Fixed missing event picture in a trial event. - Fixed imprisoned characters being scapegoats in trials or appearing in mediation events. - Fixed A Venomous Tongue firing for already disloyal provinces. - Fixed names of cities in Diadochi startup events. - Made Eager Consort and In Good Hands chains mutually exclusive. - Removed some charisma from the Incendiary Slave. - Rebalanced the Earthquakes so the killed numbers of pop should be more correct to the amount given in the tooltip, and reduced the cost of paying to take care of the affected provinces. - Prove Legitimacy interaction now gives bloodlines to character's descendents, if discovered. - Added event chain to marriage proposals. - Added several Roman flavor events with a civil-war theme. - Caught Red Handed correctly reduces loyalty on imprisoned character, preventing exploits. - Reduced frequency of Caught Red Handed character scheme. - Peace for the eastern satrapies now also applies a truce with all Seleucid subject states. - City event that speaks of storm is now connected to having a storm. # Setup - Greekified Greek names, family names, nicknames, and regnal names for everyone except Alexander the Great. - Added Nikaia, Pleistarchos, and Alexarchos Antipatrid (siblings of Kassandros). - Added Arsinoe, and Eurydike (daughters of Lysimachos). - Added Blood the Argeads trait to children of Kassandros and Thessalonike (Philippos, Alexandros, Antipatros). - Fixed family name of Apama Sogdianid (Seleukos' wife). - Tweaked Numidian Kings event for Carthage. - Fixed starting Centralization of Massaesylia, Massylia, Musulamia, and Pontus (from 0 to 50) - Mithridatids are now Median. - Created more starting trade routes for Carthage, Macedon, Thrace, Athens and Syracuse. - Kios is now Bithynian country culture. - Egypt now starts with Levantine Traditions. - The starting great men of the era now have slightly more exceptional stats. - Added some more starting characters to the Seleucid Empire. - There are now more greek settlements in the Seleucid Empire. # Map - Added more dynamic city names, removed duplicates, and fixed some anachronistic city names. - Changed Epirus starting capital to Passaron. - Changed Euobean starting capital to Karystos. - Changed Karystos trade good to marble to represent Cipollino/marmor carystium. - Tweaked starting roads in Jharkhand/east Maurya. ####################### # Bugfixes ###################### # Stability & Performance - Fixed a rare crash in longer games. - Fixed crash when killing ships with boarded cohorts. - Fixed a rare crash when selecting event options. - Fixed crash in mercenary view on MacOS. - Fixed issue where the game looks unresponsive while loading the game. - Fixed potential crash when doing peace treaties. - Optimizated map drawing of cities and reduced memory usage. - Made UI checking for available decisions much faster. - Multithreaded updating of city graphics (units, wonders etc). - Save files are much smaller now by default. - Fixed case where we kept updating map icons zoomed out. - Reduce daily update for spouse death to improve performance. Only check for spouse death on death of a character. - Fixed crash when trying to read a savegame in some causes - Improved fixedpoint64 implementation. - Implemented parallel writing of savegames. - Fix for making sure onactions with a single effect still can be called 'delayed'. # Multiplayer & Out of Syncs - Fixed rare on-action related OOS. - Fixed potential characters OOS. - Fixed rare OOS caused by wonders. - Fixed rare crash in longer games. - Fixed rare crash when revolts failed. - Fixed rare crash when selecting event options. - Added crossplay functionality for microsoft store. # Script and Events - Made Eager Consort and In Good Hands mutually exclusive. - Consorts will no longer demand offices. - Characters will now correctly become Foreign Citizens upon moving country. - Grant stipends no longer charges twice. - Seize Assets now reduces loyalty of characters, military colonies checks that province has an owner, and governor policy tooltip no longer displays number of tribesmen promoted. # Game Mechanic Bugs - A bug where local modifiers sometimes did not count (also known as Marketplaces do nothing) has been fixed. - Units assigned to a Regional Governor will now use their combat tactics in battle. - Clan chiefs will no longer start as another position. - Fixed a few bugs where the game had hardcoded 1000 instead of the Cohort_size define. - Cost Changes for Declaring Wars now work, aka no-cb-wars-omen etc. - Can no longer attempt ransom prisoner from char interactions if at war. - Lack of Governor will no longer upset pops that governor is of a different religion called "". - Hordes can no longer accumulate negative loot. - Migrations now use migrating speed and not conversion speed for pops. - Pops will no longer migrate into Volcanos or Wastelands. - Mercenaries are no longer caught in an endless loop between two cities after employment. - Imprisoned disloyal characters can no longer start a civil war. - Fixed city dominant culture not being recalculated as it should. - It's no longer possible to abort assaults by retreat. - Fixed a rare crash when revolts failed. - Fixed bug where it was possible to disband navies in the lobby. - Fixed bug where re-colonizing a city would clear any permanent modifiers. - Fixed right flanking units attack the left most unit instead of right most unit. - Navy combat now respects flanks and properly uses flanking units - There are no longer child country rulers at start of the game. - Declaring war on a country which has allies with whom you are fighting together, won't pull them in that war. - Fixed bug where shattered retreating unit was stopped from passing through non-friendly territory, causing odd ping-pong behaviour. - Subjects will now join their overlord in war when using the threaten war action. # Text & UX - Peace Treaties tooltips will now say who will get the AE. - Invalid Characters will be removed from character target selection. - Heritage in Ledger is now sorted by name, not by internal index. - Now only shows 2 decimals for Unit Weight in attrition tooltip. - Fixed the detach siege tooltip when all are loyal. - Improved tooltip for Garrisons in cityview. - Build Ships UI no longer resets to army when clicking on another port. - Fixed bug where building progress was not displayed when building buildings. - Fixed gov policy tooltips for decentralize and centralize. - Fixed disloyal characters appearing twice in alert. - Fixed attrition not being displayed correctly in multi-unit selection view. - Fixed trade route cost tooltip lacking the cost icon. - The mercenary view will now update as new mercenaries are created or destroyed while open. - Fixed case where alliance was preferred over being at war in diplomacy mapmode. - Fixed ship selection circle sometimes remaining on the map after the ship had been moved to a port. - Fixed superfluous 'our' in the tooltip for the Subjugative diplomatic stance. - Fixed trade route cost tooltip lacking the cost icon. - Replaced the work 'Rank' with rank icon in diplomacy interface nation list. - The Support Rebels (Apoyar a rebeldes) diplomatic action should now properly show up under the Covert Actions (Acciones encubiertas) category when using Spanish language setting. - The mercenary view will now update as new mercenaries are created or destroyed while open. - Tooltip for Abort Rebel Support now properly shows the name of the target country. - Commerce income tooltip now counts bonuses granted by trade. # Misc - DLCs which don't affect the checksum are no longer required to load saves. - Enabling debug mode will now recalculate the version checksum. - Fixed bald characters sometimes growing their hair back. - Fixed global script variables not being updated. - Fixed ship selection circle sometimes remaining on the map after the ship had been moved to a port. - Fixed case where AI would sometimes not run logic for certain armies. - No more overwriting ideas when game is in tutorial mode when you load a save. - Revanchism is now localized.
[ 2019-09-23 12:08:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to today development diary for Imperator: Rome!
Im Carlberg, the Art Lead on Imperator, and today were going to have a look at some of the visual changes that weve done to 1.2 Cicero. Its also going to be a bit of a retrospective at some of the visual additions since release as well, and our thoughts behind them.
New Interfaces and UX
As shown in earlier DDs weve been working on improving our interfaces. This is a collaborative effort between our 2D artists and UX designer to make sure each window becomes more easily readable and contain the information you might need at a glance. In the case of our province view for example some information that wasn't as necessary was moved out, and more important information moved in from other interfaces to make sure it's closer at hand.
The new building icons were another area where we sought to increase the clarity, as the previous icons were small and unclear. When we added the new set of buildings we made sure that they and the old ones had a more iconic look and easier silhouette to read. This includes both the new set of buildings for settlements and for cities/metropolises.
In general were looking at making our interfaces more clear and streamlined. Its a bit of a balance we need to strike between having information readily available, but it shouldn't be so cluttered that its hard to actually discern. This is of course an ongoing process and will continue past 1.2 Cicero.
Curtailed Fog
As we got to hear from a lot of people after release, the fog was too strong. So much so that a mod popped up that went in and removed it completely. We definitely agreed it was too much and dialed it back. The before and after images below will give you a good idea of the change to bring more clarity to the world.
The fog became a problem when the game camera was at certain angles and just overall. We made sure that itd look better at all zoom levels and just play a role in the background, for areas much further away in the distance.
Progressing civilization
In 1.2 we dialed back the amount of visual cities in the world to create a more stark contrast between sparsely settled provinces and large bustling cities. This also makes the growth of cities and civilization stand out more in the world.
A living world
Starting in 1.1 weve been adding more of what we call dynamic objects to the world. These come in the form of constructible wonders, storms, volcanic eruptions and the like. They are ways for us to show the progress of the classical states, as well as the uncaring nature of the elements and the world itself.
We aim to add more dynamic aspects to the world in the future, and it should also open up the avenue for our modders to add interesting things to the world as well.
So as some may have spotted, and we have noted earlier, is that now all the ports in the game have seagulls flying overhead. This is not merely for aesthetics but also a sign that the territory is a potential port location.
Deepwater ports were hard to construct in this era, the Romans did, but more so during the Imperial era. Most states instead had to rely on using naturally occurring deepwater for their ports. So now, even if a territory is uncolonized, these seagulls will be flying overhead as a telltale sign of the natural harbor location.
Visualizing the Future
Going forward we aim to add more interesting aspects to the world to tell the state of your empires, or what might afflict them. A more living world we will all enjoy conquering.
Some of the things on the horizon Im burning to show you, but those will have to wait until theyre ready for showing.
Thats it for this weeks Dev Diary!
To discuss the diary further you can view the original post on our forums here.
[ 2019-09-16 15:50:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us today at 14:00 CEST for a special Q&A session with content designer Peter Nicholson, answering questions that you, the players, have submitted to us! You can watch us on Twitch when we go live here!
[ 2019-09-10 09:00:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to another development diary for Imperator:Rome!
Most of us are hard at work finishing up the 1.2 Cicero update, fixing things found in the open beta as well as in our internal testing. Others have now moved on to the future Livy Update, which I cannot talk too much about right now.
With the release of the final 1.2 approaching I thought Id take the opportunity to introduce some of those who are part of the Imperator:Rome team and what they do. :)
Name & Nickname: Johan
Role: Creative Director
What I do: Whatever is needed to make a game.. Mostly design and coding these days.
Favorite Feature: Mana! j/k I really like how the dynamic pop mechanic worked out in Cicero.
Favorite Nation: I love playing Tartessos
Nickname: Arheo
What I do: Content Designer! Skilled in being bald, musicology, and battering rams. I have a hand in miscellaneous parts of Imperator. I'm always happy to discuss balance, design, or accidental features on the forums.
Favorite Creation: The Olympics
Least Favourite Creation: The Olympics
Nickname: Trin Tragula
Name: Henrik
Role: Game Designer
What I do: My job is to come up with and document design as well as tweaking and adjusting the balance of the game. I have been working on Imperator since the project started but for a long time I also used to be the single Content Designer on EU4. Like many other Paradox employees I was also once a modder of these games before becoming a developer.
Favorite Thing: I have always been in love with the maps of paradox games and I think Imperator has one of our best maps so far. From the Cicero Update I really enjoy how the dynamic between Food, Cities and Settlements turned out.
Name: Joachim
Forum Name: Snow Crystal
Role: Content Designer
What I do: So I pretty much work with everything that isn't Art, Sound nor Code. Be that map changes or fixes, events, decisions, or whatever else needs Script work. Similarly to my time on CK2, I prefer working on the map or formables.
Personally I always love starting with the smallest nations on the map, so I have a lot of playthroughs with Gadir, the Phoenician nations etc, and I secretly have a goal to give them all something special so I'll have even more fun playing them.
Fun fact: I once paid 16 euros for a tiny ice-cream I didn't even get to eat.
Nickname: Katz
Name: Sebastian
What I do: Embedded QA on the project and have been along since the start. I try to keep a good overview of the project to do what I can to have good releases reaching you all. Outside of games I tend to try to be out with my camera.
Favorite Bug: Demon Ghost Cassander haunting the Mac.
Forum name: Gorion3
Reddit name: u/Gorbear
Role: Tech Lead
What I do: A tech lead is part of the leadership team that is making decisions. Specifically a tech lead is responsible for the technical delivery of a game, setting up workflows & processes within the team together with the producer. Besides that talk with design about what is feasible and what is not. Besides that I do some programming, mainly working tasks that are not set 'features'. These are bug fixes, optimizations, but sometimes a new feature :)
Favorite feature: I love army automation!
Nickname: Egladil
What I do: Programmer. I joined both Paradox and this project about 1.5 years ago. Before that I worked as a software engineering consultant at Sweden's oldest consultancy agency, doing all kinds of different things. Since I started I've touched basically every part of the projects code, adding new features and fixing things that broke. In addition to programming, I also made the flag for Celticia. Outside of work I do larping, play colony management games, and most importantly pet my cats
Trivia: Was once a developer for OpenTTD
Name: Evan Wu
Role: Programmer
What I do: Ive been a huge fan of Paradox since Crusader Kings (the first one) and recently joined the company. Currently proud to be part of the Imperator team programming gameplay features and AI. Outside of games Im either looking to fly my drone or scuba dive into the sea.
Fun fact: When I was a kid, I made a strategy game in school which other kids paid to play.
Name & Nickname: Timor
Role: 2D/UI Artist
What I do: As long as it exists in the game, my job is to make it look as nice and appealing as I can in the time given to me.
Favorite Feature: Events. In particular, the event images. These were a real joy to make and to set the art style for.
Favorite Nation: Yamato... now we just need to get it on the map and travel into the future by a few hundred years.
Name: Joacim
Forum name: Carlberg
Role: Art Lead
What I do: I'm the person who's in charge of the visual parts of Imperator. With my background in 3D I've been a part in setting the visual style for the units of the world, as well as the painting of the world itself with my colleagues. I'm always keen to make Imperator looking better, and work to make the map and world feel even more alive.
Trivia: Used to fight a bit of Longword HEMA before moving to Stockholm, and have always been a history nut when it comes to armor and uniforms.
Name: Hrur
Handle: Aule_the_creator
Role: (Freelance) Content Designer
What I do: I have only recently started at Paradox, so I make whatever they tell me to make. So far I've mostly been doing historical flavor events, which works well for me as a historian.
Trivia: I do historical high-medieval and viking-age reenactment in my spare time: hit and stab friends with blunt metal weapons, always aim for the crotch. That sort of thing.
Upcoming Cicero Q&A
That was all for this week! There will be more information about the patch and the game as soon as tomorrow (10th Sept 19) as @Arheo will host a Q&A at 14:00 where he will be answering questions from the community. This will be available through our Twitch Channel. To discuss today's diary feel free to head over to our forums here!
[ 2019-09-09 17:08:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and Welcome to another Developer Diary for Imperator: Rome!
Today we will be covering the Law changes, as well as new Character Interactions in the Cicero Update. As you will be aware if you have played the beta version of the Update we have revamped laws for all governments with the goal of making the government types more distinct from each other and to better interact with the game world.
This rework was in part necessary since the overhaul of population meant that many of the laws should now interact with the new system, changing the ideal ratios of different pop types in your cities, or increasing the speed of religious conversions, but it was also born out of a wish to introduce more meaningful choices when selecting your laws.
Republican Laws:

While half of the law categories are available from the start, the last 4 categories (Religious Laws, Integration Laws, Citizenship laws and Land Reforms) are now unlocked by technology as the game progresses. The main chance to Republican laws however is that any choice you make will increase the influence over one faction in senate over the others over time. Often the faction that grows will do so in a reactive manner, empowering one faction will allow its opponents to grow.
Monarchy Laws:

Where Republics have to accept that any law they adopt will have an effect on the balance of the senate factions Monarchies will instead contend with the fact that most laws will now increase the loyalty of either your generals or your governors, while also decreasing it for the other group. In this way you will now have to balance the need for loyalty of your governors versus that of your generals. Just as in Republics there are a number of Law Categories that are unlocked by technology (Taxation Laws, Domestic Laws, Conversion Laws, Authority Laws and Contract Law) with each further modifying the loyalty of your Governors and Generals.
Tribal Laws:

Tribes are different in many ways from other countries. Most notably the Centralization value of Tribal countries cover how sedentary their society is, and Tribes that do not settle down and turn into Monarchies or Republics have a hard time getting far ahead in technology. Instead of unlocking from technology Tribal laws are separated into two distinct varieties. One variety opens up more laws the more negative your centralization is, while the other unlocks more laws the higher your centralization is. Laws themselves will also all either increase or decrease Centralization over time, making laws an integral part of making your Tribe more migratory or in turning it more sedentary and ultimately a Republic or Monarchy. The added effects of multiple laws also means that while it is slow at start the reformation of your society will tend to pick up pace over time as more laws are enacted.
Changes to Character Interactions:
Arrange Marriage:

Arranging marriages for your ruler is not as straightforward as it once was. Depending on their circumstances the family of your future spouse can now make demands for a monetary contribution in the form of a dowry for one of a number of reasons. Of course depending on the circumstances it may also be more straightforward, some rulers are more palatable than others. Granting Regional Nicknames

While generals were already able to acquire regional nicknames (inheritable as cognomens if playing a Roman culture country) it is now also possible to grant these directly to a governor under your control. Impose Corruption Sanctions

As another way to combat corruption in specific characters it is now possible to reduce the corruption of a character, this will also reduce their loyalty to an equal amount. Power Base & Loyalty In the Cicero Update power base in itself will lead to a decrease in loyalty, meaning that very powerful characters will naturally be harder to keep loyal over time. This has also replaced the loyalty decrease from Loyal Troops since these contribute to the Power Base as well.
Changes since the Open Beta
As the final release of this update draws nearer most of the things I talk about in this diary will already be known to those of you who have been playing the open beta. Therefore, here are some more assorted things we have changed since the last open version:

- The view for constructing buildings have had an overhaul, and the buttons for upgrading cities or revoking city status can now be found there.
- Revoking City Status no longer costs Political Influence, instead it costs only Tyranny. This cost is discounted heavily for Tribes.
- Upgrading a Settlement to a City, or a city to a Metropolis no longer has a scaling gold cost. Instead it costs a flat amount.
- Founding a city will now remove a local food trade good in a location, replacing it with something else. Should City Status be revoked the old food trade good will be returned. AI countries will avoid turning Food producing settlements into cities.
- A bug where local modifiers sometimes did not count (also known as Marketplaces do nothing) has been fixed.
- AI Monarchies will be a bit better at dealing with Tyranny by being more selective in how they use the ability to demand support for their heir.
[ 2019-09-02 18:07:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all!
Today Im joined by Trin Tragula who will bring you up to date on some of the rebalancing and tweaking that has taken place in the Cicero update, after Ive explained a little about the changes weve made to the food and pop systems. These changes are not currently live on the open beta, so those of you who have kindly opted in to the beta to help us out, will have some new information to read.
It has been rightly pointed out that the way that starvation applies in the current beta iteration results in some undesirable results. To solve this, starvation will no longer be applied at a flat rate, which caused Settlements to dwindle away when a large city is present in a Province.
Instead, provinces which run out of food will apply a -75% total multiplier to the population capacity of all Province territories. Overpopulation will now yield a small (-0.03%) population growth malus for every pop over the threshold, alongside the happiness penalties previously implemented. This solves a number of issues we had when playing with Cicero, and feels like a much more organic solution to starvation and overpopulation. Territories that exceed their population capacity will begin to slowly grow fewer pops, organically reaching a stable population point, and starvation will no longer punish Settlements unduly.
In addition to these food changes, weve taken a pass over the initial setup of the territory map, adding food resources to a few Provinces that were lacking access to a renewable food source, and removed a series of buildings that were erroneously lurking in territories of the wrong category.
A seemingly minor, but important change coming to population, is in the way that ratios are calculated. It was previously possible to raise the desired ratio of a pop-type to well above 100%, and depending on the order (from left to right) in which it appeared, would be given precedence over other types. In an effort to solve this problem, and provide a better baseline with which to balance setups, weve elected to normalise pop ratios across the board.
In practical terms, this means that a territory which in the old system had 20% Desired Citizens and 10% Desired Freemen, would now have 66.6% Desired Citizens, and 33.3% Desired Freemen.
This system is much easier to balance around, and should never result in a situation where it becomes impossible to gain any pops of a specific type in a territory.
Some valuable feedback regarding the cost of founding a city has been given and received, and weve changed the cost from a scaled gold cost, to a flat gold cost. This seems logical, as the benefit from a city does not scale linearly with national income, as a scaling cost would imply.
Now I shall hand over to Trin Tragula, to explain some of the balance changes weve made, in the Cicero update!
Hello and welcome to this second part of todays Dev Diary. Here I will show some of the changes that Cicero brings on the balancing side. One of the greater benefits of an open beta is that we have been able to change things based on the feedback players provide as they try out features. Some of this you will already be aware of if you have been playing the open beta, some of it will be new even if you have.
Military Traditions:

Traditions are in many ways the main thing that differentiates countries in various parts of the map, and in some cases they also unlock things that you cannot otherwise make use of. As such there will likely always be many opinions on them and their relative balance. Offense, Defence and Discipline: Something that has been frequently mentioned by the community is the fact that traditions have not always seen to the full picture when it comes to the use of unit specific Offense, Defence and Discipline modifiers. As of the Cicero Update almost all such modifiers from traditions have been changed. Some have increased, others have decreased and in many cases a Discipline bonus has been turned into one for Offense or Defence. Levantine Traditions: When traditions were originally conceived the intention was always that Egypt make use of the Levantine set. This later changed to make the successor kingdoms all use the same (Greek) Tradition set. In the name of variety Cicero has brought the Levantine set back to Egypt, while also reshuffling it a bit to make the middle path able to unlock Mega Polyremes. The Legacy of the Builders tradition will now also provide extra building slots in cities. Barbarian Traditions: Perhaps our most wide reaching set, that of the Barbarian Traditions, have seen an increase in bonuses related to Light Infantry and Chariots.
Military Units:
A fair bit of the feedback we have been getting during the open beta has related to unit type balance. In some ways the new food system has meant that units with a higher weight are more valuable now, and to some degree this feedback has just related to general concerns present since 1.1 or before. Elephants: While elephants themselves have not been changed their general viability has increased with the introduction of food. Having a healthy food storage, and taking control of the enemy food storage in offensive warfare, have made these giant beasts of the battlefield a much more viable option in many cases. Horse Archers & Light Cavalry: The effectiveness of flanking means that both Horse Archers and Light Cavalry are very useful, more so than is warranted by their cost and availability. As of the Cicero patch we have increased the attrition weight of both, reflecting the great need for food of horses. Mounted archers will now also take extra morale damage and therefore retreat more quickly from the field of battle if they are opposed, much like archers do when deployed as skirmishers. Chariots: Chariots are a tricky unit type balance wise since they were largely outdated in many ways by the start of our game, yet they were still in frequent use in some societies. As of the Cicero patch Chariots are cheaper to recruit (from a cost of 8 to 6) and traditions that boost them have been further increased. Heavy Cavalry: While expensive Heavy Cavalry was a central part of a number of prominent armies in this timeline. Cicero patch increases the viability of Heavy Cavalry by reducing their price to 10 (this is further reduced by Military Traditions in many cases). Mega Polyremes & Octeres: The idea of the Heavy ship class was always that its main use would be the special abilities that they have access to, that allow them to influence land warfare and help more directly with naval invasions than other types. This is why their maneuverability is low enough that they can only target a ship directly in front of them, but even given that these ships have tended to perform very well against other ship types. More so than intended, even given their high cost. For this reason both Mega-Polyremes and Octeres have now lost their greater ability to absorb strength damage, making them slightly less useful in ship to ship encounters.
National Ideas:
Even if the need to match your national idea to your government type remains in Cicero the removal of monarch power has made it more important that national ideas can compete with each other for utility. The bonuses have therefore been revisited, both with an eye on their value and to adopt them to our new game mechanics such as food or conversion. Central Urban Spaces: Province loyalty gain increased from 3% to 5% to make the idea more worthwhile. City Planning: With the introduction of cities a national idea that gave more building slots in only cities turned out to be of limited use. Instead this idea now gives a general increase in Population Capacity. Standard Construction: With buildings playing a larger role in the game, and with the more expensive buildings in settlements this idea has grown more useful. It will remains o but the discount for buildings have been decreased from 20% to 15%. Grain Stockpile: Instead of increasing population growth directly this idea will now increase Food output as well as the food capacity in every Province in your empire. Institutional Proselytism: This idea will now increase population conversion speed in your nation. Siege Training: In order to make this idea more worthwhile the bonus to Siege Ability is now 15%. That was all for today. It is however by no means the only tweaks coming to the Cicero update! We will cover more changes, as well as more of the general features of the Cicero Update next week. :) --- Click here to discuss this week's development diary with our team!
[ 2019-08-26 13:27:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome back to another Dev Diary for Imperator: Rome!
Once again, well be covering some information that those of you using the open beta branch will already have been playing with.
Monarch Power
Before we dive in to the mechanics and solutions behind the monarch power rework, Id like to explain a little bit about the impetus behind the changes, and the varying factors at play. One of the more controversial aspects of the game at release, was the implementation of Monarch Power. After reading reams of feedback on the subject, and considering the available options, we elected to look at reworking the entire concept of Monarch Power in the Cicero update. The community issues with the 1.0 monarch power system could broadly be boiled down into two main categories:
- The lack of control over the stats that your monarch or ruler has.
- The inconsistency of the varying purposes power was intended to be used for.

Of course, there are still actions that demand the use of more conventional currency. Gold still plays a large part in a functional government of Antiquity, perhaps even more so in the Cicero update. The power cost for inventions, for example, has been replaced with a scaling gold cost, representing the direct cost of investment into research and development:

In addition to reworks to the cost of many actions and abilities, it became quickly apparent that many actions needed no cost at all, and functioned as their own opportunity cost, or had a consequential cost. An example of this would be the Assault ability for armies; the manpower lost during an assault vastly outweighed any token power cost, and as such, has no action cost in Cicero. Citing an example of opportunity cost, Omens will no longer have an up-front price; the opportunity cost comes of being tied to your chosen omen for the entire duration, unable to switch or cancel the ongoing omen. The one instance that we felt was not covered by any of our new or old systems, was the Military Tradition mechanic. This needed something unique, and as such, we needed a unique method by which to unlock and acquire traditions. It felt appropriate to treat Traditions as a self-contained system, and the Cicero update will include a Military Experience resource. This will be generated over time at a modest base rate, but is modified by the average combat experience level of your national cohorts. Military Drill is introduced alongside this, as a way for armies to maintain a certain level of experience during peacetime. The employment of Mercenary forces will detract from a nations Military Experience gain, but have been made vastly cheaper to maintain, to compensate for this.

Rulers will not be entirely without merit in the Cicero update, with each of the four statistics granting you bonuses to certain stats, scaled by the value of the stat itself:
- Martial: Manpower Recovery and Land Morale Recovery
- Finesse: Commerce Modifier and Build Cost
- Charisma: Monthly Tyranny Decay and Claim Fabrication speed
- Zeal: Monthly Stability Increase and War Exhaustion Decay
[ 2019-08-19 13:38:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all!
In todays dev diary, well be covering the details of the reworked population simulation in the Cicero update. As a small note: those opting in to the Cicero open beta will already have experienced many of these changes in action.
Reworking the Simulation
Perhaps one of the largest tasks in the Cicero update has been the creation of an organic, living population simulation, which reacts to, and interacts with, the fabric of the game. Up to and including the Pompey update, the manipulation of pops required direct player involvement, either through manual pop conversion/assimilation, or through the invoking of an appropriate governor policy. In Cicero, all aspects of the pop simulation will be dynamic, driven by situation, and occur over time in any given territory. Each poptype will have unique base speeds for assimilation, conversion, promotion and migration, which will be modified by numerous local factors such as local unrest, differing dominant culture or religion, and city/settlement status.

In addition, territories will have a desired ratio for each poptype, and population will promote or demote to attempt to fill this ratio. Promotion and demotion will increase in speed based on the size of the territory they are resident within, rendering it possible for large cities to have functional social mobility.
Migration is a new concept to Imperator, both replacing and augmenting in equal measure the pop movement feature included in the base game. Every territory will now have a Migration Attraction value, derived primarily from how much free pop capacity is present. Pops within a territory will consider any territory that is either neighboring, within the same Province, or if coastal, a Port province, as a valid migration target. If the attraction of a potential target is higher than the territory in which they reside, a migration will begin. Only 1 pop can be migrating from a territory at any one time. Importantly, Slaves will not migrate of their own volition, they must instead by moved manually. For Tribal nations, tribesmen may be moved manually. Both these actions will cost gold, and rather than moving each pop individually, a more accessible menu has been created:

Sieges, low food supply, and outright starvation will cause pops to flee their homes, bringing a new dynamic to warfare and attrition. Interaction with the City and Settlement feature detailed in last week's dev diary is high; you will be experiencing a much more centralized, city-weighted population distribution as the game progresses, using settlements primarily as resource production sites. As before, these changes are available in the Cicero open beta branch if you feel like checking them out. /Arheo ---- Click here to discuss this week's development diary with our team!
[ 2019-08-12 11:44:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings all!
Now that the summer hiatus is over, dev diaries for the Cicero update will be getting back into full swing, starting with the explanation of a few features that we've been tinkering with recently.
To start with, well be taking a look at the introduction of the categorization of Territories. Prior to 1.2, all our base level administrative units were known as Cities. As part of the redesign here, our collective noun for these will now be Territories.
A Territory can be assigned any one of the following categories:
- Settlement: Representing a sparsely populated area of land, settlements have penalties to output, migration speed, and poptype ratio. Settlements will only support one building, but will have their own unique set of powerful buildings, so you can specialize them accordingly.
- City: Cities have a large bonus to population capacity, and will act as focal urban centers for your empire. Cities will be able to support all the buildings youve grown accustomed to in the Cicero beta thus far, but will feel a lot more unique as a result of their scarcity. Cities will also have a penalty to trade good production - they will tend to consume, rather than create, resources.
- Metropolis: A metropolis can be designated when a city reaches a large number of pops, and are considered the peak of a citys urban evolution. A metropolis will not have access to any unique buildings, but will improve living conditions for certain pop classes.
- Latifundia: 40% Local Slave Output, 25% Local Population Capacity. Latifundia are limited to territories where Mines are not applicable.
- Mine: -5 Local Slaves Per Good, 25% Local Population Capacity. Requires Marble, Stone, Precious Metals, Base Metals or Iron.
- Farm: +50% Local Food Modifier, -5 Local Slaves Per Good, -10% Freemen Ratio, 25% Local population Capacity. Requires Vegetables, Grain, Fish or Livestock.
- Hill Fort: 20% Local Freemen Happiness, 40% Local Freemen Output, 25% Local Population Capacity.
- Provincial Legation: 75% Migration Speed Modifier, 20% Local Pop Assimilation Speed.[/spoiler]

To accompany the cities rework, we are introducing a Food mechanic, to simulate the importance of a constant supply in the ancient world. A modicum of food will be produced by all territories depending on their terrain type. Food itself will be stored on a Province level, and consumed by the pops living within the Province, based on their type. In the beginning of the game, most Provinces will likely be able to sustain their own population, however, as the population of territories increase and more cities are founded, they will start taxing the food supply of a Province greatly. This brings me to the more intriguing aspect of the food supply system. Various trade goods such as Grain, Fish, Livestock, and Vegetables, will now provide a flat increase to monthly food. These will be traded in the same way as before, however, the importance of these goods to large cities should not be understated. As a burgeoning urban area such as Latium begins to grow, more and more food will be needed to sustain the population there.

Of course, food is not solely a negative consideration. Province food storage can be enhanced by constructing granaries in constituent Cities or Metropolises. Bonuses to population growth and local defensiveness within the Province will be applied for every 12 months of stored food present in the Province Food Supply. Empires focusing on wide play will not find the need to interact with this to a large degree, or at most, to focus on the core Provinces within their realm. Naturally, food ties in strongly to warfare, with friendly units who would otherwise take attrition instead consuming a relative amount of food within a Province. Additionally, if a Province Capital falls to an enemy, they will be able to use the food supply to prevent attrition for their own troops. Sieges, blockades, and occupation will reduce the food production of a Territory, which, in the case of Provincial Capitals, will also reduce any imported food, eventually starving a Province of its food supply. If supply reaches 0, a severe penalty will be applied to all cities within the state, rendering them much easier to siege, and increasing the migration speed of pops within the Province.

As a secondary consideration, being over the population capacity in a territory will no longer be quite as severe as it previously was. It will gradually decrease the migration attraction in a territory, and can be considered more of a soft cap than before. You can view the original thread or discuss the diary on our forum thread here! See you next week.
[ 2019-08-05 11:29:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, and welcome to another development diary for Imperator.
In the Cicero update, we are changing the instant population manipulation mechanics to become a simulation over time that you can nudge.
Pop Movement/Migration
Slaves from neighboring cities, or cities within the same province, can still be moved manually into a city for a cost, somewhat similar to before. This will also be possible for Tribesmen if you are a migratory tribe.
Each city can also have one pop migrating at a time. If the Migration Attraction in a city is X more than that of another city then migration can happen to it if:

As the impact of governor policies now scales with Finesse, you need a really good governor, and perhaps a few special buildings to be able to convert and assimilate cities with another dominant religion and culture.

You can still manually move slaves as you like between cities, for a price in gold, but the UI have been completely changed, so instead of selecting a pop then a target, you instead go to the city you want slaves in, and then select what type of pop you want, and its origin and click for as many as you want in the same UI.

You can discuss the dev diary on our forum here. This will be our last development diary before our July hiatus, but we will be back next month with more!
[ 2019-07-01 12:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Imperator: Rome has expanded its grip on the ancient world through a major new update! The Pompey update adds important changes to gameplay, adding greater depth and historical fidelity to Imperator.
Imperator: Rome takes you back to the dangerous days a decade after the death of Alexander the Great. The conquerors empire is divided while, to the west, Rome and Carthage are poised for a mighty struggle to settle the fate of the Mediterranean.
The Pompey update adds greater differentiation between the nations and cultures of the classical world, as well as major changes to the war at sea and kingdom management.
The features of this update include:
- Dual Rulers: The historic second consuls of Rome and suffetes of Carthage are now represented in these republics, and a monarchs spouse contributes to the rule of the kingdom.
- Heritage: Nations now have traditional profiles that reflect their historic strengths, adding more differentiation between nations.
- Naval Combat: More types of ships and new tactical options for combat, similar to those available on land.
- Naval Range: Ships can travel a limited distance from a friendly port before suffering attrition. This attrition can be reduced by inventions.
- Pirates: Pirates now operate from a pirate haven in a specific province. Clearing out this base will reduce pirate activity for a while. Also, pirates may now be hired as mercenaries.
- Release Subjects: Reduce unrest by ceding limited independence to provinces that do not like your rule.
- Province Improvements: Cities can build special projects that come with major permanent bonuses, crafting a major metropolis for your realm.
- Stability Rework: Stability is now a 100 point scale (base of 50) with corresponding bonuses and penalties along the range.
- New Government Interactions: Give a specific family greater power, call a War Council in times of emergency
- Navigable Rivers: Fleets can now sail the great rivers of the region (Nile, Tigris and Euphrates) opening up new military strategies.
- New Commander Traits: Admirals and generals earn new traits while leading forces.
- Move Capital: Relocate your national center of power or provincial capitals.
- New Events: New event chains, including flavor events for Rome, Italy and Carthage. New events related to military commanders and slavery.
- Mac has a crash that can occur when viewing the Mercenary interface.
- Players can't get achievements outside of Steam. Investigation ongoing.
- The DLC tab has been removed from the launcher except for the MS Store version.
[ 2019-06-26 09:01:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave once more citizens! Tomorrow we will be taking a second look at the 1.1 Pompey Update.
Join us live on Twitch at 14:00 CEST with Rod and Peter, as they play as Sparta and experience the changes the update has to offer! https://twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-06-25 12:47:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and welcome to another Imperator Development Diary. Today we are in a bit of a filler development diary mode, as we have already told you all about the Pompey update, and you can already try it as a beta. Our goal is to have the patch finalised this week though..
So lets take a look at the most popular nations to play in the last 2 weeks.
Rome 19.85%
Sparta 4.92%
Egypt 4.17%
Macedon 4.16%
Carthage 2.85%
Epirus 2.46%
Seleucids 1.92%
Ulutia 1.60%
Phrygia 1.53%
Judea 1.43%
Athens 1.32%
Byzantion 1.29%
Brigantes 1.23%
Syracuse 1.14%
Knossos 0.94%
Massilia 0.90%
Bosporan 0.87%
Maurya 0.81%
Armenia 0.80%
Caledonia 0.79%
It is clear that Rome is the most popular nation by far, even before adding in the new events and co-consuls for the Pompey Update.
We hope to be back with some more interesting diaries next week.
[ 2019-06-24 13:16:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! The 1.1 Pompey Update is now available as an Open Beta! Wed love to hear your feedback on the update before it goes live on the 26th of June. You can talk about the open beta or view the changes on our forums here.
Due to so many mechanics being reworked, please be aware that previous saves will not be compatible with 1.1
[ 2019-06-19 09:53:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Tomorrow we will be taking a first look at the 1.1 Pompey Update.
Join us live on Twitch at 14:00 CEST with Blondie and Arheo as they explore the patch together! https://twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-06-18 12:29:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to another diary for Imperator: Rome!
Today's diary is entirely devoted for the showing of the patch notes for the coming Pompey patch, which we hope to release as an open beta on Steam and Gog in the not too distant future.
These patch notes include:
New Features; Dual rulers, Province & City improvements, the Naval rework, the Holdings Rework, the Ledger, Government Interactions and Macrobuilder improvements. Game Balance; Economy, Government, Characters, Units, War & Peace, Technology, Traditions, Cities & Provinces, Mercenaries, Pops, Tradegoods, Barbarians and more. AI; Economy, Diplomacy, Military and more. Interface; Alerts, Map, Macrobuilder and more. User Modding; New functionality, Effects, Modifiers, Triggers, Scopes & Lists, UX and more. Setup & Script; Decisions, Events, Setup and Map. And of course, bug fixes. The full patch notes were too much for Steam's character limit, so you can read and discuss them here on our forums. Enjoy!
[ 2019-06-17 15:30:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to this developer diary for the Pompey patch! Today I will be talking about more changes coming to the naval part of the game (the general rework of naval combat can be found here), as I will cover Storms and Pirates, as well as some more historical and geographic flavor in the form of added events as well as the new on map Volcanoes.

In Imperator: Rome Pirates spawn and block ports indefinitely, this is a nuisance for the strong, and very disruptive to those who are weak with no navy as they block their ability to break free from their home ports. Apart from laws blocking the creation of pirates from your own ports entirely, or permanently placing a fleet outside your ports there is little you can do to stop them. Meaning your options are to withstand constant penalties or turn them off completely. Neither is very engaging. Nonetheless Pirates were a natural part of maritime life in the period the game covers and should be a natural part for the game. The aim for Pompey patch has therefore been an implementation of pirates that: [olist]
Hellenistic Era Pirates in history:
Contrary to what one might expect Pirates in this era was frequently employed as seaside mercenaries to supplement the regular navy. They were not small individual groups with a ship but would rather often be a group of ships (sometimes a very large group), with a commander and seaside plunder and warfare as their way of life. Usually they would be hired, just like mercenaries, to augment forces in times of war, generally they would have many light ships and the Antigonid (Phrygian) navy at our start the commanders of such forces would even be styled an Archpirate. When not hired they would act as brigands and raid around the countryside near and round ports. In times of peace Pirates were generally not hired as the interest countries had in them was as part of their navies. Their raids during such times would often be seen as quite bothersome by local states who would sometimes embark on entire campaigns with troops as well as ships to pacify them. This was famously the case for Pompey the Great, the namesake of this patch, but there are many other examples such as the recently deceased Eumelos, king of the Bosporan kingdom.
The new Piracy Mechanic:

What this means for us is that Pirates will be present around the map at start, much like mercenaries are. They can also be hired, with commander and all by any country within range, to supplement the navy. This may be useful both for when you need to quickly supplement your navy (as ships take some time to build) or if you are playing a country that hasnt really invested in one yet. Pirates will only ever use Light Ships. Unlike Mercenaries however the locations where Pirates call home are predetermined. They will exist in Pirate Havens all around the map. These havens provide a small benefit to the owner of the port but they are also the permanent home for a group of Pirates as long as they are not at sea. If Pirates go unemployed for long enough (this is currently 2 years) they will set out on a raid, leaving their port and turning hostile to other fleets. They will head for a port that is not protected by a fort in another region than their home and raid it, leaving destruction in their path, before returning home and being open to new offers. If a pirate fleet is destroyed it will be recreated at 0 strength in its home port where it will regain strength over time.

Now not everyone likes Pirates. In times of war a unit in a Pirate Haven will be able to cleanse that city of its Haven and remove the Pirates permanently. Every country will also have access to a law to outlaw piracy, which will give them a Casus Belli on all countries that harbor pirates. Likewise every country will have access to a law to condone Piracy, which will create a new Pirate Haven in one of your ports.

To accommodate these changes the mercenary view has been split into two tabs. One for land units and one for Pirate groups. Pirates, much like mercenaries, can also be hired by clicking on their unit on the map. The aim of these changes are to make pirates into something you can deal with in more than one way. You can encourage them and strengthen your local economy, and have access to extra ships in times of need, or you can actively go after them and eradicate them from the seas completely.
Sea Storms

Apart from pirates another certainty at sea is recurring harsh weather. Storms have ravaged the Mediterrenean, the Baltic, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic longer than anyone has dared to sail them. WIth the Pompey patch recurring storms can strike at sea (exactly during which part of the year varies depending on the sea in question but they are generally more common in the open sea than near land) and will impose a harsh attrition penalty on the affected sea zones for 2 months, before ebbing away. Storms will be clearly visible as animated rain, wind, clouds and lightning will cover the affected areas during this period.
Desert Storms

The harsh effects of weather is not really unique to the sea. In the Pompey patch Desert areas will also run a risk of storms, manifesting themselves in great sandstorms visible in the desert cities themselves, potentially turning an already inhospitable route into a much more taxing affair.
Winter Storms

In the parts of the map where snowfall exists the winter may now also bring snow storms, sometimes quite great in size, causing attrition to all units in an area. As with the other two storms Winter storms will be shown clearly on the map and will remain in place for 2 months.

Volcanoes hold a very significant place in Roman history, as the eruption of Vesuvius has given us both a detailed snapshot of what a Roman city looked like just 100 years after our game ends, and the name for a Plinian eruption themselves after the man who left a description of it to the world. In the region covered by our game a large number of Volcanoes were active at the time, and many of them remain active to this day. Just outside the era we cover Volcanic eruptions greatly influenced the course of history, with Mount Aetna even stopping a Carthaginian invasion 100 years prior. In Pompey patch we will build on and expand the existing Volcanic eruption events, which could occur and ravage the area around a volcano until a nearby power spent the resources to put the area back to use, after which it will benefit from the addition of volcanic soils. We have now added a large number of new volcanoes, all visible on the map, and searchable in the province finder. When an eruption occurs you will be prompted by an event, and the volcano in question will visible spew forth fire and lava over the land around it. In a normal play-through there will be 1 - 2 eruptions.

(Mid-eruption screenshot of Mount Aetna)
Flavor Events

As is often the case in our patches Pompey will come with a number of new events. In this case the focus has been on additional flavor events for Rome, Carthage and the various states if Italy as well as on events focusing on the relationship between the state and Slavery. Lastly a number of new events have been added to expand on the relationship between the first and second consul (or, in monarchies the ruler and their consort).

That was all for today on changes that are coming to you soon with the Pompey patch. If you want to discuss this development diary click right here!
[ 2019-06-10 13:24:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to another Development Diary for Imperator: Rome! Today we will be talking about a number of Quality of Life improvements that are coming with the Pompey Update.
Road Building

While Roads are a great way to create highways through your country, allowing your armies to quickly move from one end of your empire to another, they can also be cumbersome to construct due to requiring a new order to be given for every new connected city. In Pompey patch you will be able to select a destination for a road and have the army tasked with the job continue until the road is done.
Release Subject

One of the changes coming in the Pompey patch is the ability to grant autonomy to a local dynasty in a conquered land. This allows you to better handle big areas of foreign culture and it was a modus operandi often chosen by the Romans themselves in their wars of expansion. Any owned Province can be made into a Client State from the country overview screen and the new country will take the state culture and religion from what is dominant in that province. The new subject will inherit the government, technology and inventions of its old owner and it will be ruled by a native character.
View Foreign Characters

A number of character interactions (such as subverting enemy governors or, supporting pretenders, assassinations) exist that lets you further your designs on foreign countries but it can often be hard to identify a proper foreign target. In Pompey Patch we have added a button in the diplomacy view where the character lists for another country can be accessed, with the same possibilities for sorting and filtering that you would have in your own country.
Macro Builder Improvements

One of the things that was sorely missed by many when coming to Imperator: Rome from our older released games was the ability to see what effects buildings, pop promotion, and religious conversion of pops would have when using the Macro Builder. In the Pompey patch when you click on the Macro Builder tabs for Buildings and Pops a sortable list will be shown of all places where you can take the selected action, with information about what benefits this would bring. By hovering the location itself you will see a full tooltip of all affected values.

Full effects of promoting a pop in Myos Hormos to a Freeman.

Another often requested quality of life feature has been to have a Ledger, with details on the current happenings in the world, easily organized and sortable. In the Pompey update a ledger has been added with the following pages:
- Overview: This is a page that has comparative information for all countries in the entire game. This is the same information that you would normally find in the Diplomacy view for each individual country, but here it is organized for easy comparisons.
- Rulers: This is a page with all the currently living rulers in the entire world at any given time.
- Provinces: An overview of all provinces currently under your control, with information about pops, trade routes, loyalty, commerce and tax.
- Inventions: A list of all inventions purchased up until now, and their effects.
- Our Rulers: A list of all characters who have ruled your country from the start of the game up until the present date.

Ledger page for Inventions.

Apart from adding Alerts on the top of the screen for new features such as being outside of Naval Range we have also added alerts for when you have a decision available and when you have not yet picked National Ideas for all of your possible Idea slots.
Province Interface

The fact that the province interface was covering the center of the screen is something we were never quite happy with. With the addition of new features to the province interface we took the opportunity to address some of these problems.

In Pompey the Province interface is more clearly divided into a city and Province part. With the Province portion of the interface being retractable for when you are only interested in the city itself. The Province portion of the interface now shows circle diagrams based on the population in the province as a whole as well as the income from tax and commerce for the entire province.

The city list is no longer shown at all times, but can be extended from the side. The reason for this is that we found that while not many used it we still wanted to keep the information for those that did.

One change we have made to office holders in 1.1 Pompey is that the effect of the benefit they provide is now scaled on how loyal they are. This means that we have to show their loyalty in the government view and together with the addition of dual rulers and the government interactions we have had to revamp the government interface. In doing so we have broken it up into 3 tabs:

- Show Government: This screen shows your ruler and co-ruler or Consort. It also contains your clan leaders, heirs and party leaders, depending on government type.
- Show Offices: Shows all currently employed officers, what benefit you get from them as well as their loyalty.
- Show Laws: Now displays all 8 categories of laws in one window, instead of only 4.

Another very minor but hopefully helpful change in Pompey is that characters shown in the event window will now have their full name displayed, rather than just their family name. That was all for todays diary on quality of life changes. I will be back next week with a diary on Pirates, Storms and things that go kaboom. --- Join the discussion with our devs on our forum! Click right here!
[ 2019-06-03 15:16:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! We are now ready to share the roadmap of Imperator: Rome for the coming year! Alea iacta est!
[ 2019-05-29 15:01:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to another Development Diary for Imperator: Rome!
One of the things that we want to address in Pompey Patch is that we want to make the internal life of your country more visible. Today I will be talking about that, together with a number of improvements to internal management in the patch. :)
Preferred Clan Retinue Units

While Clan retinues are a tool for your Clan Chiefs to assert their own authority, as well as a resource for your tribe when at war, it can at times be a problem that the Chiefs get to pick what unit types they recruit themselves. Since unit types are so important to the general balance of warfare tribes will in the Pompey Patch be able to specify which units that your Clan Chiefs are allowed to recruit to their armies (as well as how they deploy them) in their government view. Overall Clan Retinues have also been adjusted to be smaller than they currently are in release.
Holdings Rework

One thing we were looking to improve in the 1.1 Pompey Patch is Holdings. In release Holdings are currently things you hardly interact with. While they provide income for your characters you have little control over how they acquire them and you have little reason to get invested in where someone currently owns holdings. In Pompey we want holdings to be more relevant. They should be the base of power for many of your characters, and they should be the means by which those with no government employment get their income. They are intended as a way to reward characters or harm them, should you take them away. They will also tie a character more to the cities on the map in your empire. A Holding in Imperator is an estate in a city, with associated slaves, and a holding is always owned by a character. This provides the character with both income and increases their power base ( as described in this diary ). For it to be possible for a character to have a Holding in a city, the city needs to have at least 10 slaves. An additional Holding in the same location can be added with every additional 10 slaves.

Once a holding exist the 10 slaves associated with it cannot be moved, or promoted. But they can still starve. Characters will over time use their wealth to purchase holdings themselves, but you can also grant them directly to characters for a large loyalty boost. The number of holdings each character own at the same time is limited by their finesse skills, and when they die their children will inherit it.

Privately held holdings can be confiscated using the existing Proscription interaction, if you have imprisoned a character. Events, civil wars and other content will make use of a character's holding going forward.
New Governor Policies
In order to make it easier to redistribute your population, Pompey update will add two new governor policies, which will let you impact your population in your province in a way you prefer.

Centralize Population This Policy reduces output from the province by 10%, as it will move one pop every 3rd month from a random city in the province, and put that pop in the capital city of the province, if the capital is below the population cap. Decentralize Population This also reduces the output from the province by 10%, and it moves one pop every 3 months from a higher populated city in the province to a lower populated city in the province, evening out the population in the province over time.

A big change in the Pompey patch is that Disloyal Employed characters such as office holders and commanders can no longer be dismissed. Instead there is a new character interaction to bring someone to Trial. The starting chance of success will be dependent on a number of things, among them how corrupt the character is, or how large their power base is.

The actual trial itself however is an event chain in which your actions will affect the outcome. Bringing someone to Trial may also misfire and a failed trial may lead to the accused character using their power base to ignite a Civil War.
Create Mercenary

In a monarchy you can at any point send away a loyal member of the Royal Family to be a mercenary in foreign service. This potentially gets rid of family members that could be troublesome in the future, but it is not a permanent fix. The mercenary prince may well return one day with expectations on their new home life after their foreign adventures. With that I will leave the word to @Arheo to talk about the new Schemes system:

Character events in Imperator have been a great source of fun from the inception of the character system. A surprising amount of events occur for characters in a court or country, and can have a variety of effects from murder to jailbreaks.

This said, it became clear from feedback after launch, that these events were rarely being experienced, and when they were taking place, did not provide enough (if any) feedback to the player. In an effort to make these more visible, as well as to provide a framework for additional and future work on the character system, we have reworked the Ambition system to act as a tool for expressing a variety of character-focused content. You may not have realised, for example, that a number of your more brawny characters engage in underground pit-fighting on an occasional basis; or indeed, that your powerful senators have been stealing from one another behind your back. Mechanically, schemes are a type of ambition that a character can perform, having a clear goal (for example, to assassinate a political rival, or purchase a holding), and a finite duration. The target and duration of a scheme will be displayed in the character menu, and be visible in the character tooltip. The outcome of a scheme can vary, and you may find yourself responding to more character events than before, however the frequency of this is being closely monitored by the system to prevent being constantly bothered by popups. Whilst primarily a vessel for displaying the web of subterfuge that goes on in a court, the player will also be able to interact with certain schemes to assist or interfere, or in some cases, convince a character to drop their scheme altogether. In addition to this, a players Ruler has a selection of schemes available to them, accessed through the character interactions menu. These are designed to address existing issues, and enhance some of the new features coming in 1.1. Ruler Schemes Since your ruler is a character more closely tied to your country you are able to pick what schemes they pursue. Including:

Siphon Funds: The ruler will attempt to divert state funds to enlarge their personal wealth. Influence Character: If there are characters in your country that are more gifted than your current monarch you may attempt to influence them to put their expertise to use. Assassinate Character Among the schemes you can adopt for your ruler is one to assassinate someone, either abroad or in your own country.

Prove Legitimacy: In monarchies the ruler can try to improve their legitimacy by researching their lineage. While any type of research will increase the perceived legitimacy of your ruler there is also a small chance of discovering a long lost link to one of the blood lines in the game, if you are Hellenic.
[ 2019-05-27 15:11:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Don't miss your chance to secure your spot at PDXCON this year at 20% OFF! The discount will end on the 31st of May so if you already know that you're joining us the time to act is now!
[ 2019-05-24 13:49:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to another development diary for the Pompey update! This time well talk about new benefits to playing tall, and also discuss changes to barbarians, slaves and much more.
Trade Changes
We have done some changes to trade that may not seem that impactful to you at a glance, but gives us more tools in making the game deeper and more flavorful.
We removed the sources of easy extra trade routes in all provinces, as it was too powerful, and was a no-brainer to always go for those, and they also made for a huge snowball of trade.
We also made trade entirely handled as a province activity, and not a city activity. While each city provides some commerce from its citizens, the income from commerce is handled at a province level, so you can see the income from a trade-route at the one place it happens.
We removed the hardcoded benefits on a trade that were going to be exported, and instead we have 2 unique modifiers increases the value of your foreign imports and your foreign exports. The economic policy for commerce is now used for whether you want to strength your benefits from exports or your benefits from imports.
Improving your Provinces
One problem we identified was the lack of options at times when playing tall, and that you had too much resources that you had no use for when you were not busy conquering. Now he have added 4 new province level abilities, that each cost 400 power of its given type, and starts a process that 2 years later will give you a permanent bonus to that province. These can then be repeated as much as you like, but you can only have one process going on in a province at the time.
- Install Provincial Procurators - Military Power for 2% Population Output and 0.01 Monthly Province Loyalty
- Promote Infrastructure Spending - Civic Power for +1 Building Slot.
- Entice Business Investments - Oratory Power for +1 Import Routes
- Make Religious Endowments - Religious Power for +3% State Religion Happiness in Province
- There are also other ways to do these State Investments, other than spending lots of power. There are events and decisions, like country-forming, that will give you an amount of free state investments, which is then used instead of the power cost.
- Move Capital - First of all, you can move your capital to that city, for a large cost of civic power cost, where it becomes cheaper to move to a bigger city, and more expensive to move to a smaller city.
- Relocate Provincial Capital - You can change which city is the capital city of a province for 50 civic power . Province Capital will be set at start of the game, and only change otherwise if conquered by another nation.
- Coordinate Urban Development - Pay 100 Civic Power to start a process that at the end of 2 years time, you will get +1 local civilization in that city until the end of the game. This can be repeated as much as you want, but you cant do it more than once in a city at the same time.

Buildings have changed with the population rework mentioned earlier, and by the trade rework mentioned today.
- Marketplaces : +10% Tax Income from City
- Training Camp: +10% Manpower
- Fortress: +1 Fort Level
- Granary: +5 Population Capacity
- Paid off barbarians will no longer loot your territory.
- Barbarians that have not fought in a battle will never accept to surrender.
- Barbarians will no longer care about potential strength when you negotiate with them, only about armies in the same general area.
- Barbarians are no longer clever enough to use zone of control propagation, even if they do take a fort.
- Barbarian have no longer any attrition in unknown provinces.
- Barbarians reinforce twice as quick when not siegeing.
- Barbarians will now grow in size as they take over provinces containing tribesmen.

[ 2019-05-20 11:25:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have just released hotfix 1.0.3 Varus!
# Bugfixes
- After losing, observing is no longer seen as playing an ironman game
- Disabled console in lobby
- Can now always override UI scale between 0.5 and 2.0
We would recommend that you start a new game after updating to avoid unforseen issues.
We will not be able to collect bug reports from Steam, so please report any problems you experience in our official bug report forum, or by submitting a ticket through support.paradoxplaza.com.
[ 2019-05-16 08:49:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us today with Blondie and Matthew for a relaxing session of streaming with Caledonia! Come and discuss our playthrough with us at 17:00 CEST! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-05-14 10:43:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone and welcome back to another development diary! This time we look into some of the political changes for the Pompey update that will be out in June.
Eligibility in Republics
Different republics will have different age-requirements for who can be elected to become ruler. Rome for example, require its rulers to be at least 35 years old.
In the Pompey patch (v1.1), Aristocratic Republics will have Consuls & Co-Consuls. When elected, the one with highest support becomes Consul, and the one with the second highest number of votes becomes Co-Consul. This often means that they come from two different parties. When it comes to power generation, the stats of the Consul with the highest attribute will be used, giving a nice benefit to the country. The loyalty of those of the same party as the Co-Consul gets a positive impact if he is loyal, and negative impact if he is disloyal. We simulate the friction between the two consuls by the loyalty of the co-consul. Also, if the Co-Consul gets low loyalty, the power costs increase by up to 25%. The Co-Consus gain popularity by the same factor as the first consul gains popularity, and the ruler popularity that other characters look at is the average of both Consuls. Any ruling trait that a Co-Consul has will also be added to the country. A major drawback for Aristocratic Republics is the fact that impact of ruler corruption could be doubled, as both Consuls corruption is added together for the country.

In some types of monarchies, the consorts have some sort of supportive abilities. In such a monarchy, the consorts works like a co-ruler for how you gain power each month, ie the highest score of an attribute of the ruler and his/her consort is the one considered, so the capabilities of who you marry to your ruler is important. Consorts also get a loyalty-hit over time, if they are not the parent of the primary heir of the current ruler, and if they become disloyal, they will increase the power-costs by up to 25%, scaled by how disloyal they are.
Government Abilities
In the Pompey patch we have added some extra abilities for each of the three government forms, where you can strengthen yourself. Republics Each party has a specific action connected to it, where the cost is halved if that party is in power, and also increase the populist popularity.
- Civic Party - Pay Civic Power for cheaper building costs.
- Military Party - Pay Military Power for more discipline .
- Mercantile Party - Pay Oratory Power for cheaper trade routes.
- Religious Party - Pay Religious Power for cheaper conversions.
- Populist Party - Only if populists are in power, pay money for reduction in corruption and populist support
- War Council - You can Summon a War Council once every ten years, where your important courtiers will propose different places where you should start wars, giving you claims on adjacent areas.
- Demands Oath of Allegiance - Spend lots of oratory and religious power to increase the support for your Primary Heir over time.
- Hold Games - Spends money of both the country and the ruler to increase his or her popularity.
- Patronize the Arts - Spend Civic Power to gain Primary Culture Happiness and Civilization Increase over time.
- War Council - Same as for monarchies
- Assemble Raiding Parties - Spend Oratory and Military Power to get a boost in Enslavement Efficiency.
- Encourage Tribal Migration - Makes you lose 5 tribesmen pops, for a tick down in centralization.

Power Base & Civil Wars
In Pompey each character in your realm can have a potential power base. This is both an abstract gauge of how influential they are in a country as well as a meter for how many troops they could raise in a civil war. The total power base in a country will range up to around 300 and it is scaled within that country. Power base is primarily derived from:
- Loyal Troops
- Owned Holdings
- Titles
- How much of the countrys population that is ruled by a character who is a Governor or ruler.
- Ruler Popularity (for the ruler)
- Character Wealth

The threshold for civil war is 33%, with positive stability increasing it, and negative decreasing it.
Character Interactions
We will go deeper in a later developer diary about the new abilities we will be adding, we can now mention that we are rebalancing the costs quite heavily for them, removing the power costs, and using the new abilities to impact Aggressive Expansion, Tyranny or Stability from it. Recruiting a character from another nation wlll increase your AE, while bribing will be done with the rulers own personal money.

Next week well talk about playing tall, changes to barbarians, trade & slave distribution, while going into more detail about heritages.

----- Go here to read the original post, and to interact with the developers
[ 2019-05-13 12:11:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tickets for PDXCON are now available!
Join us for a weekend in Berlin, filled with games, people and all things Paradox and get a ticket now before they sell out!
Read more and get your tickets here: https://pdxint.at/pdxcontickets
[ 2019-05-09 12:18:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have just released a second hotfix for Imperator: Rome!
This hotfix will fix a few bugs, notably tied to achievements! Please don't report any issues in this thread, use our bug report forum!
1.0.2 Cunctator Patchnotes
################### # Bugfixes ################### - Fixed not being able to take adjacent provinces in peace deals - Fixed crash relating to reloading active combats in Ironman save - Fixed achievements not unlocking properly. This affects "Cincinnatus", "The Besieger", "Pax Aeterna", "Antipater's Dream", "To the End of the World" and "The Man who would be King" For more information on Patch 1.0.1 (previous version), please click here. We will not be able to collect any bug reports from Steam, so if you experience further issues, please use our official bug reports forum! Players on other platforms than Steam have a different checksum, this is working as intended.
[ 2019-05-09 11:53:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us today for a relaxing afternoon with HotRod and Blondie playing Caledonia! Will they save the country from Civil War? Only the old gods know! Join us on Twitch at 15:00 CEST!
[ 2019-05-07 12:38:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to this development Diary for Imperator: Rome!
This will be the first diary where we go into more detail about what will be in the 1.1 Pompey patch. Today I will be talking about some of the changes coming to navies, and things we are doing to diversify religions. As always with development diaries any numbers should be seen as temporary and are subject to tweaking :)
Navies in the Imperator era
Unlike Land combat, Naval combat in Imperator: Rome at release was in many ways inherited from its predecessor, EU: Rome. That system builds on ships having a chance of ships targeting other ships and dealing damage to them, sometimes even being able to deal damage to their own friends. The EU: Rome system also had only one type of ship, with modifiers representing the differences in naval design as well as tactics between the various parts of the map, most notably the discrepancy between naval philosophy between the eastern and western Mediterranean. While functional, especially for small engagements, we felt this system did not adequately reflect the realities of Hellenistic and Roman naval combat. What were these realities then? Detailed accounts of naval battles from the era are actually somewhat sparse. Historically navies were made up by a great variety of different types of ships, with different roles. Normally ships from this era are classified by the number of rowers in one section used to propel them. A three (or Triere) is bigger than a two but smaller than a six (Hexere) and would be used for different purposes. A directed naval battle would often involve galleys forming a line of battle, with the goal of preventing the opposing side from forcing through it. The primary ways for ships to engage were bombardment using arrows and artillery, boarding and ramming. Heavier ships would generally be taller, and harder to board. Ships heavier than 2s or 3s would also generally be Cataphract - covered - to protect from arrows. Over time ships would grow bigger and bigger, especially in the confrontations between the big and very rich successor kingdoms in the eastern mediterranean. In the western mediterrenean ships would never be as big and with the ascendance of the Roman Empire the custom to build the bigger ships would be forgotten, with the battle of Actium generally being regarded as the end of the Big ship era. At the start of our game however, and for most of the timeline the trend in the east was to build greater and greater ships, with some truly huge galleys seeing the day of light. The use for these enormous ships (with 10 sections of rowers or more) remains a point of discussion to this day, William M Murray argues that these behemoths of the sea were more useful for siege craft, used for naval assaults on the many ports of the Aegean, the Levant and Asia minor. Their big marine attachments, huge and very heavy high quality rams (a modern laboratory test concluded that the heavier rams in use in this era are impressive even in the light of modern engineering) used to capture ports, by forcing through floating barriers, as well as carrying full siege engines and catapults on board. The various ways to do the latter was something greek navies specialized in general in, with manuals written at the time for how to best conquer or defend a port by sea. The super heavy ships (which in Imperator is considered to be anything above 8 sections of rowers) were never extremely common, but they did have a given place in the navies of the east and we have wanted to include them and their role, and so our rework is inspired by Murrays work.
Ships & Naval Battles

To better cover the variety and uses of navies will be forming a line of battle. As on land there will be a first row, a second row, and a flank. Ship types will be broken into 3 categories, and individual ship types will have strengths and weaknesses. Mainly the goal is to allow different roles for light and medium ships, based on their usage in the era. Light ships have high maneuver, allowing them to target opposing ships much further from their position in the line of battle, and can deal more morale damage. Medium ships have less maneuver range but are instead more resistant to damage. The Wood trade good will now be considered to represent access to great amounts of high quality ship building wood and no longer be necessary for the lighter ships, since these should generally be buildable by the wood that would be available in most cities even if it was not their primary export. The medium ships however still require access to wood, and importing wood helps the quality of all ships produced. Heavy ships (8s and 10s) will have a very limited maneuver (with the 10s just able to target the ship directly in front of them). While they can deal a great deal of strength damage, and probably easily sink any given ship in front of them, they are likely to be swarmed and sunk or even captured if fighting without support against a great number of lighter ships. Heavy ships will however have access to 3 unit abilities (more on that below) and since their niche use was more common in the eastern mediterrenean they will require unlocking via military traditions. Traditions that do not unlock heavy ships will instead strengthen the use of lighter and medium ships. Lastly when possible ships will make use of cultural names, a Greek bireme will for instance go by the name of Lembos while an Illyrian or even Roman will be called a Liburnian.

The Ship Types:
- Light Ships: (High maneuver and Extra Morale Damage dealt, useful on flanks and possibly in first row) - Does not require Wood.
- Liburnian: Uncovered Bireme. Cheap. Very light ship. Very quick. Used by Pirates near our start but is later one of the main Roman war vessels.Deals low damage against all but has Extra Morale Damage dealt. 6 Maneuver allows targeting ships far away in battle.
- Trirere: Could historically be covered or uncovered. Light ship but heavier than the Liburnian Biremes. Also very Quick. A bit more expensive and takes more damage than the Liburnian. 4 Maneuver.
- Medium Ships (Fours &, Fives, Sixes & Sevens) - Better staying power but much slower. Historically these are ships that would go prow-to-prow. Much more efficient at both Ramming (strength damage) and Boarding. Vulnerable to the sides against lighter ships. Requires Wood.
- Tetrere/Trihemiolia: Cataphract with Four Rows. More costly and for a long time the standard ship in any navy.Does not excel at anything but is also not bad at anything. 3 Maneuver.
- Hexere: Cataphract. 6 Rows. Much Slower but still in widespread use for much of the era. Extra Strength Damage dealt 1 Maneuver.
- Heavy Ships (Eights, Nines, Tens up to Sixteens and Forties) Extremely expensive. Huge Rams, fitted with Catapults and siege weapons. Vulnerable to being isolated and attacked from many sides. Stopped being used entirely around the end of our game but during the greek era could make up as much as 30% of a fleet. Requires Military Traditions to unlock.
- Octere: Heavy and Expensive. The warelephant of the seas.Takes less strength Damage. Deals more damage against all. 0 Maneuver (so cannot engage unless opponent is directly in front of it).
- Mega Polyreme - Extremely Expensive. Represents ships of size 10 and up. Withstands more strength damage. Can create a breach on a seaside fort. 0 Maneuver.

Capturing ships
When a ship reaches 0 morale while not yet being at 0 strength there is a chance it will be captured. Capture chance will be based on the type of ship that was targeting the removed ship and the removed ship itself. Mediums and heavies have slightly higher chances to capture lighter ships, but since lighter ships deal more morale damage they will get more chances to capture ships overall. A fleet of only light ships is far more likely to take a higher number of prizes in any given battle. A captured ship is still removed from battle but will be added to the opposing navy that the capturing ship belonged to.
Naval Tactics

With more ship types available the Tactics system is going to be used at sea as well. Depending on your composition different tactics will have varying efficiency. Choice of tactic can also affect how likely the battle is to result in the capture of ships.
Naval Power Projection Unit Abilities:

- Capture Port: Unit ability that can be used by a navy that has 5 Heavy Ships in it. Takes direct control over an unfortified port. Useful for establishing a beachhead before a full on naval invasion.
- Port Raid: Unit Ability that can be used on a fortified port with an ongoing siege by a navy that has one Heavy Ship at above 95% strength in it. Creates a breach immediately. Reduces strength of Heavy Ship by 30%.
- Port Assault: Unit Ability that can be used on a fortified port with 1 fort level by a navy that has one Hyper Galley at full strength in it. Reduces that fort by one level and reduces strength of the Hyper Galley to 20%.
Naval Range

(debug mapmode screenshot to illustrate the extent of range) All countries will now have a naval range, calculated from their closest owned port. While naval range will be somewhat forgiving ships in navies that go outside of their naval range will take heavy attrition.
Navigable Rivers

(WIP screenshot of navigable rivers, these rivers will have a different look to more clearly show them as navigable though they do not right now) While most rivers would not have been fit for the galleys of this era to make much use of them some rivers will now be navigable. For land units such a river will have to be crossable at fording points (similar to straits). Land provinces adjacent to a great river will also have an increased population capacity (more on that in a later diary).
Naval Terrain

(Screenshot of naval terrain in the simple terrain mapmode) Not all sea areas are created equal. In Pompey patch there will be 3 different terrain types which also have an effect on which ships are more efficient there and in some cases may confer a defender advantage.
- Open Sea: No combat modifiers
- Coastal Sea: Used in archipelagoes and in areas adjacent to land, defender advantage.
- River Terrain: Navigable rivers will favor the defender and greatly favor lighter ships.
Omens & Religions

(Buddhist Omens for a Mauryan empire with very low Religious Unity/Omen Power) As was mentioned in Johans Design Corner post yesterday another thing we want to achieve in the Pompey patch is to give more variety in how different countries play. One of the things we will be doing to achieve this is the addition for base country bonuses for religions, so a Tuistic state will for instance have an easier time migrating their pops. The other part of it is we have implemented different Omens depending on your religion and culture. Roman and Greek Omens will no longer be identical in what they do and further removed religions such as Kemeticism or Buddhism will have a completely different set of omens to choose from. The system, which is fully moddable, will also support special cases. Some countries will also have access to their patron deities for omens, as long as they stay with their native religion. Egypt will also have different Omens depending on if they adopt the Serapis cult or if they stay with their traditional greek pantheon, but the Serapis omens are also different from the ones native Egyptians have access to.

(Current Roman Omens - more familiar in many ways than the ones for Buddhism)
Converting Religion

On release only a handful of countries (mainly the Dharmic countries, Bactria and Egypt) could easily switch their country religion. With religions now being more different a more generalized approach has been taken to changing state religion, especially as a number of countries in this era did adopt a foreign religion. As long as you have at least one character in your country of a foreign religion you will be able to see what it would take to change to that characters religion. The requirements currently are:
- A majority of the free (non slave) pops in your capital must follow the new faith.
- In a Republic your senate must approve.
- In a Monarchy you must have at least 70 legitimacy.
- In a tribe the clan leaders must approve.
- Your High Priest, Pontifex, or equivalent must follow the new Religion.

The effects of switching religion can be far reaching, so it is not always a decision to be taken lightly however.
- All character that do not already follow the new faith will lose 20 loyalty. The ruler and loyal members of their family will also convert.
- The 6 most prominent loyal characters in the country will convert.
- For a period you will enjoy more efficient religious conversion to help establish the new faith (as long as this bonus is active you cannot change your faith again).
[ 2019-05-06 13:38:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have just released our first hotfix for Imperator: Rome! Thank you for all your feedback!
Please note that this patch won't be compatible with 1.0 Ironman saves. We apologize for the inconvenience caused, but it was not possible to do the necessary fixes and remain save game compatible. The previous version will still be available in the Betas tab for those who want to finish an ongoing Ironman game before updating. Non Ironman games should still be fine however!
(Right click Imperator: Rome in Steam -> properties -> BETA -> pick 1.0 in the dropdown list)
We will not be able to collect any bug reports from Steam I'm afraid, so if you experience further issues, please use official bug report forum, thank you!
1.0.1 Demetrius Patchnotes
# Gamebalance
- Tweaked Mercenaries to be less numerous and a bit more spread out.
- Country Capital now has one extra building slot.
- Fortifications in capitals are now normal buildings, and not something that magically appear. First level is still free.
# AI
- Fixed disloyal generals being overly helpful and attacking enemy armies.
- Fixed AI not attacking rebels/barbarians.
- Fixed reserve objective behaving rather offensively.
- Reworked AI reconnaissance objective to patrol on borders rather than around a point.
- Army and fort maintenance is auto set to normal maintenance on outbreak of war.
# Interface
- Fix to naval combat interface martial skill icon overlap.
- Fixed top-right corner of topbar visually overlapping score indicator.
- Added truces to diplomatic mapmode.
- Tweaked Combat Prediction Indicator to be more accurate.
- Adjusted default UI scaling.
- Tactics view is now scrollable when it needs to be.
# Performance
- Optimized daily tick to improve stuttering
- Added option to run a benchmark. Use the launch options with -benchmark to run a ~4 minute benchmark, testing GPU & CPU.
# Bugfixes
- The game will no longer resend all diplomatic messages to the player that has been saved, each time the game is loaded.
- You now get new inventions when you get new technology from events, unit abilities and other effects.
- Fixed Out of Syncs related to siege & combat.
- Fixed wrong type of apostrophe being used in English version.
- Barbarians no longer have "TRIBE" in their name.
- Fixed issue where mapicons were showing invalid state (such as ended combat or sieges) after a peace deal.
- Fixed rare crash if province was no longer owned while trying to build a fort.
- Fixed rare crash related to events.
- Saving now happens on a background thread, shows a message and will pause the game in multiplayer.
- Disabled pause menu interaction when saving.
- Fixed bug where in some cases a 'zero' navy or army could exist
- Game will now calculate surplus before removing extra trade routes, to prevent incorrectly removing a trade route.
- Can no longer remove disloyal commanders from their armies
- Combat dice rolls are between 1 and 6 now instead of 0 and 5
- Fixed bug where in some cases a 'zero' navy or army could exist.
- Fixed case where country name would contain unlocalized text.
- Fixed potential crash when returning to lobby in multiplayer.
- Fixed potential crash when unit constructions finishes.
- Permanent province Modifiers will no longer be removed on conquest.
- Stopped the Pharos Lighthouse event chain from occasionally concluding prematurely.
- Updated localization in French, Chinese, Spanish and Russian.
- Fixed party conviction being several magnitudes too large when loading an ironman save.
- Fixed incorrect popup when guarantee is upgraded to alliance.
- Fixed bug where clan chiefs could sometimes have count for more than one.
- Fixed bug where provinces couldn't be searched for when playing with Russian or Chinese language.
- Various fixes to the Paradox account creation interface.
- Fixed searching for lobbies in lobby browser menu
- Fixed november crash due to not enough threads available for processing
- Fixed startup crash on windows 7
- Mare Nostrum achievement no longer requires a small part of the northern Spanish coast.
- Fixed bug with barbarian removal in impassables for minor and major spawn points.
- Fix potential oos caused by imprisoning dead characters.
- Fixed bug where the decision to form Kushan did not properly check the current tier of a country
- Forming Cyprus now requires you to be suitably small.
- Fixed ironman permitting different mods when loading save.
Go here to read the original post, and to interact with the developers
[ 2019-05-02 09:32:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us for the finale of the Dev Clash with HotRod and DDRJake as your host! This is the final session! We will hand out trophies to our players! Make sure you tune in to vote for your favorite warmonger! Join us on Twitch at 15:00 CEST!
[ 2019-04-30 09:25:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone and welcome to the first post-release development diary for Imperator!
As soon as the first patch, Demetrius, is ready, it will be released this week.
For Imperator, some things will be similar to how we have developed games since we released CK2, and some will be new. We will aim to have two major updates each year, with accompanying big expansions, where we focus on flavor in the paid content, while having core systems primarily part of the free patch. We have been working on ideas for our first expansion, but before starting on that one, we are doing a big free patch, which contains a lot of free features for all of you.
This free patch has been in development since the release version was frozen in mid february, so it contains all the things the design team have been working on, while QA and Coders worked on stability, AI and polish for the release.
Our first big patch called Pompey will be out before the summer holidays, and will contain some new features, and lots of balance changes. Well talk about some of the balance changes in this development diary, and for a list of most new features go to the roadmap right here!
While the technological research in the game was working mostly fine, we had some edge cases that did not work out all that great. First of all, it was impossible to really catch up when you were behind, unless you were a really small country, so we did a reversed ahead of time penalty from when you are behind Secondly, it was also possible to stack your research output so high that ahead, rendering the ahead of time penalty useless, so we made the ahead of time penalty a multiplier on your tech speed. Finally we changed the base time for a new technology from 15 to 20 years.
Shattered Retreat
The action of voluntarily doing a shattered retreat was a bit over-powerful, in that while it was useful, it had almost no drawbacks. Now when you do a manual shattered retreat from the unit interface, that unit will also lose 50% of its remaining strength.
Truce Breaking
As you may have seen in the dev clash, breaking a truce had no impact on your reputation, so it will now increase your aggressive expansion as well, just like some other games we do.
Mercenaries, while performing mostly like we intended, where too much of a renewable resource. What we have done is reduce the amount of mercenary companies, and not stack them all in the most heavily populated areas.
We also made it so that mercenaries can not be stackwiped, and if they would have been, instead they now charge their disband fee from employer, and leaves his employment.
Mercenaries that are no longer employed and marching back to their home city, will no longer reinforce during the march.
You can no longer recruit mercenaries that have not recovered all their strength.
Regnal Numbers
We have added in the functionality for monarchies to use regnal numbers on their rulers. So your 4th Alexander will be Alexander IV Argead.
These were a bit powerful, and rather devastating if you played a monarchy or tribe. So in those nations, the military skill of your master of the guard or bodyguard reduces the success chance of that action.
One thing that was completely missed when developing the game, was the aspect of having the governors attribute matter. This obviously needed to be changed, so now finesse skill of governors will impact the output of the cities they govern by 5% for each finesse.
Population Growth
Population growth also had a few problems in that we had only one variable to play with. After a lot of discussion and testing we split it up into population capacity, which terrain, technology, civilization level and granaries impact, and population growth, which is impacted by resources and situations like your city being burned to the ground by invading armies.
The old stability mechanics were partly legacy from the first PDS game ever made, with a range from -3 to +3, and also one of the most complained usage of power that we had in the game, in that people did not enjoy being able to instantly increase stability if they just had power.
First of all stability is now 0-100, and decays towards 50 over time. Of course all events and mechanics changing stability have been adapted to the new range.
Stabbing a pig costs 100 power, and gives +0.5 stability a month & increased pig-stabbing costs by 50% for 5 years, and this is stackable, so the more pig-stabbing you do, the faster it will increase in that timeframe.
Threshold for starting wars is a minimum of 10 stability, and you need 10 stability to appoint people to government.
In a similar way War-Exhaustion has also been overhauled, in that it is no longer an instant reduction for some power. You now spend power to add an overtime reduction of it, and this can be stacked in a similar vein as pig stabbing.
When changing Stability and War-Exhaustion, we also took a look at legitimacy, and made it work the same way. Legitimacy is no longer instantly increased from a button press, but a stackable short-term increase you can pay to get.
Modding Support
One little thing with all these balance changes is that to make them more easily handled, we changed the price-structure we use for lots of actions, to support 4 new values, instead of just gold, powers and manpower.
These 4 values are stability, tyranny, war-exhaustion and aggressive expansion. So if you wish for assigning ideas to increase your war-exhaustion in your mod, now you can do it.
Stay tuned for next week, when well go deep into how much more fun the naval game will be in 1.1.
Want to engage in discussion with our devs for todays development diary? Come to our forums! Here is a link to the thread!
[ 2019-04-29 16:36:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
With Imperator: Rome, a project very close to our hearts, now released and finally in the hands of our awesome community (thats you!), we have been taking the time to look at the feedback youve provided. As always, we pride ourselves on the continued support of our games and by no means will Imperator be different.
We are working towards releasing a 1.0.1 patch early next week, which were calling Demetrius. This patch will improve the AI, fix compatibility issues, game crashes, some multiplayer out-of-syncs, and will also contain some performance improvements.
At the same time, we have been looking at all the feedback from play-testing, our Twitch and YouTube communities, and the press for the past month and a half as we prepared for release. Now we are adding all of your feedback from Steam, the forums, and social media to that! With it, we have begun developing a major patch which is aimed for release in June.
This 1.1 patch is nicknamed Pompey internally. We will go into more detail with upcoming development diaries before its released. Pompey will cover the following topics:
- Balancing of Technology Progress, Mercenaries, Shattered Retreat, Truce Breaking, Assassinations, Governors, War Exhaustion, and Legitimacy.
- Improving the mechanics for Population Growth, Stability, and Barbarians.
- Tweaks to Civil War mechanics, with new power-base mechanics.
- Naval rework, with Naval Combat mechanics and multiple ship types, as well as navigable major rivers.
- Deeper Holding mechanics for characters, where you can give characters holdings and they can purchase new ones as they grow in wealth.
- More character interactions.
- New Piracy mechanics.
- Redesigning of functionality where instead of spending power for an instant result, you now spend power to nudge it towards that result over time.
- Better abilities to play tall, including centralising trade, impacting specific cities, etc.
- Tribes being able to decide what units their retinues should have.
- Dual Ruler mechanics for Roman Republic, and Consorts for Monarchies.
- Government Abilities for all government categories.
- Quality of Life features like viewing all characters in a foreign country, new alerts, road building being a continuous action, and more.
- Adding of features from previous PDS games like moving capitals and regnal numbers on monarchs
- Much more modding support.
[ 2019-04-26 16:46:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! We have had a great time seeing you all playing Imperator. The feedback has been valuable. Using that, we have already begun constructing the road ahead! Tune in on Twitch at 16:00 CEST and discuss with us the future of Imperator: Rome!
[ 2019-04-26 12:53:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are putting up an FAQ on our forums with the currently experienced issues! Thank you all for your feedback, we are working hard to fix these nasty bugs! Make sure to share this with your friends to help them out! https://pdxint.at/2UHvf36 Additionally you can go here to report an issue on Steam! https://steamcommunity.com/app/859580/discussions/1/ And if you want to be extra thorough here is our support website if you need some more help! Our team will be happy to guide you in fixing the game! https://support.paradoxplaza.com/hc/en-us
[ 2019-04-25 19:08:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Want help to forge the greatest empires the world has ever known? Then you should check out our tutorials done in partnership with Many A True Nerd! Run it in the background or on another monitor! Click here to reach the playlist: https://pdxint.at/2VtsKWw
[ 2019-04-25 17:38:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alexander is dead, and his generals now fight over his legacy and empire. To the east, Chandragupta has established dominion over much of India. To the west, the commercial republic of Carthage and martial republic of Rome are on a collision course for control of their half of the Mediterranean. And, far from the cities of coastal empires, fierce tribes of what the Greeks call barbarians follow their own paths.
Get ready to dive into the epic conquests and geopolitical drama of the classical world in Imperator: Rome, a new grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studio available now for $39.99 at major online retailers. You can buy it on Steam right here:
Choose from hundreds of republics, monarchies and tribal regimes and guide your nation to eternal glory. Will you repeat history and lead Rome to empire and glory? Or will you defy the fates and unite the Hellenistic Kingdoms under one crown? Can Carthage resist destruction, or will old Catos demand for its total destruction be fulfilled again?
The features of Imperator: Rome include:
- Challenging but familiar classical setting: Rome does not yet dominate Italy. Carthage manages dozens of vassal city states in a naval empire. The mantle of Alexander is disputed by kings in Macedonia, Egypt, Anatolia and Persia. India bows to Chandraguptas Mauryan might.
- Unique Government Mechanics: Kings will find they have a freer hand to do as they please than a consul in a republic, but with fewer political outlets, monarchies may breed traitors more quickly.
- Most detailed Paradox map yet: Hundreds of towns dot the map, some with fortresses or ports to emphasize their strategic importance. Each provinces population will ultimately determine its value and purpose in the empire.
- Population management: Citizens, freemen, slaves and tribal populations bring benefits to your empire, but also burdens if the influx of cheap foreign labor strains your research or food supply.
- Flexible trade system: Exchange surplus goods from far across the sea to satisfy your people or build better armies, or keep your surplus for added bonuses at home.
- Cultural Military Traditions: Different cultures will evolve their armies in different ways. Embrace the Parthian horse archer as a Persian nation, strengthen your triremes as a Punic power or trust everything to the heavy infantry as a Roman.
- Battle tactics: Choose how your general will approach the coming battle, making the most of force composition and terrain. Use your light infantry to skirmish advantage in rough ground. Gamble on a full assault in open plains.
- Manage a court of hundreds of characters: Watch and guide hundreds of characters through three centuries of history. Families will rise and fall in prominence. Some will be heroes, some will be traitors. Create new legends that will sing through time.
- And Much More: Dynamic events, scheming against rivals, beautiful art and music, barbarian migrations, inventions, religious ideas, laws, royal pretenders and other features to fill in a rich ancient mosaic.

[ 2019-04-25 16:02:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
PDXCON2019 is coming and we couldnt be more excited to meet our community at the event - which takes place on October 18th - 20th, 2019. Tickets go on sale on May 7th, but weve got a secret to tell you
If you head over to the PDXCON 2019 website at https://pdxcon.paradoxplaza.com/ you can sign up to the mailing list. Anyone that signs up will be given 8 HOURS early access before the public availability of the tickets to buy before everyone else! Sign up now and keep your eyes on the news well be sending out because tickets will sell out.
[ 2019-04-23 19:32:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
The release of Imperator: Rome is just a few hours away! To celebrate we will host a grand 24-hour release stream! No matter where you are on the globe, make sure to tune in on Twitch from April 24, 18:30 CEST until April 25, 18:30 CEST! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-04-23 17:18:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
We think that is important for members of our community be able to play with each other online no matter where they buy their game. This is not the case right now. For example, if you buy Imperator: Rome from GOG, you can currently only play with other GOG customers or people who play with a Paradox Store purchase. Likewise, people who use a Steam account to play the game can only play with other Steam customers (or people who buy from the Paradox Store but redeem the code on Steam). We are working on a solution to this tricky problem by building our own backend to handle multiplayer requests, but to unify the games under one system we need to have a common connection. To this end, we will be using your personal Paradox Accounts as the player identity. So, even though this system is not yet in place, we are asking you to log in to your Paradox account when you initiate a multiplayer game. We are currently investigating if it is possible to have a viable multiplayer beta branch active in Imperator, like the one currently active for Stelllaris. Once we have more information, we will let you know. In the meantime, if you want to conquer the Mediterranean with your friends, be sure that you all are buying from compatible online stores! We appreciate the patience of our community, and hope to have a technical solution as soon as possible.
[ 2019-04-23 07:41:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Make sure to tune in on Twitch today at 19:00 CEST for Day 2 of "Dividing the Spoils"! Come and witness the clash of 16 YouTubers playing Imperator: Rome! Our hosts Katz and CountCristo are already super psyched about it! Ave! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-04-13 15:03:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our grand multiplayer weekend, Dividing the Spoils, will start at 19:00 CEST each day from April 12 to 14! Who is your favorite team of YouTubers? Make sure to tune in on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-04-12 14:18:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
We finally have our roster of players lined up for our grand Imperator multiplayer weekend! The hostilities will start at 19:00 CEST everyday between April 12-14! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-04-11 17:11:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us again today at 18:00 CEST for another Lets Play with Blondie and HotRod. We will be delving further into learning Imperator by continuing last week's game, in which the AI graciously gave us a second chance!
[ 2019-04-10 13:11:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us for our grand weekend stream Dividing the Spoils, starting April 12 at 19:00 CEST! Numerous YouTubers and Streamers will engage in a grand Imperator MP filled with conquests, plotting and diplomacy! More information on the event will be available over the coming days! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-04-09 17:00:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave Citizens! Only 18 days until release and the development diaries just keep piling up! Today we will talk about Unit Objectives and the starting situation for the Balkans and Dacia.
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-04-08 16:32:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us on YouTube for a History Lesson with Game Designer Henrik Lohmander and Content Designer Peter Nicholson! They will introduce you to the historical scenario in which Imperator takes place! Click here to watch the full video:
[ 2019-04-04 15:00:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Little change in plans! Today we resume our Caledonia run with Blondie and HotRod at 17:00 CEST! Join us to learn more about Imperator and for some lighthearted banter!
[ 2019-04-03 12:28:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Starting April 5, every evening at 18:00 CEST, 5 Dev-Emperors will be assigned TOP-SECRET missions to realize in an action-packed MP over the weekend. And YOU, citizen, will be the only one to know their goals! We promise you many surprises!
[ 2019-04-02 16:05:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Another monday, another development diary - without April Fool (we are not barbarians). Speaking of which, today's development diary showcases barbarians, as well as the Tarim Basin and Tibet!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-04-01 16:05:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come and join Blondie and HotRod later today on Twitch to discover and learn more about Tribes and how to play them in Imperator: Rome! The stream will be live from 18:00 CET until 19:20 CET! You just have to click here: https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
[ 2019-03-27 11:10:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is a freshly carved development diary! Today we shall delve even further into military operations: from shattered retreats to movement lock and changes to combat tactics. Have a look!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-03-25 16:40:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us tomorrow on Twitch at 15:00 CET to witness the great clash between Kaiser Johan and the Aegean Alliance! Naturally the episode will be available on VOD both on YouTube and Twitch! Don't know our Twitch Channel? Here is a link!
[ 2019-03-25 11:59:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day fellow citizens and freemen! Republic of Play just released a new video in which he tackles 6 great starting positions in Imperator: Rome! If you were to play Imperator: Rome, which of these 6 countries would you start with? Click the link below to take a look!
[ 2019-03-22 15:38:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is the fourth and last episode of our mini-series The Building of Rome. This time, Johan Andersson (Game Director), Fredrik Toll (Art Director) and Rodrigue Delrue (Community Manager) discuss the technology embedded in Imperator: Rome.
Imperator: Rome comes with a set of advanced modding tools allowing players to modify the game as they see fit. The game also features fully three-dimensional characters carrying genes that are passed on to their offspring. Imperator: Rome releases April 25.
[ 2019-03-21 16:50:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is a new development diary for you citizens! This week we discuss changes made to mercenaries forts and tribes but there is more! We also have a list of achievements formable countries for you!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-03-18 16:32:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings citizens! In todays development diary we will go back to diplomacy, breaking down management of expansion and foreign relations. We will touch upon the subject of Tyranny and the starting situation in the Horn of Africa!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-03-11 13:52:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
To ensure you are all up to date with the development of Imperator, Republic Of Play just released a video distilling the features of developer diaries 28 to 35. Click the link below to watch the full video!
[ 2019-03-08 15:17:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
In the third episode of our mini-series The Building of Rome, Fredrik Toll (Art Director) and Rodrigue Delrue (Community Manager) discuss the art style Toll and his team chose for Imperator: Rome.
Imperator: Rome focuses on the rise of the Roman empire, emphasizing the greatness of the classical era. Imperator significantly improves the visuals compared to previous Paradox Development Studio titles, taking a big technological leap. Imperator: Rome releases April 25.
[ 2019-03-07 16:59:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Here is today's development diary! We will start by talking about changes brought to alliances and country ranks. In addition, we shall delve into India and its military traditions!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-03-04 17:56:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
The second episode of the "Building of Rome" is now available! This time around, Johan Andersson (Creative Director), Fredrik Toll (Art Director) and Rodrigue Delrue (Community Manager) delve deeper into the historical setting of Imperator: Rome, addressing subjects such as historical authenticity and common misconceptions surrounding the classical era.
Imperator: Rome starts in 450 Ab Urbe Condita (AUC) literally meaning since the founding of the City [of Rome]. Transposed to the most common contemporary dating system 450 AUC translates into 304 BCE. This starting point offers an historically authentic setting in which players can immerse themselves fully. Imperator: Rome releases April 25.
[ 2019-02-28 15:29:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! In today's development diary we shall talk about families! We will also take a look at Scandinavia, a region that will eventually be known for its great production of Grand Strategy Games!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-02-25 12:56:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Travel back in time to the classical era with The Building of Rome series. Join Johan Andersson (Creative Director), Fredrik Toll (Art Director) and Rodrigue Delrue (Community Manager) and discover the world of Imperator: Rome.
This first episode provides you an overview of Imperator: Rome the new historical grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studio and Johan Andersson. Imperator drops you into the classical world a decade after the death of Alexander the Great, just before the start of the Punic Wars. Players are challenged to build a grand empire and tell their own epic stories in a complex geopolitical situation, surrounded by internal and external threats. After ten years without touching the classical era, Paradox Development Studio returns to this epic setting.
[ 2019-02-21 17:51:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our ranks have soared above all expectations, citizens! Our troops gather over 100.000 legionaries! And you have unlocked the last two rewards: a modding stream of 5 hours and a short comic book by FatherLorris (The Chapel Guy)! Pre-purchase Imperator on Steam today!
[ 2019-02-20 15:40:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome back for another development diary citizens! Today we shall go back to tribes and take a deeper look at their migration mechanics. We will also have a look at Germania at the start of the game!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-02-18 15:04:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us today at 15:00 CET for the first episode of Imperator Dev Clash! 27 players will be engaged in a multiplayer campaign spread over months, every Tuesday at 15:00 CET! Each week you will get to vote for the Best Warmonger! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
All hail the casters and players!
- DDRJake - Caster
- RodDel- Caster
- Groogy - Bosporan Kingdom
- Steacy - Anuradhapura
- The French Paradox - Osismia
- Sidestep - Armenia
- The Doctor - Macedon
- Blackninja9939 - Brigantia
- Kaiser Johan - Rome
- Ceebie - Ulutia
- theDa9l - Getia
- sirrebirre - Oppidania
- Carlberg - Pictonia
- HagerHink - Chola
- Audiomancer - Maka
- Blondie - Kush
- Sir Rogers - Dobunnia
- Johan - Saxonia
- katz - Epirus
- Trin Tragula - Bactria
- Hlilje - Boi
- Ofaloaf - Vandalia
- BjrnB - Suionia
- Egladil - Celticia
- Gorion - Carthage
- Konbendith - Arvernia
- Dnote - Egypt
- Jormungand - Treveria
- Skynet - Boihaemia
[ 2019-02-12 11:04:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day citizens! Today we shall talk about subject states, civil wars and rebellions! And DON'T FORGET tomorrow the#ImperatorDevClash starts at 15:00 CET on Twitch! Make sure to tune in!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-02-11 17:33:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
News from faraway lands, citizens! The Lunar New Year Steam Sale is on! You can get 5 OFF your first purchase of 30 or more! This applies to pre-purchases of Imperator too! PRE-ORDER TODAY:
[ 2019-02-06 15:57:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
The consuls and eldest citizens, having gathered in the Temple of Saturn to seek the favor of the gods, consulted the college of augurs to determine the most fortunate date to launch the new venture. After making the appropriate sacrifices, the augurs decreed that that the Gods find ante diem octavum KalendasAprilis, ar urba condita 2772 to be the luckiest date.
For the more barbarian of you, this means that Paradox is announcing that Imperator: Rome will be available on 25 April, 2019.
Imperator: Rome is a new historical grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studio and Johan Andersson. Imperator drops you into the classical world a decade after the death of Alexander the Great. Govern hundreds of ancient kingdoms, tribes and republics, expanding your glory while keeping disloyal governors and unhappy subjects in their place.
Features of Imperator: Rome include:
- Challenging but familiar classical setting: Rome does not yet dominate Italy. Carthage manages dozens of vassal city states in a naval empire. The mantle of Alexander is disputed by kings in Macedonia, Egypt, Anatolia and Persia. India bows to Chandraguptas Mauryan might.
- Unique Government Mechanics: Kings will find they have a freer hand to do as they please than a consul in a republic, but with fewer political outlets, monarchies may breed traitors more quickly.
- Most detailed Paradox map yet: Hundreds of towns dot the map, some with fortresses or ports to emphasize their strategic importance. Each provinces population will ultimately determine its value and purpose in the empire.
- Population management: Citizens, freemen, slaves and tribal populations bring benefits to your empire, but also burdens if the influx of cheap foreign labor strains your research or food supply.
- Flexible trade system: Exchange surplus goods from far across the sea to satisfy your people or build better armies, or keep your surplus for added bonuses at home.
- Cultural Military Traditions: Different cultures will evolve their armies in different ways. Embrace the Parthian horse archer as a Persian nation, strengthen your triremes as a Punic power or trust everything to the heavy infantry as a Roman.
- Battle tactics: Choose how your general will approach the coming battle, making the most of force composition and terrain. Use your light infantry to skirmish advantage in rough ground. Gamble on a full assault in open plains.
- Manage of court of hundreds of characters: Watch and guide hundreds of characters through three centuries of history. Families will rise and fall in prominence. Some will be heroes, some will be traitors. Create new legends that will sing through time.
- And Much More: Dynamic events, scheming against rivals, beautiful art and music, barbarian migrations, inventions, religious ideas, laws, royal pretenders and other features to fill in a rich ancient mosaic.
The glories of the ancient world will be yours to control on 25 April, 2019. Have you signed your legionary contract? Are you prepared to build roads to the ends of the earth? Can you be a Caesar? Pre-order now on Steam.
[ 2019-02-05 17:25:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us tomorrow on Twitch at 17:00 CET for a special 2 hours stream! We will resume the Egypt stream, it is going to be a wild ride citizens!
[ 2019-02-04 16:54:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome citizens to a new development diary! Today we will take a closer look the the Ambitions of characters, Persian Military Traditions and the situation at the start of the game for the Caucasus and the Black Sea.
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-02-04 13:36:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Citizens! Join Johan and Rod on Twitch for a special stream of 2 hours! At 15:00 CET we shall discover the wonders of tribal chiefdoms and at 16:00 CET we will host a streamed Q&A! Click here to reach our Twitch channel!
[ 2019-01-29 11:02:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! We have a new development diary for you! Today we shall talk about Tribal Chiefdoms, Kingdoms and Federations as well as the region of Gaul at the start of the game!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-01-28 13:06:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is a "serus" development diary due to issues on our forums. This week we shall talk about navies, war diplomacy and geopolitical situation of Bactria and Parthia at the start of the game!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-01-22 08:52:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
The people have spoken! Tomorrow we shall resume our Egypt stream and conquer the Red Sea! We shall talk about the economy, laws and war! See you on Tuesday 22nd at 15:00 CET on Twitch!
[ 2019-01-21 14:53:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our second gameplay walkthrough of Imperator: Rome is now available on YouTube! In this episode we will focus on Egypt and its monarchy. Discover the luxurious Nile valley and some of the key mechanics of Imperator: Rome!
Click here to watch the full video!
[ 2019-01-16 19:06:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
In today's development diary, we shall delve a bit more into Monarchies and geopolitical situation of the Persian Region.
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-01-14 17:06:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Congratulations citizens! You have unlocked a streamed Q&A with Game Director Johan Andersson by reaching 20,000 subscribers to our newsletter! And you get to submit your questions beforehand! The Q&A will take place on January 29 at 16:00 CET on Twitch straight after our weekly stream. See you all on January 29!
Click right here to reach our forums and click on the link at the end of the post to submit your questions! You have until January 24, 17:00 CET!
[ 2019-01-10 16:03:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
We hope you enjoyed our first stream for Imperator! Next week, we shall take a look at Egypt. Dont forget to tune in on Twitch, January 15, 15.00 CET! Here is some historical background while you wait! Missed the first stream? Click here!
[ 2019-01-08 17:23:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Here is a new development diary. Today we will learn how mercenaries will work in Imperator: Rome. In addition, we will take a look at the political map of the Arabian Peninsula.
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2019-01-07 15:47:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy New Year citizens! Starting on January 8 at 15:00 CET we will start streaming Imperator with Game Director Johan Andersson! The first stream will showcase Rome. See you in a week on Twitch! ROME:
- Independent Italic City State that has grown in the last 40 years to be the dominant power in Central Italy.
- Having just defeated both the Samnites and Etruscans, and acquired a number of new Feudatory subject states, Rome is starting to draw the attention of more faraway powers such as Carthage, Rhodes and Epirus.
- While the success of the Samnite wars have cemented Roman military superiority, they also highlight how even small conflicts can blow up into great multisided wars in this region.
[ 2019-01-01 15:55:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is the last development diary of 2018 citizens! Today, while Trin Tragula is on holidays, we shall discuss changes brought to interface and mechanics in the last months with Johan Andersson.
Click here to read more and see you in 2019!
[ 2018-12-31 09:02:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Citizens here is a little present for you: a development diary on the geopolitical situation of Hispania at the start of Imperator. Click here to read more and merry Christmas!
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2018-12-24 10:30:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Here is the latest development diary! Today we will delve deeper into trade and diplomacy. We shall also take a look at the geopolitical setup of the British Isles.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2018-12-17 12:25:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Si vis pacem para bellum. In today's development diary we shall return and delve deeper into combat mechanics, more specifically, we will look at battles and deployments, the battle indicator and attrition.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2018-12-10 12:45:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dies Lunae is synonymous with development diary citizens. This week we shall delve some more into pops, colonization, the map of the Levant as well as the Traditions of Levantine and Arab countries.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2018-12-03 20:51:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
In today's development diary we shall delve deeper into the economy mechanics of Imperator. Additionally we will take a closer look at Egypt's geography and the starting countries in the region.
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2018-11-26 15:27:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
In today's development diary we will review the 36 National Ideas available in Imperator. In addition, we shall take a look at the starting situation for the Southwestern region of the Mediterranean Sea.
Click here to read the full development diary by Trin Tragula
[ 2018-11-19 12:13:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Belated development diary. Today we shall delve deeper into religion and the starting setup in Anatolia and the Aegean.
Click to read the full Dev Diary by Trin Trangula
[ 2018-11-15 08:21:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
The latest development diary for Imperator is now live on our forum citizens! Today, Trin Tragula (Game Designer on Imperator) shall walk us through the political state of the Italian Peninsula in 450 AUC.
Click here to read the development diary by Trin Trangula
[ 2018-10-29 16:06:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
The 21st development diary for Imperator is now live! This time well go into how land-combat works in the game and talk about Combat Tactics.
Click the image to read the development diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-10-22 13:52:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Dev Diary is a big one, almost a two-in-one. We'll talk about Governor Policies, but also delve into North African Military Traditions.
Click here to read the development diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-10-08 11:08:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
This time we delve deeper into an important feature of Imperator, the concept of Loyalty in its different forms.
Click to read the dev diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-10-01 11:30:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This time we will talk more about the Military Traditions, and delve into another of our seven Tradition Trees: The Italic traditions.
Click to read the Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-09-24 09:28:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Earlier this summer we started showing off the characters in Imperator and this week we’ll talk a bit more about how you interact with them.
Click here to read the Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-09-17 12:17:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
In today's Dev Diary for Imperator: Rome we'll take a first look at roads and how they are constructed. How unrest and rebels work is another topic that is also touched upon. Read it to see what the team is up to.
Click to read the Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-09-10 13:07:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ave citizens! Here comes the fifteenth development diary for Imperator. Today we will discuss the new Military Traditions system. In Imperator, you will have access to seven different military traditions with unique abilities, units and bonuses to units.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-09-03 08:57:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fourteenth development diary for Imperator is now live! This week we will have a look at offices and laws in the Republic and their respective benefits.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-08-27 09:58:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
As our journey through the development of Imperator: Rome continues, time has come to share a first look at how the politics in Republics work, or more specifically – the Senate.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-08-20 08:51:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
The twelth development diary for Imperator is now live! This time we will get a closer look at the technology system - Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson:
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson:
[ 2018-08-13 11:57:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
The eleventh development diary for Imperator is now live! This week we will have a closer look at unit-abilities and exciting modding mechanics.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-08-06 07:31:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
The tenth development diary for Imperator is out! Today we will have a look at the state ranking system. Click here to learn more about City States, Local, Major and Great Powers - Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-07-30 08:30:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
The ninth development diary of Imperator is out! This week we will have a look at diplomacy and the set of diplomatic actions available to the players.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-07-23 07:05:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
The eighth development diary of Imperator is now live on our forum. This week we will discover how the trade system works.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-07-16 07:43:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Citizens, the 7th development diary of Imperator is here! This week we'll have a look at our deeply detailed characters, encompassing four attributes and a plethora of traits.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-07-09 09:24:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
The sixth development diary for Imperator is here. This one focuses on the economy and buildings in a city – essential features to increase your income.
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-07-02 06:40:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fifth Development Diary for Imperator: Rome is here. This week we'll delve deeper into one of the most anticipated features, the population mechanics - Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-06-25 13:23:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fourth dev diary is here. This time we’ll take a look at the different types of units an army can have in Imperator - Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
Click here to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-06-18 08:51:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
The enemies of the republic reside both within and outside its borders, war is inevitable. A clash between developers is now a milestone goal, sign up now.
[ 2018-06-13 16:07:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Imperator will have a set of different resources that you need to master to efficiently rule and conquer, some familiar, some new. Read more about them in this week's dev diary - Click to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
Click to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-06-11 14:27:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
The second development diary for Imperator is here. This one is focused around the map, arguably the biggest and most detailed one we have had made for a game ever.
Click to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-06-04 12:35:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
The first development diary for Imperator: Rome is now available. We have often talked about how close we are with the community, but this is the first game we have made where a post from a forum-member is quoted at the top of our Game Design.
Click to read the latest Dev Diary by Johan Andersson
[ 2018-05-28 11:50:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
What we think of as “western civilization” was not guaranteed. Imagine Alexander’s empire centralized under one successor. Italy might never have been unified under Roman rule, strangling a juggernaut in its cradle. A world without Caesar. Now you can explore these alternate histories in Imperator: Rome.
Sign your legionary contract and join our launch campaign here: www.gameimperator.com
The masters of historical strategy have returned to the days of legions and legends. Paradox Development Studio is happy to announce Imperator: Rome, an upcoming grand strategy game set in the classical world from the glory days of Athens to the establishment of the Roman Empire four centuries later.
Rule any nation on the most detailed Paradox map ever stretching from the Pillars of Hercules to the far reaches of of India, allowing you to build an empire to dwarf that of Alexander. Govern republics or monarchies, balancing the factions, and keeping the loyalty of your most capable generals.
Imperator: Rome’s features include:
- Character Management: A living world of characters with varying skills and traits that will change over time. They will lead your nation, govern your provinces and command your armies and fleets. We also introduce our new, more human-like character art.
- Diverse Populations: Citizens, freemen, tribesmen and slaves - each population with its own culture and religion. Whether they fill your armies, fill your coffers or fill your colonies, keep an eye on their happiness - your success depends on their satisfaction.
- Battle Tactics: Choose your approach before battle to counter the stratagems of your foes.
- Military Traditions: Each culture has a unique way of waging war. Romans and Celts have different options available to them. Unlock unique bonuses, abilities and units.
- Different Government Types: Manage the senate in a Republic, hold your court together in a monarchy, answer to the clans in a tribal system.
- Barbarians and Rebellions: Migrating barbarians may sack or settle your best land, while disloyal governors or generals can turn against you - taking their armies with them!
- Trade: Goods provide bonuses to their home province. Will you take advantage of stockpiles for local strength or trade excess goods to spread the wealth around?
- Provincial Improvement: Invest in buildings, roads and defences to make your kingdom stronger and richer.
[ 2018-05-19 10:17:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Imperator: Rome Linux [246.09 M]
- Imperator: Rome Launcher Linux [141.66 M]
- Imperator: Rome Launcher Content Linux [531 ]
- Imperator: Rome - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
- Imperator: Rome - Complete Soundtrack
- Imperator: Rome - The Punic Wars Content Pack
- Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia Content Pack
- Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander Content Pack
Imperator: Rome is the newest grand strategy title from Paradox Development Studio. Set in the tumultuous centuries from Alexander’s Successor Empires in the East to the foundation of the Roman Empire, Imperator: Rome invites you to relive the pageantry and challenges of empire building in the classical era. Manage your population, keep an eye out for treachery, and keep faith with your gods.
Imperator: Rome’s features include:
Character Management:
A living world of characters with varying skills and traits that will change over time. They will lead your nation, govern your provinces and command your armies and fleets. We also introduce our new, more human-like character art.Diverse Populations:
Citizens, freemen, tribesmen and slaves - each population with its own culture and religion. Whether they fill your armies, fill your coffers or fill your colonies, keep an eye on their happiness - your success depends on their satisfaction.Battle Tactics:
Choose your approach before battle to counter the stratagems of your foes.Military Traditions:
Each culture has a unique way of waging war. Romans and Celts have different options available to them. Unlock unique bonuses, abilities and units.Different Government Types:
Manage the senate in a Republic, hold your court together in a monarchy, answer to the clans in a tribal system.Barbarians and Rebellions:
Migrating barbarians may sack or settle your best land, while disloyal governors or generals can turn against you - taking their armies with them!Trade:
Goods provide bonuses to their home province. Will you take advantage of stockpiles for local strength or trade excess goods to spread the wealth around?Provincial Improvement:
Invest in buildings, roads and defences to make your kingdom stronger and richer.- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Processor: Intel iCore i3-550 or AMD Phenom II X6 1055TMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 6970
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Processor: Intel iCore i5- 3570K or AMD Ryzen 3 2200GMemory: 6 GB RAM
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon R9 380
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