- Dedicated servers no longer save settings to save games - only to console variables
- Fix trunk, glove box showing in third person vehicles
- Fix cooking with exactly one half of an onion/tomato/etc freezing the game
- Fix charcoal kiln timing not always working
- Buff sprinkler water contribution by a huge amount
- Fix not being able to properly pick some stuff off the ground
- Fix character menu not properly reflecting character weight
- Fix generators charging makeshift batteries with no gas
- Fix large limestone, large reinforced wood gates not snapping to fences
- Fix standing water materials being bright in the dark
- Fix volumetric fog ghosting on vehicle headlights
- Fix zombie crawlers persistently attacking the ground
- Fix candles still showing a lit effect in multiplayer when destroyed
- Fix some buildable furniture having duplicated requirements
- Fix automatic firearms sometimes firing twice on clients
- Add stat limit notice to stats menu
- Fix some stats reading "0/0" in stats menu
- Fix bathroom collision in strip mall
- Reduce the amount of rust on cars
- Fix campfires not having a fluid slot
- Fix destroying ATV when loading from a save while sitting in it and exiting the ATV
- Fix washers, dryers not working if you're too far away from them
- Fix bad material on grocery shelf
- Fix sink, tub etc. use options being unordered
- Fix workbench using old mesh for destruction
- Fix some options being visible in the load game dialog; fix some options not being visible in the admin menu
- Prevent blood attaching to car wheels
- Fix bad visual when dragging vehicle parts out of a vehicle
- Misc. small world fixes
- Fix some small memory leaks
- Performance fixes
[ 2025-03-24 16:54:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Add warning to empty workbench giving some extra instructions on what to do
- Fix heads shrinking while cutting hair
- Fix heads shrinking on ladders
- Fix "items don't respawn in world" setting preventing items from spawning at all
- Fix firearm & firearm magazine item names
- Make bouncy power lines just static for now
- Fix being able to build on plants
- Fix invisible collision on front of school
- Fix smacking a melee weapon on something not making sound for zombies
- Disable the ability for admins to ban the server host
- Fix some 'self' settings in the admin menu not properly reflecting the selected option
- Fix healing cheats not working when godmode is on
- Fix green vending machine always being lit up
- Cars are still considered 'upright' at a higher angle
- Fix use hint icons appearing while in a third-person vehicle
- Fix strange leg behavior while in a climb
- Fix some hair rendering issues for complex hair
- Prevent adding fluids into the workbench results box
- Fix 'only one of these tools is required' recipes always appearing disabled
- Fix black materials on some exterior details, lamp posts
- Add zombie infection chance setting, you can set this to zero to disable contracting the zombie virus
- Fix Patlicanli Kebap item being named Vegetable Stir Fry
- Corrected N1903 scope not being centered
- Fix rust vanishing from cars with their chassis removed
- Fix not being able to pour different fluids in a sink after drinking it to empty with a different type of fluid in it, while not draining the sink
- Fix zombie infection chance being variable
- Fix crash when using healing cheats in the medical menu
- Fix train sounds popping in and out
- Fix some locations not being discoverable
- Performance fixes
- Fix some misc. crashes
[ 2025-03-06 18:20:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed trees not rendering beyond a short distance
[ 2025-03-02 09:47:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed poor foliage performance
- Fixed not being able to cook/craft
- Fixed some crashes
- Fix not being able to use pickup truck gas tank
[ 2025-03-02 08:09:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=q4jmgWD34iw;full][/previewyoutube] Save games from 0.015h4 and prior may or may not work with this version. Changes/Additions:
- Enhanced locks are no longer pickable - the keys for them might be found in a nearby building
- Add ability to change/replace car locks
- Add stat requirements to construction menu
- Add ability to clone locks inside your UC radius with metal scrap
- Various texture restorations to original resolutions, art fixes, mesh fixes, etc.
- Add wind turbines
- Car body damage is now reflected by rust on vehicles
- Added stat requirements to some craftable items
- Added craftable hammer
- Add gameplay settings presets to new game menu (e.g. difficulty)
- Sort server browser by player count by default
- Add ability to hide/unhide servers in the server browser
- Add ability to play video files on TVs
- Add ability to export save data as JSON using the console
- Fists cause bloodspray
- Container UIs now display the inventory's name
- Add washing machine UI and usable detergent
- Prevent being able to enter the back of a locked RV/truck
- Player inventory remembers what segment was selected
- Chatbox now has a segment dropdown
- Start saving characters' creation dates (unused for now)
- Tooltips are more opaque for readability
- New cursors
- Remove computer functionality (none of them were hooked up anyways)
- Add outgoing VOIP volume settings slider
- Water barrels etc. continue to fill when you're far away from them
- Add extra data to admin menu's target menu
- Improve non-Steam networking
- Buff vehicle braking across the board
- Rewritten crafting and cooking functionality
- Add option to quick-dismantle stuff with alt in the settings menu
- Add some new inventory item icons
- Better async loading of assets; this should reduce hitching a bit
- Remove language selection while it's incomplete
- Add warning for demo bounds
- Add pet photo item
- Add ability to ban players from admin menu
- Add (very basic, not-super-functional) lua scripting
- Significantly decrease the amount of cleanliness from washing in a sink
- You can sit in the school auditorium now
- XP rebalancing across the board
- You can now directly fill gas tanks from the onscreen use options
- Usable spray paint
- UC, containers will now drop their contents on destruction
- Performance improvements across the board
- Raise demo stat cap to 75 (temporarily - will be reduced to 50 for early access)
- New wiring UI, to plug stuff into electricity/water/natural gas/the internet/etc.
- Simplify superspeed/superjump commands
- Don't show visualizers for UCs you don't own
- Natural gas tanks are turned on by default
- Add LOD meshes to all assets
- Third person view can zoom far out in singleplayer
- Train improvements, coloration, new cabs, performance fixes
- Clearer error logging for dedicated servers
- Coffeemaker in convenience stores is now functional
- New music
- Use UI coloration & usability improvements
- Improved foliage appearance in autumn
- New (actually old) water system
- New utility cabinet limitations (disallow its use as a dump)
- Construction item weights reduced significantly
- Increase built storage capacity
- Dismantling stuff doesn't go directly to the UC
- Some cooked food now gives XP boosts
- New landscape and ground materials, pebbles, twigs etc.
- Add charcoal kiln buildable; remove charcoal recipe from workbench
- Add beer branding
- Update the sky brightness and lighting
- Nerf TV stress reduction
- Add notification when digging dirt
- Add quantity notification to tree chopping; tree chopping now gives you two logs instead of one
- Don't show who wrote on a notepad in singleplayer (it was you!)
- Reduce the physics proxy time budget (should increase FPS)
- Cliffs around the river
- Add support for playing audio when stuff is used
- Doors are now scrappable like furniture
- Lamps are now usable
- Better power line behavior, physics, performance
- Print to dedicated server logs when a player selects a character
- Furniture will now get physics instead of just snapping to the ground when the shelf they're on is destroyed
- Long hair now has physics
- Improved zombie blood, improved zombie eyes, zombie expression changes
- Add the ability to see your legs in first person
- Remove film grain
- Increased the sun's shadow resolution
- Add SFX to all containers
- You now drop a bag with all your loot on death, instead of it being on your ragdoll corpse
- You can now place weapons, instruments on the ground or wall
- Add sound to radiators that are turned on
- Add new build objects: makeshift windmill generator, log storage, plank storage, scrap storage, sprinkler, etc.
- Merged the hotwiring stat into the electrical stat
- Added LearnEveryBuildObject cheat
- Clamp the values of character appearance data
- New soundscapes, night soundscapes, underwater sound, etc.
- Increase the distance trees render at
- You can now wire directly to water collectors
- Reduce battery consumption of clock
- Add use option priority ordering - e.g. trash cans should not have 'trash' as the first option any more
- TVs now loop whatever they were playing forever
- New billboards
- You can now select multiple segments in the inventory to allow for more than one filter (hold ctrl)
- Prevent eating frozen food
- "You can clean blood with a towel" goes away 10 minutes after you first see it
- Corrected vehicle headlights to 5000 K
- Fix walkie talkie T1 being used in place of handheld radio
- Increase firearm audible range significantly
- Enable distance field ambient occlusion
- Add uniqueness icons to character creation
- Add the ability to smell the contents of a sink
- Construction, crafting menus now use thumbnails and should load much quicker
- Towels, mops can now be equipped and used in hands to clean
- Add new beards to character creation
- Piano is now usable
- Shovel can now dig for fish bait/worms when it is raining
- Small blunt objects (e.g. thumb tack) can no longer break glass
- Stoves are now moveable
- Gunshots are now audible from much further distances
- Many game settings are now sliders instead of drop downs
- Better firearm item names
- Fix 'change door lock' appearing on containers
- Fix numeric selections (e.g. in admin menu or new game menu) not showing the real value
- Fix crash when pasting invalid appearance data in character creation
- Fix radio station beacon not working
- Fix quick melee doing less damage than expected
- Fix trash can not being predicted on client
- Fix a bunch of map clipping bugs
- Fix character getting rotated by falling off the ATV at weird angles
- Fix sun position being incorrect in later months
- Fix some bad logic when moving furniture from just outside your UC radius
- Fix being able to move wall padding in gym
- Fix some bad pickup truck collision
- Fix cupboard with floating drawer with no collision
- Fix some clothes never being colored
- Fix planter slots showing conflicts when there were none
- Fix water fountain not being drinkable
- Fix lock sound when you first load in
- Fix eye colors being far too dark
- Fix placed items not being affected by the temperature of the building they're in
- Fix many objects in game not applying cull distances
- Fix European style number inputs (123,4) not working in numeric prompts
- Fix some metric fluid readouts stating e.g. '55/3.0 L'
- Fix lanterns not lighting when held in your hands
- Fix bug where crouching and entering a vehicle puts you above it
- Fix not being able to re-bind ESC after binding it to something else
- Fix some crafting/dismantling sounds being audible from far away
- Fix exploit allowing you to hop between chairs to clip through walls
- Fix placing certain things in cars causing them to glitch out their physics
- Fix walkie talkie not working in chat
- Fix not being able to move some planters
- Fix performance issue with suddenly large frame drops
- Fix not being able to move or destroy the basketball hoop
- Fix some items always being named 'frozen'
- Fix incorrect kerosene heater error
- Fix being able to use some things in the camper van from outside it
- Fix some learned build objects like bookshelves not being able to be moved in a house
- Improve performance for foliage physics
- Corrected melting point for aluminum
- Fix some vehicles not having distinct colors
- Fix some paintings being oriented incorrectly when moved
- Fix zombies always starting as sprinters
[ 2025-03-01 14:02:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=GQFjve7rFhc;full][/previewyoutube] Here's a quick update of what we've been working on in January. There's no game update with this - 0.016 still has some work to be done on it.
[ 2025-01-30 13:12:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix items duplicating when moving utility cabinets or containers
[ 2025-01-21 17:56:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix unwiring a generator also removing all links from its child (e.g. unwiring a battery unwired anything plugged into the battery bank and a junction box)
- Fix some collision for some art assets
- Restore some original texture resolutions for some art assets
- Fix zombies not spawning if you go back in time to before you spawned
- Fix stoves in school not working, fix radiators in post office not working
- Fix not being able to drink out of the orange toilet
- Fix drinking fountain not working
- Fix PBJ recipe not requiring a pan
- Fix cooking a canned food item resetting its lid
- Fix some server settings not displaying properly in the admin menu
- Hide nameplates (item names) with `vein.HUD.HideAllNameplates 1` or with `ShowHUD` turned off
- Disallow server hosts to set the max character count to <= 0
- Remove jerry can item, replace with gas canister
- Fix propane canister containing natural gas by default instead of propane
- Fix floodlights exploding into a wood shelf when destroyed
- Save openable door/window flaps to save games
- Possible fix for jalousies (blinds) not saving
- Disable being able to uninstall and drop parts from a locked vehicle
- Fix withdrawing engine oil being able to overfill containers
- Prevent clipping through walls by cleverly positioning a vehicle and getting out
- Fix being able to fill sinks with the water off if they are already partially filled
- Quick use slots (0-9) are now rebindable
- Fix heat sources not drying clothes
- Add `vein.Vehicles.OutgoingPlayerDamage` cvar, fix vehicle damage not respecting `vein.PvP`
- UC and containers now drop any contents they have when destroyed (e.g. by being run over by a vehicle)
- Fix tree with physics enabled being made invisible due to scalability settings
- Block take all, put all before the inventory is searched
- Misc. map bug and power grid fixes
- Misc. crash fixes
[ 2025-01-21 11:41:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix lockpicking buses immediately closing
- Fix pot roast being named 'grilled fish'
- Schematic items will give one notification instead of 5 at a time
- You can sleep on stretchers
- Rename 'feedback' to 'feedback & bugs'
- Fix not being able to boil water in campers
- Fix not being able to put/take stuff from the RV stove if the RV is locked
- Fix desync if food is cooked past 200%
- Fix construction consuming way more than it should if there are multiple stacks in the UC
- Fix UC eating entire stacks at a time when you put stuff in it
- Fix being able to climb ladders forever
- Vastly improved tree chopping networking
- Fix frame drop when chopping trees in multiplayer
- Fix invisible trees
- Fix utility cabinet radius being incorrect when placed in a building
- Add nighttime start and end time console variables
- Fixed days in a year being 365.25 (there are 365.24219 days in a year)
- Increase the capacity of a charging station to accommodate a car battery
- Fix dishwasher collision preventing grabbing items placed close to it
- Corrected streaming pool size to just use your entire GPU
- Fix tree stuck in bridge in the camping area
- Fix clock item not telling time when equipped
- Fix ending up somewhere else when exiting a chair
- Misc. furniture clipping fixes
- Misc. crash fixes
[ 2025-01-11 11:29:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix crash when a prompt window opens and closes in under 1 frame
- Fix soundscapes (e.g. river) persisting after death when the corpse despawns
- Fix moving suitcases, archery crates deleting them
- Fix 'start time' option not having effect
- Fix refilling items from natural gas tanks not increasing partially filled items, fix gas containers having infinite capacity
- Fix radiators not functioning properly
- Fix corpses sometimes being not searchable
- Fix in-world items that have been spawned not saving correctly
- Fix Flock17 not getting 25% extra damage from perk
- Fix natural gas tanks not reactivating when natural gas is re-added to them
- Fix exercise immediately stopping when taking condition damage
- Fix stuff carrying over from a previous game when loading a save from ingame
- Fix wet dog food, wet cat food not being considered canned items
- Fix flame remaining lit after destroying a candle
- Fix conflict between hammer recipe and iron arrow recipe
- Fix password prompt not appearing to people joining when hosting a friends-only passworded game
- Improve planter logic for saving and loading, fix moving planters with plants in them, fix some placement issues with planters on legs
- Add 'Zombies Can Climb' setting
- Fix wrong names in the group menu
- Fix minor inefficiency in networking items in inventories
- Fix rain collector not collecting rain when it's <10% precipitation
- Fix fluid containers not refilling proportional to precipitation amount
- Fix some issues w/ plugging in computers, saving moved computers
- Fix not being able to play when Steam is offline/absent
- Fix crash when pasting appearance data that is not actual appearance data in character creation
- Add capacity label to selected fluid and gas container items
- Fix bullets hitting players weirdly when not aiming directly at them
- Fix medical cart in vet not being unlockable
- UC does not take resources if building decay is off
- Misc. furniture clipping fixes
- Various crash fixes
[ 2025-01-05 07:58:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Zombie improvements, new art, quick melee, and moving containers. We highly recommend starting a new save game with this update, as most furniture with new art will have shuffled around. In addition, we fixed a bug that would have caused bullet items loaded into firearms to become invalid - which may cause a crash when loading old saves. Sorry about that. [previewyoutube=J3efWUv9JaE;full][/previewyoutube] Features
- Doctor loadout now has appropriate clothing
- New melee hit camera effects
- Raincoats now block rain wetness
- Better farming UI/UX
- The odds of a horde event occurring depend on the time since the start of the game
- Add kerosene canister item for kerosene lamps, as well as the ability to change kerosene/add/remove kerosene from kerosene lamps
- WIP huge asset replacement with better art
- Night time and ambient lighting tweaks
- Zombies in a region can now be entirely killed off/exterminated
- You can now stick forks in junction boxes/outlets/etc
- Increased the texture resolution of some commonly seen textures in game
- Melee blocking replaced with a quick melee, also works for e.g. firearms or held items
- Long skirt reduces run speed significantly
- Better grenade explosions
- ID, debit card items now have proper textures
- Better hotwiring effects
- Prevent hotwiring damage by wearing gloves
- UI improvements to the repair workbench
- Add scope glint
- Esc now closes open menus on the main menu
- Toilet brush weapon now can cause illness when someone's hit
- Doctors, firefighters, police officers, veterans now know their own blood type by default
- Street signs now become visible when hit by a car
- Crates when labeled now show up in-world
- Car hoods are now popped instantly
- Changed some items e.g. firearms to be placeable flat on the ground
- If you get far away enough from a horde, they stop coming
- Much better zombie navigation
- Add the ability to copy character appearance from the character menu
- Add `vein.Time.ContinueWithNoPlayers` convar for dedicated servers
- Unclamp the max fly speed
- Removing a battery now puts the battery in its container's inventory instead of yours
- Firearms now tell you what they're chambered in
- Improve third-person cameras for large vehicles
- Water pressure prevents you from exiting a vehicle underwater
- Better movement when travelling on top of something
- Workbenches/stoves/plants now prompt for a fluid amount to add
- Furniture now has health and zombies will attack it if blocked
- Add roadmap to esc menu/main menu
- Add loads of item use animations
- Add 15-20 new stat perks
- 3 new music tracks incl. main menu
- Add ability to exercise on the ground
- Add compass mesh
- Add the ability to move containers
- Add the ability to learn how to build & to build some furniture like coffee tables and shelves
- Increase the number of build objects you can build on each other
- Add buildable junk piles
- Improve construction menu UI for buildables with few requirements
- You can now be wet from clean/dirty/putrid water etc.
- Add buildable candles
- Add sounds to the wiring system
- Hazmat suit now prevents you from getting wet
- Add admin report system to esc menu/admin menu in multiplayer
- Sleeping in multiplayer now sets your spawn point like in singleplayer
- Add demo player scoreboard badge
- Increase the amount of tiredness from punching
- If you have more than one plant seed, planting one will continue trying to plant another
- Add battery indicator on equipment slots
- Add notification when an equipped battery powered item runs out of battery
- Disable the ability to just remove a lock from a container that you don't own
- Add sheriff clothes
- Add a distance limit to wiring electronics
- Add some new emotes
- Add backpack weapons (some quick use items now appear on your character)
- Submitting feedback now tells us where you are ingame (if people report 'this door is broken' or something we now know where the door is)
- Improve ladder movement
- Car alarm now instantly stops when the battery is removed
- Use options for sinks and other water sources is now disabled when the water is off
- Towels don't need to be wet to clean blood, add hint to use a towel to clean blood
- Add more info to the furnace window re: melting points, fuel types, etc.
- Make some fences, graves, etc. easier to break down
- Numeric prompt improvement: default values, keyboard navigation etc.
- Painkiller overhaul (painkiller condition stacks)
- Add a large delay to pickpocketing
- Placing wet clothing items in a warm, dry place will dry them
- Ceramic planters now need glass scrap instead of wood scrap
- Add UI scale 0.5 and 0.75 options
- Add container respawn option to main menu
- The inventory sort direction persists between closing and opening the inventory
- Placed fluid items now display their contents in the use tooltip
- Nerf utility cabinet to require items only once every 4 hours; add some utility cabinet console variables
- Add the ability to destroy corpses before they become persistent corpses
- Vehicle initial damage on the map has been increased (vehicles are more broken by default)
- Crafting recipes have been rebalanced; some higher tier recipes are easier
- Add small timeout to broken glass damage so you don't die from touching a door
- Significantly reduce in-world item spawner duration
- Add the ability to use stuff, enter vehicles etc. while moving or building things
- Increase the speed food cools inside fridges/freezers
- Solar panels now generate partial electricity depending on cloudiness/sun angle/etc
- Add notification when invited to a group
- Significantly improved vehicle networking performance
- Add item loadout to occupation selection in character creation
- New weapon impact effects
- Utility cabinet UI now colors red if you're missing materials
- Player-built containers now have capacity weight limits
- Fix 'wire' use option subtitle
- Fix some clothing items not being hidden in character creation
- Fix the sky being overly bright
- Fix forges/furnaces not saving their contents properly
- Fix notepads not contributing to good compost quality
- Fix player corpses not saving properly
- Fix UC UI alignment issues
- Fix alarms not instigating hordes
- Fix (sort of) some pump shotgun animation issues (its still placeholder)
- Fix some character creation sliders saying '-0%'
- Fix 'inject' syringe option always injecting you instead of your target
- Fix small rendering bug on map
- Fix hair disappearing in character creation sometimes
- Fix cars driving into a forest and getting propelled into the air
- Fix not being able to select items in the inventory after you've alt tabbed
- Fix being able to write on fishing lines
- Fix bug not being able to add a stack of items manually to a workbench with some other stuff in it that's not stackable
- Fix memory leak in multiplayer when a large battery is plugged in
- Fix some containers, doors being locked and not pickable ("no lock" but it's locked)
- Fix fabrication bench collision (prevented use)
- Fix not being able to load singleplayer characters when loading a singleplayer save as multiplayer
- Fix crash when steam is not running and you use links from the main menu
- Fix getting contact highs in multiplayer
- Fix the sun rising in the west, fix the sun not properly following the equator
- Fix being able to open/use items in locked vehicle inventories
- Fix getting XP for invalid item transfers to/from the forge
- Fix darts not aligning to velocity/sticking to stuff
- Fix a significant amount of hitches/frame drops
- Fix mechanical vending machine requiring power
- Fix some vending machines just eating your money
- Fix giveitem cheat not giving you the correct amount if you enter a quantity that is equal to the max stack of the item
- Fix duplication exploit on workbench
- Fix TVs having two wire options
- Fix vehicles maintaining e.g. the gas pedal when you exit the vehicle
- Fix sports locker name
- Fix weird ladder animation when rotated
- Fix footstep sounds being wrong in large buildings (e.g. gravel sound in the high school)
- Fix shotgun being able to reload 2+ rounds at a time
- Fix player inventories merging stacks when loaded from a save
- Fix feedback votes not loading properly in singleplayer
- Fix workbench not showing correct item counts when your inventory changes
- Fix keybind labels missing in the main menu
- Fix always being able to drink from water pipes in buildings, regardless of if the water is off
- Fix being able to open e.g. the admin menu when dead
- Fix (?) stuff in your base despawning, but this needs a lot of testing
- Significantly improve vehicle networking
- Fix inconsistent weight units
- Fix workbench UI not respecting locks on items
- Fix water pipes in houses not being affected by water shutoff
- Fix physics issue when loading built actors, items, etc. that are attached to vehicles
- Fix gas tanks not saving their contents properly
- Fix moving items from point A to B causing them to impact vehicles in the way
- Fix bloody footprints lasting forever if you go back in time
- Fix hiding hats, hiding hair
- Fix main menu settings being unusable at low resolutions
- Fix flatscreen TVs snapping to the floor
- Fix 'move' option appearing on everything, even stuff that can't be moved
- Fix mousepads not being grabbable
- Fix grabbing items being audible by everyone
- Fix utility cabinet consuming way more resources than it should
- Fix firearms and magazines having invalid ammo in them (this will empty existing firearm/magazine items)
- Fix a bunch of dialog/UI using metric units when imperial is selected
- Fix 'take and hold' causing some desync in multiplayer
- Fix snow particles being spawned way above the player
- Fix cooking sound not looping
- Fix 'move to POI' admin menu button not working
- Fix bug when repositioning dragged players/corpses
- Corrected double barrel shotgun ADS
- Fix cooking an item resetting the cooked amount
- Fix some furniture (e.g. instruments) producing incorrect destruction effects
- Fix vehicles being invisible sometimes in multiplayer to clients
- Fix utility cabinet not showing its draws to clients
- Fix cooking autoselecting already-cooked items
- Fix player groups not saving
- Fix player nameplates not updating for some people
- Fix some furniture duplicating between loading saves
- Fix permanent arrows appearing from use of the bow as a client
- Fix fishing line being stuck in place from the server's POV
- Fix groups not loading from saves
- Fix fluid containers not filling up with water when placed outside
- Fix not being able to move microwaves
- Fix radiators not working properly
- Fix smelling, refilling gas containers not working properly
- Fix drop button sometimes not working in inventory
- Fix syringes not working as a client in multiplayer
- Fix grass showing up on the horizon during winter
- Crash fixes
- Other small fixes/performance improvements
[ 2024-12-29 14:31:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! We've released our 14th dev log on YouTube. As usual these are more in-depth than update summaries and is just an overview of what we've been working on in the last month or two. [previewyoutube=PrQgpLpita4;full][/previewyoutube] Enjoy!
[ 2024-11-26 02:37:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix items not always loading in from either save games or when leaving and returning to an area
- Fix some containers in the sandbox being empty
- Fix Riot Shirt floating zipper
- Clamp time such that you cannot change the time to before the apocalypse
- Fix water in e.g. bathtubs having collision
[ 2024-11-11 10:25:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix not taking damage from anything not a player if base damage is off
- Fix edge case where locks on some things wouldn't save their state
- Fix crash
[ 2024-11-06 09:05:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay fixes
- Fix being unable to move some stuff (such as the stuffed deer)
- Fix becoming a zombie then getting trapped in a loop of becoming a zombie
- Fix bases unsaving when you leave the area and come back
- Reduce save file size
- Fix not being able to dismantle stuff when god mode is on
- Small performance boost for containers
- Disable Q/E inventory navigation (was conflicting with pressing E to close the window)
- Fix water being off at school
- Fix magazine items having no collision when dropped/placed
- Fix 'write' being a use option on some random items like sawdust or kindling
- Improved speed of some stat systems
- New and improved vehicle networking for multiplayer - should be slightly faster and less laggy
- Fix getting stuck in the demo bounds while driving
- Fix use options not popping up always when moving an item to a container and clicking on it
- Remove some of the weirder bird sounds
- Fix possible bugs when someone removes an item from a repair workbench you're looking at
- Fix all conditions being additive instead of multiplicative (whoops)
- Rename 'speed' to 'speed multiplier' and 'stress' to 'stress multiplier' for conditions
- Fix bug with forges/furnaces when loaded from a save game requiring thousands of seconds until the next coal burn
- Fix zombies being able to damage bases when base damage is off
- Fix small hordes not having any cooldown
- Fix washing machine in bar and grill being unwired from water
Crash fixes
- Sometimes when becoming a zombie
- Sometimes when firing a weapon in multiplayer from far away when something is unloaded
- Sometimes when a firearm with an attachment loads in from far away
- When driving into an invalid actor
- When dismantling a stack of items very fast
- When using an item in multiplayer that is in the process of unloading
Known bugs
- Unreal DX12 GPU crash: Use DX11 when launching the game
- Multiplayer desync (vehicles and characters are in different positions in multiplayer)
- Players (rarely) lose all of their skills on death in multiplayer
- Conditions sometimes flicker in the top left with Show All Conditions on
- Performance problems around dawn
- Various smaller issues
[ 2024-11-04 15:30:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix crashes
Why are there so many crashes
Unreal Engine uses a networking process called replication to sync stuff between players. This doesn't network everything at the same time. If two players are on a server and player 1's shirt loads in on player 2's game (for example), we want to set it up so the shirt's color is synced to player 2. The clothes color is on the item itself in player 1's inventory. If the shirt loads before the inventory loads, there's no color data, so a crash could happen. This is infrequent & preventable, and we often check and test to ensure this never crashes. Most of the game is secured against this. However if even one part of the code has this bug, the game can crash. We made the inventory data code a lot faster in a recent hotfix but that had the result of causing all these crashes.
Why did I crash specifically
As of this writing, based on people who crashed and submitted the crash reporter in the last 12 hours:
- 929 of you crashed because a firearm's attachments didn't load properly
- 61 of you crashed because someone shot a firearm that hadn't fully loaded
- 25 of you crashed because someone reloaded a firearm that hadn't fully loaded
- 9 of you crashed because the UI was trying to display the item count for an unloaded item
- 26 of you crashed because you tried to dismantle an unloaded item
- 6 of you crashed because you tried to equip a desynced item to a utility slot
- 72 of you crashed because of a low level Unreal Engine rendering bug, or you ran out of VRAM
- Around 50 of you crashed because of an Unreal Engine low-level bug
Will multiplayer crash from this problem after this update
Probably not. We have rolled back how we access inventory items with this hotfix. This may result in some weird desync in multiplayer but at the very least it won't be unplayable anymore.
[ 2024-10-27 05:46:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix bike helmet not being marked placeholder
- Fix some stuff reading not plugged in
- Increase streaming texture pool size
- Fix UI sounds not being affected by volume settings
- Fix fuel tank contents resetting on move
- Fix furnace item duplication exploit
- Fix bad collision on two-story house
- Fix many placement/building issues
- Fix forges not saving their contents
- Improved unstuck button (places you nearby), prevent using unstuck in vehicles
- Fix eggs weighing dozens of kg
- Improved camper van camera
- Fix dragged items just saying Item Name
- Many crash fixes
[ 2024-10-26 09:43:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix dedicated servers not running
- Fix item selection window being a bit broken
- Fix cart vehicle being super low res
- Fix repair bench UI acting strange
- Fix repair amount not changing in inventory UI
- Fix school not having power
- Fix light switches not randomizing
- Fix flood light item being really bright
- Fix being able to open your inventory with prompts open
- Fix some item stacks being vanished on transfer between inventories
- Fix not being able to merge stacks in a workbench
- Fix lock button appearing in containers that aren't your inventory
- Fix ladders being fully broken in multiplayer, fix falling off a ladder by looking in the wrong direction
- Fix garage door not being replaced by barricade if the garage door is open
- Fix construction menu not allowing you to build e.g. windows despite having the basic requirements
- Fix getting stuck in floors when vaulting
- Fix some issues with placing items, moving furniture etc. getting stuck in the ground
- Fix final notification not appearing from tree chopping
- Fix generators not burning fuel when hooked up to nothing yet being on
- Fix generator effects playing when the generator is off
- Fix generators remaining plugged in after being moved
- Fix some stuff on the map disappearing when moved (solar panels, coffee makers, some misc. shelves)
- Bump water storage container amounts to a few gallons instead of 500 mL
- Fix being able to shift click items into a workbench beyond what will fit
- Fix weather effects not scaling with Effects Quality setting
- Fix generator, battery descriptions to be clearer
- Clamp battery charge rate
- Fix kerosene heater starting with no kerosene
- Fix some misc. map bugs
- Many crash fixes
[ 2024-10-22 09:44:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix vehicle teleporting when hitting the demo bounds
- Fix "you cant pick this up" notification when placing items
- Fix conditions (withdrawal, sunburn, etc) being added when not necessary
- Fix zombie bites not always given the Bitten condition
- Fix shotgun bullet cone being zero
- Fix shotgun animations flickering
- Corrected model sun item name
- Fix locations not being discoverable
- Increase water barrel capacity to 150 gallons
- Fix built batteries draining 3600x faster than they should
- Many crash fixes
[ 2024-10-20 11:43:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix crashing while traveling fast
- Fix Linux dedicated server not launching
[ 2024-10-17 15:10:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Possible fix for crash when dismantling some things in multiplayer
- Fix animation issue with some animals
- Fix splints not treating broken legs
- Many misc. crash fixes
[ 2024-10-17 12:46:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix wire, unwire description being on the object instead of the use option
- Fixed doctor occupation not having scrubs by default
- Fix hair not being hidden in character creation when wearing a hat
- Fix invisible collision in the middle of a road by the Saranac school
- Crash fixes
[ 2024-10-16 08:22:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Improve bullet networking in multiplayer
- New weapon aim system - recoil instead of aim cone
- Demo bounds volume: add a wall to the edge of the map
- Sheds and outdoor areas added to Redford and Saranac backyards
- Teacher occupation added
- Add hordes, triggered by loud noise, corpses, groups...
- Add gameplay settings (from new game) to admin menu
- New scent system - can smell the area around you, so can zombies
- New blood/gore impact effects
- Redford Community Center completed
- New axe animations
- Admin menu additions: lock/unlock, remove AI, super jump, super speed, teleport to POI, heal player, heal everyone, add/remove XP, add/remove admin permissions, spawn zombie
- Item locking: prevents 'transfer all'/'take all' from moving the item
- Bus garage added to Saranac
- Don't pop up 'Perk Available' notification if there are in fact none available
- Character creation filled out with the remainder of occupations, uniquenesses
- Items blocking zombies now get attacked by the zombie
- Cookbooks and recipes added
- Wiring system - ability to build and wire up electronics, generators, batteries
- Buildable gas generator and solar panel
- New physics systems to prevent hitching during level streaming
- Turn off radios on players by default (aka, prevent loud white noise on spawn)
- You can now empty fuel/gas tanks (as in containers, not vehicle gas tanks)
- Reduce the loudness of glass breaking
- Broken glass only damages fleshy things
- Buildable large battery to store power
- Reduce size of save games, particularly large ones
- Buildable fridge and freezer
- Add seared deer, wolf, fox recipes
- Add /a command to chat to admins
- Add superadmins (aka admins that can grant/remove admin permissions)
- Add badges to the scoreboard for admins, superadmins
- Admins can server mute players
- Wind Up perk now has the same amount of power as the base throw force
- Add search bar to server browser
- Admins can now view names/IDs of people who wrote on notepads
- Update new features into The Farm
- Nerf alcohol poisoning rate
- Location based zombies (medical zombies in medical areas, firefighters in fire departments, hazmat zombies etc.)
- Chat is now logged to server logs
- Open Journal is now key rebindable
- Add chef outfit assets
- Road physics is way smoother (no more floating cars/people)
- Getting fat/thin is now considerably slower
- Add functionality for clothes washers to function like dryers
- Ingots now have non-placeholder meshes
- Warning when trying to bind a key to something occupied already
- Password entries are now obscured
- Rebalanced most XP gains
- Some cooked food grants XP boosts
- Reduce firefighter outfit heat contribution
- Get XP when you cook something successfully, not just when you make it
- Increase tree render distance
- Firearms, magazines now load actual bullet items instead of just a number
- New build object meshes
- Add disclaimer for grass distance on the settings menu
- Add vehicle damage limiter to prevent dying from sitting in a vehicle in multiplayer
- Crafting rework/rebalance/redo
- Add melting points to copper, electrical scrap, aluminum ingot, aluminum foil
- Dismantling an item now adds it to the inventory you dismantled it from - not just your inventory
- Increase the minimum speed to get panicked while driving
- You can now use any trash container (dumpster, garbage bin, etc) to dispose items
- Better UC radius material
- You can now sleep on ambulance stretchers
- Disabled the ability to pick code-locked doors
- Significantly increase lighter spawn rate
- You can see yourself on any map if you have a GPS equipped at all
- Add shooting target buildable - get XP from shooting it from a distance
- Fix flashlight not turning on if its off in your inventory
- Fix fan sound defaulting to emergency broadcast (? how did this happen)
- Fix not being able to drink out of toilets and urinals (you filthy animal)
- Fix flashlight priority not having effect
- Fix medical menu not always displaying conditions
- Fix occupation description overflowing sometimes in character creation
- Fix shift-clicking workbench items duplicating them
- Fix overstuffed fridge on farm exploding items out of it when you open it
- Fix power boxes and sinks not networking after a save game is loaded
- Fix crash smelling empty fuel tank
- Fix some junk giving you screws on dismantle when it shouldn't (e.g. tin can)
- Fix clock not being placeable on wall
- Fix vehicle engine sound automatically playing if you're not close to the vehicle
- Fix locks not saving properly
- Fix nameplate for currency items displaying the amount twice
- Haircut dialog now starts on the correct hair
- Fix jacket slot not being clickable
- Fix some item duplication exploits
- Fix some vending machines appearing on when there is no power
- Fix reset keybindings button doing nothing
- Fix receiving consciousness damage and concussions when PvP is off
- Fix stove sizzling sound not playing in multiplayer
- Fix animals not receiving appropriate limb-scaled damage (headshots didn't count, now they do)
- Fix help menu links all going to the same thing
- Fix admin menu undoing godmode, flight etc. when the admin menu is opened
- Fix some clothing clipping
- Fix furniture continuing to travel with vehicles they were placed on
- Fix TVs, etc. that you move to your base not saving
- Fix lockpick dialogue clipping into doors, walls etc.
- Fix lockpicks being consumed twice
- Fix not being able to shift-click results from workbenches
- Fix notepads not word-wrapping
- Fix some textures being really low-res
- Fix plant growth not taking into account the time multiplier
- Fix seeing plant window if the plant was just harvested in multiplayer
- Fix food, water in containers not properly adjusting to room temperature
- Fix preset scalability setting not working in non-English
- Fix some animal animation issues
- Fix zombies being able to knock your pants off
- Fix not being able to place or move stuff while in god mode
- Fix facial hair not changing color
- Fix some use options being too wide and breaking the UI
- Fix weight limits causing car batteries to explode out of boxes when you open them
- Fix foliage setting not affecting some trees/grass
- Fix some food and drink starting frozen
- Performance improvements, multiplayer fixes, bug and crash fixes across the board
Breaking Changes
- Firearms and magazines will be invalid and will need to be reloaded with new bullets.
[ 2024-10-15 13:08:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix crash (freeze) when loading 3 bullets into a magazine
- Fix ineffective radiators
- Disable save compression while we work on a better system
- Fix dropped or placed items not updating temperature, rotten status, etc.
- Fix items spawning and building up at the origin if they get stuck in something
- Fix water barrel not working consistently when outside
[ 2024-09-10 08:09:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Redone hair
- Add roughness slider
- Hunger rate cut in half
- Add gamma adjustment slider to video settings
- Add icons for invisible usable objects (e.g. gas tank indicator on vehicles)
- Melee XP now scales with melee damage
- Meleeing with small weapons (e.g. thumbtack) no longer stunlocks zombies
- Alarms are turned off by default
- TVs are turned off by default
- If you have no gloves on and are not wielding a weapon, clearing broken glass hurts you
- Reduce the effect of tire pressure on turning in vehicles
- Change "Tired" to "Exerted"
- Add Tired condition, cured by sleeping
- Increase view punch from incoming damage
- Add prompt to spend unspent skill perk points
- Add indicator to TVs when they are destroyed
- Add indicator to containers with player items
- Add apply and close option to settings
- Red dot sight & magazine reflection for N4
- The effects of conditions are now displayed to you in the medical menu
- Loot now becomes scarcer and worse over time
- Containers now all have weight limits
- Condition treatment items now only appear in the medical menu when they are necessary
- Antibiotics now treat stomach flus and foot infections
- Update the Sick description to indicate that you are infected by the zombie virus and will die
- Zombie footsteps are now much louder and can be heard from farther away
- Add filters to the server browser
- You now instantly sit in chairs and vehicles
- You can no longer punch down metal doors
- Add warning label to item selection UI
- Add join and leave notifications to multiplayer
- Add time controls, quantity to spawn to admin menu
- Skill magazines now give temporary XP gain; add skill books that give permanent levels
- Vehicles now have heaters and AC that can change the temperature inside the vehicle
- Add cocaine
- Slow down the rate of clothes getting dirty
- Move help menu to esc menu
- PgUp and PgDown navigate use options
- Fix lumen being especially dark indoors
- Add instructions to cooking and crafting UI
- Main menu now shows the real time in real-life Champlain Valley
- You can select which map you are looking at in the maps UI
- Max player count slider in the main menu multiplayer setup
- Speed up how fast over-hungry and over-thirsty go away
- Tag stats in character creation is now optional
- Compress save games
- Lots of new clothes replacing placeholders (medical scrubs, hazmat suit, firefighter uniform, raincoat, etc.)
- You can now free-look 360 degrees in third person
- Dryers are now functional
- Fix battery rechargers not saving
- Add setting to new game options to start the game months later
- Battery powered items now start off if they're in a container
- Saranac Central School
- Corners Brook Campgrounds
- Mop can now be used to clean blood/bullets
- Prevent animals from dying when they just touch a car
- Improve zombie collisions with vehicles (you should not hit brick-wall zombies anymore)
- Reduce lockpick XP if you recently succeeded in lockpicking
- Power and water now shut off after around 1-2 months
- Improve performance of many zombies rendering at the same time
- Add remove decals, remove corpses commands to the admin menu
- Fluids in sinks, bathtubs are now colored differently (e.g. a bathtub full of wine)
- Fireplaces are now usable
- Add server details to admin menu (server FPS, RAM usage, CPU usage etc.)
- Add ability to save dedicated server to admin menu
- TVs now wire up electricity to the building you place them in
- Fluids in sinks, tubs etc. change color depending on what's in them
- Add 'put all' button to put everything in your inventory into a container
- Fuel consumption of vehicles is now affected by the weight in the vehicle
- Add trash can to construction menu to dispose of unwanted items
- Add ability to sort inventory items by freshness
- Add experimental dedicated server wrapper to run commands via game control panels
- Improve vehicle brake performance
- Buff throwing force
- Add literature items to reduce stress
- Various bugfixes
[ 2024-09-02 13:50:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Crash fixes & performance improvements
- Fix not being able to finish character creation with less than 3 perks
- Possible fix for moving workbenches etc. onto vehicles
- Fix items duplicating when placed from an inventory
- Fix not saving dismantled items
- Increase default stack/placement limit
- Fix propane cabinets sometimes being locked and not pickable
- Move stuck command to escape menu for visibility
- Fix dismantling while encumbered spawning two of everything
- Fix console variables being discarded when the game loads
- Reduce item update rate for performance
[ 2024-08-08 06:22:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Crash fixes & performance improvements
- Fix tea, coffee etc. not appearing in result when cooking
- Fix freeze when cooking some recipes that require multiple of the same items
- Fix not being able to craft things with tools as ingredients
- Fix moved furniture not saving
- Fix lumen being super dark
- Fix being able to pick locks that are covered by a UC when base PVP is off
- Fix in-map planters not saving their vegetables correctly
- Better water barrel filling
- Fix grass flickering visually, fix some broken foliage/trees
- Fix being able to stack stuff too high
- Add setting to reduce weapon view punch
- Rename leveler to level
- Fix fluids in stoves being cold
- Fix some planters being 'blocked' when placing on uneven terrain
- Fix build object decay setting not saving
- Better map icon positioning (should fix positions on ultrawide monitors)
- Fix character creation mesh flickering
- Prevent items spawning if there's a UC nearby
[ 2024-08-03 05:18:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix hang when loading old saves
[ 2024-07-22 21:28:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix being able to select the entire engine
- Fix fire pike hand positioning
- Fix duplicating items when picking up large items
- Fix some vehicle desync
- Fix notifications not always appearing on dedicated servers
- Fix having infinite lockpicks
- Fix being able to smell fuel with anosmia
- Fix being able to siphon gas out of empty gas tanks
- Fix stoves being moveable
- Networking fixes
- Fix things still being stuck to cars when you move something on it and then off it
- Fix being able to attach a UC to a car
- Fix game freeze when you burn something to ashes
- Fix crash when loading saves with invalid data
- Some save game optimizations/fixes
- Fix some containers being locked and not unlockable
[ 2024-07-22 17:48:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Remove different save versions message
- Fix getting wet inside RVs when it's raining etc.
- Fix car alarms never playing
- Fix crash when burning food past 250%
- Fix location being visible on maps with cell phone turned off
- Fix save games not updating in Load section when they are in Save section
- Add delete all autosaves button to both Save and Load menus
- Add fallback font for some languages with accents (e.g. Polish)
- Fix bugged train on sandbox
- Fix lockpick completion moving you right
- Correct lactose intolerance description
- Fix dragging items on themselves annihilating
- Fix notepad being blank when read
- Some crash fixes
- Fix being able to load 3 bullets into a magazine with only 1 available
- Fix unloading round-by-round firearms
- Add TeleportOthersTo cheat
- Fix workbench desync when crafting an item
- Enable anisotropic filtering on virtual textures
- Fix locks (+doors) desyncing in multiplayer
- Fix time commands causing containers to not spawn
[ 2024-07-21 09:00:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix stove consuming multiple meat items when there's only one to cook
- Fix missing disabled reason on some drugs
- Desync fixes and crashes
- Fix for some UI taking more GPU resources than it needs to (construction and item menus especially)
- Fix car keys not spawning after loading a save
- Vehicle camera no longer clips with stuff attached to the vehicle
- Stuff attached to vehicles now no longer causes collision issues
- Stuff attached to vehicles now saves
- Fix not being able to use inventories properly in third person
- Fix dedicated server post process crash
- Start work on new music system
[ 2024-07-17 14:28:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix items sometimes completely desyncing between clients and server (my bad)
- Fix components (e.g. health, locks) not always loading on built structures like doors
- Temporarily disable alt-clicking to dismantle stuff
- Fix you & discovered locations not appearing on the map
[ 2024-07-16 18:09:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix keys for vehicles found in buildings not working
- Some small map & material fixes
- Fix the map UI contrast
- Fix blinds not syncing in multiplayer
- Better networking in multiplayer
- Fix workbenches not including their contents in the recipe UI ingredients list
- Players, zombies no longer block the exits for box trucks
- Fix settings menu showing film grain as 'off' when it is on
- Fix weather override not syncing to clients when running multiplayer
- Fix various crashes, fix some multiplayer desync
- Disable moving furniture and items that people are standing on
- Fix some notifications coming up as empty from e.g. eating dog dewormer
- Performance fixes
- Fix permadeath, built structure decay etc. settings not saving
- Add UI for built structure decay setting
- Fix getting stuck in a vehicle when you save a game while in a vehicle
- Fix built doors crashing save games
- Fix limbs spawning twice in multiplayer
[ 2024-07-16 12:03:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
This will break your save games, sorry. Fixes:
- Fix some minor networking bugs
- Fix TVs eating video discs between saves
- Fix not being able to properly interact with dropped/placed items between saves
- Fix item use option flickering on dedicated servers
- Fix some crashes related to item data not saving properly
- Fixed coffeemaker in convenience stores glowing in multiplayer with power off
- Fix a bunch of stuff (vending machines, stove, ice machines, etc) not being powered
- Fix item data not saving properly (this will break your saves (but they were broken already))
- Fix not being able to place items on all surfaces
- Fix vehicle parts not degrading over time
- Fix keybindings not updating when applied ingame (not in-menu)
[ 2024-07-10 14:09:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Big one today. If you encounter any other bugs, please do report them as we try to get all of them fixed! Otherwise - back to new features and improvements for us. Fixes:
- Fix comparative damage from equipped items being the wrong color
- Fix flicker in selected item use options in multiplayer
- Various large improvements to networking - compression, slowed replication, etc (around 10x improvement in bandwidth)
- Turn off alarm switches by default
- Fix switches continuing to randomize their state when loaded from a save game
- Fix saved dropped items not being able to be picked back up
- Fix unconscious, dead people blinking
- Fix item spawns in the world not respecting odds set
- Fix bus garage parking lot lights, coolers, vending machines etc. not being dark at night
- Fix burglar alarm flashing with no power
- Fix box truck not having collision on the roof
- Fix barstool positioning in bar and grill
- Correct head angle of players in 3rd person/multiplayer
- Fix clothing flickering when changing e.g. sliders
- Reduce the effect of tire pressure on turning drift amount for vehicles
- Fix radio item bleeping continuously
- Fix TeleportAllTo console command
- Fix vehicle engine oil contents not networking
- Fix fridge sound being on when the electricity is off
- Fix garden plants being hidden in the planter
- Fix workbenches having no maintenance cost
- Fix workbenches not considering sledgehammers to be hammers
- Fix zombies getting staggered/stunned while asleep
- Fix desync after unconsciousness, vehicle use in multiplayer
- Fix sky replicating when it shouldn't
- Fix facial hair materials
- Fix vehicle parts flickering in the ui when the vehicle is on
- Fix TV on/off and volume not networking properly
- Fix vehicle velocity stuttering as a client in multiplayer
- Fix trees looking grainy
- Fix glass desync
- Fix explosives not showing up on the client
- Fix fire not replicating
- Fix listen server punches not animating to clients
- Fix van vehicle having weird collision/driving issues
- Fix generators not turning off, fix generator contents exceeding their capacity
- Fix box truck passenger chair having weird animation
- Fix wetness, dirtiness, blood not applying to character skin and clothes
- Fix water vanishing if you die underwater
- Fix BringAllToMe console command teleporting corpses
- Fix players looking like their weapon is unequipped when brought from far away
- Fix partial inventory desync to players that walk far away and come back
- Fix crash on getting a keybind hint notification if you are dead
- Slightly better code for networking death animations
- Fix death animations being buggy on listen servers
[ 2024-07-09 09:28:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
6 was small. Unless something explodes, this will be the last hotfix for a few days at least. Fixes:
- Fix some misc. crashes
- Fix ID card not being marked as placeholder
- Fix not being able to hotwire some vehicles
- Fix `unlock` cheat not working for cars
- Fix cars sometimes having no/broken wheels
- Fix van vehicle sometimes crashing into nothing
- Fix some generators having e.g. 25000/2500 fuel + fixed small generator smoke being up in the air
- Fix keybinds not loading properly when changed
[ 2024-07-03 13:56:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix some switches (TVs) not saving properly
- Fix bad ladder
- Fix locks not saving properly
- Fix crash when smelling empty gas containers
- Fix not being able to remove engine oil with a container
[ 2024-07-02 11:09:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another important one coming, fixing ladders & containers not saving. Fixes:
- Fix conditions overlapping the journal
- Fix various crashes
- Fix getting stuck in ladders
- Fix being able to equip the same item to different slots
- Prevent zombies from phasing through vehicles at high speeds
- Fix inventories clearing when the game exits
- Fix switches/alarms not saving properly
[ 2024-07-02 05:37:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's #3 because I made a very small log change with dedicated servers for #2 that wouldn't have affected much. Fixes:
- Fix some server crashes when the client uses a desynced item
- Fix a bunch of problems to do with pinned items when you die
- Fix Bolt Viper doing no damage
- Fix potential exploits with duplicating bullets using a magazine
- Fix crouch animation being instant
- Fix bug with saving/loading resulting in inventories missing items, vehicles without parts etc.
- Fix some shelves having incorrect collisions (so you couldn't grab stuff on them)
[ 2024-07-01 12:42:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix crash when steam isn't running
- Fix crash when placing some items
- Fix save game console command
- Fix some inventories not saving their contents
- Fix vehicle parts vanishing
- Fix a couple inventory UI bugs (e.g. when removing batteries from powered things)
[ 2024-06-30 07:39:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=yAco7LbVygA;full][/previewyoutube] Updates
- Put away weapon when you enter a vehicle
- VOIP over handheld radio - click with radio equipped to VOIP to any radios on the same channel
- Microphones and loudspeaders - speak into a mic to transmit your voice
- Zombies can smack your hat off
- Characters have more blemishes/wrinkles
- You can pin crafting recipes to the HUD
- Character creation menu has a filter for facial flexes
- Food items now indicate how much food they satiate
- Better glass materials
- Tweak sky lighting
- Settings to change autosave interval, autosave quantity to keep; add delete all autosaves button
- Containers are now renamable
- Clocks are now battery powered
- Permadeath option, iron man mode
- Sortable server browser
- Some equippable items like darts can now be stacked
- Usable soap dispenser
- Add lots of perks
- Press secondary fire to pull grenade pins
- Some main menu changes and cleanup, new disclaimer
- Add slider for zombie count multiplier
- Upgrade to Unreal 5.4
- Add golf cart vehicle
- Vehicle names in admin menu are alphabetized
- Planks are now stackable
- Inventory items now have tooltips with their descriptions
- Better build object placement (fix not being able to place shelves in garages)
- Planters, greenhouses, outdoor details for Redford
- More work on Saranac
- Zombie bodybags
- Zombies will now attack/climb through windows
- Add timer bar to notifications, differently colored notifications
- Add quest system (no quests yet)
- Add journal UI with quests and groups (press J)
- Using splints and bandages now raises medical skill
- Gain repair stat by repairing stuff
- Add ice cream maker, microwave
- Sky is darker at night
- Lowered container respawn rate from 25 minutes to 3 hours
- Zombies are more likely to spawn indoors
- Magazines and firearms now reflect the weight of the cartridges inside them
- Add more instructions to stove UI
- Add compost bin warning if you don't have enough in there
- Add proper engine oil display (clean and dirty engine oil aren't in separate pools)
- Add bite wound damage condition, from both zombies and animals
- Add new vehicle gate construction objects
- You can now pass out from huffing gasoline or glue etc. too much
- Add some new vaulting animations
- Better 'WIP' warning for Saranac
- Add some text to the cooking menu to hopefully make it clearer
- No longer smooth the vehicle camera
- Amount of rain has been reduced
- Tons of new melee sound effects, fixed a lot of materials/footstep sounds
- Weapons now have a head animation
- Getting wet from rain now scales with how much rain there is
- Exiting a vehicle will now put you where you exited it from (instead of where you entered the vehicle from)
- Sawing a log now produced 4 planks instead of 1
- Add a warning if you try to turn on your flashlight with no light
- Scoped mouse sensitivity now applies only to scopes
- Add setting to play audio in the background/when alt-tabbed
- Portable toilet is now enterable
- Add lodged bullet condition; remove it with tweezers or forceps
- Rename 'pin' to 'add to quick use' for inventory items
- Zombies can now attack up and down
- You can now pin construction menu building recipes to your HUD
- Improved general CPU performance by 400%
- Add indicator to charged batteries that shows they're charging
- Add some tooltips to selected items to make them a bit clearer
- Health velocity (red/green arrows near health bar) are more sensitive
- Canned food now needs to be opened to be eaten - use a sharp knife or throw it against a wall repeatedly
- Moved the map to the Journal window
- Add Saranac to the ingame map
- Add support for Steam recording
- Fixed some large inventory performance problems
- Fix characters blinking too fast
- Fix a bunch of crashes
- Fix cemetery typo
- Fix some errors with translation
- Fix rain appearing on interior doors
- Fix destroyed/chopped trees sometimes reappearing
- Fix grenades blowing you up from afar
- Item and inventory network optimizations
- Fix water barrels not always working
- Fix settings menu not working properly/sticky settings
- Fix getting stuck in camper vans, box trucks
- Better zombie -> vehicle collision
- Fixed diabetes implementation to be more realistic
- Fix zombies not being alerted by flashlights behind glass
- Restore old movement code/remove new code (it was not good)
- Better/more reliable ladders
- Fix texture memory running out frequently
- Fix some doors on the farm being locked
- Fix the game requiring Steam running to play
- Fix loading screen flickering
- Fix vehicle camera stuttering
- Fix flashlight not aggroing zombies reliably
- Fix friction not working on snow and ice
- Fix some strange cooking/crafting bugs (e.g. fix cooking canned corn transforming it into canned peas)
- Fix reconnected players not being able to see their group status
- Fix headshot damage not being properly applied
- Fix cars not exploding when shot
- Fix item names flickering in the distance
- Fix clothes clipping
- Fix clothes not showing up in the character portrait
- Fix poor performance at dawn or dusk
[ 2024-06-29 14:23:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! We've released a new dev log with some updates. No game update with this one. Enjoy! [previewyoutube=nDR2-MHoYew;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-05-13 16:05:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Enjoy! Fixes:
- Fix TV not playing video discs
- Fix some wall based items eg. dartboard not being placed on walls
- Fix blood bag acting as a syringe
- Fix 'take and hold' not working properly
- Lower the medical requirement for using a syringe without injury
- Fix the handheld radio not showing the correct channel in the inventory UI
- Fix some issues with planting plants in planters with plants planted in the planter
- Fix a bunch of multiplayer inventory desync
- Fix inventory UI not updating when you take all
- Fix grenades doing no damage
- Fix misleading clock item material
- Add grab and equip to utility items
[ 2024-04-18 09:34:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another hotfix coming to you. I'm thinking about regularly doing bugfix releases on the main branch of VEIN, but maybe delaying it to a weekly release so you don't have a new download once a day. What do you guys think? Fixes:
- Fix not being able to destroy compost bins
- Fix drinks not working when drinking from eg. sinks
- Fix blood test crashing on the client in multiplayer
- Fix vehicle explosions on the client in multiplayer
- Fix crash that sometimes happens when the game exits
- Fix not always being able to clean persistent blood
- Fix vehicle battery charger not charging batteries consistently
- Fix adding fluid to a workbench clearing the UI
- Fix bugs re: dragging and dropping items, liquids
- Possible fix for vehicles taking damage while sitting still
- Possible fix for stats being reset in multiplayer when the client crashes
- Fix 10-12 misc. crashes
[ 2024-04-09 12:48:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another one coming in hot. This will probably be the last one until the next update because I want to work on some new stuff! Fixes
- Fix vehicle batteries going to 0% when removed
- Fix compost bins taking way too long to produce compost
- Fix a bunch of item damage and repair bench issues
- Fix transferring mixed items to the workbench from the UC
[ 2024-04-06 12:13:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yet another hotfix. As long as there's still bugs we will fix them all! Fixes
- Fix 'newly added' inventory filter
- Fix doors getting desynced in multiplayer
- Fix workbenches and stoves eating items, doing weird things with your items etc.
- Fix not being able to install some vehicle parts
- Fix furniture that you've destroyed respawning in multiplayer; maybe fix desync in multiplayer
[ 2024-04-05 10:22:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another hotfix coming to you now. Fixes
- Fix a variety of dedicated server and client crashes
- Fix not being able to load guns on The Farm
- Fix not being able to move wall mirrors, paintings, etc.
- Fix plants not moving with planters
- Fix weapons, car parts not breaking at 0%
- Fix tool items (electric drill etc.) not accepting batteries
- Fix antidepressants taking the entire stack on use instead of just one
- Fix not receiving empty magazines when you reload a weapon
- Fix some inaccuracy with workbenches/stoves
- Fix crash when trying to attach a door lock to a door from your inventory
[ 2024-04-04 08:25:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've released a quick hotfix. Fixes
- Fix placing items from containers making clientside duplicates in multiplayer
- Fix equipping items from containers in multiplayer
- Fix crash when drinking from some containers, eating from containers
- Fix some clothing related crashes
[ 2024-04-03 12:45:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=TucCUST1xNU;full][/previewyoutube] Updates
- Item port
- Zombie behavior around vehicles
- Bit of work on Saranac
- Fishing
- Vehicle replication is now smoothed
- Campfire
- Farming overhaul, composting
- Candles can now be lit
- Quick use menu, emote menu
- Add steroids
- New vehicle: SUV 2
- You can now change lightbulbs from lights
- Started modding
- Some uniquenesses have loadouts (insulin to diabetics)
- Thief occupation now has lockpicking bonus
- Fix some items being stackable and damageable
- Inventories now network lightly
- Zombie networking optimizations
- Fix candle dismantle sound being global
- Fix spawn region not working consistently (selecting Saranac and spawning in Redford)
- Fix furniture desyncing in multiplayer
- Fix doors desyncing in multiplayer
- Wind sound doesnt snap to silent when you stand under something
- Fix two zombies spawning when you turn into a zombie
- Fix player nameplates not showing up consistently
- Fix character not having weight, muscles applied in their character portrait
- Fix zombies not being able to hit you when youre crouching
- Optimized addiction networking
- Fix many miscellaneous crashes
- Fix containers not respawning properly when loaded from a save
- Fix furniture not respawning properly when loaded from a save
[ 2024-04-02 18:11:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix locks not loading properly in save games
- Fix clocks displaying "00: 12:23 AM"
- Fix nearsighted uniqueness not working on low settings
- Fix zombies vaulting onto vehicles and smashing them
- Fix flare gun crash when flare impacts something broken
[ 2024-03-04 04:27:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello - you may have noticed some game updates recently. These are just hotfixes that fix bugs & don't add new features. Here's the changelog so far: 0.010 Hotfix 1
- Fix folding chairs growing with each save
- Fix switches that control doors crashing sometimes
- Fix crash when trying to dye clothes
- Fix rare crash when quitting the game with a workbench built
- Fix crash when using a furnace in multiplayer with big desync
- Fix battery crash when loading an old save
- Fix garage doors opening sideways
- Fix usable dialogue popping up with no options
- Fix fortifications not rewarding items when dismantled
- Remove right click context menu from text entries
- Fix air pump at the convenience store being disconnected sometimes
- Fix dismantling crashing thanks to the fortification rewards in hotfix 2 (my bad)
- Fix workbench crash when the fluid in it desyncs
- Fix some crashes related to losing thermometers, flashlights upon zombification
- Fix some tents being ridiculously big
- Fix built fortifications (windows specifically) being really big when a save game is loaded
[ 2024-03-03 08:19:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
VEIN 0.010 is now live. Check the summary video below: [previewyoutube=sz8jQRKUvWU;full][/previewyoutube] Changes/Additions
- Town of Saranac is mostly done except for a couple large buildings. Exteriors are done. Interiors WIP.
- Entirely new custom networking system (should let people host servers/play with friends effortlessly) + p2p networking
- Add spatial VOIP! (press V)
- Ambulance vehicle
- Police car vehicle
- Player groups system - you can now group up with friends to see who's online, get a chat tag, etc.
- Add new character movement system, should be lag-free or close to it in multiplayer
- Rewrote construction snap system, should be a bit more accurate to windows/doors
- Buildings decay/get dirty visibly over ingame years
- Add some character creation preset props that change as you customize your character
- Add bloodlust uniqueness: only lose stress by killing stuff
- Add firearm attachment system (right now only suppressors)
- You now ragdoll when unconscious
- Add a bunch of new stat perks
- Add weapon attachments, just a suppressor for now
- Chopped trees now fall appropriately instead of in a random direction
- Add tire pressure, flat tires (affects camera in a vehicle + can pull to one side while driving)
- You can pull out the school bus stop sign
- Car batteries now display their charge in the vehicle UI
- Better gamepad controls for everything
- Add ability to send items directly to the UC in case they are too heavy
- Car part repair requirements filled out
- Some vehicles now display your hands on the wheel in third person & first person
- Way better networking of persistent decals, persistent corpses, and power grid
- TV now syncs in multiplayer
- Add TV panel, ability to change TV volume
- Modify bloom post processing to be less intense
- Close map, admin menu, emote menu, containers with more keyboard shortcuts
- Connecting to a friend with a passworded server through Steam prompts for a password
- Add CRT effect to CRT monitors/TVs
- Add analog wall clocks that function properly
- Some containers now have a weight limit
- Scoreboard is now sticky on screen; add social, mute buttons
- You can now drag unconscious/dead players/zombies/npcs
- Tweak the center of mass of many vehicles (makes them less easy to flip)
- Schematics can now unlock build objects
- Servers now display ping and current map in the server browser
- Changed the workbench and stove UI to be a bit more horizontal than vertical
- Thunder is now muffled indoors
- You can now select how long you want to sleep, in hours
- Replace a bunch of clothing placeholders with actual art
- Increase handbrake friction
- Decrease how fast lights burn out significantly
- Organize gameplay section in settings menu
- Settings menu is now localizable
- Update all non-English languages
- Blood now washes away in rain
- Increase the speed you dry off from wetness
- If a UC is built inside a building, it will now cover the entire building + an area around it
- TV has a larger radius of effect for de-stress
- Fortification built garage doors can now open like garage doors
- You can no longer push vehicles while on/in them
- Add destruction effects to all doors, some more furniture destruction effects
- Corn, ferns etc now move when you walk through them
- Being 100% tired now causes pain
- You can now drain/empty sinks/tubs
- Dragging and dropping now highlights things you can craft together in the inventory
- Add sleepwalker uniqueness, wake up in a random (unoccupied) bed when you sleep
- Add missing mosin to the farm
- Add UI scale setting
- Add birds that you can shoot out of the sky
- Running through bushes now makes a sound
- Add a visualizer to UCs that displays the owned area when building
- You can now turn off electronic items like cell phones
- When inserting a battery into an electronic item you can now specify which battery to use
- Add chatbox filters
- Add small disclaimer to multiplayer in the main menu because stuff still desyncs a bit
- Camera now rotates with you while in a vehicle
- Throwing items is now a chargeable meter; when at 100% you gain tiredness
- Add the ability to show and hide clothes for roleplaying purposes
- You are now safe from taking damage when exiting a vehicle, when on a vehicle, etc.
- The campervan stove now is functional
- Add a thermometer item, which is now needed to see the exact temperature
- Separate HUD temperature into body temperature and world temperature
- Add ability to flip door locks (take them out then reverse the direction)
- Weak flashlight is now powered by cell phones/GPSes - without power, no weak flashlight
- Make nights slightly darker
- When a use option on an item is disabled, add a tooltip telling you why
- Fixed doors being built on top of each other and behaving strangely
- Fix vehicles starting with an empty battery
- Fix vehicles not saving their positions
- Fix bed sleep spawnpoints not saving
- Fix broken car batteries functioning fine
- Fix gamepad scrolling too fast through use options
- Fix attaching locks to stuff in multiplayer
- Fix persistent corpses not saving appropriately
- Fix F10 help menu crashing sometimes
- Fix not being able to fill gas tanks in multiplayer
- Fix disabled reason not showing in item selection UI sometimes
- Fix persistent corpses being invisible sometimes
- Fix vehicle passengers becoming invisible sometimes in multiplayer
- Fix flies appearing around all lights all the time instead of just when the light is on
- Fix lights exploding when you get close to them on dedicated servers
- Fix some soundscape problems (not playing indoors or in vehicles), turn down river volume
- Fix car alarms not syncing properly
- Fix getting rotated when getting into a chair/vehicle that has a weird rotation
- Fix entering water making vehicle passengers pop outside of the vehicle
- Fix zombie mouths being too clean, eww
- Fix admin menu spawning the wrong items when a filter was applied
- Fix some blurry UI textures
- Fix listen server hosts not showing them looking up and down in vehicles
- Fix vehicles maintaining throttle, turn, etc. inputs when you die
- Fix some conditions not removing at 0%
- Fix snow, rain appearing on the underside of barn roofs
- Fix power grid state not saving
- Fix illnesses not saving
- Fix usable subtitle not updating (e.g. not refreshing a stat value)
- Fix some clothes not being marked as placeholder
- Fix some stat differences being the incorrect color in equippable item inventory UI
- Fix helicopter not syncing to anyone
- Fix notifications sometimes getting stuck on your screen
- Fix computers always showing 'stations' header even when not at a substation
- Fix some conditions not removing when you sleep (e.g. well fed etc)
- Fix farm clothing chest not having clothes
- Fix structures not decaying
- Fix insulated flask starting full of air
- Fix workbenches sometimes having phantom result items still in them
- Fix thunder not being affected by volume sliders
- Fix farm having incorrect tool types/tools that don't exist anymore
- Fix some firearm animation issues
- Fix weather effects sometimes just vanishing when you move
- Fix water filter eating containers
- Fix decals looking weirdly thick on some vertical surfaces
- Fix farm vehicles sometimes being locked, alarmed, etc.
- Fix Sokudo Commute not being usable in first person
- Fix car motor oil being classified as a beverage in the inventory (that's just your opinion though)
- Fix melee not hitting crawling zombies
- Fix not being able to e.g. run over zombies in headshot-only mode
- Fix some destructible stuff changing color when destroyed
- Reduce RAM usage on dedicated servers a bit
- Fix clocks displaying month 13 when it's December
- Fix some items having a health bar on the HUD
[ 2024-02-27 17:11:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, were happy to announce VEIN 0.009 is now live. Please check it out when you have a chance! The changelog is below. As a PSA, weve started collecting donations at https://ramjetstudios.com/membership. These help us pay for our growing server and dev costs. To check out what we spend monthly, give the page a visit. Theres no obligation to donate anything & VEIN will still be free regardless. Anyways, here's the changelog. A lot of changes and fixes are omitted because they're too small to mention - but we're sure you'll find some during gameplay. Changes:
- Radio and TV reduce stress more
- Add reinforced wood fortification tier
- Rebalance wood scrap usage for fortifications
- Unify some window build objects into one fortification type
- Kitchen sinks can now be filled
- Zombies spawn further away from your UC
- You can bandage scratches if you want
- Add health bar to damageable stuff
- Made cooked food satisfy hunger 3x as much as uncooked food
- Antidepressants treat stress
- Add Mosin-Nagant
- Add furnaces/forges for smelting
- Add limestone brick fortification tier
- Add river water sfx
- Lower default door HP
- Fix game being dark and high contrast
- Add per-damage-type damage to health components (fire damages wood more than bullets)
- Rebalance tools in loot tables; you find tools easier now
- Sanitary fluid and antibiotics treat deep wounds
- Zombies can sleep
- Reduce insulin spawn rate
- Add item selection UI for attaching locks, inserting debit cards, filling fluid containers
- New blood material for players/zombies
- Add tracker items
- Add console commands to add/remove admins while ingame
- Add category buttons for crafting recipes on workbenches
- Add save game version difference warning
- Underwater muffles sound now
- Add the town of Saranac (WIP!!)
- Add SUV
- Add semi trucks
- Reduce lens flare intensity
- Add van, news van
- Identical notifications now stack ("you drink the water" x8)
- Exit signs are now powered
- Add Night of the Living Dead, can be played on TVs
- Rename "Damage" -> "Condition" for damageable items
- Item decay is in human language now ("Rotten" instead of "105%")
- Wood fortifications are now flammable
- Add hatchback vehicle
- Add school bus vehicle
- Some zombies now carry ID cards
- Add character dialogue genders to character creation for future use
- Add ability to push a vehicle forward
- Optimized vehicle networking
- Re-add water freezing over in winter
- New forest trees and foliage
- EBS broadcast now causes stress while NOTLD reduces it
- Gore items
- Move sportscar trunk to being a frunk
- Add autumn season coloring to foliage
- New wood cutting sfx
- Fix some hitching/loading flush triggers (aka: better performance)
- Remove weapon sway when in ADS (for now)
- Adjust some weapon pull-back-at-wall animations
- Make vehicle handling way snappier
- Driving stat now affects vehicle torque
- Fluid containers, gas containers now use their contents' density instead of magic numbers to determine weight
- Buildings creak when walking in them (modulated by your sneak stat)
- Footsteps are now muffled behind walls
- Workbenches now pull ingredients, tools from utility cabinets
- Add option to always show all conditions, regardless of their severity
- Substation computers which monitor the current load of the power grid
- Fix a bunch of meshes appearing low quality thanks to nanite when nanite is off
- Optimize CPU performance of a bunch of props
- Fix cars spawned from the admin menu sometimes having alarms
- Fix not being able to replenish engine oil
- Fix not being able to close some windows with inventory key
- Fix splitting stacks removing items when your inventory is full
- Fix some settings not saving (eg. zombie speed)
- Fix container search status not saving in singleplayer
- Fix melee tiredness not applying per-weapon
- Fix dedis not being configurable for some convars
- Fix tool items not appearing on workbenches
- Fix keys in houses not matching with vehicles sometimes
- Fix key mapping notifications not appearing properly
- Fix items respawning near utility cabinets
- Fix explosives not exploding
- Fix being able to hotwire cars with no battery
- Fix scoped weapons filling your screen while in ADS
- Fix cooking sound being weird
- Fix being able to "dismantle all" on the ground infinitely
- Fix giant lag spike when modifying the power grid
- Fix zombies spawning with fresh food
- Fix being able to reverse while vehicles are turned off
- Fix spawnlists not applying decay properly
- Fix falling out of world making you explode
- Fix input lag on vehicles in multiplayer
- Fix getting wet driving through puddles
- Fix vehicle glove boxes, trunks not spawning anything
- Fix blind status desyncing in multiplayer
- Fix splitting stacks always moving items to your inventory
- Fix AK material being weirdly dark
- Fix most buildings being unreasonably cold
- Fix not being able to destroy corpses while in godmode
- Fix drag and drop UI sticking onscreen when a window closes
- Fix culling not affecting houses
- Fix destroyed furniture not saving
[ 2024-01-13 14:45:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Just a quick announcement that dev log 11 is now live on YouTube. Give it a watch: [previewyoutube=qWIqxfHMXZ0;full][/previewyoutube] No main game update for this one, but what's in the video is out on the canary branch right now. Check the FAQ for instructions on using it.
[ 2023-12-17 16:18:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
VEIN 0.008 is now out. Check the update summary video here: [previewyoutube=lJUe47RO37c;full][/previewyoutube]
- Champlain Valley north and south forest; Saranac river, some lakes; caves; bridges
- 153 new clothes
- Armor ratings on clothes - damage and elemental resistance
- Keys for vehicles now spawn in nearby buildings or on nearby zombies
- You can now label keys
- Hotwiring vehicles
- Car alarms
- Corpses are now persistent & remain until they're destroyed with a heavy cutting tool
- Firearms and melee items now show their stats (fire rate, damage values etc.)
- New game zombie settings (spawn count, damage multiplier, etc.)
- Better dirt texture on humans and zombies
- New ingame map
- New knife melee animations
- You can rest on a bed in multiplayer
- Manual handbrake in vehicles, interior light in vehicles
- Stoves have clocks that reset on power outages
- New WIP character creation level
- Add Nomad uniqueness: spawns you in a remote location
- Add new clothing-related scrap items
- Film grain effect
- Drunkenness now acts as a painkiller
- New grass and landscape texture improvements
- You can dye clothes with hair dye
- Tents and chairs can be packed up
- Bow and arrow has been rebalanced
- Fuel amount now shows in the vehicle part UI for gas tanks
- You can build mattresses in the construction menu
- Overeating and overdrinking will kill you
- Reduce battery consumption for many battery-powered items
- New Flock17 art
- Multiple randomized hair dye colors
- Setting to always go first-person in ADS (eg. if third-person, ADS makes you go first-person)
- New medical condition icons for eg. bandaging, infection, etc.
- Wounds can now be infected; you are more likely to get an infection if you are dirty
- Wounds can now be sutured
- Bandages can be destroyed if you take damage with one on; you can manually remove them through the medical menu
- Players have blood types, pending blood transfusion system
- Syringes: inject yourself with fluids, syringes can communicate disease including the zombie virus
- "Always become zombie" setting - all people that die will become a zombie
- Saws can now cut trees alongside axes
- Various changes to item spawn rates (for example axes now spawn more frequently)
- Warehouse garage doors can be fortified
- Powered tools now need batteries to function
- Hunger and thirst cause damage slower
- Compass will show where you died as a red X
- Tweak spawn rates of some items (eg hot chocolate mix); add fluid-fillable bowls, kettles, etc
- Money now shows it's name as the stack count (instead of "USD x41", you will see "$41")
- Increase audible distance of firearms
- Items can have colored info, clothing has placeholder notice if it is a placeholder
- Keep all equipped utility items when you die
- Some clothes adjust walking friction (some shoes are slipperier)
- Walking on broken glass cuts up your feet
- Clarify which parts belong to the engine in vehicles
- Foley sound effects when using most containers
- Sky lighting tweaks
- TVs cast light in the room they're in when they're on
- Add some streamer friendly settings (show/hide player names, show/hide chat ...)
- Melee animations are more responsive to player input
- Confirmation prompt to overwrite saves
- Only show vehicle part items in the vehicle part UI
- Barn doors open slower
- Add some new vehicles to the farm
This isn't a comprehensive list - we've only listed the noticeable ones.
- Fix zombies not always going for players
- Fix map being grey sometimes
- Fix not being able to brake when you have no fuel
- Fix really loud paper tear sound
- Fix laggy melee weapons in MP
- Fix persistent blood not replicating properly in MP
- Fix crafting recipes always showing that you just need 1 of the ingredient
- Fix that one driveway ramp's collision
- Fix computers always being on
- Fix batteries being stackable
- Fix all fluids becoming water in stoves
- Fix cooking
- Fix destructible lights not saving
- Add vehicle oil to the farm
- Fix some furniture not being interactable (rugs, paintings, etc.)
- Fix destroying some containers deleting items inside them
- Fix computer monitors not appearing powered when powered
- Fix TVs being always on
- Fix being able to start vehicles without gasoline
- Fix some doors being lockable in the wrong direction
- Fix being stuck in lockpick if someone else unlocks what you're picking
- Fix mining rocks while being encumbered doing nothing
- Fix exploit where you can farm scavenging XP by scavenging your own containers
- Fix glasses etc. appearing on your face after character creation
- Fix brakes not functioning when the brake health is near 0; they now function until the brakes are literally dead
- Fix not being able to refill gas tanks without containers
- Fix not being able to reverse vehicles without brakes
- Fix spoon on a stick causing stabbing damage
- Fix battery powered items not using the best available battery
- Fix painkillers making a bandage sound
- Fix some damage calculations
- Fix sleeping not removing stress
- Fix rain not gathering in containers placed outdoors
- Fix ladder climbing animation being rotate-able
- Fix server browser needing refresh to be clicked the first time
- Fix built door flap not showing the right use option
- Fix crafting recipes not highlighting when you have all the ingredients
- Fix character creation stats not stacking properly
- Fix news dates in the main menu
- Misc small map fixes & crash fixes
[ 2023-11-19 13:07:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check it out on YouTube here: [previewyoutube=IIOYHHolMbI;full][/previewyoutube] No game update with this one - hopefully soon!
[ 2023-10-21 14:04:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! VEIN 0.007 is now live! Heres the summary video with a quick recap of all the major changes. [previewyoutube=_WrSmgp8ZsY;full][/previewyoutube] Check the high-level patch notes below, in no particular order:
- Warehouses
- Climbable radio tower & radio station
- Vet clinic w/ drugs and supplies
- Construction office + construction yard
- Post office(s)
- Warehouses
- Readable gravestones, cemetery
- Redford building count: 12-14 60 houses + 10 or so commercial and industrial ones
- Roof/siding/interior randomization
- Finished new housing system (new building interiors, exteriors, etc)
- Volumetric clouds
- Radiators and air conditioners
- Fuel tanks and natural gas
- Remote code locks
- New system node forks (so we can add generators you can move around and re-create)
- Persistent blood and bullets, bloody footprints; stay forever unless cleaned
- Vending machines
- Blinds on houses and buildings
- Destroyable fences
- Uniquenesses: vegan/vegetarian, couch potato, diabetes, electrosensitive, near-sighted
- Occupations: conspiracy theorist, musician, politician, college student
- Some new hair
- Player start location selection, new spawning algorithm
- New perk system: stat progression instead of automatic stat perks
- Weapon run animations
- Instrument weapons, medical weapons
- Destruction effects when broken during use
- New zombies
- Lipsync, facial emotions
- New clothes
- Clothing insulation system
- Repairing items
- Kerosene, kerosene heaters, lamps, lighters all usable
- Usable medical items (stethoscope, blood pressure monitor)
- Procedural character blood when characters are injured (& zombies)
- Engine oil system, degrades vehicle parts when used with dirty oil
- Box truck
- Camper van
- Brake lights
- Character portrait in character menu
- Keybind categories
- Nanite option, cull distance settings
- Fixes (especially for multiplayer and saving) as well as optimization across the board
[ 2023-09-03 14:26:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, We've released a new dev log for VEIN. Check it out when you get a chance. [previewyoutube=Bh8FIl4HyCo;full][/previewyoutube] No game update with this one outside of our regular Canary update. Like we say in the video, the next update is going to come with the new map. Enjoy!
[ 2023-08-06 14:28:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Additions/Changes: - Add vegan/vegetarian uniquenesses. They get stressed from eating animal products and hurting animals. - Add new occupations: College Student, Conspiracy Theorist, Musician, Politician - Rich text links now open in the Steam overlay - Add the ability to disable ~ as a console key - Vastly decrease chance of foot infection - Computer is instantly used now, no progress bar - Inclement weather affects vehicle tire friction - Add confirmation box when you destroy a computer - Add frost on windows - Disabled light shaft bloom Fixes: - Fix crash when opening the same window twice - Fix crash when using water barrel - Fix crash when using handheld radio - Fix crash when using an invalid weapon - Fix dedicated servers not being joinable - Fix rare crash when selecting a backpack - Fix crash when transferring between inventories - Fix crash when trying to transfer from a locked inventory (somehow?) - Fix dedis not advertising the correct port when a custom port is specified - Remove unused log code - Fix crash when a structure is damaged by the world - Fix stat widget crash when the stat becomes invalid - Fix crash when conditions have a race condition - Fix containers being desynced to clients - Fix wetness never decreasing when wearing clothes - Fix being able to drive on water - Fix frozen water material - Fix floating items left behind from corpses (memory leak) - Fix driving through broken glass hurting you - Fix dropping items out of containers that arent yours behaving very strangely - Fix rain and wind not being affected by volume sliders - Fix long computer logs overflowing the window - Disable gameplay debugger shortcut - Fix infinite farm items not being infinite on dedis - Fix occasional explosive crash - Fix stats vanishing on death sometimes - Fix crash when dismantling an empty package - Fix dismantling on dedis - Fix workbench explosion crash - Fix crash when changing vehicle part to something wrong - Fix wringing towels not always working properly - Fix rotation being 90 degrees off for some chairs - Fix vehicles bouncing off zombies in multiplayer - Fix vehicles not being usable and having some collision issues - Fix vehicle passengers going into purgatory in multiplayer - Fix canned meat giving you food poisoning - Fix headlights, flashlights being unusable in heavy fog - Fix handbrake not being wired up - Fix clothing desync when equipping stuff from containers - Fix skill mags giving 1 less XP than they should - Fix being able to move ATM around - Fix RepairMyVehicle setting vehicle parts to 0%
[ 2023-06-05 14:57:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
The day has finally come! VEIN 0.006 is now live on Steam. Check the new devlog here: [previewyoutube=4U_tXFtLj74;full][/previewyoutube] We also have a new update summary video as well here: [previewyoutube=3DGPzXEOPlU;full][/previewyoutube]
Map Changes
- New Farm/Sandbox - Added vehicles to Champlain Valley
- New water system - Dirty, putrid, and clean water - You can boil dirty water to clean it - You can filter putrid water to make it just dirty - Drinking unclean water will cause a hit to your sanity and is likely to get you sick - You can use putrid water as fertilizer - Freezing water (you cant drink it) - Insulated flasks - Check ammo key - Alarms flash when active - Coffee, tea - You need a lighter to use cigarettes or cannabis - Control-click to quick eat or drink items - Player climbing/vaulting - Lock changes - Enhanced locks - Code locks - Made lockpicking harder - You can now lock containers - You can remove locks from a door with a screwdriver - Placing items - Placing a container outside will make it act as a makeshift rain barrel - Usable tents, sleeping bags - Dirtiness system, washing in water - Character and clothing dirtiness and wetness - Filling up tubs, sinks, etc. - Underwater weapons changes (Guns are ineffective except at nearly point-blank) - Stove explosions when you cook a grenade - Hair cutting with scissors - Grab and equip option for equippables - Appearance copy and pasting from the character creation menu - Opening parcels with your bare hands if you have any strength - Exercising - Reduces stress, increases strength and endurance, and increases hunger, thirst, and pain. - Map markers are colored and you can now create custom map markers; player rotates on the map if you have a compass
- New arms - Experimenting with unreal water - Character shaders: added wetness - Weather particle improvements, looping/high speed weather - Movement and animation tweaks: movement has more momentum now - Turn animations on feet - Animation fix: looking side to side when actor doesnt turn - Motorcycle helmet refract fix
Items & Loot
- New item container optimizations - should be able to have containers in the thousands or tens of thousands of items - Stuff written on maps saves to that map - New 870 mesh - Moving furniture: costs tiredness, strength and vitality affect moving; gives you strength and vitality XP - Destruction geometry collections - Item placement on counters etc.
- Lightning - Fertilizer in farming - Weather debug presets - Admin weather menu - Fog scattering - Weather has wind, grass and precipitation respond to this - Wind chill - Rain forms puddles and splashes on the ground
Usability & Tweaks
- ADS sensitivity option - Reset keybindings button - Construction UI improvements for cost, placement issues - UI unification (fonts, icons, ) and tweaks - New inventory searching UI - Close containers with E key - Performance improvements (cables, nanite) - Help/tutorial menu (F10) - New melee tiredness response (slower instead of blocked) - Fence submerging - Stuck detection, /stuck command - Viewing usable things from a distance - Double click equippable (GPS, flashlights, ) to equip - Main menu news - Moving placed items without picking them up
Characters, Stats & Health
- Gain strength by walking when overencumbered - Stat clarification on hookup in character creation - Sneak stat wired up - Wired up driving stat - It costs tiredness to climb - Auto morphs (strength, obesity) - Better character creation UI (tabs) - Conditions UI bar
- Broken vehicles - Pickup truck - Trunks and glove boxes can be looted - Vehicle handling tweaks (slower, more momentum) - Vehicles save - More labels (car radio) - Vehicle parts - Wrench, new item - RepairMyVehicle cheat - Vehicle horns (H) - New vehicle flipping system - Exploding cars - Car damage to driver - Vehicle handling changes - Vehicle damage from guns, melee, crashes - Vehicle damage is two-way - New vehicle tires - High beams - Press G to cycle headlights
- Emotion AI - NPC emotional response per-damage-type - NPCs can use guns - Dialogue UI improvements
- New online stuff: no need to port forward - Server browser fixes - Passworded servers
- Fix bugs like crawling zombies climbing over things or gestures not working - QoL: Press space to exit chairs, reduced weapon recoil, etc. - Under-the-hood: Workbench redo - allows for more complicated workbenches, like mixing fluids, heating fluids and items, and multiple outputs - think chemistry workbenches or makeshift forges. - Under-the-hood: new house and building system - allows us to place houses and buildings faster than ever. Just about ready to start work on the map again - Under-the-hood: new use system - can use multiple things from the same menu. Cleans up some stuff like locks & makes it easier for us to add even more interaction to the world - Containers now save and dont regen. In multiplayer they only respawn when the server restarts. - New Game config options in menu - Virtual shadow maps option
- Trains - Start on gore holes - Cutting holes in zombies - Friendly NPCs - Dialogue, dialogue checks - New Champlain Valley map - Sky clouds MESSAGE FROM THE DEVS It has been a very, very long time since the last update, and were sorry for that, but all that means is that this update is gigantic. We hope you enjoy it as usual - thanks for playing! Kyle & Azi
[ 2023-05-25 12:55:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Add rep graph (should reduce CPU load on server hosts)
- Add passworded servers
- Add new sport tire type to pickup, sportscar
- Add high beams to vehicles
- Scoreboard now displays in minutes and hours instead of just seconds
- Add selected indicator to the server browser
- You can shift-click items in a workbench to quick transfer them to your inventory
- Fences submerge in the landscape
- New farm map
- Vehicle torque adjustments
- You can kick players from UCs
- Add weather controls to the admin menu
- Allow item placement on countertops, cabinets etc.
- Add /stuck command
- Add subtitles for resource lodes
- Double click a utility item to equip it
- Rain drops and puddles
- Add a confirm window to the settings menu if you don't apply changes
- Add news to main menu
- Add new help menu entries
- Add bars to conditions on HUD
- Add the ability to move placed items without picking them up
- Press G to cycle headlights in a car
- You get panicked from driving your car really really fast
- Rearrange UC option order
- Add stack count to item nameplates
- Standing in the rain will reduce your character's dirtiness
- Crash fixes
- Fix players in vehicle passenger seats not appearing to look side to side
- Fix client players driving vehicles lagging a lot
- Fix map not opening with M
- Fix motorcycle helmet refract
- Fix doors coming off hinges vanishing for clients
- Fix built doors starting locked
- Fix being able to move window fortifications
- Fix take and hold not always working
- Fix rain on glass going sideways sometimes
- Fix being able to move paintings onto the ground
- Fix vehicles not spawning on the main map
- Block using items when moving something
- Fix canned food doing way more damage than it should when thrown
- Fix dead characters keeping their flashlights on
- Fix being able to move chairs while players are in them
- Fix losing all your items on death
- Fix drowning and hypothermia
- Fix zombies not attacking doors
- Fix server browser not immediately refreshing
- Fix folding chairs, tents not showing up for clients
- Fix vehicles not entering upper gears
- Fix wet, dirty materials not applying to players or clothes
- Fix broken glass not staying broken between save games
[ 2023-04-11 14:39:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Radios consume less battery
- Tools that are powered, accept batteries now
- Workbench crafting results are stackable (you can craft it multiple times if the result can stack)
- Console has autocomplete
- You can start online servers from the New Game menu. Making it Public should have it show up in the server browser.
- Zombie footsteps are slightly louder
- Add help menu that pops up when the game starts
- Make cut wounds heal slower
- Being tired no longer prevents melee - it just makes it slower
- More car parts: brake assembly, 5 engine components
- Cars take damage on impacting stuff, damage you when you crash
- Cars can explode
- Explosions attract zombies
- Cars with damaged batteries can stall
- Wired up car chassis, car radio, headlights, filter, etc to their car parts' damage
- Make vehicles way less flippable
- Add driving animations
- Cars can take damage from being shot, attacked, etc
- New firearm audio
- Make car horn louder
- Removed headbob in third person
- Can close admin menu with tab
- Running into stuff with your car can damage you back if it's a big object
- Radios now sync between players in multiplayer
- Fix convenience store freezer being really loud
- Fix washboard item being usable
- Fix convenience store sign getting people stuck
- Fix some UC crashes, workbench crashes
- Fix item dismantle result notifications being incorrect
- Some vehicle engine/gas fixes
- Fix crash when furniture is run over with a car
- Fix item drink/eat montages playing in third person
- Fix broken baseball bat material
- Fix not being able to open first aid kits
- Fix lockpick being gigantic
- Reduce medical menu flicker
- Fix save games not loading from the main menu
- Fix server browser
- Fix all deaths being from thirst
- Fix some actors being invisible on clients
- Fix scoped weapons going invisible in multiplayer
- Fix clean map command removing items in your inventory
- Fix grenades not always blowing up cars
- Fix some inventories (corpses, etc) needing E held down unlike containers
- Occupations start with their weapons pinned
- Fix multiplayer clients not being able to insert keys into cars
- Fix door, broken glass desync
- Fix built actors appearing invisible for new clients
[ 2023-03-29 01:45:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The main Champlain Valley map is back.
- Added vehicles & other new features to the main map.
- Vehicles have parts that can be swapped out and (eventually in a future update) repaired. The vehicle will fail in different ways if its parts are broken or missing. Use a vehicle's hood to open it up.
[ 2023-03-20 03:21:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now move furniture, dependent on your Strength and Vitality skills. This will level your Strength skill if you do it repeatedly.
- New destruction system that physically destroys furniture (try breaking a table)
- Wind affects power lines
- Added gunsmoke
- Some minor animation changes
- Car radio UI now shows the current channel and number of available channels
- UI adjustments/unification of fonts, buttons
- Performance improvements across the board - you should see significantly more FPS
- Fixed volumetric fog
- Fixed crash when moving/drinking from toilets or sinks
- Fix some items not saving properly
- Fix flock17 being unnaturally loud in multiplayer
- Fix spawned cars not being able to have their key reinserted when taken
- Fix T-posed arms being visible in free look
- Fix some body sliders missing in multiplayer
- Fix bullet tracers penetrating through walls
- Fix NP5 shell ejection
- Fix water coming out of sinks with a temperature of -300 C
[ 2023-03-18 01:16:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New lighting and fog systems.
- Added wind, which affects grass blowing and weather.
- Characters get wind chill if it's windy outdoors.
- Wired up Driving stat.
- New inventory search UI.
- You can close containers with the E key.
- Stuff written on a map, remains on the map item and is transferrable to other characters.
- New 870 shotgun mesh.
[ 2023-03-10 02:33:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
VEIN 0.005 is out now on Steam! Check out dev log 5 on YouTube: [previewyoutube=YG9qHvOE5V0;full][/previewyoutube]
- New character mesh & new clothes; female characters; more body sliders & skin tones
- Better character creation camera (can zoom in or out to face or body)
- Character menu in tab menu has been added that shows your characters info, like uniquenesses and occupations
- You can sleep on beds; sleeping on a bed sets a spawnpoint for your character; in singleplayer, sleeping advances time 6 hours
- More stress reduction: watching TV, writing notes, listening to music
- Illness system (stomach flu, influenza, colds) - you can get illnesses from various unhygienic activities
- Banker, athlete occupations
- Panic condition when your character gets scared (getting spooked by a sudden zombie, etc)
- Cant Smell uniqueness
- Damage now applies a camera view punch; camera FOV when sprinting
- You walk backwards slightly slower than forwards
Inventory & Items
- New custom models for some food & cleaning items
- Added cannabis
- Food can be spiked (weed brownies have a chance to spawn)
- New item spawning system in containers
- Quick-dismantle by holding left alt and clicking an item
Equipment & Weapons
- Farming (planting, watering, decay, sunlight, temperature)
- Utility items/slot-able equipment
- Backpacks
- Tree chopping
- Flashlights, radios, etc. now require and consume batteries
- Melee weapons can block attacks with right click
- New melee sounds
- Zombie stun locking
- Crawling zombies, shoot zombie legs to make them crawlers
- Hostile raiders
- Personal radios (walkie-talkies), broadcast radios (music & alerts), world media system
- Night is 3x faster than day
- Moonlight
- Nanite foliage
- Grass wind effect
- More construction menu snapping, snap crates to shelves
- Unlocking doors from the inside
Meta & UI
- Admin menu changes: accessible in singleplayer, and noclip, godmode, collision toggles, movement changes, invisibility
- You can now manually save and load listen servers
- New feedback menu w/ voting (public feedback that can be upvoted or downvoted)
- Known issues menu
- Start work on vehicles, can spawn from admin menu
- Bugfixes as always
[ 2022-11-27 01:08:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Its that time again! Welcome to VEIN 0.004. Dev log 4 is also out on our YouTube: https://youtu.be/QdzL_03EvY4
- New uniquenesses - Lactose intolerance: cant consume lactose - Pale uniqueness: sunburn easier
- Alcohol poisoning: you die if you drink too much - Characters have bloodshot eyes when drunk
- Add LSD, drunkenness effects
- Better punch sound
- Stress condition occurs faster
- Player zombification: 2% chance to contract the zombie virus & turn into a zombie over a couple days
- Wood scrap fortifications tier: windows, doors, fences, etc.
- Structure damage & decay: structures can now be damaged and decay over time if not maintained
- Furniture dismantling results all wired up
- Scrap has been added to every container in the game
- Buildable doors
- Door destruction
- Door breaching (dont stand behind them)
- Buildable water barrel that collects drinkable rainwater
World & Zombies
- Better item spawning calculations
- House alarms are now on map - be careful what doors you open
- Fix glass not being easily breakable by melee weapons
- Computers & internet - Computer logs: plenty of computers are now wired up with lore
- Debit cards & ATMs: use debit cards at an ATM to withdraw the money on the account
- Broken windows need to be cleared or you get damaged when climbing through them
- Zombies break down doors
- Stop zombies from killing each other so easily
- Horde mode: `vein.AISpawner.HordeMode 1` to enable it
- The mine north of Redford (you can mine the lodes inside of it by hitting them with a pickaxe)
Equipment & Weapons
- ADS has been fixed (mostly) on weapons
- New NP5 model
- Flare gun, which ignites zombies
- GPS, cellphone, compass possession determine what HUD elements you can see
- Clock and date UI if you have a clock
- Clothes can be torn into makeshift bandages
Interface & Experience
- Deleting characters
- Cooking, crafting menus now have recipes in categories
- Construction UI quality-of-life improvements
- Autosave option to disable autosaves
- Admin menu for multiplayer admins, press `\` to open it
- Support for mouse bindings in keybind menu
- New music
- Halloween event, between Oct 25 and Nov 1 inclusive
[ 2022-10-19 20:58:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
VEIN 0.003, coming to Steam now! With this release comes our third dev log: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNXw3iX8-CI - Preliminary work on the area north and northwest of Redford - An in-game map - New fortifications, including containers and workbenches - Dedicated servers - Keybinding menu - Lockpicking - Pinned inventory items & a hotbar for fast weapon selection - Item stacks can be split and merged - Bow & arrow, grenades, and two new guns: the N1903 rifle and a double-barrel shotgun - Weapon magazines - German full localization and Russian/Polish/Spanish/Czech partial localization (other language speakers, we need your help!: https://translate.vein.gg) - Notepads that you can write messages on - Inventory sorting - Health post-processing - Zombies can climb over fences - Pigs and cows for all your bacon needs - Peanut allergies - Hats and sunglasses - Sunburns and sunscreen - New main menu - Ballin - More stuff wired up (items, stats) - Standard bugfix and performance improvements MESSAGE FROM THE DEVS Hi all! Heres version 3 of VEIN. This patch took a while to get out, but we wanted to make sure people could host dedicated servers with the minimum amount of effort. A lot of you have been asking for better multiplayer support, and weve been listening! As always, we genuinely appreciate the support. Have fun!
[ 2022-09-10 00:56:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
VEIN 0.002 is out now! Accompanying this release is our second dev log: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3aiAV0wXDk - The Farm: A sandbox area for testing various gameplay features - Construction, building, bases - Addiction and withdrawl system - Water mechanics, drowning, swimming limitations - New hairs - Emote system - Uniquenesses/traits on characters - Weapon degradation - Better weather effects - Better foliage - Chairs - Fire alarms - Steam server browser & Steam integration - Better zombie animations and damage - VSync option - FSR 2 integration - Linux support - More stuff wired up (items, stats, ) MESSAGE FROM THE DEVS Hi everyone! Were happy to present the second version of VEIN. Its been about a month or so and since we released our first version weve had more attention on the project than we ever expected. As always, we appreciate the support from you guys & hope you enjoy these new changes. We cant wait to see whats next! Have fun!
[ 2022-07-30 19:42:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
In the near future, the apocalypse has occurred: hostile zombies roam the Earth, most people have died, and society has collapsed. You are a survivor.
Gather supplies to survive, explore abandoned buildings, combat bandits, defend your home, and rebuild society with friends.
Planned Features:
- Dynamic Environment
- Intelligent AI
- Customizable Characters
- Usable Everything
- Fortification
- Long-Term Survivalism
- Vehicles and Maintenance
- Memory: 2 GB RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 7 GB available space
- Storage: 7 GB available space
- Memory: 8 GB RAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 30 GB available space
- Storage: 30 GB available space
[ 6017 ]
[ 1260 ]
[ 1913 ]