Server owners please update your servers!
- Added Fred's Farm as an official map (new achievement as well).
- Fixed door transition softlock issues in the Evil Manor map.
- Fixed elevator exploit in Nightclub, zombies can no longer break the map by calling the elevators before the objective to move up starts.
- Updated FMOD to the latest version.
- Updated Russian & Brazilian translations.
- Minor optimizations.
- Added native propper handling in VBSP, allow mappers to easily convert brushes to models automatically through the func_detail_model entity (used to get around brush limits in the Evil Manor map).
[ 2024-12-28 16:38:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers! Ambit - Arena
- Adjusted bandit respawn times.
- Added an extra item spawner.
- Added an extra ammo box.
- Minigun will be spawned for the chaos round.
- Removed flamethrower bandits.
- NPCs will drop their weapons.
- Added frag grenades.
- Reduced chaos round from max 8 min to 4 min, on avg in hardcore you couldn't even last 3 min.
- Reduced last round ambush timer.
- Added a few more reinforcements.
- Adjusted zombie spawn rates.
- Reduced bandit obj timer.
- Adjusted bandit spawn times.
- Removed flamethrower bandits.
- Added the minigun.
- Reduced crystal cap times by 30 sec.
- Fixed NPC clip near lab door entrance and exit.
- Clipped various areas in the lab area.
- When +use'ing the prom room doors it should prompt needing the prom room key, if locked.
- Fixed broken weapon placements.
- Schienzel's lab doors will break when the goon objective is completed.
- Adjusted Deagle damage in Objective, Story & Arena mode, it should deal significantly more damage.
- Prevent +use spamming of func_transition.
- Reverted to the old ways of loading soundscapes, propdata and surfaceprops, this fixes buggy loading orders that can happen when you play on servers that do not have the workshop maps installed, e.g compound should work fine on all servers now.
- Capture zone trigger should only start if at least one person in the volume meets the filter criteria.
- Precache func_button spark, if enabled via spawnflag.
Community Discord
[ 2024-10-30 01:18:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
New Maps
Dead City - Objective

Ambit - Arena

Rishika - Arena

Backyard - Arena

Mecklenburg - Arena

Evil Manor - Story

Existing Maps
Nightclub - Objective
- Fixed various exploits that could prevent Larry from spawning properly.
- Removed godspot in the disco room.
- Runners will now count towards the objective kill counters.
- Increased max zombies.
- Fixed glitchy NAV near the cannon.
- Added halloween & festive props.
- XP event will only be triggered for Halloween & Christmas, at a 2.5x rate!
- Game will no longer end when everyone becomes a zombie in an objective map.
- Deprecated bb2 classic mode cvar.
- Added func_transition, useful for Resident Evil style door transitions.
- Improved capture zone trigger, added a 2.5 sec grace period, meaning that progress will not be cleared immediately when you accidentally exit the trigger bounds. Also ensured that progress will persist when the required amount of players changes. Halting progress logic has also been reworked to work better.
- Added AddReinforcements input for game_manager.
- Bleedout particle will no longer spawn under the map in some cases, also ensure that the bleedout is dispatched when the ragdoll stops moving, to make it more realistic.
- Do not spawn bleedout particle for suiciding zombies.
- Added logic_festive_manager, you can use this to trigger map changes based on festive events.
- Propane tank will no longer despawn when thrown.
- Soundscapes can now set if looped sounds should be played using FMOD (up to 30 channels).
- logic_objective can now use entity counting even if the count is not being displayed on the HUD, previously it required that the objective string had a param, e.g %s1.
- Added some new enemy variants: Mummy, Turtle, Mafias, etc.
- Updated the classic BB character models to have working anims, and zombie variants.
- Added bb2_zombie_lifespan_disable, which can be used to disable zombie lifespan entirely, can be useful in some scenarios.
- Added spawnflags for military/bandit NPCs to disable jump &/or melee logic.
- Various HUD & GUI elements should scale better for ultra-wide resolution.
- Scopes will now use a proper ratio, no more stretching in all directions.
- Fixed achievement panel XP & date labels.
- Exhaustible weapons should show up as item pickups, e.g grenades / propane.
- NPC health bar will render properly if a custom render mode has been set.
- Combat text will be merged per entity if possible, e.g when firing with a shotgun - do not show dmg text per pellet, merge it into one dmg value.
- Removed compression from most GUI icons, backgrounds, etc. to make them less blurry on higher res. monitors.
Community Discord
[ 2024-10-26 02:23:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Letter From The Team
Another year and another chance to thank our amazing community! A special thanks to those who also contribute content to our workshop, screenshot section, and our community Hub on steam; discussing bugs and related issues. Most importantly, to those who who have reached lv. 500 and been with us since the beginning. We thank you as well.
Although the team is busy with life and other projects. We always hold Brainbread 2 in our hearts and look forward to supporting Brainbread 2 for years to come.
So, have a wonderful Christmas break and a Happy New Year!
-Reperio Studios Dev Team
Brainbread 2 Community discord
[ 2023-12-23 20:12:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- You can now hold down left or right mouse button to add/remove skill points more quickly.
- XP Event rate has been changed to 2x.
- Fixed a bug which prevented workshop addons with multiple maps from allowing global stats.
- Fixed a rare crash which could occur during the loading screen.
- Human & Zombie bosses will no longer prioritize human players with objective items, all enemies will be considered equally.
[ 2022-06-11 15:55:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Zombie Players can no longer get to the elevators in Night Club before the humans reach this level.
- Reduced damage from acid in Swamp Trouble, this will prevent breaking the map if someone falls into the acid near the raft/bridge with objective items.
- Added a blocker to the last checkpoint in Swamp Trouble, you may only reach this area after defending the sewers.
- Fixed Bandits in Swamp Trouble raft area, they should pay more attention to the players now.
- Increased Blood Rage HP regen rate from 0.615 to 0.815 per point.
- Extended the XP event to be active for both Saturday and Sunday, plus increased XP gained by 50% (2.5X multiplier).
Community Discord
[ 2022-03-31 23:30:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Back in 2013, BrainBread: Source slowly transitioned into BrainBread 2, thanks to Greenlight we were able to push our game onto Steam. Three more years passed until the game was available in Early Access mode, sadly we never managed to get a sufficient amount of content out due to our lack of team members, but we tried our best to fill every void. Six more years passed and we're here today, lots of content has been pushed into BrainBread 2 over the years, including maps, weapons, characters, gameplay changes and more.
New Maps





Swamp Trouble












New Weapons
Benelli M4




Micro Uzi



Akimbo Sawed-Off

Akimbo Glock-17

Akimbo M9 Beretta

New Playable Characters
- Josh
- Neil
- Postal Dude
Some New Features
- Optional Side Quests (gives extra XP)
- More Achievements + they give XP
- Recurring XP event (now 2x)
- Refined XP system - get XP based on damage dealt
- Increased the total amount of points from 100 to 150, LvL 101 to 500 gives the new 50 points
- Client Side Player Models - Import your fav characters to BB2!
- Bullet Penetration - penetrate through players, npcs, solids such as walls, windows, etc
- All custom maps can be used with the Global Profile System (stats + achievs), even if the server runs sourcemod or other thirdparty plugins
- Improved Workshop integration, especially for dedicated servers, players will automatically download the required addon on connection
- PvP Leaderboards
- Zombie Skill Tree saves like the Human Skill Tree
- Multiple maps remastered by The deadly Cutsman
- ... and much more!
Join our community Discord
A big thank you to everyone who played BrainBread 2 during Early Access, especially our beloved vets who play the game to this day!
[ 2022-03-09 19:06:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Reduced XP event rate from 3.5 to 2.0.
- Reverted pickup penalty for the Flamethrower and Minigun from 3 min to 5 min.
- Reverted pickup penalty for the Propane Tank from 3 min to 4 min.
- Reverted level requirement for the Minigun and Flamethrower to 25 and 15 respectively.
- Fixed a Steam Cloud issue which would continuously override your config when starting the game.
- Fixed NAV issues in Swamp Trouble.
- Updated Russian translation.
Community Discord
[ 2022-03-08 15:25:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
Fever - Objective
- Added dbsoldier's new soundtrack for the Pyro fight.
- Added missing door sounds to the military checkpoint door.
- Zombie spawners in the farm and white house will be killed when you move to the labs area.
- Zombies will be teleported to the lab area when the humans get to the lab.
- You can no longer go back to the topside when you enter the labs.
- Fixed floating manholes.
- Added missing glowsticks near the other manhole.
- Added FAR z to fog controller, this will limit the draw distance in the open part of the map.
- Optimized area portals.
- Zombie players should no longer get stuck on spawn.
- Players now spawn with a fireaxe and glock17.
- Increased escape time by a minute.
- Reduced max zombie count from 60 to 40.
- Top side zombie volumes will start spawning 35 sec after round start, rather than 10 sec.
- Added objective icons to mark which house to capture.
- Pyromaniac is smaller now, he should no longer get stuck.
- Boosted Pyromaniac health.
- Reduced gasmask respawn time.
- Opening the doors to the parking lot will open them permanently.
- Quarantine doors will force close.
- Added a new checkpoint after you secure the lobby, when the main doors have opened.
- Added more weapons across the map.
- Added missing rotor sound to the choppers.
- Escaping is finally easier.
- Added dbsoldiers's new soundtrack for the Priest fight.
- Priest no longer gets stuck when trying to go down from the balcony.
- Reduced the bomb blast range.
- Fixed an exploit which could break the map if a player who had the key to the church lost the key before someone entered the church door area, this would teleport everyone to the church and assume that someone had the key.
- The ladder up to the church will glow when the key has been found, also added improved lighting in this area to make it easier to notice the ladder.
- When the Priest boss fight starts, zombie players can no longer enter the human spawn.
- Added more weapon, healthkit and armor items across the map.
- Escaping is easier now.
- Priest will spawn in the fight slightly later.
- Added a new alternate route to elevator hold out area.
- Added a new zombie vent route which bypasses the need to use the elevator.
- Boosted The Director (yes, we gave him extra viagra, but you didn't hear that from us).
- Added global glow to the gear parts in the last objective.
- Improved visual design and NAV mesh.
- Bandit will award 20 XP instead of 10 XP.
- Bandit Leader will award 35 XP instead of 15 XP.
- Zombie Walker will award 15 XP instead of 7.5 XP.
- Zombie Runner will award 10 XP instead of 5 XP.
- Johnson will award 1000 XP instead of 500 XP.
- Priest will award 1000 XP instead of 500 XP.
- Increased Priest base damage from 7 to 12 with the Winchester.
- Increased Priest base health from 5000 to 6500 with no scale.
- Increased Priest health scale value from 7.5% to 35% increase per player.
- Reduced pickup penalty time for Minigun, Propane and Flamethrower to 3 min instead of 4 to 5 min.
- Reduced NPC Grenade damage from 120 to 105.
- Winning the game in Objective/Story mode will award 15% of your total XP needed to level up, rather than 7.5%.
- Winning the game in Arena mode will award 8% of your total XP needed to level up, rather than 4%.
- Winning a round in Arena mode will award 1.5% of your total XP needed to level up, rather than 1%.
- Zombie players can no longer drown, or produce drowning sounds.
- NPCs using flamethrower will no longer deal damage through doors, windows, etc.
- Updated the textures for the Pyromaniac NPC.
- Added missing normal map for Riot Police NPC helmet.
- Removed map score loading screen image thingy.
Leaving Early Access
Be sure to give feedback for this patch, the next step is to push BB2 out of early access, hopefully sometime next week!
Community Discord
[ 2022-03-05 15:19:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=nnYD0L2kEaQ;full][/previewyoutube] Server owners please update your servers!
Fever: Cybercon's Notorious Lab

Coltec: Brainobyl Returns (mad laughter)

Surgery: Painkiller edition - Thanks to The deadly Cutsman

Biohazard: Workshop Map!

New Achievements
- Activate Gunslinger.
- Activate Blood Rage.
- Activate Zombie Rage.
- Kill 25 Players as a Zombie Player.
- Become Infected.
- Complete Coltec: Objective with 4 or more players.
- Complete Fever: Objective with 4 or more players.
- Complete Surgery: Arena with 4 or more players.
- Added a recurring XP event which will happen every Saturday (lasts 24 hours), this system depends on the timezone of the server, to ensure that you will get the best possible experience. All XP will be increased 3.5 times, this will NOT affect NPC scale / difficulty!
- Improved kick and ban vote system, the proper steam ID is now being used, and correct commands for auto kicking on ban, etc.
- Zombie NPCs and Fred will now actually play idle/moan sounds, some old bugs would prevent these sounds if there were more than 5 zombies in the game.
- Human NPCs can now use flamethrowers, snipers and the winchester.
- Added a new boss for the Coltec objective map - meet the Preacher, watch out for his spontaneous grenade attacks!
- Added a cvar which can be used to alter the zombie's max speed, useful if you want your map to be more slow paced.
- Fixed grenade attachments using the wrong hand attachment, grenades should now spawn in more suitable locations.
- Humanoid bosses will now use the correct damage scale values when taking damage, implying some bosses may take less damage from certain weapons.
- Improved NPCs fire rate with certain weapons like shotguns, snipers, etc. They no longer fire them as fast as assault rifles...
- trigger_capturepoint will no longer allow a capture percentage of 0, this would break the trigger - thus it would "auto" capture by itself.
- Updated entity whitelist when a map is restarted, entities like func_brushes, player blockers, etc, were not fully restored on game restart. This issue could prevent players from progressing in the map if they failed once and had to start over again.
- Added an OnProgressed output to logic_quest, this output is triggered for any quest objective, if it has been progressed in any way.
- When a capture volume is captured it will fire the OnCaptured output using the last player interactor in the entity output message.
- Areaportal windows can now be force closed, opened and support an initial state.
- Any item type can now be respawned with the inventory item randomizer, such as actual inventory items, not consumables, etc.
- bb2_prop_button now has a UseSound keyfield.
- Color Correction will no longer fade in if the falloff is set to -1.
- Added shared kill entity classname "bandits" for logic_objective, this will count any bandit, bandit leader, etc kill. Similarly to the "zombies" classname checker.
- Updated the logic_objective with a list of choices for the kill entity type (in the FGD).
- filter_character_type and smart_trigger will now properly register bandit NPCs if the filter is set to Humans NPCs only.
- point_teleport TeleportHumans and TeleportZombies will now perform simple trace checks, to ensure that only players that are not within reach will be teleported.
- Added bb2_zombie_spawner_continuous, this is enabled by default, and will revert to the old zombie volume behaviour, which is to spawn zombie waves every X sec even if the old wave did not fully spawn yet. Newer maps disable this for more optimal zombie spawning.
- Fixed a bug which would show the objective icon for inventory items even if it was set to disabled by default.
- Inventory items can now be set to unique, which ensures the player can only carry one unit of the item.
- Inventory items can now have a despawn time - these will be removed after a few sec when dropped by a player.
- Improved experience system, XP is now awarded based on damage dealt, rather than on kill. Previously you would get XP for a kill, and for each attack you would get 1 XP, this has been changed to a "gain XP as you deal damage" approach, where the minimum XP you may receive is still 1 XP. Your XP value received is affected by how much damage you dealt relative to the NPCs health, and of course the current scale values in the server. Team bonus will now be directly applied to each attack, making it even more useful to gather up against the ZEDs!
- Perk duration is now visualized on the HUD, counts for both human and zombie perks.
- Any XP gained will now be visualized on the HUD, this can be disabled in Options->Other.
- When playing as a zombie in Objective mode, you will now see two counters next to your healthbar HUD in the bottom left corner, these two counters indicate how many enemies you have to kill, or how many times you have to die until you may respawn as a human.
- Improved Blood Rage skill perk, this perk will now improve your health regen vastly, increase your kick damage and melee damage further. Initially it only affected melee damage, excluding kick. This health regen stacks with the health regen skill, and melee master damage skill.
- Fixed a minor bug which displaced HUD text when you were infected.
- Bandit will award 10 XP instead of 8 XP.
- Bandit Leader will award 15 XP instead of 12 XP.
- Zombie Walker will award 7.5 XP instead of 5 XP.
- Fred will award 1000 XP instead of 100 XP.
- Johnson will award 500 XP instead of 100 XP.
- Custom Actor NPC will now award 50 XP if not a boss, and 100 XP if it is a boss, instead of a fixed XP value of 5.
- Boosted Deagle damage from 40 to 50.
- Flamethrower no longer has a horrible drop off.
- Tweaked flamethrower range.
- Removed LvL requirements on Propane, Grenade, Flamethrower and Minigun.
- Mag Refill Skill will trigger more frequently, 15% at max rather than 10%.
- Boosted Blood Rage melee damage from 2% per point to 2.5% per point.
- Increased XP when completing objectives from 2% to 3.5% of the total XP you need to level up.
- Increased XP when completing quest objectives from 1.5% to 2% of the total XP you need to level up.
- Winning the game in Objective mode will award 7.5% of your total XP needed to level up, rather than 5%.
- Winning a round in Arena mode will award 4% of your total XP needed to level up, rather than 2.5%.
Leaving Early Access
The time has finally come, for BrainBread 2 to leave Early Access, this transition will happen in a few weeks, if there are no major issues reported for this patch in the coming week(s)!
Community Discord
[ 2022-02-12 14:03:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed issues related to leaderboards not uploading properly for PvP.
- Cleaned up some unused HUD elements.
Swamp Trouble - Objective
- More zombies will spawn during the escape phase.
- Zombies in earlier stages of the map will stop spawning when you progress further ahead.
- Updated Arabic & Russian translation.
- Added Dutch translation.
- Updated map cfgs, altered the zombie spawn frequencies to be more frequent.
Community Discord
https://discord.gg/0TitkvlFlYoBak0V Happy Holidays!
[ 2021-12-28 02:22:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Our Community
- We at Reperio Studios, wanted to wish the very best to our community, who have supported us throughout the years of development. Without you guys and gals, we would be just another source engine mod. Thank you to our most hardcore and dedicated players who have killed hundreds of bandits, slaughtered thousands of zombies, and possibly smacked around a few times by Farmer Fred. As well as those just joining the fight! We love and appreciate every single one of you guys.
- Further more, a special thank you to all current and past development team members. This mod has come a long way and it wouldn't be possible, if not for all your hard work. Including Programmers, community managers, sound designers, voice actors, translators, and so on.
- Though we are a very limited team since launch. We still plan on supporting the mod (game) with new maps, features, and hopefully a wider range of content. We are always looking for new talent to join the team. If you know anyone who'd be interested in helping out with 3D Design, Animating, Texturing or Level Design please let them know that we'd love to have them on board!
[ 2021-12-25 17:32:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Added PvP leaderboards!
- Added support for custom map based loading music again.
- Moved admins.txt from server to settings.
- Admin system works in local games again.
- Increased default objective / story timelimit by 30 min.
- Extended the admin system, you can now set which 'permissions' each admin has.
- Fixed firstperson body being disabled when rendering the view in a point_viewcontrol.
- Fixed a bug which would prematurely end the game when a player joined an empty game, especially in arena hard mode.
- Activating perks will give you full hp.
- Elimination Team Perks will no longer reset/re-activate while a perk is already active.
- Changed the ammo sharing system, you no longer drop ammo, you share ammo for the gun you are currently holding with players who request ammo through the voice wheel, as long as your guns have matching ammo type, you can share.
- Simplified the capture zone HUD, also fixed cases where it would run off the screen.
- Added more loading tips.
- Fixed a bug in the end map vote menu, the layout should be properly flexible now.
- Refreshing the end map vote menu will now always give new options, rather than just doing another random selection, this will go on until all options have been presented, at that point it will reset and do a new random selection.
- Fixed 2D keypad menu, used through bb2_prop_button.
- Bosses no longer have to reload their weapons.
- Zombies will no longer try to hit you if you are way above them, fixes some NAV issues.
- Crawling zombies / gibbed zombies will no longer go through displacements in some rare cases.
- Updated NAV cost function to increase cost for ladder routes, and to decrease cost for crouch routes. Zombies should now only try to climb if there are no other viable alternatives.
- NPCs fading in or out will no longer cast shadows.
- Inventory items can now be enabled/disabled, this will disable glow, +use input, etc.
- Weapons will have a red glow if they have no ammo.
- You will now get more ammo when you replenish ammo for the Sawed Off.
- item_note can now use different models.
- Added revert option to the trigger_player_block brush entity, this is useful if you want anything else but X to pass through it.
- Added spawnflag support to npc_auto_spawner.
- Improved color_correction and color_correction_volume, both are now fully client simulated, and multiple of the same correction type can be put around the map.
- Added min and max zombie count to zombie_volume, the value is determined by the amount of players in the game (scaling).
- Removed spawn frequency from zombie_volume, replaced spawn frequency convar with bb2_zombie_spawn_freq_min and bb2_zombie_spawn_freq_max.
- Fixed zombie_volume spawn wave timer, for each spawned zombie, the timer should be pushed forward by X sec.
- Improved zombie_volume visibility checks, the traces will now ignore static props, only brushes block their line of sight.
- smart_trigger and character type filter entity can now filter by non-infected players.
- Improved trigger_capturepoint, it now supports filters properly, for example you can have an inventory item filter, when the filter is valid it activates, and when it becomes invalid it will reset the capture process.
- trigger_capturepoint can now fire the OnTouch output at a given interval.
- trigger_soundscapes will now activate their target soundscape even if you cannot see it, and it can be set to not disable this soundscape when you leave the trigger bounds.
- Increased respawn time for ammo entities.
- inventory_item and bb2_prop_button will no longer catch +use when disabled.
- smart_trigger & trigger_player_block will have client & npc flags set by default.
- Improved glow functionality for bb2_prop_button.
- bb2_prop_button will now use VPhysics by default if possible.
- Added 'Affect Once' to logic_inventory_check, only one inventory item will be used/dropped/deleted when found if true.
- Added 'Exchange ID' to logic_inventory_check, if the initial item is found, it will exchange it with the item ID given.
- Removed Kill and Time scale factors from logic_objective, the time and kill count is automatically scaled between min and max, the scale factor is determined by the amount of players in the game.
Balancing - Elimination
- Zombie Players get 5 points per kill instead of 4.
- Zombie Players need 2 human kills to trigger a team perk.
- Human Players need 4 zombie player kills to trigger a team perk.
- Human Players can no longer trigger team perks by killing NPCs.
- Zombie Player team perk will make them absorb all firearm damage, humans will have to go melee from now on!
- Complete Swamp Trouble - Objective with at least 4 players.
- Added Swamp Trouble, Objective.
- Adjusted areaportal window translucency values across multiple maps.
- Adjusted NAV in Termoil, Compound, Surgery, Barracks.
- Fixed broken entities in elimination maps.
- Added more details.
- Disabled collision on light props.
- Bandits will spawn a bit more frequent in the Larry boss sequence.
- Larry and the Director is slightly stronger.
- Fixed god spots.
- Fixed issues with the welding objective, when you use a blowtorch on the gate, if players who had no blowtorch went into the trigger it would reset.
- You no longer get stuck when you all get teleported into the gunshop.
- Added more details to the factory part.
- Fixed trigger_player_block entities.
- Adjusted textures and decals.
- Added changes from bbe_rooftop.
Community Discord

[ 2021-12-05 18:59:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- All surfaceprops, propdata, soundscapes, etc. are now recursively loaded through the data folder, this allows modders to simply add their stuff here without the need to update a manifest file, or override existing files.
- Improved workshop logic for dedicated servers, improved the verboseness.
- Removed all AI node crap, from now on only NAV is used. Update your custom maps if you have not yet added NAV!
- Coldsnap will reduce enemy movement speed by 45% and force the enemy to walk, if running.
- All default soundsets are now available for each character.
- You can now view quests + progress while spectating.
- Firstperson body will not render if your view is rendered through a camera.
- Disabled bloom effects when view is rendered through a camera.
- Fixed armor damage pain sound, it was overriden by the default pain sound.
- Improved player animation state blending, especially for the local player, less glitchy leg movement, proper YAW, etc.
- Added a lost survivor soundset made by Seoras back in the day.
- Added an option to enable automatic reload of weapons.
- Updated credits logic, you can now increase/decrease the scroll speed by using mouse scroll, also fixed the layout.
- Excluded maps can now show proper loading screens.
- Added npc_bandit_leader, npc_police, npc_riot and npc_swat (plus static versions).
- npc_fred now has a disable jump option.
- Added allow jump, and force static option to npc_custom_actor.
- Fixed NPC auto-fire shotgun OPness.
- Overhauled npc_custom_actor AI.
- Fixed zombie NPCs wall hacking issues.
- Improved overall zombie attack logic, they can reach you in trickier areas.
- Fred can no longer walk thru military or bandit NPCs.
- Fixed ai schedule route stuff if interruptability is set to Death, any interruptions will not cause the AI to break.
- Added support for soundset override in the model override, defined in the maps script. Useful if you want the npc to use an entirely new soundset.
- Crawling zombies are now non solid for all NPCs and players.
- Improved zombie door breaking AI a bit, they will no longer randomly attack doors, only if the door obstructs their NAV path.
- Fixed npc_custom_actor fire rate with certain weapons.
- Disabled jumping for Johnson in Salvage.
- Added SetBreakable, SetUnBreakable, and breakable default state to prop_door_breakable.
- Added filter_inventory_item which can be used to filter based on whether or not a player has a certain inventory item.
- Added filter_damage_type, this can be used to filter entities based on classification.
- Fixed messy smart_trigger outputs.
- It is now possible to disabled the inventory item rotation effect by setting DisableRotationFX to 1 in the script for the item. Disabling the effect will also set the item to spawn using the orientation in hammer, and will revert to the ang_off_* ones when dropped.
- Radius glow color can now be changed through LocalGlow R G B A.
- Fixed +use hierarchy, sometimes if an inventory item was dropped into an ammo box or some other larger non solid entity you would not be able to pickup the item.
- Improved zombie volume tracing.
- Fixed item_ammo_box +use trolling.
- A thrown propane tank will have a red'ish glow outline rather than blue'ish, implying it can be detonated!
- logic_objective no longer needs an index value.
- Updated Coldsnap to reduce speed by 45% instead of 15%.
- Complete Nightclub with at least 4 players.
- Bandit Massacre.
- Psychopatic Tendencies.
- Healing Addiction.
- Kung Flu Fighting.
- Mazel Tov.
- Prescripted with Pain.
- Sweeper.
- Head Traumer.
- Added Nightclub, Objective.
- Added Fever, Elimination.
- Added Rooftop, Elimination.
- Remastered Cargo, Arena.
- Remastered Swamp Trouble, Arena.
- Remastered Rooftop, Arena.
- Fixed NAV issues.
- Added clips to prevent Fred from falling down and into the sewers.
- Added a new quest, find the keycard and open the armory.
- Rastamon and George Wayne will no longer get stuck if obstructed.
- Added the latest SDK 2013 engine binaries.
- Fixed various duped output issues in the FGDs.
- Removed tons of unused bloat, legacy HL2 and TF2 code, logic, fgd, etc...
- Added missing detail textures from L4D content, also removed some duped files.
- Updated Russian translation.
- Updated credits, added some missing people!
- Removed unused achievements, for now.
- Credits to The deadly Cutsman for the remastered maps, and to Razorkiller for the new achievement ideas plus icons!
Community Discord
Sethen's Level Design Blog

[ 2021-07-24 18:38:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Sourcemod and other plugins can now be used with Global Stats.
- ALL custom maps are now whitelisted by default. Meaning any map is eligible for Global Stats!
- Increased max points to 150, LvL 1-100 gives 100 points, while LvL 101-500 gives 50 points. Write bb2_reset_skills in the console to reset the points for your player. (LvL will not be affected!)
- Fixed prediction issues.
- You will no longer lose zombie credits if you have enough kills to respawn as a human. (on death)
- Zombie Life Leech will no longer trigger on friendly fire / suicide attempts.
- LvL 500 tiara should now fade out when the owner leaves your PVS.
- Achievements will now display the XP you will receive when achieving said achievement.
- NPCs will no longer randomly fade in when they enter your PVS way after being created.
- Added TeleportHumans and TeleportZombies to point_teleport, which will teleport said team to this entity's origin.
- Fixed potentially broken zombie_volumes when using respawn only on death.
- Rex, Akimbo Rex and Deagle will no longer disorient the player view massively when playing with a high ping.
- Switched Rex and Deagle viewpunch. Boosted viewpunch for Deagle, Rex and Akimbo Rex.
- Hopefully fixed twitchy Deagle hand anim swap, when going from two hand to one hand and vice versa.
- Deagle will do twice as much damage in Deathmatch mode.
- Upped Deagle fire rate with two hands to 0.6.
- Resized the texture, it is now higher res which should give more visible detail.
- Fixed the normal map so it works properly and is not a jagged-up improper mess.
- Better, smoother shine.
- Sights now have working tritium.
- Added Rishika, a new awesome Deatmatch map!
- Added Backyard, an improved version of the backyard deathmatch workshop map.
- Added Player CLIP to some areas to help pathing and prevent exploits.
- Added major visual changes to hotel and ZED publishing building.
- Adjusted some textures outside.
- Adjusted lighting inside Pawn Shop and Book store.
- Addded color correction to improve red lighting and dark areas.
- Added new snow texture outside.
- Added small snow details around the map.
- Fixed prop fading on some props.
- Added lighting to third level leading into elevator.
- Added more props to certain areas.
- Added wooden platform in elevator room to help player pathing.
- Extended skybox view.
- Added Player CLIP to some areas to help player pathing.
- Added Arabic translation provided by Mohammad AlHilwani AlRefaei (SY)!
Community Discord

[ 2020-08-14 21:03:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed bad game stutter/occasional freezing, due to Steam Stats callback constantly refreshing the client achievement data.
- Reality Phase will no longer make you immortal.
- Reality Phase will no longer let you run through doors.
- Netcode optimization.
- You can now chat while the end score/stats panel is visible.
- Spawning zombies can no longer go through doors.
- You can now kill spawning zombies again.
- Enabled proper lag compensation for spawning zombies.
- Increased Minigun firing frequency for NPCs.
- NPCs will no longer spam auto-fire with shotguns.
- Improved Zombies & Fred attack AI, they will now be able to attack you properly when you hide/camp in hard to reach areas.
- zombie_volume now has a new spawnflag which prevents the spawner from ever spawning more zombies than the amount specified in the trigger. Meaning that the spawner will only spawn new zombies when the old ones dies.
- Ragdoll based gibs that have faulty bones or QC scripting in general will try to revert to physics only if possible. Rather than being removed entirely.
- Frag grenades will no longer collide with or bounce off of friendly players or NPCs.
- If extreme gore is disabled, gib impacts will trigger less to save performance.
- Added more recoil to the Deagle when in 1H and 2H.
- Added separate fire rate for Deagle 1H stance.
- Deagle will now change between stances faster.
- Increased Deagle reload speed when using Pistol Mastery.
- Reduced 2H stance Deagle fire rate.
- Increased 1H stance Deagle fire rate.
- Increased Deagle bash damage from 20 to 25.
- Increased Deagle base damage from 37 to 40.
- Increased Deagle Pistol Mastery damage increase by 30% per point.
- Deagle will now use 8 bullets per mag, and can hold 6 mags rather than 5.
- Fixed the normal map so there's no (or at the very least less) smoothing errors.
- Sights should be slightly less shiny, it's not a shiny metal.
- Added a missing important detail, the trigger button on the hammer.
- Added some subtle fat-based dirt on areas that make sense it would have dirt. (like the sights)
- Made the text and icon more visible, as it should be.
- Added tritium sights, for some more eye-appealing decoration.
- Improved the envmap, should make the gun even more reflective.
- Improved shading on the gold.
- Added crevices on the hammer.
Mecklenburg - Objective
- Bandits will no longer camp in the elevator shaft.
- Fixed blocked NAV areas near the gunshop.
- Several zombie spawners in tighter areas, like the apartment areas will use the new zombie volume spawning flags to prevent overflow of zombies.
- Fixed bad player blockers for zombie players.
Community Discord

https://discord.gg/0TitkvlFlYoBak0V Happy Easter!
[ 2020-04-11 22:14:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
Players & Skills
- Cheetah Powerup will now ignore weapon weight.
- Predator Powerup will ignore all falldamage.
- When you reach LvL 500 you will be a god to everyone else.
- Sliding into an escape trigger will no longer glitch out your view.
- Fixed a minor bug which would not reset your kill or death counter when you respawned as a human while being a zombie.
- Reality Phase will now make you properly non solid to all Players & NPCs.
- Added bb2_end_game & bb2_end_round for testing purposes, which allows you to skip rounds in Arena mode.
- Steam Stats will now be fetched properly for clients, even when Steam Overlay is disabled.
- Max spawn protection cvar value has been lowered from 10 to 5 sec.
- Scoreboard will be closed when the end map vote panel is displayed, to prevent panel rendering issues.
- Fixed HUD ammo mag counter displaying faulty values for akimbo weapons.
- Fixed HUD ammo bullets sometimes displaying 0 bullets when you actually had at least one bullet in the clip.
- Updated scheme files to fix a faulty font name for Noto Sans, this should fix font rendering issues for some Linux distros.
- Optimized netcode for NPCs.
- Humanoid NPCs will now fire their weapons more frequently.
- Zombies & Fred will no longer wiggle back and forth sometimes when they try to attack someone facing a wall.
- Zombies will no longer attack air because they think they can reach you, even when you're a story above them.
- Improved Fred's AI, he is no longer fully brain dead.
- Updated NPC collide rules, Fred will no longer get blocked by spawning NPCs or weapons.
- Fred will no longer collide with Military or Bandit NPCs.
- func_precipitation is now preserved on level restart.
- Cleaned up and removed a lot of unnecessary entities.
- Improved trigger_player_blocker, it now blocks/unblocks smoothly and also supports a disabled state which can either block or unblock by default.
- Fixed akimbo ammo inconsistency bug, if you had uneven amount of ammo. It would prevent you from firing/reloading properly.
- Frag Grenades can no longer kill friendlies when you throw them before becoming infected, becoming a zombie or escaping/spectating.
- Melee & Firearms will no longer trace against items, armor, ammo, and other weapons.
- Melee & Firearms will now trace through friendlies, meaning you can for example shoot through your friends. No more blocking!
- You can no longer consume propane tanks (ammo) when you already own propane.
- Flamethrower sound is no longer global. It should be distance based, clear your sound cache if it still is global!
- Added the Desert Eagle, plus its respective achievement! Credits to Lord B & Boss Negro!
- Updated VPKs to include more game folders.
- Added NAV related FGD entries.
- Moved FGD files into the root/bin folder.
- Increased the effect from Weightless from 4% to 6.5% per point.
- Increased the effect from Lightweight from 2% to 4% per point.
- Fixed akimbo weapon positions in the objective maps.
- Added the Deagle to all objective maps and Salvage.
- Nerfed zombie spawners in the apartments, alley, prison and keycode area.
- Rastamon and Wayne will get some extra time to flee before the other prison door opens, and will position themselves behind the military.
- Nerfed zombie spawners in the zone capture area and alley transit area.
- Fixed player blocker being obsolete sometimes.
- Increased zombie count.
- Added a nav blocker in Johnson's container, to prevent the bandits from trying to go through it.
Community Discord

[ 2020-03-30 15:00:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
Added the latest SDK 2013 bins.
New Beef
- Added Cargo - Deathmatch.
- Added Rooftop - Deathmatch.
- Added some visual changes and lighting updates.
- Modified some weapon placements, and added some new weapon spawns.
- Added Polish translation, thanks to Kondi!
- Added Russian closed-captions, thanks to Evil Apple!
Community Discord

https://discord.gg/0TitkvlFlYoBak0V Have a merry xmas!
[ 2019-12-22 23:42:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
Players & Skills
- Blazing Ammo sound cue will no longer play when you damage NPCs with the flamethrower.
- Skill Sound Cues should no longer be interrupted by other player sounds.
- Added skill sound cue for Crippling Blow and Life Leech.
- In Deathmatch mode you'll now pickup armor and health on touch rather than only on +use. If you walk over armor, it'll only be picked up if the armor type is greater or equal to your current armor type.
- Removed armor weight in Deathmatch mode.
- Human FLESH overlays will now render properly for clients that haven't entered your PVS at all.
- Fixed map selection GUI pagination.
- Opening the chat window will now properly position the mouse cursor so that you can easily scroll in the chat panel.
- NPC based killfeeds can now be hidden by setting hud_deathnotice_npcs to 0.
- Fred should no longer get paralyzed sometimes when someone triggers his rage mode.
- Zombies and zombie bosses can now attack targets when you stand on them / under them, improved their reach.
- Improved climbing, crawling and jumping when using NAV.
- Walkers & Runners will no longer randomly die as frequently, if they have an active player enemy within sight they'll not be flagged for death.
- Improved AI responsiveness, finally! Bandits are no longer super lazy in big objective maps...
- Improved crawler hull slightly.
- Fixed YAW speed for crawlers.
- Fixed akimbo weapons fully, from now on they will work more like CS:S dualies. You only have to click one button. (LMB by default)
- Fixed akimbo world models, sometimes the weapon would disappear entirely when dropped.
- Fixed faulty attachment names on the akimbo Glock-17 and akimbo Beretta.
- Melee weapons can now set how likely they are to stun an enemy, in addition to the default stun rate.
- Workshop will now load info for more than 50 addons on the client. If you had more than 50 addons previously, there could have been a chance that the map selection panel wouldn't list all of your subscribed workshop maps.
- Gameservers can now load more than 50 workshop maps.
- The gunshop will no longer block players from entering if you fail to complete the map. The gunshop door block brush was not reset on round/game restart.
- Added a few more clips to prevent camping on vehicles.
- Fixed some NAV connection issues.
- Fixed NAV issues.
- Fixed invisible texture bug in the sewers.
- Fred will no longer get stuck in the subway area, near the ticket booth.
- Zombie Players can no longer +use and abuse the turtles.
- Updated some props to be prop_static rather than prop_dynamic, plus disabled collision on a few of these props.
- The main door leading to the facility will now be killed when the first objective is completed.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed the player to jump on top of some fences.
- Nerfed zombie spawners near the spawn area and secure facility area.
- Added more details to the map, thanks to Sethen!
- Fixed an exploit which would allow the player to jump+crouch onto the clothing drape on the second floor.
- Clipped palm trees.
- Fixed AI nodes.
- Fixed player spawn entities using PITCH spawn angles.
- Added navmesh to Rooftops, Barracks, Surgery and Devilscrypt.
- Boosted Remington 700 by 15% in Arena and Objective, against NPCs.
- Nerfed Rex and Akimbo Rex by 13% in Deathmatch.
- Nerfed Benelli M4 23% in Deathmatch.
- Boosted Remington 870 by 5% in Deathmatch.
- Boosted Sledgehammer by 10% in Arena and Objective, against NPCs.
- Boosted Fireaxe by 8% in all modes.
- Nerfed Hatchet by 5% in Deathmatch.
- Sledgehammer is now 100% more likely to stun a target, if Crippling Blow > 0.
- Baseballbat is now 25% more likely to stun a target, if Crippling Blow > 0.
- Machete is now 50% less likely to stun a target, if Crippling Blow > 0.
- Brick is now 75% less likely to stun a target, if Crippling Blow > 0.
- M9 Bayonet is now 50% less likely to stun a target, if Crippling Blow > 0.
- Hatchet is now 50% less likely to stun a target, if Crippling Blow > 0.
Community Discord

[ 2019-08-04 19:09:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
Players & Skills
- Added skill activation sound cues, thanks to Boss Negro. These sounds will play when you for example activate Magazine Refill, Blazing Ammo, Life Leech, Bleed, Coldsnap and Empowered Bullets! You can enable/disable this through Options->Other.
- Fixed the skill talent reset command, bb2_reset_skills will now work properly.
- Fixed a rare bug which could force your FOV to be permanently zoomed in, when zooming with a weapon.
- Removed ammo resupply punishment in Deathmatch and Elimination mode.
- Ammo resupply punishment will punish ammo spammers for max 30 sec, this penalty can be reduced to minimum 15 sec if you use the resourceful skill.
- Boosted flashlight lenght, width and radius.
- Added bb2_vote_required_percentage_kickban in an effort to prevent kick and ban vote abusing. This is now used for the ban and kick votes, so that maps can use a lower percentage. (maps will use the old, bb2_vote_required_percentage)
- Tweaked text positioning in the tooltip HUD.
- Added music shuffle option to Options->Other.
- Improved akimbo firing logic, it should register the mouse clicks properly when you are spamming fast. Holding down both mouse buttons will trigger slow + harmonic auto-fire.
- Added new textures for the Benelli M4, credits to Boss Negro.
- Fixed bad shading on the Famas textures, credits to Boss Negro.
- Guns in Deathmatch and Elimination may now have unique bullet spread values.
- Clipped multiple areas to prevent excessive exploiting.
- Nerfed zombie spawns in the alley area and in the apartment corridors.
- Improved the rescue quest, the two npcs in question will now move to the military NPCs rather than hanging around in the police station.
- Fixed zombie spawns, zombies should spawn more frequently now.
- Increased max zombie limit from 35 to 40.
- Clipped some specific area which would get players stuck while fetching fuel.
- Added navmesh, should improve the AI.
- Benelli M4 dropoff has been changed from 275 to 245.
- Remington 870 dropoff has been changed from 400 to 420.
- HK MP5 dropoff has been changed from 850 to 600.
- Changed MP7 Pistol Mastery damage increase from 4% to 2.45% per point.
- Changed MP5 Pistol Mastery damage increase from 1.65% to 2% per point.
- Decreased MP5 damage by 4-5 points in Deathmatch mode.
- Decreased Micro Uzi damage by 5-6 points in Deathmatch mode.
- Increased Sawed Off pellet damage by 1 point in Deathmatch mode.
- Decreased MP7 damage by 3-5 points in Deathmatch mode.
- Applied tighter spread to the Sawed Off, akimbo Sawed Off and Remington 870 in Deathmatch mode.
- Reduced akimbo Glock-17 and akimbo Beretta damage with roughly 20% in Deathmatch mode.
Community Discord

[ 2019-05-31 21:08:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Updated the SDK app, it will now launch properly again.
[ 2019-05-27 11:28:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Updated the workshopper to use the latest Steamworks C# Wrapper.
- The workshopper will now be able to display more than 50 addons.
- Switched the workshopper tool over to .NET 4.0 for better compatibility with older versions of Windows.
- Added the latest weapon SMD source files.
[ 2019-05-26 14:05:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Ammo box re-supplying will no longer punish you for 2 min if you pickup 5 charges of ammo within a minute, from now on you have to pickup 6 charges within 10 sec intervals in order to get punished. The punishment time has been reduced to max 75 sec, this time can be lowered to roughly less than 50 sec with the resourceful skill.
- Nerfed Johnson's HP and DMG scaling, also made him more vulnerable to damage in the head and chest.
- Nerfed Johnson's damage with the remington 870 shotgun.
- Added the new HK MP5 sounds, you might have to write snd_async_flush in the console while in-game in order to fully clear the sound cache. (in order to hear the new sounds)
- Updated Neil playermodel, he is no longer super shiny and glossy. Credits to Boss Negro.
Community Discord

[ 2019-05-26 13:16:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fred will no longer do friendly fire to himself and allies when doing the AOE rage attack.
- Reduced the chance to play certain VO sounds.
- Hopefully fixed a rare bug which would make the weapon viewmodel and/or worldmodel invisible.
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to get points for every lvl after lvl 100.
- Added auto skill reset check, if the player has more than 125 points.
- Bandits will no longer friendly fire with grenades, hopefully.
- Securing the facility is now a little easier, extended the trigger volume bounds.
- Added another ammo box in the facility.
- Added a frag grenade spawn in the facility.
- Nerfed bandit respawn timer and zombie spawns near the second objective.
- Boosted Mr. Seaghoooul...
Community Discord

[ 2019-05-22 16:14:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers! Make sure to update your keybinds, so that the new inventory and quest changes will work for you!
- Major lag compensation update, the correct gun trajectory is now being properly lag compensated, and for every pellet. Previously only the first pellet was lag compensated, which was awful for shotguns! Also improved melee hit detection to use better bounds checking.
- Steam Workshop will now work properly for dedicated servers, you can now put workshop addons in the root/brainbread2/workshop/content/346330 folder directly. Previously you had to install the addon(s) through the dedicated server. The dedicated server will also set the correct download ID for clients now.
- Increased max skill points to 125! LvL 100 will award 2 points, and then every 100 level will award 5 points until you reach LvL 500, which in turn will award 10 points! WRITE bb2_reset_skills INTO THE CONSOLE IN ORDER TO GET THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF POINTS WITH THIS NEW SYSTEM, THIS WILL NOT RESET YOUR LVL OR XP
- Added new randomization maths for the skill percentage perks and such, so that they activate more fairly. For example Life Leech, Blazing Ammo, Empowered Bullets, etc...
- server_workshop.cfg will be executed when workshop has been fully loaded on a dedicated server.
- Minor performance improvements related to loading the game data.
- Hashed all the VPKs so that dedicated servers will load faster.
- Updated position and angle precision for gibs and ragdolls.
- Gib sounds should no longer play globally.
- logic_quest objectives can be progressed through hammer inputs. Input
, type can be 0 or 1. Type 0 = boolean, Type 1 = entity counting. (entity counting, set kill entity to custom) This will allow the mapper to make quests like 'Fetch X jugs of milk'. - logic_objective can be progressed through hammer inputs. (entity counting, set kill entity to custom)
- RPG rockets can now be detonated by firing at them, including the M1A1 tank rocket projectiles.
- RPG rockets now use proper gravity.
- You can no longer stand on Fred's head.
- When Fred enters his rage mode he'll knock nearby enemies back and deal damage equal to 50% of the afflicted targets health.
- Player zombies can no longer potentially activate Fred's rage mode.
- Added HP regen for Fred, when Fred has not taken damage within 10 sec he'll start to slowly regenerate his health.
- Added sk_npc_boss_fred_navmesh for Fred, set this to 0 if you need Fred to jump onto tall obstacles.
- Military npcs and custom actors will now collide with each another.
- Added bb2_zombie_lifetime_advanced for regular zombies, when this is set to 1 it will make sure that old zombies die faster so that new zombies can spawn more rapidly.
- Runners should no longer attack as frequently through walls.
- Fixed broken health scaling for npc_custom_actor.
- All NPCs will now fade in on the client.
- NPCs using aiscripted_schedule or the integrated scheduling in the npc_auto_spawner or zombie_volume entities will now set stricter requirements for finishing the desired schedule. Previously the schedule would be interrupted very easily.
- Fixed a minor bug which could result in the body and arms using the wrong skin.
- Fixed a minor spectating bug, if you spectated in-eye and the target became a spectator the body would still be rendered.
- Made sure to always clamp the skill tree values between 0-10.
- Fixed a bug which would prevent a player from respawning if buttons were held down. This could also have been the cause for other bugs in the arena mode, and issues in arena hard mode.
- If you leave the game in objective mode, then rejoin right away you'll spawn as a zombie even if late joining is enabled. This will reset when the round restart. This will prevent people from simply rejoining the game in order to skip playing as a zombie.
- Firstperson body will update faster for the local player.
- Applied poseparameters crash fix.
- Fixed a potential crash in the movement sound code.
- You can no longer kill teammates with grenades by priming them and disconnecting before it detonates.
- Fixed client-side playermodel T-pose issues, especially when switching weapons. Reverts to default idle anims.
- Fixed a bug which prevented the flamethrower particles from being rendered when bb2_render_client_mirror was set to 0.
- Spawn Protection will now be disabled when attacking, jumping, kicking or sliding in every gamemode but Arena.
- Fixed decimal precision loss for skills, such as health and armor.
- Dormant players will not play their voice over lines.
- Removed the old quest and inventory GUI. The inventory can now be accessed through some new keybinds, be sure to update your keybinds through the options menu. One button is used to select the active inventory item, while two other buttons are used to either drop or use the item. The active item will be highlighted in a greenish color, the new inventory system is similar to how ZP:S handles ammo selection and dropping. The quest system however has its own new GUI!
- Added a new quest system GUI, when a quest starts or fails you'll be notified through the chat and the HUD. Press and hold C by default to display the quest menu, the menu will not swallow mouse or keyboard input, except for the invnext and invprev keys. Use the weapon selection keys to browse through the quest list.
- Notes can now be translated by simply copying the note with a '_
' postfix. For example 'data/notes/cemeterytrouble_1_russian.txt'. - FMOD will be restarted when sound option changes are being applied.
- Capture Zone HUD will be properly reset if the capturing fails due to too few players in the volume.
- Special weapons will no longer render ammo icons on the HUD when replenishing ammo.
- When the end game map voting menu is displayed, all other panels will be closed first.
- Muted the voice menu.
- Updated the 'arrow' textures to be more visible.
- Added HK-MP5.
- Added Akimbo Beretta.
- Added Akimbo Glock-17.
- Added Akimbo Sawed-Off.
- Improved hit detection for the Flamethrower.
- Fixed the Sawed-Off to act more like the old badass Sawed-Off, firerate has also been improved.
- Fixed Minigun holstering issue, it will no longer try to holster. Fixed timing issues.
- HK-MP5 achievement is now available.
- Added achievements for completing a certain amount of quests, also known as extra objectives. Press and hold C by default to see if the map has any active quests, make sure to update your keyboard bindings if the menu doesn't show.
- Added Compound, Objective.
- Added Island, Arena.
- Applied map exploit & godspot fixes, provided by Taco.


- Added the new guns.
- Zombies in apartment four (upstairs) will now move to the capture zone properly.
- Added the new guns.
- Fixed minor exploits.
- Added the new guns.
- Fixed minor exploits.
- Optimized the map some more.
- Fixed broken music.
- Added the new guns.
- Fixed minor exploits.
- Added the new guns.
- Fixed minor exploits.
- Fixed broken music.
- Upped Fred's movement speed slightly, by roughly 10%.
- Increased health range for Walkers & Runners by 5 HP.
- Completing quests will now award 1.5% of your total XP rather than 4%.
- Updated Russian localization, provided by EvilApple.
- The VPKs have been updated and optimized. The game and dedicated server uses different VPKs now, so that the game can ship everything in the VPKs. This will make it easier for modders to extract what they want from the VPKs.
Community Discord

[ 2019-05-21 20:11:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Updated gameinfo for every platform + dedicated servers, the dedicated servers used the wrong gameinfo which caused workshop issues on gameservers!!!
- Updated skill localization for English localization.
- Updated Russian localization, thanks to Evil Apple.
- Updated Korean localization, thanks to and kaishak7179.
- Reduced Fred stuck timer by 10 sec.
- When the gunshop has been successfully defended you will no longer be able to go back to the police station area, the blockade will be lifted when your team has to find fuel for the escape vehicle.
- Gunshop defend time has been reduced with at least 1-2 minutes.
- Added more firearms and melee weapons, bandits will also drop their weapons.
- Nerfed zombie spawns in the alleys during the gass station objective.
- Flamethrower can now be found in the police station armory.
- Improved navigation mesh.
- Reverted to the old Sawed-Off weapon viewmodel, get crackin!
- Reverted to old weapon balancing values for the different gamemodes, however melee has been boosted slightly.
- Increased recoil factor for Micro Uzi by 25%.
- Increased recoil factor for Famas by 20%.
- Increased recoil factor for MP7 by 15%.
- Increased recoil factor for MAC11 by 10%.
- Decreased drop-off distance for Famas by 50.
- Increased drop-off distance for Micro Uzi by 30.
- Increased drop-off distance for Remington 870 by 50.
- Increased drop-off distance for Benelli M4 by 75.
- Increased drop-off distance for Sawed Off by 60.
- Increased drop-off distance for Winchester by 100.
- Decreased fire rate increase for AK-74 with Rifle Master from 3% to 1.3% per point.
- Military NPCs will do slightly more damage with shotguns and rifles.
- Reduced Runner damage-both from 15-19 to 12-15.
- Walker health range is now between 90-110 instead of 125-135.
- Reduced Walker damage-single from 15-18 to 13-16.
- Reduced Walker damage-both from 20-24 to 18-21.
- Reduced Walker max speed from 2.15 to 2.00 (randomized speed)
- Team Bonus Damage will boost damage by 20% when 12 players stand together, (TeamBonusValue-5)*3 % damage increase.
- Enhanced Reflexes Skill changed from 1% to 1.25% per point.
- Health Skill changed from 5% to 6.5% per point, total health changed from 150 to 165.
- Impenetrable Skill changed from 1% to 1.3% per point.
- Life Leech Skill changed from 3% to 2% per point.
- Power Kick Skill changed from 10% to 6% per point.
- Zombie Player Damage Reduction Skill changed from 2% to 2.25%.
- Zombie Player Mass Invasion Skill changed from 0.5% to 0.75%, will only have effect during team bonus, damage increases with 0.75% per point multiplied with the team bonus value!
- Flamethrower will deal 15% more damage against player zombies in objective mode.
- Player Zombies will deal 5% more damage against human npcs in objective mode.
[ 2019-03-16 22:29:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Gave George Wayne and Rastamon custom NPCs some more health, but disabled health scaling, health scaling for npc_custom_actor is broken atm.
- Minor optimization improvements in the gunshop area.
- Added a bunch of playerclips here and there to prevent excessive camping.
- Added more AI nodes for fallback purposes.
- Fred can no longer get into the gunshop.
- Zombie Players will spawn closer to the survivors during the last objectives, after the survivors have brought fuel to the extraction vehicle.
- Capture zones now require 25% of the human team to help capture rather than 40%.
- Capture zone time has been changed from 35 to 30 sec.
- Increased respawn time by 10 sec for the bandits in the police station.
- Increased respawn time by 5 sec for the bandits in the gas station.
- One of the Military guards will use a Famas instead of an AK-74.
- Nerfed multiple zombie spawners, especially the ones in the alley, when you've to use the boltcutters to get to the gas station.
- Fixed buggy pink reflections @ textures.
- Added some more randomized item spawners outside the police department. @start area.
- Reduced the timelimit for the bandit wave.
- Reduced max time for the last wave to 8 min rather than 8.5 min.
- Increased kill count needed slightly for the bandit wave.
- Bushmasta mini-boss will no longer have any HP scaling. (HP scaling is broken for npc_custom_actor atm)
- Remington 870 fire rate has been fixed for Bandits & Military NPCs.
- Benelli M4 fire rate has been fixed for Bandits & Military NPCs.
- Benelli M4 reload start & reload start empty is slightly faster now.
- Reduced the base damage for the Flamethrower down to 20 from 25.
- Increased fuel depletion slightly for the Flamethrower.
- Reduced Flamethrower damage against zombie and human players, the base dmg should be reduced by 75% in every gamemode.
- Reduced Flamethrower damage against human & zombie bosses by 60%.
- Increased damage with the fists by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Fireaxe by 25%.
- Increased damage with the Baseballbat by 15%.
- Increased damage with the M9 Phrobis by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Machete by 30%.
- Increased damage with the Sledgehammer by 40%.
- Increased damage with the Hatchet by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Brick by 25%.
- Increased damage with the zombie hands by 5%.
- Increased damage with the AK-74 by 12%.
- Increased damage with the fists by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Fireaxe by 14%.
- Increased damage with the Baseballbat by 27%.
- Increased damage with the M9 Phrobis by 15%.
- Increased damage with the Machete by 25%.
- Increased damage with the Sledgehammer by 30%.
- Increased damage with the Hatchet by 13%.
- Increased damage with the Brick by 24%.
- Increased damage with the AK-74 by 15%.
- Increased damage with the fists by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Fireaxe by 23%.
- Increased damage with the Baseballbat by 20%.
- Increased damage with the M9 Phrobis by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Machete by 27%.
- Increased damage with the Sledgehammer by 45%.
- Increased damage with the Hatchet by 20%.
- Increased damage with the Brick by 15%.
- Increased damage with zombie hands by 5%.
- Increased damage with the AK-74 by 15%.
- Added missing activities/sequences for Military & Bandits... Bandits may still T-pose due to faulty transitioning/anims in their .QC's... Blame Fuse!!!
- Fixed countless broken .vmt's, having faulty reflections and such.
- Updated localization for skill descriptions.
[ 2018-08-12 15:15:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers! Disclaimer: Due to major changes to the .cfg files be sure to update them to your needs, such as setting server name, global/local stats, etc... Plus more convars have been listed in server_core.cfg. If you want to enable arena hardmode or hard scaling for Objective/Story/Arena, be sure to set this as well @ server_core.cfg! We've also updated the default mapcycle for dedicated servers, it no longer contains any Deathmatch or Elimination maps by default, if you still want to host DM or Elimination, add the respective maps to the mapcycle!
- Major optimization for client & server, went through roughly all the code, cleaned up messy code, fixed null pointer bugs, fixed overly expensive code, etc...
- Added full client-side playermodel support similar to Sven Co-Op and GoldSrc in general, meaning you can play as any survivor model, anyone who also has that survivor model will be able to see you, otherwise it uses a default. (survivor models are defined in the character scripts)
- Improved lag compensation and hit detection, especially for melee weapons.
- Dev, Donator, Tester and other data tags should work properly again.
- Reduced memory usage and removed some unnecessary hl2 content files.
- Fixed a major bug in the local stats, when I implemented Zombie skills saving I forgot to increase the buffer for saving the local stats to a file, so basically it wouldn't save everything!
- Local Stats will no longer be disabled if sv_cheats is 1.
- Default tickrate for dedicated servers has been lowered from 66 to 33, you can still use a higher tickrate by simply passing the -tickrate XX param to the srcds application.
- Reloading server data or client data will now dispatch an event so that we can update accordingly, for instance the NPCs will now properly fixup the data pointers when reloading data, otherwise you'd risk invalid pointers!
- Increased bb2_high_ping_limit to 350 from 250.
- Updated server_core.cfg to include a bunch of new useful convars, take a look!
- Updated the game icon for hl2.exe @ Windows only.
- Updated the game's music folder, there might be some missing music in some of the maps, if you get any FMOD errors please let us know!
- It is no longer possible to evade bans or kicks, plus if you get kicked you'll be banned for roughly 5 minutes to prevent people from simply rejoining and repeating. The ban on kick can be administered with the bb2_vote_kick_ban_time command.
- Removed Elimination & Deathmatch maps from the standard dedicated server mapcycle file, if you still want to host Elimination or Deathmatch maps feel free to re-add them to your mapcycle!
- Soundscapes should work properly for dedicated servers running under Linux.
- Updated to the latest SDK2013 binaries.
- Increased gib limit from 128 to 256!
- When new gibs spawn and you reach the gib limit, old gibs will fade out instead of fading the new gibs out quickly.
- Fixed a terribly sad bug which prevented the fantastic blood cloud from appearing properly when smashing zombies to bits.
- Players should now emit the right blood decals depending on your bb2_extreme_gore value.
- Blood particles & decals will no longer spawn when attacking friendly npcs when the round hadn't started, when zombies fade-in or when a player has spawn protection active.
- Buckshot damage should now properly spawn blood decals & particles.
- XP received when completing quests & objectives have been reduced to 4% for quests and 2% for objectives. Previously you'd receive 10% for quests and 5% for objectives which was far TOO much.
- XP received when finishing a round in Arena, an entire game in Arena or an entire game in Objective will now give you percentage based XP increase instead of a small fixed number!
- Added bb2_story_dynamic_respawn for Story mode, which allows players to respawn where the action's at rather than at the same checkpoints all the time.
- When a new round has begun you'll not be able to create a vote for roughly 60 sec. The delay can be administered with bb2_vote_roundstart_delay.
- Added bb2_arena_hard_mode which will disable reinforcements in Arena mode, you'll however receive more XP. In order to activate this you have to set bb2_arena_hard_mode to 1 then change map to any Arena map. You cannot disable/enable this while in the map due to exploiting.
- Added bb2_hard_scaling which enables a new scaling technique for Arena, Objective & Story mode, it relies on the average level of the players which is a good way to make the game more challenging depending on the average level in the game. Set bb2_hard_scaling to 1 and change map to enable it properly.
- Optimized NPC netcode, reduced bitstream by 80 bits for all NPCs and 323 bits for all zombie NPCs!
- Fixed a bug which would force NPC ragdolls to always fade out after roughly 4 seconds regardless of your bb2_gibs_fadeout_time value. (NPC gibs were not affected)
- Fixed a potential bug that could break any objective or arena map if you were using entity counting via logic_entity_counter or logic_objective/logic_quest, if an NPC killed a boss and bb2_allow_npc_to_score was set to 0, the kill would not be registered!
- Frag grenades should now properly notify all NPCs of danger.
- NPCs can now be given random health, random damage values, random kick values and random speed values!
- Removed glow logic from npcs, meaning you can no longer make npcs use the glow outline effect.
- Reduced zombie lifespan to 18-36 sec, previously it was 30-90. Plus reduced boundaries on the convar min and max values.
- Zombie Walkers & Runners will have their lifespan refreshed whenever they take damage from human players.
- Fixed a random bug which could make a zombie gib itself when dying due to the lifespan feature, if the zombie was previously hit in a hitgroup which allowed gibbing.
- Bandit NPCs should no longer T-pose randomly. (hopefully...)
- Health and Damage scaling for the npc_custom_actor will now update properly on spawn and when players connect/disconnect.
- Fixed Fred's bounding box so that he can get through tinier doorways.
- Fred will now do an inverse-shockwave special attack targeting players that are camping, a random player which is at least 100 units above Fred will be selected, that player and nearby players will be pulled towards Fred with zero-G force!
- Improved door breaking for all zombie NPCs.
- Improved AI responsiveness and efficiency.
- npc_m1a1 now supports disabling collision.
- Simplified Walker & Runner spawning, Runners would sometimes bug when trying to play the 'rise' schedule.
- Zombies will no longer try to break obstructions that are either above or underneath them...
- smart_trigger will now check for default filters and such before checking the new built-in filtering, plus the other outputs will be fired properly. Previously this trigger only fired OnTouching.
- Removed constraint flag for items and weapons, items and weapons in BB2 don't use physics unless dropped anyway.
- You can now set the interruptibility choice for the npc_auto_spawner and zombie_volume auto-schedule on spawn feature.
- zombie_volume now allows you to set how near a player has to be before it starts spawning, you can also set the spawn frequency, you can choose to skip visibility checks, set the desired max Z-difference between the trigger and player.
- zombie_volume will now check if any player is inside its volume before making other complex checks, if true it'll spawn right away.
- Added a new handy texture proxy 'TeamLinkTexture' which can be used to only allow a certain team to see a certain texture.
- Player and Zombie spawn points now have a 'Master' option, enabling this will make the spawn act as a last resort, meaning you can spawn in it even if it is disabled, if no other checkpoint was found.
- Tweaked the inventory system, you can now set the spawn angle for items, change their scale and set the entity link through the item/map script.
- Teleporting an inventory item will properly update the origin of its objective icon, if any.
- Fixed a bug which prevented you from changing the glow mode of an entity if it was set to radius glow on spawn.
- Human & Zombie spawn points will be properly reset on game restart.
- zombie_volume will use a smaller hull for zombies that are fading in. Allowing more zombies to spawn in the volume.
- Steam Avatars should load more effectively.
- The leaderboard panel will now display how many entries were found.
- Fixed a bug which would break parts of the Graphics Options on OSX & Linux, most of the options would only be rendered as (*).
- Fixed minor bugs in the page handling in the leaderboard panel and map selection panel.
- Leaderboards will no longer update continuously as long as you're in-game, this would sometimes create unexpected lag and stuttering due to the high upload rate, from now on you only update your leaderboard entry when you disconnect from a game.
- Addon downloader, loading screen and map selector should now display the raw BSP name if no other name is present for the map in question.
- When VGUI input mode is active you'll no longer render objective icons, material overlays, glow effects and HUD Healthbars.
- Glow outline effect will no longer render for observers.
- Added a viewmodel fov slider @ Options -> Other.
- Healthbars will not render for NPCs fading in or out.
- Invalid/Missing inventory HUD icons will now be rendered as question marks instead of the regular pink checker board texture.
- Blood on the viewmodel should now reset properly on respawn or round restart.
- Admin ban should now properly register the ban and kick the target player.
- Removed unnecessary client commands + enforced sv_cheats on some other less known client commands.
- Powerups will now be dropped on disconnect, previously if you carried a powerup and disconnected the powerup would be deleted rather than dropped, which is what happens when you die!
- Fixed some minor bugs which allowed players to rejoin as a zombie or as a player during game end or round end.
- You can no longer activate zombie rage or other human perks when the end scores are visible / voting screen.
- Removed broken duck toggle command.
- Added a tiny viewroll when you strafe left or right.
- You can finally freeroam in spectator mode.
- Fixed sv_turbophysics crash, servers can now enable sv_turbophysics for simpler player physics.
- You can now reset your local stats on a server running local stats by typing bb2_reset_local_stats in the console.
- Zombie players can no longer open breakable doors.
- Admins can now use admin_kick_bots to kick all bots from the server, useful for testing purposes.
- Zombie players will lose 50% of their unspent credits on death, only if ragemode is not active!
- Fixed some issues related to thirdperson animations not playing for melee attacks.
- Material overlays on players and npcs will no longer render if you're too far away from those entities.
- You can no longer choose to disable lag compensation.
- You should no longer be able to become infected when the game or round is over.
- You can no longer drop ammo for special weapons.
- You can no longer drop any ammo during round/game over/end.
- DLights will be rendered when spectating someone in-eye whenever the target is firing a weapon.
- Zombie players can now see NPC healthbars.
- Changed default viewmodel_fov from 54 to 60.
- Fixed FMOD not muting sounds properly, sometimes a new sound would play and it would unmute the channel in the process.
- Fixed prediction and networking issues, a lot of unnecessary networking was going on.
- You can no longer toss propane or bricks through walls or props.
- Increased propane velocity on throw by 200 units.
- Reverted to the old Sawed-Off where you have to press LMB for barrel 1 and RMB for barrel 2.
- Reworked accuracy some more, some weapons can have more dramatic accuracy than others, the longer you spray, the faster the fire rate, the more inaccurate it will be.
- You will no longer spam spawn DLIGHTS when firing with guns, there is now a 100 msec delay!
- Added the Flamethrower and Benelli M4!
- Added an achievement for finishing the arena version of Coltec with 4 or more players.
- Added an achievement for finishing Mecklenburg with 4 or more players.
- Added an achievement for getting 35 kills with the kick attack.
- Added an achievement for getting 99 kills with the Brick.
- Added an achievement for getting 340 kills with the Flamethrower.
- Added an achievement for getting 275 kills with the Benelli M4.
- The Schienzel achievement is now obtainable! (easter egg)
- Added bba_coltec.
- Added bbc_mecklenburg.
- Optimized the map some more.
- Added the new weapons.
- Removed the old bandit schedules, added some patrol schedules for some bandits instead, the rest of them will wander around in the buildings.
- Fixed broken evac VO sound.
- Minor optimization improvements.
- Added the new weapons.
- Improved lighting a little.
- Added more bandits during the bandit objective, also increased the kill count needed.
- Disabled collision for the M1A1.
- Improved zombie spawns.
- You now have to kill the remaining enemies before completing a round, like in other arena maps.
- Bandits will do more damage with G36C, Minigun and Sawed-Off.
- Military will do more damage with G36C and Sawed-Off.
- Walkers & Runners will now have randomized health, do random damage and have random movement speeds!
- Bandits & Military will also have randomized health and kick damage.
[ 2018-08-10 20:13:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed proper lag compensation for melee!
- Bullet penetration will now work properly with the new lag compensation system. (Lag compensates enemies behind solids in which the player can potentially penetrate through)
- AFK kick time will be refreshed whenever a player tries to drop or use inventory items, using a keypad, use any of the skill panels, voting and writing in the chat.
- The firstperson body will no longer play a T-pose anim when you first join the game.
- Fixed a bug which would prevent you from changing the skin/bodygroup of your hands & firstperson body unless if you changed team or changed the actual player model.
- Fixed weapon pickup issues, you can now pickup weapons through clips, teammates and such. (Fixes weapon pickup issues in Salvage and other maps!)
- Fixed a potential bug which would allow melee weapons to attack enemies through walls.
- FMOD will now be muted if snd_mute_losefocus is set to 1 and the game has no focus or if the game has been paused.
- Added new HK-MP7 and Machete textures provided by 'El Negro'!
- The Bandits spawning in the tunnel will respawn a bit faster.
- Increased zombie spawn frequency for the last round.
- Fixed nasty lighting in the open spawn room.
- Moved Sawed-Off into the weapon armory locker.
- Moved G36C into the weapon armory locker.
- Removed REX from the weapon armory locker, you can now find the REX outside near the 'cannon'.
- Fixed invisible windows bug.
[ 2018-01-01 20:56:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed proper lag compensation for melee!
- Bullet penetration will now work properly with the new lag compensation system. (Lag compensates enemies behind solids in which the player can potentially penetrate through)
- AFK kick time will be refreshed whenever a player tries to drop or use inventory items, using a keypad, use any of the skill panels, voting and writing in the chat.
- The firstperson body will no longer play a T-pose anim when you first join the game.
- Fixed a bug which would prevent you from changing the skin/bodygroup of your hands & firstperson body unless if you changed team or changed the actual player model.
- Fixed weapon pickup issues, you can now pickup weapons through clips, teammates and such. (Fixes weapon pickup issues in Salvage and other maps!)
- Fixed a potential bug which would allow melee weapons to attack enemies through walls.
- FMOD will now be muted if snd_mute_losefocus is set to 1 and the game has no focus or if the game has been paused.
- Added new HK-MP7 and Machete textures provided by 'El Negro'!
- The Bandits spawning in the tunnel will respawn a bit faster.
- Increased zombie spawn frequency for the last round.
- Fixed nasty lighting in the open spawn room.
- Moved Sawed-Off into the weapon armory locker.
- Moved G36C into the weapon armory locker.
- Removed REX from the weapon armory locker, you can now find the REX outside near the 'cannon'.
- Fixed invisible windows bug.
[ 2018-01-01 20:56:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Rewrote the lag compensation logic for players and npcs, improved hit detection! (Disclaimer: Please let us know if anything feels a bit off with this new system!)
- Thanks to the new lag compensation logic there will be no more constant twitching/jitter back and forth, npcs and players would be affected by this due to the old lag compensation would move entities backwards in time, the new system does not need to physically make these changes. Expect a lot more fluid gameplay in PvE based maps.
- Fixed potential crashes related to the server workshop loader and AI stuff.
- Fixed server tags not being loaded properly.
- Added bb2_zombie_kills_required which will allow server owners to set how many kills a player should get before being allowed to respawn as a human. Setting bb2_allow_mercy and bb2_zombie_kills_required to 0 will make you a zombie forever once you turn.
- Local servers will no longer load dev, donator, tester, etc.. tags.
- zombie_volume using the SF_FASTSPAWN flag will now use a smaller hull when tracing for available space in the volume, since they will now spawn upright instead of lying down.
- Fixed up soundscript used for the item_turtle easter eggs in Termoil, the sound should be more noticable now.
- Fred and Johnson will now always think regardless of efficiency.
- Increased the max chase enemy distance for zombies.
- Zombies + Fred will now be able to attack enemies properly, previously in some cases they would just twitch back and forth while trying to attack you, turns out this issue was caused by weapon bboxes being too large, added a proper collision group check and reduced the bbox sizes for weapons.
- Humans will no longer take damage from the M1A1 turret.
- Added new Famas textures, thanks to El Negro.
- Fixed a bug in the weapon selection when hud_fastswitch was enabled, it would ignore the key presses (1-4), the mouse wheel could still be used to swap weapons though.
- Fixed up messy bounding boxes being set for weapon world entities.
- Fixed melee attack trace hull.
- Added the 'Black Dude' zombie version for Pantsman.
- Fixed faulty hands being set for any characters using the default hands and a skin greater or equal to 1, the hands would use the old black dude skin for Pantsman.
- Updated Laststand, optimized the map a little more, added prop fading, updated bogus navigation, added a simple AI schedule for Fred when he spawns. Also added the Micro-Uzi, MP7, MAC11 to the map.
- Updated Carnage, bandits will respawn faster, more zombies will spawn from the spawner volumes, decreased max time & initial time for the third round. (bandit round)
- Updated lighting in Carnage, should not be as dark anymore.
- Upped Micro-Uzi firerate.
- Increased Micro-Uzi damage.
- Increased Remington 870 accuracy.
- Increased Rex and Akimbo Rex damage.
[ 2017-12-29 23:57:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Rewrote the lag compensation logic for players and npcs, improved hit detection! (Disclaimer: Please let us know if anything feels a bit off with this new system!)
- Thanks to the new lag compensation logic there will be no more constant twitching/jitter back and forth, npcs and players would be affected by this due to the old lag compensation would move entities backwards in time, the new system does not need to physically make these changes. Expect a lot more fluid gameplay in PvE based maps.
- Fixed potential crashes related to the server workshop loader and AI stuff.
- Fixed server tags not being loaded properly.
- Added bb2_zombie_kills_required which will allow server owners to set how many kills a player should get before being allowed to respawn as a human. Setting bb2_allow_mercy and bb2_zombie_kills_required to 0 will make you a zombie forever once you turn.
- Local servers will no longer load dev, donator, tester, etc.. tags.
- zombie_volume using the SF_FASTSPAWN flag will now use a smaller hull when tracing for available space in the volume, since they will now spawn upright instead of lying down.
- Fixed up soundscript used for the item_turtle easter eggs in Termoil, the sound should be more noticable now.
- Fred and Johnson will now always think regardless of efficiency.
- Increased the max chase enemy distance for zombies.
- Zombies + Fred will now be able to attack enemies properly, previously in some cases they would just twitch back and forth while trying to attack you, turns out this issue was caused by weapon bboxes being too large, added a proper collision group check and reduced the bbox sizes for weapons.
- Humans will no longer take damage from the M1A1 turret.
- Added new Famas textures, thanks to El Negro.
- Fixed a bug in the weapon selection when hud_fastswitch was enabled, it would ignore the key presses (1-4), the mouse wheel could still be used to swap weapons though.
- Fixed up messy bounding boxes being set for weapon world entities.
- Fixed melee attack trace hull.
- Added the 'Black Dude' zombie version for Pantsman.
- Fixed faulty hands being set for any characters using the default hands and a skin greater or equal to 1, the hands would use the old black dude skin for Pantsman.
- Updated Laststand, optimized the map a little more, added prop fading, updated bogus navigation, added a simple AI schedule for Fred when he spawns. Also added the Micro-Uzi, MP7, MAC11 to the map.
- Updated Carnage, bandits will respawn faster, more zombies will spawn from the spawner volumes, decreased max time & initial time for the third round. (bandit round)
- Updated lighting in Carnage, should not be as dark anymore.
- Upped Micro-Uzi firerate.
- Increased Micro-Uzi damage.
- Increased Remington 870 accuracy.
- Increased Rex and Akimbo Rex damage.
[ 2017-12-29 23:57:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Major performance improvements for client & server. FPS boost, especially for clients.
- Reduced the vote percent required for passing votes to 60%, 70% was too much.
- Fixed blood pool spawn positioning.
- Clients connecting to custom servers running workshop based maps will now auto-download the required workshop addon if they don't have it already. (if you own a server, write workshop_help for available commands, these commands will let you download items, collections, etc...)
- Servers will now load proper information for all subscribed items = the items downloaded and listed in the appworkshop_346330.acf file. (regardless of whitelisted state)
- Removed unnecessary gamefiles for dedicated servers and for the Linux, OSX and SteamPlay client. Also fixed some broken sounds.
- Added countdown announcer voices in Deathmatch mode. (timeleft)
- Optimized the zombie_volume entity.
- zombie_volume can now be set to insta-spawn zombies, skip the fade-in phase, this feature is handy if you want to spawn the zombies in a closed off room where you know the survivors won't be able to peek into.
- The zombie_volume and npc_auto_spawner entities now support a direct implementation of the aiscripted_schedule entity, you can specify if the spawning entity should automatically follow a route or pursue some target on spawn.
- Improved lag compensation for npcs.
- NPCs should no longer stutter so much when you're playing in a server with a lot of 'activity'.
- Bandits, Military and Fred will now use NavMesh.
- Fixed up the M1A1 Abrams Tank NPC!
- npc_custom_actor will no longer do player avoidance, npc uses no collide with friendly entities.
- You can no longer drop ammo in Deathmatch mode.
- You can no longer spam +use on doors to repeatedly open/close them, added a 2 sec delay between opening / closing.
- If you keep replenishing a lot of ammo within 60 sec, you will receive a penalty where you have to wait 2 minutes before being able to replenish ammo from 'bbc_ammo_box' entities again. You can reduce this penalty by one minute by using the 'Resourceful' skill, if skills are enabled.
- You will now receive 5% of your total XP needed when completing objectives.
- You will now receive 10% of your total XP needed when completing quest objectives / side objectives.
- Added missing rate limit checks for client-commands.
- Added a max distance and height difference for lag compensation, jittery zombies / zombie players happen due to lag compensation being done on too many entities at once. (slows down the server, while interpolating each entity back and forth relative to the callers ping)
- Loading Screen will no longer parse loading image and loading tips, this will be cached instead, for fast data access.
- Fixed glitchy VGUI elements.
- Fixed scoreboard labels being out of place when opening the scoreboard.
- Achievement panel will now load newly achieved, hidden achievements, when you open the menu.
- Create a Game is no longer super slow, also fixed faulty map highlighting when switching pages.
- NPC Healthbar should now display properly for all NPC sizes.
- Holding +use will draw a circular bar around the crosshair, which indicates the time left until delayed use is triggered: For locking/unlocking doors, picking up a new armor type, etc...
- Weapon attachments will no longer cast shadows.
- Remastered the melee system, melee will now allow you to attack more enemies at once properly, the sledgehammer is most efficient in that regard. Improved the trace techniques used.
- Added a small hull trace for melee stab attacks in order to increase precision.
- Melee and bash attacks will now produce proper impact FX.
- The crosshair will no longer be hidden when wielding sniper rifles, the crosshair will only be hidden when you zoom / display the scope.
- Added the 'Postal Dude' as an official survivor! Thanks to 'Rex The Impaler', original workshop addon: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1132786817
- Added an achievement for completing the bba_carnage map.
- Added a new arena map: bba_carnage, a tribute to the BrainBread 1 map known as 'Carnage'!
- Increased bandit respawn times in Termoil.
- Major optimization improvements for Termoil.
- Bandits have been improved in Termoil.
- Added missing damage drop off for all rifle weapons. (prevent sniping across the map, unless if you're using a sniper of course :o)
- It is now easier to trigger 'Zombie Rage', reduced the damage needed from 250 to 180, the decay time has been reduced meaning it will decay slower = you got more time to fill the bar!
Merry ZOMb-mas
You're probably scratching your head, why has there not been any update in roughly 4-5 months?! Well unfortunately a lot of our team members are busy with either real life or other projects! But fear not, we have a lot of weapons and maps at our disposal, we're intending to bring all of this to completion, but at our own rate. We're all working for free, out of passion, so we'll take our time, when we have time. We're always looking for more dedicated people, if you know how to do one of the following and are interested in helping out, please contact me on Steam or through our discord (https://discord.gg/0TitkvlFlYoBak0V):
- Level Design in Source
- Melee Sound Design
- Model/Texture baking, low poly-ing, rigging
- 3D Character modeling
- Voice Acting ~ Need some potential voice sets for future npcs and for our M1A1 military tank (preferably russian-accent for the military tank)
[ 2017-12-23 23:33:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Major performance improvements for client & server. FPS boost, especially for clients.
- Reduced the vote percent required for passing votes to 60%, 70% was too much.
- Fixed blood pool spawn positioning.
- Clients connecting to custom servers running workshop based maps will now auto-download the required workshop addon if they don't have it already. (if you own a server, write workshop_help for available commands, these commands will let you download items, collections, etc...)
- Servers will now load proper information for all subscribed items = the items downloaded and listed in the appworkshop_346330.acf file. (regardless of whitelisted state)
- Removed unnecessary gamefiles for dedicated servers and for the Linux, OSX and SteamPlay client. Also fixed some broken sounds.
- Added countdown announcer voices in Deathmatch mode. (timeleft)
- Optimized the zombie_volume entity.
- zombie_volume can now be set to insta-spawn zombies, skip the fade-in phase, this feature is handy if you want to spawn the zombies in a closed off room where you know the survivors won't be able to peek into.
- The zombie_volume and npc_auto_spawner entities now support a direct implementation of the aiscripted_schedule entity, you can specify if the spawning entity should automatically follow a route or pursue some target on spawn.
- Improved lag compensation for npcs.
- NPCs should no longer stutter so much when you're playing in a server with a lot of 'activity'.
- Bandits, Military and Fred will now use NavMesh.
- Fixed up the M1A1 Abrams Tank NPC!
- npc_custom_actor will no longer do player avoidance, npc uses no collide with friendly entities.
- You can no longer drop ammo in Deathmatch mode.
- You can no longer spam +use on doors to repeatedly open/close them, added a 2 sec delay between opening / closing.
- If you keep replenishing a lot of ammo within 60 sec, you will receive a penalty where you have to wait 2 minutes before being able to replenish ammo from 'bbc_ammo_box' entities again. You can reduce this penalty by one minute by using the 'Resourceful' skill, if skills are enabled.
- You will now receive 5% of your total XP needed when completing objectives.
- You will now receive 10% of your total XP needed when completing quest objectives / side objectives.
- Added missing rate limit checks for client-commands.
- Added a max distance and height difference for lag compensation, jittery zombies / zombie players happen due to lag compensation being done on too many entities at once. (slows down the server, while interpolating each entity back and forth relative to the callers ping)
- Loading Screen will no longer parse loading image and loading tips, this will be cached instead, for fast data access.
- Fixed glitchy VGUI elements.
- Fixed scoreboard labels being out of place when opening the scoreboard.
- Achievement panel will now load newly achieved, hidden achievements, when you open the menu.
- Create a Game is no longer super slow, also fixed faulty map highlighting when switching pages.
- NPC Healthbar should now display properly for all NPC sizes.
- Holding +use will draw a circular bar around the crosshair, which indicates the time left until delayed use is triggered: For locking/unlocking doors, picking up a new armor type, etc...
- Weapon attachments will no longer cast shadows.
- Remastered the melee system, melee will now allow you to attack more enemies at once properly, the sledgehammer is most efficient in that regard. Improved the trace techniques used.
- Added a small hull trace for melee stab attacks in order to increase precision.
- Melee and bash attacks will now produce proper impact FX.
- The crosshair will no longer be hidden when wielding sniper rifles, the crosshair will only be hidden when you zoom / display the scope.
- Added the 'Postal Dude' as an official survivor! Thanks to 'Rex The Impaler', original workshop addon: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1132786817
- Added an achievement for completing the bba_carnage map.
- Added a new arena map: bba_carnage, a tribute to the BrainBread 1 map known as 'Carnage'!
- Increased bandit respawn times in Termoil.
- Major optimization improvements for Termoil.
- Bandits have been improved in Termoil.
- Added missing damage drop off for all rifle weapons. (prevent sniping across the map, unless if you're using a sniper of course :o)
- It is now easier to trigger 'Zombie Rage', reduced the damage needed from 250 to 180, the decay time has been reduced meaning it will decay slower = you got more time to fill the bar!
Merry ZOMb-mas
You're probably scratching your head, why has there not been any update in roughly 4-5 months?! Well unfortunately a lot of our team members are busy with either real life or other projects! But fear not, we have a lot of weapons and maps at our disposal, we're intending to bring all of this to completion, but at our own rate. We're all working for free, out of passion, so we'll take our time, when we have time. We're always looking for more dedicated people, if you know how to do one of the following and are interested in helping out, please contact me on Steam or through our discord (https://discord.gg/0TitkvlFlYoBak0V):
- Level Design in Source
- Melee Sound Design
- Model/Texture baking, low poly-ing, rigging
- 3D Character modeling
- Voice Acting ~ Need some potential voice sets for future npcs and for our M1A1 military tank (preferably russian-accent for the military tank)
[ 2017-12-23 23:33:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed some issues related to banning other players permanently, the ban data would not be saved.
- Fixed admin_ban, admin_kick to allow proper 'reason' strings.
- Admins can now use admin_spectate & admin_joinhuman in Elimination mode.
- Applied security fixes reported by One Up Security.
- NPCs will now prioritize players with objective items, meaning if you carry an important item you better hurry the f**k up!
- Changed zombie rage mechanics entirely, from now on you have to activate it by dealing a certain amount of damage against human players, when the threshold has been reached you can activate zombie rage, however it will only last X sec. While doing damage to human players a bar will increase. You have to attack quickly or else the bar will decharge.
- Fixed a bug which would make the player take damage when shooting downwards when clipping into another friendly player.
- Added the Micro-Uzi!
- Added new Sawed-Off anims!
- Added new Famas anims!
- Updated textures for the G36C.
- Updated textures for the Remington 870.
- Added a small zoom as a secondary attack for the Winchester.
- Fixed a bug with the Sawed-Off, secondary fire would exclude dropoff distance logic.
- The Sawed-Off seconday will now fire both barrels, primary attack will fire the left barrel, then the right barrel.
- Added Micro-Uzi to Termoil.
[ 2017-07-30 15:15:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Added the latest SDK 2013 MP bins.
- Decreased weapon removal time in Deathmatch to 45 sec.
- Propane tanks will now be removed after 15 sec in PvE and after 35 sec in PvP. (was 12 before, regardless of gamemode)
- You can no longer insta kill Bandit npcs under certain circumstances.
- Reverted AI state ALERT force for Bandit npcs.
- Minor AI changes.
- Added a new default soundset for Fred.
- Dropped inventory items should no longer clip with the world.
- Flashlight will no longer be turned off when you switch/drop weapons if it was initially enabled before switching / dropping a wep.
- Bash damage values will no longer scale crazy.
- Kick damage values will no longer scale crazy either.
- Minor lag compensation distance fix.
- Fixed potential thirdperson anims not playing bug.
- Bash anims will now be smoothed out in thirdperson like the other melee anims.
- Players should no longer get stuck in slide mode. (animation)
- Fixed un-stuck algorithm, sometimes when you for example activated Reality Phase or became infected you would risk being thrown into a solid area, if you were crouching in a tiny area.
- Dropped ammo will be removed on death / disconnect, in order to prevent entity spamming. (the ammo associated to the player who dropped it)
- Added ammo drop delay, you may now only drop ammo every sec.
- You can no longer create any votes when the game hasn't yet begun.
- The main-menu will no longer reset whenever you die or the round restarts/starts.
- Fixed decimal approximations on the sliders @ Options. Removed decimals for sliders which would only use integer values.
- Added gamemode hint tooltip in Create a Game under the Gamemode info.
- Added G36C to Termoil.
- Fixed global door sounds in Termoil.
- Fixed Bandits being SUPER lazy in Termoil.
- Fixed some exploit in Laststand which would make it stuck on a certain objective.
- Fixed the Tutorial being almost unbeatable due to skill nerfs from the last patch, SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE!
- Increased Speed skill from 2.5 to 3.0.
[ 2017-07-11 10:42:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- FMOD can now be used to play sounds outside of the base sound folder, you can now for example use FMOD to play sounds under custom/
/sound/ . - The server will now exec : cfg/maps/
.cfg when a map spawns. - Added some missing Workshop map tag checks which prevented Custom and Story Mode maps from appearing in
. - Increased the max value for bb2_roundstart_freezetime to 30 sec.
- The hammer editor will now read from common/brainbread2/hammer/*, the editor will no longer load workshop addons, fixed the model chooser colors.
- Updated the gameinfo to prioritize the common/brainbread2/brainbread2 folder over loaded .vpk files. Files under brainbread2 would be overriden by the loaded .vpk content.
- The server will now exec : cfg/maps/
- The item_weapon_randomizer entities will no longer spawn starter weapons in Elimination mode.
- Dropped weapons will no longer despawn after 15 sec in Deathmatch and Elimination mode, they will despawn after 80 sec instead.
- Non-Stationary Military & Bandit NPCs will now have their AI State set to ALERT by default, this should increase their responsiveness.
- Military & Bandit NPCs can now fire more rapidly with Rifle weapons.
- VGUI Screens have been added: Available screens: KeyPad and PDA, the PDA is used to display the KeyPad code. The KeyPad screen could be useful for fancy door locks / sci-fi door locks.
- Tweaked & simplified the bb2_prop_button entity, it had some unnecessary hammer values.
- Fixed up the 2D keypad which is used by the bb2_prop_button, the PDA Screen can be used to display the keypad code for the bb2_prop_button as well.
- item_weapon_randomizer can now spawn certain weapons or exclude certain weapons from being spawned.
- Fixed a rare issue with the item_weapon_randomizer which would prevent it from even spawning new weapons at times.
- Sliding is now much more smooth, you can now slide into/out of vents, you can slide through tinier areas.
- Fixed slide bounding box, you no longer tend to get stuck.
- Fixed animations while sliding.
- Inventory items, powerups and ammo will now spawn at the proper height, no more clipping inside the world.
- You can now pick up / use properly when a player is blocking you, for example when trying to pick up weapons.
- The crosshair will now always render in front of everything.
- Added the G36C!
- Added a new cock sound for the Remington 870.
- Added a new slide sound for the Beretta.
- Added new textures for the Winchester.
- Added the G36C to Salvage.
- Added a randomized weapon spawner to Salvage.
- Nerfed Johnson a little, the boss in Salvage.
- Updated District to use an all new weapon spawning logic, powerful weapons will now spawn at certain areas in the map, you'll have to fight for the big bad guns now!
- Increased Fred's rage mode movement speed.
- Decreased Fred's rage mode attack speed.
- Fred will now rage for 60 sec instead of 30 sec.
- Increased Fred's total HP to 5500. (was 3500)
- Increased Fred's reach from 63 to 66.
- Human Leap skill decreased from 5 to 2 per level.
- Human Jump skill decreased from 2.5 to 1.5 per level.
- Human Speed skill decreased from 3 to 2.5 per level.
- M9 Bayonet Knife damage decreased in Deathmatch mode from 1.3 to 0.8. (50% decrease)
- Beretta damage increased from 18 to 19.
- Beretta bash damage reduced from 45 to 18.
- AK-47 Bash damage reduced from 40 to 35.
- Increased damage drop off on the Remington 870.
- Reduced the damage for Remington 870 in Deathmatch.
- Reduced the damage for Sawed-Off in Deathmatch & Elimination.
- Walker HP Scaling has been increased from 2 to 5.
- Walker Damage Scaling has been increased from 2 to 3.
- Bandit HP increased from 70 to 80.
- Bandit HP Scaling has been increased from 2 to 3.
- Nerfed Zombie Rage Mode in Objective & Elimination mode.
[ 2017-04-10 20:31:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Workshopper has been updated!
- Improved the overall speed of the application.
- Fixed memory leaks & memory issues.
- Simplified the UI.
- Added localization support.
- Most parts of the UI can now be changed through the .res files located in the layout folder.
- Removed character checks in the Title and Description field, which means that you can now write a title with any kind of symbols.
- Removed description character limit.
- Addons will now create a config file which will be synced via Steam Cloud, this config file holds simple info about your addon, such as the content path and image path. You no longer have to re-navigate to the folders when updating your addon.
- The last content and image paths will be saved, so that you don't have to re-navigate. (only in the creation form, not the update form)
- When you upload maps, the Workshopper will make sure that you've put your map in the right folder. For example if you put your map under test/
[ 2017-03-17 19:41:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- The workshop handler will now handle input command arguments when it has been fully initialized, meaning you can now launch the server with for example +workshop_update_items to auto update stuff. (remember to restart the server, if necessary)
- Added bb2_tutorial_mode which will force tutorial mode on any map. (listenserver only)
- Fixed issues related to the end map voting system, servers will now have a proper amount of vote options if the server only allows Deathmatch maps for example.
- Added new voices for Johnson, the bandit lord!
- Added GlowType and SetGlowType for bb2_prop_button, meaning you can now set this entity to use radius glow instead of global glow.
- Added skin support for inventory items.
- Added logic_inventory_check which works like the trigger version.
- Fixed up the item_weapon_randomizer to not spawn weapons which are given to players on spawn.
- Added bb2_render_body which can be used to toggle the firstperson body.
- Fixed the leaderboard page label, it would get cropped when you reached page 10 and beyond.
- The vote GUI will now be reset when the end score and end vote menus appear, the votes will be fully reset on the server as well.
- Improved manual firing for the Glock-17 and Beretta.
- Fixed faulty reflections on the Remington 870 Shotgun.
- Increased the draw speed for the Glock-17.
- Glock-17 will now play dryfire if you try to fire the burst when you have no more ammo.
- Fixed a bug which prevented the thirdperson fire anim for the Remington 700 to play.
- Remington 700 will no longer auto reload when you fire the last bullet.
- Melee chargeable weapons will now decharge after X seconds while fully charged.
- Fixed bash sound for the AK-74 rifle.
- Updated Korean translation.
- Updated Salvage, Johnson should be more challenging now. You can no longer pick-up the Minigun during this boss fight, the Minigun has been replaced with an ammo resupply crate.
- Fixed some exploits in Salvage.
[ 2017-02-04 12:29:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Added extended workshop support for gameservers, gameservers can now easily download workshop items, collections and update installed items using : workshop_download_item, workshop_download_collection and workshop_update_items. Write 'workshop_help' for extended info. (console)
- Added bullet penetration for static props and world objects, you can now penetrate through wood, metal, plastic, etc... (tiny surfaces, walls, depending on the material type)
- Added the end map voting panel, players will now have to vote for the next map when the game is over!
- Most of BB2's loose files have been put into .vpk's in order to speed up loading processes.
- When the time runs out there will be a new message in the end screen menu if it is not a Deathmatch or Elimination game.
- Added a loadout handler for Story mode which stores the players weapons, health, armor, weapon data and so on. This will be reloaded in the next map, on map transitions.
- Zombie players will now enter a rage mode when getting X kills in Elimination mode.
- Fixed a bug on round restart which would drop the players weapons instead of removing them.
- Reduced pain sound spamming.
- Added a new boss, Johnson. The bandit leader!
- NPC bosses will no longer get any emit sound penalty delay.
- Human NPCs can now use the Minigun.
- Fred can now go through other zombie NPCs.
- Fixed sound issues related to npc_custom_actor. Custom sounds for this npc have to be like this : Custom.
. . - npc_custom_actor will now announce enemy kills and play pain sounds properly.
- Added damage & health scaling support for npc_custom_actor.
- Respawning item entities will now play a fancy particle to indicate the respawn.
- Added more collision group options to the trigger_player_block brush.
- Zombie Skills will now save!
- Fixed a bug when holstering your weapon in fast paced gamemodes.
- Zombie players can now enter a rage mode, get 10 zombie credits to activate it! Gives you increased HP, speed, leap, jump and health regeneration, lasts until you die!
- Players can now drop ammo in order to help out teammates.
- You can no longer drop your weapons while the endscore is visible.
- Fixed a minor bug in the loading screen which would display the map rating for custom maps above the 'Global Stats'/'No Stats' text.
- You can now sort the server browser properly! Sort by hostname, map, ping, etc...
- You can now see the time left in the game in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Fixed a broken URL in the Advertisement panel in the main menu.
- Time left views will now change color to yellow on 40% and red on 20%.
- Removed the death icon from the voice overlay HUD.
- You can now see gamemode info if you hover over the Gamemode label in the server browser.
- Added the Winchester 1894!
- Added new textures for the Remington-700.
- Added new animations for the AK-74.
- Added new animations for the Glock-17.
- Added new animations for the human hands.
- Added new animations for the zombie hands.
- Added new impact sounds for the m9 bayonet knife.
- Added a special attack for human and zombie hands, this attack can be charged. (hold it for X sec to deal more damage)
- Fixed buggy weapon sounds in the soundscripts.
- Added a new skin for Pantsman.
- Added survivor 'Josh'.
- Added survivor 'Neil', from 'They Hunger'.
- Updated Czech translation.
- Added French translation.
- Added Italian translation.
- Added Korean translation.
- Added Portuguese translation.
- Added Salvage - Johnson's Junkyard, do you have what it takes to face him?
- Added the Winchester 1894 to Termoil.
- Fixed exploits in Termoil and Colosseum.
- Zombie players will now spawn with medium armor in Elimination.
- Reduced player weapon damage with Sawed-Off in Elimination.
- Buffed the Sawed-Off, Remington 870, Glock-17 in Objective & Arena.
- Nerfed the Enhanced Reflexes, Health, Crippling Blow and Impenetrable skill.
- Buffed the Blazing Ammo & Empowered Bullets skill.
- Buffed the Slide feature.
- Added a new body blood texture overlay provided by Niggarto el Negro.
- Removed unnecessary files from the dedicated server.
We're recruiting!
Do you have some experience working with the Source Engine? And do you know how to do one of the following?:
- Level Design (Mapping)
- UV Mapping
- 2D Art
- Sound Design (for melee weapons)
The journey towards full release
BrainBread 2 has been in Early Access for some months now, we're progressing steadily towards a full release, this will take time but we're getting there. We're in dire need of mappers, we need more objective maps in order to truly bring forth the nostalgia of BrainBread! Yet, we also need testers, which is why we have created a new public group for those who are interested in participating in our testing sessions. We'll most likely schedule tests on Sundays @beta branch whenever it is necessary. You can join the group here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BrainBread2Testers Merry Christmas!
[ 2016-12-19 17:20:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Localization data is now loaded depending on the selected game language which you can set in the properties for BrainBread 2!
- You can no longer vote to kick or ban admins on a server.
- Added bb2_vote_required_percentage, default is set to 70%. If the amount of YES votes is lower than 70% compared to the amount of no votes then the vote will fail.
- Disabled vote ban by default, servers can enable this manually in the cfg/server_core.cfg file.
- You can now disable particle gun effects in the options, this will toggle legacy sprite muzzleflashes and bullet tracers. This will increase your performance.
- Replaced mp_timelimit with gamemode based timelimit convars: mp_timelimit_objective, mp_timelimit_arena, mp_timelimit_deathmatch and mp_timelimit_elimination.
- Boosted timelimit in Objective mode to 60 min, decreased timelimit in Deathmatch to 20 min and decreased timelimit in Elimination to 30 min.
- Added level requirement for voting in Arena, Story and Objective mode. This value can be regulated by server owners using the bb2_vote_required_level convar.
- Fixed a bug which would give everyone in the game map achievements and special achievements if the zombies won the game in Objective mode.
- Fred should now prioritize human players.
- npc_auto_spawner will no longer spawn its npc if there's not any room for that npc.
- Added a 'No Motion' flag for weapon entities, you can use this flag with 'No Respawn' to prevent the weapon from falling to the ground.
- The viewmodel hands should now have a skin relative to the player model skin. (if any)
- Fixed the background in the inventory item controls.
- Dead players will now have the right icon in the scoreboard in Story mode.
- The scoreboard now displays the right gamemode in Story mode.
- Added zoom sounds when zooming in/out with the sniper rifle(s).
- Added new sounds for the Glock-17.
- Added new sounds for the MP7.
- Added new animations for the Famas.
- Particles playing on the weapon when dropping it or switching weapons will now be killed properly.
- The SMGs will now use the pistol muzzleflashes and smoke FX.
- Improved the burst firerate for the Glock-17.
- Added Czech translation!
- Updated Russian achievement localization.
- Added new blazing ammo, bleed and coldsnap ammo texture overlays provided by Niggarto el Negro
- Updated the cfg/server_core.cfg file to contain all of the proper bb2_ convars.
[ 2016-09-04 15:38:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed the bug where you couldn't pickup the knife, or the bricks on bba_cargo
- Reduced the size of bba_barracks and fixed the NPC spawns
- Updated current particles to make them more FPS friendlier and removed unneeded particles.
[ 2016-08-13 08:44:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed exploits and godspots on the following maps:
- bba_barracks
- bba_cargo
- bba_devilscrypt
- bba_rooftop
- bba_swamptrouble
- bbc_termoil
- Updated the spanish translation file.
- Updated Remington 870 idle animations.
[ 2016-08-09 10:35:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed some exploits in bba_rooftop.
- You can now select the Default soundset for the Security Guard player model.
- Fixed fps drop issues and crash issues related to some old particles.
- Increased high ping kick limit to 250.
- Fixed some typos in the subtitles for the tutorial voice lines.
[ 2016-08-06 13:29:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners, please update your servers!
- The admin list, tester list, donator list, ban list, blacklisted servers list and developer list will now be reloaded for every map change.
- Added AFK kicker and high ping kicker. Servers can regulate this with: bb2_enable_afk_kicker, bb2_afk_kick_time, bb2_enable_high_ping_kicker and bb2_high_ping_limit
- Fixed lag compensation, hitbox and hit detection issues! Now you can actually hit moving targets properly.
- Added missing lag compensation for the kick attack.
- Improved melee hit detection and range overall.
- Added new admin commands: admin_changelevel, admin_spectate and admin_joinhuman. (admin_spectate & admin_joinhuman can only be used in Deathmatch mode)
- You can now see if someone is an admin on the server in the scoreboard. [ADMIN] tag.
- Implemented a new interactive vote system.
- Removed certain SteamAPI calls at game startup.
- Implemented the newest version of SteamAPI.
- Improved the stats handling, it should now be more fail-safe if it fails to load. And you will no longer write to any achievements if you fail to load your stats. (level, exp, etc...)
- Config and video settings should now be saved before you quit the game.
- Added illegal convar values check for profile system checking.
- Added the Turtle Lover achievement, this can only be achieved in bbc_termoil.
- Added the Specialist achievements, survive an arena match without using firearms or an objective map without firearms.
- Added Glock-17 and Remington-700 achievements.
- Spawn protection will be disabled whenever you move in Deathmatch & Elimination mode.
- You now spawn with random regular weapons when you join an Elimination match.
- Removed team bonus from Elimination mode.
- You no longer spawn 'twice' in Arena and Objective mode when you join when a round hasn't started.
- You will no longer get stuck / blocked by spawning zombies, they will stay fully non-solid until they can become solid, when fully risen.
- You can now write 'zombies' in the logic_objective entity classname target string field, this will allow the counter to count any kind of zombies.
- Added ammo_sniper.
- You can now stop ambient_generic sounds properly.
- When you drop inventory items they will now be placed onto the ground properly, with a proper trace to prevent issues.
- You will no longer become a zombie when Fred kills you.
- Fixed a rare bug which would toggle walk mode forever.
- Replaced zombie player Armor skill with Life Leech, which will allow you to heal yourself on attacks, 50% of the damage dealt. The chance to heal yourself with this amount is 2% per point.
- You can no longer bash/kick with velocity when an npc is climbing. (no push back when striking climbing npcs)
- Added an option to toggle refraction on the sniper scope.
- Infected players can no longer pick up items, when you become infected you drop all of your items.
- Zombies will no longer have any weight at all, even with armor.
- From now on we only update the leaderboard entry when you're in-game and in an Objective or Arena game.
- Fixed a bug in the soundset logic which would prevent using default fallback sounds if the proper sound wasn't found.
- Soundsets now go for the prefix name instead of the index your prefix is located at in your setup, this way it will be much more accurate if other clients have different indexes.
- Soundsets should no longer sound like they're being emitted right in front of you.
- You can no longer use the voice menu / commands in non-teamplay gamemodes.
- Fixed a bug which would not display the respawn time text in the spectator menu when you joined a deathmatch match for the first time. (before spawning in game)
- You can now see which gamemode you're in by opening the scoreboard.
- Increased description size for the workshop/map items, the description field in 'Create a Game' would be cropped.
- Server filters will no longer be reset everytime you open up the browser.
- You can now open up the main menu while the end score menu is visible.
- Whenever you have more than 5 talents or zombie credits and spawn in-game you will receive a tip telling you to actually use them.
- You can now see which items you are carrying by looking at the top left corner of the screen. (inventory item HUD)
- Zombies now use a simplified HUD in Objective mode, you'll also see how many points you have left at all times.
- Zombies will now be notified whenever they can respawn as a human. When the notification pops up, click the button bound to the respawn command. (3 human kills required - in objective mode)
- Fixed loading panel layout issues when you got disconnected from the server, example : kicked, time out, etc...
- Optimized HUD elements.
- You can now see if the server you're connecting to is using global / local or no stats at all in the loading screen.
- You will no longer add duplicates of servers in the server browser. Ex: 'Friends' tab.
- Achievement announce strings should no longer crop up.
- You no longer draw chat labels in non-teamplay gamemodes.
- Added the Remington-700 sniper.
- Added the Glock-17 handgun.
- You can no longer auto-fire with handguns & revolvers by holding down the mouse button, you have to click it everytime you want to fire.
- Added proper viewbobing for all the weapons.
- You can now holster your weapon. (switch to fists)
- You can now switch weapons while reloading, pick up weapons while reloading and drop weapons while reloading.
- You will now cancel the Remington-870 reload immediately when you press the fire button.
- Removed extra sequence wait time when reloading / firing the sawed off.
- Upped the Beretta firerate by 2%.
- Nerfed zombie players swing speed by 10%.
- Zombie players now deal 2% more damage towards human NPCs.
- Reduced Minigun & Sawed-Off spawn chance.
- Buffed Remington-870 with 3% against zombie npcs in Objective mode and nerfed it by 2% towards human npcs.
- Buffed Sawed-Off with 2% against zombie npcs in Objective mode and nerfed it by 3% towards human npcs.
- Buffed the Beretta with 1% damage against human npcs in Objective, 1.3% against players in Deathmatch and 2% in Arena.
- Boosted Fred's health by 300 HP.
- Added bba_swamptrouble.
- Added bba_devilscrypt.
- Fixed various exploits and god spots in all of the maps!
- Added some missing rain sounds in Surgery and District.
- Added some missing textures for bbd_termoil.
- Adjusted the lighting in all of the maps.
- Updated the entire layout.
- When the escape helicopter arrives you'll have to climb a rope, your team will have limited time to escape.
- Updated the 'defend' music to Chemical Dawn.
- Added new voice lines.
- Extended the basic movement training part.
- Added a new soundset for the Security Guard player model.
- Added simplified Chinese translation!
- Updated the Russian translation.
- Updated the impact, explosion, muzzleflash, smoke & trace particles!
[ 2016-08-05 22:53:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners, please update your servers!
- Nerfed the knife slightly in Deathmatch & Elimination mode.
- Increased Fred's health a little and nerfed his rage mode, his rage mode will now be triggered if you deal 150+ damage towards him or when he reaches 25% health, the duration of the rage has been decreased as well.
- The Beretta's fire rate has been fixed up.
- Updated Russian & Turkish translations.
- Fixed HUD, VGUI and main menu font size issues when Russian language is active.
[ 2016-07-23 13:58:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Server owners, please update your servers!
- Fixed some issues related to the game crashing on bootup.
- Disabled Film Grain by default.
- Server owners can now use bb2_vote_disable_kick, bb2_vote_disable_ban and bb2_vote_disable_map to disable certain vote features.
- Fixed issues related to map achievements in Objective mode, even if you were 4 or more players you wouldn't get an achievement if there were less than 4 people on the Human team.
- Updated the server .cfg files.
- Rebalanced the entire game, hopefully it will feel much better now!
- Weapon and armor weight has been reduced drastically. From now on only special weapons and items will weigh the player down.
- You can no longer make use of local stats in non-dedicated servers.
- Fixed workshop loading on the server side, servers will now add all whitelisted maps so that you will be able to make use of global stats and get achievements on those maps.
- Added Spanish and German translations!
- The deathmatch announcer is now fully client-sided and you should be able to hear the announcer much better now.
- NPC Scaling has been disabled in Elimination mode.
- Added bb2_elimination_score_humans which will allow server owners to decide how many points humans will get from killing zombie players in Elimination mode.
- Zombie players no longer start with 10 points in Objective mode.
- Reduced viewpunches when being hit by zombies + it is now a 50% chance that the viewpunch will be triggered.
- Nerfed the Bandits and the Zombies.
- NPCs will no longer speak as often as before.
- Nerfed Fred's health, scaling, attack & movement speed.
- Most weapons can now be picked up at level 1!
- Added a cooldown icon for the melee heavy attack, this icon will be shown next to the name of the weapon all the way down in the right corner on the HUD.
- Players should now be able to fetch ammo from the ammo boxes when people stack up around them.
- Nerfed team bonus XP, you will now get bonus XP only on kills.
- Fixed team bonus damage, you will now get increased damage if 5 or more people stack up.
- Added pickup penalty for melee weapons, only by 30 sec to prevent server trolling by picking up melee weapons then dropping them and repeating that process over and over until the server lags.
- You can now scroll properly in the server browser.
- Fixed some layout bugs in the vote menu.
- Fixed issues related to the death notice not printing the proper names.
- You can now enable raw mouse input and set mouse acceleration in the mouse options.
- Added ping filter for the server browser.
- The team menu will no longer close down if the team you wanted to join were full and you weren't already in a team.
- Added a fixed fire rate for the Beretta.
- Rebalanced all the weapons.
- Nerfed the volume of numerous gunshot sounds and melee sounds.
We have fixed up kill and time scaling for all the maps, most godspots have been fixed up and other minor exploits!
Two days into Brain & Bread
It has been roughly two days since we went live, it has been a rough start. We hope that these changes will increase your overall experience in BrainBread 2. If not, please let us know!
[ 2016-07-22 18:17:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
BrainBread 2 will now go live in a matter of minutes, a few hours earlier than expected! We've also pushed a minor update, server owners please update your servers!
- Fixed some exploits in bbc_termoil & bba_colosseum.
- Fixed soundlevels on some soundscripts.
- The tutorial narrator's volume has been fixed up.
[ 2016-07-20 17:21:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
The dedicated server tool should now be available for everyone!
If you are having issues on Windows using SteamCMD, be sure to remove these lines from the brainbread2/gameinfo.txt file:
game+mod |gameinfo_path|../../../workshop/content/346330/*
game+mod |gameinfo_path|../../steamapps/workshop/content/346330/*
Be aware that some Linux distros using an outdated version of libcurl will not be able to host servers for BrainBread 2, libcurl is the core piece in our custom tag and ban system. (BB2 uses v7.31+)[ 2016-07-19 20:32:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed all bugs related to the glow logic!
- Optimized the bullet penetration logic.
- Major performance and networking optimizations.
- Reorganized the custom data files. Simplified it for workshop 'reasons'. (model overriding, quest data & inventory data must now be deifned in the data/maps/
file) - Added new achievements.
- Added the new tutorial map!
- Enabled fast paced gameplay in Elimination mode.
- From now on you can only gib militaries and bandits when they reach 0 HP.
- Fixed some bugs in the military static and military base class which would make calls to hl2 npc sounds.
- Replaced ContactLost with Contact and moved ContactLost to the right area for military and bandit npcs.
- Added more Walker & Runner models.
- You can now exclude military npcs, bandits npcs, players, non npcs & players in the logic_entity_monitor entity.
- Fixed a bug in logic_quest which would send over quest data to connecting clients and do entity count monitoring when it wasn't active.
- Fixed a bug in the inventory_item_randomizer which would spawn wrong items if you added custom auto-consume items.
- Inventory items and the trigger_inventory_check now use an on/off check to indicate if the item is custom or global.
- Fixed some issues in the keypad logic for the bb2_prop_button entity.
- Added ammo_smg and ammo_revolver.
- When using !player we'll now find the nearest player for the searcher entity.
- You no longer glow nearby teammates who are not visible but within 500 units in Objective mode.
- Zombie players will now climb faster than humans, decreased human climb speed by half.
- You can now jump and drop weapons / switch weapons / reload , etc...
- Added armor impact sound when taking damage in the chest region with armor on.
- Added unstuck logic when you become infected, so you can't get stuck in npcs / players of the opposite faction. This is also checked when you go from Reality Phase to normal state.
- Added a new font for the loading screen tip label.
- We now unload the motd when closing it, to prevent the html from loading in the background if the motd redirects you to some flash stuff or whatever.
- You can now add "Exclude" to maps, this will hide them from the map selection GUI.
- Added kick / slide cooldown icon.
- Added new server browser icons, we now display different icons depending if the server has global/local stats, vac/global ban sys, + tooltips.
- Added a refresh button for the server browser.
- Added MAC-11.
- Added HK-MP7.
- Bullet tracers, impact FX and muzzleflashes are now done on the client.
- Added new bash sounds and melee/kick swing player sounds.
- Added some missing sounds.
- Added MAC-11 & MP7
- Fixed a bug related to the capture trigger in the book store.
- Zombies should now be able to climb over the sandbags in the spawn.
- Added MAC-11 & MP7.
- Added MAC-11 & MP7
- Fixed some weapon positions.
- Added 'kill remaining npcs' when you've completed an objective.
- Removed Fred.
- Replaced old HL2 cargo container props.
- Added MAC-11 & MP7 on the map.
- Very minor bug fixes.
- Added 'kill remaining npcs' when you've completed an objective.
- Added MAC-11 & MP7.
- Fixed some weapons being stuck in props.
- Fixed a bug where the rounds didn't end.
- Added MAC-11, Rex & Akimbo Rex.
- Added new gate models.
- Updated the skybox texture.
- Fixed a bug where the bandits got stuck in the altar.
- Optimized various parts of the map.
- Added more covers.
- Removed old props.
- Very minor layout changes.
[ 2016-07-18 22:05:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some issues related to the glow logic.
- Fixed some issues related to libcurl html parsing.
- Servers can no longer disable libcurl.
- Decreased elimination default respawn time and increased the default fraglimit.
- Improved the climb code, added func_npc_obstacle which can be used to mark small obstacles which will allow npcs to climb over them.
- If some npc drops a grenade the grenade will now have the no respawn flag.
- NPCs should no longer try to flinch.
- NPCs should no longer go for observers.
- Updated all the .fgds, optimized the definitions, added missing stuff.
- Added ShouldRefresh for item_weapon_randomizer, you can now decide if the weapon spawner should auto refresh its selection every X sec.
- Removed IsSoundScript from ambient_Generic, as it didn't work as intended.
- You can now alter the capture point message, failed, halted and not enough player tooltips.
- OnGameOver is now fired in game_manager when the game ends.
- You can now set retries to 0 in game_manager.
- You can now set if an npc should drop his weapons on death in the auto spawner entity.
- You can now use the ForceSpawn input on any spawnable entity.
- Added a null pointer exception if non players pressed use on func_buttons.
- Added model override logic, mappers can now easily override any npc's model for their map.
- Fixed a bug in the player soundset logic, you would only play a soundset for your local character, or default. Not other characters special soundsets if they were used.
- Gunships Level up and Perk particle will now finally play.
- Fixed a bad bug which allowed low levels to pickup the propane prop.
- Player ragdolls should no longer t-pose.
- Fixed some issues in the zombie flesh icons which would make them render for disconnected users.
- Added demo_allow_vgui which allows vgui to be shown during demo playback.
- Increased the skill tree tool tip height.
- You will now longer display the objective HUD in arena mode if the motd is visible.
- Fixed a bug in the end score menu which wouldn't display info about the 1st player.
- Added Combat Text HUD, this can be enabled/disabled in the options.
- Added the new AKMS and Sawed-Off animations!
- Fixed up the FOV for all the melee weapons.
- You can now use the flashlight while using melee weapons.
Surgery - Deathmatch
- Added new props.
- Adjusted Textures.
- Adjusted Ambient Light.
- Remodelled reception back room and hospital main entrance floor.
- Fixed a bug where the bandits would sometimes not want to target the player.
- Fixed a bug which prevented the Bandits from targeting the players.
- Fixed the height of the door frames.
- Fixed Fred spawn locations.
- Fixed a strange bug where the containers wouldn't render.
- Fixed 3D Skybox.
- Removed an exploit where the humans could easily camp the bandit spawn
[ 2016-07-07 20:31:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
- All the player models, player bodies, npcs and gibs are now fully low poly! = Major performance improvement.
- Fixed stability and crash related issues when there's a lot of people in the server.
- Fixed issues related to the glow logic not working/being stable. The glow effect will no longer bug up/randomly disappear.
- Updated all the glow colors for weapons and items.
- Added Norwegian translation.
- Added Russian translation.
- Added Brazilian translation.
- You can no longer use skills in Elimination mode.
- You will now glow teammates who are more than X units away from you in Elimination mode.
- Added bb2_elimination_teammate_distance, this sets the minimum distance a teammate must be from you in order to activate the teammate glow.
- Zombies can now see the other human survivors in Elimination mode when they enable zombie vision.
- Improved the NAV Crawl and Climb logic, in order to allow npcs to climb you need to mark a nav area with the attribute 'LADDER'.
- Added damage drop off for npcs.
- Added team filtering for the glow logic, use input SetGlow(2) = humans, SetGlow(3) = zombies. SetGlow(1) = for everyone.
- Updated the first person bodies for the human & zombie marine which had missing animations.
- Fixed a bug related to the Reality Phase Perk which would get you stuck in friendly players when activated.
- Increased the timer for updating the leaderboard stats.
- Changed the zombie vision colors and range.
- You will no longer glow teammates in Arena mode due to performance reasons.
- When you pull the pin of the frag grenade and die, the frag grenade will explode using the timer you sat when you pulled the pin.
- You will no longer activate the steam overlay web page when clicking on bots in the scoreboard.
- Fixed some issues on the Minigun which would make it spam 2 different anims + spam the spin sound while you attacked.
- The Minigun can no longer be affected by Shout and Spray.
- Reduced the fire rate for the Minigun & Famas.
- Reduced spawn rates of some weapons, reduced Minigun ammo in Deathmatch and Elimination mode.
- Fixed a bug in the give ammo code which would make you randomly switch to another weapon when using the ammo box / ammo resupply.
- Fixed a bug which gave the akimbo rex 2x amount of ammo per usage on the ammo box.
- Updated the floodlights with new models.
- Reduced the zombie count to 15.
- Zombies will now always hunt the human players.
- Increased the zombie count to 40.
- Reduced the zombie spawn time.
- Updated the floodlights with new models.
- Increased the zombie count to 40.
- Updated the floodlights with new models.
- Reduced the zombie count to 20.
- Zombies will now always hunt the human players.
- Changed the max zombies count to 40. (runner wave)
- Changed the max zombies count to 35. (last wave)
- Reduced the zombie spawn time. (runner wave)
- Updated the floodlights with new models.
- Zombies will always hunt the human players.
- Reduced the zombie count to 35.
- Fixed an exploit where you could stand on top of the floodlights.
- Fixed a bug where the generator button didn't want to re-glow.
- Removed old schedules to find !player.
- Updated the cabinets with new models @ the offices.
- Updated the barricade props with new models.
- Replaced old props.
- Fixed a bug which prevented some music from playing.
[ 2016-06-25 18:31:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added proper gib health.
- Updated the OSX and Linux build.
- Added a simple admin system, add any admins into the data/server/admins.txt file, this will allow them to use the admin_* commands in the console.
- Fixed some lag compensation issues.
- Added Bulgarian translation.
- Added Turkish translation.
- Added Swedish translation.
- Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- We now skip the holster anim in DM mode.
- Added Cookie's new announcer sounds, added client based announcer sounds for Payback, Weapon masteries/overpower, kicking and fisting.
- The game should now end when the time runs out in Objective mode.
- Added a proper collision group for the npc custom actor.
- Removed flinching from the zombies and reduced their YAW speed when they're in crawl mode.
- Optimized the NPC code.
- Added prop_door_breakable to the list of entities to block explosions.
- The weapon randomizer entity will now respawn a random weapon every X sec (bb2_weapon_randomizer_refresh_time). And it will no longer spawn the Beretta.
- When someone throws propane and someone else destroys it, the thrower will be rewarded 50XP.
- Fixed some viewangle issues related to spectating.
- Optimized the player code.
- Fixed up the main menu to scale properly for different resolutions.
- Added an ammo bar for the Minigun, a bar identical to the one used in classic BrainBread.
- Added raw values for the decal slider in Graphics Options.
- Fixed a bug on the Minigun where it would choke on the 245'th bullet.
- Added bbd_termoil.
- Removed 2 runner spawn zones near the propane tank.
- Reduced the respawn time from 20 sec to 12 sec.
- Changed the zombie spawn time for runners & last wave to 2.5 seconds.
- Moved the zombie runner spawns a bit further back.
- Added some weapon randomizer entity.
- Added the REX.
- Changed the office chair models to something more fitting.
- Fixed a bug which allowed the Bandits to shoot through the blind covers @ the kitchen.
- Added an npc clip around a barricade at the Z.E.D Publishing building.
- Added proper nav mesh data.
[ 2016-06-18 11:15:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added proper health logic for the gibs.
- Removed flinching from the zombies and reduced their YAW speed when they're in crawl mode.
- We now skip the holster sequence in Deathmatch mode.
- Added prop_door_breakable to the list of entities to block explosions.
- When someone throws propane and someone else destroys it, the thrower will be rewarded 50XP.
- Added a simple admin system, add any admins into the data/server/admins.txt file (64-bit SteamID), this will allow them to use the admin_* commands in the console.
- Fixed up the main menu to scale properly for different resolutions.
- Added an ammo bar for the Minigun, a bar identical to the one used in classic BrainBread.
- Added Cookie's new announcer sounds, added client based announcer sounds for Payback, Weapon masteries/overpower, kicking and fisting.
[ 2016-06-15 18:16:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Performance and networking improvements!
- Servers which runs plugins will have global saving disabled by default.
- Added in new blood/gore particles! Exploding npcs or players will now create a yummy mist of blood.
- Blood will finally follow the entities properly on death.
- You can now shuffle the ambient music by enabling bb2_music_system_shuffle.
- We now display proper death notice icons for blazing ammo, kick and bleed.
- Implemented NavMesh, all non-boss zombies will use NavMesh. However these npcs will fall-back to AI Nodes if nav is not present in the map.
- Fixed a bug which caused the menu music to play twice on game startup.
- Limited the blood impact dispatch to prevent too many from spawning when you blast entities with shotguns.
- Added new zombie anims + models.
- Tweaked all the NPCs viewcone distances and their max chase ranges. (fixes major lag issues in objective mode)
- All non-boss zombies can now climb and crawl so they can get you no matter where you try to hide!
- When you gib a zombie's leg it will go into crawl mode.
- Added item_explosive_randomizer which randomly spawns explosive weapon types.
- Added in the proper vbsp.exe file.
- Updated the base and hl2 fgd files with some new fixes from the new SDK 2013 update.
- Remade the quest system, everything is now parsed through script files which is loaded depending on the active map.
- You can no longer choose how much XP a quest or objective will give you, quests give 50 xp while objectives give 25.
- Added full localization support for the quest system.
- Improved the npc_custom_actor, you can now use this entity for custom objectives like 'Defend the VIP'. The NPC will auto follow you if you +use it.
- Fixed some annoying issues related to bashing which would prevent you from re-bashing if you interrupted the bash by shooting or reloading.
- Added proper lighting when zombie vision is active!
- When sliding you'll be able to continue moving when you're transiting from slide to stand/crouch.
- Player ragdolls will finally spawn bleedouts on death.
- Fixed a bug which would prevent players from climbing ladders if they crouch jumped onto them.
- We no longer print the 'Player has joined/left the cause...' if you're in Deathmatch or Elimination mode.
- The vote menu's map vote feature now properly reads the strings from the server's mapcycle list.
- Added the favourite button for the server browser GUI.
- Made the leaderboard items wider. (some names would be cropped badly)
- Unfinished achievements have been hidden.
- In Objective & Story mode survivors who have escaped will no longer have a skull icon over their avatar in the scoreboard.
- Fixed some animation issues on the Beretta.
- From now on you have to complete the first objective in order to be able to pickup weapons from the armory hut.
- Fixed invisible walls.
Release News
We hope to have BrainBread 2 released as Early Access within this month or mid July, stay tuned and spread the word!
[ 2016-06-11 21:04:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You no longer add yourself to the kick/ban vote menu.
- We now listen for player_connect_client instead of player_connect when players connect.
- Added missing / updated outdated resource/scripts files to the build.
- Spawn protection in Elimination and Deathmatch will now be disabled when you jump, slide, bash or kick.
- Thirdperson Bash, Shooting/Swinging, Reloading and Special attacks will now properly synced to the viewmodel speed of the relative animations.
- In Elimination mode you need to be minimum 2 players on both teams in order to be able to exterminate the other team.
- You can now close the inventory/quest menu with the same button you opened it with.
- Added more announcer lines for Deathmatch mode.
- You will now have increased melee speed and reload speed in Deathmatch mode.
- Added the 'Double the gun, double the fun' achievement.
- The game will no longer end (restart) if everyone becomes a zombie in objective mode while classic mode is enabled.
- Reduced the default timelimit to 30 min.
- Replaced some gibs with lowpoly gibs.
Remember to attend to this event, https://steamcommunity.com/games/brainbread2/events/826786761213851903 if you are able!
[ 2016-05-21 15:01:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
The dedicated server is now available for everyone who owns BrainBread 2! (AppID: 475370) We've also added in the new Beretta animations + the latest OSX bins!
[ 2016-05-16 19:46:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some minor crash related issues.
- Fixed the vote system.
- Linux servers can now pass in '-nodbsys' to srcds in order to disable libcurl entirely.
- You should no longer get stuck too easily when using the slide function.
- Added the new vote menu.
- Story maps will now be properly listed in the server browser + loading screen.
- Added the akimbo REX.
[ 2016-05-14 22:22:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Merged & implemented the latest SDK2013 changes. This introduces many various bug, security, performance and networking fixes.
- Updated the OSX & Linux build.
- Hitboxes have been dramatically improved!
- Fixed some issues related to the entity glow logic.
- Cleaned up the materials folder, removed unused materials and resized huge .vtf files.
- You no longer get XP when dying in story mode or spectating in obj. mode when the game is over.
- NPCs no longer stutter.
- The firstperson body should no longer go wonky while spectating in-eye.
- When other players disconnect their weapon attachments will be removed.
- You will no longer render the firstperson body in mirrors if bb2_render_client_in_mirrors is off.
- Enabled various movement related server cvars.
- viewmodel_fov is no longer cheat based.
- Fixed up the movement/footstep sound code.
- Fixed some issues in the custom console dialog which would trigger the connect command when you wrote ex: nav_connect.
We're waiting on Valve to grant us a new appID which we can use for Dedicated Servers, so if you are hosting a server or if you plan to host one then stick to the upcoming Dedicated Server appID.
[ 2016-05-08 20:23:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Major performance and networking improvements!
- You can now set high friction values for surfaceproperties in scripts/surfaceproperties.txt, this will reduce the players movement speed, jump height and leap length proportionally! (friction must be higher than 1 to enable this effect)
- Optimized the sound folder, removed duplicated sounds and unused sounds.
- Added powerups for Deathmatch mode!
- Added the announcer for Deathmatch mode!
- You now respawn at checkpoints and you need to wait until you respawn in story mode!
- Fixed an issue which broke custom soundsets.
- You can now set how many tries are allowed for a round in game_manager @Arena mode. OnRoundFail will be fired when the survivors fail.
- trigger_changelevel should now fade out your screen when you enter it successfully.
- Added ammo_revolver, which can be used to replenish ammo for any 'Revolver' based handgun.
- Added the glow effect for the ammo crate.
- You can now set the min and max respawn delay for auto respawnable entities. (input)
- Fixed some issues related to the item glow logic, sometimes items would stop glowing / refresh.
- Tweaked the radius glow.
- You no longer need to wait forever until you can use your gun when you've deployed it.
- Fixed a crash related to the bullet penetration logic, if you fired penetrative bullets + died you would crash.
- Fixed ladder issues, you will no longer get stuck in ladders / crippled.
- Added missing infection anim for the frag grenade, this would result in t-pose.
- Added firstperson body.
- You can now kick! Even while in-air!
- You can now slide, allowing you to escape from your enemies faster! You can also shoot while sliding.
- Added the last human skills! (Kick, Slide and Health Regeneration)
- Thirdperson animations for melee anims will now scale their playback rate to the viewmodel speed.
- Fixed some strange clamping issues related to setting certain int based vars like the health + health skill would be 199 at max instead of 200.
- You will no longer t-pose when 'swimming' in water.
- We now read more data from data/maps/info! We show off other important info about the selected map. Like recommended level, player count, gamemode, etc.
- Changed the motd text title color to white.
- You will no longer pop up the console if you start the game with the +map cmd line. (if -console is passed in the cmd line)
- You can no longer open the base panel as a non-human. (displays quests & inventory info)
- Added an option to change between custom soundsets for the announcer @Options->Other.
- Fixed most of the font issues related to translation support.
- Added the MP412 REX Revolver.
- Added new Sawed-Off reload anim, Famas anims and Revolver anims!
- Added the REX.
- You will no longer get stuck in sandbags in the spawn.
- Added the REX.
- Added the REX.
- Added the REX.
- Fred will spawn on the last wave.
- Added 'Can't access' brushes at the zombie closets.
- Fixed time scaling.
- The first round will now scale properly.
- Changed spawn time for zombies & bandits.
- Fixed the left door not wanting to open when using the +USE key.
- Bandits now spawn faster with 6+ more people.
- Decreased zombie spawn time on the last wave.
- Fixed decal clipping.
- Fixed faces that didn't have any textures.
- Bandits now spawn on the 'balcony'!
- Added powerup spawns.
- Added a sewer system.
- Removed car clips.
- Added powerup spawns & armor/health spawns.
[ 2016-05-01 19:05:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Optimized various parts of the code, increased overall performance of the game.
- Disabled pickup penalty in DM mode.
- Reduced the maxplayer count to 12.
- It is now possible to properly localize BrainBread 2. (non-english characters didn't work before)
- Fixed some issues related to achievements on game end.
- Improved lag compensation slightly, now it should be easier to hit moving targets.
- Fixed an issue which prevented late joiners from being able to join the human team if late join was enabled.
- Removed unnecessary stuff from the scripts, resource & resource/ui folder.
- Commands like: Cannot update control point, Player sequence blabla and GameDLL failed to insert sound blabla will no longer be printed in the main game console.
- Reduced the total view distance for zombies & bandits.
- Fixed a bug where the zombies wouldn't bash doors.
- Added bb2_zombie_lifespan_max & bb2_zombie_lifespan_min for zombies.
- You can now disable weapon attachments by using bb2_render_weapon_attachments, this may improve performance on low end systems.
- Fixed a bug in the inventory system where the player would not drop his actual items on death, zombification, etc..
- Fixed a bug which would prevent you from progressing achievements related to generic zombies when killing npc_runners
- The Spectator menu will now be hidden when the MOTD is visible.
- The magazine and weapon view HUD will properly fade out when you switch to an invalid weapon.
- Added a Connect button on the server browser.
- You can now see who's spectating/unassigned in the scoreboard.
- Added damage drop off for some weapons.
- Recompiled some weapons and reduced their reload speed increase.
- Fixed a bug which could break the bash if you reloaded while bashing.
[ 2016-04-16 20:11:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Performance improvements.
- The bb2_spawn_frequency convar will now be reset on map change.
- The game will no longer force cc_lang english.
- Replaced the ebrima font with a new font which should work for non English alphabet based languages.
- You can now make use of multi core. Enable this in Options->Performance, this feature is slightly unstable, you've been warned!
- Fred can now jump much higher! You better watch out!
- Walkers & Runners will no longer think 24/7.
- Reduced the viewcone range for Walkers & Runners.
- Added npc_custom_actor, this is a customizable npc which can be used for anything, should be used in story/objective mode. (WIP)
- The zombie vision is now using a shader!
- Fixed a bug in the bullet penetration skill which would bug up lag compensation.
- You will no longer get any XP if you haven't fully spawned once in the game.
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn't spawn in Arena mode because your skills 'failed' to load.
- Fixed an issue related to loading your skills, it would only register one callback at a time.
- You can now disable DLights for muzzleflashes in the performance options.
- Fixed an issue where the main menu overlay while in-game and the motd GUI wouldn't scale properly/rescale when changing screen resoulution.
- When you spectate someone their health will now be updated every sec. Unlike before where you had to switch target or mode to refresh the health.
- Added a label which displays how many is active in the game, on the main menu.
- Added new animations for the Remington!
[ 2016-04-09 18:53:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Major networking improvements, memory leak fixes, crash fixes, lag compensation and stability improvements!
- Improved workshop support, we read the workshop folder directly. This will solve issues related to unsubscribing to an item.
- Decals will be removed on round restart.
- Added new achievements.
- Added full localization support!
- You can now customize your survivor! (player model) Under Profile->Characters! We've also remade the old BB survivors!
- Your stats and skills will no longer fail to load randomly in servers which allow profile saving/loading.
- Removed Spray & Download Filter Options, allow download and equivalent commands is disabled for now.
- Removed unused files, re-added some hl2 base content, removed duplicated files.
- Added deathmatch mode.
- Fixed some issues related to team balancing in Elimination mode.
- Fixed a bug in Arena mode where the last wave of reinforcements would be spawned even if there were more reinforcements waiting for spawn than the reinforcements remaining.
- You can now walk around during round countdown in Arena mode.
- The round start music will no longer play in Elimination or Deathmatch mode.
- You can no longer spawn as an escaped survivor if you're a spectator but you haven't escaped.
- Your spawn protection will wear off in deathmatch and elimination when you click primary or secondary fire.
- Added new animations and models!
- You can now gib the soldiers, bandits and Fred!
- Fred can now run/walk and enter a rage mode! (no more uselessness!)
- env_microphone can now register explosion sounds from grenades, propane tanks and so on.
- Added logic_player_monitor, this can be used to notify the mapper when there's a certain amount of players in the map or when it is lower than the desired amount.
- You can now set the scale method to time only in logic_objective.
- Renamed ammo_ak47 to ammo_rifle and ammo_beretta to ammo_pistol, these are shared ammo entities for all rifle/pistol weapons.
- Added a new unique music system which utilizes fmod further! This system parses any script under data/music, it can be used to override the default loading music and ambient music, you can also add unique sound events which can be played using game_music! (you can still use raw/abs paths)
- Added new animations!
- You can now gib other players! Or write explode in the console to enjoy yourself!
- Fixed some bugs on the firearm weapons which would cause issues if you died while reloading/firing.
- Fixed a bug which prevented your leaderboard entry from being updated.
- Remade the melee system, you can now hit multiple targets, do headshots and so on! This also affects bashing/shoving!
- Bash will now push enemies back a little.
- Updated the blood overlay on the hands to be more precise, you will also render blood on your thirdperson model.
- In classic mode zombie players will be able to see where the humans are at. (the old flesh icon from BB!)
- Added weapon fast switch + option to turn this on / off in Options->Other.
- The Melee Mastery Skill will no longer increase your melee range.
- Added max and min limits for the spawn protection convar.
- Added cooldown value for secondary attacks on melee weapons.
- Ammo refill, gunslinger and team perks will now refill ammo clip 2 as well.
- Added material overlays for the players to indicate if they're perking or have spawn protection active.
- When you affect npcs with bleed, crippling blow, blazing ammo, coldsnap, etc... Different overlays will be rendered on the npc to indicate these effects!
- You will now be notified when capturing a point fails.
- When you take damage from npc zombies you'll finally spawn blood.
- Fixed a bug which prevented the zombie players from turning the zombie vision on or off.
- Fixed an issue related to the hands being drawn in spec mode.
- You now spawn in the start cameras properly when entering a map!
- You will no longer play random pain sounds when spawning for the first time.
- Increased the effect of team bonus.
- The client attachments (weapons on the back, etc..) will no longer render for the spectator target when you're spectating in eye.
- Added Crippling Blow skill.
- Added Empowered Bullets skill.
- Added Bleed skill.
- Added Coldsnap skill.
- Blazing Ammo no longer starts an actual fire on the entity struck, but a 'flame' look-alike material overlay.
- Added motd menu which pops up when you enter the game.
- Major updates to the server browser GUI, you no longer need to wait for it to fully refresh before you can execute another query, added a player list window.
- The server browser will now sort items depending on the highest player count!
- Added Apply button for all the option menus which require this.
- Decreased the fade in / out time of the main menu.
- You can now see game tips while dead / when the round has ended.
- Decreased the fade time of the note panel.
- You can now change your skills while you're dead / spectating.
- You will now see the correct team size in for each team in the team menu.
- Fixed issues related to the scoreboard not updating/syncing score/values properly.
- You will no longer add npcs with no 'friendly' name to the health bar HUD, nor npcs who are dormant.
- You can no longer glow dormant entities.
- Remade the scoreboard!
- Dead players on the scoreboard will have a skull icon above their steam avatar.
- Fixed a bug where you could suicide and show off a headshot icon..
- Added subtitles for the voice commands.
- Generic HUD will now be hidden when the scoreboard is visible.
- You can now mute/unmute players in the scoreboard.
- Objectives will be visible for spectators / dead players in Arena mode.
- Fixed an issue which would prevent the leaderboard from updating properly.
- Added headshot icons for different npcs @death notices.
- You can no longer open the zombie skill tree in Arena or Story mode.
- Tweaked the base panel to only display inventory info and quests.
- You can now chat / show the scoreboards / skills and so on during round end screens!
- The round end window will now display some simple personal stats.
- Fixed some issues in the history pickup and weapon view HUD where the image of the weapon would be clipped.
- The capture status HUD should now hide when you become a zombie when capturing.
- Changed the magazine ammo HUD to scale to the weapon (rifle, pistol, shotgun) types.
- The loading menu will now display disconnection strings properly, when you've been kicked, lost connection, etc...
- Removed the map description from the loading panel.
- You can now scroll properly in the note panel, fixed the size of the text control, increased text limit.
- Added the frag grenade.
- Added the propane tank.
- Added the Famas.
- Added the Sledgehammer.
- Added the Machete.
- Added the Hatchet.
- Added the Baseballbat.
- Added the Brick.
- Added the Minigun.
- Added bba_cargo.
- Added bba_rooftop.
- Added bbd_district.
- Added bba_barracks & bbe_barracks.
- Added bbd_surgery.
- The Bandits will respawn, and their AI state has been improved!
- Fixed map exploits.
- Updated bookstore node path for AI zombies.
- Fixed some lighting issues.
- Added a new hut with an armory.
- Fixed some camping spots.
- Melee weapons will spawn randomly across the map.
- Added the minigun.
- Decreased the max time and time increase per player for round 2 and 4.
- Bandits will jump from the podium on round 2 and 4.
- Bandits will spawn more frequently.
Do you want to translate BrainBread 2?
We need translators! To get started navigate into the brainbread2 directory under steamapps/common/brainbread2/brainbread2/! In the resource folder you will find a file named brainbread2_english.txt, this file contains all the localized tokens, copy the file and name it brainbread2_
[ 2016-04-03 15:44:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
The road to Early Access
We have been talking about maybe pushing BrainBread 2 into Early Access. This will of course take awhile, since we want to make sure we at least got most weapons, animations & the content added before we go live.
Dev Live Stream
We will also have a live stream on the 19th of March 2016. It will go live @ 6PM EST. There we will be showing the new stuff from the Beta Branch & we will be giving some keys. Our Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/reperiostudios And this time, no more robot voice! We have changed from Xsplit to OBS due Xsplit have some issues on Windows 10.
The Night of The Living Bread Event
The event will happen on 26th of March 2016, @ 6PM EST. Hope to see you guys on there!
We got a Discord server!
Wanna talk to the devs directly, or just wanna hang out? We got ourselves a discord server for just that! Invite link: https://discord.gg/0TitkvlFlYoBak0V
Q: When will BrainBread 2 hit Early Access? We really don't know, but hopefully sometime in June or July. But delays are expected, because we don't want to ship a broken game Q: Will BrainBread 2 cost? No Q: How much % of the game is done? I would roughly say its around 80-90% done, for the base game anyway Q: Will all the weapons be available on Early Access? Not on launch. But we have plenty of weapons available Q: Will Workshop be ready for Early Access? Yes. Workshop support was added during Closed Beta, and we also added support for dedicated servers. Server owners will now be able to download subscribed addons directly. Q: What is this Discord you guys are talking about? It is a voice and text communication program, which work on the browser and as a standalone application. And no, you don't need an account to talk or chat. You can find more information on their website over @ http://discordapp.com/ Q: The Night of The Living Bread? It is an old event that happened on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays over @ Asd2Bam & the Official BrainBread groups on Steam. Its a fun event where we all get together and play some good ol' fashioned BrainBread all over again. :) Questions? Got any questions you want answered? Don't hesitate to ask! :)
[ 2016-03-16 11:16:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added missing textures from 'environment maps' folder
- Added bash_force for weapons.
- Bashing will no longer add velocity in the Z direction, this could be exploited to throw enemies up in the air, bugging them, etc...
- The map data handler will no longer check through all available UGC items, it will only check your subscribed items (will save performance), you will also load map descriptions from data/maps/info/
if there's no file here it will use the default UGC description. - The propane explosive prop will remove itself by default after X sec when thrown.
- Added the cheat command bb2_set_fps which can be used to set fps values for the active weapon, useful when testing fps values related to reload and melee attack speed.
- Added Burst fire on secondary attack for the Famas.
- Zombies and zombie bosses will now prioritize Bandits as much as players.
- Added logic_player_monitor, this can be used to notify the mapper when there's a certain amount of players in the map or when it is lower than the desired amount.
- Simplified death notices and now they will be properly logged as well.
- In classic mode zombie players will be able to see where the humans are at. (glow overlay, slightly visible but noticeable)
- You can no longer open the zombie skill tree in Arena or Story mode.
- The death icon for throwing the brick, frag and propane works fully. Fixed some hit issues when throwing the brick.
- Redesigned the character stat preview control, we now display some simple stats in the end screen menu.
- You can now chat / show the scoreboards / skills and so on during round end screens!
- The mp_chattime is now used to set how long you need to wait before the round end window closes. (before it would only affect the intermission (game over) stuff)
- The blood overlay on the hands and weapon will now be much more accurate, when you get blood on the hands it will stay until you respawn, but blood on the actual weapons will vary if you got blood on you using that weapon. It will also be properly reset on round restart.
- You can now scroll properly in the note panel, fixed the size of the text control, increased text limit.
- Tweaked the base panel to only display inventory info and quests.
- Fixed some issues where not enough melee weapons would spawn
- Moved the zombie player spawns into the 'zombie closets'
- Added more covers for zombie players
- Fixed where it wouldn't end on round 3
- Added monitor logic to make the map a bit of a challenge when more people join
- Fixed bandit & zombie spawners
- Moved the weapon 'weapon_brick' from the subway to the construction board at the end of the road
- Minor bug fixes
Mod Tools
- Fixed where the tags for the addon wouldn't save when uploading and/or updating an addon.
[ 2016-03-15 17:14:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can now opt into the beta branch to get the latest stuff, be aware that the beta branch could include unfinished content and some unstability. OSX & Linux will not be updated in this branch.
[ 2016-03-06 22:38:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed bootup crash & added Visual C++ Redist 2013 32bit.
- Added OS Checker (If windows XP, it will run workshopper_winxp, for compatibility reasons).
- Fixed where addon description couldn't use BBCodes when uploading.
- Removed old, un-needed tags.
- Changed where you can't select all tags when uploading. Now you need to select which type of addon you are uploading.
- Changed MAX character limit to 1000.
- Minor bug fixes.
[ 2016-02-20 18:35:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
For those who have BrainBread 2, you can now use our Mod Tools to make & create your own custom content!
Q: I get the error 'Please install BrainBread 2 before you launch the Mod Tools!' You need to have BrainBread 2 installed to be able to use the mod tools. Q: How do I install BrainBread 2? I can't find it on the store! You can only install BrainBread 2 if you got into the Closed Beta. BrainBread 2 will be available soon, we can't really say when at this moment. Q: Will I be able to upload my mods & conent into the workshop? Yes! You will be able to upload your custom maps, sounds models etc into workshop. Q: How can my map become whitelisted? If you want your map to be whitelisted, it has to follow the guidelines. A link to the guidelines can be found if you click on 'BrainBread 2 Workshop & Mod Tools'.
Useful Guides

[ 2016-02-17 23:59:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed missing normal map for the seats in the metro station.
- Fixed an exploit where you could break the objectives.
- Fixed optimization.
- Added some lore.
- Removed light sources in the subway.
- Added glowsticks to show where the Remington is located in the subway area.
- Improved the "obtain radio & cable" objective to be more clear.
- Added weapon box in the maintenance area.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Replaced the flares with glowsticks since they were eating too much resources on low end PC's.
- Added maintenance area on 2nd floor.
- Fixed a bug which would lock certain doors if you closed them which would prevent you from progressing.
[ 2016-01-30 19:50:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Linux Content [183.06 M]
A much sinister secret was about to be exposed. CyberCon's project involved the development of neuro-hub chips. They succeeded and became a phenomenon, later becoming a mandatory law to have them implanted at birth using state of the art surgery and cutting edge technology.
CyberCon were granted this permission from the government. The controversy was covered up and very little was known how it was done.
The technology was seen by many around the world as a major breakthrough that could cure blindness, deafness, disease, and a huge boost in performance for modern day life.
It was further aiding as a gateway to easier communication and enhanced capabilities. This was the next milestone in human history.
However, good things must always come to an end.
And CyberCon's true colors are yet to be revealed.
- 5 Unique gamemodes.
- Over 20 unique weapons, including akimbo weapons!
- Extreme amounts of gore & gibbing, this is your lovely grindhouse-gore movie!
- Over 100 unique skill combinations.
- A global profile system/leveling system.
- Play as a zombie, evolve as a zombie using your special zombie skill tree to your advantage!
- Modding friendly, customize your own soundsets for any of the npcs, make your own player survivor models, make custom maps, share your creations via Workshop!
- Character customization.
- No pay to win!
- Simple UI and HUD.
- AI Soldiers, Tanks and Bandits/Mercenaries.
- A powerful quest, objective & inventory system.
- Playable on PC, Mac OSX, and Linux with multiplayer cross-compatibility.
- Dedicated Server Support for PC and Linux.
- Story
Focuses on story based gameplay, progress by doing specific quests or side-quests to increase your chance of survival!
- Objective
Focuses on small & simple objectives, this is a casual/chill gamemode based on the original BrainBread, if you want a pure BrainBread experience you can enable a server command to force it to vanilla BrainBread mode. In this mode you can also play as a zombie and as a human you can get infected. The zombie's objective is to prevent the humans from progressing, when you get a certain amount of kills you will be able to respawn as a human again, or if you die too many times. All of this can be regulated by the server owner.
- Arena
This is a wave based gamemode, similar to 'Survival'. You have limited respawns and when you die you'll respawn after X amount of seconds. Everyone respawns at the same time, certain maps may allow certain amount of retries for a wave, if you fail too many times you have to do everything over again. This mode is very action-packed, you better be flexible.
- Elimination
A Humans VS Zombies gamemode, first team to reach the fraglimit wins! In this mode you respawn individually, however if everyone on your team is dead your team will be 'Exterminated', which means the round is over. The opposite team gains a certain amount of points by exterminating the other team, this is an effective way to gain points but it is hard to achieve if there's many players. In this mode you'll also trigger a team perk if your team gets a certain amount of kills, your team will be blessed with some helpful skill for a certain amount of seconds.
- Deathmatch
A PvP gamemode, solely for humans. Featuring classic old-school powerups, increased speed and flexibility! As well as an announcer which will try to salute you or make fun of you if you fail too much!
- OS: Ubuntu 14.x. CentOS 7.x
- Processor: 1.7 GHz processor or equivalentMemory: 512 MB RAM
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Radeon 9600 or Nvidia GeForce 500 seriesNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 6 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.x. CentOS 7.x
- Processor: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or equivalentMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: AMD. Nvidia Geforce 600 series or higherNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 6 GB available space
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