Hey Buoyancies Our latest devlog is ready for reading. Check it out on our website: https://buoyancygame.com/2022/06/13/devlog-44/
[ 2022-06-14 02:27:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Our latest devlog is out for reading. Check it out here on our website: https://buoyancygame.com/2022/04/04/devlog-43/
[ 2022-04-05 03:28:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! The January 2022 devlog is ready for reading. Check it out on our website: https://buoyancygame.com/2022/01/31/devlog-42/
[ 2022-02-01 05:21:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy New Years everyone! The December 2021 devlog is ready for reading. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2022/01/01/devlog-41/
[ 2022-01-02 00:03:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
November devlog is out! Check it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/12/01/devlog-40/
[ 2021-12-01 19:23:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Updated to Unity 2020.3.22f - Sickness event start conditions balancing - Belief and Cousin rating balancing - Tech for "Order of M" to unlock max city speed - Pathfinding improvements - Shipyard Special upgrade moved to Arsenal, new Special upgrade - Hover on resource node shows current quantity percentage - Fish, Seaweed resource node amounts scale slightly with population - Plastic is default repair resource for all buildings - Most upgrades costs rebalanced to use primarily Plastic - New song by Byron Brown - "Fair is our Sea" - Switchable overlays: Production (default), Storage, Decay, Fire Info, Helpers - Overlay refactor may reduce some inner capacity to zero on load - New Storehouse asset - Storehouses, Galleys can decay now - Corpses delived to Butcher go into input not own storage - Town Center special upgrade changed - FPS Optimizations when at war - Tech cost and gains balancing Bugs Fixed: - Order of M can trade with Trade Fed boats, Trade posts - Decay color change disabled after hover - Buildings resuming after paused - Guard, Ranger pieces not removed sometimes - Wrong tooltips for Combat actions - Tes'ral has Guard explosion resist tech - Necro idle villager lose happiness - Survivor rafts not giving resources - No light during the transition from night to dawn fixed - Loading a game at night should now have the proper lighting - UX stuff in Main Menu - Stagnant water mechanic notified while harvesting, not working for some gatherers - Error from Backlog task assignments - Using Empty Recycling Pool - Bad quick sort for finding villager to use Historian - Villagers teleporting back to base if pressing all attack buttons during fight - Percentage for upgrades getting "stuck" when hovering over building - Recycling Pool not being filled - Historian not finding Educational Materials - Foragers benefit from Kelp node if Junk Only tech unlocked - Doctor not returning to Medicine Hut after healing - Villagers not using Ward upgrade for Medicine Hut - Toxic Waste cooldown broken - Error if City War won before Municipal Waste ability is launched - Villager stuck with corpse on head - Buildings with no worker never being assigned new worker - Signal Flare trade chance not applying, was using Pirate reduction - Villagers continue to fill up Storehouse if its full, will now check before depositing if full - Resource Node % not updating while building info UI open - Villager hungry icon not going away after eating at certain buildings - Other city visual effects not going away after death - Sickness particle not going away sometimes + Removed Martin
[ 2021-11-09 02:13:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone. The October Devlog is out! Check it out on our website here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/10/31/devlog-39/
[ 2021-11-01 01:37:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Updated to Unity 2020.3.18f1 - New Water and Lighting system - Beliefs and Tech point system - New Belief Buildings added - Smokeshop, Historian, Soup Kitchen, Arena, Shrine, Recycling Pool - Galley is not a default building anymore (part of Belief buildings) - Most City Actions locked to certain Beliefs now - Butcher building is required to process corpses, can rot - Helper boost numbers shown in production progress tooltip - Prison food value and nourishment balancing - Other city villagers, military combat stats boosted - New Smelter, Scavenger assets - Buildings now show visible decay with darkened colors - Removed chance that building destroyed on collision, does heavy decay damage instead - Mass Quarantine changed to villagers quarantine instead of banished - Trade City needs help status icon in City Status UI - Free rotate toggle added in Settings - Crashed rafts and trade posts spawn corpses - Pause/resume game time button, hotkey - Camera pivot hotkeys - Scrap progress shown in overlay/hover Bugs Fixed: - Fuel Factory wonder saving incorrectly - Main UI buttons are preceding Building UI panel buttons when clicked - Cities destroyed stat was tallying from other city kills - Wrecker ships not redeploying if area was previously depleted - Mega Dale City using wrong description, save path - Wrecker ship colliding with temporary building/bridge placement - Guardhouse/Ranger Barracks filling up pass capacity - Military sending incorrect amount to fight - Harpoon tower special upgrade error if unit killed by other - Villager sad icon not turning off sometimes when at high happiness - Caravan bad rotation at spawn - Building hover tooltips not updating when same building panel is open - Prisoners not moved immediately when prison scrapped - Prisoner data not destroyed in certain cases - Pirate sub collider issues - Pathing improvements for long, complicated paths - Prison food levels not being replenished when retrieved from Galley - Gather perimeter indicator not resetting rotation if using free rotate - Navmesh from other cities could mess up Town Center pathing during load - Wrecker ships deploying if Scavenger is paused - Resource carried is null causing all villagers to stop moving - Scrollwheel sensitivy for trade menus bad - Error when clicking between resource quota fields but not entering anything - Random Beer events happening without Beer - Whale from Whale Call not arriving to city - Error when Trade Boat forced dock, then leave from inactivity - Water Cannon keep shooting water after extinguising - Idle villagers not rowing - Construction resource not being delivered after pirate steal same - Shipyard outline material using wrong shader - Villager errors related to removals, death, deletion - Bridge, platform not refunding from destruction + Removed Martin ---------------------------------
[ 2021-10-08 22:24:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! Devlog 38 is ready for reading. New update coming out soon! Check it out on our website: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/09/30/devlog-38/
[ 2021-10-01 01:23:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! Devlog 37 for August is here for reading. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/08/31/devlog-37/
[ 2021-09-01 04:05:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! Devlog 36 is out and ready for reading. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/07/31/devlog-36/
[ 2021-08-01 01:21:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! June's devlog is ready for reading. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/06/30/devlog-35/
[ 2021-07-01 02:11:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - New Greenhouse model added - Priority construction can be cancelled by reapplying, pausing Bugs Fixed: - More pathing and bridge link fixes - Filter station requesting too much fuel - Doctor stuck when reaching dead sick guy - Unassigned tasks using wrong actions - Prison food requests not going to Galley - Decay display threshold changes not applied immediately - Prisoner not added to stat menu sometimes - Military attack button only sending a few units at a time - Slain Guards/Rangers not repopulating at their buildings after battles + Removed Martin
[ 2021-06-26 06:26:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Nothing new this time just bugfixes! Bugs Fixed: - Pathing improvments - Monument of M destruction riot not firing - Wrecker ships stuck sometimes at collectables - Destroyed buildings under construction refund not updated in UI - Wrecker Ship current location not saved - Toggle for villager reproduction buttons were reversed - Constructions not completing when other constructions paused - Paused buildings not saving state during save/load - Food sometimes ignoring galley storage - Villagers not removing outfits - Upgrade tooltips inconsistent if in progress + Removed Martin
[ 2021-06-17 22:44:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Updated to Unity 2019.4.28f - Prisoners of war amounts shown in interaction description Bugs Fixed: - Fertilize corpse law causing villagers stuck in place - Villagers stuck during eat/drink food locations - Fixes for villagers moving back and forth on small bridge connections - Constructing buildings not loading their delivered resources - Carried resources lost during save/load - Loading game gives new Guards/Rangers without training - Guardhouse/Ranger Barracks not filling up from capacity upgrade sometimes + Removed Martin
[ 2021-06-09 01:47:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies Devlog 34 is ready for reading. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/05/31/devlog-34/
[ 2021-05-31 16:35:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Looter Caravans will save previous selections - Buildings with Helpers will continue production if Specialist leaves for food/drink - Helper count show in UI next to Specialist count - Helpers that die will attempt replacement with idle villager - Pollution spill event tweaks, more affected buildings - Wonder buildings can be scrapped for new placement but will cause happiness loss - Prison break tweaks, will reduce food levels stored in prisons - Fires can burn/destroy internal storages to applicable buildings - Scrapping a building can now be cancelled - Click on city status icon to hide the icon Bugs Fixed: - Survivor Raft (boat version) too low and unnoticeable - Last Tree leaf material ugly fix - Double UI click audio during trade buttons - Workshop was part of polluting event - Range placement indicator shader fix - No description when hover over the Help icon at Pirate City - Paused construction and buildings asking for resources - Save relics toggle not working - Priority construction ignored sometimes - Depleted resource in multiple node null errors - Villagers could get stuck in the air when ending a battle with oil platform cities - Helpers leave building when doing an upgrade - Trade panel won't reappear after paying pirate demands + Removed Martin
[ 2021-05-26 20:05:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Villager eat food animation with delay (no more instant eat) Bugs Fixed: - Building Overlay displaying wrong icons - Beer, Shellfish quantity not changing - Villager fire death wrong number shown (frealz this time) - Workshop Repairer staying at Galley after getting food - Navmesh fixes for various platforms - Martin not working - Null target error for pirates when banishing during invasion + Removed Martin
[ 2021-05-10 04:17:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! April's devlog is ready for reading. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/04/30/devlog-33/
[ 2021-04-30 23:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Maxed out prisons will spawn new prisoners if empty prison avaiable - Eat prisoner lowered meat chance 2-3 to 1-2 - Prisoner birthrate chance reduced and clamped (10) per prison Bugs Fixed: - Brewery random event firing without a brewery - Wanted resources could show up as exports for Other cities - Eat corpse causing all villagers to stop moving - Upgraded prisons losing prisoners after load - Upgraded shipyards losing extra ships after load - Trading ship left and UI interaction error - Navmesh fixes - Combat AOE slow causing errors + Removed Gasprice + Removed Martin
[ 2021-04-29 20:41:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.1.0415 Updates/Changes: - General balancing, user notifications for eruptions - Other city towers no longer have unlimited ammo Bugs Fixed: - Fixes for out of sync resource amounts in the UI - Junk Cannon target logic fixes - Junk Cannon explosion particle glitches - Filter Station Arsenal upgrade not doing damage - Loaded resource crates messing up navmesh areas - Buildings having higher than normal production times - Sunken beer, algae, pumice nodes natural decay sending notification to player - Thrust calculation and rower fixes - Motors providing thrust while paused, scrapped + Removed Martin
[ 2021-04-16 15:48:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Abandonded Oil rig platform resource node (scrap metal, crude oil) - New cities based on Oil rig platforms - New gameplay song added "Northern Seas" by Byron Brown - Updated to Unity 2019.4.23f1 Bugs Fixed: - Helpers not going to construction site - Villagers could get stuck trying to pick up resources on a long bridge - Some Build Menu toggles states, opacity levels not saving - Villagers not spawning in their saved positions after load - Some input resources max storages not saving - Reinforce upgrade not doing anything - Buildings not receiving node bonuses sometimes - City not moving during certain scenarios with upgraded Storehouse sails - Turbine too strong - City movement thrust wasn't combining rower and other thrust sources - Trades showing 0/0 prisoners for some cities - Stat replenishment distribution bug - Array out of range error with sunken breweries - Storms could spawn out of bounds and not move - Fire ringing bell audio bad positioning + Removed Martin
[ 2021-04-02 21:14:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! March Devlog 32 is out now and is ready for reading: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/03/31/devlog-32/
[ 2021-03-31 20:09:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Updated to Unity 2019.4.21f - Most Tier 1/2 building masses, pollution levels lowered - UI background alpha slider in settings menu - Doctors will go to next closest sick person instead of returning to Medicine hut - Building a Medicine hut will change sickness law default to Send doctors automatically - Doctor heal speed increased - Tooltip in breaking down what is affecting production rate (hover over gear) - Workshop input resources reduced 10 -> 3 - Disabled Wrecker ships using Gasoline Bugs Fixed: - Main UI buttons being pressed when overlapped with Building Info panel footer buttons - Water count in storehouse quanity mismatch - Notification UI title text clip - Villager pathfinding getting stuck on bare platforms - Recycler special upgrade causing crates that can't be picked up - Workshop not making Tools sometimes - Blight event check causing error - Wrecker ships returning before reaching collectable resource + Removed Martin
[ 2021-03-04 04:32:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone Feb 2021 devlog is reading ready. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2021/02/28/devlog-31/
[ 2021-02-28 20:07:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.1.0223 Updates/Changes: - Plague pirates sick chance decreased - Pirate reduced health, walk speed, spawn amounts - Pirate subs will be destroyed if collided with another docked boat - Old age deaths re-enabled, lowered chance - Doctor heal time decreased - Evaporator production changed to 5 -> 6, production time reduced 70 -> 60 Bugs Fixed: - Exiting Settings menu doesn't revert back to previous set game speed - Villager Management runs out of scroll space with higher populations - Trade value for your city starting with high numbers - Wrecked pirate scout encounter could die during spawn - Resources not saving after invasion - Combat AI error - Available food/beer stored amount inaccuracies when pirates steal them - Villagers not drinking seawater if no water/beer available with some city designs - Villagers dying from thirst using nourishment death notifications - Orange sun color at start + Removed Martin
[ 2021-02-24 03:25:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.1.0218 Updates/Changes: - New song during gameplay - "Lost at Sea" by Byron Brown - Event frequency decreased, balancing (pirates, storms, etc.) - Fuel Factory asset optimizations Bugs Fixed: - Too many villagers trying to eat small amount of food - Storm arrow directional not displaying + Removed Martin
[ 2021-02-19 17:53:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Nothing new this time Bugs Fixed: - Fire particle null error - Buildings in placement could be set on fire - Villagers trying to construct a building in placement - Resources not being delivered to buildings - Pirate scout interaction could launch twice same time + Removed Martin
[ 2021-02-01 01:29:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies, Our January devlog is ready for reading! https://buoyancygame.com/2021/01/31/devlog-30/
[ 2021-01-31 18:39:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Change Input storage amounts (1,2,3,4x of required) in Building info UI - Toggle if Flammable buildings will display icon when placing Firestarter and viceversa - French translation updated (thanks Yves!) Bugs Fixed: - Wonder scrapped message appearing for no raisin - Hostile Takeover happening too early in game - Resource count and limiter not synced - Wrecker ships get stuck sometimes - New moon lighting is too dark - Disaster Events could stop happening forever (storm, pirates, takeover, etc) - Can't invade Cousinopolis city - Incorrect villager fire death notification + Removed Martin
[ 2021-01-29 23:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Fuel Factory wonder building added (makes Crude Oil from plastic) - Optimizations Bugs Fixed: - Tree leaf color pink before acquisition - Villagers getting stuck on getting corpses - Random fire event dead worker error - Refinery special upgrade causing no pickups - Error can happen during eat corpse blood effect - Error from Motor particle system - Harpooner producing without Whale nodes - Lighting errors related to Moon light cycles - Galley error adding too many resources - Daily decay not happening on buildings - Villager not on navmesh sometimes after city war - Invasion/War button flashing never stops - Pause button in Building info panel not interactable + Removed Martin
[ 2021-01-21 20:09:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.1.0112 Updates/Changes: - Updated to Unity 2019.4.17f - Default Villager speeds lowered from 1.5 -> 1.25 - Bridge speed boosts lowered from 2x -> 1.5x Bugs Fixed: - Fireproof upgrade not working correctly - Error when doctor trying to heal killed sick villager - Rain particles not appearing - Rotten food event selecting 0 resources + Removed Martin
[ 2021-01-13 00:10:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Scrapping a building will refund completed upgrades - New Demo ship asset - New Wrecker ship asset - Jobs and assignments optimizations with higher city populations - Exploder Pirates can blow up walls - French translation updated (thanks Yves!) - Washed up resources will respect limits and be thrown out if applicable - New music from Byron for the Wavebreaker Invasion event, and some other sound effects - Laborers jobs amount shows amount that can't be completed due to insufficient resources/idles - Cousins might accidentaly destroy food at Galley Bugs Fixed: - Platforms could have double buildings built on it - Texture errors for Medicine hut doctor - Texture errors for Guardhouse, Prison, Ranger Barrack alarm object - Notification UI title text overflow - Villagers stuck on Food break when replenishing thirst - Buildings stop producing and receiving input resources - Trade menu sliders bugged at 100 amount - Crash after city war is over - Error during villager death if it was carrying something - Helpers don't leave building if paused - Villagers spawning off platforms in some of the newer cities - Whale from Whale call not going to city - Whales not roaming around - Removed food from Storehouses not going to Galley - Prisoner conscript not working during city war - Prisoner conscript navigation errors after multiple fights - Imprison villager button not working in Stats - Tooltips for Prisoner stat buttons incorrect + Removed Martin
[ 2021-01-08 17:30:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoys, Devlog 29 is ready for reading! Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/12/31/devlog-29/
[ 2020-12-31 22:02:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - New Hot Air Balloon asset - Crashed Balloon collectable resource (gives plastic and 1 unlucky corpse) - French translation updated (thanks Yves) - German translation updated (not 100%) - Toggle in the buildings menu to show buildings built that are same type when hovered - Ctrl + Scroll wheel will cycle between command/upgrade tools - Placeable objects system (in Build Menu, Objects tab) - Lamp posts removed from most platforms - Placeable Lights (lamps, firepits) sources give small Happiness to passing villagers during night time - Other Placeables give small Happiness to passing villagers during day time - Placeable Walls - Reduced Decay firestart chances, decay amount from fire, lightning decay amount, daily decay amounts - Decay repaired per resource changed 2 -> 8 - Villager fire fighting strength increased - Combat UI buttons moved to top of screen - Can use UI menus during combat now - Some more floating cities - Destroyed Floating Cities can respawn if no more left (except cities with Wonders) - Quantity of resources increased in resource nodes (fish, kelp, ships, etc) Bugs Fixed: - Lucky villager not selected for Hot Air Balloon ride - Hot Air Balloon marker lines suck - Rower wake trails go missing during certain camera angles - Villager could be named Martin - Tutorial not using rebinded camera panning keys - Thin bridges showing in all the build menu filters - Node display particle is gross since new renderer - Villagers could get stuck on Smelter, Trapper platforms - Corpse pile node choice results for Eat, Ignore were flipped - Fires, some lights still too bright in other cities + Removed Martin
[ 2020-12-20 23:12:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Buildings can be freely rotated (hold R during placement) - More bridges to use - Increased the amount of times villagers check for stat replenishment (50s -> 30s) - Get Food threshold default changed from 50 -> 70 - Get Happiness threshold default changed from 50 -> 60 - Hunger gains slightly reduced - Small wake trails for rowers Bugs Fixed: - Villagers can't reach washed up resources sometimes - Resource piles spawning outside of platform - Wake trails ugly, repeating poorly after new renderer - Building placement splash visuals suck after new renderer - Workshop platform during placement wasn't turning green/red + Removed Martin
[ 2020-12-08 18:19:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Graphical settings optimized/changed for new renderer - Construction piece assets for Mill, Workshop, Shipyard - Recruit panel to choose how many recruited villagers - Saved games shows image of city - Overlay can show sprite of resource in crate, toggle in settings menu - Pirate scouts can be smashed into destroyed ship nodes to sink them - World/Calendar panel in Stats panel - New asset for Seaplane - Asset optimizations for Trapper trap - Fireworks fire amount limited to 15% of total buildings - Helper system for building production and construction (add/remove helper villagers) - All task completion will result in happiness, hunger, thirst gains - Only Idle villagers will receive unhappiness loss during stat updates - Idle villager happiness loss depends on how they are idle - Cousin rating reduces happiness loss from events - Villagers gain happiness if new villager born - Fires cause unhappiness to villagers on platform - Extinguished fires give happiness to villagers on platform - Very exciting asset animation on Medicine Hut - Scrap building tool to descontruct buildings and get back resources depending on decay Bugs Fixed: - Light flicker on Bakery too fast - Bridges on other cities very dark (wrong textures) - Super bright spotlights on some platforms - Bioalgae glow is TOO DAMN BRIGHT - Navmesh path blockers not working after loading game - Navmesh errors with Shipyard, Mill, and a rock - Town center has 0 mass, renovate upgrade not doing anything - Greenhouse production not affected by decay - Resources being added to total resources but not Storehouses in certain scenarios - Villagers enroute for resource delivery not stopping if building paused - Medicine Hut LODs not working - Resources only going to TC - Villager death error from no platform assigned - Platform null errors during rioting, cannibal sickness events - Texture flicker when Low quality and low texture setting - Resource nodes sometimes don't provide bonus when connected + Removed Martin
[ 2020-12-04 01:03:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies! November's devlog is here for reading material. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/11/30/devlog-28/
[ 2020-11-30 21:10:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.1121 Updates/Changes: - Buildings under construction can be paused/resumed - New Shipyard asset - Toggle in settings to disable villager reaction sprites - Building production won't pause if there is no more storage room left - Storehouses can store past their maximum capacities - Storehouses will decay resources if overcapacity - Villagers can be killed by falling resources if a Storehouse is overcapacity - UI buttons to start/stop specific Resource storage at Storehouses (Town Center is disabled) - Stopping storage of a resource will clear out the resource and need to be transported elsewhere - Destroyed storehouses have a chance to spawn resources that were stored there - Destroyed under construction buildings spawn crates instead of instantly adding to storehouses - French translation updated Bugs Fixed: - Wrecker ship not spawning/moving - Shipyard capacity upgrade making too many available ships - Renovate upgrade not being applied immediately - Lamps at night too bright - Villager thirst not saving - Estimated resource usage accuracies - Storehouse capacity upgrade stacking after load - Fog save causing load errors - Chance for resource crates to produce errors - Rare error during resource collectable despawn + Removed Martin
[ 2020-11-22 19:27:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.1117 Updates/Changes: - Building Production Tab and Usage stats in Stats panel - City Statistics Tab with History and Graphs in Stats panel - Villagers walking on a fire have a chance to lose health/gain thirst, or burn to a crisp - Loud production buildings (producing smoke) can scare away schools of fish - Windows build change to x86_64 - Deep Diver, Fisher, Scavenger, Forager have increased chance to produce nothing the longer a city is stationary Bugs Fixed: - Platform reflections are too shiny and chrome, riding eternal - Lighting errors during sun changes - Workshop foundation hover texture messed up - Workshop building too small after built - Pollution effect in water not showing - Fires not being set on some buildings - Fire related errors - Fertilize with corpse going to paused Greenhouse - Scavenger special upgrade bugged - Dispose of body error during mass die offs - Upgrades can cause a save error - Navigation errors for Tree, Gulls, Monument - Demo ship upgrade City Action not unlocking - Lots of bugs related to Upgrades system - Some particle objects not auto disabling - Stack overflow error during city war cleanup - Invaded cities always retreat after tribute surrendering + Removed Martin
[ 2020-11-18 04:58:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.1111 Updates/Changes: - Engine updated to Unity 2019.4.14f1 - Linux renderer changed to Vulkan - Mac renderer changed to Metal - Workshop, Mill asset optimizations - Town Center foundation optimizations Bugs Fixed: - Navigation stuck on Guardhouse, Harpoon Tower - Camera zooms out too far - Relics load error on older saves - Pink tree in pirate city - Save during foggy weather can mess up loaded game - UI errors in saved game object - Random death and fires causing errors in certain scenarios + Removed Martin
[ 2020-11-11 20:22:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.1104 The Building Upgrades system and new graphics rendering update are here. We've been hard at work getting these in and testing for weeks if not months. The Stats menu is also available but may be a bit slow if running huge cities. Please report any bugs on the Steam forums or Discord. Updates/Changes: - Building Upgrades (access Upgrades in Tools button or clicking on building) - Graphics rendering changed to Unity HDRP - Hungry or Thirsty villagers gain additional Happiness when consuming something - Bread causes slight Thirst cost - Trade quantities can be moved with a slider (underneath the amount) - New assets for Medical, Military Caravans - Work Overtime action disabled - New Pirate armors for Skubassasin, Cousin Tank, Exploder, Plague Doctor - Center camera on Notification source button - New Workshop asset - Villagers born from Prisons may mutiny during a Prison break - Stats Menu with Villager, Prisoner Management - Prison Management moved to Prisoner Management panel in Stats menu - Priority systems consolidated in Stats menu, own hotkey - Total prisons max capacity displayed on city stats panel - Towers, Filter stations under construction will display range when clicked - Improvements to keep other cities from bumping player - Prisoner thrust amount depends on average nourishment, morale per prison - New Mill asset - Prisons generate unhappiness for your villagers each day - French Translation updated Bugs Fixed: - Policy menu hotkey tooltip - Villagers created with negative values - Happiness going negative in certain scenarios - Flat ocean mode toggle bugs - Relics load error bug - Second non-working Autosave toggle in Settings - Workshop not sending out Repairers - Tutorial text not updated with new keybinds - Multiple galleys lagging game - Pressing building tool hotkeys during building placement doesn't destroy placement - Storms not doing decay damage - Water Cannons not shooting buildings next to them - Prison count incorrect in Prison management - Water Cannons shooting other cities for no raisin - Bridge gather placement indicator sucks - Wonder buildings disconnected after load + Removed Martin
[ 2020-11-05 02:52:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Halloween fellow Buoyancies! Our October Devlog is out, fresh for reading consumption. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/10/30/devlog-27/
[ 2020-10-31 00:59:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies, Our Devlog for September is out! Check it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/09/30/devlog-26/
[ 2020-09-30 16:32:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.0831 (hotfix update) Updates/Changes: - Nothing new this time! Bugs Fixed: - Harpooner damage on Whales miscalculated from other non-Harpooners - Pirate Demands interaction popup not closing sometimes - Corpse piles causing errors - Input at Building delivered with null resource causing errors - Some cities keep trying to bump into player city - Filter Station range display bug + Removed Martin
[ 2020-08-31 17:39:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey y'all! Devlog 25 for August is out. There's also a 1 year recap video linked there from our Youtube. Check it out: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/08/30/devlog-25-one-year-on-steam/
[ 2020-08-31 02:49:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! We're celebrating one year on Steam with a sale this weekend. An August Devlog and a Release Anniversary Recap will be coming soon on our website!
[ 2020-08-28 14:34:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.0815 Updates/Changes: - Wonder buildings optimizations - Destroyed cities will spawn a corpse pile if there were enemy casualties - Pirate cities give up chase earlier, movement speed slowed - Pirate cities spawn required parameters increased - Looter caravans will seek and destroy nearby wrecked Pirate scouts - Demands revamped to Demander demands a certain amount of Trade Value from resources, instead of random Resource amounts - Corpses thrown overboard have a chance to spawn Fish resource nodes - Holding modifier keybind with Pause/Resume tool will pause/resume all of the same building - Tower ranges shown when placing one of similar type - Prisoners will be placed in another Prison if the original Prison is destroyed by the player - Destroyed Ships in the world will sink if collided too many times - Autosaved games create/use a different savefile - Loaded save games can be organized by All, Manual, Autosaved - Relics Manager in Policies to save Relics which can be used when needed - Some new relics (Drills, Magnets, Photos, Coffee, Candy, Fishnets) - Unhappiness event chance thresholds lowered - Unhappiness Riot event cooldown - New Water Cannon asset - Can select in Settings to show Perimeter overlays for Gathering buildings, Any Building, or Off - Can select in Settings to show Building Ranges for Placement, All Similar, or Off Bugs Fixed: - Autosaving when in Settings, game paused - Notifications panel blocks priority panels - Flat ocean toggle related errors - Error from drinking extra water/beer for thirst at Storehouse - Errors and Crashes from Horticulture bug + Removed Martin
[ 2020-08-16 20:25:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies, July's Devlog 24 is ready for consumption. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/07/31/devlog-24/
[ 2020-07-31 18:14:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.0701 Updates/Changes: - Whales might help attack Pirate ships if you don't hunt them for at least 30 days - Adjustable Autosave interval in Settings - Open Save File location button in Settings Menu - Thirst mechanic - Villagers need Fresh Water or Beer to replenish thirst - Villagers will drink Seawater (its bad for you) if no available beverages - Rain and Storms will reduce thirst - Working villagers will get more thirsty depending on buildings and tasks - Pirate attack damage and spawn ratios nerfed - Sliders in Policies -> Systems to adjust thresholds when Villagers replenish Food, Happiness, Thirst - Tower ranges increased - French translation updated (thanks Yves!) Bugs Fixed: - Invaders could get stuck on city if boats destroyed - Propaganda City Action not re-enabled after loading game - Rain not decaying buildings - Construction showing extra delivered resources - Friendly Interaction policy messes up Trade values + Removed Martin
[ 2020-07-02 20:33:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyancies, Devlog 23 is out now for fresh reading consumption! Check it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/06/30/devlog-23/
[ 2020-06-30 18:48:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v3.0.0628 Updates/Changes: - Decay health system on most Buildings - Decaying buildings operate slower, are prone to accidents, and have chance to produce no resources - Fires dont destroy buildings but will increase Decay - Full building decay pauses the buildings production - Villagers don't auto fight fires and must be tasked by player - More than 1 villager can be tasked to fight fires - Added Firefight button in Build Tools, Building Info (click on building), and a hotkey - Added Repair button in Build Tools, Building Info (click on building) and a hotkey - Random fire chances on buildings like deaths and explosions and catching on fire - Water Cannon will shoot without Fresh Water but increase Decay on a building - Fire duration increased - Extinguished fires give Happiness to the Firefighters - Pumice raft Nourishment depletion when gathering nerfed - Eruptions will destroy other environmental objects - Storms slower, larger - Storm lightning strikes will do heavy Decay damage, or a very small chance of destruction - Mass calculations redone -- factor in platform size, distance, materials - Motor thrust changed 20 -> 40 - Toxic spill random event - broken building spills out massive amount of pollution - New Workshop building (placeholder asset) -- make Tools and autosends Repairers that go repair Decay - Workshop Auto Repair threshold in Policies -> Systems - Efficency threshold moved to Policies -> Systems - Building hover tooltip expanded with more information - Tooltips for hovering over villagers - Rain causes small building decay - Horticulture brings down building decay - Save Game button hotkey (F5) - Notifications when Autosave happens - New Pirate Cities with Wonder buildings that can be captured - New Wonder Buildings - Hanger, Gulls Nest, Paper Factory, Last Tree, Monument of M, Wind Turbine - Zoom back limit increased - Max camera pitch angle increased (see more in horizon) - Locked building information toggle (when in placement) in Build Bar panel - Placement bounds increased - Hostile Takeover event if population is majority survivor/freed prisoners - Building Tools hotkeys change the Cursor Tool instead of relying on hovering on foundations - Pirate Invasion and Storms don't lock out Speed controls Bugs Fixed: - Trade Caravan dropdown menu clipping with city names - Construction bugs - Eruption and Pumice raft spawning more than once - Galley sending too many refill tasks - Returning villagers in Caravan could get stuck - Mills causing pollution - Loading screen error for tips if no savefile - Combat source errors + Removed Martin
[ 2020-06-29 16:45:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.1.0602 Updates/Changes: - Towers will target Prisoner riots if you set to Execute them - Added Blight Event for Greenhouses - Production pauses, can spread to more Greenhouses, can destroy Flour stocks - Added Plague Pirate - Throws vials of sickly stuff at your villagers - Added Boomer Pirate - Runs in with a lot of Gasoline and explodes, AOE attack on friend or foe, fire on buildings - Added Skubassasins Pirate - Can breach at random spaces in your city, attacks then steals unless its ship is destroyed - Added Junkmariner Ship - Submarine, Doesn't dock, Spawns Skubassassins, Collide to destroy it - Added Launcher Ship - Shoots Pirates near Storehouses, Collide to stop the launches - Random Pirate Invasions disabled - Pirate Ships don't disable city movement - Added Wrecked Pirate Scout Encounter - Random boats at Resource nodes that can be intercepted to prevent future invasions - Added Pirate Scout Demands - Pirate Scout will come to your town to demand Resource tributes, or face future invasions - Remaining Resource Node Quanity % shown in Building Info panel - Relic Chance from drifting collectables increased, added cooldown - Improved formula for average city stat numbers (happy, nourish, etc) - Pumice rock feedback effects on construction areas when Horticulture is active - Pirate cities movement speed lowered - French translation update (thanks Yves!) - Prison Crackdown action - Raises morale, decreases Happiness, increases riot chances - Prison can have Beer deliver to replenish Happiness Bugs Fixed: - Fires not going away - Prison fire bugs - New prisoner bugs - Drifting resources can't be picked up in certain areas of a bridge - Pirates stealing bugs creating lots of resources - Pirates not complete idiots when trying to find a resource to steal - Caravans could return with the resources sent out, plus wanted resources - Other city towers attacking each other - Load game fixes - Tasks fixes - Some Collision events with unmanned buildings causing background errors - No worker fixes - Stuck villagers after invasion/fight - Suspicious cities following player's city - Other city movement game hang/crashes - Too many alcoholics - Errors during building destruction - Constructions not finishing - Bad UI anchors for City status icons if not 16:9 aspect ratio + Removed Martin
[ 2020-06-04 18:13:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Kraken lovers, Devlog 22 is out now! Check it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/05/31/devlog-22/
[ 2020-05-31 16:15:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.1.0511 Updates/Changes: - New Shipyard building (placeholder asset) that builds ships - Ships are used for Trade routes with cities, sending out random trade caravans, and looting (pirate) tasks - Shipyard required to use Trade Caravan action (moved to Trade manager) - Form Trade routes during city interactions, or conquer them and receive tribute - FRIENDLY and DESPERATE cities will forgive invasions and not auto-fight - Villagers returning from Caravans have lowered stats (hungry) - Purge or Spies event disabled if your city is struggling with Nourishment/Happiness - Cities can export Relics (give Happiness or do other stuff) - Can have chance to find Relics in drifting resources - Cousin Rating (Inbred population) stat - affects new Villager speed, max stats and accident occurrences - Age of Prosperity, Holidays show up on City Status Icons panel (with their benefits as the tooltip) Bugs Fixed: - Filter Station LOD levels fix - Storage amount discrepancies from pirate thefts - Set limits making giant quantities with Food in Galley - Other cities not adding collectable resources to inventory - Other cities not saving prisoner amounts - Prisoners not rowing after loading game until prison updates - Drift resources not spawning from other city destruction - Multiple "City Days" can occur - Prisoners going over prison limit - "Buildings that set others on fires notification" not showing up - Multiple beer/food events happening in rapid succession - Buildings being built instantly if using old saves - Resource nodes showing negative % - Wavebreaker Purge event happening even if you're not eating other people - Buildings specialists not working there and can't pause/resume building - Unhappy villagers throwing away 100% of resource instead of the number stated + Removed Martin
[ 2020-05-12 16:07:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey BuoyanceMaties, Devlog 21 is out now. Check it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/04/30/devlog-21/
[ 2020-04-30 21:09:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.1.0426 Updates/Changes: - More optimization to city spawning - Keybind for locking camera down to city center (Default: L) - Reputation will affect trade opportunities with other cities Bugs Fixed: - Can't unlock unlimited population after you reach the default maximum - Pirate city could launch interaction instead of instant invasion - Calendar error when loading older saves - Errors when deleting buildings with resource piles on them - Infinite boxes spawning, lagging game if deleting a building - Navmesh to other cities breaks sometimes - Other Cities moving too fast when retreating for things + Removed Martin
[ 2020-04-26 23:07:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.1.0422 Updates/Changes: - Better chance to ambush Wavebreaker emissary if towers nearby - Double Wavebreaker ship chance after defeating invasion - Duration between major events increased slightly (3-5 to 4-7) - Villagers can take food from Galley for building input Bugs Fixed: - Pirates, Storms, Trade Posts stop occurring if playing more than 100 days - Trapper not getting Fish input - Wavebreaker emissary double popup won't go away - Some Wavebreaker emissary choices have chance of not exiting - Wavebreaker attack jump animation bad landing positions - Wavebreaker ship tooltip says Pirate Ship - Building Priority panel not showing - Resource amount differences + Removed Martin
[ 2020-04-23 16:49:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.1.0410 Updates/Changes: - Icon display for polluting buildings - Other floating cities only spawn once each - Trapper asset updates - Major optimization for other city spawning - New Wavebreaker Destroyer ship asset for purging event - Deep Diver chances 70% dirt, 30% crude - Shellfish at Galley now Happy: 9 Nourish: 18 Hunger: 9 - Trapper has 20% chance to add Shellfish in trap while city is moving (previously 0%) - Unfueled motors will give 15% of rated thrust to city movement - French translation updated - Population growth bar Bugs Fixed: - Crab icon has small red border - Zooming hotkey rebinds not working - Resource demands not depleted from UI or wrong resource displayed - Demands not using wanted resources - Hostiles attacking eachother - Evaporator not in "Production" tab filter - Task priority not saving - Guardhouse position error - Building disconnection sometimes not happening - Navigation breaking if path is too complex (during extreme bridge-defense bases) - City movement Speed colors displaying incorrectly - Galley trying to refill food after destruction and causing errors - Sunken brewery, Bioalgae wrong tooltip for Do Nothing choice - Towers stealing all the metal (again) - Smart delivery ignoring Construction sites if Construction task is higher priority - Explosion particle and light from ambushed boat not going away - Ambushed Wavebreaker ship choices UI not closing in certain situations - Sickness choice spam reduced if doctors were sent - Trade caravan resource more/less exploit - Doctor healing only 1 villager + Removed Martin
[ 2020-04-11 19:13:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Boruoatygnes March DEVLOG is out. Check it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/03/31/devlog-20/
[ 2020-03-31 20:17:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Bagifguoids, the devlog for Feb 2020 is out. Checking it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/02/29/devlog-19/
[ 2020-02-29 20:15:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Other floating cities move around - Flat Ocean toggle (for people suffering from motion sickness) - New Motor asset, animations, etc - Pumice raft interaction node, spawns from eruptions - Redesigned city status icons to better explain buffs and holidays - Spanish, French translations updated - New Trapper asset - New Shellfish sprite - Building Filter Tabs in build menu - Building counts on the icons in Build menu Bugs Fixed: - Splash sound playing regardless of distance from city - Trade posts spawning collectable crate twice - Beer not being removed from Celebrate Life - Trading Beer crashing game - Fires being put out delayed - Fire notification wrong building names - Towers taking a lot of resources - Wavebreaker Purge Event peace treaty choice bugs - Villagers spazzing out fix - Light from explosion effect not going away + Removed Martin
[ 2020-02-21 22:29:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Bioyuacygusies, the newest devlog is out. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2020/01/27/devlog-18/
[ 2020-01-27 18:14:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Wavebreakers Purge Event if your city eats too many people - Russian, Dutch, German translations added! - Max active Trade Posts in world 3 -> 2 - Whale breaches will destroy building - Construction assets for Filter Station added - Bioluminescent algae happiness node (similar to Sunken Brewery) - Underwater eruption disaster - Highly Armored Pirate (TANK) in stronger invasions - Forager chance ratio 70% seaweed - 30% junk - Recruitment from cities can be affected by average happiness/nourishment and reputation Bugs Fixed: - Game crash after city war invasion fixes - 100% efficiency display threshold causing inapplicable buildings to display warning - Greenhouse fires happening frequently (changed to only corpse fertilizer law) - Resource piles with 0 amounts - Pirate resource drop bugs - Pirates stealing 0 amounts - Destroying under construction buildings not giving back 100% refund - Construction sounds not stopping if constructing building is destroyed - Beer quantity not updated in Brewery UI during Celebrate Life action + Removed Martin
[ 2020-01-20 16:26:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Resource delivery controls in Policies - Sickness Law option to always heal with Medicine Huts - Closed Medicine Huts reopen if sending out doctors to heal - Idle Villagers celebrate at Town Center during public executions/capital punishments Bugs Fixed: - Other city population not updating in UI panel - Resource delivery bugs - Galley getting sent non-food resources from resource piles - Medicine huts that were re-opened during a sickness not sending a doctor - No happiness gain during executions + Removed Martin
[ 2020-01-03 05:28:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoybimbuses, the December devlog has been released.
Checking it here: https://buoyancygame.com/2019/12/31/devlog-17/
Merry Chrimbus and Feliz Anos Nuevos
[ 2019-12-31 19:18:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.0.1229 Updates/Changes: - Trade Federation spies event - Public execution option for some interactions - Trade Posts will refuse to trade if too many were killed - Notifications saved panel - Villagers lose "training experience" if not at military building after days pass Bugs Fixed: - Input priority and delivery bugs - Labor Tasks amount bugs - AI navigation bugfix when destroyed buildings + Removed Martin
[ 2019-12-30 17:13:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Auto hide building bar re-enabled - Pirates spawn pickup crates if they stole something then die Bugs Fixed: - Lots of bugs related to input priority - Translation fixes - Incorrect resources shown - Villagers don't eat Shellfish over Fish, Seaweed + Removed Martin
[ 2019-12-28 01:25:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - New Refinery asset, icon - Updated icon for Prison - Storm spawn position and speed balancing - Range indicators for Filter Station - Filter Station power buffed, gas efficiency buffed - Galley food requests scale with population - Mad Villagers have chance to infect others on kill - Prison starting capacity increased to 50 - Prison rower thrust increased 60% - New prisoner chance increased Bugs Fixed: - Translation not working in some areas - Deleting Medicine Hut errors - Guards joining other Guardhouses despite being full - Tasks not being assigned sometimes - Resources from Trades not updated sometimes - Arresting lazy workers not working - Task count creep or negative numbers - Trade caravan return resources not shown sometimes - Prisoners UI counts different + Removed Martin
[ 2019-12-24 01:56:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v2.0.1217 Updates/Changes: - Daily Growth clamped to 2% of population (5 max per day) - Celebrate Life disables the Daily Growth clamp - New Villager Growth clamped at 300 population - can be unlocked (for now) in Laws panel - New villager starting stats lowered - Villagers dying from old age disabled - Older villagers walk slower, can't contribute to New Villager Growth - Extreme Pop Control selects oldest villagers first - Villagers with low Happiness walk slower - Allow Villager Growth law (default on), villagers lose extra Happiness per day if turned off. - Unhappy villagers can refuse to work, murder, set fires, riot, throw away resources, or desert the city - Deserters spawn a deserter ship and row away, can crash into ships spawning a crashed raft - Filter Station building, uses Gasoline and sucks up pollution within a large radius - Trapper building - takes in Fish, gathers Shellfish. Produces very slowly, player can pull up traps anytime - Trapper crab RNG affected by Underwater Peaks (doesn't deplete them) - Shellfish resource - Random minor events system during Eat Food, Building, Working, Collisions, etc. - Motors will still provide thrust if worker is getting food/beer (On Break) - Pollution blob has tooltip now - Slider in Settings Menu to adjust when Low Efficiency icon appears - +100 amount hotkey for Trade windows (Default Left Control button) - New Medicine Hut asset added - New Prison asset added - Ride the Storm Action -- Metal cost 10% of total Metal, or 30, whichever is greater - Larger Survivors Raft with 8 survivors, higher sickness chance, better varied resources - Building Input Priority system (same window as Resource Priority) - Villagers can deliver resources to an applicable building if closer than Storehouse - Galleys reworked to use Input Priority system - Galleys can take Seaweed again, hold Shellfish too - Greenhouse requires 2 Dirt input - Greenhouse construction costs reduced - Resources from Trades, City War Aftermath spawn a Resource Crate Pile at contact area instead of instant transfer - Fish -- Happiness 2 -> 3, Nourishment 7 -> 12, Hunger 1.5 -> 3 - Seaweed -- Happiness 0 -> 1, Nourishment 3.5 -> 8, Hunger 0 -> 1 - Bread -- Happiness 6.5 -> 8, Nourishment 13 -> 18, Hunger 6.5 -> 9 - Meat -- Happiness 18 -> 10, Nourishment 40 -> 30, Hunger 32 -> 20 - Shellfish at Storehouse -- Happiness 2, Nourishment 2, Hunger 1 - Shellfish at Galley -- Happiness 6, Nourishment 15, Hunger 7 - Scavenger Output 5 -> 4 - Bakery Output 10 -> 8 - Fisher Produce Time 30 -> 45 - Evaporator Output: 5 -> 4, Produce Time: 60 -> 70 - Smelter Output: 10 -> 8, Time: 60 -> 70 - Sunken Brewery Happiness gain 1 -> 3 per drink water - Bakery, Smelter, Evaporator wood input 5 -> 3 - Butcher Input 10 -> 6, Output 5 -> 6 - Deep Diver Dirt chance 80% - Mill Output 6 -> 4 - Forager Output 2 -> 3 - Recycler Output 10 -> 8, Input 8 -> 6 - Brewery Output 10 -> 6, Storage 70 -> 50 Bugs Fixed: - Idle workers not getting assigned jobs - Resources incorrectly depleted from certain actions - Resource counts not synced up - Villagers spazzing out - More tweaker fixes - Prisoners not being added sometimes - Eating corpse animation stuck - Sickness from sunken brewery errors - Pause building cursor not synced with rebinded key - Double holiday announcement - Rioting bugs - Demands/Trade sometimes not updating resource counts - Ride the Storm fire bug - Caravan boat stopping in place + Removed Martin
[ 2019-12-18 06:11:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
HEY BUOYITCHES NEW DEVLOG IS OUT CHECK IT OUT HERE: https://buoyancygame.com/2019/11/25/devlog-16/
[ 2019-11-26 02:22:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Spanish Translation added - New Prison Building added (placeholder asset for now) - Recycler building V2 asset - Taking new prisoners requires the new Prison building - City Actions in Policies Menu - Prisoner options in Policies menu - Laws in Policies Menu - LOD perfomance optimizations for water and foundation - New types of sickness effects and choices to deal with sick people - Default Storehouse capacity increased from 300 to 450 - Ocean wave variation system - Tower targeting system performance improvement - Pathfinding limits increased - Calendar and Holidays system Bugs Fixed: - Quota system buttons on load game - Hover tooltips for other cities broken - Lots of resources being spawned in randomly - Platforms being saved in outer space - Platforms nodes connected to platforms not near them - Storehouse full bug + Removed Martin
[ 2019-10-31 02:09:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buorugainys, the newest Devlog is out. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2019/10/28/devlog-15/
[ 2019-10-29 01:42:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Water Cannon building - Camera rotate with mouse button keybind - French translation (98% complete) - Animation culling optimization - Mass affects city rotation speeds - Pollution blobs more spread out to see better Bugs Fixed: - Villagers impersonating Michael Jackson - Too many resources spawning after some awhile - Rowers stealing tasks - Scrap metal not being delivered - Some Localization related text errors - Pause all doesn't work if Medicine hut is full - City interaction villager recruit bug + Removed Martin
[ 2019-10-04 05:01:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Bouroguegies, the newest Devlog is up. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2019/09/30/devlog-14/
[ 2019-10-01 04:09:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Job Tasks priority tool - Resource priority tool - Localization support - Remappable input support - Building Tools dedicated hotkey and button - Increased node diversity as the game progresses - Increased Bridge movement speed boost from 150% to 200% - Optimized villager pathfinding with larger pop cities - LOD performance optimizations - New audio sounds (city collision with ship, pickup resource, enter resource with affected building) - Current and Total storehouse amounts displayed - Rangers have Ammo, need to go to a Storehouse and get Metal or Scrap Metal to replenish - Range indicators for Tower placements - No pirate invasions toggle for New Game - Destroyed pirate boats spawn Scrap or resources that were stolen - Helper box that shows when a gathering building is "too close" for efficiency drops - Recycler input cost from 12 to 8 and production time from 45 to 60 - Priority building tool for constructions - Pirate invasion forces clamped to a maximum amount - Underwater Peak resource node that gives Deep Diver dirt gather bonus - Medicine Hut pause statuses improved - Deep Diver gather rate slowed from 45 to 80 Bugs Fixed: - Trade post destruction spawning resource with 0 quantity - Harpooner no longer harvest/kill whales when they're not open - Ensured closing/opening a building will send a new worker if needed - Fixed not enough input resources warning showing up too early - Added feedback for burn time in Production Overlay/Hovers - Fixed buildings not being on fire on load - Pirate boat pathfinding spazzing out - Prisoners from rafts still get stuck walking - Cowering survivors sometimes not getting picked up - Recruiting entire population of other cities - Manual pausing and using mass pause button shenanigans - Buildings stuck on No Worker - Junk Cannons not targeting Pirate boats - Deep diver efficiency drops from crowding - Corner connections not allowing villager pathing - Pirate events ending too early - Removed Martin
[ 2019-09-25 20:04:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v1.0.0912 Updates/Changes: - Resource Quota system that pauses production when a resource limit is hit - Building tools for Pause All, Resume All, Pause specific building types - Cursor Lock in Windowed mode toggle added to settings - Pirate invasions can use same UI controls like in city invasions (Military commands, Villager attack) - Pirate invasions can be ended by paying a large amount of your resources (End Battle button) - Villager attack autopauses buildings during Villager attack for wars/pirates - Villager cowering disabled - Buildings will display quick icon popup if affected by efficiency drops during placement Bugs Fixed: - Trade post destruction spawning resource with 0 quantity - Fullscreen button shenanigans - City villagers recruitment exploit - Trading for food when Galley built gives double resources - Demanding resources bugging out city interaction options - Frequent auto-disconnect from cities - Pirate event not ending if all pirate ships decide to explode - Pirate event softlocking - Thief Pirates sometimes get stuck in jumping animation - Game crash while villager tries to steal from a storehouse with nothing in it - Villager name causing formatting errors - Junk Cannon projectile landing area incorrect - Removed Martin
[ 2019-09-13 03:24:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Alpha v1.0.0906 Updates/Changes: - Default trade values increased, renown effects balancing - Pirates will steal from Galleys - Pirate invasion balancing - Storms balancing - Storms can destroy ships, rafts, trading posts - Villagers on buildings zapped by storms will fall overboard - Destroyed buildings spawn crates with some of the resources (this time it's really in) - Physics and UI performance optimizations - Sunken Brewery quantities scale with city population Bugs Fixed: - Hostile cities not doing auto invasion - Prisoners from raft stuck walking in place - Ship nodes come back to life after save/load - Fixed node negative quantity - Fixed multiple villagers working at 1 building - Fixed incorrect laborer counts - Fixed Medicine Hut producing more than the max quantity - Fixed Medicine Hut not producing - Fixed Doctor task leaving improperly - Guardhouses now save/load open/close status - Trading prisoners messes up trades with trading posts, ships - Fixed Load game button visible after save deletion - Liberate prisoners button not working sometimes - Recruit villagers button not working sometimes - Not all resources show up on trade - Invasion summary had too many resources displayed and overflowed the UI panel - Pop achievements errors (causing more errors) when reaching high populations - Fixed bugged Refinery - Fixed Pollution bar not updating on load - Fixed Galley save/load wipe - Removed Martin
[ 2019-09-07 16:24:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updates/Changes: - Pirate boats hitting any disconnected buildings will destroy them, and spawn floating villagers (if there were any) - Destroyed buildings (not player deconstructed) will spawn crates with some of the resources the building had - Removed Guards attack delay at start of pirate invasion - Nerfed pirate cannibalism meat amounts - Ranger damage, accuracy, rate of fire decreased - Harpoon towers damage, accuracy, rate of fire, minimum range increased, ammo per input decreased - Junk Cannon rate of fire, damage, accuracy increased - Galley doesn't store Seaweed anymore - Galley Seaweed from Saved games will be moved to an available storehouse - Pollution Pools now scale with population size - Save/Load for other cities implemented (still a WIP) - Reduced the amount of "Not enough laborer" notifications - Whales dont die as quickly now Bugs Fixed: - Pirate invasions not ending soft lock - Pirate ships get stuck and dont move towards city - Other cities are rare after long playthroughs - Other cities not spawning at all - Pirate summary showing reports of thefts that didnt't happen - Trade Posts spawning inside of large cities - Tutorial showing booth information (lol) - City war button highlights not resetting - Fixed pathing with some city encounters - Rangers can pwn pirate ships - Rangers can pwn buildings - Recruiting all villagers at a city will bug out city invasion - Sunken brewery idle notification firing off at wrong times - Sunken brewery interaction not closing when leaving - Audio errors causing null problems - Explosion looping particle effect doesn't go away during invasion - Brewery building UI using old icon - UI typos - Rafts and sunken brewery rare in later game - Idle villagers not using Sunken Brewery - INDIE faction cities not using Towers - Killed whales no longer load in alive - Resource from trades can now go to the galley - Dead pirate corpses not removed during building destruction - Crashes from fire spreading resolved - Galley overlay updates properly - Camera bug for large cities fixed - Settings stop city movement
[ 2019-09-06 00:22:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Bouyogurts The latest Devlog is here: https://buoyancygame.com/2019/08/29/devlog-13/ Also the game releases tomorrow.
[ 2019-08-29 20:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Buoyankies,
Devlog 12 is fresh off the publish button.
Check it out here:
[ 2019-07-30 04:54:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Bologneses,
Our newest Devlog is out. We are announcing when we plan to release the game on Early Access.
Be sure to check it out here:
[ 2019-06-28 23:34:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Bouyanchies, Our latest and maybe greatest devlog is out now. We have some new art to show, and a quick recap of our iFest 2019 experience. Check it out here: https://buoyancygame.com/2019/05/31/devlog-10-ifest-2019-moar-art/
[ 2019-06-01 05:12:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Bolauyangies, April is over and here is the devlog for April https://buoyancygame.com/2019/04/29/devlog-9/ It's a bit short on features because the devs have been mostly focusing on bugs, stability, and all that cool stuff.
[ 2019-04-30 03:50:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Fellow Buoyangiers! We have a new Devlog for you. New arts, new animations, new waters, and new UI. Check it out here on our website. https://buoyancygame.com/2019/03/28/devlog-8/
[ 2019-03-29 01:15:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello fellow Buoyancies
This is the first Devlog going live on Steam! In case you weren't aware we post monthly Devlogs like all those good indie game studios. Devlogs are usually posted at the end of the month.
Big news for this one... our Discord server is open to the public!
Link: https://discord.gg/xVxQP3h
Anyway we are excited to be here on Steam. You can read the main Devlog at our website:
[ 2019-02-26 05:12:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Buoyancy Depot LINUX [764.21 M]
Build a floating city. Plan out your city's expansion by placing floating platforms that connect with each other. There are several types of buildings: Gatherers, Production, Hunters, Military, and Utility. Resources are delivered in real-time for constructing and production by your villagers.
Manage a growing population. Your city's population will be ever growing! Manage your villagers happiness and nourishment levels to keep them alive. Try to balance resource production with an increasing population that demands more and more. Combat sickness and fires that could cripple your city.
Explore with your mighty city. In this ocean world there are resources and floating junk to exploit but they’re not always going to drift your way. You can move your city around to exploit resources providing your buildings a production boost. Most of these resources are critical to develop larger cities, and some are necessary to keep surviving!
Find schools of fish, derelict ships, and take advantage of rebounded whale populations (or don’t).
Fight for your survival. Pirates will attack you if they spot your city. You can train Guards to defend your city from invaders. Place Junk Cannons to destroy a large amount of pirates in one blow, but be careful of friendly fire!
Feel free to follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our reddit, and be part of our Discord channel.
About us
We are Devs on a Boat, a small indie game company based in sunny Seattle, WA.
We currently do not develop on a boat, but we dream.
- Processor: Core i3 or betterMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Geforce GTX 400/Radeon HD 5000
- Storage: 2 GB available space
- Processor: Core i5 or betterMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Geforce GTX 700/Radeon HD 7000 series or better