New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


 Soldat 2 



 Transhuman Design 



 Transhuman Design 












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 Partial Controller Support 


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 Very Positive 

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 Soldat 2 Linux [620.58 M] 


Update 0.8.70a

fixed bug making player invisible when killed
fixed nades sticking to the ceiling

Thanks to vndl

[ 2023-06-20 13:45:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.8.69a

weapon mod changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/bzuIEyZm

increased respawn time by 0.5s
deathdrops time out earlier (15s -> 10s)
grenades have lower explosion force
MP5 reduced ammo back to 25
M79 increased reload (3.0s -> 3.2s) reduced damage
Minigun less weight; faster startup; more penetration (40% -> 80%); longer reload (4.8s -> 5.0s)
RPG increased reload time (6.0s -> 7.5s)

[ 2023-05-18 09:05:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.8.67

Game fixes by vndl
Thanks to darDar for compiling the changes and everyone that contributed to the changes!

changes 0.8.67a
fixed common position desync issue
fixed victims last shot being invisible
wm changes:
rocketLauncher has lower kickback ("self-push")
rocketLauncher has lower bullet force (impact when hitting other players)
increased minimum dropkick ("headbutt") velocity in attempt to fix low-velocity player collision/bumping
Steyr & Kalashnikov have a bit more bullet force
map changes:
ctf_atlantis - reworked background theme, slight layout adjustments
ctf_busta - fixed a texture glitch
ctf_campsite - changed protoshapes type under the flag (from platform to item collide), slight layout adjustments
ctf_crossfire - new low route, adjusted background, slight layout adjustments
ctf_dogbite - removed lower gostek spawn point
ctf_guardian - added items collide protoshape behind the flag in attempt to fix the flag getting stuck in the wall
ctf_steel - fixed a visual glitch, improved medkit/grenadekit placement
ctf_x - removed big boxes from the bridge
ctf_wretch - changed shape on the spawn slightly for better movement flow, medkit/grenadekit placement changes
ctf_rotten - added a deadly pit below the bridge (similar to S1)

[ 2023-03-29 14:05:13 CET ] [ Original post ]


[24.02.2023] 0.8.65a hotfix
fixed multiple recent UI issues

[ 2023-02-24 10:03:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.8.64a hotfix

.8.64a hotfix
fixed no map and other issues on second map online
updated map cycles with new maps
lobby shows only dm maps for dm
fixed null error on ctf_jungle

[ 2023-02-23 10:47:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

15 new maps + fixes/improvements!

[h2]New maps[/h2]
7 maps improved. 15 maps added. Some of the new ones:

ctf_brutalist by challz

ctf_busta by challz

ctf_basalt by proto

ctf_jungle by challz

dm_stratum by Jok

dm_zero by proto

dm_gear by proto

dm_solstice by challz

[h2]Ranked fixes[/h2]
Some of the most annoying bugs in ranked play have been fixed: like spectator being stuck on dead player and side menu interfering with cursor (you can disable it entirely in settings now).

Also due to the constant great work by Norbo and jrgp the ranked matches and servers are much more stable now.

[h2]Weapon modifier[/h2]
Changes from last version can be compared here: https://www.diffchecker.com/6mF7J5Ic/
Feedback is welcome!

[h2]Scripting improvements[/h2]
Fixes based on feedback + added file read/writing support.
Check Scripts/Standard/Example01.cs and Scripts/Standard/Example02.cs

[expand type=details]
[22.02.2023] 0.8.63a
added dm_rift (Jok), dm_zero (proto), dm_solstice (challz), dm_lab (proto), dm_stratum (Jok), dm_gear (proto)
added ctf_busta (challz), ctf_brutalist (challz), ctf_jungle (challz), ctf_basalt (proto)
added ctf_anthill (proto), ctf_newbia (proto), ctf_spark (Vauat & Turko), ctf_huracan (darDar), ctf_hive (Jok)
updated ctf_limbo by proto (better colors https://discord.com/channels/498800300199772162/844258244372856872/1069012038938013797)
updated ctf_tyrus by darDar (layout changes https://discord.com/channels/498800300199772162/844258244372856872/1068543125670342806)
updated ctf_lanubya (layout changes)
updated ctf_x (removed big boxes from the bridge)
updated ctf_ash (removed big boxes near the flag)
updated ctf_dopamine by MM (better movement flow in mid route, improved spawn location, fixed flag spawn, some more details
updated by darDar (small layout changes)
fixed spectator blocked on dead player
fixed Domination not working
fixed Input, TryGetComponent and other minor scripting issues
added script Example02.cs showing how to read/write files
fixed join url region case sensitive

[10.02.2023] 0.8.62t
side menu hides and is not responsive faster after key released
fixed player match history error
added compiling scripts... popup
script docs updated (https://soldat2.com/docs)

[06.02.2023] 0.8.61t
Barrett ready sound improved (like in S1)
added Barrett fire ready sound after reload clip
fixed bink still there after picking up or changing weapon
removed player left chat message when spectator leaves
fixed match start affected by spectators count
fixed radio commands interfering with mouse control
added GameSettings.ShowRadioCommands to disable the display of radio commands
fixed client changes to _default.json affecting multiplayer games
weapon modifier changes (https://www.diffchecker.com/6mF7J5Ic/)

More stuff coming, stay tuned on Discord!
Have fun!

[ 2023-02-22 10:38:47 CET ] [ Original post ]


Survival mode known from S1 and from games like Counter-Strike is finally here in S2!
It's a modifier so you can try it with all the gamemodes (especially Domination!).
Just select it from the modifiers in the Lobby menu and off you go!

Together with Norbo we are bringing a massive new change to ranked game modes. We can now have a totally unique custom game mode for ranked with a dedicated leaderboard.

A "playlist" is a ranked setting, e.g. CTF 3v3 is one playlist, DM Knife Only size 5 is another playlist. Players have separate ranks on each playlist, It's not shared between CTF 2v2 and CTF 3v3 for example. Obviously, all previous ranks will be wiped (sorry, but we're off for a new grand start!).

Also, numerous bug fixes and improvments have been done to make ranked games more stable (thanks to Norbo and jrgp).


ctf_dusk by darDar

ctf_atlantis by darDar

ctf_voland by MM/Proto

dm_soldat - new default lobby map by Proto

And last but not least some improvements for better movement in:

RocketLauncher damage should be more consistent.
Most weapons use leg/torso/head modifiers.
Fixed Barret triple penetration
Lowered most weapon flag push forces
Most weapons have penetration
Detailed weapon mod changes (https://www.diffchecker.com/Twp3SjZv)


Scripting allows for modifying every aspect of the game logic. As well as making new game modes and new modifiers. It's still very new, so it's briefly documented and there's little examples. But if you are dedicated enough and know a bit of C# and Unity you'll find it good to go!

Quick start from faq.txt:
Place your custom scripts in Soldat2/Scripts/Custom
Check console for errors (Alt + ~).
Use RELOAD command to recompile scripts.

Engine documentation

Unity documentation (most things in S2 engine are fundamentally Unity)

Check "Scripts/Standard/Climb.cs" for a very simple example.
"Rules/Standard/Climb.json" for the gamemode implementation.

Check "Scripts/Standard/Survival.cs" for a modifier script example.
"Modifiers/Standard/Survival.json" for the modifier implementation.


0.8.46a - 0.8.60a
(changes are displayed in inverse chronological order as they were released for testing)

[expand type=details]
[05.01.2023] 0.8.60a hotfix
ranked: fixed end game screen
ranked: fixed match history for DM
ranked: fixed stats not updating when changing playlist
fixed scoreboard ranks
fixed scoreboard player profile click

[03.01.2023] 0.8.60a
Deathmatch, TeamDeathmatch timelimit 5min->4min
Deathmatch minimum scorelimit 25->20 (but increases with more players)
fixed scorelimit scale to keep minimum
added ctf_dusk, ctf_atlantic, ctf_voland to CTF map pool
replaced ctf_ash-bettermovement, ctf_snakebite2 as default
added year/month/day timestamp to console logs
fixed survival script issue in deathmatch

[12.10.2022] 0.8.53t
fixed TDM issues when score limit set to 0
ranked: added global playlist selector in Career
ranked: fixed match history
ranked: added playlist name to Home rank
ranked: fixed ranks in scoreboard

[06.10.2022] 0.8.52t
added test maps (ctf_ash-bettermovement, ctf_dusk, ctf_atlantis, ctf_voland, ctf_snakebite2)
added dm_soldat by proto as default lobby map
fixed jets trail teleport issue
fixed /listmaps inconsistent response
fixed adding duplicate modifiers with /addmodifier

[21.09.2022] 0.8.51t
added link to players stats.soldat2.com profile when clicked in scoreboard
added map cycle for domination
ranked: added tdm survival
ranked: added 2,4 player knife-only
ranked: added 2,3,5 player deathmatch
removed scoreboard ranks
main menu rank is last leaderboard playlist rank
server: fixed rcon addmodifier

[20.09.2022] 0.8.50t
ranked: fixed current games
ranked: fixed discord integration
ranked: fixed end game results
fixed flag glow not appearing if flag dropped in base

[14.09.2022] 0.8.49t
ranked: matches are now based on specific playlists
ranked: removed popup before ranked
ranked: darker filter dropdown colors
fixed carried flag desync issue
fixed players team not changing during loading/connecting
weapon mod changes (https://www.diffchecker.com/Twp3SjZv)
most weapons use leg/torso/head modifiers
fixed Barret triple penetration
lowered most weapon flag push forces
most weapons have penetration
fixed json logs spam
fixed RGD5 network object logs spam

[6.09.2022] 0.8.48t
added working Survival for Domination
fixed ending screen in CTF showing 0:0 when tied round
fixed one team cheering when round tied
deadly polygon outline color changed to black

[31.08.2022] 0.8.47t
added Survival modifier
fixed announcer saying won/lost when spectating
fixed bot trying to shoot with overheated minigun
fixed RocketLauncher rocket damage tied to velocity
new ExperimentalWeapons modifier for testing
fixed spectator next/prev to dead

We have a Soldat 2 wiki!


Check out the Important Links section for some cool pages like Active Players Dashboard

Thanks to jrgp we have a mapping showcase webcase like in S1.



Stay tuned for Tournaments organized on Discord! https://discord.com/invite/Ar3QM7d

Price drop! It's $8,99 now, so much lower than it was but still higher than what you got during the Winter Sale. I hope this brings in more players.

Next update will be a bit later (few weeks, maybe months) unless there's a need for a hotfix or some weapon mod changes. As explained on Discord, I'm in big financial worries cause S2 isn't bringing that much money so I decided to quickly make another small single player game (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1482380/Maniac/). Release it and return back to S2. My long term plans for S2 are still to make it F2P.

Can't wait, see you then.

And have fun!

[ 2023-01-07 12:20:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

CTF tournament

Hi folks,

...whether you've been consistently grinding in the ranked queues, or play Soldat 2 occasionally to relax, it's time to put on your rocket boots and prepare yourself for some unforgettable moments!

As activity and interest around the competitive ranked mode has increased in the past few months, we think it's about time to announce the first Soldat 2 CTF tournament!

This is the first-of-its-kind, inaugural Soldat 2 tournament and you can expect an evening full of well-spirited competition, clutch flag caps, and a huge amount of fun. We're counting on our beloved community to sign-up and hoping for a very good turnout!

Although this is a competitive event format, we're encouraging players of all skill levels to sign up. You do not need to be in a team to play. We're going with a format of maximum 21 players (7 teams of 3) that fight it out in a group stage, leading into the play-offs. Due to the insane interest and amount of sign-ups we may change the format depending on the total number of players signed-up, so sign-up as soon as possible.

This tournament map pool is the current ranked map pool, as well as 3 new community maps chosen by the contestants. Every player who signs up to the tournament can put out a vote on their 3 favourite maps from the new community maps below. The three maps with the most votes will be added to the tournaments map pool.

To sign-up and for more details, quickly join Discord and check out the #tournament-announcements channel!

[ 2022-12-09 09:37:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Nov 24), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-11-17 23:00:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Nov 17), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-11-10 23:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Nov 10), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-11-03 23:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Nov 3), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-10-27 23:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Oct 27), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-10-21 16:28:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Oct 13), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-10-06 23:00:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Oct 6), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-10-05 23:07:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Sept 29), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-09-22 23:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Sept 22), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-09-15 23:00:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Sept 15), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-09-10 11:06:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.8.46 patch released

I'm back from a summer break and have started some good work as you can see in this patch.
Most notable changes are:

[h2]Grenades visible on gostek belt[/h2]

Useful for spotting if an enemy still has grenades left.

[h2]New maps[/h2]

ctf_Division remade by Haste

dm_Emblem by Jok

[h2]Weapon modifier changes[/h2]

The gist of changes are described here

Other than that Minigun will overheat and some guns have penetration (with loss of velocity).

[h2]Modding additions[/h2]

* Separate head/torso/legs damage modifiers

* Separate bullet flag push force

* Deadly polygon
(this is the first of a series of additions to make climbing mode possible!)

(Haste has already started working on a map)

[expand type=details]
[26.08.2022] 0.8.46a
added hitmark when touched deadly polygon
fixed gameplay settings not applied to reloaded modifiers
minigun cools down when reloading
fixed multiple hits sometimes when bullet penetrates

[25.08.2022] 0.8.45a
Barret bullet loses velocity after penetration
Rheinmetall and Minigun bullets penetrate
added Minigun overheating
Minigun has more ammo and damage
added Weapon hitbox damage modifiers
added Weapon:BulletFlagForce separate from BulletForce
added Weapon:Penetration value between 0 and 1 affecting bullet velocity after hit

[24.08.2022] 0.8.44a
added ctf_Division, dm_emblem
added Deadly polygon type
added carried grenade on gostek belt
added HeadbuttsOnly modifer
grenade self boost direction tied to mouse aim
fixed RPG not killing in one shot
weapon modifier changes (https://pastebin.com/dzMd4nGj)
all modifiers reload when returning to game window
F2 toggles different debug views
ranked: sorting based on lowerSkillEstimate instead of mu


More stuff coming,
Have fun!

[ 2022-08-26 15:01:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Sept 1), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-08-25 23:00:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Aug 25), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-08-18 23:00:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Aug 18), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-08-11 23:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

This is your weekly event for Ranked Thursday (Aug 11), see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-08-04 23:00:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked Thursday

Hi folks,

We'd like to introduce "Ranked Thursdays" to you! Looking back at the recent Friday event, we'll be scheduling weekly events on Discord & Steam on Thursdays, inviting you to play ranked! Thursday is often a relatively active day for ranked, so if you're looking to play ranked, mark your interest in this event or the one on Discord to be notified automatically.

As some may have already read on Discord, we're currently working on a free version to help the player-base, but keep in mind that during the summer holidays, development is a tad bit slower than usual anyway. In a while when development is back on track again, we do want utilise the occasional Friday to introduce new content or other events as we've done recently, but these will be promoted separately when such event is on the horizon!

See you on Thursday (if not sooner!) and remember,


Join Discord

[ 2022-07-30 13:11:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.8.43a patch released

fixed interface interfering with shooting
removed mouse click for vote window
removed ranked window expand button while playing
added ranked window expand button only when in game menu (ESC)
removed "joined spectators" chat message
removed "joined server" chat messages for spectator
fixed chat hiding when playing with lobby hidden
lobby start button dissapears after pressing
fixed caps/returns end game stats

[ 2022-07-08 09:28:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

Will you join us for some public server fun on Friday?

Hi folks,

For tomorrow we'd like to organise some activity in the public servers. With one of the recent updates we've improved the Agar gamemode modifier further and would love for you to check it out! At the time specified in this event we welcome you to join the "Friday Night Fun" servers, we've provided two, on in Europe and one in North America. The servers are fully setup for Agar and include a new dm map made by SoldatSnail; a map uploaded to tms2 that we feel is perfect for Agar!

After the Agar event we welcome everyone to continue playing on other public servers or we can get a few ranked queues going. Hope to see you then!

Join Discord

[ 2022-06-30 22:32:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.8.42 patch released

A bunch of longstanding bug fixes and spectator mode fixes.

[30.06.2022] 0.8.42a
updated: ctf_Tyrus, ctf_Campsite
fixed spectator kicked after a minute
fixed new player joining Red when teams equal and Red is winning
fixed missing AutoShutdownAfterMatches in autoconfig.ini
fixed janky Start and Randomize button in Lobby
fixed spectator can start vote
fixed spectator messing up map votes
fixed votemap window not hiding if F* keys used
fixed votemap fails if player joins during vote
fixed spectators messing up FillBotsCount
flag pickup box has a bit more horizontal size
reverted to old mouse cursor behaviour on OSX/Linux
server greet window can be closed with jets key (RMB) or Esc

[ 2022-06-30 11:43:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Competitive Ranked algorithm changes

Hi folks,

We'd like to thank all the dedicated ranked players so far! At the time of writing, we're just a few matches off a 1000 full matches and 2500 rounds played. The in-game ranked matchmaking system is a first for Soldat and we're very happy with the reception it has got! Do you remember #soldat.gather on IRC?

Obviously there are kinks and bugs to work out when such a system gets introduced. This is why besides the regular bug fixes, we've changed the ranking algorithm a bit to make your wins and losses have a bit more impact, and this works retroactively: all 1000 matches have been re-analysed and ranks have shifted already. So keep in mind next time you run the game your rank may have changed already, for better or for worse!

A summary of the changes (by Norbo):

[expand type=details]
Summary of technical changes for those who are interested:
- Previously, the "Tiers" (Bronze I to Champion III) used to be a simple mapping of TrueSkill's mu across all available tiers. Uncertainty was not taken into account when putting a player in a tier (only when choosing how to balance teams).
- Now, the two numbers (mu=skill, sigma=uncertainty) are combined to give a lower bound on player skill (skill - 3 * uncertainty) and this is mapped over the Tiers instead. This allows Tiers to better reflect what TrueSkill believes a player's skill to be and how they affect the team balancer.
- The system used to re-rate people at the end of every round, which meant that winning 2-0 resulted in more ranked points than winning 2-1. This was completely equivalent to a single-game format and thus defeated the point of a best-out-of-three format designed to encourage players to make comebacks. Now, winning a single round no longer guarantees any points until your team secures the whole game. The additional side-effect is that ratings now better reflect a player's W-T-L game record, rather than their round record.
- In addition to this, the Tau parameter (which controls the magnitude of adjustments in a single re-rating) was increased 10x, to allow for faster progression (and offset the fact that we now re-rate 2x-3x less frequently).
- The Beta parameter (which controls how far apart in rating teams must be to identify an 80% win probability) was halved, to reflect the fact that Soldat is a high-skilled game. The effect of this is that it will be harder to see a 50% win probability in a given game, thus amplifying the effects that imbalanced teams have on rating. Those who over-perform will be rewarded more, those who under-perform will be punished more.

We hope you continue enjoying ranked, and feel like your match outcomes are a little more impactful than before, as with these changes the emphasis lies on match results rather than round results, combined with faster rank "movement".

Last but not least, another EU server has been added to minimize the waiting time between servers restarting.

Have fun!

[ 2022-06-27 05:00:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2: Summer sale!

Soldat 2 is now available at 50% OFF!
Join in on the fun: classic Soldat gameplay, modifiers ranging from realistic with fog of war to the arcade-y agar, and competitive ranked await you!

See you on the battlefield, and remember

Have FUN!

[ 2022-06-23 19:07:23 CET ] [ Original post ]


Flag pickup/return radius is fixed.

fixed flag pickup bounds
fixed bots not spawning if player not spawned
fixed specator cam losing target after target death
fixed ranked window popping up when in different part of main menu
ranked: fixed maxplayers reached when joining as spectator
ranked: disabled specator menu button
ranked: more eu servers
better readability in welcome screen

[ 2022-06-22 09:11:07 CET ] [ Original post ]


A new patch with spectator mode, Agar teamup against giants, new flag kill log info and more quality of life improvements.


An improvement upon the Agar mode which should make it even more fun. If a giant gets too big the match goes into "TeamUp mode" which means: everyone against the giant! So damage is only dealt to the giant and by the giant... until he's dead.


The most requested feature is here - Spectator mode!
Works in free cam (ASDW) and follow player (LMB/RMB).

Please note: spectator chat is invisible to players.


If you're waiting in a ranked queue and a game starts the Soldat 2 icon on the Windows taskbar will now start blinking (additionally to playing a start game sound).

The current player queues list is clickable, so you can join a non-empty queue right away!

The ongoing ranked games list is joinable as spectator!


More info showing who returned, took and scored the flag in the "kill log".

Kill Log length is also adjustable in settings now.


0.8.34a - 0.8.39a
(changes include all test versions up to current version)

[expand type=details]
[17.06.2022] 0.8.39a
ranked matches are joinable as spectator
spectators can only talk to other spectators
new early access notes welcome screen

[15.06.2022] 0.8.38t
Zone: fixed respawns
Zone: larger minimum space
Zone: added variables to modifier
fixed side menu staying when level changes
fixed side menu staying when lobby shows
announcer doesn't say "has the flag" when flags reversed
Deathmatch time limit 5 mins

[14.06.2022] 0.8.37t
ranked: added clickable queues list
ranked: added current games list joinable as spectator
ranked: current games and queues update periodically
player indicator scales better with giant
better giant visual indicator
fixed charge/health bars wrongly scaled on giant
fixed spectator cam jumping to bottom left corner on free cam
TeamDeathmatch base limit increased 30->50
tweaked flag logs in kill log

[13.06.2022] 0.8.36t
added Agar TeamUp Against Giant mode! (Deathmatch only)
added max Kill Log Lines game settings
removed show kill log (can set Kill Log Lines to 0)
fixed kill log flag icons proportions
added follow player in spectator
added spectator info text
added AgarMassScale variable to GostekMovement

[10.06.2022] 0.8.35t
added spectator mode
fixed superman dash in deathmatch
kill log: added flag lost, flag taken icons and flag returned icons
kill log: added outline to icons
kill log: new dash kill icon
lobby: start button vanishes after clicking
ctf_limbo improved (less verticality)
dm_monument lighter background
ranked: taskbar will blink if match is about to start (Windows only)
fixed issues with Vote buttons not clickable
fixed weapons menu and lobby mouse sensitivity different than in-game mouse
fixed discrepancies between menu cursor position and in-game position


Grenade and rocket desyncs are on my current ToDo list. Also I will fix nade boosts working semi-randomly!

And I will just tease about upcoming Steam Achievements and Trading Cards..

Have fun!

[ 2022-06-17 15:37:02 CET ] [ Original post ]


This patch fixes FPS issues (and improves!), fixes most common bugs and greatly clarifies gun visibility.

[h2]Gun clarity[/h2]

Desert Eagles are now golden!
But not for swag or as a paid DLC (ugh). But to make them visually distinct from knives.

Mp5 is held in a proper SMG position making it distinct from the Steyr.
Steyr has a new saturated color and a laser sight attachment (just visual) to make it discernible.
All weapons have also adjusted colors and sizes. Here are the most important changes:


New map added to the Deathmatch pool made by Jok.

For more maps visit! https://tms2.jrgp.org/


A handful of major bugs fixed and FPS improved!

Changes 0.8.31a -> 0.8.34a
[expand type=details]
[03.06.2022] 0.8.34a
fixed FPS drop after a while
fixed corpses staying for entire match
fixed superman dash sound effects on teammates
fixed flag pickup radius too small
added VoiceLowerVolume to control volume during announcement or radio command
fixed skin color yellow in deathmatch
pitch gostek black color reserved

[02.06.2022] 0.8.33t
fixed newly joined player joining larger team issue
autobalance starts working only if team score different
fixed match history in reverse order
fixed ragdolls freeze
spawn protection is lost if fire pressed, throw or grenade button released
if throw pressed during weapon change - throw is buffered
removed Steyr laser sight
fixed errors
smaller Dragunov, Minigun
improved chainsaw, rheinmetall, spas colors
golden Deagles
fixed radio commands heard by other team

[01.06.2022] 0.8.32t
remade most gun colors, gun and hand positions for better visibility
can always switch team in solo
death drops timeout increased 8s->15s
random drops float
flag auto-return time increased to 25s
added flag blink 5s before auto-return
added TeamOutlines settings to disable outlines and show clothes team colors
fixed dead player not turning into ragdoll sometimes on graphics 0
fixed team bullet bink
fixed team hits counting into stats
fixed team bullet hit animation
fixed lobby not working when playing solo after online match
spawn protection is lost if fire, throw or grenade button pressed
flag optimizations
chat optimizations
animations optimizations
ragdoll optimizations

See you on Discord!
Have fun!

[ 2022-06-03 16:22:48 CET ] [ Original post ]


Crazy amount of new stuff added in just two weeks :).
Mostly related to team communication and better battlefield situation awareness.

New announcer voice added

Announcer has a new voice + much more announcements including:

  • flag cap/returned/lost
  • minutes remaining
  • kills/caps left
  • triple/quad/... kills

and more!

The announcer is now a very useful feature, because he informs you about what is happening with the flags etc. But of course, it can be turned off in the settings.

Team chat added

Press [T] and then [TAB] to switch between team/all channels.
(also can be triggered with ^ eg. "^ffc low!")

New screen border icons

Added a new player icon, flag carrier icon and dead player icon.
Also the farther the flag or player is the larger the icon is, so you can determine the distance.

Radio voice commands added

Press [G] + key shortcuts. The command will show for your team only - in chat, on top of your gostek + will be voiced with sound by a very famous Vietnam veteran :)

The default keys and radio messages can be customized in the game settings.

Here is a useful cheat sheet of the default layout.
(It's best to memorize it!)

New outlines + team colored outlines

I was skeptical at first but team outlines work great! Most importantly they remove restrictions for player colors (except other team color). I think this brings more character to the gosteks!

Also flag has a glow when safe in base.
Grenade has an outline and team color in addition to the team colored bullets.

New map by proto

A great original map with emphasis on team-play has been added:


0.8.24a - 0.8.31a
(changes from all the test versions up to this version)
[expand type=details]
[27.05.2022] 0.8.31a
ranked match window show region + queue size (instead of gamemode)
smaller distant screen icons
auto emotes hide on weapons menu
fixed side menu breaking lobbu
smaller flag pick/cap radius
fixed voting issue if player left mid-vote
update ctf_limbo
updated patrons list

[26.05.2022] 0.8.30t
fixed infinite spas
new player screen icon
added player dead screen icon
new flag carrier icon
radio icon shown on player when radio talking
added glow on flag in base
movement: airforce 8->7
flag throw force: 15->14
ragdolls remain as long as player is dead
can radio/emote when dead
radio/emotes don't show on muted player
added switch chat channel key help text
announcer: fixed overlaps
announcer: fixed loops
announcer: fixed too frequent same messages
fixed radio messages overlaps
fixed enourmous medkit in deathmatch
fixed important sounds missing sometimes
team outline on top of black outline
fixed no respawn and no colors issue

[25.05.2022] 0.8.29t
added ctf_limbo (by proto)
team outlines always on + lifted color restrictions (except other team color)
grenade: slower throw + cook time increased 2.5s->3.5s
added team colored grenades with outlines
thicker grenade and knife trail
added more detail on flag texture
movement: airforce 6->8
weapon is ready fire after reloading
screen icons size based on distance reversed
new flag carrier screen icon
menu: added button for external stats (stats.soldat2.com)
fixed announcer/radio volumes

[24.05.2022] 0.8.28t
added better outlines for everything
added TeamOutlines game setting
dead player has no outline
dead player has even more desaturated colors
grenade has larger outline
only free flag shows on screen border icon
flag carrier added as screen border icon (placeholder icon)
player screen icon changes to radio if radio command playing
announcer volume down if radio command
separated voice volume into announcer and radio volume
announcer voice quiets down during radio command
less priority for lead/left announcments

[20.05.2022] 0.8.27t
new radio command voice
added HUD direction arrow when match starts
fixed flag cant be picked or capped issue
fixed HUD direction arrow when ReverseFlags modifier on
fixed announcer saying flag lost too close to base
added announcer/radio voices volume to sound settings
removed double kill announcer
fixed announcer saying teams tied in Domination
fixed clicking on radio button double send command

[19.05.2022] 0.8.26t
added flag lost announcer sound
announcer: "has the flag" instead of "captured the flag"
game sounds are quieter when announcer speaks
added ShowDirectionArrows HUD settings
HUD: direction arrows won't show with HUDLevel lesser than 3
HUD: HUDLevel 0,1 hides ammo/health
fixed grenade throw animation cancelled when hit
chat: added Tab key for switching to team chat (instead of Y key)
chat: input is transparent
chat: added team/all chat indicator
chat: fixed carret position when no text typed
fixed coutndown sounds sync
added radio commands, radio keys and emoticon keys to settings
bots change path faster if too hard
fixed bots sometimes irrational jumping

[18.05.2022] 0.8.25t
added team chat (Y key)
added radio commands (G key)
player names in chat are team colored
if game window out of focus chat/away icon appears on player
emoticons menu can be used by tapping V instead of holding
fixed player moving while holding emotes key
gostek doesn't stop movement when side menu open
key pressed side menu doesn't disappear when weapons show
added ctf_guardian to ranked map pool
screen icons scale with distance
added Announcer on/off to sound settings
added CountdownPeeps on/off to sound settings
added different end countdown peep sound
fixed peep sounds sync with clock
new announcer voice
added time remaining announcer sounds
added team leads/tie announcer sounds
added win/tie announcer sounds
added flags left announcer sound
added flag cap/return/taken anouncer sounds
added double/triple/...kill announcer sounds
added taken/lost lead announcer sounds
added shorter sounds when flag grabbed/returned outside base
"flag captured" notification renamed to "team scores"
"won" renamed to "wins"
fixed "returned by" log message
fixed Deathmatch showing win when tied for win
fixed very large medkits


Still some bugs in ranked and with nade/rocket sync. I have to tackle those.
Other than that some big additions are coming, but I have to think about what comes first and I'll announce then.

3...2...1... FIGHT! :)

[ 2022-05-27 14:12:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

New ranked icons and fixed ratings

AGAR seems to be popular on pub server... cool!


I hope everyone is having a great time!
After a short break I'm back with a multitude of changes and additions.

[h2]Mute + Kick[/h2]
There's a lot that needs to be done in preparation for making Soldat 2 an F2P game in the long run. An increase in player count means also more problems. These are the first in a long list of additions:

* Chat filtering based on Steam's internal filter (turn on Family Filter in settings)

* Mute someone by clicking his name on the scoreboard (also show his profile to know who it is)

* Vote kick players in the lobby by clicking on their name (if they are kicked they won't be able to join again for 1 hour)

[h2]New rank icons[/h2]

proto made some brand new rank icons:

Now you know what to strive for... :)

Rank icons have also been added in relevant places like scoreboard and top ratings:

Top ratings and rank estimates have been fixed!
(this might mean you have a different rank now, but it's all good now)


Added a new classic S1 map: CTF_GUARDIAN (by SuoW, remade by darDar)

[h2]Ranked fixes[/h2]
Ranked games are being constantly fixed under the hood based on players reports.
I added some QoS improvements to the UI too.

When entering the Ranked screen, you will now see a list of ongoing games and a count of players in active queues (if there are any playing or waiting)

[expand type=details]
[12.05.2022] 0.8.24a
added map: ctf_guardian
new rank icons
ranked: added rank icons to scoreboard
ranked: added rank images to leaderboard
ranked: added wins/ties/losses to leaderboard
ranked: top ratings fixed (based on mu not lowerskillestimate)
ranked: end game shows new rank tier instead of numerical value
ranked: added current games display in menu
ranked: added waiting players count display in menu
added votekick to lobby
added mute option to scoreboard
added player profile option to scoreboard
added OneShots modifier
if FamilyFilter on chat uses Steam Chat Filtering
player nicks in chat use FamilyFilter
help keys hide automatically after some time
help text doesn't show on lobby
updated credits and Patrons list
ranked: tweaked regions dropdown list appearance
ranked: better disconnection/kick handling
fixed client autobalance changing team sometimes
removed weapon BulletDrop* setting
fixed Barrett not killing sometimes with 1 shot
fixed game with Zone modifier ending immediately
fixed TimeLimit 0 ending immediately
fixed Knife/Chainsaw in RealisticDamage modifier
fixed retry attempt after pressing back on password query
a bit more powerful flag throw
fixed flag returned message+effect not showing if flag close to base
fixed flag stopping in air after bullet hit from some guns
fixed platform not showing on some maps if backgrounds off
editor: fixed some elements becoming unclickable

More stuff coming,
Have fun!

[ 2022-05-13 14:46:06 CET ] [ Original post ]


[12.05.2022] 0.8.24a
added map: ctf_guardian
new rank icons
ranked: added rank icons to scoreboard
ranked: added rank images to leaderboard
ranked: added wins/ties/losses to leaderboard
ranked: top ratings fixed (based on mu not lowerskillestimate)
ranked: end game shows new rank tier instead of numerical value
ranked: added current games display in menu
ranked: added waiting players count display in menu
added votekick to lobby
added mute option to scoreboard
added player profile option to scoreboard
added OneShots modifier
if FamilyFilter on chat uses Steam Chat Filtering
player nicks in chat use FamilyFilter
help keys hide automatically after some time
help text doesn't show on lobby
faster leaderboards
updated credits and Patrons list
ranked: tweaked regions dropdown list appearance
ranked: better disconnection/kick handling
fixed client autobalance changing team sometimes
removed weapon BulletDrop* setting
fixed Barrett not killing sometimes with 1 shot
fixed game with Zone modifier ending immediately
fixed TimeLimit 0 ending immediately
fixed Knife/Chainsaw in RealisticDamage modifier
fixed retry attempt after pressing back on password query
a bit more powerful flag throw
fixed flag returned message+effect not showing if flag close to base
fixed flag stopping in air after bullet hit from some guns
fixed platform not showing on some maps if backgrounds off
editor: fixed some elements becoming unclickable

[ 2022-05-12 10:30:50 CET ] [ Original post ]


Bug or feature? :)

Just kidding, it was a bug discovered while testing the new netcode. But it's fixed now (hopefully). Would be a fun bonus pickup though? :)

Because there were a few network issues I decided to do the equivalent of replacing an engine in a running car. And thanks to that, the network code turned out to be much smoother, faster and reliable. This should fix disconnects, ghost players and other issues. But there might be some new bugs, because this is very fresh. So please report!

Ping times are much LOWER now and it's visibly easier to dodge rockets like this:


I'm happy the mapping community is thriving! So most likely with each patch there will come a new map. The ones added in this patch are:

ctf_tyrus by darDar
(it was inspired by ctf_ash somehow)

ctf_dopamine by MM
(inspired by ctf_hormone)


* Weapons have been tweaked:

  • crouching and prone will decrease gun spray (and bink) by half
  • movement spray works now like in s1 (depends on velocity not on keys pressed)
  • autos bullet speed is higher + higher accuracy
  • less bink on m79
  • overall less bullet knockout (decreasing player speed)

* Added voting keys (F9, F10, F11) + vote close key (F12):

* Ranked mode fixes

Norbo and I have been sweating a lot to fix ranked issues.
Multiple issues have been fixed for good I hope.
Reconnecting should work better.
Matches should be a lot more stable now!


[expand type=details]
[30.04.2022] 0.8.19a
added gamemode and modifiers in next map loading screen
default solo lobby map is ctf_laos
fixed chat moving towards right each match
quieter Agar sounds

[29.04.2022] 0.8.18t
added F keys for voting or closing vote
more net stability
ctf_dopamine: improvements
weapons: changes
fixed error on flag cap

[28.04.2022] 0.8.17t
added ctf_dopamine, ctf_tyrus
rehauled low-level network code:
fixed disconnects/ghost players issues
better ping times
much more stable handling of lousy connections
crouching/prone decreases gun spray by half
removed teammate superman dash collision
increased change weapon time slightly
movement spray is affected by player speed not just by movement keys
added 20 sec remaining sound countdown
voting tries not to pick maps that were in vote previously
ranked: fixed bot disconnection issues
ranked: fixed rejoin button
fixed rich presence joining local server
fixed lobby tooltip staying after map change issue
fixed autobalance threshold on join 2->1
fixed bullets showing in HUD when ammo unlimited
public CTF match 8 mins -> 10 mins
fixed selfkill adding kill to score
ping in scoreboard and servers list is now "latency" not roundtrip
scoreboard: fixed too narrow ping text
Agar modifier: a bit less damage resistant giant
Space modifier: less speedy
SniperOnly modifier: added grenades
server: retries on port blocked instead of shutdown
server: retries websocket port blocked
server: added duplicate name check
server: fixed GameServer.AdminPlayfabId
fixed disconnect when joining a finished CTF match
ctf_ash: added gap in middle passage
weapons: various changes


Norbo is planning on adding ranked 1v1 DM and 2v2! + web stats!
Still some annoying bugs to squash like the RPG rocket desync.
Moderation and competitive features are needed like: mute function, team chat, taunts etc.
Other than that there's hundreds of community suggestions which I'll try to implement in the next weeks like cornerboosts etc.

In the long run... when I'm happy with the stability of Soldat 2 there will be free weekends and promotions to bring in more players!

Remember to have fun!

[ 2022-04-30 09:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ranked servers update

. All US ranked servers are replaced with brand new servers!
(this should fix some "lag" issues players have been experiencing in that region)

2. Added more servers to all regions to prevent "no empty servers" issue and to prepare the game, if it suddenly blows up :)

3. Norbo and I have been fixing some major issues over the weekend that break ranked games. Hopefully some of them are gone. In any case, if something breaks please report.

Have fun!

[ 2022-04-25 13:37:25 CET ] [ Original post ]


Critical issues fix:

[23.04.2022] 0.8.11a
fixed no cap flag issue after flag carrier disconnected
fixed Quick Join connecting to passworded servers
can hide weapons menu quicker
ctf_lanubya: better middle bridge
ctf_dogbite: longer upper path
CTF: reduced spawn time by 0.5s
Domination: fixed not ending
Domination: better flag icon blinking
added proper error message if gatherbot down
server: fixed set netdebug not working
server: shuts down if port blocked
server: fixed bot error spam
ranked: various fixes

[ 2022-04-23 16:43:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

What's coming next?

I feel the big "Total Rehaul" release was a success. It brought back people into the game and we have servers with players and ranked matches going on! Although we still need a much larger player base, but more on that at the end of this post...

I think fri on Discord sums up some general positive feelings about the new Soldat 2:

My priority now is bringing in more players as well as fixing critical bugs, adding maps and fixing/improving ranked matches.

Significant changes:

So we got... 6 patches/hotfixes this week (nearly once a day).

The most significant change is how RPG is handled.
The guided rocket is now active when HOLDING FIRE (LMB).
This brings new possibilities, also if you liked the LAW in S1 you'll feel at home with the new RPG.

I added as much maps into the ranked pool as possible (with the help of proto and darDar). Bringing back some tried and trusted S1 maps:






Detailed changelog

[expand type=CHANGELOG]
[21.04.2022] 0.8.6a
added ctf_steel, ctf_lanubya, ctf_x
removed camera lock on death
removed spectator cam after weapons menu
RPG: guided if Fire pressed; increased damage
RocketLauncher: removed bink
M79: lower velocity
volume down on all interface and gamemode sounds
fixed blinking flag icons before match starts
faster flag icon blink
ranked: fixed sometimes error "game not found" on end results
ranked: fixed send leave game and cancel search
ranked: fixed reconnecting to server after pressing Find Match
ranked: queue options are saved
ranked: clicking Find Match on different queue (while in queue) requeues
ranked: returning from game returns back to ranked window
DM/TDM: higher scorelimit
DM/TDM: added warmup in solo
increased voting time limit 10s->15s
added error popup if Steam fails to load
fixed Discord widget showing bots on server
fixed tiny mini medkits
fixed FogOfWar flipped screen issue
voted map takes gamemode and modifier from cycle file
Zone modifier makes ScoreLimit 0
ctf_dogbite: tweak upper path
ctf_ash: tweaked colors
server: autoshutdown after 12 hours (autoconfig.ini AutoShutdownAfterHours)
server: added net/mem stats without netdebug

[18.04.2022] 0.8.5a
fixed various voting issues
ranked: fixed various issues
fixed DC if vote arrived too late
medkit size is dependent on heal amount
added option to reconnect to Steam if failed to auth
map background with DetailedBackgrounds off is fog color
added white outline to self kill logs
Agar giant is more resistant
Agar pickup gives 15HP
Spas: a bit slower bullet velocity
Steyr: 25->30 bullets
Ak: 30->35 bullets
Dragunov: a bit less bink
Deagles: a bit slower fire interval
CTF: 0.5s less respawn time
CTF: drop medkits are 33HP; random medkits are 50HP
CTF: score flag icon shows if flag gone (s1-style)
CTF: flag gone icon blinks
DM/TDM score limit raised a bit
fixed Discord widget showing bots on server
client: fixed flag not returned when capped issue
server: autoshutdown after 75 games
official server max players = 12

[15.04.2022] 0.8.4a
ranked: a bit longer end results
ranked: added match identifier to UI
ranked: fixed history not showing ties
ranked: fixed end game not showing tie
ctf: death drop medkits reduced to 50HP
kill log: a bit darker background on killed
server: removed autoshutdown
removed matchmaking logs spam
increased mouse scroll sensitivity
change weapon with mouse scroll works up or down
fixed Steam icon on mac/linux

[14.04.2022] 0.8.3a
added ctf_rotten, ctf_ash
fixed map voting
DM/TDM is classic by default (Arena modifier separate)
CTF/TDM: shorter respawns when lots of players
CTF: less random pickups
ctf_wretch: fixed visual glitch in background
ctf_dogbite: better flag area
Dragunov: tiny bit stronger
Barrett: longer reload
MP5: ammo 30->25, more selfbink
fixed flag return sound not playing issue
removed dm_arena_classic, dm_rotten_classic
ranked: added ctf_ash, ctf_rotten
ranked: removed ctf_laos
ranked: added South America region

[13.04.2022] 0.8.2a
fixed random infinite map reloading on server

What's next?

The game needs more players. There's a series of planned events to help with this. The first one is a free weekend on Steam. But for that to happen I need to prepare the game for a mass influx of players and we're not there yet.

There are some critical issues that need to be fixed, like:

- lost connection / ghost players during the game
- server memory leak
- players remaining black after spawn
- RPG rocket desyncs
- flag cap not working sometimes
- issues with ranked matches

Other than that:

- I want to bring even more classic and new maps so it doesn't get boring
- add mute function (and more moderation options)
- add team chat
- add bindable taunts

Those are the things I will be focusing on in the upcoming weeks.
See you on Discord and..

Have fun!

[ 2022-04-22 17:48:15 CET ] [ Original post ]


RPG now works the other way around - guided rocket while HOLDING FIRE (LMB). If not holding Fire it works like LAW in Soldat 1.

[21.04.2022] 0.8.6a
added ctf_steel, ctf_lanubya, ctf_x
removed camera lock on death
removed spectator cam after weapons menu
RPG: guided if Fire pressed; increased damage
RocketLauncher: removed bink
M79: lower velocity
volume down on all interface and gamemode sounds
fixed blinking flag icons before match starts
faster flag icon blink
ranked: fixed sometimes error "game not found" on end results
ranked: fixed send leave game and cancel search
ranked: fixed reconnecting to server after pressing Find Match
ranked: queue options are saved
ranked: clicking Find Match on different queue (while in queue) requeues
ranked: returning from game returns back to ranked window
DM/TDM: higher scorelimit
DM/TDM: added warmup in solo
increased voting time limit 10s->15s
added error popup if Steam fails to load
fixed Discord widget showing bots on server
fixed tiny mini medkits
fixed FogOfWar flipped screen issue
voted map takes gamemode and modifier from cycle file
Zone modifier makes ScoreLimit 0
ctf_dogbite: tweak upper path
ctf_ash: tweaked colors
server: autoshutdown after 12 hours (autoconfig.ini AutoShutdownAfterHours)
server: added net/mem stats without netdebug

[ 2022-04-21 14:15:51 CET ] [ Original post ]


[18.04.2022] 0.8.5t
fixed various voting issues
ranked: fixed various issues
fixed DC if vote arrived too late
medkit size is dependent on heal amount
added option to reconnect to Steam if failed to auth
map background with DetailedBackgrounds off is fog color
added white outline to self kill logs
Agar giant is more resistant
Agar pickup gives 15HP
Spas: a bit slower bullet velocity
Steyr: 25->30 bullets
Ak: 30->35 bullets
Dragunov: a bit less bink
Deagles: a bit slower fire interval
CTF: 0.5s less respawn time
CTF: drop medkits are 33HP; random medkits are 50HP
CTF: score flag icon shows if flag gone (s1-style)
CTF: flag gone icon blinks
DM/TDM score limit raised a bit
fixed Discord widget showing bots on server
client: fixed flag not returned when capped issue
server: autoshutdown after 75 games
official server max players = 12

[ 2022-04-18 13:40:24 CET ] [ Original post ]


[15.04.2022] 0.8.3t
ranked: a bit longer end results
ranked: added match identifier to UI
ranked: fixed history not showing ties
ranked: fixed end game not showing tie
ctf: death drop medkits reduced to 50HP
kill log: a bit darker background on killed
server: removed autoshutdown
removed matchmaking logs spam
increased mouse scroll sensitivity
change weapon with mouse scroll works up or down
fixed Steam icon on mac/linux

[ 2022-04-15 12:28:29 CET ] [ Original post ]


Quick patch fixing the most pressing issues + adding some more maps to the pool!

ctf_rotten (remade by proto)

ctf_ash (remade by darDar)

Have fun!

[14.04.2022] 0.8.3t
added ctf_rotten, ctf_ash
fixed map voting
DM/TDM is classic by default (Arena modifier separate)
CTF/TDM: shorter respawns when lots of players
CTF: less random pickups
ctf_wretch: fixed visual glitch in background
ctf_dogbite: better flag area
Dragunov: tiny bit stronger
Barrett: longer reload
MP5: ammo 30->25, more selfbink
fixed flag return sound not playing issue
removed dm_arena_classic, dm_rotten_classic
ranked: added ctf_ash, ctf_rotten
ranked: removed ctf_laos
ranked: added South America region

[ 2022-04-14 18:33:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 has been TOTALLY REMADE and it's OUT NOW!

I've been creating this patch for 14 months. But it wouldn't be possible without an extremely helpful and positive team made of community members. I feel like the previous versions were done by me and this is a joint effort of many great individuals (too many to list unfortunately, but you know who you are).

So I want to say THANK YOU and I do hope this remade version represents what the community actually wanted from Soldat 2.



Check the gameplay video if you haven't already:

[h3]REMADE MAPS[/h3]

Some of the new and remade maps








Fixed a lot of things like momentum preservation, kick-jumping and flips to be exactly like in Soldat 1.

Balanced speeds and forces for greater fun!
Plus there's more:

hardrolls & glide rolls


superman-dash (superman bump with high speed)

sliding (hold superman key)


Players can now vote what to play next before each round

Many modifiers including realistic damage, movement and Fog of War!

[h3]REMADE UI[/h3]

New main menu design with In-game news

End Results screen with match statistics


Made together with Norbo. The Gather known from Discord is now built-in the game!


Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch has more Arena-shooter like gameplay which means:
* limited ammo
* weapon pickups on the map
* dedicated spawns for health, ammo and grenades

There's a ClassicDeathmatch modifier if you prefer the classic experience!


No screenshot sorry :D

I've made major optimizations so you will have much more FPS and much smoother gameplay.
Network code is also MUCH better and smoother.



Maps based on editable polygons

Change everything including custom textures!

It's still beta, but extremely easy to prototype and create maps.


HUD on/off, custom colored cursors + much more

Custom background colors for greater clarity


Very useful for quickly inviting a Discord channel or friends to the game or matchmaking queue

Steam friends invite

[h3]NEW WEAPONS![/h3]

+ 3-shot Rocket Launcher
+ secondary RPG launcher with a guided missile!
+ all weapons rebalanced

[h3]WHAT'S NEXT?[/h3]

1. Ranked matches and statistics need a lot of improvement and fixes. Also DM 1v1 is coming.
2. Domination needs more work with more dedicated dom_ maps
3. More maps, possibly more weapons, more modifiers and more fixes as usual

See you on Discord for feedback.
Have fun!

[ 2022-04-13 18:17:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 Total Rehaul - 33% Off!

Just a few hours to go until the Rehaul update drops!
To commemorate this release, Soldat 2 is 33% OFF starting TODAY!

Only 5 days so...
get it NOW!

Are you ready for the biggest update to the Early Access version yet?

Please keep in mind servers will be unavailable until the update arrives! See you on the battlefield then!
All profits go to myself and the development of Soldat 2 :)
Have fun!

[ 2022-04-13 15:01:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

"Totally Rehauled" Soldat 2 coming tomorrow!


The patch I've been creating together with the community for 14 months is ready to ship tomorrow. Are you ready? :)

Some of the major changes:


See the gameplay video!


Fixed a lot of things like kick-jumping and roll to be exactly like in Soldat 1.
Balanced speeds and forces for greater fun!
Plus there's more moves like hardroll, superman-dash and sliding.


Many modifiers including realistic damage, movement and Fog of War!

[h3]REMADE UI[/h3]


[h3]NEW WEAPONS![/h3]

+ 3-shot Rocket Launcher
+ secondary RPG launcher with a guided missile!
+ all weapons rebalanced

This patch is launching tomorrow 6PM CEST. Check your local time.

Have fun!

[ 2022-04-12 16:25:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

"Total Rehaul" Patch - release date announced!

After 14 months of totally remaking the game, improving every aspect of it together with the community... I finally decided it's ready for public release. The major patch nicknamed "Total Rehaul" will be available Wednesday 13th April 2022.

Be sure to check out the new Steam store page and...
If you haven't already, please buy the game now so you're ready for the Big Release!

Check out the teaser for "Total Rehaul":


More details in upcoming news.
Have fun!

[ 2022-04-08 21:37:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Officials servers are down for maintenance

We need to transition the official servers to the new release that has been in the making for the last year. Servers might be down for a week or so and will be back online again with the launch of the next patch. The specific date isn't announced yet.

Have fun!

[ 2022-04-05 17:37:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

Big Update Is Nearly Finished

The BIG PATCH IS COMING! Just a few weeks if all goes well... Thank you for everyone's patience. I know it will be worth the wait!

As always you can play this on the test branch on Steam.
Join Discord for details.
Full changelog is available here: https://soldat2.com/changelog.txt

Literally hundreds of improvements have been made over the past 2 months. Here are some notable ones:


A window for waiting for players to join, arranging teams and voting for gamemode, map and modifiers is now part of the experience after joining a server.

Everyone can invite their friends through Steam or Discord with a link that will have them join the game immediately! No more copy pasting IP's and ports :). You can also view player avatar's and Steam profiles on this screen.


Statistics are now calculated during the match such as caps/returns, kills/deaths, accuracy, favourite weapon etc. and viewed as a summary at the end of each game.

[h2]MINI MAP VOTE[/h2]

Pre-game lobby can be disabled and instead a simple 3-map vote can be used.
This is also what will be used in the new Matchmaking/Gather system.


Many HUD and menu improvements. This is mainly thanks to the help of our testers community. Giving me feedback, suggestions and encouragement!


CTB has returned as Domination!
It's not done yet and there's only one unfinished map called dom_stronghold but it is a sign of what to expect.

Biggest addition is a very wide custom designed map instead of the generated ones.

Best played with "UltraTactical" modifier!

Second biggest addition are base areas instead of flags (indicated by a team colored outline).


Many improvements have been made to the movement system thanks to the support of testers.

Hard-roll is now possible like in Soldat 1. Use it to stop and change direction immediately! An enhancement over S1 is the ability to hard-roll off of walls.

There's a new move called FRONT-FLIP. Works just like back-flip but forward. It's a big change but it has been warmly welcomed.

(darDar showing off movement possibilties)

[h2]SUPERMAN DASH [experimental][/h2]

Dropkick has been replaced with Superman-Dash. Basically doing superman adds the ability to bump into people with your head. If you go fast enough - it's deadly!


Proper status display + ability to join a friends game directly



Lots of work on general cleanup, FPS improvements, sound clarity etc.
Ambient sounds have been added to maps.

Less particles for greater visual clarity.

Tons of customization options including "no backgrounds", "less HUD" etc.

Nicer 3D lighting.

As always you can play this on the test branch on Steam.
Join Discord for details.
Full changelog is available here: https://soldat2.com/changelog.txt

Thanks for reading!
... and back to work for me.
Have fun!

[ 2021-12-17 16:48:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

New maps showcase + Matchmaking

In the past few weeks I've done quite a few new maps and redesigned all the old ones. Take a look! I tried to remain stylistically even, which is something S1 didn't have. Every map follows a consistent Vietnam/Apocalypse theme. There are some original maps and some remakes of classic S1 maps.

(remake of dm_rr from S1)




(previously ctf_Guardash by darDar)
(there's two color versions - which is better?)







There are literally hundreds of improvements and fixes which are too long to mention.
A complete list is always available here:


Together with Norbo (known for #Gather) we're working on a full in-game implementation of gather/matchmaking. Here are a few screens of the new UI:

In the future there will be more options for finding matches like: players count, maps, ranks/skills, geolocation.

Matchmaking is still not working but everything else is available (as always) for preview in the test version.

We're very close to a new public patch release. I've decided it's gonna be a polished TDM/CTF experience. CTB is removed for later because it will require a lot of custom maps and I don't want to postpone any longer than necessary.


[ 2021-10-01 16:31:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

New maps progress update

I spent the last few weeks updating yet again the visual style. I'm doing this until I am happy. Other than that I squashed a ton of network and dedicated server issues and we played the test version a bit online with testers. Here are some new map screenshots:

As you can see ctf_laos is constantly going through changes (I'm treating this as my base map - because... Laos is my personal favorite Soldat map ever)


new overgrowth detail texture





In action:

Last but not least GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE with me and the testers playing multiplayer:


These are not final revisions. I'm still working on the maps.
Test version and latest development news on DISCORD:

Stay tuned for the incoming update and have fun!


[ 2021-07-23 15:03:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Major Rework Update (TEST AVAILABLE)

Big thanks again to all supporters that bought the game in Early Access. I can safely continue developing the game - moving steadily towards full release. Here's the gist of what I've been doing the past month:

(all of this is obviously a work in-progress - feedback appreciated!)


Clean, minimalist emphasizing a return to a basic style of the game itself


Simple militaristic in-game menus color scheme


A new "Source engine" style greet message when joining the game. Shows basic game info + modifiers + greet message (editable by admin)


If somebody captures a flag or wins a match in deathmatch he/she gets highlighted

Can't emphasize enough how much time and effort has gone into making this game FAST!
Everything is faster including the dedicated server and in-game editor!

I rewrote a bunch of the netcode and fixed multiple network issues. Net code is MUCH smoother now. However there are some new bugs which I'll be fixing in the upcoming weeks.

A big addition for modders and server admins. The top-level scripts governing Rules like Capture the Flag have been moved to C# scripts available for everyone to modify. Also game mode files have been moved to editable .json files. Super easy to create new game modes now!



A community effort - thanks to all the contributors!

dm_rok remade by prototype

All DM Arena maps remade by darDar




Come join if you want to help out!

last but not least...

I was heading towards a public release this month but after network tests I feel the game isn't up to my standard. I feel the visuals and game feel aren't there. I decided to postpone a public release and return back to the drawing board... So I'm experimenting with improving the visual style. Here's a screenshot of a test called "comics + Apocalypse Now":

Stay tuned for more...

The TEST version - so everything I mentioned here - is available to play on the Steam testing branch.
To access the test version:
1. In Steam Library [right click] Soldat 2 - Properties... Betas... TESTING
2. Password: transhumandesign

Join Discord if you need help,

Have fun!

[ 2021-06-18 16:27:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

Major rework WIP, better FPS, ProMode and more

First of all thank you very much if you've purchased the game. I appreciate your support!. I've been taking the time to make an amazing new version! So sorry for the big delay. I know there's not a lot going on in the public version.


There's a lot going on in the test version! I'm working very hard and a lot has been going on under the hood. For example: I've downsized the game from ~600MB to ~217MB.

Also, I've been optimizing the graphics even further. The change of style increased performance enormously but I've done a lot more to increase performance. You can expect even +150FPS gain in the new version compared the current public.

As part of the major rework I've been redesigning the menus (this is Work In Progress so feedback is appreciated):

There's a new option called ProMode which basically desaturates everything gameplay-unimportant and emphasizes what is important:

Blood is redder! :)

And lastly - the community is hard at work having fun with the new map editor:

More updates soon!
And feel free to join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Ar3QM7d
It's where everything is happening. You can also find instructions on how to access the test build there.

Have fun!

[ 2021-04-30 13:10:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Progress update

The last couple of weeks have been very busy development-wise. Lots of stuff done including a fully functional map editor (3 months before estimated time!). But there's still a lot to do. Hopefully I can release it publicly this month.

New urban/apocalyptic style settings.

Stress testing the new graphics - much more FPS now!

Level editor is fully functional and anyone can make maps in it. Still some improvements and fixes are needed. Feedback is welcome.

I made a timelapse video while remaking ctf_hormone. Check it out. You can learn how map making is done in S2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af2dlxZHIIk

I've been working on new game modes. The so called "progressive" game modes.

  • Progressive Capture the Flag
  • Progressive Team Deathmatch
  • Progressive Reverse Capture the Flag

ctf_hormone with reversed flags!

The progressive gamemodes are team based. They have multiple bases and multiple stages. And the maps are much larger than typical Soldat maps.

just one of multiple stages in a single map

I've also been working on a much larger vision for a new Soldat style gameplay. It can be played by turning on the "MM's Ultra Tactical" modifier. This modifier is designed to work best with the progressive gamemodes and consists of:

  • Realistic damage (1-2 shots at most)
  • Fog of war
  • Survival respawn mechanics (one respawn per stage)
  • Slower movement and no jets (but with the same movement mechanics and trick possibilities)

All of this can be played with bots now in the "test" branch on Steam (more info on Discord how to access it).

Last but not least. Our wonderful community has been helping with managing the project. Here's a list of Trello boards with progress, bugs and feature requests:

Public board - https://trello.com/b/X07eK50H/feedbackbugs
Public mapping board - https://trello.com/b/jSUYccls/soldat-2-mapping

Test version board - https://trello.com/b/2b5nFVbO/stylized
Test version editor board - https://trello.com/b/6ym9lPzK/editor

And I can't wait to finish this up and release to public!

Have fun,

[ 2021-04-02 11:15:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

New graphics, HUD, features and maps WIP

Still working on the general graphics overhaul including:
- stylized graphics
- camera and aiming improvements
- bug fixes / performance improvements
- new map editor
- fog of war and a new gamemode

Gameplay video of FOW:

New HUD with improved fonts!



All of this is WORK IN PROGRESS.
Feedback is appreciated!

More teaser graphics and more info on how to access the TEST branch and play this version on...

Have fun!

[ 2021-03-02 14:00:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

What I'm working on...

Just a quick note about what I'm working on currently:
- graphics overhaul with stylized graphics
- new polygon style graphics
- camera and aiming improvements
- bug fixes
- new map editor
- fog of war

Working on a new style and effects (like gradient textures + tesselation)

I've been testing different graphic styles...

Fog of war + new environments

All of this is WORK IN PROGRESS. Feedback is appreciated!

More teaser graphics and more info on how to access the TEST branch and play this version on...

Have fun!

[ 2021-02-17 20:56:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.7.29 hotfix

+ fixed flag getting stuck after drop or explosion issue
+ flag maintains base center position if near base

[ 2021-01-29 18:04:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.7.28 (flag fixes)

Changes 0.7.27- 0.7.28:
+ fixed flag sync issue
+ better flag collider
+ better flag unstucking
+ fixed pressing B not unhiding weapon menu issue
+ higher sound limit on low quality settings

[ 2021-01-27 13:42:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Desert Eagles + Team Deathmatch + improved hitboxes!

Version 0.7.26 is LIVE!

One very big missing feature from were Desert Eagles. And now they are back!
So get ready for some double eagle action!

Another missing feature was...

Team Deathmatch!
Red vs Blue; can be played on all maps (including CTB generated maps).

All weapons were tweaked by darDar (thank you!) and tested in Gather matches. A very detailed list of changes is available here:

Most notable changes are bink/accuracy improvements, Minigun reworked and some visual improvements (smaller bullet trails; longer M79 trail).

The hit boxes were one of the major problems and I finally fixed it by introducing a 'perfect' detailed hit box system. This should further improve hitregs:

What do you think?
Please leave a comment or visit our Discord and chat with me there,
Have fun!

+ added new weapon: Desert Eagles
+ added new gamemode: Team Deathmatch
+ added perfect hitboxes
+ darDar's weapons balance (details: https://pastebin.com/cwm6Mh04)
+ spawn nades lowered to 1
+ max nades lowered to 2
+ max player velocity 25.5->26.5
+ chainsaw damage is dependent on hitbox penetration
+ less explosion force on flag
+ fixed no flag grab sound
+ flag cant be capped after game ends
+ added no damage after game ends option
+ less cam shake
+ less cursor spray on bink
+ fixed not being able to alt emote after death
+ added physicsobject config component for setting mass and such
+ can modify explosion force on object
+ added additional makarov fire sound
+ lowered default AutoShutdown to 12hrs
+ fixed leaderboard kills not registered sometimes
+ fixed saving file with same name
+ fixed selecting objects that are covered by other objects
+ fixed selecting ramps and curves
+ added selected object outline

[ 2021-01-23 12:04:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

New community maps + bugs fixes

Close-quarter hit regs fixed!

A small update to keep the flow after the holidays. Fresh new maps and some critical issues with certain maps breaking servers fixed. I also finally fixed some level editor bugs. But more work is needed!

New maps by contributors from our wonderful community!

ctf_guardian - Classic Soldat map remade by darDar

ctf_trap - First map by NamelessWolf with a very curly layout that looks like a hipster ;)

dm_bigfalls - Classic jungle deathmatch map remade by darDar

dm_daybreak - Classic deathmatch map remade by Leon

Let me know what you think and have fun!

Changes: 0.7.22-0.7.23
+ added ctf_guardian, ctf_trap, dm_bigfalls, dm_daybreak
+ fixed close shots hitreg
+ slightly bigger hitbox
+ chainsaw slightly shorter distance
+ removed turning around during s1 superman
+ slower horizontal jet speed x0.88
+ added horizontal jets force modifier
+ removed tent from ash
+ fixed large maps sync
+ quick join works with non-official servers
+ fixed ragdoll collision with ramp and curve object
+ fixed standard map saved to custom folder
+ fixed saving object duplicates
+ fixed nextmap issues during loading map or waiting for others to join
+ added loadcycle command

[ 2021-01-08 15:11:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

Flag throws + new maps + perfect hit regs + FIXES!


Massive fixes. This is the longest changelog since release. Hopefully many famous bugs are fixed ;).

First of all I tried to fix all flag issues + add flag throwing. You can now pass the flag to your team mates (hold and release [Z])

Second, the player has slightly higher gravity to mitigate that floaty feel many have complained about.

Bink and self-bink have been added. Which means the weapon gets inaccurate if you get shot (bink) or if you shoot continously (self-bink). The weapons affected are Dragunov, Barret (bink) and AK, Rheinmetall (self-bink). Movementspray has been nulled and the rifles are a bit more accurate if fired with single shots. This change should provide more balance and strategy opportunities.

Bullet hit registering should now be "perfect". Just as nades and knife. So if you hit someone, you should be sure the server registers that as a hit. It still might look weird when somebody with high ping shoots you (but that's the nature of playing with high pings, which can't be really fixed).

New CTF maps created for us by darDar in the S2 level maker!

ctf_rotten You know might know this one (original by Biggles)

ctf_stahlwerk by darDar

Let me know what you think of this update and...

See you in the game!


+ gostek gravityscale 1->1.25 (increased jump and jets forces to accomodate)
+ removed stomp
+ smoother superman reverse
+ added bink (Dragunov, Barrett) and selfbink (Ak, Rheinmetall)
+ movementspray removed for all weapons
+ fixed flag not falling thru rails

+ added drop flag button [Z]
+ fixed spawning on free flags returns it
+ fixed carried flag (and weapons) destroyed when player disconnects
+ fixed flag (and weapons) not inherting dead body velocity
+ fixed throwing flag into ceiling and getting it stuck
+ fixed flag sync when returned or dropped
+ fixed double flags issue
+ fixed issues causing flag desync, non-capturable and double flags

+ improved bullet hits sync
+ weapon reload doesn't reset on nade
+ faster knife pickup after throw
+ added throw animation
+ increased limb dismembers tolerance
+ jets disabled if jets 0 in standard modifier
+ gostek inputs disabled if using Alt
+ weapon menu shows up next time after cancelled with B
+ spectator cam stays in place
+ can emote a while after death
+ camera slower when zooming
+ longer staying jets stream effect
+ player damage/gore less dark
+ removed too long floor in basecamp
+ much higher weapon throw velocity
+ detached weapon throw from dropvelocity variable

+ fixed weapon/animation stuck if nade exploded in hands while reloading
+ fixed chainsaw not working when holding fire and changing weapon
+ fixed ctrl+v switching to free cam
+ fixed url join
+ fixed weapon menu hiding issue
+ fixed throw weapon angle
+ fixed player indicator and chat rotated when spawned on slope
+ fixed cursor moving to middle on weapon menu
+ fixed chainsaw not glowing
+ fixed cant shoot when mouse hover over kill log
+ fixed help not showing
+ fixed weapon menu exiting by mistake
+ fixed weapon menu can't click immediately
+ fixed nojets modifier not working

+ added gather button in menu
+ fixed login window appearing on url join
+ increased head chat limit to 42 characters
+ limited player names to 30 characters
+ fixed movementspray always affecting cursor
+ fixed long player names not fitting in killlog
+ added secondary key (Enter) for chat

+ added ctf_rotten, ctf_stahlwerk made by darDar
+ improved ctf_strike
+ fixed laos collision - moved middle buddha backwards
+ optimized laos particles
+ optimized bg textures on laos and nevada

+ added rcon command "say" rcon"
+ improved error handling when loading jsons
+ added player joined/left with account id
+ fixed crash on loadmap that doesnt exist
+ loadmap can use rules acronyms eg. ctf
+ removed RR frm default cycle
+ added log msgs for cap/rem flags
+ fixed issue causing custom configs to be erased

+ added TrenchWars gamemode (experimental)
+ added MoreGravity modifier

[ 2020-12-11 16:45:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Movement improvements + major FPS issues fixed


After much debate about the movement on our Discord and after some objective comparisons to Soldat 1 [previewyoutube=murkS6nurfs;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] I made some, I hope, significant improvements. The biggest issue was momentum not being preserved by the gostek with multiple moves stacked up. It should be much better now (too high ground drag seemed to be the issue).

Superman is now EASIER to use. Just hold Shift (or your configured key) and you can jet horizontally like in Soldat 1. If you want to do Superman 360 hold the RMB (jet key).

I put a lot of work into finding the reasons for FPS drops and general lag. I think I managed to fix most of the issues. The game is MUCH smoother now! These changes also affect the dedicated server so the netcode should be better too.

More improvements ahead!
See you in the game!

Changelog 0.7.17-0.7.18:
+ less ground drag (momentum isn't lost so much)
+ increased max velocity slightly / decreased max jets velocity slightly
+ added superman auto-jet horizontally (hold superman key [shift])
+ added superman 360 with superman + jet key
+ transition to superman takes a bit more time
+ spawn armor time -> 1.2s
+ spawn armor stops on fire, change weapon and grenade
+ improved gostek glow on spawn
+ improved cursor player names visibility
+ improved killog font visiblity
+ fixed too much movementspray
+ movement spray is minimized with crouch
+ glow objects work for all graphic settings
+ added sharpen default at graphics 5
+ fixed games list refresh erroring out if too much requests
+ fixed shininess on gosteks
+ removed weapons model from basecamp
+ fixed net lag capsules appearing
+ optimized laos scenery
+ optimized glow objects
+ optimized explosions and hits
+ optimized modifiers
+ optimized flag cloth
+ optimized property syncing
+ optimized weapon meshes
+ optimized dynamic lights shadows
+ optimized bullet creation

(tell me what you think of the recent changes)

[ 2020-11-27 20:32:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

Kill log + hitreg fixes + weapon balance


Hi guys!
After about 2 weeks of a long needed break (+a week of working on this) I'm back with another update. As mentioned on Discord, I will be fairly regular with these updates. Either once a week with small changes or bi-weekly with a bit larger updates like this patch.

The most voted suggestion on Discord is done. A kill log similar in style to the CS:GO kill log. I hope it's useful!

I'm constantly improving ctf_strike. I hope these changes are good. Please let me know!

There's a bunch of weapon balancing done thanks to iMPUcz. They are aimed at longer lasting fights. Most notable should be less bullet push.

And last but not least I fixed an issue causing the infamous respawn bug and hit registration for knife and nade should be significantly improved!

0.7.16 - 0.7.17
+ added killlog
+ improved nade/knife hit registration
+ removed weapon menu dissapearing with move keys
+ added spawn armor glow indicator
+ fixed clones spawning issue
+ knife can go through obstacles
+ fixed knife stick angle
+ ctf_strike layout changed - flag and spawns moved
+ weapon balance for longer lasting fights and less bullet push (thx to iMPUcz)
+ Spas now has point blank enabled
+ MP5 has a larger clip
+ Dragunov RoF reduced
+ chainsaw damage increased
+ fixed MovementSpray (and added to dragunov, flak, barrett)
+ added kill info to console log

How do you like these changes?

Have fun!

There's a new Trello board with suggestions and bugs I will be working on: https://trello.com/b/X07eK50H/feedbackbugs

[ 2020-11-24 13:52:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 nominated to Pixel Heaven 2020 Awards

[h3]It's so cool that Soldat 2 is nominated for Pixel Heaven 2020 Awards Europe. In two categories:[/h3]
[h2]Best Gameplay
Retro Roots[/h2]

The winners will be announced on December 5. Details soon!

[h2]Pixel Heaven 2020 Games Festival is online this year, so 'see' you there[/h2]
Check out their website, lots of info:

[h2]This is our favourite gaming event in Poland :) The atmosphere there is so oldshool![/h2]

Kasia 'Kate Flow' Urmanowicz [THD Team, Community Ninja - yes, it's me who's writing this announcement for you:)] playing some retro game.
Pixel Heaven 2016 - An old bus depot filled with computers, consoles and all the electronic stuff. Games everywhere!

PH 2016
MM playing Mosh Pit Simulator - a game made by Sos Sosowski (Mikoaj Kamiski).

PH 2017
From right: MM [creator of Soldat], Sos Sosowski [McPixel], Patrick Stepniewski [gameDNA], Krzysztof 'Dalton' Pachulski [Epic Games].

PH 2017
Happy Guys (from right): Micha 'MM' Marcinkowski, Krzysztof 'Wolfgang' Chomicki [Butcher, Phobia Game Studio: Carrion], Sebastian Krokiewicz [Butcher, Phobia Game Studio: Carrion].

PH 2017
From right: Kate Flow, MM, Wolfgang, Sebastian Krokiewicz.

PH 2016
Sebastian Krokiewicz and Krzysztof 'Wolfgang' Chomicki playing the new DOOM.

PH 2016
Kate Flow playing Wolfenstein.

[h3][h2]Lots of indie game devs with their cool games to play.
Lectures, knowledge, gaming movies, gaming music....[/h2][/h3]

[h3]Guys, you just gotta be there :)[/h3]
Even if it's online this time - it will be a great gaming event.
And if you're not from Poland, you have an occasion to feel this unique retro vibe with us :)

[h3]But when?!? The organizers will tell everything soon! [/h3]

Stay tuned... and...

Have fun!
THD Team

[ 2020-11-05 20:39:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

Chainsaw + gore + new masks = Halloween Update!

The long awaited Soldat CHAINSAW is here!

It might still be a little rough around the edges (:P) so please give me feedback how do you like it? Is there something to improve?

I added 4 new halloween themed masks

(Different looks based on the new masks)


I improved the gore in general. The soldier bodies should now show blood if they are damaged like in Soldat 1.


Soldat 2 HALLOWEEN Play with the Devs

Last but not least we're gathering on the: Official Server Team THD to play together!
Read all the info (What, where) here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/474220/announcements/detail/2948129482728243538

Changes 0.7.14-0.7.15:
+ added secondary: chainsaw
+ added halloween masks
+ added body damage blood/gore
+ more bloody blood splats
+ fixed 3 weapons change when carrying flag
+ faster and less bright screen flashes
+ added skin detail texture
+ added generic quick join button
+ increased quick join ping to 300
+ [server] added game cycle shuffle
+ [server] fixed first map from cycle doesnt use condition
+ [server] new conditional default cycle with 4 gamemodes

See you on the battlefield :)
Have fun!
MM + THD Team

[ 2020-10-31 20:28:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 HALLOWEEN Play with the Devs

UPDATE: Play with the Devs postponed. Give us 20 minutes ;)
So we play: 7:45 - 8:45 CET

Soldat 2: Halloween Playing
Saturday, October 31, 2020
[EDIT] 7:45 - 8:45 PM CET
Server: Team THD

Soldaters, our team would like to play with you!
Michal "MM" Marcinkowski - creator of the game - will be there too.

Are you ready?

Btw, a new patch with surprises is coming that day

Join Soldat 2 official Discord channel to keep in touch:

Are you a streamer/gamer/person who wants to stream the gameplay?
Let us all know in the comments section.

See you on the battlefield!
And remember to have fun
THD Team

[ 2020-10-30 18:52:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

New CTF & DM maps + less bouncy knife + machinegun balance tweaks



The maps added in the previous patch turned out to serve better as DM maps so they are now called dm_regain and dm_corazon. But I made entirely new CTF maps, check them out!

ctf_strike - I wanted to make something that would be similar in structure to Ash. It turned out somewhat different. Let's see how this plays? Comments are appreciated.

ctf_magpie - A very fluid map design with an unusual flag placement

I spent a lot of time fixing bot pathing and making the bots generally do more stuff like rolling. Overall pathing should be better and faster.

Knife is less bouncy like in Soldat 1 (also nade)

I hope you like the changes. Please remember everything is temporary and if something doesn't work I'll switch back to how it was or improve again.

So please tell me how do you like the new changes? :)

0.7.12- 0.7.14
+ added maps ctf_strike, ctf_magpie
+ replaced ctf maps with dm version: dm_corazon, dm_regain
+ removed knife bouncing
+ nades less bouncy
+ rheinmetall, tec-9, kalash and minigun tweaks (iMPUcz/Numerite suggestions)
+ fixed cobra and generic lower terrain view obstructed
+ smoother camera zoom in/outs
+ less zoom out on spectator
+ lowered laos texture quality
+ fixed medkits on top of map
+ fixed potential respawn issue
+ fixed bots issues with getting stuck
+ fixed bots not using jets where appropriate
+ fixed some dumb bot pathing
+ fixed bots not crouching in low areas
+ bots now roll around
+ faster waypoint generation on map load
+ more optimized waypoint generation
+ fixed kill leaderboards issue

What should I work on next?

Have fun!

[ 2020-10-22 18:42:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

3 new maps + improved grenade physics!


Hi guys!

I'm happy to show you the fruit of my latests work: 2 new CTF maps and a new CTB map.

ctf_regain - a very small map ideal for 3v3

ctb_gen_generic - a new generated CTB map based on a placeholder scene (will be improved)

ctf_corazon - another 3v3 map

How do you like those maps?

Also, the grenade has a greater gravity pull and more dynamic arc - it's a lot more like Soldat 1 but a bit faster with more dynamism. This change should make it even more fun.

Important addition for server owners: WebRcon!
Please check changelog.txt for details.

0.7.9 - 0.7.12
+ added maps ctf_regain, ctf_corazon, ctb_gen_generic
+ nade - more speed and more arc (s1-like)
+ knife a bit more speed
+ explosion stun only if damage > 0.5
+ fixed bots not shooting barrett
+ zoom in on death
+ added generic map scene (as placeholder)
+ ctf_division and dm_jumpkick use generic level
+ improved basecamp ceiling collider for bots
+ weekly top changed to all-time
+ added url for join (s2://[ip]:[port])
+ [server] added commands: setteam, listplayers
+ [server] added webrcon support (http://www.webrcon.com)
+ [editor] fixed objects with non zero wont snap to 0

How do you like these changes? :)

Have fun!

[ 2020-10-15 18:11:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Level Editor Mini Tutorial


I made a tutorial for the Level Editor, check it out:

Please be aware the editor is still in alpha stage and fairly buggy, but you can easily make a map if you follow the tutorial.

If you make something please share on Discord.

And remember to have fun!

[ 2020-10-12 18:16:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Above player chats, new DM map, spawn fixes and more...

SOLDAT 2 UPDATE 0.7.7 - 0.79

Due to popular demand I made the chat messages show up above the player just like in the old Soldat.

Made an entirely new dm_katang (replaces the old one). This one should allow for some neat flow based movements.

Also various fixes including spawning into spectator and added a better effect for flag capture!


+ added new dm_katang
+ added above player chat texts
+ added self-explosion stuns (larger boosting velocity)
+ fixed respawn to spectator
+ better flag score effect
+ ctf/ctb matches time increased 8->10 mins
+ fixed not able to shoot after nade explodes in hands
+ spawn armor removes after player moves or shoots
+ added HUD notifier texts to console
+ fixed map editor crash on load map
+ fixed everyone in blue if autobalance off
+ [server] fixed incremental patches not working

Enjoy :)
And remember to have fun!

[ 2020-10-07 15:27:18 CET ] [ Original post ]


First of all, a new generated CaptureTheBases level based on the Cobra scene. Hope you enjoy this one. It's been added to the default CTB map cycle.

I improved the in-game HUD:
- added capture the bases flags minimap!
- made it larger
- moved flags display to the top center
- moved time status to top center
- dropped the killer preview to not obscure the screen so much

The much anticipated mouse sensitivity added!


See you in the game,


+ added ctb_gen_cobra
+ rearranged and scaled HUD
+ added CTB bases HUD
+ added cursor sensitivity settings
+ smaller CTF flag
+ added quick join gamemode multiplayer buttons
+ dragunov faster 0.43->0.35; clip lowered 8->6
+ fixed balancing issue
+ fixed respawning issue
+ added max respawn time 10s
+ fixed bug reporter destroying chat
+ fixed popup buttons not working
+ added popup msg if servers downtime
+ removed stun sound
+ fixed player going out of map side bounds
+ weapons menu only closes after primary picked
+ removed basecamp weaponry button (temporarily)
+ autoservershutdown default to 24
+ added rcon command: addmodifier [modifier]; removemodifier [modifier]

[ 2020-10-01 18:23:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

SOLDAT 2 UPDATED (PATCHES 0.7.0 - 0.7.2)

I'm working hard on fixing the most game breaking issues like disconnects and other net issues.
It's getting better and better!

After everybody is happy with the fixes I'm gonna implement the most frequent suggestions (from the Discord community suggestions).
(Looks like mouse sensitivity and kill feed but I have to count the votes to be sure).

See you in the game,


[26.09.2020] 0.7.2
+ added OneShot, SniperOnly and KnifeOnly modifier
+ fixed autobalance swithing alive player
+ removed stock music
+ twaeked respawn times
+ fixed some spawning issues
+ knife/nade has more friction
+ knife/grenade throw has a bit of an arc (s1-like)
+ grenade inherited velocity 0.5->1.0 (s1-like)
+ knife inherited velocity 0.5->0.0 (s1-like)
+ lowered volume of stun sound
+ fixed flag cap issues
+ nicer colors on dm_ash
+ ctb_gen_jarhead lowered max height
+ added network settings to client.json
+ fixed some net/lag issues
+ fixed players not assigned for player just joining
+ added Cycles/Custom directory
+ fixed non ascii characters in chat
+ added switch team button
+ fixed config wipe
+ backflip improved (normal jets during roll)
+ inherited velocity config in knife/nade not in gostek

[24.09.2020] 0.7.1
+ net/lag issue tweaks
+ fixed various issues after server disconnection
+ respawn only after weapon menu closed
+ dragunov shots to kill 2->3
+ more force for jump up
+ tweaked jump side angle
+ a bit more jets
+ weapons menu shows up faster after death
+ better weapons menu hide handling
+ fixed possible respawning issues
+ fixed no message when joining max players server
+ connecting popup max time 3s
+ [dedi] added autoshutdownserverafterhours config
+ tweaked rolling animation
+ fixed gostek twitching on bike
+ fixed possible spawning issues
+ games list - default sort by players
+ lowered default main menu music volume
+ less respawn time in ctf with lots of players
+ added facebook social button

[ 2020-09-28 18:10:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 AMA on Reddit with MM and his THD Team


[h2]TODAY we're making Soldat 2 AMA on Reddit. [/h2]

Where: r/games channel: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/
EDIT: We're here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/iz4sx4/we_are_the_team_behind_soldat_2_just_released_on/

Come and join our chat it'll be fun!!

[h2]Our team would like to play with you all after AMA![/h2]

We'll meet on the Team THD server on Steam.


24th of June, 10 PM CEST


[h2]Transhuman Design (THD)[/h2]

We are an independent studio led by Michal Marcinkowski, creator of Soldat, the indie classic that dominated the 2D multiplayer world and directly inspired games like N, Showdown Effect and Take Arms.

We work on our projects remotely, from different locations around the globe, without focusing on a single genre or audience. We strive to follow our instincts and passions when creating games.

[h2]Read more ABOUT our TEAM[/h2]

Photo from 2016 - Some guys from our team (Soldat 2 - MM, Furai, Paul Zimmerman; Soldat - Shoozza; Geti - King Arthur's Gold; Sos Sosowski - McPixel)

See you in the battlefield!
And remember to have fun!
MM & THD Team

[ 2020-09-24 17:31:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

SOLDAT 2 Released!

Soldat 2 Released on Steam!

[h3]Put on your rocket-boots and grab your gun. Soldat 2 is ready! [/h3]

[h2]BEGIN! [/h2]


[h2]WATCH the TRAILER[/h2]
[h2]Join the LIVE!Streaming event here:[/h2]
Can't join us today? No worries
Grab your bowl with popcorn and watch the LIVE!Stream.
We made a special Facebook event with links to all the different live streams!

[h2]Early Access Features:[/h2]

  • online multiplayer (with dedicated servers)
  • iconic physics-based movement
  • essential multiplayer gamemodes (capture the flag, point capture, battle royale)
  • procedurally generated and designed levels
  • realistic weapons and military equipment
  • ragdoll physics and over the top violence
  • singleplayer & custom battle sandbox
  • lo-fi mode for clarity or potato pc's
  • built-in gif recording!

[h2]Join our community on Soldat 2 Discord server! [/h2]

See you in the battlefield...
And remember to have fun!
MM & THD Team

[ 2020-09-22 20:05:26 CET ] [ Original post ]


[h2] 1 DAY[/h2]

[h2]Play Soldat 2 on the release day![/h2]
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 8 PM CEST

The game will cost:
$13.50 with a 10% launch discount (regular price $14.99)

Can't join us that day? No worries
Grab your bowl with popcorn and watch the LIVE!Stream.
We made a special Facebook event with links to all the different live streams!

[h2]Join the LIVE!Streaming event here:[/h2]

Are you a streamer/gamer/person who wants to stream the gameplay?
Let us all know via mail (pr@thd.vg).

Wishlist NOW!

Join our community on Soldat 2 Discord server!

See you in the battlefield...
And remember to have fun!
THD Team

[ 2020-09-21 19:58:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 Dedicated Server

[h3]Just released the Soldat 2 Dedicated Server.[/h3]

If you want to host a server, you can do so now so it's ready for the release Tuesday!


See you in the game!
And remember to have fun ;)

[ 2020-09-20 21:54:01 CET ] [ Original post ]


You know what?!?

[h2] 2 DAYS [/h2]

[h2]Play Soldat 2 on the release day![/h2]
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 8 PM CEST

Can't join us that day? No worries
Grab your bowl with popcorn and watch the LIVE!Stream.
We made a special Facebook event with links to all the different live streams!

[h2]Join the LIVE!Streaming event here:[/h2]

Are you a streamer/gamer/person who wants to stream the gameplay?
Let us all know via mail (pr@thd.vg) or in the comments section.

Wishlist NOW!

Join our community on Soldat 2 Discord server!

And remember to have fun!
THD Team

[ 2020-09-20 17:37:26 CET ] [ Original post ]


Brace yourselves!!!
We start the COUNTDOWN...

[h2] 3 DAYS [/h2]

Release date:
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Wishlist NOW!

How do you like Soldat 1 movement recreated in Soldat 2?

Join our community on Soldat 2 Discord server!

And remember to have fun!

[ 2020-09-19 21:24:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

Legendary Soldat 1 movement recreated in Soldat 2

The Soldat 1 movement inspired many games including N and was analyzed in the book "Game Feel" by Steve Swink.
I'm happy to have recreated it in Soldat 2 and expanded for even more fun! I've been making this sequel for over 2 years now as a "one man army" developer.


It's coming to Steam on Tuesday, September 22, 2020!

Wishlist if you haven't already!

Join our community on Soldat 2 Discord server!

And remember to have fun!

[ 2020-09-18 19:36:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 - the finalist of the Digital Dragons Indie Showcase


[h3]Soldat 2 is the finalist of the Digital Dragons Indie Showcase and you can help the game by VOTING [/h3]

Winners of the event will be announced on the 18th Sept at 7 PM CEST during Digital Dragons Award Gala available on the Steam event page.

[h3]Please VOTE for Soldat 2 here [/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/sale/IndieShowcase

The voting button looks like this:

Thank you :)

[ 2020-09-16 12:25:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

SOLDAT 2 Release Date revealed!

Soldat 2 premieres:
22nd of September 2020!
[h3]Time: 19:00 CEST[/h3]

After nearly 2 years of a one man army style development I can finally announce the release date.

The game is in the final phase of several weeks of multiplayer testing and will be ready for release in Early Access on Steam for Windows, Linux and Mac. WISHLIST NOW if you haven't already!

It will be still in development, I'll be collecting feedback from the players and introducing new features.

Soldat 2 Capture The Flag multiplayer tests gameplay on CTF_DIVISION:
Soldat 2 aims to recreate the classic experience of online deathmatch famous in Soldat, with the same physics-based movement, violence and guns. But it is much more than that with a new 2.5D look, weapons, customizations, gamemodes and experimental features such as:

  • motorbikes

  • battle royale

  • and an agar.io inspired gamemode

[h3]Early Access Features:[/h3]

  • online multiplayer (with dedicated servers)
  • iconic physics-based movement
  • essential multiplayer gamemodes (capture the flag, point capture, battle royale)
  • procedurally generated and designed levels
  • realistic weapons and military equipment
  • ragdoll physics and over the top violence
  • singleplayer & custom battle sandbox
  • lo-fi mode for clarity or potato pc's
  • built-in gif recording!

[h3]Soldat 1[/h3]
Is a legendary multiplayer game and now it has a sequel after 18 years!

Watch my story on how the game started 18 years ago:

Don't forget to WISHLIST if you haven't yet to get notified about the game release immediately!

See you in the game!
And remember to have fun ;)

[ 2020-09-11 18:22:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Multiplayer Testing has begun!

Brace yourselves!

[h3][h2]Soldat 2 Multiplayer testing is now open! [/h2][/h3]

The Steam keys have been sent to players who subscribed to tests.

If you got the key don't forget to check Official Soldat 2 Discord server to know when we're play testing.

Soldat 2 will be released soon after testing is done and bugs are fixed! (should be a few weeks at most).
Your feedback will be very helpful.

Here are some new gifs from the recent test sessions, how do you like it?

See you in the game!
And remember to have fun ;)

[ 2020-08-28 20:11:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Multiplayer testing postponed due to critical bugs

The status of multiplayer testing is any day now for a few weeks now. Unfortunately, I encounter many critical bugs in internal testing which Im fixing constantly. So theres no point in multiplayer testing until I fix all the bugs I can find myself. So wish me luck :)

The release date of Soldat 2 is also unknown at this point because everything depends on how well multiplayer testing goes.

I want this game to be the best possible. In the meantime here are some gifs of bugs and bloopers:

If youd like to sign-up for testing follow this link.

If you havent wishlisted Soldat 2 please do so now!

Thanks and until next time,
Lead Soldat 2 Developer

[ 2020-07-09 15:53:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

Dev Interview (Steam Game Festival)

"Soldat 2 is the most difficult game I've ever made. Mostly because of the expectations I put on myself. I think if I just did the same thing with a bit more polished graphics and bug fixes most people would be happy. But I never go the easy route. So, there is an enormous amount of pressure I put on myself. I decided Soldat 2 has to be as good as the first one and even better. So, the same amount of fun is extremely hard to copy because I have to spend hours analyzing and playing Soldat 1 (I don't remember how most things were done, it was 18 years ago). And then, I have to top that with making practically every aspect of the game better, more polished, more fun".

~ MM
Steam Game Festival interview

Read more: https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/group/37833817/view/2260191322986218683

[ 2020-06-22 18:48:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

We are Transhuman Design. We make indie games.

Photo from 2016 (Soldat 2 - MM, Furai, Paul Zimmerman; Soldat - Shoozza; Geti - King Arthur's Gold; Sos Sosowski - McPixel)

[h2]Transhuman Design (THD)[/h2]

We are an independent studio led by Michal Marcinkowski, creator of Soldat, the indie classic that dominated the 2D multiplayer world and directly inspired games like N, Showdown Effect and Take Arms.

Soldat was followed by King Arthurs Gold, a very successful (and crazy) multiplayer buildnkill game featuring ridable sharks, shields used as parachutes and catapults employed as rapid means of transport into enemy base.

We work on our projects remotely, from different locations around the globe, without focusing on a single genre or audience. We strive to follow our instincts and passions when creating games, even if from the marketing perspective it sounds like well, suicide.

[h2]Michal "MM" Marcinkowski[/h2]

My name is Micha Marcinkowski and in 2002 I created a game called Soldat - a 2D side-scrolling online shooter (inspired by Liero, Quake and CS) which quickly became a world-wide phenomenon. It directly inspired games like N, Showdown Effect and Take Arms. Soldat was a true indie game before the terms indie game even existed (also free-to-play before free-to-play was coined :D).

Throughout the 00s Soldat was a popular free internet game but then its popularity began dwindling down. I created other games including King Arthurs Gold which was a big success for me and my team Transhuman Design. But years passed and I got tired of working in teams and I felt I needed to make something very personal, something which I know I am good at in my heart - 2D side-scrolling mouse-driven pvp action!

So about two years ago I began working on a sequel to Soldat. I came back to my roots as a one man army indie developer and since then have been developing Soldat 2. I hope to bring the same type of amazing fun gameplay that has been a hallmark of Soldat. Including the iconic movement and physics which brought so much joy to fans. On top of that I will be adding tons of new game modes, weapons and modding features and hopefully spawn a big community creating custom content on Steam Workshop (personally mods are my biggest joy when it comes to game development because I love to see players becoming developers!).

[h2]SOLDAT 2[/h2]

A direct successor to the 2D multiplayer shooter Soldat which took the Internet and LAN parties by storm in the early 2000's.

Developed to be a 2.5D multiplayer military shooter based on classic Soldat with an expanding workshop community, customization of every part of the battle from level generation to the weapons, soldiers and game modes.

Soldat 2 aims at recreating the basic Soldat gameplay experience with fresh and enhanced content. Customization and modding will be a core feature with procedurally generated levels, custom game rules and modes, weapons, vehicles, structures and a battle simulator sandbox. Soldat 2 strives to become a powerful platform for custom created content, mods and other Soldat-like games.

Developed by one man, the original creator of Soldat, King Arthur's Gold and producer of Butcher Michal 'MM' Marcinkowski.


  • online multiplayer (with dedicated servers)
  • custom battle sandbox
  • procedurally generated or designed levels
  • famous flow-based movement
  • realistic weapons and military equipment
  • ragdoll physics and over the top violence
  • modifiers (every game parameter is editable)
  • full mod support
  • level editor + generator
  • explosives + level destruction
  • more character customizations
  • more weapons and equipment
  • more levels and game modes
  • classes, vehicles and other experimental features

Wishlist the game:

And remember to have fun!

[ 2020-06-18 21:15:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Interview with MM + all the events of the Steam Game Festival

[h2]Steam interviewed Michal "MM" Marcinkowski [/h2]

He told them interesting facts about the SOLDAT series development:

"Soldat 2 is the most difficult game I've ever made. Mostly because of the expectations I put on myself. I think if I just did the same thing with a bit more polished graphics and bug fixes most people would be happy. But I never go the easy route. So, there is an enormous amount of pressure I put on myself. I decided Soldat 2 has to be as good as the first one and even better".

Read more in the official STEAM DEVELOPER SPOTLIGHT:

[h2]Steam Game Festival SOLDAT 2 events:[/h2]

  • [h3]17th of June, 20:00 CEST - SOLDAT 2 Live Stream by MM with QA: [/h3]


  • [h3]19th of June, 20:00 CEST - CHAT with the dev:[/h3]


Play SOLDAT 2 demo:

Watch SOLDAT 2 Steam Game Festival Trailer:


[ 2020-06-17 18:13:59 CET ] [ Original post ]


[h2]Demo patch released for the Steam Game Festival![/h2]
CTF, 3 New Weapons and More!

It showcases Capture the Flag with a new map ctf_cobra instead of Capture The Bases.

Tons of fixes and improvements. Check it out!

And if youre ready for multiplayer testing please sign-up here.

New Steam Game Festival trailer:

Changes 0.5.45-0.6.24:

+ added Capture the flag
+ added ctf_cobra
+ added weapon Barrett
+ added weapon Tec-9
+ added weapon Flak Cannon
+ reworked fogs on all maps
+ improved jump anims
+ gostek help uses proper input
+ added song "Necromancide"
+ core settings damage scale 1.0->0.75
+ more visible settings fonts and buttons
+ input saved to client.json
+ added patreon contributors list in credits
+ improved roll forces and roll animations
+ makarov slower fire rate
+ nade damage 1.1->0.9
+ revamped gamemode thumbnails
+ added limb stubs and better splats
+ better stun drag and animation
+ custom battle / main menu alignment fixes
+ more speed needed for superman stun
+ less gloss on soldier skin
+ weapons have bigger pickup triggers
+ added weapons collision sound and effects
+ slower weapon change
+ improved air run animations
+ more crunch on gun and explosion sounds
+ fixed spas pellet sound
+ fixed shell sounds
+ larger weapon lights
+ new direction arrow
+ fixed makarov grip
+ fixed aim angle when firing
+ improved prone look up animation
+ smoother stun transitions
+ better colors on rheinmetall
+ bot paths improvements
+ fixed bots teams messed up in custom battle
+ settings can scale weapon light
+ fixed weapon pickups glitch when many weapons
+ impact angles fixed
+ fixed bullets not hitting hitbox

Play the DEMO:


[ 2020-06-16 16:07:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

Chat with the Dev -> Steam Game Festival


Come and chat with me on Discord and Steam!

Please ask me questions about Soldat 2, tell me what you like and what you don't like. If you remember Soldat 1 and want to ask some nostalgia related questions I'll be happy to answer those too!

19th of June, 20:00 CEST

SOLDAT 2 Discord - We'll meet in the #general channel.
Steam Forums.

Play the demo and have fun!

Watch the TRAILER:

See you there!

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

[ 2020-06-15 21:21:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Soldat 2 Stream by MM + Q/A (Steam Game Festival)

Hey Soldateers,
MM here!

I'll be live-streaming the Soldat 2 demo and giving you an overview of what to expect in the full version. If there's time I'll also show you the development version with parts of the game that aren't yet publicly available (like the level editor and other game modes).

Please ask me questions, tell me what you like and what you don't like. If you remember Soldat 1 and want to ask some nostalgia related questions I'll be happy to answer those too!

Come and join my stream it'll be fun!!

17th of June, 20:00 CEST

SteamStore Page, This Event Page, THD Youtube, Twitch.

I will be there for you for an hour or so, answering your questions from Discord during the gameplay.

Here's the SOLDAT 2 Discord server.
We'll meet in the #general channel.

Some new screenshots:

Wishlist the game!

Watch the TRAILER:

And remember to have fun!

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

[ 2020-06-12 14:06:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Soldat 2 Stream by MM + Q/A -> posponed to 17th of June

Hey Soldateers,

As the Steam Game Festival moved a week later, the Live Stream and chat that has been announced for today, has a new date:

17th of June, 20:00 CEST

SteamStore Page, This Event Page, THD Youtube, Twitch.

I will be there for you for an hour or so, answering your questions from Discord during the gameplay.

Here's the SOLDAT 2 Discord server.
We'll meet in the #general channel.

Read more here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/474220/announcements/detail/2254561823450507543

Save the date!

[ 2020-06-10 20:41:06 CET ] [ Original post ]

Devlog 6: Making a new weapon

I wanted to add a new weapon, something that wasn't in Soldat 1...

Btw, looking at explosions is so much fun!...


[ 2020-06-09 17:41:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Soldat 2 Stream by MM + Q/A (Steam Games Festival)

Hey Soldateers,
MM here!

I'll be live-streaming the Soldat 2 demo and giving you an overview of what to expect in the full version. If there's time I'll also show you the development version with parts of the game that aren't yet publicly available (like the level editor and other game modes).

Please ask me questions, tell me what you like and what you don't like. If you remember Soldat 1 and want to ask some nostalgia related questions I'll be happy to answer those too!

Come and join my stream it'll be fun!!

10th of June, 20:00 - 21:30 CEST

SteamStore Page, This Event Page, THD Youtube, Twitch.

I will be there for you for an hour or so, answering your questions from Discord during the gameplay.

Here's the SOLDAT 2 Discord server.
We'll meet in the #general channel.

Some new screenshots:

Wishlist the game!

Watch the TRAILER:

And remember to have fun!

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

[ 2020-06-05 20:00:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Devlog 5: Recreating a classic Soldat map in Unity

Do you recognize which map MM is recreating in this new devlog? ;)


[ 2020-05-21 20:45:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Devlog 4: New gamemode!


[ 2020-05-14 23:08:21 CET ] [ Original post ]

Devlog 3: Coding testing multiplayer


[ 2020-05-07 17:59:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

The first 2 video devlogs are now live!

The first 2 video devlogs are now live on YouTube! The plan is to make regular videos of the game's development as a way to tease, educate, and entertain you. Find below both devlogs, and do not hesitate to give feedback if you have any!

[ 2020-04-30 20:57:10 CET ] [ Original post ]


New demo patch is out fixing some important issues. Meanwhile multiplayer and Capture The Flag is coming!
Stay tuned!

Environment backgrounds and skies have been improved for visibility and aesthetics:

Backflips, rolls, jets, and explosion forces have been remodelled based on S1:

Ragdolls can now fall into the foreground:


Changelog 0.5.38-0.5.40:
+ s1-like backflip and rolls
+ s1-like jets
+ s1-like crouch speed
+ s1-like explosion forces
+ minimized stun time
+ superman button works as toggle or hold
+ superman can go thru platforms
+ disabled enemy collisions by default
+ a bit faster m79 bullet
+ wider more visible bullets
+ added aspect ratios support including 21:9
+ disabled dynamic zoom
+ new gradient skies
+ Laos and Nevada scenes improved
+ multiple generator additions and fixes
+ added in-game resolution change
+ added in-game input config
+ added sniper line toggle
+ added ragdolls client setting
+ added gif recording to graphic settings
+ removed decals by default
+ camera bounds adjusted
+ added sharpen fullscreen filter
+ bots better air waypoint handling
+ non-ragdolls dont slide and timeout faster
+ better tutorial key blinking
+ help key is now F11
+ smoother cam transition on bullet time
+ added quit button
+ added spectator tilt variable
+ fixed punch
+ ragdoll can fall into foreground
+ removed game launcher
+ fixed spas available in OMA at start
+ demo ends after 2nd map

[ 2020-04-22 18:38:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

Remodelling iconic Soldat movement and maps in Soldat 2

The iconic Soldat movement & physics are meticulously re-modelled in Soldat 2.
MM does this by both studying the old-code and then by visual video comparison.

Also, some old maps are about to be remade.

For example remake of 'ctf_ash' made in the Soldat 2 level editor:

Level Editor:

All Soldat moves are possible in Soldat 2 and more!
For a full list click here.

Play Soldat on Steam.

Don't forget to wishlist Soldat 2 DEMO!

We're working hard on polishing the game for its multiplayer release, so if you have any feedback do not hesitate to post on the official Steam forums or the Discord.

[ 2020-04-18 20:05:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soldat 2 Demo

The Soldat 2 demo is now live! Enjoy a singleplayer experience with One Man Army and Capture The Bases, before the full game releases as Early Access in the upcoming quarter. If you want to be alerted for future news, such as the game release, please wishlist the game on the Steam store page.
We're working hard on polishing the game for its multiplayer release, so if you have any feedback do not hesitate to post on the official Steam forums or the Discord

[ 2020-03-26 20:05:52 CET ] [ Original post ]