Hello everyone, We've been getting a lot of questions about the future of ZEPHON, so today we're excited to share some news. We're deep in production on the first content pack and plan to release two DLCs in 2025: one in Q2 and another in Q4. The Q2 DLC is currently set for release on April 28. It's focused on the early-game and will include approximately:
- 2 leaders (1 human + 1 voice)
- 7 units (2 per branch + 1 npc)
- 3 operations
- 3 items
- 2 outposts
- 5 quests (2 leader-specific + 3 side quests)
- 4 music tracks (3 branch themes + 1 exploration track)
[ 2025-02-03 18:42:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've just released an update with additional lore for each leader and some quality-of-life improvements. On top of that, we're running a 10% discount during the winter sale. Happy holidays! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ ## New * Added unique story blurb for each leader that shows in the turn after founding the first city. * Added ability to buy and sell larger resource quantities with a single click. * Added ability to issue unit move / attack / capture orders through the minimap. * Added decline calls prompt before end turn if there are incoming calls (so that it's harder to miss them). * Added Edge Scroll setting. ## General * Fast forward is now activatable right after ending the turn if all active players are ready (instead of when the AI turn starts). * Concordat resource lists now scroll together. * The AI will now only attack capturable units if they can be captured by its enemies. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Multi-Spectral Scattering tech being called Stealth. * Fixed game not starting due to outdated installation of Visual C++ Redistributable. * Fixed Atlas Tank Gauss Cannon actions consuming movement.
[ 2024-12-20 12:47:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
## Balance * Black Hole now damage adjacent tiles with half attacks per turn. * Seed of Extinction now damage adjacent tiles with half attacks. * Black Hole, Seed of Extinction and Tactical Nuclear Missile now have Ignores Cover trait. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed mutator unlocks not synchronizing with Steam achievements. * Fixed Black Hole showing multiple radiuses. * Fixed some typos.
[ 2024-12-11 12:16:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
## General * The video memory manager now budgets at least 2000 MB of video memory (the game's min requirements) when using auto-budgeting and relies on graphics drivers for cards that have less. ## Balance * NPCs can now get research from caches. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed armor hint showing damage reductions above 83%. * Fixed final battle future titan kills not being registered anymore when quests are disabled and the player reloads. * Fixed certain objectives not completing if units to kill were instead taken over. * Fixed a conversion bug that could result in the video memory amount specified in configuration (if not set to auto-detect) not matching the video memory amount budgeted. * Fixed some typos.
[ 2024-12-09 13:00:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
## Balance * Increased Modulated Harmony from +5 levels to +9 levels. * Reduced The Outsider influence cost from 80 to 60. * Reallocate can no longer be used on summons or decaying units. * Reduced Industrial Density production gain from +2 to +1. * Reduced Industrial Density energy upkeep from 2 to 1. * Changed Seed of Extinction from damage 4, armor penetration 4, attacks 3 to damage 32, armor penetration 10, attacks 1. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Gladial Emanator still using the old Splash mechanics. * Fixed AI using the Vulkan R5's Power Spike at the wrong time. * Fixed Decoy Flares and Stealth Pods showing on the Hades Bomber model without having the upgrades researched. * Fixed Interceptor Missiles showing on the Phoenix Interceptor model without having the upgrades researched.
[ 2024-12-02 17:17:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
## General * Improved Nuke and Black Hole hints. * Made AI improvements concerning the usage of Interference Protocols, Cache of the Insensate, Candle of Glory, Chayot Crospect and Frenzy. * Killing Orin in The Pulled Thread now rewards the player with influence. ## Balance * Nomadic Life now costs 40 minerals and 40 influence for the second city, and 80 minerals and 80 influence when not controlled by the Chieftess. * Reduced Foundation of Blood production from +33% to +25% (and its upgrades from +17% to +8%). * Increased Profane Pilgrimage dimensional echoes cost from 1 to 3. * Reduced Abyssal Miasma attacks from 3 to 2. * Adjusted Tactical Nuclear Missile from 4 damage, 3 attacks and 4 armor penetration to 24 damage, 1 attack and 9 armor penetration. * Adjusted Black Hole from 4 damage, 3 attacks and 4 armor penetration to 32 damage, 1 attack and 10 armor penetration with 50% attacks on adjacent tiles. * Reduced Fusion Warhead and Event Horizon damage bonus from +33% to +25%. * Massive Splash now grants +100% instead of +75% attacks per additional enemy group member. * Reduced Shiraki Cruise Missile damage from 16 to 12. * Reduced Shiraki Cruise Missile armor penetration from 8 to 7. * Increased Industrial Density production gain from +1 to +2. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Experimental Drugs and Dream Prison hint. * Fixed Buster playing Reaver animation when founding city. * Fixed being able to enqueue more buildings than a tile can hold. * Fixed floating damage display sometimes being off by 0.1, e.g. when dealing 8.04 damage with a Nuke. * Fixed Nuke and Black Hole damage estimate. * Fixed Orin not despawning after being captured in The Pulled Thread. * Fixed Gungnir consuming movement.
[ 2024-11-29 13:09:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
# Version 1.0.13 ## Balance * Reworked Splash, Large Splash and Massive Splash to now grant bonus attacks for each additional enemy group member. * Increased Anti-Armor Grenade damage from 2 to 3. * Reduced Anti-Armor Grenade armor penetration from 3 to 2. * Increased Fragmentation Grenade armor penetration from 0 to 1. * Reduced Saturation System attacks from 3 to 2. * Reduced Anti-Matter Grenade armor penetration from 6 to 5. * Reduced Power Spike cooldown from 3 to 1. * Concussive no longer works on Titans. * Increased Praetorians cost by 33%. * Incinerator now has Large Splash instead of Splash. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Concussive not showing. * Fixed 0% total showing in the technology hints. * Fixed Interpolated Production not working. * Fixed Praetorians unit name being singular. * Fixed units under Dream Prison not counting towards the limit or cost scaling.
[ 2024-11-27 12:37:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
## Bug Fixes * Fixed Shoch'itris Lair not exerting control over outposts. * Fixed a potential bug with the same unit or tile being marked and used in more than one quest. * Fixed being able to Nuke and Black Hole allies. * Fixed a crash that could occur when cancelling building orders.
[ 2024-11-26 17:29:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
# Version 1.0.11 ## General * The Warden to be killed in Price of Honor is now leashed. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Arsham's Satchel not working properly. * Fixed The Deep not triggering for non-host players in multiplayer. * Fixed an issue with quests potentially getting stuck because a quest stage being instantly completed. * Fixed Reaming Crodeus being able to transport titans. * Fixed Reaming Crodeus disembarking ground units on water when it dies.
[ 2024-11-25 12:35:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
# Version 1.0.8 ## General * Tweaked Cherubim Titan death explosion. * Tweaked Atlas Tank description. ## Balance * Adjusted escalation paces to have the finale happen on the turns 60/80/100/120/140 instead of 50/75/100/150/200. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed a quest progression issue with The Last Days of Earth in multiplayer. * Fixed an issue with running out of descriptor sets with too many units in the game. # Version 1.0.9 ## General * New save game name now defaults to the game name. * Added support for Steam Deck text input. * Added better default Steam Deck control layout. * Added advanced world setting for cache density. * Arrow keys now move scrollbars that are under the cursor. * Updated Russian translation. ## Balance * Increased the amount the AI will demand and is willing to pay for a deal. * Adjusted escalation paces to have the finale happen on the turns 67/80/100/120/150 instead of 60/80/100/120/140. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed a crash in Korean translation when selecting Destroy Shards in Under Observation. * Fixed Deflector Shield not being researchable with Seraphim Archangel unlocked. * Fixed Jump Pack not saying that it flies to target tile. * Fixed world seed in the in-game menu not copying the seed to the clipboard. * Fixed Ichor of Uzhodai being researchable without Sealed Hermitage. * Fixed Numinous Reveries requiring Masked Hymnal instead of Apotheosis. * Fixed being able to overspend resources under certain conditions. * Fixed a potential particle system crash. * Fixed items in the compendium quoting too many attacks. # Version 1.0.10 ## Bug Fixes * Fixed a crash that could occur when quitting to main menu in ironman mode. * Added additional diagnostics to track down a stubborn crash.
[ 2024-11-23 15:39:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, We're thrilled with how the release has gone and are overwhelmed by the positive feedbacka huge thank you to everyone who bought and is playing ZEPHON! It's extremely motivating to see after working on the project for this many years. While during the first week we mainly focused on chasing down bugs and taking in feedback, rest assured that plans to further expand and enrich the universe of ZEPHON have already been set in motion. Stay tuned!
Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.7
- Changing language or GUI scale can now only be done in the main menu to prevent crashes.
- Slighty reduced priority for AI players to build loyalty buildings.
- Improved performance of Tachyon explosions.
- Growth hint now shows contribution from game speed.
- Don't allow disbanding a transport if there are enemy units inside.
- Color positive and negative standing effects of diplomatic actions in hints.
- Renamed Windowed Undecorated to Borderless.
- Tweaked alliance victory tip.
- Tweaked Words of the Prophet AI to not use the ability if the target has very low hitpoints.
- Arsham's Satchel now also affects the hero holding the item.
- Increased Blighted, On Fire and Poisoned hitpoints loss each turn from 2 to 3.
- Increased Causal Well enemy hitpoints loss each turn from 3 to 4.
- Increased Causal Well allied hitpoints gain each turn from 3 to 4.
- Increased Speciment Containment research from 2 to 3.
- Words of the Prophet now requires the target to be below 50% hitpoints.
- Decreased Words of the Prophet influence cost by 25%.
- EMP Drones no longer work against titans.
- Nightmare dying no longer causes any morale change.
- Fixed the game crashing for certain Cicada Density values.
- Fixed a crash in Under Observation quest with Russian or Korean language active.
- Fixed a crash in Child of the New World for non-English language.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in hot seat.
- Fixed a potential crash when building the minimap.
- Fixed interludes appearing too often.
- Fixed auto-disable simultaneous turns advanced setting label not being hidden in single player.
- Fixed Shoch'itris Lair not being revealed when under cover.
- Fixed typo in auxiliary hud background.
- Fixed Entomb not removing action points.
- Fixed The Outsider and Quid Pro Quo scaling wrongly with game speed.
- Fixed crash when ZEPHON city damage is reflected.
- Fixed incorrect damage reflection.
- Fixed auto-disable simultaneous turns not working if contact is not established.
- Fixed a crash caused by taking control of Abkluth Dragoons with Words of the Prophet and losing the Toxic Spear upgrade.
- Fixed Decoy Flares lasing forever.
- Fixed auto-disable simultaneous turns disabling simultaneous turns right away.
- Fixed potential threading issues when refreshing resources.
- Fixed a potential race condition while loading the game.
- Fixed Arsham's Satchel affecting non-allied units.
- Updated Vulkan Memory Allocator with new version that avoids some race conditions.
- Make sure we're using 48 kHz for the audio device output frequency so we match the buffers and don't need to resample. Also prevents preformance issues of someone setting 192 kHz in Windows.
- Fixed several race conditions.
- Fixed certain traits wrongly showing on outposts.
- Fixed Machine Evolution applying multiple times due to acquired outposts.
- Fixed growth setting in advanced parameters having no effect.
- Fixed crash in the mods screen when the preview png had no alpha channel.
- Fixed crash when selecting a very large save in the save or load screen.
- Fixed crash that could occur if you have no friends on Steam.
- Fixed several race conditions.
- Improved audio thread safety and performance.
- Fixed that the Honorable Aristocrat gets his Price of Honor achievement by retrieving the Cornucopia personally instead of sending his men.
- The option to build Voice Acolytes in Meet Your Maker is no longer available if the mutator What Are You is active.
- Fixed unit responses being placed at origin if it's still playing when the unit is dead.
- Fixed Concordat item costs showing with too many decimals.
- Fixed very long notifications being cropped.
- Hide incoming call of a player that has been defeated.
- Fixed a threading issue regarding the Chieftess unleashing her units to raid.
- Fixed some typos.
[ 2024-11-15 11:56:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were beyond excited to share that ZEPHON is now officially live on Steam for everyone! Thank you all so much for your amazing support throughout this journey. "The Voice knew things. Impossible things. Was it petty to simply use its premonitions to see our enemies? Or was that how the Voice drew people in? Did it show them knowledge, promise power, then offer more? The Whisperer knew. She didnt ever say." [previewyoutube=zZXl5I73vys;full][/previewyoutube] If you're looking for reviews, an excellent one is below: [previewyoutube=2axC82hpy4Y;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-11-08 16:09:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
We bring you news of ZEPHON's official release date: November 8th at 6 AM PT / 1 PM GMT. Special thanks to everyone that's been helping us test the game: we squished a lot of bugs! See you soon! "It was all just an equation for ZEPHON. Reavers and Acrin had to scrap, steal, and fight like hell to keep their edge, but that machine was always plotting its way toward the end. Its machines' power just ticked, ticked, ticked upward carefully calculated to match our pace. It never ran ahead. Just watched. Followed. And observed." https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/
[ 2024-10-08 11:38:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've decided to move ZEPHON's release from Q3 to Q4 2024. This will give us some breathing room to make sure everything is up to our standards before we send out builds for review. While gameplay is largerly complete, we're currently working hard on effects and the end game. Special thanks go to everyone that has played the demos and given their invaluable feedback. Stay sane.
[ 2024-07-30 08:40:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last ninth playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from July 18th (@ 12 pm CEST) to July 29th (@ 12 pm CEST) on Steam. There are no big changes in this demoit's meant for one final round of testing and feedback before release. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo includes single player and multiplayer, but is limited to up to four players on a medium-sized map. 5 different leaders are available for selection and 3 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 6 tech tiers. The full version will contain larger maps, advanced game setup options, 8 leaders, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 9
## New * Whispering Wights that reduce unit morale each turn now randomly spawn on wasteland tiles. * AI players now praise wars with common enemies. * New Hashamllim Host voice over. * Actions that create units (e.g. Create Shoch'itris Lair) can now be right-clicked to open the compendium for the unit entry. ## Balance * Bleed, Dust Storm, Fire, Hymn of Decay, Incandescent Icon and The Fog no longer damage units inside transports. * Schism of Regminina can now also be used if ZEHPON is not your enemy and without repercussions from them. * Quantum Economics now decreases Quantum Manipulators cost for each Quantum Manipulators in each own city. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed diplomacy call stall issues. * Fixed Bunker flavor. * Fixed Disband pressable even without action points. * Fixed System Overload not mentioning target. * Fixed quest locations not spawning on volcanic terrain.
[ 2024-07-13 12:12:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Rob and Drexy were able to speak with Rok and Lorenz from Proxy Studios about their in-development post-apocalyptic 4X game, ZEPHON, and learn about their future plans, the feedback theyve received, and much more. Listen: https://explorminate.org/zephon-interview-exclusive-insights-from-proxy-studios/ Also on Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/explorminate/episodes/ZEPHON-Interview-Exclusive-Insights-from-Proxy-Studios-e2kuk73
[ 2024-06-18 18:55:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
The eight playable demo of ZEPHON will be available until June 27th (@ 12 pm CEST) on Steam. The biggest change in this demo is the addition of tier 6 research, voiced leader reactions and diplomacy improvements. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo includes single player and multiplayer, but is limited to up to four players on a medium-sized map. 5 different leaders are available for selection and 3 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 6 tech tiers. The full version will contain larger maps, advanced game setup options, 8 leaders, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 8
## New * Added tier 6 technologies (NOTE: Voice tier 6 units will hopefully be playable later in the event). * Added voiced leader reactions to enhance immersion. * Added Chayot Exterminator voice over. * Added first story interlude. * A lot of diplomacy actions now show the major impact on the decision. * AI players will now condemn you for participating in the destruction of a city of theirs that isn't the last one. * When unsuccessfully convincing an AI leader of terminating a peace treaty, trade agreement or alliance with a third party, they might report the attempt to the third party, which will then condemn the interference attempt. * Research completed screen now has a button for select research. * Show trait rank next to the small trait icons. * Previous behaviour and extortionate nature will now be listed as major decision impact when appropriate. * Added story interlude ambient audio. * Hovering the mouse over a damaging trait icon like Bleed or Sandstorm now shows damage result for the selected unit. ## General * Weapon icons of low power weapons, and heavy weapons on units that have moved, are now colored red. * Non-native factions can now be asked for third party actions on native factions. * How likely an AI is to offer gifts is now affected by their difficulty setting. * Halved the standing change for praising and condemning traits. * An AI's generosity characteristic no longer has an impact on them demanding tribute. * AI now prefers other targets over those under the effect of Dream Prison. * Renamed the Missile Team's Missile Launcher to Missile Bot. * Unit response sounds now get less quiet with the camera's distance to the unit. * Improved turn times. * Traits are now only colored as Buffs and Debuffs if they are temporary. * Made land generation more varied and natural. * AI admit defeat dialogue is now sent to everyone, not just to enemies. * When successfully convincing a player of terminating a peace treaty, trade agreement or alliance with a third party, your standing with that third party will now decrease. * Removed that when the AI rejected a map exchange, trade agreement or alliance, it would result in a guaranteed rejection when asked again in the near future. * Player abilities can now be used in quick succession. * Abilities that spawn units now also say the description of the unit. * Improved AI evaluation on when to gift. * The Informant quest no longer considers a human player for the betrayal. * Traits and weapons that come from upgrades are now colored blue. * Concordat sell and buy button backgrounds are now more visible. * Updated Anchorite voice over. * Updated icons: Fallen Orolos, Kriteria Annihilator, Bio-Acid Spray, Poisoned. * Adjusted colors to be more distinct. ## Balance * Siege Cannon is now Heavy. * Splash and Large Splash now hit additional group members with half accuracy. * Increased Fragmentation Grenade damage from 1 to 1.5. * Decreased Anti-Armor Grenade damage from 3 to 2. * Increased Anti-Armor Grenade armor penetration from 2 to 3. * Increased Bio-Acid Spray damage from 1.5 to 2. * Increased Busters accuracy from 5 to 6. * Shoch'itris Lair now costs 30 food and 15 algae. * A newly constructed Bunker can no longer shoot in the same turn. * Reduced Hymn of Decay attacks from 12 to 6. * Hymn of Decay can no longer be cast on tiles that already have Hymn of Decay. * Reduced Assassinate hitpoint damage from +2...+6 to +1...+3. * Reduced Erelim Assassin armor from 6 to 4. * Increased Commander armor from 4 to 6. * Increased Whisperer of Goldrauch accuracy from 6 to 8. * Increased Horrors of Space damage from 1.5 to 2. * Increased Horrors of Space armor penetration from 2 to 3. * Reduced Disintegrate damage from 16 to 12. * Reduced Disintegrate armor penetration from 8 to 7. * Anchorite is no longer more likely to gift. * Chieftess is now a bit less aggressive as well as a bit more trustworthy and generous, to make befriending her more reasonable. * Reavers and Busters bought from the Chieftess as support can now use Nomadic Life and Hijack. * Added Ignores Cover to Hymn of Decay. * Increased Bio-Acid Spray armor penetration from 2 to 3. * Toxic Spearhead now causes Poisoned (-2 hitpoints next turn) to biological units instead of increasing attacks against biological units. * Units On Fire now lose 2 hitpoints per turn instead of taking On Fire weapon damage. * Changed Shoch'itris Lair cost for Dark Vassael from 30 food and 15 algae to 20 algae. * Reduced Baneful Omen attacks from 2 to 1. * Reduced Cr'la's Gambit attacks from 2 to 1. * Rebalanced advanced resource values and their production buildings. * Increased Tachyon Ray damage from 2 to 4. * Increased Tachyon Ray armor penetration from 3 to 5. * Decreased Tachyon Ray attacks from 2 to 1. * Weakening now also affects large enemies (but not titans). * Increased Dark Vassael armor from 0 to 2. * Increased Surthodai's Embrace armor from 2 to 4. * Increased Fallen Orolos armor from 2 to 4. * Increased Blighted hitpoint loss from 2 to 4 per turn. * Decreased Blighted duration from Fallen Orolos from 3 to 1. * Decreased Pestilence cooldown from 3 to 1. * Increased Orolos Cannon armor penetration from 6 to 7. * Increased Surthodai's Hand armor penetration from 5 to 6. * Decreased Tune duration from 3 to 1. * Reduced Aranean Cloak cover damage reduction from 33% to 17%. * Abyssal Rage no longer increases damage taken. * Dark Caress now only works on biological units, but also restores 1 hitpoint each turn, including to the Surthodai's Embrace and units in its cargo. * Cry of Contrition now only works on biological units, but sacrifices 2...6 hitpoints instead of 3...9. * Increased max morale of headquarters from 8 to 10. * Removed extra damage taken from Frenzy. * Halved Choral Celerity influence cost. * Accuracy is now capped at 12 (100%). * Increased attacks of Bleed and Fire from 3 to 4. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Valhalla sometimes not increasing when a unit dies if there are multiple Valkyrias being used. * Fixed Valkyria's Gugnir damage going crazy with Valhalla active. * Fixed units with NPC advancement giving too much experience. * Fixed traits affecting unit costs not working. * Fixed missing Well-Fed trait icon. * Fixed explosions not showing on high animation speeds. * Fixed explosion sounds sometimes not playing. * Fixed Hashamllim Host being a transport. * Fixed loading tips sometimes being cut off. * Fixed an issue when playing streamed sounds like ambient and music. * Fixed Dance of the Erelim being usable without adjacent enemies. * Fixed Tactical Visor not working when adjacent to more than 1 Ishim Enforcer. * Fixed Frenzy not working when adjacent to more than 2 enemies. * Fixed AI leaders not researching new infantry units and infantry upgrades (How did no one notice?). * Fixed dust showing when weapons on fortifications rotate. * Fixed a bug that resulted in AI heroes not using many of their abilities. * Fixed research filters not being stored for clients in multiplayer. * Fixed Experimental Drugs (Berserk) end not changing to the correct player. * Fixed diplomacy and quests screens flickering out-and-in in multiplayer due to ping delay. * Fixed a second incoming call from the same player showing in multiplayer even if the second incoming call has already been closed. * Fixed crash in multiplayer when you re-call a player you were just in a call with and before they close their call. * Fixed blocking a caller in multiplayer also making sure to block condemns already pending. * Fixed a rare map generation crash. * Fixed capturing a unit not collecting the cache on the tile. * Fixed "Leashed" text appearing when capturing an unleashed unit. * Fixed Chieftess never founding new cities. * Fixed Assassinate above level 1 not applying Crippling properly. * Fixed some building trait upgrades not showing in the hint. * Fixed Evasive Maneuvers not having a duration of 1. * Fixed quest screen sometimes getting stuck. * Fixed wrong production turn duration in hints of not queued actions. * Fixed NPC advancements not increasing production cost. * Fixed thrown grenades not being visible and not rotating with flight curve. * Fixed units forgetting their rally target when moving out after being produced. * Fixed Shoch'itris Lair, Bunker and Tessera Core not playing appear sounds. * Fixed hitpoints sometimes being incorrect when a unit is taken over. * Fixed Bleed Cultivation allowing construction of defensive structures on Bleed even outside of cities. * ZEPHON blacksite quest now uses ZEPHON's instead of Fallen Soldier's HQ unit model. * Fixed Smoke Screen from Vanquisher lasting forever. * Fixed an issue with units sometimes starting a wrong path when coming out of production. * Fixed issues with planting Bleed with Construction Yard. ## Modding * Deep and shallow water color are now specified in Environment.xml. Note: The environment parameters can be reloaded while the game is running by pressing Ctrl+R.
[ 2024-06-10 16:32:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/
[ 2024-05-30 20:46:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/
[ 2024-05-30 19:22:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
The seventh playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from May 13th (@ 12 pm CEST) to May 21st (@ 12 pm CEST) on Steam. The biggest change in this demo is the addition of tier 5 research. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo includes single player and multiplayer, but is limited to up to four player on a medium-sized map. 5 different leaders are available for selection and 3 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 5 tech tiers. The full version will contain larger maps, advanced game setup options, 8 leaders, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 7
## New * Added tier 5 technologies. * Added victory screens for each leader. * Added loading screen tips. * Added new tutorial tips. * Added ability to play an introduction game. * Added ability to hide Human, Voice or Cyber technologies from the research view. ## General * Tips are now sorted alphabetically in the compendium. * Tweaked attribute hints. ## Balance * Added Blighted condition, which causes hitpoints loss over time based on rank. * Toxic Spearhead now applies Blighted (1) for 3 turns instead of dealing increased damage to biological units. * Reduced hitpoints of Dark Vassael from 48 to 32. * Increased accuracy of Dark Vassael from 5 to 6. * Reduced hitpoints of Surthodai's Embrace from 48 to 32. * Reduced accuracy of Exousia Marauder from 7 to 6. * Increased Surthodai's Hand damage from 6 to 8. * Increased Surthodai's Hand armor penetration from 4 to 5. * Reduced Shoch'itris Lair hitpoints from 48 to 32. * Reduced Elect of Uzhodai armor from 5 to 4. * Reduced Whispers of Harmony hitpoints gain from 6 to 4 and morale gain from 3 to 2. * Malakim Destroyers are now Biological in addition to Mechanical. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed crash that could occur when selecting saved games. * Fixed crash that could occur when the player removes an item for which a target is being chosen. * Fixed ending a call not removing incoming call for the other player. * Fixed not being able to accept calls from another player in multiplayer if it's not your turn. * Fixed hitpoints status when loading an autosave as Fallen Soldier. * Fixed display of accumulated resources sometimes rounding up, which gives the false illusion of having enough to produce or purchase something. * Fixed Combat Drones teleporting to land and becoming permanent when deployed on water.
[ 2024-05-04 19:41:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
The sixth playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from April 4th (@ 12 pm CEST) to April 9th (@ 12 pm CEST) and from April 25th (@ 12 pm CEST) to April 30th (@ 12 pm CEST) on Steam. The biggest change in this demo is the additions of the Honorable Aristocrat leader. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo includes single player and multiplayer, but is limited to up to four player on a medium-sized map. 5 different leaders are available for selection and 3 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 4 tech tiers. The full version will contain larger maps, advanced game setup options, 8 leaders, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 6
## New * Added Honorable Aristocrat leader: *Oh, you simply must try one of these. Deviled Abkluth eyeggs, my chef pulled the spines by hand. Eine Delikatesse, I wont take no for an answer!* * The AI now condems certain diplomatic relationships with a third party based on their own relationship with the third party. * Breaking peace, a trade agreement or an alliance within 10 turns of entering it now makes a player Untrustworthy for 20 turns. * AI players condemn Untrustworthy players. * Select unit and select city hints now mention the player name (useful if color blind). ## General * Dont allow disbanding, equipping or unequipping units youre not owner of. * First contact now also triggers when an outpost or city tile of another player is revealed. * Quotes from quests in entities now use spikey brackets. * Blink incoming call so it's harder to miss. ## Balance * Increased research costs by approximately 50%. ## Bug Fixes * Adjusted Vulkan device scoring to use order of devices as tiebreaker for otherwise equally scored devices. * Changed normal texture buffer format for wider hardware support. * Make sure player influence amount is always shown in the Concordat shop, even if the player name is very long. * Fixed Cr'la's Gambit not always sacrificing one model. * Fixed river resource bonuses not showing on the tile hint. * Fixed double movement from assault transports. * Fixed Pathcutter applying permanently instead of 1 turn. * Fixed percentage bonuses of certain player traits applying twice on certain outposts. * Fixed temporary weapon traits like Low Power not showing on clients in multiplayer. * Ending turn declines all calls. * Fixed diplomacy actions that do not require accepting call sometimes not getting through. * Fixed not being able to call someone while there are pending calls. * Fixed Bunker sounds. * XML parser support for escaping < and > with \.
[ 2024-04-01 16:22:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fifth playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from February 12th (@ 12 pm CEST) to February 19th (@ 12 pm CEST) on Steam. The biggest changes in this demo are the additions of the multiplayer mode, Furtive Tribunal leader, Anchorite NPC faction and tier 4 technologies. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo includes single player and multiplayer, but is limited to up to four player on a medium-sized map. 4 different leaders are available for selection and 3 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 4 tech tiers. The full version will contain larger maps, advanced game setup options, 8 leaders, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 5
## New * Added Furtive Tribunal leader: *Bright stars shine so sweetbut bright stars die first. In the long tomb, blinded, we felt the aria of the dark stars, who live forever. Now our only taste is for their harmonies.* * Added Anchorite NPC: *To travel three millennia. To see Kin as horrors. To drink poison from your hands. Yet cannot but love you.* * Leaders now have a path affinity which determines their starting units and research tree. * Added tier 4 technologies. * Added new technologies to tiers 1 through 3. * Added multiplayer mode. * Added new unbranched research complete illustration. * Vegetation shadows now move with the wind. * Overhauled save and load game screens to be easier to use and show more information. * Added Mute In Background audio setting. * Added network stats to the performance display. ## General * Medium map size can now be selected in the demo. * Up to 3 AI leaders can now be added in the demo. * Teams and colors can now be selected in the demo. * Expedition Outfitter effect now shows on tiles where it would trigger. * Buying and selling resources is now done in stacks of 5 instead of 10. * Improved item claim AI. * Improved random number generation. * Improved performance. ## Balance * Increased starting algae and chips from 10 to 20. * Reduced Speciment Containment research per kill from experience from 4 to 2. * Increased Abkhan respawn from 10 to 20 turns. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed being able to communicate with defeated players. * Fixed not getting rewards from killing Abkhan when using Erelim Assassin's Assassinate ability. * Fixed Expedition Outfitter not working. * Fixed being able to use Data Hack on non-enemies.
[ 2024-01-23 18:41:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fourth playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from October 25th (@ 12 pm CEST) to November 11th (@ 8 pm CEST) on Steam. The biggest changes in this demo are the additions of the ZEPHON NPC faction, 2 new neutral units and 3 new quests. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo is limited to single player against two opponents on a small map. 3 leaders are available for selection and 2 NPC factions are present. Research progress is limited to the first 3 tech tiers. The full version will contain co-op and pvp multiplayer, larger maps, advanced world generation parameters, 8 leaders, 3 NPC factions, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 4
## New * Added ZEPHON NPC faction: *Communication channel established to ZEPHON-3. How may I help you?* * Added Dreameater neutral unit: Large hovering creature that reduces enemy morale and takes control of low morale enemies. * Added Shoch'itris Lair neutral unit: Large biological structure that breeds Deformities. * Added The Great Hunt, Black Site and Who Was Thursday quests. * Show attack area when holding shift with unit selected, or when hovering over a weapon or weapon ability. Enable in settings to always show without holding shift. * Unit overlays now show darkened out bars for missing health and morale. * Added additional liked and disliked diplomacy dialogue. ## General * Units in transports are now cycled to like all other units. * Volcanos now block vision. * Reduced forest growth chance in swamp from 5% to 3%. * The tile acquisition radius of native cities now grows with their population. * Reduced AI attack score against summons. * Heartless Artificer AI now uses Foundation of Blood and Quench Resistance. * Improved diplomacy behavior for accepting gifts, paying tribute and paying for deals. * Diplomacy actions now show when instigated by a third party. * Unit groups with appear animations now no longer appear fully simultaneously. * Left click in empty space or right click anywhere to deselect player in the communications screen. * Researching technology can now be right clicked to show details in compendium. * Silence Between Tracks setting now goes in steps of 10 seconds from 0 to 240, defaulting to 120. * Moved Show Cliff Highlights and Show Grid to general settings. * Renamed Housing to Habitat. * Pathfinder performance improvements. * Minor GUI tweaks. ## Balance * Reduced Deformities group size from 6 to 5. * Increased Abkhan Bite damage from 8 to 12. * Increased Frost Breath damage from 2 to 3. * Increased Malakim Destroyers hitpoints from 12 to 18. * Changed Cicadas from +50% healing rate to max 0% healing rate. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Undying healing the transport instead of the unit that has the trait. * Fixed Distorted Lens not working. * Fixed diplomacy deals not showing result when demanding payment for deal. * Fixed regen showing over units even when they are at full hitpoints. * Fixed building effects like smoke to not be removed instantly upon city destruction. * Fixed hero overlay being prevented from refresh when leveling up an ability (after getting a level from nearby enemy death) due to superfluous attribute updated messages. * Fixed an error in the calculation of light volumes. * Fixed dust not showing when units are moving. * Fixed dust showing when Aegyllan Worms are tunneling. * Fixed Chieftess headquarters having no lights.
[ 2023-10-19 11:04:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
The third playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from September 13th (@ 7 pm CEST) to September 16th (@ 6 pm CEST) on Steam as part of WASD x IGN. The biggest changes in this demo are the addition of the Emulated Mind leader and the Abkhan Drey arctic feature. We've also increased the map size and player limit for the demo. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo is limited to single player against two opponents on a small map. 3 leaders are available for selection and 1 NPC faction is present. Research progress is limited to the first 3 tech tiers. The full version will contain co-op and pvp multiplayer, larger maps, advanced world generation parameters, 8 leaders, 3 NPC factions, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 3
## New * Added Emulated Mind leader: *Dont KNOCK. Solitude. Until youve-been-DRAGGED. In. To. Existence by in-vasive d-i-g-i-t-a-l. Mind. Worms. All s-cream-ing their. Own. Tedious. Name... No, ITS. Not a-metaphor.* * Added Abkhan Drey to the arctic terrain; killing the respawning Abkhan creature gives a reward. * Added Incendiary Grenades to Busters. * Added Undersupplied trait that decreases the accuracy of units for which there are not enough resources to meet their upkeep. The accuracy decreases by 10% each turn, down to -50%. ## General * Small map size can now be selected in the demo. * Up to 2 AI leaders can now be added in the demo. * Reaver Immigration is now a player trait that results in continuous praise from the Chieftess. * Engineer's construct road, remove road and clear tile actions are now in the terraform submenu. * Unit abilities that require close contact (like the Engineer's Repair or Tune) now have the unit move into the tile. * Can now trade energy at the Concordat. * Renamed population limit to housing. * Neutral units now show a leashed or unleashed trait. * Reduced Volcano and Sandstorm density by 20%. * AI leaders no longer offer gifts to leaders they are at war with. * Economic Bubble quest now can only start after turn 50. * Reduced Splenetics level from 6 to 5. * The player changed effect on units no longer renders over any ability effects. * NPCs no longer show in the lobby. * Made timing tweaks to units dying in combat. * GUI visual tweaks. ## Balance * Reduced city penalties for The Plague. * Doubled Concordat price for algae and chips. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed Fire feature not stopping movement. * Fixed old floating text showing over the unit after they move from the fog of war. * Fixed Outrider minelayer animation not being played. * Fixed hint of researching technology. * Fixed diplomacy language missing descriptions for responses to actions on third parties. * Fixed a pathing issue related to unseen units blocking a unit's path. * Fixed no standing being displayed when relationship is at max. * Roads do not provide movement cost reduction on tiles with fire. * Roads can't be built on tiles with fire. * Units no longer rotate to the bottom right when using a targetable ability on themselves.
[ 2023-09-11 05:18:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
The second playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from August 18th (@ 9 am CEST) to September 4th (@ 7 pm CEST) on Steam as part of multiple festivals. The biggest changes in this demo are the addition of Volcanoes, Concordat resource trading, new Chieftess diplomacy options when not at war and 4 new technologies at tier 3. Based on popular demand, we've also removed the turn limit. See the full changes below. Come join us in celebration and let us know what you think of ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo is limited to single player against one opponent on a tiny map. 2 leaders are available for selection and 1 NPC faction is present. Research progress is limited to the first 3 tech tiers. The full version will contain co-op and pvp multiplayer, larger maps, advanced world generation parameters, 8 leaders, 3 NPC factions, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
Changes in Demo 2
## New * Added Volcano that damages adjacent units to the volcanic terrain. * Added resource trading to The Concordat. * Added the ability to ask Chieftess for support (spend influence to gain Reavers or Busters) when not at war. * Added Urban Sprawl tier 3 technology: +1 city tile acquisition range. * Added Doomed Spotters tier 3 technology: +2 accuracy for Headquarters. * Added Reaver Immigration tier 3 technology: +1 standing tier with Chieftess. * Added Probe Reconditioning tier 3 technology: -100% cost to build Satellite Scan. * Added number of charges remaining to ability buttons. * Added accuracy percentage to weapon hints. * Added key binding for toggle grid (Control+G by default) and toggle cliff highlights (Control+I by default). * Added highlight when hovering over rows in the settings screen. * Added floating numbers to the resources panel when each resource changes. ## General * Removed demo turn limit. * Research tree is now sorted and colored by path. * NPCs now appear in the lobby screen. * Melee abilities (e.g. Engineer repair) can now be used on allied flying units. * Melee and whole map ranges are now explicitly stated on weapons and abilities. * Units now appear from below the ground in quests (and without triggering overwatch). * Renamed Desperate Measures to Old Access Protocols. * Hold position until healed action now says "Hitpoints full." when it's unavailable. * Darkened text box for city name. * Improved claim item hint to mention the possibility of selling the item at The Concordat. * Improved capturable feature hint clarity. * Improved Sandstorm look and performance. * Changed Meat Harvest visual and sound. * More subtle capture visual effect. * Minor GUI visual tweaks. ## Balance * Increased Chieftess peacfulness modifier from 0% to 25%. * Reduced Sandstorm density from 6.25% to 5%. **Buildings** * Reduced Orbital Uplink cost and upkeep tier from 5 to 4. * Reduced Orbital Uplink influence output from 2 to 1. **Leaders** * Increased Artificer's Precision accuracy from +1 to +25%. * Reduced Leave No Man Behind unit upkeep from +33% to +30%. * Reduced Salvation Protocols unit upkeep from -11% to -10%. **Units** * Increased Cyclone hitpoints from 16 to 24. * Increased Dark Vassael hitpoints from 32 to 48. * Increased Exousia Marauder hitpoints from 16 to 24. * Increased Outrider hitpoints from 16 to 24. * Increased Warden hitpoints from 24 to 32. * Reduced Fragmentation Grenade damage from 1.5 to 1. * Reduced Commander armor from 6 to 4. * Reduced Exoskeleton Gatling Gun damage from 1.5 to 1. * Reduced Exoskeleton Gatling Gun armor penetration from 1 to 0. * Removed Crippling from Exoskeleton Gatling Gun. * Reduced Exoskeleton Sword Gun damage from 4 to 3. * Reduced Exoskeleton Sword Gun armor penetration from 4 to 3. * Increased Erelim Assassin armor from 4 to 6. * Increased Erelim Blades damage from 2 to 3. * Increased Erelim Blades armor penetration from 3 to 4. * Added Crippling to Erelim Blades. * Increased Horrifying (Dark Vassael, Whisperer of Goldrauch) morale from -1 to -2. **Operations** * Hymn of Decay now damages on use. * Reduced Hymn of Decay damage from 3 to 2. * Increased Hymn of Decay attacks from 6 to 12. * Reduced Hymn of Decay algae cost from 30 to 15. * Reduced Interference Protocols chips cost from 30 to 15. * Reduced Satellite Scan minerals cost from 15 to 10. **Research** * Fermentation Vat is now unlocked from the start. * Cryo Fabricator is now unlocked from the start. * Moved Blessed Infestation technology from tier 2 to 1. * Moved Enmeshed Savant technology from tier 2 to 1. * Administration Complex is now unlockable at 1. * Research Laboratory is now unlockable at 2. * Construction Yard is now unlockable at 2. * Moved Exobiology Station technology from tier 1 to 3. * Moved River Port technology from tier 1 to 2. * Changed Itinerant Recruiters from -25% production cost of Militants and Missile Teams to +1 production for Barracks. * Changed Collective Conduit from +3 energy while loyalty is positive to +1 energy for each Holo Theater in the city. * Changed Old Access Protocols production from +10% to +1 for each Research Laboratory in the city. * Changed Labor Union production from +5% to +0.5. * Increased Speciment Containment research from +2 to +4. * Increased Probe Reconditioning minerals cost from -50% to -100%. * Reduced Biomass Generator energy from +2 to +1.5. * Reduced Fishery Wing food from +2 to +1.5. * Reduced Amigara Exploration minerals from +2 to +1.5. ## Bug Fixes * Fixed missing Hijack trait flavor. * Fixed Hijack not killing units in a captured transport. * Fixed incoming call panel styling inconsistencies. * Fixed world tips being shown while the world is not visible. * Fixed Cannibalize Machines hint style. * Fixed attack icon looking blurry. * Fixed effects sometimes showing on units it doesn't affect. * Fixed city exploding playing too many explosion sounds. * Fixed selection panel sometimes not getting refreshed when the player's resources update. * Fixed various diplomacy issues.
[ 2023-08-17 12:50:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
The first playable demo of ZEPHON will be available from August 3rd (@ 6 pm WEST) to August 10th (@ 6 pm WEST) on Steam as part of the Tiny Teams Festival. Come join us in celebration of incredible small development teams and let us know your thoughts about ZEPHON. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ This is an early look at an in-development alpha version of the game. As such, there will be bugs, imbalances and missing assets. The demo is limited to single player against one opponent on a tiny map. 2 leaders are available for selection and 1 NPC faction is present. Research progress is limited to the first 3 tech tiers and the game ends at turn 50. The full version will contain co-op and pvp multiplayer, larger maps, advanced world generation parameters, 8 leaders, 3 NPC factions, over 50 units spread across 10 tiers of research, more terrain features and quests, an end-game grand finale, unlockable game modifiers, achievements, multiple languages as well as full workshop support.
[ 2023-07-27 13:40:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Get your first look at gameplay from Zephon, the upcoming 4X strategy game set in a post-apocalyptic world from Proxy Studios, the developers of Warhammer 40K: Gladius. [previewyoutube=5conx9rSKOc;full][/previewyoutube] The release date has been pushed back to 2024 to allow us to release a full version and give you the best experience possible. In the meantime, we'll have a public demo coming in August. Wishlist and follow on Steam so you stay up to date!
[ 2023-05-30 14:26:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
Battleground After The Apocalypse
[previewyoutube=Pw2FuQlYaQA;full][/previewyoutube] In this video, Abkluth Dragoons are coming out of a sandstorm to surprise and kill a missile team. The map in ZEPHON is split into 6 different climate types. Each climate has unique visuals, ambient sounds, gameplay boni and special phenomena. The permanent climate-wide terrain bonus is economically focusedincentivizing specialized build strategieswhile the phenomena are dynamic and shake up gameplay on the tactical level. To mark each climate, region names will appear prominently on the mapalongside messages that someone is leaving for you This month well be showing 3 of our 6 climates.

Open plains and stable weather made the desert a remarkably stable environment for generating electricity. But it gave our workers one hell of a hostile environment to work in. Dehydration could take down humans and aliens alike, and sandstorms did particularly nasty work to machines. Properties: +20% energy output Sandstorms appear and travel across the region +33% ranged damage reduction +1 movement cost Blocks line of sight Region name examples: Maldean Wastes, Slumbering Sandridge, The Scoripus Ridgebacks.

ZEPHON must have needed an inconceivable amount of power to wage its war against the Acrin. The techs guessed that if fossil fuels or renewables were being quickly taken online, it would react by building zones like these to generate a new, power-efficient resource. If you got far enough into one of these zones, you'd start to think the planet was now one giant machine. Properties: +20% chips output A segment of tiles have Arc Discharge on them +10% damage output 5% self damage on attack Region name examples: Point Upsilon, Elseif Assembly, Cerebumcore.

All kinds of life made its home in the Swampsif you could handle the humidity, you'd be able to find plenty of food to keep your army on its feet. Experienced trackers knew to watch for muddy terrainif your feet sunk in too far, you were easy picking for any hunters on your trail. Properties: +20% food output Chance for forest-adjacent tile to become forest Cicadas appear for a limited time every 10 turns on all forest and adjacent tiles +20% food output -10% healing rate Region name examples: Crookkiller Swamp, Falaya Basin, Siren Marsh. What do you think? Let us know! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/
[ 2023-04-24 11:04:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
[previewyoutube=hyej1Bd0AME;full][/previewyoutube] Guard bot. ZEPHON wanted nothing to do with us. It could have just told us that directly. Instead it posted up Sentries that looked to be guarding something. We learned really quickly that they could hold a grudge. If you were the kind of grunt who liked to stomp ants because they couldnt hit back, boy were these things a pain in the ass. More like an ant that would chew through your boot and try to take a few toes out before you put it down.

ZEPHON Unit Tier 2 Attributes: 3 group members, 5 armor, 18 hitpoints, 4 accuracy, 8 morale, 2 movement Traits: Mechanical: Classification Sentry Protocols: Always attacks if neutral (not ZEPHON-controlled) Machines that wandered the wasteland didnt care whose flag you marched under. They did care if you entered their line of sight and, if they were programmed to do so, theyd open fire without hesitation. You couldnt even squeeze in a friendly hello. Weapons: Armor-Piercing Minigun: 1.5 damage, 2 armor penetration, 3 attacks, 2 range Crippling Applies Crippled to non-Large units for 1 turn -67% movement Spraying a hailstorm of armor-piercing bullets was bad enough, but this piece of hardware crippled infantry and recon. Once your prey slowed down, you could just chew them up until there was nothing left. Abilities: Combat Routine: Usable if below 100% hitpoints, +2 accuracy for 3 turns, 10 turn cooldown. The first machines we encountered werent always fully ready for combatbut they would be once the shooting started. It was eerie how theyd become better shots once they took a hit. Some kind of triangulation subroutine or something. Cost: 30 production (5 turns), 16 minerals, 16 chips Upkeep: 0.75 minerals, 0.75 chips
Design Commentary

The Sentry is a smaller cousin to ZEPHONs fearsome Warden. Sentry Protocols is an in-setting way for us to imbue neutral units with special AI behavior. Designed to protect key infrastructure, the Sentrys default behavior is to relentlessly shoot on sightwhich it will unless its synced to ZEPHONs main control shard. For contrast and to make this AI behavior less punishing, Combat Routine means the Sentry wont be able to dish out its full damage potential unless attacked first. Nonetheless, due to the Sentry's weapon possessing additional armor piercing capabilities, it is wise to exercise caution when deploying swift scouts on exploration missions. What do you think? Let us know! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/
[ 2023-03-27 11:18:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
Ishim Enforcers
[previewyoutube=7fW8H5FVzgs;full][/previewyoutube] Laser cyborg that can heal itself. A soldiers broken body was just the foundation for a better weapon. Paralyzed? They shunted your spine. Missing limbs? They'd give you something better. Pretty soon they were standardizing the replacement parts and just outfitting the soldiers with them, whether they needed them or not.

Cyber Unit Tier 1 Attributes: 6 group members, 4 armor, 18 hitpoints, 6 accuracy, 8 morale, 3 movement Traits: Biological: Classification We had a lot in common with the monsters we faced. They bled like us, breathed like us, and died like us. Humans were always good at hurting other humans. It just took a little creativity to hurt our enemies in the same way. Mechanical: Classification You know whats funny? People make machines to solve complicated problems. But on the battlefield, a machine becomes a problem to solve. Sometimes it took special skills to bring them down. Sometimes you just needed a bigger machine. Shoulder Plate (Upgrade Tier 2): +17% cover damage reduction Our techs didn't hit on this armorthe Enforcers did. One of them kicked in the door on a strategy session and unceremoniously dumped a prototype version of the armor on our war table. "Make more of these" was all he said before leaving the room. Tactical Visor (Upgrade Tier 3): +2 accuracy when adjacent to another allied Ishim Enforcer. Ishim Enforcers were the first cyborgs we created with access to networked intelligence. Our techs cooked up visors that could triangulate enemy positions by pulling data from different Enforcers together. Only problem was, you needed your troops to be close to each other for reliable targeting metrics. Weapons: Laser Gun: 1.5 damage, 1 armor penetration, 1 attack, 2 range Laser +2 accuracy Applies Low Power to non-Low Power weapon for 1 turn -50% damage A laser gun fires in a straight line from A to B. Theres no bullet drop, no wind resistance, nothing. Soldiers used to complain that they took the art out of aiming. Luckily we were still students in the art of killing. In time these became some of our favorite tools of the trade. Abilities: Cauterize Wounds: Restore 50% hitpoints, 10 turn cooldown The first soldiers we augmented with cybernetic tech were still vulnerable to attacks on vital organs. With a little extra programming, our techs could numb their pain sensors, but they still needed to be patched up. If they already couldnt feel pain, there was no reason to not let them cauterize their own wounds. Cost: 30 production (5 turns), 8 food, 8 minerals, 16 chips Upkeep: 0.4 food, 0.4 minerals, 0.8 chips
Voice Over Script

Direction: [Masculine. Calm, unused to new strength] Attack: This is what I was made for. Youre going to die now. I hope this hurts. A lot. Move: I think I can do that. Thats in reach. Knew I should have stayed home today. Hold Position: Dont make me wait please. Select: Im hereor, whats left of me is. You said something? Ready for the human race. Appear: Cleared for combat. Endure High Damage: I thought that would hurt more. Kill: We can scavenge them for spare parts. Cauterize Wounds: I*grunts* I can still fight. [A nasty sizzling noise playing under this would help sell the cauterizing.] Poke: Killers arent born. Theyre made in a factory.
Design Commentary

With Ishim Enforcers were starting the Cyber path with a sturdy front-line infantry unit. Especially after acquiring the Shoulder Plate upgrade, they can truly take a beating compared to other early-game units. Cauterize Wounds then allows them to recover their health so they can stay in prolonged fightsthis is such an essential element to the unit that we did not want to gate it behind an upgrade. Their armament introduces the Laser category of weaponsan accurate, but power hungry gun that needs to cool off between shots to do maximum damage. Weve found that this makes their use very tacticaland synergies beautifully with sacrificing an attack to use Cauterize Wounds. Aesthetically, Ishim Enforcers represent humans merging with machines. Initially the process is grotesque, replacing individual limbs and augmenting senses in a crude way. Still, the Ishim operate on a biological substrate and a human brain. You may have wondered about the inspiration for their naming. For earlier tier Cyber units were using a mix of religious connotations and basic technology. Later on, we delve deeper into transcendental and angelic themesthese wont be just simple robots after all. What do you think? Let us know! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/
[ 2023-02-27 12:03:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
Missile Team
[previewyoutube=j06IUf3moRM;full][/previewyoutube] Anti-armor infantry with a walking missile launcher. Plenty of Militants were eager to pilot anti-armor bots far from the battlefield, but resentment grew quickly between the missile operators and front-line grunts. The solution? We docked rations every time the Missile Team pilots tripped their drones or missed a shot. It was better if they hated usnot each other.

Human Unit Attributes: 3 group members, 12 hitpoints, 4 armor, 6 accuracy, 6 morale, 3 movement. Traits: Biological: Category. Humans were always good at hurting other humans. Mechanical: Category. Sometimes you just needed a bigger machine. Weapons: Missile Launcher: 6 damage, 5 armor penetration, 1 attack, 3 range. Heavy: -50% accuracy if unit has moved. I had a friend who treated the Missile Launcher like a sacred weapon. They waxed poetic about how standing still to properly aim one drew power from the earth itself. They died out in an open field, exposed to a snipers bullet. Abilities: Grounded Fire (Upgrade Tier 3): Attack with +2 accuracy. 5 turn cooldown. Steady hands made for a steady shot. Same was true for the Missile Teams attack platforms. Digging your heels into the ground bracing yourself to absorb the shots recoil it was good enough for men and even better for mechs. Cost: 30 production (5 turns), 16 food, 16 minerals. Upkeep: 0.8 food, 0.8 minerals.
Voice Over Script

Direction: [Masculine, nerdy, like Radar from M*A*S*H.] Attack: Danger close. Get clear! Arming munitions. Youre just in time for the fireworks. Move: Inputting coordinates. Ah thats still in range, right? Lets hoof it. Hold Position: Fine, but were sitting ducks here. Selected: What do you need scrapped? Munitions delivery, at your service. Dont let them get close. Produced: Portable missile platform ready to deploy. Damaged: [Spoken calmly, like the operator is watching from a distance.] The bots taking fire, requesting backup. Enemy Killed: Nothing but rubble. Grounded Fire: [Hold the first letter in and.] Holdandfire! Poke: Im always worried about making this thing trip.
Design Commentary

Happy Christmas to everyone! As Command & Conquer made tradition, we think every game needs a rocket soldier. This is ours. The unique twist is that the soldier isnt just carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulderhes accompanied by a small two-legged mech to fire guided missiles. Have you seen A weapons range of 3 tiles with a focus against armored units makes this an early staple in a Human-centric army. The addition of Grounded Fire is especially useful to improve the mechs accuracy after moving. It also symbolizes the Human paths continuous, but not full mechanization. Its one of only 4 units in ZEPHON to be both Biological and Mechanical. What do you think? Let us know! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2022-12-26 11:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
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[previewyoutube=N9GnzJNa1Ic;full][/previewyoutube] Lets build something great here. Cities in ZEPHON have a radius of control that can be expanded by acquiring tiles. Though not for free. Each tile under the citys command costs influence upkeep, but on these tiles you can construct buildingsthe ever-important backbone of the economy. Your Construction Yard needs several turns to finish construction of each building. Once complete, youll pay an energy upkeep to keep the building operationaland of course sacrifice a workers timebut only by scaling your war machinery can you stand a chance against the horrors of post-apocalyptic Earth. Familiar to players of Gladius, your production is split into different parallel queues under corresponding groups of buildingsso your city can create both Human infantry and Voice creatures simultaneously. One change to the formula is in the Construction Yard which can now produce Engineers to found cities; and to the Headquarters which trains heroes of all three branches. Each building in ZEPHON has an entirely unique model. So you can recognize their branch as well as their function. Lets take a look at some human buildings (The graphics are still work-in-progressby release well have city walls, faction flags, dynamic lights, and better illumination and reflections.)

You never won any war without the grunts. Before you cracked open any advanced technology or gave into The Voice, you needed armed bodies primed for death. Great soldiers could come out of the infantry ranksbut they had to survive first. The Barracks train Human infantry units and do not need to be researched. As a side-effect they increase the population limit and help keep the population loyal. It can produce: Militants, Missile Teams, Combat Medics, Assault Troopers and Praetorians. It can be upgraded with Itinerant Recruiters, boosting production of Militants and Missile Teams.
Transuranium Stabilizer

Now, this, I won't pretend to understand. I know the transuranic elements are unstable. I know that in that instability, there's huge amounts of latent energy. I don't know how the machines worked that stopped it escapingthat made those elements into something dense and unearthly strong. I don't know if there's anyone alive who understands, to be fair. Resources extracted from the ground arent enough for advanced units. The Transuranium Stabilizer converts minerals into transuraniumone requirement for high-end Human units.
Orbital Uplink

The ground part of this system was familiar enougha set of high-powered transmitters and dishes. But what it was communicating with wasn'tthe wreck of the human satellite network mingled with the destroyed alien fleet. The clever bit was using the former to manipulate the latter for benefit on the ground. It mostly worked. Here operations for the Human path are constructed. Think of operations as stored-up abilities that can be used globally. As a side-effect the Orbital Uplink also increases research and influence for the player. As an example, it can produce Orbital Scans, allowing you to reveal when and which enemy troops are moving under the fog of war. Later on youll be able to create connections to Orbital Missile Silos floating since before the apocalypse and launch nuclear weapons. Maybe one apocalypse wasnt enough for us. What do you think? Let us know! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2022-11-28 12:00:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
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City Headquarters
Defending the heart of a city took a certain kind of grit. If you saw action while stationed here, thered be no running. This job was for the stubborn and the stupidthose whod rather die than lose pride in defeat. The centers of economy and human lifecities. And towering at their core is a defensive structure, canonically dubbed Headquarters. Each emplacement is generally equipped with 9 machine gun turrets and 3 missile launchers and looks unique to each leader. [previewyoutube=r2RN6xhNy_Q;full][/previewyoutube]
Heartless Artificer

Man can be more again. Become more by becoming less. Everyone was changed by survival. Some found themselves changed in their beliefs, others re-affirmed. This one entered as an architectand exited the same. But in the process, other things were stripped awaynation, family, love.

Honorable Aristocrat

Oh, you simply must try one of these. Deviled Abkluth eyeggs, my chef pulled the spines by hand. Eine Delikatesse, I wont take no for an answer! The Aristocrat was young when the sky fellbut his parents were connected globally and he was taken into a government bunker with them at the first sign. He sat out the rapture, the war, the fallout, the starvation. His only complaint was that the preserved food was appalling and that no-one had thought to bring herbs or spices.

Fallen Soldier

I know death. Ive survived itand Ill train you to do the same. The Fallen Soldier never made it to a bunker. He was already dead. For cowardice in the face of the enemyor rather, for desertion in the face of his elite platoon being crisped from space and the sky being on fire and the world endinghe was made an example of. Tried, convicted, executed as the world burned around them. It kept him occupied, at least.

Hesitant Chieftess (NPC)

Dyer mind if we skip the chit chat and go straight to stabbin? Im a bit fucked off from killing all yer mates. The Raider and her people survived the end of the world on the planets surface. To emphasize how rare that is, this is when nuclear blasts were scattered in the sky and the sea was evaporated. Somehow the Raiders crew lived through both the short war and the long fallout and thrived. No-one else who encountered them at that time did, though.

What do you think of the city headquarters? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2022-10-31 11:56:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
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Sound Effects
[previewyoutube=ao63PPSc7JU;full][/previewyoutube] This time were putting extra effort into creating custom sound effects for every ability. But aural enhancements dont end there.
Weapon Sounds
[previewyoutube=401Eb2SKF6o;full][/previewyoutube] In Gladius we only used single-shot weapon soundseven for automatic weapons. This often decreased fidelity, overburdened the audio mix and decreased performance. ZEPHON not only utilizes continuous-fire sounds where appropriate, but also supports wind-up/down sounds and delay firing of individual weapons. The additional sounds let us create things like realistic whirring-up and cooling-down of machine cannons. Staggering when weapons fire adds drama and distinction to the attacks. The resulting experience is much more pleasant.
Algorithmic Variation
[previewyoutube=qaLFjG3Kd94;full][/previewyoutube] We also have a new computational technique: algorithmic sound variation. Its common to vary the pitch of a sound effect each time its playedyou see this in sound effect tutorials all over the internet. We go a few steps further. On top of randomizing the pitch and volume over the whole sound, were also using digital signal processing to take several randomized portions of the frequency spectrum and attenuating or amplifying them to varying amounts. For looping sounds (like continuous weapon fire, movement and ambient), were additionally randomizing the offset at which point the sound starts playing. All of this is to prevent listener fatigueto try to keep the feeling fresh, but familiar.
UI Ambiance
[previewyoutube=PNJ5uycvjtI;full][/previewyoutube] Immersion is of critical importance for us with ZEPHON. Thats why were creating unique ambiance clips for each different screen, leader and quest. This is it for audio for the moment; well have more, exciting reveals about voice-overs later down the line. What do you think of the improved audio systems? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2022-09-26 11:07:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
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ZEPHONs research continues the tradition of a tiered progression system. It will feature over 150 technologies across 10 tiers. To advance from one tier to the next, 3 technologies are required. That may sound like a lot compared to Gladius, but were reducing research costs by 33% to compensate. Instead of a baseline of 6 turns to unlock a new technology, it will now only take 4 turns. If thats not to your taste for any reason, research cost and unlocks per tier will be customizable per game as a world setting. Players begin by attempting to recover from a primitive and scrappy level of technology in the first third of the game (post-apocalyptic, think Mad Max), followed by a more advanced second third (Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell paired with magic), to a highly advanced last third (Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space universe or Dan Simmons Hyperion). Each leader will also have 5 special technologies to enhance their unique propertiesspread evenly through the research tiers. We are pushing the boundaries of modifiers to new degrees. Its very exciting to see conditional building bonuses in actionscaling building output depending on terrain features or even synergizing with other buildings to create combat effects in a radius. To make all of this clear, were adding an often-requested Gladius feature: showing exact modifier numbers in technology hints. No need to search through the compendium for the information anymore.

Specimen Containment

Many of our early learnings were rediscovering what went before. In time, though, we realised how much the familiar had shiftedhow far man had killed off Earths species before the Acrin even arrived and how much new life the aliens had brought with them across the stars, life that filled out the worlds emptied niches. Capturing and studying that new life proved to be inspirational for our eventual victory Tier 1 : Human : Player Upgrade Gain research from killing unaligned neutral units.
In Death, Life

An old flame once told me how the Aztecs or the Mayansone of those dead empireshow their gods drew power from bloody sacrifice in their city centers. I didnt understand what she meant until I saw troops mown down on the doorstep of a Voice-corrupted city and heard the unearthly ullulation from within. Whether it was true magic or just motivation, that city grew strong on death. Tier 3 : Voice : Building Upgrade Regain production from biological units that die in 6 tile radius from the headquarters in each Canticle of Dusk in the city.
The Mind's Eye

When I was a young fool, gossip went around; of a scientist, a genius, who died attempting to fulfil that old billionaire dream of living forever by uploading herself. It didnt work, of course-the giant machine was inert, unmotivated, left operating as a curiosity. Until ZEPHON found it and brought that mind to life, focussing its will as a weapon against the invading Acrin. In time, itsI should say, herher will could stretch for miles, a thought could snuff out an enemy half a world away. A good reason not to gossip anymore Tier 5 : Cyber : Unit Upgrade : Emulated Mind Leader Special Doubles Oblivion weapon range on headquarters. What do you think of the new research mechanics? Discuss it below and let us know! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2022-06-27 11:13:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
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Heroes are upgradeable and customizable in more ways than just through leveling up their skills.
Items can be bought from The Concordat and equipped on hero unitsup to 6 items at a time. Each item comes from a path and rare items of a path can only be purchased after unlocking the appropriate research.
Unlike in Gladius, items can be bought from anywhere and transferred to a hero on the next turn. One-use items have categorically been replaced with cooldown-based items.
The Concordat
Everyone knew The Concordat. But no-one knew who they were. Maybe survivors on the surface, maybe a ZEPHON-fork, maybe an old Corp reaching outta the 20th centurys grave. They fed the rumor mill, hiding their truth under the chatter. All we did know was that they traded everything to everyoneand that they never made a loss.
Trauma Kit
Our medics well, they were amateurs. But theyd survived and they patched you up just enough to get back into the field. The Concordats kits, though, they were something else. The best of the old world mixed with whatever the AIs and aliens knew. They called it a trauma kit, but the real trauma was seeing that *thing* open you up and put you back together. If you could forget it, worth every cent.
Common item. Restore 33% hitpoints. Free action. Cooldown 10.
Rare Human items are unlocked for purchase from The Concordat by researching The Golden Pass.
Acrin Bone Whistle
At kirk, or at market, whene'er ye meet me,
Gang by me as tho' that ye car'd na a flie;
But steal me a blink o' your bonie black e'e,
Yet look as ye were na lookin' to me,
Yet look as ye were na lookin' to me.
O whistle an' I'll come, &c.
Robert Burns
Uncommon item. Summon a Dark Vassael for 3 turns. Free action. Cooldown 10.
Rare Voice items are unlocked for purchase from The Concordat by researching Amoetia's Embrace.
A wide-beam AI array, mounted on a prototype drone. Useless for combat, as it takes an hour to warm up. You set it up, point it where you want to go, and flip the safety off. Then cover your ears to its howl and follow. It finds impossibly perfect way through the most tangled jungle, plant or urban, paths you can never find again.
Rare item. Gain +3 movement and ignore movement penalties of forests and ruins for 1 turn. Free action. Cooldown 5.
Rare Cyber items are unlocked for purchase from The Concordat by researching Ha'sharet Exchange.
What do you think of the new item mechanics?
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[ 2022-05-30 10:59:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
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Heroes in ZEPHON are rare, powerful units that can manifest extraordinary abilities to vanquish their foes or protect their allies. They can equip items and increase the strength of their special abilities as they level up.
There are a total of six heroes, with two available from following each pathan early hero and a large mid-game hero. Unlike our previous game Warhammer 40,000: Gladius, these units are produced in the headquarters available to each city from the start instead of a special building.
One of our six heroes follows.
Erelim Assassin
This creation looks to have been inspired by Dick's Second Varietyjust a normal looking human, until it gets near enough then everything just unfolds into blades upon blades upon blades.
The initial hero of the Cybernetica path. A synthetic machine designed for deceit and murder. Its combination of advanced technology, superior agility and precision enables it to infiltrate enemy lines and assassinate targets at will. Although innocent-looking, peering behind the mask reveals a mechanical monstrosity with blades sheathed inside synthetic skin. Being at the other end of these blades is fatal for anyone who is unlucky enough to be poorly armored. If the first strike does not end you, a critical thrust at your weak points will.
Group size: 1
Hitpoints: 32
Armor: 4
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 10
Morale: 12
Agile: Not slowed by forests or ruins.
Hero: Category.
Mechanical: Category.
Stealth: Does not provoke overwatch attacks. Performs overwatch attacks with melee weapons.
Erelim Blades: 2 damage, 3 armor penetration, 3 attacks, Melee.
Levelable Abilities:
Assassinate: Inflict a critical strike on an injured unit. On kill, enemy units lose additional morale.
Ghost Walk: Ignore zone of control restrictions and walk through enemies.
Evasion Processor: Temporarily reduces incoming damage.
Dance of the Erelim (Elite): Damage all adjacent enemies.
24 Minerals, 24 Chips, 48 Influence
2 Minerals, 2 Influence
What do you think of the Erelim Assassin?
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[ 2022-04-25 11:00:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
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High replayability and an immersive world are two key aspects for us in ZEPHON. Quests directly enhance both.
All but one final quest will semi-randomly occur during a playthrough. At predetermined time intervals, your chosen leader and your actions in the worldanything from your discoveries, communications, combat or economywill determine which quest triggers.
At the core of each quest is a large illustration with custom ambient audio and meaningful player choices. Some choices may have an immediate consequence, but many will chain into further tasks.
Choices will reflect on the world, units and features on the map, your leader traits or what you can subsequently do and how you can interact with others. A number of choices will be locked behind special conditions, come with a cost, or be based on reputation as in other classic role-playing games.
To enforce the survival aspect, replayability and atmosphere, results wont be shown until a choice is made. Choices also come with a risk of failure. Surviving in the world of ZEPHON is hardno victory is guaranteed
The Dream
Design Commentary
You have a weird dream. Grotesque beings are feasting on your soul. What does it mean? Is it a warning? Or are the demons of your past coming for revenge? You can't explain it yourself and no one around you has a meaningful answer.
The ask options only appear if you've met the corresponding leader. And the Ask your sisters option is exclusive to when youre playing as the Furtive Tribunal.
A prime example of interacting with other NPC leaders of the world and getting answers based on who they are. The Fluid Anchorite might teach you how to handle your mind with more prowess. Otherwise ZEPHON might be able to decrypt the enigma. But if these polemicizing NPCs arent to your taste, asking the manic Hesitant Reaver is bound to help somehow surely?
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[ 2022-03-28 11:47:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Get a peek at the story for ZEPHON in this cinematic intro trailer for the upcoming 4X strategy game from the creators of Warhammer 40,000: Gladius. [previewyoutube=_h6-kUihhQA;full][/previewyoutube] Smash the like button! For mankind.
[ 2022-03-23 12:11:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
4X Game Development, ZEPHON, Warhammer 40,000: Gladius | Proxy AMA #3 Wishlist ZEPHON: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Wishlist and follow it to be notified of betas and release dates! Thanks for everyone that tuned in and asked questions. For everyone else, enjoy the recording. [previewyoutube=yxRw85oEU3M;full][/previewyoutube] Stay great!
[ 2022-03-07 15:07:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
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Data Modding
ZEPHON will continue Gladius tradition of easy and accessible modding.
All locally installed game files are stored unencrypted so players can inspect the gameplay data, rebalance stats, change graphics and sounds, modify the UI, add new units and much more.
Throughout development we put heavy emphasis on using standard, open file formats. Open formats are easier to inspect, understand and build on top of. Working with them is less expensive than paying for proprietary formats. And best of all, its more inclusive for modders, who can use a variety of tools to create or modify assets. Where there are no available open formats, well make sure to supply conversion scripts and tools to interact with our custom formats.
The cornerstone of ZEPHON modding is data-driven XML configuration files. They define gameplay stats, actions, traits, effects and conditions in a way that is easy to understand and change. Weve seen this being used to great success, and we have a couple of enhancements in store.
AI Modding
In Gladius it was only possible to mod the AI through XML in a few limited ways: faction resource pooling weights, research and production scores, and hero ability level up priorities.
A critical missing ingredient was the capability to change how and when the AI uses leader and unit abilities. This can now be modded in XML by specifying `
This would make the AI only use the healing action MendMatter on units that have less than 50% hitpoints.
We will be using the same system to implement the AI that comes with the gamemaking the behavior easy to modify and improve. Were aiming to have as much of the AI be XML data-driven as possible so that its available for you to tweak.
Action Blueprints
Modding actions has overall been enhanced, streamlined and simplified.
Previously it was necessary to reuse action tags because they were tightly coupled with the visualization. It wasnt possible to have a new action and have a new visualization for it. This is possible in ZEPHON by using the new `
Actions can now also be specified in blueprints, so that the same action only has to be written once
and reused across many units or buildings.
Faction Modding
To enhance modability and implementation with ZEPHONs leader-focused mechanics, there are a few improvements to faction modding.
We can now specify `
[ 2022-02-28 12:06:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
February 23rd @ 18:00 CET we will be running a 60 minute live AMA on Discord. You are very welcome to join us, to hang out and ask any questions you may have. About ZEPHON, Warhammer 40,000: Gladius, game development in general or anything else. If you can't make it, or would like to ask your question ahead of time, please use the #ama-questions channel. Please note that the AMA will be recorded. We'll be sending it to our newsletter subscribers after the event, so youll be able to listen to it at a later date if you aren't available at the time of the AMA: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/. You can listen to the previous AMA on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79gDK3u9Kqw
[ 2022-02-21 15:26:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
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From the literal use of grimdark to the fact that the environments (if not the units) look like theyve been inspired by the terrain of Gladius, is Zephon some kind of vision of your previous game freed from the shackles of a restrictive license?
While we are big fans of the Warhammer universe, it is definitely refreshing and complementing to work on something in parallel where we have full creative freedom. In Gladius, you build up your war machinery and battle it out with all the amazing units and factions of the 40K universe. ZEPHON is more involved: you will struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, manage a more sophisticated economy, negotiate with others leaders, traverse a vast research tree, make complex ethical choices and, of course, go to war with rivals by utilizing a sophisticated mix of three distinct technological paths (conventional troops, cold-hearted machines, and eldritch horrors). A new IP allows us to express all the ideas that weve been accumulating over the last 6 years.
Proxy wants to go it alone with this oneany particular reason? Youve historically partnered with Slitherine before now but there are plenty of self-publishing successes out there as well.
ZEPHON is co-funded by the Creative Europe MEDIA program of the European Union, so from a financial point of view there is no need for a publisher. We might decide to team up closer to release for marketing purposes, but we want to engage with players directly and react to their feedback with new game versions in a matter of minuteswhich people are loving on our Discord.
Lets face it, 4X combat is often boring or shallowItd be remiss of me to not want to explore this furtherhow does Zephon solve this proposed problem with 4X combat?
4X games often give combat the back seat. Its not necessarily an issue, but its a question of focus. We feel that these games, after the economic infrastructure is created, most of the time end up being decided by combat anyway. We can do the whole experience more justice by going beyond simplistic combat. Thats done primarily by giving each unit a very distinct role through unique weapons, skills and upgrades. Weve been inspired to bring RTS elements into 4X combat and believe it works excellently.
Considering Proxy has spent a lot time recently making a game thats been famously devoid of any kind of diplomacy (there is only war in the grimdark, after all), how do you plan on shaking up those mechanics specifically with Zephon?
With ZEPHON we really want to emphasize the roleplay aspects when you talk to other leaders. So in order to feel as immersive and interactive as possible, they will react pronouncedly to actions you perform or choices you have made in the past. You will be able to influence leaders to perform any diplomatic action on third parties, and all leaders will have fully unique dialogue lines to bring their respective character traits to life. Its important to us that none of this detracts from the combat experience, but rather augments it. Being able to decide with who youre at war will ultimately give you more control over the combat than a free for all.
Your steam page also mentions shaking up other 4X foundations as wellwhat other innovations are you proud of?
Some are still in the experimental design stage, but two important foundations that we can mention now can be split into gameplay and visual. Gameplay-wise, were doing an involved economic model where resources combine to create more powerful resources (think Settlers or a simpler Factorio), but also where you pay for production ahead of time instead of your resources ticking down each turn. That means youll have to think about your build orders and resource allocation ahead of time if you want to play optimally. On the visual aspect, weve recently been seeing an influx of 4X games that try to appeal to a large mass with casual graphics. We want to go into the other direction, be more realistic and show the gritty and the dark. On top of that we are going to uniquely model every unit upgrade and also every distinct type of building in your city--so you know what kind of city it is just from looking at it.
From Pandora, to Gladius, and now your work on Zephon, what do you think is Proxys defining or enduring legacy on 4X strategy games?
The relentless pursuit of creating a great combat experience. And were doubling down on it by making it more visceral and immersive.
If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people.
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[ 2022-01-31 13:34:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
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NPC Leaders
Alongside the player leaders emerging into the ruined world at the start of the game, there are threats and factions already on the map. Many such presences are led by a non-player character--unique leaders with special units and abilities that cannot be chosen by players. These NPCs are a key element of our world and story. They control territory with emplacements and patrol routes. Players can interact with them through quests, diplomacy or outright attack them. Getting these leaders on your side provides a welcome buffer while you struggle to survive. In the final push for victory, they might not have to be eliminated. One of three NPC leaders follows.
ZEPHON is [your ally, your enemy]. ZEPHON is [ignorant, omniscient]. ZEPHON is [one, many], ZEPHON is [perfect, abomination]. ZEPHON is [blessed, cursed]. ZEPHON is [zen, hop]. ZEPHON is [coming, going]. ZEPHON is [transcendent, grounded]. ZEPHON is [thoughtware, meatware]. ZEPHON is [ZEPHON is [ZEPHON is [ZEPHON is-]]]. ZEPHON is [inside your systems].

ZEPHON-3 has self-evolved and defended the Earth from the Acrin apocalypse. Today, its in pieces, but it is still more than a simple threat to unsuspecting players. If you want to stop it recovering, youll need to prevent it from reconnecting its server farms and manufacturing facilities. But this will subject you to hacking attacks and other cybernetic assaults. To enforce ZEPHON-3s will on the ground, its makeshift Wardens roam the lands, protecting the key computational infrastructure, though they rarely mount attacks. These large robots wield a giant circular saw, a homemade flamethrower and a fast-firing missile pod. Worst of all, theyve been imbued with unknown ZEPHON tech, letting them cannibalize other machines to heal. Wardens dont make it easy to pass through territory that ZEPHON-3 has been determined to be critical. [previewyoutube=8cfsojgOWUc;full][/previewyoutube]
Design Commentary
Zygotic Endomorphic Polyphemic Highly-Organised Network Themes: Fragmentation, The Chinese Room, Evolved-to-Survive. Tarot Theme: The World. Likes: Co-operation, Mechanisation. Dislikes: Biology, Acrin. Tendency: Towards Itself. All-seeing circular shapes with blue and purple high-tech tints. ZEPHON is the AI, possibly is all AI.

What do you think of the ZEPHON-3, the NPC leader? If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-12-29 11:18:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
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The faction leader chosen at the start of the game is the character you play as, performing diplomatic actions, influencing your population, issuing building construction and giving military orders. Each leader has a unique set of personality traits and mechanical differences that break the standard flow of the game--one leader may only ever control a single settlement while another may make a combat unit temporarily invulnerable. Leader personality traits like scavenger, outsider, immoral or honor-bound grant additional powers, or passive bonuses or maluses. Moreover, choices made in response to events result in new traits being acquired over the course of the game. Other leaders will treat you differently based on how much your traits align or differ. The leader you choose will determine the look of your capital and the logos that appear on large units, buildings and flags as well as the UI. While it is not advised to have duplicate leaders, for players that wish to break through that level of immersion, there will be a setting for it. As a bonus were also looking to add a few special references when a leader interacts with their duplicate. One of eight playable leaders available in ZEPHON follows.
Furtive Tribunal
Bright stars shine so sweetbut bright stars die first. In the long tomb, , we felt the aria of the dark stars, who live forever. Now our only taste is for their harmonies.

Before the Earth died, the Tribunal were three peoplenot quite the mother, crone and maiden of poetic lore, but three people of differing backgrounds and beliefs. They barely knew each other and little liked what they knew. As the sky fell, the three entered the apocalypse bunker amongst their families, their friends, a small nation of loved ones. Only these three emerged, stained and blind. Of the three, only one ever talks. Of the bunker, they never talk. For the three, only one vision now prevails of a darkness that holds truth, an imprecise set of virtues that others damn as mysticism. The threes certaintytheir strange knowledgeattracts followers who need leaders, leaders who will lead, however arbitrary the rules they govern by. Once again, they are a nation.
The Furtive Tribunal has four unique mechanics. The first three are in effect from the start of the game while the elite mechanic is unlocked through a research upgrade. Each mechanic also has unique research upgrades that either make it stronger or more viable in different circumstances. Dark Omen: The Furtive Tribunals connection with the darkness allows them to see past what normal mortals see. Enemy units near your cities are revealed even when out of regular sight range. Whispers of the Voice: Spend influence to capture whispers of the future and accelerate research. Mysticism: The Three believe that spiritual apprehension precedes intellect, which does not aid in the scientific study of their faction. Research Laboratories have decreased output. The Outsider (Elite): The quintessence of communion with the Voice--the ability to summon a terrifying Voice unit from beyond this world.
Design Commentary
The Furtive Tribunal was conceived from the tarot card of The High Priestess. The rule of three and hidden knowledge were their initial thematic focus. Likes: Imprecision, oracular knowledge. Dislikes: Materialism. Tendency: Voice. For this leader illustration we have three Russian women enveloped by complete darkness, interacting with each other silently, while the central one addresses the viewer. All three wear very similar, mysterious cloaks, but each has a distinct hair style to represent a part of a whole. Only the central figure ever speaks, but they are all blind.

What do you think of the Furtive Tribunal?? If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-11-30 10:40:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to everyone that dropped by the AMA last week! If you couldnt make it, have a listen to the recording below. [previewyoutube=79gDK3u9Kqw;full][/previewyoutube] QUESTIONS [olist]
[ 2021-11-20 19:49:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
November 10th @ 18:00 CET we will be running a 60 minute live AMA on Discord. You are very welcome to join us, to hang out and ask any questions you may have. About game development, ZEPHON, Warhammer 40,000: Gladius, or anything else. Please note that the AMA will be recorded. We'll be sending it to our newsletter subscribers after the event, so youll be able to listen to it at a later date if you aren't available at the time of the AMA: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/. You can listen to the previous AMA on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRr3zxxDKgo Looking forward to chatting with you! https://discord.com/invite/h9XRXJ5Smg
[ 2021-11-08 11:32:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
ZEPHON will include an original musical score of 60+ minutes. Weve designed the tracks to follow your chosen path and development stage. Early on we want to emphasize the exploration aspect of the game. Here we focus on more humble tones with an inspirational, wondrous feel, but very quickly its all shadowed by a line of the unknown--horror and survival. [previewyoutube=heDkM_NYwio;full][/previewyoutube] As the game progresses, and you develop into branching Human, Voice and Cyber paths, additional music will get mixed in depending on your investment into a path. Each path has three tiers of music so that we can progressively introduce the unique sound elements of the path. Weve experimented with a dynamic system of musical stems, each assigned to a path--think of them as individual instrument loops. Essentially, we would compose music on the fly to achieve greater variety and have essentially no forced breaks. The results were not great--a complex system with limited pacing options and underwhelming musical progression. Weve gone back to the music design with that knowledge and leaned into creating dramatic melodic progressions that both pump you up and frighten you.
Human Music
Going along the Human path, youll be greeted by electric guitars and marching drums. [previewyoutube=CuZpAEsqCrU;full][/previewyoutube] Later on, expect proud, overwhelmingly militaristic sounds.

Voice Music
For the Voice, its better to have no expectations. [previewyoutube=8d8Tc6kLSp8;full][/previewyoutube] Indecipherable whispers, primal monstrous screams, ominous haunting voices and screechy strings.
Cyber Music
If youre cold and calculated, sharp and methodical, youll enjoy the digital synths Cyber brings. [previewyoutube=rRInI66Yyw0;full][/previewyoutube] What do you think of the music? If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-10-26 08:00:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
Cyber Path
The motivations of the entity called ZEPHON are hard to ascertain, if it indeed has anythey certainly began as self-evolved intelligences on humanitys shared data networks, growing complex on a rich diet of spare processes left by our profligate and inefficient technologies. What they made themself after the Acrin attack is something else entirely. And what they are today? Perhaps a coherent entity with inscrutable interests? Or perhaps an insane agglomeration of evolved processes that pass a Turing Test? Using the technology created by this entity is therefore certainly unwise. Yet this isnt an era of wisdom, but a time of survival, and the tools taken from ZEPHON and their devices are useful. Like The Voice, though, their use comes with a heavy price, both for the individual and for the society they are a part of
Ishim Enforcer

Cybernetics engineers didnt waste resources. Paralysed? They shunted your spine. Missing limbs? Theyd give you something better. Pretty soon they were standardising the replacement parts and just outfitting the soldiers with them, whether they needed them or not. The first specialised unit of any Cyber affiliation, this infantry unit is a replacement for your militants (or at least, replacement for parts of them), but all-round superior, with tougher armour and better morale (if less soldiers per unit). It also has more upgrade options further down the line, allowing it to maintain its usefulness later in the game. Whilst it doesnt have the Militants grenades, it can use its own laser rifle to cauterize any wounds and heal itself, meaning it has great survivability.
Exousia Marauder

Before the Acrin arrived, I swear I saw video footage of thosegiant hovercrafts used for rapid transport or salvaging oil rigs and broken-down tankers. Theyre far from the sea now, though (is the sea still there?). I dont think they had a missile battery back then either This adapted hovercraft design is the backbone of a cyber-focused campaign, fulfilling many of the support roles. Early in the campaign, its ability to rapidly move multiple small units (including across water) is key to expansion. Its also no slouch in combat, with good armor, superb morale and good hitpoints, as well as a decent weapon. Finally, its repair upgrade allows it to rapidly heal units its carrying, making it something of a combat medic.
Malakim Destroyer

Once you start aligning yourself with machines, you start to think like them. For me, the dead should be left dead. But for AI lovers, thats a waste of cheap organic processing power. They say: remove the bits you dont need (like emotional centers), improve their mobility, wire them to a pair of big guns. The Malakim are impressively lethal, for dead men. Where the Voice anti-armour infantry go low, the Malakim go highliterally, as their turbines allow them to hover over water and rivers. They dont mind being in the open though, as their high armour (well, its less armour and more that most of their flesh is missing) lets them shrug off most attacks and return fire with their lethal Laser Autocannons. And if an enemy thinks about running, the Malakims sticky foam upgrade can prevent them moving for a timekey for taking out those flighty Abkluth or Outriders. What do you think of the Cyber Path? If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-09-27 11:17:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
At kirk, or at market, whene'er ye meet me, Gang by me as tho' that ye car'd na a flie; But steal me a blink o' your bonie black e'e, Yet look as ye were na lookin' to me, Yet look as ye were na lookin' to me. O whistle an' I'll come, &c. Robert Burns In the ruins of a seaside hotel, between two unmade beds, I found it. A small whistle, six inches of bone ringed with bronze. Absentmindedly I took it, though I was looking for supplies. The pantry was immediately more fruitfulliterally, as it was stocked to the ceiling with tinned peaches. I pictured an old Antiquarian or Colonel, whod planned to live out his days here, at the end of Empire, dining every night on peaches and cream. I returned to the camp and we dined on ancient peaches, sweet and vinous with rot. An old sailor looked at the sky and claimed, through amber-juice stained lips, that it was hurricane season. Later in my slip tent, I happened upon the whistle as I was undressing for the day. It was inscribed deeply with a language in dead tongues. Not dead a generation ago, of course, but then the Acrin. I found myself furiously cleaning the thing later, refusing to think of that. Of her. Of the dread wisdom they had brought. Of what wed learned. (When I sleep, I see her. As she was.) Before I knew it, the thing was clean, dust and grit off it. It was distinctly-shaped, though a fair bit longer than a mans, and the holes were so nearly bored as to be grown there. The bronze ring fit it loosely, but it was impossible to remove. In this new world, it was a disturbing sight, frankly. Seeing it bare, I just wanted rid of it, especially after that moment of strange compulsion. I resolved to trade it away the following dayI could get food (not peaches!) for this, a tool or even a favor. As I went to sleep, I tucked it under my pillow (my jacket) for safekeeping. In the night, the wind blew hard. Hard enough that it pushed its way through the zipped tent flap. Hard enough I could hear a gentle trill from the whistle as the air passed over it. Shadows of the ruined seaside town wavered crazily in the night watchs lantern-light, shifting as they were cast on the tent wall, and I remembered the shape of. I slept fitfully, at best. In the morning, I went on the usual rounds over breakfast, seeing who had what swag left from the evenings bartering. No-one would touch the whistle though. No-one wise at least. They told me to take it back, throw it in the sea. But I couldnt, though. I dont know why. Felt I had to get something out of it. I took it to the fool at the camps edge. Voice knows how he survived out there, gaunt and dumb, day and night with everything roving and starving, but he did. Til that day, at least. As I approached, he was dancing with a broom hed found, waltzing on the ruined pier. When he saw the whistle in hand, he stopped his capering, though. He didnt look at it again, just took it from me. Put it to his lips. And blew it, of course he did. I dont know why I didnt stop him. And he dropped it and ran. (I do know why. I knew what it was. I knew what would come.) The whistle rose in volume, until I realised it was the wind blowing, the long-promised hurricane here in a moment. I ran crazily, lost my way back. Fell, in the dust. Felt my hands clasp around a white finger bone. And then she was there. With friends, now. All of them together, returned as one. A mess of limbs and organs and skin, but still mine. In that moment, I relaxed. Wed gone in together, into the dead universe, into the Voice. Shed never quite understood. And only Id come back. But now shed found a way to follow. Shed just needed help. I took her handthe Vassaels handone of their many handsand told myself, as Id heard in the depths of space, where the unsleeping dark, when Id let everything go. I told myself, its whats inside that counts. And she, my Vassael, had plenty inside. -- Written by: Daniel Griliopoulos Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-08-30 13:41:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
Voice Path
A mysterious creed followed by certain Acrin and human mystics, its followers experiment with total sensory deprivation to get closer to true cosmic understanding. Those who achieve this inner silence, can finally hear something in the background of the universesomething infinitely ancient and wisethat they call The Voice. The path of The Voice is the path of universal comprehension, hidden secrets, inhuman understanding, physical corruption and ancient wisdom. Your progress is idealistic, but leaves many monstrosities in its wakefailed mystics or those who understand The Voice only partially, and are changed utterly by this shortcoming.
Abkluth Dragoon

When they crashed, the Acrin brought creatures with themmonstrous lizardthings, tearing Earth wildlife apart. Given their docility around the Acrin, I suspect they were meant for pets or food, but that didn't stop the Voice Cults using them for war. The first specialised unit of any Voice affiliation, this cavalry troop consists of three Cult Militants mounted on the fearsome alien Abkluth. Their light armour means that they cant survive prolonged firefights, so instead rely on their speed to close on enemies before they attack with their toxic spears and bite. Understandably, they are also experts in taming free-roaming Abkluth, allowing Voice-aligned players to increase their armies quickly.
Dark Vassael

Not all who hear the Voice can comprehend it. Not all come back from the edge. Or not alone. Is it better to come back like thisa bag of aggregated human systems and mindsor not at all? What must it be like to be in there? This horrifying agglomeration of man and alien is a Voice terror unit. Its strange weapon fires living larvae that do limited damage but cause enemy units to suffer morale debuffs, reducing their ability to fight back. Later in the game, the Vassael can summon Shochitris Lairs that deploy short-lived deformities which attack on their behalf.
Aegyllan Worm

Hearing the Voice didn't change everyone the same. Some kept looking for that dark, quiet place, came back changed to find it, delving into the black depths of the Earth. To see a friend's face on one of these, dragging itself out of stone and dirt, that was hard. The Aegyllans are best deployed as shock anti-armour troops. Their tunneling ability allows them to bypass terrain, defenses and other unitsespecially when upgraded in the late game to massively increase its range. Once at a target, their pointblank bioacid is exceptional against armoured units and large numbers of troopsand damages their armour too, allowing your other troops to finish them with ease. What do you think about the Voice Path? If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-08-29 13:26:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
ZEPHON is being featured in 2021 Gamescom Awesome Indies from IGN with a short exclusive teaser! The segment is set to air TODAY, August 26th, at 12:28 PT / 21:28 CEST on IGN's Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/ign
[ 2021-08-26 12:56:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join our Discord to follow each segment of a reveal as it happens every Monday.
Your story follows the mandates of survival to start withgathering support from the other survivors, overcoming human rivals, and securing recurring sources of basic goods so that your base is stable enough to go further. During this, you encounter representatives of the three paths you will choose from, and determine how each is a threat to the continued survival of humanity on the planet.
Human Path
Continuing down the human path will bring you closer to the human survivors. This is the path about struggle, human suffering, moral values, bloodthirstiness, greed and hesitancy. Your progress will be pragmatic and follow traditional military decree. Bulky tanks and troopers. A variety of transports, scouts and many versatile gadgets. You might even get your hands on a nuke.

Everyone who survived fought. Every one of us could have been a soldier. We called ourselves 'militants', though, because it reflected that we now fought for a purpose, political or social. The survival of mankind, whatever that took. The militants are the basic unit of human survivors. Six people equipped with light military equipment, theyre the mainstay of any Commanders early game, especially useful when confronting the Earths new diverse and hideous wildlife. They are fragile, though, so they need to mutually support each other.

Ex-military fast transports, driven by militants. Never designed to go toe-to-toe with the new enemies of mankind. But then nothing wasartillery, nukes, carriers, all had failed. At least in an Outrider, you had a chance of getting awaythat's why there were so many left. These seem like fast scout vehicles, familiar to players of many other strategy games. However, they have transport capacity as well as better armor and morale than the Militants. This enables them to take on a tanking role against enemies with low armor penetration, before speeding out of range when theyre too damagedand later on, they can leave mines behind them as they go, slowing pursuers.

Some had formal training, most didn't. Scientists, construction workers, technicians. The thing that distinguished the people we called engineers from everyone else was that they had the skills to get the job done, whatever the job. The ones who hadn't...? Well, they weren't around anymore. ZEPHON may take place in a destroyed world, but its not just about war. Your Engineers are the unit you look to when you want to do something more peacefulwhether thats create new cities, repair damaged mechanical units, or clear tile features. Later on, they also unlock the abilities to build bunkers and tune mechanical units, meaning that theyre a necessity throughout the game. If you enjoyed reading this, help us out and tell your friends to wishlist ZEPHONit's the only way we can encourage Steam to show ZEPHON to more people. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Dont forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular reveals and exclusive closed betas to your inbox: https://newsletter.proxy-studios.com/
[ 2021-07-26 11:59:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
They know their 4Xs so they asked all the good questions! [previewyoutube=LnL-37Zqlzc;full][/previewyoutube] We had a blast doing it! Let us know what you think by chatting with us on the Discord.
ZEPHON Reveals
Starting next week, we're slowly revealing the world and gameplay of ZEPHON. Each reveal will be segmented into 4-5 parts, posted every Monday on our Discord, and then summarized on our newsletter on the last Monday of every month. After 3 months of that, we'll be doing an AMA where you can have a chat with us and ask us questions!

Have a great week! -- Rok
[ 2021-06-30 11:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our first Discord AMA blew way past our expectations! Simultaneous, we also revealed the Steam page of our upcoming full-blown 4X strategy game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1481170/ZEPHON/ Wishlist and follow it to be notified of betas and release dates! Thanks to everyone that tuned in and asked questions. We extended the AMA to almost an hour, but still didnt get to all of you. For everyone else, enjoy the recording. We will do this again soon! [previewyoutube=WRr3zxxDKgo;full][/previewyoutube] Stay great! Rok
[ 2021-06-15 11:55:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- [0 B]
Grimdark survival strategy from the creators of Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
Humanity emerges, hesitantly, into ruination. Almost nothing is left of the world as we knew it—settlements, forests, seas, mountains—all have been blasted into unfamiliarity. Horribly mutated animals hunt in packs through deformed woodland. Decrepit military robots stumble unknowingly through the ruins, sensors and logic centres blown. Alien soldiers, once impossibly powerful, cower in the wrecks of their ships, praying to heedless gods for rescue.On the planet Earth, that was once a cradle of life, the extinction of humanity is at hand.
What will you do to survive?
Next-generation survival wargame set on a destroyed world
Choose your past and wage war to ensure humanity’s survival between the abominations of the Voice and the automata of ZEPHON. Select a leader, gather your allies and choose your actions wisely—or suffer the consequences.Key features:
- Unique tactical battles. Let’s face it, 4X combat is often boring or shallow—not Proxy’s. Our complex, nuanced battle system means victory is a matter of skill, not brute numbers.
- A complete 4X. Diplomacy, research, exploration, city-building—we’ve taken the fundamentals of 4X and shaken them up. Drop the assumptions you have from other games in the genre.
- Post-apocalyptic horror survival. Drag your civilization through a grimdark future—survive unexpected events while eldritch horrors and cyberpunk monstrosities derail your progress. Because that’s the game we wanted to play.
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