HO HO HO! It is I, Saint Jurax, Patron Saint of Rogues! I have come bearing updates for all the good dungeon delvers of the world!
- Flying monsters can now fly not just over pits but over walls as well
- Offline stats file for people who play on Steam offline or on linux on gog
- New room: crypt -always has an item, item can be a monster bit
- Added a subtle ambient occlusion-like border around sprites
- Tile layers: gold/ice
- 2 new traps: ice trap and gold trap
- Rooms can now have roofs
- Wall and roof tiles can be blown away by gas spore monster bits
- Vines hanging from the ceilings of rooms for dungeon dressing
- Throwing ice monster monster bits will freeze the floor
- Ice monsters freeze the floor as they walk
- Throwing troll monster bits will spawn grass
- New particle effect for stepping on a rust trap
- New, smaller, crosshairs that show how much closer a monster needs to be for you to hit it
- DEFAULT INVENTORY KEY IS NOW THE E KEY -if you have changed your controls before this then this won't affect you
- Reordered the options in the right-click menu for items to make it easier to throw/drop items
- The first few floors are now slightly smaller than later floors
- Some fonts and their sizes to make the UI a bit easier to read.
- Particles on stairs are now visible on the gles2 renderer
- Increased the amount of damage monsters take from being on fire
- Decreased the density of grass on a grassy tile -will add a slider in a future update
- Made some adjustments to falling speed
- Lowered the pitch of the xeroc noise
- Wand of Fire will now light monsters on fire for a few turns it they fail their save
- Wand of Cold can freeze floor tiles
- Tweaked attack range of player and monsters -shouldn't feel too different though
- Fixed some typos and altered some tutorial text
- Updated tombstone text to state the year as 2025
- Made it harder for monster bits on your armor to be damaged
- Made gas spores more likely to drop their bit after they explode
- Wandering monsters take slightly longer to spawn -this is to balance out later floors where very strong wandering monsters will spawn
- Crash that would occur if you zapped a venus flytrap with a wand of teleport away
- Potential crash that could happen if a pit was put down but didn't actually remove any tiles
- Small bugs involving how halls are put down -shouldn't have cropped up before anyway
- Typo displayed when you jumped down a pit while having the levitation status effect
- Some errors with the pit highlighting shader on floor tiles
- Bug where the floor might not be lit if the player was standing on positions with either x = 0 or z = 0
- Bug where flying monsters were the only monsters that could set off traps rather than the only ones that don't
- Monsters in large rooms were overly aggressive
- Hunger increase was sometimes off by 1
[ 2024-12-24 19:39:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- A bug that made potions bottomless, scrolls endless, and individual rings able to we worn on 2 different fingers at the same time.
[ 2024-12-16 16:36:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Gas spores can descend properly again
- Small pathfinding edgecase bug
[ 2024-11-26 02:33:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Deadzones for the right thumbstick on controller -INPUT MAPS HAVE BEEN DEFAULTED AGAIN THIS SHOULD BE THE LAST TIME
- Different pallete for walls when hallucinating -slightly more neon looking colors
- Typo on the death screen
- Monster spawn rate was a bit below what it should be
[ 2024-11-21 17:37:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Please let me know if you find any bugs or crashes so I can try to fix them. Thanks!
- Monsters now visibly show that they are confused
- Option to change the player @ symbol to
- Flammable grass and manual page for it
- Torches as physical items that can fall off of walls and light grass on fire
- Trolls plant grass as they move
- Key rebind menu now supports changing deadzones -INPUT MAPS HAVE BEEN DEFAULTED, RESET YOUR CONTROLS IF YOU CHANGED THEM
- Run stats are shown on the death screen
- Total gold pile added on the main menu, also shows global stats of all players on Steam
- Added some particles to the dungeon for atmosphere
- High Score menu fancied up a little
- New music track for the high score menu
- New sound effects for the manual/bestiary/main menu
- The player's character on the minimap rotates along with the player -looks a little silly but hopefully this helps people
- Thumbstick deadzones -was using an old ps3 controller for testing and they were quite a bit off, have since gotten a new controller
- Windows on the main menu and pause menu(manual, bestiary, etc) hide the other controls when visible -makes things much simpler to code
- Pumpkins are now back to being bonfires again
- Tweaked ASCII mode slash sprite
- The player is now a different color on the minimap
- Map brightness option now goes up to 5.0 -this is to counteract the GLES2 option making the game much darker than GLES3
- Altered some tutorial text
- Bug where a failry wouldn't polymorph a dropped item correctly
- Bug where the player could attack while asleep from sleep gas
- Bug where sometimes turns wouldn't progress automatically when the player was asleep and the player would have to hold a movement key to wake up
- Stutter when opening up the Manual/Bestiary/High Scores
- Issue where the player might be placed on the same tile as a monster when a dungeon floor is generated
- Shader corruption on the highlights of floor gap-edge tiles
- Typo in Medusa Eye description
- Crash when unequipping a black unicorn horn, including if an equipped black unicorn horn was destroyed by a monster
- Rare bug where extra collision could be placed over a secret wall and block off part of level
- Flickering of ASCII mode monster blood on certain platforms
Also, you can now see how much gold you've accumulated throughout all of your runs by clicking the Gold Pile button on the main menu. You will be able to see all of your hard earned coinage fall from the heavens before you! You don't get anything if you amass any particular amount of gold but I think it's still fun to see visually how much you've played and in a way how much better you might have gotten at the game. You will also be able to see some global stats as well. NOTE THAT NOT EVERYTHING STARTED BEING KEPT TRACK OF AT THE SAME TIME. Gold was kept track of first, then deaths in a later update, then times given up in one after that. So don't assume that all of the gold in your total gold count and the global total gold counts are from the number of deaths and give ups you see there. The reason I didn't just reset all of the stat counters is that some players have put a decent number of hours into the game and so I figured they should be able to see their gold piles right as soon as the update goes live rather than have to accumulate it all over again. One important thing to mention that was fixed is that some shaders on certain platforms was bugged. I got a test machine that had that issue on the shaders on the floor and managed to fix it. However, I believe some people have also had this issue with the shaders on the walls of the dungeon as well but I don't have any test machines that have that issue and so I can't really be certain that it's fixed yet. If you turned off the shaders in the options menu because of this, try turning them back on to see if the issue is resolved.
Thanks for playing! See you next update!
[ 2024-11-17 00:28:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Tweaked the appearance of gasses and fire -should fade out more smoothly and blend together better
- Fire does slightly more damage to the player
- Crash that could occur if a room got completely removed by a pit
- Crash that could occur if you polymorphed a monster over a pit
- The fire effect not always showing up properly on monsters when they are on fire
- Monsters weren't visibly taking damage when on fire
[ 2024-10-09 16:40:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some bugged options menu navigation
- Mice and flies appear correctly
- Arrows now drop properly instead of vanishing as often as they did
- VI keys setting could overwrite your new key binds if you made them
- VI keys -don't really need them any more if you can set them yourself, though they may come back as a preset in the keybind menu
[ 2024-10-08 03:27:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
- On start up the game was not properly reading your new input map if you had changed the controls
[ 2024-10-06 15:54:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Rebindable keys/buttons menu -accessable from main menu and pause menu
- For October bonfires are now Jackolanterns
- Changed the confirm button on controller to Xbox A, was Nintendo A/Xbox B
- Changed the wand zap button on controller to Xbox B, was right bumper
- Changed default attack button on controller to right bumper, was Xbox A -this is so the player has to take their thumb off of the thumbstick less often
- Improved thumbstick feel
- Tweaked menu look to be a little more bold
Fixed in this update
- Tutorial text box buttons have focus when they appear
- Retry button has focus on the death screen
- Potion of Raise Level now gives the correct amount of xp for both modes
- Fixed potential crash involving certain wands
[ 2024-10-04 18:02:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 3.0 is here! This one took a while but hope you enjoy it!
Release on GOG
ROGUE-FP is now available on gog.com as well if you want to pick it up there with a launch discount: https://www.gog.com/en/game/roguefp -note that the Linux version has had to be delayed by a couple days because gog is short staffed and they hand make their installers. In fact I remember when I first sent my Linux build up to Steam for testing they had NO people that could test it and just waved it through lol. The Windows build should work just fine though!
- Monster pathfinding is now multithreaded
- Smoothed out map zooming
- Overhauled floor generation
- Pits will appear on the level, jumping into one will take you to the next level down but deal a lot of damage
- Flying monsters will path over pits, eg kestrals, bats, griffins
- 2 new trap types
- Hunger meter for standard mode and difficulties below ROGUE
- Wall/floor shaders can be turned off -menu option
- Status effects now show descriptions if you mouse hover over them
- Mouse sensitivity slider in the options under preferences
- Particle effect for polymorphing monsters
- Changed map zoom in/out keys to =/- instead of up and down. Mouse wheel still works.
- Changed how the players speed is calculated when moving diagonally
- Changed how the players and monsters reaches are calculated when facing diagonally
- Monsters now get a chance to wake up when the player enters their view rather then when the player enters the room they are in
- Moved status effect icons out of the stat bar to make room for the hunger meter
- Darkened the floor tiles of the first few floors.
- Darkened slime mold sprites
- Darkened all item sprites on the map
- moved some settings around
- Changed the year on the grave (completely forgot about that)
- The fairy is now a flying monster, which means it moves at double speed but still attacks at the normal rate like the kestral
- Flying monsters will not set off traps anymore
- Gas spores can now be polymorphed
- Magic Missiles are buffed to the correct amount of damage: 1d4 + 1
- In classic mode monsters now have to fail a saving throw vs magic to be hit by a magic missile otherwise they take no damage
- Lowered the default values for MSAA and Inosotropic filtering
- Lowered shader cache size to 128MB which is more appropriate
- Improved bat and phantom movement in classic mode
- If you search and find a trap, the name of the trap is now displayed
- Rewrote the controls in the manual to be more concise
- Crash caused by pressing the Esc key right after clicking the Dig Dungeon button
- Bug where deaths between levels 10 and 15 were not counted on steam's stats
- Bug where if a fairy was killed by an arrow trap it would still try to polymorph one of your items
- Scroll of confusion not letting you confuse a monster
- Rare crash that could occur in classic mode if a hall generated in an odd way
- Divide by zero crash involving the venus fly trap -it can hold you forever and so the timer for the status effect is set to 0
- Crash that could be caused by throwing a weapon with the returning" enchantment
- Changed tiles from nodes to objects -Should improve load times
- Changed the Steam API
- Bumped up steamworks version to 1.60
It was a long road to 3.0 but not as long as the one to 2.0. But despite that much more is possible with the changes that 3.0 brings! Monsters used to navigate using maps that lead to each exit of a room and then once they got to the room you were in they would run straight towards you. NOW they pathfind directly to you in the background and make their way toward you much more intelligently. Since monsters don't need those maps anymore we can be MUCH more flexible with the dungeons layout and not JUST during floor generation. In future versions it could be possible to blow holes in walls and have floors collapse or have new rooms and halls just appear out of nowhere! Another major change was the floor generation for standard mode. Floors should now be slightly smaller but much more densely packed and those extremely long halls the stretched across the entire floor should be gone. The floorgen was inspired by a great roguelike called Brogue and if any of you have played it before you'll recognize the giant pits that are now placed in the middle of the dungeons. Be careful around these for they are often trapped! Those are the two biggest updates but there are many more smaller ones so please make sure to take a look a those. Unfortunately though, grass didn't make it into this update. I have to do some work to the wall torches before I get grass working properly. If you've played Brogue you'll also recognize what I'm talking about here!
As always please let me know if you come across any bugs or crashes, especially with THIS update because monsters are now multi-threaded and things are a bit more complicated! If you enjoy the game please consider writing a review, it really helps! Alright, see you next update! Thanks!
[ 2024-09-30 14:16:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Summer may be coming to a close, but version 3.0 of ROGUE-FP is on the horizon.
Each time the game hits a new major version number it means I've done a lot of work under the hood to make more things possible in the game. But I'm feeling that this will be the last time we hit a new major version. I may keep updating ROGUE-FP for many years and hit version 3.9999.99 but I don't think the game will ever hit version 4.0 or even need to hit it. I'm pretty satisfied with the way I have it set up now considering the scope of the features I have planned. At this point there shouldn't need to be any more extended periods where I need to slow down development for 2+ months to overhaul the game's underlying code.
After this it should be all new features and mechanics!
The thing about developing a roguelike (at least in my experience) is that adding new mechanics is never as simple as just tossing them in. For example, I've wanted pits in the game for a while now but the process ended up like this.
Want pits -> need to change floorgen to deal with them-> need smarter ai to deal with that-> need more efficient ai-> need multithreading and A* pathfinding
And then you work your way back to front. Put in the multithreading and pathfinding, tighten up the ai, make it smarter, changing the floor generation, then finally adding pits.
So when you go to add a big feature you often find that you're under equipped to implement it fully and have to spend a lot of time upgrading your underlying systems to get it working.
But like I said. I'm pretty happy with what I have now. I will still no doubt have to work on things under the hood to put in new features but it shouldn't be anywhere near what I've had to do for this update or the 1.14 -> 2.0 update.
The 3.0 update should (hopefully) be out this month. I still have a lot of work to do but I think I can make it.
It will be releasing on Steam and GOG simultaneously so if you want a drm free version of the game then you know where to get it.
I don't have a store page up for it on GOG yet since I need to redo the trailer because the current trailer doesn't really look like how ROGUE-FP currently looks. A lot of shots in the trailer are from before the game released and we've come a decent way since then.
But when it's up I'll let you guys know.
In other news, I've redone the first music track I ever made for ROGUE-FP. It will replace the older version when the update is out but you can check it out now here:
I'll keep updating the other older tracks and putting them out for you guys. When I'd done, I'll release the whole soundtrack lossless for around a buck or two. So look forward to that!
I'll leave you with some screenshots and a gif from version 3.0 I took while working on it.
Alright! I'll see you guys later!
[ 2024-09-04 20:17:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Shimmering glow effects on items
- Items in the dungeon are now placed procedurally instead of randomly
- Gasses can now be emitted from traps and some thrown potions
- Monster can now set off traps
- Status effect icons now show roughly how much time they have left
- Altered how the bloom slider adjusts the bloom level
- Altered the bloom amount on bonfire sparks
- Brightened the stars of the dungeons a little
- Added a tiny bit more contrast to texture mode
- Hall walls are 1 tile higher to not allow gasses to leak out over them
- Screen doesn't go completely black when player has the sleep status effect anymore
- Brightened up the floor and wall tiles when using the GLES2 renderer
- Made the default brightness values a little more sane when using GLES2
- Tiles that are lit by more than one light source will no longer flicker
- Monster bits that require charging now show their current charge again
- Inventory now stretches to accommodate long attached monster bit names
- Issue where the monster/item sprites on the main menu wouldn't cooperate if the monster graphics style was changed
- Crash that could occur when loading a saved game on an early floor
- Crash that would occur when eating a frozen leg of mutton
- Implemented entirely new system for placing items/monsters
- Early work on AI pathfinding
Version 2.6 is out!
A lot of work was done to fix some lingering issues from older versions. For instance, the way tiles lit up around light sources was redone so that they don't flicker anymore and now if two light sources with different colors are close together, the tiles around them will blend the colors together. Also Items now also have a shimmery light effect on them now that is visible when they are near you or a bonfire. A lot more time was spent on that effect than I initially planned so I hope you guys like it.
Originally I wanted pits and crevasses to be in this update, however it seems that a number of steps will have to be taken before that can be implemented. It will take a lot of mapping and pathing and checks to make sure monsters don't just waltz straight to their doom at the bottom of a pit. Also, a lot of mapping and pathing and checks will need to be done to make sure a floor of the dungeon can still be explored properly even with big chunks of it taken out. I've already started on this though. As of this update the game analyzes the floor that is generated and figures out the high traffic zones where the player is likely to be and low traffic zones where the player is less likely to be. I plan on using those zones to figure out where pits should go. That will be the goal for the next update. Currently though, items are placed in the low traffic zones which means that in larger rooms items are more likely to be around corners or in little pockets of space wherever they appear. Hopefully this makes rooms a bit more rewarding to explore fully.
With the new system, the more blue a tile is, the more likely it is to have an item placed on it. Gasses were a sort of last minute addition as well but I think they came out quite nice. Certain potions when thrown, and certain traps when sprung, will emit a gas that can cause status effects on you or any monsters that breath it in. Currently the potions that can produce a gas are the potions of: confusion, hallucination, xheal, and poison. Gasses, if they are produced in a small room, can be much more concentrated and last for much longer than they would in a large room. For example, if a sleep gas trap goes off in a small room and it gets you, you could be out for a lot of turns! So be careful! On the other hand, as an added bonus, monsters can now spring traps and that includes gas traps! So feel free to use this to your advantage.
Another last minute addition and nice to have feature are the status effect icons that now display how much time the status effect has left. I felt it was good to implement this considering how long it is now possible to be stuck from gasses that cause hold or sleep status effects since they literally trap you in the gas and you're forced to take the entire brunt of the effect. But remember that they also affect monsters so they're not an immediate death sentence!
Aside from that a lot of bugs and crashes were fixed and the default settings were tweaked to be more sane. For the next update, I plan to implement multithreaded monster pathfinding, large pits and crevasses, a much reworked floorgen alorithm, and finally a hunger meter. Since the last time dungeon generation was overhauled ROGUE-FP entered version 2.0, the next large update may be version 3.0. If monsters can path around the dungeons smoothly without needing any external pregenerated maps to help them navigate then it opens up a lot possibilities for dungeon generation. Please look forward to it! As always please let me know if you come across any bugs or crashes. And please leave a review if you're enjoying the game. It really helps! Thanks!
[ 2024-07-12 23:49:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Some potions will now affect monsters if they are thrown at them -poison, confusion, blind, hallucination, a few others...
- Gas spores now explode when thrown
- Things that are detected by monsterbits on the minimap now clearly show up as detected at all times eg. walls from bat ear, cursed armour from black unicorn, etc
- Descriptions for some options in the options menu -some of these were present in an older version but got removed when the options menu got an overhaul so now they're back in with a few more
- Ragdoll effects for dead monsters
- New particle effect for teleporting -for the player and for monsters
- Background darkens a little when the pause menu is displayed
- More flavor descriptions for monster bits if they are eaten
- New manual page for monster bits
- Explosion radius has been doubled
- Stat increase numbers will radiate out from that stat bar at different angles if multiple values are applied at once
- Tweaked red flash effect when attacked -should cover the screen perfectly on all monitor aspect ratios
- The monsters and items appearing on the main menu -they load in a separate thread now so there should be far less of a lag spike when they are loaded in
- a crash that would occur if you tried to throw a monster bit while it is attached to your armour
- an obscure crash that would occur if you killed a centaur with an arrow right before its arrow hit you
Version 2.5 is finally here! The main feature here is that items can now have additional effects when thrown at monsters. Right now it's limited to a good handful of potions and gas spore float sacs but I think you'll find them very useful when you're in a pinch. Throwing a potion of confusion or blindness at a monster when you're in a bind will definitely help you if you need to run away and heal. Also, dead monsters now have some ragdoll effects when they die. In this update I've tried to make killing monsters much more satisfying and I think this will get the job done. After they're dead you can also kick the body around by pressing space while facing it. This doesn't have any gameplay effect though. It's just for fun. As always please let me know if you come across any bugs or crashes. And please leave a review if you're enjoying the game. It really helps! Thanks and enjoy!
[ 2024-06-18 21:04:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- A crash that would occur if you threw a monster bit that was still attached to your armour
- A freeze that monsters could cause when attempting to navigate through edge case floorgen conditions
- A duping glitch that would occur if you threw a monster bit that wasn't attached to any armor
[ 2024-05-27 21:27:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Centaurs can now shoot arrows
- Monsters can be damaged by centaur arrows if they get in between you and the centaur
- The combat log is now much faster and is capable of more things
- A bonfire may spawn in large dark rooms
- Slash animation for ASCII monster graphics mode
- 1 new dungeon track and battle variant
- 2 new secret achievements
- Changed kestrel back to kestral
- Tweaked the appearance of wall-torch sparks
- Made the xeroid do slightly less damage
- Rings of protection made it easier to be hit instead of harder, this also means that cursed rings actually helped you
- Centaur monster bits weren't properly adjusting the players crit rate
- A possible crash involving the dragon and the functions it calls each time it takes a step
- Sped up floor generation time by optimizing the flood-fill algorithm
- Optimized the wall collision shapes -adds a little bit of time to floor generation but should allow for higher fps on low end hardware
- The monsters and items showing up on the title screen -I didn't realize how big of a lag spike they were causing when they are being loaded in
- When two light sources are next to each other the tiles they are lighting up will flicker
As always please let me know if you come across any bugs or crashes! And if you're enjoying the game to write a short review since that really helps! Thanks!
[ 2024-05-25 23:13:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- 1 secret achievement
- A crash that would occur if you threw a ring
[ 2024-05-08 15:23:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Monster bits can now be hacked off of monsters and attached to your armor
- Each monster has a unique bit with a unique ability
- Attaching two of the same kind of monster bit will increase your AC by 1
- Some bits have a ability that requires the them to be charged. Bits can only be charged when attached to the armor you are currently wearing
- Monsters have a chance to damage them so you will have to decide if its worth exposing them to use them or not
- Some have secret effects that are not listed in their descriptions
- 1 new potion -potion of intoxication that the player starts with, temporarily increases strength and reduces damage
- Completely reworked the player inventory
- If an item has a description, it can be viewed by pressing the ? button on the inventory.
- Items with charged effects can be activated by pressing the * button on the inventory.
- Nymphs will no longer disappear after stealing your magic items, instead they will run away
- New screen wipe when starting the game
- EASY MODDING OF THE PLAYER MAP SPRITE - just drag and drop any image called player.png or player.jpg into your user directory. Make sure the file name is all lower case letters.
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\ROGUE-FP
- GNU/Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/ROGUE-FP
- Orcs will no longer sit contently on their pile of gold while you wail on them from a distance until they die.
- Venus Flytraps no longer soak up the dungeon sun while you wail on them from a distance until they die.
- A bug where if you escaped the venus flytrap by teleporting, you would still be held by it.
- A bug that caused monsters to think about waking up every time the player took a step in the room they are in. Monsters are much sleepier now.
- The wall shader being bugged for some people. -Though I can't say for sure if it's fixed because I couldn't replicate it on any of my test machines. Nevertheless , that shader has been simplified and optimized.
- Some monster navigation issues.
- Aquators no longer deal +-0 damage.
- Items can now be dropped properly again
- Player will properly get their light radius back when the blind status effect goes away
- Leprechauns now drop gold when killed
- Tweaked gas spore explosion sound effect
- Increased gas spore explosion damage
- Log box is a little bit more opaque to make the text more legible
- Control focus color now matches the ROGUE-FP logo
- Monsters that are poisoned from rattler venom turn back to their normal color after a hit/miss animation despite still being poisoned
- Controller issues with the new inventory -description/activate buttons can't be pressed, the mouse must be used.
- Killing a monster in a hallway with the wand of draining wall cause the message log to spam you defeated the monster over and over. This is because the wand deals damage 1 point at a time, even after a monster is already dead.
Since I use GNU/Linux for development I don't often do a lot of testing on windows. Its extremely rare that something will cause the engine to crash on windows but not on GNU/Linux. But for this release I DID do some testing. And while I haven't found any OS specific crashes, praise be to the lord of the Dungeons, there DOES seem to be a couple weird issues on the windows side. First, the Godot engine doesn't seem to work well with Windows' UI scaling. For example, if you have a 4k monitor and have your UI scaling set to 150%, the engine will scale the entire game window up and will think that you have a 1440p monitor instead. This is a tricky issue to solve but I'll do what I can. Users with UI scaling set to 100% should have no issues however. Second, if you have an AMD gpu and in your Adrenaline settings you have your color correction set to vivid gaming, then I would say that ROGUE-FP actually looks worse with that setting on. There's much less contrast on the textures and the bloom outlines on torches are overly bright. I would recommend setting your color correction to normal if you wish to see how ROGUE-FP is intended too look.
Version 2.3 is finally out! Only now are we just starting to scratch the surface of what I have planned for ROGUE-FP. In this update the player can now take advantage of the bits you've been hacking off of monsters. The inventory UI has been redone so that items can now have sub-inventories. This needed to be done so that armor can now hold the monster bits you've been hacking off. Each monster has its own bit and each bit has its own ability. ABILITIES ALSO STACK. So for example if you have two bat ears attached to your armor, the radius for detecting walls will be double compared to if you had just one attached. Same goes for three.Right now monster bits can only have one ability but I may change that in the future as more features are added to the game and new features end up outpacing new monsters being added. Players can now finally change the default @ symbol sprite for the player character. This was something I wanted for a long time but only knew of relatively complicated method of doing this. However I found a much simpler method a couple of weeks ago that works much better for both of us. Like I listed above you just need to drop a file named player.png or player.jpg into the games user directory and it should load it up when the game starts. If the file name is correct but there is an error loading the image then the game will let you know when you actually get past the main menu and into the game. One thing to note though is that most images will probably only look good on the texture graphics mode. Since the ASCII mode and hybrid mode are so dark, the camera has to crank up the exposure to make things visible. If you want to use a custom player sprite in those modes you may need to darken it in GIMP or Photoshop first to have it look right. This was a pretty big update so please let me know if you find any bugs or crashes. Also if you enjoy the game please consider writing a short review! It really helps! THANKS!
[ 2024-05-05 17:18:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- A crash that could occur when the game rolls for a random wandering monster
[ 2024-04-15 17:17:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- A crash that would occur if you closed the new options menu by pressing the escape key instead of clicking the save and apply button
[ 2024-04-06 18:21:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Circular rooms
- Adjusted the distance between rooms
- Polished up the options menu a bit
- A logic error that would cause a crash on floor 19
- Explosion sound effect is now correctly adjusted with the sfx volume
[ 2024-04-05 23:27:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed bug where if you closed the inventory with the escape key then pressing escape again would not bring up the pause menu
- A short fluff line is displayed when you first first enter the dungeon or load a save
[ 2024-04-02 03:02:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New Flying Monster: Gas Spore
- 2 new music tracks and their battle variations
- Gradient lighting effect around the player
- Chance for a bloody piece to be hacked off a monster in battle -this is only a visual effect, for now!
- Status effect icons now flash as to be more noticeable
- Low ambient background noise -hopefully this gives the dungeons a bit more atmosphere
- Wall tiles with torches hung on them have a slight lighting effect
- Tweaked the leveling curve to deal with the extra monsters
- Random fluff line will display in the log when interacting with a tombstone
- The music track that would play when you entered a room chock full of monsters -I rewrote how the game handles music so this track will be gone for a little while.
Known Bugs:
- when loading a save, the items that are in the room you start in might not be visible, all the rest should be fine though
[ 2024-03-31 00:29:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
New In This Update:
- A more learn-as-you-play type tutorial -can be disabled in the options
- Some attack animations -I plan on adding a couple more
- A map brightness slider in the options
- Color in the minimap -specifically for items and stairs to make them more visible
- CRT shader -can be enabled in the options
- Tombstone -gives you a helpful item on the floor you last died on, provided you died past a certain level
- Crash that could occur when throwing non-weapon items at monsters
- Bug causing monster fire particles to load the entire monster atlas
- Bug that caused stairs to rehide themselves in darkrooms after the player leaves
[ 2024-03-03 05:25:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
The 2.0 update has been a long time coming. A lot of work had to be done to lay the groundwork for future updates.
Completely new floor generation system maps are now about 4 times as large as before Large cave type rooms have been added Dungeon walls are higher Gameplay changed to accommodate the new dungeons Players light radius is now much larger Light from the player can now go between rooms Classic Mode - a mode reminiscent of this game when it first released, has its own leaderboards Optimizations Shader cache -this should prevent stuttering during gameplay Visuals Reworked the bloom for hybrid graphics mode Dungeon walls now have a shader to make them blend into the dark sky better Resolution options in the settings should now work far better for low resolution monitors Added ultrawide monitor support Fixes The wands of bolting now show their effect with the GLES2 renderer The aquator's ability can now be cancelled with a wand of cancelling The vampire's ability can now be cancelled with a wand of cancelling Many other small fixes that I failed to document while working and can't remember
- Mazes - I may bring them back but most likely very sparingly
- Hallways with dead ends - This is simply a side effect of how the new floor gen works
- Tombstones - I simply wanted to get this update out as soon as I could and ran out of time, they will be back in the next update
- Doors - monsters used to use these to navigate from room to room but since monsters have been rewritten they no longer need them
- The roof of the dungeon - I have plans for what will go up there
- Secret doors - With the new large rooms I figured it would take too long if you had to search the entire thing to find the door. If they return they
The New Dungeon
The new floor generation system uses cellular automata for the new large cave-like rooms. This is a standard technique in traditional roguelikes and I think it works quite well in first person. To compensate for the rooms being so large, the player's light radius in all rooms and halls is now much larger than it was before. Also your light now travels between rooms and through walls. This is simply because the old light algorithm was never designed to work with large rooms and was starting to chug on my test machine so I put in a much simpler and faster one. This does mean that you can see into adjacent rooms while you're going down a hall if you look at your mini-map but in a way I kind of like the idea that you might find items in rooms that you don't know how to get to yet so I may keep this light algorithm for a while. Along with that, rooms are now much more likely to connect and loop between each other so this should mean you spend more time exploring and less time backtracking. Halls are also much more straight, hopefully creating more opportunities to use ranged weapons. One issue though is that while the game still runs on very low end hardware when you have the driver in the settings set to GLES2, the load times between these new dungeon levels can be longer than they used to. On my dev machine the load times are under a second but on my test machine, an old thinkpad from 2011 with 4 gigs of single channel ram, the load times can be 8-9 seconds. I apologize for that and I'm working on honing my c++ so I can rewrite performance critical parts of the game to be much faster.
Balancing Food
Before, and in classic mode now, a dungeon floor was 40x24 tiles big. Now a dungeon floor is 80x40 tiles big. This means that in general it will take more food to get to one floor to the next, however, there are now more rooms per floor and thus a greater chance for food to spawn. Mazes and dead ends were also removed so now you won't spend food navigating a maze or backtracking as much. But then again, it might take longer to find the stairs in a dark cave room. But then again Again the Amulet spawns sooner than before. And so on and so on. Needless to say getting the balance right for food is pretty difficult. If you keep finding that you end up starving on the same levels over and over please let me know so I can tweak the balance more in the player's favour if it becomes clear that food is just too limited. Remember though that rings increase the rate that you go hungry, so take that into account.
Balancing Monsters:
Since each dungeon floor has more rooms that means that more monsters will spawn per floor. The thing is though is that by the time you kill all of the monsters only a few floors into the dungeon you're already around level 4 or 5 and you're quite a bit stronger than the monsters around you. So because of that I've adjusted the levels that some monsters appear on to hopefully keep things even between the player and the monsters. I didn't want to simply decrease the xp monsters give since I felt that would be a kind of boring way keep things balanced.
Balancing Gold
THIS IS IMPORTANT. There are more rooms per floor now and so more chances for gold to spawn, but the amulet shows up earlier now and so your average winner(I don't think there's been one yet although a few have come close) might end up with less gold than before the update. If you find that you're getting comparatively further into the dungeon than you did before the update but are having trouble beating your old high score please let me know so I can bump up the gold levels. I don't want to make a change and have everyone's old high scores become impossible to beat. If that were the case then the leader-boards wouldn't reflect the current game and that's something I want to avoid.
The Future of the Dungeon
In the next update I'd like do a few things. 1. I think the rooms as they generate now are a bit spread out. I'll try to get them to generate in a more dense layout. 2. Add the tombstone back in 3. Start on flying monsters 4. Work on the room light algorithm. My goal is to have rooms be able to be lit from multiple sources and not just the player. I'd like it if it were possible to have a few hobgoblins around a bonfire be visible when you enter a dark room. 5. Add more music - this is something I've neglected and I'm sorry for that. I'm a programmer by trade so I always feel I can get more work done if I sit down in front of a keyboard for typing instead of the music kind. Lastly, I tried as best as I could to make sure that the old highscore and settings files work with the new update. If your game crashes on startup(it really shouldn't), try going into your save directory and deleting the highscore and settings files. On GNU/Linux this is: home/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/ROGUE-FP On Windows its: AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\ROGUE-FP
As always, please let me know if you find any bugs or experience any crashes! Thanks for playing!
[ 2024-02-16 22:57:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
The dungeon rewrite is steadily ongoing.
Of course, I didn't plan for it to take this long but, as it often happens, one thing leads to another and the whole thing gets larger and larger. At first I just wanted to rewrite how the dungeon blocks/tiles and monster/item positions are stored; and that worked well. But since levels could now easily be larger a roadblock was hit with lower end hardware.
The old way of rendering the tiles was essentially bruteforced since when I was first making ROGUE-FP I had no plans of having levels any larger than they needed to be when the game was released.
So that meant the way the tiles were rendered needed to be rewritten, and because that was rewritten the way rooms handled tiles and lighting them needed to be rewritten. And then going back to what I said before, since monster positions were changed that meant that monster pathfinding had to be rewritten to work with the new dungeon code and so on and so on.
All that having been said, when this update is finished the game will finally enter version 2.0. I can't say there will be many new features at the start, since this whole rewrite is proving to be quite the task, but I have a good idea as to where to take things afterwards.
There will be new monsters and new items and magic effects of course. But I'd also like to start leveraging the first person perspective a bit more. Monsters like bats and kestrels and griffins should actually fly above the map and chasms and pitfalls and tunnels should form below. New terrain types will also be added, perhaps gasses and fumes and burnable objects as well but I'll have to see how feasible that is.
And of course the original gameplay of the game when it first came out will still be preserved in a classic mode which should also get performance benefits from the rewrite.
So in short, I'm sorry for taking so long and I hope to see you in the new year! Please have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
[ 2023-12-22 23:57:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this version is:
- New monster: xeroid
- Controller support
- Items now appear on the minimap
- Updated bestiary
- Singing sword no longer wakes up mimics
- Slightly increased the chance of a lich cursing your armour
- Darkness monsters now teleport like fairies
- fixed bug where an item polymorphed by a fairy might not be considered "picked up" by the game
- fixed bug where the food detection status icon wouldn't go away when the status effect timer was up
- fixed old bug where if you shoved your mouse forward fast enough the camera would go upside down
This update adds a new monster: the xeroid that mimics the stairs tile. It can be quite strong but you are given about 1 turns worth of warning before it attacks. Also added is support for controllers. Here are the controls in the Nintendo layout style:
- A: Accept/Attack
- B: Exit menu
- X: Inventory
- Y: Search
- Left Thumbstick: Move
- Right Thumbstick: Look around
- Dpad: Navigate menus
- L1: Map
- L2: Speedup
- R1: Zap wand
- R2: Fire range weapon
- R3: Walk over item
- Start: Pause menu
- Select: open right click menu on inventory item
[ 2023-09-25 18:32:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this version is:
- New monster: The darkness
- New scroll: Scroll of Summon Sylph
- New staff: Staff of Trapping
- Hybrid art style can now be set for monsters and items
- Banners are hung up in dark rooms
- Altered the minimap to be more roguelike
- Boosted the xp for killing a black unicorn
- Shrunk the size of the nymph sprite
- New behavior for the fairy
- Other small tweaks and fixes
A decent sized update for you guys. For this update I've been working on slowly changing monster pathfinding to add new behaviors. For instance the fairy will now truly wander around the dungeon floor as opposed to before where she would always be trying to move toward the player like a normal monster. And so I have added a new monster to also take advantage of this behavior. The darkness will spawn in as a wandering monster and will re-darken any tiles you have uncovered while exploring the level. To counter this, the new summon sylph scroll will summon in 6 sylphs that will move about the level (through walls even) lighting up any floors and walls they pass though. Sometimes they will fly over the stairs tile so check your map every once in a while after you read the scroll. The wand of trapping will place a trap sigil on any floor tile you point it at. Any monster that steps on the sigil is guaranteed to take damage. The damage the monsters take decreases as they continue to step on it until the sigil disappears. And finally it took a bit of work but I have finally added the hybrid ascii graphic style for monster and items. So hopefully you guys like how they look! As always let me know if you encounter any bugs or crashes! Thanks!
[ 2023-09-11 23:53:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
Fixed in this update is: A crash that could occur if you picked up an orcs gold before he got to it A physics related crash that I though was fixed last time A bug where if you were teleported to an unlit room after you had read a scroll of mapping the floor wouldn't light up Another small update to get those crash fixes out. That physics related one was tricky. A number of updates ago I had removed all collision from the roof of the dungeon as a cpu optimization for very low end machines. However it seems that the physics in Godot can glitch out when a kinematic body(like the player) collides with a static body(like the stairs tile or walls) at specific angles and send the player rocketing into the sky. In the games code the player is expected to stay within the bounds of the dungeon and so the game would crash. Now that I better know the root cause of the crash I can make sure that it should not happen again. I have tweaked the players physics to make this less likely as well as now properly reset the players position and velocity if ever you should end up out of bounds. As always let me know if you run into any bugs or crashes! Thanks!
[ 2023-08-29 16:39:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this version is:
- Added a minimap and a minimap transparency option
- UI elements retain their positions better at different aspect ratios
- Updated the How To Play section
- Fixed a physics related crash that could occur if you approached stairs quickly
- Fixed a soft lock bug that could occur if you fell into a trap and were caught by a venus flytrap at the same time
Smallish update but I really wanted to get that crash fix out. I've had a few people request a minimap so here it is! I plan on sprucing it up more in future updates. As always, please let me know if you run into any bugs or crashes. Thanks!
[ 2023-08-23 23:12:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this update:
- A grave is placed on the floor you last died on. Past floor 4 it will give you a helpful item related to the floor you are at.
- The player and monsters now move slightly faster when moving in non-cardinal directions.
- Fixed compass placement when the stat bar is on the placed on the bottom of the screen.
- Realigned some ASCII art wall textures.
- Slightly increased the likelihood of finding a weapon with a plus damage enchantment.
Having the player and monsters move faster in non-cardinal directions is something I've been thinking of adding since release. Generally in traditional roguelikes a diagonal move takes only a single turn just like a non-diagonal move even though the player is technically covering more distance when moving diagonally. So in ROGUE-FP you will now move 1.4 times faster when moving diagonally across tiles to mimic that style of grid based movement. As always please let me know if you encounter any bugs or crashes! Thank you!
[ 2023-08-04 17:46:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this update is:
- new graphical mode - Ascii art hybrid
- Added torches(just dungeon dressing for now)
- Decoupled monster/item graphics and tile graphics
- Added brightness setting
- Updated How To Play
- Tweaked camera shake when attacked
- Tweaked camera post processing for all graphical styles
- Fixed old bug where confusion status held you in place for a few seconds
- Compass now moves up when the stat bar is on the bottom of the screen (this was an oversight, sorry)
This update has mostly graphical improvements so hopefully you guys like how it looks. It took quite a bit of time to get the ascii art textures to look right(not too dark, not too bright, proper density of characters). If you like that style but it's still too dark for you, you can alter the brightness setting in the options and adjust it to how you like. Tell me what you think about it. I think the ascii art is kind of interesting as it increases the "resolution" of the tiles in a way since rather having 32 pixel by 32 pixel tiles you have 64 character by 32 character tiles along with the added sort of "texture" the characters bring. But anyway, as always, please let me know if you come across any bugs or crashes. Thanks!
[ 2023-07-19 21:47:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
Big ol' update, new in this version is:
- Singing weapon enchantment
- doors now show that you have passed through them before
- compass added to the hud
- walls and floors now vary in shade
- increased the saturation in the camera slightly
- camera shake when hit
- added a few more hints to the death screen
- player now also has a shadow
- finally added the fairy to the bestiary
- fixed bug where a water trap didn't immediately show that it lowered your armor
- fixed bug where liches would lose their particle effect after reviving
- fixed bug where "-lich" would be omitted from a liches name in the log
- fixed bug where a ranged weapon might be named incorrectly after being polymorphed by a fairy
- fixed an issue where damage might have been calculated incorrectly
- reduced the likelihood of a medusa waking up and confusing the player
The Singing enchantment will wake every monster when you enter a room EXCEPT for reptile monsters and bird monsters which will always remain asleep. This could be handy on the later levels for dealing with medusas, griffins, and dragons. It does nothing against monsters that are already awake when you find them though.
[ 2023-06-23 16:27:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes:
New in this version is:
- New weapon enchantments that can cause status effects in monsters and other abilities
- The spear now has double the range of a normal weapon
- Added shadows under items and monsters
- Added new "onfire" status for monsters
- Fixed a crash involving dropping wands
The new shadows. This update adds new special enchantments to weapons. You'll know if your weapon has an enchantment because it will be pre-named when you pick it up. Weapons with "Flaming" in their name will cause monsters to light on fire, weapons with "Returning" in their name will cause them to pop back into your inventory if they hit a monster after you throw them. Those are just a couple examples, there are more enchantments than that and I plan on adding even more later on. As an aside, with the money ROGUE-FP has earned I was able to buy a new(used) keyboard for making music so expect some new tracks in the future!
[ 2023-06-09 23:57:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this version:
- Added a Mod Loader
[ 2023-06-01 17:16:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
Just a small update to fix an error.
- Added arrows back into the players inventory after accidentally removing them
- Tweaked the position of text on the statbar
[ 2023-05-25 16:48:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in this update:
- the stat bar now has icons for status effects.
- a retry button has been added to the death screen
- added an achievement for not looking at the map until floor 10
- added a scroll that disables your map for a floor
- debuffed the aquator slightly
I've been thinking of adding per room enchantments. So in one room you might be a bit stronger or in another you might blinded or hallucinating while inside it. How does that sound? This could also be an area over a part of the map rather than per room thing.
[ 2023-05-23 16:14:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
New in version 1.6:
- Named weapons that do bonus damage against specific monsters or groups of monsters
- New secret monster that shows up past floor 6
- Tweaked the numbers to make fairies and liches a little more common
- Fixed an old bug that caused battle music not to play
- Updated the how to play section to include some of the new features from last update
[ 2023-05-14 16:43:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
A lot of feature requests made it into this one. New in version 1.5:
- New monster: the fairy
- Frame limiter in the graphics options
- Map toggle by double pressing M
- Your mouse's vertical axis is locked while you are looking at the map
- Speed toggle by double pressing SHIFT
- While looking at the map, pressing Q will let you descend stairs if you are standing on them
- Achievements unlocked at higher difficulties will also unlock them at lower difficulties
- Fixed a crash that occurred if you searched where a trap was removed
The Fairy
The fairy is a new monster, represented by a lower case f in ASCII mode. The fairy when killed will polymorph one of your items into another of the same type. Potions polymorph into potions and rings into rings and so forth. The fairy will never polymorph food or the amulet of yendor so don't worry about that. Also ranged weapons will only polymorph into ranged weapons. Fairies are more common on the first 5 levels but may still show up deeper in the dungeon so it may be worth it to hold on to cursed items or bad potions and things for the chance that you might be able to polymorph them later. They may be hard to find though as they will teleport at their leisure around the floor.
New Controls
With the new controls it is technically possible to play the entire game with the map up. It's a bit awkward to control and aiming ranged weapons and wands can be difficult so I don't recommend it but the option is there if you want it. Have fun!
[ 2023-05-04 18:19:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- Increased light radius in dark rooms for difficulties Easy and below
- Fixed crash on the main menu
- Save compatibility has been lost with previous versions
[ 2023-04-30 19:18:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
In version 1.4 it is now possible to come across lich-type monsters. They are stronger versions of normal monsters but with added abilities and a phylactery. Liches will revive after a while if their phylactery is still around but they will viciously defend their phylacteries so it's a good idea to kill them first and go after the phylactery while they're still dead. They give triple the xp of their normal counterparts and killing the phylactery will uncurse anything you have equipped. They are generally non-aggressive though so it's up to you if you want to fight them. Also added in this update is
- auto-slowdown when you bump into a monster while holding shift
- invert vertical mouse option
- colored words in the log for ease of viewing
- potion of hallucination bug fixes
[ 2023-04-24 17:27:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- added new edible weapon
- gold madness can now be removed by a scroll of remove curse
- adjusted likelihood of treasure room appearing
- fixed loading crash with kestrels
- fixed loading bug where wrong room lights up
[ 2023-04-18 18:02:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- Added mod support
- traps can now be removed if they are searched after they are visible
- it is now possible to zoom in on the map using the scroll wheel or up/down keys
[ 2023-04-15 01:40:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Items
Two new items are in the game. Since it wouldn't be very fun if I just told you what they do I'll instead show you the text that's displayed when you use them. The potion: "you click your heels as you down the potion" The scroll: "you are overcome with gold madness!"
I've gotten a few requests for mods, so that's something I've been looking into and I think I've had a breakthrough. I started working on this game in Godot 3.2 and eventually upgraded to 3.5 later on. But I think somewhere along the way something behind the scenes was changed and try as I might I couldn't get mods to load properly. I think I have finally figured out the issue though so expect an update and a tutorial video explaining the process in the coming week.
[ 2023-04-08 00:53:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- 1 new potion
- 1 new scroll
- fixed bugs related to the ring of teleportation
- fixed visual bugs related to the potion of hallucination
- added button to the options menu to toggle new items showing up in the dungeon
- changed save format - loading a save from before the update may result in buggy behavior
[ 2023-04-08 00:06:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- Removed some debug lines that were showing up
- Medusa sound effect now plays on all difficulties
[ 2023-04-05 16:28:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- Monsters now outwardly show that they are asleep
- Made viewing global scores easier to read
- it is now possible to page through global scores
- stability improvements
[ 2023-04-03 17:40:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- fixed issues with secret doors being visible on the ROGUE difficulty
[ 2023-04-01 18:44:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- Fixed bugs that could occur when loading a save.
[ 2023-03-31 01:30:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
There appears to be a bug with loading your game. It seems to be related to having a wand in your inventory. The character is loaded first but when the wand is put back into your inventory its number of charges is re-rolled, thus throwing off the RNG used for generating the level the way it was when you saved. Expect this to be fixed and an update to be released either today or tomorrow. Until then either try to finish your run or if you must save then use up the charges in your wand and throw it and hit an enemy with it to delete it from the level. My sincere apologies - Jurax
[ 2023-03-30 22:20:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
ROGUE-FP will be out on the 30th. I didn't use github to back up the code so I can't be exactly sure of when I actually started work on this but it grew out a 7drl I made in 2020 so its around 3 years worth of work and I'm glad I did it. While I did put a lot of effort into ROGUE-FP and I hope you enjoy it, it is meant to be a trail run for later games I want to make. I figured if I was to make a real, proper, modern(in terms of feature set anyway) 3d first person roguelike I better go back to the basics and figure out what made the old ones work and also what wont work in first person. The dungeon generation is simple and to some of you folks the monsters and items will be very familiar, but I felt I needed to go over these seasoned roguelike elements and see exactly how they might translate into a 3d environment. At an earlier point in development I figured that the game should go all in on being first person and the player should never be able see the map at all except for when you find a scroll of mapping. But I found that you really can't separate the idea of a dungeon crawler from having some sort of map available. Even with a maximum number of 9 rooms per floor in ROGUE-FP it is still easy to find yourself running around in circles and losing your sense of direction. This is obviously in part due to the fact that all of the rooms have the same wall textures but I think the problem would still remain to some extent even if each room had different textures. Monsters and items being visible though walls when you find potions to detect them is a relic from that time of development.
Future Updates
Anyway, moving forward I would like to continue to support ROGUE-FP for a while before I completely dive into another project. First on the list is some more music tracks and of course a few more items and monsters with the option of turning them off if you don't want to play with them and just like the core item and monster set.
After that
But after that I will begin on my next big roguelike. I plan on exploring mechanics that would would fit the roguelike genre but aren't entirely possible in 2d, at least not easily. Things like potions that change your size, enemies that drop down from above, the ability to lob spells at your enemies, and so on. I would also like to resurrect some mechanics from old pen and paper RPGs that seem to be somewhat lost to time. Things like xp for gold, dungeon maps not being meta, the hiring of men at arms, and the possibility of resurrecting player characters that died in the dungeon, among others. I would also like to take a look into procedural trap generation since as I'm not bound by having objects be the size of individual tiles it should be possible to combine bait and business to create hundreds of different ways of killing player characters. Ive felt that if I could get the game to generate a trap that could set a gold coin to start rolling away across a room so that the player would follow it into the path of an oncoming boulder then Ive met my goal in that department. I plan on having real time lighting and physics as well. The sort of old school way of simulating a lit torch in ROGUE-FP in dark rooms became a source of bugs for a while that always needed to be dealt with. When it was combined with wands of light, potions of blindness, and potions of hallucination it could become a bit of a headache. So I figure it just makes sense for the engine to handle that sort of thing. It will most likely look better as well. Multiplayer is a possibility although if it slows down development too much it may need to be cut. Mod support is also a possibility but for some reason me and the Godot engine and modding dont seem to be getting along but maybe it will work better for me with the new Godot 4 that's just come out. So, I hope you enjoy ROGUE-FP and get a good score on the leaderboard. If you have any questions or even feature suggestions feel free to email me at juraxgames@gmail.com.
[ 2023-03-29 16:07:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [160.53 M]
The Fighters guild has a high bar for entry. They want you to delve deep into the Dungeon of Doom and return to the surface with the Amulet of Yendor. A perilous quest few have completed, for within the dungeon are terrible monsters, devious traps, and mystifying magical items.To survive you'll have to identify the items, navigate the dark labyrinths within the dungeon, and fight your way past the monsters. With enough skill and a decent amount of luck they say it can be done. Give it your best shot!
Just like in the roguelike days of yore, there are- Procedurally generated levels
- Perma-death
- An alphabet's worth of monsters
- Many magic items with different effects including rings, potions, wands, and more!
But in ROGUE-FP there’s also
- Sprites/textures for everything
- First person controls
- Smooth turns
- Synth soundtrack
- A difficulty level for every level of skill, including one that removes item identification
- OS: Linux Ubuntu 18.04
- Processor: Dual core CPU 2.4 GHzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Radeon HD 8330
- Storage: 12 GB available space
- OS: Linux Ubuntu 18.04
- Processor: Quad core CPU 3.0 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 1050
- Storage: 12 GB available space
[ 6146 ]
[ 1709 ]