hi. buggy bugs, bugs bnuuy. fix. bye. AAA... As part of the enemy rework, the enemy spawns will be adjusted to be different for each difficulty. This should make replayability more fun. (At least I hope it will.) Also this update brings garbage collection reduction (stupid coding term), you should see performance increase with this one. There's still more I could do on the CPU side. I am investigating. As per usual, if you found something. Please report it. I can't fix what I don't know about. General - Mission 1 enemy spawns now vary based on the difficulty selected instead of just multiplying the current enemy count. This will be updated for other Missions as well over time, this requires manual work. General - Fixed enemy rage effect not attaching to their heads properly after the rework. General - Reduced the follow range of homing enemy projectiles as they could be too hard to dodge, especially on higher difficulties. General - Further CPU optimizations for the enemies and the player. General - Adjusted the visibility of Reech. The self exploding enemies to be now more visible in combat. Yeah, a big arrow was not enough. General - Enemies should no longer randomly spawn under the ground in rare situations on high framerates. General - Also fixed a failsafe from one of the previous patches not working because I've goofed up. General - Reduced RAM usage by a bit. General - Enemies and player no longer get confused (stuck) by the rain puddles. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail (game.manager.hnd@gmail.com), or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy. If you like that kinda stuff, consider a follow.)
[ 2025-03-16 15:42:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
A small patch. Things are a little goofy right now in my life. So I am taking a little break. Don't worry, if there's something that bricks the game I'll come back and fix it immidiately. Just let me know. That is the important part. Can't fix what I don't know about. Rework of the enemies is still ongoing. I just won't be updating for a little while until I feel a bit better. - General - Improved general visibility in Mission 9 and 10. It was too much on the eyes and compressed poorly on the videos to be honest. - General - Enemies received additional particle work similar to player's. - General - Cremators have been re-animated. - General - Fixed an issue where a different enemy would spawn in the training room when you tried to spawn a knight mob. - General - Fixed explosions cutting off too early. - General - Fixed an issue where the enemies would slide towards the player on spawn in the training mode. - General - Fixed an issue related to the headless enemies in the last mission, where they didn't call the visual mesh change properly when attacking after the rework, because of that their hitbox just didn't work, everything else did though. Code magic. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail (game.manager.hnd@gmail.com), or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy. If you like that kinda stuff, consider a follow.)
[ 2025-03-10 19:11:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is Part 2 of the enemy rework stuff. It seems to me there'll be quite a few parts in there as the updated balance gets... balanced. I push these in chunks because yeah, bug fixes. Yay. - General - Added some of the missing catch up animations to the enemies that use that system. - General - Added some of the missing falling in the air animations to the enemies. - General - Fixed the console command debug_hbox, it will show you hitboxes properly now as requested by a few players. As a general reminder, "demons smell" activates the cheats in console. PageDown can be used to slow the game down, page up to speed up, home to return to normal speed. This is mostly used for debugging, but yeah. Whoever wants it - gets it. - General - More enemy changes. Assassins will throw shurikens at the player now, will back off when player is too close, got increased attack range. Marionette master's healing range has been increased, additional aoe attack has been added. This should make the master a higher priority target than before, where it could've been easily ignored. - General - Reduced enemy HP scaling per difficulty. Now that they are more aggressive, this is pointless. There's a lot going on on higher difficulties as is with more moves it gets... genuinely overwhelming. So... suffer, but suffer less. I should consider re-balancing the spawns of enemies for each difficulty after the rework for the enemies will be completed. - General - Added an additional check for enemy's gravity to prevent rare possible soft locks, technically shouldn't happen, but you never know when something will go wrong. - Mission 03 - A small adjustment to level geometry to ensure enemies don't get stuck in an awkward position. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail (game.manager.hnd@gmail.com), or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy. If you like that kinda stuff, consider a follow.)
[ 2025-03-06 13:30:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is Part 1 of the enemy rework. How many parts will there be? Dunno. Up to feedback on the updates, plus however many enemies I have left to change. The purpose of this rework is to give enemies priority in which they are supposed to be taken down naturally. It's not a full on rework to make enemies super difficult or anything, no. Difficulty options exist for a reason after all. It is just to give them more reactive moves and make them feel a bit smarter, also AOE attacks to keep the player on their feet. (HAHA FEET) Anyway. Changes like these are the most difficult ones because even though I tested through the whole game, side modes, tutorial, etc, etc. There still could be something broken that I didn't notice. If that's the case, please report it to me using any of the contact thingies at the end of this announcement. - General - Enemies are now properly grounded when spawned. - General - Fixed missing tutorial locale. - General - Enemies have been reworked to utilize a base prefab (Except for bosses). That took a while, and replacing them all in each scene was annoying, but it's working... I think. As far as I tested, it all works from start to finish. Anyway, this change allows me to make some enemy related changes easier. - General - Enemies now can catch up to the player if the player is too far away. That is if it's not the heavy enemy type. - General - Enemies now can utilize navmesh in order to avoid obstacles. This activates if the player is too far away and tries to cheese them by making them all walk into the walls. This however only works if the player is also on the navmesh otherwise it uses old navigation. Too bad! - General - First boss fight has a small cinematic adjustment to it. Don't mind it. Code from the new prototype allows me to do those easily, joy of shared source code. - General - Fixed an issue where archers would stop shooting at all unless they are attacked if they are stationary. - General - Fixed minor graphical glitches and LOD models sometimes being invisible. - General - Fixing particles from the updated statue model clipping through floors. - General - Minor graphical changes to some of the levels to give them a tad more detail visually. - General - Minor loading screen timing adjustments. - General - Reoptimized places with remote cameras so they don't cause performance drops. - General - SDK Has also been updated to add the new reworked enemy prefabs. Level updates are not needed. - General - Sniper enemies now shoot from their origin point, meaning if player reflects their projectile, it should shoot back at them properly and kill/damage them as expected. - General - Some of the enemies have been reworked, mainly Siis grunts, Siis Archers, Siis Steeres (Big tanky guys) to be a bit more interesting in a fight. I am looking into reworking other enemies as well, but I am pushing it out gradually as there are some bugs that need to be fixed. - Huntress - Fixed Shotgun's right click not shooting correctly. It shot many bullets, but only one hit. No good. - Shamir - Fixed Sinner gauge and Guard mode's gauge not showing up properly and not updating unless their representative styles were selected. - Kair - Added a dodge up move. Yes, he technically could use his earth magic to go through the stages, but this is a bit more convenient. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail (game.manager.hnd@gmail.com), or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy. If you like that kinda stuff, consider a follow.)
[ 2025-02-28 17:56:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
its coming in an hour. sorry, i am REDACTED edit: the fix is pushed. I've made a script to make sure logging is turned off on each build now. wont happen again
[ 2025-02-18 03:06:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=HMuv4LrZxok;full][/previewyoutube] Kair is in, as per usual if you've beat the credits he should be available from the get go. Kair was a bit of a weird character to make. He has less moves than others, but despite that he took MORE effort to make due to his summons. I consider him an experimental character mostly for fun, thus he doesn't have any unlocks, all moves are available from the beginning. I may add more depending on the reception. In a way, if we count his attacks with his summon disabled, that doubles the amount of moves that he has... If we don't, the number is quite low. Still, he's quite fun to play and offers a different experience than the other characters. And a different experience than playing a summoner character in another Demon Could Weep game, that's for sure. He's still overpowered, but I am sure you can have fun with his movement and moveset. General - Kair. Kair has been released, Kair's gameplay includes using his own summons to fight, as well as fighting himself in the melee range. He can utilize a variety of Magiqa skills on top of his physical prowess. General - Fixed an issue where the sound was a bit off balance in some of the levels. (so no, weird sound was not your headphones.) General - Shamir's swing sounds have been made a bit louder. General - Further optimizations for the CPU. At that point, LDK-esque difficulty might be possible without major performance drops. Might. No guarantees for anything. I was able to get 20-30 more frames than usual in a very special debugging map that some may be familiar with, and that map has like... 200 enemies active based on the distance on the get go and 500 enemies total. With more activating as you approach them. General - Removed the ability to jump into the void in the final mission to prevent an issue where LDJ could teleport under the arena, whoops. So now what? As I prototype another thingie, I am going to be doing enemy rework for the game in order to make them a bit more aggressive and more fun to play against. I am not sure if that update will be coming soon or not, but I have a few general ideas on how to make them fights more fun. After that, I'll take a look at bosses and will do my best to address all the feedback that has been provided to me about them. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy.)
[ 2025-02-17 19:08:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
a fix for damage numbers for seth was having a few issues on the cpu sorry... should not stutter anymore. also added a way to pre-cache prefabs, so i think you should have less stutter if you're on an HDD as well.
[ 2025-02-13 06:33:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
If to count the most important stuff, what's left for Kair is the UI Implementation, audio for his animations, some bug fixes and some more animation polish. I've already redone the major chunk of his animations and he does feel pretty good/fun to play now. I don't know when he'll be completed, but it should be sooner than expected. General - Fixed an issue where the new hit numbers would show up as 0000 if the damage value was in a different format than integer. This mainly happened with Seth due to his unique Berserk status which caused damage conversion in the background between different formats. General - Mission 06's visuals have been adjusted to look nicer. The caves always felt a bit too barren and unnatural to me. General - Fixed an issue where you could fire your ranged weapons when shielded. (You can still abuse your movement via shield cancelling this way, just not to the point of breaking the game.) Except for needles. Needles are meant to be fire-able in any state. General - Updated slashing sounds and hit effects, since previous ones sounded very blunt. The old ones are kept for blunt attacks. General - Fixed an issue where too many lights will show up when you hit a large group of enemies. That should improve the performance a bit for damaging too many enemies at once. (Yes, I've been spending more time improving performance. Why? Kair. He hits a lot in a short time...) General - Fixed an issue where the text resize would shimmer sometimes when the game or mission was just started, or where the text just showed up. At least it seems to work for me. General - Apparently Sinner's code was running for other characters causing some minor issues in some cases. Disabled that for everyone but Shamir as no one else uses it anyway. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. Please do report something if you find it, it helps a lot. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy.)
[ 2025-02-11 12:03:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Note: If you have a project you're working on something with the SDK, you should update your mod tools. Otherwise it won't work. General - Added assembly definitions, it doesn't matter for the average player. But I am adding it here as this change unfortunately, also affects the saved data files. So saves created with the current version of the game are no longer compatible with older versions of the game. But not the other way around, the older saves are automatically upgraded when loaded. TLDR; you wont lose any progress. You're good. General - Updated the included SDK sample to be up to date with the current code. General - Updated the workshop mission to work with the new update. If you're using an older version of the game, it will no longer function. That's too bad. General - Merged Workshop Uploader into the main game and fixed it, as it seems that some steam updates broke it a while ago. I previously lost the source for the uploader, so right now its using a relatively basic UI. But it works. General - Fixed the game over screen not showing when you are playing with the hud disabled. (I really didn't think that anyone would be... actually playing the levels with that, it was mostly made for screenshot use. But I guess if you're cuhrazeh enough you can play like this now.) Mission 01 - Updated the first cutscene with the newly prototyped tools for updated camera control in Blender. That should in theory allow me to create cinematics a lot easier than before, but I am not sure if I'll be making any for HND as these tools are a part of another prototype I am working on. Maybe in the future with enemy rework. See, that's the upside of shared code, good stuff can be retroactively added with ease. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there, just game dev slop and occasional garbage i enjoy.)
[ 2025-02-04 20:29:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Kair is currently resting in a Family Guy death pose. (Quite a bit clunky to play. Its very much a polishing stage right now.) Don't worry. He's okay. Just needs time. - Enemy LODs now share the material instance of the main model, that means the material swapping done in the distance for enemy weapon indicators should work properly across different levels of detail. - Also merged some split models on enemies, reducing draw calls by a bit. - Some hitboxes have been increased in size again for consistency's sake. - Enemies now have another hit effect. Wanted to implement it for a while but I had no way of doing it. Until the recent shader change. - Fixing a missing locale string in the training area. Because I forgot or didn't notice. Apparently. - The damage numbers were incredibly CPU unoptimized. That is because it utilized and created Unity's canvas for each damage number created. Which sounds fine on paper, but in reality, it ran like ass. This has been reworked to utilize sprites instead. That doesn't fully solve the issue of damaging too many enemies on screen. (Not that it happens during the normal gameplay anyway.) But it should reduce the possible CPU lag caused by tick damage. - Fixed some particle effects playing on mission start when they really shouldn't. Whoops. - Fixed a rare issue where the training mode wouldn't have any reflections on the ground. - Other minor fixes and visual adjustments, that really aren't worth mentioning. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE You can also check the funny cross app if you have any questions or issues. My DMs are open. https://x.com/KirillianAmu (I don't post anything political over there either.)
[ 2025-01-28 01:31:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Kair's quite close to the finish line, I think. Got about 2-3 more moves left to do I think, then it'd be animation polish and balancing. For now though, here's a patch. - More UI prettification, other minor adjustments to the loading screen, added missing images for custom mission, re-fight credits, total result, exit to menu in the level loader. - Improved hitstop effect for things that use it. - Re-fixed the camera zoom because it apparently didnt work last time. My brain is rotten. - Fixed the player's shadow not moving with the animation if the animation was out of bound of the player's collision shape. Likely won't be noticed much on already existing characters. - Recompressed some files to reduce the game's size on the disk (About 1GB less.) Also may reduce vram usage in some cases. Also some video previews should have better visual quality now. - Reduced internal cooldown for Drillthrough and other forward moves. - Fixed an issue where enemies sometimes would attack and dodge at the same time (It's about sliding backwards and attacking. I think it got fixed at least, haven't seen it happen again.) - And other minor improvements that aren't worth mentioning. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE I also post on the cross app. I don't do politics, don't worry. https://x.com/KirillianAmu
[ 2025-01-18 22:30:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Pushing out this one as there's a high chance of more players playing soon. This should help. Worry not, still working on Kair. I've resolved the visibility issues, just a matter of adding more moves... General - UI has been slightly reworked to look a bit prettier. General - Loading screen changes. As Sham does tend to monologue (which wasn't explored well past first mission and the training) the loading information has been rewritten to be presented in first person. There's a new music track as well. Which isn't on the ost yet. Sorry. Overall, it is now represented in such a way that is way easier to digest and easier on the eyes, slowly rolling out the text rather than dumping a few paragraphs of information on you. I believe that's an upgrade. General - Tutorial Data no longer overlaps the loading screen information. General - When starting a new game, the correct text/warning shows up telling you about the difficulty now. Previously DMD text showed up on "Hard" difficulty. That was a mistake. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE I also post on the cross app. I don't do politics, don't worry. https://x.com/KirillianAmu
[ 2025-01-02 19:59:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
I've received some feedback today so I am pushing this out. As per usual, I am more than happy to make adjustments, just let me know if you have any issues or requests. - Dialogue - Minor adjustments were made to correct a few lines of dialogue that were missing a few words. (Hi, I am an ESL.) - General - Reduced default text size to prevent cut offs on some resolutions. This is only done for fresh installs. If you are having issues, please change it in the gameplay settings. - General - Damaged State - Adjusted the input so even pressing a simple dodge button will get you out of the damaged state. Initially, it assumed you would dodge directionally and not just mash the dodge button... Sorry about that. - Mission 01 - Added default mapping for center camera in a hint. - Mission 02 - Made the finger print stuff a lot more obvious. - Mission 02 - Made the lever a lot more obvious. - Shamir - Grindblade - Made charge time faster for balancing reasons. - Shamir - Gunstorm - Fixed an issue where it would launch you really high if you managed to "land" during it while still being in air... sounds weird, but that's how code works. - Shamir - Shotgun - Reduced damage output and increased spread, but increased pellet amount. It's a bit of a rebalance due to it's insane damage output with the right cancels. - Post Game - Fixed an issue where Lovely's shop music overrode the Post Game music. Some WIP stuff was pushed out with this update by accident. Only two enemies have new falling animations when juggled right now for a better feeling in combat mid-air. I am going to add more and tweak that a bit later, this was supposed to come after or with Kair but well, can't unimplemented what has been implemented. So don't be surprised at the undocumented change. More enemy adjustments and boss changes are coming after Kair's release. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE I also post on the cross app. I don't do politics, don't worry. https://x.com/KirillianAmu
[ 2024-12-31 15:06:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi. Another tiny update, I pushed it out because I deemed it important. In short? I am stupid.
In long, I am still stupid, but I figured something out.
Some people said directional inputs were inconsistent at times, and I think I finally figured out why. Personally, I never had much of an issue with them, but when testing Kair (who's still in development), I think I finally managed to "feel it" on the gamepad testing, and then I found that it was seemingly related to some very specific camera angles.
How'd that happen?
The game checks for 4 directions, and each direction has specific angles it checks for.
Which is relatively normal, the issue was that my checking was done with something I thought would work fine, but apparently I was mistaken.
So, what did I have?
I had:
If character is facing forward.
If character is facing left.
If character is facing right.
And all of that was calculated with the camera's direction in mind.
Logically, If character is facing forward was counted as "not true" that meant it was facing back, right? Well, sort of. But not really. You see, it actually made the angle it was checking for extremely large instead. Which in hindsight, makes some sort of sense? I am not quite sure frankly.
But logically one would think that hey if it says false, that means its checking back, right? After all it is not facing forward... Oh well.
I've added another check instead, that does check for if facing backward with it's own angles instead of relying on "if character is facing forward" being equal to false and it seemingly improved the input direction detection by a lot.
At least from my tests. Obviously I'd like to hear back from you epic gamers and tell me if it's any better than before. Do note, that I am using a bootleg 360 controller, so your mileage may vary.
- General - Adjusted input direction detection. See above.
- General - Moved some buttons in gameplay options to ensure the gamepad cursor is showing up properly.
- Shamir - Microckets - Fixed an issue where they stopped dealing damage to the locked on target.
As for Kair, still in dev. Just takes time, he got some moves, and is overall playable. if you're a leet haxor you can prolly get him to work. But he's unfinished. And there's some visibility issues I need to take care of as well.
Valve really should allow us to upload webm files already... Holy crust. You can barely tell what's going on.
Known issues -
You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
I also post on the cross app. I don't do politics. I just post WIPs, and YIIK out every now and then.
Also happy upcoming new years. Here's hope the next year will be better than this one.
[ 2024-12-30 03:01:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Minor adjustments to enemy animations in order to improve attack readability. I've been planning to take a look into enemies some more after Kair's release, but that should help a bit for now.
[ 2024-12-08 12:34:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tiny patch while i still work on the extra playable character. Takes a while because I sleep a lot. Night shifts are funny like that. Makes you sleep through most of the day. - Fixed an issue where Dominika couldn't dodge out of damage on the gamepad. - Fixed an issue where playable Enerith's gravity would incorrectly apply in one of the moves. It caused him to get incredibly heavy after an animation cancel. - Added a toggle to enable a lighter background for the dialogue background to make it a bit less eye straining for some people. It's available in the gameplay options. - Fixed Camera transitions are now smoother. That came from doing some prototyping but got updated here as well. Joys of sharing code. - Minor gravity adjustments for Shamir's Air Combo. - Fixed unsheathed grindblade not disappearing when jump cancelled.
[ 2024-11-29 03:55:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Kair is already in development. No clue when he'll get released as I am experimenting with his kit and moveset and what I want to do with him in general.
If only another summoner could hit people with a staff, that'd be pretty neat I think.
Anyways, this is a minor update to resolve some of the issues from Dominika's release, as per usual, I appreciate the community's feedback and time to report the bugs and issues. If you find something that hasn't been fixed yet, don't hesitate to get in touch, if it's a genuine bug it will get fixed.
There may be one last major rework in store left for the game content wise, and soon I'll begin focusing on a new project.
Worry not though, whatever I am going to be working on next is going to utilize the same codebase as this game. So if there'll be an improvement over there, it'll get carried over here too with updates over time.
Despite that, it very much is not going to be another action game in this style. I've learned a lot. It's a miracle this thing even came out as is.
If you're curious about whatever I am going to be working on next, and WIPs on HnD, I suggest you follow my terrible X/Twitter/John Social Network account where I, unlike many other game developers don't post anything related to politics or pick fights with random people online. Instead, I post what I work on, sometimes an artwork or two and talk about games and projects I like. Surprising, right? Truly, I am a gamer living in a society.
https://x.com/KirillianAmu < go here, don't be a stinker.
- General - Fixed an issue where the character would slowly slide down on slopes.
- General - Fixed an issue where Dominika's guard didn't allow her to parry. Moving the code block in code fixed this issue, go figure.
- General - Fixed an issue where the fake gun icon would show up on the user interface if you were playing as Dominika and had "keep weapon icons on screen" preference enabled.
- General - Fixed the brightness slider and brightness value not setting correctly.
Known issues -
You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-10-25 04:04:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch v1.103 (Main) Happy Upcoming Halloween! [previewyoutube=6n4CRWhB2_0;full][/previewyoutube] Dominika is ready to rumble! Utilize her martial art skills and her heavy mini-gun Vladislav to beat the crap out of your enemies. Dominika can chain her combos unlike anyone else, where most of her combo attacks are interchangeable with each other! - Divergence - Changed it so divergence characters can complete the game to get unlocks and stage ranks, this is done to encourage replayability. - Divergence - Dominika is now playable. She can be picked in the divergence menu just like the other characters. (As a general reminder, divergence unlocks after beating 100 enemies in the credits.) - General - Added 3 new achievements. - General - Camera can now be controlled via keyboard. Rebindable. By default uses arrow keys. - General - Changed Event mode so they last a week instead of just one day. (Halloween/New Year's) - General - Fixed an issue where physics for enemies from damage wouldn't properly apply if the target got stunned at the same time as physics tried to apply. - General - Fixed camera FOV not changing when it should if the distance between the player was 3.0f (aka lock on activated too close to the enemy) - General - Fixed missing locale in the training/practice mode for other languages other than English. - General - Fixed the "double damage" issue from some of the hitboxes. - General - Huntress Mission - Beating huntress mission no longer shows game beaten screen. - General - Huntress Mission - Fixed an issue where her final cutscene wouldn't play. - General - Minor translation corrections. - Modding - Can now replace the announcer, it is recommended to leave some silence as to make them not overlap. Check the StreamingAssets folder in the game's data, files must be .mp3. Also, if the game updates your files may get replaced. Do backups. If requested, I should be able to expose some other things for light modding. We'll see. Next up - Kair, a summoner inspired by a certain other summoner that you may have heard of... Some people call him five, some other people call him Ben Swolo. Also experimenting with a special NavMesh implementation. Special because the game doesn't utilize it for the movement of enemies, thus making the transition to it a bit difficult. Although it doesn't happen too often, that should likely fix some instances where the enemies would get stuck in some places. But that's in the future. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-10-20 02:01:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you have any issues other with the game let me know, I've pushed this one out because there were some critical issues that were brought to my attention. As is, still working on Dominika, she does have plenty of moves to be playable now, but requires just a few more and animation polishing. - General - Adjusted font size for languages other than english to ensure all text fits properly. - General - All brain messages are now unlocked when in the New World, it was meant to be unlocked there, I just forgot. - General - Changed the way directional moves work for forward/backward hold. This should make these moves more consistent on gamepad. - General - Fixed an issue in mission 11 where if you got hit by the projectiles, the tram would fly off, preventing the ability to finish the mission. - General - Fixed an issue when the character's direction would get stuck and not rotate correctly when the fixed camera angle was used. - General - Fixed an issue where combo value would not reset when using a few moves or landing mid combo. - General - Fixed an issue where if you had Lock On Mode selected as Toggle, you would not be able to use any of the moves that required you to lock on. - General - Fixed an issue where landing animation wouldnt play on some weapons. - General - Fixed an issue where you tried to pick FSR quality via gamepad, the gamepad cursor would get stuck selecting nothing. - General - Switched from il2cpp to .Net compliation, this will allow users to easily modify the game's code utilizing tools like bepinex/melon loader, or dnSpy for modding. - Shamir - Some moves got their timing adjusted just so it feels more right. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-10-01 19:40:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, sort of back.
Had to take a break, things are slower due to health stuff.
Not much progress on new characters yet, discovered an odd issue in code that I can't narrow down just yet. It kind of prevents me from adding more moves for extra characters, somehow. I'll figure it out.
Just a tiny WIP here with a lot of rough stuff, but I am not forgetting about more content. It's just gonna take longer than I expect due to life being in the way.
- General - All Double tap/Double stick flick moves have had their input changed.
That should bring more consistency in input execution across both gamepads and mouse and keyboard controls. It may feel odd at first, but this control scheme is overall better and allows for easier execution of more complicated moves.
- General - Game completion state is now stored in a save file, meaning that if you synchronize your save for another device, it should now make sure to count the game as completed. This requires the game to be launched once and synchronized on a PC where the game has been completed once to work.
- D.Magnum - Side swing has been removed. Frankly, this move was rather useless, you can already dodge well with the dodge style. Also with the way that input is handled it only gets in the way more than anything, especially after the rework above.
- Shotgun - Directional shots have also been removed. They were only getting in the way and were very much useless.
- Upgrade menu - Corrected a few incorrect descriptions for move executions.
- General - Eternal Nightmare - Corrected an issue where the 3 heart system wouldn't work in the first mission.
- General - Improved interaction of some moves with others, leading to less wonky physics interactions.
- General - Font scaling has been implemented. On large screens, the game's text is quite frankly too big. But now you can change it to your heart's content with the slider implemented in the gameplay settings.
- General - Added max velocity cap to prevent clipping through some walls if a move that multiplied velocity has been activated from somewhere very high.
- General - Brought back a system that allowed you to teleport to your last known position if you fell into a deadly pit instead of going back to checkpoint. It was available in some older patches but was disabled until a rework. The rework happened, it should no longer be memorized when standing across edges. This prevents an issue where you could end up endlessly falling into a deadly pit.
- General - Fixed weapons not showing properly when using the jump pad.
- General - Reduced some internal cooldowns for some moves to make their execution feel a bit smoother and more instant.
- Mission 01 - Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in air in a very specific location.
- Training - Added an extra map with a vehicle in it. Because there was no map with a vehicle in training before.
Known issues -
You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-08-17 02:53:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Wow. So this is 1.1, a milestone for sure. - Fixed Eternal Nightmare's 3 live system showing up in credits fight. - Fixed weird shading in credits fight. - General - Fixed an issue where if your Gamepad would disconnect during death, the game would soft lock by opening a menu without buttons. - General - Fixed boost mode's speedlines not playing if using boost during free lock. - Seth Bossfight - Likely fixed him getting frozen when going to berserk mode if he was stunned via guarding. Not too sure on this one, because "it just works on my machine" TM. - Shamir - Claws - Super Slam - Improved the input to be more reliable on gamepad. - Shamir - Shotgun - Reverted the change from the previous patch, shooting while attacking is now a feature and has been added to the movelist, however it's damage output has been greatly nerfed. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-07-18 03:01:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- General - Fixed an issue where if you stood in the place where seated Seth spawn after the boss fight, the dialogue for defeating Seth wouldn't play and wouldn't spawn the level completer trigger. - General - When character reset/animation cancel is performed, the particles will now hide as well. This is to make it more obvious when hitbox is active and when it is not. - General - Vehicles are now way less likely to fall through the ground when clipping with some specific props. - General - Double tapping the reset camera button will now activate/deactivate auto camera without needing to go into gameplay settings. Community request. - Shamir - Claws - Inputs have been simplified to reduce the need to hold directions/double tapping. Ideally, I want to remove the double taps wherever possible. - Shamir - Shotgun - Shotgun can no longer be shot during attack animations. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-07-14 06:51:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Realm Of the Rogue kinda sucks to both code and play, genuinely not fun, so instead I am just gonna make two more playable characters.
Dominika will be first, Kair will follow later.
No ETA on when other than it's in very early development now.
Patch notes:
- General - Added another failsafe to to prevent a potential save corruption.
- General - Removed save file reference from doppelganger to prevent a potential save corruption.
- General - The game now remembers last used costume/skin inbetween sessions. So if you quit the game, and start it again, it'll remember your last used costume as long as you load the save file that has that costume unlocked.
- Shamir - Grindblade - Fixed an issue where if Gear Rising was activated too close to the ground, Shamir would slide for a bit, while unable to do any action for about a second.
- Shamir - Guard Mode - Added Overpower into the upgrade menu. Overpower allows you to restore your CT energy on a perfect parry.
- Training - Exposed movement values for advanced players.
Known issues -
You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-07-06 07:56:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small one, but had to be released due to a certain issue soft locking the game. - Fixed Little Dee O Jay soft locking the game by having gravity so strong it pulled it under the floor. Thus causing a soft lock in some scenarios. - General - Further gravity adjustments. - Shamir - D.Magnum - Rainstorm - No longer has a bullet delay when another gun shot first before this move was initiated. - Shamir - Grindblade - Recieved a major rework on how it functions. It should be a lot snappier and nicer to use now.
[ 2024-07-01 06:28:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Don't mind this tiny update. Just adding some community requests. - Shamir - Quee - Combo B - Now has a different input, no longer have to hold backward for Combo B. - Shamir - Launchers - Can now be used inbetween combos, no longer need to wait for the combo to end. - Enerith - Launchers - Can be now used inbetween combos, no longer need to wait for the combo to end. - General - Bleeding ticks no longer make the enemies flinch. - Gamepad settings - No longer cuts off on ultrawide screens. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-06-27 04:53:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Shamir - D.Magnum - Added a new move, Rising Star. It's unlocked and available in movelist. - Shamir - Grenade Launcher - Explosive Dump's explosion no longer overstays it's welcome and do any invisible damage to the enemies. - Shamir - Grenade Launcher - Simplified input for grenade launcher's explosive dump, no more weird stick inputs. Just hold/charge it. - Shamir - Quee - Improved launcher consistency. - Shamir - Shotgun - Added a new move, Rollback. It's unlocked and available in movelist. - Shamir - Sinner - Fixed incorrect description for some moves. - Some moves have been adjusted for the new gravity. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-06-24 09:53:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Floatiness is gone update. Crab emoji, crab emoji. While I tested the level adjustments to make sure the game is beatable, if you ever get stuck somewhere or find a specifically hard spot with the new gravity, let me know. I'll make it easier. - Fixed an issue where releasing Grindblade's charge mid air won't have the expected gravity. - Gravity - Previously known as hardcore gravity is now default. - Gravity - Has been adjusted accordingly to heavier weight. - General - Main missions have been adjusted in order to compensate for heavier gravity. - Hardcore gravity - Change to slower gravity, now it has a different name. This is now a gameplay option. If you liked previous floaty gravity, you have a toggle to put it back on. If you previously had hardcore gravity enabled, you should disable it in the gameplay menu. - Fixed an issue where the tutorial wouldn't play a cutscene if you were to die. - Fixed an issue where tutorial would overwrite save slot 1. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-06-21 08:14:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some community requests here. - Automatic/Classic toggles have been also added to the tutorial as well, just in case. - Added another bandaid to teleport slide issue, basically where you slide into teleport, it may punt you into the sky. Not anymore. - Boss - Knight - Added a better animation "wind up" for the move that causes the player to be launched in air. - Difficulty - Eternal Nightmare - Has been adjusted to be a bit more balanced. Instead of being killed in one shot, now you get 3 lives. In addition, the enemy HP and aggression has been decreased a bit. This difficulty was downright masochistic. - Enerith - When activating CT, the projectiles that enemies will shoot will be destroyed similiar to Sinner's Consume All - Hardcore Gravity - Hardcore gravity has been reworked to feel heavier and take more skill in combat, with that, the jumping now feels a lot more responsive as well. Based on the community feedback, it may become the default setting, while the lower gravity may be a default for automated style. Please give it a try and see if it feels any better. - Lock On Speed - When hard locked on the enemy, the movement speed has been slightly increased based on the community feedback. It's not major, but it feels better. - Shamir - Boost Mode - If using soft lock on, you can now use boost to run around the enemy while locked on. - Shamir - Dodge Mode - Dodging has been reworked to allow dodging in any direction. Dodge Up and Dodge Down still remain in the game, they are activated by pressing the style action button while standing still without the lock on. - Tower Of Blood - Reduced the amount of snipers and healers in some of Tower Of Blood's floors. - Tram Ride in Mission 11 - Added a way to speed it up by pressing the style action. The skip is still available after beating the game once, this is just to allow the player to control their pace for an achievement. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-06-18 23:19:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
thanks for the headsup UnrealExpert. This patch fixes incorrect saving into the slot 0 and the save file issue when you are trying to start a new save at a new difficulty. Previously, the game seemingly tried to save slot 0 regardless of which slot you had picked when you tried to exit to the menu from the level start menu. So basically, if you started slot 1/2, went into the game, then chose to leave the game without starting the mission, it would save your progress under slot 0, very specific issue. Very dumb one too.
[ 2024-06-15 22:29:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
there's a save wiping issue that i had no clue about, now that it's midnight time to fix it. I'll post a save file for save slot 0 in the forum's bug reports, keep an eye out for it if you got affected.
[ 2024-06-15 21:40:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
I'm messing around with the Realm Of The Rogue, and so far it's... not very fun. Prototypes are prototypes. If I can't make it fun, might just make more characters to play as. - Elegante Boss - Animations were updated. - General - Bosses have recieved some special effects. - General - Fixed the recovery animation not playing out properly in some cases. - General - Fixed vehicle animations not playing on Huntress and Enerith. - General - Now after beating the game once, when starting a new save file, you'll have an option to start from any difficulty mode. This is masochistic, but hey, if you want to do it, go ahead. - General - Training/Practice - You can now go back to the previous enemy instead of cycling through the whole set of enemies in the training mode. - General - Training/Practice - You can now go back to the previous location instead of cycling through the whole set of areas in the training mode. - Possibly fixed Seth getting stuck in an idle animation. This one is rough because there's no reproduction of the issue. - Shamir - Fixed perfect parry not adding into the style meter. - Shamir - Improved the directional handling of side swing. - Shamir - Slicing Menace had recieved an air version of the same move. Can be purchased in the upgrades menu. - Sniper Enemies - Fixed an issue where the beeping sounds would play even with the sound disabled. - Some minor hitboxes were adjusted. There was also a small quick fix applied. - Sinner's projectile destruction no longer applies to playable Knight if the doppelganger is in active state by pressing down on d-pad or 4 on keyboard. - Fixed another issue that could've caused the player to teleport far into the sky. - God's heathens (healers) no longer heal themselves. - Stunned enemies no longer can magically walk backwards. Known issues - You can check them below, you can also check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-06-14 04:41:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Custom mission menu - Fixed the Gamepad cursor not working in the custom mission menu. - Custom mission menu - Fixed a reference to the Gamepad cursor causing errors in the log. It wasn't affecting anything, but it sure spammed the console log. - Fixed go home button not being selected by default on gamepads in the end of the story campaign. - General - Adjusted default flick/double tap sensitivity. - General - Fixed a small inconsistency in the costume unlock condition. - General - You can now pick the post-game day manually in case you want to replay or re-read some parts of the post game content. - Linux specific - Fixed an issue where the custom missions would not be visible on some Linux distros in the native Linux version of the game. (Tested on Kubuntu, your mileage may wary. If you have a specific distro where it's not working, let me know.) Known issues - You can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-06-03 21:32:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small things. Rather busy. - General - Enemy behavior has been adjusted by a small bit. Keep in mind that there will not be any major rework to how the enemy behavior works, just minor tweaks. It's not Ninja Gaiden and it was never meant to be. - General - Mission preview icons has been added to the main menu, so it's easier to remember which mission is which. - Huntress - Sniper Rifle now pierces enemies. - Shamir - Arch Needles will no longer allow you to cheese the SSS rank easily. - Shamir - Microckets got a cooldown, it can't be spammed mid air no more. - Training/Practice - Added a portal to go back down in the boss selection area, just so you can exit back without going to the menu to reset your position or by going to fight a boss. - UI - "selected" button will no longer reset if you click any of the buttons, now it'll pick it correctly and only reset the button selection if you click anywhere else outside of a button. In more normal words, it'll just behave more like expected. Enemy behavior changes include : - In addition, some attack ranges have been adjusted. - Some Ranged Enemies will move away from the player if the player is too close. They now try to keep their distance instead of standing in the herd of melee enemies. - Some enemies can now walk backwards to reduce the grouping up on the player. Known issues - You can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-05-29 20:35:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
With this update, the Sinner style had received a minor rework, it now functions more like an additional weapon rather than one super move. In addition, some passives have been reworked. Overall, it feels a lot nicer to use now. Give it a try. As for the one super move, I'll likely make a screen-wipe move for that style later, I'd push one into this update but there are some bugs that I'd rather have fixed on the main build right now. - Sinner - Consume All is now passive, which activates the second you switch to Sinner style. That means that projectiles can be destroyed without you switching form, that should make some encounters that contain a lot of projectiles a bit easier. - Sinner - Instant Transformation added - Now if you have the style level on at least S level during combat, the transformation will be instant. - Sinner - Removed ultimate power, and replaced it with Combo A and Combo B. - Sinner - Inverted Cross now has a different visual effect. - Sinner - Added a new move Power Jump. - Sinner - Added a new move Aerial Assault. New moves are available under Character tab in movelist. - Enerith - Fixed doppelganger being summonable when the game is paused. - General - Adjusted default graphics settings. - General - Another attempt to fix Mission 12 not counting for Total Result, this time it seems to work fine. - General - Fixed cloud saves not functioning on Linux. - General - Fixed incorrect mission number in the total results again because of a previous backup restore. - General - Gamepad - Adjustable Dead Zone has been added. Usually, you should configure it via Steam Input settings, but since this was requested to be added into the game itself, it's now a feature. - General - Gamepad settings - Fixed button selections sometimes not working properly. - General - Projectiles - Projectiles now remember the last known target properly, that fixes bullet hell issue, where projectiles would stop following the target once lock on is released. - General - Smoothed out aiming animation just a bit. - Huntress - Fixed weapon wobble during movement. - Shamir - D.Magnum - Slicing Menace is now a bit more consistent movement wise. - Shamir - Quee - Can't mash chaotic stabs mid air anymore if the move was initiated from the ledge. Previously the character would keep going mid-air, now he'll stop as expected. - Practice - Added an option to change music in training, you should have access to the whole soundtrack now. Known issues - You can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-05-20 19:43:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small update, adding some stuff based on the feedback and bug reports as per usual. - Knight's Doppelganger - Fixed Doppelganger having all unlocks enabled by default. - Knight's Doppelganger - Added weapon icons for currently active weapons on the Doppelganger. - Knight - Adjusted soft lock on values for the knight since his attacks are longer and slower than Shamir's. - Shamir - Claws - No longer has a strange animation during soft lock on. - Huntress - Minor fixes to issues caused by the Knight update. - Huntress Mission - Huntress's Hud in huntress mission now scales properly according to unlocks. - Knight - Bullet Hell now properly mentions that it should be used mid-air. Known issues - You can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-05-11 12:57:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some things were left unnoticed. Still keeping my eyes on the feedback so far, so if there's anything super broken let me know. -Fixed missing locale data for Knight's movelist. -Knight's Cupid's Stab no longer force rotates you towards the enemy. It behave weirdly. -In addition, added a small fix to soft lock on system to catch sudden shift from forward to back to ensure directional moves are easier to pull of. -Disabled unintentional voice lines.
[ 2024-05-09 14:14:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=Pvtp8K4Iick;full][/previewyoutube] With this update, Enerith becomes playable. Sadly, still no voice acting because someone is completely broke. I've decided there's no real reason to just wait until then. Releasing him now will at least allow to gather further feedback and to get more bugs fixed, I was hoping to get a mission done, but unfortunately right now is simply not the best time for it. We'll see in the future. With that being said, I hope you can have some fun with him. Anyways, now that he's out, I'll be taking a look into: 1) Reworking Sinner Style by a bit, just to make it a bit less ass and more enjoyable to use. Something more than just "one big screen cleaning ability.", but nothing too complex. 2) Finalizing other community requests, mainly I still want to take a look into the stuff in my Trello. 3) Realm Of The Rogue will return, reworked. The biggest issue with the last known version of Realm Of The Rogue is that it utilized a third party plugin for generation, which was not bad, but was quite limited. I think I have a better idea on how to make it now, and I can't wait to experiment. 4) Maybe something else, who knows! - New playable character - Enerith. Enerith has a slightly different playstyle from Shamir, but it still should be familiar enough. Utilize his quick movement, super shield, and doppelganger style. Although he doesn't have as much moves nor he is as complex as Shamir, he is quite the powerful character. And may just be the guy you want to go to for beating Missions quickly. - Enerith can be picked via Divergence, you can play as him in the main campaign, Tower Of Blood and Practice. - General - Added Tibolerai Power Tower to the soundtrack on Steam. - General - Added Endless Chase to the soundtrack on Steam. - General - Added Great Artists Steal to the soundtrack on Steam. - General - Added two new achievements. - General - Added a new visual flinching system for enemies, now the enemies will dynamically flinch based on your attack direction. - General - Added divergence specific animation for level completion so it's a bit less static. - General - Fixed a goofy animation when soft lock is enabled for Huntress when she was trying to aim. - General - Fixed a rare case where the launcher animation would get cancelled mid animation. - General - Fixed a typo in total result. - General - Fixed Mission 12 not saving the total result, and instead trying to save it into mission 11 - General - Major improvements to character shading, now characters get affected by dynamic lights and shade better thanks to a new shader. - General - Optimized the performance of enemies getting hit. - General - Reduced the "sliding" when holding movement and trying to cancel out the attack by moving. - General - Floating now has a small particle system attached to the player. - Huntress - Fixed huntress's animator resetting memorized weapon during jump cancel. - Huntress - Huntress can now guard with a shield - Huntress - Reduced style gain for huntress by a bit. - Mission 01 - Added an image to indicate that the player should interact with the upgrades statue, to make sure it's not easily missed. - Mission 03 - Performance improvements. - TOB - Fixed Malice not flying as expected. - Toothpick - Fixed weird walking animation with toothpick. Known issues - Two issues, you can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-05-08 14:38:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
So this update is meant to address the lack of using or utilizing lock on, since so many people didn't utilize it, which is okay, I had decided to rework it so the game can be played much better without utilizing the lock on mechanics much.
I've done a small test with a friend of mine who had a hard time using it and he said it felt a lot better so... Success? Maybe?
Don't worry though my fellow hardcore gamer, all of the new additions related to lock on system CAN BE DISABLED in the game's extra settings, or during a new pop up I had added in the Mission 01.
- General - 3 Drop System - Now visually looks correct on an ultrawide screen.
- General - Added distance compensation for all attacks. Based on the distance, the game will now automatically adjust the force of each movement. Basically, if you are far away from the enemy, the character will recieve an additional "push" to ensure the hits land quicker and faster. This option can be disabled, but it is enabled by default since this patch.
- General - Enemy's velocity now gets affected the same way the player's does if they are being pushed down into the ground from mid air.
- General - Lock On now has a small animation when appearing.
- General - Reduced air movement when attacking, this is meant to make the combat feel tighter and more stable overall, in addition, that should reduce the Cheese TM. If you utilized lock on before, you wouldn't notice this change whatsoever.
- Huntress Mission - fixed an issue where if you were to start huntress mission with camera mode set to auto, the camera would be detached from the player... Magic problems coming from having more options, I suppose!
- Lock On - Added Soft Lock On, basically this version of lock on will allow you to keep your directional movement and speed, This option is enabled by default now, but it can be disabled in the extra settings, or during the first pop up that happens in the first mission. Directional moves still work with this lock on mode.
- Lock On - Added an option to enable automatic target picking. This option is enabled by default, but it can be disabled in the extra settings, or during the first pop up that happens in the first mission.
- Lock On - The previous invisible lock on now has a proper icon. It is slightly different compared to using proper lock on. This already existed in the game, but this should make it a lot clearer when it's active.
- Main Menu - Fixed an issue where you couldn't change the camera mode from the main menu's settings.
- Mission 01 - Added a missing image in one of the dialogues.
- Mission 01 - Now, before the first encounter you get a notification asking you if you want to use automation or keep it classic. This happens only once, if you wish to change these settings afterwards, you can use the extra settings in the game's settings.
- Mission 01 - Fixed weird shadows on the rocks.
- Mission 02 - Fixed one of the dialogue images having a line not covered properly.
- Mission 12 - Fixed incorrect image showing up in dialogue with Dominika.
- Shamir - Arch. Needles - Now force the lock on state like other weapons.
- Toothpick - Adjusted the timings of pushing the player.
- Tower Of Blood - Huntress - Fixed an issue where she would only get rewarded 20 seconds instead of getting it based on the style meter.
Known issues -
Two issues, you can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-05-04 01:26:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, new people, hope you're enjoying the game so far. To everyone else, the Knight's very much complete now. All that remains is to fix one terrible bug that makes his weapons visually disappear, and to likely get voice acting. Though, I am not sure when that will happen. Kind of broke with all the medical bs. Might just end up releasing him as is after fixing that issue. And maybe making a mission. I've done some testing, my friends say he's fun, but you know, opinions and all, lol. Here's the changelog for this patch: - Divergence - Fixed an issue where the game would try to store the score when playing with divergence. - General - Adjusted the tilting power a bit to ensure it doesn't look too weird at some very sharp turns. - General - Game will no longer set the main character into the combat state during the pause menu if you press anywhere other than the expected buttons. - General - Input Buffer can no longer be buffered when the game is paused or you are in some other menu. - Grindblade - Grindblade now has Super Armor, meaning you will no longer be kicked out of the charging state/animation when charging your attack. This has been done due to the fact that it is hard to pull off on higher difficulties. While it sounds busted at first, keep in mind that you still can be damaged during the animation, it just wouldn't cancel anything you do while charging. This has been added to the upgrades menu and is unlocked by default. - Huntress - Adjusted Huntress's style gain in order to ensure that some specific mechanics work as expected. - Huntress - Improved CPU performance when playing as Huntress by reducing some specific calls from the camera. - Tower Of Blood - Has been unified. Meaning that now instead of a specific button to join a different ToB, you just have to pick the character via divergence and they'll be loaded in, that should make it easier to adjust balance stuff in the future as it is no longer separated via a different scene. - Upgrades - Reformatted the upgrades text once again to make it even easier to read. Known issues - Two issues, you can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you don't want to check that link above, just know that Sinner Style is going to be reworked. It's just things are done in priority. If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-04-30 01:44:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Don't mind this one, just pushing an update here due to a soft lock being found. Still working on other things, though don't expect the game to change too much with whatever comes next. After the playable knight update they'll be a small announcement of what's to come next, I think. We'll see. - Fixed a soft lock in Mission 03 on harder difficulties. - When using divergence, the characters will now have a visible portrait in the menu to make it easier to tell who you are going to play as. - Realm Of The Rogue has been disabled as it's going to receive a rework later. In case you missed, a small previous update also did the following, it was added as an edit to previous announcement. - Upgrades - Reformatted a bit so it's easier to read. - Upgrades - Fixed a missing Comet video from the claws upgrades.
[ 2024-04-28 14:41:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Initially I was going to release all of this with the playable knight update, but, things happen.
I may have a surgery coming up, so I thought I'll just dump it here.
You know. For... just in case reasons.
- General - Fixed a rare issue where the jumping animation wouldn't play out or have a delayed animation
- General - Minor performance increase for hit effects, there is now a max amount of lights that can be spawned from a hit effect, which will improve performance in areas with a lot of enemies being hit at once.
- General - Minor lighting improvements, as it turns out a specific shader ignored directional light. The player and enemies are now properly affected by it where needed. This does not cause any performance decreases, as it is simply adds information for the shader to take data from.
- General - Lighting has been re-baked in some levels, mainly where it was realtime before. Expect better performance in Mission 01.
- General - Some missing locale(Language) information has been added.
- General - Mission number now shows up in the pause menu.
- General - Multiple enemies recieved additional LODs to improve performance where possible.
- General - The character tilting system now rebalances the character tilt when the camera is not moving.
- General - Charged shot sounds now stop when switching ranged weapons. (Granted, this is probably a more temporal workaround for the annoying charging sound effect not stopping in some scenarios, I think I should take a look into it a bit more later.)
- Huntress - Fixed an issue where Huntress would have "Dodge mode" visisble on her user interface. This was an unintentional side effect from developing playable knight as he reuses the same system.
- Huntress - Reduced the walking speed animation in order for it to look a bit more natural.
- Shamir - Will now properly aim up and down, the aiming system from Huntress has been ported over. This however, doesn't affect the grenade launcher for balancing reasons.
- Shamir - Grenade Launcher - Reduced the damage output of the grenade launcher itself.
- Shamir - Grenade Launcher - Reduced the damage of the explosive dump.
- Shamir - Grenade Launcher - Added a missing muzzle flash effect.
- Shamir - Grenade Launcher - A new move has been added to the upgrades menu. (You know, I probably should have added a cooldown for it... Oh well, enjoy no cooldown while it lasts.)
Move in question:
- Mission 12 - Small balance adjustments for the enemies for that specific mission.
- Upgrade Menu - Split the collected HP/CT upgrade lines so they are easier to read.
Known issues -
Technically, only the Linux one, but that's outside of my hands. Proton team is aware of it and have a ticket for it.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-04-19 01:04:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small bug fixes. Knight's still in progress, yes. The track was finished. https://youtu.be/lc8dFwbDqmE The new music tracks will come to the Steam's soundtrack as a free update once playable Knight will be fully out. General - You can't tilt the character anymore after you die by moving the camera. General - Game will no longer ask you to press jump or dodge to recover if you are dead. Huntress - Fixed an issue where she would play Shamir's dying sounds when killed. Huntress - Jumping animation no longer looks a bit weird. Shotgun moves - Fixed an issue where the gravity and sounds were not playing from the previous update for Gun Fu and Air Combo A Practice - Now if you die in practice mode and try to restart, it will sent you back correctly to practice instead of Tower Of Blood. Known issues - Not that I am aware of so far, but please do report something if you find something. Feel free to check the trello below for more updates and what's in progress and what not. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. Whichever works best. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-04-08 02:35:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Been mostly cleaning up the mess that is there for future use and still working on the knight.
The doppelganger mechanic for the knight is now very much functional. But needs a bit of optimization.
I think there's only a few more moves left until he can be truly playable. I am still not sure if I'll end up making an extra mission or not for him though. Regardless, it'll still be a free update.
Sinner - Fixed an issue where the super attack animation would get cancelled when attacked right before it fully starts.
General - Guard Mode - Discharge - Slightly reworked to feel "better".
General - Guard Mode - Fixed an animation not playing out properly when guarding.
General - Movement - Now has a subtle character tilt when moving forward and rotating the camera.
Quee - Fixed an issue where if you held the attack button on a different weapon, then switched back to quee, Boomerang would automatically activate if unlocked.
General - You can now re-fight the credits from the main menu if you've beaten the game at least once on your save file.
Other minor adjustments that you likely won't notice, it's mostly to improve my own workflow, really.
Known issues - None as far as I know. Feel free to check trello for bug tracking and requests.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-03-31 05:34:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
I did add knight's stuff in the movelist, so you'll be able to access it when he comes out as a playable. Yay. (He still needs more moves and bug fixes before that, though.)
General - Added an indicator to already collected collectibles on levels. So if you re-visit a spot, it will tell you that the item has already been collected. This should make searching for collectibles a bit simpler.
General - Disabled weapons will no longer be "available" if disabled via items menu when starting the level.
General - Divergence - Unlocking Sinner in the main campaign no longer affects other playable characters.
General - Fixed a rare issue where if you used slide into boss characters, then used teleportation in the dodge mode afterwards by quickly switching to it while the slide state was still active, it would teleport you really high into the sky.
General - Fixed the "Free Lock" video missing from the movelist.
General - Grass now properly reflects light where applicable.
Huntress - Now has a light, to navigate darker areas a bit easier.
Shamir - Guard - Projectile Deflection has been added into the movelist in the Guard tab. It was already in the game, I just forgot to add it in there. Whoops.
Known issues - None. Feel free to check trello for bug tracking and requests.
If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. Whichever works best.
[ 2024-03-19 17:41:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Are you a Linux user and the game doesn't launch for you for some reason? That's weird and I am sorry about that. If you can and have some time please provide me the crash log, your distro, and version so I can properly investigate it. This issue has been seemingly going for a while and is seemingly random, as the next time it may launch just fine. I am unable to reproduce it on my own hardware. So every tiny bit of information will be very helpful, thank you. The log should likely be located in ~/.config/unity3d/K/KyoshinOFHeart on your drive on Linux, thanks in advance. You can send it to me either via email (game.manager.hnd@gmail.com) , or discord in the bug report channel. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE Quick fix notes: - General - Fixed an issue where some of the weapon effects wouldn't stop when they should, i.e entering dialogue, getting onto pulley, using the jump pads. - General - Training - Fixed an issue where some of the bosses would behave weirdly, i.e not attacking or trying to attack too quickly. In addition, when you fight [spoiler]Malice[/spoiler] the invisible walls of the arena in training/practice should now be disabled to behave closer to how it would during the main campaign.
[ 2024-03-15 16:41:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Adding knight's stuff into the movelist. It's a bit annoying how it works, but my own fault for not considering future updates lol. General - "Shielded" Enemies no longer bleed when damaged. General - Training - Currency no longer spawns in the training mode on enemy's death. General - Training - Bosses now can be spawned in the training mode. General - Training - Other enemies can now be spawned in the training mode at the same time via different spawners. (This was in previous quick fix, but thought I may mention it here as well, just in case.) General - Training - You now have an option to pick what "difficulty" will the enemy spawn on, this should allow you to practice against specific enemies on specific difficulties. General - UI Style can now be picked from the extras menu in the game's options. This however will require a level restart in order to apply. General - Compressed many videos in order to save some disc space. Known issues - In divergence mode, if sinner gets unlocked, the extra playable characters are currently experiencing a bug where they behave slightly incorrectly. This is being taken a look into. It doesn't hard lock the game or anything, but it'll be fixed next patch. As for others, none. Feel free to check trello for bug tracking and requests. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-03-14 21:48:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small update. Most of the focus is on the playable knight. Too bad.
Why is he at freddy fazbears? is he stupid?
Jokes aside, I am cooking. Slowly.
Knight only has like 20 skills he can use so far. But he's already quite fun to play.
General - Added a small input buffer to melee attacks. This reduces the cases where the game could possibly "eat" some inputs for combo moves.
General - Fixed another possible chance to cause the gravity speed up applying to character movement speed.
General - Fixed minor animation state issues, causing mid-air aiming animations to be a bit wonky.
General - Improved the behavior of floatiness slider.
General - Updated a few packages to be up to date. (Won't be noticable for most.)
Known issues -
See trello.
If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord.
[ 2024-03-08 00:32:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Apparently workshop tools disappeared on Windows so now they are back. (No clue how that happened, but oh well.) - Boss Knight - Added a tiny bit of wind up to some animations where it was hard to tell that he was about to attack. - Boss Knight - Ported over some animations from the playable version onto the boss version, I thought since I was adding some wind up, might as well move some of these over. - All bosses - Adjusted Jump Cancel radius to be a bit more forgiving/consistent. - Camera - Now a bit more cinematic, adjusts FOV dynamically based on the current combat scenario. - Fixed an incorrect animation playing out during aiming. - General - Fixed an issue where the Camera would collide with one specific enemy. - Minor changes that are not worth mentioning. - Reflected/Parried projectiles now aim better at their caster. - Shotgun - Combo A - now can be cancelled, but only via jump cancel. Allowing you to repeat the first move of the combo repeatedly as long as you jump cancel it at the right time. - Sniper enemies now have an additional sound to indicate that they are about to shoot. - Quee - Turbo launcher now has a hit-stop effect. It just feels cool. That's all. Known issues - See trello. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-02-28 13:48:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
More moves and more things? Crazy...
- Claws - Toxicity - No longer multiplies the velocity from other attacks, thus reducing the awkwardness in mid-air combos caused by claws.
- Claws - Toxicity - Also fixed an issue that caused the gamepad shaking to be overriden into not playing when toxic element was applied to enemies.
- General - Easy Mode's missions are now always synchronized with whatever last mission you had completed.
(This is not a retroactive change. So you may want to complete a level again in order for this to work. For example, you can beat level 11 on Normal in order to unlock Mission 12 on both Easy and Normal. And so on.)
- General - Fixed Huntress's TOB accidentally re-loading into Shamir's TOB when clicking "Restart from checkpoint" after dying.
- General - Fixed a rare case where the wrong shooting animation would play out.
- General - Fixed an issue where the gravity multiplier would stick after landing on rail with it and not manually getting off the rail, that caused the character to get insanely fast until an animation reset is performed.
- General - Fixed an issue where the music wouldn't be properly set up in Divergence Mode.
- General - Fixed missing translations for the Shotgun moves in the upgrades menu.
- General - Previously undocumented as I forgot about it, Fixed the gamepad cursor not properly selecting a difficulty in the menu when returning to the menu from any of the missions.
- Recovery Mechanic - Added a slow motion sound, since it was missing.
- Reduced the animation delay for the jumping animation by a tiny bit.
- Shamir - Quee - Acid Breath - Updated visual effects
- Shamir - Quee - Boomerang - Change the input in order to be pulled off easier than before, you now just have to hold the attack button when not locked on in order for it to work. This makes it easier to use in combat, and overall just nicer to pull off mid-combos.
- Shamir - Quee - Boomerang - Now can also be used mid-air.
- Shamir - Quee - Drillthrough - Added additional text to mention that this move is affected by CT, and provided a video demonstration in the upgrades menu for that.
- Shamir - Shotgun - 2 new moves have been added (Combo A and Gun-Fu). You can unlock them in the Upgrades menu.
Combination of moves in question:
- Uhh... More work on playable Enerith/Knight. Just... a bit different this time. No dataminerinoz.
- This update disables some* Boss voice lines until further notice. There's many reasons behind this, but it's also because I do want to give Enerith a proper voice actor that isn't my own modified voice, with him becoming playable especially, he could use some more voice work. I am investigating possibilities right now.
Known issues -
See trello.
If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord.
[ 2024-02-22 08:03:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
If no one is using an important mechanic of your game, that means that mechanic sucks.
So here's a new one, so you don't have to switch to dodge to get out of the damaged animation no more.
- General - Added a new recovery mechanic. Now whenever you are damaged, you can just press Jump to get out of the damaged animation. This will also show up on the screen and tell you when to press it.
This feature is available for all characters, and for the upcoming playable knight.
- Huntress updated a few animations.
- Jump cancel now also resets the gun cooldowns (except for the shotgun, as that would be too overpowered.)
- Character Reset/Cancels now also reset the double taps, this should make it a bit more consistent, and reduce accidental double tap moves.
- Can't press the attack while paused anymore.
- Fiery Uppercut - Reduced the lockout time as it felt a bit too long.
- Minor Adjustments to the animation system for the ranged weapons.
Known issues -
See trello.
If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord.
[ 2024-02-16 23:39:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
In case you don't follow twitter/x or discord, just shoving a small preview.
Playable knight is the main focus right now, so please bear with those smaller changes before I'll be taking care of whatever is in the trello list.
- General - Added the B button function to the rest of the main menu.
- General - Moved the social media buttons so the gamepad cursor doesn't cut off.
- General - Rebaked the lighting for a few levels due to the extra rock lods from the previous patch.
- General - Increased the jump cancel trigger on enemies in order to improve jump cancel consistency.
- Quee - Increased Quee's hitbox sizes to match a bit closer to the visual effects. That should make some moves feel a bit more reliable.
- Dodge Mode - Teleportation towards enemy now takes the enemy's current gravity, to ensure the player doesn't fall off below the enemy too early during air combat.
- Fixed a Linux build bricking. (Not sure as I have no way to test it, but the build went fine this time.)
- Jump pads now force the floatiness on, unless the mechanic is disabled in the gameplay menu.
- Jump pads now have a grounded protection, in order to ensure the player won't get stuck on it once or twice.
- Quee - Fixed an issue where the proper animation wouldn't play out if you tried to do a turbo launch right after doing another attack mid air and then holding the attack button and the backwards input right as you landed. How specific.
- Reduced the attack input lag by a tiny bit.
Known issues -
See trello.
If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord.
[ 2024-02-14 01:54:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Wow. The B button now functions like in many other games... Crazy. - General - Added another small change to improve how hits feel. You may notice it. You may not. It's camera FOV related, it's very subtle, too. - General - Default FOV is now 90 - General - Added some LODs to some rocks to improve performance in some areas. This was actually done due to prototyping of another mission, but I guess that retroactively applies here too. - Fixed some enemies in the training mode not getting their sounds or aggression disabled, even if the toggle for either was enabled. - Some moves now have a velocity multiplier, making the player move faster as if affected by the gravity. (Airflow, Comet are the biggest examples.) - Pressing B on the gamepad in menu options in-game/settings will now count as pressing "back", this should make the navigation with the gamepad a bit nicer. (The same will be supported for the main menu/where you load levels in the next patch.) Known issues - See trello. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-02-09 20:43:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
The work on the playable Knight continues. - Fixed Jump Particles not showing on extra playable characters. (Huntress, WIP Enerith...) - Updated the description of the boost mode's concentration to be more up to date. - Removed Boost Mode's Concentration recharge when the invisible lock on is active. - Fixed a rare situation where a launcher hitbox would show up only for a frame or two. - Added a few invincibility frames to jumping, meaning you now can sort of use jumping as a way to dodge. - Another small change to the ground detection to prevent the character from gliding slightly above the floor. - Increased the size of claws hitboxes to be more consistent with the effects. - Shamir - Updated running animations. - Claws - Added the same hit effect as from other weapons on top of the claws effect. That makes the hits feel nicer. Known issues - No bugs, but features are in progress. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-02-04 12:14:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
No more missing gamepads... No more, I sayeth. - Added a missing screenshot for Huntress's Mission completion screen. - Gamepad support - The system that checked for the gamepads has been adjusted. This should likely resolve the issue where the gamepad wouldn't be properly recognized on Windows (if it's an obscure one) or Linux, where it's just Linux. In addition, this corrects "Show inputs on Screen" option, to show gamepad inputs where expected. Thanks AlmostAGhost for a good pointer for this one. - General - Fixed an issue where Boss 02 (DJ) would get stunned in the special attack, causing it to shoot through the glass. - General - Gameplay - "Active" camera is now active by default. This only applies to fresh launches of the game, it wouldn't affect your current settings. - General - UI - When pressing Save & Exit, you will now also be asked to confirm if you want to do it. This is done for gamepad users to prevent accidental exits from the game. - Graphics - Allowed users to pick resolutions for 16:10 and other ultrawides. This previously was disabled as it was using a bit of a purchased asset code. - Settings - Graphics - Fixed an overlap of resolutions table, it crossed over to the FSR buttons before. Known issues - See trello. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any other issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-01-30 05:41:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch v1.071 (Main) - Gamepad - Fixed Graphics settings, now can utilize the gamepad to properly use the graphics settings, this includes resolution/FSR, and overall navigation improvements. - Gamepad - Fixed a few issues in the Gameplay Menu. - Gamepad - Fixed a few issues in the Input Menu. - Gamepad - Fixed a few options in the training menu not functioning as expected. - Gamepad - Fixed an issue where the cursor appearance time depended on the game seconds, rather than real life seconds. - Linux - Added an additional way to check for the gamepads. That may fix a few issues with the gamepad not being properly detected on Linux. May. Let me know if you are still having problems as I have no way to check Linux builds at the moment on my end. - Mission 01 - Fixed some funky collision for the enemies. - Now when collecting a health collectible, if the player's health is full, it'll add some currency instead. - Tower Of Blood - You no longer get Chaos Energy in the boost mode inbetween the floors, after all, where are you planning to run? It's all about fighting over there. - Updated the credits to include AlmostAGhost for many useful bug reports with reproduction steps, thank you! It's thanks to you, the players that the issues can be found and fixed. Known issues - https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-01-28 12:38:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Removed a deprecated check for the Steam Deck input, this should likely improve/fix gamepad support on other Linux distros. - Added a failsafe to a very strange issue that I couldn't reproduce, where the level completer wouldn't activate properly after restarting the level/reloading the checkpoint multiple times, likely a reference somehow didn't get set. Total RNG bug. I guess we can blame that issue to cosmic radiation, eh? In any case, that should likely prevent this from happening again. - Fixed style points resetting when restarting from checkpoint. - Fixed an issue where if you died in the level, and restarted from the game over menu, it would set a default level ID, this could have caused a variety of issues. As per usual, the known issues are listed here: https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find anything else, let me know either via steam forums, discord, or e-mail.
[ 2024-01-25 13:52:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Marking as quick fix, because the changes are super minor. Busy stuff, and health. - General - Fixed messy calculations on level completion. - Fixed an issue that if you exited the level, it would carry over your received damage into another level. - Fixed an issue where the new charged shot effect wouldn't play properly with a shotgun, if shotgun had more charged bullets than 0, but less than 3. - Tower Of Blood - Ranking removed, just beating it is enough now. - Mission 09, fixed one area floating in air. qf - Added player stats in the pause menu, to let the player know their current level time, damage taken, and style points. - Checkpoint 0 (The level start location) now counts as restarting the level from the menu, thus removing damage taken, style points, current level time on start. - Menu Cursor will no longer show up if there's no gamepad connected.
[ 2024-01-23 02:44:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the ability to use LB and RB in the upgrades menu to quickly change the tabs. - Fixed a bug where the shield in the guard mode was still usable if you were upgrading, or paused. - Fixed a bug where the styles were switchable on gamepad in the upgrades menu. - Fixed an issue where you could access the options menu on the gamepad when the loading screen is active. - Fixed an issue where you could pause the loading screen. Yup. - Fixed an issue on where you couldn't dodge properly directionally on the GAMEPAD if the character's camera wasn't facing character's back or forward. (This came from the update a while ago, I am shocked it wasn't reported until now. I am sorry for botching someone's first experience. I'll ensure to double test with the gamepad this time. It's time to treat gamepad players better.) - Fixed brain message sound effect still playing in NG+ - Fixed the brain message trigger not triggering on mission 04 due to the trigger being too small. - Slightly improved pipe bomb collision. - UI - added a cursor for gamepad, should make it easier to navigate with the gamepad. Known issues - Check trello. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-01-18 22:56:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
NO WAY! MID OF (the week) COMBAT SALE? RIGHT AFTER A somewhat BIG update? Crazy...
Buy the game..................... yiu stink.
As it may be the best time to jump in.
[ 2024-01-15 18:09:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added sex as a console command. That's right. This is the sex update. - Camera - Will no longer zoom into character's torso if moved close to the ground. - Claws - Combo A/B - Adjusted hitboxes to be more accurate with the visual effects. - Claws - Toxic effect no longer causes insane screen shake. - Fixed another possible soft lock caused by the player getting hit by a PROJECTILE while pressing the Pause button. The game will allow you to forcefully close the menu now. - Gamepad - Using D-pad during pause no longer will cause you to switch the styles while paused. - General - Air Taunt now pushes the player a bit higher in the air. - General - All attacks now no longer cause the player to just "Stand still" when the attack is almost over. This should reduce the "jankiness" in combat, as you'll be allowed to move in any direction a lot earlier than before. - General - All ranged weapons that have a charge mechanic, now have a charge sound effect. - General - Character collision has been improved. This should no longer cause the character collision to freak out when trying to walk over some specific ledges with the ground beneath them. - General - Greatly reduced the situations where the character may be floating slightly above the ground. - General - Made some jump pads to be a bit more reliable on higher framerate than most people usually play on. - General - Melee attacks now force an invisible lock on state, just like when you try to shoot guns without locking on. This should behave similiarly to other action games games that do a little bit of an autolock on basic attack. - Grindblade - Combo A - Reduced the final attack delay. - Grindblade - Judge's Gear - No longer gets blocked by shields. It's a ranged attack, never should have been blocked in the first place. - Grindblade - Judge's Gear - hitbox size has been greatly increased to match the particle effects. - Hit effects now cause a subtle light effect, making it look a bit more flashy. - Projectiles are a bit more stable now, code-wise. - Style - Boost - Concentration - Now behaves slightly differently. To prevent boring and cheesy playstyle, boost recharges Chaos Energy now based on your distance towards the enemy. Meaning, it's a lot more risk/rewardy. - Style - Boost - Dropkick - now has particle effects. I forgor. - Style - Dodge - Teleportation ground detection has been improved, reducing the chances of the character getting stuck in the ground, that was actually not a mesh issue, but me being stupid issue. Whoopsie. - Style - Guard - Increased the parry time, in order to make it a bit more reliable. - Style - Guard - Projectiles can be parried now, meaning if you hit it during the parry time, it will fling them back towards the enemy. - Style - Sinner - Increased the charge rate on enemy hit. This should make it charge quicker, and be usable more often. - Toothpick - Adjusted combo A timings. QuickFix right after this update is live: - Added a 3 drop system to Mission 09, to prevent possibility of hardlocking the game. - Fixed a few small typos. - Fixed one of Enerith's particle effects playing on level start whenever you try to play as anyone else. - Mission 04 - Fixed the first waypoint (for the waypoint/where to go system) not being set correctly. - Mission 04 - Made a specific button a bit more obvious by painting it red. - Mission 04 - Preventing vehicle from entering a secret area. - Mission 09, added a failsafe enemy killplane, just in case. - Mission 09, sealed off the last arena because apparently I forgot to do so. - The game will no longer recognize boxes as the ground, it will not memorize player's reset position when standing on them. - Unscrewed the gravity for boxes in Mission 09. Known issues - - Boss (DJ) sometimes has a problem, where it can be stunned during a special attack, causing it to shoot through the glass instead of waiting. Not game breaking. Other than that, none. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you find any issues, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord. https://discord.gg/2ZyurUSbeE
[ 2024-01-15 07:50:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
This one came from the refund note, so to avoid further accidents this has been hotfixed. - Fixed an issue where the player would occasionately fall out of bounds in the boss fight arena in Mission 04. - Added a failsafe in case player does manage somehow to do it again. Though it shouldn't happen.
[ 2024-01-12 02:40:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
A lil bit more, real life work is kinda killing me, so small patches for now. - Custom Level Loader - Fixed an issue where the collectibles would get reset when entering the custom level loader menu. - Fixed an issue where the special costume for beating Eternal Nightmare wouldn't get granted. - Enemies with the clone flag will no longer count to the enemy count in the Tower Of Blood. - Betelgeuse Boss - Adjusted the failsafe to only activate on the boss, and not simultaneously on the clones. - Fixed Sharp Dresser achievement being granted incorrectly, now it should consider all costume unlocked status. Known bugs - None If you find any other bugs or issues, or have some feedback, let me know. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2024-01-11 17:43:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug fixes n some balance adjustments, mainly for ToB. Still working on playable Enerith, though. - Tower Of Blood - Timer has been disabled for floors 100-101 - Tower Of Blood - Fixed a problem where level completion wouldn't trigger if the selected character was Shamir. - Tower Of Blood - Every 20 floors, 2 extra minutes will be added to the timer. - Tower Of Blood - Now begins with extra 2 minutes on start. - Tower Of Blood - Fixed an issue where beating Betelgeuse in TOB would destroy the portal that leads to the next floor. - Huntress - Fixed an issue where Shamir's weapon icons would show as her weapons if you had "Keep weapon icons on screen." - Shamir - Moved the grenade launcher grenade counter a bit higher to avoid it being obstructed by the weapon icons. This in particular only was a problem with "keep weapon icons on screen" toggle enabled. - Betelgeuse Boss - Added a failsafe that removes the clones on death. - Game Completion - Fixed the wrong text on the exit button. It used to say "FIND 4 SWITCHES" which was unintentional. - Mission 06 - Fixed a possible soft lock when playing on DMD difficulty. Known bugs - Entering a workshop level loader will reset the collectibles, except for HP and CT upgrades. Other than that, none. If you find any other bugs or issues, or have some feedback, let me know. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2024-01-09 15:35:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Turns out untying hardcoded code is a bit messy sometimes. - Fixed an issue where any character dying would result in non stop death sounds until exited the mission or continued from checkpoint. - Fixed an issue where you could shoot ONCE during the pause menu. Now you can't shoot during the pause menu at all. I should probably utilize the beta channel more. Seemed stable enough. Oh well. Sorry.
[ 2024-01-06 11:41:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Workin on playable Enerith, here's some bug fixes and a little response to the recent feedback in the meantime. If you're curious, I occasionately post previews either on x or discord. Still far from finished. But functions are working as expected. - General - Untied a few things directly from Shamir's script for the playable Enerith to utilize. This is a change within code to add support for playable Enerith and shouldn't affect anything else in the game. - General - Fixed an issue with animator's blend value, meaning that the game would occasionately try to play a few sounds even while standing idle. This didn't affect the animations, just the events. - General - Camera no longer jitters when it is raised way too high or way too low. - Huntress - Fixed an issue from the previous update, where she would try shooting without locking on. While it wasn't breaking anything, that was unintentional. - Huntress - Untied the flight thrust power from the framerate, making her flight more consistent across any levels of performance. - Huntress - Removed the floatiness slider from her as she doesn't utilize that mechanic. (Again.) - Quee - Acid Breath animation has been fixed, it was looping incorrectly. (Might've pushed that in the previous patch, just didn't note it.) - Quee - Adjusted timings for Combo A to make it feel a bit smoother. - Quee - Combo A - Third attack now deals more damage. - Claws - Reduced animation "lag". - Claws - Toxicity Passive - Heavily nerfed the style gain from damage over time. Known issues: - Not that I am aware of. In addition, feedback is always appreciated, so let me know if you have something to say on the steam discussions, or via an email, thanks! https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2024-01-04 20:36:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well, this was quite the year indeed.
The game got released, and it's first review was a negative review. Which broke my heart, but it's understandable as to why.
Looking back at the original build with all it's jank and stank, it does make me wonder what I was thinking releasing it like this.
But that's the problem with working on something alone for so long, it seems that you just kind of "get used to it", all the stinky stuff, and you won't figure out what's wrong until someone points it out.
Even my play tester friends had no issues like the ones that were found on release (nor the general feedback on some quality of some things that had to improve.)
So despite all that, someone never gave up, and I am not talking about just me, of course. I am talking about all of you wonderful people that had given the game a chance, reported bugs, and provided all kinds of feedback.
Thank you.
Without you all, the game wouldn't be in a good state. I thank you all once again who've played the game. All 300 of you, you are truly wonderful.
(Also yay, a fine milestone to end the year on, eh?)
Anyways. Remember, there's still more content to come. In fact, I am now giving my attention to playable Enerith in a priority over Realm Of The Rogue because, ROTR actually relies on a third party thingie, which I am not having a good time working with. So I may just end up scrapping it and re-doing the whole generation system myself from scratch.
But that's for some other time.
Here's a few work in progress screenshots, of Enertih barely functioning as a playable character as of now.
I hope to release him sometime in 2024, can't give out any dates though because you know, code is code, bugs are bugs, and health is health.
With that being said, Happy New Year. Hope you have a nice cake or booze. Or both. Just don't pour booze on the cake, it wouldn't taste good... Or will it?
Have you ever had chocolate on cheese? It's surprisingly good.
Okay, see you soon.
(Also buy the game. There's still 15% off until Jan 4.)
[ 2023-12-31 17:46:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey you,
Have you ever wanted to talk to someone about the game?
Ask me questions or report without writing a giant e-mail or a forum post?
Or better yet, maybe have a chance of harassed by someone online? (Classic!)
That's too bad, whether you like it or not, now you have at least one whole spot on the internet to talk about the game. In fact, now you are forced to talk about it.
That's right, if you don't, a spooky ghost will come and get you, wait, this isn't a Halloween announcement...
Uh... Santa Claus will come and get you on the new year's eve. Boooo... scary.... YOU wouldn't want that to happen now, would you?
So. Click on that picture to join.
Or you can also click that stupid button in the game's menu to join too, or don't.
We all know that Discord smells and it should've never been a replacement to online forums. Tsk. tsk.
[ 2023-12-27 10:43:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks for the report, please don't be afraid of reporting issues. As a solo developer, sometimes it's hard to catch a few things during testing. I appreciate your help! - Fixed an issue with Enerith not taking any damage on mission 10 due to the script missing a reference to the UI shaker. (I love it when Unity can't ignore an error and just decides to pause the entire script from working!) Unrelated to quick fix but had to be included in this patch: - Walking animation with the gamepad has been updated. - Slightly improved the handling of double taps/flicks by adding a very tiny deadzone for gamepad sticks + resetting double inputs when jumping and doing an animation cancel. This should also prevent the camera from freaking out if you have the tiniest bit of drifting. However, for deadzone settings you should still utilize Steam Input as it is flat out better for that. - Re-enabled social media buttons.
[ 2023-12-27 10:11:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: - Quee - Re-added a move from an early beta version of the game - drill through can now be used mid-air, the move needs to be unlocked in the upgrades menu. - Grindblade - Fixed gamepad specific Judgement Gear animation not playing out properly when activated. - Realm of the rogue - fixed collision issues with dodge teleport. (Hello funny mesh) - Realm of the rogue - Re-enabled the card system back, however most of the cards are currently just ideas/dummies. They are being worked on, remember, Realm of the rogue is a gamemode in progress. - Snipers - Fixed an issue with the projectiles not moving which was caused by the previous patch. (Basically, the script order was wrong. This is corrected now.) - UI - Chaos Trigger and Sinner Gauge now have a little bit more flair to them, whenever they have something going on with them they have new particle effects playing on the UI elements. - General - Shamir will now wear a funny hat on christmas day. - General - Minor changes to the code in the backend for future content, this shouldn't affect anything, but if something breaks, let me know. Known issues: - Not that I am aware of. In addition, feedback is always appreciated, so let me know if you have something to say on the steam discussions, or via an email, thanks! https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-12-24 11:04:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: - Claws - Backwards dodge removed and replaced with the dodge move below. - Dodge - Added a different kind of backwards dodge that functions similiarly to the directional one. At first I was concerned it would be too busted, but it's balanced enough. - Tutorial - Added two enemy spawners to practice some "real" combat in the area. - Tutorial - Added an explanation to the enemy icons. - Grindblade - Judge's Gear - Input simplified to make it easier to pull off. - Snipers - Projectiles are now faster against Melee type players to make them more of a threat. - Mission 03 - Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in one of the arenas after teleporting towards an enemy. (Yup, a surprise old mesh.) - Mission 06 - Added another checkpoint after the first unlocked gate. - General - Getting hit by the spikes no longer causes the music to stop for a millisecond and restart. - General - Breakable objects now have a more distinct hue to them. - General - "Begin" is no longer the default selected button for the gamepad in the main menu to avoid players accidentally erasing their save file. - Costumes - Now have visible conditions to unlock them in the main menu. - Vs. Knight - Fixed an issue where his weapons would not stop lighting up whenever his hitboxes get disabled. (Because Editor Vs Live build differences are cool.) - UI - Whenever attacking a boss, their lifebar shall shake on the UI. - UI - Whenever recieving damage, the HUD will do a subtle shake now. Known issues: - Not that I am aware of. But please do report issues either via email or on the steam discussions. I am always keeping an eye on them. In addition, feedback is always appreciated. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-12-18 20:35:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
So the important note is: Recently, I've been driven to the hospital by an ambulance a couple of days ago due to my heart feeling rather... funky. Don't worry. Not dead yet, but I am going to be visiting the doctors next week once my insurance will be active. I know no one really wants real life issues to slip into the patch notes, but I am mostly shoving it there so you know as to why some updates have slowed down. Do be aware I'll still do my best to update as much as I can whenever I can (and if there will be a major gamebreaking bug I'll fix it right away of course), but right now I have to take a break due to health. I hope that is understandable. Thank you for playing. Do take care of your health as well, my dear player. Changelog: - Vs Knight - Knight's weapons now light up whenever they are able to do damage, making it easier for the player to know when they can parry or get damaged. (Just like with other enemies in the game.) - Vs Last Boss - Added the same teleportation effect as other bosses have to make it easier to tell when the boss is about to teleport. (Yeah, that boss is still a mess. Well aware.) - Mission 06 - Added a few collectible crystalized bloods to make it easier to tell where to jump to proceed with the mission. - Vehicle - Added a small cooldown to prevent the player from accidentally getting on the bike after dismounting it. - Vehicle - The braking speed has been increased to make the Vehicle better to control. - Training - Added an option to turn off enemy aggression. - Training - Added an option to disable enemy sounds. (No more sandbag squeaks if you don't want em.) - Added an option to turn on "Super Mode" after unlocking Hellish Hellfire. This option will give you infinite Chaos Trigger and Sinner energy during the normal missions. Known issues: - Not that I am aware of. But please do report issues either via email or on the steam discussions. I am always keeping an eye on them. In addition, feedback is always appreciated. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-12-11 07:05:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
A surprise bug that requires a fix. - Fixed a bug where if you restarted from checkpoint after dying at least once, the game would reset some parts of the current level to normal difficulty. Meaning it would try to save your final score as "normal" despite level being "hard" or "easy" or any other difficulty, and some enemy arenas would have incorrect enemy spawns, but the actual enemy difficulty would be correct. If you never died before like a god gamer you are, this bug never affected you. How the hell does that happen? Who knows. Code is weird.
[ 2023-12-04 09:05:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: - Alt tabbing when the game is paused will no longer unpause the game. - Fixed an issue where if you were paused when moving forward, and then pressed the boost button while the game is paused, it would slightly drain your Chaos Trigger energy. - Fixed an issue where some of the enemies, may not get out of their attacking state when stunned within a very specific frame combination. (Note, this is to fix Seth turning passive, i was still unable to reproduce the issue reported by the players as it clearly seems to be very frame perfect and maybe I am just unlucky, but I still can't repro it myself. This fix is an attempt on resolving that. Hopefully that works. Hopefully.) - Fixed an issue where the players were able to get out of Seth's combat arena after defeating him. - General - Added a confirmation prompt when you press restart from checkpoint, just like the one that shows up when you try to exit the mission. - General - Added gamepad support for the menu added in the previous patch. - General - Gamepad detection should now be improved as instead of checking for the name of the gamepad (i.e if it contained dualshock or xbox it would return true) now checks for the input method instead, so if it detects dinput or xinput device plugged in, it should count as activated. - General - Landing on top of the vehicle no longer makes the character float on the vehicle until moved elsewhere. - General - Shooting guns without the lock on will now not show the lock on icon on the target. Just makes it feel better, like in a certain other action game you may know. - Malice's hurt sounds were... re-cut now that no peanut november is over. - Mission 05 - Minor collision fixes. - Upgrades menu - Now when the weapon is obtain, it should show up in the list immidiately. (This is my second attempt to fix it, it seems to function in the editor. Let me know if there's still a problem.) - Vs Knight - Knight's shield will no longer make the camera rarely freak out and zoom in into the floor. Known issues. - See Trello. It's the first tab, if you find a few spicy bugs, do let me know. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-12-03 12:58:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another minor update, don't worry though. Just taking care of the request list bit by bit. Changelog: - Mission 02 - Fixed the issue where the character would get stuck in the floor in the mansion if teleported there. This was due to the old mesh that wasn't updated overtime, whoops. - Fixed Boss 02's (Lil Dee O Jay)'s spinning hitboxes not disappearing after beating the boss. - Guns can now be used without logging on. Added a new options tab in the settings in there you can: - Turn off the HUD. - Turn off the Chaos Trigger visuals overlay. - Turn off the Speed Lines effect. - Turn off Fixed Cameras. - Turn off Enemy HP UI. - Turn off Enemy Action icons. - Turn off music turning off when idling. - Turn on a new camera mode that will automatically turn the camera towards the direction you are boosting towards in the Boost style. (Useful for gamepads! Especially if you don't like to claw grip.) - Disable the orb count in the UI. All of these were requested by players. Known issues. - See Trello. It's the first tab as of now there's not much known, so if you find some spicy bugs, do let me know. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-12-01 02:25:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Nothing major in the backend, just quality of life stuff here and some improvements to dodge mode. - Dodge - Improved general behavior when jumping then teleporting, previously it would push the character back as it contained air velocity/gravity, now instead it'll behave as expected, actually landing you in front of the enemy if the enemy is grounded, reducing the chances of player accidentally starting mid-air combo animations instead of the grounded ones. (This doesn't affect the bosses if you jump then teleport, as some of the bosses are larger than player their teleportation point can be used greatly in gameplay for quick ins and outs.) - General - Model LOD distance is now affected by Quality Settings, so ultra is the highest as expected. - General - In Audio Settings, added visible sound percentages for each slider to make it easier to fine tune for your preferences. - Arch. Needles - Added like 3 small floating orbs behind the character's back when active, to make it more obvious that they are currently equipped. - UI - In gameplay settings - fixed Combat Camera Distance skipping Camera Fov option on the gamepad and going straight to Auto Camera Focus Power instead. - Input - Added an option to disable mouse smoothing. (This will make it feel a bit more static, but more responsive. Up to you if you want to use it.) - Mission 10 - added same text regarding skipping the "cutscene" as in Mission 01. - Mission 11 - You can no longer get the Master Of Dodging achievement just for beating Mission 11. Known issues and requests, feel free to provide your feedback either via an email or the steam discussions. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-11-27 12:42:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
This one is also skipping the beta channel due to no major changes on the backend, very minor fixes really. Thank you everyone for the reports and your feedback. Changelog: Claws - Fixed Moonlight not dealing Toxic damage as intended by previous patch. Claws - Added missing particle effecst to Rising Sun General - Hint about dodging out of any attack - clarified. General - Fixed an issue where a pulley's handle would count as the ground, causing a very small problem during platforming. General - Fixed the abilitiy to use dodge up while in the vehicle, causing the character to have a stroke. General - Fixed Jump-Pad's collider not counting as grounded if you are not touching the center of the jump trigger. General - To improve platforming, you can now jump a lot safer from platform's ledges. (Added a 0.1s delay to make the player still count as grounded if they just fell from the edge, to give some room for error in platforming and slope jumping.) UI - Clarified that you need to press the difficulty button in the level loader to continue the game. UI - Fixed some overlaps in the graphics settings. UI - Fixed minor spelling errors. UI - Updated Claw move previews in the upgrades menu/movelist to represent the updated color scheme and Toxic abilities. Mission 01 - Made a level completer trigger way larger so the chances of missing it are way smaller. Mission 01 - Removed a specific leftover jump pad from old level layout that was not meant to be accessible. Mission 02 - Removed some confusing rocks in one of the encounters, they had no collision anyway and were just in the way. Mission 02 - Allowed the player to go back after beating the encounter near the statue, instead of being forced to proceed. Mission 04 - Fixed the possibility of starting the combat near the CT increase collectible in such a way you'd be locked out of the arena, causing a possible softlock. Mission 05 - Reduced flicker where pointed out. Mission 08 - Minor collision improvements. (Mainly just one rock, really.) Mission 08 - You can now jump on the boats, because boats are fun. Post-Game - Day 2 Dialogue with Kair - Fixed the wrong image displaying in the dialogue. Post-Game - Seth, added a missing picture in Day 1 Dialogue. Known issues, If you find something broken, let me know. You can either email me or send it on the Steam Discussions/Forums. As per usual, tracking for bugs and requests is on the trello: https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-11-24 18:11:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
There are no "major" back-end changes in the game, so this update is skipping the Beta channel. Changelog: - Brain MSG - will no longer trigger a notification in the missions if the game has been completed on the save file. - Claws - Now have "Toxic" property, dealing additional damage over time and slowing down basic enemy movement, this should make the weapon feel less "boring" and have more use with crowd control. - Claws - Now have different visual effects and particles. This should help to ensure the player can easily tell which weapon they are using based on the VFX and color alone. (Previously, this weapon caused some confusion with Quee, as the effects looked rather similiarly to each other.) - Extras - Now can scroll through the character text similiarly to World and Enemy text. - Game completion - Fixed incorrect text showing up instead of "Unlocked:" - Huntress - Can no longer flap her wings or switch weapons if she is dead. Because she is dead. - Main Menu - Added the ability to check collected collectibles in the extras menu, so you don't have to enter the mission to check what's left to collect. - Main Menu - Now can use back arrows to go to the last unlocked mission, and forward arrow to go back to 1 if you reached the last unlocked mission. - Mission 1 - Fixed an issue where if you were to restart from the checkpoint, wrong music track will play and the waypoint will be incorrect. - Mission 11 - Fixed the sensetivity being different in the Turret Section compared to normal gameplay. - Mission 12 - Performance improvements in the last arena. - Shotgun - Now can re-charge even if the charged ammo isn't spent. - Tutorial - Fixed the compass overlaying on-top of the tutorial text. - Vs Knight - Lowered HP regain on lower difficulties. - Vs Knight - Projectiles spawned during Knight's CT are now slower, this scales back up on higher difficulties. Known issues and suggestions: - See Trello. Bugs are in the first tab, if you find a something else, let me know. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to suggest them on the forums. All is read, and all is considered. Cheers.
[ 2023-11-21 10:13:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey you, yeah, you. Wanted to give the game a shot before, but didn't want to hurt my feelings by doing a refund?
Well good news.
The demo version built from the latest game build (with all them fancy bug fixes and all) is now back on Steam.
So if you had this game on your fancy wish list, go to the game's page and click that big, stinky green (gross) button, and give it a shot.
Did you like it? That's sweet. Did you hate it? That's okay, no hard feelings. I'll only shed one tear. One.
Anyway, don't be too hasty on spending that hard earned cash just yet, though. For I have heard that there's a small deal coming up in a few days... Your lucky number is 15.
[ 2023-11-19 08:35:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update merges changes from the beta builds into the main. The changes from the Beta builds can be seen here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1701890/announcements/detail/3803913612024104021 https://steamcommunity.com/games/1701890/announcements/detail/3824180445337283205 In addition, there's the following changes in this build. - Jump animation will now play only when pressing jump, not when falling off a cliff or something else specific. - Reduced speed of the new jumping animation to make it smoother. - Selected costume is now selected correctly in the main menu when returning to the main menu from the mission with the costume equipped. - Additional stability and corrections to the collectibles menu. Known issues: https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking Let me know if something is broken, from my own personal playtests I haven't noticed much, but games are complex. You do one thing, another may be affected.
[ 2023-11-16 15:39:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Probably a small one. Gotta get rid of those one at a time... - General - Fixed the collectible list and a few translations in the practice mode. - General - Added a new jump animation in hopes of improving the "feel" of jumping. - Collectible list - Corrected mission 12 counting as Post Game content. - Collectibles - Fixed the collectibles in Post-Game. - Tower Of Blood Completion - Fixed not counting in total result. - Chaos Trigger - Can no longer be activated in the credits. - Sinner Form - Removed the footsteps since the character is meant to be floating. - Sinner Form - No more weird delayed hitbox when entering the sinner form. - Sinner Form - No more hitbox when exiting out of sinner form.
[ 2023-11-15 14:34:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: - Mission 09 - Fixed minor collision issues. - Mission 02 - Fixed an issue where if you were to skip a specific fight, the Fixed Camera triggers would not disappear. - Mission 02 - Fixed an unreachable collectible. - Mission 07 - Fixed minor collision issues. - Mission 04 - Fixed a very, very specific instance where the boss could not be encountered. - Fixed Animation Cancelling via Guard not functioning on gamepads. - Loading a freshly created save file after loading a normal save should not cause many of the stored data carry over into it. (Not retroactive, meaning this will not affect saves that were affected by this issue, this is only going to fix new save files.) That also likely was the cause of upgrades sometimes not carrying over into custom missions. - Training - Fixed Infinite CT toggle enabling Infinite Sinner energy. - Training - Fixed Infinite Sinner Energy toggle not working properly. - Re-enabled gaining of Style points on a training dummy. - Classic HUD - Fixed collision with the compass. - Classic HUD - In realm of the rogue, no longer has issues. - General - Can no longer transform into the Sinner form when paused. - General - Hardcore gravity is slightly heavier now. - Collectible IDs - Adjusted so the Icons should respond correctly to items collected, some of the not not counting ones are still being investigated. - Credits - Updated the special thanks. Known issues. - See Trello. It's the first tab, if you find a spicy bug, do let me know as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-11-14 05:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you for waiting for a stable build. This patch brings all of the changes from the Beta into the main build now that they are a lot more stable. In addition, the SDK is now out. You would definitely need some basic Unity knowledge to work with it, though. A stable build has been merged into main. In case you were not following the beta builds, here are the changes in total that have been merged into the main build now. - If you're curious to try a the custom level loader yourself, you can download a template custom mission from here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3071279707 New changes from this build: - Boss 3 (Seth) - Fixed an issue where his hitboxes would not disappear after activating. - Collectibles - Locked entries in Extras will now show ??? instead of spoiling the whole name of the entry. - Collectibles - added collectibles with the ID 12 to the Post-Game because apparently, they were missing this whole time. How? Arrays. Start. At. 0. Not 1. Someone forgot. - Collectibles menu - fixed the incorrect IDs. - Costume 5 (Cybersuit) now has RGB. - Custom Mission Loader - Fixed an issue where player would get stuck trying to load back into the custom mission loader. - Hints are no longer skipping every 5 seconds in the game over menu. - Mission 1 - Added some more blood to guide the player where to go. - Restart from checkpoint - Removed from the gamemodes where you... can't restart from the checkpoint. - SDK - Fixed the fan prefab blowing at a very low power. - Total Result - fixed the level IDs for the rating, the levels likely have to be re-completed in order for the change to apply. - The level making SDK has been completed and can be set up by following this guide, in addition, Steam Workshop is publically available. - UI - Very minor text adjustments. Don't worry about it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3051295219 Total changes from the Beta build merged into the main, in case you were not following. (These are just patch notes organized alphabetically from previous patch notes. If you already played the beta and helped out with it, first of all thanks! Secondly, you can ignore this.) - 3 fall drop system for platforming, reduced the drop amount in code by one to make it work more as expected. - Achievements - Fixed some incorrect names from the earlier versions of the game. - Beating Easy/Normal/Hard now properly shows the correct list of difficulties unlocked. - Boost - Dropkick - Reduced the internal cooldown from 2 seconds to half a second. - Brain MSG in the pause menu now only gets highlight when triggering a new message. - Charged shot from D.Magnum now properly cancels Looping animations/moves. - Claws - Comet and Comet Reversal recieved different particle effects. - Collectible list - Fixed incorrect naming. - Collectible list - Post-Game collectibles will only show the name of the location after beating the game. If the game is not beaten, they'll show "???" - Collectible list - now refreshes every time you open it, showing more up to date information. - Collectible list - the nonexistent mission 13 has been corrected, now the counter properly counts up to 12, and the rest is post-game unlockables. - Custom Missions - Fixed an issue where the missions wouldn't be detected on some specific hard drives. - Custom Missions - Gamepad can now be used to interact with the custom missions menu. - Custom Missions - Improved the way the UI works on Ultrawide monitors. - Custom Missions - Now returns to the custom mission menu upon beating the stage. - D.Magnum - Charged Shot - No longer stores the charge when pressing the pause menu. - Dodge Style - Is now a lot more reliable, the inputs are behaving as expected for dodge up and dodge down. - Extras Added the ability to scroll text. - Fixed an issue where if you hit the pause menu and entered a teleporter (That had a black overlay effect) on the SAME FRAME would cause a softlock. - Fixed enemies not being killed by the death plane in the must style mode if the style is was below SSS. - Fixed the infinite Chaos Trigger if you activated Chaos Trigger while being at max health in the boost mode. Now it drains HP as expected even when your health is maxed out. - Game completed menu - A certain text no longer makes a button noise. - Game completion text no longer looks weird. (The font changing based on the locale has been disabled for that text.) - General - Camera collision - has been improved. There's still a few small cases where it *can* get out of bounds, but those cases are a lot rarer now. - General - Camera is no longer tied to the framerate. You may need to re-calibrate your mouse sensetivity setting to adjust. - General - Fixed a bug that set your Reset position in air (the position that you would get teleported to if you fell either out of bounds, or into a pit.) if the player was in air while encountering a combat arena, possibly causing a soft lock depending on where it got saved. (It now reverts to a specified position in the arena if the player is indeed mid-air when encountering a combat arena.) - General - Fixed a small issue where the character sometimes would walk slightly above the ground when starting a level. - General - Gamepad can no longer interact with the "?" prompt if the player is in combat. This is done to avoid the player accidentally triggering something instead of jumping, as on the gamepad, jump counts as a "confirmation" button. It still works the same on mouse and keyboard. - General - Removed the debug command that played the "combat finished" effect when pressing 6 on the keyboard. - General - Vehicle - The drift meter is now longer and recharges faster. - Grenade Launchers counter now only shows up when Grenade Launcher is currently selected ranged weapon. - Health Collectibles had their color ramp shifted to be more green-ish rather than yellow-ish. - Huntress Tower Of Blood - Fixed a few buttons working incorrectly on the gamepad. - Huntress no longer gets punted into the orbit if you were to start the dialogue and hold the jump button to enable her flight. - Input - No longer can bind actions to ESCAPE button as it is conflicting with the way the menus are handled. - Input - The side keys of most mice can now be bound in the input settings for mouse and keyboard. - Leaving the Custom Levels tab now works properly. - Main Menu - Added a button to load custom scenes created from the SDK once the save file is loaded. - Mission 01 and Mission 11 - Improved Occulusion Culling to increase performance + fix some of the objects turning invisible. - Mission 03 - Fixed a possible soft lock, if player entered a combat arena and then entered another combat arena while the previous one was active. - Mission 09 - Fixed a possible soft lock in one of the Arenas if entered on the left side. - Mission 11 - Pests will now shoot regardless of the difficulty. - Mission 11 Now has a skip ride option. (Only active after beating the game at least once.) - Mission 12 - Arena - Added missing collision around the edges of the arena. - Pausing the game when the grindblade is charging would no longer freeze inputs until the player dodges out of the frozen state. - Post-Game - No longer plays Orb Pickup sound whenever Post-Game is loaded. - Post-Game - The fade-in effect no longer flashes, thus making the transition from loading screen to the level smoother. - Post-Game - fixed an issue where the collectibles wouldn't save if you exited post-game via the story/epilogue exit. - Post-Game - the invisible shop has now been fixed. - Quee - Combo B - adjusted the input timing to make it more reliable without button mashing. - Realm Of The Rogue - Updated the boss music once again, but this time it's just minor changes to the track itself, not a total redo. - Training - The training specific UI is no longer overlapping with the items menu. - Training mode - Added a toggle to enable infinite Chaos Trigger. - Training mode - Added a toggle to enable infinite Sinner energy. - Training mode - If the enemy somehow dies (such as enemy exploding itself) the Training mode will now spawn the same enemy. - Tutorial, Loading screen text, Mission 5, Post-Game - Fixed minor grammar spellings. - UI - Added a button that allows you to restart from the checkpoint. - UI - Graphics settings - AS Filtering now says Anisotropic Filtering to make more sense. - UI - Movelist - No longer shows Items tab from the Upgrades menu. - UI - Now the game actually asks if you want to Quit the mission instead of just immidiately booting you into the menu. - UI - Now when completing the level with the gamepad, you can't accidentally exit the game by moving the active button into an invisible UI element. - UI - Replaced Char. with Character as there was plenty of space. - UI - Restart from checkpoint button will now properly be disabled when interacting with other menus. - UI - Upgrades Menu - Buy move buttons are now a bit easier to see and understand when the button is selected. - Unlock easy mode notification will no longer show up once the easy mode has been unlocked. - Upgrades menu - Updated Comet and Comet Reversal preview. - Upgrades menu - Updated video recordings for Sinner mode demonstration. - Video hints - Fixed the pulley hint and the hoop hint having incorrect text in the hint. - Vs Knight - Now also has the teleportation preparation effect, giving the player a bit more time to prepare. - Vs Knight - Teleportation has been slowed down just a tiny bit for the effect above to work better. - Vs Knight - The smash attack now also has the teleportation preparation effect, giving the player a bit more time to prepare. - You can no longer control or hear playable character after beating the credits fight. - You can no longer interact with the invisible main menu during cutscenes via gamepad. - You should be less likely to outrun some of the orbs that are being magnetized to the main character now. Known issues - Only one so far, if you find anything special, let me know on the forum. I'll add it to trello, and if it causes a progression lock, I'll fix it asap. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-11-08 11:34:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
So, the SDK for mission making is very much done, I thank everyone who had downloaded the custom mission and booted it to ensure it functions! All that is left is to write the documentation or well, the basic guide on how to actually use it, and then poof - the update will be released to the main channel, unless there will be some very funny critical bug that will break everything... Well, worry not. I'll playtest it to the best of my abilities. Here's the changelog: - General - Fixed a small issue where the character sometimes would walk slightly above the ground when starting a level. - Input - The side keys of most mice can now be bound in the input settings for mouse and keyboard. - Input - No longer can bind actions to ESCAPE button as it is conflicting with the way the menus are handled. - Custom Missions - Fixed an issue where the missions wouldn't be detected on some specific hard drives. - Custom Missions - Gamepad can now be used to interact with the custom missions menu. - Custom Missions - Improved the way the UI works on Ultrawide monitors. - Custom Missions - Now returns to the custom mission menu upon beating the stage. - SDK Sample level has been added into the game's folder. - Pausing the game when the grindblade is charging would no longer freeze inputs until the player dodges out of the frozen state. - Collectible list - Fixed incorrect naming. - Collectible list - Post-Game collectibles will only show the name of the location after beating the game. If the game is not beaten, they'll show "???" - UI - Restart from checkpoint button will now properly be disabled when interacting with other menus. - Quee - Combo B - adjusted the input timing to make it more reliable without button mashing. - Dodge Style - Is now a lot more reliable, the inputs are behaving as expected for dodge up and dodge down. - Unlock easy mode notification will no longer show up once the easy mode has been unlocked. Known issues. - See Trello. It's the first tab, if you find a spicy bug, do let me know as well. https://trello.com/b/suviZn7g/known-issues-and-bug-tracking
[ 2023-11-05 14:17:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is only applicable to you if you are using the Beta Channel. Subscribing to a workshop item won't do anything on the main channel for now. Hi, this is a minor update to fix some stuff with the custom mission support. Don't worry about the contains. Also total result has been temporarily disabled until it's fixed. Anyways, if you can, please check the custom mission here created from the SDK and try to play it. Specifically if you're a Steam Deck/Linux user. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3071279707
[ 2023-11-04 00:26:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
The beta build is unstable and contains more bugs, it's not pushed to main until a lot of issues are resolved for a reason. Like seriously, there was a huge bug that only spawned one enemy on the second wave (Only in Beta builds). Use the main build for first time playthroughs unless you really want to mess up your first time experience. (I really don't want that to happen.) I've pushed a fix to the beta channel to fix it and to add a note that this is not the main build. Thank you.
[ 2023-11-02 23:35:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello again, Happy Hollow Weiner, if that's still a thing in your timezone.
Did you know that if you play the game on Halloween, there will be some funny pumpkins around the missions? No? Aw. Well, I guess you do now.
Did you also know... There's a Trello now to track bugs and feature requests? You didn't know again? Oh well. Well, now you know... again.
There's an update that's been pushed to the beta branch. With that update, the level making SDK is basically complete.
All that is left for me is to write the documentation and upload a test level to the workshop to make sure the upload/download process works as intended.
There will probably be an announcement on the forums or here for you players to try downloading stuff from the workshop, just to make sure it works for everyone and not just me, because you know. When you make games, they can do weird things on other computers that are not yours. Maybe software is just haunted that way... (How topical.)
Regarding the trello and bug reports, If you did find a new spicy bug, I'll add it to the list.
If it already exists, well, you can leave a comment saying you encountered it too. In fact, if you found how to reproduce the "Unable to reproduce" or "Needs proof" bugs, please do report them there. Thank you!
Here's the changelog for the build in the Beta branch for now.
- SDK - Added support for custom NPCs.
- SDK - Added support for events via the dialogue, enemies, bosses.
- SDK - Is overall complete.
- General - Camera is no longer tied to the framerate. You may need to re-calibrate your mouse sensetivity setting to adjust.
- General - Camera collision - has been improved. There's still a few small cases where it *can* get out of bounds, but those cases are a lot rarer now.
- General - Vehicle - The drift meter is now longer and recharges faster.
- General - Gamepad can no longer interact with the "?" prompt if the player is in combat. This is done to avoid the player accidentally triggering something instead of jumping, as on the gamepad, jump counts as a "confirmation" button. It still works the same on mouse and keyboard.
- Huntress Tower Of Blood - Fixed a few buttons working incorrectly on the gamepad.
- UI - Added a button that allows you to restart from the checkpoint.
- General - Fixed a bug that set your Reset position in air (the position that you would get teleported to if you fell either out of bounds, or into a pit.) if the player was in air while encountering a combat arena, possibly causing a soft lock depending on where it got saved. (It now reverts to a specified position in the arena if the player is indeed mid-air when encountering a combat arena.)
- Fixed an issue where if you hit the pause menu and entered a teleporter (That had a black overlay effect) on the SAME FRAME would cause a softlock.
- Post-Game - the invisible shop has now been fixed.
- Post-Game - fixed an issue where the collectibles wouldn't save if you exited post-game via the story/epilogue exit.
- Collectibles menu - the nonexistent mission 13 has been corrected, now the counter properly counts up to 12, and the rest is post-game unlockables.
- Game completed menu - A certain text no longer makes a button noise.
- UI - Graphics settings - AS Filtering now says Anisotropic Filtering to make more sense.
Known issues:
- See Trello. It's the first tab.
[ 2023-11-01 06:35:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update has been pushed to the Beta channel, since SDK is still in progress and is very unstable, the update will be pushed to the main channel once the SDK will be ready to use. To test this update, please refer to changing to Beta channel over here in order to recieve less stable updates: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1701890/view/6042200176425827844 Most of the Quality Of Life suggestions came from fellow players, mainly Nordanix, thank you for putting time and effort into suggestions and bug reports, they are always appreciated! (More will come in the future patches.) Changelog: - Training - The training specific UI is no longer overlapping with the items menu. - Training - The training specific UI's toggles now have a proper visible checkmark. - Training - "Infinite CT/Sinner" incorrect checkmark sprite has been fixed. - 3 fall drop system for platforming, reduced the drop amount in code by one to make it work more as expected. - Health Collectibles had their color ramp shifted to be more green-ish rather than yellow-ish. - Charged shot from D.Magnum now properly cancels Looping animations/moves. - Fixed enemies not being killed by the death plane in the must style mode if the style is was below SSS. - You should be less likely to outrun some of the orbs that are being magnetized to the main character now. - You can no longer control or hear playable character after beating the credits fight. - Extras Added the ability to scroll text. - Fixed the infinite Chaos Trigger if you activated Chaos Trigger while being at max health in the boost mode. Now it drains HP as expected even when your health is maxed out. - SDK Level Completer prefab no longer overrides the level completion prefabs in the main game, allowing you to finish the stage as expected. - Beating Easy/Normal/Hard now properly shows the correct list of difficulties unlocked. - Game completion text no longer looks weird. (The font changing based on the locale has been disabled for that text.) - Leaving the Custom Levels tab now works properly. - Collectible list now refreshes every time you open it, showing more up to date information. - You can no longer interact with the invisible main menu during cutscenes via gamepad. - Brain MSG in the pause menu now only gets highlight when triggering a new message. - Huntress no longer gets punted into the orbit if you were to start the dialogue and hold the jump button to enable her flight. - Grenade Launchers counter now only shows up when Grenade Launcher is currently selected ranged weapon. - Mission 11 Now has a skip ride option. (Only active after beating the game at least once.) - Known issues - - Collectible List Is wrong due to some IDs not being set up properly. It's in progress. - Total Result Wont Show Ranks Properly - Input Display for Controller: It works, however the gamepad detection is a little iffy thus making it a bit unreliable, looking into improving gamepad detection. (Works fine for xinput seemingly.) SDK Status: Same as before, still a few things to add and to write the documentation. Some of these bugs have been nagging my brain so I've decided to fix them first. Stuff's still coming.
[ 2023-10-24 19:59:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update has been pushed to the Beta channel, since SDK is still in progress and is very unstable, the update will be pushed to the main channel once the SDK will be ready to use. To test this update, please refer to changing to Beta channel over here in order to recieve less stable updates: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1701890/view/6042200176425827844 Most of the Quality Of Life suggestions came from fellow players, mainly Nordanix, thank you for putting time and effort into suggestions and bug reports, they are always appreciated! (More will come in the future patches.) Changelog: - D.Magnum - Charged Shot - No longer stores the charge when pressing the pause menu. - Boost - Dropkick - Reduced the internal cooldown from 2 seconds to half a second. - UI - Replaced Char. with Character as there was plenty of space. - UI - Upgrades Menu - Buy move buttons are now a bit easier to see and understand when the button is selected. - UI - Movelist - No longer shows Items tab from the Upgrades menu. - UI - Now the game actually asks if you want to Quit the mission instead of just immidiately booting you into the menu. - UI - Now when completing the level with the gamepad, you can't accidentally exit the game by moving the active button into an invisible UI element. - General - Removed the debug command that played the "combat finished" effect when pressing 6 on the keyboard. - Achievements - Fixed some incorrect names from the earlier versions of the game. An oversight, for sure. - Main Menu - Added a button to load custom scenes created from the SDK once the save file is loaded. - Tutorial, Loading screen text, Mission 5, Post-Game - Fixed minor grammar spellings. - Mission 01 and Mission 11 - Improved Occulusion Culling to increase performance + fix some of the objects turning invisible. - Mission 03 - Fixed a possible soft lock, if player entered a combat arena and then entered another combat arena while the previous one was active. - Mission 09 - Fixed a possible soft lock in one of the Arenas if entered on the left side. - Mission 11 - Pests will now shoot regardless of the difficulty. - Mission 12 - Arena - Added missing collision around the edges of the arena. - Video hints - Fixed the pulley hint and the hoop hint having incorrect text in the hint. - Post-Game - No longer plays Orb Pickup sound whenever Post-Game is loaded. - Post-Game - The fade-in effect no longer flashes, thus making the transition from loading screen to the level smoother. - Training mode - If the enemy somehow dies (such as enemy exploding itself) the Training mode will now spawn the same enemy. - Training mode - Added a toggle to enable infinite Chaos Trigger. - Training mode - Added a toggle to enable infinite Sinner energy. Additional work on the SDK, what remains is as follows: - To Add Boss support. - To Add NPC dialogue support. - To Add Duo Boss support - To Add Checkpoint system to work in the SDK created levels. - To Add Rail grind support. While there is a package you can technically try to install in the game's folder now, I would NOT advise you to do it until I provide proper instructions. Trust me, you'll hate it without some kind of documentation. Note: workshop stuff smells.
[ 2023-10-22 10:27:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
There's stuff in progress, so the update is taking longer than all the smaller ones. That is for the best anyhow as Steam heavily prefers "bigger" updates for marketing, So anyhow, one of those being the ability to create custom missions and share them around with other people via the workshop.
What will it allow you to? Well, exactly what it says. Create custom missions for the game via the Unity editor. I've already experimented with a few things, and it exports and loads within the game just fine.
While the tools are a bit different compared to what I use in the game, they are quite similiar. In addition, I wrote a couple of editor scripts to make it a lot simpler to use and understand.
Here's some things from the editor for you to check out. Here you can see the basics for the Mission Configuration, it will allow you to pick the image, music, combat music, and basic stuff like that. Score for ranking as well, and likely the difficulty override. But we'll see.
Some of the so called objects you could use will allow you to customize specifics, although not all of them. Still, support for triggers and other stuff like combat arenas and all
SDK Will also have a basic scene with most of the things you could utilize to make a custom mission. Most of it will contain the same objects that are available in the game's campaign.
Since SDK is in huge work in progress meaning some things may be unstable and will require additional testing. The SDK scripts SHOULD NOT affect anything in the main game as far as I know, but who knows, the update will be pushed to main only once it's completed.
For now, if you want to give it a try, it has been pushed on the beta channel. But as mentioned below, the SDK is not available for public use, yet. I'd need to write some kind of tutorial/documentation, and well, finish it first. But do be aware, stuff is coming.
Claws - Comet and Comet Reversal recieved different particle effects.
Vs Knight - Now also has the teleportation preparation effect, giving the player a bit more time to prepare.
Vs Knight - The smash attack now also has the teleportation preparation effect, giving the player a bit more time to prepare.
Vs Knight - Teleportation has been slowed down just a tiny bit for the effect above to work better.
Upgrades menu - Updated Comet and Comet Reversal preview.
Upgrades menu - Updated video recordings for Sinner mode demonstration.
Realm Of The Rogue - Updated the boss music once again, but this time it's just minor changes to the track itself, not a total redo.
Code change - Added functions for future Steam Workshop support.
Code change - A barebones SDK now for Custom Mission making now exists within code, but is not usable for people yet as it needs a TON more work. I am just posting previews to let you all know what's going on here.
[ 2023-10-19 00:56:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Upgrade menu - Most video previews have been updated with up to date animations, the videos have also been recompressed to reduce their size on the disc.
Quickfixed - Boss 02, Lil Dee O Jay not activating his projectils and overall breaking. That was on me.
Since there's an occasional chance of an oversight, I am making a separate channel for testing updates a day before they are being pushed to main. I'd rather not cause an occasional inconvenience to players.
This one update goes to live, since it contains no code changes beside the quickfix.
If you wish to access it the Beta channel, you'll be able to do it via the settings menu.
Click on properties.
In Beta participations Pick beta_one_update_ahead_usually branch in the , and your game will be recieving less stable updates for testing.
I appreciate everyone's help in catching some of the bugs, and I do understand the frustrations whenever they seem to not be fully fixed or get a new issue, so this channel will be used for extra testing on the client outside of the Editor, where I usually do tests myself to ensure the updates ship without any new bugs.
Maybe it is a bit radical and, but I do really strive to improve the game, and I feel like that's a better way of doing it.
After tests (usually a day), the updates will be pushed to main. The reason why this is happening is also because there was an issue with the last patch, the hotfix for this issue has been pushed out by now, by the way.
(Here's hope no one else experienced it.)
[ 2023-10-14 03:21:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Realm Of The Rogue - Replaced the boss music with a more up to date version of the track. Realm Of The Rogue - New exploration music. Realm Of The Rogue - Lil Dee O Jay will no longer teleport incorrectly in Realm Of The Rogue, corrected hitbox position of the tube. Realm Of The Rogue - Lil Dee O Jay's tube will no longer stick around after beating the boss. Breakable objects no longer have a slightly delayed destruction sound. Boss 02 (Lil Dee O Jay) - Projectiles now have a smoother spawning/despawning animation, making it easier to tell when the projectiles are about to shoot. Boss 02 (Lil Dee O Jay) - Now has a teleport in/teleport effect out of the tube, giving the player some more time to react. Boss 01 (Elegante) - Slightly reworked the teleportation mechanic. Now has a teleport casting effect, giving the player some more time to react. Boss 01 (Elegante) - Teleportation particles will no longer stick to the boss model upon being spawned. Note: Other bosses with teleportation will recieve something similiar in the future.
[ 2023-10-13 02:57:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
General - Shamir will no longer aim slightly towards left instead of forward when locked on the enemy. (Visual only.) General - Fixed an occasion where enemy horizontal movement animation wouldn't stop properly after stopping moving horizontally. Mission 01 - Improved grass shading. Huntress Mission - Picking restart from the checkpoint no longer causes the game to soft lock. (Thanks for the report, Lime Cultivist!) - This was due to the incorrect Mission ID being set up in the level. Huntress - Camera no longer drifts when the camera mode is set to Auto. (Thanks for the report, Lime Cultivist!) Why update size is so big? Don't mind it, just some stuff for the future updates in there in progress.
[ 2023-10-10 08:33:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: Added a missing shader into the footstep detector, fixing the inability to play footsteps in some scenarios. (And causing errors in the log.) Added an additional check to disable the Debug logging on the final build as previous one clearly didn't work. Credits sequence - Fixed the ability to pause the game, that was not intended as it is meant to be synced with the music ending. Realm of the rogue - New portal effect has been added. Realm of the rogue - Other bosses will now be randomly picked instead of just one. Realm of the rogue - Character will no longer slightly levitate after regenerating the floor. Realm of the rogue - No longer can open the main menu when the card UI is on the screen. Realm of the rogue - Lobby - Fixed minor lighting issues. Realm of the rogue - Now when starting Realm of The Rogue, gamepad will now be able to interact with the card menu.
[ 2023-10-06 07:40:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
If the bugs keep comin' I'll keep on fixin' em. Thanks for the reports everyone! Changelog: Mission 02 - Grass in the boss arena now has shadows. Disabled Debug Logging from the Editor in the game build as it was meant to be for editor only. Boss 01 (Elegante) - The entrance back to the cave now locks when you enter the Boss Arena, thus preventing Elegante from getting too sad and choosing to explode itself.
[ 2023-10-04 09:49:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: Tutorial - Fixed a few instances where the player would be unaffected by gravity if moving against a specific invisible wall. Tutorial - Added an additional room to explain the gravity and float mechanics. Tutorial - Added a failsafe to prevent the player from endlessly falling into the abyss. Tutorial - Added a thing. If you know, you know.
[ 2023-10-02 15:26:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yeah. Just a minor bugfix. Changelog: Fixed the ability to get softlocked by pressing the menu button while dying in the same frame. Realm Of The Rogue - Whole enemy roster is now in the rotation, the enemy variety increases each 10 floors. Realm Of The Rogue - More placeholder data for biomes was added.
[ 2023-10-01 18:06:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: Realm of the rogue - Now resets the style points between each floor. Input - Default double tap/hold timer has been reduced from 0.75 to 0.65. This should just make it feel less "sticky" for newcomers. (This doesn't affect existing players, you can change it yourself in the input settings, fyi.) Input settings - added stick distance reset customization option, for the game to reset gamepad input direction (default was 0.3, now default is 0.6f), higher - quicker resets. Input settings - fixed inability to select the sliders for Double Tap/ Double Stick flip power on the gamepad. Input settings - Clarified the setting information about double taps/move hold timer to make it more understandable. Input settings - Removed text overlap. Claws - Shred It - Now gains a small amount of style points repeatedly instead of stopping after first few hits. (Best used against multiple enemies.) Sinner - Added additional particles and an additional hitbox. Post-Game - Added a small clarification about coming back tomorrow.
[ 2023-09-29 03:18:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changelog: Realm Of The Rogue - Implemented biome switching with a new biome. Biomes will switch every 10 floors in an orderly progression. (There's only 2 biomes right now, the mode is still in heavy WIP.) Dialogue - The mouse cursor no longer shows up is now hidden if the gamepad is plugged in. Boss 02 (Lil Dee O Jay) - Added a failsafe to reset the states whenever he goes into the tube, to ensure the boss doesn't get permamently stuck. Reasoning - There was a sort of a bug report in the feedback thread, however I was unable to reproduce the issue, therefore I am adding this until there's a proper reproduction steps, or a recording of the issue that I can analize. Quee - Chaotic Stabs - Fixed an issue where the hitbox would remain infinitely if you tried to jump during it's active state until attacked. (Thank you for the report, Zenax!) Quee - Airflow - Fixed an issue where the Airflow hitbox would keep activating itself and it's particle system in air if you jumped at the same frame right as you landed. Quee - Airflow - Fixed an issue where the weapons would hide if you fall from a ridiculous height using the airflow. Shamir's pulley animation will no longer continously try to loop itself when on the pulley, instead it now plays the animation more properly.
[ 2023-09-27 04:58:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patches take a while because still settling in in that new place, sorry about that. Lots of moving stuff, furniture, etc... Note about Unity stuff: So they did backtrack, that means I won't take down the game after whatever amount of sales happens for their threshold to kick in. However, I likely won't be using that engine for any of my future projects. Still, doesn't change the fact that I'll keep supporting this game regardless of what it runs in. Changelog: Save & Exit no longer overlaps with the items menu. Items menu - now has a sub-menu that shows all collectibles that can be picked up on each level. (They are greyed out, and are colored when picked up.) Huntress TOB - Fixed the button failing to load if the Huntress TOB was unlocked.
[ 2023-09-23 16:09:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Huntress mission - Level finish - removed the debug text in the loading screen after beating the level. Huntress mission - Fixed the inability to exit to the main menu after beating her special mission. Huntress mission - Fixed the reward not unlocking after beating her special mission. Tower Of Blood - Re-added the ability to open the items menu. The consumables are still not going to be usable, but this will allow you to disable/enable weapons you want. Qualtiy of Life - The game now remembers which weapons are enabled/disabled whenever you switch levels, or pick any other gamemodes. Realm Of The Rogue - Added new music for boss fights.
[ 2023-09-18 15:12:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, I moved to another place. I now code on the floor. A lot of happened during that move, huh. Added a few words of warning regarding Unity usage for any aspiring developers. Training mode - Added Unity logo that you can smack like a punching bag. \_()_/ Gameplay settings - Enabling Show Inputs will now show inputs for gamepad if the gamepad is plugged in. Fixed a few missing translation texts. Fixed the Camera not slightly zooming in on each strong hit as was initially intended. Toothpick - Lay Up - Added a hit stop effect. Regarding the current Unity situation. Obviously I am not happy. But I'll keep supporting this game. If they backtrack on it, then good. If they don't, I'll take the game down once it reaches their dumb sales limit threshold. Sad, but that's just how it is, I don't want to suddenly find myself with a huge debt in the future. To any aspiring developers, find some other engine. Something that wont screw you over after putting years of work into something.
[ 2023-09-16 20:11:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Note: I will likely not be available for the next week due to moving. If you find any bug, leave it on the forum. I'll take care of it once I'll move to our new place. Huntress - Fixed Huntress not being able to lock on if the lock on setting was "toggle" instead of "hold" Huntress Mission - Updated the waypoints to utilize the new system introduced recently. (Holding re-center camera to show where to go.)
[ 2023-09-11 08:32:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is meant to address something I completely missed. The importance of flashy particle effects in the character's combos. The combat and animation feel should improve greatly with this update. All weapons - Added and coded additional particle systems to make combat feel a lot more flashy. Boss 04 (Seth) and Boss 05 (Malice) - added voices and combat grunts. Toothpick - Smoothened out the animation of the first attack of combo A to look less jittery.
[ 2023-09-10 03:16:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
General - Removed the bumpmapping/normal mapping from the HND Triplanar Shader as it was doing nothing, but waste GPU memory. General - HND Triplanar Shader's lighting calculation is now correct, the light emitted from Shamir or other dynamic lights will now behave as expected. General - Duo boss fight code has been improved to be less hardcoded and more dynamic. Not much else to say here besides that it was updated for the Realm Of The Rogue. Jump Cancel - Fixed not resetting Taunting in air state, thus causing some unnecessary glitches with C.O.A.A.W.S - 3000 (Grenade Launcher weapon.) Realm Of The Rogue - Enemies, including bosses now have Levels, higher level enemies are bulkier. Currently leveling up to level 7. Realm Of The Rogue - Fixed the room walls disappearing on live build after first floor. (How odd, seemingly a mesh issue.) Realm Of The Rogue - First Biome generation slightly adjusted to allow for easier climbing on specific walls. Realm Of The Rogue - Bosses can now be encountered every 20 floors. (Only one for now.) Realm Of The Rogue - Shop can now be properly encountered every 10 floors. (If not boss floor.) Realm Of The Rogue - Cards - Made it a lot more obvious when you can't buy a card. Realm Of The Rogue - The main area got more detail added to it. Realm Of The Rogue - Should have better performance now overall.
[ 2023-09-07 01:25:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
With most character animations now being a lot better (don't worry, the enemy/boss ones will be also taken a look into.), I believe I can go forth and start working on the content that was in the roadmap. Initially I thought I would add the additional content via a different branch... But then I realized, who really wants to hassle with all of them silly branches in the Steam settings, right? - Realm Of The Rogue - Is now available under the "Alpha" tag in the game, since this gamemode is very much a work in progress, do expect it to be very barebones, buggy and mostly just a slice of what's to come in the future. I'd like to note that compared to everything else in the game, the performance of this mode may be worse than expected due to the nature of procedural generation. The tracks from Realm Of The Rogue will be available later in the soundtrack, once they'll be finished. Of course, I'll be listening to feedback and ideas if anyone has any after messing with it, other than that, the plans for it are in the roadmap on the Steam forums/discussions. - Fixed Rare situations where enemies wouldn't play the flinch animation mid air when hit. - Updated some enemy animations. - Quee - Acid Breath is now more responsive. - Quee - Airflow smoothing no longer causes other animations to not play until airflow's animation is over. - Training - added an Additional training location with a grid, where each square represents 1m in Unity, this may be useful in case the character/enemy velocity travel data matters a lot to you. - Training - Corrected the position of the settings to switch location/enemy/position to work better on 16:9 screens. - Training - Is now using correct post processing, thus looking less dark and stinky overall.
[ 2023-09-04 08:51:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Boss 04 (Seth) - Fixed a very rare glitch where he may get stuck once he enters Berserk mode. - Mission 10 - Re-generated lighting to bake some of the unbaked props into the lightmap, this should improve the performance by a bit. - General - Things will now get spookier on Halloween. - General - Added a waypoint system for people who don't want to read. (Holding Camera Re-center for 1 second will show you where you need to go next.) - Mission 01 - Added a hint on how to use the waypoint system. - D.Magnum - Charged Shot - Animation updated in air. - D.Magnum - Charged Shot - Now when activated in air, will push the character back by a little bit. - Grindblade - Rapid Slash - Animation transition smoothed out. - Grindblade - Spiral Slash - Animation transition smoothed out. - Lock On - The lock on speed no longer snaps. Meaning that your analogue stick while locked on is now being taked into consideration. So if you move your stick slowly while locked on, the character will move slowly as well instead of having the same max speed at all times.
[ 2023-09-02 10:22:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed world's most embarassing bug. The loading menu not picking the right difficulty setting. Explanation: So basically, when I was publishing the game to Steam, there was a request to add controller refocus from the people who verified the build. So I did. Turns out however, that if you still pressed Submit (Enter/F) in the loading menu, it reset the setting to last known picked button. So in other words when you tried to load hard difficulty, it did. But just as the loading screen ended when you pressed Enter/F, it picked Normal difficulty as the main one, so every time you loaded any difficulty in the loading screen menu. All because of recently added controller refocus option when publishing the game on Steam. In addition, I believe when you clicked it, it tried to create a new save file, possibly causing a progress reset. How bloody embarassing. But gladly, that's fixed now. I am more surprised that it was not reported earlier by anyone. I guess people stick to one difficulty option most of the time? Apologies for any inconveniences caused, trying to be as transparent as possible here, and thank you all for the support!
[ 2023-08-31 01:06:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Notice: There are quite a few things happening in my life right now, such as possibly moving, so if I don't release an update for a bit, don't worry. Oh, by the way the soundtrack is out on Steam. It's free. Woo. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2442990/ Patch notes: - Added some additional particle effects to some animations since they felt like they were missing something. - Added screenshake to some animations where appliable, for example - explosions or ground shaking attacks. (For enemies too.) - Float mechanic - Added a small slider on the bottom right to make it easier to understand when you can float and when you can't. It will be visible when the float is active. (This slider is invisible in Hardcore Gravity mode.) - Input settings - Double Tap/Stick flick timer customization has now been added. This is to address the input sensetivity feedback, as some players felt that Double Tap/Double Flick was too sensetive, which may help to prevent accidental double taps/double stick flicks if you reduce it or increase it. (Default - 0.75) While I don't see much of a problem reducing it in code myself, I feel like default double tap works just fine for the keyboard, so if you are having some problems with that, feel free to play around with that settings.
[ 2023-08-30 04:12:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Claws - Rising Sun - Animation adjusted. Grindblade - Meatgrinder - Animation adjusted. Grindblade - Combo A - Animation adjusted. Toothpick - Made pulling the enemy towards you on the ground a lot more responsive.
[ 2023-08-28 11:21:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed Mission 04's combat encounter's wall blocking progression after changing the trigger size from patch v1.026, sorry for the inconvenience caused! (Patch v1.026 only affected that trigger and not any other ones, there shouldn't be any other non prog bugs in the game, just a FYI.) Thank you for the report, Big Gobbler.
[ 2023-08-27 14:00:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Training - Added the ability to change training area. Right now there's 2 additional areas you can use. More may come. - Training - Added the ability to swap the enemy to practice on. - Training - The default enemy is now the punching bag. - Training - Added the ability to reset the positions to the spawn positions. - Gameplay settings - Added the option to toggle the Weapon Icons to remain on the screen by a request.
[ 2023-08-27 10:23:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Claws - Idle stance adjusted. - Toothpick - Animation delay for Spin To Win fixed so now it's basically instant. - Toothpick - Combo, more minor adjustments. - Toothpick - High Roller - Animation adjustments to add better "recovery." - D.Magnum - Slicing menace - Animation adjustments. - D.Magnum - Charged shot - Animation adjustment for shooting while grounded. - General - Bosses (in the main campaign) no longer stay and wait for you to hit them first, they will now start attacking as expected. - General - When the player dies, the weapons will no longer be visible or float in air in some situations. - Enemies no longer swap to idle animation if you land a melee hit on them as they dodge. - Boss 01 (Elegante) - Gave projectiles a small spawn effect so it looks better. - Mission 03 - Added some wind (pushing physics) on the roofs. - Mission 04 - Fixed a very small gap in the intro area allowing you to get stuck. - Mission 04 - Adjusted one encounter trigger size so it can't be accidentally skipped.
[ 2023-08-26 06:53:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Claws - Combo A - Animations were updated. - Claws - Combo B - Animations were updated. - Claws - Shred It - Animations were updated. - Claws - Moonlight - Animations were updated, has a little bit of a wind up now. - Toothpick - Combo - Animations and timings were adjusted, though I might go back to it still in the future. - Getting hit - slightly adjusted the animation. - Fixed a very specific teleportation glitch with ranged hitscan weapons. The ray that checks for collision no longer shoots from the gun, but rather from the player's root position. This bug was known about however, I was only aware of the diagonal variations of this issue that didn't break the game before and could've been used as tech. This one however could cause major skips and softlocks, thus breaking the game. Thus it has been fixed. (Thank you for the report, ZAIN.)
[ 2023-08-25 08:06:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
General: - Boost - Dropkick animation updated. - Boost - Dropkick now has a slightly "smoother" velocity slow down before fully stopping. - Quee - Air Combo - Fixed the sword moving into thin air near the hand when the animation ends in the middle of the combo. - Quee - Combo A - Slightly adjusted the animation speed of the last strike to look more "correct" instead of feeling sped up. - Quee - Force Slash animation updated - It has a bit of a windup now, but see below: - Quee - Force Slash - added extra velocity to compensate for the extra windup in the animation. - Quee - Force Slash - Increased hitbox lenght and thickness to compensate for the extra windup in the animation. - Quee - Chaotic stabs - the wind up has been adjusted to be less janky. - Quee - Chaotic stabs - the ending attack has had its animation updated. - Grounded death animation updated. - Fixed a few minor inconsistencies in the Extras menu. - Disclaimer when you start the game - The text no longer cuts off on different resolutions.
[ 2023-08-24 04:14:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Soundtrack should be verified on Steam soon... ish. It's in review on their side. General: - Camera - Reduced camera clipping through walls. - Dialogue - Added a mention that you can skip the dialogue by pressing Select/ESC. (It was already a feature, just not mentioned before. Died to a boss? Well, skip that stinky dialogue and get back into the action.) - Mission 01 - Added a mention about being able to dodge out of the "damaged" animation, because learning that in Mission 02 may or may have caused frustration. Quee: - Quee - Air Combo - Animations Updated to be punchier and more satisfying. - Quee - Air Combo - Gravity adjusted to fit the new animations. - Quee - Air Combo (Second attack) slightly adjusted the combo timer to make it a tad more responsive for less button mashy presses. Bug fixes: - Fixed the checkpoint not functioning in the Mission 01. (Outdated prefab. Whoops. So sorry for those affected.) Arch.Needles - Fixed an exploit by adding a very small internal cooldown.
[ 2023-08-23 05:05:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi there everyone, I forgot to mention before that I also do have a normal day time job, so the patches will likely be small like that during the normal week, lol. I hope you don't mind too much. In this small patch I'd like to address the floatiness that some people experienced. In the game, there's actually 2 gravities, one activates when you are out of combat and without the weapon for platforming, and another one in the combat itself. Now, the lower gravity in the combat is there to make some things a bit easier, however I am aware some people are not fans of that. That's fine! So in response to that, I've added a new gameplay option in the Gameplay settings menu, that disables the floaty gravity entirely. It might make the combat a bit harder, but it's an option to have. Have fun! General: -Shamir's gun animation layer is now smoothened out just like melee combos to make smoother transitions between each animation. -Gameplay options - Added a toggle for "Hardcore gravity.", disabling the floatiness of character mid air entirely, be it in combat or in platforming sections. Claws: -Super Slam - Animation updated to be more punchy. Toothpick: -Spin To Win - Reduced the time it takes to start spinning.
[ 2023-08-22 12:12:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi! This is a patch for the small patch. Just as a fair note, I am trying to resolve any possible animation issues as soon as possible. As that is the main criticism I've been seeing after all. Hence why another small quick update. Don't expect them to be as frequent as they are today. General: Shamir's animation layers no longer switch instantly, instead they are lerping (smoothing) from Normal Animations to Combat Animations smoothly. This should reduce the amount of "snapping" between the animations that don't end with full combo in most scenarios. D.Magnum - fixed an issue where Firey Uppercaut didn't aim at the enemy correctly when activated. Toothpick - Spin To Win - No longer has a 1 frame looping issue. Toothpick - Fixed an error where trying to pull empty space caused an error in the log. (It didn't affect the gameplay before but it bothered me.) Toothpick - No longer tries to pull walls or objects. (It had no effect and didn't affect the gameplay before but it bothered me.) Dodge Style: Dodge mode - Restored directional leaning (visual only.) Pressing the Dodge style action without an enemy nearby will no longer make Shamir look at the center of the universe. (0,0,0)
[ 2023-08-21 13:58:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, first of all I would like to thank everyone who had given the game a shot. As mentioned before, the animations will indeed be reworked, and right now I am ready to push out some minor changes that should improve the gameplay bit by bit. In addition, the legacy version (v1.01), the first released state is now available via a branch. If you ever want to come back to it. Combat gameplay changes for Shamir: Quee - Combo A - Animation adjusted to be punchier. Quee - Combo B - Animation adjusted to be less snappy once finished. Quee - Launcher - Animation adjusted to look less terrible. Quee - Drillthrough - Slightly adjusted the windup animation. Quee - Acid Breath - Fixed weird jitter when the loop ends, adjusted projectile spawn timers. Bug fixes: Fixed an issue in a rare scenario where if the Player falls out of bounds while in combat arena, it would send them to the checkpoint position instead of their last known position. (Thank you for pointing this out, Mccoolinator.) Additional notes: I am going to open up a dev branch of the game where I'll be pushing out updates for the additional content in progress, where you would be able to access stuff normally inaccessible. Basically, what people refer to PTS in any multiplayer game, except you know... It's all local. Anyway, this will happen later after I'll be done with reworking majority of the player animations. Thank you again everyone for your feedback, it means a lot.
[ 2023-08-21 06:56:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
After hearing more feedback, the animations will be re-polished. Luckily, one of my friends is an animator, so I'll be consulting with him. Thank you for supporting the game so far. I will do my best to improve it as much as I can.
[ 2023-08-20 23:36:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
The game is now officially out. Have fun! There's a -15% off for the first week of sale If you encounter any issues, need help, or found a bug, you can refer to the Steam Forums or send me an email at game.manager.hnd@gmail.com [previewyoutube=BHX1WsZK9us;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]
[ 2023-08-20 08:33:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome everyone! Thank you for checking out the game's store page, feel free to give the game a try by downloading the demo version of this project. As of time of posting this announcement, the main event should be just a couple of hours away. While the game, is still not fully complete, the final demo version of the game is now available, it should give you a good look at what to expect from the game. I still can not give out a final release date for the main game however, but rest assure. I am working on it, As I am only one guy working on it, pretty much everything relies on me here... Since the game is still in development, you can provide your feedback directly to me at: game.manager.hnd@gmail.com Or by using the in-game built in survey system on the bottom left in the main menu. You can also check occasional devlog on my itch io page. Thank you once again for checking it out!
[ 2022-10-03 14:59:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- [0 B]
A being that hosts a tournament for the strong. They call it The Dark Lord.
For what purpose does it host a tournament? Who knows. Some say it enjoys the sight of young blood being spilled. Some say it is for some other, unknown motives.
Obviously The Dark Lord knew that no one would simply go ahead and spill their blood for him... so he offered a reward.
A wish. Anything the winning team could wish for, will be granted to each of it's members.
Shamir, one of the leading demon lords and his small team, Dominika and Kair have been on a streak, steadily getting closer to their goal... Ever since they've heard of the tournament they have been working on hard on being on top.
Everything has been going well... Until...
Heartless and Dreadfull is a character action game, made mostly by one dude. It features satisfying and fun combat.
The game has a short story campaign with multiple, brutal difficulty options, allowing for quite a bit of replayability.
And a mode that would test your endurance to the max.
- OS: Tested on the latest version of Manjaro and Debian
- Processor: Ryzen 3400G
- Graphics: Ryzen 3400G APU will work. you might want to lower the shadow resolution though.
- Storage: 10 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Compatibility may vary between distros.
- OS: Tested on the latest version of Manjaro and Debian
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 or better.
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1000 series or higher
- Storage: 10 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Compatibility may vary between distros.
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