Hi all, Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out and submit the SD Feedback Form from our previous post - as well as an extra thanks to those who shared it with friends, SD fans, on their social channels and beyond. The feedback form is now closed and well soon begin sorting through, compiling and taking into consideration all of the information and feedback you have shared with us. Lastly, to those whove shared such wonderful comments and stories about what SD has meant to you as part of your feedback you have our heartfelt gratitude. We look forward to reading all of your messages, but know that the glimpse weve had at some of the submissions already has reminded us why were doing what were doing and how wonderful the SD Community is. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our various socials as well be sharing more info towards the end of the year, and letting you know what you can look forward to in 2025.
[ 2024-11-18 21:05:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
We wanted to take a moment to check in with you regarding Stranded Deep 2. Were progressing through early development stages and enjoying the exploration and conceptualization of SD2. Were in that amazing game development space where everything is possible, and there are many potential exciting directions we can take. Weve been reading the forums, checking out the posts on Reddit and other social channels and its fantastic to see youre excited for the game. We love reading your theories about where SD2 will take you, or what you are hoping for in the game. The support the Stranded Deep community has shown us over the years has been phenomenal. We wouldnt be here, working on SD2, if it wasn't for you. The feedback of the SD community is important to us, we want to make sure were staying true to the parts of SD that made it so enjoyable for you to play and to learn what we can improve on in SD2. Our plan is, over the course of development, to check in and ask for your feedback. To start, weve created a short feedback form to ask you some baseline questions about your experience playing SD, what youre looking forward to in SD2 and some questions thatll help us as our community for SD2 grows. Wed greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions via the link below and feel free to share the link with other SD fans too! https://forms.gle/TMYNM7cFbazNruM78 Please note:
- We are not collecting email addresses and the form is submitted anonymously. However, there is an option to include a forum name or content creator name we may know you by in the last question, if you so wish.
- As we're using Google Forms at this time, and in an effort to ensure a good pool of data (no spam bots), a Google account is required to complete the form.
- The form will be open for submissions for just over 2 weeks, closing on the 18th of November. This is to allow us time to compile and review all submissions before the end of the year.
[ 2024-11-02 01:05:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build ( is now live.
Stay Alive! Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed multiplayer desync causing Water Still servings to be out-of-sync for host and client.
- Fixed multiplayer desync causing bird flocks to not replicate on client correctly.
- Fixed multiplayer desync causing time-of-day to appear out of sync for a short moment for player B after player A sleeps.
- Fixed multiplayer desyncs caused by client construction positions being slightly different to host. This also fixes client interaction with meat at a campfire.
- Fixed multiplayer desync causing the weather to be out-of-sync when the client joins a hosts game with weather already assigned for the day and the following day is also a weather day and the 1st day of the month.
- Fixed weather not reloading state correctly between sessions resulting in long periods without rain.
- Fixed some animals not being affected by gravity when the player left their proximity.
- Fixed tool-belt and trophy combos not appearing in the quick-craft menu.
- Fixed No community content text not localized in cartographer.
- Fixed Broken Bones cause of death not showing on game-over screen.
- Fixed player colliding with raft attachments while holding a Bed.
- Fixed player able to interact with objects while using the Spyglass.
- Fixed Water Still refunding a full Coconut Flask if the water still was empty.
- Fixed Boat Motor not using fuel when traveling in reverse direction.
- Fixed Gyrocopter SFX continuing to play after it stopped operating.
- Fixed client characters head enabled in intro sequence.
- Fixed raft base crafting ghosts not snapping to water level in open ocean.
- Fixed players able to initiate the escape sequence while apart.
- Fixed carrier map displaying a mission icon in the cartographer after creating a new world.
- Fixed mission map descriptions not localized.
- Fixed drowning SFX not stopping when killed.
- Fixed day-based achievements unlocking in the intro scene.
- Fixed Call Me Ahab not unlocking in some scenarios.
- Fixed Night Snake and Giant Crab spawner display names in map editor.
- Fixed medical items partially highlighting.
- Fixed raft bases and floors not highlighting when selected.
- Fixed Potato and Rations not highlighting.
- Fixed starting crate display name.
- Fixed Fish Trap appearing deployed when loaded by custom islands.
- Fixed projectiles attached to an object being destroyed when the object was split by physics forces.
- Fixed player able to destroy farming plots while plants are growing.
- Fixed redundant prompts to clear or water showing when a farming plot is empty.
- Fixed player able to rotate Boat Motor when placing.
- Fixed male voice SFX playing for female character when waking in intro scene.
- Fixed watch UV display not updating for rainy weather.
- Fixed Spit and Fish Trap not refunding materials.
- Fixed Ultra graphics preset not changing water quality to ultra.
- Fixed Caustics graphics settings not working.
- Fixed player stats not decreasing while loading a zone.
- Fixed missing achievement icon for This Sparks Joy achievement.
- Fixed projectiles attaching to player ragdolls.
- Fixed physical skill points increasing while floating.
- Fixed Compass position when crouched.
- Fixed scenario where it could be difficult to retrieve a trapped bird from a Bird Snare.
- Fixed SFX playing in the hosts game during the multiplayer join-in-progress loading screen.
- Fixed character continuing to auto-walk after interacting.
- Fixed shark ragdolls behaving erratically after being skinned.
- Fixed localization errors.
- Fixed combination label text overflow in French.
- Fixed crafting menu category label text overflow in German.
- Fixed able to refill campfire when full.
- Fixed able to change multiplayer lobby settings after canceling dialog.
- Fixed third-person camera boom avoiding gyrocopter mast.
- Fixed player able to use inventory while operating vehicles.
- Fixed Sleeping Bag not refunding materials.
- Fixed end-game stations and VFX state after completing end game and reloading.
- Fixed multiplayer lobby menu not changing back to original region after failing to join a session by code.
- Fixed large sea creatures not dying from a melee hit while attacking the player at the same time.
- Fixed player able to skin animals while in water.
- Fixed game crashing on Alt+F4 instead of graceful exit.
- Fixed storage menus remaining open when the player is knocked out.
- Fixed players unable to interact with storage after being knocked out while storage was opened.
- Fixed player able to destroy container shelves with crates attached.
- Fixed parts of the player model appearing transparent while inside a life raft.
- Fixed no bubble particles when using Airtank.
- Fixed furniture missing damage FX.
- Fixed crosshair overlapping watch.
- Fixed Lantern not casting a shadow.
- Fixed voice SFX not playing when jumping.
- Fixed birds clipping through construction walls.
- Fixed players being able to invoke sleep at same time using different beds.
- Enabled intro scene for local co-op mode.
- Changed to allow interacting with Sails and Anchors while operating a Boat Motor or Rudder.
- Changed container shelf to show notification on damage.
- Changed Paddle to function as a crude weapon dealing 1 damage to objects.
- Changed farming plots to retain water when clearing.
- Removed World option from New Game menu.
[ 2024-01-24 02:02:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build ( is now live.
Stay Alive! Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Container Shelf, Corrugated Shelf, Corrugated Table, Plank Chair, Plank Table, Plank Shelf, Wood Shelf and Wood Hook not refunding crafting materials when destroyed.
- Fixed players able to pick up and store Wood Log or Palm Bunch without separating.
- Fixed client able to join a game while the host is loading or generating a zone.
- Fixed environment FX not pausing when opening the pause menu.
- Fixed character not responding to left mouse button input after switching between projectile weapons immediately after firing.
- Fixed scenario where player could get stuck in throw animation after throwing a spear.
- Fixed notification texts not updating platform-specific controller elements when connecting or disconnecting a controller.
- Fixed incorrect platform-specific controller elements displayed for multiplayer client.
- Fixed connected controllers not updating in real-time input settings menu.
- Fixed Cloth not highlighting.
- Fixed Coconut not highlighting.
- Fixed Aloe Vera not highlighting.
- Fixed Ajuga not fully highlighting.
- Fixed Fire Torch not highlighting.
- Fixed thumbnail artifact when dragging and dropping in map editor.
- Fixed being able to clone an object in map editor after reaching max value.
- Fixed being able to clone objects outside the map editor boundaries.
- Fixed being able to save a custom map with no objects.
- Fixed intro scene objective not showing for multiplayer client.
- Fixed Gotta Craft Em All achievement failing to unlock.
- Fixed audio level settings not loading on the main menu.
- Fixed scenario where fruits would spoil while still attached to their tree.
- Fixed not being able to craft items using multiple item piles.
- Fixed incorrect climbing animation when the player has a broken leg.
- Fixed Fuel Stills jerrycan being empty after using a full Jerrycan to craft it.
- Fixed Fuel Still refunding an empty Jerrycan after dismantling.
- Fixed radial health bar not showing for Brick roofs.
- Fixed host and client loading screen text when joining an in-progress game.
- Fixed player A unable to open a crate if player B moves the crate away.
- Fixed game getting stuck if the player crafts a wall on or through a shipping container.
- Fixed game freezing after generating a custom map using minimum Perlin values and then re-generating using maximum Perlin values.
- Fixed billboards showing when a player builds too far out from the center of an island.
- Fixed being able to place a Farming Plot in mid-air.
- Fixed being able to fire a Flare Gun underwater.
- Fixed being able to craft a raft piece which collides with another raft.
- Fixed not being able to rotate a raft piece when placing.
- Fixed player reverting to dragging an item instead of charging an equipped projectile after skinning an animal killed by a projectile weapon.
- Fixed crafting using items in inventory before items on ground.
- Fixed Aloe Plant icon shown in inventory.
- Fixed Lusca trophy icon shown in inventory.
- Fixed Lantern icon shown in inventory.
- Fixed Bat icon shown in inventory.
- Fixed Seagull icon shown in inventory.
- Fixed dead Seagull flapping animation playing when removed from backpack.
- Fixed not being able to open the pause menu while crafting.
- Fixed Apply button appearing interactive when no changes have been made in Change Save Slot menu.
- Fixed Hog and Boar appearing spoiled.
- Fixed Refined Spears breaking when throwing at Giant Crab
- Fixed Spyglass FX displaying when dragging an item while holding a spyglass.
- Fixed Bat holding position.
- Fixed scenario where radial menu would show Backpack text instead of display name of selected item.
- Fixed being able to place crafted Stairs clipping through other items.
- Fixed being able to place crafted items clipping through shipping container walls.
- Fixed Torch light source not appearing lit for player B.
- Fixed text overflow on end-game save dialog button.
- Fixed Watch not displaying session Statistics tab.
- Fixed multiple issues caused when host and client initiate different boss fights at the same time.
- Fixed being able to place crafted items while colliding with other terrain objects.
- Fixed player health not regenerating during sleep.
- Fixed being able to open inventory and crafting menus while flying a Gyrocopter.
- Fixed not able to deconstruct individual raft pieces.
- Fixed player As input unresponsive after opening the pause menu while player Bs crafting menu is open in local co-op.
- Fixed negative status effects persisting on players after being revived.
- Fixed player B able to interact with the end-game plane.
- Fixed Fuel Still boiler fuel capacity.
- Fixed audio FX not playing when interacting with Sail and Rudder.
- Fixed scenario where spears would fail to reload.
- Fixed game saved notification not showing for player B when player A saves the game.
- Fixed multiple issues when a player dies while accessing their watch.
- Fixed Boat Motor fuel levels not updating for player B.
- Fixed Life Raft prompt when operating.
- Fixed Water Still not collecting water while the player is sleeping.
- Fixed fishing Bobber showing on Fishing Rod after being dropped from inventory.
- Fixed cartographer tooltip position going off-screen in some scenarios.
- Fixed scenario where player B could get stuck when using a label maker at the same time as player A.
- Fixed player B able to sleep while player A is busy.
- Fixed not able to kill Lion Fish with melee weapons.
- Fixed order of story craftables in the crafting menu not matching their respective trophies in the trophies sub-menu.
- Fixed boss names missing from respective trophy names in the crafting menu.
- Fixed quick-craft menu not deselecting.
- Fixed not able to deconstruct Raft Canopy when aiming at wooden supports.
- Fixed incorrect has been stored notification showing when crafting an item when player hands are empty.
- Fixed removed wildlife tooltip text in New Game menu.
- Fixed being able to interact with a Sail when the raft is overturned.
- Fixed not being able to deploy an Anchor when the raft is overturned.
- Fixed SPF stat depleting when sleeping on a raft.
- Fixed multiplayer client able to join the game while the host is using a Shelter or Sleeping Bag.
- Fixed not being able to open the pause menu during the intro scene.
- Fixed notification not showing when attempting to destroy a hook with an item attached.
- Fixed nearby Gyrocopter rotors animating when operating a Gyrocopter.
- Fixed Label maker menu overlapping You Died screen.
- Fixed not able to place crafting items when walking away from item piles.
- Fixed Spyglass FX remaining on screen when dying while using a Spyglass.
- Fixed Sleeping Bag appearing unfolded when equipping from inventory for the first time.
- Fixed Water Still consuming incorrect amount of leaves while sleeping.
- Fixed being able to place Wall variants while clipping with other walls.
- Fixed Airtank not showing empty prefix after reloading game.
- Fixed all fish buoyancy when killed.
- Fixed all fish highlights not matching the model's animation.
- Fixed vital bars not showing over Spyglass FX.
- Fixed rotate prompts showing while placing objects that cant be rotated.
- Fixed clouds animating while the game is paused.
- Fixed desktop username being used for multiplayer connection requests.
- Fixed response shown to client when host refuses connection.
- Fixed Palm Frond holding position.
- Fixed Attention dialogue showing when no language changes have been made in the settings menu.
- Changed multiplayer room to appear busy only after the host has initiated a boss fight, instead of when in boss zone.
- Changed all meats to store in the same inventory stack.
- Added unique inventory icons for cooked, smoked and spoiled meat for easier identification when scrolling through meats in a stack.
- Improved holding position of Mysterious Box.
- Increased Starting Crate slot count from 5 to 8 to match the console version.
- Added buoyancy to Sleeping Bag.
- Added buoyancy to Starting Crate.
- Changed vehicle operating prompts to be more descriptive when another player is already operating.
- Changed raft bases to allow rotating 180 degrees while snapped.
- Changed Consumables crafting sub-menu icon to match console.
- Changed Enter Code dialog to not paste clipboard contents.
- Changed pinned crafting recipe to show available and required material count.
[ 2023-09-20 11:02:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build ( is now live.
Stay Alive! Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed game room appearing '[Busy]' when host is standing near a Boss. - Local co-op: Fixed both players not showing Boss UI when other player initiates the fight alone. - Local co-op: Fixed game failing to take input from P1 after P2 uses a Shelter/Bed while P1 is using a Label Maker. - Fixed unable to remove meat from campfire when fuel depleted. - Fixed player falling from Palm Tree when climbing to the very top. - Fixed a desync issue when rapidly removing items from piles. - Fixed multiplayer session not joinable after using a Bed to save. - Fixed multiplayer session not joinable after failed sleep. - Fixed multiplayer session joinable during sleeping sequence. - Changed multiplayer region to reset to 'Best' when opening create session menu. Fixes issues if player fails to connect to a specific region. - Fixed item pile display name not updating when first item pushed. - Fixed item pile display name not updating when empty. - Fixed item pile display name sentence structure for foreign languages.
Known Issues
- Cant craft items using materials from multiple Item Piles. m Team
[ 2022-12-28 05:04:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build ( is now live.
Stay Alive! Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed players unable to host games in the USA, East region. - Fixed no feedback when client disconnects during join-in-progress during Sync World. - Fixed Map Editor save menu not localizing for French language. - Fixed UI navigation becoming partially unresponsive after attempting to create an online session with no internet connection in Host Game menu. - Cartographer: Fixed game hanging when the player clicks on 'Yes' button multiple times on confirmation prompt for Generate Perlin. - Fixed a repro for players getting stuck on Cleaning Up screen. - Fixed local co-op games getting stuck if P2 opens pause menu and unassigns their controller. - Fixed player able to change settings of existing save game after creating a new game with different settings on the same save slot. - Fixed Apply button position in Join Game lobby menu. - Fixed game not displaying confirmation notification when saving a game. - Fixed host and client being able to drag the same 'Palm Tree' simultaneously. - Fixed changing World mode in New Game menu affecting mode in multiplayer Host Game menu. - Replaced internet connectivity check with more reliable method. - Changed localization to load immediately from system language.
Known Issues
- Cant craft items using materials from multiple Item Piles.
[ 2022-11-25 01:00:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
Today marks the 1.0 release of Stranded Deep!
The release of 1.0 represents that Stranded Deep is feature complete. Weve achieved our high-level goals and are now focusing on stability and quality-of-life fixes. We have some remaining multiplayer issues to fix and we have a dedicated team working on fixing these. Wed like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported us. The game and community has grown far beyond anything we ever could have expected. Ben and I originally started this project out of our back rooms. We had no previous industry experience, we were just two kids with a cool idea who wanted to make their first game. I remember the Steam Greenlight concept with the little raft on the ocean we never could have guessed the community would get behind it the way they did. It has grown beyond our wildest dreams. Weve met some amazing people along the way. Weve made friends with the teams at Funlabs and Abstraction who worked hard to bring the game to consoles. Its also been a great experience working with the big first parties and the people behind them. Everyone at Steam, Epic, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo has been great to work with and theyve given us opportunities that we never would have dreamed of. And of course, our publishing brothers at North Beach Games who have been with us since 2015 and supported us every step of the way. All of you have helped grow Stranded Deep into something bigger than the two of us ever could have expected. Youve enabled us to secure our future as a studio and were looking forward to taking everything weve learned from this experience and using it to grow bigger and better. Were forever grateful. Thanks so much again to everyone who has been a part of the journey. Stay Alive! Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed host and/or client crashing when returning to the main menu after completing the endgame scene. - Fixed Creative and Passive game modes resetting when loading saved game. - Fixed the Watch not showing correctly on Apple M1 silicon. - Fixed 'Steam not initialized' errors when launching macOS app outside Steam. - Fixed null session id displaying for client. - Fixed some German and Russian localizations. - Fixed missing localization terms.
- Added native Apple M1 silicon builds. - Added Metal graphics API support for macOS builds. - Changed Crafting Menu required crafting level label color to red to make it clearer that it is a missing requirement.
New Features
- Localized the Map Editor.
Dev Notes
- Upgraded to Unity 2021.2.7f1 - Upgraded to Steam SDK 1.52
[ 2022-08-11 04:05:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build (0.90.11) is now live.
Beam Team
- Changed Bandage description to make revive usage clearer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inventory being wiped when a desynced object is stored inside. - Fixed desync issues caused by Hog duplicating when killed. - Fixed client toolbelt not unlocking when reloading. - Fixed clients griefing with the dev console. - Fixed host and client able to overlap craftable items when placing. - Fixed host and client stuck on loading screen after accepting an invite while operating a Boat Motor. - Fixed raft failing to load for client when joining an in-progress game where the host is operating a Boat Motor. - Fixed P1s held item not updating for P2 when auto-equipping end-game aircraft parts. - Fixed end game aircraft Interact text not localized. - Fixed lobby texts not localized. - Fixed various options settings not localized in Italian and German. - Fixed Copyright and Credits texts not localized in French, Italian and German. - Fixed Inventory None title and description not localized.
Known Issues
- Fixed inventory from being wiped: Fixed a single broken item preventing inventory storage from saving. Were still investigating a solid repro for this, but from now on the offending item will be removed and the rest of the inventory will save correctly. If you notice a specific item disappearing, please report it, along with as much information as possible about the events leading up to experiencing the issue.
[ 2022-01-11 02:15:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build (0.90.08) is live with some small fixes.
This patch fixes two issues brought to our attention by the community. - Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the crafting of brick scrap - Fixed an issue that caused a loss of interactions in local co-op
[ 2021-11-26 04:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build (0.90.04) is now live!
Thanks so much to everyone who has been a part of Stranded Deeps online co-op launch. Weve really enjoyed watching the new content from creators and the community feedback on the forums has been invaluable. The big focus for this patch has been fixing connectivity issues and issues reported by the community. Several important issues have been fixed which will significantly reduce the number of desyncs and disconnects and improve overall stability. We have a few known issues, mostly related to the join-in-progress' feature. If you experience desyncs, we recommend quitting and re-joining in the lobby for now while we work to fix the remaining issues. Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed game crash caused by player destroying a 'Raft Base' while standing on it. - Fixed disconnects caused by client joining games with mismatching game version. - Fixed disconnects caused by client joining an in-progress game and receiving expired session messages. - Fixed disconnects caused by stored items being visible for clients to pick up after joining an in-progress game. Picking up these items could cause a disconnect. - Fixed game time desync while sleeping. - Fixed new day event not being raised caused by floating precision error in sleeping sequence. - Fixed desyncs caused by client owning skinned meat and leather. - Fixed desyncs caused by players being able to pick up objects while being skinned. - Fixed desyncs caused by host and client able to operate 'Gyrocopter' simultaneously. - Fixed clients getting stuck at Joining Session prompt while connecting to host's session after reconnecting the internet at 'Join Game' screen. - Fixed active session failing to be visible to client in Join Game window when the client force quits the game before host accepts the joining request. - Fixed client unable to see host's session when reconnecting the internet after disconnecting it on loading screen while proceeding into the gameplay. - Fixed clients able to spam the host by sending multiple Connection Request when host declines the request in the gameplay. - Fixed spelling error in Connection Request prompt. - Fixed Enter Code input field deselecting. - Fixed '-NL' text showing after 'Enter Code' in the Join Game sub-menu. - Fixed 'Creative' difficulty mode failing to apply for client. - Fixed client saves failing to load in 'Creative' mode on re-joining sessions. - Fixed host and client able to use single set of resources to craft the same item. - Fixed clients dropped items being duplicated into the backpack on re-joining the same session again after exiting. - Fixed host unable to access Starting Crate or Wooden Crate when client disconnects from the network while accessing the crate. - Fixed Not enough room in Inventory! notification and audio sfx when highlighting an item when backpack storage is full. - Fixed player able to level up 'Cooking' statistic while knocked out near a Camp Fire when the other player is cooking meat. - Fixed Smoker logic running twice resulting in faster smoking. - Fixed attached meat not following Camp Fire as fuel depletes. - Fixed SFX when adding Palm Fronds to Camp Fire. - Fixed Fire Pit showing as available resource while being used for a different crafting recipe. - Fixed player unable to craft placeable items from item Piles. - Fixed Fire Torch missing crafting silhouette when placing. - Fixed Light Hook not refunding materials when destroyed. - Fixed 'Life Raft' continuing to move when player gets knocked out while operating it. - Fixed player sprint bar depleting when operating a 'Life Raft' while sprinting. - Fixed player able to operate Life Raft on its side/vertical. - Fixed prompt to ride along in Life Raft showing when player in water. - Fixed Container Shelves not attaching to rafts. - Fixed being able to place raft Rudder in opposite orientation. - Fixed player unable to interact with environmental objects when dragging the crude spear after impaling a coconut with it. - Fixed client seeing host clipping into the ground when host returns to the island after spending at least 1 minute underwater in 'Creative' mode. - Fixed player clipping with Loom and Gyrocopter models. - Fixed item disappearing when player drops an item while climbing a tree. - Fixed 'The Meg' boss failing to attack when player keeps moving in any direction during the boss fight. - Fixed player failing to kill the boss while character is stuck in bleeding animation. - Fixed incorrect description of caught fish displayed when fishing. - Fixed redundant notification appearing when player catches a fish on a large island. - Fixed player unable to kill Grouper fishes. - Fixed host or client getting stuck in an inaccessible area when host stands close to the escape island's shipwreck wall. - Fixed player able to store spoiled meat in aircraft station. - Fixed aircraft water station taking all servings from vessels when objective complete. - Fixed players head missing after initiating escape cut-scene and changing camera mode to 'Third Person' during plane crash. - Fixed player able to access gameplay in the background of the 'Go Home' prompt when Player loads into the saved game using the 'Go Home' prompt. - Fixed missing SFX for hitting Barrel/Buoy ball. - Fixed increased mouse sensitivity and other issues when player loses network connection while crafting placing mode. - Fixed player character moving at quick speed when 'Move Vertical Axis' and 'Move Horizontal Axis' functionality assigned to mouse controls. - Fixed control mapping of 'Move Vertical Axis' and 'Move Horizontal Axis' changing automatically when player proceeds into gameplay after applying the settings. - Fixed 'Torch' and 'Switch Item' key bindings overlapping. - Fixed Boars not being included in Wildlife settings. - Fixed Crabs not being included in Wildlife settings. - Fixed Sea Urchin not being included in Wildlife settings. - Fixed long dialogue title texts overflowing/wrapping. - Fixed player able to save custom island with whitespace as name.
Known Issues
- The order of items stored in storage can be replicated out-of-sync when the client joins an in-progress game. For e.g.: its possible for the client to see a Rock in their inventory and drop it, but a different item will be seen and dropped for the host. If you experience this issue, we recommend quitting and re-joining in the lobby for now. - Depending on the regional server load, sometimes joining an older session by code will not work.
[ 2021-11-23 01:20:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Were super excited to announce that the next Stranded Deep update containing Online Co-op is rolling out tomorrow -- 28th of September! You will now be able to invite a friend to join you on your island and share your Stranded Deep adventure. Were thrilled to bring one of the most requested features to players and cant wait to see how you tackle the islands together! For more info and discussion, head over the official Stranded Deep forums at: https://forums.strandeddeepgame.com/ Stay Alive! Beam Team
[ 2021-09-27 13:56:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build (0.80.01) is live with some small fixes.
A heap of patch notes for the latest 0.80.00 stable update were also missed, so they're included here and updated in the previous post. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Achievements unlocking out of order. - Fixed Sail audio not playing. - Fixed invisible Snakes for players with AMD cards.
Known Issues
- The Tutorial will resume from the last saved state from build 0.80.00. However, save games pre-0.78.00 dont have saved tutorial data, so will resume from the beginning. It is safe to disable the tutorial from the Options->General menu.
0.76.00-0.80.00 Stable Change Log
- Changed Play button to enter New Game menu if no save game available to continue. - Changed Boat Motor to function as a rudder when out of fuel. - Changed Medical Consumables to refund Coconut Flasks after consuming. - Increased Meat inventory capacity from 4 to 8. - Increased Fish inventory capacity from 4 to 8. - Increased Fruit inventory capacity from 4 to 8. - Added crafting placing controls on screen when placing. - Improved Pinned Crafting Combo display. Changed pinned crafting combo UI to display craftsmanship skill level required to avoid confusion when a player has all materials, but skill is not high enough. - Improved Watch feedback when displaying player Skills; Removed clamped values on skill bars making it easier to monitor skill progress.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Tutorial not resuming when re-loading. Please note this fix is not retro-active as old save files will be missing the completed objective data. - Fixed Projectiles (spears, etc) drifting out of player hands when held. - Fixed objects attached to Spears not saving if player holding spear. - Fixed being able to place Craftable objects inside terrain rocks. The crafting ghost will snap to terrain rocks for visualization but placing is not allowed. Foliage does not affect placements. - Fixed Loading Screen changing color between Boot and Main Menu scene. - Fixed Leaderboards list not focusing active leaderboard button when scrolling with keys/controller. - Fixed not being able to place Water Bottles when crafted. - Fixed not being able to rotate some Craftables when placing, ie: Shelter, Furniture, etc. - Fixed being able to place Furniture inside the terrain. - Fixed Foliage Spawner losing track of player if travelling too fast. - Fixed Rafts falling through other Rafts/pieces when crafting a new Raft piece. - Fixed Sea Anchor able to deploy when overturned.
[ 2021-05-27 07:44:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new stable build (0.80.00) is live!
The 0.80.00 update transitions our recent work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including the new Piles, Inventory improvements, quality-of-life changes, bug fixes and polish. This build features some changes and improvements to the Inventory mechanics. We recognized that the idea of your hands acting as an extra slot for your held item and not being visible in the inventory was confusing. This mechanic also made it difficult to transfer held items into storage. Now the item youre holding is displayed in the first inventory slot. The slot to the left of this is reserved for other inventory actions, like empty hands, or navigating between storage. This build also adds the ability to craft Piles of items. This is part of our recent work to encourage organization and discourage players from gathering large piles of items that negatively affect performance. We know there is a reward and feeling of satisfaction from accruing large piles of stuff, so we dont want to take that away! Piles are an efficient way to show off your hoarding skills! See the patch notes for more info on how to use the new piles feature. Theres also a very important fix for a frustrating bug where objects left on the Aircraft carrier would fall though when loading the zone. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
0.76.00-0.80.00 Stable Change Log
New Features
- Added new craftable item Piles! You can create a pile by looking at or holding an item that you have 2 or more of in the surrounding area. Use the Quick Craft menu to craft a pile of that item, which is shown by a new pile icon in blue. Piles are free to create and store 1 type of crafting item. So far, the supported items are: Sticks, Rocks, Palm Fonds, Lashings, Fibrous Leaves, Clay and Logs. The capacity for most items is 50x, but can vary depending on the item. You withdraw and deposit items just like a storage container. The first item stored assigns the type of pile it is. You can remove all items and re-assign a pile at any time. When you withdraw all items from a pile, it will simply disappear. Items stored in a pile are available and can be used when crafting without having to manually remove them from a pile. Note: Pile materials will be used last. Were still fine-tuning the mechanics; the piles physics collider currently adapts to the quantity and size of items, which is nice for player collisions, but there may be some issues there if players stack other objects on top of piles For those interested in the tech side of things, the benefits of the new piles are: - Faster zone loading: 1 item to load, instead of 50x individual objects. - Batched rendering for 50x items. Rendering multiple items was batched before, but the new method is even more efficient. - Less physics overhead! Piles are a static object with 1 collider, instead of 50x physics bodies and colliders. - Less overhead from individual Unity GameObjects. GameObjects and Components in Unity incur a small amount of overhead to validate state and run callbacks on every instance. This all adds up, so is good to mitigate.
- Increased Storage Container slots from 3 5. - Increased Inventory slots from 10 12. - Changed Inventory to display the item the player is holding in slot 1. - Changed Inventory to pop an item that matches the sub-type if it cant find a matching item of the full type, ie: a player will switch to holding a Crude spear after using all their Refined Spears. - Changed Inventory drop action from secondary click to short press (only in menus) - Changed Wood Crates to be craftable. - Changed Wood Crates to refund materials.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed objects on the extremities of large islands not being saved. - Fixed physics objects falling through Aircraft Carrier when loading, ie: Gyro parts and supplies. - Fixed Storage pointer drawing behind slot icons.
Dev Notes
- Upgraded to Unity 2019.4.20f1.
0.79.01-0.80.00 Experimental->Stable Change Log
Bug Fixes
- Fixes Logs retrieved from pile storage not able to transfer into Crates. - Fixed being able to craft items with Logs still connected as Palm Tree.
[ 2021-05-18 06:28:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build (0.79.01) is now live with some small fixes.
Also, a small reminder that if youre having trouble crafting the new piles please see the previous patch notes where there are detailed instructions on how to create piles. Stay Alive! Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Piles not snapping to terrain objects. - Fixed not being able to pick up Logs after being stored in Piles. - Fixed not being able to pick up Logs when loaded in by custom maps. - Fixed Furnace being destroyed when crafting Bricks.
[ 2021-05-13 03:36:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.79.00) is now live!
This build adds the ability to craft piles of items. This is part of our recent work to encourage organization and discourage players from gathering large piles of items that negatively affect performance. We know there is a reward and feeling of satisfaction from accruing large piles of stuff, so we dont want to take that away! Piles are an efficient way to show off your hoarding skills! See the patch notes below for more details on how to craft and use the new piles... Have fun :) Stay Alive! Beam Team --
New Features
- Added new craftable item Piles! You can create a pile by looking at or holding an item that you have 2 or more of in the surrounding area. Use the Quick Craft menu to craft a pile of that item, which is shown by a new pile icon in blue. Piles are free to create and store 1 type of crafting item. So far, the supported items are: Sticks, Rocks, Palm Fonds, Lashings, Fibrous Leaves, Clay and Logs. The capacity for most items is 50x, but can vary depending on the item. You withdraw and deposit items just like a storage container. The first item stored assigns the type of pile it is. You can remove all items and re-assign a pile at any time. When you withdraw all items from a pile, it will simply disappear. Items stored in a pile are available and can be used when crafting without having to manually remove them from a pile. Note: Pile materials will be used last. Were still fine-tuning the mechanics; the piles physics collider currently adapts to the quantity and size of items, which is nice for player collisions, but there may be some issues there if players stack other objects on top of piles For those interested in the tech side of things, the benefits of the new piles are: - Faster zone loading: 1 item to load, instead of 50x individual objects. - Batched rendering for 50x items. Rendering multiple items was batched before, but the new method is even more efficient. - Less physics overhead! Piles are a static object with 1 collider, instead of 50x physics bodies and colliders. - Less overhead from individual Unity GameObjects. GameObjects and Components in Unity incur a small amount of overhead to validate state and run callbacks on every instance. This all adds up, so is good to mitigate.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed glitchy Foundation placing on terrain, introduced by 0.78.02 - Fixed font missing in dev console spawner menu. - Fixed font missing on dev FPS widget.
[ 2021-05-12 07:29:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build (0.78.03) is now live with some bug fixes.
There were some small tweaks to projectiles to prevent the console from spamming warning logs. Please let us know if you see any odd projectile behavior from these changes. Stay Alive! Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Quick Crafter menu elements overlapping. - Fixed Storage Containers not auto-sorting. - Fixed Inventory displaying Storage Container button when no container had been opened. This could cause numerous buggy scenarios and unwanted transfers into a previously opened storage container.. - Fixed objects on the extremities of large islands not being saved.
[ 2021-04-14 02:30:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.78.02) is now live with some more quality-of-life fixes, Inventory changes and an important fix for the Aircraft Carrier.
This build features some changes and improvements to the Inventory mechanics. We recognized that the idea of your hands acting as an extra slot for your held item and not being visible in the inventory was confusing. This mechanic also made it difficult to transfer held items into storage. Now the item youre holding is displayed in the first inventory slot. The slot to the left of this is reserved for other inventory actions, like empty hands, or navigating between storage. Well be tweaking storage mechanics as we look at ways to encourage players to use storage more often. This is our preferred way to deal with players gathering large piles of items--which tanks performance. We dont have any restrictions on the number of items you can gather and craft so its quite easy to do. So, well be improving and making it more convenient for players to use and navigate storage. Well also be adding in a method to destroy smaller items that you decide are unneeded, which currently hang around wasting resources.. We found the cause of a frustrating bug where players were losing items left inside the Aircraft carrier. Weve also upgraded to Unity 2019 which went smoothly but let us know if you see anything strange! Have fun :) Stay Alive! Beam Team --
- Increased Storage Container slots from 3 5. - Increased Inventory slots from 10 12. - Changed Inventory to display the item the player is holding in slot 1. - Changed Inventory to pop an item that matches the sub-type if it cant find a matching item of the full type, ie: a player will switch to holding a Crude spear after using all their Refined Spears. - Changed Inventory drop action from secondary click to short press (only in menus) - Changed Wood Crates to be craftable. - Changed Wood Crates to refund materials.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed physics objects falling through Aircraft Carrier when loading, ie: Gyro parts and supplies. - Fixed Bird Snare not snapping to terrain correctly. - Fixed Storage pointer drawing behind slot icons.
Dev Notes
- Upgraded to Unity 2019.4.20f1. - Reverted to Steam SDK 1.48.
[ 2021-03-05 13:26:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.78.01) is now live with some fixes for the latest experimental build.
Stay Alive! Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed key bindings added in last update not being added to old, saved input settings. - Fixed not being able to place some constructions on other constructions: Hooks, Shelves, etc. - Fixed Wood Hook not snapping to terrain correctly. - Fixed Container Shelf not snapping to terrain correctly. - Fixed Projectiles breaking interaction when picked up into Backpack. - Fixed Projectiles being destroyed when skinning pierced object.
[ 2021-02-16 03:44:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build (0.78.00) is now live!
For this build we focused on some requested tweaks and quality-of-life fixes. We had more planned for this update and were hoping to get them in, but they just didnt make it into this update. A second round of tweaks and fixes will be out shortly! Stay Alive! Beam Team --
- Changed Play button to enter New Game menu if no save game available to continue. - Changed Boat Motor to be usable as a rudder when out of fuel. - Changed Medical Consumables to refund Coconut Flasks after consuming. - Increased Meat inventory capacity from 4 to 8. - Increased Fish inventory capacity from 4 to 8. - Increased Fruit inventory capacity from 4 to 8. - Added Crafter placing controls on screen when placing. - Improved Pinned Crafting Combo display. Changed pinned crafting combo UI to display craftsmanship skill level required to avoid confusion when a player has all materials, but skill is not high enough. - Improved Watch feedback when displaying player Skills; Removed clamped values on skill bars making it easier to monitor skill progress.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Tutorial not resuming when re-loading. Please note this fix is not retro-active as old save files will be missing the completed objective data. - Fixed Projectiles (spears, etc) drifting out of player hands when held. - Fixed objects attached to Spears not saving if player holding spear. - Fixed being able to place Craftable objects inside terrain rocks. The crafting ghost will snap to terrain rocks for visualization but placing is not allowed. Foliage does not affect placements.
Dev Notes
- Upgraded to Unity 2017.4.40f1. - Upgraded to Steam SDK 1.51.
[ 2021-02-11 03:52:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build (0.76.00) is live!
The 0.76.00 update transitions our recent work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including the new Save Slots, bug fixes, and more polish. Check out the patch notes below if you havent been playing on the experimental branch. One of the bigger behind-the-scenes changes is that save game data has moved, from: %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\Stranded Deep\\ to: %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Beam Team Games\\Stranded Deep\\ The game will notify you and attempt to import your existing save data. If you experience any issues during the migration process, please see the guide for more information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2265407307 As always, the previous stable branch is available in the branches list if you need to roll-back for any reason. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
0.74.00-0.76.00 Stable Change Log
New Features
- Added new Save Game Slots! including a new menu option to change the active slot. Save game data is no longer tied to a user id as some account services can run in offline mode with no user info available. Save game data is now stored in slot folders: Slot0, Slot1, etc.
- Changed Save Game location. - Removed GTA style loading game sequence. - Added Day X screen when loading game. - Improved Furniture placement.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed P2 unable to navigate main menu controls in local co-op. - Fixed Main Menu showing previous user stats even when a save file was not loaded. - Fixed not being able to open the Pause Menu[/b when operating vehicles. Please note this requires resetting input settings to Defaults. - Fixed Loading Screen changing color between Boot and Main Menu scene. - Fixed Leaderboards list not focusing active leaderboard button when scrolling. - Fixed Foliage Spawner losing track of player if travelling too fast. - Fixed Raft pieces causing existing Rafts to explode if crafting cancelled. - Fixed Rafts falling through other Rafts when crafting a new Raft piece. - Fixed Sea Anchor able to deploy when overturned. - Fixed Giant Grouper being caught in fishing trap. - Fixed small Fish clipping through players hands when held. - Fixed Crabs in inventory not loading back in dead pose. - Fixed not being able to place Water Bottles. - Fixed not being able to rotate some Craftables when placing, ie: Shelter, Furniture, etc. - Fixed being able to place Furniture inside the terrain. - Fixed Player arms being invisible when riding along in a Raft. - Fixed Player getting stuck on Shipwreck #4. - Fixed Watch not loading for a knocked-out player. - Fixed Torch halo/visual artefacts in local co-op.
Dev Notes
- Improved Foliage Spawner generation performance.
[ 2020-12-22 07:15:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.75.01) is now live with a small fix for Yuccas.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Yucca collider interfering with harvesting Yucca cuttings.
[ 2020-12-10 08:08:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.75.00) is up!
This build features new Save Slots, bug fixes, and polish. Save game data has moved from: %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\Stranded Deep\\ to: %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Beam Team Games\\Stranded Deep\\ The game will notify you and attempt to import your existing save data. If you experience any issues during the migration process, please see the guide for more information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2265407307 Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
New Features
- Added new Save Game Slots! ...including a new menu option to change the active slot. Save game data is no longer tied to a user id as some account services can run in offline mode with no user info available. Save game data is now stored in slot folders: Slot0, Slot1, etc.
- Changed Save Game location. - Removed GTA style loading game sequence. - Added Day X screen when loading game. - Improved Furniture placement.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed P2 unable to navigate main menu controls in local co-op. - Fixed Main Menu showing previous user stats even when a save file was not loaded. - Fixed not being able to open the Pause Menu when operating vehicles. Please note this requires resetting input settings to Defaults. - Fixed Loading Screen changing color between Boot and Main Menu scene. - Fixed Leaderboards list not focusing active leaderboard button when scrolling. - Fixed Foliage Spawner losing track of player if travelling too fast. - Fixed Raft pieces causing existing Rafts to explode if crafting cancelled. - Fixed Rafts falling through other Rafts when crafting a new Raft piece. - Fixed Sea Anchor able to deploy when overturned. - Fixed Giant Grouper being caught in fishing trap. - Fixed small Fish clipping through players hands when held. - Fixed Crabs in inventory not loading back in dead pose. - Fixed not being able to place Water Bottles. - Fixed not being able to rotate some Craftables when placing, ie: Shelter, Furniture, etc. - Fixed being able to place Furniture inside the terrain. - Fixed Player arms being invisible when riding along in a Raft. - Fixed Player getting stuck on Shipwreck #4. - Fixed Watch not loading for a knocked-out player. - Fixed Torch halo/visual artefacts in local co-op.
Dev Notes
- Improved Foliage Spawner generation performance.
[ 2020-12-03 04:50:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build (0.74.00) is up!
The new 0.74.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including the latest Big World update, the new End Game scenario and a heap of bug fixes and polishing. Be sure to have a read of the patch notes below if you havent been playing on the experimental branch. The previous stable build (0.70.02) is still available as a separate branch in your Steam settings if you need to roll back for any reason. If something does go wrong during the upgrade process please make sure to post a bug report so we can diagnose and fix the problem. For this release, the stable and experimental branches are on the same version number and feature set. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
0.72.01-0.74.00 Experimental Change Log
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Giant Crab ragdolls breaking Big World upgrader. - Fixed Anchors causing lag when deployed on a very large raft. - Fixed P2 disabling P1 cursor when opening and closing menus in local co-op. - Fixed Motion Blur effect in local co-op. - Fixed Motion Blur effect not working if TXAA disabled. - Fixed Foliage Spawner seed not re-initializing the same. - Fixed missing inventory icon for Palm Top. - Fixed being able to incorrectly select some items while held. - Fixed being able to drag some items while held.
- Added transparent checkmark to Crafting Combos that have been crafted (not retro-active). This should help track the 'Gotta Craft 'Em All' achievement.
Dev Notes
- Fixed Developer Console input field selection. - Changed Developer Console dev commands from 'devtools.testing.command' to 'dev.command'
0.70.02-0.74.00 Stable Change Log
New Features
- Added new Big World! - Added new End Game Scenario! - Added new Starting Crate unlocked by completing the end game. - Added new Sunscreen item to starting crate. - Added new Rubber Duck item to starting crate. - Added new Flashlight item to starting crate. - Added new Machete item to starting crate. - Added new Carbon Speargun item to starting crate. - Added new Carbon Speargun Arrows item to starting crate.
- Changed Gyrocopter Part to only spawn on the end game carrier. - Changed end game Aircraft parts to be craftable instead of rewarded. - Added Unicode/Cyrillic support to player speech Subtitles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Intro not waiting until all assets have loaded in. This fixes some players appearing briefly in the ocean when starting a new game. - Fixed Intro audio SFX volume not using audio settings. - Fixed Soundtracks playing in intro scene. - Fixed community maps not showing in Cartographer if any map failed to load. - Fixed Cartographer delay before displaying loading dialogue. - Fixed World Seed allowing seeds with less than 8 digits. - Significantly reduced time to verify save files. - Fixed Custom Settings not being loaded correctly (inc. gender). - Fixed Mouse/Controller movement not always being frame-rate independent. - Fixed stored in backpack Notification accumulating when crafting many items. - Fixed World Zones not aborting loading if player leaves before zone is finished loading. Depending on the complexity of the previous zone, a player could be well into another zone before the previous zone has been unloaded and the current zone starts loading.. - Fixed Flock Audio not allowing other sound effects to play. - Fixed Flock Audio not updating position when flocks migrate out. - Fixed Flocks not appearing when travelling to new islands. - Changed World Barrier visuals. - Improved Impostors. Changed zone objects to load from the outer edges first. Note: Some billboards might not load in as intended until the zone is resaved by either leaving the zone or saving and reloading the game. - Fixed some Foliage remaining semi-dithered (faded) after loading a zone. - Fixed Crab ambient Audio SFX playing on load when stored in inventory. - Fixed Watch vital icons not continuing to flash after dismissing initial warning. - Fixed Roofs not showing construction meter.
Known Issues
- Shadow Flickering is present on very far islands. We have a fix in the works that will be patched shortly
[ 2020-10-05 06:39:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
The latest experimental update brings some big changes with how games are saved. As we think about transitioning the experimental branch over to stable, wed like to make sure that the upgrade process is solid. To help do this we need as many people as possible that are playing on the stable branch to send us their save data.
You will find your save data in your Documents folder, in a similar location to:
[ 2020-08-14 02:31:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.72.01) is now live!
Thanks to the players who sent their save data through. We have addressed a number of issues with the upgrade process. In this build, please note that: - Worlds that have been upgraded and will be re-upgraded, - Worlds that have been upgraded and have been saved will not be re-upgraded as its assumed that since you have saved after upgrading that you wish to continue. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Removed experimental Dropping delay.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hang when checking for legacy world data on fresh installs. - Fixed duplicate mission maps being added when upgrading legacy world data. - Fixed legacy screen capture position not being upgraded for new big world. - Fixed Player position not being upgraded correctly when saved on outer islands. - Fixed Shark Spawner position not being upgraded correctly. - Fixed Physics objects positions not being upgraded correctly. - Fixed Custom Settings not being loaded correctly (inc. gender). - Fixed community maps not showing in Cartographer if any map failed to load. - Fixed Gyrocopter crafting materials missing from aircraft carrier zone. - Fixed Gyrocopter parts being invisible when leaving aircraft carrier zone. - Fixed stored in backpack Notification accumulating when crafting many items. - Fixed Soundtracks playing in intro scene.
[ 2020-07-31 10:56:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.72.00) is up!
This build features the new Big World! The new bigger world is twice the size of the previous world with more randomly positioned islands (no more fixed 5x5 grid). The game will upgrade your existing world and save data to the new big world format. The upgrade is not destructive so you can roll back to the previous release and continue playing. The upgrade will backup your old save file and add a _LEGACY suffix to its file name. If you want to roll back you will just need to delete the newer upgraded save file and then remove the legacy suffix from your old save file. If something does go wrong during the upgrade process, please post a bug report so we can diagnose and fix the problem. As always, we hope everyone is safe and healthy. Its nice to think that Stranded Deep might provide a fun distraction for people during all of this craziness. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
New Features
- New Big World!
- Changed end game Aircraft parts to be craftable instead of rewarded. - Added very short delay to Dropping items from Inventory. This helps to prevent accidentally dropping your held item.. - Added Unicode/Cyrillic support to player speech Subtitles.
Bug Fixes
- Significantly reduced time to verify save files. - Fixed Cartographer delay before displaying loading dialogue. - Changed World Barrier visuals. - Improved Impostors. Changed zone objects to load from the outer edges first. Note: Some billboards might not load in as intended until the zone is resaved by either leaving the zone or saving and reloading the game. - Fixed some Foliage remaining semi-dithered (faded) after loading a zone. - Fixed Crab ambient Audio SFX playing on load when stored in inventory. - Fixed Watch vital icons not continuing to flash after dismissing initial warning. - Fixed Roofs not showing construction meter.
Known Issues
- Shadow Flickering is present on very far islands. We have a fix in the works that will be patched shortly
[ 2020-07-16 04:43:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.71.00) is now live!
This build features the new End Game Scenario! After much thought, we have decided to release the end game scenario on the experimental branch in its current state. Please be aware that our original plan was to release the end-game scenario after external QA testing as part of our final updates. We wanted to release it that way, instead of our usual experimental-->stable release cycle, as we felt it didn't make sense for such a high-impact scenario that needs to work right 1st time and isn't something that gets played over and over... However, there have been some strong opinions on the forum from some players who disagree and want it now. Ultimately, weve decided that the choice should be yours Were still in the shake-down process, tidying the loose ends and polishing the final sequence. Also note that there is a chance a future update could break any progress made towards completing the end-game. But disclaimers aside -- were excited to share it with you as we think its a pretty cool scenario that ties everything together. Were also excited to hear what you think about the end sequence and any theories! The new end game zone will be generated when creating a new world in the Cartographer. If you have an existing world and save file and don't want to create a new world, we've added the end game map as workshop content here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2096887376 Subscribe to this content and it will appear in your Community Maps in the Cartographer. Drag it into your existing world like any other map :) Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
New Features
- Added new End Game Scenario! - Added new Starting Crate unlocked by completing the end game. - Added new Sunscreen item to starting crate. - Added new Rubber Duck item to starting crate. - Added new Flashlight item to starting crate. - Added new Machete item to starting crate. - Added new Carbon Speargun item to starting crate. - Added new Carbon Speargun Arrows item to starting crate.
- Changed Gyrocopter Part to only spawn on the end game carrier.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed World Zones not aborting loading if player leaves before zone is finished loading. Depending on the complexity of the previous zone, a player could be well into another zone before the previous zone has been unloaded and the current zone starts loading.. - Fixed World Seed allowing seeds with less than 8 digits. - Fixed Intro not waiting until all assets have loaded in. This fixes some players appearing briefly in the ocean when starting a new game. - Fixed Intro audio SFX volume not using audio settings. - Fixed Mouse/Controller movement not always being frame-rate independent. - Fixed Flock Audio not allowing other sound effects to play. - Fixed Flock Audio not updating position when flocks migrate out. - Fixed Flocks not appearing when travelling to new islands.
[ 2020-05-15 05:01:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, We are so excited to share the good news that Stranded Deep is available now on Xbox One and PlayStation4! We really value youour PC community, and this milestone would not have been possible without your love and support. That is why we are also happy to announce that we will be leaving Steam Early Access in the next few months. As some of you may have noticed, the console and PC version differ slightly. We will be working hard to bring the console version up-to-date with the latest PC changes, and vice versa. Our final updates will feature the End Game as seen on console and a Larger World, along with the usual bug fixes and polishing touches. We will also continue to release hotfixes for any immediate bugs. Its going to be a super busy time, but we cannot wait to bring you a finished product. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team strandeddeepgame.com Xbox One: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9nxnst9mkmk1 PlayStation4: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/stranded-deep-ps4/
[ 2020-04-22 02:46:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable hotfix (0.70.02) is now live!
Please note its taking a little longer to get builds out the door at the moment. Theres so much happening behind the scenes for us -- between the world going a little crazy, PC development and our impending console release. We ask that you bear with us; were not as active on the forums at this time, but were here and very focused on development. We hope everyone is staying safe! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Billboard blobs remaining on some objects when returning to islands. There have been a few edge cases remaining in previous builds. This issue should be fixed now... - Fixed Clay Roof Billboard not appearing. - Fixed Maps not removing from Cartographer map list when deleted. - Fixed Spears and Bows not playing de-charge animation correctly. - Fixed missing Female Voice FX when failing to light a Camp Fire. - Fixed Land Animals entering water when running over shore-line rocks.
[ 2020-03-30 07:56:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable hotfix (0.70.01) is now live!
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Game Settings (Gender, Wildlife, etc) not being loaded properly. - Fixed Boat Motor LOD not being visible.
[ 2020-02-10 07:23:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build (0.70.00) is up!
The new 0.70.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including new Steam Workshop support, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian Localizations, Permadeath and lots of bug fixes and polish. Be sure to have a read of the patch notes below if you havent been playing on the experimental branch... For more info on how to use the Steam Workshop with Stranded Deep, see our previous patch notes here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/313120/announcements/detail/1693846457241619523 Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
0.68.01-0.70.00 Experimental Change Log
Bug Fixes
- Fixed rare possibility of invalid ranges being used for date and time.
0.65.06-0.70.00 Stable Change Log
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a large bug where Achievement progress data wasnt persisting across multiple sessions. This meant you would have to complete some achievements in one session or any progress would reset when the game re-loaded. This affected the following achievements: Call Me Ahab Working With My Hands Lean Mean Crafting Machine Industrial Fashion Fish Are Friends Vegetarian Island Hermit Archaeologist - Changed Hunter of The High Seas Achievement to achieve when boss creature killed, not when trophy crafted. Previously, trophies could be crafted on custom islands = no achievement. - Fixed no maps appearing in Cartographer map list if any map failed to load. - Fixed Cartographer map source buttons not localized. - Fixed Cartographer exception caused by Steam callback executing code out of order. - Fixed Grouper Fish not dither fading when skinned. - Fixed Crafting Ghost not being visible underwater. - Fixed Crafting not using smallest material stack first. This would leave unmerged stacks in your backpack on occasion - Fixed Buoyant objects being marked out of range and being destroyed incorrectly. - Fixed Trophy icons missing in inventory. - Fixed Boss display names showing Shark. - Fixed Projectiles not breaking when hitting metal seaforts. - Fixed Projectiles scale being skewed when piercing/attaching to an object with custom rotation and scale. This was potentially causing numerous bugs from undefined behaviour. - Fixed Rafts not being able to deconstruct/destroy. - Fixed Raft staying anchored when a deployed raft anchor was destroyed. - Fixed Raft Floors taking no damage if they are attached to other floors. - Fixed Raft Anchor creating non interactable duplicates. - Fixed Flare Gun having no audio effects. - Fixed Flare Gun shooting animation causing character T-pose. - Fixed Farming Plotnot producing fruit until a game is reloaded. - Fixed Giant Crab attacking when they arent facing the player. - Fixed Boar getting stuck underwater. - Fixed Footstepsplaying the wood sound when standing on a whale. - Fixed Audio sources not being pooled if not in range of a listener. - Fixed Dialogue window message text not using correct font. - Fixed file permissions dialogue message not being localized correctly. - Fixed receiving fall damage when jumping out of water after a high fall. - Fixed player skill notification label overflowing.
- Added better Unicode/Cyrillic font support for foreign localizations. - Added missing Achievement icons. - Added animation to Boat Motor. - Changed held item to hide when climbing. - Restored Distant Plane visual effect. - Changed Flare Gun to shoot a hovering projectile that provides useful light. - Optimised Land Animals AI when not in proxmity. - Improved Boar dust particle trail. - Reduced swimming Audio volume. - Added key bindings for Fire Lighting. - Changed Fire Lighting failure to only happen on Hard game mode. - Changed Cartographer world map slots to display (!) icon if map needs updating. - Restored Distant Plane visual effect.
New Features
- Added new Steam Workshop integration! - Added Official Community Map Support! As part of Steam Workshop integration. - Added official French, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian localizations! Please note, there are a few newer terms that are not localized which will be addressed shortly. - Added new Permadeath game mode! - Added new hat for Hard mode players. - Added new craftable Light Hook to allow attaching lights to custom rafts.
[ 2020-02-07 06:42:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, A new experimental build (0.68.01) is up! This build fixes a large bug that made completing some achievements difficult; also made some changes that should also allow more achievements to be achieved retroactively (not all). It also fixes a bug where buoyant objects were being marked out of range and being destroyed incorrectly. Were hoping to push the latest experimental changes to stable in the next week or so. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a large bug where Achievement progress data wasnt persisting across multiple sessions. This meant you would have to complete some achievements in one session or any progress would reset when the game re-loaded. This affected the following achievements: Call Me Ahab Working With My Hands Lean Mean Crafting Machine Industrial Fashion Fish Are Friends Vegetarian Island Hermit Archaeologist - Fixed Buoyant objects being marked out of range and being destroyed incorrectly. - Fixed Paddle appearing twice when rowing rafts. - Fixed no maps appearing in Cartographer map list if any map failed to load. - Fixed Trophy icons missing in inventory. - Fixed Boss display names showing Shark. - Fixed player skill notification label overflowing.
- Added notification when an Achievement is missed on custom islands.
[ 2020-02-04 06:44:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.68.00) is up!
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Grouper Fish not dither fading when skinned. - Fixed Light Hook not following position correctly. - Fixed Crafting Ghost not being visible underwater. - Fixed Crafting not using smallest material stack first. This would leave unmerged stacks in your backpack on occasion - Changed Hunter of The High Seas Achievement to achieve when boss creature killed, not when trophy crafted. Previously, trophies could be crafted on custom islands = no achievement. - Fixed Dialogue window message text not using correct font. - Fixed receiving fall damage when jumping out of water after a high fall.
- Added better Unicode/Cyrillic font support for foreign localizations. - Added animation to Boat Motor. - Changed held item to hide when climbing. - Restored Distant Plane visual effect.
New Features
- Added official French, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian localizations! Please note, there are a few newer terms that are not localized which will be addressed shortly.
[ 2020-01-30 01:03:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.67.00) is up!
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Plot plant names not being localized. - Fixed some Status Effects text missing beginning of term, ie: Shark Repellent, Breath Boost, etc. - Fixed Intro scene displaying oxygen bar. - Fixed Player camera not following characters when skinning underwater. - Fixed incorrect notification displaying for Bird Trap. - Fixed Snake material not dither fading when skinned. - Fixed Raft Canopy crafting ingredients missing cloth. - Fixed Moon missing mesh.
- Changed buoyant objects, like Rafts, to not be destroyed when out of range. However, objects will be lost if not retrieved during the session.
New Features
- Added new Permadeath game mode! - Added new hat for Hard mode players. - Added new craftable Light Hook to allow attaching lights to custom rafts.
[ 2020-01-06 11:01:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.66.01) is up!
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
0.66.01 Experimental Change Log
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Workshop Tool not warning if preview images larger than 1MB. - Fixed Cartographer map source buttons not localized. - Fixed Cartographer exception caused by Steam callback executing code out of order. - Fixed Projectiles not breaking when hitting metal seaforts. - Fixed Projectiles scale being skewed when piercing/attaching to an object with custom rotation and scale. This was potentially causing numerous bugs from undefined behaviour. - Fixed Rafts not being able to deconstruct/destroy. - Fixed Rafts staying anchored when a deployed raft anchor was destroyed. - Fixed Raft Floors taking no damage if they are attached to other floors. - Fixed Raft Anchor creating non interactable duplicates. - Fixed Flare Gun having no audio effects. - Fixed Flare Gun shooting animation causing character T-pose. - Fixed Farming Plotnot producing fruit until a game is reloaded. - Fixed Giant Crab attacking when they arent facing the player. - Fixed Boar getting stuck underwater. - Fixed Footstepsplaying the wood sound when standing on a whale. - Fixed Audio sources not being pooled if not in range of a listener. - Fixed file permissions dialogue message not being localized correctly.
- Changed Flare Gun to shoot a hovering projectile that provides useful light. - Optimised Land Animals AI when not in proxmity. - Improved Boar dust particle trail. - Reduced swimming Audio volume.
0.65.06 Stable-0.66.01 Experimental Change Log
- Moved default Localization files to internal resources.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Localization not initializing properly for fresh installs. - Fixed Controller assignments not allowing rebinding to both mouse and keyboard. - Fixed Seas Harvest Achievement description.
Dev Notes
- Camera screenshot possibly causing crash. Added better error handling to diagnose. - Minor optimization to reduce draw calls from Rocks.
[ 2019-12-05 04:42:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix (0.65.06) is up with some fixes.
This build includes a fix for users experiencing UI labels showing as localization terms, ie: TEXT_LOADING, etc. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Moved default Localization files to internal resources.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Localization not initializing properly for fresh installs. - Fixed Controller assignments not allowing rebinding to both mouse and keyboard. - Fixed Seas Harvest Achievement description.
Dev Notes
- Camera screenshot possibly causing crash. Added better error handling to diagnose. - Minor optimization to reduce draw calls from Rocks.
[ 2019-12-01 04:22:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.66.00 is live with Steam Workshop support!
The uses of this new feature are primarily for:
- Publishing new language assets for the recently added localization support; and
- Publishing your own maps for other users to subscribe to and download.
0.66.00 Change Log
- Changed Cartographer world map slots to display (!) icon if map needs updating. - Changed Fire Lighting failure to only happen on Hard game mode.
New Content
- Added new Steam Workshop integration! WIP. - Added Official Community Map Support! As part of Steam Workshop integration.
0.64.05-0.66.00 Change Log
Bug Fixes
- Fixed seeing Main Menu background texture switch. - Fixed regression errors from not creating user Maps folder if doesnt exist. - Fixed missing Palm bunch inventory icon. - Fixed exclusive and borderless Fullscreen modes not being enforced properly. - Fixed Mouse not working in menus for users with touch screens. - Fixed exceptions being thrown by external Steamworks library.
- Added missing Achievement icons. - Added key bindings for Fire Lighting.
Dev Notes
- Possible fix for bug where localization file isn't loaded and text labels show localization terms. Only happens on starting game after Steam update, so added better handling for localization file in case Steam is leaving updated files open or in use.
[ 2019-11-27 05:19:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix (0.65.05) is up with some fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Giant Crab and Hog chasing player on Passive Wildlife mode. - Fixed Giant Crab, Hog and Snake spawning on Removed Wildlife mode. - Fixed Sea Snakes and Lion Fish poisoning player on Removed Wildlife mode. - Fixed Sharks spawning on Removed Wildlife setting for loaded games. - Fixed Fire Pit not refunding materials when destroyed. - Fixed raft Sail animation state not reloading properly. - Fixed key bindings not showing correctly for some map categories in input settings.
- Added key bindings for Fire Lighting. - Adjusted failure rate for Fire Lighting.
Dev Notes
- Possible fix for bug where localization file isn't loaded and text labels show localization terms. Only happens on starting game after Steam update, so added better handling for localization file in case Steam is leaving updated files open or in use.
[ 2019-11-26 05:06:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix (0.65.04) is up with some fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed exceptions being thrown by external Steamworks library.
[ 2019-11-24 06:58:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix (0.65.03) is up with some fixes.
This hotfix fixes an important bug where the mouse would not register input for users with touch screen capabilities. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Mouse not working in menus for users with touch screens.
- Added missing Achievement icons.
[ 2019-11-24 01:11:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix (0.65.02) is up with some fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed exclusive and borderless Fullscreen modes not being enforced properly.
[ 2019-11-22 13:58:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix (0.65.01) is up with some fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed seeing Main Menu background texture switch. - Fixed regression errors from not creating user Maps folder if doesnt exist. - Fixed missing Palm bunch inventory icon.
[ 2019-11-21 11:15:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.65.00 is up!
The new 0.65.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including new Achievements, Leaderboards, Tutorial, Localization, new Hog and Giant Crab animals and heaps more! Be sure to have a read of the patch notes below if you havent been playing on the experimental branch. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed OpenGL support for Windows builds. - Fixed Boot screen occasionally freezing. - Fixed Controller assignments not reloading properly when using two controllers of same model. - Fixed Controller assignments only loading for controllers connected at start. - Fixed P1 and P2 Controls interfering with each others menus. - Fixed P1 crafting combo Pinning not working when P2 controller connected. - Fixed Main Menu key/controller navigation. - Fixed New Game menu key/controller button navigation. - Fixed Crafting Menu key navigation not working - Fixed progressive Loading not getting correct player speed, resulting in objects still being loaded in when you approach an island. Note: Using god mode may cause hitches as the speed is much faster than normal gameplay - Fixed performance hit from aerial camera in animated Loading scene. - Fixed white overlay for players with item highlighting setting turned off. - Fixed white overlay (over-exposure) when saving game. - Fixed new games loading empty islands when all maps in world are custom. - Fixed co-op character Gender not loading or assigning correctly. - Fixed Watches not loading in co-op mode. - Fixed Post FX settings not loading properly. - Fixed Color Grading post fx not working. - Fixed Hud showing over Watch. - Fixed P1 Notifications showing for both players. - Fixed player skill Notification not showing per-player. - Fixed dark edges on Volumetric Clouds. - Fixed Meat objects missing shadows. - Fixed Paddle not moving with raft when reloaded. - Fixed Container Shelf shelves not moving with the shelf. - Fixed Container Shelf not updating positions when removing an existing shelf. - Fixed using items whilst climbing ladders and ledges. - Fixed Water Still not providing fluids when drank. - Fixed Fuel Still not placing on foundations or floors. - Fixed Container Door not refunding the correct object when destroyed. - Fixed Wood Floor not being rotatable. - Fixed Roofs occasionally unable to place next to each other. - Fixed Fish preventing construction placement. - Fixed Fish blocking item selection when picking up items. - Fixed Camera flipping upside down when standing on rafts. - Fixed Volumetric Clouds not working in map editor. - Fixed not being able to place some crafted objects (during forced placing when Inventory full). - Fixed spelling mistake for craftsmanship skill notification. - Fixed bug in options menu manifesting after using the map editor.
- Improved Loading speed of zones when starting or loading a game. - Added ability to jump when swimming in shallow water. - Added ability to Sleepin co-op mode. Note: Players much be near each other to save. - Added damage effect to Farming Plots. - Added material refunding to Farming Plots. - Added chance of failure to Fire Lighting. - Changed Fire Lighting difficulty to be based on physical skill. - Changed Breath Boost and Antidote recipes to require only 1x plant. - Changed Boot intro to allow skipping intro menu faster. - Changed Billboards to match parent scale. Note: Custom editing of object scale is unsupported. - Changed Item Attack Animations to only play if the object is damageable. - Changed Beds to only allow sleeping at night. - Changed Beds to always wakeup between 4am-7am. - Changed Smoker size by decreasing it 30%. - Changed Crab texture. - Changed Crabs to respawn after 3 days. - Changed Boars to respawn after 1 week. - Changed Snakes to respawn after 1 week.
New Content
- Added new Achievements! - Added new Leaderboards! - Added new Localization! Huge WIP. Including new controller glyphs for supported controllers. Note: Any unsupported controllers will fall back to XB glyphs. - Added new Tutorial! - Added new Fire Lighting mechanics. Lighting Fires is now done by alternating the use item and drag item buttons repeatedly. A progress bar displaying the friction indicates the success rate of lighting a fire. Fire lighting animations, audio, particles, and lighting have all been updated as well. - Added new Hog animal! Unlike the small island boars these Giant Boars will protect the pact and hunt you down. They are very aggressive but provide a nice amount of leather and large meat. Note: Requires an unvisited island or a new world to generate. - Added new Giant Crab animal! Giant Crabs have a very hard shell which will break spears and arrows. Aiming for their eyes is the only soft spot. Giant Crabs can also take damage from melee tools. These grumpy crabs think they own the island - Show them whose boss! Note: Requires an unvisited island or a new world to generate. - Added new Reef Shark model. - Added new Land Animal Spawners. Crabs, Snakes, Boars, and Hogs will now respawn after a number of set days. Note: Requires an unvisited island or a new world to generate. - Added Land Animal Spawners to Map Editor. - Added new Provenance/source for meats. - Added Raft Jumping Velocity when standing on rafts. You will no longer fall off your raft when jumping. - Added new Blood Damage Particles when damaging animals. - Added new Wood Damage Particles when harvesting resources. - Added new Metal Damage Particles when damaging metal objects. - Added new Leaf Damage Particles when harvesting plants. - Added new Coconut Particles when splitting. - Added new Boat Motor Particles the water wake and engine steam. - Added new Water Still Particles when the still is collecting water. - Added new Fuel Still Particles when the still is collecting fuel. - Added new Smoker Particles when food is being smoked.
Known Issues
- P2 can open but cant navigate main menu. - P2 cant navigate dialogue buttons when P1 has controller connected.
Dev Notes
- Majorly optimized object finding speed when loading. - Added pretty JSON formatting. - Remove trailing commas on last JSON elements.
[ 2019-11-20 05:41:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, Today we updated some info on our store page and our Early Access status disappeared...
Just to be clear: Stranded Deep is still Early Access!
We've contacted Steam to resolve the problem... Thanks for your understanding.
[ 2019-11-19 11:14:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.64.04 is up with some fixes.
Note: Input settings will reset for options files saved pre-0.64.04. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Main Menu key/controller navigation. - Fixed P1 and P2 Controls interfering with each others menus. - Fixed Crafting Menu key navigation not working - Fixed P1 crafting combo Pinning not working when P2 controller connected. - Fixed Inventory item display health and durability scale. - Fixed Paddle not moving with raft when reloaded. - Fixed co-op character Gender not loading or assigning correctly.
- Added ability to Sleep in co-op mode. Note: Players much be near each other to save. - Added new Reef Shark model. - Changed Breath Boost and Antidote recipes to require only 1x plant.
Known Issues
- P2 can open but cant navigate main menu. - P2 cant navigate dialogue buttons when P1 has controller connected.
[ 2019-11-19 05:13:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.64.02 is up with some fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Boot screen issues. - Fixed Achievements not working on new game. - Fixed P1 Notifications showing for both players. - Fixed player Skill Notification not showing per-player. - Fixed Inventory details not showing item uses properly.
[ 2019-11-13 07:39:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.64.01 is up with some fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Watches not loading in co-op mode. - Fixed white overlay for players with item highlighting setting turned off. - Fixed white overlay (over-exposure) when saving game. - Fixed new games loading empty islands when all maps in world are custom. - Fixed Post FX settings not loading properly. - Fixed Color Grading post fx not working. - Fixed main/pause menu Username not showing user name.. - Fixed New Game menu key/controller button navigation. - Fixed missing localization term arg causing loading to hang in Cartographer. - Fixed not being able to delete maps in Cartographer. - Fixed Doors showing Container display name. - Fixed Hud showing last item action label when applying settings. - Fixed Hud showing over Watch. - Fixed Fishing Season Is Open Achievement description. - Fixed Hogand Giant Crab not fading our after skinned. - Fixed Hogdisplay name showing as Giant Boar. - Fixed Grouper display name showing as PIlchard. - Fixed Container display names showing as Wood Container.
- Added ability to jump when swimming in shallow water. - Added chance of failure to Fire Lighting. - Changed Fire Lighting difficulty to be based on physical skill. - Changed Look What I Have Created Achievement to complete when fire lighted (not when crafted).
[ 2019-11-11 09:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.64.00 is up!
This build features new Localization! This build is highly experimental as the localization work has been all-encompassing. We will be monitoring bug reports closely and we appreciate the feedback. You may not notice much as everything is still being localized in English for this shakedown build. One of the most obvious changes you will notice is that actions will display controller specific glyphs for supported controllers. In the near future we will be releasing and supporting a set of official localizations. The next update will feature tools for the community to author and translate their own localization assets which players will be able to subscribe to. This build also adds a new Leaderboards menu! This is something that has been running in the background in the last build so the leaderboards are already populated with lots of results. The leaderboards display rankings relative to your friends so open it up and see whos the best survivor so far! Theres also some great new animals, a better tutorial, improved fire lighting mechanics and nicer particle effects! See the patch notes for more info. Have fun! :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Controller assignments not reloading properly when using two controllers of same model. - Fixed Controller assignments only loading for controllers connected at start. - Fixed Water Still not providing fluids when drank. - Fixed Container Door not refunding the correct object when destroyed. - Fixed Fuel Still not placing on foundations or floors. - Fixed Wood Floor not being rotatable. - Fixed Roofs occasionally unable to place next to each other. - Fixed Fish preventing construction placement. - Fixed Fish blocking item selection when picking up items. - Fixed Camera flipping upside down when standing on rafts. - Fixed not being able to place some crafted objects (during forced placing when Inventory full). - Fixed spelling mistake for craftsmanship skill notification.
- Changed Item Attack Animations to only play if the object is damageable. - Changed Beds to only allow sleeping at night. - Changed Beds to always wakeup between 4am-7am. - Changed Smoker size by decreasing it 30%. - Changed Crab texture. - Changed Crabs to respawn after 3 days. - Changed Boars to respawn after 1 week. - Changed Snakes to respawn after 1 week.
New Content
- Added new Localization! Huge WIP. Including new controller glyphs for supported controllers. Note: Any unsupported controllers will fall back to XB glyphs. - Added new Leaderboards! - Added new Tutorial! - Added new Fire Lighting mechanics. Lighting Fires is now done by alternating the use item and drag item buttons repeatedly. A progress bar displaying the friction indicates the success rate of lighting a fire. Fire lighting animations, audio, particles, and lighting have all been updated as well. - Added new Hog animal! Unlike the small island boars these Giant Boars will protect the pact and hunt you down. They are very aggressive but provide a nice amount of leather and large meat. Note: Requires an unvisited island or a new world to generate. - Added new Giant Crab animal! Giant Crabs have a very hard shell which will break spears and arrows. Aiming for their eyes is the only soft spot. Giant Crabs can also take damage from melee tools. These grumpy crabs think they own the island - Show them whose boss! Note: Requires an unvisited island or a new world to generate. - Added new Land Animal Spawners. Crabs, Snakes, Boars, and Hogs will now respawn after a number of set days. Note: Requires an unvisited island or a new world to generate. - Added Land Animal Spawners to Map Editor. - Added Raft Jumping Velocity when standing on rafts. You will no longer fall off your raft when jumping. - Added new Blood Damage Particles when damaging animals. - Added new Wood Damage Particles when harvesting resources. - Added new Metal Damage Particles when damaging metal objects. - Added new Leaf Damage Particles when harvesting plants. - Added new Coconut Particles when splitting. - Added new Boat Motor Particles the water wake and engine steam. - Added new Water Still Particles when the still is collecting water. - Added new Fuel Still Particles when the still is collecting fuel. - Added new Smoker Particles when food is being smoked.
Dev Notes
- Remove trailing commas on last json elements.
[ 2019-11-08 02:54:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.63.00 is up!
This build features new Achievements! As this is an experimental build with ongoing bug testing we may reset some achievements at our discretion so dont get super attached to them at this stage. The new achievements may or may not be retroactive so start a new game if you want to ensure you achieve all achievements correctly. Importantly, any stats or achievements dont count on custom islands! Note: This build introduces new meat provenance/source. All previously saved meat will default to be from crabs. Note: Some achievements are missing icons at the moment: Backpacker, Look What I Have Created!, Day 50, Day 100. Also, there's a lot of changed happening with the Steam store refresh so bear with us on the patch notes while we get used to all the changes. Have fun! :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed progressive Loading not getting correct player speed, resulting in objects still being loaded when you approach an island.
- Fixed performance hit from aerial camera in animated Loading scene.
- Fixed possible washed out Screenshot screens.
- Fixed dark edges on Volumetric Clouds.
- Fixed Meat objects missing shadows.
- Fixed Container Shelf shelves not moving with the shelf.
- Fixed Container Shelf not updating positions when removing an existing shelf.\
- Fixed using items whilst climbing ladders and ledges.
- Fixed OpenGL support for Windows builds.
- Improved Loading speed of zones when starting or loading a game.
- Changed Boot intro to allow skipping intro menu faster.
- Changed Billboards to match parent scale. Note: Custom editing of object scale is unsupported.
- Added damage effect to Farming Plots.
- Added material refunding to Farming Plots.
- Added new Provenance/source for meats.
- Added new Achievements!
- Majorly optimized object finding speed when loading.
- Added pretty JSON formatting.
[ 2019-09-05 10:44:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.62.00 is up!
The new 0.62.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including new crafting material refunding and some important bug fixes. If you're on the experimental branch, hang tight. A new exp build is coming shortly... Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
0.61.00-0.62.00 EXP LOG
- Fixed possibility of spearing two items, breaking interaction. - Fixed Sharks sending rafts flying from attached projectiles. - Fixed Farmable Yucca damage not multiplying based on harvesting skill. - Fixed Spyglass animation causing player T-Pose. - Fixed Spyglass display name. - Fixed Doors teleporting player when moving through them. - Fixed Soundtracks overlapping in Cartographer/Map Editor. - Fixed Snakes attacking though objects; They now use line of sight. - Fixed Shipping Container Wall not refunding materials when destroyed. - Fixed Shipping Container Door not refunding materials when destroyed.
0.60.01-0.62.00 STABLE LOG
- Fixed possible cause of objects flying off when loading. - Fixed Billboard blobs remaining on some objects when returning to islands. - Fixed Construction placement being super glitchy. - Fixed Motion Blur post effect not working. - Fixed Loading Ticker orientation. - Fixed Sharks not losing interest when players are out of reach. - Fixed Sharks attempting to attack invalid targets. - Fixed Sharks getting stuck under terrain. - Fixed Hammerhead Shark attack and damage animations not playing. - Fixed Fish Traps not loading caught fishes. - Fixed Fish Traps not catching all types of fish. - Fixed Crabs and Birds not being draggable after being speared. - Fixed Crabs not pickupable when speared. - Fixed Birds not dying when hit with a Fishing Spear. - Fixed Brick Wedge playing metal footstep sounds. - Fixed Container Shipwreck mast ladder.
- Disabled Driftwood Constructions from crafting menus. See this post for details: https://steamcommunity.com/app/313120/discussions/11/1636416951458083707/) - Improved Billboards allowing you to see dynamic constructions from further away. - Improved Shark avoidance. - Improved Shark jitter when circling players. - Added Shark nudge attack for when the player is close proximity. - Changed Skinning to also allow skinning if a Refined Knife is in your inventory. - Increased Mineable Rock and Mineable Clay resource spawn chance by 25%.
- Added new Crafting Material Refunding!
- Fixed Post camera not rendering in HDR, clamping some post effects.
[ 2019-08-29 00:15:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.61.00) is now live with some important fixes.
This build adds Crafting Material Refunding! The billboard blobs bug has also been addressed in this build. The fix required objects to save some extra data. Previously saved objects wont have this data saved so the blobs will persist for these objects until they are re-saved by leaving the island or by saving the game. We have been getting some reports of the Crafting key not working on the stable branch. The short explanation is that Unity changed/moved some internal code and thought this would be OK to release to the public. However, any third-party plugins need to be recompiled for the new changes to work properly Tobii eye-tracking has been identified as a common problem at the moment. Please try to update, disable or completely uninstall this plugin if youre having trouble. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed possible cause of objects flying off when loading. - Fixed Billboard blobs remaining on some objects when returning to islands. - Fixed Construction placement being super glitchy. - Fixed Motion Blur post effect not working. - Fixed Loading Ticker orientation. - Fixed Sharks not losing interest when players are out of reach. - Fixed Sharks attempting to attack invalid targets. - Fixed Sharks getting stuck under terrain. - Fixed Hammerhead Shark attack and damage animations not playing. - Fixed Fish Traps not loading caught fishes. - Fixed Fish Traps not catching all types of fish. - Fixed Crabs and Birds not being draggable after being speared. - Fixed Crabs not pickupable when speared. - Fixed Birds not dying when hit with a Fishing Spear. - Fixed Brick Wedge playing metal footstep sounds. - Fixed Container Shipwreck mast ladder.
- Improved Billboards allowing you to see dynamic constructions from further away. - Improved Shark avoidance. - Improved Shark jitter when circling players. - Added Shark nudge attack for when the player is close proximity. - Changed Skinning to also allow skinning if a Refined Knife is in your inventory. - Increased Mineable Rock and Mineable Clay resource spawn chance by 25%.
- Added new Crafting Material Refunding!
- Fixed Post camera not rendering in HDR, clamping some post effects.
[ 2019-08-26 05:09:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new hotfix 0.60.01 is up with some important fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed a huge bug where number data was being serialized based on the users system language. Some locales use commas for decimal points which was breaking map loading and other things. - Fixed empty Crafting menu for non-English language users. - Fixed regression. Fixed being able to craft combinations higher than current Craftsmanship level. - Fixed Water Still throwing errors behind the scenes when selected. - Fixed Antialiasing OFF setting enabling TXAA instead.
[ 2019-08-16 12:31:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.60.00 is up!
The new 0.60.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including a new Female Character, Player Skills, Player Exp, Game Modes, new Sharks and heaps more! Take a look at the patch notes below, especially if you havent been playing the experimental branch as theres a lot of new stuff!! Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
0.54.01-0.60.00 EXP LOG
- Fixed not being able to pick up or remove Spoiled meat from containers. - Fixed being able to open Quick Craft when Crafting menu open. - Fixed S key moving left instead of backward when Quick Craft menu open. Note: You will need to reset input settings to default or older saved settings will reload the incorrect mapping. - Adjusted shadow bias to reduce slenderman effect on character Shadows.
0.51.00-0.60.00 STABLE LOG
- Fixed Loading Screen tip spelling mistake. - Fixed Cartographer tooltips not showing. - Fixed Crafting Menu tooltips not showing. - Fixed Audio sources playing outside of their range. - Fixed Audio Sources playing the wrong sound on objects. - Fixed Audio Effects being cut off prematurely. - Fixed Rafts not ejecting passengers when overturned. - Fixed Rafts allowing operation whilst in the water. - Fixed Raft Damage Sounds playing incorrect leaf damage sound. - Fixed Raft Sea Anchor LODs. - Fixed Fire Torch breaking game interaction when crafted. - Fixed Sharks fleeing behavior not working correctly. - Fixed Sharks jittering when attempting to attack rafts. - Fixed Corals spawning above ocean water level. - Fixed Corals collider interfering with Rafts. - Fixed Construction not allowing close placement. - Fixed not being able to place Constructions on connectors in third person mode. - Fixed missing damage sounds for Brick constructions. - Fixed Farming Crops providing double yield of fruit on load. - Fixed being able to drag objects attached to Spear. - Fixed Projectile colliders having no effect when stuck in a moving object (spear in coconuts, etc). - Fixed important bug where Projectiles could go missing when re-parenting. - Fixed possible scenario of not picking up all Crafting Materials. - Fixed pause menu audio playing over Soundtracks. - Fixed Trunks and Palm Fronds not reloading correctly inside Containers. - Fixed Palm Bunches colliding with player. - Fixed Labelmaker renaming objects to previous objects name when name not changed. - Fixed Aloe Salve not being consumed on use. - Fixed Item LOD displaying incorrectly after using vehicles. - Fixed Compass closing lid after using vehicles. - Fixed Lionfish collider being hard to select. - Fixed dead Lionfish not poisoning player. - Fixed Fish Traps being placed and set in open water. - Fixed Driftwood Piles being unable to harvest. - Fixed Pickaxe mining Driftwood Piles faster than axes. - Fixed Mineable Resource display name spelling mistake. - Fixed Mineable Rocks and Clay flying off when harvested.
- Removed Spear interacting. Can now pick objects off Spear. - Nerfed UV/Sun Exposure. Overly complicated and hard to understand. - Changed watch UV indicator to show if you are protected from sun or not. Underwater or in shade will show None. - Improved Watch feedback. Low/critical vitals will now flash. - Improved Watch feedback. Removed rounded values on vital bars. Easier to monitor which vitals are depleting. - Added SPF (Sun Protection Factor) vital to watch. - Removed Sleep vital from watch. Had no effect in-game. You can still sleep through the night. - Removed clock screen from Watch. Waste of screen space. The clock, date and UV now appear as a top bar that is always visible on any screen. - Increased Watch size on screen. - Combined Tarp and Cloth to be the one Cloth item. The reason for this change is so that valuable survival structures such as Water Stills no longer depend on the world generation. Cloth will spawn much as the same as tarps did but more importantly can be crafted from the Loom. * Note old Tarps will still be in your saved game and will later be removed automatically. - Changed Stations to allow placement on foundations and floors. The Campfire, Smoker, Loom, Furnace, Brick Station, and Tanning Rack, can now be placed inside your houses. - Added Spoiled Food fly particles and green colouring. - Changed Food spoiling from 5 days to 3. - Changed Food names to only display one prefix for cooking, smoked, and spoiled. - Changed Smoker to disable attaching smoked foods. - Changed Campfire to disable attaching cooked foods. - Changed Lion Fish to spawn more rarely. - Changed Sea Snakes to spawn more rarely. - Changed Reef Sharks to spawn more rarely. - Changed Stingrays to spawn more rarely. - Reduced Tiger Shark aggression by 40%. - Reduced Great White Shark aggression by 30%. - Reduced Cod Skinning meat quantity from 2 to 1. - Changed Ajuga plant model. - Added distant billboards for Missions. - Added new Levelling Up UI and sound effect. - Added Damage Sounds for crafted Stations. - Added Damage Effect for stations. - Increased Paddle LOD. - Increased Poisonous Starfish LOD distance. - Changed Rock Item holding position. - Changed main menu Time Played label to show days, hours and minutes. - Changed default Controller Layout. Show Watch is now Y/Triangle. Inventory and Crafting Menu are bound to L and R bumpers. - Changed Private Jet Intro.
- Added new Intro Screen! - Added new Main Menu and Loading Screen visuals. - Added new Female Character! Select from the new character gender option when creating a new game to play as either a male or female character. Co-operative gameplay will assign both genders but these can be alternated from the gender option. Changes are purely cosmetic. - Added Female Voice-over audio clips. - Added Clean Character Clothing models for the intro Private Jet scene. - Added Game Difficulty settings! Select three types of game difficulties from the new Difficulty option when creating a new game. Please note these settings cannot be changed once the world has been created. Normal Difficulty Play Stranded Deep the way it was meant to be played whether you are new or experienced. Hard Difficulty Play Stranded Deep with more of a challenge. Vitals deplete faster, side effects are more dangerous, resources are harder to harvest, and creatures do more damage. Creative Difficulty Play Stranded Deep without worrying about your vitals or taking any damage. You will still need to harvest and scavenge resources but without the constant threat of dying. You are invincible! Also you wear a nice hat so everyone knows you like it easy. - Added Animal Difficulty settings! Select three types of animal difficulties from the new Animal Difficulty option when creating a new game. This option is separate to the games difficulty setting for those who like to customise their experience. Please note these settings cannot be changed once the world has been created. Normal Animals Animals behave naturally set to the standard difficulty. Passive Animals Sharks and Snakes will not attack. Bosses will still attack. Removed Animals Sharks are removed from the generation and will not spawn. Bosses will still be generated. - Added new Player Stamina! Stamina is displayed by a yellow bar at the bottom of the screen when sprinting or sprint swimming. Once stamina is drained the bar will turn red and a cool down penalty will be applied until Stamina is fully replenished. Sprinting and sprint swimming require and consume stamina. Stamina can be increased by training the Physical skill (see below). - Added new Player Skills! Skills make surviving easier and unlock different content. Skills can be viewed from the new Player Skills watch screen. Hunting Skill Hunting skill level effects the amount of damage melee and ranged weapons do to creatures in the world. Hunting experience can be gained by killing creatures. The more dangerous the creature, the more experience. Cooking Skill Cooking levels effect the amount of calories foods give. A higher cooking level will give more nutrients. Cooking experience is gained by cooking foods. Harvesting Skill Harvesting levels effect the amount of damage done to resources when using tools. A higher harvesting level will gather resources quicker. Harvesting experience can be gained from harvesting resources such as trees, rocks, clays, scrap, and wood. Physical Skill Physical levels effect your stamina and oxygen. Higher physical levels increase how long you can sprint and hold your breath underwater. Physical experience can be gained by swimming and building structures with a hammer. Crafting Skill Crafting experience is gained by crafting items, and building structures. The more advanced the object or structure you craft, the more experience is gained. Certain crafting combinations are now locked until the crafting level requirement is met. - Added Sprint Swimming for faster underwater movement. - Added new Toolbelt craftable items and Hotkey bar! Each tool-belt level unlocks more hotkey slots and the next level tool-belt. Keyboard uses 0-9, controller uses D-Pad for first 4 slots. There are two ways to bind an item to a hotkey slot, #1: Hold the item and hold the hotkey for a second or two, #2: Select the item in the inventory and hold the hotkey for a second or two. You should hear a confirmation sound when the item is bound. - Added new ability to pin a Crafting Combination to the screen with RMB. - Added Yucca Cuttings on wild Yuccas which can be planted in farming plots. Yucca Cuttings can be found on wild Yucca and planted in a Farming Plot. Cultivating Yuccas take 48 hours to grow and provide 6 Fibrous Leaves each harvest. Fibrous leaves are used in Water Stills to provide water, making this a viable farming source for water, rope, and cloth. * Note Yucca Cuttings will only spawn on unexplored islands or newly created worlds. - Added Yucca Farming to farming plots. - Added new Goblin Shark! - Added new Whale Shark! - Added new Hammerhead Shark! - Added new Giant Grouper fish! - Added new Turtle! - Added new Yacht Shipwreck! - Added new Polynesian Shipwreck! - Added new Plane Shipwreck! - Added new Tanker Shipwreck! - Added new Survivor Shelters from past survivors. - Restored Wollie Easter egg. - Restored Divers Slate Easter egg. - Restored Parcel Easter egg. - Added Spyglass loot item for getting a better look at far objects. - Added new Container Shelf Stacker craftable item. This can be placed on rafts, structures, or terrain. Each shelf allows for 3 storage containers to be stored securely. - Added new Raft Canopy to provide shade on custom built rafts. - Added new Raft Controls. - Added new Raft Animations.
[ 2019-08-14 06:26:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.54.01) is now live with some fixes.
Note: Due to some controller changes in 0.54 your input setting will continue to reset themselves if a save file older than 0.54 is detected - just save your game and then your input settings will persist. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Added new Levelling Up UI and sound effect. - Added Damage Sounds for crafted Stations. - Added Damage Effect for stations. - Added Shipwrecks to Map Editor. - Added Shipwreck Doors to Map Editor. - Added Shelters to Map Editor. - Added Goblin Shark to Map Editor. - Added Whale Shark to Map Editor. - Added Hammerhead Shark to Map Editor. - Added Hammerhead Shark to Island Shark Generation. - Increased Paddle LOD. - Increased Poisonous Starfish LOD distance. - Reduced Cod Skinning meat quantity from 2 to 1. - Changed Rock Item holding position. - Changed main menu Time Played label to show days, hours and minutes.
- Fixed frozen black screen on Linux builds from unsupported video codec. - Fixed being able to craft combinations higher than current Craftsmanship level. - Fixed Hunting Experience not being gained from projectiles. - Fixed new Spyglass breaking animations when stored. - Fixed new Spyglass resetting field of view to 60 instead of value in graphics settings. - Fixed not being able to place Constructions on connectors in third person mode. - Fixed missing damage sounds for Brick constructions. - Fixed Brain Coral collider interfering with Rafts (looking at you Mark ;) ). - Fixed new Shipwrecks generating at sharp angles (will take effect on a new game). - Fixed Trunks and Palm Fronds not reloading correctly inside Containers. - Fixed Palm Bunches colliding with player. - Fixed Labelmaker renaming objects to previous objects name when name not changed. - Fixed old Tarps spawning in loot containers. - Fixed Container Shelves being invalid when placing on Raft floors. - Fixed Aloe Salve not being consumed on use. - Fixed Item LOD displaying incorrectly after using vehicles. - Fixed Compass closing lid after using vehicles. - Fixed Lionfish collider being hard to select. - Fixed dead Lionfish not poisoning player. - Fixed Fish Traps being placed and set in open water. - Fixed Driftwood Piles being unable to harvest. - Fixed Pickaxe mining Driftwood Piles faster than axes. - Fixed Mineable Resource display name spelling mistake. - Fixed Mineable Rocks and Clay flying off when harvested. - Fixed Raft Damage Sounds playing incorrect leaf damage sound. - Fixed Shelter 2 LOD disappearing. - Fixed Bosses not doing damage to player. - Fixed Bosses not applying different damage difficulty values. - Fixed Hammerhead, Whale Shark and Goblin Shark not being saved. - Fixed Sharks Tunnelling into terrain. - Fixed Sharks jittering when attempting to attack rafts. - Fixed Hammerhead Shark display name. - Fixed Goblin Shark display name. - Fixed Whale Shark display name. - Fixed Shipwreck Door display names. - Fixed Yucca Cutting missing inventory icon.
[ 2019-08-06 03:48:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.54.00) is now!
Were really excited to be able to release a new update. Its no secret that its been a while since our last update; the last few months have been pretty hard for us as we dealt with the paperwork and fallout of Telltale going bankrupt, leaving our console port in limbo. Its all pretty much behind us now and things are looking up. Were working on co-publishing the game ourselves and will have more news and a release date soon; Thanks again to everyone who continues to contribute and support our small studio and Stranded Deep. In the meantime, weve been working away behind the scenes on a new update and here it is! Theres heaps of new stuff in this update and more to come so check it out! Weve released this update on the experimental branch for now, but well be following any bug reports closely as wed like to get this on the stable branch asap! Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed being able to drag objects attached to Spear. - Fixed Projectile colliders having no effect when stuck in a moving object (spear in coconuts, etc). - Fixed important bug where Projectiles could go missing when re-parenting. - Fixed possible scenario of not picking up all Crafting Materials. - Fixed Audio Sources playing the wrong sound on objects. - Fixed Audio Effects being cut off prematurely. - Fixed pause menu audio plying over Soundtracks. - Fixed Map Editor Yuccas showing invisible. - Fixed Map Editor Bush placement being different to loaded positions. - Fixed Raft Sea Anchor LODs. - Fixed Loading Screen tip spelling mistake.
- Changed default Controller Layout. Show Watch is now Y/Triangle. Inventory and Crafting Menu are bound to L and R bumpers. - Removed Spear interacting. Can now pick objects off Spear. - Nerfed UV/Sun Exposure. Overly complicated and hard to understand. - Changed watch UV indicator to show if you are protected from sun or not. Underwater or in shade will show None. - Improved Watch feedback. Low/critical vitals will now flash. - Improved Watch feedback. Removed rounded values on vital bars. Easier to monitor which vitals are depleting. - Added SPF (Sun Protection Factor) vital to watch. - Removed Sleep vital from watch. Had no effect in-game. You can still sleep through the night. - Removed clock screen from Watch. Waste of screen space. The clock, date and UV now appear as a top bar that is always visible on any screen. - Increased Watch size on screen. - Changed Private Jet Intro. - Added distant billboards for Missions.
- Added new Intro Screen! - Added new Female Character! Select from the new character gender option when creating a new game to play as either a male or female character. Co-operative gameplay will assign both genders but these can be alternated from the gender option. Changes are purely cosmetic. - Added Female Voice-over audio clips. - Added Clean Character Clothing models for the intro Private Jet scene. - Added Game Difficulty settings! Select three types of game difficulties from the new Difficulty option when creating a new game. Please note these settings cannot be changed once the world has been created.
- Normal Difficulty Play Stranded Deep the way it was meant to be played whether you are new or experienced.
- Hard Difficulty Play Stranded Deep with more of a challenge. Vitals deplete faster, side effects are more dangerous, resources are harder to harvest, and creatures do more damage.
- Creative Difficulty Play Stranded Deep without worrying about your vitals or taking any damage. You will still need to harvest and scavenge resources but without the constant threat of dying. You are invincible! Also you wear a nice hat so everyone knows you like it easy.
- Normal Animals Animals behave naturally set to the standard difficulty.
- Passive Animals Sharks and Snakes will not attack. Bosses will still attack.
- Removed Animals Sharks are removed from the generation and will not spawn. Bosses will still be generated.
- Hunting Skill Hunting skill level effects the amount of damage melee and ranged weapons do to creatures in the world. Hunting experience can be gained by killing creatures. The more dangerous the creature, the more experience.
- Cooking Skill Cooking levels effect the amount of calories foods give. A higher cooking level will give more nutrients. Cooking experience is gained by cooking foods.
- Harvesting Skill Harvesting levels effect the amount of damage done to resources when using tools. A higher harvesting level will gather resources quicker. Harvesting experience can be gained from harvesting resources such as trees, rocks, clays, scrap, and wood.
- Physical Skill Physical levels effect your stamina and oxygen. Higher physical levels increase how long you can sprint and hold your breath underwater. Physical experience can be gained by swimming and building structures with a hammer.
- Crafting Skill Crafting experience is gained by crafting items, and building structures. The more advanced the object or structure you craft, the more experience is gained. Certain crafting combinations are now locked until the crafting level requirement is met.
- Upgraded to Unity 2017.4.30f1. - Upgraded to Steam SDK 1.46.
[ 2019-07-31 03:35:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.53.00) is now live with some changes and fixes.
Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed Construction not allowing close placement. - Fixed Farming Crops providing double yield of fruit on load. - Fixed Bats throwing error logs.
- Combined Tarp and Cloth to be the one Cloth item. The reason for this change is so that valuable survival structures such as Water Stills no longer depend on the world generation. Cloth will spawn much as the same as tarps did but more importantly can be crafted from the Loom. * Note Old Tarps will still be in your saved game and will later be removed automatically. - Changed Stations to allow placement on foundations and floors. The Campfire, Smoker, Loom, Furnace, Brick Station, and Tanning Rack, can now be placed inside your houses. - Added Spoiled Food fly particles and green colouring. - Changed Meat to disable picking up when spoiled. - Changed Food spoiling from 5 days to 3. - Changed Smoker to disable attaching smoked foods. - Changed Campfire to disable attaching cooked foods. - Changed Ajuga plant model.
- Added new Main Menu and Loading Screen visuals. - Added Yucca Farming to farming plots. - Added Yucca Cuttings on wild Yuccas which can be planted in farming plots. Yucca Cuttings can be found on wild Yucca and planted in a Farming Plot. Cultivating Yuccas take 48 hours to grow and provide 6 Fibrous Leaves each harvest. Fibrous leaves are used in Water Stills to provide water, making this a viable farming source for water, rope, and cloth.* Note Yucca Cuttings will only spawn on unexplored islands or newly created worlds. - Added Raft Canopy to provide shade on custom built rafts.
- Upgraded to Unity 2017.4.20f2.
[ 2019-02-20 12:39:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build (0.52.00) is now live with some fixes.
Happy holidays :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed Cartographer tooltips not showing. - Fixed Crafting Menu tooltips not showing. - Fixed Audio sources playing outside of their range. - Fixed Rafts not ejecting passengers when overturned. - Fixed Rafts allowing operation whilst in the water. - Fixed Fire Torch breaking game interaction when crafted. - Fixed Sharks fleeing behaviour not working correctly. - Fixed Sharks movement jitteriness in shallow water. - Fixed Corals spawning above ocean water level.
- Reduced Tiger Shark aggression by 40%. - Reduced Great White Shark aggression by 30%. - Changed Food names to only display one prefix for cooking, smoked, and spoiled. - Changed Lion Fish to spawn more rarely. - Changed Sea Snakes to spawn more rarely. - Changed Reef Sharks to spawn more rarely. - Changed Stingrays to spawn more rarely.
- Added new ability to pin a crafting combination to the screen.
[ 2018-12-17 12:22:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.51.00 is up!
The new 0.51.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch, including split-screen coop and official third person mode! Our recent efforts have also been focused on polishing and bug fixes. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
0.48.01-0.51.00 STABLE CHANGE LOG
- Fixed possibility of new Billboards not finding parent (smudges). - Fixed no shadow on Banana Plant LOD2. - Fixed blue Ocean at night. - Fixed Paddle low render distances. - Fixed Sail causing extreme lag when interacting with. - Fixed Shipping Container Door placement breaking building controls. - Fixed Boss Missions failing and resetting incorrectly. - Fixed Sharks disappearing on custom islands. - Fixed Sharks not spawning in deep ocean for loaded games. Note; custom islands may need re-loading for the changes to effect. - Fixed Poison and Bleeding Effects not displaying on arm. - Fixed Crates and Containers not opening. - Fixed Controller Assignment not loading properly. - Fixed Rafts disappearing in cooperative games. - Fixed Items not colliding with terrain objects like coral rocks. - Fixed Watch slowly increasing in size over time. - Fixed Items slowly increasing in size over time. - Fixed Cartographer Shipwreck not visible for close distances. - Fixed Intro Audio playing fire sound effects incorrectly. - Fixed Audio volume not fading back in correctly for 3D audio sources. - Fixed Audio panning stuck on left speaker for single player game mode. - Fixed Drowning Audio playing continuously after a player dies. - Fixed Player Shadow displaying two character heads. - Fixed Player Animation snapping when dropping multiple items. - Fixed Ladders and Ledges randomly teleporting players. - Fixed Fire Lighting stick positioned wrong when lighting fires. - Fixed Rain Particles not emitting correctly or follow the player. - Fixed Pink Textures for debris when destroying building pieces. - Fixed Seaforts not loading for custom maps. - Fixed Cartographer camera screen appearing white. - Fixed disabled option input button elements not greying out.
- Added notification for when a Life Raft is lost at sea. - Added new Life Raft Passenger Seat. - Changed Life Raft Container to start with a bandage instead of duct tape. - Changed Life Raft clamped viewing angle from 60 to 90 degrees. - Added Dialogue on main menu to warn users of insufficient account or folder privileges. - Added new loading ticker animation. - Changed Main Menu logo to proper image. - Changed Cooking Ding Audio to only play within proximity. - Changed Shark Music to begin playing once a player is attacked. - Added new Player Ragdoll for when players are knocked out or die.Co-operative players can revive their partner by using a bandage on them before they bleed out. Player ragdolls behave the same as animal ragdolls and can be dragged.
- Added manual Controller Assignment. You can now assign controllers to different players in the input menu.
[ 2018-11-27 21:46:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build (0.50.02) is now live with some fixes.
Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed Shipping Container Door placement breaking building controls. - Fixed Boss Missions failing and resetting incorrectly. - Fixed Sharks disappearing on custom islands. - Fixed Sharks not spawning in deep ocean for loaded games. Note; custom islands may need re-loading for the changes to effect. - Fixed Poison and Bleeding Effects not displaying on arm. - Fixed Crates and Containers not opening. - Fixed Controller Assignment not loading properly. - Fixed Rafts disappearing in cooperative games. - Fixed Items not colliding with terrain objects like coral rocks. - Fixed Watch slowly increasing in size over time. - Fixed Items slowly increasing in size over time. - Fixed Cartographer Shipwreck not visible for close distances. - Fixed Intro Audio playing fire sound effects incorrectly.
- Changed Cooking Ding Audio to only play within proximity. - Added Notification for when a raft is lost at sea.
[ 2018-11-13 10:10:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build (0.50.01) is now live with some fixes.
Weve also made it easier to assign controllers to each player in the input menu based on your feedback. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed Audio volume not fading back in correctly for 3D audio sources. - Fixed Audio panning stuck on left speaker for single player game mode. - Fixed Drowning Audio playing continuously after a player dies. - Fixed Player Shadow displaying two character heads. - Fixed Player Animation snapping when dropping multiple items. - Fixed Ladders and Ledges randomly teleporting players. - Fixed Fire Lighting stick positioned wrong when lighting fires. - Fixed Rain Particles not emitting correctly or follow the player. - Fixed Pink Textures for debris when destroying building pieces. - Fixed Seaforts not loading for custom maps. - Fixed Cartographer camera screen appearing white. - Fixed disabled option input button elements not greying out.
- Added Dialogue on main menu to warn users of insufficient account or folder privileges. - Changed Life Raft clamped viewing angle from 60 to 90 degrees.
- Added manual Controller Assignment. You can now assign controllers to different players in the input menu.
[ 2018-10-24 10:10:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build (0.50.00) is now live!
Were super excited to release a split-screen cooperative game mode for Stranded Deep. In the last decade or so, games featuring split-screen coop have been slowly dying out giving way to online coop. While both are great, While testing, we found SD was a great fit for couch coop. A lot of fun, natural gameplay evolved. There is one thing to note about system specs: memory and processor requirements are increased due to two players being able to visit seperate areas at once. We dont have official specs yet, but keep this in mind if youre on the lower end of the specs. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team
- Fixed possibility of new Billboards not finding parent (smudges). - Fixed no shadow on Banana Plant LOD2. - Fixed blue Ocean at night. - Fixed Paddle low render distances. - Fixed Sail causing extreme lag when interacting with.
- Changed main menu logo to proper image. - Changed Life Raft Container to start with a bandage instead of duct tape. - Changed Shark Music to begin playing once a player is attacked.
- Added new Player Ragdoll for when players are knocked out or die.Co-operative players can revive their partner by using a bandage on them before they bleed out. Player ragdolls behave the same as animal ragdolls and can be dragged. - Added new Raft Passenger Seat. - Added new loading ticker animation.
- Upgraded to Unity 2017.4.13f1
[ 2018-10-15 08:42:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new hotfix for stable (0.48.01) and experimental (0.49.01) is now live with some fixes.
If you’re experiencing input errors in the latest builds please try resetting your input settings to default. We’ve added in a utility to reset your input settings to default for saves pre-0.48 so if you start the game->change your input back to your preferences and save your game you should be good to go from then on. There’s also a very important bug fix that fixes a scenario where save files or map files could be corrupted when saving. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
0.48.00-0.48.01 STABLE CHANGE LOG
- Added utility to reset Input settings if save file is pre-0.48. - Reduced Mouse Smoothness range. - Removed ‘Very Near’ Draw Distance option. - Changed Launcher to default to DirectX 11.
- Fixed UI Slider labels not updating correctly. - Fixed Loading screen transparent background on first start. - Fixed Raft Anchor not deploying in deep ocean. - Fixed difficult Selection when trying to select a single item in a large group. - Fixed important bug where file contents could be corrupted when Saving.
- Fixed broken Shark and Fish materials. - Fixed new Billboards not loading back with zone world offset for saved maps.
- Ocean is too blue at night. Will be patched.
[ 2018-09-14 13:38:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.49.00 is up!
This build features a new Billboarding System. The new system has more of a fixed performance cost and should be more performant in general. It should help alleviate lag when rotating the camera quickly or when the world contains very dense user maps. The new system is also necessary for future gameplay features we’re developing. There’s also a new Third Person view mode. This is pretty experimental at the moment and work is ongoing. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Changed Projectile Accuracy. Spears and Arrows now follow a more accurate trajectory. - Updated Soundtrack audio files with master higher quality versions. - Improved Ocean visuals.
- Fixed Billboards bouncing between loading and unloading in some cases. - Fixed Crouching Animations whilst moving.
- New Third Person mode. Change Camera mode through the in game general settings tab by adjusting the “Camera View Mode” setting. Please keep in mind that some third person animations and functionality are experimental and a work in progress. - New Billboard System The new billboard system has a more fixed performance cost and should be more performant in general. It should help alleviate lag when rotating the camera quickly or when the world contains very dense user maps. The new billboard system was also necessary for future gameplay features we’re developing. - New Cloud Shadows - New Intro Soundtrack
[ 2018-09-11 10:16:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.48.00 is up!
The new 0.48.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch. Our recent efforts have been focused on polishing and bug fixes. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Improved Loading times significantly for macOS and Linux systems. - Fixed loading screen not waiting for Intro assets to load before fading in. - Fixed Key Bindings not saving and loading properly for different input categories. - Fixed main menu Audio Settings not loading properly. - Fixed Items highlighting/selecting while held. - Fixed Hud UI not hiding previous selected object details when moving over to an unselectable object. - Fixed Lantern not lighting constructions. - Fixed Sharks soundtrack continuously playing. - Fixed Sharks disappearing from custom islands. - Fixed Camera Rotation during player death sequence. - Fixed Spears not collecting attached fish when highlighted. - Fixed various Crafting items colliding with Player stopping placement. - Fixed Pipi Plant LOD culling distance. - Fixed Bush object in map editor. - Fixed Sharks Jumping out of the water repeatedly when unable to grab player. - Fixed Ambient Soundtracks playing repeatedly. - Fixed Seagulls soaring when taking off. - Fixed Fish blocking interaction when held. - Fixed Map Editor Objects missing textures and meshes.
- Changed vertical Mouse Sensitivity to 0.75% of horizontal sensitivity.
- Added new Nighttime Soundtrack. - Added new Daytime Soundtrack. - Added new Main Menu Soundtrack. - Added new Pause Menu Soundtrack. - Added new Eel Boss Soundtrack. - Added new Shark Boss Soundtrack. - Added new Squid Boss Soundtrack.
- Upgraded Unity version to 2017.4.7f1. - Replaced ancient DirectX 9.0 support with OpenGL.
[ 2018-08-07 09:21:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, A new experimental build 0.47.02 is now live with some tweaks and fixes. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed loading screen not waiting for Intro assets to load before fading in. - Fixed Key Bindings not saving and loading properly for different input categories. - Fixed main menu Audio Settings not loading properly. - Fixed Items highlighting/selecting while held. - Fixed Hud UI not hiding previous selected object details when moving over to an unselectable object. - Fixed Lantern not lighting constructions. - Fixed Sharks soundtrack continuously playing. - Fixed Sharks disappearing from custom islands. - Fixed Camera Rotation during player death sequence. - Fixed Spears not collecting attached fish when highlighted. - Fixed various Crafting items colliding with Player stopping placement.
- Changed vertical Mouse Sensitivity to 0.75% of horizontal sensitivity.
[ 2018-07-30 08:53:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
We’re happy to finally release a Linux version of Stranded Deep!
Starting from 0.47.00 we’ll be releasing a 64-bit Linux build along with the normal Windows and macOS builds. Support for Linux builds will be limited due to the nature of Linux and the many distros. However, the Linux community is generally a good, helpful and supportive group. The new Linux build has been tested working on Ubuntu 18.04 with NVIDIA 390 drivers. Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed Pipi Plant LOD culling distance. - Fixed Bush object in map editor. - Fixed Sharks Jumping out of the water repeatedly when unable to grab player. - Fixed Ambient Soundtracks playing repeatedly. - Fixed Seagulls soaring when taking off. - Fixed Fish blocking interaction when held. - Fixed Map Editor Objects missing textures and meshes.
- Added new Nighttime Soundtrack. - Added new Daytime Soundtrack. - Added new Main Menu Soundtrack. - Added new Pause Menu Soundtrack. - Added new Eel Boss Soundtrack. - Added new Shark Boss Soundtrack. - Added new Squid Boss Soundtrack.
- Upgraded Unity version to 2017.4.7f1. - Replaced ancient DirectX 9.0 support with OpenGL.
[ 2018-07-20 11:10:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.46.00 is up!
The new 0.46.00 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch. We've recently added a new Splint, new Underwater Details new Tiger Shark, new Audio SFX and more! Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed missing Fire Lighting sounds. - Fixed paused audio sources Audio causing clipping. - Fixed Highlighting effect not being affected by AA. - Fixed Aloe Salve not removing sunstroke status effect. - Fixed Farming Plot interaction displaying “Hold to Plant” when occupied. - Fixed Shipping Containers not spawning. - Fixed Audio settings not using correct logarithmic values. - Fixed Sharks and Bosses flying off when hit with projectiles. - Fixed Refined Hammer missing building audio sounds. - Fixed Fishing Rod breaking interaction when crafted and auto-stored in backpack. - Fixed large CPU performance overhead caused by Fish AI visibility check. - Fixed other objects not obscuring Highlighting outline. - Fixed Water Still consuming Fibrous when collector is full. - Fixed Paddle audio sounds playing incorrectly. - Fixed Billboards staying brightly lit after lightning. - Fixed Rain inside structures. - Fixed Rain underwater. - Fixed Ficus Trees not blocking sun UV rays. - Fixed Player ‘falling’ on small bumps. - Fixed Player climbing ledge unintentionally. - Fixed Jumping being disabled when near rafts, ladders and ledges. - Fixed Fibrous Leaves flying off when harvested from yuccas. - Fixed Dust Particle specks on intro scene. - Fixed Projectile Trails getting wrong positions. - Fixed Rafts disabling dragging occasionally.
- Added New Mining Clay/Rock sfx. - Added New Spear sfx. - Added New Air-tank use sfx. - Added deploy Life Raft Sea Anchor sfx. - Added retrieve Life Raft Sea Anchor sfx. - Added deploy Sea Anchor sfx. - Added retrieve Sea Anchor sfx. - Added Rudder operate sfx. - Added new Cliff material textures. - Added new Forest terrain texture. - Added Color Profile graphics setting. - Added Seagull ‘soaring’ behaviour. - Changed Campfire to allow attached cooking. Interact with the campfire whilst holding meat to attach it to the built in fire-spit. - Improved Selecting accuracy for controllers. - Improved Underwater visuals. - Improved Highlighting effect performance. - Improved Loading error handling. - Improved Island Generation loading times. - Changed Island Generation. Newly generated Island are much larger with more realistic terrain. - Changed Farming Plot to add 1 water per hour when raining. - Changed Young Palms to respawn after 48 hours. - Changed Building to allow placement near cliffs and rocks. - Changed Clay Water Bottle name to ‘Water Bottle’. - Changed Food Rations name to ‘Rations’. - Changed Fibrous Leaves to add 1 hour of fuel to campfire. - Changed Palm Frond to add 2 hours of fuel instead of 4. - Changed Snakes to spawn only in shallow waters. - Changed Lion-fish to spawn only in shallow waters. - Changed Water Still to be drinkable on-site. - Changed Water Still to add 1 water per hour when raining. - Reduced Storm audio volume. - Reduced Gyrocopter audio volume. - Reduced Farming Plot water usage by half. - Restored Marlin animal. - Restored Whale animal. - Removed starting Missions from Sea Forts. You can now find missions out in the open. - Disabled Fire Lighting if campfire fuel empty.
- Added new Tube Corals. - Added new Table Corals. - Added new Fan Corals. - Added new Brain Coral. - Added new Staghorn Coral. - Added new Sea Clam. - Added new Sea Cucumber. - Added new Starfish. - Added new Poisonous Starfish. - Added new Underwater Coral. - Added new Shoreline Seaweed. - Added new Island Bush. - Added new Island Tree Foliage. - Added new Tiger Shark model and animations. - Added new Splint craftable item! Can be used to heal Broken Bones. - Added new Player Limp animation for broken bones. - Added new Shark Encounter soundtrack. - Added new Audio FX! Added new Hammer Building audio. Added new Water Footstep audio. Added Farming Plant audio. Added Farming Water plant audio. Added Skin Leather audio. Added Skin Crab audio. Added Skin Meat audio. Added Life Raft ambient audio. Added new Speargun sfx. Added new Bow sfx. Added new Metal Door opening and closing sfx. Added new Fire Lighting sfx.
- Added checks to prevent physics causing Drowning on load on slower systems. - Changed Stingrays and Reef Sharks to use variation of new Fish System. - Reduced CPU overhead for Physics objects that run in fixed time step.
[ 2018-07-02 10:13:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, A new experimental build 0.45.05 is now live with a fix for the white ‘fog’ issue. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed white overlay.
[ 2018-06-27 09:09:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, A new experimental build 0.45.04 is now live with some tweaks and fixes. We’ve also added some dev console commands to help debug the white ‘fog’ issue some players are experiencing. Thanks for reporting your results. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed missing Fire Lighting sounds.
- Changed Campfire to allow attached cooking. Interact with the campfire whilst holding meat to attach it to the built in fire-spit.
- Added new Shark Encounter soundtrack. - Added new Tube Corals. - Added new Table Corals. - Added new Fan Corals. - Added new Brain Coral. - Added new Staghorn Coral. - Added new Sea Clam. - Added new Sea Cucumber. - Added new Starfish. - Added new Poisonous Starfish.
- Optimized AI state machines with slower time steps. - Added dev console commands to debug ‘fog’ issue in recent build. devtools.components.camera.reflections false devtools.components.camera.colorgrading false
[ 2018-06-25 10:24:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, A new experimental build 0.45.03 is now live with some tweaks and fixes! Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed paused audio sources Audio causing clipping. - Fixed Highlighting effect not being affected by AA. - Fixed Aloe Salve not removing sunstroke status effect. - Fixed Farming Plot interaction displaying “Hold to Plant” when occupied. - Fixed Shipping Containers not spawning.
- Added new Cliff material textures. - Added new Forest terrain texture. - Added Color Profile graphics setting. - Added Seagull ‘soaring’ behaviour. - Improved Selecting accuracy for controllers. - Improved Underwater visuals. - Improved Highlighting effect performance. - Improved Loading error handling. - Improved Island Generation loading times. - Changed Island Generation. Newly generated Island are much larger with more realistic terrain. - Disabled Fire Lighting if campfire fuel empty.
- Added new Underwater Coral. - Added new Shoreline Seaweed. - Added new Island Bush. - Added new Island Tree Foliage. - Added new Fire Lighting sounds. - Added new Speargun sfx. - Added new Bow sfx. - Added new Metal Door opening and closing sfx.
- Reduced CPU overhead for Physics objects that run in fixed time step.
[ 2018-06-14 10:01:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, A new experimental build 0.45.01 is now live with some tweaks and fixes! Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed Audio settings not using correct logarithmic values. - Fixed Sharks and Bosses flying off when hit with projectiles. - Fixed Refined Hammer missing building audio sounds. - Fixed Fishing Rod breaking interaction when crafted and auto-stored in backpack.
- Changed Fibrous Leaves to add 1 hour of fuel to campfire. - Changed Palm Frond to add 2 hours of fuel instead of 4. - Changed Snakes to spawn only in shallow waters. - Changed Lion-fish to spawn only in shallow waters. - Added New Mining Clay/Rock sfx. - Added New Spear sfx. - Added New Air-tank use sfx. - Added deploy Life Raft Sea Anchor sfx. - Added retrieve Life Raft Sea Anchor sfx. - Added deploy Sea Anchor sfx. - Added retrieve Sea Anchor sfx. - Added Rudder operate sfx. - Reduced Storm audio volume. - Reduced Gyrocopter audio volume. - Removed starting Missions from Sea Forts. You can now find missions out in the open.
- Added checks to prevent physics causing Drowning on load on slower systems. - Changed Stingrays and Reef Sharks to use variation of new Fish System.
[ 2018-05-14 11:39:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build 0.45.00 is now live!.
This update features a new Tiger Shark, more Audio SFX! and lots of tweaks and fixes!
Have fun :)
Stay Alive!
:: Beam Team
- Fixed large CPU performance overhead caused by Fish AI visibility check. - Fixed other objects not obscuring Highlighting outline. - Fixed Water Still consuming Fibrous when collector is full. - Fixed Paddle audio sounds playing incorrectly. - Fixed Billboards staying brightly lit after lightning. - Fixed Rain inside structures. - Fixed Rain underwater. - Fixed Ficus Trees not blocking sun UV rays. - Fixed Player ‘falling’ on small bumps. - Fixed Player climbing ledge unintentionally. - Fixed Jumping being disabled when near rafts, ladders and ledges. - Fixed Fibrous Leaves flying off when harvested from yuccas. - Fixed Dust Particle specks on intro scene. - Fixed Projectile Trails getting wrong positions. - Fixed Rafts disabling dragging occasionally.
- Changed Water Still to be drinkable on-site. - Changed Water Still to add 1 water per hour when raining. - Reduced Farming Plot water usage by half. - Changed Farming Plot to add 1 water per hour when raining. - Changed Young Palms to respawn after 48 hours. - Changed Building to allow placement near cliffs and rocks. - Changed Clay Water Bottle name to ‘Water Bottle’. - Changed Food Rations name to ‘Rations’. - Restored Marlin animal. - Restored Whale animal.
- Added new Tiger Shark model and animations. - Added new Splint craftable item! Can be used to heal Broken Bones. - Added new Player Limp animation for broken bones. - Added new Audio SFX! Added new Hammer Building audio. Added new Water Footstep audio. Added Farming Plant audio. Added Farming Water plant audio. Added Skin Leather audio. Added Skin Crab audio. Added Skin Meat audio. Added Life Raft ambient audio.
[ 2018-05-02 10:49:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.44.00 is up!
The new 0.44.01 update transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch. If you haven’t been following the progress of our experimental branch, we've recently added a new Fuel Still, new Animal Traps, new Fish Schools, new Ocean Current and more! We’ve covered the new features in the patch notes below and you can also read more on the new features in our previous experimental patch notes on the News page. A short recap --- [quote]The new Fuel Still uses Potatoes to distil a crude ethanol fuel which can be used to power Vehicles. If you use combustion propulsion for your Rafts or Gyro you will probably want to start growing Potato crops ready to be distilled to ensure you have enough fuel for travelling. This functionality goes hand-in-hand with the re-introduction of the new Fueling System. Like the good old days of Stranded Deep you will need to find and use Jerry cans to carry fuel and refill vehicles again.[/quote] [quote]This build also features new Fish Flocks!. The new flocks are part of our on-going work on the new fish system. The new flocks of small detail fish that can be found around shore-lines and reefs which help to add more life to the underwater environment in SD.[/quote] [quote]Thanks to Paul and Felix, our friends at Only Sound, we are completely overhauling the sound effects in Stranded Deep. See below for a complete list of implemented audio effects and be sure to let us know what you think. Please note that some sounds are missing and some are WIP.[/quote] [quote]This update builds on the last with a new, more efficient and easier to work with Audio FX system now running behind the scenes. There’s also a new Sea Snake and some more new SFX included.[/quote] [quote]The Fish Trap is back! The new Fish Trap does not require bait but does require assembling once placed in the water. Dismantle the Fish Trap and drag it to a new location to catch different species of fish. It is a slower alternative to Rod and Spear fishing so can take a few hours to catch something. The Bird Snare allows you to catch seagulls whilst you’re doing other activities. The snare triggers when a seagull lands on it and can then be collected and skinned. The Water Still has been adjusted to a more realistic design. You will now have to place foliage such as Palm Fronds and Fibrous Leaves into the bottom compartment while the top section will collect the evaporated droplets. This setup works similar to the Fuel Still Boiler. There’s also a new Ocean Current feature where all buoyant objects are affected by and move with the current. Rafts will automatically move at the ocean current speed which is approximately 1 knot. Sails will move rafts at the wind speed if raised, approximately 4-5 knots. It is possible to lose floating objects if you let them sail off into the horizon. This is where the recent addition of the Sea Anchor may come in handy![/quote] Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
0.43.02-0.44.00 EXP. LOG
- Changed Water Still to be drinkable on-site. - Reduced Farming Plot water usage by half.
- Added new Splint craftable item! Can be used to heal Broken Bones.
0.41.00-0.44.00 STABLE LOG
- Added Hunting crafting menu category. - Added new Drowning player effect. - Added dynamic Footstep audio for different surfaces. - Added auto-centering for Boat Motor. - Added position and rotation smoothing to Fish movement to remove jitter when avoiding obstacles. - Added Gyrocopter pieces to Loot generation. - Added Map Editor objects for Medical Items, Farming Hoe, Fishing Rod, Bobber, and Vehicle Parts. - Updated Boat Motor model. - Improved Fish avoidance AI. - Changed Oxygen and Drowning system. - Changed Stick Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 4. - Changed Plank Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 8. - Changed Corrugated Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 8. - Changed Farming Plot water to deplete 1 serving every 12 hours. - Changed Farming Plot water to not deplete if raining instead of adding water servings. - Changed Farming Plot to start with 1 water serving instead of being full. - Changed Solar Still to require Palm Fronds. - Removed Gyrocopter pieces from Mission rewards. - Changed Gyrocopter to be craftable like Boat Motor.
- Fixed excessive trailing numbers displaying in Inventory for item health/durability. - Fixed visual bugs when Charging weapons in various scenarios, half-charged, post-charged, etc. - Fixed pressing Esc not quitting Fire Lighter sequence. - Fixed pressing Esc not quitting Mission menu. - Fixed Mission starting audio repeating over and over. - Fixed Farming Plots not removing water when sleeping. - Fixed Farming Plots not loading incomplete part of interval. - Fixed Steps not placing on Foundations and Floors. - Fixed Player camera not initialising position immediately when created. - Fixed modified Input key bindings not applying when opening a new game session. - Fixed Birds flying through items and displacing objects. - Fixed Footsteps playing when sailing. - Fixed Rafts being pushed or launched by player. - Fixed Construction Wedge pieces not allowing proper placement. - Fixed Gyrocopter flying at wrong angles. - Fixed Buoyant objects not getting cleaned up properly. - Fixed bug in Fish AI that was severely reducing effectiveness of avoidance in tight spaces. - Fixed bug where Fish environment bounds weight was overriding avoidance. - Fixed Player not moving with Raft when climbing ledge. - Fixed a bug where Boat Motor audio would continue if stopping immediately after starting. - Fixed Boat Motor only applying rudder deflection when key pressed. - Fixed Smoker hit box for interacting. - Fixed Sharks attacking rafts too frequently. - Fixed Sharks respawning every time an island was revisited. - Fixed Raft decal spelling mistake. - Fixed some Map Editor objects missing meshes and materials. - Fixed bug on loading where Sharks listening to game time events were called before being initialized, causing random errors.
- Added new Fuel Still constructable item! Create ethanol fuel for Vehicles. - Added new Fuelling System! All Vehicles using combustion engines now require fuel to run. A full tank of fuel (4 potatoes) will average 4 trips to an island (there-and-back) for the Boat Motor and 2 trips for the Gyro. - Added new Water Still! - Added new Fish Trap! - Added new Bird Snare! - Added new Ocean Current! - Added new Anchor craftable item! - Added new Fish Flocks! - Added new Sea Snake! Sea snakes work the same way as the Lion Fish in that they will poison the player within proximity. Sea Snakes cannot be harvested. - Added Vehicle Engine loot item. - Added Vehicle Electrical Part loot item. - Added Vehicle Filter Part loot item. - Added Vehicle Fuel Part loot item. - Added Clay Brick Door building item. - Added Clay Brick Steps building item. - Added new high quality Sound Effects! - Added Axe sound effects. - Added Knife sound effects. - Added Stone Tool sound effects. - Added Hammer sound effects. - Added Footstep sound effects. - Added Jump sound effects. - Added Land sound effects. - Added Climb Ledge sound effects. - Added Climb Ladder sound effects. - Added Climb Tree sound effects. - Added Swim Underwater sound effects. - Added Boar Movement sounds. - Added Boar Death sounds. - Added Boar Damage sounds. - Added Snake Attack sounds - Added Snake Warning Hiss sounds. - Added Crab Movement sounds. - Added Crab Attack sounds. - Added Shark Movement sounds. - Added Shark Attack sounds. - Added Squid Movement sounds. - Added Squid Attack sounds. - Added Eel Movement sounds. - Added Eel Attack sounds. - Added Smoker Attach meat sounds. - Added Campfire Ignite sound. - Added Campfire Extinguish sound. - Added Campfire Refuel sounds. - Added Solar Still Refill sounds. - Added Palm Tree Harvest sounds. - Added Ficus Tree Harvest sounds. - Added Pine Tree Harvest sounds. - Added Yucca Harvest sounds. - Added Driftwood harvest sounds. - Added Boat Motor sounds. - Added Ambient Raft sound. - Added Coconut hit and break sounds. - Added Sail and Sailing sounds. - Added Eating sound. - Added Drinking sound. - Added Drinking Medical sound. - Added Shark movement sound. - Added dirt Footstep sounds. - Added Seagull flock audio.
- Fixed Smoker logging an unnecessary error for empty smokable positions. - Changed Player audio to use new Audio system. - Changed Player footsteps audio to use new Audio system. - Changed Player status effects to use new Audio system. - Changed Player speech to use new Audio system. - Changed Boss audio to use new Audio system. - Changed Audio system to cull single FX out of range of listener. - Changed Audio system to pause/resume persistent FX based on range to listener. - Rewrote Audio FX system for an easier workflow and to be more efficient. A refactored soundtrack and new environment zone audio system still to come.
[ 2018-04-24 03:13:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, A new experimental build (0.43.02) is now live with some fixes and a new Anchor craftable! Also, just a quick reminder about recent changes in 0.43: Fill your Water Still with Fibrous Leaves and Fronds to collect water! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team –
- Fixed Projectiles hitting fish not doing anything. - Fixed modified Input key bindings not applying when opening a new game session. - Fixed Player flying when dragging Sharks. - Fixed Great White shark destroying spears and arrows when killed. - Fixed Lantern attached hook position. - Fixed Birds flying through items and displacing objects.
- Added new Anchor craftable item!
[ 2018-04-23 14:41:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, A new hotfix for experimental version 0.43 (0.43.01) is now live with some fixes. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team -- BUG FIXES - Fixed Saving path. - Fixed Player buoyancy sometimes making player fall if above wave height. - Fixed Player shoreline detection. - Fixed Crouch spamming when input held down. - Fixed Crouch toggle not working. - Fixed Sprint toggle not working.
[ 2018-04-19 16:46:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build 0.43.00 is up!
This update features new Traps, including a new Fish Trap and Bird Snare! The Fish Trap is back! The new Fish Trap does not require bait but does require assembling once placed in the water. Dismantle the Fish Trap and drag it to a new location to catch different species of fish. It is a slower alternative to Rod and Spear fishing so can take a few hours to catch something. The Bird Snare allows you to catch seagulls whilst you’re doing other activities. The snare triggers when a seagull lands on it and can then be collected and skinned. The Water Still has been adjusted to a more realistic design. You will now have to place foliage such as Palm Fronds and Fibrous Leaves into the bottom compartment while the top section will collect the evaporated droplets. This setup works similar to the Fuel Still Boiler. There’s also a new Ocean Current feature where all buoyant objects are affected by and move with the current. Rafts will automatically move at the ocean current speed which is approximately 1 knot. Sails will move rafts at the wind speed if raised, approximately 4-5 knots. It is possible to lose floating objects if you let them sail off into the horizon. This is where the recent addition of the Sea Anchor may come in handy! That’s it for this update. Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Fixed Player camera not initializing position immediately when created.
- Added Hunting crafting menu category. - Changed Solar Still to require Palm Fronds.
- Added new Fish Trap! - Added new Bird Snare! - Added new Water Still! - Added Ocean Current!
[ 2018-04-19 09:35:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build 0.42.04 is up!
Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team -- BUG FIXES - Fixed Audio SFX cutting out or playing intermittently. - Fixed Crab ambient audio persisting when killed. - Fixed Farming Plots not reloading crop name. - Fixed missing Diarrhoea sounds. - Fixed Footsteps playing when sailing. - Fixed Rafts being pushed or launched by player. - Fixed Construction Wedge pieces not allowing proper placement. - Fixed Gyrocopter flying at wrong angles. - Fixed Buoyant objects not getting cleaned up properly.
- Changed Player audio to use new Audio system. - Changed Player footsteps audio to use new Audio system. - Changed Player status effects to use new Audio system. - Changed Player speech to use new Audio system. - Changed Boss audio to use new Audio system. - Changed Audio system to cull single FX out of range of listener. - Changed Audio system to pause/resume persistent FX based on range to listener.
[ 2018-04-05 09:18:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build 0.42.03 is up!
The new 0.42.03 update has been up on the experimental branch for a few days now. There’s a few new things and some important fixes. This update builds on the last with a new, more efficient and easier to work with Audio FX system now running behind the scenes. There’s also a new Sea Snake and some more new SFX included. Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Changed Stick Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 4. - Changed Plank Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 8. - Changed Corrugated Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 8. - Changed Farming Plot water to deplete 1 serving every 12 hours. - Changed Farming Plot water to not deplete if raining instead of adding water servings. - Changed Farming Plot to start with 1 water serving instead of being full.
- Fixed unassigned Audio clips for Hammer stopping using functionality when used. - Fixed Audio FX delays with various tools. - Fixed excessive trailing numbers displaying in Inventory for item health/durability. - Fixed visual bugs when Charging weapons in various scenarios, half-charged, post-charged, etc. - Fixed pressing Esc not quitting Fire Lighter sequence. - Fixed pressing Esc not quitting Mission menu. - Fixed Mission starting audio repeating over and over. - Fixed Farming Plots not removing water when sleeping. - Fixed Farming Plots not loading incomplete part of interval. - Fixed Solar Still not adding water when sleeping. - Fixed Paddle Clip getting saved and reloading as a separate object on islands. - Fixed Fuel Can not saving correct fuel amount. - Fixed Fuel in Gyrocopter not saving correctly. - Fixed Fuel in Boat motor not saving correctly. - Fixed Steps not placing on Foundations and Floors.
Added new Sea Snake! Sea snakes work the same way as the lionfish in that they will poison the player within proximity. Sea Snakes cannot be harvested. Added new Sound Effects Added new Coconut hit and break sound effects. Added new Sail and Sailing sound effects. Added new Eating sound effect. Added new Drinking sound effect. Added new Drinking Medical sound effect. Added new Shark movement sound effect. Added new dirt Footstep sound effects. Added new Seagull flock audio.
- Rewrote Audio FX system for an easier workflow and to be more efficient. A refactored soundtrack and new environment zone audio system still to come.
[ 2018-03-29 15:47:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
A new experimental build 0.42.03 is up!
The new 0.42.03 update has been up on the experimental branch for a few days now. There’s a few new things and some important fixes. This update builds on the last with a new, more efficient and easier to work with Audio FX system now running behind the scenes. There’s also a new Sea Snake and some more new SFX included. Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Changed Stick Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 4. - Changed Plank Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 8. - Changed Corrugated Farming Plot water servings from 5 to 8. - Changed Farming Plot water to deplete 1 serving every 12 hours. - Changed Farming Plot water to not deplete if raining instead of adding water servings. - Changed Farming Plot to start with 1 water serving instead of being full.
- Fixed unassigned Audio clips for Hammer stopping using functionality when used. - Fixed Audio FX delays with various tools. - Fixed excessive trailing numbers displaying in Inventory for item health/durability. - Fixed visual bugs when Charging weapons in various scenarios, half-charged, post-charged, etc. - Fixed pressing Esc not quitting Fire Lighter sequence. - Fixed pressing Esc not quitting Mission menu. - Fixed Mission starting audio repeating over and over. - Fixed Farming Plots not removing water when sleeping. - Fixed Farming Plots not loading incomplete part of interval. - Fixed Solar Still not adding water when sleeping. - Fixed Paddle Clip getting saved and reloading as a separate object on islands. - Fixed Fuel Can not saving correct fuel amount. - Fixed Fuel in Gyrocopter not saving correctly. - Fixed Fuel in Boat motor not saving correctly. - Fixed Steps not placing on Foundations and Floors.
Added new Sea Snake! Sea snakes work the same way as the lionfish in that they will poison the player within proximity. Sea Snakes cannot be harvested. Added new Sound Effects Added new Coconut hit and break sound effects. Added new Sail and Sailing sound effects. Added new Eating sound effect. Added new Drinking sound effect. Added new Drinking Medical sound effect. Added new Shark movement sound effect. Added new dirt Footstep sound effects. Added new Seagull flock audio.
- Rewrote Audio FX system for an easier workflow and to be more efficient. A refactored soundtrack and new environment zone audio system still to come.
[ 2018-03-29 15:47:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, A new hotfix for experimental version 0.42 (0.42.01) is live with a small fix. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Fixed bug on loading where Sharks listening to game time events were called before being initialized, causing random errors.
- Fixed Smoker logging an unnecessary error for empty smokable positions.
[ 2018-03-17 06:13:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new experimental build 0.42.00 has been released!
The new 0.42.00 update adds new Fish Flocks, Fuel Still, Fueling System and new high-quality Sound Effects! The new Fuel Still uses Potatoes to distil a crude ethanol fuel which can be used to power Vehicles. If you use combustion propulsion for your Rafts or Gyro you will probably want to start growing Potato crops ready to be distilled to ensure you have enough fuel for travelling. This functionality goes hand-in-hand with the re-introduction of the new Fueling System. Like the good old days of Stranded Deep you will need to find and use Jerry cans to carry fuel and refill vehicles again. This build also features new Fish Flocks!. The new flocks are part of our on-going work on the new fish system. The new flocks of small detail fish that can be found around shore-lines and reefs which help to add more life to the underwater environment in SD. Thanks to Paul and Felix, our friends at Only Sound, we are completely overhauling the sound effects in Stranded Deep. See below for a complete list of implemented audio effects and be sure to let us know what you think. Please note that some sounds are missing and some are WIP. There’s been some adjustments to the Gyrocopter as we begin finalizing our end-game plans. The Gyrocopter has been removed from the Story crafting tab and added as a craftable object in the renamed ‘Vehicles’ crafting category. You can obtain Gyrocopter parts from loot containers or mission rewards. We’ve made some changes to the Oxygen and Drowning system. Now once a player is starved of oxygen the screen will fade black until death. The system no longer harshly relies on the player’s health. Have fun! Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Fixed bug in Fish AI that was severely reducing effectiveness of avoidance in tight spaces. - Fixed bug where Fish environment bounds weight was overriding avoidance. - Fixed Player not moving with Raft when climbing ledge. - Fixed a bug where Boat Motor audio would continue if stopping immediately after starting. - Fixed Boat Motor only applying rudder deflection when key pressed. - Fixed Smoker hit box for interacting. - Fixed Sharks attacking rafts too frequently. - Fixed Sharks respawning every time an island was revisited. - Fixed Raft decal spelling mistake. - Fixed some Map Editor objects missing meshes and materials.
- Removed Gyrocopter pieces from Mission rewards. - Changed Gyrocopter to be craftable like Boat Motor. - Changed Oxygen and Drowning system. - Added Gyrocopter pieces to Loot generation. - Added new Drowning player effect. - Added auto-centering for Boat Motor. - Added dynamic Footstep audio for different surfaces. - Added Map Editor objects for Medical Items, Farming Hoe, Fishing Rod, Bobber, and Vehicle Parts. - Added position and rotation smoothing to Fish movement to remove jitter when avoiding obstacles. - Improved Fish avoidance AI. - Updated Boat Motor model.
- Added new Fuel Still constructable item! Create ethanol fuel for Vehicles. - Added new Fuelling System! All Vehicles using combustion engines now require fuel to run. A full tank of fuel (4 potatoes) will average 4 trips to an island (there-and-back) for the Boat Motor and 2 trips for the Gyro. - Added Fish Flocks! - Added Vehicle Engine loot item. - Added Vehicle Electrical Part loot item. - Added Vehicle Filter Part loot item. - Added Vehicle Fuel Part loot item. - Added Clay Brick Door building item. - Added Clay Brick Steps building item. - Added new high quality Sound Effects! - Added new Axe sound effects. - Added new Knife sound effects. - Added new Stone Tool sound effects. - Added new Hammer sound effects. - Added Footstep sound effects. - Added Jump sound effects. - Added Land sound effects. - Added Climb Ledge sound effects. - Added Climb Ladder sound effects. - Added Climb Tree sound effects. - Added Swim Underwater sound effects. - Added Boar Movement sounds. - Added Boar Death sounds. - Added Boar Damage sounds. - Added Snake Attack sounds - Added Snake Warning Hiss sounds. - Added Crab Movement sounds. - Added Crab Attack sounds. - Added Shark Movement sounds. - Added Shark Attack sounds. - Added Squid Movement sounds. - Added Squid Attack sounds. - Added Eel Movement sounds. - Added Eel Attack sounds. - Added Smoker Attach meat sounds. - Added Campfire Ignite sound. - Added Campfire Extinguish sound. - Added Campfire Refuel sounds. - Added Solar Still Refill sounds. - Added Palm Tree Harvest sounds. - Added Ficus Tree Harvest sounds. - Added Pine Tree Harvest sounds. - Added Yucca Harvest sounds. - Added Driftwood harvest sounds. - Added Boat Motor sounds. - Added Ambient Raft sound.
[ 2018-03-16 12:22:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, A new hotfix for version 0.41 (0.41.02) is live with some small fixes. Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
- Fixed Coconuts disappearing when consumed. - Fixed bug with raft when travelling between islands using a Sail. - Fixed missing Storage UI audio.
[ 2018-03-05 01:36:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
A new stable build 0.41.01 is up!
The new 0.41.01 update has been up on the stable branch for a few days now. It transitions our latest work on the experimental branch to the stable branch. If you haven’t been following the progress of our experimental branch, we've recently added a new Fishing Rod and Bobber, a completely new Fish System, Official Controller Support, the ability to craft new Medicinal Buffs, new Farmable Plants, a revamped Life Raft, new Sailing mechanics, new Diarrhoea effect and more! We’ve covered the new features in the patch notes below and you can also read more on the new features in our previous experimental patch notes here --- 0.40 EXP. UPDATE! NEW FISHING ROD, LIFE RAFT 0.39 EXP. UPDATE! OFFICIAL CONTROLLER SUPPORT, CRAFTABLE MEDICINAL BUFFS A short recap --- [quote]Dual-analogue style controllers are now officially supported in this update. You can view the controller mapping in the Input settings menu.[/quote] [quote]This update features the new Fishing Rod and Fish System! You can now craft a Fishing Rod and use it to catch fish! Fishing is a completely new game mechanic where you cast your line towards a group of fish, wait for a bite and then begin the struggle to reel it in! The Fishing Rod requires the new Bobber item to be used, similar to the how the Bow uses Arrows.[/quote] [quote]Sails have been split into separate Sail and Rudder components. A Sail adds forward propulsion, while a Rudder controls the direction. A raft will now begin moving whenever a sail is raised.[/quote] [quote]Eating too much of the same food within a small window can now cause Diarrhoea. Eating and drinking Coconuts and eating Potatoes are the only foods that cause Diarrhoea for now. You will need to discover how much you can eat over a period of time. Once enough time has passed since you last ate that kind of food, you can go back to eating it again.[/quote] [quote]Drinkable Coconuts have been replaced with a new Coconut Flask. These flasks can be used as an ingredient together with native plants to craft Medicinal Buffs.[/quote] [quote]The player now sits more forward on the Raft and controls it as you would in real life. Your forward controls move the raft forward as usual, however to change direction you need to rotate your raft by paddling left and right.[/quote] [quote]Sun exposure is kept track of in-game, which is shown visually as sunburn on your arm. If you are exposed for longer than the time it takes to burn you’ll get Sunstroke. When you’ve contracted Sunstroke you need to find shade to reduce your sun exposure. You can keep track of your sun exposure by checking for visual signs of sunburn on your arm. Aloe plants can be used to immediately reduce your sun exposure. This can be a simple way to prevent Sunstroke if you pay attention to the sunburn arm effect and re-apply every so often so it doesn’t escalate into Sunstroke. The other option is to be pro-active and craft Aloe Salves which will completely prevent any sun exposure and Sunstroke for 12 hours. Sleeping in a Shelter is a quick way to remove Sunstroke if you’re unable to craft a salve.[/quote] Have fun :) Stay Alive! :: Beam Team --
0.40.01-0.41.00 EXP. LOG
- Fixed new Fish generating waypoints in unrealistic positions (under terrain, inside objects, etc) and the resulting glitches from attempting to move to that position. - Changed Fish bounds weight to apply exponentially to allow a bigger range of movement inside area bounds. - Fixed FPS Counter displaying in top corner of standalone builds. - Fixed unsupported multiple Sails causing weird physics bugs until new sailing mechanic completed. - Fixed Gyrocopter not ejecting player when underwater. - Fixed not being able to interact with Doors.
- Added auto-centering for Raft Rudders.
0.38.00-0.41.00 STABLE LOG
- Fixed Mission Maps not being added to a new world when selecting New Game->Random. - Fixed Driftwood Half Wall crafting ingredients. - Fixed Snake AI behaviour errors when close to a player. - Fixed Snake rattle audio spamming. - Fixed Watch not refreshing player effects list. - Fixed Fire Torch burning underwater. - Fixed Player Speech playing when underwater. - Fixed Palm Tree not cutting when climb UI is displayed. - Fixed Palm Tree stumps stopping placing building constructions. - Fixed [b[Small Plants stopping placing building constructions. - Fixed Skinnables not casting shadows. - Fixed Labelmaker input field being limited to 8 characters. - Fixed Labelmaker not refreshing Hud UI immediately after renaming. - Fixed Player being able to continue eating when about to Vomit or Poop. - Fixed scenario where Vomiting would stack, breaking movement controls. - Fixed Item Info UI appearing incorrectly after saving options. - Fixed Tooltips being left behind onscreen when Crafting menu closed. - Fixed Containers staying ‘open’ if opened and then switched to Inventory storage. - Fixed Inventory opening after closing Storage when ‘Toggle Radial Menus’ setting is enabled. - Fixed Underwater Audio continuing after death. - Fixed Boat Motor not moving backward. - Fixed Player not crouching when using Boat Motor. - Fixed Gyrocopter compass showing wrong heading. - Fixed Gyrocopter not turning off. - Fixed Camera snapping when interacting with vehicles. - Fixed medical Breath Boost unable to be consumed.
- Added new Input Remapping UI. - Added new Consumables crafting category. - Added unique Action Descriptions when interacting with items, i.e. Hold to Refill, Open, Operate, Attach, etc. - Added Switch Item key. - Added Sprint Toggle functionality and input option setting. - Added Crafting Subcategory Icons. - Added Radial UI display for incomplete constructables. - Added Watch Effect indicators for positive and negative effects. - Added Sunblock Arm Effect. - Added support for multiple players to control and ride on Vehicles. - Changed Coconut to give you Diarrhoea when too many are consumed. - Changed Coconut Food to give you Diarrhoea when too many are consumed. - Changed Potato to give you Diarrhoea unless cooked. - Changed Potato to be farmable. - Changed Potato calories from 100 to 200. - Changed Palm Top to give you 5 Palm Fronds instead of 4. - Changed Sailing mechanic to require a Sail and Rudder. - Changed Spear Animations. - Changed Climb UI to display the actual key binding instead of ‘Jump.’ - Changed Stick Farming Plot model. - Changed Sunblock duration to 12 hours. - Changed Sunburn duration to 7 hours. - Changed Sunburn Calorie and Hydration deduction from 350 to 200 per game hour. - Changed Hunger depletion time from 3 to 2 game days. - Changed Health Regeneration effect time to regenerate full health from 29 game hours to 7. - Changed Health Regeneration effect to activate only when Hunger and Thirst are above 6 bars and no negative effects. - Changed calorie and thirst reduction while Sleeping to be based on semi-realistic ratios. - Changed Snake to now Poison player. - Changed Boar spawn chance from 10 to 20%. - Changed Logs Health from 150 to 100 units. - Changed Stone Tool crafting combination to only require 1x Rock. - Changed Stone Tool from ‘Invincible’ to have Durability. - Changed Stone Tool damage from 3 to 5 units. - Changed Fire Torch fuel from 6 hours to 12. - Changed Bed model to be on a wooden frame when placed. - Changed Smoker to be interactable like the Fire Spit and Hooks. You can now attach 5 items. - Changed Smoker to cook smokables while smoking. - Updated Smoker model. - Updated Potato item model. - Updated Steel Raft Floor deprecated model to new Clay building tier. - Improved object layout when splitting Splittable objects. - Improved Watch positioning in relation to the camera which adjusts with field of view. - Adjusted Boat Motor and Gyrocopter engine volume. - Renamed Coconut Half to ‘Coconut Food’. - Renamed Coconut to ‘Coconut Drink’. - Restored Paddle as a physical item.
- Added official Controller Support! Please note that the Cartographer has limited functionality with a controller and the Map Editor is not supported. - Added new Input System. There have been some big changes to the input system which is now much more efficient than the old system. It’s fairly boring to talk about but a big deal; supporting multiple controllers is another step towards supporting multiple players in the scene. The changes to the input system potentially affects a lot of other systems so we appreciate your bug reports as always. - Added new Fishing Rod and Fishing Rod Bobber craftable items! - Added new Fishing Mechanic! - Added new Fish system! Better quality, more efficient fish animation. - Added new Diarrhoea status effect! - Added new Life Raft model. - Added new Sea Anchor to Life Raft! Damps ocean movement. Will come into full effect with the addition of ocean currents. - Added new Storage to the Life Raft! - Added new attachment to the Life Raft to stow a Paddle. - Added more realistic Raft Paddling. The player now sits more forward on the Raft and controls it as you would in real life. You also require a paddle to be able to move the raft. Your forward controls move the raft forward as usual, however to change direction you need to rotate your raft by paddling left and right. - Added new Raft Rudder craftable item! - Added new Sail model. - Added new Food Ration Tin food item. - Added Coconut Flask water bottle! - Added Antidote consumable. Stops Poison. - Added Gauze consumable. Stop Bleeding. - Added Aloevera consumable. Stops Sunstroke. - Added Breath Booster consumable. Boosts underwater Breath by 50% for 3 hours. - Added Shark Repellent consumable. Repels Sharks for 12 hours. - Added Ajuga farming plant! - Added Pipi farming plant! - Added Wavulavula farming plant! - Added new Coconut model. - Added new Coconut Brown model. - Added new Coconut Half model.
- Added Coconuts to Map Editor. - Added Coconut Flasks to Map Editor. - Added Aloevera plant to Map Editor. - Added Pipi plant to Map Editor. - Added Wavulavula plant to Map Editor.
- Added much better quality Dither fading. - Optimised Splittable objects. - Optimised input and physics for Vehicles that aren’t being operated. - Optimised Intro Private Jet scene resources and asset loading. - Updated Intro Private Jet interior models and textures.
[ 2018-03-02 11:13:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Stranded Deep Depot 64 bit Linux [1.05 G]
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
- Generate an Infinite Number of Procedural Worlds - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes!
No two worlds are the same - You can generate a completely new and randomized world at any time. You can also mix your own maps created with the map editor in with the procedurally created maps in the world for a more customized experience. If you feel like sharing, you can even share your world seed with other players.
* Please note, currently the generated world size is limited to 6.25km2 but the final world size will be much larger. - Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
- Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
- Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
- Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
- Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
- Hunting and fishing - Spear small animals in the shallows or risk the depths with a spear gun in search of larger meals. Starve an island of resources or maintain and manage its growth.
The things we want and things we know you want!
- Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
- Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
- Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
- More Wildlife - Incorporating more fish and shark species and more interesting island wildlife like birds, snakes and lizards.
- An End-game Scenario - Making it possible to complete a series of optional tasks and progress through the world in an attempt to be rescued.
- Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
- Improved User Interface - All of the in-game UI is temporary and will be replaced with a more fitting theme.
- Occulus Rift Support
- Controller Support
- Much more! - See our website for more details, http://www.beamteamgames.com
- Memory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 4 GB available space
- Storage: 4 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTSMemory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 4 GB available space
- Memory: 8 GB RAMStorage: 4 GB available space
- Storage: 4 GB available space
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