- Restored the Steam Cloud support.
- Added an auto-sort button to the Caravan Storage.
- The Caravan Travel hover will now display the Pack-Up Time.
- Fixed the crash caused by moving Fodder to bags.
- Fixed the crash caused by applying knockback in certain situations.
- Fixed the carpet-related crash.
- Fixed the rare crash caused by closing one of the dialogues in the Prologue.
- Fixed the crash caused in certain situations by Sentinel Inn's maid on the second floor.
- Enemies should now correctly perceive Campfires as obstacles and destroy them if theyre in the way. Reduced Campfires durability.
- Fixed the bug causing enemies to sometimes become Hostile from overly large distances.
- Fixed the bug causing multiple enemies to sometimes occupy the same tile. In particular, this should solve the issue with enemies being able to walk into one another when swapping places.
- Fixed the inconsistencies with Bears aggro when damaged by an attacker outside of their Vision range.
- Fixed the bug causing enemy AI to switch back and forth between Hostility and Idling when engaged in combat with both the player character and some other faction.
- Fixed the bug preventing Fleeing enemies from opening double doors.
- Fixed the bug causing enemies to wander into their own traps while Idle or Suspicious.
- Removed the exploit allowing Pot duplication.
- The Mercenary rescued from the Orders Prison will no longer provide a hint about a Distant Dungeon if the player character is already aware of its location.
- Fixed the Take All button not working correctly at lower resolutions.
- Fixed enemies Spot Weakness triggering twice per turn.
- Petrified enemies will now receive bonus Pure Damage not only from physical attacks but also from magic.
- Fixed Rune of Cycle not dealing Arcane Damage if the summoned Boulder knocks the target back.
- Using Leg Sweep now grants the user Knockback Immunity during its first stage to prevent the ability from breaking after getting knocked back by a counter.
- Fixed Last Stand ignoring the degree of received Injuries when calculating its current Cooldown.
- Fixed the issue with Fodder stacking when dragging and dropping it into closed bags.
- Fixed Runic Boulders damaging and confusing the caster when used to cast Geomancy spells after taking damage from an enemy.
- Fixed Push the Falling replenishing Energy twice when using Mighty Kick.
- Fixed the bug in the Prologues Corrupted Chapel that overwrote the autosave after each reload.
- Fixed Tactical Advantage granting its bonuses on the next turn rather than when switching Tactics.
- Fixed Cut Through applying its penalties after the strike, not before.
- Fixed the Well of Souls being able to change its AI state.
- Fixed the rare bug preventing the dialogue with the Prologues Proselyte Guard from starting.
- Fixed Shieldbreaker debuffs persisting one turn longer than intended.
- Fixed the bug preventing critical staff strikes from replenishing Energy in certain situations.
- Fixed the bug causing Follower-initiated dialogues (such as the dialogues connected to some perks) to sometimes erase their queued Camp events.
- Fixed the stacking issue with items in the Caravan Storage.
- Fixed the bug preventing the player character from being transported to Denbries Jail when arrested on its outskirts.
- Fixed the bug causing some Dungeon Situations to apply their buffs to any enemy brought inside.
- Fixed Determination attacking neutral NPCs.
- Fixed the issues caused by throwing consumable items at closed doors. Said items will now land on the tile in front of hit doors and then produce relevant effects.
- Fixed the interaction between Smoke Bombs and closed double doors.
- Fixed the rare softlock during the Fate of the Brewery quest.
- Fixed the collision issues with Runic Boulders after saving and loading the game.
- The Watchtower Taverns player chest can no longer be interacted with through walls.
- Fixed the incorrect formula for the Damage Dealt entry in the Statistics menu.
- Fixed the bug allowing to swap Camp banners from any distance.
- Fixed potions losing the name of their effects after dropping them on the ground, then saving and loading the game.
- Added a sound effect to the Stoneshard in the Prologue.
- Fixed Overflowing Power and Stone Spikes critical damage pop ups being displayed as basic damage.
- Fixed the layering and sound effect issues with the basement door in the Rotten Willow.
- Fixed the list of ingredients sometimes failing to fit within its recipe hover.
- Fixed the collision issues with boards from broken doors.
- Fixed one of the stages of the Hiring the Ranger quest missing a description.
- Fixed Fodder being assigned an incorrect sprite after dropping it on the ground, then saving and loading the game.
[ 2025-02-14 18:54:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! The work on the next content patch is well underway, and very soon you'll be able to take on new Bastion contracts, experience their unique Conditions, and see some familiar things in a new light... In the meantime, were excited to share our new trailer with you! The previous one has served us well since the Early Access launch, but it's now quite outdated. So, we set out to create a more complete showcase of the game, incorporating every major feature added with "Rags to Riches". And for the voiceover, we invited none other than Scott Moat - the voice of Verren in the Prologue. Every view is much appreciated, so if youd like to support the project, make sure to watch the trailer on YouTube. Thank you for staying with us! [previewyoutube=xWGvOTLbw9M;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2025-01-31 17:13:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a few instances of dialogue-related softlocks.
- Fixed Girruds Tongue Pull causing the player character to collide with them.
- Opening the Caravan Storage will now take a turn.
- Added sound effects for picking up the Forbidden Grimoire.
- Fixed the screen shake setting having no effect on some of the screen shake sources.
- Fixed some NPCs missing a description.
- Fixed the Wraiths-related crash occurring when there isnt enough free tiles for them to spawn in.
- Fixed Revelation: Overconfidence triggering its effect when casting spells.
- Fixed the crash caused by opening the Prologue NPCs context menu.
- Salt and Flour will now disperse in the air when thrown.
- Fixed Alda trying to fight in melee with a bow.
- Distracting Shot will now prioritize Hostile enemies but will otherwise still target the closest NPCs.
- Fixed the Green Salad recipe failing to recognize some of its ingredients in certain situations.
- Fixed the issue preventing the Crafting menu from being used when playing in 2k resolution.
- Fixed the Fair Minstrels disappearing musical notes animation.
- Fixed the Brynn Jeweler missing a Markup on his Repair Prices.
- Expanded the base Durability range of lootable jewelry items.
- Fixed the effect of Against the Odds displaying dynamic values as static in its hover.
- Fixed the minimal Health Threshold of Against the Odds not scaling with Attributes.
- Increased the base Accuracy of thrown consumables, such as Nets and Flasks.
- Fixed one of the Foragers using incorrect gender.
- Fixed the missing camp rumor.
- Fixed Will to Survive continuously negating every debuff received over the duration of its effect. Now it will only suspend newly received Conditions (Hunger, Thirst, Pain, etc) and Injuries.
- Moving coins into the inventory through the context menu will now result in them properly stacking.
- Fixed some ammunition types not applying their effects to attacks.
- Fixed the hover of Regroup displaying its Block Power Replenishment value as static.
- Replaced Skeleton Spearmens Determination with Seize the Initiative.
- Fixed animals being able to use Ramming Charge from huge distances.
[ 2025-01-30 22:24:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the Cleansing Ritual contract: the Kill the Summoned Undead condition will now be based on the number of enemies resurrected around the altar.
- Fixed the Murkstalker crash.
- Adjusted the usage logic for Murkwalk.
- Fixed the bug that sometimes prevented closed doors from obstructing Vision.
- Fixed a few more instances of enemies being able to attack the player character without having them in their Vision.
- Fixed the bug causing the caster to receive damage and a debuff when destroying their own Runic Boulder to cast Earthquake and Overflowing Power
- Fixed the Reputation Log displaying zero Reputation gain when killing enemies that are worth little Experience.
- Adjusted Deastingers Swarm passive to also reduce their Nature Damage (not just Piercing) depending on their current Health.
- Fixed enemies not having their Crit Avoidance stat.
- Fixed the UX issues when attempting to equip gear while also wearing a bag.
- Fixed another instance of the Manticore being able to leap into already occupied tiles.
- Fixed Earthquake damage always being displayed as critical.
- Fixed Distracting Shot treating incorrect targets as enemies.
- Removed the possibility of going above the Max Energy cap with Energy Drain.
- Merchants will now purchase recipes and schematics.
- The Brynn Alchemist will now properly purchase alchemical ingredients.
- Fixed Unholy Altars not having a name in the log.
- Fixed "Caustic Blood" dealing damage to the attacker even when hitting the Crawler from a tile away with Spear strikes or missing.
- Fixed the incorrect sprite depth of "Bone Pyres".
- "Gwynnel's Answers": fixed the bug allowing to start a dialogue with Verren before he arrives to the intended spot.
- Fixed the bug causing the player character's arrows, dropped by enemies upon death, to persist in the location after its reset.
- Fixed the bug preventing items to be dragged and dropped into bags while interacting with the Caravan Stash.
[ 2025-01-27 17:03:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! This patch addresses numerous issues reported by the community over the past month. While we're at it, we'd also like to discuss our plans for the near future. Before the release of Rags to Riches, we announced that the new Roadmap would be published early this year. That promise still stands: we'll share details about what you can expect from the upcoming updates once we've concluded support for Rags to Riches. Apart from bug fixes and other improvements, we aim to finish implementing the content that didn't make it into the December patch. Our first priority is introducing new Bastion contracts, which are well underway to being added to the game. This will solve the ongoing issue of the low availability of Brigand contracts, caused by their limited variation. In Rags to Riches, every contract can only be active in a single instance, which, in the case of the Bastion, isn't enough to cover every settlement on the global map simultaneously. Moreover, the very next patch will add a slew of new weapons for underrepresented subcategories (such as flails and battle staves), additional Caravan events, and one previously unannounced surprise. After that, we will shift our focus to implementing caves and the content related to them, including new enemies and rare plants with special properties, which should take another few weeks to complete. So stay tuned and follow the news!
- Added a new Crypt contract: Cleansing Ritual.
- Temporarily disabled the system for closing dungeons after their associated contract is completed in the background this should solve the issue of arriving at a settlement only to find almost no available contracts. The system will be re-enabled after we finalize the intended dungeon progression.
- Slightly reduced the base Bodypart Damage coefficient.
- Adjusted the formula for thrown items: - Agility now affects the damage dealt and Crit Chance. - Strength the damage dealt and Range. - Perception the Accuracy and Crit Chance.
- Reduced the cost of Darrel's Forced March Perk.
- Added Hay, which will now be crafted instead of Straw. Bedrolls can be crafted both with Straw and Hay.
- Significantly increased the cooldowns of the Followers' free Perks and decreased the cooldowns of paid Perks.
- Added an option to break a contract after fulfilling its every objective.
- Added an option to back away from discussing completed contracts, allowing you to change your mind and later claim the reward from a different NPC.
- Osbrook Bread Bowl Stew can now be cooked with Salted Bear Fat.
- Fine-tuned some of the items' stats.
- The Husk: reduced the penalties of Unsteady Gait to 4% per stack. Fixed the Accuracy penalty which was two times more impactful than listed.
- The Crypt Keeper: tweaked his stats and gave him access to Onslaught and Knock Out. Fixed his material type (which was listed as Flesh instead of Bone), granting him correct Resistances.
- Changed the Vision zone of enemies from square to radial, just like that of the player character. This should solve several problems, such as enemies being able to target the player character with abilities from around corners while remaining invisible.
- Fixed wonky enemy behavior around closed doors.
- Added some randomness to the ranged enemies' algorithm for keeping distance, which should get rid of drawn-out chases across open areas.
- Improved enemy behavior when the player character occupies a single-tile passage.
- Improved enemy behavior inside active AoE effects.
- Enemies will now instantly become Hostile when an ally dies within their Vision.
- Fixed enemies ignoring Stone Spikes blocking their way.
- Fixed multiple issues affecting enemy pathfinding.
- Potentially fixed the issue causing Horses to become Hostile towards the player character.
- Opening the menu for splitting a stack of items will now place the initial slider position in the middle. Fixed the issue preventing it from being set to the minimum and maximum value.
- Added an option to drag and drop items into equipped bags, caskets, and other similar containers.
- Removed the contracts' 2000 crowns reward cap as well as their Reputation Gain cap.
- The 100% Loyalty discount on the Followers' items and services should now work as intended.
- Fixed the Manticore being able to jump into already occupied tiles.
- Fixed Defensive Tactic not gaining stacks from killing enemies.
- Fixed Seal of Finesse not losing stacks.
- Fixed Regroup receiving a stack from its own cooldown.
- Fixed Determination not attacking knocked back enemies and, in rare situations, not attacking moving enemies in general.
- Fixed the penalty applied to enemies by Determination.
- Fixed Defiled Remains being able to target tiles that already contain a corpse.
- Fixed Enough for Everyone not working as intended against targets occupying multiple tiles.
- Fixed the issue affecting the Vision formula after removing Blindness.
- Fixed the bug preventing enemies from receiving negative effects while the player character is affected by Will to Survive.
- Web Spit no longer applies its effects to tiny and giant targets, just like the Throwing Net item.
- Distracting Shot will now attack the closest enemy, not just the closest target.
- Fixed Necrophage sometimes failing to target suitable corpses.
- Fixed Ghouls gaining an extra action after using Necrophage.
- Fixed the bug allowing enemies to use Hooking Chop through their allies..
- Fixed the inability to use Spear skills with extended range while in smoke.
- Fixed Wraiths not taking the dungeon's danger level into account when spawning from sarcophaguses.
- Fixed the formula of Unholy Blessing.
- Fixed thrown items ignoring the target's Dodge Chance.
- Fixed Anmarraks not granting Experience when killed by damaging their Tentacle Arm.
- Fixed the incorrect miniboss hint text for the Brander and Anmarrak.
- Fixed the bug allowing enemies to follow the player character into dungeons with the Trapped Entrance Condition.
- Fixed the incorrect number of turns required for enemies to follow the player character between locations.
- Fixed the issue preventing potions from being delivered to the Caravan when trading through the Caravan Stash.
- Removed the possibility of completing the Miller's task multiple times by dropping and picking up the key.
- Fixed the activation of the Bailiffs' dialogue about Darrel after already finding him.
- Fixed the rare softlock caused by blood puddles.
- Removed the Repair Kits' minimal Durability requirement that carried over from the previous patch.
- Removed the possibility of fixing jewelry with Repair Kits through the context menu.
- Fixed the crash caused by stealing items in locations without a Faction.
- Killing the Ancient Troll will now assign the Signal Tower to the Grand Magistrate.
- Fixed the Repairs Price modifier not working as intended.
- Fixed Tongue Pull playing its animation on top of the UI.
- Fixed the Alarm Trap.
- Fixed the bug allowing multiple corpses to sometimes occupy the same tile.
- Removed the possibility of dying and moving to another location simultaneously.
- Fixed Surgeon Toolkits not applying their temporary effects
- Fixed Leeches not applying their temporary effects.
- Removed the possibility of stacking Leech Therapy on the same body part.
- Fixed the inconsistent damage formula when wielding weapons with psionic or cursed damage types in different hands.
- The time interval between turns will now be the same in and out of combat.
- Fixed the Rotten Willow NPCs displaying their Faction two times.
- Fixed the Oaken Glade Bailiff granting extra gold instead of Brynn Reputation.
- Fixed enemies becoming hostile towards Straw Dummies.
- Fixed the possibility of moving the Caravan with the Messenger Pigeon while the Followers are out on a mission.
- Removed the possibility of repairing and selling stolen items in the same location where they were acquired.
- Fixed the Vision range inconsistencies when looking through grates.
- Fixed tools not losing Durability when thrown.
- Potentially fixed the bug allowing enemies to move into the tile occupied by their recently resurrected ally.
- Fixed another bug causing dual counters to sometimes skip a turn.
- Fixed the hover of Against the Odds not displaying the Attributes it scales with.
- Fixed Wells of Souls sometimes spawning Wraiths over the intended limit.
- Removed the possibility of moving full bags into the Crafting menus working area.
- Removed the possibility of interacting with bags while the Crafting menu is open.
- Fixed the bug allowing free attacks against Young Trolls during their Earthshaking Strike animation.
- Fixed the rare knockback-related crash.
- Removed the possibility of casting some Pyromancy spells through walls.
- Fixed the Prologue crash caused by interacting with certain consumables.
- Fixed Lacerate creating blood decals even after missing.
- Fixed the bug causing Distant Dungeons' minibosses to despawn.
- Fixed the missing effect of Ethnarch's Funeral Mask.
- Fixed the Dockside Merchants disappearing into thin air the moment they restock.
- Removed the possibility of interacting with some nightstands through walls.
- Removed the possibility of identifying items in the Caravan Stash while trading through it.
- Fixed the log message for harvesting berries.
- Fixed weaponry stances not losing stacks if the corresponding weapon is equipped in the off-hand.
- Fixed Battle Trance working with every weapon type.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of both Tactics.
- Fixed the Stone Spikes' visual layering issue.
- Fixed Onrush scaling its Armor Penetration with Perception rather than Strength.
- Removed the possibility of using medical items through the bodyparts' context menu while stunned.
- The Vision stat no longer requires a turn to take effect (for example, the Vision penalty will now disappear instantly the moment you take off your heavy helmet).
- Fixed the knockback issue affecting "Boulder Throw".
[ 2025-01-23 16:20:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the issue with the system for background contract completion that wasnt functioning as intended in previously unvisited settlements. Increased the rate of successful background contract completion.
- Further adjusted heavy armor stats: slightly reduced the penalties and increased the Protection values.
- Increased the rate at which Repair Kits lose effectiveness when attempting to fix moderately and heavily damaged equipment.
- Potentially fixed the issue with enemies using their Dash from extremely long distances.
- Fixed Disengage granting a penalty to Magic and Nature Resistance to characters with negative Dodge Chance.
- Fixed Revelation: Losses ignoring the use of some consumables.
- Fixed the bug allowing enemies to counter melee attacks from a tile away (mostly as a result of being knocked back on the same turn).
- Fixed the bug allowing free attacks against enemies while they use Sic!, Onslaught, and Hooking Chop.
- Fixed the issue with some supposedly fire-resistant items being burnable.
- Fixed The Real Treasure AND The Friends We Made achievement requiring only one artifact instead of three.
- Fixed the Trapped Entrance Condition sometimes failing to actually block the dungeons exit.
- Fixed Brynn Craftsmen not having a Markup on their Repair Prices. Slightly reduced Darrels Markup.
- Fixed Bears and Bisons using incorrect icons for Injuries.
- Fixed Sprint Training not affecting the Range of NPCs Charge skills.
- Fixed the hover of NPCs Dash displaying incorrect Range.
- Fixed the bug causing enemies to act twice when attacking them with Flurry of Strikes while under the effect of Enough for Everyone.
- Fixed the red hand icon disappearing from stolen items when placing them in Coin Purses.
- Fixed Unyielding Defence not granting a stack of Elusiveness.
- Fixed the issue causing enemies to not lose their Elusiveness stacks.
- Fixed the incorrect duration and number of stacks of Elusiveness after reapplying it on top of the already active effect.
- Fixed the issue with spellcasting still being treated as a crime inside settlements even when targeting enemies.
- Fixed the bug preventing the Rotten Willow contracts from increasing Brynn Reputation.
- Added a minimum threshold for Max Energy.
- Fix the bug with duplicating artifacts, this time for certain.
- Fixed a number of dialogue-related crashes.
- Fixed the incorrect Agility scaling of some Ranged Weapons skills.
- Removed the possibility of bringing enemies to the Manticore arena.
- The Ancient Troll is no longer hostile towards Young Trolls.
[ 2025-01-09 12:19:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reduced the chance of Negative Settlement Situations when failing or not completing contracts.
- Increased the chance for Neutral and Positive Situations to occur.
- Negative Situations will no longer overlap, preventing their quick chaining one after another.
- The Caravan Camp can now be set on the seashore.
- Reduced the price of most Caravan Upgrade items.
- Reduced the price of Fodder.
- Foraging Table: added slow Fodder generation.
- Soothing Incenses: added +5% Experience Gain and +5% Fatigue Resistance if Sanity and Morale are above 50% respectively.
- Training Area: added +3% Experience Gain.
- Web of Contacts: added +50% Advances Size for contract rewards.
- Old Favors: added +10% Contract Rewards for each settlement youve achieved Respect with.
- Local Informants: now displays the ongoing Situations and available contracts when inspecting settlements on the global map.
- Trade Preferences: added +10% Stocks Size for traders.
- Messenger Pigeons: the Pigeon will now spawn immediately after installing the upgrade.
- Reduced the price of most advanced consumables, such as drugs and bombs.
- Reduced the price of valuables in general, but increased the price of valuables made of gold, silver, and gems.
- Changed the starting tiers of some dungeons: the Bastion near Mannshire (T1 > T2), the Crypt near the Rotten Willow (T2 > T3), and the Catacombs near Denbrie (T3 > T4).
- Reworked Repair Kits and Armor Fragments: removed the scaling of Durability restoration with the repaired items level. Instead, the amount of restored Durability is negatively affected by the degree of damage the item has sustained (only for Repair Kits). All Durability restoration values were adjusted as well.
- Increased the number of Fragments received from dismantling armor with the Self-Repair passive.
- Doubled the size of advance payments that can be requested when accepting a contract, from 20% to 40% of the reward.
- Reworked Common Cause and Underworld Connection Reputation perks: the amount of reputation granted in other settlements for completing local contracts now depends on the completed contracts difficulty.
- Different types of meat now grant varying effects when used in dishes.
- Using an ingredient with multiple charges now spends one charge instead of the entire ingredient.
- The minimum Durability at which equipment can be sold to traders was lowered to 50% to better correspond with damaged items visuals.
- Butchering chickens, roosters, and ducks will now yield two drumsticks instead of just one.
- Added a possibility of crafting Straw.
- Fixed the Caravan Storage granting less space than stated.
- The Drug Dealer in the Rotten Willow will now purchase drugs.
The changes listed in this section wont affect already saved items: ==================================
- Tweaked the Protection and Resistance values of various pieces of equipment to reduce the disparity between the effectiveness of different armor types.
- Adjusted the overall stats of some weapons and armor.
- Increased the base Range of Ranged Weapons.
- Reduced the number of enemy spawns on the surface.
- Reduced the Vision Range of most enemies.
- The speed of Hunger and Thirst accumulation during the Rest Mode now depends on the current and maximum Health and Energy respectively.
- Reduced the Health and Resistances of most wild animals.
- Increased the Bodypart Damage coefficient. In other words, Injuries will now become more frequent. Reduced most enemies Bodypart Damage values to reduce the impact of this change on the player character.
- Reduced the base Energy Cost of most abilities in the game.
- Restored the innate +4% Accuracy and -4% Fumble Chance bonus of Attack skills.
- Reduced the resurrection frequency of the Blasphemous Ritual Dungeon Condition. Reduced the amount of Health and Energy replenished to the Undead resurrected by it.
- Significantly nerfed the hidden debuff affecting the Proselytes in the Prologue to reduce the overly high discrepancy between its difficulty and that of the main game.
- Move Resistance is now less effective against Claw Traps and Caltrops. Increased their base Armor Penetration and Bodypart Damage.
- Changed the abilities available to Mage Hunters.
- Decreased the base Ambush Chance on roads.
- Cleaving Strike: increased the Bodypart Damage scaling.
- Keeping Distance: increased the Stagger Chance scaling.
- Onrush: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
- Mutilating Lunge: increased the Bodypart Damage scaling.
- Double Lunge: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
- Cut Through: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
- Hewing Strike: increased the Bodypart Damage scaling.
- Parry: reduced the base Counter Chance bonus.
- Heroic Charge: increased the base Stagger Chance bonus and the Weapon Damage scaling.
- Unstoppable Force: increased the Knockback Chance scaling.
- Hooking Chop: increased the Armor Penetration and Weapon Damage scalings.
- Dismember: increased the Bodypart Damage and Crit Chance scalings.
- Reign in Blood: increased the Knockback Chance and Bodypart Damage scalings.
- Nail Down: increased the base Weaponry Damage bonus and Bodypart Damage scaling.
- Impaling Lunge: increased the Armor Penetration and Bleed Chance scalings.
- Regroup: removed the mention of the Damage Taken bonus which carried over from the previous version of the game.
- Hail of Blows: increased the base Daze Chance bonus.
- Step Aside!: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
- Elusiveness: increased the Dodge Chance and Fumble Chance scalings, and also reduced the scaling of the Damage Taken bonus. Added a possibility of prolonging the effect by dodging.
- Distracting Shot: added scaling to the Weapon Damage bonus. Increased the Dodge Chance scaling. Increased the base Immobilization Chance bonus.
- Startling Volley: added scaling to the Weapon Damage bonus. Increased the base Daze Chance bonus.
- Hard Target: increased the debuff to the attackers Accuracy to 8%.
- Flexible Defense: increased the debuffs applied to the target while wearing medium armor.
- Battle-Forged: reduced the heavy armor bonuses.
- Custom Adjustments: reduced the heavy armor bonuses, added Dodge Chance to the medium armor bonuses.
- Unyielding Defense: reduced the effects bonuses and duration.
- Right on Target: reduced the Accuracy and Fumble Chance bonuses to Attack skills.
- Defensive Tactic: reduced the base duration and bonuses to it for each enemy within Vision. Reduced the effects bonuses to stats.
- Raise Shield: increased the Block Chance scaling but reduced the base bonus to it. Increased the Block Power scaling.
- Hold the Line: reduced the effects bonuses.
- Flurry of Strikes: fixed the penalty to Hands Efficiency that applied a -25% debuff instead of the listed -20%. Reduced the bonus to Hands Efficiency for successful hits to 3%.
- Concentration: reduced the Accuracy Chance and Fumble Chance bonuses to +3% and -3% respectively.
- More Blood!: reduced the Hands Efficiency bonus to 10%.
- Residual Charge: fixed the Weapon Damage bonus which was 33% larger than intended.
- Bone Throw: added scaling to the skills damage and Armor Penetration.
- Fixed the bug allowing some enemies to block ranged attacks without shields.
- Fixed the issue causing settlements to generate contracts for Distant Dungeons.
- Backfire Damage will now gradually decay when out of combat, no longer requiring manual turn-skipping for optimal play.
- Fixed the issue with missing stats on some pieces of armor and jewelry.
- Fixed partially blocked shots dealing zero damage.
- Fixed the complete removal of the "Mighty Swing" effect when attempting to reapply it.
- Possibly fixed the rare softlock caused by the "Cannibalistic Frenzy" Dungeon Condition.
- Fixed "Living in the Light" failing to apply its effect in certain situations.
- Fixed "Ghastly Revelation" failing to apply its effect in certain situations.
- Fixed the Brynn Bank exploit with backpacks and Bills of Exchange.
- Fixed the exploit with the increased price of enchanted items.
- Potentially fixed the issue with dual wielding counters skipping a turn.
- Fixed Dual Wielding Training granting the Off-Hand Efficiency bonus while equipped with two weapons of the same type.
- Fixed the possibility of prying open locks with a crowbar in settlements without it being considered a crime.
- Fixed Leg Sweep granting its free move option to the player character when used by an NPC.
- Fixed the issue causing only the item in the main hand to lose Durability when equipped with two items with the same Block Power.
- Fixed Fate of the Brewery ignoring the Help the Brewer stage of the quest when blackmailing Odar.
- Fixed the bug granting access to Skinflint Homs before achieving the relevant Reputation perk.
- Fixed the inability to trade with the Hostess in the Watchtower Tavern.
- Fixed the Pimp my Ride achievement.
- Added appropriate sound effects to Caravan upgrade items when moving them around.
- Web of Contacts and Reinforcements no longer grant Reputation for slaying harmless critters.
- Fixed the disappearing projectiles when using Fire Barrage and Jolt on birds.
- Fixed the possibility of attacking enemies during the animations of Peck, Defiled Remains, and Deadly Premonition.
- Fixed the issue with the incorrect cooldown reduction of Last Stand.
- Fixed the issue with ineligible cooking ingredients in certain situations.
- Fixed Bonus Range not affecting some Ranged Weapons abilities.
- Fixed the issue with graves respawn. This fix will also remove all graves in pre-existing save files.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of Adrenaline Rush.
- Fixed the bug allowing multiple runes and sigils to exist on the same tile.
- Fixed the Rest Mode hover which wasnt adjusting the effects stats dynamically.
- Fixed Caravan Followers using Settlement Situations speech lines.
- Verrens dialogue about the final three Communication upgrades will now only trigger after installing the initial two upgrades.
- Fixed Darrel not having a Markup on his Repairs Price.
- Flame Wave: fixed the missing cooldown reduction for each target affected by the spell.
- Fixed the issue with Caravan Followers being able to occasionally occupy the same tile.
- Fixed the possible softlock during the Brewery Mercenarys dialogue.
- Fixed the speech lines for critical shots and throwing full bottles at enemies triggering at incorrect times.
- Added a context menu option for emptying out plates and cooking pots.
- Added the Swap option to more working NPCs to avoid potential softlocks.
- Fixed the missing Energy Cost and Cooldowns Duration icons in the Chinese Localization.
[ 2025-01-06 18:48:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added an option to ask about a contracts details after accepting it.
- Reduced the rate of egg generation by the Mobile Coop.
- Reduced the duration of the Leg Sweep debuffs.
- Increased the cooldowns and energy cost of Leg Sweep and Mighty Kick.
- Reduced the Poisoning Chance of the Pestilence Situation.
- Added duration caps to Curse of Decay and Curse of Agony.
- Increased the size of the territory revealed on the world map after receiving a hint about the location of the Rotten Willow and Denbrie.
- Fixed the bug causing guards to repeatedly initiate their dialogue.
- Fixed the bug sending the character to Mannshire jail after surrendering in Denbrie.
- Fixed an option to surrender in the Rotten Willow outskirts.
- Fixed the bug with Brynn guards being able to start their dialogue without having a direct line of sight.
- Fixed the bug with one of Leifs perks putting his other perk on cooldown upon activation.
- Fixed the bug allowing to get a full reward after leading deathstingers to the Ciderys guards during the Deathstinger Infestation quest.
- Fixed the bug causing dungeons to spawn only the loot of the current tier, ignoring the wider pool of items.
- Fixed the interaction between the spoilage mechanic and containers.
- Fixed the Fodder counter, which also included the Fodder sold by NPCs.
- Fixed the stock of the Bloom Foragers.
- Fixed a number of trade-related exploits.
- Fixed the incorrect discount offered by two Brynn craftsmen after delivering Ryns letter and saying hello from Darrel.
- Fixed the incorrect Reputation gain from the Web of Contacts Upgrade.
- Fixed the bug with artifact duplicates.
[ 2024-12-23 23:11:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Simplified the requirements for certain Caravan Upgrades.
- Added a line to some items hover about their possible use in Caravan Upgrades. This line will disappear once all the relevant Upgrades are installed.
- Added an automatic line to the hover of all items that can be transformed into Fodder, which will appear after gaining access to the Caravan.
- When used for crafting Fodder, herbs will now yield slightly more of it, and berries, straw, and fruit - slightly less.
- Smoking Mix no longer requires a Crafting Bench.
- The effects of the Ranger Brew and Leifs training now count as Mental.
- Wigmar will now trade during the evening.
- Possibly fixed the issue with the Finding the Quartermaster quest, which didnt correctly track its stages after leaving the Sentian Companys Camp.
- Fixed the incorrect order of lines in the Brynn Book Printers dialogue and added a few lines for avoiding his politics talk.
- Fixed the bug with Leif remaining in the Camp after using his Supply Run perk.
- Updated the checks for detecting whether Leif and Alda are present in the Caravan when attempting to move it.
- Updated economy hovers to improve the readability of some price modifiers.
- Fixed the crash connected to saving items inside containers.
- Fixed the situational crash caused by transferring arrows into quivers.
- Fixed the crash caused by acquiring Sea Pearls from Sea Shells with no free inventory slots available.
- Fixed the crash caused by triggering a dialogue while moving items inside containers.
- Fixed the crash caused by moving between certain locations.
- Fixed Bern still using Village Elders dialogue lines.
- Fixed the Around Aldor in a Day and The Real Treasure AND The Friends We Made achievements.
- Fixed Yes, Chef! and DIY or Die treating basic recipes and schematics as newly learned.
- Followers-related achievements will be retroactively granted to all players whove recruited them before the fix.
- Numerous text fixes.
- Added special log line for waking up in the area affected by the Nightmares Situation.
- Fixed cloaks not protecting against Wetness as intended.
- Fixed Special Spices slowing food spoilage in the Caravan Storage by 25% instead of the intended 75%.
- Fixed the Lion Banner not granting its Health Restoration bonus.
- Reworked the Brynn Alchemists stock.
- Fixed the situational crash caused by using Flexible Defense.
- Fixed the possibility of using the Messenger Pigeon with Alt+Click in situations where it shouldnt be allowed.
[ 2024-12-21 21:45:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reduced weapons and shields Durability loss from blocking by 60%.
- Increased the base Durability of every weapon subtype that grants block-related bonuses and also slightly reduced their price.
- Simplified the recipes for crafting most consumables.
- Rebalanced certain valuables' levels, prices, and tags to spread them more evenly between dungeons.
- Decreased the Reputation gained from completing contracts by 12%.
- Reduced the basic stats of Forceful Slam.
- The Fair food seller is now guaranteed to have dish recipes in stock.
- Added scrolls to the Fair merchants stock.
- Fixed the issues with ranged skeletons AI occurring upon their resurrection.
- Fixed the softlock caused by the Burial Caves door.
- Fixed the missing loot in one of the abandoned cart variants in the steppes.
- Fixed the incorrect category of Deadly Premonition.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of Concentration.
- Fixed the Denbrie Captain refusing to buy commodity items.
- Fixed the Archivist spawning with additional retinue, which also included higher tier mobs than intended.
- Fixed Deathstinger Infestation not tracking some stages of the quest when completing it before talking to the quest giver.
- Fixed some stages of the Finding the Craftsman quest using incorrect descriptions.
- Fixed Finding the Craftsman placing an incorrect map marker if Darrel is sitting in the Watchtower Tavern.
- Fixed some traders hovers claiming to sell items above tier 5.
- Fixed the sound effects for moving between locations.
- Fixed the bug causing tier 5 dungeons to reset after loading a save made there.
- Fixed quest markers pointing towards dungeons even after completing their contracts main goal.
- Fixed a number of situational softlocks caused by ranged combat.
- Fixed the bug allowing enemies to act twice after a dual wield counter.
- Fixed the situational crash caused by using Battering Ram.
- Fixed the trade exploit with switching between the Caravan Storage folders.
- Fixed the Mannshire Carpenter not selling ranged weapons.
- Numerous text fixes.
[ 2024-12-20 21:32:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Changed the Coachmans price formula to a non-linear one: hell now charge significantly less gold for driving between Outskirts and more gold - for bringing you to other settlements.
- Reduced the Caravans basic cooldown. The relevant Caravan Upgrades now decrease it by 33% each (up from 25%).
- Followers can now be recruited with the Caravan further away.
- Increased the Durability and Resistances of runic boulders.
- Reduced the Thirst and Hunger Gain from the Rest Mode by 10%.
- Changed the Claw Traps damage type to Piercing to prevent it from ruining pelts.
- Fine-tuned the goods sold by the Blacksmithing Bailiff and Brynn Fence.
- Increased the amount of valuable loot in Tier 2+ dungeons, especially the Catacombs.
- Slightly nerfed most birds Dodge Chance.
- Slightly improved the variety of food sold in Denbrie.
- Increased the basic amount of gold in possession of certain NPCs.
- Fine-tuned some doublets stats.
- Certain main and secondary items for Caravan Upgrades are now sold by more NPCs.
- Tavernkeepers and the Bakery now sell more bread.
- Some NPCs will now buy junk items if they are interested in its material.
- The Summoning Ritual, Miasmas", Blood Hex Conditions and the Lost Relic contract now scale with the dungeons Danger Level.
- Equipping a cloak now prevents rain from applying more than one stack of Wetness.
- Fixed unique items not appearing as loot in high tier dungeons.
- Fixed the issue preventing Reputation-related recipes from being sold by NPCs.
- Fixed the lack of ranged weaponry in the Carpentry Bailiffs stock.
- Changed the Brynn Docks merchants commodity prices.
- Fixed Leif refusing to trade in the evening or at night.
- Fixed the incorrect Reputation bonuses for completing the contracts tied to Plague and Nightmares Situations.
- Fixed another batch of softlocks occurring during the Caravan dialogues.
- Fixed the issue causing an incorrect number of floors in dungeons.
- Fixed the possibility of losing the reward bonus granted for the first contract in Mannshire when discussing more than one contract.
- Fixed the incorrect order of dialogue lines during one of Leifs events.
- Fixed the issue creating non-interactable tiles in some dungeon rooms.
- Re-enabled the option for scrolling the global map with the keyboard.
- Fixed Vigor granting an Experience Gain bonus without leveling the corresponding Survival passive.
- Fixed the softlock caused by killing a target with the first strike of the Forceful Slam.
- Fixed the possibility of contract items becoming non-interactable, which prevented contracts completion.
- Fixed the crash caused by Conductivity.
- Fixed the lack of rain in the Oaken Glade.
- Fleawort can now be properly placed into the Herbalist Satchel.
- Fixed Mannshire having access to the Wide Selection III Reputation Perk.
- Fixed Web of Contacts not increasing the base time limit for contracts.
- Fixed the bug causing Determination to remove collisions.
- Fixed the possibility of disarming the same trap multiple times.
- Fixed the issues with unlocking Follower-related achievements, as well as Travelling Salesman Solution, Yes Chef!, Theory & Praxis, DIY or Die.
- Fixed the rare crash caused by enemies pathfinding algorithm.
- Fixed LOwcrey refusing to buy cursed items.
- Stone Armor explosion no longer damages runic boulders.
- Fixed LOwcrey not accepting some occult items. Adjusted the reward he gives for them.
- Added an autosave after completing certain story quests.
- Fixed the issue with Leeches, Crabs, and Butterflies repeatedly respawning upon re-entering the same tile. Now their respawn rate is tied to that of plants and herbs.
- Fixed graves and Leeches spawning on sea tiles.
- Fixed the bug creating impassable tiles when walking through shallow water.
- Fixed blacksmiths refusing to buy Crates of Charcoal.
- Fixed the issue with the Warcry hover.
- Fixed the values in the Finisher hover not changing dynamically.
- Fixed the inability to use Crab Meat in the recipes requiring fish.
- Added an option to use Rhubarb in a number of recipes as a replacement for certain greens.
- Lowered the level scaling of Leifs prices for Personal Training.
- Increased Expiration Time of most food items.
- Fixed the incorrect Block Chance of tier 5 light shields.
- Underworld Connections II is now unlocked with Amity.
- Added a special trade hover to Fences.
- Added the prices of materials to trade hovers.
- Fixed the incorrect material type of some jewelry.
- Fried Eggs no longer require a pot.
- Fixed blood puddles from Blister Burst appearing on top of walls.
- Fixed Chain Lightning endlessly bouncing around when reflected with Seal of Reflection.
- Fixed the bug causing Crowbars to sometimes lose twice as much Durability.
- Fixed the Manticore applying permanent Mark of the Feast.
- Fixed the possibility of free repairs in some scenarios.
- Fixed Caravan Followers sometimes occupying the same tile.
- Fixed the issue with speech lines for Neutral Reputation being displayed at other Reputation levels.
- Fixed Indomitable not affecting bosses Cooldowns Duration.
- Fixed the possibility of using Messenger Pigeons while indoors.
- Fixed the AI issues when interacting with doorways.
- Fixed the issue with incorrect enemy types and spawn rates on the surface.
[ 2024-12-19 22:50:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a new dialogue and an option to receive Blessing to the Pilgrims arriving with the Pilgrimage situation.
- Added unique NPC dialogue and speech lines during the Dangerous Roads situation.
- Greatly increased the basic cooldown between the Well of Souls summonings, which now also depends on the dungeons Danger Level.
- Nerfed some low tier Minibosses.
- Negative Situations now grant +50% Reputation for completing the contracts tied to them.
- Reduced the number of Martyrs in the Catacombs.
- Greatly increased the Expiration Time of Honeycombs.
- Increased the influence of Poison, Unholy, and Caustic damage types on the meat harvested from animals.
- Changed the reward for completing the alternative route of the Fate of the Brewery quest.
- The Brewery chest no longer spawns the same loot as generic chests.
- Enemies killed during the Fate of the Brewery quest will now drop loot.
- Tweaked some dishes stats.
- Salads can now be cooked without a Pot.
- Cooking Fondue now requires a Pot of Milk.
- Reduced the Ancient Trolls basic Health Restoration value.
- Reduced the Intoxication Gain from the Miasmas Dungeon Condition.
- Tavernkeepers will now sell empty bowls and plates.
- Removed the hidden requirement of Ancestors Gaze which prevented it from gaining stacks when killing weaker enemies. Added the information about the stack decay to the hover.
- Fixed the Prologue crash.
- Fixed the crash caused by shooting birds with a crossbow.
- Fixed the quiver crash.
- Fixed the crash caused by pathfinding issues.
- Fixed the bug with the behaviour of non-hostile NPCs in settlements.
- Fixed the softlock during the Old Caravan event.
- Fixed the softlock during Verrens Caravan Upgrades dialogue.
- Fixed the exploit with endlessly buying and selling the same item during certain Settlement Situations.
- Fixed the inability to sell Ancient Coins.
- Fixed the bug with incorrect contract time limits during the Competition Situation.
- Fixed the issue with certain single-time dialogues remaining repeatable.
- Fixed the incorrect cursor image when confirming the Caravans journey.
- Fixed some items being mistakenly listed as plates.
- Returned the accidentally removed placeholder image for the Create your Character option.
- Fixed some ability hovers not fully displaying the list of associated Attributes.
- Fixed the bug with indestructible Lockpicks.
- Fixed Old Totts overly wide range of sold items.
- The invasion of the N/A herb is finally over.
- Fixed the number of dungeon floors always remaining the same even after the dungeon grows in tiers.
- Fixed Crit Avoidance not being present in the effects of Defensive Tactic and Leg Injuries.
- Rephrased the Osbrook Millers quest to make finding the correct building easier.
- Fixed the Mannshire Official using Osbrook Officials dialogue.
- Fixed the Brynn Maid selling a hundred apples.
- Fixed the Mannshire Tanner not buying pelts.
- Fixed the item is being delivered tooltip.
- Fixed the dialogue issues during the Gwynnels Answers quest.
- Fixed the Well of Souls not having any sound effects.
- Fixed Adrenaline Rush not scaling with stacks.
- Fixed the bug causing Fire Barrage to always miss entirely after missing its first firebolt.
- Fixed Darrel not using his forge sound effects.
- Fixed the bug causing Confusion when destroying Runic Boulders with your own spells.
- Fixed the issue with the locked door during the Gwynnels Answers quest.
- Fixed the incorrect speech line when interacting with the locked shed near the Osbrook Mill.
- Fixed the bug with Vipers spawn rate.
- Fixed the Cooked Mussel missing it's "Rotten" variant.
- Fixed the possibility of Caravan Followers' permanent death.
[ 2024-12-17 21:52:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The day has finally come: Rags to Riches is now available for download! This is the largest update in the game's history, adding and overhauling a dozen major systems. We're confident that for most of you, it will transform Stoneshard into a brand new experience.
Let's dive right into it - the patch notes are below. Keep in mind that these don't cover the full scope of changes and additions, as many of them have been deliberately omitted or only vaguely described. Rags to Riches alters the game in many ways, and we want to leave enough surprises even for seasoned players.
This update is not compatible with old saves and will require you to start a new game. If you want to complete your old playthrough, make sure to follow this guide.
- Caravan. A fully functional Caravan System that allows for fast travels over large distances using a special resource - fodder. It also comes with an option to directly purchase items into the Caravan Storage (or sell from it) when the Caravan is parked near settlements.
- Caravan Upgrades. 24 upgrades that will introduce additional utility to your Camp and improve the Caravan's overall efficiency.
- Caravan Followers. Recruit up to three non-combat companions, each with their own unique specialization, perks, events, and dialogues.
- Overhauled Dungeons. The Dungeon Generator was reworked from scratch - small rooms and narrow corridors have been replaced with massive halls, their visuals and structure properly reflecting each dungeon's type and tier.
- Reworked contracts. A wider variety of contract types and objectives. New dialogues for requesting additional information about the job, asking for an advance, and haggle for a better pay. Consequences for failing contracts and their behind-the-scenes completion by rival mercenaries. Contracts can now also be turned in to different NPCs for a higher monetary reward or additional local or Brynn Reputation.
- Dungeon Conditions. Unique effects that introduce new challenges to dungeon exploration and increase the reward for completing the contracts tied to them.
- Enhanced Economy. Dynamic and responsive supply and demand, commodity trading, as well as flexible traders' stocks and preferences.
- Denbrie. The fourth and final settlement of the Grand Magistrate, utterly devastated by the war.
- Situations. 9 unique Settlement Situations, providing additional opportunities or offering new challenges.
- Outskirts. 10 new locations and 60+ new NPC with their own dialogues, roles, and goods for sale.
- Revised Global Map. Adjusted the map generation algorithms and the placement of locations to ensure a smoother progression. Added contracts to the Rotten Willow Tavern.
- Cooking System. 40 unique recipes, each offering various advantages along with the possibility of adding spices to further customize their effects.
- Crafting System. 15 schematics for creating useful consumables in the field.
- Reworked Progression. All equipment, enemies, and dungeons have been rebalanced to challenge even high-level characters.
- Reworked the Loot System.
- Reworked the Spawn System.
- Reworked Reputation Perks.
- Reworked the Noise System.
- Reworked the AI States System.
- Updated and improved many dialogues.
- QoL improvements: faster character movement, trade hovers, the ability to store small valuables in purses and caskets, and much more.
- 5 new bags, each with its own distinct purpose.
- 7 new Undead minibosses.
- New items: 35+ new pieces of equipment, 15 valuables, and 10 new ingredients.
- Balance changes: a complete rework of all the equipment, abilities, and enemy stats. Survival tree overhaul.
- 12 new Steam achievements.
- Updated Prologue.
- Numerous bug fixes.
- Dungeons are now generated upon entry - if your character dies and re-enters them, it will produce a new layout (unless the save was made after the dungeon was already generated).
- Traders' stocks now use a seed system, rather than being generated when a player accesses them for the first time after a reset.
- Reworked the system for resetting locations. This will also affect any items dropped in settlements, which will now be removed after a certain time.
- The difficulty of open world encounters no longer fully depends on your characters' level. Instead, the type of enemies you will run into will depend on global map zones. Zones may become more dangerous over time but only up to zone-specific limits.
- Changed the system for resetting and repopulating dungeons to a more deterministic one. Regenerated dungeons can no longer degrade to a lower tier.
- All dungeons now use preset names.
- Added a tanner NPC to Mannshire.
- Added a new stat: Crit Avoidance, which reduces the probability of enemy crits.
- Special Elemental and Magical effects no longer rely on RNG. For example, Burning will now be guaranteed to trigger after dealing sufficient Fire Damage to the target, scaling non-linearly with the target's maximum health.
- Enemies can now use Charge skills to preemptively close large distances, not just to initiate combat.
- Animals will no longer skip their threat phase if they were previously fighting another target
- Fixed the issue causing the reduction of Max Health before actually taking damage.
- Enchanted and magical items are now sold at slightly higher prices than regular ones.
- The chance of receiving armor fragments via Self-Repair has been significantly increased, now scaling with the enemy's Armor Durability upon their death
- Changed the requirements for certain Steam achievements.
- Skills can now be unlocked after reaching the minimal character level, reducing reliance on finding random treatises when building non-optimal stats. However, level requirements are still significantly higher than corresponding attribute thresholds.
- Counterattacks now strike twice when using dual weapons.
- Change experience requirements for leveling, along with a rebalance of most experience sources.
- Existing bosses (Archon, Ancient Troll, [spoiler]Manticore[/spoiler]) have received a new passive, Indomitable, which prevents the cooldowns of their abilities from being affected by outside sources.
- Rebalanced every piece of equipment to properly work with the new tier system.
- Rebalanced medical consumables.
- Rebalanced ammunition stats.
- Rebalanced food stats.
- Rebalanced herb stats.
- Rebalanced Injuries' effects and their impact on Pain accumulation.
- Reduced the base coefficient of damage taken by enemy Armor, increasing the importance of Armor Penetration and Armor Damage stats.
- Health regeneration now fully halts during combat instead of pausing for 10 turns after taking damage.
- Critical strikes no longer deal at least 1 damage even through full blocks.
- Increased the impact of active debuffs on the Rest Mode's efficiency.
- Rebalanced the effects of Drunkenness
- Reduced the impact of Fatigue on Max Energy, but increased its gain from multiple sources.
- Removed the hidden Accuracy and Fumble Chance bonus from Attack skills.
- Increased the impact of character actions on enemies' Will to Fight
- Changed the gravedigging mechanic: digging graves will take less time, but will take a toll on your Morale even before you finish digging them up.
- The Surgeon's Toolkit now uses a non-linear formula for pain accumulation, improving its feasibility when treating light and moderate injuries.
Let's briefly discuss our plans for the future. In the coming weeks, we plan to collect player feedback and release several hotfixes and minor patches. Since the Rags to Riches update is extremely comprehensive, some features may be unstable or not work perfectly - we'll do our best to address it as quickly as possible. This includes adding some content that was originally planned for the update but ended up temporarily removed or unfinished for various reasons. This primarily involves:
- Certain new items
- Additional contract types for Bastions
- Bastion Conditions
- Caves and rare plants
- Some Follower events
- Some description, dialogues, and localizations
[ 2024-12-16 15:05:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Get ready to carve your path from rags to riches - the largest update in Stoneshard's history is to be released on December 16th at 16:00 .
Gather your Caravan, recruit trusty Followers, take upon fully reworked Dungeons and their treacherous Conditions, explore Settlement Outskirts, take advantage of Situations, profit from Trade Goods, Cook and Craft your supplies, and experience the game anew with a myriad of other additions, changes, and QoL tweaks!
[ 2024-12-15 16:51:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
This is the final devlog dedicated to the upcoming Rags to Riches update, the largest one in Stoneshards history. So today, as promised, were happy to announce its release date - December 16th!
Plan your winter holidays accordingly - we almost cant wait to show you the results of our work. But for now, this is a perfect moment to review the progress weve made over the past year and go through every addition to the game that will be waiting for you on December 16th. Lets get started!

The Caravan is the updates most important system that will massively impact your approach to traveling and map exploration. With the Caravan, youll be able to cross large distances swiftly and comfortably, as well as set up a personal camp upon arrival - any empty map tile will do, be it next to a dungeon, a settlement, or a Point of Interest. Its important to remember that the Caravan doesnt function as an on-demand fast travel button - youll need to have a stockpile of Fodder for the road, and the horses will require at least some rest after every journey. Related Devlog

Upgrades are designed to further enhance the quality of Caravan travels and add utility to your camp. In Rags to Riches, therell be a total of 25 upgrades, starting with basic bonuses to the Caravans travel distance and speed, all the way to a personal Shrine and the ability to gain Reputation for killing enemies around settlements. As always, a reminder: Caravan Upgrades are NOT skills and therefore require special items rather than Ability Points. Related Devlogs: I, II, III, IV

With the help of Verren, youll be able to recruit up to 3 Caravan Followers, who will support you out of combat by selling supplies, offering repairs, speeding up your leveling speed, and so on. Each Caravan Follower is a unique character with their own recruitment quest, unique perks, dialogues, and Caravan events. And the more time they spend with your Character, the higher their Loyalty will be - leading to even more benefits and opportunities. Related Devlog

Settlement Situations will introduce a tad of unpredictability to your adventures. They exist in the form of village events and temporary NPCs, ranging from groups of Pilgrims and competing Mercenaries to Traveling Fairs and disease outbreaks. Situations always bring new opportunities or complications, affect the local economy, and are partially dependent on the areas danger level, which is mostly connected to active dungeons nearby. Related Devlog

The Dungeon Generator went through a massive overhaul: narrow corridors and cramped rooms gave way to spacious halls, their visuals properly reflecting each dungeons tier and measure of opulence. Different dungeon types have their own structural quirks: for instance, much of the Crypts loot will be stored in special sealed tombs, while the Catacombs will greet you with double doors and numerous libraries. Related Devlog

Modifiers are special effects that can take place in dungeons either randomly or as a consequence of failed contracts. They introduce additional complications that need to be taken into account during your expeditions - such as poisoned air in the Crypts or an ongoing ritual that empowers every Proselyte in the Catacombs. Related Devlog

To keep up with the Dungeons Rework, the Contracts System received a major update as well, boasting a slew of new objectives that dont boil down to killing a miniboss or looting their treasure chest for a quest item. Naturally, many old contracts were also updated with additional mechanics, conditions, and challenges. Additionally, the new system is expected to make the world feel more alive: contracts will be on constant rotation, simulating the efforts of other mercenaries, both successes and failures. Therell also be changes to the process of taking contracts: youll now have an option to inquire about the dungeons size and some of its modifiers, receive a hint about the miniboss residing there, and even request an advance or haggle for a better reward. Related Devlog

Denbrie is the fourth and final settlement of the Grand Magistrate. Hardly any of its inhabitants survived the war: most of the village lies in ruins, and the only thing keeping it garrisoned and not entirely deserted is its active salt industry. Nevertheless, an experienced mercenary can still find a contract or two here - the Magistrates forces in the region are in dire need of reinforcements. Related Devlog

Outskirts are a new location type, situated around villages and the Rotten Willow Tavern. They serve as rest stops of sorts, offering your Mercenary a chance to recover and resupply, as well as opportunities to accept or turn in a contract for alternative rewards (Brynn Reputation or extra gold). In total, Rags to Riches will feature 10 Outskirts with 60 unique NPCs and dozens of unique dialogues. Related Devlog

The Economy saw significant improvements, such as the addition of price fluctuations, the simulation of price and demand, and the ability to earn gold by purchasing all kinds of trade goods in Outskirts and then selling them somewhere else. Other than that, theres a lot of QoL additions - for example, all traders now feature hovers that contain all the important info about their prices, preferences, and other quirks. Related Devlog

Many locations were moved to a new spot on the global map, making your Characters journey through them more gradual and organic. After completing Odars quest in Osbrook, youll now be directed straight to Brynn, where youll promptly gain access to your Caravan and receive leads towards other settlements from Verren. All Brynn contracts were moved to the Rotten Willow and Denbrie, with the city itself taking upon the role of a commercial hub, which youll be visiting from time to time to purchase new equipment and some Caravan Upgrades. Related Devlog

Theres nothing better than a hearty campfire dinner after a day of completing challenging contracts - and now youll be able to cook it yourself, choosing from 40 possible recipes. Each dish comes with its own special effects, capable of boosting your Immunity, Sanity, Fatigue Resistance, and even some combat stats. Dishes can also be imbued with various spices, granting them additional bonuses. Related Devlog

The Crafting System will offer you a chance to create certain consumables with ingredients you find in the field - provided youre familiar with their schematics. In total, Rags to Riches will feature 15 crafting recipes, allowing you to cobble together a wide selection of handy items, from Smoke Bombs to Healing Salves. Related Devlog

The Crypt will become home to 7 new minibosses - Warlocks, Skeletons, and even a Wraith. Each has unique abilities and mechanics that might require clever strategies if you hope to emerge victorious.

You can expect a bunch of new items as well: - 5 chestpieces - 1 helmet - 2 necklaces - 5 two-handed swords - 3 two-handed maces - 8 daggers - 2 shields - 6 types of commodity goods - 15 valuables - 10 ingredients - 5 bags - each with its own layout and specialization


We also decided to revisit the Reputation System to introduce a bit more nuance to it - rather than featuring samey, shared perks, every settlement will now have its own set of bonuses, including unique ones. For instance, Denbries Magistrates Frontier makes the completion of its contracts the fastest way to earn Brynn Reputation. Related Devlog

In Rags to Riches, we decided to drastically shift our approach to enemy, dungeon, and equipment progression - all of the above will now function based on tiers, from I to V. This change solves several issues: first of all, it allows us to spread the existing content throughout all 30 Character levels while providing a simple and intuitive way to gauge the danger presented by each enemy or dungeon (or quality, in case of equipment). The system will also incorporate many previously underused pieces of gear and make the persistent problem of unobtainable equipment (the availability of which changed back and forth with every patch) a thing of the past. Obviously, such a system wouldnt be possible without a complete rebalance of most of the existing content - therefore, all gear, enemies, and some abilities received major stat tweaks. Equipment in particular was affected the most: every weapon and armor type will now have 2-4 distinct subtypes that support different Character builds, taking itemization to a completely new level.

The Survival tree received numerous changes, both in terms of its overall structure and some individual skills. For example, Butchering, a skill for harvesting meat from slain animals, will be available to all Characters from the start, while the ability to harvest pelts and rare ingredients is now tied to Resourcefulness. Since the schematic for crafting Bedrolls will also become universally available, Make a Halt will function quite differently, allowing to receive Vigor from sleeping in camps and Bedrolls and granting a noticeable boost to Vigor itself.
Rags to Riches isnt just about major additions, we made lots of minor changes too: - Updated the enemy pathfinding algorithm, allowing it to efficiently account for many factors such as active AoE zones, bodies of water, and nearby allies, which made its results much more believable. Enemies will now also use their dashes to chase your Character down, attempt to spread out in open areas, and choose better routes for escape. - Reworked AI states to make shifts between them more fluid and logical, while also allowing for more flexibility during any future adjustments. - Reworked the Noise System for extra predictability and transparency: attracting enemies to your location should no longer require you to throw half a dozen bottles against the nearby wall. - Reworked the dungeons Loot System, switching to a much more flexible and speedy algorithm that offers more options when working with containers. - Reworked the technical aspect of the Save System, optimizing the size of save files and reducing load times when moving between locations. - Greatly improved the system for resetting the state of locations by introducing a more modular design: dropping an item inside a settlement no longer means that itll stay there for months, while previously harvested mushrooms, berries, and other vegetation will now actually regrow after some time. - Reworked random enemy spawns both in dungeons and on the surface, transitioning them to a system based on a mix of archetypes and premade templates. - Changed the principle behind enemy spawns in the open world, removing their absolute dependence on your Characters level: instead, each enemy type will be tied to a corresponding zone on the global map. These zones will grow more dangerous over time, but only to a certain point - for example, III+ tier enemies will never show up in the relatively safe area around Osbrook. - Optimized the algorithm for generating roads, dungeons, and Points of Interest on the global map. - Automated the interaction between our dialogue-writing tools and the games engine, allowing us to create dialogues with more speed and convenience than before, when every connection between dialogue lines had to be manually added into the games code. - Added 1500+ new dialogue lines. - Added several new Points of Interest and tasks. - Added 12 new Steam achievements and changed some of the old ones to make the hunt for them less soul-draining. - Added many new sound effects. - Remade and improved many old sprites and some other assets. ====================== With that out of the way, lets talk about Stoneshards near future. After the release of Rags to Riches, we intend to change our update strategy and switch to a schedule with more frequent patches and less sweeping changes. Unfortunately, this approach was not applicable during the development of Rags to Riches, where every new and reworked system is a part of the same gameplay loop and relies on everything else to function as intended. The volume of work was truly immense, often leading to unforeseen mid-development realizations that the introduction of a certain feature would require us to rework or add an entirely different mechanic. However, now that the Caravan, the last major system planned for the game, is complete, we can finally switch to modular content updates - well share the specifics after publishing the updated Roadmap. Theres a certain risk that some currently unstable content will be postponed and added through follow-up hotfixes after the release of Rags to Riches - although we intend to do everything in our power to wrap it all up by the announced date. This mostly affects some of the new contracts, dungeon modifiers, and Follower events. Weve also been working on a new type of Point of Interest - caves - which we wanted to present as a surprise, but they too might require a bit more time in the oven to iron out issues with their generation algorithms. Still, the groundwork for adding them has already been implemented, so they should be compatible with RtR saves once they arrive. ====================== Thats all for now. As already mentioned, therell be no more devlogs dedicated to Rags to Riches - see you on December 16th!
[ 2024-10-19 09:43:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog, well cover the remaining three major systems that will be a part of the upcoming Rags to Riches update: reworked Contracts, Economy, and Settlement Situations.
Lets start with the Contract System: theres a lot of sweeping changes to talk about, from the list of available contracts to numerous QoL improvements. While reinventing contract types, we put a lot of effort into boosting their variety: for the most part, old contracts could be boiled down to killing a dungeon boss (and sometimes looting a quest item in the same room afterwards). In Rags to Riches, the vast majority of contracts will feature entirely new objectives, and the few legacy ones will be greatly expanded upon through additional mechanics.

For instance, Cursed Folios will now buff every Undead in the Crypt - the effect grows weaker with each destroyed Folio. Then there are Forbidden Grimoires which will possess a number of tricky effects, making their retrieval a rather unorthodox ordeal. Another good example would be the Catacombs Source of Corruption contract: before you can actually reach the defiled relic itself, youll first need to destroy a bunch of well-guarded altars

- All contracts now have consequences. A failed contract is guaranteed to add a problematic modifier to the corresponding dungeon during its next respawn. A failure may also result in Negative Settlement Situations - well take a closer look at those at the end of the devlog. The system works both ways though: a successfully completed contract will make the whole area safer, which in turn attracts foragers, pilgrims, and roaming traders.

- Contracts will no longer stay available indefinitely, waiting for your character to accept them at his or her leisure. In Rags to Riches, contracts will be constantly rotated, emulating the efforts of other mercenaries. Any contracts you dont accept will be either completed or failed in the background, resulting in the same consequences as if they were undertaken by you. - Contract-related dialogues were significantly expanded with many new options, allowing you to better prepare for your expeditions. First of all, youll once again be allowed to choose from every available contract (if theres more than one). Secondly, contract givers can now inform you about the dungeons size, any possible modifiers affecting it (such as the Crypts restless spirits or the Catacombss malign rituals) and hint at the type of miniboss you might encounter inside.

New dialogue options will also include the ability to haggle for better payment, which will either decrease your Reputation reward or require you to complete the contract within a much shorter time frame. Other than that, youll be able to cancel an ongoing contract without having to wait for it to expire naturally. And once you make a name for yourself in the settlement, youll be eligible to request advance payment for your services - keep in mind though, failing a contract after accepting an advance will result in much higher Reputation penalties than usual.
Lets move onto the Economy: how will it change in Rags to Riches? One of our main goals while working on the Economy was to make it much more dynamic, requiring players to always pay attention and adapt accordingly. To achieve this, we decided to introduce two new mechanics: Price Fluctuations and Price and Demand. - Fluctuations are random shifts in selling and buying prices that can occur within a set range. This system is meant to reflect the fickleness of the market while also avoiding overly complex simulations - those would appear way too obscure and convoluted to anyone unfamiliar with their inner workings. All in all, Price Fluctuations are expected to add an element of unpredictability to every trade interaction: upon arriving at a settlement, you might notice that local prices are surprisingly cheap, creating an opportunity to purchase more supplies than you originally planned - or vice versa. - Supply and Demand make prices less static as well. However, instead of relying on randomness, they respond to your characters actions and ongoing Settlement Situations. For instance, buying out an entire shipment of meds will result in every trader in the village raising medicine prices upon their next restock. The system may swing into the opposite direction too - dumping a bunch of trophy weapons onto the market will make the settlements traders offer much less gold for them in the future. Some item categories will be exempt from this mechanic. First and foremost, this applies to Valuables, the price of which will always remain more or less the same, minus the random Price Fluctuations. Eventually, Supply and Demand will balance themselves out. The amount of time needed for this depends on the degree of turmoil affecting the market: if the price of an item category changes drastically enough, it may require up to a couple weeks to return to its original value. - NPCs now boast reworked trade settings, which will allow us to adjust their preferences with more flexibility and add features that havent been possible within the old system. For example, some traders will replenish only a portion of their goods rather than their entire stock, others might only purchase items of specific quality, origins, or Durability, sell damaged equipment, and so on.

Traders were also given additional hovers that should make it easier to trace the finer nuances of the updated Economy without relying on trial and error: youll have an option to see what item categories each trader is interested in, what prices theyre willing to offer for them, and when to expect their next restock.

- A special role in the updated Economy is delegated to numerous Commodities that are produced in industry-oriented village Outskirts. Different settlements will have varying interest in wine, grain, charcoal, salt, cider, and timber, allowing business-savvy players to profit from selling them where theyre needed the most.
And now for the closing section of todays devlog - its time to talk about Settlement Situations, which has already been mentioned multiple times while listing changes to the Contract System and Economy. Situations are designed to liven up already existing villages and provide players with new opportunities and challenges.

All situations are split between the following categories: Positive, Neutral, and Negative As suggested by their name, Positive Situations are centered around various boons and new opportunities. Neutral ones come with both beneficial and detrimental effects. And Negative Situations mostly harm the affected settlement and lead to the emergence of Negative Economical Situations.

Each Situation comes with its own special effects, often adding new NPCs as well as altering some of the existing speech and dialogue lines. In total, Rags to Riches will feature 12 Situations: 9 main ones and 3 focused around economy. Positive Situations:

- Fair is organized by traveling merchants, who offer a large selection of goods for affordable prices. - Rut will repopulate all dens around the settlement, increasing animal spawn rates, and attracting hunters, who are always partial to making a trade. - Bloom greatly boosts the amount of plants and mushrooms in the area while also increasing the demand both for them and medical items. The village itself gets a visit from a group of peasant foragers, wholl gladly sell any rare plants theyve collected. Neutral Situations:

- Competition stems from the presence of rival mercenaries in the village. It reduces the number of available contracts, adds negative modifiers to the remaining ones, and narrows the time window for their completion. On the upside, these high difficulty contracts will net you a much bigger reward. - Pilgrimage is tied to a group of monks who wander between the holy sites of Aldor. Theyre capable of granting a lengthy blessing to your character and boost the reputation gain for completing Crypt and Catacomb contracts. At the same time, they put a noticeable strain on local food and medicine prices. - Reinforcements signify the arrival of additional guards. This Situation reduces the number of enemies and ambushes around the settlement while also increasing the price of food and alcohol. To offset this, youll be able to earn some Reputation simply by killing any remaining enemies around the village. And finally, Negative Situations: they serve as a possible outcome of failed contracts, when dungeon-dwelling brigands and cultists are allowed to run amok. - Failing or ignoring Bastion contracts may lead to Dangerous Roads, increasing the chance of ambush in the area and limiting the local traders stock. - When left unchecked, necromancers might unleash Nightmares upon the area, reducing the effectiveness of sleep as well as preventing it from granting Vigor or replenishing Morale and Sanity. - Left to their own devices, Catacomb cultists may eventually begin spreading Pestilence, poisoning plants, animals, and people in and around the nearby settlement.

Once the rumors about a settlements misfortune (and Negative Situations besetting it) become too egregious to ignore, it will start getting fewer visits from supply caravans, which leads to the emergence of gradually deteriorating Negative Economical Situations that may further damage the local traders stock size and significantly increase their selling prices.

Positive and Neutral Situations can only exist as single instances, lasting for a few days before potentially reappearing in another village. Negative Situations, on the other hand, wont go away by themselves, although their effect can still be easily countered: all you need to do is to complete a contract tied to the corresponding dungeon (or wait for someone else to handle it for you). And once that dungeon is cleared out, it wont take long for the settlement to return to normal. ============================================ Thats all for now. This concludes the final devlog dedicated to Rags to Riches major additions - the next one will showcase all the work weve done over the last year (including a number of previously unannounced features and improvements) and reveal the updates release date! Until next time!
[ 2024-08-20 19:01:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today well cover one of the most essential features of the upcoming Rags to Riches update - Caravan Followers.
Followers are a fundamental part of the Caravan, allowing you to customize it depending on your needs. During your travels through Aldor, youll be given an option to recruit a small retinue of helpers, each granting access to unique opportunities that will benefit both the Caravan and your Character.
Before we begin, it must be noted that Followers wont accompany you everywhere you go or participate in battles the same way they would in a party-based RPG: all of them either lack proficiency in soldierly matters or avoid getting into fights for personal reasons. The support they provide is exclusively out-of-combat, such as granting access to trading, repairs, and a plethora of other things that well talk about in more details below.
We plan to have six unique Followers in total, three of which will be introduced with Rags to Riches. The first one is Darrel, your old acquaintance, whom well take a better look at in this devlog. The rest of the gang will remain a secret - youll have a chance to meet them after the update is out. The only tidbit we can share for now is that all of them (except Darrel) will be newly-made NPCs, none of them present in the current version of the game.
The Caravan can accommodate up to three Followers - according to Verren, a crew larger than that wouldnt be sufficiently discrete and mobile to carry out the search for Stoneshards. If needed, itll be possible to swap your Followers mid-journey: they can be dismissed at will and then replaced with someone else. Obviously, this works both ways: an already recruited Follower can later rejoin the Caravan. Still, maintaining a stable team with infrequent rotations will be the most sensible approach - the reason will become clear in a moment.
The search for new Followers starts with Verren. After receiving the initial sum necessary for purchasing additional horses and a new wagon, hell direct you towards your specialist of choice - whatever happens next depends on the Follower, since all of them have a small quest connected to their recruitment. Once youre done with that part, the Follower will join the Caravan and head to the Camp, where youll finally be able to make use of their services: Darrel, for instance, can lend a hand with repairs or sell you a variety of tools.
Additionally, each Follower comes with four unique perks. The first two are actives: most of them will be presented in the form of dialogue options that grant access to special actions and effects. The remaining two are passives and will usually be focused on improving different aspects of the Caravan.
Freshly recruited Followers will have only two perks unlocked: one active and one passive. The rest will need to be earned by raising a Followers Loyalty, a stat reflecting their commitment to your cause. Loyalty will grow by itself with each passing day as long as said Follower is in the Caravan and can also be improved through Caravan events, dialogues, and the choices you make during them.
Followers will have five tiers of Loyalty:
- Indifference [0%] : unlocks the first two perks
- Sympathy [25%]: unlocks the second passive perk
- Cordiality [50%]: the Follower will occasionally provide additional assistance and offer you gifts
- Appreciation [75%]: unlocks the second active perk
- Devotion [100%]: reduces the price of all goods and services by 20%
- Forced March (Active): once per week (and for a modest price), allows you to move the Caravan while its still on cooldown
- Ingenuity (Active): allows you to pay Darrel to permanently improve an items Max Durability by 25%, which also reduces its future repair cost
- Familiar Roads (Passive): +20% Caravan Speed
- Safe Routes (Passive): -25% Ambush Chance and +3 to the Caravan Trade Radius

As an example, Darrel might occasionally fix some of the items you leave in the Caravan Storage (informing you about it after hes done), offer you a bundle of surplus tools for a symbolic price, participate in a chat with Verren and other Followers, comment on certain nearby locations, or even express his thoughts about some of your recent adventures. But even outside of events, different Followers will have different routines in your Camp: just like other NPCs, theyll have their own schedule and activities, the list of which can change depending on acquired Caravan Upgrades. Darrel in particular became quite pious after the events of the Prologue and will gladly use the Praying Spot once you set it up:

======================= Thats all for now. The work on Rags to Riches is drawing to a close - the release date will be announced within the next few devlogs, so make sure to stay tuned!
[ 2024-06-10 17:56:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Todays devlog is dedicated to changes to the global map and a new settlement of the Grand Magistrate - Denbrie! Lets tackle it one thing at a time.

By the time the truce was settled, Denbrie had already been turned into ruins. The Councils army razed this quiet fishing village twice: first during their initial advance, and then - while retreating from their defeat under the walls of Brynn. Right now the only thing keeping this settlement afloat is the garrison sent here by the Magistrate to oversee its western border. Side note: the list of planned settlements present in the current version of the game is no longer relevant and will be updated in Rags to Riches. Denbrie is situated in the south-western region of the Brynn March and will be the third and final village of the Grand Magistrate. Its few remaining inhabitants - a couple fishermen and a merchant, who was driven insane by the horrors of war, eke out a miserable, poverty-stricken existence. The only reason why Denbrie still exists is its salt-producing infrastructure, which is being slowly rebuilt by workers from Brynn.

The close vicinity to the Magistrates borders makes Denbrie an important strategic spot, vital for controlling large swaths of the borderlands - this duty is performed by a squad of soldiers stationed in the villages crumbling chapel. At the same time, the garrison is woefully understaffed and is struggling to maintain order, so the local captain will eagerly accept any help.

Denbrie also has Outskirts, a couple locations where youll be able to rest on your way to a dungeon, turn in a contract, or purchase necessary supplies:
St Wald's Bridge

This is where St Wald, a much revered Aldorian saint, crossed the river on his quest to bring the Truth to Sentian heathens. Decades later, one of the Order's brotherhoods built a stone bridge in his honor - and if it hadn't been for the spitefulness of the routed Council soldiers, it could have continued standing here for centuries.
Kenrick's Homestead

The place's owner, Old Kenrick, couldn't care less about politics or the rest of the world. Unfortunately, politics don't need an invitation to introduce themselves into a person's life - after almost losing everything when the war was in full swing, he now has to constantly interact with the Magistrate's troops, who are stationed at his homestead for strategic reasons.
Map Changes

One of the most important changes to the global map is that many locations were moved to a different spot, allowing for a smoother and more organic progression through the games world. Additionally, the updated map will do a better job at highlighting the content that players right now have to either stumble upon randomly or learn about from external sources. Osbrook, for example, will be located in the eastern part of the map, a more suitable place for a settlement that was affected by the war the least. Finishing the villages introductory quest will instantly let you travel to Brynn, granting earlier access to the Caravan. And once you complete Gwynnel's Answers, Verren will begin giving you hints thatll steer your journey towards Mannshire, the Rotten Willow, and Denbrie. Mannshire will remain almost the same. The only notable difference is a set of additional rules for the nearby locations placement - the Herbalists Hut, for instance, will actually spawn close to the village. In contrast, the Rotten Willow Tavern will be affected the most: itll be moved from its current spot (north of Mannshire) to the western region of the map, not far from Osbrooks old location. Furthermore, the tavern will have its own contracts, a few nearby dungeons, some extra functionality, and two Outskirts:
Oaken Glade

By the Magistrate trade outposts' standards, this woodcutting camp enjoys an uncharacteristically large amount of freedom. The reason - the lack of a permanent bailiff, a mistake that likely occurred due to simple neglect and forgetfulness.
Charcoal Burners' Camp

The burden of producing the charcoal that feeds the New Guild's forges was placed on the shoulders of convicts and prisoners of war. The close vicinity of the Rotten Willow Tavern isn't a coincidence - the local captain is on much better terms with One-Eyed Wigmar than with his direct superiors in Brynn.
Reputation System Changes
The Reputation system received many tweaks as well. In the current version of the game, each settlement uses the same Reputation perks - in Rags to Riches, they will differ depending on each city or villages specific features, allowing for more flexibility when balancing the economy and gear progression. And, if the need arises, itll let us add even more unique perks in the future. For example, even though there are almost no merchants in the dilapidated remains of Denbrie, the settlements unique perk, Magistrates Frontier, will reward you with additional Brynn reputation upon completing its contracts, which in turn will grant you access to better gear, even if indirectly.

Special Boss-related quests, which right now are tied to the characters level, will too be a part of the Reputation system and will become available once you unlock their corresponding perk.
Originally, Brynns Reputation was meant to be acquired through alternative means, and city contracts were introduced only as a placeholder. In Rags to Riches, we want to return to the original vision of Brynn as a center of commerce, which youll need to visit from time to time to buy new gear and sell off loot. Obviously, the list of big city activities will eventually feature sidequests as well: over the last year, weve put a lot of effort into adapting our dialogue-creating tools for the games engine, so the addition of new dialogues will require much less time than before. This leads us to the next big change, the complete removal of Brynn dungeons and all contracts tied to them: high danger contracts will be split between the Rotten Willow and Denbrie, which should flatten the difficulty spike reported by many players.

Brynn Reputation will depend on your standing with other settlements of the faction, giving a lot of weight to Osbrook, Mannshire, and Denbrie contracts. On top of that, the option to bribe Bailiffs wont be available by default, instead requiring a Commendation Letter, which will also be connected to a Reputation perk.
Distant Dungeons
Another thing that we want to do with Rags to Riches is to implement a complete progression system that provides content throughout all 30 character levels, which, subsequently, will allow us to stress test every mechanic before expanding the global map. As mentioned in previous devlogs, this will be achieved by splitting the existing dungeons, items, and settlements into 5 tiers. This change will also affect distant dungeons, which will stay the main source of late game content - theyll be present in tier 4 and tier 5 variants, offering more lucrative rewards and nastier opponents.

================= Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2024-05-09 19:14:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog, well conclude the topic of Caravan Upgrades by revealing the final upgrade path - Communication.
Interesting fact: Caravan Upgrades are not Abilities and therefore DONT require Ability Points. Instead, they are unlocked with items and materials.
Its main focus is staying in touch with civilization. Lets take a closer look at what this entails:

Caravan Banner

A symbol of fellowship and hope. Requirements: Foldable Flagpole (acquired during the Caravan introduction quest) Effect: adds a flagpole to the Caravan Camp that can be used to raise Banners found in dungeons or while exploring the world

All raised Banners will slightly increase your Reputation Gain and also provide some additional benefits: for example, the Wolf Banner will grant you a bit of Pain Resistance, and the Owl Banner - a bonus to Experience Gain.

Messenger Pigeons

Messenger pigeons are trained to return home regardless of the distance, even if said home never stays in one place for too long. Requirements: Cage with Pigeons (x1), Sack of Grain (1), Bucket (1) Effect: allows to take a Carrier Pigeon with you While not in immediate danger, the Pigeon can be released to send a message to Verren, which will open the Caravans Travel Menu, allowing to move it to a selected location

Old Favors

Verren has lots of acquaintances. Many of them still remember their old friend and won't mind vouching for him to the right people. Requirements: Pile of Letters (1), Inkpot Effect: killing enemies near settlements improves your Reputation there by 20% of the received Experience Increases the time limit for contracts by 1 day
Web of Contacts

The war made people's allegiances crystal clear - good fame is much more valuable right now than gold. Requirements: Signed Permit (1) Effect: grants 50% more Reputation when completing contracts in settlements affected by negative Situations Grants +5% Reputation Gain for each settlement youve achieved Respect with The Common Cause Reputation perk now works all the way up to Amity instead of Benevolence

Local Informants

Rumors and hearsay are not to be brushed aside. What at first may appear as empty talk can eventually pave a path to riches. Requirements: Directives (1), empty Coin Purse (5) Effect: decreases the chance of being Ambushed by 25% Setting up the Caravan Camp reveals the location of all Points of Interest within 5 tiles Reveals some of the ongoing Settlement Situations and Dungeon Modifiers, showing them in Global Map hovers
Trade Preferences

In these uncertain times, most folks aren't brave enough to continue trading - their loss might as well become someone's gain. Requirements: Letter of Trading Authority (1), achieving Respect with any settlement Effect: +10% Trade Favorability when buying or selling Commodity Goods Selling Commodity Goods in settlements improves your Reputation there by 5% of the received sum (15% if a settlement is affected by a negative Situation)

============================================== Thats all for now. The next devlog will be dedicated to Global Map changes, including a new settlement of the Grand Magistrate:

Until next time!
[ 2024-04-18 17:54:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog, well take another look at Caravan Upgrades. This time the focus is on the third category - Traveling. As always, a reminder: Caravan Upgrades are not Abilities and therefore dont require Ability Points. Instead, they are unlocked with items and materials.
But lets give these upgrades some context first. One of the Caravan's primary features is far-distance traveling. It can be accessed by talking to Verren at the Caravan Camp, then choosing a tile on the global map to travel to.
Caravan travels will work by the following rules:
- Your destination must fit two main requirements. Firstly, it must not be concealed by the fog of war (tiles are revealed either by scouting them yourself or by using paper maps) - the Caravan cant travel through uncharted territories. Secondly, the tile must not contain dungeons, Points of Interest, roads, or bodies of water - only empty tiles are suitable for setting up the Caravan Camp.
Another thing to consider is how close your Caravan Camp is to settlements. If the distance is short enough, youll be able to directly access the Caravan Storage while trading, and your Followers will receive an opportunity to restock their wares.
- The Caravan has a limited max travel distance which can be increased with upgrades.
- The Caravan moves with varying speed depending on the terrain it has to traverse. Obviously, most suitable tiles are the ones with roads - theyll be prioritized by the Caravan when possible. On the contrary, off-road tiles will take a significantly greater toll on both your time and resources.
- Before you can move out, youll need a sufficient stockpile of Fodder for your horses - the exact amount depends on the difficulty and duration of the chosen route as well as the number of acquired upgrades and Followers. Fodder can either be crafted from whatever suitable items you have at hand or purchased in bulk from merchants or stablehands in some settlements.
- Upon arrival, your Character will take some time to establish a camp. The time required depends on two factors: the tiles biome and the number of Followers. Setting up a camping spot in the middle of an open field will be a much speedier affair than chopping down trees to make a clearing.
- Therell be a limit on how often you can travel: after each journey, both Verren and the horses will need some time to recover. Initially the cooldown is a day and a half, but it can be gradually halved with specialized upgrades.
- Ol Tott isnt going anywhere - his services will remain an alternative to the Caravan, although hell become much stingier with his prices. The main difference, however, is that the Coachman will only transport you between settlements and Outskirts - the Caravan is more flexible in this regard.

Hitching Post

Requirements: basic upgrade (available from the start) Effect: grants access to Caravan travels

Old Cart

Requirements: basic upgrade (available from the start) Effect: sets the base Caravan Distance at 20 tiles
Worn Chests

Requirements: basic upgrade (available from the start) Effect: grants access to 200 inventory slots of the Caravan Storage

Sturdy Wheels

Requirements: Set of Sturdy Wheels (x1), Bottle of Oil (x1), Carpenter Hammer (x1) Effect: +25% Caravan Distance and Speed
Ironbound Wheels

Requirements: Set of Ironbound Wheels (x1), Bottle of Oil (2), Nails (6), Carpenter Hammer (x1) Effect: -33% Caravan Rest Duration, -10% Traveling Costs
Sturdy Chest

Requirements: Sturdy Chest (x1), Rope (2), Nails (6) Effect: adds 200 inventory slots to the Caravan Storage (up to 400 in total)
Spacious Chests

Requirements: Spacious Chests (x1), Nails (6), Bottle of Oil (2) Effect: adds 200 inventory slots to the Caravan Storage (up to 600 in total)
Ironbound Chests

Requirements: Ironbound Chests (x1), Nails (8), Bottle of Oil (3) Effect: adds 200 inventory slots to the Caravan Storage (up to 800 in total)

Fitting Accouterments

Requirements: Quality Reins (x1), Horseshoe (8), Nails (2) Effect: +25% Caravan Speed, -10% Traveling Costs
ustom-Made Gear

Requirements: Reinforced Harness (x1), Bolt of Cloth (x1), Rope (x1) Effect: -33% Caravan Rest Duration, +25% Caravan Distance

============================ Thats all for now. Until next devlog!
[ 2024-03-13 17:09:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well demonstrate the final version of the reworked Dungeon Generator and showcase the main principles that governed its development.
Lets start with a list of reasons that led us to reevaluating our approach to dungeon generation. The player feedback we received about its current state revealed the following issues:
- There isnt much visual variety to speak of - the only difference between dungeons of the same type is what enemies can spawn in them, not their layout or overall design. This quickly makes dungeons feel predictable and uninspired.
- All dungeons use the same generation algorithm, which limits the room for structural distinction and environmental logic.
- The overall room structure and the abundance of single tile passages facilitate the funneling of enemies into doorways, trivializing both combat and positioning.

Our new approach is based on dungeon tiers. Initially, tiers were an informal term used by players to refer to dungeons based on their difficulty - in RtR they will actually become an official form of categorization. So instead of using hidden, rudimentary mechanics built around levels, this new system splits everything, be it enemies, items, or dungeons, into 5 distinct tiers. Lets explore what it entails, point by point:
- Different dungeon types will use different generation rules: the structure of Crypts will have noticeable differences from the structure of Bastions or Catacombs.
- Dungeons will feature varying visuals and room presets depending on their tier: the higher the tier, the more opulent a dungeon will appear, and the greater diversity of rooms it will display. Tier 4 and 5 dungeons in particular will look especially awe-inspiring.
- All dungeons will be split into two categories: generic and large, the latter consisting of two floors. We dont have plans to introduce dungeons deeper than that: three floors or more would be way too tiresome and draining in most scenarios. The visuals will change depending on how deep you go: lower Crypt floors, for instance, will appear more damaged and use alternative room layouts.
- Rooms with bosses or contract objectives will spawn in dungeons farthest reaches, with secondary rooms branching off from the main path rather than being a part of it, giving you options for additional exploration.
- The updated visuals for dungeon descents and ascents will make them easy to spot and separate from one another: descents will always be a part of the floor, and ascents will be built into dungeon walls, just like they are right now.
- We decided to almost completely do away with single tile passageways, which should bring additional depth to the combat system and positioning by making group fights more frequent or even inevitable in certain situations (obviously, this comes with tweaks to most enemies stats, especially high tier ones).
- Rather than remaining the same once they spawn (or respawn after being cleared), dungeons will be generated when you enter them for the first time, just like in the earlier versions of the game (the layout wont change if you save your progress after discovering it though). This will make dungeon exploration more engaging and unpredictable, since the ability to familiarize yourself with the location of enemies and traps throughout multiple save-load attempts wont be as easily available by default.
- Secret rooms will be generated once per dungeon instead of once per floor. The roster of available secret rooms and their visuals will also depend on a dungeons tier.
- Even though its not directly related to the Dungeon Generator, we decided to rework the Noise and Enemy Awareness Systems, as the old ones didnt work well with new dungeon layouts.
- New Crypts will appear as spacious tombs, with large hallways connecting separate burial chambers that are protected by stone plates. To access such a chamber, your Character will need a crowbar.
- Crypts wont have wooden doors or narrow passages. Their vast halls will demand some clever maneuvering if you want to avoid getting surrounded by the Undead.
- Among other things, Crypts visuals will be affected by Dungeon Modifiers. Each dungeon type will have its own set of possible complications: for example, wafts of nauseatingly greenish air will signify the presence of Miasmas.
- The varied and unusual objectives of the reworked Contracts System will affect dungeon layouts as well: for instance, Wells of Souls will serve as spawning points for Wraiths, and the Holy Figurine contract will work quite differently from how it does right now

- We also changed how the Loot System functions in Crypts and added a number of new items that cant be found anywhere else. Here are some of them:

============ Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2024-02-03 13:28:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Todays devlog is dedicated to another new feature of the upcoming Rags to Riches update - the Crafting System.
The main principle behind the titular mechanic is that it allows only the creation of consumables and other similar items. The possibility of crafting complex gear and equipment was discarded very early on: doing otherwise would result in constant interactions with a broad range of specialized crafts and tools, which doesnt mesh well with the games main theme - adventuring and exploring the world as a mercenary. On top of that, being able to craft armor and weapons would demand a rather cumbersome system with lots of materials, tools, and so on, shifting the games focus even further from what we aim to achieve.
Therefore, a system that revolves solely around the creation of consumables and various utility items makes the most sense in the context of the preexisting basic gameplay loop, adding more depth to the preparation stage.
Anyway, lets start with the basics. Crafting is performed through a dedicated menu, which can be accessed in three ways: by using the Crafting basic ability, interacting with a workbench (such as the one you can upgrade your Caravan with), or by using a Crafting Kit:
In order to create an item, youll need to possess both the correct ingredients and the knowledge. In the beginning, your character will know how to craft only the most simple items - the schematics for making anything more sophisticated will need to be found, looted, or purchased from traders.
Schematics are split into two categories: basic and advanced. Basic items can be crafted anywhere, any time, all you need is ingredients. On the contrary, advanced schematics cant be followed through without a workbench or a Crafting Kit - a new consumable that loses charges with each crafted item.
Creating a consumable will award a bit of Experience, the exact amount depending on the finished items complexity. To make the search for new schematics even more enticing, crafting an item for the first time will grant you five times the basic amount of XP. And even though the current list of crafting schematics is relatively short, we plan to greatly expand it in the future with the addition of many new consumables.
Its worth mentioning that this new system brought a lot of changes to Bedrolls and Campfires: Bedrolls will no longer require you to learn any skills to craft them, while Campfires will be created by using a special craftable item - a Bundle of Brushwood.
Consequently, the Survival ability tree saw some significant tweaks too: it now has a much more flexible structure, and some of its skills were heavily revised.
Each character will also start with Butchering, a new Survival skill that will allow you to harvest meat from dead beasts without investing any AP. Skinning and looting rare ingredients, on the other hand, will still require you to learn the dedicated passive.
Additionally, the Crafting System will allow your character to create Fodder, a resource used to fuel your Caravan travels. Although Fodder will be purchasable from stablehands, theres still a risk of finding yourself stranded far from civilization without sufficient supplies - thats where additional options come into play.
Fodder can be crafted from any foodstuff suitable for horses: grain, straw, apples and carrots, even some herbs. Using grain in particular will yield the most Fodder, while the low nutritional value of straw will require you to collect a whole lot of it to make a difference.
Thats all for now. In the next devlog well return with more information on the Caravan Upgrades. As a parting gift, heres a glimpse of something else that were currently working on:
Until the next devlog, and have a happy New Year!
[ 2023-12-30 14:47:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog, well continue exploring the Caravan Upgrade System, which brings us to the second part of the upgrade tree - Restoration.
True to its name, the Restoration path is dedicated to maximizing the efficacy of resting at the Caravan. It comes with 6 upgrades that are focused on either improving the quality of your Characters sleep or introducing more utility to the Camp.
Wed like to remind you that Caravan Upgrades are completely separate from the Leveling System and dont require Ability Points - all upgrades are unlocked exclusively by purchasing prerequisite items.

Straw Bed

Requirements: basic upgrade (available from the start) Effect: adds a sleeping spot to the Caravan Camp

Small Tent

Requirements: Canvas Roll, Rope, Spool of Thread (2), Straw (3) Effect: sleeping at the Caravan Camp grants Vigor Sleeping at the Caravan reduces Fatigue 100% more effectively

Roomy Tent

Requirements: Hardy Tent Cloth, Rope (2), Spool of Thread (4), Straw (5) Effect: sleeping at the Caravan Camp grants two stacks of Vigor

This upgrade adjusts to your Characters race and religion: Humans will be able to set up a Praying Spot, Elves - a Meditation Spot, and Dwarves - an Offering Spot.
Shrine: Praying Spot

Requirements: Hieronite Altar, Ritual Candles, Altar Bell Effect: allows your Character to pray at the Caravan Camp to receive Blessing
Shrine: Meditation Spot

Requirements: Meditation Table, Incense, Censer Effect: allows your Character to meditate at the Caravan Camp to receive Peace of Mind
Shrine: Offering Spot

Requirements: Lesser Runic Stone, Skull, Candle-End Effect: allows your Character to call upon their Ancestors to receive Ancestors' Gaze - the effect lasts indefinitely, scales with enemies killed, and is removed upon reaching low Health

Training Area

Requirements: Straw Dummy, Straw (4), Bolt of Cloth Effect: installs two training dummies at the Caravan Camp (basic and armored variants), which can be used to test your Characters damage and try out new abilities. Dummies can be moved around within a designated area

Soothing Incenses

Requirements: Incense Burner, Incense (2), Censer Effect: sleeping at the Caravan restores Psyche 100% more effectively Sleeping at the Caravan removes negative Psyche effects and resets the progress towards them
Herbal Remedies

Requirements: Apothecary Box, Mindwort (2), Thyme (2), Burnet (2) Effect: sleeping at the Caravan restores Health and body parts Condition 50% more effectively (100% if also unlocked the Foraging Supplies upgrade). Each hour of sleep at the Caravan replenishes 1% Immunity (1.5% if also unlocked the Foraging Supplies upgrade)

============================================== Thats all for now. In the next devlog, well tell you more about the Crafting System for consumable items, which is yet another mechanic thatll be introduced to the game with the Rags to Riches update. Until next time!
[ 2023-12-05 17:31:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today the topic is Cooking, a mechanic that will play a significant role in both your adventures and the Caravan System.
Important note: the effects, prices, and availability of most existing foods will be rebalanced in Rags to Riches. The numbers you see on the screenshots are also subject to change.
Cooking can be split in two parts: Basic Actions and the cooking of dishes.
Basic Actions include Roasting and Meat Salting. Roasting is basically the Cooking of the current version of the game. In Rags to Riches itll be performed through a separate menu with an option to roast multiple ingredients at once rather than going through them one by one.
Salting requires any type of meat and a few handfuls of Salt. Once preserved, meat loses some of its nutritional value but can be stored indefinitely, which is quite convenient during prolonged expeditions or when you want to preserve the spoils of your hunt for later.
The preparation of actual dishes is more complex. First of all, youll need a recipe. Some basic recipes will be available to all characters from the beginning. The rest will have to be found, bought, or earned through high Reputation in settlements. For instance, reaching Respect in Osbrook will make it possible to purchase the secret of preparing Osbrook Bread Bowl Stew, in Mannshire - Mannshire Fair Salad, in Brynn - Harpy Omelette la Brynn. For now, weve created 37 different recipes, but their total number might grow by the time Rags to Riches is out.
So, youve got the recipe, whats next?
Firstly, youll need an open fire - any fireplace or campfire will do. Then youll have to place a pot on top of it. Tavern fireplaces and some campsites already have pots pre-installed, but youll need to bring one for any fires you start yourself. Although, not every recipe requires a pot - for instance, Hunter-Style Drumsticks or Meat Skewer can be cooked without it.
In order to prepare soups and some deserts (such as Fruit Soup or Flapjacks), youll need to fill your pot with water or milk. This can be done simply by pouring liquid from other vessels into it.
Once this part is over, you can start adding the ingredients. Most recipes allow a certain level of deviation: sometimes, they can be interpreted quite liberally - if you cook a Vegetable Salad, any Vegetable type ingredient will do. Other recipes might require a specific item, such as Garlic, Onion, or Leek. Keep in mind that the end result will always look the same and have the same effects regardless of the exact ingredients used - this is done for the sake of straightforwardness and more consistent visuals.
The numbers and stats you see are a placeholder and a subject to change.
Still, theres a caveat: some recipes have a place for optional Additives that will imbue dishes with extra effects. For example, Salt will double your dishs expiration time, Butter will give it a bonus to Hunger Resistance, and more exotic variants (such as Jibean Spices, Nistrian Condiments, and Skadian Herbs) will provide a sizeable boost to Morale, Sanity, or Immunity.
All in all, dishes will differ not only in the amount of Hunger they sate but also many other aspects: they might reduce Fatigue, improve Morale, Sanity, or Immunity, grant bonus Experience Gain, increase some Resistances, and so on. On top of that, Satiety (the effect granted for overfilling your Hunger meter) will receive an additional stack and some other bonuses if you gain it by consuming an advanced dish.
Once youre done cooking, food can be eaten directly from the pot. But if you want to leave it for later, youll need a suitable vessel. Obviously, soups require a deep bowl, but everything else can be placed on any plate (gold plates will work as well!). Itll also be possible to place some dishes directly into your Inventory, such as loafs of Garlic Cheese Bread.
Thats all for now. Stay tuned for the next devlog, which will be focused on the second branch of the Caravan Upgrades!
[ 2023-11-18 18:06:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
This is the first post in the series of devlogs dedicated to the new features of the upcoming update, Rags to Riches, the release date of which will be revealed in the final entry. Todays topic is the updates most important addition and the last major system to be introduced to the game: the much-anticipated Caravan.
Wed like to begin by explaining our reasoning behind the system and what we plan to achieve with it. One of the most frequent player suggestions is to add some sort of permanent dwelling, a purchasable and customizable house in a village or city. However, Stoneshard is a game about a mercenary, a character whos always on the move in search of contracts and glory, so anchoring them to a single location would go against the main theme. At the same time, we arent averse to the concept of home in a broader sense - and thats where the Caravan System comes into play by adding a customizable mobile camp.
The Caravans main purpose is to allow for easier exploration, making it possible to travel large distances across the global map - with a few limitations.
- Firstly, the Caravan can travel only to empty map tiles. You wont be able to set up a camp right next to villages, dungeons, hunting grounds, or Point of Interest. Your destination must also not be shrouded in the fog of war - at the very least, youll need a rough outline of the terrain, obtainable through the use of paper maps.
- Secondly, moving the Caravan will require a special resource, Fodder, the spending rate of which will scale with the distance and difficulty of your chosen route.
- Thirdly, each journey will be followed by a cooldown, as both Verren and the horses will need some time to rest.

Now lets talk about customization - this part of the Caravan System is represented by a dedicated upgrade tree. In total, there are 24 possible upgrades, not including the basic ones - all of them can be unlocked within a single playthrough. As for their effects, theres quite a lot of variation: some upgrades will change your Caravans stats, others - introduce new options or modify pre-existing ones. Each upgrade will also change your camps appearance by adding new furniture and gear or altering some elements that are already there. Upgrades can be accessed by interacting with Verrens Ledger at the Caravan camp. Before you can go through with them, youll first need to have all the prerequisites in either your Inventory or the Caravan Storage: this includes unique items (purchasable from corresponding traders) and additional materials.

All upgrades can be thematically split into four categories: Provision, Restoration, Traveling, and Communication. This devlog only covers the first one, which revolves around introducing additional utility to your camp:


Requirements: basic upgrade (available from the start). Effect: adds a firepit to the camp that can be used to roast food and salt meat.
Cooking Spot

Requirements: Huge Cauldron, Coal Chunk (4), Ladle (1) Effect: installs a cauldron on top of the camps firepit, allowing you to cook complex dishes. Cooking at the camp replenishes a certain amount of Morale depending on the recipes rarity.
Special Spices

Requirements: Spice Box, Spearmint (2), Rhubarb (2), Ginger (2), Leek (2), Garlic (2) Effect: food spoils 75% slower while inside the Caravan Storage. Cooking at the camp replenishes a certain amount of Sanity depending on the recipes rarity.


Requirements: Toolbox, Nails (2) Effect: adds a Workbench to the camp that can be interacted with to craft moderately complex consumables.
Alchemy Station

Requirements: Alchemical Apparatus, Hourglass (1), Coal Chunk (1), Flask (3) Effect: adds an alchemical apparatus to the camp that can be used to brew potions (after Alchemy is fully implemented) and create some medical consumables (in Rags to Riches).

Foraging Supplies

Requirements: Foraging Supplies, Shovel (1), Sickle (1) Effect: adds a foraging table to the camp, allowing Verren and Followers to capitalize on natures bounty while youre busy adventuring. Once per day, it will generate a certain amount of herbs, berries, and mushrooms, their type depending on the currently occupied biome. Some of the gathered herbs can then be turned into Fodder to fuel your future travels, while mushrooms and berries can be used for cooking.

Mobile Coop

Requirements: Cage with Chickens, Bucket (1), Sack of Grain (1) Effect: adds a few chickens to the camp. Once per day, theyll lay eggs that can be used for cooking. Theres also an option to slaughter chickens for meat, but itll take some time for them to respawn - in the meantime, youll have to do without a steady supply of fresh eggs.

============================ As you might have already noticed, some of the upgrades are closely linked to Cooking and Crafting - the former will be the focus of our next devlog. And while you wait, heres a small teaser of things to come:

Until next time!
[ 2023-11-06 13:52:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the crash caused by "Tempest". - Fixed the crash caused by "Draining Sigil". - Fixed the crash caused by "Blood Spit". - Fixed the crash caused by using "Forceful Slam" on the same turn as moving to another location. - Fixed the incorrect duration of "Blood Craze". - Fixed "Deadly Tail" still applying its outdated debuff. - Fixed "Sudden Lunge" delivering a second strike while dual wielding. - Fixed the possibility of reading already studied maps. - Fixed "Seal of Shackles" not prolonging the duration of its effect when used again on the same target. - Fixed the Leatherworking Workshop's Bailiff demanding a larger bribe even when presented with the Recommendation Letter. - Fixed Guards not reacting to the first bow or crossbow shot taken at them. - Fixed Runic Boulders not being destroyed when summoned on tiles with traps. - Fixed "Ramming Charge" being listed as a Stance ability. - Fixed the Ethnarch's Funeral Mask triggering only once per playthrough. - Increased the chance of triggering damage types' special effects. Standardized the duration of said effects. - Reduced the spawn chance for some high level enemies (including Brigand Mages, Sanguimages, and Murkstalkers). - Antitoxin will now halve the duration of Hangovers. - Fixed the bug causing equipment hovers to not display negative changes to stats if they were compensated by an enchantment. - Fixed Turncoats dropping weapons that didn't match their sprite. - Fixed Wolfhounds not having a "swimming" sprite. - Fixed the sound effect of "Resonance" disappearing after moving to another location. - Fixed the possibility of triggering multiple death animations at the same time when killing enemies with critical damage. - Fixed the bug causing stolen items to change their settlement tag to a new one when placed in a container owned by another settlement. - Fixed the sprite depth of destroyed Deathstinger Hives. - Fixed collision issues with dry trees in the steppes. - The game now correctly saves the color of blood splatters on the ground. - The game now correctly saves the color of dropped potions.
[ 2023-10-06 17:13:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bleeding is now considered a Lingering effect (rather than Physical).
- Increased the base Cooldown Duration of "Draining Sigil".
- Increased the Revenant Commander's Cooldowns Duration coefficient.
- Adjusted the use conditions for "Necrophage": Ghouls will no longer consume corpses while at full Health.
- Fixed the Brander's pyres sometimes remaining lit even after his death.
- Fixed the bug causing some passive abilities to become unlearnt after sleeping.
- Fixed the crash caused by "Net Throw".
- Fixed the crash caused by "Incineration".
- Fixed the bug causing the player character to voice enemies' speech lines when applying them with Stun and Daze.
- Fixed the crash caused by "Spectral Haunting".
- Possibly fixed the crash caused by "Web Spit".
- Fixed Geomancy boulders not applying targets with Daze upon knocking them back into objects.
- Fixed unique items being ignored in the Statistics if found outside of containers.
- The Statistics' time-tracking system should now correctly sum up hours into days.
- Lowered the spawn chance for some of the new enemy types.
- Reduced the impact of some conditions and actions on the low level brigands and ghouls' Will to FIght.
- Nerfed Murkstalkers.
- Adjusted cooldowns and Energy Costs for some enemy abilities.
- "Lesser Ritual of Resurrection" and "Greater Ritual of Resurrection" will now set the reanimated Undead's Armor * Durability to 0% and put their abilities on cooldown.
- "Curse of Decay" should now correctly remove stacks of the effect after using any abilities, not just Attacks.
- Fixed Weber's "trading" dialogue option disappearing after the Ancient Troll's death .
- Fixed the bug with Knud and the Map of the Old Homestead Surroundings.
- Fixed the Atlas of Aldor granting 5% Energy Restoration instead of the listed 10%.
- Changed the Fatigue gain from using skills [1.5% > 2% of the used skill's Energy Cost] and spells [2.5% > 2% of the used spell's Energy Cost].
- Changed the Curse of Bloodlust [-25% > -20% Max Health] and the Curse of Madness [+5% > +7.5% Backfire Chance].
- Fixed technical tags and formulas being displayed in some of the enemy abilities' hovers.
[ 2023-09-17 19:43:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added 9 new enemy types: Accursed Ghast, Ancient Ghast, Putrid Restless Soldier (2H Axe, 2H Mace, and Halberd variants), Wraith Monk, Wraith Cleric, Wraith Squire, Wraith Sergeant, Wraith Templar, and Wraith Commander. - Added 5 high level minibosses. Undead: Ritualist, Revenant Commander and Wraithbinder. Proselytes: Brander and Juggernaut. - Added 12 new enemy abilities. - Added paper maps. Using them creates an outline of a specified area on your global map. Paper maps can be purchased from elders and governors (additional maps become available after you reach Benevolence with their settlement) or found as random loot in Mannshire and Brynn dungeons. - Added a new artifact: Barbados the Lames Atlas of Aldor. Just like other artifacts, it has a chance to appear in distant dungeons. - Added a Statistics tab (can be accessed through the Journal menu). - Refactored the passive abilities exclusive to the player character, which made it possible to assign them to enemies. - Fully reworked the enemies Will to Fight mechanic. The new version basically works as a gauge that can be affected one way or another through a series of random checks. And once a creatures Will to Fight drops to 0%, it is guaranteed to start fleeing. The list of conditions and situations that can potentially affect a creatures Will to Fight:
- The creature is high on Health (gradually restores the creatures Will to Fight depending on its current amount of Health).
- The opponent is low on Health.
- The opponent is Injured, Bleeding, in Pain, or affected by certain other negative effects.
- Theres an ally within Vision (increases Will to Fight depending on the allys level).
- The creature is low on Health.
- Theres a significant level difference between the creature and the opponent.
- The level of the characters equipment is much higher than the creatures level.
- The creature is Injured, Bleeding, in Pain, or affected by certain other negative effects.
- The creature loses Health due to the opponents attacks and abilities.
- Allies receive Injuries within Vision.
- Allies start fleeing within Vision.
- Allies die within Vision (the impact depends on an allys level and whether their death was a result of a critical strike or miracle-casted spell.
- Rebalanced most enemies to maintain their power on roughly the same level as it had been before they gained access to additional passive abilities. - Rebalanced the Experience gain from killing most enemy types - high level enemies (and minibosses in particular) will now yield significantly more XP. - Changed or updated the following enemy abilities: Curse of Decay (former Curse), Curse of Agony (former Curse of Weakness), Desecration (former Bolt of Darkness), Unholy Blessing, Lesser Ritual of Resurrection (former Resurrection), Blasphemous Sigil (former Sigil of Darkness), Spectral Haunting (former Dispersal), Soul Sacrifice, Grave Chill, Sacrificial Blood, Mark of the Feast, Draining Sigil (former Vampiric Rune), Blood Scent, Neverending Torment, Taste for Flesh, Swarm, Loud Barking. - Changed the special effect of Unholy Damage: [chance to apply Curse > Health Replenishment]. - Changed the special effect of Sacred Damage [Health Replenishment > Energy Replenishment]. Added a new Reputation perk, Specialty Goods, which makes additional paper maps available for sale. - Deadly Tail: swapped the chance to apply Sacrificial Blood with a chance to apply Mark of the Feast. - Net Throw, Bone Throw, Web Spit, Blood Spit now use the missile mechanic, giving them a chance to miss their target. - Made it possible to block and dodge Girruds skills. - Updated the Stealing Mechanic: NPCs should no longer be able to detect you through walls. - The Casket with St Walds Relics now grants immunity to an additional effect, Curse of Agony.
- Rewrote enemy abilities hovers in accordance with the Equipment Update III standards. Added a dynamic display of scaleable stats to enemy abilities hovers (their relevant Accuracy and Damage Dealt, for example). - Youll now be able to see enemies Will to Fight while inspecting them. - When inspecting enemies, their abilities will be displayed in a predetermined order rather than randomly. - The Character Menu and Journal tabs will now retain the position of their sliders when reopened. - Improved the Global Map optimization.
- Fixed the bug causing different enemy types to use the same basic Health Restoration value. - Fixed some AoEs having dead zones. - Fixed the inconsistent display of certain AoEs and ability trajectories for different characters positions in relation to the target. - Fixed the bug preventing negative Dodge Chance from increasing the Accuracy of incoming attacks. - Fixed the bug which allowed Pain to exceed Pain Limit. - Fixed the Anmarrak being able to use Wide Swipe while its Tentacle Hand is actively participating in combat. - Fixed Harpies and some other enemies using incorrect animations after recovering from Petrification. - Fixed Lion Leap granting the Manticore an unlisted Dodge Chance bonus. - Fixed the incorrect interaction between the dual weapons Damage and Residual Charge. - Fixed Immobilization, Stun, and other similar effects not being able to interrupt Charge skills. - Fixed the incorrect description of one of the Brynn Reputation perks, Better Gear. - Fixed Cleaving Strike granting an incorrect bonus to Counter Chance. - Fixed the potential softlock caused by missed Distracting Shot. - Fixed Onslaught having its Cooldown reduced by an incorrect number of turns after failing to knock the target back. - Fixed Mutilating Lunge having its Cooldown reduced by an incorrect number of turns after failing to cause an Injury. - Fixed the buggy interaction between Courage and counters. - Fixed From the Shadows applying its debuff even after missing the target. - Fixed the incorrect duration of Endurance Training bonuses. - Fixed the incorrect duration of Startling Volley effects. - Fixed the combination of Mighty Kick and Push the Falling not prolonging some of the debuffs its supposed to. - Fixed the Codex of the Triple Hand Order granting its bonuses even when the Undead or Proselytes die without the players direct participation. - Fixed the disappearance of certain effect animations after moving to another location. - Fixed the Knockback pop-up hint. - New sprites for some items. - New visuals for some Necromancy-themed abilities.
[ 2023-09-15 17:26:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The work on Rags to Riches continues as planned, and its already evident that itll be the largest update yet. Right now our hands are full with implementing a whole bunch of different mechanics: Caravan Upgrades, improved Dungeon Generation, reworked Contracts, Cooking, better pathfinding for enemies. Some time is also being spent on conceptualizing new features that will be introduced to the game after RtR. And if all goes well, well soon release a couple more devlogs highlighting the Caravan System and Cooking, which are close to being finished.
But since everything else still requires more time in the oven, we decided to release yet another interim update that will include some of the content originally intended for Rags to Riches. So, what can you expect from the content patch arriving in the next few weeks?
Its been a while since the Undead faction received an update. We want to amend this by adding 9 new basic enemies: high level Accursed and Ancient Ghasts, Putrid Restless, and 6 new types of Wraiths.

A large portion of the Undead-specific abilities was reworked and redistributed between the existing and new creatures. Our goal was to put a stronger emphasis on the interactions between the factions elite, Ghasts and Necromancers, and ordinary walking corpses, the latter serving as a disposable resource.

As an example, take a look at Curse of Decay and Curse of Agony (former Curse and Curse of Weakness):

New bosses. For quite some time, low level Necromancer minibosses had a chance to spawn even in high tier dungeons. It will be changed in this content patch by finally introducing powerful tier 3 Necromancers to Brynn Crypts. Distant dungeons will have their own mage miniboss too - Wraithbinder, who, as you may guess from his name, specializes in summoning Wraiths. Additionally, distant dungeons will have a chance to spawn the Revenant as a miniboss - long-dead commander of the Order, resurrected by unholy magic.

High level Restless will gain a new ability, Death Grip, designed to make them more of a threat during mid and late game - it has a chance to Immobilize the character and is even more dangerous when combined with the curses applied by Undead mages. Then theres a cloud of foul miasma surrounding the Putred Restless - the effect is somewhat similar to Harpies Unbearable Stench but stronger.

Proselytes will receive two new minibosses, since their high level dungeons also lacked variety in that department. Very soon, the cult will be joined by the Brander - a versatile miniboss with a focus on debuffs and using fallen allies to his advantage - and the Juggernaut, whose strategy is to disable the opponent, then demolish them with devastating strikes.

Another important feature that will be included with the upcoming content patch is reimagined paper maps. Many of you may remember them being briefly present in the game when it just launched in EA. And now paper maps are finally making a return - combined with the Rumor System and hints about POIs location, their new purpose is to make the exploration easier and more enjoyable.

The mechanic itself is very simple: interacting with paper maps will allow your character to fill up the blanks on their Global Map, painting it with rough outlines of the terrain, roads, dungeons, and certain POIs that you are yet to discover. Camps, hunting grounds, abandoned carts, shrines, and other similar locations cant be revealed this way and will need to be found through exploration or rumors.

Keep in mind: all paper maps had been created before Aldor was ravaged by the war. Consequently, many locations wont look the same way as they are drawn on maps: Catacombs, for instance, will be depicted as perfectly intact chapels and monasteries rather than caved-in ruins. Any Points of Interest that didnt exist before the war (such as the Siege Camp) or werent known to a cartographer (such as the Witchs Hut) also wont be present on paper maps.

Some paper maps will be purchasable from Elders after you reach Benevolence with their settlement, and youll receive a map of the Osbrook region after your first conversation with Verren. Finally, therell be maps depicting distant, sparsely-populated corners of the Brynn March, which will be obtainable as random loot in high level dungeons.
Will to Fight and a chance for enemies to flee are relatively old mechanics, first added with the Way Forward update. However, for a number of reasons, we werent particularly happy with how they turned out. This is why we decided to rework them by making the following adjustments: - First of all, enemies Will to Fight will now be visible when inspecting them, providing you with a rough idea about how close they are to giving up and fleeing.

- Fleeing enemies will no longer try to repeatedly reengage the character only to start running away again. - The overall system also became more deterministic. Instead of the chance to flee, affected by specific conditions, there will now be a depletable Will to Fight bar. The number of conditions influencing it was greatly expanded too: in addition to receiving damage, critical hits and Injuries, enemies Will to Fight can be swayed by the presence of nearby allies, them dying or fleeing, certain negative and positive effects, the player characters equipment, and so on. Well share more details in the patch notes. - At the same time, some conditions will actually give your opponents an advantage: if your character is Injured, Bleeding, or low on Health, the surrounding enemies Will to Fight will receive a boost, making them less likely to retreat. - Its a well-known issue that enemies cant be chased after they flee to another map tile. Essentially, it all stems from the limitations imposed by the games engine - GMS cant process events that happen outside the room or map tile occupied by the player character. Our original plan was to fix it in this very patch by adding a system that would emulate the transition of enemies between map tiles. But after some deliberation, we decided it would be a better approach to combine the system with the existing mechanic that allows enemies to follow the player character between locations. On top of that, we want to lay down the groundwork for future Random Encounters, which will also require NPC routes to be simulated on the world map. Unfortunately, this kind of major rework would make the update incompatible with existing saves, so the chase mechanic has to be postponed until Rags to Riches.
This small but fun feature will allow you to quickly review your character's exploits. Here you'll find details about the most important aspects of your ongoing playthrough: from the time spent dungeon-crawling to the number of desecrated graves and the amount of money you spent on drugs.

Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2023-08-24 16:58:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the bug causing the Magic Damage bonus granted by "Seal of Power" and "Residual Charge" to be affected by the Weaponry Damage coefficient. Increased the Magic Damage bonus granted by "Seal of Power": [+15% > +25%].
- Fixed the algorithm for distributing attacks between body parts, which was leading to more strikes to the head than intended.
- Tweaked Shield skills' formulas.
- Fixed "Flexible Defense" not penalizing Weaponry Damage or granting bonus Stagger Chance if the character also learned "Shieldbreaker".
- Fixed the incorrect amount of Health replenished by the Blessed Aquamanile.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of bonuses granted by "Flurry of Strikes".
- Fixed the crash caused by applying "Blindness" to Murkstalkers.
- Fixed "Hard Target" granting its bonuses when targeted by non-projectile spells.
- Fixed "Leg Sweep" and "Keeping Distance" not increasing the number of "Elusiveness" stacks.
- Possibly fixed the crash caused by using ranged weapons on Linux.
- Optimized ability hovers for lower resolutions.
- Fixed the text wrapping issue affecting Asian localizations.
[ 2023-07-08 15:52:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Changed the algorithm for calculating the odds of landing a hit on each individual body part. In previous versions of the game, the chance to hit was spread evenly between each body part. And since the character and most enemies have two of each limb, two thirds of the incoming strikes would land on arms and legs, which created a counterintuitive necessity to prioritize arm and leg protection over body and head armor. The chance to hit a body part will now be dynamically calculated based on their overall amount. For the player character and humanoid enemies the numbers go as follows: Head: 16.7% Body: 36.7% Each leg and arm: 11.7% This means that the chance to receive a strike to the body and the head will be roughly the same as that of taking a hit on a limb.
- Fixed the bug that caused Damage Resistances to be taken into account before Block Power.
- Fixed ranged weapons not losing Durability from attacking.
- Fixed fumbled attacks dealing normal amounts of Magical and Nature Damage.
- Fixed the incorrect interaction of "Flurry of Strikes" with Hands Efficiency.
- Fixed the effect of "Seal of Empowerment" expiring one turn sooner than intended.
- Fixed enemies not losing Energy after using their Vivifying Essence.
- Fixed enemies becoming Hostile upon taking damage from faraway traps in dungeons.
- Fixed "Sudden Volley" not applying Daze when used with a crossbow.
- Fixed "Courage" interfering with the application of Stagger in certain situations.
- Fixed "Lingering Incantations" prolonging most non-magical effects while not working with "Stone Armor".
- Fixed the bug preventing enemies from opening grate doors.
- Fixed the Brynn Fence selling lower level items than he is supposed to.
- Fixed the excessive Durability of some sarcophaguses (which was resulting in huge damage to anyone knocked back into them).
- Fixed the incorrect sprite of Engraved Greaves.
- Fixed the interruptions to background music when moving between locations.
- Fixed the missing condition check during the Mannshire Governor dialogue.
- Fixed the issue with the Mannshire Elder's disappearing dialogue.
- Fixed Dead Martyrs being able to continue using speech lines.
- Fixed Brynn Crossbowmen being able to descent from city walls.
- Fixed the inability to fix shields with Repair Kits.
- Tweaked items' Durability loss, including the Durability loss from blocked attacks.
- Fixed the Knockback Chance formula of "Reign in Blood".
- Fixed the inability to attack furniture and other props without activating the attack mode.
- Fixed fumbled "Breakthrough" being able to apply Stagger to its target.
[ 2023-06-26 17:25:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reworked the algorithm for rendering the UI, which should result in a major (25-30%) FPS boost when running the game on low-end systems. - Added a shortcut for Inspecting enemies, Shift+LMB. - Items and body parts will now be grayed out when attempting to use an item that cant be applied to them. - Added a button for deleting characters in the save menu. - Added pop-up hints that explain Knockback and attacks of opportunity. - While on the ground, quivers will now display the amount of bolts and arrows stored inside them. - Contract rewards are now given in coin purses.
- Fixed the algorithm for calculating the amount of blocked damage. - Fixed the issue with the Durability system that caused items to lose more Durability than intended and damaged incorrect items. - Jewelry, cloaks, and belts will now slowly lose Durability when worn by the character. - Fixed the rounding issue that caused Fortitude to grant its maximum benefits upon reaching 26% instead of 50%. - Fixed the bug causing basic Resistance values to stack with major Resistance categories, thus allowing to exceed Resistance caps. - Fixed Pathfinder not revealing certain enemy types when using Examine Surroundings. - Optimized the rendering of sea tiles on the global map. - Fixed and standardized a number of rounding issues. - Fixed the inability to trade with ol Tott. - Fixed the damage formula of "Seal of Reflection". - Fixed the bug causing unique items that drop on certain enemies' death to appear multiple times per playthrough. - Fixed Hostile enemies not alerting their allies if they are located outside of the player character's - Vision. - Fixed "Confusion" sometimes causing enemies to move to random tiles if their opponent is adjacent. - Fixed birds not reacting to the use of abilities. - Fixed certain modifiers not working as intended while affected by Megalomania. - Fixed the bug with Hunters Mark and enemy crossbowmen. - Fixed Battle-Forged not taking already accumulated stacks of the effect into account in certain situations. - Fixed the bug allowing cooldowns to go down when performing actions that dont take a turn. - Fixed Rune of Sustention granting incorrect bonuses. - Fixed Backfire Chance being displayed without the percentage symbol in the character menu. - Fixed the Elven Lady, Wine Trader, and Fish Mongers incorrect dialogue lines. - Removed daggers hidden Crit Efficiency bonus against Unaware targets. - Fixed the missing note in Ryns basement. - Fixed the incorrect formula tag in the hover of Hewing Strike. - Fixed Determination not delivering a strike to an approaching enemy after knocking them back during a previous turn. - Fixed the mace-wielding Skeleton Kingsguard not dropping a shield on death. - Updated the hover of Immolation. - Updated the hover of Deafening Roar. - Fixed the Carved Topaz Amulets incorrect material type. - Fixed Verren not having access to Magic Mastery in the Prologue. - Fixed the interaction of Flurry of Strikes with Hands Efficiency. - Receiving an attack that deals no damage should no longer trigger the damage taken sound effect. - Fixed the bug caused by repeatedly aggroing the Ancient Troll. - Fixed Guards continuing to chase the character after already searching them for stolen items or collecting a fine. - Fixed the incorrect price modifier that caused Brynn Craftsmen to repair items for cheaper than their colleagues in Mannshire and Osbrook. - Both Tactics now lose stacks when delivering basic strikes and using Attack skills. - Fixed the bug that caused successful blocks to transform received fumbled strikes into successful ones. - Fixed the interaction between Impulse and enemy movements. - Fixed crossbow bolts having a Range stat. - Fixed crossbow bolts stats not matching their hovers. - The max duration of Vigor gained from resting near a campfire is now the same as from sleeping. - Fixed some Mannshire containers not having an owner. - Fixed the Ancient Troll not being able to attack the character in some spots of the arena. - Fixed Deafening Roar sometimes activating twice per turn. - Fixed Troll Regeneration triggering twice per turn if the Ancient Troll is affected by certain debuffs. - Fixed some modifiers being able to trigger twice per turn. - Fixed the Ancient Troll activating Troll Regeneration while the character is still adjacent. - Fixed the incorrect duration of the Damage Taken penalty applied to the Ancient Troll after disrupting its Troll Regeneration. - Fixed enemy rangers sometimes taking a shot at the adjacent character instead of switching to their melee weapon. - Removed the possibility of dragging or learning abilities while precasting another ability. - Fixed the issue with campfires visibility. - Fixed the incorrect duration of Tactics effects. - Outlander Merchants in the Brynn Docks now continue to trade even after sunset. - Fixed the bug causing enemies to sometimes prioritize the destruction of objects instead of other actions. - Fixed the duplicating trading tabs when interacting with some NPCs. - Fixed the incorrect cooldown of Thirst for Battle. - Fixed Seal of Shackles not scaling with the casters Magic Power. - Fixed enemies being able to counter Finisher before dying to it. - Fixed Adaptability not reducing the duration of Poisoning. - Removed the possibility of fixing items that dont have Durability. - Fixed enemies not turning Hostile after being hit with a fumbled attack. - Fixed Sprint Training not reducing Charge skills Energy Cost. - Fixed Medium and Severe Hand Injuries debuffing Block Chance instead of Accuracy. - Fixed the Throwing Nets hover not matching its effects. - Fixed Reign in Blood not having Strength among the list of Attributes required for unlocking it. - The Wine Traders stall now uses a sprite that corresponds with the goods she actually sells.
- Reduced the minimum Durability threshold required for fixing an item with a Repair Kit: [90/80% > 80/60%]. - Learning Self-Repair now allows to occasionally receive armor fragments as loot from killed enemies. - Increased the duration of all Stances: [6 > 12] turns. - Right on Target: reduced the base bonus to Hands Efficiency by 4% and the base bonus to Armor Penetration by 5%. - Finisher: lowered the minimum Max Health required for instantly killing the skills target. - "First Aid": grants +10% Health Restoration and +[100% > 50%] Healing Efficiency for [90 > 60] turns. - Tweaked the formulas of some Dagger, Sword, Ranged Weapon, Axe, and Pyromancy abilities. - Equipped cloaks now prevent metal items from rusting when affected by 3+ stacks of Wetness.
[ 2023-06-17 22:07:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a conclusion to the Ransacked Homestead's story.
- Fixed the occasional inconsistencies between Energy costs displayed on the ability bar and in the Abilities menu.
- The chance to walk to a random tile caused by "Confusion" now affects enemies as well.
- Fixed Experience Gain not affecting the XP granted for reading books and notes.
- When dropped on the ground, Purses will now display the amount of gold stored inside.
- Slightly increased the rate of passive Pain decay, but also increased the amount of Health required for it to happen [75%/90% Health > 80%/95% Health].
- Fixed the pathfinding issue that was sometimes causing enemies to freeze in place or start walking back and forth.
- Fixed Dwarven Garments' incorrect sprites (they were effectively switched).
- Slightly increased the base level of equipment sold by the Brynn Alchemist and Bailiffs.
- Reduced the power of the Fortitude enchantment.
- Tweaked some armor and consumables' stats.
- Fixed counters not prolonging the duration of Stance effects.
- Fixed the crash caused by "Enough for Everyone".
- Fixed the issue preventing most hidden passive effects from being correctly reapplied.
- Fixed Venemist not leaving a corpse on death.
- Fixed the layering issue with the NPC in the Brynn University's cellar.
- Optimized enemies' decision-making algorithms.
- The Candelabrum in the Golden Grain Inn can now be picked up.
[ 2023-05-26 21:41:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Made it possible to equip Throwing Nets into weapon slots.
- Lockpicks are now given priority over Crowbars when interacting with locks through the context menu.
- Fixed abilities not adjusting their Range when performing actions that don't take a turn.
- Fixed "Double Lunge" not receiving a reduced cooldown if both strikes deal damage.
- Fixed the issue with "Mighty Kick" and Stagger.
- Fixed the issue locking the character's ability to attack after being Knocked back on the same turn as moving to another location.
- Fixed "Regroup" granting its effect for a lower number of turns than mentioned in its hover.
- Fixed the trees rendering issue.
- Fixed the issue allowing to move around during some animations in the Prologue.
- Fixed low level brigands dropping wrong items on death.
- Fixed "Will to Survive" granting its effect for a lower number of turns than mentioned in its hover.
- Fixed some new items not appearing in traders' stock, Distant Dungeons' chests, and secret rooms.
- Fixed the incorrect damage values of Skeleton Kingsguards.
- Fixed Brigands using wrong speech lines when reacting to nearby Dogs' death.
- Fixed the crash caused by "Hold the Line!".
- Fixed the crash caused by "Elusiveness".
- Fixed the crash caused by interacting with some NPCs in settlements.
- Fixed the inability to use "First Aid" without active Injuries.
- Fixed abandoned chicken coops still producing chicken sound effects.
- Fixed the issue causing minibosses to lose their name upon loading a save.
- Fixed the Restless being able to drop more than one weapon.
- Fixed the possibility of discovering the tutorial trap in the Prologue before being prompted to do so.
- Added new sprites for some items.
- Fixed the bug preventing access to one of the starting Brigand dungeons.
[ 2023-05-21 21:39:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed "Push the Falling" not taking effects' max duration cap into account. - Fixed the bug causing some Brigand enemies to use incorrect damage values. - Updated some of the items' spritework. - Fixed "Offensive Tactic" not decreasing Fumble Chance. - Increased the cooldown of "Mighty Kick".
[ 2023-05-16 21:04:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update IS COMPATIBLE with old saves, but we still recommend you to start a new game, as some changes wont take effect until then. - Added Armored Combat, a new utility tree with 8 abilities. It will serve well to any character that fights in melee regardless of their preferred armor type. - Added 57 new items: Headgear: Academy Circlet, Battlemage Circlet, Gilded Circlet, Topaz Circlet, Ruby Circlet, Court Mage Diadem, Hermit Wreath, Dwarven Circlet Chestpieces: Vehement Gambeson, Battlemage Gambeson, Mail Mantle, Mercenary Cuirass, Vehement Brigandine, Red Silk Mantle, Maen Mantle, Court Mage Mantle Gloves: Riveted Gloves, Court Mage Gloves, Battlemage Gloves, Novice Hand Wraps, Mage Bracers, Mystic Gloves Boots: Fancy Boots, Court Mage Boots, Magehunter Boots, Engraved Greaves, Sardar Boots Belts: Fur Belt, Ornate Girdle, Fancy Belt, Court Mage Belt, Rope Belt, Plated Belt, Duelist Belt, Nomad Girdle, Mercenary Waistband Rings: Silver Insert Gold Ring, Ancient Copper Ring, Brass Ring, Brass Signet, Steel Signet, Brass Agate Ring, Berserk Ring, Mastercrafted Silver Ring, Silver Jade Ring, Hermit Ring, Morion Ring, Gold Diamond Ring Necklaces: Runic Amulet, Coin Talisman, Carved Topaz Amulet, Crescent Necklace, Mastercrafted Emerald Pendant, Mastercrafted Aquamarine Necklace, Trophy Necklace, Hexer Talisman - Updated and improved ability hovers, making them more concise and informative. Most of them were standardized to leave little to no ambiguity when it comes to describing mechanics. All active abilities were split into 5 categories: Attacks, Charges, Maneuvers, Stances, and Spells. Some of the reworked passives and effects have special interactions with specific ability types. Spell hovers now display their previously hidden Armor Penetration stat as well as their current Backfire Chance and Backfire Damage. - Reworked curses - both buffs and debuffs are now static, which should noticeably streamline the system. Other than that, added 2 new curse types. (If youre playing on an old save, any cursed items that youve already acquired will retain their existing bonuses without the downside of constantly increasing penalties. Enjoy!) - Added a new achievement, Enemies Closer, awarded for unlocking and learning every Armored Combat ability.
- Reworked and tweaked most of the existing abilities. The changes primarily affect Ranged Combat, Shields, and Warfare (former Combat Mastery). The full list is humongous (12 pages!), so we decided to post it separately: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s-ZhqHMuw_CpO2gVAVPzQYh8KJH3XcfjLQdh08pd0QM - Rebalanced all armor and shields. Changed the system for categorizing armor types: in previous versions of the game, gear type usually correlated with its level (most light armors were early game), but now armor types are represented more evenly across all levels. This change strongly affects light armor, allowing it to stay relevant even during the later stages of the game. - Nerfed most enemies to compensate for the changes to armor and shields. - Removed Passive Bonuses from most abilities (excluding Spells). - Rebalanced weapons critical effects: Swords: [+50% > +25%] Bleed Chance Axes: [+50% > +30%] Bodypart Damage Maces: [+50% > +25%] Daze Chance Daggers: +50% Crit Efficiency now correctly applies to common crit strikes as well. Increased the Energy Burn threshold [20 > 25]. Two-handed swords: [+75% > +50%] Bleed Chance Two-handed axes: [+75% > +60%] Bodypart Damage Two-handed maces: [+75% > +50%] Daze Chance Spears: [+75% > +50%] Immobilization Chance Staves: [replenish 10% Max Energy > +50% Energy Drain] Bows: +50% [Immobilization Chance > Knockback Chance] Crossbows: [+125% Knockback Chance > +100% Immobilization Chance] - Strength: each point grants [+3% Bodypart Damage > +1.5% Weapon Damage]. Each threshold grants [+15% > +10%] Crit Efficiency and [+5% Weapon Damage > +7.5% Bodypart Damage]. - Willpower: each point grants [-1% > -1.5%] Cooldown Duration and Abilities Energy Cost. Each threshold grants [+5% > +7.5%] Magic Power. - Changed the counterattack mechanic: each individual enemy can now trigger only one counter per turn. The same applies to the player character as well: enemies cant counter them more than once per turn regardless of the number of received strikes. - Fumbling a shot will now halve its damage (similarly to melee strikes) and not just break an arrow or bolt. - Spike traps will trigger only once, just like all other trap types. - Added additional effects to Confusion (-20% Block Chance and -20% Counter Chance) - Fortitude now affects the damage received from DoT effects (Bleeding, Poisoning, Burning, Acid Bath), and each 1% Fortitude reduces received debuffs duration by [0.5% > 1%]. Lowered Fortitude cap: [100% > 50%]. - Reduced Durability loss rate for both the player characters equipment and enemies Armor. - Reduced Pain gain from receiving damage by 15%. - Increased the base effectiveness of Immunity on the passive Intoxication decay: [1:0.75 > 1:1] - Changed starting Affinities of the following preset characters: Arna: swapped Maces for Armored Combat. Jorgrim: swapped Shields for Maces. - Tweaked Velmirs trait: [-3% > -5%] Damage Taken and [+3% > +5%] Accuracy for each received strike. - Tweaked Arnas trait: [-2.5% > -3%] Damage Taken and [-5% > -3%] Cooldowns Duration for each enemy within Vision. - Tweaked Jorgrims trait: [+15% > +20%] Crit Efficiency upon killing an enemy. - Tweaked Dirwins trait: hitting an enemy with a strike or shot for the first time applies them with [-20% > -10%] Dodge Chance and [+20% > +5%] Damage Taken for [10 > 8] turns. - Reduced the power of most enchantments. - Raised Magic Power cap: [250% > 350%]. - Raised Energy Drain cap: [100% > 150%]. - Reduced base Block Power by 5. Reduced base Block Power Recovery by 5%. - Increased the school-specific Magic Power bonus granted for learning relevant spells [2% > 2.5%]. - Reduced Intoxication gain from Poisoning [+4 > +2 per turn]. - Loud Barking now generates less noise. - Increased the ruby stat bonus granted for solving the Standing Boulders mystery [4% > 5%]. - Increased food drop rates in the Prologue. - Verren will have 33% Fatigue Resistance and 33% Hunger Resistance when playing as him in the Prologue.
- Ghoul corpses can now be skinned to harvest their fur and hearts (once Huntmaster is learned). - Added fish, crabs, and nets to the Dock Traders stock. - Removed treatises from the Brynn Pawnbrokers stock - Standardized the levels of treatises sold by the Mannshire Scribe and Brynn Bookmaker. - Changed prices of some consumables. - Throwing potions at enemies now applies them with Covered in Alcohol effect. - Added Durability to Shovels, which is reduced by digging. - All equipable consumables (Crowbar, Lancet, Shovel) now lose Durability when used as a weapon. - Renamed Rogue Pyromancer into Hired Sorcerer and swapped his Ring of Fire and Incineration with Jolt and Seal of Power. - Renamed some items.
- Fixed the incorrect order of attack outcomes. - Fixed the issue preventing Gotta Catch Em All and I.C.B.M achievements from being unlocked. - Fixed enemies becoming invulnerable to AoE abilities for one turn upon entering a location, being moved to another tile with a swap ability, or being summoned, resurrected, or transformed. - Fixed certain abilities skipping a turn after being used. - Fixed action-limiting effects not working as intended in some scenarios. - Snakes should no longer spawn in pairs, and some traps - trigger twice. - When moving to another location, the fade to black will now happen after enemies take their turn, not during it. - Fixed the bug linked to dying on the same turn as moving to another location. - Fixed one of the abandoned cart POIs always spawning high level brigands. - Removed the possibility of reapplying Dirwin traits effect to the same target. - All missile Spells (Fire Barrage, Jolt, Bolt of Darkness) now use a standardized system for their chance to hit. - Fixed Fire Barrage always missing all of its remaining firebolts if the first or second one in the series failed to hit the target. - Fixed the Restless Abominable Vitality passive not working as intended. - Fixed Petrification not taking its targets Magic Resistance into account. - Fixed Overflowing Power replenishing Energy when damaging inanimate props. - Fixed the incorrect interaction between Rune of Cycle and Overflowing Power. - Fixed the issue with the Ignition Chance of Incineration. - Miracle casting any Seal now grants its effect additional duration. - Fixed Damage Resistance enchantments not working when applied to shields. - Fixed the interaction between drugs and alcohol/Hangover that allowed to avoid Bad Trip after mixing these two together. - Fixed the issue that prevented Rotten Crabs from appearing in the game. - Fixed Ol Totts travel prices. - Fixed the axe variant of Skeleton Kingsguard dropping two-handed maces on death. - Fixed the Smithing Workshop Bailiff refusing to accept a bribe if theres more than three bottles of Elven Wine in the inventory. - Fixed ranged enemies being able to counter before they actually swap to their melee loadout. - Fixed the occasional crash caused by Harpies Peck. - Fixed the bug that allowed enemies to use ranged weapons and combat abilities while in deep water. - Fixed the bug causing ranged enemies to take a shot at the player character after loading a save. - Fixed the penalty for dual wielding shields not working as intended. - Fixed disarmed traps being displayed with an incorrect sprite after loading a save. - Fixed Bran not marking his cabin on the map after mentioning it in the dialogue. - Fixed the Osbrook Inkeepers wife not selling food and drinks.
- Added animations for receiving all types of Magic and Nature damage. - New sprites for some abilities. - New sprites for some items.
- Armor and shield hovers now list their type (light, medium, or heavy). - Effect hovers now list stats in a more orderly fashion. - Standardized the listing and rounding of stats displayed in the character menu. This change also affects the hovers of abilities and modifiers. - Bonuses from enchantments no longer affect the basic stats of items. - Fixed Girrud abilities displaying incorrect stats in their hover. Shoutout to @DacianDraco, @Psojed, @RedOrder, @Gura, @Mindwitness, @MassBlin, @Monmon, @Rocket!, @iamyoyoman, @Amadeo, @Mallagar, @Malacar, @Joe Mad, @BlazingBreacher, @Guard, @Manual the Nah and @CommAmethyst for participating in the closed test and making this patch a better experience for everyone else
[ 2023-05-16 16:01:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well take a look at the new ability tree - the long awaited Armored Combat. We also have a surprise announcement to make.
Initially, we planned to add Armored Combat with the next major update, Rags to Riches. But since theres still a lot of work to be done, and itll be a while before Rags to Riches is released, we decided to make this one ability tree a part of the previously unannounced Equipment Update III, which will introduce many new pieces of armor for mages and hybrid builds.
On top of all that, Equipment III will feature various tweaks to half the existing abilities. There was a lot of negative feedback regarding Ranged Weapons, Warfare (former Combat Mastery), and Shields, so these ability trees in particular were changed the most. Therell also be certain QoL improvements, such as reworked skill hovers and a better system for skills classification. The exact details will be revealed in the patch notes.
We aim to release the Equipment Update III on May 16th. Please take note that this interim update wont feature new bags, reworked Dungeons, the Caravan, and everything else that was explicitly presented as a part of Rags to Riches. The exact date for the latter will be announced a short time before its release. Another thing worth mentioning: the Equipment Update III will be compatible with your current save files.
Now lets move onto the new ability tree. Armored Combat consists of 8 skills, spread evenly between actives and passives.
While conceptualizing Armored Combat, one of our goals was to make it useful to all armor types, both heavy and light.
As a result, its skills are designed to dynamically change depending on the equipped armor. This mechanic bears some resemblance to the one used by Shields, although the differences between armor types effects are significantly more noticeable.
- Light armor adds bonus Dodge Chance to the skills effects or otherwise improves the effectiveness of evasion. It also allows using Armored Combat skills more frequently.
- The main drawback of heavy armor is its hefty penalties to Max Energy, so its changes to the ability trees skills are focused on counteracting them in one manner or another.
- Medium armor offers a compromise between Energy efficiency and Protection. For the most part, it doesnt require any bonuses to be effective, and wearing it usually wont modify Armored Combat skills in any way.
Brace for Impact!

Grants bonus Dodge Chance and Block Chance until the next turn. While the effect is active, all received strikes receive major penalties to Accuracy, Fumble Chance, Armor Penetration and cant crit. Light body armor halves the skills Cooldown Duration and Energy Cost, and heavy armor doubles its Cooldown Duration. This skill is useful for situations when your enemy is preparing to deliver a highly damaging or debilitating strike - Brace for Impact! will allow you to either negate it entirely or at least greatly reduce its effectiveness. Flexible Defense

Delivers a strike to three adjacent tiles with a penalty to Weapon Damage but a large bonus to Stagger Chance. Additionally, all enemies within the skills area of effect receive a debuff to Weapon Damage, Fumble Chance, and Accuracy for three turns. Light body armor prolongs the debuffs duration to six turns, and heavy body armor replenishes 5% Max Energy for each enemy within the skills AoE. Although this skill works well with all armor types, its synergy with high Dodge Chance makes it exceptionally useful to lightly armored builds. Unyielding Defense

Allows to reposition to an adjacent tile, then activates an effect that grants a bonus to Control Resistance, Block Power Recovery, all body parts Protection, as well as Block Chance or Dodge Chance (depending on which one is higher). Receiving enemy strikes grants an extra stack of the effect. This skill isnt considered a stance, so it can be used together with Weaponry stances. Other than that, it provides an option to safely reposition when surrounded by enemies, as moving with abilities doesnt trigger Attacks of Opportunity. Battering Ram

Battering Ram performs a charge towards a target, dealing Crushing Damage to it with a chance to apply Stagger. Light body armor halves the skills Cooldown, increases its Range, and allows it to grant bonus Weapon Damage for a few turns that scales with Dodge Chance. Heavy armor reduces the skills Range and switches the Stagger Chance to Stun Chance for a greater impact. This skill is meant to be an alternative to Dash from Athletics, offering extra means of closing distance with enemies, especially if your weapon of choice doesnt have access to charges.

Reduces the rate of Durability loss (for weapons too) by 15%, increases the effectiveness of Repair Kits, and allows to dismantle armor into fragments that can be used for patching up your other armor. Additionally, this passive grants a bonus to Bleed Resistance and Fortitude for each equipped piece of armor with more than 80% Durability.

Different fragment types replenish different amounts of Durability depending on an items level. For instance, a piece of cloth scrounged from a peasant shirt wont be very effective when used for repairing an expensive mantle. Hard Target

Reduces Armor Penetration of all attacks against the character. Ranged attacks against the character also grant a bonus to Dodge Chance for a few turns while simultaneously reducing the attackers Accuracy. The effect triggers twice if the enemy manages to land a shot. Battle-Hardiness

Using stance skills and maneuvers reduces Damage Taken until the next turn. Light body armor also grants bonus Dodge Chance and Counter Chance for a few turns for each traveled tile (this includes tiles traversed with charges and maneuvers), and heavy body armor reduces Skills Energy Cost for each turn spent on the same tile. Custom Adjustments

Each piece of equipped armor grants a special bonus depending on its type. Light armor grants additional Protection to the respective body parts. Medium armor grants Bleed Resistance to the respective body parts. Heavy armor increases Max Energy and Energy Restoration. ==================================== And finally, here are some of the new items that will be added with the Equipment Update III:

Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2023-05-02 17:37:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The last couple of months our team has been working on lots of new content: the long-awaited Caravan, the previously highlighted rework of the Dungeon Generator, and dungeon and settlement modifiers that will be a part of the upcoming Contract System rework - speaking of which, today wed like to elaborate on some of its elements, namely Outskirts locations.
Outskirts are a new type of Points of Interest that will be introduced to the game with the next major update, Rags to Riches. Located a few tiles away from settlements, they still act as their continuation of sorts
Their main purpose is to add more variety to the basic contract loop and facilitate early game exploration. Most Outskirts will usually offer you the following things:
- A spot to save your progress.
- Access to one or more traders and craftsmen who will sell vital consumables, fix your gear, etc.
- A chance to interact with new NPCs who can offer you contracts or give rewards for their completion.

Its fair to say that granting alternative access to contracts and rewards is perhaps the Outskirts most important function. After Rags to Riches, village Elders wont be the only ones in the contract business, the following three new NPC types - Officials, Captains, and Couriers - will be able to participate as well. Their main difference from Elders lies in the rewards they will offer: - Captains wont pay as much, instead providing extra Reputation with settlements you complete contracts for. - Officials will split the Reputation boost between all settlements of their faction (for instance, completing Osbrook contracts will slightly improve your standing with both Brynn and Mannshire). - Couriers wont actually hand out quests, instead giving rewards for completing contracts that require you retrieving certain items. Bringing those directly to a Courier will earn you extra gold. Additionally, contract rewards can be received from any of these NPCs regardless of your initial quest giver, thus breaking the routine of walking the same roads over and over again. So instead of having to stick to the settlement-dungeon-settlement route, youll be able to receive a contract in a village, clear out its dungeon, get your reward in a nearby Outskirt, grab a new contract there, sell your loot and replenish supplies (optionally), then head straight to the next dungeon.

All Outskirts can be roughly split between these three categories: - Military Camps and Outposts. This is where youll find Captains and, most likely, someone to fix your gear and sell you medicine and ammunition. - Trade Posts and Production Sites. Their main role is selling special goods that can be transported to other settlements via the Caravan and sold at a profit. An example of such a site would be the Osbrook Mill or the Mannshire Winery, which many of you are already familiar with. This is where you may also encounter Officials, who are tasked with overseeing the production. - Homesteads and Roadside Inns. These locations will offer a hearty meal, a place to catch some shut-eye, and a chance to meet a Courier, should the need arise. To better illustrate the system, here are some of the new Outskirts: Osbrook - Roadside Tower

Not wanting to be caught off guard if the Council suddenly breaches the truce, the Magistrate took it upon themselves to restore the web of outposts and signal towers that now covers the entirety of the Brynn March. Osbrook - Drunken Woodsman Inn

The Drunken Woodsman is a safe haven for any hunter whose trade brings them close to Osbrook. Mannshire - New Orchard

The war gave the best cidery in Aldor little time to react: its previous owners couldnt save neither themselves nor the flourishing gardens, taking the ancient recipe of their specialty beverage to the grave. But not all hope is lost: the new proprietors of the New Orchard are determined to do everything in their power to restore this place to its former glory. Mannshire - Southern Outpost

This encampment was originally established by Duke di Berro during his brazen counterattack against the Council army. Its not nearly as large as it used to be, but it still plays an important role in bringing order to the Magistrate-controlled lands. Its worth mentioning that the existence of Brynn contracts and dungeons is only temporary (in the future therell be an entirely new way of gaining city Reputation), so it wont have Outskirts in the gameplay sense of the word. At the same time, you can expect a certain other location to receive its share of Outskirts POIs
New Backpacks
Lets move onto the next addition planned for Rags to Riches - a wide selection of new bags and their overall rework. Right now the game features just one backpack type that offers as many slots as it occupies in the inventory - this was done to prevent exploits associated with carrying multiple backpacks. In Rags to Riches, all bags and backpacks will become much more capacious. As a tradeoff, youll have to equip them first before storing any items, and theyll have to be emptied before you can place them in the inventory. These combined tweaks allowed us to create a bunch of new backpack configurations:

Medium Backpack grew in capacity and received sizable side pouches.

Small Backpack isnt particularly roomy, but itll be much easier to obtain than other bag types.

Field Surgeon Bandolier - a solid choice for anyone who wants to carry lots of meds and other consumables.

Herbalist Satchel allows you to not really worry about precious inventory space while transporting large amounts of potion flasks and other vessels or gathering important herbs.

Hunting Backpack is meant to easily fit a few pelts and can be used to comfortably carry a bedroll.

Treasure Seeker Backpack will greatly improve your carrying capacity, although its bulky frame will do no favors to your agility and finesse. On top of all that, it will also be possible to store single cell treasure items in common Purses. And finally, heres a teaser for the much-anticipated Armor ability tree that were currently working on as well:

=========================================================== Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2023-03-30 14:03:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the bug causing accumulated Pain levels to change too abruptly when the Pain Limit is decreased. - Keep Them Coming can no longer be triggered by casting spells. - Fixed Determination doing nothing when used against enemies on the same tile as a doorway. - Fixed the possibility of attacking Runic Boulders while Stunned. - Added an Accuracy bonus to Throwing Nets, Nistrian Flame Flasks, and Spider Blood Flasks. - Fixed the bug causing some contracts to not register the Necromancers death. - Fixed Brigand Geomancers casting Stone Spikes without a good enough reason. - Fixed Brigand Geomancers using the characters Spell Range instead of their own when casting Boulder Toss. - Dungeon Bats and Giant Rats can no longer open doors. - Updated Crowns sprite. - Fixed Elite Brynn Guards not switching to their alternative sprite when in combat state. - Fixed Horse Pelts using an incorrect sprite when dropped on the floor. - The Brigands' speech lines aimed at nearby allies are no longer triggered by nearby dogs. - Bleeding enemies no longer use the characters speech lines. - Completely fixed the bug that allowed some animals to use speech lines. - The Brynn Hierophant now uses his intended name and role. - Fixed Mannshire Guards being tagged as Osbrook Guards. - The standalone Prologue is now up-to-date.
[ 2023-02-11 13:54:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the freezes reported by some players when playing with the native cursor enabled. Returned the option to enable it in the settings. - Fixed some empty vessels being able to apply their targets with Wetness and Covered in Alcohol when thrown. - Fixed wolf packs getting stuck in the Howl loop. - Fixed the possibility of avoiding death by moving to another location on the same turn as receiving lethal damage. - Adjusted the menu layout for the 1280x800 screen resolution. - The cursor size now adapts to the game window size. - Fixed Rune of Enfeeblement and Rune of Fortifying granting their effect regardless of the distance to a runic boulder. - Fixed the occasional crash caused by killing Girruds. - Fixed the issue with displaced container menus. - Reduced the intensity of the Drunkenness visual effects. - Fixed Necromancers using the same speech lines as the generic Undead. - Fixed the bug causing enemies to use incorrect speech lines under certain circumstances. - Tweaked the effectiveness of alcohol and the Bloodletting Lancet to make Pain and Intoxication more manageable during the early stages of the game.
[ 2023-02-05 19:28:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- After the latest hotfix a small percentage of players started to experience occasional game freezes when playing with the native cursor enabled. We're still investigating, so as a temporary fix we disabled this option until a proper solution is found. - Fixed an issue that sometimes didn't properly register killing dungeon bosses. - Fixed "Short Circuit" incorrectly mentioning being modified by Bonus Range. - Fixed the "Intimidation" hover displaying a technical tag instead of the debuff chance. - Fixed critical kill character lines being triggered when targeting inanimate objects.
[ 2023-02-04 05:18:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reworked the Drunkenness mechanic: - Drunkenness was split into 4 stacks with varying changes to stats: 1 and 2 stacks of the effect are mostly beneficial, while 3 and 4 are largely detrimental. - The number of stacks depends on the effects duration and is tied to specific thresholds (1x / 120x / 240x / 300x ). Stacks can only go up: once a threshold is achieved, they will remain until the effects duration completely runs out. - Apart from changing the characters stats, Drunkenness also has special modifiers that manifest with each added stack. 2 stacks of Drunkenness can cause Confusion, 3 stacks - Vomiting, and 4 stacks introduce a chance to fall Asleep. These chances change dynamically depending on the number of stacks and the effects remaining duration. - Vomiting while asleep deals significant damage to your character and can potentially be lethal. - The intensity of visual effects now changes depending on the effects number of stacks. The distortions and wobbling will be barely noticeable while affected by 1 stack and will reach the levels of old Drunkenness by the time you achieve 4 stacks. - The duration of Drunkenness gained from drinking alcohol is governed by several factors. High Hunger will increase the duration, while high Vitality and Intoxication Resistance will do the opposite. - At the end of its duration, Drunkenness with 3 or 4 stacks will transform into Hangover. - Unlike other types of Aftermath, Hangover allows you to drink alcohol without triggering Bad Trip, offering an opportunity to partially negate the debuff. - Elven Citruses, Mindwort, Ginger Roots, and Antitoxin can be used to gradually reduce the duration of Drunkenness. - Added ~400 new speech lines for the player character (including unique lines for each preset option), the Brigands, and the Undead. The list of conditions that can trigger speech lines was greatly expanded as well. - Added more options to display settings: fullscreen, bordered, windowed.
- Offensive skills bonuses to Accuracy and/or Fumble Chance are no longer individual. Instead, theres now a universal bonus of +10% Accuracy and -5% Fumble Chance. Leveling Right on Target will improve it directly. - Increased stat gains from Strength. (for each achieved threshold): [+5% > +7.5%] Weapon Damage, [+10% > +15%] Armor Damage, [+10% > +15%] Crit Efficiency (for each SP invested): [+2.5% > +3%] Bodypart Damage) - Reduced the base Block Power and Block Power coefficients for most weapons. - Changed the order of condition checks for Distant Dungeons' boss chests (if all possible Artifacts are already found, these chests are now guaranteed to spawn a unique item). - If an ability is modified by Bonus Range or a specialized Magic Schools Power, it will now be listed in its hover. - Standardized the way Bonus Range interacts with spells. Increased the number of spells affected by it. - Reduced the base Range of some Pyromancy spells. - Rather than working within the entirety of the casters Vision Range, Geomancy spells now have their own Range stat, just like all other Magic Schools. - Increased the durability of Runic Boulders (boosting the damage dealt to anyone Knocked back into them), but greatly reduced their Resistances, making them much more vulnerable to attacks. - Moving to another location will now automatically skip a turn, giving enemies a free action. - Significantly reduced the passive Pain decay [-0.2 per turn if all conditions are met > -0.05 per turn / -0.5 per turn if the current Pain is higher than Pain Threshold > -0.25 per turn] - Tweaked the stat scaling of Mace skills (some of the skills effects now favor Strength over Agility). - Significantly reduced Leechworms Accuracy and increased their Fumble Chance. - Bad Trip will no longer increase Intoxication. - Reduced the durability of sarcophaguses. Knocking enemies against them should no longer deal obscene amounts of damage. - Increased the impact of active debuffs on the Rest Modes restorative effects. - Bloodletting Lancets now use a different mechanic. - Generic Brynn merchants no longer sell treatises.
- Fixed the exploit allowing to dupe items with the Caravan Storage. - Fixed the Bloodletting Lancet not displaying in the character's hands when equipped. - When inspecting enemies, the displayed Resistances to individual Damage types will no longer duplicate the numbers gained from the Resistances to broad Damage categories. This change should noticeably reduce the size of enemies hovers and improve their readability. - Fixed Backfire Damage not having 100% Armor Penetration, which was allowing to completely negate it with some armor. - Fixed an issue that made it impossible to reduce the base Backfire Chance of spells. - Fixed the upper threshold of Backfire Damage being displayed as 100% instead of 200%. - Fixed the bug with Stone Spikes durability that was causing enemies to receive minuscule amounts of damage when Knocked back into them. - Fixed Crit Efficiency not being split between hands in the Character menu while dual-wielding. - Fixed the loot generation bug that was causing contract chest in high level dungeons to provide insufficient rewards. - Fixed Pyromancy spells granting excessive bonus to Pyromantic Power when learned [2.5% > 2%]. - Fixed Deadly Trick increasing its users Crit Chance upon activation. - Fixed Unstoppable replenishing Energy for 20% of the characters Max Health instead of Max Energy. - Fixed Earthquake burning a static amount of Energy instead of the listed percentage. - Added a cap to Energy Burn applied by Earthquake. The effect scales with Willpower. - Fixed Cauterize Wounds increasing the duration of its effect with each stopped Bleeding rather than boosting the effects power. - Fixed enemies being able to use Maneuver to traverse 2 tiles in 1 turn. - Fixed the Ancient Troll taking multiple instances of damage from Piercing Shot. - Fixed Whirlwind being able to move nests and hives. - Fixed Determination being able to hit charging enemies multiple times per turn (by Knocking them back over and over again). - Fixed Martyrs Blessed in Death granting its bonuses to the character instead of the Proselytes. - Offensive Tactic should now correctly improve the characters Accuracy when they miss with a ranged weapon. - Fixed Peck being able to apply Blindness upon hitting any body part, not just the targets head. - Fixed Berserk Tradition not granting Dodge Chance for each degree of Injury affecting the character (this includes stabilized Injuries as well). - Fixed the hover of War Cry displaying a technical tag instead of the debuff chance. - Fixed War Cry granting 1 less turn of Battle Rage than mentioned in its hover. - Fixed the hover of War Cry not mentioning Willpower as a relevant attribute. - Fixed War Cry using an incorrect area of effect. - Fixed Keep Them Coming not granting the effect of Mighty Swing when killing enemies with the ability trees skills and critical hits simultaneously. - Fixed ranged enemies being able to use Seize the Initiative from a distance without actually taking a shot. - Fixed the bug that prevented the use of abilities while Frozen Stiff. - Skipping time by sleeping will no longer take the Rest Modes bonuses into account. - Fixed the issue with the display of stats in the Character menu when using the Rest Mode. - Fixed Brigand Paymasters not being able to attack the character under certain circumstances. - Possibly fixed the crash caused by moving to a different location if a Brigand Geomancer summons a Runic Boulder on the same turn. - Fixed Brigand Geomancers being able to use Runic Boulders outside of their Vision Range. - Fixed the Blessed Aquamanile healing damaged body parts for a smaller amount than mentioned in its hover. - Fixed Paregoric not granting immunity to Coughing when its applied by Harpies Unbearable Stench. - Fixed the crash caused by the Manticores Lion Leap. - Fixed the bug with theGwynnels Answers quest that could potentially result in the disappearance of the hidden lever. - Fixed Brynn Guards using incorrect speech lines. - Fixed Leechworms and certain other animals being able to use speech lines. - Ahruz from the Prologue is now correctly listed as an elf rather than a human. - Fixed the outdated hover of Curse. - Fixed the outdated hover of Baleful Scream. - Fixed the collision issues affecting the second floor of the Brynn Bank and the cart in the Plague Village. - Fixed the layering issue with the Brynn Banker's sprite. - Fixed the Guard Helmet not displaying correctly when worn by Arna. - Fixed certain vessels sprites not displaying correctly in the inventory and when dropped on the floor. - Fixed the incorrect sprite of the tier IV Ranged Weapons treatise. - Fixed the issue with the Throwing Nets visuals when used on Young Trolls. - Fixed Sleep darkening the screen on top of the already existing visual effect.
[ 2023-02-03 17:05:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Its been a while since the last devlog, so were here to tell you about the current state of affairs and our plans for the near future.
Lets just say the workflow has been less than ideal - the Ukrainian part of our team experiences blackouts and disrupted internet access due to the constant shelling of the countrys infrastructure, and the part of the team that formerly resided in Russia needs time to adjust in a new place. Nevertheless, were still determined to continue working on Stoneshard.
The main focus right now is on the next major update, Rags to Riches, which will both introduce and expand upon a number of key gameplay systems, namely the Caravan, the dungeon generator, and the economy.
Unfortunately, were in no position to announce even approximate release dates, definitely not within the next few months. But it doesnt mean there wont be any new content until then - we plan to release a few small patches, mostly focusing on fixing bugs, implementing some long-awaited QoL improvements, tweaking the existing ability trees, and fleshing out certain minor mechanics that we kept on the back burner. This approach will keep the game from getting stale while simultaneously giving us an opportunity to clear the accumulated backlog and resolve some technical issues.
For instance, in the near future well release a hotfix that will improve the Drunkenness mechanic and add a few hundred new speech lines - both for the main character and the enemies - to cover a much larger number of scenarios.
Now back to Rags to Riches and the progress weve made so far. Many of you may remember that the dungeon generator was already reworked in the Way Forward update. But even though the result was much better than the original iteration, the last couple of years brought us enough experience and feedback to realize that we can do better. After all, dungeon-delving is one of the most prominent mechanics in the game, so any improvements to it will serve the betterment of the experience in general.
The dungeon generation rework is meant to achieve the following:
- Move away from the boring and predictable dungeon structure that consists almost entirely of small rooms separated by doors.
- Get rid of single-tile doors and hallways, as they promote the repetitive tactics of funneling enemies into the same choke points over and over again. New rooms will have a more engaging design, giving you more reasons to reposition and interact with the surroundings.
- Add more distinguishing features to each dungeon type: the Bastion should differ from the Crypts - and the Crypts from the Catacombs - not only in terms of decorations but also their overall layout.
- Make dungeons and room structure more logical and believable: upon entering a room, you should be able to get a basic idea about its function.
- Make dungeons visuals consistent with their difficulty and loot quality: high level dungeons will boast richer decor and additional room types that you wont be able to encounter early in the game.
- Add dungeon modifiers that will shake up the established routine and make you adjust your usual preparations - well share more details in future devlogs.
- Change enemy spawns to make fights more fair and interesting.

The next step is to use the Crypts as a testing ground for the entirety of the reworked system, which includes new contacts, modifiers, and certain other additions - after that, well make the necessary adjustments and apply it to the remaining dungeon types as well. Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2023-01-20 17:41:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Made sweeping updates to the Bleed system as a follow-up to the recent distribution of Bleed Resistance between specific body parts. - Changed Durability of most weapons to better fit with previous balance tweaks. - Tweaked the level range of the loot in chests. - Added exquisite dishes to the Ralph & Sons Inn. - Added traps to the Brynn Quartermasters stock. - Nerfed Proselyte Matriarchs. - Moved Yagrams back to higher level Catacombs. - Paregoric will now add 4 hours to the max sleep duration. - Made the following changes to Gaping Wound: reduced the Abilities Energy Cost debuff [50% > 33%], added a Cooldowns Duration debuff [+33%], removed the Bleed Resistance debuff, and lowered the skills base Bleed Chance [75% > 50%]. - Fixed certain abilities disproportionately targeting some body parts over the others. - Fixed Painful Stabs granting more Crit Efficiency than listed in its hover. [+15% > +10%] - Fixed Tormenting Swings reducing its targets Max Health for a larger amount than listed its hover. [-7% > -5%] - Fixed Blade Maintenance granting more Crit Efficiency than listed in its hover. [+15% > +10%] - Fixed "Fatal Strike reducing Abilities Energy Cost for a smaller amount than listed in its hover. [-25% > -33%] - Fixed Maim and Kill granting less Bleed Chance than listed in its hover. [+15% > +20%] - Fixed Moment of Weakness not granting Stagger Chance. - Fixed Severe Concussion reducing Accuracy for a larger amount than listed in its hover. [-50% > -25%] - Fixed Offensive Tactic not granting a bonus to Crit Efficiency upon landing a critical shot. - Fixed Revel in Battle granting all its bonuses while just under the effect of Striker Stance. - Seal of Finesse will now properly reduce the accumulated Backfire Damage by 20% rather than only negate the Backfire Damage generated by the ability itself. - Fixed enemies with two-handed maces incorrectly prioritizing the use of Mighty Swing. - Fixed Flame Saturation reducing Spells Energy Cost for a larger amount than listed in its hover. [-20% > -10%] - Fixed Inner Reserves replenishing less Max Energy than listed in its hover. [20% > 25%] - Fixed Now or Never not granting its bonuses for successful and partial dodges. - Fixed Dismember reducing the targets Health by a flat amount rather than scaling the damage with its Max Health. - Fixed Residual Charge granting its effect for a smaller number of turns than listed in its hover. [4 > 6] - Fixed Shield Bash reducing Block Power by a larger amount than listed in its hover. [-30% > -20%] - Fixed Pack Sense granting its bonuses not only to Wolves but also the Character. - Fixed Spot Weakness not applying some of its effects. - Fixed Seal of Power incorrectly reapplying its effects. - Fixed Boulder Toss using two different formulas for its chances to apply Stun or Daze. - Fixed the softlock that could occur when bringing potion ingredients to lOwcrey. - Fixed the crash caused by learning certain rumors. - Fixed the hover of War Cry not listing the skills debuff chance. - Fixed Tongue Push displaying an incorrect hover. - Fixed ranged Brigands not dropping bows on death. - Fixed Bleed Resistance appearing twice in the Characters stat menu. - Fixed the issue preventing the activation of the Boulder Circle under certain circumstances. - Fixed the generation bug with one of the abandoned carts. - Fixed the generation bug with one of the Camps. - Severe Intoxication will no longer cause Vomiting. Also significantly reduced the chance to Vomit while affected by Deadly Intoxication - on top of that, the overall chance drops to zero if the Character experiences significant Hunger.
[ 2022-12-08 18:50:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the NPC in the Orders Prison not appearing on some saves. - Fixed the inability to interact with the Boulder Circle on some saves even after performing all the prerequisite actions. - Fixed Deathstinger Swarms having 100% Piercing Resistance. - Fixed tier 4 Electromancy and Magic Mastery treatises spawning only in one specific distant dungeon. - Fixed Piercing Shot not benefiting from Taking Aim. - Fixed magic missiles being affected by the same close range Accuracy penalty as bows. - Fixed Agility not affecting Backfire Chance. - Dirwins unique trait should now work as intended. - Fixed Anmarraks not spawning in distant Catacombs. - Fixed Keep Them Coming instantly removing the effect of Mighty Swing granted for killing enemies. - Fixed the incorrect loot in some secret rooms. Increased the amount of loot spawning in secret rooms chests and sarcophaguses. Added guaranteed loot to certain secret rooms. - Fixed the incorrect loot in the Catacombs containers. Church-themed valuables should now appear more frequently. - Fixed Brigand Geomancers and Electromancers dropping incorrect treatises. - Fixed the occasional crash caused by using Chain Lightning in certain circumstances. - Fixed the occasional crash caused by Harpies Peck. - Fixed the crash caused by moving to another location while under the effects of Will to Survive. - Fixed Will to Survive checking for incorrect conditions. - Fixed Recharge granting its bonuses before its actually learned. - Fixed Pathfinder granting its bonuses before its actually learned. - Fixed the duration and stacks of Maneuver not adding up as intended. - Fixed Offensive Tactic being able to indefinitely stack Crit Efficiency. - Fixed the incorrect duration of the Damage Taken debuff applied to the Ancient Troll upon interrupting its Troll Regeneration. - Fixed Coordinated Advance reapplying its bonuses each time the character enters the same location, potentially resulting in enemies receiving a massive damage boost. - Fixed the effect of No Retreat not being removed when moving to a different tile. - Fixed the possibility of stacking the effect of Taking Aim with Precision. - Fixed War Cry receiving bonuses for every object and piece of furniture within its area of effect. Fixed the abilitys missing damage. - Fixed the glitches occurring with the Servant in the Golden Grain when she delivers breakfast. - Fixed the Tanat's Skull raising Fumble Chance instead of lowering it. - Fixed the occasional crash caused by purchasing rumors from the Fence. - Fixed some of the Restless being able to feel pain. - Fixed Rotten Boiled Eggs incorrect sprite. - Fixed the inability to eat or cook Harpy Eggs. - Fixed some treatises granting incorrect amounts of XP when read. - Fixed some high tier Geomancy spells having incorrect Attribute requirements. - Fixed the incorrect price of renting a room in the Rotten Willow when attempting to pay for it on the second floor of the tavern. - Fixed the inability to reduce the duration of Ensnarement by skipping a turn when its applied by Crawlers. - Fixed the bug allowing extreme Intoxication to drop Immunity below zero (which then prevented it from being raised). - Fixed the inability to swap between loadouts while interacting with a Backpack or the Caravan Storage. - Fixed the bug which, upon loading a save, spawned incorrect loot in graves. - Fixed the possibility of placing a Backpack inside another Backpack. - Fixed the missing rotten state of Gray Crabs. - Fixed enemies not having a cap on their Weapon Damage and Damage Taken. - Fixed issues with the barrels in the Rotten Willow. - Fixed issues with abandoned carts generation. - Fixed issues with some of the Restless shadows. - Fixed various visual bugs in Brynn. - Fixed the sprite of one of the Craftsmen in the Guild Quarter repeatedly flickering as he attempted to enter the building. - Fixed Brynn guards being able to sometimes step inside walls. - Incense now counts as a Valuable.
- Numerous tweaks to various items stats*. - Reduced most weapons Armor Penetration - this change affects enemies as well*. - Reduced most weapons penalty to Skills Energy Cost*. - Rather than being an universal stat, Bleed Resistance from armor now works as it was originally supposed to, providing its benefits only to specific body parts. - Added Bleed Resistance to most pieces of armor*. - Certain stats are now less impacted by the Dual-Wielding penalty. - Magehunters now spawn in higher tier dungeons. - Magehunters no longer have access to Against the Odds and Seize the Initiative. - Added new abilities to some Proselytes. - Increased the amount of loot in distant dungeons boss chests. - Reduced the effectiveness of most Staff passives. - Rebalanced One-Handed Axes passive abilities. - Rebalanced Two-Handed Axes passive abilities. - Tweaked Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces abilities to smoothen the difference in their impact and efficiency. - Reduced the minimal possible value of Block Power Recovery to 1% (from 5%). - Fixed the overly high chance of Petrification to apply its effects. As a baseline, a character with unmodified stats will need a buff from three runic boulders to raise the Petrification chance to 100%. This chance can now be decreased by the targets Magic Resistance. Also increased the spells Damage over time and its Cooldown, but decreased its Energy Cost. - Numerous tweaks to the AIs usage of abilities. - Casting spells now increases Backfire Damage by 30% instead of 20%. - Tweaked the effects of some enchantments and curses. - Perception now has 50% higher impact when passively discovering secret rooms. - Changed the loot-generating algorithm for distant dungeons' boss chests: rather than performing two separate 35% rolls to spawn a Unique and an Artifact, chests will have 50% chance to spawn a Unique. If this roll fails, you'll be guaranteed to find an Artifact instead. * - these changes wont affect already saved items.
- Maneuver now correctly grants the bonuses listed in its hover. - Removed the mention of a non-existing Aftermath from Stardusts hover. - No Mercy now correctly grants the bonuses listed in its hover. - Updated the hover of Claw Swipe - it now has a description of the skills hidden mechanic. - When interacting with a Lute, the Use line in its context menu will now appear as Play. - Rather than recover Reputation incrementally with each day spent in jail, youll now instantly receive the full amount once youre done serving your sentence. - Learning Austerity now changes the debuff thresholds listed in the hovers of Thirst, Hunger, and Intoxication. - The Hostess in the Close Harbor should now have her role correctly displayed. - Fixed the Mindwort dialogue option being displayed incorrectly during From the Cradle to the Grave quest. - Made some improvements to the camera edge panning option. - The Turkish localization is now up to date.
[ 2022-11-20 14:05:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the crash caused by finishing the Mannshire Priests task when playing on an old save. - Fixed the Mannshire Priests task not increasing your Reputation when playing on an old save. - Fixed Jolt not being able to apply Resonance on more than one target at a time. - Runic boulders will no longer damage the caster when summoned. - Fixed the Mannshire Priest thanking you prematurely for completing his task. - Fixed the crash caused by the servant in the Golden Grain Inn. - Fixed one of the new Restlesss missing a name and a description. - Fixed the crash caused by learning new rumors. - Fixed the missing backpack in the Hermits Hut. - Removed the passive Cooldown Reduction from Coordinated Advance. - Fixed the issue causing dialogue options to disappear when learning certain rumors. - Seal of Geomancy now properly grants +15% Block Chance, just as listed in its hover. - Fixed Destabilizing Hits not granting extra Stagger Chance. - Fixed the Restless dropping double the intended amount of loot. - Fixed the possibility of lockpicking already opened containers. - Dirwins starting trait now works as described. - Fixed Piercing Shot always failing to hit targets behind the main one. - Fixed one of the Brigands missing a resting sprite.
[ 2022-10-13 15:04:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Special improvements to some of the Points of Interest added with the Forgotten Lore update: the Boulder Circle and the Orders Prison.
- Added a task to the Mannshire Priest (may require starting a new game to access).
- 6 new types of mid tier Restless.
- 10 new types of high tier Brigands.
- 3 new abilities that come with them.
- 4 new helmets and 2 more Heater Shield variants.
- 5 new boots
- New folio.
- New unique spear.
- New unique bow.
- Added unique abilities to Gulons.
- Added eggs to harpy nests.
- Added rumors for new Points of Interest.
- Just as promised in the dialogue, guests of the Golden Grain Inn can now expect to be served breakfast.
- Vow of the Feat no longer grants its bonuses when enemies are not within Vision.
- Fixed the crash caused by triggering the Manticores dialogue if the character dies on the same turn.
- Fixed Skeletons being able to feel pain.
- Fixed the damage cap of Wounding Spearhead.
- Fixed One at a Time! not granting Block Power Recovery.
- Fixed No Retreat continuously granting its bonuses even after moving to other tiles.
- Fixed enemies being able to enter walls with Maneuver.
- Fixed Blade Maintenance granting its bonuses to all weapon types rather than just swords.
- Fixed willows and shrubs occasionally spawning in the middle of some roads.
- Fixed some achievements not working as intended: Drink and Be Merry and Theory and Praxis.
- Fixed the possibility of reflecting Tempest with Seal of Reflection.
- Fixed the possibility of reflecting Seal of Reflection with Seal of Reflection.
- Fixed the possibility of starting campfires on tiles within the reach of tides.
- Fixed the issue causing items in the inventory to overlap when using the auto sort button.
- Fixed some unique shields missing a sprite when dropped on the ground.
- Fixed the bug causing NPCs to be overly inaccurate when using missile abilities such as Fire Barrage.
- The food items that spawn on the surface and inside buildings will now stay fresh rather than rot away
- Fixed Mancatchers and Beastslayers spawning additional Dogs each time a save file is loaded.
- Fixed Catacomb pedestals spawning additional treatises when reentering the location.
- Fixed some Brynn NPCs missing a description.
- The effects of the Heraldic Note is now properly listed in the Reputation log.
- Fixed Yagrams Rage not accumulating as intended.
- Determination will no longer attack enemies who are already adjacent.
- Fixed Respite replenishing 4 times more Energy than its supposed to.
- Fixed the Brynn Cheese Traders incorrect greeting line.
- Fixed some of the Golden Grain NPCs' incorrect greeting lines.
- Fixed some Proselytes displaying an incorrect death animation when killed with critical damage.
- Fixed the endless stacking of Concussion.
- Fixed the Smithing Bailiff being able to sell his stock in broad daylight.
- Fixed two handed swords not applying Stagger with their skills, this time for sure.
- Fixed Bran the Trapper losing his stock in certain scenarios.
- Fixed the incorrect contents of the hidden stash at the Watermill.
- Fixed rings not affecting the characters stats when equipped together with an identical ring.
- Fixed Vipers spawning in pairs.
- Fixed the possibility of going through the Burial Cave door while it plays its closing animation.
- Fixed the chicken coop at the Ransacked Homestead continuously spawning new eggs.
- Fixed capes not granting bonuses to certain stats.
- Fixed the incorrect journal description of the final stage of Gathering the Caravan.
- The state of secret rooms is now properly saved between sessions.
- Increased the base Accuracy of thrown items.
- Added new Pyromancy spells to Brigand sorcerers.
- Cauterize Wounds can now remove the effect of Gaping Wound.
- Added a damage cap to Forceful Slam.
- Changed the mechanic of Not this Time.
- Leg Sweep now has a chance to Stagger the targets it fails to Immobilize.
- Mighty Kick now always has a chance to Stagger.
- Changed the mechanic of Armor Crusher.
- Nerfed Opportune Moment.
- Rather than always hitting all targets in its path, Piercing Shot now has its chance to hit calculated individually for each affected target.
- Changed the mechanic of FInal Push.
- Added defensive bonuses to Fight to the Death.
- Added extra bonuses to Moment of Weakness, allowing maces to better synergize with other weapon types.
- Changed the abilities available to Proselyte Matriarchs.
- Fixed Ol Totts prices.
- Reduced Hunger gain from the Curse of Voracity.
- In order to make exploration easier and more streamlined, Points of Interest will now be marked on the global map upon entering map tiles adjacent to them.
- Added a new camera setting: edge panning.
We also updated our Roadmap, the details are below.

Just like the last few major updates, the next one, Rags to Riches, will focus primarily on systemic changes, adding a number of new mechanics and improving upon the existing ones. We plan to release it next year: among other things, the update will feature the long-awaited Caravan system, revamped contracts, better dungeon generation, and tweaks to the economy. After that, therell be Venom in the Waters, which will introduce another biome to the game, a new boss, a new magic school, and a whole new dungeon type (along with its own enemy faction).
[ 2022-10-12 17:43:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added an alternative mode for picking up items - while its enabled in the options, items on the floor will be collectable only when they are highlighted with Alt. - Increased Reputation gains for completing contracts to compensate for increased Reputation thresholds. - Fixed Seal of Finesse not losing stacks when moving to other tiles. - Fixed NPCs at the Rotten Willow not reacting to enemies. - Fixed Athletics abilities receiving reduced cooldowns for each AP invested into the ability tree. - Added a death animation for enemies killed with Shock Damage crits. - Removed the shrub growing in the middle of the road near Brynn gates. - Fixed the incorrect Weapon Damage granted by Driven by Pain. - Fixed the Alchemist not being able to open his own door. - Fixed flickering NPCs near entrances to some locations. - Fixed interactions with NPCs when they stand behind a counter. - Fixed burning tiles not dealing damage if they fail to set enemies or the Character on fire. - Fixed Seal of Insight occasionally creating Places of Power in the fog of war. - Fixed attacks against NPCs not counting as a crime if they fail to deal damage. - Fixed the Manticores Deadly Tail not triggering counterattacks. - Fixed Two-Handed Swords abilities not applying Stagger. - Fixed Courage only reducing the cooldown of Heroic Charge. - Fixed issues with Brans dialogue when encountering him by his cabin as Dirwin. - Fixed sleeping NPCs not reacting to smoke bombs. - Fixes to Dispersal: if dodged or blocked, this ability no longer makes Wraiths invisible. - Fixed Wraiths being able to instantly attack upon their reappearance. - Fixed Make a Halt reducing the duration of already existing Vigor to 360 turns when resting by a campfire. - Fixed Raise Shield granting incorrect amount of Block Power. - Fixed the inability to pick up the Bone Cradle if the Manticore is killed too far away from it. - Fixed the crash caused by Murkstalkers dying to traps. - Fixed the bug allowing to use abilities while in jail. - Fixed the possibility of targeting yourself with abilities that dont support such interactions. - Fixed the Vagabond Knights Cuirass not spawning in secret rooms. - Proselyte Hierarchs now have a small chance to drop the Vampiric Staff. - Added a description to the effect of Static Field. - Fixed some traders being able to occasionally sell the Guardsman Broadsword. - Fixed Austerity raising negative Conditions thresholds by 10% instead of 5%. - Fixed collisions in some camps. - Gulons now have an animation for their Territorial state. - Fixed low level flail brigands dropping clubs on death. - Increased the Durability of Runic Boulders and Stone Spikes but reduced their Resistances. This change will increase the damage dealt to enemies that are Knocked back into them while keeping the amount of time required for their destruction more or less the same. - Slightly increased the level range of the equipment sold by Dockside merchants. - Added rings and necklaces to the Jibean Merchants stock. - Tweaks to the Fences prices and stock. Reduced the initial level range of his goods but increased their variety. - Reduced the price of some bombs. - Expanded the stock of Brynn Bailiffs. - Tweaked the effects of Seal of Finesse and Seal of Power. - Reduced high level spells base Armor Penetration. - Reduced the damage bonus to Tempest for each turn of Resonance affecting its targets from 10% to 5%. - Various tweaks to some enemies stats. - The Ancient Troll can no longer trigger attacks of opportunity. - Kromm is no longer interested in buying medicine. - Increased the activation distance of lOwcreys quest dialogues.
[ 2022-08-29 14:53:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Life Drain not working as intended. - Fixed Magic Power not affecting spells secondary effects. - Fixed Sheep Pelts not counting as a suitable material when crafting bedrolls. - Fixed the exploit allowing to receive free Bills of Exchange. - Fixed the crash caused by filling stolen vessels with water. - Stolen items should now correctly retain their stolen tag when altered in any way. - Fixed the duration of Ball Lightning. - Fixed the issues caused by drinking from the Drinking Horn. - Fixed the crash caused by setting a tile with an empty bottle on fire. - Fixed the potential softlock during Gwynnels Answers, which resulted in Verren not reacting to discovered clues. - Fixed the Manticore applying Sacrificial Blood indefinitely rather than for 6 turns. - Fixed the crashes and disappearing bottles caused by pouring water from one vessel to another. - Fixed the crash caused by Blessed in Death. - Fixed the Manticore being able to leave the arena with its leap. - Fixed spells hovers not displaying the actual damage dealt. - Fixed the incorrect damage of Lacerate. - Fixed Anmarraks using a non-existent ability. - Fixed the effect of Nikkaf, which decreased Fatigue Resistance instead of improving it. - Fixed the crash caused by Murklurkers abilities. - Fixed Moment of Weakness not granting its effect. - Fixed the stacks of Concentration not functioning as intended. - Fixed Static Field not Immobilizing its targets. - Fixed Danse Macabre applying an incorrect number of stacks. - Fixed From the Shadows not applying its targets with extra Damage Taken. - Fixed Embodiment of Resilience not triggering when blocking ranged attacks. - Fixed Reign in Blood restoring incorrect amounts of Energy. - Fixed Raise Shield not replenishing Block Power. - Fixed the bug with enemies Cooldowns that allowed them to use their abilities 1 turn sooner than expected. - Fixed the issue preventing the use of certain abilities, caused by their own cooldown-reducing effects. - Numerous fixes across most localizations.
- Added a gradual Intoxication build-up to potions. Added Intoxication values to potions hovers. - Reduced the amount of noise generated by most of the characters actions and enemies abilities. Increased the amount of noise generated by Shouting. - Anmarraks should no longer spawn in the first Brynn dungeon. - Destroying Anmarraks tentacles will put their tentacle-summoning ability on a 2 turn cooldown. - Tweaked the displayed difficulty of dungeons to better reflect the updated progression. - Tweaked the displayed danger levels of inspected enemies. - Increased the base damage of Tempest and Chain Lightning. - Reduced Gulons spawn rate. - Reduced the chance of dungeons changing their level after being repopulated. - Slightly reduced the number of enemies in medium and high level dungeons. - Slightly increased the experience awarded for killing low and medium level Brigands. - Tweaked some of the high level enemies stats. - Reduced Crawlers Armor. - Reduced Fatigue Resistance granted by Vigor from 75% to 60%. - Reduced Wormbearers summoning range. - Added some warning lines to the character that are displayed when their Backfire Damage exceeds 40%. - Reduced the level of equipment sold by ol Tott. - Increased cooldowns of Blood Spit and Blister Burst. - Each hour of staying awake now increases the maximum sleep duration by one hour.
[ 2022-08-13 14:24:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added Knockback Chance to Jolt, increasing its impact during early stages of the game. - Static Field now reduces its targets Shock Resistance, but has lower base damage. - Reversed changes to Seal of Power - just like before, the duration of the effect should increase by 5 turns when casting spells from any Magic Schools. - Girruds and Anmarraks now spawn in higher tier dungeons. - Increased Girruds Cooldowns and reduced their base Knockback, Pull, and Immobilization Chances, making it easier to resist their debuffs by investing into relevant Resistances. - Fixed Anmarraks passive, which wasnt correctly applying it with more Damage Taken after death of its tentacles. - Fixed the Manticore not being able to leap away when cornered. - Fixed the crash caused by Murkstalkers Embrace the Murk. - Added new treatises to lOwcreys stock. - Brigand Warlock can now drop new treatises on death. - Tweaked some of the curses: Hunger gain was decreased, and the reduction on Max Health and Max Energy thresholds is now more pronounced. - Fixed magic equipment not spawning as intended in the Alchemists stock after reaching high Reputation in Brynn. - Fixed the Brynn Quartermasters missing stock. - Fixed the visuals of Ethnarch's Funeral Mask when equipped by Jorgrim. - Fixed the inability to pick up the jug on the second floor of the Golden Grain Inn. - Young Trolls gained access to Earthshaking Strike. - Magic Power is no longer applied twice when calculating spells damage. - Reduced Wraiths Resistances to Nature Damage. - The Osbrook Tailor can now sell Throwing Nets. - Fixed the Range of some Seals. - Bloodthirst and Lash Blessing now count as skills, not spells. - Reduced Brigand Madmans base Bleed Chance. - Increased Death Stingers Vision range. - Reduced Accuracy of all ranged skeletons. - Returned the Exquisite Mantle and Cowl to the Leatherworking Bailiffs stock. - Drinking water from a Silver Cup now has a stronger effect on Intoxication. - Increased the base duration of Stone Armor. - Reduced Fumble Chance of starting two-handed swords and increased the base damage of two-handed swords in general. Reduced the damage of two-handed maces. - Martyrs no longer drop the same loot as broken crates. - Fixed the Backfire Chance penalty to Electromancy spells being applied twice when affected by two stacks of Wetness. - Increased the amount of Catacomb loot. - Wraith Warriors and Wraith Seers will now spawn in higher level dungeons. - Fixed the possibility of triggering a failed quest dialogue when talking to lOwcrey a few days after completing From the Cradle to the Grave. - Fixed enemies replenishing Armor when the player character leaves and then re-enters the location. - Using a bedroll in the rain will no longer result in Body Aches. - Doubly removed the Curse of Goldhoarder from the game. - Added the percent sign to Backfire Chance values displayed in spells hovers.
[ 2022-08-09 23:46:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the mistake in the Fatigue formula causing weapon/utility skills to generate several times more Fatigue than intended. - "Seal of Power" now correctly applies its effect when casting spells. - Fixed the inability to turn in "Odar's Thugs" quest. - Fatigue gain from using abilities is reduced to 1.5% / 2.5% of ability's energy cost for skills and spells respectively (2% / 3% before) - Fixed the inability to turn in Witch Hat, Witch Staff and morions to l'Owcrey. - "For Whom The Bell Tolls" now has greatly increased cooldown and reduced Sanity loss. - "Unholy Anthems" generate less noise now. - Fixed the bug causing locations to play wrong music themes. - Reduced the value of "Onslaught" Energy Burn. Additionally: - Fixed Skeleton Kingsguards contracts generating in Mannshire. This fix isn't retroactive - you need to complete or fail already generated contract for this change to take place. - Fixed Skills & Spells Energy Cost and Cooldown Duration being 105% by default instead of 100%. - Undead and Proselytes are now more vulnerable to Sacred Damage. - Fixed secret room passages sometimes becoming unpassable after the reveal.
[ 2022-08-08 11:44:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the crash occuring after entering the second floor in some dungeons. - Fixed staff-wielding necromancers spawning in low-level dungeons. - Fixed the inability to cook crab meat. - Gulons now drop Gulon Hides when skinned. - Fixed the softlock occuring after changing the locations during the "Odar's Thugs" quests. - Risen Axonians no longer drop bones on death. - Increased the odds of successful lockpicking. - Fixed Tollers using Tormentors' stats. - Fixed AI not properly reacting to Gulons. - Fixed the incorrect materials of some of the new amulets. - Fixed the incorrect pricing when trading with Vagrant Tott. - Vagrant Tott now charges 20% less for fast travelling. - Increased Shock Resistance debuff caused by both "Impulse" and "Resonance". - Balance tweaks for several tier II and tier III Brigands (mainly regarding the high block chance and block power of enemies armed with two-handed weapons). - Fixed the possibility to strike yourself with a lightning when casting "Tempest". - Doubled the sleep limit from accumulated Fatigue (+1 hour per 5% Fatigue instead of per 10% Fatigue).
[ 2022-08-08 00:27:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the inability to back out from the dialogue about renting the Bank vault. - Fixed some of the new amulets' incorrect prices. - Fixed all new Proselytes granting the same amount of experience on death. - Reduced the conversion rate of a Backfired spells Energy Cost into Sanity loss. - Innkeepers now have more money (to make it easier to sell Barrels of Beer to them). - Moved Fiends to a higher tier. - Slightly nerfed Marauders. - Reduced some of the low level Proselytes' Accuracy. - Risen Axonians no longer have access to Nail Down. - Fixed the player character being able to acquire the effect of Crimson Gift. - Fixed the crash caused by explosions. - Fixed the exploits allowing to steal items from containers without it being registered as a crime. - Enemies should now correctly recover Health when the player character leaves the location. - Increased doors durability. - Taking a cart ride no longer counts as sleeping and doesnt decrease the maximum sleep duration. - Increased the duration of Elven Muds effect. - It should no longer be possible to click through the animation of Impulse. - Pyromania now grants Miracle Chance instead of Crit Chance. - Triumph now grants Miracle Chance in addition to Crit Chance. - Fixed Body and Spirit decreasing Sanity loss from Backfired spells by 80% instead of 20%. - Nerfed Flagellants Driven by Pain passive. - Fixed incorrect Attribute requirements of Endurance Training. - Reduced Fumble Chance and Backfire Chance from dual wielding. - Fixed the inability to rent a room from the hostess in the Close Harbor Tavern. - Fixed the missing greeting line of the Universitys Physician. - Fixed the ability to accept a contract after completing it. - Increased Fatigue reduction from consuming exquisite foods. - Increased the strength of Gulons. - Various fixes to most spells Energy Cost, Cooldowns Duration, and Backfire Chance. - Reduced the restock speed of Herbalists wares. - Added sound effects to some of the new Proselyte abilities. - Added more sound effects to Gwynnels Answers cutscenes.
[ 2022-08-07 15:15:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added sounds to Electromancy and Magic Mastery spells. - Ghouls level is now taken into account when spawning them in Crypts. - Increased the damage of Jolt by 10%. - Slightly nerfed low level Wraiths. - Removed the possibility of finding usual Shackles on tool racks instead of Rusted ones. - Fixed the bug with Brewery NPCs cloning themselves. - Fixed the bug that generated Shrines instead of Abandoned Carts. - Fixed glass bottles not shattering when thrown. - Fixed overly powerful minibosses spawning in Mannshire Bastions and Crypts (this change will come into effect after completing or failing already generated contracts). - Fixed loot in the Watermill. - Fixed the Cart Drivers description. - Fixed the Fences name. - Fixed elven traders descriptions. - Fixed harbor merchants descriptions. - Fixed the missing price of Bronze Isles and Barcia folios. - Fixed Beets adding to Fatigue when eaten. - Fixed Bandages and Lockpicks missing the "Merge" option. - Fixed the bug with the cell doors context menu that occurred during contracts with kidnapped NPCs. - Fixed the incorrect cooldown of Step Aside! when this skill was used by enemies. - Fixed the bug allowing to fill non-vessel items with water. - Fixed shop signs attracting thrown items when aiming at tiles close to them.
[ 2022-08-06 13:25:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Changed the effects of Impulse and Resonance. - Fixed excessive Thirst gain from abilities, which was caused by an incorrect comma placement in the formula. - Young Trolls now have shadows. - Slightly nerfed enemies in the Prologue. - Junk dealer Tott will no longer sell his wares for 1 coin each. - Gulons no longer attack each other. - Fixed the crash caused by attempting to learn a paid rumor. - Fixed the softlock caused by dual wielding. - Fixed incorrect Attribute requirements for Short Circuit. - Fixed Fatigue Resistance being displayed twice in the character menu. - Potential Difference now has its Immobilization Chance displayed correctly. - Fixed the effect of Impulse being applied twice when using it on Resonating targets. - Fixed the potential crash caused by interacting with tool racks in the Catacombs.
[ 2022-08-05 19:36:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
IMPORTANT: this is a major update that includes changes to the global map generation, so it requires you to start a new game. If you want to continue your old playthrough, it can be done by rolling back to the previous version in the games Steam options
- New boss
and a quest that goes with it. You can receive it in a location of questionable repute after reaching level 14.
- New magic school: Electromancy.
- New ability tree: Magic Mastery.
- New enemies
13 high level Proselytes.
- Brynn content
Added the House of the Azure Thread, the Bank, the Golden Grain Inn, the Cathedral, the University, the Printing House, the Alchemical Emporium of Curious Goods, a dockside store, the Close Harbor Tavern, and the Fences hideout - each new location has its own characters and gameplay function.
- Next stage of the main quest: Gwynnels Answers.
It will wrap up the introduction sequence and prepare you for the sandbox part of the game.
- Stationary Caravan Camp
It comes with access to a sizable storage. This location becomes available after arriving to Brynn and completing Gwynnels Answers
- New system: Fatigue
Using abilities and performing various actions will now generate Fatigue, which lowers your characters Max Energy. Fatigue can be kept at bay with regular sleep, quality food, and some consumables.
- Changes to the Sleep System
The character can now only sleep for a limited amount of time that depends on how long they spend awake and their Fatigue.
- Changes to the Magic System
Added several new magic-related stats and a Backfire mechanic that causes reckless mages to take damage from their own spells.
- New loot type: Folios
11 unique books that provide information about the games lore and grant some experience when read for the first time.
- New items
1 new sword, 7 new necklaces (including a unique one), 3 new artifacts, 12 new valuables, crabs, crab meat, and shells.
- New Points of Interest.
- New biom: Seashore.
- 4 new achievements.
- New camp types. - Changes to some of the existing Proselyte abilities. - Added a few unique interactions with Brynn guards. - Changed Jonnas starting Affinities: instead of Daggers and Dual Wielding she now has access to Electromancy and Magic mastery. Also changed her starting inventory and unique trait. - Added an option to fill various vessels with water. - Added a system that lets time pass in locations even if the character isnt present there. - Its now possible to read signs and comment on certain important items. - Damage Reflection now returns damage before the application of Protection and Resistances. - Added Armor Penetration to the majority of spells. - Armor Penetration gained from Perception now also applies to spells. - Changes to the Curses mechanic. Removed Curses of Goldhoarder and Loudmouth from the game. - Starting from 2 stacks, the effect of Wetness will increase Backfire Chance for Electromancy spells. - Some merchants are now willing to purchase artifacts. - The Witchs Hat will have a few things to say about your Miraculous and Backfired spells. -- Hunger and Thirst gain from using abilities now scales with their Energy cost. - Walking through shallow waters will now slowly drench the character until a certain threshold. - Walking through shallow waters now takes 2 turns instead of 1. - Changed some of the existing interiors and Points of Interest. - Removed thyme from the Herbalists request. - Reading treatises now awards you with experience.
- Reduced the distances between settlements and dungeons. - Greatly reduced experience and loot gains in the Prologue to be more in line with the Adventure Modes gameplay. - Reduced spawn rates for the Brigands and Wolves you meet in the wilderness. - Max Health no longer increases with level. - Major buffs to most 5+ lvl enemies to improve scaling of mid and late game content. - Increased the difficulty of Brynn and distant dungeons. - Reduced the impact of Willpower on Cooldowns Duration and Abilities Energy Cost. - Numerous tweaks to the Survival tree. - Buffed the bedroll: removed the chance of Body Aches after using it and reduced its price. Investing a point into Make a Halt will now completely offset most of the bedrolls downsides and grant it additional bonuses. - Increased base damage of all maces. Reduced base damage of most two-handed weapons (with the exception of spears and staves). - Nerfed bonuses granted by Dash. Buffed Adrenaline Rush. - Reduced bonuses from Runic Empowerment. Rune of Fortifying now allows adjacent boulders to quicken the decay of Backfire Damage. - Swapped Crit Chance and Fumble Chance for Miracle Chance and Backfire Chance on magic abilities and equipment. - Reduced the starting Block Power Recovery by 10%. - Shields now grant less Block Power - Rest Mode no longer replenishes Morale. - Changes to dual wielding penalties: reduced the penalty to Abilities Energy cost and Cooldowns Duration and added a penalty to Backfire Chance. - Increased Immunity gain from vegetables, fruit, and certain other foods. - Immunity now has a 25% stronger effect on Intoxication decay. - Greatly increased the duration of most drugs. The duration of an Aftermath is now equal to half the base duration of a drug. - Reduced the chance to vomit from Hornet Honeys Aftermath. - Reduced the Ancient Trolls Health and some Resistances. - While in jail, the character will only be fed gruel. - Enemies will now be less eager to occupy burning tiles. - Most effects that used to increase Fumble Chance now also increase Backfire Chance. - Added new effects to exquisite foods.
- Removed the option to choose your reward after killing the Ancient Troll - it was a placeholder that was only meant to exist while the Troll was the only boss in the game. Now youll be rewarded with gold and a unique cloak. The unique items, which were previously awarded for completing this quest, were relocated to distant dungeons and high level secret rooms. - Changed the repair cost formula: the base cost was reduced, but it now increases with an items level. Starting with level 24, the cost will be the same as it was before the update. - Reduced Durability loss from both delivering and taking hits. - Increased Brynn bailiffs stock size. - Reduced the initial level range of the equipment sold by Brynn bailiffs. - Bailiffs will no longer sell magic gear - it was moved to Renod Kanns Alchemical Emporium of Curious Goods. - Increased the impact of Brynn reputation on the level range of sold items. - Doubled the chance of receiving unique items from distant dungeons' final chests. - Raised the selling price of pelts to be roughly equal to common loot in terms of value per cell. - NPCs will now purchase treatises at a better price. - The Brynn quartermaster now sells lockpicks. - Brigands now have a chance to drop high value rings and necklaces. - Increased the price of most valuables.
- Numerous fixes to map generation. - Fixed the bug causing major categories of damage Resistance (Physical, Magic, Nature) to not be taken into account when attacking enemies. - Fixed the bug with the incorrect Wetness duration when entering deep waters. - Fixed the bug preventing the loss of Block Power when blocking Nature and Magic damage. - Reduced the frequency of the character and NPCs speech popups. - Fixed the bug causing damage to enemies Armor to be applied twice.
[ 2022-08-05 16:59:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog, well tell you more about the second ability tree, Magic Mastery, which will be a part of the next major update - Forgotten Lore, to be released on August 5th.
Magic Mastery is designed to be a highly impactful support tree, useful to any mage build. As a result, its abilities are mostly focused on two things: increasing the effectiveness and safety of your own spells and countering enemy magic.
To better understand our design choices, we highly recommend you to check out the previous devlog - it contains important details about the upcoming changes to the Magic System.

Magic Mastery consists of 12 abilities: 6 actives and 6 passives. The ability tree can be roughly divided into two paths: the left one mostly targets pure mage builds, while the abilities on the right have a lot to offer to hybrid characters.
Active Abilities
Seal of Finesse

Activates an effect that lowers Fumble and Backfire Chances, reduces Cooldowns Duration, and speeds up the decay of Backfire Damage. When used, this spell also vents a large amount of already existing Backfire Damage. The Seal works similarly to Weaponry stances: the number of the effects stacks increases with every passing turn, but decreases when your character moves to another tile. Seal of Power

Activates an effect that grants major bonuses to Magic Power, Weapon Damage and a bit of Bonus Range. But thats not all: whenever your character uses a specialized spell, the effect transforms into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School with its own unique bonuses and has its duration slightly prolonged. For instance, Seal of Pyromancy grants Pyromancy Power, a fiery enchantment for your weapons, and a boost to Crit and Miracle Chances. In addition to Electromantic Power and Shock Damage on strike, Seal of Electromancy reduces Backfire and Fumble Chances. Seal of Geomancy comes with a bonus to Geomantic Power and Block Chance as well as faster Backfire Damage decay and lower Damage Taken. Seal of Insight

This Seal reveals a few places of power in a small area around the caster. When the character occupies an empowered tile, they gain Magic Power, Miracle Chance, Energy Restoration and have their Spells Energy Cost reduced. The effect persists as long as the character remains in place, growing in power with each passing turn and getting weaker with each cast spell. This means that if you plan to cast a lot of spells within a short period of time, it might be a good idea to make use of places of power along with Seal of Finesse. This tactic comes with a price though - youll have to sacrifice your mobility for it to work. Seal of Cleansing

This spell allows you to remove all magical and physical effects, both positive and negative ones, from the main target and everyone adjacent to it. Additionally, the spell extinguishes burning tiles, clears puddles of acid, unholy blood, and magma, and also removes runes and other magical entities. Each removed effect or object replenishes a small amount of energy to the caster and reduces their active Cooldowns. If the caster targets themselves with the Seal or is affected by its AoE, they gain Miracle Chance and reduced Damage Taken for each removed positive effect and are applied with reduced damage Resistances for each removed negative effect. Using the Seal on magical creatures, such as the Undead and Wraiths, temporarily increases the damage they receive. Seal of Reflection

This powerful defensive buff not only increases your characters Resistances to all types of damage but also reflects* half the damage received from melee attacks. And most importantly, while under the effect of the Seal, all spells aimed at your character will be redirected to a random target within Vision (if there is one). * - there were some tweaks to the Damage Reflection mechanic: the damage will now be reflected before Protection or Resistances are applied, which greatly increases the effectiveness of this stat. Seal of Shackles

The ultimate Magic Mastery spell applies a powerful Seal that significantly reduces the targets Energy Restoration and increases its Skills Energy Cost, Cooldowns Duration, and Fumble Chance. While under the effect of the Seal, enemies cant use spells, and each ability that comes off cooldown will burn their Energy (scaling with its Energy Cost) and deal Arcane Damage for the same amount.
Passive Abilities
Precise Movements Investing Ability Points into specialized Magic Schools reduces Backfire Chance of their spells. Remaining on the same tile gradually lowers Backfire Chance. Dissipation Each point of received Magic or Nature Damage replenishes one point of Energy and grants a small stacking bonus to Magic and Nature Resistances. Body and Spirit Spellcasting generates 20% less Fatigue. By 20% reduces Sanity loss from Backfired spells. Lingering Incantations Increases the duration of all magical effects - this includes Areas of Effect created by magic, such as magma or ball lightning. Thaumaturgy Grants all spells a bonus to Miracle Chance and Miracle Power. Performing a Miracle provides a stacking reduction to Backfire Chance and Backfire Damage. Arcane Lore Grants a small bonus to Magic Power for each learned magical ability*, including Magic Mastery actives and passives. * - In the current version of the game, this effect exists as Jonnas starting trait. It will be changed in Forgotten Lore: Jonna will receive Magic Power for reading magical treatises, and each learned magical ability will permanently increase her Experience Gain. This is the first of many changes to the preset characters starting traits that will arrive with the fully fledged Trait System and Character Creator. ============================ Thats all for now: we hope you liked these new abilities and will soon make them a part of your newly created characters builds. Make sure to follow the news, it wont be long until the update is released!
[ 2022-07-26 08:59:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Wed like to begin todays devlog by making an important announcement. The upcoming major update, titled as Forgotten Lore, will be released this year on August 5th.
It will include the following:
- The long-awaited surprise that we promised some time ago - a new boss! Similarly to the Ancient Troll hunt, this quest can be acquired in a location of questionable repute after you reach a high enough level.
- A new quest, Gwynnels Answers, which will conclude the opening sequence of the main story and send you off to explore the open world. A quick reminder - for the time being, this quest will be the end of the main questline. We plan to focus on the overarching plot only after we finish implementing the necessary systems and mechanics.
- New magic school, Electromancy, which will allow you to master dangerous and unpredictable lightning spells.
- New utility tree - Magic Mastery. Well tell you more about it in the next devlog.
- Several new points of interest.
- A large portion of the remaining Brynn buildings: the printing house, the House of the Azure Thread, the Bank of Brynn, the Golden Grain Inn, the Cathedral, the University, the Close Harbor Tavern, the Alchemical Emporium of Curious Goods, and a dockside store.
- New enemies: 13 new types of Proselytes (including two minibosses), as well as Gulons and Young Trolls.
- New mechanic: Fatigue. More details below.
- New magic mechanic, Backfire, and a few additional magic stats. More details below.
- New loot type: Folios. These texts provide information on various aspects of the games lore. Reading them also grants some Experience.
- Caravan Stop that can be used for resting and storing your items. Caravan travels will be added in subsequent major updates.
- New biome, seashore.
- New items.
Fatigue is one of the few remaining survival mechanics that we plan to implement. It has a number of important gameplay functions:
- Create an additional layer of planning and character management.
- Increase the importance of sleeping (right now its only used for saving the game).
- Boost the value of certain consumables such as stimulants and exquisite foods.

Fatigue works similarly to other Health mechanics: it can range from 0 to 100% and is generated by a variety of actions:
- Traversing tiles
- Attacking
- Blocking and dodging
- Using skills (Fatigue Gain is 2%* of their Energy Cost) and casting spells (Fatigue Gain is 4%* of their Energy Cost) * - these are rough numbers that are subject to change

When your characters Fatigue reaches 25%, 50%, and 75%, theyll receive increasingly powerful debuffs to their Fumble Chance, Energy Restoration, and Cooldowns Duration. In addition to all that, Fatigue also gradually lowers your Max Energy Threshold. Its a new stat that works similarly to Max Health Threshold, albeit with one important difference: Max Energy Threshold only limits the amount of Energy that can be replenished through Restoration, so its possible to exceed it with certain consumables, abilities, and effects.

Overall, Fatigue is balanced in such a way that it doesnt become a source of frequent annoyance while still carrying enough impact to not be ignored: as long as you make smart use of the available resources, an average dungeon run shouldnt raise it by more than 25-30%. There are many ways to combat Fatigue:
- The effect of Vigor, which is acquired after a good nights sleep or by using some consumables (such as Elven Mud). It reduces Fatigue Gain and gradually lowers already existing Fatigue.
- Many exquisite foods, which can be bought in Brynn taverns and grocery shops, can either alleviate Fatigue or reduce Fatigue Gain.
- Some stimulant drugs might help you stay awake longer than usual: Nikkaf has a noticeable effect on Fatigue Gain, and Alqud slowly reduces Fatigue every turn.
- Rest Mode can provide a moment of respite after a fight.
- And finally, the most obvious method - sleeping. Each hour of sleep significantly lowers Fatigue, which makes Bedrolls and distant camps all the more important when embarking on a long journey. Resting in more expensive taverns also has a greater restorative effect.

Every two hours of staying awake increase the maximum sleep duration by one hour, capping at 8 possible hours of sleep. Each 10% Fatigue additionally increases this number by one hour. This means that after 16 hours of activity youll be able to sleep for 8 hours, and if your character is also exhausted, theyll be able to stay in bed for up to 18 hours. Naturally, we anticipated the situation where you might need to save your progress while the character isnt tired enough to sleep - the Sleeping UI now has a Rest button, which gives an option to save the game without skipping time.
Lets move onto the second part of this devlog: changes to the Magic System. They were made due to several reasons:
- Theres a dissonance between the depiction of mages in the lore and their actual gameplay. In our setting, magic was haphazardly put together from scraps of ancient knowledge, which fell into obscurity during the local version of the Dark Ages. Magic is mostly limited to battlefield use, and no one understands its true nature or how it actually works. As a result, mages cant do much else apart from mechanically memorizing the few surviving spells from their preferred magic schools and then simply reciting them without any alterations. From time to time, extraordinary minds find ways to modify or improve upon the existing spells, but any kind of deviation from the established tradition is extremely dangerous and often leads to injuries, madness, or agonizing death. On top of all that, mages have to use their own body and mind as a conduit for energies - this kind of stress is extremely unhealthy for any practitioner of magic. Take Jonna, for instance - despite her haggard looks, she isnt even in her thirties
- In the current version of the game, magic gameplay lacks the tactical depth of melee builds and requires significantly less resources. Mages hardly interact with the Health system, dont spend gold on consumables and repairs, and barely ever have to think about their positioning. Magic builds only have to worry about Energy and Magic Power, which greatly reduces their variety.
- Backfire Damage
- Backfire Chance
- Miracle Chance
- Miracle Potency

The base Backfire Chance is 20%, but it can be higher depending on the complexity of a spell you try to cast: its much easier to make a mistake while summoning Inferno than when casting Fire Barrage. Backfire Chance can be reduced with special gear, certain abilities, by using Stardust, or by leveling Agility. Backfire Damage is a percentage of Energy used to cast a spell that is dealt as damage if it Backfires. For example, if Backfire Damage is 50%, miscasting a 20 Energy spell will deal you 10 damage of the corresponding type. By default, Backfire Damage is 0%, but it grows by 20% with each cast. Remaining on the same tile lowers Backfire Damage by 10%, and skipping a turn reduces it by another 10%, reflecting the fact that mages need time to recover their concentration. This way mages still have a lot of tools to work with while finally gaining more opportunities for meaningful decisions: as long as you dont go out of your way to kite enemies and make occasional pauses between spells, its possible to keep Backfire Damage at zero, receiving no damage even if you miscast. Alternatively, nothing really prevents you from using spells every turn while actively maneuvering around the battlefield - although in this case you may want to acquire some Magic and Nature Resistances or make liberal use of Stardust.

Miracle Chance and Miracle Potency are magical alternatives to Crit Chance and Crit Efficiency: their addition to the game will improve the variety of mage-related gear, raise the importance of Perception to magic builds, and remove the silliness of being able to cast more critical spells by equipping physical weaponry with high Crit Chance. ========= Thats all for now. In the next devlog, well tell you more about Magic Mastery and its interactions with Fatigue and new magic mechanics. Until next time!
[ 2022-07-09 13:39:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Lets start with some context. Unlike other archetypes, mages have been neglected in terms of new content for quite a while. There are multiple reasons for this: before new magic could be added, we had to introduce a number of additional mechanics first, which wasnt possible while the focus was on building more important and global systems. It also didnt help that developing new magic requires much more resources than weaponry and utility trees. But now the time has come, and we finally can give magic the attention it deserves. Therefore, meet Electromancy!
We envisioned Electromancy as something in between Pyromancy and Geomancy: its capable of dealing high damage to multiple targets while providing ample opportunities for weakening your foes and manipulating their positioning.
The key mechanic of Electromancy is the so-called Resonance, which can be applied by the ability trees first two spells. This effect in particular distinguishes Electromancys AoE spells from those of pyromancy - they target specific targets rather than set areas, allowing you to affect enemies standing on opposite sides of the battlefield. Lets have a better look at each spells function and the overall structure of the ability tree:
Just like every other magic school, Electromancy includes 14 abilities: 7 actives and 7 passives.
Active Abilities

The main Electromancy spell that acts as a foundation for the entire ability tree. It allows you to zap your target with a bolt of electricity, dealing a bit of damage and applying it with the effect of Resonance, which reduces Shock, Control, and Movement Resistances while also increasing Cooldowns Duration. Its a simple spell, but its importance shouldnt be understated - most high tier Electromancy abilities require at least one Resonating target before they can be used. The varied debuffs applied by Resonance make Jolt a great addition even to melee builds, especially if they use one and two-handed maces, spears or just rely on Stuns, Dazes, Immobilization, and Knocking enemies back.

Impulse is especially useful to hybrid characters - or when enemies catch you off guard and creep too close for comfort. It deals Shock Damage to adjacent enemies with a chance to Knock them back, applying Stagger if they remain in place. Additionally, it has a chance to apply each affected target with the effect of Impulse - essentially, its a stronger version of Resonance which debuffs the same stats. Other than that, Impulse deals some damage every turn with a chance to Knock enemies back, reducing the possibility of them closing the distance again.
Short Circuit

This spell is one of the main offensive tools available to an apprentice electromancer. It does some damage to all Resonating enemies within Vision - the damage scales with the number of Resonating targets. The spell also has a chance to Daze each affected target. If two Resonating targets are adjacent, Short Circuit deals double damage to them.
Static Field

Static Field is an AoE spell with an interesting twist. The center of its zone of effect isnt a targeted tile, but rather all Resonating enemies - each of them receives a harmful aura of sorts. Each turn, Static Field deals Shock Damage to its main target (and everyone adjacent to it) with a chance to Immobilize. If the main target moves to a different tile, Static Field moves with it. And since damage from multiple instances of Static Field adds up, this spell becomes especially deadly when its targets are huddled up.
Ball Lightning

Casting this spell creates a ball lightning on a targeted tile, which deals damage to anything within a two tile radius with a chance to pull targets towards it. Enemies adjacent to the ball lightning receive slightly more damage, and if you somehow push them into it (or if the ball lightning pulls them in by itself), they receive double damage. Unlike the previously described spells, Ball Lightning doesnt require Resonating enemies to be used, but its duration is increased by a couple turns for each Resonance within Vision.
Chain Lightning

Obviously, we had no other choice but to include this spell into Electromancy. Chain Lightning deals a large amount of damage to a targeted enemy and then jumps towards a nearby Resonating target, damaging it as well. The number of additional targets is limited only by the number of Resonating enemies, although they can be damaged only once per cast. On top of its main effect, Chain Lightning reduces the ability trees active Cooldowns by a couple turns per each affected target. It also has a chance to apply Stagger.

And finally, Tempest - the ultimate Electromancy spell. Casting it summons lightning strikes that hit three random enemies within Vision, instantly finishing them off if their Health is lower than 20% (but not if its higher than a certain flat number). The spell hits Resonating targets first. Each lightning strike removes Resonance with a chance to transform it into Stun - the Stun Chance scales with the number of remaining Resonance turns. The bonuses for removing Resonance dont end here: each successfully Stunned enemy summons an additional lightning to strike one of the survivors.
Passive Abilities
Residual Charge
Allows Electromancy spells to enchant your weapon for a few turns, adding Shock Damage to your physical attacks and letting them reduce Shock Resistance on hit. Additionally, natural lightning strikes that occur within Vision grant your character a long-lasting bonus to Electromancy Power.
Potential Difference
Grants Impulse a chance to deal double damage to any target it Knocks back and a chance to Immobilize these targets.
Unlimited Power
Grants different bonuses depending on your characters current energy: each remaining percent of their Max Energy grants a small bonus to Electromancy Power, and each missing percent - a bonus to Energy Restoration.
Conductivity allows Static Field to drain energy from enemies and transfer it to your character, which is invaluable for maintaining your reserves.
Resonance Cascade
Casting Electromancy spells has a chance to activate Resonance on a random non-Resonating target within Vision. If theres no valid target, it has a chance to prolong Resonance duration on a random enemy.
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction reduces Shock Resistance of every target struck by Electromancy spells - the power of this effect depends on the number of Resonating targets.
This passive grants bonus Energy Restoration for each Resonating enemy - killing them reduces Cooldowns Duration and spells Energy Cost. ============= Thats all for now - we hope you liked what you saw! Make sure to stay tuned: in the next devlog well announce the next major updates title and release date. We might also tell you a few things about changes to the magic system and reveal a new ability tree, Magic Mastery. Until next time!
[ 2022-06-29 17:16:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
This post is the first one in the series of devlogs where we tell you about new content that will be a part of the upcoming major update. Today, well share the details about high tier Proselytes - new dangerous enemy types which youll be able to encounter in Catacomb dungeons.
Proselytes are a disturbing, mysterious vampire cult that only recently became prominent in Aldor - they are definitely on the fantasy side of things when compared to the rest of the setting. While working on them, we decided not to focus too much on realism and the restrictions of the world we created, instead fully embracing the opportunity to make new enemies memorable and unique.
Here they are, left to right
Lets start with the Proselytes whom you might run into while exploring both low and high level Catacombs.

The sight of martyrs' agony only strengthens other Proselytes' loyalty to the Court. How deep into madness does one need to descend to volunteer for something like this?.. Martyrs are stationary foes whose main task is to support other cultists. Their Neverending Torment passive causes Martyrs to lose Health each turn as long as theres both an enemy and an ally within their Vision, while Willing Sacrifice transforms some of the damage they take into healing for their allies. As a result, it might be a good idea to prioritize Martyrs in combat. There is one thing to keep in mind though - killing them doesnt immediately end your troubles. Even upon taking fatal damage, a Martyr continues hanging from the stake, replacing their abilities with the Blessed in Death passive that grants significant buffs to the rest of the Proselytes. The solution here is simple - youll just need to finish the job and topple the stake propping up the corpse.

Echoing through the pitch darkness of underground tunnels, the otherworldly cluttering of his bell can send even the most reckless hotheads fleeing in terror." The Bell-Ringer is yet another cultist whose main task is supporting other Proselytes. Aside from the standard Proselyte bag of tricks, he also has two unique active abilities: For Whom the Bell Tolls and Unholy Anthems. The first ability generates a huge amount of noise, attracting cultists from distant rooms and chipping away at your characters sanity, increasing the damage they receive. The second one grants a random buff to every Proselyte in a large radius. ======================= Lets have a look at the next tier of Proselytes:

This Proselyte is a perfect soldier: inhumanly strong, ferocious, and feeling no pain, fear, or mercy. Fiends retained their ability to handle weapons, so they act as infantry of sorts. Armed with axes and crude clubs, they have access to some Weaponry skills. On top of all that, they also have two new passives: Witness His Might and Anthems of Bloodshed. Witness His Might increases Fiends damage and Health for each unique Proselyte type within their Vision, and allows their attacks to gradually decrease your characters resistance to damage. Anthems of Bloodshed grants them a guaranteed critical hit with bonus Bleeding Chance on every 6th attack that also buffs nearby cultists upon landing.

Impalers are unmatched in their ability to track down and capture those poor souls who unknowingly wander into the catacombs. The victims that survive the hunt either join the cult or serve as sacrifices for the Court. Impalers main task is to wear your character down and quite literally bleed them dry. To aid them in this task, they have access to a number of abilities: Impaling Lunge, Lacerate, Net Throw, and Sudden Lunge. Other than that, Impalers Blood Scent buffs their Crit and Counter Chances as well as their damage for each Bleeding affecting enemies and allies within Vision.

The horrific murkstalkers resemble underground bats not only in appearance but also in their behaviour, taking full advantage of the catacombs' impenetrable shadows. Murkstalkers are among the most devious Catacomb creatures - defeating them wont be an easy task. Their main strength lies in mobility and being unpredictable: Murkwalk allows them to teleport over large distances, and Embrace the Murk grants them a short dash and invisibility. While invisible, they regain some of their strength and receive a stacking bonus to stats, which they can unleash at the right moment by rushing your character down with a devastating Murkstrike. An invisible Murkstalker can only be revealed by standing on an adjacent tile, so it might be a good idea to bring a net or some other means of Immobilization when facing them - those will prevent any attempts to retreat into the Murk.

Girruds are too far gone in their disturbing metamorphosis, giving off the impression that their repugnant tongues have a mind of their own. This Proselytes main weapon is his incredibly long tongue, skillfully utilized through the following three active abilities: Tongue Pull allows him to drag the target a bit closer, Tongue Push creates a two tile distance, while Tongue Leech has a chance to Immobilize and Drain a large amount of Health.

This bestial cultist's mind is clouded with unbridled rage - there is very little human left in it. Yagrams are an embodiment of rage and brute force, posing danger to allies and enemies alike. They are capable of multiple AoE attacks: Swipe lets them knock nearby targets into walls and other props, while Earthshaking Strike Stuns and Dazes anyone who happens to stand in front of a Yagram. Additionally, every attack delivered to or by Yagrams fuels their hidden rage stat. Upon reaching a critical level, it activates the Bestial Rage passive that increases both their damage dealt and damage received. While in this state, Yagrams abandon all common sense, causing their attacks to frequently hit random targets instead of your character - with enough luck, this can be used to your advantage.

Sagguls still bear the mark of the Crimson Plague, although for them it's a blessing rather than a curse. Sagguls are twisted, ugly mutants that act as ranged units for the Proselytes. In combat, they rely on Blood Spit, creating puddles of liquid that damage your character and heal other cultists. When forced into melee, they can still fight back with Blister Burst, dealing damage and creating blood puddles on every nearby tile. ======================= And finally, minibosses:

Wormbearers are the grotesque embodiment of the Court cults: the host suffers from its parasites, while the parasites suffer for their host. Clumsy and hard to kill, Wormbearers rely on giant worms that they can summon on any tile within Vision by spending a bit of Health. They are also willing to make use of any dead bodies lying nearby, destroying them with their Wormfood ability to summon a few worms on random adjacent tiles. The resulting number of worms depends on the size of the affected corpse. A single worm isnt all that dangerous, but a whole swarm of them can be rather difficult to deal with - their Feed the Host passive converts some of the damage dealt to the enemy into Health for the Wormbearer, allowing more and more worms to be summoned.

The only thing keeping this vaguely human-shaped product of vile rituals alive is its blind faith in the Court. An Anmarrak is a miniboss with a unique style of combat. Upon spotting an enemy, it burrows its tentacle arm into the ground, receiving a massive boost to various resistances, while losing its ability to move around and attack directly. The tentacle arm then resurfaces near the enemy and begins striking them. Moving away from the tentacle or killing it forces the Anmarrak to reposition it or spawn a new one. The key to defeating the seemingly invulnerable Anmarrak is to methodically slay its tentacles: thanks to its One Body passive, any damage received by these two entities is split between them, permanently increasing with every destroyed tentacle. ============================ Thats all for now. We hope you enjoyed reading about these upcoming additions to the games bestiary! Make sure to stay tuned: in the next few devlogs, well tell you more about new Ability Trees and changes to the Magic System. Until next time!
[ 2022-06-12 17:33:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Its been a while since our last devlog, so wed like to share some details about what weve been working on.
In the previous entry we mentioned a plan to release an interim patch with the Mint Squares missing interiors and NPCs. Theres been some adjustments since then: first of all, we decided to add new content not only to the Mint Square but also to the Docks.
Secondly, there were some tweaks to the timeline, so these additions will be a part of the next major update, which we havent yet chosen a name for. This update will also include some of the features that were originally planned for Rags to Riches and Wizards Fate. Heres a list of things were working on right now:
- Next stage of the main quest - it will wrap up the introduction sequence and will prepare players for the sandbox part of the game. After that, the main story will be put on hold until we finish implementing all the remaining mechanics and content.
- New magic school, Electromancy, that has potential to deal high damage while offering some decent crowd control.
- New utility tree, Magic Mastery - a worthwhile addition to any magic-focused build.
- Fatigue System and supplementary magic mechanics that will require mages to be more thoughtful about positioning and the way they spend their resources (including financial ones).
- Second tier of Proselytes: ten new dangerous enemies that come with roughly 20 new active and passive abilities.
- Several carefully designed Points of Interest, each of them boasting its own backstory.
- Caravan stop, which will provide you with a place to save your progress and store your items. As for global map traveling, we plan to add this functionality in one of the subsequent major updates.
- Folios, a new type of valuable loot that will give you an opportunity to learn more about the games world as well as gain some experience points.
- New content for the Mint Square (the Cathedral, the University, a bank, a printing house, the Golden Grain Inn, Azure Thread Tradehouse) and the Docks (the Alchemical Emporium of Curious Goods, a dockside store, the Close Harbor Tavern, and a bathhouse) that we already mentioned.
- Something cool and unexpected that will be revealed alongside the announcement of the updates release date.
The ongoing war still causes certain financial and organizational issues, so we cant guarantee that everything mentioned in this devlog will be a part of the next major update, but well do our best to make it happen nonetheless. Well tell you more details about the new additions in future devlogs, so stay tuned and follow the news!
The updates release date will be revealed in a separate announcement once we complete the bulk of the work on new content. And after the update is out, well also revise our Development Roadmap and publish an up-to-date version.
Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2022-05-20 19:53:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today wed like to tell you about the circumstances affecting our studio and the future development of Stoneshard. Its been almost a month since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, and it had a rather negative impact on the lives of our team. Lets start with the most important part.
A significant portion of our team (our game designer, one of the coders, the promo artist) are Ukrainian citizens. The war caught everyone off guard: while some managed to quickly leave the war zone, others got stuck or simply didnt want to abandon their homes. Right now these team members are in relative safety, but there are still issues with accessing the Internet and setting up a proper work space. There also wasnt enough time to backup everything, so we lost some assets, although it shouldnt set the development back too much.
Other than that, there are financial problems: as many of you already know, Steam no longer makes transactions with Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarus banks. Naturally, it affected our team as well, preventing us from receiving income from Steam. At the moment, we still have enough resources, but if we don't find a solution to this issue, we wont have enough money to continue outsourcing the specialists whove been helping us with the game - this might noticeably slow down the rate of updates, even if temporarily.
As for the Russian members of our team, most of them are currently busy with moving to other countries, which will require some time. However, the overall situation is more or less stable, and we most definitely wont stop working on the game. For now everyone contributes as much as the circumstances allow, but once the most pressing issues are resolved, well continue developing Stoneshards at the usual pace.
Now lets talk about more distant plans. Before the war, we already began working on an interim content update that was supposed to add interiors to key buildings on the Mint Square in Brynn. After that, we wanted to implement some of the long-planned city quests, and then - to start working on the next major update, Rags to riches, which was meant to introduce random encounters, a functioning Caravan, tweaks to contracts and the economy, and more.
The Mint Square interim update is already partially complete, so it will be released relatively soon. The rest of the original plan will have to be readjusted - well make sure to share the details and post an updated roadmap once everything is said and done. All we can say for now is that some features will likely be added in a different order and that major updates might end up divided into smaller ones.
And finally, some teasers:
In conclusion, wed like to say that your support and sympathy are extremely important to us right now. We love and appreciate our community, and we hope that this sentiment is mutual. Stay safe!
[ 2022-03-25 16:22:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Were sorry to announce that due to Russias attack on Ukraine we wont be able to stick to the intended release schedule. Some of the key members of our team are Ukrainian citizens and are either already caught in the war zone or might soon find themselves there. Hopefully, the war will not last long, and well be able to proceed with developing the game as planned.
Thank you for understanding.
- Added special map icons to locations with save points. - Added sleeping spots to Distant Homestead and certain other Points of Interest.

- Tweaked and updated every unique Point of Interest. All doors in these locations can now be interacted with. Some changes won't take effect until you start a new game.

- Fixed the softlock affecting some dialogues. - Fixed NPCs endlessly giving out items. - Added unique rumors to most Brynn NPCs. - Increased dungeon doors durability. - Increased snakes spawn rate in some locations. - Fixed some Achievements not working as intended (for instance, the unique items your character starts with and the items from the Supporter Pack no longer count towards That belongs in a museum). - Fixed Wetness not working as intended when the character enters deep water. - Fixed scouted locations missing their global map descriptions. - The horse at the brewery no longer respawns after death. - Corpses that cant be harvested by Skinning are no longer highlighted by it.
[ 2022-02-27 15:41:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Pack Sense not working as intended. - Fixed floor traps not interrupting charges. - Introduced more visual variety among low level bandits. - Increased the passive chance of discovering secret rooms (in accordance with the Attributes rework). - The Pawnbroker was given a larger amount of money. He now also offers worse prices for valuables than before. - Fixed the dialogue softlock caused by attempting to speak with an NPC who previously caught your character stealing. - Added lots of portraits to Brynn NPCs. - Fixed the incorrect damage of Dual weapons. - Fixed items text boxes losing their intended color when items are thrown on the ground. - The following achievements are now available: Right Back at You, I.C.B.M., The Fittest, Outlaw Anthems, Fetch This!, Trapmaker's Art, Tomb Raider, That Belongs In A Museum.
[ 2022-02-15 16:32:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the Survival tree - it comes with 10 new abilities.
- Added a new consumable item: a Bedroll. Bedrolls allow creating single-use sleeping spots outside of dungeons, offering an additional opportunity to save your progress.
- Added new gear:
Pot Helmet, Visored Pot Helmet, War Hat, Baron Sabatons, Levy Bow, Curved Bow, Brotherhood of Ouroboros' Shield (unique), Shield of the Truth's Eternal Sun (unique).
- Added new abilities to some animals:
Howl, Pack Sense, Dying Rage, Ramming Charge.
- Reworked loot generation rules for containers. Loot generation now occurs when the world or locations are first generated instead of each time you open containers, removing the possibility of rerolling their contents.
- Tweaked sleep effects in different locations:
- Tavern: 100% Restoration effectiveness, replenishes Psyche, grants Vigor.
- Bedroll: 50% Restoration effectiveness (100% with Make a Halt skill), doesnt replenish Psyche, doesnt grant Vigor.
- Camp: 50% Restoration effectiveness (100% with Make a Halt skill), doesnt replenish Psyche, doesnt grant Vigor.
- Leprosarium: 100% Restoration effectiveness, damages Psyche, doesnt grant Vigor.
- The Watchtower Tavern (Brynn): 125% Psyche replenishment.
[ 2022-02-06 17:56:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Over the last couple months, weve received a lot of feedback and justified criticism about drastically increased travel times and long distances between Points of Interest.
Wed like to assure you that the current version of the global map is far from final. In addition to obvious tweaks to distances between locations, which will happen in the next major update along with the saves wipe, we also plan to implement a number of systems and mechanics focused on making the open world exploration less time-consuming and tedious. One of these additions is the Survival tree that will soon be introduced to the game.
The main purpose of this ability tree is to help your character weather the hardships of mercenary life, giving them a better chance of surviving the wilderness without a sizable stash of supplies. Its worth mentioning that over the course of development Survival and Medicine ability trees were merged together, allowing us to remove unnecessary fluff and fully focus on the synergy between some of their skills.
Lets start with the ability trees overall structure. It consists of 6 active and 5 passive skills:
Survival skills are acquired in the usual manner - first, you need to unlock them by finding a corresponding treatise or improving relevant Attributes, then you purchase whatever you need with Ability Points. There is a caveat though: the first tier of Survival is unlocked for every character by default.
On top of that, Survival skills have much lower Attribute requirements than other ability trees: in order to unlock the second tier, youll only need to invest 3 Stat Points into relevant Attributes, and the third tier becomes available right after you spend 5 SP.
Active Abilities
- Skinning was moved to the Survival tree where it belongs, and youll need to spend an Ability Point before you can use it. At the same time, we greatly increased the price of most pelts, making hunting so much more profitable.
With the exception of these tweaks, the skill remains the same - the chance to harvest a pelt still relies on the damage type you kill a creature with.
- Campfire allows you to start a fire at any suitable location. To do so, youll need four sticks - a new item that is aplenty in the woods. This campfire has the same functionality as the ones you find when exploring the world: it can be used for cooking, drying your clothes, and to empower some of the ability trees skills.
The campfires you make only exist for a limited amount of time: they go out after 6 in-game hours.
Its the only skill in the ability tree that doesnt need to be purchased with Ability Points - all characters start with Campfire already learned.
- Make a Halt allows you to combine a pelt, a length of rope, and some straw to craft a new single-use consumable - a sleeping bag. Sleeping bags give you an option to sleep and save your progress in suitable locations far enough from dungeons, settlements, and points of interest.
Sleeping this way is rather uncomfortable and doesnt provide the benefits of resting in an actual bed: youll suffer a penalty to Health Restoration, wont replenish Morale and Sanity, and wont receive the Vigor effect. Additionally, theres always a distinct possibility of being ambushed by brigands or wild animals that can stumble onto you while you're asleep
Investing into this skill is completely optional, and it is possible to purchase sleeping bags from some traders. Still, being able to craft them yourself will save you money and inventory space - its fairly easy to find the required items while exploring, and the materials themselves dont take as much space as an actual sleeping bag.
- Cauterize Wounds is great for emergencies: this skill allows you to instantly stop all Bleedings, suffering some Pain and slightly damaging affected body parts in the process. Using this skill will also temporarily increase your Bleed Resistance. This bonus becomes stronger and has a longer duration if theres a lit campfire nearby.
- First Aid'' teaches your character the procedures necessary to set a dislocated limb or clean a wound without outside help. This skill stabilizes all your Injuries, but raises Pain and reduces Morale.
If theres a lit campfire nearby, this skill slightly improves the condition of Injured body parts.
- Will to Survive replenishes a small amount of Health and removes all physical and mental debuffs. This skill also affects persistent Conditions (effects caused by Hunger, Thirst, Pain, Injuries, etc), removing them for 10 turns. If theres a lit campfire nearby, using this skill additionally replenishes some Health for every removed negative effect.
Passive Abilities

- Pathfinder improves the Examine Surroundings basic skill, granting it new functionality. Firstly, when used on the surface, it allows you to spot tracks left by beasts and other enemy types, making it much easier to locate them on the map tile. Secondly, Examine Surrounding lets your character to closely listen to whats happening around them, displaying hidden creatures as question marks in a large radius. This skill works in dungeons as well, allowing you to better prepare for dangers that lurk behind closed doors. And finally, Pathfinder greatly increases your characters passive chance to hear nearby creatures. Passive bonus: +1 Vision
- Huntmaster significantly improves the chance to successfully harvest a pelt. In addition to this bonus, it allows your character to extract rare ingredients that can later be sold at a high price (in the future they will have alchemical uses). Right now there are three rare ingredients: Bear Fat, Crawler Eyes, and Harpy Stomachs. Huntmaster also grants your attacks +15% Weapon Damage and 10% Crit Chance when fighting beasts. As a side note, the Ancient Troll counts as a beast. Passive bonus: +3% Accuracy
- Adaptability is a skill for those who want to shrug off anything that life throws at them. It passively improves the rate at which you recover from Pain and Intoxication, decreases the duration of Poisonings, Bad Trips, and Drug Aftermaths, while also removing Restoration penalties when using a sleeping bag. Other than that, Adaptability improves your Morale when resting near lit campfires. Passive bonus: +10% Fortitude and 10% Intoxication Resistance
- Austerity makes your character less reliant on food and water, raising the thresholds for negative Conditions caused by Hunger, Thirst, and Pain by 10% (these Conditions will activate only upon reaching 35% / 60% / 85% thresholds rather than 25% / 50% / 75% ). This skill also decreases Hunger and Thirst gain by 20% and makes resting near campfires more beneficial, granting Healing Efficiency and restoring Sanity. Passive bonus: +15% Pain Resistance
- Ever Vigilant is perhaps the most combat-oriented skill of the Survival tree. Once learned, it lowers the Accuracy of enemy attacks by 5% and halves their Crit Chance (this is particularly useful when hunting bears). It also halves the chance of ambush when using a sleeping bag, doubles the chance of evading a trap instead of activating it, and reduces the Vision penalty while in the Rest Mode. Passive bonus: +5% Dodge Chance
[ 2022-01-28 14:49:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Additional adjustments to damage coefficients of different weapon types. - Added a closing dialogue with Osbrook carpenter after finishing Fate of the Brewery quest. - Osbrook smith now sells caltrops and clawtraps. - Increased the base price of several pelts. - Decreased enemy spawns in dungeons. - Birds now always fly away after receiving damage. - Additionally receiving already existing effect now works correctly. - Fixed the crash caused by looting some secret room containers. - Fixed some bird species spawning in the wrong biomes. - Fixed block power replenishment working incorrectly in Raise Shield ability. - Fixed "Stay Back!" passive ability still having its old pre-CoG mechanic alongside with the new one. - Improved optimisation.
[ 2021-12-29 14:25:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Curbed the inflation to reduce the amount of gold purses required for purchasing and maintaining high level gear. - Rebalanced weapons Durability - most weapons will now require less frequent repairs. - Reduced the amount of food dropped in Bandit dungeons. - The money reward for killing the Troll is now the same as declared in the dialogue. - The Royal Ranger Gambeson is now a unique item - its stats were adjusted accordingly. - Starting enemies stats were tweaked to better work with balance changes to weapons damage. - The map marker for the Head to Brynn quest is now placed on the correct map tile. - Increased Reputation gain from bringing occult items to lOwcrey. - Increased the influence of Reputation on NPCs selling prices (-5%/-10%/15% > -10%/-15%/-20%). - The power difference between low and high level Necromancers is now more apparent. - Returned lockpicks to the Osbrook blacksmiths stock. - The Brynn merchant now sells gold purses. - Fixed the bug causing higher level minibosses to spawn in low level Undead and Proselyte dungeons. - Fixed Crimson Gift being applied to all enemy types in distant dungeons rather than just Proselytes. - When performing a task for the Osbrook blacksmith, you can now also bring him Home-Made Swords. - Fixed destroyed crates not dropping loot. - Fixed the buying and selling prices for Barrels of Beer - trading in them is now profitable. - Fixed the bug allowing Barrels of Beer to be bought for cheap and then sold at a higher price to the same character. - Fixed the bug granting additional Crushing Damage to shield-wielding enemies attacks. - Fixed the bug allowing to indefinitely stack Magic Power with Baptism by Fire. - Fixed the bug causing minions in Necromancer rooms to spawn multiple times. - Fixed some Brynn craftsmen not being able to repair equipment. - Fixed the Mannshire milk traders missing stock. - Fixed Forest Vipers' overly high spawn rates. - Fixed the crash caused by Harpies passive. - Fixed the crash caused by certain Brynn NPCs. - Fixed Precision not working as intended. - Fixed the bug causing you to lose all money when bribing the carpenter in Osbrook.
[ 2021-12-21 20:47:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fully implemented the Guild Quarter of Brynn. There youll be able to find: - Blacksmithing, leatherworking, and carpentry workshops. - Jewelry workshop. - The Three Pots Tavern. - Added a number of secondary NPCs to Brynn and animations to the already existing NPCs. - Added Barrels of Beer - the first commodity item in the game. - Added 4 new two-handed swords, one of them is also unique: Veteran Longsword, Lordly Longsword, Espadon, Ornate Two-Hander.

- Tweaked the economy. Fully revamped buying and selling prices in different settlements. Increased restocking times for most NPCs. - Tweaked weapons stats and levels to better suit the new damage system and the updated economy. These changes WONT AFFECT already saved items. - Tweaked the amount of Experience awarded for killing most enemy types. - Changed Resistances for Wraiths, the Undead, and chitinous enemy types. - Rebalanced some enchantments. Removed the Damage Reflection enchantment. - Added an expiration mechanic to Deathstinger Jars. - All Proselytes in distant dungeons now have a Crimson Gift passive that will boost their power until high tier Proselytes are fully implemented. - Giant Rats and Bats no longer spawn in distant Proselyte dungeons. - Changed Resistances for stone objects. - Reduced Stone Boulders Durability. - Increased Reputation gain from fulfilled tasks. - Greatly increased Experience gain from destroying nests, hives, and burrows. - Destroyed Deathstinger Hives have a chance to drop Hornet Honey. Destroyed Harpy Nests sometimes drop jewelry and gems collected by their previous inhabitants. - Reduced Cooldown Reduction for Double Lunge upon landing a hit or killing an enemy. Removed the skills hidden Accuracy bonus. - Danse Macabre now reduces Resistances to a lesser degree. - Greatly reduced the chance for enemies to drop treatises. - Rebalanced weapon drops on enemy death. - Daze now applies a small debuff to Accuracy and Fumble Chance. - All Injuries now reduce Healing Efficiency. - Changed the Witchs Hut loot. - Greatly increased the variety of unique items that can be found in secret rooms and distant dungeons. - Changed rewards for killing the Troll: all items now have roughly the same power level and for the most part cant be acquired from other sources.
- Tweaked enemy spawns in dungeons. - Re-added the option to trade with most Brynn NPCs. - Re-added Physical Resistance to armored enemies. - Fixed snakes not spawning on the surface. - Fixed passive effects not working as intended when moving to a new location. - Synchronized the Herald's animations with his speech lines. - Added routes to some secondary NPCs in Brynn. - The Brynn hover on the global map now also shows the names of its quarters. - Fixed Kromms stock: he no longer trades in high level items. - Fixed the inability to take a cart to Osbrook from the Brewery. - Nests and hives can no longer be injured. - Fixed Skeleton Minibosses not dropping weapons on death. - The Heraldic Note now also grants Brynn reputation. - Fixed quest items getting unequipped upon failing an associated contract. - The quest marker now leads to the correct quarter of the city when closing Brynn contracts (this fix doesnt affect ongoing contracts). - Added an option to eat Hop Cones. - Push the Falling now replenishes Energy instead of Health. - Reputation changes from tasks and dialogue lines are now correctly displayed in the Reputation log. - Fixed misses being incorrectly displayed in the log (they used to be displayed as dodging a fumbled attack). - Fixed vegetation objects spawning on top of one another. - The Experience bar now becomes inactive upon reaching level 30. - Fixed hives getting displaced when destroyed. - Fixed most traders stock not working as intended. - Fixed the incorrect tier of Stance Training and Final Push. - Fixed the damage penalty of Hooking Chop increasing with higher Strength. - Fixed Brynn elves being assigned an incorrect NPC type. - Brynn elves will now fight back when attacked. - Drinking from a well now reduces the same amount of thirst as drinking from a waterskin. - Fixed Danse Macabre not granting Dodge Chance. - Fixed some high tier skeletons lacking weapon abilities and dropping incorrect weapons on death.
[ 2021-12-16 18:51:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Verren can now give you a ride to some additional destinations: the Ralph & Sons Inn, the Rotten Willow Tavern and the Oaken Barrel Brewery. Youll need to discover these places first though. - Added an option to place markers on the global map. - Its now possible to use a waterskin to pour water over yourself or surrounding tiles. This feature can be used to extinguish flames and reduce the duration of Burning.

- Traveling with Verren now skips time in the same manner as does sleeping in a tavern: it will increase Hunger and Thirst, improve Bodypart Condition, although it wont grant Vigor or improve Morale and Sanity. The amount of skipped time depends on the travelled distance. - The composition of ambushes and random brigand groups is now more diverse. - Block Power now scales with Strength rather than the characters level. Starting Block Power was reduced. - Tweaked Pyromancy spells damage in accordance with the updated armor system. - Rebalanced secret rooms: their loot now scales with a dungeons level. Overall theyll provide you with much more money and valuables. High tier unique items no longer spawn in low level dungeons secret rooms. - Rebalanced Hunger and Thirst: reduced Hunger and Thirst gain from traversing tiles, skipping a turn, and attacking. Increased Hunger and Thirst gain from the Rest mode and casting spells. Reduced Thirst gain from shouting. - Reduced items Durability loss from Wetness by 25%. - All characters start the game with Peasant Shoes instead of Travelling Shoes. - The Hazzun Celestial Sphere no longer grants the effects of Elusiveness and Vigor. - Reduced the chance to ruin a pelt with Slashing Damage (slightly), Piercing Damage (significantly), and Crushing Damage (significantly). - Reduced the influence of the wilderness factor on enemy and animals spawn rates: very low wilderness will no longer result in completely empty tiles. - The duration of Burning can now be reduced by skipping a turn (the same mechanic as with freeing yourself from Ensnarement). - The speed of reducing the duration of Ensnarement by skipping a turn is now also affected by Agility.
- Removed the possibility of finding additional copies of already acquired artifacts. - Fixed the error in the fog of war calculations that sometimes allowed revealing tiles through walls upon entering a dungeon. - Fixed the incorrect trajectory for chopped heads. - Fixed the combination of Saiga Horns and Lentil Soup appearing in containers more often than it should. - Fixed Seize the Initiative always hitting its target when used with a ranged weapon. - Fixed Endurance Training not triggering under certain circumstances. - Removed the possibility of selling unidentified and cursed items to regular traders. Cursed items can still be sold to a certain NPC that was added in one of the previous hotfixes. - Fixed enemies abandoning the chase quicker than expected. - Increased the number of turns required for transitioning from the Territorial state to Hostile. - Fixed incorrect formatting of the pawnbroker's opening line. - Fixed Magic Resistance affecting Rending Resistance. - Traders should no longer move around while you trade with them. - Removed the possibility of repeating the dialogue about the brewery with Odar, preventing repeated Reputation loss from choosing certain lines. - The dog at the mill no longer complains about the weather or tells you to move out of the way. - Birds will now fly away if you miss a shot at them. - Fixed some containers in houses not having an owner. - Fixed the crash caused by opening a new container without closing the previous one. - Fixed the possibility of moving around while sleeping. - Fixed Two-Handed Swords treatises unlocking incorrect passives.
[ 2021-12-06 19:33:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're glad to announce that the latest version of Stoneshard is now available on Linux!
However, after the latest Steam client update, many games made with the GMS engine (including Stoneshard) cant be launched by pressing the Play button. Unfortunately, its up to Valve to fix this issue, and we dont have any information about when it might happen.
For now the game can be launched directly via the StoneShard file. In order to access the games folder, right click the games name in your Steam library, then choose Manage > Browse local files.
Have a good time!
[ 2021-12-03 19:09:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some cutscenes and dialogues not functioning as intended during the Fate of the Brewery quest. - Removed the possibility of throwing a net at Deathstinger Swarms. - Fixed the bug causing an item slot to become permanently locked upon giving up an equipped cursed quest item as a part of a contract. - Fixed the crash caused by some NPCs. - Fixed the effect of Wetness being applied and then removed in 1 turn. - Fixed the bug preventing traders from selling cloaks. - Fixed the crash caused by Long Shot. - Fixed Keeping Distance occasionally failing to trigger its effect. - Fixed the issue preventing the state of discovered secret rooms from being properly saved. - Solitary trees should no longer spawn in the middle of the road on the global map. - Fixed Parry not granting Crit Chance. - Fixed the bug causing the splint to be ejected from the inventory when starting a new game as Velmir. - Added several secondary NPCs to Brynn.
[ 2021-12-02 22:09:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added two shops to Brynn along with their own NPCs: Fat Yanns Grocery Shop and the Bakery. You can find them in the Old Towers quarter (northeastern part of the city). - Added a few secondary NPCs to Brynn. - Added Long Bread, Kipfel, and a few other dishes. - Hunting Grounds have been fully implemented. You can find them in the previously empty Points of Interest. - Dungeons can now properly change their level upon respawning, growing more or less difficult in the process. - Its now possible to skip the Prologue even if it hasn't been completed yet.

- Increased the radius for rumors by 20% (NPCs can now give hints about more distant Points of Interest). - Fixed the bug with the missing rumors for Camps and Hunting Grounds. - Fixed the bug causing the character to skip a turn when performing a counter while dual-wielding. - Fixed the bug with the missing chests in distant dungeons. - Fixed the issue causing impassable tiles to be generated in secret rooms and in some doorways. - Fixed the Prologue hints not working as intended. - Fixed Rune of Cycle not working as intended. - Enemies should no longer attack the obstacles that they can simply walk around. - Enemies will no longer use charge abilities against targets in deep water. - Guards will no longer follow the character into deep water. - Fixed the inability to trade with a vegetable vendor in Brynn. - Fixed the Mannshire carpenters dialogue. - Fixed the issue preventing the character from using abilities after being affected by skills that put them on cooldown. - Fixed the issue causing the text from other translations to appear in some localizations. - Enemies can no longer spawn on impassable terrain on map tiles next to mountains. - NPCs at the vineyard are now assigned to the correct settlement. - Raised the cap for Magic Power to 250%. - Reduced damage from Burning by 10%. - Added a new sprite for Bread: it now occupies two inventory tiles. - Certain items (such as nails and coal) were moved from the Junk category to Valuables.
[ 2021-11-29 18:36:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a jail to Brynn. - Fixed numerous passive abilities granting incorrect Bonus Effects: Keep Them Coming, Final Push, One at a Time!, Reprisal, Rune of Fortifying, Rune of Destabilization, Embodiment of Resilience, Anticipation, Setup, Opportune Moment. - Switching to a different loadout now clears the bonuses from No Retreat. - Fixed a delayed change in the character's stats upon learning new abilities. - Fixed corpses not decaying. - Chests in camps and containers in certain other locations no longer reset when these locations respawn. - Fixed the bug with negative fines and jail time in Brynn. - Visual fixes to the Homestead location. - Fixed the crash caused by rumors in the French localization. - Increased the upper threshold for Wetness, but every new stack now requires a higher duration of the effect. Greatly decreased Durability loss for metal items upon reaching 3 and 4 stacks of Wetness. - Added Physical Resistance to some mage-centered gear and Velmir, Jorgrim, and Dirwins starting armors.
[ 2021-11-26 21:28:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the Pawnshop to Brynn. Youll be able to find it in the Old Towers quarter (northeastern part of the city). - Added 2 new capes: Velvet Cloak and Jibean Cape. - Added 3 new glove variations: Sapphire Mage Bracers, Ruby Mage Bracers, Orient Bracers. - Added 4 new rings: Gold Aquamarine Ring, Silver Sapphire Ring, Silver Emerald Ring, Ornate Ruby Ring. - Added 3 new items: Morion, Kings Bust, Peach. - Added several secondary NPCs to the Old Towers quarter. - Maybe you should pay a visit to the Rotten Willow Inn?

- Increased the elven merchants stock. - Mill containers are now considered private. - Fixed Battle Trance bonus effect not giving Energy. - Fixed Push the Falling granting Weapon Damage instead of Crit Chance. - Innkeeper, his wife and their maidservant now have fixed names. - Fixed doors collisions. - Container sprites are now properly saved. - Secondary Brynn NPCs no longer trade. - Fixed wrong shooting collisions in one of the Bastion overworld presets. - Brynn guards now use correct stats and skill sets (this change wont affect old saves). - Fixed the Proselyte Guard not dropping his dagger in the Prologue. - Fixed the crash caused by attacking birds.
[ 2021-11-25 01:35:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
THIS UPDATE IS SAVE-COMPATIBLE - Added lake locations. - Fixed Regenerative Carapace increasing the player characters Resistances. - After the Troll is dead, the Signal Tower will be repopulated by a new garrison. - Fixed the condition check for dual wielding, the issue with which occasionally prevented Dual Wielding skills from working. - Fixed the Block Chance formula for enemies. - Fixed incorrect Attribute requirements for Two-Handed Sword skills. - Added location name pop-ups to Brynn quarters. - Added location name pop-ups to Osbrook and Mannshire. - Fixed memory leaks. - Fixed the Ancient Troll not dropping tusks upon being skinned. - Fixed the crash in the Abandoned Siege Camp. - Fixed glitches in the Mannshire tavern hostess behavior. - Fixed the inability to enter the newly-added Brynn tavern on some old saves. - Final fix to the locked door bug caused by saving the game in the Ruined Manor. - Re-added the Ruined Manor ambush.
[ 2021-11-23 23:44:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the Watchtower Tavern to Brynn. Youll be able to find it in the Old Towers quarter (northeastern part of the city). - The Brynn Quartermaster now sells equipment, namely high level items. You can increase the size and quality of his stock by raising your Reputation in Brynn. He now also has his own sprite, animation, and a portrait. - Added a respawn mechanic for enemies and vegetation. Corpses and loot in already visited locations will now eventually disappear. Respawn times depend on the wilderness factor and can range between 3 and 6 days.

- Reduced shields and weapons Durability loss from blocking damage. - Fixed the issue with the Trolls armor - you should now be able to deal more damage to it. - The Osbrook Merchant will offer a higher price for treatises (although its still fairly low). - Increased the speed of aggro reset - animals will be much less prone to chasing you after you leave their threat zone. - Tweaked enemy numbers in high level ambushes. - Siding with Odar during the Fate of the Brewery quest will now reward you with Reputation in Osbrook. - Added some loot to the Ransacked Homestead (only if you havent already visited it). - The cart with a Quality Plane is now guarded by a couple brigands. - Reduced the amount of leeches in rivers. - Reduced Bisons Vision range.
- Fixed the rare crash caused by issues with saving the state of NPCs. - Fixed the crash caused by opening the context menu of Nikos of Arpheon's Astrolabe. - Fixed the issue causing certain roads to spawn incorrectly. - Fixed the bugs of the NPCs sleeping schedule. - Fixed incorrect visuals of water. - Fixed the bug causing the character to get stuck in the Abandoned Manors cellar. - Fixed the bug causing the character to get stuck when entering the tile with the Abandoned Siege Camp. - Fixed some Resistances working incorrectly. - Fixed the road passing through the Brewery (only affects new playthroughs). - Fixed the bug that allowed duplicating Pyromancy spells on the ability bar. - Fixed the bug causing repeated Reputation loss during the Fate of the Brewery questline. - Fixed resurrected enemies using stats of Giant Rats. - Fixed incorrect visuals for enemies submerged in deep water. - Fixed the crash during interactions with the Homestead NPC. - Fixed issues when learning new Ability trees from trainers. - Fixed the crash occurring when being frisked by guards. - Fixed the bug with repairing caltrops. - Fixed the text and the sound not being synchronized in the Prologues dialogues. - Fixed the crash in the Prologue upon reaching level 10. - The skulls indicating Dangerous dungeons are now colored orange.
- Fixed Rune of Sustention not functioning as intended. - Fixed Push the Falling replenishing Health instead of Energy. - Fixed the crash caused by using Skull Crusher on objects. - Fixed the incorrect usage of Raise Shield by enemies. - Fixed Ring of Fire applying incorrect penalties to Fire Resistance. - Fixed Arc Cleave replenishing incorrect amounts of Energy. - Right on Target now grants Accuracy just as mentioned in its description. - Reduced the effectiveness of Double Lunge.
[ 2021-11-22 18:37:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the inability to interact with the nightstand on the second floor of the brewery. - Fixed the layering issue of fences and wheat near the mill. - Fixed the lack of footstep sounds when walking over bridges. - Fixed the bug with enemies not spawning on river map tiles. - Fixed the Abandoned Homestead crash. - Fixed the Homestead crash. - Fixed dungeons retaining their structure upon respawning. - Fixed the incorrect sounds on map tiles with river bends. - The first two tiers of Hunger and Thirst effects have a lower influence on morale (0.05 and 0.1 > 0.01 and 0.05). - Fixed the missing price of Nikos of Arpheon's Astrolabe (doesnt affect already acquired artefacts). - Fixed the incorrect duration of Hazzun Celestial Spheres daytime buffs. - Disabled the option to learn rumors from secondary NPCs in Brynn. - Added an option to catch leeches in deep water. - Containers in the witchs hut now have an owner and are marked red. - Increased shields Durability (doesnt affect already saved items). - Fixed the bug with brewery NPCs having merchants inventories. - Fixed the bug with Drunkenness affecting main Attributes. - Fixed the bug causing Fumble Chance and Armor Penetration to not be affected by leveling Agility and Perception respectively. - Fixed the cutscene at the brewery. - Added an option to rent a room in the Rotten Willow Tavern and Ralph & Sons Inn. - Fixed the crash caused by Boulder Toss. - Fixed the inability to harvest Harpies and Crawlers. - Kromm now gives a correct reward upon completing the quest. - The duration of Wetness now has an upper threshold. - Changed reputation perks (Better Gear I and II now increase the maximum level of sold items by 4 and 6 respectively). - Fixed the crash caused by opening certain containers. - Fixed crimes not being registered in some of the Brynn quarters. - Fixed the missing sound of the Trolls Deafening Roar. - Increased the base Accuracy bonus of Taking Aim by 10%.
[ 2021-11-20 21:05:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Brynn elves no longer tell rumors. - Reduced the number of enemies in Necromancers rooms. - Low tier Necromancers are now accompanied by the Restless instead of Skeletons. - Fixed reputation changes from contracts not being displayed in the Reputation menu. - Fixed the issue with the missing ships in Brynn. - Fixed the missing location name hover of the Lone Farmstead. - Fixed sound issues near rivers. - Added the missing journal entries for Gathering the Caravan and Fate of the Brewery quests. - Slightly reduced the amount of herbs encountered on the map. - Fixed Blood Craze granting incorrect bonus to damage. - Fixed strange NPC behavior in settlements. - Fixed incorrect ranged combat log entries. - Fixed the bug preventing the use of Double Lunge. - Fixed the crash caused by Forceful Slam. - Fixed wolves never dropping pelts when skinned. - Fixed the crash caused by the dialogue about key Mannshire NPCs. - Fixed Jonnas unique trait reapplying its bonus once more upon loading a save. - Fixed rescue contracts not functioning properly. - The state of the jail room now resets after you serve your time. - Fixed the issue with overly powerful enemies spawning on map tiles and during ambushes. - Reduced the size of wolf packs.
[ 2021-11-19 23:03:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the issue with bridges collision. - Fog of war should now be properly displayed on river tiles. - Tweaked Brynn merchants stock. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: we are aware about the bug that prevents merchants and other NPC from appearing on Brynn streets after the first couple of days - it will be fixed soon. - Reduced the amount of crowns in village containers. - The Korean localization should now function properly. - Fixed the bug causing one of the achievements to be triggered by non-hostile animals. - Tweaked dungeons drop rates. - Fixed the crash occurring in jail. - The elder no longer tells rumors about himself. - Reduced the amount of gold in non-merchant NPCs inventories. - Fixed the bug causing guards to disappear in the Guild Quarter. - Fixed the quest-giving Brynn quartermasters name. - Fixed the issue with certain damage types affecting pelts Durability too much. - Fixed the treatise crash in the Prologue. - Fixed the crash occurring during the Mannshire scribe dialogue. - Fixed the crash caused by Anticipation. - Fixed the issue with Fire Barrage Accuracy. - Fixed the issue preventing a waterskin to be filled from a river - Slightly reduced Durability loss from basic attacks.
- Fixed the crash occuring when using Stone Spikes under certain circumstances. - Added some missing animations. - Fixed the crash occuring during the dialogue with Rotten Willow innkeeper. - Fixed the crash occuring after picking up spoiled food. - Fixed the crash caused by crowns. - Fixed the issue making containers contents disappear if the option to automatically close inventory was enabled. - Enemy spawn rates adjustments.
[ 2021-11-19 01:13:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Global Map and Rumor System
The size of the games world has grown almost 10 times - from 17x10 tiles to 40x40. Youll be able to track your journey across it with a new global map menu that will also feature a character marker. In your travels youll have a chance to encounter many Points of Interest, including monster dens and a handful of new unique locations.
- Brynn
The first major city will open its gates before you. It consists of four separate districts, each with their own vibe and special traders.
- Saving on Exit
Your progress is now saved automatically upon exiting the game. However, these saves are deleted upon loading, so in case of your characters death, youll be brought to the latest hard save made by sleeping.
- Rumor System
Instead of being marked on the map from the get-go, Points of Interests are now discovered by learning rumors about them. Youll be able to learn gossip and news from certain characters - some of it will end up leading you to an interesting location.
- Crime System
Theft, assault, and disturbing order within settlements is now a punishable offense. The punishment includes fines, jail time, and being executed on the spot.
- Bodies of Water
The games world will now feature rivers, allowing you to fill a waterskin in the wild or just take a dip.
- Changes to Combat
- Protection values from different items no longer stack, instead affecting only the body parts they are actually equipped on. - Fumbled attacks now have their Stun, Daze, Knockback, Immobilization, and Bleed Chance set to zero. - Dodge Chance now turns successful melee attacks into fumbles, and fumbles - into misses. - Block Chance received an additional sub-system: successful blocking now costs some Block Power, which takes time to recover. - Changes to the Accuracy formula: Accuracy and Dodge Chance now have two separate rolls, but their extreme values (Accuracy over 100% and Dodge Chance below 0%) will still have an effect on each other.
- Improved Leveling and Trainers
- Decreased Stat Point gain per level to 1. Main Attributes cap at 30 points. - Attributes grant larger bonuses to a smaller number of stats. - Each 5 points invested into an Attribute grant a special bonus to three additional stats. - Reworked the structure of every Ability Tree: each of them received more starting paths. Unlocking powerful spells and skills will now require you to first learn all the abilities connected to them. - Abilities now have Attribute requirements as an alternative way of unlocking them. - You can now learn the first tier of Ability Trees from trainers - for the right price.
- Artefacts
These are powerful relics of the past that possess unique properties - some of them require activation, while others grant their boon directly from your inventory. Youll have a chance to acquire them from distant dungeons - particularly dangerous locations, situated far from the settlements.
- New Enemies
Encounter three new enemy types: Crawlers, Harpies, and Deathstinger Swarms.
- New Throwables
Three new bombs: Nistrian Flame Flask, Spider Blood Flask, and Deathstinger Jar.
- Playable Lute
Recreate your favourite songs!
- 41 Steam Achievement
Will you be able to earn them all?
- A special quest in the beginning of the game. - Reworked dungeon progression. - Most dungeons wont have a fixed difficulty level - it can shift back and forth during subsequent repopulations. - Added special distant dungeons: there are no roads or contracts leading to them. They have the most dangerous enemies and the most valuable loot.
- Rebalanced most passives and some active abilities. - Rebalanced all Injuries and Conditions. - Being Knocked into an occupied tile now applies Daze instead of Stun. - Fixed and rebalanced Durability - it now functions as intended. - Bows now have an Accuracy penalty when shooting at targets within 1 or 2 tiles. - Ranged weapons receive Accuracy penalty for shooting at distant targets: -2% Accuracy for each tile beyond half the maximum Range. - Sudden Lunge and Seize the Initiative have an increased Range when used with a spear. - Seize the Initiative now properly works with bows and crossbows, using the Range of an equipped weapon. - Each firebolt from Fire Barrage now has a separate chance to hit. - Petrification will now remove Bleeding. - Ensnarement and Immobilization will either decrease Dodge Chance by 25% or set it to zero, whichever is more impactful. - Tweaked caps of many secondary stats. - Abilities hovers now properly display the Attributes that modify them. - Increased damage from Knockback. - Decreased the chance for curses to trigger their effect. - Shouting now generates less noise. - Stun will also grant Stun Resistance to reduce the possibility of stunlocks. - Wetness now has stacks, the number of which depends on the duration of the effect. - Dungeons will take twice as long to repopulate.
- Birds can now be hunted. - Rebalanced the Troll: decreased its Resistances and increased its Max Health. The Troll also gets weaker when low on Energy. - The Restless received higher Bleed Resistance. - Archers can now drop their melee weapons on death. - Rebalanced the chance of enemy spawns - it now depends on the nearby dungeons, hunting grounds, and the hidden wilderness factor.
- Rebalanced prices for most items. - Increased the amount of valuables inside NPCs' homes. - Rebalanced the price of arrows and bolts. - Rebalanced money and reputation rewards for completing contracts. - Tweaked reputation values. - Rebalanced merchants stock. - You can now request a starting weapon from the sergeant in Osbrook. - Added 2 Catacomb and 3 Brynn-specific contracts. - Changed rewards for completing tasks. - Reduced the Mannshire scribes stock. - Changes to the Troll quest: it can now be accessed only after reaching level 10.
- Added lots of new dishes. - Added new items. - Increased the base chance of triggering Battle Rage with Henbane. - Antitoxin no longer completely removes Aftermaths from drugs, now only reducing them by half. - Mindwort no longer completely removes Drunkenness, only decreasing its duration by a few turns. - Increased the spawn chance for herbs. - Added spoiled milk.
- Added pop-up speech lines for casting spells. - Ability trees now have hovers with a short list of their strengths and effects. - Numerous changes to in-game texts: item descriptions, characters bio, contents of treatises, etc. - You no longer need to earn entrance to the Mannshire castle.
[ 2021-11-18 18:20:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The City of Gold update is soon to be released: the approximate time is 21:00 MSK, November 18th. Right now is a good moment to give a summary of the progress weve made, talk about the updates new features and what will be added to the game until the end of the year, and also discuss our plans for the future development of Stoneshard.
Global Map and Rumor System
The City of Gold update will feature the long-awaited expansion of the games world: the old 17x11 map will be replaced with a 40x40 one - therell also be a new menu for navigating it. This map will be filled with numerous Points of Interest, including monster dens and some new unique locations.

As for finding these locations, youll need to make use of the new Rumor System - chatting with NPCs will occasionally provide you with valuable (and sometimes not so valuable) hints about places that are worth checking out.

Paper maps will be reintroduced into the game at a later date as an alternative way of finding Points of Interest and all kinds of treasures and hidden stashes.
The first major city will open its gates before you. Its composed of four separate districts, each having its own vibe and special merchants.

Saving on Exit
After the update is released, youll no longer need to rush to a nearby tavern or camp when you need to urgently exit the game - your progress will be automatically saved on exit. Its worth mentioning that saving on exit isnt the same as quick saves - exit saves are deleted upon loading, so in case of your characters death, the game will continue from the closest hard save made by sleeping. On top of that, the new system will preserve information on lots of variables, including the state of tiles and the fog of war, dungeons layout, and more. This means that you wont have to re-explore locations upon loading the game.
New Fauna
Expect to encounter three new dangerous enemy types that come with their own nests: deathstinger swarms, crawlers, and harpies. Each of these enemies will require a special approach, so make sure to exercise caution while hunting them!

Youll also be able to hunt birds!
New Items
Expand your arsenal with throwable bombs: fire, acid, and the one that unleashes a swarm of enraged deathstingers.

And after you survive a difficult fight, treat yourself to some new dishes.

New Loot Type: Artefacts

Artefacts are incredibly valuable relics of the past that possess various unique properties. Some of them grant passive bonuses while occupying your inventory, and others require activation. Youll have a certain chance to discover them in distant dungeons - hidden locations inhabited by the most dangerous enemies. These dungeons dont have contracts associated with them, so youll need to find them first...
Changes to Combat
The Combat System received many important changes: lets start with the most prominent ones - changes to armor. In City of Gold the Protection value from every equipped item will no longer stack. Instead, armor will only affect the body part its equipped on - this will make combat even deadlier, and therell be much more strategy involved in gearing up. We also reworked two key defensive stats: Dodge and Block Chances. Dodge Chance now transforms successful attacks into fumbles, and fumbles - into misses. Block Chance received an additional mechanic: successful blocking now spends some Block Power, which takes time to recover, so if you want to use shields to their full potential, make sure to check out the corresponding Ability Tree!
Improved Leveling and Trainers
The Attribute System was reworked as well: Attributes now grant different, more powerful bonuses, but youll be getting less Stat Points upon leveling up. In addition, every 5 points invested into an Attribute will grant you a major bonus to certain stats.

The Ability Trees structure was affected too. In order to make leveling more engaging and fluid, each Ability Tree now has multiple starting paths, and reading treatises will no longer be the only way to unlock higher tier Abilities - it can also be done by meeting Attribute requirements. In addition to that, it will be possible to unlock initially unavailable Ability Trees with the help of trainers, which will give you access to the first tier of them.
New Achievements

This update will feature the first batch of 40 Steam achievements. A large portion of them will be awarded for maxing out Ability Trees, but some will require you performing unorthodox feats. For instance: Leechfeast have leeches applied on six Injured body parts at the same time. Shovel Knight kill the Ancient Troll with a shovel. What A Time to be Alive experience 4 Deadly effects at the same time. Totally Bear-able kill a bear with a level one character. Dr. Phlogiston, I Presume have 7 enemies on fire at the same time. I Have No Arms And I Must Kill kill an enemy with a melee attack while both your arms are Severely Injured.
Whats next?
We plan to release a series of patches and small updates over the course of December and January to polish the existing content and add some new stuff. This will mostly affect Brynn: we want to introduce interiors to every house and add at least half a dozen extra buildings. In February you can also expect a small surprise on the second anniversary of the games Early Access release - but more about it later... After we finish all that, well start working on the Rags to Riches update, which will flesh out the global map and introduce two new Ability Trees to the game - Armor and one of the magic schools (we'll share the details later). Wizards Fate, the update coming after Rags to Riches, will almost be entirely dedicated to magic - other than new magic schools, Wands, and Magic Mastery, well also implement new systems that will make playing as a sorcerer not as easy and serve as a foundation for the full-fledged character generator.

An important mention: we will no longer be giving approximate release dates. The updates will be released only after we are sure that everything is ready. Exact release dates will be announced during the final stages of development and testing - one month before a patchs release or so. ======= Thats all for now. See you in the lands of Aldor on November 18th!
[ 2021-11-17 13:02:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The City of Gold is almost here! Before its release on November 18th, we plan to publish one more devlog with a summary of the updates most important changes and additions. Today, however, wed like to tell you about two previously unannounced systems.
Rumor System
Rumors are closely tied to the new global map. As you may recall from its designated devlog, the global map will be initially concealed in the fog of war that you need to clear by exploring the world. The same principle applies to Points of Interest, the location of which will be hidden until you stumble upon them yourself or learn about them from rumors. Rumors are scraps of the latest news, gossip, and other interesting information, mostly exaggerated and sometimes not matching the reality at all. This mechanic is already partially present in the game: most NPCs can be chatted up to learn their thoughts about recent events, although this feature currently doesnt have any gameplay applications.

After the CoG update, talking with some characters will actually provide you with valuable information, usually hinting at nearby POIs, which will then be marked on the global map. Different types of Points of Interest will have their own rumors associated with them: youll be able to learn about nearby camps, hunting grounds, monster dens, unique locations, distant dungeons, and so on. Keep in mind that sometimes NPCs will request payment for valuable rumors, so make sure to bring your gold purse when fishing for information. If you fail to learn anything useful on your first attempt, dont be discouraged - youll be able to try again in a few days.

Lets talk about artifacts, a new type of loot with special properties. Artifacts are powerful relics of both recent and ancient past, some of them even dating back to antiquity. Theyre usually imbued with mystical properties and can greatly benefit your character if youre willing to sacrifice inventory space to carry them around. Artifacts function as unique items: each of them can only be acquired once per playthrough. Youll be able to find them in distant dungeons - dangerous locations situated far from settlements. These distant dungeons dont have contracts associated with them, so youll have to either find them on your own or rely on rumors.

In the future, we might introduce additional means of acquiring artifacts: youll be able to find some of them in special locations, and others - in secret rooms or during quests. But for now, here are some of the artifacts youll have a chance to encounter in this update:
Casket with St Wald Relics

St Wald, one of the first Aldorian saints, left his mark in history as a great preacher and an implacable enemy of heretics and the wicked. His relics are said to possess miraculous properties, capable of warding off the evil eye and cleansing malicious curses Effect: grants +30% Unholy Resistance and immunity to the Curse effect.
Codex of the Triple Hand Order

This hefty tome is written in the Order's notorious code which no one has yet managed to crack. It's rumored that this book was blessed by all three Hands of the Host, and that it contains the full history of the Order and every mystery of creation they were privy to Effect: killing undead or Proselyte enemies has 25% chance to grant Blessing for 100 turns.
Nikos of Arpheon's Astrolabe

Nikos of Arpheon was perhaps the greatest seafarer known to the world. He was the first one to make a successful voyage around the Continent about a century ago. Even in the eye of Southern storms or amid icebergs of the North, Nikos's unparalleled skill as a navigator allowed him to always keep his ship on the chosen course Effect: can be used on the surface during night time once per day. Upon activation, grants the effect of Clear Vision for 2880 turns, boosting Crit Chance, Accuracy, Vision, and Bonus Range.
Blessed Aquamanile

A bronze jug in the form of a lion, expertly crafted on the Bronze Isles by an unknown master. Somehow this aquamanile found its way to Aldor, where it was blessed by the Archtheurgist of the High Hieron himself to serve as an eternal source of water to those dying of thirst - whenever emptied, it miraculously refills itself Effect: can be used once per day. Upon activation, sates 50% Thirst and also replenishes 25% Health and 15% Condition to each body part. ============= Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2021-11-08 15:22:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about changes to the leveling system that will be introduced with the City of Gold update.
As we observed choices made by players when building their characters, we found out the following things:
- Players rarely spread points between multiple Attributes - both stat points gained upon leveling up are usually invested into a single Attribute to receive a more noticeable increase in power.
- Primary Attributes affect too many secondary stats: its difficult to keep track of them for most players, and leveling usually comes down to focusing on 1 or 2 build-defining stats.
- Some primary Attributes are way too important for certain archetypes while being pretty much ignored by others.
- All Attributes are now capped at 30 points.
- Each Attribute governs only two secondary stats.
- You only gain one stat point upon leveling up, but its impact is now much more noticeable.
- Each primary Attribute now also has thresholds - upon reaching them your character will receive a powerful bonus to 3 additional stats. Each Attribute has 4 thresholds that you can reach - 15, 20, 25, and 30 points. We noticed that many players enjoy investing into Perception for much-desired Bonus Range breakpoints - its one of the reasons why were introducing a similar twist to other Attributes, making leveling more engaging and providing players with goals to pursue.
- The bonuses to characters starting Attributes were reduced.

Full Size Image All these changes will require you to put more thought into building your characters - many important stats are only increased upon reaching an Attribute threshold, so youll have a lot of things to consider: shall you put your precious SP into Vitality to gain bonus Health? Perhaps its more worthwhile to invest into Perception for Accuracy and Crit Chance? Or maybe the best course of action is to continue pushing Strength, hoping that its bonus Damage will offset the characters shortcomings? The decision is yours to make.
We closely monitor our communitys feedback, and its apparent that many players consider the existing treatise system to be way too restrictive and irritating. Unsurprisingly, many people try to circumvent it by resetting traders stock or even by editing save files. Its not the most desirable outcome, so thats why were also making important changes to another key mechanic - how Abilities are learned.

Full Size Image

Full Size Image This example is WIP and is subject to change. To better understand the context make sure to read the final paragraph of the list below.
- Weve reworked the structure of every Ability tree in the game. They now look cleaner and should provide better indication about which tier each Ability belongs to.
- Most Ability trees now have significantly more starting paths. This should make early combat more fun and reduce the frequency of situations when players are forced to stockpile points because they run out of Abilities to invest them into.
- Some Ability trees have a new type of link - a node. Nodes indicate that in order to unlock Abilities below them, youll first have to unlock every Ability linked to them. This change will reduce highly prominent power spikes that are detrimental to the overall balance - you will no longer be able to quickly cherry-pick active abilities while ignoring everything else. Before the rework, the deadly combo of Incineration and Melting Ray could be unlocked just after putting 2 points into Pyromancy, but now youll have to learn all 8 prerequisite Abilities before you gain access to it. To sum it up, expect mages to become less overpowered.
- At the same time, the opening tiers are much more flexible - the new system will provide you with more opportunities to grab a few starting Abilities to round up your build, but if you plan to gain access to high-level Abilities, youll need to actually invest.
- With the exception of the first tier, Abilities now have Attribute requirements as an alternative to learning them from treatises. Still, we dont want the system to be too restrictive, so the requirements are fairly adaptable: as a general rule, youll have to invest a certain amount of points into a combined sum of relevant Attributes in any combination you want. For instance, if an Ability requires 6 points invested into Strength or Agility, you can unlock it by putting all 6 points into either Strength or Agility, by putting 2 points into Strength and 4 into Agility, and so on. To put it simply, you have a choice between unlocking Abilities on your own by fulfilling their Attribute requirements and searching for a treatise if you want to unlock them earlier or plan to forego Attribute requirements entirely (in case they arent supported by your build)
- In addition to treatises, starting Abilities can also be unlocked by trainers - for a price, of course. Most trainers are Osbrook and Mannshire NPCs whom youre already familiar with, which means that youll be able to unlock all Ability trees (except for magic and Dual Wielding, the trainers for which are located in Brynn) right from the beginning without specifically looking for a relevant treatise.
- These changes will elevate treatises back to their intended place as rare and valuable loot. In addition to that, treatises are no longer sold by village merchants - youll have to search for them in dungeons, points of interest, or buy them from designated traders in Brynn. The Mannshire scribes stock was also reduced: instead of selling every single book in Aldor, hell only have a small selection of tomes that survived the siege.
- Many passives (as well as some active Abilities) were massively reworked to increase their usefulness and versatility, making them a better fit for the reworked Ability trees, so dont be too swift to judge the presented changes.
[ 2021-10-10 13:16:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Lets start with the release date: as many of you might already know, the City of Gold update was moved to November due to a number of reasons. And today were ready to announce its exact release date - November 18. This date is final, so make sure to set up a reminder!
Now to the latest news. Were currently working on bringing the city to life, setting up NPCs and implementing side quests, many of which will have multiple paths and long-term consequences. Even though we would be happy to give you details, its not possible without getting into spoilers, so well let you discover the secrets of Brynn streets by yourself.
Heres a teaser just to get you started. And in return well tell you about many other things that will be added with the City of Gold:
We haven't yet finished setting up NPCs, so you can expect the end result to be much more lively.
The bestiary of Stoneshard will see many new additions: other than mid-tier Proselytes (this topic deserves its own devlog), therell be a few other dangers to watch out for when exploring the world.

Deathstingers are the scourge of the local woods. A large enough swarm of these sizeable insects can make short work of pretty much anything or anyone Deathstingers are large and very aggressive insects that form swarms around their hives in certain points of interest. Their primary strength lies in numbers - until a Deathstinger hive is destroyed, it will periodically spawn new swarms, maintaining their number.

But even a single Deathstinger swarm can cause a lot of grief: these things are hard to hit, and even successful strikes dont deal much damage. On top of that, the less Health a swarm has, the higher its chance to dodge future attacks, although its own attacks will deal less damage as well.

Crawlers make their burrows in deep woods, where they hunt small wildlife. Other predators do their best to stay away - crawlers' blood and bites are venomous, and their ability to almost instantaneously heal their fragile carapaces turns any encounter with them into a battle of attrition Needless to say, we had no choice but to introduce giant spiders into the game - therefore, meet Crawlers. Youll be able to encounter them in the woods, but fortunately for you they wont stray far from their burrows. Crawlers are dangerous predators for quite a number of reasons.

First of all, they are capable of spitting liquid webs, immobilizing and weakening their victims. Just as with Mancatchers nets, it will be possible to untangle yourself from them by skipping turns. Crawlers huge size makes them rather frail - to compensate for this shortcoming, they have an ability to quickly regenerate any damage done to their chitinous carapace. Each turn Crawlers restore some of their Armor Durability, which also grants them additional Resistances. At the same time, they dont have much Health, so the best weapon for hunting Crawlers is something with good Armor Damage and Penetration. And finally, their blood is corrosive. Fighting Crawlers in melee will get you sprayed with it, dealing Caustic and Poison damage. This damage is also increased by each Injury or Bleed affecting a Crawler.

Initially, harpies inhabited only the ridges of Aldorian foothills, but now they can be encountered across the entire realm. Their habits havent changed in the slightest though: these perpetually ravenous beasts are still the source of constant nuisance, attacking livestock and lonely travelers Harpies are enormous scavenger birds that can be found across most of Aldor. Hunting them requires a strategic approach: make sure that you bring a net or two with you or have a way to quickly cripple their wings - Harpies get significant combat bonuses while they are in the air.

Upon spotting their prey, Harpies swiftly close in to intercept it, so archers and mages will have a hard time keeping their distance - until a Harpys wings are injured, their mobility skill has no cooldown. Harpies usually attempt to intimidate and confuse their victim with deafening screeches, then surround it from all sides, trying to peck out the eyes. Harpies heinous stench also doesnt make fighting them any easier, causing coughing and the urge to throw up. Despite all that, Harpies are incredibly cowardly: when threatened by defeat, they immediately try to take off and fly away a few turns after beginning their retreat, leaving you without valuable feathers and other trophies.
No one expects you to face new dangers without new tools, so we added a few bombs with different effects.
Nistrian Flame Flask
The recipe for Nistrian flame, the flasks of which occasionally find their way to Aldor, still remains a secret despite the efforts of many talented scholars. Alas, no one has yet invented an alternative that burns at least half as well

Deathstinger Jar
The only reason why this deadly weapon is barely ever used is that any attempt to encase a swarm of enraged insects in a fragile container is incredibly dangerous

Spider Blood Flask
Certain alchemical procedures can prevent crawler blood from curdling, allowing it to be stored in glass containers for prolonged periods of time. This creates many new possibilities ranging from using it in further alchemical experiments to throwing it in combat

And finally, the first look at rivers and lakes:

Bodies of water have a whole lot of mechanics tied to them, ranging from the basic option to fill a waterskin to swimming, combat, and special interactions with some abilities. When your character is in shallow water, moving to another tile takes two turns. The distance of dashes is affected as well. Upon entering deep water, the character begins to swim. The main thing to keep in mind is that swimming requires Energy - each traversed water tile will consume some of it. If Energy reaches zero, your character will drown, dying instantly. Swimming Energy Cost is affected by many factors: certain active effects, Injuries, and also whether you have heavy armor equipped. On top of that, you cant use weapons when in deep water - all attacks will count as unarmed, stats like Block and Counter chances will be disabled, and taking damage will burn Energy. The same rules will apply to your enemies too. Some of them will be unable to swim at all, actively trying to avoid entering deep water. Once we get closer to implementing Alchemy and cooking, we also plan to add a fishing system, but for now its way too soon to get into any details. ================================ Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2021-10-04 16:52:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The City of Gold update is going to be the largest one yet not only in terms of content, but also the overall mechanics. The introduction of the global map will greatly affect the progression and will be the first step in making it work as originally intended - and thats where tweaks to the mechanics come into play. Today well address some of them in this devlog and tell you about every important change to the combat system.
Splitting Protection
Lets start with the most important change: splitting the Protection stat between different body parts. The current Protection system is a remnant of those times when Stoneshard was envisioned as a simpler and shorter game. Every piece of armor increased the unified Protection stat by a certain amount, affecting all incoming strikes and allowing, say, plated boots to protect the entire body. This resulted in a number of issues: the stacking of resistances and heavy armor was way too effective, allowing to almost entirely shrug off most enemies attacks. We decided to abandon this system: Protection, as well as Damage and Bleed Resistances, granted by each individual piece of armor, now affect only their designated body parts. Helmets only protect the head, cuirasses - the torso, and gloves - just the hands.

This makes middle and late game combat noticeably deadlier, strengthens the role of individual pieces of equipment, and allows more flexibility in armor progression - before the City of Gold, heavy helmets only granted 2-3 more Protection than the mail coif, but now the difference is quite substantial. Finding the balance between the offensive and defensive playstyles will become more important than ever: the heavy plate is safer, but takes a toll on Energy; on the flip side, light and medium armors provide less defense, but allow using skills more liberally.

The shown numbers are subject to change Protection, just like Block Power, now also affects the incoming Magic and Nature damage, but only with 50% effectiveness: youll need 20 Protection to fully soak 10 Fire Damage.
Changes to Block
As you may have guessed, the Blocking mechanic was affected as well, gaining some extra depth. Meet the new stat: Block Power Recovery. Before the rework, it didnt really matter how hard or how many times you got hit on the shield: if your Block Power was high enough, you were completely invulnerable to enemy attacks. Now, however, Block Power is expended by blocking, representing the exertion and the loss of balance, and then slowly being recovered each turn. Lets say you have 25 Block Power and 20% Block Power Recovery. An enemy strikes you for 25 Damage: you block it, spending 25 Block Power, so youre left with zero. After that, 20% Block Power Recovery replenishes you 5 Block Power: if you block another attack during the next turn, youll receive 20 Damage. This way prolonged fights, especially against multiple opponents, will quickly drain your Block Power, so youll have to use your resources more strategically or rely on specialized skills. Naturally, shields were affected by this change the most. They lost their innate Protection and gained higher Block Chance and Block Power to compensate for it. Other than that, shields were roughly split in three categories: light, medium, and heavy.

The shown numbers are subject to change.
- Light shields have the lowest Block Chance and Power, boasting a large bonus to Block Power Recovery instead: they block limited amounts of damage, but they do so with reliable effectiveness. Certain Shield skills also grant them additional bonuses.
- Medium shields are a jack of all trades: they have decent Block Chance and Power, but lack the bonus to Recovery, making them a balanced choice for defensive playstyles.
- Heavy shields have a huge bonus to Block Chance and Power and can withstand some of the most devastating attacks. But woe to you if you run out of Block Power in the middle of a fight - heavy shields Recover incredibly slowly, so unless you invest into the specialized skill tree, you risk handicapping yourself with an unwieldy, heavy piece of equipment.
Accuracy Calculation
In the current version of the game, the hit chance formula is very simple:
Hit Chance, % = The attackers Accuracy - The targets Dodge Chance
We decided to change it by splitting dodges and misses into two distinct categories: therell be two independent checks for the attackers chance to hit (depends on their Accuracy) and the targets chance to perform a dodge.
At the same time, Accuracy over 100% still reduces the targets Dodge Chance, and the negative Dodge Chance contributes to the attackers Accuracy.
Changes to Dodge
Now to the next important change - the new Dodge system. Initially, Dodge Chance was a completely secondary stat, and we didnt plan making dedicated Dodge builds a thing. This changed with the introduction of the Dual Wielding skill tree, when we tried adding some dodge-focused gear and the Berserk Tradition passive that granted a huge Dodge bonus to characters without armor. That experiment wasnt very successful. The issue with its current implementation lies in the all or nothing conundrum: you either take no damage or you take it all. Dodge builds revolve entirely around stacking Dodge Chance, running a very thin line between invulnerability and being borderline unplayable: sometimes its possible to consistently avoid all damage only to have your character annihilated by a single instance of bad luck.. To sum it up: Dodge builds ignored a large portion of available gear, mindlessly stacked a single stat, and were overly reliant on two key skills (Elusiveness and Berserk Tradition) - none of it worked with the rest of the game. Thats why we listened to our community and changed Dodge in accordance with the suggestion made on our Discord server by @WatcherOfArabia, that was also supported by other players: instead of simply negating all damage, performing a dodge turns successful attacks into fumbles, and fumbled attacks into misses. This way Dodge becomes more nuanced, functioning as an important stat with numerous applications. It can be combined with light and medium armors (their lower Protection is more manageable with the 50% Damage penalty on fumbled attacks) or with more aggressive playstyles that focus on applying Stagger and Fumble Chance debuffs with skills, passives, or certain consumables. The Berserk Tradition passive was remade as well - it no longer requires you wearing no armor and has different mechanics and bonuses associated with it.
Other Changes
The rest of the changes arent that massive, but they are still worth mentioning:
- Most conditions and injuries were rebalanced to make them more distinct and to increase the influence they have on gameplay.
- Being knocked back into an occupied tile now applies Daze instead of Stun. This was done to prevent stunlocks and counteract the strategy of abusing doorways and corners, which is way too effective in the current version of the game. Stun now grants a significant bonus to Control Resistance, which should also make stunlocks much less frequent.
- Some effects received a rework: Wetness, for instance, now has stacks that depend on the overall duration of the debuff. The longer you stay under the rain, the stronger the effect. Rain now also causes metal items to slowly degrade :)
- Skill trees received short descriptions with keywords, meant to help new players to quickly understand their theme and possible synergies..
- There were also some changes to main Attributes, but more about them later...

Until the next time!
[ 2021-08-22 16:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Its been a while since the last announcement! During this time, weve been working on lots of stuff: new enemies, locations, mechanics, quests, changes to combat, and other features - well tell you about it all in a series of devlogs prior to the City of Gold release, planned for this October.
The first devlog will showcase the largest of the new systems: the global map.
The global map is one of the most ambitious mechanics that we have ever worked on. Its vital for implementing the proper scale and introducing the intended progression system, so thats why it took the longest to make. We experimented with multiple map sizes, settling on a size smaller than what we had originally intended - this way the map will be denser with points of interest and random events. In the City of Gold update youll be able to explore Brynn and its surrounding areas - its about 20% of what we plan Aldor to be on full release and ten times larger than the existing map.

The map generation uses a mixed approach: some elements are static, while others are randomized with each new playthrough. The static locations are mostly tied to lore, they include cities, villages, some story locations, mountain ranges, the coastline, and rivers (although rivers will also be randomized in the future; well talk about them in greater detail in a separate devlog). Most points of interest, dungeons and their types, forests, some bioms, and roads are procedurally generated, preserving the spirit of exploration even after multiple playthroughs. In the future itll also be possible to use the caravan to travel across the global map, but it wont be just an unlimited fast travel option. Its more of a means to occasionally cross large distances rather than something you use to ride to a dungeon and back.

In a sense, the global map records your journey, only marking the locations you personally visit or hear about. The rest is concealed by the fog of war. Thats why instead of replacing paper maps, the global map will complement them. Youll still need to purchase paper maps in order to find points of interest and to navigate through new zones, comparing the information you learn from them with the global map. Naturally, therell be other ways to learn about interesting locations (rumors, for instance), but paper maps will remain the most readily available and reliable option to do so. They will more or less work as notes - the large part of their function, such as pop-ups with tile descriptions, was moved to the global map.

This function was greatly expanded as well: most locations now have lore descriptions, letting you better understand the game world. Abandoned carts, roadside shrines, graves, and other minor landmarks now have their own map marker. So does the player character, as its way too easy to get lost on such a large map without a character marker, especially after taking a long break from a playthrough. Our ultimate goal is to make exploration exciting and unpredictable, and the world - vivid and more detailed. Thats why we also added many new points of interest as well as places where you can rest and regroup for a fair fee, such as lonely homesteads or roadside inns.

The global map has a few hidden systems under the hood, meant to improve the player experience and make the world more logical and believable. The most important of them is the reworked progression of dungeons. Now that we arent limited by the maps size, we can place many more dungeons on it. As a result, therell be only beginner level dungeons around Osbrook, which will prevent sudden difficulty spikes and will make levelling smoother and more measured.

The dungeon respawn system was also reworked. First of all, it will take significantly longer for them to respawn: youll have to move between settlements upon completing all their contracts, otherwise youll waste a huge amount of time waiting. The level of enemies you encounter in dungeons is no longer static - it can shift with subsequent respawns, making enemies stronger or weaker. However, its still limited by the zones level: even by the time you reach the endgame, you wont be able to encounter rogue knights around Osbrook. Some dungeons can only be found far from settlements - youll have to search for them on your own, as they dont have contracts leading to them. The payoff is usually more than worth it: there you will find not only the strongest foes, but also the most valuable loot. Another important factor is the Wildness of an area. This hidden parameter influences many things: it increases the overall amount of animals, the chance of them spawning, and also reduces your chances to run into a random bandit group in the middle of the woods. This parameter is much lower next to cities and dungeons, so it will be a rare occurrence to come face to face with a bear or a huge wolf pack upon stepping outside of Osbrook. The wilderness factor also affects the chance of being ambushed: therell be less ambushes on distant roads and more of them near brigand Bastions.

Theres one more important addition - a new type of points of interest that can be called dens or habitats. These locations attract specific animal types, guaranteeing that you will encounter them there. Most large animals will have such locations: wolves, bears, moose, boars, etc. The habitats also increase the spawning chance for these animals in the surrounding map tiles, so discovering them can make hunting much easier. On the other hand, its best to exercise caution in your search - sometimes instead of a deer trail you can find a ghoul den or something even worse... ================================================== Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2021-08-08 20:02:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today well share some of the lore coming with the City of Gold update, planned for the end of this summer. This time its about the most influential people of Brynn, whom you will have a chance to encounter. To better understand the context, we recommend checking out the previous lore entry.
Denvar Brie, the Guildmaster

Unlike the rest of the Brynn elites, Denvar Brie is neither of noble birth nor possesses incredible riches. He was born in the family of a successful, yet common artisan, which makes the journey to his current standing even more remarkable. Denvar has always been energetic and assertive. These qualities, in addition to his reputation as an outstanding weaponsmith, allowed him to claim the venerable title of the Grandmaster in the Blacksmith Guild, one of the most influential guilds in Brynn. Despite his position of power, Denvar never forgot his roots. Although his lavish spending habits set him apart from simple craftsmen, he put a lot of effort into making their lot easier, something which no one in Brynn had ever done before. As a result, he gathered widespread support among common citizens. The events of spring 427, when the freshly-formed Magistrate attempted to subjugate independent guilds by merging them into a single, easily controllable entity, only increased Denvars popularity, solidifying his place among the city leaders. Right now hes the man representing the interests of every craftsman in the city, so both the local merchants and the nobility have to reckon with him. Denvar is well-aware that hes surrounded by enemies, and hes also not too eager to openly confront other factions. No one knows what plans are brewing in his ambitious mind, but one thing is certain: hes waiting for an opportune moment to strike a painful blow against his opponents, leaving them no chance to recover. For now his main weapon is a threat of mass strike, which he uses to gain further influence. An otherwise enlightened man, Denvar has an open distaste for elves, whom he sees as the main threat to both his position and the prosperity of Brynn. Thanks to Jeon Ballars protection, elven goods recently took the citys market by storm there isnt much that can rival their quality, and their price, while still fairly high, continues to drop with every weekly shipment of Ahjat weapons and Jibean jewelry unloaded in the Docs. If nothing changes in the next few months, many of the Guilds craftsmen might lose their job. Therefore, Denvar considers the House of the Azure Thread, the trade representative of the Jacinth Kingdoms in Brynn, his personal enemy. Many are afraid that if he ever becomes a ruler, he will not rest until Aldor is free from all traces of elven influence, even if it unleashes Jacinth armies upon the realm...
Jeon Ballar, the Comprador

Throughout his entire life, Jeon Ballard has been incredibly lucky, starting with him being born in the wealthiest family of Brynn. A silk-cushioned childhood, a carefree adolescence, rowdy university years, an easy, profitable job in the merchant League while others fell victims to intrigues and hardships, Jeon always appeared unscathed by misfortune. The period of political infighting and instability, which followed King Etberts untimely death, brought ruin to many, but Jeon only benefited from it: if anything, thats when his swift rise to the top began. Brynn had long been discontent with the Crown, and the Kings death gave the conspirators, Jeon being one of them, a free rein. The meticulously planned overthrow was a success: the freshly-formed Magistrate seized the power, and Jeon managed to become its leader in just a few weeks, greatly assisted by the sudden murder of the previous burgomaster, something which he vehemently denies any connection to. Knowing nothing of the military matters, Jeon was smart enough to delegate the control over the army to experts. Unfortunately, the sudden outbreak of the Crimson Plague robbed the Magistrate of its victory, leaving Jeon surrounded by power-hungry military commanders. Still, Jeons remarkable ability to drop meaningful hints and make promising concessions allowed him to firmly remain in his seat. This cant go on indefinitely though. The truce becomes shakier with each passing day, and it wont be easy to finish off the Council, which had enough time to recover from its defeat. Perhaps this fear of an encroaching demise was exactly what forced Jeon to seek the help of the elves, whom Aldor has an age-long grudge with. For now their support isnt very noticeable, but Jeon has big plans - after all, establishing closer ties with elven allies is where the profit is at. This trend, however, unnerves the rest of the Magistrate very few people are willing to share money and power with outlanders. Jeons luck might soon run dry But who knows how many more tricks this genius of intrigues and compromises still has up his sleeve?
Arno di Berro, the General

Poet. Warrior. Strategist. Leader. Duke Arno di Berro is an embodiment of true aristocracy, making it even more remarkable that he found himself a part of the republican Magistrate. A scion of a noble family, which fled from the Bronze Isles, Arno di Berro was born and raised in Aldor. At the same time, he still feels like an outsider, making him as demanding to himself as he is to others. Some ill-wishers claim that Duke di Berros main goal in life is to become a better Aldorian than actual Aldorians although one has to admit that if that is true, he has been quite successful so far. Until recently, very few people knew the name of di Berro: he had an excellent education in the University and participated in many of King Etberts wars, but otherwise he was a completely unremarkable Brynn nobleman. After the monarchs death, he became a major player in the Magistrate the sudden cooperation between the haughty Duke and merchants and craftsmen, whom he had previously openly despised, came as a surprise to many, even his new allies. At the same time, no one in Brynn can deny that upon taking control over one of the citys armies, Arno proved his loyalty to the Magistrate with his actions. Under the skillful leadership of their decisive and fearless commander, the Magistrate forces successfully captured pro-royalist Maen and, after the Council launched an attack on the Southern front, marched back to Brynn, breaking the siege. All this earned the Duke a reputation of a war hero and the savior of the Magistrate. During the truce Arno also made great strides in reforming the military: under his command a ragtag army of mercenaries and militia transformed into a powerful force, ready to follow their leader to the end of the world. Unsurprisingly, both the League and the Guild wish to garner Arnos favor, however he believes himself to deserve much more than that. Too prideful to compromise and share power, the Duke doesnt want to join forces with other Magistrate leaders, counting only on himself and his soldiers. At the same time, there is an increasing number of mysterious ships being met in the Docs by the Vanguard troops under the cover of night, so perhaps the usually straightforward Duke plays his own game, just like everyone else in Brynn. Arno continues to proclaim his unwavering support for the Magistrate, and yet, judging by the fiery speeches he gives to his soldiers, his vision for the realm is much more different than what the Guild or the League have in mind. Proud and power-hungry, the Duke wishes to unite the land under a single banner, with him leading Aldor towards great victories. And even though Arno di Berro continues calling this new order a republic, will it actually be any different from the monarchy, which so many in the Magistrate died fighting against?
[ 2021-05-23 16:10:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Were happy to announce that Stoneshard is now also available in Korean!
This highly requested localization is the twelfth and the final one on our list, though we might add some additional language options further down the road.
Stay tuned for more updates!
[ 2021-05-19 17:04:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about the crime and punishment system, which will be added with the City of Gold update, planned for the end of this summer.
Initially, we didnt plan to add this feature so soon, however the random encounters system that were currently working on requires killable NPCs and, subsequently, a punishment for killing them. Other crimes are just a logical continuation of this option. Lets start with reviewing the general mechanics.
Crime Mechanics

Any unlawful action that you perform in front of a NPC is considered a crime. This includes:
- Disturbing the peace. Opening containers that dont belong to you, setting traps in public locations, throwing items at NPCs, using certain abilities (such as spells) in public, trespassing, and so on.
- Breaking a lock. Attempting to pick or force open locked chests and doors.
- Theft. Taking items that dont belong to you.
- Livestock slaughter. Killing animals that are considered more valuable (such as cows and horses) will result in a more severe punishment than killing cats and dogs.
- Assaulting an NPC. Delivering a first strike counts as an assault.
- Killing or knocking NPCs out. In case you decide to follow through with your assault.
- If you commit anything from this list (other than an assault or a murder) and dont get caught in the process, this wont count as a crime.

Every crime has a number of consequences:
- Reputation loss. The amount lost depends on the severity of a crime. For instance, a murder can negate the Reputation gain from completing a few dozen contracts and will make the locals hate you. Its worth mentioning that the Reputation loss also affects your standing with the entire Faction, even if to a lesser extent. Therefore, if you frequently get caught stealing in Osbrook, the rumors will reach Mannshire and Brynn, damaging your Reputation there as well.
- Becoming wanted. For the duration of being wanted, guards will try to fine or arrest you, and the local population will refuse to have any dealings with you, be it trading, giving contracts and tasks, or even talking. Its also impossible to sleep and save your game in the settlements where you are a wanted person. Youll also become wanted in other settlements of the Faction, not just the one where you commit a crime, so it might be a good idea to wait it out in a neutral location or, in the future, with another Faction.
- Receiving a fine and serving jail time. You can atone for your crimes by doing one of the following: pay a fine or go to jail. The amount you have to pay or the time you must serve depends on the severity of your crimes.

However, you can always refuse to cooperate, temporarily making the guards hostile. If you start losing a fight with them, youll be given another chance to surrender.

If you decide to save your money and go to jail instead of paying a fine, your sentence will depend on the amount and severity of your crimes - up to forty days. Youll also experience it personally: all your items will be temporarily confiscated, and your character will be locked up in a cell. Youll have access to a cot, which you can use to skip a day, and to a guard, which will bring you a daily plate of gruel and a chunk of bread to keep you from starving to death. Spending time in jail will gradually increase your reputation up to Neutrality, reflecting your redemption. At the same time, the lack of practice will cause you to lose experience. However, you wont lose much and you cant regress in levels - you can only lose the experience accumulated towards your next level up.

Most containers in the settlements will now belong to Factions, and any item that you take from them will be considered stolen. It wont be possible to sell borrowed goods to traders in the same location - youll have to either move to another settlement, find a fence, or just wait for things to calm down. The duration of search for stolen items depends on their value - for instance, a stolen bucket will quickly be forgotten, while a piece of jewelry will have people looking for it for a long time. The same logic also applies to the severity of fines.
Murdering NPCs

All NPCs outside of settlements will be killable - any patrol or a merchant that you encounter on the road can be murdered and looted for an immediate gain. NPCs within the settlements will remain unkillable, since doing otherwise might potentially prevent the players from being able to progress. It would also require a huge amount of context-dependent dialogues, visual changes to the settlements, and so on. To sum it up, it wouldnt be wise to spend so much resources on a feature that would be ignored by most players. Although, it will still be possible to attack these NPCs - upon being brought down to 0% HP, theyll become comatose, regaining their senses once their Health regenerates to a certain threshold. Doing so will count as a murder within the planned crime system. If you have the inclination, this will allow you to knock out village merchants and rob them of their crowns and a few items, but you wont get to loot the entirety of their stock.. ========================================= Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2021-05-02 21:00:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
This post is the first one in the series dedicated to the lore of the upcoming major update, City of Gold. Today well tell you about the glorious city of Brynn, its history, and its internal situation.

Brynn. The mere mention of it invokes images of freedom and affluence. Some people see it as a city of skilled craftsmen and industrious merchants, while others - a den of petty hagglers and crooks, where a purse full of gold is more valuable than a persons life. Either way, there can be little argument about one thing - Brynn is the wealthiest Aldorian city and one of the most prosperous places on the western side of the Continent. Theres a saying that the very air of Brynn makes people free: according to an ancient custom, anyone can become its citizen after living there for a year. As a result, the city has always been attracting people fleeing from serfdom, poverty, and hunger, many of them becoming permanent residents. After the recent war these streams of refugees turned into rivers, which flooded the citys streets with peasants hoping to earn some coin for themselves and their families.
It wouldnt be true to say that Brynn survived the Strife unscathed - after all, the war actually started because of it. During his rule, the late King Etbert stripped Brynn of its status as a free city, making quite a lot of enemies in the process. The monarchs death and the succession crisis, which followed afterwards, created a perfect opportunity for overturning this decision, and the Brynn elites did just that. Brynn refused to recognize the authority of the Regent Queen, who became the next ruler, instead opting for an open rebellion. The royal governor was apprehended and executed without a trial, and the control was once again seized by the richest merchant families of the city - the Silver League. The age-long dispute between the local merchants and the nobility was temporarily set aside: they united against the common enemy, creating the Great Magistrate. They plan to settle for no less than overthrowing the existing order and rebuilding Aldor as an alliance of free cities, where kings exist only in fairy tales. The Royal Council, which rallied around the Regent Queen, decided to take Brynn back by force. At first, luck was on the Council's side: the royal army managed to come out victorious in a few important battles and even reached the walls of Brynn. It seemed that the city was doomed, but the skillful leadership of Duke di Berro allowed the Magistrate to turn the tide and send the enemy fleeing. The Magistrate got a decisive advantage, and only a sudden outbreak of the Crimson Plague prevented it from launching a counterattack. This never-before-seen disease gave a proper scare to both sides of the conflict and forced them into signing a truce. Soon the Plague ended as inexplicably as it began, but both the Council and the Magistrate decided to maintain the shaky peace and lick their wounds. This moment of respite was used by the Magistrate to great effect: it invested a huge amount of resources into restoring Brynn, so now the only thing reminding of the brutal siege is scaffolding next to a few remaining breaches in the citys walls. And yet, even though Brynn is well-prepared to repel external enemies, internal struggles can often be much more unpredictable and insidious...

Brynn is the Great Magistrate in miniature, its political conflicts being most evident in the citys day-to-day life. There are three major factions competing for control over Brynn:
- The Silver League used to be a mid-tier merchant guild. However, over the centuries it amassed great amounts of wealth and political power. The independence of Brynn, the creation of the Magistrate and the civil war which followed - these events were engineered and set in motion mainly by the highest circles of the League. The Leagues cumbersome bureaucracy, although still effective, has lately begun to struggle with its responsibilities. To many of the Leagues members it came as a surprise that not every war can be won with money alone, but this realization was long overdue. Ever since the previous burgomasters unsolved murder, the League has been led by Jeon Ballar - a descendant of the richest Brynn family, which made its fortune by trading in elven silk. His enemies often accuse him of currying favors with the Jacinth Kingdoms, and perhaps rightfully so, but no one can rival Jeon in achieving compromises and forming unlikely alliances. The existing status quo between the city factions can be attributed entirely to his efforts.
- The Vanguard is a large army consisting of the local nobilitys troops, mercenary bands, and the citys militia. Created by the League in an effort to reorganize the army, the Vanguard quickly became a government within a government, deeply discontent about the overwhelming influence that the mechant estate has over the Magistrate. The competent and decisive actions of the Vanguard protected Brynn from being captured by the royalists, so now its military leaders firmly believe that their sacrifice and valor earned them the right to rule the country. The only thing preventing them from openly confronting the League is the money it supports the army with. The leader of the Vanguard is Duke Arno di Berro, a scion of an old family from the Bronze Isles, who happened to settle down in Aldor. Arno di Berro is an aristocrat in a true sense of this word, and, as expected of an aristocrat, he shows open disdain for republican ideals. Despite all that, hes still ready to fight for the Magistrate with all the ferocity and courage he can muster...
- The New Guild are the artisans of Brynn, its sweat and blood. Initially the city had numerous guilds for various crafts. Their influence was so great that over the years at least a dozen craftsmen assumed the post of Brynn burgomaster. This fact had been greatly annoying the merchant estate, so not long after the war began, they attempted to deal with the guilds once and for all. Using wartime needs as an excuse, the League merged all guilds into one, placing it under its direct control. This violation of the free craftsmens ancient traditions provoked an unrest bordering on revolt. The League was forced to concede, granting the Guild a certain freedom of action, which resulted in the artisan estate gaining more power than it had originally. The Guild is led by Grandmaster Denvar Brie - one of the best weaponsmiths in the city, a stern and overbearing person. He regards the League in its current state as a crowd of freeloaders living off the working people. All it takes is a snap of his fingers to put all city business on halt, something which he most likely plans to leverage for his own gain.
[ 2021-04-05 13:22:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The work on the City of Gold update, planned for Summer 2021, is well underway. Itll be the largest update of Stoneshards Early Access so far, adding a huge amount of new content and drastically changing the way the game functions. Today well talk about a number of important features, which we currently develop.

Now that City of Gold took a step away from our standard update schedule (once every 2-3 months), we actually have time to make all required changes to the world generation and saving systems. This means that the City of Gold update will finally introduce a highly requested feature - saving on exit. After its proper implementation, you wont have to search for a tavern or a nearby camp in case of emergency or interruption - youll be able to safely close the game and then continue from where you left off whenever youre ready. Its worth mentioning that this is not quick saving - saves on exit will be deleted upon loading. The characters death will still return you to the latest camp or tavern save, preserving the weight of risk and responsibility for your choices.

Along with the expansion of the global map, therell be a new event type added to the game - random encounters, during which youll meet new characters and witness many interesting scenes. In order to properly add this feature, we ended up reworking the existing NPC system, making most of them killable. Naturally, killing NPCs will result in consequences other than an obvious hit to your reputation. Right now we work on the crime and punishment system to properly reflect possible outcomes. Well be able to share more details about this feature once its close to completion.

Other than random encounters, well also add lots of new points of interest. We wont get into much detail and preserve the intrigue, so here is a screenshot to keep your interest piqued:

Rivers and other bodies of water are an important element of the global map expansion, adding a noticeable amount of variety to the world. Rivers wont just sit there looking pretty - therell be a number of mechanics associated with them, such as swimming.

Initially we planned to add achievements only after the game is out of Early Access, as their conditions can change significantly during the development. However, we listened to the players and decided to partially implement achievements with the City of Gold update, starting with those which are unlikely to be influenced by possible reworks - about 50 of them in total.
[previewyoutube=oTXwrXpdEDE;full][/previewyoutube] A small, but a pleasant addition. The Equipment Update II introduced a lute to the game, while City of Gold will let you actually play it. Youll be able to reproduce your favorite musical pieces to lift the characters spirit. Or attract nearby enemies, depending on your luck. Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2021-03-15 13:14:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Were happy to announce that Stoneshard has been fully translated to French. The todays update added French to the list of available localizations, making it eleven in total!
In the near future we also plan to make the game available in European Spanish and Korean languages. Stay tuned for the upcoming announcements!
Until the next time! - Changelog
- Added French localisation - Black Boar Inn celebration has ended
[ 2021-03-07 11:57:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
Wed like to recommend you a game our friends made, which has left early access today and is now available with a 25% Launch Discount. Were sure that some of you will find it to their liking![previewyoutube=Q3TvkZ9vemA;full][/previewyoutube]
Breathedge is a hilarious space survival game. You play as the survivor of the spaceliner catastrophe who finds himself in the middle of a ridiculous universal conspiracy, all the while battling the elements in order to find the way home.
Breathedge boasts a wild mix of awesome visuals and exciting first-person survival experience in outer space, spiced with grotesque humor. Collect items, make tools, build vehicles, and more to help you unravel the mystery behind the explosion of the largest space vessel and all its dark secrets. Smooth navigation through space is not without dangers: watch out for extreme cold and heat, ever-encroaching radiation, and coffin-robots out for blood!
[ 2021-02-25 18:25:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today Stoneshard celebrates its first anniversary: its been exactly a year since the game was released into Early Access! By an amazing coincidence, the Black Boar taverns anniversary shares the same date - to honor this remarkable event, Brukk the Innkeeper decided to decorate his establishment. During this month his guests will also be gifted a free pie, baked by a special recipe. Make sure to launch the game to participate in the festivities!
Now back to our plans. Over the last year the game saw noticeable improvements: there were four major updates and a content patch, as well as an innumerable amount of hotfixes and smaller updates. We still have a long road ahead of us, something we will talk about today.
Right now were working on the City of Gold update, the largest one yet. Its meant to significantly expand the global map, add basic caravan mechanics, the first major city, new biomes, new points of interest, random encounters, and also a number of currently unannounced, but very important features. As you can see, this is a lot of content, so City of Gold will be released approximately in Q2 2021.
Most new systems are still being prototyped, so it will be a while before the devlogs on them are published. While were working on the technical side of the global map, have a look at this concept art and teasers for the upcoming content:
As we implement the city of Brynn, we also plan to expand the games lore. Therell likely be a few devlogs dedicated to it as well.
Thats all for now. Until the next devlog! CHANGELOG
- The Black Boar tavern was decorated in celebration of the anniversary. - You can now get a free pie from Brukk. - Changed the troll rewards:
- Increased the gold reward up to 10 000 crowns.
- Most item rewards were changed: Weber will now give more expensive and higher level items.
- Added an option to ask for a crossbow, a spear, a two-handed axe, or a two-handed mace.
- Bleed Chance, Damage Reflection: +5% > +7.5%
- Fire, Unholy, Move, Control, and Bleed Resistances: +5% > +10%
- Armor Damage: +25% > +33%
- Crit Efficiency: +20% > +25%
- Spells and Skills Energy Costs, Cooldowns Duration: -10% > -7.5%
[ 2021-02-06 16:41:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed enemies opening quest doors.
- Fixed an issue in the algorithm for alarm accumulation from noise (enemies no longer react to it as fast as they used to).
- Multiple changes to some enemy abilities usage algorithms.
- Fixed Daze Chance from Earthquake not taking Control Resistance into account.
- Fixed Elusiveness not working against enemy skills.
- Fixed the Experience exploit with disarming claw traps.
- Fixed AoE zones applying their effects to the Troll multiple times per turn.
- Fixed the incorrect information on associated Attributes in new stances descriptions.
- Fixed Injuries persisting after sleeping even if body parts are not damaged.
- Fixed the Troll being able to attack while being affected by both Burning and Regeneration.
- Fixed Right on Target not working with new skill trees abilities.
- Fixed Danse Macabre not reducing enemies stats.
- Fixed Coup de Grace dealing incorrect damage.
- Tormenting Swings now only triggers on critical hits, as stated in its description.
- Fixed the incorrect base value of Armor Penetration (was -5% instead of 0%).
- Fixed certain stats being calculated incorrectly while dual wielding.
- Fixed the inability of switching to another Tactic while low on Energy.
- Fixed the log message for enemies disarming traps.
- Fixed the log message for gathering berries.
- The effects of Stagger are now twice as weak. Its maximum duration is now 1 turn.
- Shouting now generates less noise.
- Reduced some of the Trolls resistances and Knockback Chance, increased its Health.
- Increased the chance of disarming claw traps.
- The Restless and Ghasts now have 100% Bleed Resistance.
- Reduced damage from weapon throwing by 25%.
- Enemy archers now drop their melee weapons on death.
- Added Ranged Weapons treatises to Unar the Scribes stock.
- Throwing now generates less noise.
- Landing an arrow near enemies now raises their alarm level.
- Resurrected enemies can no longer be seen through the fog of war.
- Enemies can now also miss when using Fire Barrage.
- Enemies can no longer retreat while Immobilized.
- Wraiths now become aggressive on the same turn as they appear from their sarcophagus.
- Enemies will no longer cast Sacrificial Blood on themselves.
- Using medical consumables now stops the characters movement.
- Fixed the Beastslayers corpse sprite being displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed grip visuals for some axes.
- Numerous visual fixes.
- Numerous text fixes.
[ 2021-01-19 20:38:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
-The character no longer gets wet in the rain if staying under a tree. -Fixed the duration of Defensive Tactic. -Fixed Mighty Kick not applying Stagger when failing to knock its target back. -Fixed crashes caused by throwing certain items. -Fixed Taking Aim not working with crossbows. -Reputation bonuses which increase traders stock no longer apply to the trapper and the scribe. -Removed an excess folder in the trappers trade menu. -Fixed the crash caused by dying to an unsuccessfully disarmed trap. -Blow After Blow no longer triggers from destroying props. -Fixed enemies spawning outside of the Abbeys walls. -Changed the on-hit algorithm: Fumble Chance is now given a priority over Crit Chance. -Grave Chill now puts abilities on a 1-4 turns Cooldown instead of a 5 turns one. -Fixed the incorrect duration of the effect of Alqud. -Changed priorities for enemies consumable usage. -Fixed the automatic turn skip upon entering a new location. -Added Skinning to the ability bar. -Map tiles with points of interest now follow the same weather rules as the rest of the world. -Coughing now correctly reduces Energy by 10 points, not 10%. -Fixed trajectories for chopped heads. -Birds no longer scare each other when taking off. -Determination no longer hits the Troll multiple times. -Fixed Arc Cleave replenishing an incorrect amount of Energy. -Fixed Onslaught burning an incorrect amount of Energy. -Runic boulders now generate less noise upon being raised. -Fixed Taste of Victory not replenishing Energy. -Defensive Tactic no longer grants an extra stack to stances when using a spell. -Feast of Steel now grants Crit Chance instead of Stagger Chance, as stated in its description. -Fixed some enemies getting multiple Pain debuffs simultaneously. -Fixed saigas not dropping any meat when skinned. -The undead and wraith enemies can no longer be put in Coma. -Mushrooms can now spoil. -Fixed the crash caused by Hunters Mark. -Fixed the character moving into a tile with a trap right after setting it up. -Log messages about enemies getting the Pain debuff no longer appear while they are hidden in the fog of war. -Fixed the missing sprite for the damaged Visored Bascinet. -Multiple fixes to enemy search algorithms. -Numerous text fixes.
[ 2021-01-08 20:14:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Archers no longer shoot from the FOG.
- Traps are no longer repaired when picked up.
- Added unique effects to different berry types.
- Increased caltrops damage.
- - Fixed Mighty Kick not applying Stagger upon failing to Knock its target back. Removed the Cooldown reset upon failing to Knock back.
- Replaced the Wraith Warriors Seize the Initiative with Cleaving Strike.
- Increased the damage penalty to Impaling Lunge'' against Immobilized enemies to 33%. Impaling Lunge can no longer apply Immobilization to already Immobilized enemies.
- Reduced Vomiting chance and Daze/Stun Chances for Hornet Honey and Alqud aftermathes.
- Fixed enemies not using Mighty Swing properly.
- Fixed Bad Trip triggering incorrectly when combining drugs or using multiple alcohol items.
- Numerous balance changes to new weapons and the two-handed axes skill tree.
- Fixed the incorrect chances for disarming traps.
- The Wraith Warrior and Wraith Seer can no longer activate traps.
- Fixed Dual Wielding treatises unlocking wrong skills.
- Dual Wielding treatises are now correctly numbered.
- Removed the increase to Fumble Chance when staying in smoke or poison clouds.
- Fixed certain new items not being sold by merchants.
- Various visual fixes.
- Centering camera on the character upon opening a menu is now an option in the settings.
- Restored the old button order for Prologue and Adventure.
- Fixed the Wetness effect not working correctly.
- Removed the possibility of throwing equipped cursed items.
- Fixed the bug causing the loss of control over the character after moving to another location.
- Removed the Load Save button when dying in Permadeath mode.
- Corpses unsuitable for harvesting are no longer highlighted when using Skinning.
- Added a tooltip to Skinning about it requiring a suitable weapon.
- Fixed the crash occurring when throwing away certain types of rotten berries.
- Numerous text fixes
[ 2020-12-26 21:38:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the bug preventing new two-handed weapons from being sold by merchants
- Fixed the crash caused by applying a debuff to a dying target.
- Fixed the "trade" option in the context menu, which hadn't been displaying for new characters.
- Fixed lighting issues.
- Fixed traps not triggering properly.
- Added the missing percent sign to Stagger Chance.
- Fixed incorrect two-handed hammers' prices.
- Multiple fixes to the text.
[ 2020-12-25 21:45:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New weapon type: Two-handed axes - 29 pieces.
- New ability tree: Two-handed axes- 10 new skills.
- New weapon type: Two-handed maces - 23 pieces.
- New ability tree: Two-handed maces - 10 new skills.
- New mechanic: Throwing. Throw weapons and other items to deal damage, distract enemies, and trigger traps.
- New mechanic: Skinning. The chance to harvest a pelt now depends on the damage type used to kill an animal. Added new hunting trophies: dog pelts, snake skin, and bear fat.
- New mechanic: Hearing. Increase your Perception to hear nearby enemies before seeing them.
- Two new NPC: Bran the Trapper and Unar the Scribe. The trapper travels between Osbrook and Mannshire, selling various hunting gear and some other items. The second NPC can be found in the Mannshire castle upon completing 3 Osbrook contracts - he trades in treatises.
- 20 new enemy types, including 7 new minibosses.
- 25 new armor pieces: 7 helmets, 9 chest pieces, 5 belts, 2 sets of gloves, 1 pair of boots, and 1 shield.
- New traps: Pressure Plate (Flame & Poison Cloud), Sound
- Combat consumables: added a claw trap, a net, caltrops, and a smoke bomb.
- 5 new drug types, completed with reworked drug mechanics.
- New Mannshire crypt contract.
- Additional flora: added 6 berry shrubs, 1, new mushroom type, and 1 new herb type.
- Enemies can now also feel pain.
- Throwing potions applies enemies with their effect for 25% of the original duration.
- Fabric, leather, paper, and organic items will burn if dropped on a burning tile.
- Added a system for enemy interactions with traps. By default enemies are aware about the traps of their faction and the traps which were installed within their Vision. Other traps will remain hidden - the chance for them to be discovered depends on enemy Perception. Some enemies also learned how to disarm discovered traps.
- Activated claw traps can be picked up, repaired at a blacksmith, and then placed again.
- Manually disarming traps will grant experience.
- New stat: Stagger Chance
- New effect: Stagger. Reduces Crit, Counter, Dodge, and Block Chances to 0, and increases Fumble Chance to 100%.
- Changes to the characters Affinities: Arna starts with Two-handed maces. Jorgrim starts with Two-handed axes. Dirwin starts with Two-handed axes. Velmir starts with Two-handed axes and Two-handed maces, but no longer has Maces affinity. Jonna starts with Dual Wielding.
- Rebalanced primary Attributes: Strength: +[1 > 0.5]% Melee Damage +[1 > 0.5] Block Power +[2 > 1.5]% Crit Efficiency +[1 > 1.5]% Armor Damage Agility: +[0.5 > 0.75]% Counter Chance -[0.25 > 0.5]% Fumble Chance Added +0.5% Armor Penetration [Removed +0.5% Stealth Perception: +[0.5 > 0.75]% Accuracy +[0.5 > 0.75]% Crit Chance +[1 > 0.5]% Ranged Damage Vitality: +[1 > 2] Health +[5 > 4] Energy Removed bonuses to Immunity Added +1% Intoxication Resistance Willpower: +[0.75 > 1]% Pain Resistance +[0.5 >0.75]% Magic Resistance +[1 > 0.5%] Magic Power
- Rebalanced pain gain from all damage types.
- Made balance changes to most enemies.
- Increased the base chance to evade a trap.
- Reduced the base chance to disarm a trap.
- Traps balance changes:
- [Claw Trap] 20 Slashing Damage > 35 Rending Damage. Immobilization duration: 3 > 4-10 Base disarm chance: 60% > 75%
- [Spike Trap] 25 > 40 Piercing Damage Bleeding duration: 10-16 > 10-20 Change the formula for damage from Bleeding and Burning - now they dont scale from Max Health as much.
- Base unarmed damage was increased by 2 points.
- Block Chance now only works if you have a weapon or a shield equipped.
- Crit Efficiency: the base damage multiplayer for crits has been increased from 110% to 120%.
- Rebalanced loot from the brigands.
- [Brigand Madman]: removed Adrenaline and Painful Stabs.
- [Ancient Troll]: Decreased its Accuracy from 100% to 90%. Trolls Armor was decreased to 50. Experience granted on death was increased by 20%.
- [Stun]: its maximum duration was decreased from 5 to 2 turns
- [Daze]: added maximum duration 5 turns Removed: +5% Fumble Chance
- [Unholy Blessing]: +20% > +15% Life and Energy Drain, Damage Reflection.
- [Blessing]: The duration of shrine blessings was increased to 1440 turns. Removed passive Sanity and Morale change. Added an immediate Sanity and Morale boost upon using a shrine Added +10% Healing Efficiency.
- [Satiety]: added +10% Healing Efficiency.
- [Deafening Roar]: To avoid situations with the simultaneous Stun and Disarm, theres now a sequence of checks, launched one after another in case the previous one fails: firstly, its 25% to Disarm. Then, its 75% to Stun, and finally - 100% chance to Daze.
- [Henbane]: reduced the duration of Battle Rage to 12 turns. The effect is no longer guaranteed to activate, instead theres a 25% chance high Intoxication can raise this chance up to 100%.
- [Velmir]: The Condition of his starting helmet was reduced from 60% to 40%
- [Waterskin]: reduced the number of uses from 10 to 6.
- [Stardust]: changed its effect.
- An items level now has lower influence on the damage from enchantments.
- Dual Wielding now consists of 3 tiers, just like all other ability trees with 10 skills.
- Increased the maximum level for items sold by merchants.
- [Endurance Training] 25% chance to replenish 5% Max Energy on hit > +25% Energy Restoration for 3 turns after using a sword ability.
- [Honed Edge] +5% Bleed Chance for 5 > 3 turns.
- [Feint Swing] Now applies its target with +10% Damage Taken for 4 turns. Other bonuses are doubled if the target is Staggered.
- [Feast of Steel] Added +5% Crit Chance to its stacking effect. Every third attack gains +100% Crit Chance > +100% Stagger Chance
- [Heroic Charge] Added a Stagger Chance
- [Parry] All received attacks are guaranteed to trigger a Counterattack > Grants +75% Counter Chance Each successful block reduces the Skills cooldown by 1 > 2 turns. Added: Each Counterattack grants +7.5% Crit Chance for 3 turns.
- [Arc Cleave] Added a Stagger Chance. Each enemy hit reduces active Cooldowns of the ability tree by 1 > 3 turns. Added: Replenishes 7.5% Max Energy for each Staggered enemy.
- [Courage] Added: If the target survives, grants +10% Damage for each adjacent enemy.
- [Fight to Death] While Feast is active, killing enemies reduces active Cooldowns of the ability tree by 3 turns > Each consecutive strike against the same target grants +7.5% Stagger Chance and +5% Counter Chance for 5 turns. The effect resets upon attacking a different target.
- [Taste of Victory] Killing enemies with two-handed swords replenishes 7.5% > 15% Max Energy. Added: Attacks against Staggered enemies grant +5% Damage for 4 turns.
- [Revanche] Added: while Parry is active, blocked attacks replenish 5% Max Energy.
- [Double Lunge] Now also reduces the Skills cooldown when killing an enemy.
- [Deadly Trick] Grants +25% Crit Chance > +25% Bleed Chance and +25% Counter Chance. Added: The strike also has a Stagger Chance.
- [Gaping Wound] Applies the effect for 8 > 10 turns. Using abilities has a 50 > 75% chance to trigger Bleeding. The Bleeding duration has been increased. The effect applies +20% > +33% Abilities Energy Cost. Added: the effect applies -25% Bleed Resistance.
- [Coup de Grace] Finishing an enemy off with this skill now grants +50% Crit Chance for 4 turns.
- [Quick Hands] Killing enemies > Dagger strikes reduce active Cooldowns of the ability tree by 1 turn.
- [From the Shadows] Added: Thrown daggers do +30% more Damage.
- [Counterattack Mastery] Dagger strikes grant +4% > +5% Counter Chance for 5 turns.
- [Weakening Jabs] Dagger attacks apply their target with +4% Damage Taken > -5% Damage and +5% > +7.5% Cooldowns Duration.
- [Danse Macabre] Changed: Dagger crits gain +10% Life Drain > Dagger Crits grant +4% Dodge chance for 5 turns and permanently apply their target with +10% Damage Taken and -10% Bleed Resistance.
- [Unwavering Stance] Added: Every 3rd attack gains +100% Crit Chance
- [Destabilizing Hits] Added: the effect is also triggered by applying Stagger.
- [Now or Never] Effect duration 1 > 2 turns. Added: is now also triggered by Dodging and grants +25% Stagger Chance.
- [Battle Trance] Staff crits now reduce all active Cooldowns, not just the ability trees.
- [Retaliation] Added: Can now only trigger once per 5 turns.
- [Last Bastion]: Added: Can now only trigger once per 8 turns.
- [Ring of FIre] Applies -20% > -10% Fire Resistance for 4 > 3 turns.
- [Rune of Sustention] Added: Grants the caster -10% Damage Taken when occupying tiles adjacent to their runic boulders.
- [Runic Boulder]: Raising a boulder will now generate noise.
- [Seize the Initiative] Reduced the maximum number of stacks from 6 to 5. If the target uses active abilities, they reduce the number of debuff stacks on it and the number of buff stacks on the attacker. Added: added a Stagger Chance to the initial hit and Counter Chance buff/debuff to its stacking effect.
- [Defensive Tactic] and [Offensive Tactic]: Changed: Instead of a static bonus for each enemy within Vision , they now grant stacking bonuses for performing certain conditions. Tactics now work for a limited number of turns. Switching tactics no longer takes a turn or spends Energy.
- [Finisher]: Added: this attack now has +25% Crit Chance.
- [Against the Odds] Prevents Health from dropping below 10 > 15% Added: the first attack received during the next turn does no damage and is automatically countered.
- [Stance Training]: Defensive Tactic now increases weapon stances duration by 1 turn for each received attack.
- [Mighty Kick] Added: Failing to knock the opponent back now Staggers them for 2 turns.
- [Sudden Lunge] Confusion Chance was replaced with Stagger Chance.
- [Dash] Bonus Damage for each adjacent enemy was replaced by Counter Chance.
- Each enemy adjacent to the starting position increases the Energy cost of the Skill by 20% > 10%
- [Nail Down] Changed: Immobilizing enemies with this skill no longer reduces active Cooldowns of Nail Down and Impaling Lunge.
- [Impaling Lunge] Changed: The bonuses are no longer doubled when attacking Immobilized Enemies. Using this skill against Immobilized enemies now does -25% Damage and halves other bonuses, but instantly refreshes this Skills Cooldown.
- [Maneuver] Changed: now gains stacks for each reduced Cooldown, not fully refreshed one.
- [Determination] Added: replenishes 10% Max Energy for each affected enemy. The enemies are additionally applied with -20% Move Resistance for 3 turns.
- [Precise Hits] Grants +10% Accuracy > -5% Fumble Chance and +20% > +15% Bodypart Damage.
- [Stay Back!] Affected enemies are applied with -25% > -15% Piercing Resistance for 1 > 2 turns. The chance to trigger Impaling Lunge on a basic attack is 15% > 10%.
- [Wounding Spearhead] Spear crits deal extra damage equal to the targets 4% Current Health > 5% Max Health. Added a threshold for the max damage, based on the characters Strength and Agility.
As you may already know, the shortcomings of the existing item quality system prevent the unique items from being enchanted, which makes them less attractive to players. To compensate for this issue while the quality system is being properly reworked, most of the existing unique items (with the exception of the starting ones) were buffed:
- Fancy Sword: -15% Abilities Energy Cost
- Engraved Sword: -15% Cooldowns Duration
- Decorated Warhammer: +25% Armor Penetration
- Ornate Flanged Mace: +10% Daze Chance, +5% Stun Chance
- Decorated Dagger: +10% Crit Chance
- Carved Longbow: +10% Immobilization Chance
- Vagabond Knight's Armor: -7.5% Damage Taken
- Ceremonial Cuirass: +5% Health Restoration, +25% Healing Efficiency
- Occult Cloak: +13% Bleed Resistance
- Jousting Cloak: -5% Damage Taken, -5% Abilities Energy Cost
- Raven Heater Shield: +15% Fortitude
- Pig-Faced Bascinet: +15% Fortitude
- Cervelliere with Ear Guards: +10% Control Resistance
- Ornate Barbute: +5% Accuracy
- New potion sprites.
- New icons for some modifiers.
- New sprites for some consumables.
- Some enemies got their visuals updated.
- New shop signs for merchants and artisans in the settlements.
- Changes to the mode menu: the attack and rest modes can now be moved to the ability bar. Added Shout and Reload actions to the mode menu.
- Upon equipping dual weapons, the stats for both hands are now being displayed separately in the character menu.
- Sleep and Blindness effects now make the screen go dark.
- Bow and crossbow hovers now display their Range.
- Removed the rain sound from the winter biome.
- Fixed issues with the enemies Injury thresholds.
- Fixed issues with the fog of war.
- Fixed blood decals appearing in wrong situations
- The Ancient Troll now properly fells trees when moving.
- Surface enemies no longer spawn inside trees and impassable ravines.
[ 2020-12-25 17:50:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about the remaining new features of the Equipment Update II and also announce its release date - December 25th!
Hearing System

The noise system will now work not just for your enemies, but your character as well, allowing you to better plan out your actions. As you explore the surface or dungeons, youll be able to hear enemy activity, which will mark their location on your screen. The chance of hearing the enemy depends on their actions and your Perception: enemy steps are the hardest to detect, but the noise from a fight will be heard from many tiles away.
Berry Bushes

Berry bushes will come in handy if your character is starving. Depending on the biome, youll be able to encounter six berry types: bilberry, raspberry, blueberry, lingonberry, gooseberry, and barberry.
New NPCs

Two new characters will be added to the game: Bran the Trapper and Unar the Scribe. The trapper will periodically appear in either Osbrook or Mannshire, offering you some hunting gear, including the new traps. Unar the Scribe can be found selling treatises in the Mannshire castle - youll be able to shop from him after completing three Osbrook contracts and gaining access to the castle.
New Consumables

Weve added a number of new narcotic substances to the game. Consuming them provides powerful buffs for a short period of time, however youll have to pay for them with a long and painful aftermath.
- Alqud will give you a stamina boost, increasing Max Energy and Energy Restoration, while decreasing Abilities Energy Cost.
- Abasa will put you into the state of narcotic rage, granting bonus Weapon Damage, Crit Efficiency, Armor Penetration, and Pain Resistance.
- Hornet Honey will sharpen your reflexes, improving Accuracy as well as Counter, Dodge, and Crit Chances.
- Nikkaf will improve your concentration, increasing Vision, Experience Gain, Hunger Resistance, and decreasing Fumble Chance.
- Paregoric is a potent painkiller which will decrease Pain and Pain Limit while improving Morale, Pain Resistance, and Healing Efficiency.
- Stardust has already been available for quite a while, but its effect is now different: it will grant Magic Power, Magic Resistance, Bonus Range, and decrease Cooldowns Duration.
New Enemies

The enemy roster has also been expanded: this update will add 10 new brigand enemies, armed with two-handed maces and axes, and a few new minibosses, including the skeleton ones - eliminating the latter will be a part of a new contract. Thats all for now. Until the next time!
[ 2020-12-20 18:30:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about the second new ability tree of the Equipment Update II: two-handed axes!
As always, lets start with a general overview. This ability tree consists of 5 Actives and 5 Passives, focused around the same thing as 1h axes - damage, Bleeding, and Injuries.
Active Abilities

Wide Cut - the opening skill of the ability tree. It performs a strike with bonus Weapon and Armor Damage. Additionally, it affects three body parts upon a successful hit.

Dismember performs a strike to a random Body Part affected by a Minor or Medium Injury (or a random Body Part if the target is uninjured) with a huge bonus to Bodypart Damage and Crit Chance. If this strike worsens an Injury or applies a new one, it causes Bleeding, and the target itself loses 9% Max Health.

Reign in Blood performs a strike which prolongs active enemy Cooldowns by 1 turn for each Injury and 20% missing Health affecting them. Also has a chance to cause Bleeding on each Injured Body Part, replenishing 5% Max Energy for each Bleeding caused.

Rampage - a traditional stance-based skill. It grants stacking bonuses to Crit Efficiency, Bleed Chance, Bodypart Damage, and reduces Cooldowns Duration. Just like with other 2h weapon stances, every 3rd attack with two-handed axes is granted a special effect: it deals bonus damage equal to 15% of the targets Max Health (the damage has a threshold tied to the characters level).

Make Space performs a strike on three adjacent targets with bonus damage for each degree of Injury affecting them. If this strike kills at least one target, performs a second strike on the same area (this effect can only trigger once).
Passive Abilities
- Finish Em - attacks against targets with more than 50% Health gain bonus Bodypart Damage. Attacks against targets with less than 50% Health gain bonus Weapon Damage.
- Shieldbreaker - 2h axe attacks decrease their targets Block Chance and Block Power for 5 turns. This effect stacks.
- Maim and Kill - applying Injuries and Bleeding grants bonus Weapon Damage and Crit Chance for 4 turns.
- Fatal Strike - while under the effect of Rampage, Critical Hits grant an additional stack of it and apply their target with extra Damage Taken.
- Tool of Execution - activating Rampage grants bonus Crit Chance for each enemy within two tiles.

Thats all for now. Until the next time!
[ 2020-12-13 19:56:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about the first of the two new ability trees, which will be added to the game with the Equipment Update II two-handed maces!
Lets start with the general structure of the ability tree:
Just like ability trees of other two-handed weapons, 2h maces have 10 abilities: 5 Actives and 5 Passives. Their overall theme is controlling the battlefield with Stuns, Dazes, Knockbacks, Debuffs while dealing large amounts of damage with powerful, but slow strikes.
Lets have a closer look.
Active Abilities

Mighty Swing the first of the two opening Active abilities is a buff which grants bonus Weapon, Armor, and Bodypart Damage, as well as extra Stun Chance for the next turn. Other than that, it also synergizes with the rest of 2h mace abilities: if Mighty Swing is active when you activate them, they receive additional properties.

Unstoppable Force - the second opening Ability. It performs a strike on three adjacent tiles with a large bonus to Knockback Chance and Armor Damage. Additionally, for each enemy you successfully Knock back, it reduces Skills Energy Cost for the next few turns. If Mighty Swing is active, successfully Knocking enemies back also puts their abilities on Cooldown for a few turns.

Skull Crusher lets you perform a one tile dash and swing at the enemys head with bonus Stun Chance and Bodypart Damage If Mighty Swing is active, this skill also burns the percentage of the targets Energy equal to the percentage of its missing Health.

Slaughter - a stance-based skill, customary to all Weapon ability trees. It grants bonus Crit and Knockback Chance, reduces Skills Energy Cost, and increases Armor Penetration with each stack of its effect. On top of that, every 3rd attack has 100% chance to Daze. If Mighty Swing is active, using this ability will deliver a strike to a random adjacent enemy.

Forceful Slam - the final Active ability, which can be used to either start a fight or finish off a stunned enemy. First, Forceful Slam marks a tile, skipping a turn. If the next turn this tile is occupied by an enemy, the character will deliver a strike with a significant bonus to Crit Chance and deal bonus damage (scaling with the targets Max Health) for each remaining turn of Daze, Immobilization, or Stun affecting the target. If Mighty Swing is active, this skill also weakens the enemy occupying the marked tile, applying them with extra Damage Taken and reducing their Control and Move Resistances.
Passive Abilities
- Blow after Blow - killing enemies with 2h mace attacks and abilities grants the effect of Mighty Swing for the next turn and a bonus to Energy Restoration for the next few turns.
- Unbalance - Knocking enemies back with 2h mace attacks and abilities applies them with extra Fumble Chance and reduces their Control Resistance and Dodge Chance for the next few turns.
- Bonebreaker - attacks against enemies without Armor or with their Armor Durability lower than 50% gain bonus Bodypart Damage. Attacks against enemies with their Armor Durability higher than 50% gain bonus Armor Damage.
- Severe Concussion - Stunning, Dazing, or Immobilizing enemies with 2h mace attacks applies them with a debuff to Move Resistance and increases their Fumble Chance for a few turns.
- Revel in Battle - killing enemies while under the effect of Slaughter replenishes 20% Max Energy. Killing enemies while under the effect of both Slaughter and Mighty Swing additionally reduces the ability trees active Cooldowns by a few turns.
[ 2020-12-06 17:43:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about some new features of the Equipment Update II, planned for this December (and which ended up containing more than just new equipment).
Harvesting meat and pelts
Since the game was first released, pelts had been dropping with a random chance. It was meant to imply that sometimes pelts are way too damaged, and that there was no use harvesting them. However, this mechanic wasnt well-explained - unsurprisingly, it was only confusing players when they werent getting any loot after killing an animal. To resolve this issue (and to increase immersion), weve added a new mechanic - skinning. Killing an animal is now just a first step: in order to get pelts, meat, antlers etc, youll need to harvest them. To do so, youll need something sharp in your inventory: a dagger, an axe, or at least a sword. For the time being, skinning is implemented as a basic skill with 100% efficiency, but once Survival skill tree is in place, youll need to spend some Ability Points to learn how to do it properly.

The way an animal is killed is an important factor. Youll get the best outcome with piercing weaponry, which wont damage pelts too much. If you score a kill by primarily using Piercing Damage, the chance to get a pelt will be the highest. On the other hand, Slashing damage types fare much worse, as cuts wont do any good to a pelts condition. As for using Pyromancy, you can imagine the outcome... Naturally, the market adjusts accordingly: since harvesting pelts is harder now, their value has been greatly improved.

Certain damage types can also affect the harvested meat. Animals killed with Fire Damage get well-cooked in the process, while Poison, Caustic, or Cursed Damage might cause the meat to spoil.
In addition to skinning, weve also implemented more dungeon traps. Lets start with pressure plates, which, for the time being, will have two variants:

The first one is a fire trap. It will ignite the floor and deal heavy damage once triggered. The second one has a twist: it creates a cloud of poisonous gas, slowly filling the surrounding area. Staying in this cloud will deal Poison Damage with a chance to cause violent coughing, which reduces Accuracy, increases Fumble Chance, and generates lots of noise. At the same time, certain traps will be available to players as well.

For instance, claw traps can now be disarmed, stored in the inventory, and then placed.

Caltrops are light enough to be thrown right in front of the approaching enemies.

Nets will help dealing with particularly agile foes (although they wont help much against ghosts, for obvious reasons).

And finally - smoke bombs, which function similarly to poison traps, capable of ruining the day for enemy archers: the smoke obscures vision, triggers coughing, and deals a small amount of Poison Damage. Thats all for now. Until the next devlog!
[ 2020-11-29 15:07:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, mercenaries!
This Decembers Equipment Update II is almost around the corner: expect a few more devlogs about its new features and content in the following weeks.
As the work on the update continues at full speed, wed like to ask you to nominate our game for the Best Game You Suck At award - it probably wont be too far from the truth. After all, the game that rewards persistence, and is not for the faint of heart is a perfect description for Stoneshard, and well greatly appreciate your support!
Thats all for now. Make sure to stay tuned: there'll be a new devlog tomorrow!
[ 2020-11-28 08:37:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In this devlog well tell you about a new, previously unannounced mechanic, which will be added with the Content Update II, planned for this December. This mechanic is...
Throwing items! Initially, we didnt plan to add this feature during this stage in development, however it ended up necessary for the implementation of certain new consumables, so we had to adjust on the fly. So how does it work and what can you do with it?
For the most part, throwing is used for dealing extra damage to enemies. Its worth mentioning that any item in the game can be thrown. The resulting distance, the amount and type of damage depend on a thrown items weight and material. For instance, if you lob heavy stuff such as moose antlers at someones head, youll deal heavy damage as long as they are not too far away. A pine cone, on the other hand, is only good for attracting attention.
Additionally, certain items have unique properties:
- By throwing a potion at your enemy, you can apply its effect for a quarter of its base duration.
- Clay and glass items shatter into pieces, dealing piercing damage.
- Breaking a bottle of alcohol or oil on an enemy greatly increases their flammability. On top of that, foul liquids getting into their eyes will make it hard to concentrate on combat...
- Highly flammable items (made from cloth or paper) will burn in fire. Pyromancers, watch your flames!
- A heavy enough item can trigger a claw trap or a pressure plate.
- The amount of noise generated by a thrown item depends on its weight and material. The sound of breaking glass will attract much more attention than a tumbling acorn.
- Its no easy task to restore a thrown tomato to its original form. Only throw tomatoes you dont need!
- The same holds true for ale mugs - its hard to throw them without spilling their contents.
- And so on...

Weapon-throwing is a completely different thing. Instead of weight and material, it takes a different factor into account - a weapon balance, which combines item weight and its aerodynamic properties. The better the balance, the further and more precise a throw will be, and the more damage it will deal upon connecting. Most daggers and light axes can be easily thrown, offering you a significant edge in combat. Certain spears (not halberds) are slightly worse in this regard. When it comes to swords, maces, and two-handed weapons, they dont fly far, and they dont deal significant damage, as these weapon types arent well-suited for throwing. Its also not always a good idea to overuse this mechanic even with a suitable weapon - doing so will quickly drain its durability.

Naturally, your character stats are factored in as well: the damage for throwing any item is influenced by Perception, Strength, and Agility, the distance is decided by Strength, and the hit chance (including the Crit Hit chance) depends on Perception and Agility. Keep in mind that throwing is meant to be only a supplementary combat mechanic and not a play style, so we dont plan on introducing a dedicated skill tree for it. Its unlikely that youll be able to beat the game by throwing axes and daggers, although you can still give it a try. Thats all for now. Stay tuned for future devlogs - we still have a few more surprises up our sleeve!
[ 2020-11-15 20:04:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added Japanese localization. Fixed the error in the hit detection algorithm, which hadnt been correctly factoring in Dodge Chance when calculating hit chance for arrows. Fixed archers being resurrected with a ranged weapon after dying with a melee weapon. Fixed Blaze granting double reduction for active Cooldowns. Fixed dogs being able to open doors. Fixed the bug causing Reputation gain each time you take a free beer from Brukk. Praying at shrines now immediately restores some Morale and Sanity. Deafening Roar is now put on cooldown when the fight begins. Snakes can no longer poison when missing their attacks. Fixed the issue with changes to cursed items' stats not being correctly displayed. Fixed the issue with two or more Ghasts casting Binding Sigil simultaneously. Increased prices of most consumables. Decreased prices of all treatises. Anticipation: Applies the target with [-10 > -5]% Dodge Chance [10 > 4] after landing a shot and grants [5 > 7.5]% Accuracy for [10 > 4] turns when missing. Flame Saturation: [Replenishes 5% Max Energy > Grants -20% Spells Energy Cost for 2 turns] each time an enemy within Vision is ignited.
[ 2020-11-04 19:27:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The work on follow-up patches for the Way Forward update is complete, so in todays devlog wed like to give you more details about our future plans.
The current state of the game is such that we can no longer add new content to the existing map: theres simply not enough space for it anymore. The small scale of the game world creates a number of temporary restrictions, which overall render the experience less enjoyable, such as randomized treatises, instantly respawning dungeons, skewed gear and character progression, sudden difficulty spikes, caused by the lack of area for more starting dungeons, and so on.
Therefore, our top priority is to expand the map and add the first major town, which will finally allow us to resolve most of these issues. This task will take a lot of time and effort, but it will most definitely pay off - our game will finally work as it was initially intended, paving the way for many long-awaited features, from the trait system and character generation to the improved economy and a new enchantment system.
Other than that, the global map will also require implementing a large number of accompanying, closely linked systems: a foundation for the caravan system, new points of interests, new enemy factions, significant changes to the progression, and more. All of this will be a part of the next major update, City of Gold, which will be approximately released in Q2 2021.
In the meantime we also plan to release a large content update before the end of 2020, which will help you pass the time while waiting for the upcoming major changes. This update will include two new weapon types: two-handed axes and hammers, their skill trees, new gear, new traps, new combat consumables (including nets and placeable claw traps), and a few other things. Therell be more details about these additions in the following devlogs.
For now, wed like to share some of the results of our recent work:
Until next time!
[ 2020-10-25 19:54:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the bosses not being spawned during NPC rescue contracts.
- Fixed the Soulstealer Curse not working properly.
- Fixed the crash during the dialogue with Verren.
- Heraldic Note now improves your reputation with Mannshire.
- Fixed the low durability of sarcophaguses.
- Fixed the bug causing ranged enemies to continue using their ranged Accuracy value after switching to melee.
- Fixed the crashes caused by issues with modifiers.
- Fixed the crash on loading if the player saves their game after being attacked by the Wraiths Dissipation.
- FIxed the crash caused by two Ghasts casting Binding Sigil on each other.
- Fixed incorrect stat colors for quivers and arrows.
- Fixed the bug with enemies using consumables while stunned.
- Fixed the bug with the sound effect of dropped gold being heard across the entire zone.
- Fixed Baptism by Fire reducing modifiers duration by an incorrect amount.
- Fixed Concussion applying resistance reduction for an incorrect duration.
- Removed another possibility of luring the Troll from his zone.
- Fixed the Brigand Ambusher using an incorrect sprite after switching to melee.
- Added sound effects for wooden amulets.
- Retrieving the Boar Head now slightly improves your reputation with Osbrook.
[ 2020-10-24 12:38:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Added a Reputation Tab to the journal. Now you can look up your Reputation level at any time and see how exactly it influences your character. -Consumables for brigands: brigands are now spawned with a random supply of bandages, splints, and vivifying essences, which they can use to deal with bleeding, injuries, or low Health. -Added two new variations of Wraiths to high level crypts. -Ghasts and Necromancers learned a new skill - Binding Sigil.
-Rebalanced enchantments. The randomness of stat bonuses was removed - each enchantment stat bonus is now a static value, which is overall slightly lower than the maximum values you could potentially roll in previous versions of the game. Enchantment scrolls now apply a single enchantment instead of two. Magic items (items with two enchantments) can only be acquired as loot from enemies and containers. These are just temporary measures, meant to reduce the amount of save scumming (if not to negate it) associated with enchantments before the release of the rarity system update, which is planned for the next year. -Rebalanced curses. There were also some changes made to curses and cursed items (they will be greatly updated and expanded upon next year as well). The chance for a curse to trigger now grows significantly slower, and killing enemies is also much more effective at slowing it down. Additionally, curses are now several times stronger than before, making them feel more dangerous. The changes apply to curses stat bonuses as well - some of them didnt work properly with certain equipment types, so they were fixed or straight up changed.
- Curse of Everfear: +N Unholy Damage > -5% Damage Taken. Low Morale improves the bonus.
- Curse of Gnawmaw: +10% > +13% Life Drain. Hunger and Thirst improve the bonus.
- Curse of Goldhoarder: +25% Lock-picking & Disarming > +13% Experience Gain. High amounts of gold in the inventory improve the bonus.
- Curse of Gorelust: +10% > +13% Weapon Damage. Low Health improves the bonus.
- Curse of Soulstealer: +10% > +13% Energy Drain. Low Energy improves the bonus.
- Curse of Sufferjoy: +7% > +10% Crit Chance. High Pain improves the bonus.
- Curse of Loudmouth: +N Psionic Damage > +10% Control Resistance.
-Fixes to actions priority: bleeding now triggers before the beginning of the turn, and cooldowns no longer refresh right after the effect is activated. -Refactored the priority for reducing modifiers duration. -Staff crits now correctly replenish Energy. -Traps can no longer be spawned under enemies. -Traps can no longer spawn in boss rooms. -Fixed the bug with mobs leaving their collision behind after going to another zone. -Fixed the bug with mobs leaving dungeons to chase the player. -Mobs now correctly travel between dungeon floors. -Enemies no longer use Mark of the Feast on themselves. -Fixed crashes caused by Inferno, Ring of Fire, and Fire Barrage. -Added an additional condition for the Task of acquiring falchions and cleavers: the smith will no longer accept cursed swords. -Fixed the food spoilage in merchants inventories. -Fixed the bug with Distracting Shot. -Fixed the bug with lighting up fires. -Fixed the bug with Distracting shot not dealing damage. -Fixed the bug with Experience Points not being granted when mobs bleed out outside of Vision range. -Fixed the bug with repeating reputation gain for completing three contracts. -Fixed the map activation during dialogues. -Fixed Brigand Warlocks appearing behind their targets after using a dash. -Removed the possibility of luring the Ancient Troll away from its location. -Fixed the bug which had been adding cooldowns to zero cooldown abilities. -Fixed lightning strikes in villages. -Fixed the incorrect collision disappearance in certain scenarios. -Fixed dungeons not resetting upon generation of new contracts. -Fixed the bug with Proselyte Tormentors ability, which had been causing him to apply Stun and Knockback with every strike. -Fixed a number of bugs caused by animals moving to other zones. -Fixed the crash caused by opening a container outside of camera view. -Removed the possibility of leveling Excess Heat twice. -Removed the possibility of performing Counterattacks and Attacks of Opportunity with a bow. -Fixed the bug with archers recovering from their injuries after switching to melee. -Fixed the bug with the Troll not using Shockwave in melee range. -Fixed food items being placed underneath other items in the inventory upon spoiling. -Fixed the crash caused by being forced to drop an open quiver. -Fixed the bug causing the loss of control over the character upon removing a consumable from hands. -Fixed the bug allowing to receive both Stun and Daze. -Fixed the camera return when trading and the movement restriction when opening containers. -Added a restriction for resting while there are retreating enemies within Vision. -Fixed the incorrect reset of modifiers duration time. -Fixed camera bugs. -Fixed NPC collisions. -Fixed the bug allowing opening doors without spending a turn. -Fixed the bug with lock-picking not spending a turn if it fails. -Removed the possibility of moving the camera while the trade or container menus are open. -Fixed a number of AI bugs. -Fixed the crash caused by a golem being summoned after the casters death. -Fixed the crash during a delayed attack. -Fixed the collision bug in hallways. -Fixed effects duration for consuming acorns.
-Added an animation for dropping coins. -Removed outlines during animations. -Improvements to the lighting system. -Fixed visual bugs with Bastion rubble. -The Mancatchers net no longer glows.
-Fixed aggroing sounds. -Fixed the disappearing Troll step sound. -Added a sound effect for the Curse of Loudmouth.
-Villagers received new speech lines for different reputation levels. -Added a log message for switching ammo types. -Added a log message for learning an unidentified potion's effect by drinking it. -Numerous fixes across all localizations. =============== By the way, were going to publish a devlog explaining our current plans this weekend. Meanwhile you can take a look at our updated roadmap to find out what to expect next!

[ 2020-10-20 15:27:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the multiplier for noise generated by certain actions. - Fixed some issues with retreating enemies. - Added additional statuses to the inspection menu. - Fixed the bug with dogs spawning inside dungeon walls. - Fixed the bug causing walls to become traversable after destroying certain objects next to them. - Fixed the bug causing Cooldowns to drop to zero. - Fixed the issue with the number of grimoire rooms during one of the crypt contracts. - Fixed the incorrect zones for ranged attacks. - Disarming no longer forces you to skip a turn. - Enemies now properly react to being lured by Shout. - Fixed the AI issue which had been causing mobs to stop reacting to attacks outside of their Vision range. - Fixed the possibility of picking a lock after throwing away a required consumable. - Removed guaranteed critical hits against retreating targets. - Storing food in containers no longer prevents it from spoiling. - Fixed excessive loot in Proselyte dungeons. - Removed the possibility of breaking through cell doors with a crowbar during NPC rescue contracts. - Fixed the issue with crowbars disappearing after their durability reaches zero.
[ 2020-10-01 16:32:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Minor fixes to secret rooms.
- Added the missing phrases to the German localization.
- Fixed the issue occurring with the Restless sprite upon being resurrected by a necromancer.
- Fixed the crash caused by shooting.
- Fixed the trolls AI priorities.
- Added soil decals to crypts.
- Fixed numerous issues with collision and impassable tiles in dungeons.
- Fixed the incorrect functioning of No Retreat.
- Fixed the issue with a spear passive working without an equipped spear.
- Fixed the bug preventing bandits from attacking boars.
- Fixed the timing of the Blood Golems explosion, so that it doesnt occur prematurely.
- Fixed the issue with the external part of the brigand Bastion.
- Fixed the dungeon generation bug which had been causing an incorrect amount of treatise rooms to appear in crypts.
- Fixed the bug with traps not spawning correctly.
[ 2020-09-28 00:29:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
These patch notes include changes made by interim hotfixes.
- Increased the Damage and Health for boars, moose, bison, deer, and saigas.
- Increased the experience gained for killing most animals and the restless dead.
- Reduced Health and Dodge Chance for wraiths.
- Most undead enemies and brigands had their Health reduced by 10-15%
- The intimidation state is now 1.5-2 times longer for most aggressive animals.
- Rebalanced spawn points for most enemies. The dungeons should be less overcrowded now.
- Proselyte Adepts behavior pattern was changed from Mage to Close Combat.
- Increased the cooldown of Loud Barking
- Reduced the duration of the Netted debuff to 6 turns.
- Most herbs now raise thirst upon usage to reflect their bitter, astringent taste.
- Reduced brigands Vision range by 10%.
- Numerous minor fixes to the AI.
- Fixed the rendering algorithm for the fog of war in dungeons.
- Fixed the issue with enemies not using dashing abilities.
- Fixed the issue with secret rooms generation.
- Fixed the issue with Morale multipliers, which had been causing each enemy type, including bosses, to have an equal chance to retreat.
- Numerous fixes to rooms and accompanying collision issues.
- Fixed the bug with archers replenishing their Energy upon switching weapons.
- Fixed the bug with archers shooting through walls.
- Animals can now properly escape instead of darting around frantically.
- Fixed the crash caused by Necrophage.
- Fixed the crash caused by Soul Sacrifice.
- Fixed the crash caused by Leg Sweep.
- Fixed the crash caused by Blaze.
- Fixed the bug with foxes being stuck in their intimidation state.
- Fixed the issue with enemies disappearing after following the player to another location.
- Fixed the bug with ghouls spawning in the fog of war.
- Fixed the issue with the ghouls Morale multiplier, which had been causing them to be much less prone to retreating than intended.
- Proselyte Flagellants no longer use Lash Blessing on the player.
- Fixed the issue with Grave Chill range.
- Fixed the issue with Anticipation having an effect even before its actually learned.
- Fixed the description of Abominable Vitality. The chance to trigger the effect is 75%, not 50%.
- Fixed the issue with Rune of Enfeeblement reducing resistances to -100%.
- Fixed the problem with containers reset in brigand camps.
- Fixed the crash caused by gold inside containers.
- Made it more preferable for enemies to avoid tiles with traps.
- Fixed the issue with beds collision.
- Fixed the issue with Burnet using the effect of Nettle.
- Fixed the bug preventing acorns from being roasted.
- Fixed the inability to interact with wardrobes in one of the boss rooms in crypts.
- Fixed the issue with Ghasts granting too little experience on death.
- Fixed the issue with High Priests not granting any experience on death.
- Added the missing descriptions to some enemies.
- N/A in fan translations are temporarily replaced with English text (the translations are already on their way!)
- Optimization improvements.
- Changes to layouts of some hovers.
[ 2020-09-26 20:17:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Complete rework of the dungeon generator. Bastions, Catacombs, and Crypts now have a new generation algorithm and numerous new room templates. - Basic AI was completely reworked There are still ways to go, and we still need to perform many tweaks to make things work exactly as planned, but even with just this update the following features will be introduced to the AI: - New decision-making system. Instead of relying on RNG when choosing which Ability to use, enemies now use a weight system - each Ability gained a number of specific conditions which either increase or decrease its weight depending on the situation. Enemies will use Abilities with the highest weight at any given time.

- New pathfinding system. Pathfinding was rebuilt from the ground up - the shortest way to a mobs target is now modified by numerous conditions. Enemies will attempt to avoid traps, wait out AoE effects, stay away from locations where they can be easily knocked into walls, and more.

- Enemies learned to trade places when fighting in corridors and tight spaces. Enemies who prefer to fight in melee will try to swap out archers, retreating enemies will attempt to swap with those who can still fight, and those who have high Health - with those who are about to die. - Archers and mages prefer to keep their distance and retreat when approached by enemies, wearing them down with arrows and spells. - Mobs now use a new system to decide which targets to prioritize, trying to focus on the highest threat. - Archers ammunition is now limited. They also learned to swap to melee weapon when they run out of ammo or when their enemy finally manages to catch up.

- Most aggressive animals will first try to intimidate your character and only attack if you dont leave their territory within a number of turns. Different animals have their intimidation phase set at different duration - wolves, for example, will attack almost immediately.

- Some enemies might decide to retreat in case the fight is going badly for them, attempting to leave the location. The chance to trigger a retreat is influenced by many factors: low Health, allies death, whether they have injuries or debuffs. - The ecosystem is now much more in-depth. Boars and moose will hold their ground and defend against the player and predators, foxes will hunt rabbits, and deer will run away the moment they hear the player approaching. - Added secret rooms which can only be discovered by highly perceptive characters. Rich loot awaits inside! - 100+ new containers and decorations across all dungeons. - New enemy skills: mancatchers gained Net Throw and Sic!, dogs gained Loud Barking and Grab Em!, wraiths learned Grave Chill and Dissipation, ghouls gained Bone Throw, ghasts and necromancers - Death Touch and Soul Sacrifice. - 25 new undead enemy types: two lineups of high-level skeletons, a lineup of restless dead, as well as ghasts - undead mages, wielding special spells. - Certain changes to hostage rescue contracts: from now on abducted NPCs will be held in designated cells, requiring you to find a key before you can rescue them. - Added acorns and burnet.
- New culling system. - Reworked light rendering. - New fog of war rendering system. - Updated steppes. - Added fireflies. - Visual updates to the Prologue rooms. - Added four new music tracks, including two battle themes.
- Balance changes to most undead enemies. - Increased the Abominations Health, but decreased its base damage. - Most enemies gained a larger line of sight. - Taking Aim: reduced Accuracy bonus (+75% > +50%). - Removed unique items from graves and added them to secret rooms. - Ravens now generate noise when they take off. - Mannshire crypth has its danger level increased.
- Reworked turn and priority system for various actions. - Made significant improvements to enemies following the player between zones. - Added hotkeys for switching between hotbars. - Fixed sudden Health and Energy replenishment when entering an already visited location. - Brigands gained new phrases when retreating. The phrases upon getting injured are now tied to specific body parts instead of just triggering a generic response. - Added lots of log messages. - Fixed flickering stack numbers on stances buff icons. - Removed the possibility of preemptively destroying the statues in the Prologue before the fight even begins.
Way Forward is an important structural update, after the release of which we can finally move onto expanding the map. In the next major update, which is planned for the winter of 2020-2021, we will add the first major city, its surrounding area, and lots of accompanying content. Before that we also plan to release a few interim updates to add the remaining weapon skill trees and more. Because of this, the base price for the game will be increased by 30% in all regions. If you wish to purchase the game at a lower price, now might be the best time for it! Thats all for now. Have fun playing!
[ 2020-09-24 17:06:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well share more details on the dungeon rework and the Bastion (brigand dungeon) in particular. Well also touch upon some aspects of the reworked AI.
Of all the dungeon types, the Bastion received the largest amount of changes, allowing it to better match its name. The Bastions layout is dominated by spacious halls, complex structures, and wide corridors cluttered with junk.
Therere also some changes to hostage rescue contracts. Hostages can no longer be found in the same room as bosses, instead being held in a dedicated cell which needs to be located first. To open the cell youll need a special key, for which youll have to fight a dungeons boss.
Other than that, the Bastion now has more interactive elements: occasionally youll find water barrels, which can be used to refill your waterskin or quench thirst directly. Youll also be able to raid a dungeons pantry and then cook looted meat and vegetables in its kitchen.
Regarding the AI, lets start with archers - their behaviour was drastically reworked. Theyll try to stay as far from their target as possible during combat. Hiding behind a bush to lure them to a nearby tile is now a much less effective tactic, as they will attempt to keep their distance even while searching for targets outside of their Vision.
Archers will also try to maintain their distance when dealing with approaching enemies, performing a timely retreat when possible. If an enemy is right on top of them, or they run out of ammunition, theyll draw a melee weapon and defend themselves with it.
Speaking about retreating - most enemies will try to run away if things turn sour. There are many conditions influencing their decision-making, but the most important one is low Health. Once enemies take enough punishment, theyll begin accessing their situation on a per-turn basis. The amount of injuries and debuffs, their Energy, allies getting murdered and decapitated - all of it will decide whether your enemy will turn tail and run or fight till the bitter end. Its also worth mentioning that strong and well-equipped foes are less likely to flee.
Thats all for now. A quick reminder - the update will be released in just 4 days, on September 24th. The remaining details on new content will be listed prior to the patch release.
Until next time!
[ 2020-09-21 20:17:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Its been a while since our last devlog, but we are finally ready to tell you about many new additions which weve been working on. Over the next few devlogs well detail most of the new content introduced by the Way Forward update, which will be released on September 24th. For now lets begin with new enemies and reworked dungeon generation.
Overall System

The dungeon generation algorithm was rebuilt from the ground up in order to avoid the annoyance of persistent generation bugs. Now the game is capable of creating much more sophisticated and complex structures, as well as fine-tune dungeons based on many parameters. This will come in handy when we begin expanding the global map and improving the dungeon respawning system.
New Rooms

New dungeons will welcome you with a large variety of unique templates - other than the usual square rooms, dungeons will also contain rooms of uncommon forms and sizes. Twisted corridors, decorated halls, roomy passageways, collapsed walls - youll be able to encounter all of this and more while exploring crypts, catacombs, and bastions. This addition brought significant variety into tactical situations created by the game. In the future we plan to further develop this concept by adding even more new rooms, including rooms with puzzles, special traps, and so on.
Secret Rooms

The dungeon generator can now create long-forgotten treasure rooms, the entrances to which are initially concealed from your character. Those arent easy to find, but the result is well worth the effort - observant characters will be rewarded with sizable loot and unique items. In order to discover a secret passageway, youll have to make use of your Perception attribute - the higher it is, the higher the chance to notice that theres something funny about that particular wall... You can also use the Examine Surroundings ability, which is now able to spot more than just traps.
Boss Rooms

Dungeon bosses are no longer cooped in tiny closets with a chest in the middle. Now theyll be encountered in special rooms with enough space for maneuver and more valuable loot. For instance, necromancers can be encountered in special tombs, where they conduct their unholy rituals, or next to altar circles.
Skeleton Variety

The Undead faction received reinforcements. The skeletons, not unlike the existing bandits, will have different variants based on their dungeon difficulty. In the beginning of the game your opposition will consist of skeletons in rags, but in more dangerous dungeons youll have to fight well-armored and well-armed foes. The skeletons fight with ultimate determination. Even in the most unfair fights they will hold their ground and never retreat.
Necromancy is a heavy burden. Upon acquiring the forbidden knowledge, weak-willed warlocks often quickly lose their sanity. Once the madness settles in, they transform into ghasts - a macabre shell of their former self, guided by a deranged obsession with death in all its forms. Necromancers often turn ghasts into their servants, using them as commanders of sorts for their undead army - while skeletons and restless keep enemies busy, ghasts use their spells to support and direct them in combat.
The Restless Dead

The restless are favored by beginner necromancers, since its much easier to resurrect a fresh corpse rather than time-yellowed old bones. Due to their relatively recent death, the restless consciousness is much less fragmented, so it takes considerably less energy from a warlock to sustain them. However, the restless most significant advantage is their incredible resilience. Its not easy to kill something which is already dead, as rotting flesh, sustained with dark magic, is capable of surviving even the most grievous wounds. Thanks to their passive ability Abominable Vitality, each time a restless receives a killing blow, they have a chance to avoid death, losing a body part and completely replenishing their health in the process. In order to ultimately put a restless in the ground, youll have to either bring their health down to zero a few times or deliver as many heavy injuries as possible. Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2020-09-06 20:12:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The work on changes to the AI and dungeon generation is well underway, and we'll soon publish a devlog with some details on our progress. In the meantime, heres a small interim patch to keep you from getting bored - it expands the roster of available equipment and brings a number of fixes and improvements.
New Items:
- 2 new daggers: Commoners Dagger and Elven Stiletto
- 5 new axes: Exquisite Tabar, Heavy Aldorian Axe, Aldwynnian Axe, Gilded Axe, and Lordly Axe
- 1 new mace: Elven Flail
- 4 new chest pieces: Dwarven Armor, Light Brigandine, Elven Brigandine, and Skadian Yushman
- 8 new helmets: Barbute (4 variants) and Cervelliere (4 variants)
- 3 new pieces of footwear: Town Shoes, Duelist Boots, and Splint Boots
- 3 new mage sets (mantle + cowl): Cryomancer, Electromancer, and Chronomancer
- 4 new amulets: Gold Medallion, Jibean Pendant, Amber Amulet, Lazurite Amulet
- 1 new cape: Jousting Cloak
- Traders can now sell many items which were previously excluded from their stock.
- Added log messages for critical shots.
- Added a warning about the progress not being saved on exit when leaving the game.
- Reduced the effectiveness of roasted mushrooms.
- Numerous fixes across all localizations.
- Fixed the item dupe exploit with some of the containers in Osbrook.
- Fixed the incorrect block power calculation.
- Fixed the incorrect durability loss when blocking attacks.
- Fixed the collision between a cell and a door in Mannshire prison.
- Fixed visual effects displaying above enemies while they are in the fog of war.
- Mobs no longer display speech messages while they are petrified, stunned, or asleep.
- Added new equipment sounds.
- Fixed the incorrect Blood Oath log message.
- Fixed pathfinding when clicking on a NPC to start a dialogue.
- Fixed the fleawort usage with an open backpack.
- Fixed the possibility of dropping items on the ground when dragging them outside of the trade menu.
- The fog of war is now being properly calculated when using Onslaught.
- Fixed the possibility of decapitating targets by using Mighty Kick and other non-weapon skills.
- Fixed the possibility of reloading while stunned.
- Fixed the absence of psionic damage on items.
[ 2020-07-25 16:47:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In this devlog wed like to share our progress on the Way Forward update. It will be released in the end of summer or in the beginning of autumn and will be the largest and the most complex update weve delivered so far - it will include a massive rework of the AI and dungeon generation.
The large amount of time required to develop this update is linked to a significant number of systems, closely connected to the rework. Even if these systems will only be fully implemented at a later date, they already require a proper foundation which we have to lay down. Additionally, AI rework itself requires lots of testing and tweaking, so its hard to predict the exact amount of time needed to achieve acceptable results.
However, this rework is essential to finally start adding not just quantity to the game, but also quality. It will allow us to experiment with the behaviour of different enemy factions, add new enemy types, and introduce unique abilities to the existing enemies. With any luck, some of the new enemy types will be added with the Way Forward update.
At the moment the basic structure of our new AI is still being conceptualized and prototyped, but we can already share the list of targets we plan to reach:
- Create a more complex ecosystem. This will include the manual tweaking of the relations between different animal types instead of crudely splitting them depending on their ration. We plan to add some specific behaviour patterns as well. For instance, deer will flee from loud noises (instead of running towards them), carnivores will be territorial (which will allow avoiding their aggression if you make a timely retreat from their territory). There will also be a herd/pack simulation added among other things.
A concept scheme for the reworked relations between different animal types - Improve pathfinding and positioning. In the current version of the game mobs simply follow the shortest route to their enemy. Wed like to give them an ability to walk around traps and dangerous AoE zones when its possible, avoid tiles with solid objects behind them if the player makes an active use of Knockback, and keep their distance when using magic or ranged weaponry.
- Add a more context-dependent system for using abilities instead of the existing system, which is based on chance and just one or two conditions per action.
- Grant enemies some additional options: retreat or swap positions in certain situations, call allies for help, properly react to arrow fire and spells, correctly prioritize targets.
- Introduce a more transparent awareness system, which will become a basis for the upcoming stealth system.
- Rework the NPC system, which will allow adding random NPC encounters to the game, making the exploration much more varied.

Thats all for now, thank you for your attention. See you in a few weeks!
[ 2020-06-28 15:25:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Pikeman's Stance cancels in the Rest Mode. - Enemies no longer move between locations if they are Immobilized. - Fixed weapon critical effects not applying to offhand critical strikes. - When delivering items to complete a task, items in your inventory have higher priority than equipped ones. - Ancient Troll no longer attacks while Petrified. - Decreased hunger and thirst gain from the Gnawmaw curse. - Parry and Piercing Shot now work correctly. - Feint Swing now correctly decreases Fumble Chance instead of increasing it. - Weapon Damage stat no longer affects unarmed strikes. - Bonus Range now applies correctly in the Attack Mode. - Fixed crossbow unloading crashing the game on some occasions. - Anticipation and Precision now work correctly with crossbows. - Fixed War Cry duration. - Fixed Sudden Lunge cooldown reset. - Fixed immediate decrease of charge skills cooldowns upon usage. - Fixed Shoot to Kill Crit Chance calculation and Anticipation duration. - Fixed Hunters Mark working incorrectly. - Fixed Adrenaline Rush bonus duration calculation. - Fixed Flurry of Blows not working correctly when used by enemies. - Fixed some Osbrooks containers not being properly saved. - Osbrook Mill location was redesigned.
[ 2020-06-18 18:11:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were delighted to take part in the Steam Game Festival (June 16 - June 22), which is already live now! Throughout the event we've brought demos for each of the 8 games we are currently working on.
All of them are in different genres, settings and styles. You will surely find something that piques your interest! All the content available for Steam Summer Festival is free, some demos are long, some allow infinite play. Here is a little sneak peek of every title available.

Voidtrain is a first-person action/survival game where you become a crew member of an interdimensional express. Build your own train, upgrade it, craft weapons and travel across different mysterious worlds full of outlandish creatures, Nazis and other dangers. https://youtu.be/o0bIODWSX5Y Voidtrains demo features a base loop of the game, where youll be able to travel between biomes on your train, gather resources to upgrade it and stop by interdimensional train depots filled with Nazis ought to be defeated. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1159690/Voidtrain/

Tunche is a charming, hand-drawn beat'em up hack and slash game with roguelike elements, co-op and a pinch of shaman witchcraft. Visit the amazonian jungle alone or together with your friends, choose one of the 5 unique characters and hack through hordes of enemies! And if you like A Hat in Time, we got a big surprise for you Hat Kid will be the 5th Playable Character in the game. Moreover, youll be able to test her in the demo! https://store.steampowered.com/app/887450/Tunche/
Linked Mask

Do you miss the golden era of Game Boy? Linked Mask is a 2D platformer that will make you reminiscent of the good old days, where a player has to overcome six towers, collect six masks containing elemental powers and ultimately conquer the Castle of the Primals. And theres a chillingly cool soundtrack that will make your head bop as you traverse the deadly Towers! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1111590/Linked_Mask/
Jack Move

Plunge into a VHS-era cyberpunk world of Jack Move, an RPG featuring japanese style turn based battles and gorgeous Hi-Bit pixel art. Take on the role of Noa, a vigilante hacker who is thrust into a world of murder, kidnapping and dark research after her father goes missing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yOLVvhsJFw Theres a brand new demo of Jack Move available that features a new slums area, a new dungeon and a whole bunch of new enemies for you to tangle with. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1099640/Jack_Move/
Black Book

Black Book is a dark RPG Adventure based on Slavic mythology and featuring card-based combat. You will take on the role of Vasilisa, a young sorceress on a quest to revive her beloved one. In order to do so, she has to uncover all the 7 seals of Black Book a demonic artefact, said to be powerful enough to grant any wish. The demo features an essential part of the story the First Day of Vasilisa becoming a witch. Youll be able to test test the core game mechanics, battle regular demons and even test your strength in a fight against a boss. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1138660/Black_Book/
There Is No Light

There Is No Light is a pixel-art action adventure in a dark post-apocalyptic setting, which tells a story of a protagonist fighting against a fallen underground civilization and its appalling religious rituals. In this demo youll be able to explore a small part of the game world. Visit a village, the existence of which remained unknown for a long time. Find out how people live in the underground world ruled by the Church of the Great Hand. Find your own playstyle by combining 3 available weapon types, so that eventually you can fight a giant boss Behemoth that gets in your way to freedom. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1132980/There_Is_No_Light/
Tower Princess

Tower Princess is a 3D roguelike action platformer where you'll have to beat a dungeon, defeat a dragon, rescue a princess/prince and manage a perfect date with them! Theres a wide variety of royalty members you can hit on youll be able to find someone you like even if youre not into humans. The demo is a linear and brief sample of a run in one of the Castle's areas. It shows the visuals and the core gameplay of Tower Princess, but it's focused on the princess aid in combat, as without her help, you wouldn't stand a chance against the Evil Dragon. Are you ready to test yourself as a knight in shining armour? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1138650/Tower_Princess/

SuchArt is a painting sim game featuring you being such an amazing artist. Really you rock, your latest DNA test is very positive about it. Now please paint, sell and expose your art from your new studio aboard the Space City. And dont forget the only limit is the size of your brush (or a flamethrower). SuchArt demo features a separate room (a virtual studio instead of a real one youll get in the full game) with a limited amount of tools and an introductory part of the story. However, youll be able to test the core game mechanics and take a couple of commissions from virtual clients, which is already fun! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293180/SuchArt/
[ 2020-06-16 19:35:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added an option to unload crossbows. - Reduced quivers capacity. - Reduced the penalty to Hands Efficiency after using Whirlwind. It also doesnt last for 2 turns now. - Fixed long-distance counterattacks.. - Fixed Petrification not granting Geomancy Power. - Added visual stack indicator to applicable buff icons. - Fixed grave collision after digging them up. - Fixed Enough for Everyone causing crashes. - Shooting distance in attack mode is now correctly calculated after switching between ammo types with different range. - Fixed the bug with the character becoming invisible in the location with the troll. - Parry now properly counters all received attacks. - Fixed dead zones of Impaling Lunge. - Fixed enemies not becoming hostile upon receiving Immobilization. - Fixed bolt tooltips showing wrong values. - Hail of Blows can no longer knock enemies back with its first 2 strikes. - New visuals for magma puddles. - Fixed to the audio. - Various text fixes.
[ 2020-06-06 16:56:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Numerous text typos and mistakes fixed. -Removed skill energy penalties for shields as they already have flat Energy/Energy Restoration penalties. -Increased carpenters stocks. -Decreased NPC restock time by 30%. -Morsel can be cooked now. -Parry should counterattack every enemy attack except melee skills (melee skills not triggering counterattacks is a known issue, were investigating) -Fixed outdated energy cost for some abilities (mostly stances) -Returned broadhead arrows test damage to its intended value. -Tailor now sells low-level shirts, gloves and boots. -Added a spear and a crossbow to Osbrook barracks weaponstands. -Fixed open doors using closed doors' collisions. -Fixed inventory-related crashes.
[ 2020-06-03 02:13:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The Bolt Thrower content update has been released! The complete list of changes can be seen below:
- New playable character: Velmir. A hardened revenger hailing from distant Skadia, he begins the game with Affinities for Spears, Ranged Weapons, Maces, Athletics, and Combat mastery. - New weapon type: Spears 24 new items. Spears offer average Damage, but have high Accuracy and Armor Penetration, and their skills have a 2 tile Range. - New weapon type: Crossbows 17 new items. Crossbows deal high Damage, do well against armor, and are much more accurate than bows, but they require to be reloaded after each shot. - Arrowhead variation: ammunition is now split into 3 types with their own special properties: leaf-shaped, broadhead, and bodkin. - New bag type: Quivers there are 8 of them, 4 for arrows, 4 for bolts. They are equipped in the weapon slot and can store 2 to 4 stacks of ammunition. - New ability tree: Spears 10 new skills. Immobilize enemies from afar, run them through with impaling lunges, receive defensive bonuses as you retreat, and deliver strikes to your foes as they approach. - New ability tree: Dual Wielding 10 new skills. Deliver devastating flurries of blows, fight entire groups head-on, deflect incoming attacks, and cut through the enemy lines in a whirlwind of steel. New fauna: Hedgehogs and squirrels. Hunt them down for their new type of meat or precious squirrel pelts. - New flora: Rhubarb and nettle. Dont forget to wear gloves. - Tweaks to ranged combat. Enemy and props sizes now correctly influence your shots Accuracy. If you want to improve your chances of hitting your foe, make sure there is nothing between you and the target. Bows and crossbows are now considered a two-handed weapon with an option to equip appropriate ammo or a quiver in the second weapon slot.
- New critical weapon effects: It may not be evident at first, but different weapon types have different crit effects. This mechanic has been there for quite a while, gradually becoming outdated. As a result, it has been reworked:
- Swords: 100% chance to apply Bleed for 5-8 turns
- Axes: +50% Bodypart Damage
- Maces: 100% chance to Daze for 2-4 turns
- Daggers: +220% Critical Damage against unaware targets. Burn 10% of the targets Max Energy
- Greatswords: cleave through 3 tiles. 125% chance to apply Bleeding for 6-10 turns.
- Staffs: cleave through 3 tiles. Replenish 10% Max energy.
- Spears: +100% Immobilization Chance
- Bows: +100% Immobilization Chance
- Crossbows: +100% Knockback Chance
- Reduced the max number of stacks from 6 to 4.
- You gain 1 stack each time you use other skills from the stances ability tree.
- Basic attacks with an appropriate weapon decrease the number of stacks by 1, but prolong the effects duration by 1 turn.
- The state of fog of war is now being properly preserved, so it no longer conceals previously visited locations. - Changed the bug which caused huge Crit damage with bows. - Just as its stated in stat description, blocking arrows and bolts now requires an equipped shield. This rule also applies to enemies. - Removed the ability to shoot through dungeon walls and surface structures. - Fast travel between villages now takes some in-game time and changes your characters stats just like sleeping would. - Blessing effect received a 1200 turns duration cap. - Fixed Vivifying Essence not burning Energy on use. - Fixed the use rule for fleawort. - Fixed the softlock occurring while removing a piece of equipment when both the inventory and a container are full. - The drunkards wife in Mannshire no longer flies around. - Fixed context menu when lockpicking a container. - Numerous fixes across all localizations. - Torso condition now correctly displays its influence on Max Health. - Fixed a number of mistakes in abilities formulas, as some of them didnt work as they were supposed to. - Optimized rendering - Destroyed Unholy Altars no longer leave a lighting source behind. - Wraiths no longer spray blood when hit. - Effects no longer flicker on medium settings - Fixed Ancient Troll being able to attack during regeneration. - Many actions are now being properly logged.
- Improvements to lighting system. It now takes objects relative position into consideration - Made some tweaks to shaders - Changed Jorgrims portrait.
[ 2020-06-02 19:57:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well give you a quick overview of some major additions of the Bolt Thrower content update, which will be released in just a couple more days - on June 2.
In the previous devlog weve already introduced crossbows. Now its time for the second new weapon type:

Spears are two handed weapons. They have fairly average base damage, but they compensate for it with high Armor Penetration and Accuracy. Other than the spears themselves, this skill tree also includes halberds. At the moment they deal two damage types at the same time, Piercing and Slashing, but in the future well probably expand on this mechanic. While other weapon skill trees focus on dealing damage or mobility, the spears are best explained with a single word control. One of their main mechanics is Immobilization. Offensive spear Skills have 2 tiles reach, so immobilization allows you to keep your opponent at a relatively safe distance, weakening them with precise strikes as they try to approach.

Active Abilities
- Nail Down a strike to the legs. If the enemy is adjacent, deals bonus damage with a chance to Knock them back. If they are a tile away, deals bonus Bodypart Damage with a chance to Immobilize.
- Impaling Lunge hits two tiles in a line with extra Bodypart Damage, Armor Penetration, and Bleed Chance. If the affected target is Immobilized, these bonuses are doubled.
- Maneuver moves you to an adjacent tile, decreasing Active Cooldowns for spear Skills by 1 for each enemy within an area. After that grants an effect which decreases Damage Taken and increases Block and Crit Chances. This effect gets extra stacks to its strength for each Cooldown it reduces.
- Pikemans Stance is a stance-based Skill which gradually raises Knockback, Immobilization, and Bleed chances, while also granting bonus Damage. Its worth mentioning that stance mechanics were changed more details in the patch notes on June 2.
- Determination delivers a free hit with extra Bleed Chance to each enemy who steps on an adjacent tile during next turn.
Passive Abilities
- Stay Back! when enemies step on adjacent tiles, they receive a penalty to Piercing Resistance for 1 turn. This passive also gives you a chance to trigger Impaling Lunge on basic attacks.
- Precise Hits grants bonus Immobilization Chance to your strikes. Attacks against Immobilized targets have bonus Accuracy, Bodypart Damage, and Bleed Chance.
- One at a Time! grants bonus Damage and Block Power for each adjacent enemy.
- No Retreat staying put on the same tile grants a stacking bonus to Block and Crit Chances, as well as reduces Cooldowns Duration. Moving to a different tile resets the bonus.
- Wounding Spearhead spear crits deal extra Damage based on the targets current Health. The higher it is, the higher the Damage.

Another new skill tree being added with the Bolt Thrower update, its meant to fully develop dual-wielding playstyle. The skill trees main mechanic is Hands Efficiency. It acts as a resource of sorts: certain Skills and circumstances temporarily increase it, while others decrease. This makes the gameplay as a berserker more strategic, since youll need to skillfully juggle your abilities to maintain high damage output.

Active Abilities
- Flurry of Blows delivers two dual attacks with decreased Hands Efficiency.
- Enough for Everyone performs a strike which marks the enemy with a special effect - each time you attack a different target, youll deliver a strike to the marked enemy as well. Each instance of this effect increases Hands Efficiency.
- Deflect is a powerful defensive Skill. For 1 turn it raises your Block Chance to 100% and grants extra Block Power, but reduces Hands Efficiency for the next 2 turns as a trade-off.
- Concentration is a stance-based Skill which gradually raises Hands Efficiency, Accuracy, while lowering Fumble Chance.
- Whirlwind delivers a strike to an enemy, switches places with them, and then does the same maneuver with another adjacent target until there are no nearby enemies who didnt take a hit. Each Whirlwind strike slightly decreases Hands Efficiency, so its best used when this stat is high enough.
Passive abilities
- Berserk Tradition grants bonus Hands Efficiency, Dodge and Crit Chances, as well as Crit Efficiency for each armor slot which doesnt grant you Protection (with the exception of belts, jewelry, and cloaks).
- Dying Fervor greatly boosts Hands Efficiency when your Health drops below 50%.
- More Blood! this passive instantly replenishes Flurry of Blows Cooldown if it manages to kill its target, while also increasing Hands Efficiency for a few turns.
- Unstoppable if an enemy affected with Enough for Everyone dies, this effect is transferred to a random nearby target.
- Dual Wielding Training Skill usage grants bonus Hands Efficiency for the next turn. Doubles the bonus if both equipped weapons are of the same type. Additionally, using weapon Skills also performs an off-hand attack.

Weve added a fifth playable character to the game Velmir, who hails from distant Skadia. "In Skadia the most grievous offences must be paid for in blood. When Velmir learned about his brother's treacherous murder at the hands of a man named Draan, he abandoned his life as a seafaring merchant without hesitation to personally make sure the justice is served. For a few years Velmir had been tracking the murderer, who at first went into hiding in Skadia, then fled to foreign lands. Eventually, the chase had brought them both to Aldor. Draan surrounded himself with bodyguards and attempted to lie low in one of the cities, but Velmir managed to hunt him down nevertheless. The bodyguards just delayed the inevitable - the reprisal was swift and violent. Once the blood feud had been settled, Velmir realized that his life was now void of purpose - after everything which had transpired, returning to his old trade wasn't an option, nor did he actually want to. After long consideration, he decided to stay in Aldor and became a bounty hunter, so that he could continue following trails and bringing vengeance over and over again." Velmirs unique trait is To Each Their Own: when Velmir is attacked, he gains bonus Accuracy, while the attacker is applied with extra Damage Taken for the next few turns. Velmirs starting Affinities are Maces, Spears, Ranged Weapons, Athletics and Combat Mastery, making his early build paths quite varied. ======= Thats it for now the rest of the changes will be detailed in the patch notes to the update. See you in a couple days!
[ 2020-05-31 16:45:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well tell you about multiple new features meant to make ranged combat more varied.
Lets start with the main addition - crossbows. As you may have already noticed, some existing enemies are armed with crossbows, however those arent available to player characters and function essentially just like bows. This situation will change with the release of the Bolt Thrower update, which will become available on June 2-3.
Crossbows are now a separate type of weaponry. Just like in reality, they are much easier to learn than bows, so they have less significant penalty to their accuracy. They also have higher damage and armor penetration, which is achieved at the expense of their rate of fire - crossbows require a turn to reload between each shot. Just like bows, crossbows make use of the Ranged Weapons skill tree, it wont be altered in this regard.
Weve also introduced certain changes to bow and crossbow mechanics. Both these weapon types now occupy both hands with an option of placing arrows or quivers in the offhand, but not other weapons. Quivers are meant to make ammo management easier, as they can fit 2-4 stacks of arrows.
Additionally, they allow to quickly swap between different arrow and bolt types through the context menu. As a side note, crossbow bolts use their own quivers, since they occupy one less slot than arrows.
And finally - arrow types. There are now three arrow and bolt types in the game: leaf-shaped, broadhead, and bodkin.
- Leaf-shaped arrows are the default ammo type. They dont have any special modifiers, offering standard damage and range values.
- Broadhead arrows were historically used mostly for hunting. They are heavier and wider, making them more damaging to both enemy health and their body parts. As a trade-off, they struggle with piercing armor. Their accuracy and range are also lower.
- Bodkin arrows are fairly light, so they have higher range. They are also good at penetrating armor and provide better accuracy, but are less effective against unarmored flesh than other arrow types.

Thats all for now. Until next time!
[ 2020-05-17 12:32:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Wed like to inform you that Stoneshard is currently participating in Digital Dragons Indie Celebration, an event which allows indie game studios from around the world to showcase their games to a wide audience.
Stoneshard has managed to receive Digital Dragons Choice with a chance to win the Community Vote. Well be really grateful if you support us with your vote!
The voting will last until the evening of May 15.
Thank you!
[ 2020-05-13 17:12:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Removed War Cry ability from Proselyte Chosen - Vineyard roadcart loot no longer respawns after loading the game. - Fixed buff animation sometimes causing crashes. - Fixed incorrect capitalization of item names. - Fixed numerous typos. - Fixed incorrect usage of Adrenaline Rush by enemies - Fixed fleaworts not properly spawning in the world. - Added a special icon for permadeath mode saves. - Fixed barrels rotating after being struck by greatsword crits - Added collisions for closed ruined bastions. - It now continues to rain in special PoI locations. - Abbey should no longer reset after leaving it. - Fixed birds SFX. - Fixed Life Drain and Energy Drain incorrectly working in some situations. - Fixed some problems with turning in contract items.
[ 2020-05-09 14:46:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
We have some important news for you today. First of all, the patch has been released, bringing new content and some major fixes. The full changelog can be found at the bottom of this post.
Now that the entirety of the Trollslayer content has been added to the game, wed like to share our updated development plan as well as some info about our future goals.
As many of you could have noticed, the current content is limited by the first 7-10 levels - characters outgrow most dungeons and enemies upon reaching this threshold. We are well aware of this problem, however adding high level content is meaningless until we resolve two important issues.
Ideally wed like different enemy factions to have distinct behaviour patterns. Right now the enemies only differ in their stats and skills, as they share a single template for their actions. To fix this we plan to dedicate a few months to fully rework our AI system and some of the associated systems.
The same can be said about dungeons - right now they are generated based on shared parameters. The only two things which set them apart at the moment are graphical assets and enemy rosters. We, however, would like to make the dungeon crawling process in our game much more memorable than clearing out similar room after room. Thats why we plan to work on a new dungeon generation algorithm along with the AI rework.
Both of these tasks are fairly difficult and time-consuming, and both of them require extensive testing. Thats why we cant give you the exact date this time - well have to work on these elements until we are completely satisfied with the results. For now the approximate date for the updated AI and updated dungeon generation (and any associated content as well as some additional features) is summer 2020.
To keep you from getting bored during these few months, we plan to release a series of minor updates over the course of this summer to introduce some additional content such as new weapon types and new skill trees. The first update is planned for the beginning of May - it will add crossbows, polearms, and, perhaps, something extra to the game. Follow our devlogs and announcements for additional information!
Thanks for staying in touch! - CHANGELOG
- 17 items - new maces and axes, as well as a unique necklace and a new headpiece.
- 7 one-time requests which will allow you to earn a quick coin, improve your standing with the denizens of Osbrook and Mannshire, and receive a small bonus from certain characters.
- 2 new Proselyte minibosses: Matriarch and Abomination.
- Added 7 new dialogues for Osbrook and Mannshire villagers.
- Verrens unique ring is now available for all players, not just to those who subscribed to our newsletter. Talk to Verren at the start of the game to receive it.
- Reduced the base Vision range (13 > 11).
- [Daggers]: Coup de Grace: added a base 0.5% bonus to Armor Penetration for each missing percentage of the targets health.
- [Ranged Weapons]: Long-Distance Shot now grants +[50 > 30]% bonus Range.
- [Ancient Troll]: The troll now uses Troll Regeneration not only upon reaching a certain Health threshold, but also upon receiving a certain number (or some particularly prolonged) of debuffs.
- [Ancient Troll] Increased the trolls resistance to Nature Damage (50% > 75%) as well as Stun Resistance (80 > 100%).
- Completing Troll Hunt now grants a significant boost to reputation with Mannshire.
- Changed the following rewards for Troll Hunt: staff, axe, helmet, mace, greatsword. Gryphon sallet in the signal tower has been replaced with a common sallet.
- New items can now be found in graves (including 4 uniques).
- Skeleton resistances have been changed: Slashing Damage: [20% > 15%], Piercing Damage [33% > 25%], Crushing Damage: [-15% > -10%].
- Changed loot for certain points of interest.
- Minor changes to some weapon and armor stats.
- Temporally removed Vision range from enchantment effects. Itll be brought back once the enchantment system is reworked.
- [Axes]: Ferocity no longer grants its bonuses until you learn it.
- [Combat Mastery] Offensive tactic: fixed the missing bonus to counter chance.
- [Combat mastery] Right on Target: removed the bonus to Armor Penetration which was added to it by mistake..
- [Combat Mastery]: Right on Target]: the bonus for free offhand is no longer granted when using staffs and bows.
- [Combat Mastery]: Right on Target: the bonus for free offhand is no longer granted twice upon loading a save.
- [Athletics]: the Energy cost for Dash now correctly takes adjacent enemies into account.
- [Ancient Troll]: Added new visual effects for the trolls AoE Abilities.
- Fixed the bug which prevented Proselyte Hierarch and Proselyte Chosen from spawning in the Catacombs.
- Fixed the possibility of dazing and stunning an enemy at the same time.
- Fixed Fire Barrage and its bizarre affinity for hitting dungeon doors.
- Fixed the exploit with selling items via Shift shortcut for twice their actual price.
- Mindwort now properly removes the effect of being drunk, as stated in its description. The same thing applies to ginger root.
- Fixed the issue with Deadly Trick which prevented the fog of war from being removed after switching places with an enemy.
- Fixed the debuff for dual wielding which could occasionally disappear upon reloading a save.
- Removed the possibility of equipping a shovel together with cursed items.
- When stunning a dazed target, the applied stun now has bonus duration based on the initial daze.
- Fixed the bug which caused contracts to grant doubled reward when they were generated for a second time.
- Fixed the backpack-related crash.
- Fixed the stun from runic boulder destruction, which could occur when it wasnt supposed to.
- The troll now destroys runic boulders by moving over them.
- Changed the condition for passive pain reduction. Physical debuffs such as being Wet no longer prevent pain from decreasing.
- Fixed the issue with Catacomb rooms, which caused chests to occasionally block passage to shelves.
- Fixed the bug which allowed learning potions effects without identifying said potions first.
- Fixed numerous typos and mistakes across all localizations.
- Updated log messages for picking and dropping items.
- The visual effects of daze and stun are now correctly displayed above the trolls head.
[ 2020-04-29 13:56:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added Brazilian Portuguese localization - Increased reputation gain from completing contracts, and decreased requirements for all reputation milestones (by ~25-30%) - Fixed the possibility to be cornered by the priest in the Mannshire Chapel - Fixed bison AI bug now they dont remain passive if you aggroed anyone from their herd - Fixed rare crash after loading the container - Fixed enemies standing still while the player is stunned - Fixed Flame Ring damaging Ancient Troll multiple times - Fixed possibility to stun against the location transition tiles - Added special visual icon for Ancient Troll location on the map - Added missing stats to enchantments pool: Stun Chance, Daze Chance, Knockback Chance, Armor Damage, Bodypart Damage, Cooldown Duration, Stun Resistance, Knockback Resistance, Bleeding Resistance, Physical Damage Resistance, Nature Damage Resistance, Magic Resistance, Pain Resistance, Hunger Resistance, Toxicity Resistance - Added sound effect for Bad Trip modifier - Entrances to some dungeons are now correctly displayed as closed if the dungeon is inactive
[ 2020-04-17 18:30:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added Turkish fan localization (thanks @ Mustafa Sinan ler, dil enel, Ceren Cokun, Alper Tornac, Efe Akarca) - Fixed Catacombs loot not taking dungeon level into consideration - Fixed inability to enter bandits tower by pressing LMB - Blood Vow animation now properly ends after the buff wears out - Enemies no longer can teleport behind your back after using Crippling Lunge - Fixed crash upon dying simultaneously with Ascended Archon - Fixed food spawning with zero freshness - Fixed Seized Initiative gaining stacks after attacking targets without Initiative Loss - Fixed issues with inn room renting - Fixed traps being generated under the furniture - Fixed crash caused by using spells on bisons - Fixed a bug with Block Power, resulting in character having max possible Block Power value instead of a current value - Increased Block Power of brigands and skeletons - [Ancient Troll] Fixed unintentionally low Knockback Resistance - [Ancient Troll] Stun Resistance increased from 50% to 100% - [Ancient Troll] Fortitude increased from 50% to 70% - [Ancient Troll] Troll Regeneration now gives +30% Fortitude instead of 50% - [Ancient Troll] Base Defense value reduced from 35 to 30 - [Greatswords] Fixed Courage passive ability not increasing Heroic Charge range by 1 - Added 50% Knockback Resistance for mooses and bisons - Miller sells food 15% cheaper - Nerfed Brigand Crooks and Cutthroats. Now theyre less likely to dodge, crit and counterattack. - Increased damage of most staffs - Merchants sell 4 treatises instead of 3
[ 2020-04-15 22:57:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Ginger Root-related crash. If you have a save with a Ginger Root present in your inventory or chest, please get rid of it and re-save the game. - Fixed an issue with merchants not restocking treatises. - Fixed an issue with free Ranged Weapons treatises - Fixed an issue with items disappearing after being stored in the backpack - Fixed weaponstands being labeled as wardrobes - Increased base prices for most hides, especially bison ones [100g > 200g] - [Ancient Troll] Troll Regeneration: Cooldown reduced from 20 to 16 - [Ancient Troll] Deafening Roar: Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 - [Ancient Troll] Nature Damage Resistance increased from 35% to 50% - Decreased base Knockback Chance of Mighty Kick by 5% - Increased base Knockback Chance of Hail of Blows by 5% - Pennybun: Gives +[5 > 3]% Health Restoration - Decreased Brigand Rioters base damage [18 > 17] - Adjustments to treatise drop rates from dungeon bookcases.
[ 2020-04-15 09:17:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=7c_MCzpBaQA;full][/previewyoutube] Hello everyone! We are happy to inform you that the first major update Trollslayer can now be downloaded and played! This expansion adds a new boss, two skill trees, many new items, and lots of fixes, improvements, and additions the full changelog can be seen below. Keep in mind that because of the new locations being added to the world map, your old saves will be incompatible with this update. To experience new content, youll have to start a new game. If you wish to continue playing on the old version, check out the instructions on how to rollback to it. Happy hunting!
- New boss: Ancient Troll and its dedicated quest line. Try your luck at defeating this dangerous monster, but first make sure that your character is properly leveled!
- Two new skill trees: Athletics and Combat Mastery. 27 new abilities to include into your builds!
- Save slots: No more shuffling game files around keep as many characters as you want.
- Altars: discover them alongside the roads and gain the Hosts blessing for bonus experience.
- Grave robbing: rob graves using a shovel or your bare hands to discover valuable (or not) loot. Perhaps youll even stumble upon a grave of some legendary warrior?
- New fauna: saigas and bisons. Venture into the steppes to hunt them: their pelts and horns are rather valuable. Be careful bisons are capable of standing up for themselves...
- New flora: treat your wounds with fleawort, use henbane to enter battle rage, snack on roasted penny buns.
- New meat system: every animal drops a dedicated meat type on death. Even rats and bats are not an exception.
- Gathering the Caravan: the quest has been expanded to have a better conclusion instead of ending the storyline abruptly upon fulfilling three contracts.
- Fast travel system between the villages, which becomes available upon completing the first part of Gathering the Caravan
- Two hidden quests: To discover them youll have to pay attention to the dialogues and maybe help a certain person in their time of need... Miniquests/requests will be added with the follow-up patches.
- Three new points of interest. Explore the world in search of new landmarks, each with their own loot and lore. You can save your progress in some of these locations.
- New dungeon type: the Catacombs. The proselytes now inhabit them instead of the Crypts.
- Lots of new dialogues. Get to know some of the denizens of Osbrook and Mannshire Some additional dialogues will be added with the follow-up patches.
- More low level valuables: silver nuggets, clasps, bolts of cloth, bottles of oil and much more.
- New items: new mage mantles, more greatswords and bows. Also GINGER ROOT.
- 24 new treatises. Every skill tree (except the magic ones) now has two more treatises associated with them in order to make the vertical progression more difficult and slow down the characters power gain. Now you wont be able to learn every active ability of a skill tree within the first 3-4 levels, gaining immediate access to all its skill rotations. Instead, youll have to diversify your build by levelling starting abilities from, say, Athletics or Combat Mastery. For now all new treatises can be bought from traders or found in dungeons. In the future high-level treatises will only be available in dedicated locations or bought from specific traders.
- Wares and reputation: merchants and craftsmen will hold onto rare items until you prove your worth to the village by fulfilling contracts. The higher your reputation, the more powerful items youll be able to purchase.
- New localizations: the game is now available in Latin American Spanish and Italian languages. Official Brazilian Portuguese localization and Turkin & Czech fan localizations will be added with the follow-up patches.
- Most weapons and some armors were rebalanced to further accentuate the differences between the items of the same type and reduce stat clutter.
- Shields and their protection values were buffed. Now they are the main source of Block Chance and Block Power.
- Increased the maximum durability for most items and decreased the speed with which they degrade (boots in particular).
- Crowbar and lancet deal increased damage instead of using bare hands damage.
- Rebalanced prices for most equipment pieces, consumables, and valuables.
- Merchants now sell more treatises.
- Rewards for contracts now scale with dungeon difficulty slightly more.
- Tweaks to traders inventories for instance, the Osbrooks herbalist no longer sells enchantment scrolls.
- The Mannshires merchant gives better prices for treatises.
- The base buy price for traders is [10 > 15]% of the standard item value.
- Due to the addition of fast travel between the settlements, the Mannshires apprentice no longer sells equipment, but he can still fix cloth and leather items.
- Containers in more dangerous dungeons now generally have better loot in them.
- Increased reward and reputation gain for completing contracts.
- Rebalanced energy costs for most abilities.
- Reduced the damage for most spells, reduced energy costs for certain spells.
- Improving associated Attributes has a smaller effect on abilities effectiveness. Initial values of certain active abilities were also reduced.
- Some enemies received new abilities from Athletics and Combat Mastery skill trees. Watch out for them!
- Rebalanced minimum and maximum values for most enchantments. We are aware of the abuse with rerolling enchantments and the associated randomness, but until the item quality system is reworked, there isnt much we can do about it.
- The effect of Confusion now prevents you (or your enemies) from attacking and using abilities instead of moving to a random tile with a certain chance. Random movement chance was transferred to Clumsiness. Most abilities, consumables, and effects which used to cause Confusion, now cause Clumsiness
- [Pyromancy] Melting Ray was moved further down the skill tree.
- [Pyromancy] Ring of Fire. Added: for each affected enemy grants +20% Pyromantic Power for 4 turns.
- [Pyromancy] Blaze. Added: for each point of damage dealt, the spell burns double the amount of energy.
- [Daggers] Deadly Trick was moved further down the skill tree.
- [Daggers] Deadly Trick. Instead of granting +100% Dodge Chance for 2 turns, grants +25% Crit Chance for the next turn. Also instead of Immobilization it applies Confusion. The chance to swap with the target is affected by their Knockback Resistance.
- [Proselyte Flagellant] Driven by Pain: decreased damage gain when on low health. Crit Chance was swapped away for Life Drain to avoid one-shotting possibility.
- Arnas Trait Vow of the Feat: grants -[5 > 7.5]% Abilities Costs and Cooldown Durations for each enemy within Vision. Added: -7.5% Spell Costs and -4% Damage Taken for each enemy within Vision.
- [Staffs] Battle Trance replenishes [20 > 10]% Max Energy.
- [Staffs] Triumph: grants +20% Crit Chance for 7 turns upon killing an enemy instead of +10% Damage and Magic Power for 9 turns.
- [Axes] Execution: replenishes 35% Max Energy upon killing an enemy instead of reducing Active Cooldowns for axe skills by 50%.
- [Greatswords] "Parry": +[10 > 7.5]% Block Chance and +[12.5% > 10%] Block Power for each stack of the stance.
- [Ranged Weapons] "Hunters Mark": using this ability not only applies the effect but also performs a shot.
- [Ranged Weapons] "Anticipation": applies the target with -[8 > 10]% Dodge Chance for [3 > 10] turns each time you land a shot. Added: each missed shot against the target grants +5% Accuracy for 10 turns.
- Mushrooms and potatoes can now be roasted at campfires
- Walking barefoot has a chance to damage your feet.
- Significantly increased Thirst and Hunger gain during sleep.
- Bleed damage not only depends on the targets Max Health but also on its Bleed Resistance.
- Burn Damage no longer deals fixed damage, instead scaling with Max Health, though to a lesser extent than before.
- Rebalanced Knockback Damage. Both colliding targets now receive Crushing Damage for [15 > 10]% Max Health of the target which was knocked back. If the target was knocked into a wall or an occupied tile, it receives Damage for [15 > 10]% of its Max Health.
- Knocking the target back into an occupied tile no longer has a 100% Stun Chance. Now it takes the targets Stun Resistance into account.
- Each enemy now has a correct set of Body Parts no more injured snake paws. Also different enemies have different Body Part durability: its easier to injure skeletons and critters.
- Bleed Chance upon receiving damage to injured body parts is now affected by Bleed Resistance.
- Decrease the chance of modifiers to be triggered by their respective damage types its now very unlikely to witness a self-sustaining loop of poisoning or burning. Decreased the base duration for those modifiers.
- Stun Chance from Shock damage and Bleed Chance from Rending damage are now affected by the respective resistances.
- High tier brigands received a buff.
- Increased the amount of brigands in camps.
- Increased Accuracy for most 5-9 and 10+ level enemies.
- Increased experience gain from killing enemies by 20-25%.
- Rebalanced ambushes they scale from your level at a significantly lower rate.
- Jonna and Dirwin start with affinity for Athletics, Jorgrim and Arna for Combat Mastery.
- Jonna starts with first tier of Geomancy and Pyromancy unlocked instead of second.
- Characters have 6 bonus starting Attributes instead of 8.
- Each point of Vitality grants [3 > 5] Max Energy.
- Each point of Agility grants [0.75 > 0.5]% Dodge Chance
- Dodge Chance can reach a negative value, increasing the Accuracy of your enemies attacks.
- Reworked Block Power progression. Its initial bonus was removed, it now depends entirely on Strength. Block Power values also have a cap which is limited by Strength as well.
- Pinecaps can only be encountered in pine forests. Leaf forests now have penny buns.
- Increased the chance of finding treatises on bookshelves.
- Destroying the Well of Souls spawns wraiths.
- The witch now offers a potion instead of a pot of espresso.
- Consuming spoiled food reduces morale.
- Enemies can no longer spawn in dungeon rooms adjusted to entrances/exits in order to avoid situations when the player is swarmed right after transitioning between the floors. For the same reason enemies no longer spawn next to zone borders.
- Picking an item up while your inventory is full no longer automatically drops the item, but keeps it suspended instead.
- Added the Chapel autosave to the standalone Prologue.
- All stages of main quests now have journal entries.
- Dropping treatises and scrolls is now displayed in the log.
- Improved the scrollbar in the trading menu.
- Added an outline for runic boulders.
- Added a new resolution: 25601080.
- Improved quests journal interface.
- Animals now have their own icons for Injuries.
- Improved forest generation.
- Numerous visual fixes and tweaks.
- Added new visual effects for Bad Trip.
- Added new visual effects for Drunkenness.
- New sprite work for some items.
- New sprite work for Ghouls.
- Added a new entrance variant for the Bastion (brigand dungeon).
- Fixed room renting: the game now correctly saves and detects the remaining rent time.
- Fixed the bug with a sudden HP and Energy drop when transitioning between zones.
- Fix quest items duping.
- Carts and other map encounters retain their state upon restarting the game its now impossible to endlessly loot them.
- Animals can escape to other zones when they reach the border.
- Stepping on a burning tile not only sets you on fire, but also deals immediate damage. The chance to catch fire is no longer 100%, now its affected by Fire Resistance.
- Fixed the bug which prevented certain effects from triggering when reaching Benevolent reputation with a settlement.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed using abilities and moving on the same turn.
- Fixed bizarre trajectories for enemys charge-based abilities.
- Fixed the bug with immortal enemies
- Fixed numerous memory leaks.
- Improved optimization.
- Fixed lots of crashes and other minor bugs.
[ 2020-04-14 17:14:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well share more details about some of the new additions which will be included in the Trollslayer update.
Grave Robbery

Now youll be able to grab a shovel and head to the nearest cemetery. If you spend some time digging around, you might find something valuable or interesting. Just remember that this isnt the most pleasant of activities, so your characters sanity and morale can take a noticeable hit if you rob graves too frequently. If you dont have a shovel with you, you can also try digging with your bare hands. Though the process will take much more time in this case plus theres a risk of hand injury.
Roadside Altars

Its now possible to randomly encounter roadside altars which were set up to honor the Host, the deity worshipped in Aldor. You can pray to the Host by these altars to gain a blessing for a few hundred turns. Blessings grant resistance to unholy damage, gradually restore psyche, and slightly increase received experience.

With the addition of a fully-fledged worship system, the altars mechanics will be substantially expanded, but for now their purpose is to add more variety to the world and encourage traveling by roads.
Save Slots

There were lots of requests to add character slots, so by popular demand it was decided to add them with this update. Youll no longer need to bother with backing up game files. Itll now be possible to create multiple characters and switch between them without any busywork.
Changes to Dungeon Generation
We continue experimenting with our dungeon generator by adding various changes. The updated version will be able to create more complex and engaging structures. We also continue to fill the world with more details. The Trollslayer update will have three new points of interests. One of them weve already shown. Heres the second one:

Update Release Date
Weve decided to add a number of initially unplanned and unannounced features (such as save slots and changes to dungeon generation), so well need a bit more time to finish their implementation and polish the build. Trollslayer will be available in three weeks - exactly on April 14th. Until next time!
[ 2020-03-22 15:30:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog well share some details about our new skill tree, Athletics, which will be added to the game with the Trollslayer update in the end of March.
Athletics is an utility skill tree composed of 13 abilities: 6 actives and 7 passives. Its primary goal is to provide more options to control the battlefield and improve mobility. Because of that, Athletics can easily be picked up by almost any build, since warriors, archers, and mages can all find a use for a timely repositioning. Lets now have a look at these new abilities:
Active Abilities

Mighty Kick is an opening ability for this skill tree. It offers a cheap but effective way to knock an enemy back while dealing a bit of damage. At the same time, the power of knockback resistance is doubled against this specific skill, so you are most likely going to have a bad time if you attempt to kick a bear. In case if you fail to inflict a knockback, the cooldown for Mighty Kick is immediately refreshed, so youll be able to try your luck again.

Sudden Lunge deals low damage, but puts all enemys abilities on cooldown for a few turns. Also it has a chance to apply Confusion for a couple turns, preventing enemy from attacking or using skills (but not spells).

Elusiveness grants 100% dodge chance till the end of the turn. After that it applies an effect of Elusiveness, its duration scaling with the amount of attacks dodged after the skills activation. Elusiveness increases dodge chance and decreases damage taken. Moving and receiving attacks grant extra stacks of the effect.

Dash allows you to charge for up to three tiles. It can be used to either create some breathing room or to initiate a fight. If you decide to Dash into enemies, youll receive a decent bonus to damage and reduce skills energy costs.

Leg Sweep is an unusual ability, somewhat similar to Deadly Trick from the current version of the game (its been slightly changed in the Trollslayer update). Leg Sweep deals a small amount of damage to three adjacent enemies, immobilizing them. Then it allows you to move to a nearby tile.

Adrenaline Rush can be viewed as a controlled, but weakened version of the Second Wind effect. Adrenalin Rush replenishes energy, slightly decreases pain and grants an effect which significantly increases energy restoration, crit chance, and pain resistance. The strength and the duration of the effect increase when low on health.
Passive Abilities

- No Time to Linger using Sudden Lunge against stunned, dazed, bleeding, or immobilized targets will trigger a free attack against them without damage penalty.
- Sprint Training increases the distance by one tile for all charge-based skills such as Mutilating Lunge (Axes), Onrush (Swords), Heroic Charge (Greatsword), Step Aside! (Staffs), Distracting Shot (Bows), and, naturally, Dash from this very skill tree.
- Disengage decreases the chance to trigger Attacks of Opportunity by 30%.
- Peak Performance grants bonus damage, dodge chance, and reduces abilities cooldowns if your energy level is more than 75%.
- Never Again significantly boosts Fortitude (resistance to negative effects) after receiving a negative effect.
- Inner Reserves replenishes 15% of your max energy when it drops below 15%. This passive can only trigger once per 90 turns.
- Invigorating Violence replenishes 5% Health for each enemy you kill while under the effect of Adrenaline Rush, allowing you to better capitalize on the limited duration of that effect.
[ 2020-03-15 16:08:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In this devlog wed like to present you a new skill tree which will be added with the Trollslayer update - Combat Mastery.
Combat Mastery is an utility skill tree, designed to be particularly useful to warriors and other characters relying on weapons. Overall it contains 14 abilities: 7 actives and 7 passives.
Active abilities:

- Seize the Initiative start combat by delivering a strike which will steal some of the stats from your target and grant them to you as a buff. Each following strike will increase the amount of debuff stacks on your target and the amount of buff stacks on you
- Defensive Tactics a buff with unlimited duration. The effect depends on the number of enemies around your character. The higher the number, the stronger this dynamically calculated effect. Additionally, as long as Defensive Tactics is active, blocking and dodging will restore your Energy.
- Offensive Tactics follows a similar logic, though it provides offensive stats instead. Additionally, critical strikes and counterattacks decrease the remaining cooldowns for weapon skills while its active. Keep in mind that you only can have a single tactic active at a time, so you will have to choose the most appropriate one for any given situation.
- War Cry deals a small amount of psionic damage, Weakening all enemies in a large AoE. In turn, you receive Battle Rage effect for several turns - the more enemies there are, the longer it lasts.
- Finisher perhaps some of you may remember this skill from one of the oldest devlogs about the currently retired class system. This skill allows you to deliver a strike which immediately refreshes all active cooldowns as long as it kills its target.
- Thirst for Battle is meant to improve survivability for warriors, especially when they are near death, injured, and are pretty much ready to give up on life. The power of the effect increases when low on health, so it has the potential to break the tide of battle with a significant bonus to damage and life drain.
- Against the Odds the legendary skill of Verren from the old Prologue returns. Now this skill is a crowning jewel of Combat Mastery. Its duration was decreased to 2 turns, however if you manage to kill an enemy within this time frame, youll recover a significant amount of HP and energy. Against the Odds is best used in combination with Thirst for Battle and Finisher for maximum impact.
Passive abilities:
- Setup grants you bonus accuracy and damage after you skip a turn, which makes waiting more tactically advantageous.
- Armor Crusher makes the task of disposing of armored targets easier. As long as their armor condition is more than half, your attacks have a bonus to armor piercing and armor damage. On top of this, when the targets armor durability reaches zero, this passive increases the amount of damage the target takes for a few turns.
- Intimidation grants War Cry a chance to daze or confuse all affected enemies for a few turns.
- Right on Target grants bonus stats to all weapon skills. Additionally, it grants a significant bonus to your weapon damage, increasing accuracy and crit chance, while decreasing skills cost and fumble chance as long as your second hand is empty.
- Opportune Moment grants your physical attacks a chance to decrease all active cooldowns for your skills by 1 turn.
- Stance Training adds an additional effect to your Defensive and Offensive Tactics. As long as your Defensive Tactics is active, all your stance-based skills will lose 1 stack on triggering instead of 2. When using Offensive Tactics, all your stance-based skills will activate with 6 stacks, which means that youll most likely lose them quickly.
- Final Push ensures that Against the Odds is a much more reliable tool for escaping death by increasing damage and accuracy for your attacks while you are under its effects.
[ 2020-03-10 18:11:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
This devlog is dedicated to revealing some of the progress weve made with the first major content update Trollslayer, which will be released around the end of March. As weve already mentioned, there are plans to include some previously unannounced things into this update. As for now, lets go through some of the features we are currently working on:
Additional flora and fauna

To make the world of Aldor feel more alive, weve added two new animals to the game: saigas and bisons, which can be encountered in the steppes and in the fields accordingly.

Penny buns have been added to the forests, fleawort and henbane now grow in the fields and by the roadsides, mushrooms and potatoes can be cooked at campsites. The meat system has also been changed, its now divided into four types: tough, fatty, sinewy, and tender. Each meat type can be acquired from certain animals. In the future we plan to make the hunting system significantly more complex, but it definitely wont be a part of the March update.
New dungeon type Catacombs

Proselytes have received their own dungeon type Catacombs. Abandoned churches, monasteries, and other ruins inhabited by the vampiric cults can now be encountered around the world. At the same time theres work being done on rehauling our dungeon generation algorithm in order to create more complex and structurally engaging levels. The work is still in progress, so no pictures of the interiors for now.
New skill trees Athletics and Combat Mastery

Right now we are in the middle of implementing two new utility skill trees, each containing 14 and 13 skills accordingly. Initially they were planned to be much smaller 8-10 skills each, but during the development it was decided to add additional branches. Combat Mastery will be a great addition to the characters focusing on using weapons. Its designed to enhance this playstyle, introducing 7 versatile combat and tactical maneuvers. Athletics is built around mobility and controlling the battlefield, so it can be utilized by pretty much every character Once all the skills are fully implemented and balanced, well publish a separate devlog where well present them in greater detail.
Expanded dialogues
We plan to slightly expand the dialogue system for the key characters such as merchants, elders, craftsmen, etc. Naturally there is no role-playing depth of classical RPGs to be expected here, our role system is simply not designed for that. However youll be able to learn more about certain characters, find out their opinions on different topics, and, perhaps, get some leads on various locations and quests...

Stay tuned for new devlogs. Until next time!
[ 2020-03-01 23:15:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're happy to inform Linux users that we've successfuly solved all Linux-related issues and Stoneshard is now available on your OC as well. Recommended distributive is Ubuntu 18.04. Other distributives may work as well, but they weren't tested.
It is important to note that depending on your version of Ubuntu additional dependencies may need to be installed to play the game. These dependencies are:
libopenal1 Hotfix Changelog
- Removed durability loss from Jewelry items
- Fixed another backpack-related trade exploit
- Fixed scrolls and treatises being sold for 1 coin
[ 2020-02-20 15:43:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed durability system. Weapons now also lose durability as was intended.
- Fixed Parry gaining negative stacks.
- Fixed Parry not granting counterattacks on block.
- Fixed 0 gold drops.
- Fixed Dance of Death passive skill not working while Painful Hits stance is active.
- Fixed cursed items dropping after receiving severe hand injury.
- Fixed Inferno not applying its effect during the casting turn.
- Fixed indicators position on consumables.
- Fixed bug causing all Crowbars in inventory lose durability after lock-picking or disarming.
- Various text corrections.
- Many Prologue difficulty tweaks to match the main game better.
- Weapon stances now lose 2 tiers instead of 3 on corresponding stats procs.
- Added War Scythe to Osbrooks weapon stands.
- Added 10% Fumble Chance to Confusion modifier.
- Reduced negative Crushing Damage Resistance of Frozen modifier (-50% > -20%)
- Reduced Proselytes jewelry droprates
- Range of Heroic Charge was reduced to 3 (4 with corresponding passive unlocked). Heroic Charge stat bonuses per tile travelled were increased: (+7.5% > +10%) Weapon Damage, (+5% > +7.5%) Crit Chance.
- Advance range was increased to 4.
- Reduced base Daze duration from Daze Chance procs (4 > 3).
- Reduced NPCs buying prices, but increased its dependency from reputation level.
- Economic tweaks: food & wine traders now buy tableware, priest and healer pay more for medicine, increased gold amount of several craftsmen.
[ 2020-02-19 19:42:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Its barely been a dozen of days since Stoneshard was released into Early Access, a rather stressful dozen of days for our team. Weve received a huge amount of feedback, and we are happy that our game gained so much unexpected attention. The first week was spent on fixing the most pressing issues, however its time for us again to focus on developing new content and mechanics.
Our first major content update Trollslayer is planned for March. You can see more details about it in our roadmap: it will introduce a new boss to the game, add a new dungeon type, two new skill trees, and expanded dialogues. Wed also like to add some of the initially unannounced content, but for now we cant promise anything outside of what was originally planned. During the development well publish a few more devlogs on our progress, so make sure to follow the game on Steam if you dont want to miss them.
During this month well continue to fix reported bugs and crashes, though at a slightly lower pace, so there still may be a couple more patches till the end of February. We also plan to finally solve the issues with the Linux build and release it in the near future. Until then, we recommend you to join us on Discord - our most favored way of communicating with the community where youll be able to chat with other players, ask us questions directly, or check out teasers for the future update. For now, heres some of them:
- Added different colored backdrops to items in the inventory based on their quality.
- Added an option to highlight containers by pressing ALT.
- Due to the popular demand, fog of war is now more transparent and should be easier on the eyes when moving through the forest.
- Restored the autopathing when clicking on unexplored tiles.
- Cauldrons in taverns can now be used for cooking.
- Added some of the missing animations and timetables for the denizens of Mannshire.
- Numerous visual fixes.
- Fog of war now applies to the location with the Abbey in Adventure mode.
- Fixed the trajectory for arrows and other projectiles (such as fire bolts and melting rays) when shooting at objects of the scenery.
- Fixed the bug with rings becoming unequipped when loading the game.
- Fixed Retaliation triggering on ranged attacks.
- Fixed the behaviour of fog of war when using Distracting Shot.
- Fixed the game freezing in certain situations when using Onslaught.
- Fixed the crash and the following issues with dungeons names when switching the games language after the start of the game.
- Fixed the simultaneous generation of two copies of the same contract.
- Mannshires Innkeeper now buys tableware and pays more for alcohol as well
- Reworked stances - their maximum number of stacks was increased to 6, and the bonuses were reduced to facilitate more gradual scaling. When the corresponding chances proc, the duration of stances increases, but the number of stacks gets reduced. The starting duration for stances is increased to 6.
- Stone spikes duration has been reduced to 8 turns.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Added voice-over for starting dialogue.
[ 2020-02-17 18:36:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Several visual fixes
- Fixed hanging modifiers icons caused by killing a mob while examining him
- Several text corrections
- Updated some skill hovers to display actual information
- Fixed a bug with extremely high Greatswords abilities energy cost
[ 2020-02-13 15:08:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed being able to activate multiple instances of Unwavering Stance.
- Fixed Prologue debuff applying to Proselytes in the Adventure. Now theyre pretty savage.
- Destroying Boulder via context menu now takes one turn.
- Fixed death-related crash.
- Fixed potion-related crash.
- Fixed another AoE-related crash.
- Fixed backpack trade exploit.
- Runic Boulder sustaining energy cost now scales for Spells Energy Cost stat. Your actual sustaining energy cost is now dynamically displayed on the modifier and skill hovers.
- Fixed possibility to take two actions per turn with fast enough clicking.
- Fixed bug preventing anyone from spawning in the field.
- Rains are less frequent now.
- Weather effects optimization. If you have performance problems during rains and mists, try to lower visual effects setting in the games options.
- Proselyte Dungeon and corresponding contract danger level was increased when shown on the map or in the journal
- Weapons Rebalance. Instead of linear progression, where every sword was slightly better than previous one, now all weapons are divided into conditional tiers. Items of the same tier deal the same damage (or roughly the same damage), but have varying bonuses to different secondary stats. Secondary stat bonuses are less dispersed now: instead of giving +1-4% to 4-5 different stats, they now give significant bonuses to 1-3 stats.
- Armor Rebalance. Mages Mantles now give less %Magic School% Spell Power than before.
- Enemy Rebalance. Used new progression here starting enemies became just a bit stronger, while higher tier enemies were significantly boosted, since they didnt present much danger to a well-developed character even when having numerical superiority.
- Increased basic Block Power and its gain from levelling Strength. Decreased Block Power bonuses from most weapons except greatswords.
- Brigand Bosses now may drop enchanted, magical and cursed items.
- Vivifying Essence: [-5% Morale > -35% Energy]. Since its usage didnt have any tactical consequences aside from skipping turn.
- Wolves had their damage increased. Their attack now also have Bleed Chance. Their Vision Range was reduced to make avoiding them early game easier.
- Enemy spawnrates in dungeons were increased. Now enemies are little more common that one mob per 2-3 rooms.
- Light armor now gives bonus Bleeding Resistance.
- Leeches: Pain Gain [+0.5% > +0.2%]
- Skeletons Damage Resistances: [-20% > -15%] Crushing Resistance. [+15% > +20%] Slashing Resistance.
- Unholy Altar: Completing Ritual now decreases Sanity & Morale more, while buffing for less turns. Destroying the Altar now longer dazes all enemis on a floor, but debuffs them with a random effect.
- Jorgrim: starting Norse Blade was replaced by Traveller Blade, since it was too good for a starting item.
- Jorgrim: now has 8 starting bonus attributes instead of 10 like all other characters.
- Fixed extremely high Moose spawning rates in some biomes. They wont move in herds anymore.
- Shouts create 25% more noise.
- Breaking stone and wooden object now creates 15% more noise.
- Energy cost of weapon stances was increased.
- Energy cost of Pyromantic spells was increased.
- Energy cost of Greatswords skills was increased.
Rebalanced weapon stances:
- (Swords) Fencers Stance: [+15% > +7.5%] Counter Chance per tier. Added +3.5% Dodge Chance per tier.
- (Maces) Hammer & Anvil: [+15% > +12.5%] Daze Chance per tier. [+40% > +50%] Armor Damage per tier. Added -4% Fumble Chance per tier.
- (Axes) Massacre: [+25% > +30%] Bodypart Damage per tier. Added +3% Crit Chance per tier.
- (Daggers) Painful Stabs: [+5% > +3.5%] Crit Chance per tier.
- (Ranged Combat) Suppression: Added +3.5% Hit Chance per tier.
- (Staves) Unwavering Stance: [+15% > +12.5%] Block Chance per tier. [+20% > +15%] Block Power per tier.
- (Greatswords) Parry: [+15% > +12.5%] Block Chance per tier. [+15% > +10%] Block Power per tier. Base duration: [4 > 8] turns.
- (Greatswords) Recklessness: [+3% > +5%] Crit Chance & Counter Chance per each enemy on a neighboring tile.
- (Greatswords) Feast of Steel: Crit Chance is now applied directly to physical skills and attacks, instead of being given as a buff to a character.
- (Ranged Comabt) Precision and Anticipation have switched their order in the branch, since Precision was a way too powerful ability for its position.
- (Shields) Surprise Onrush: [25% > 20%] base chance
- (Geomancy) Runic Empowerment: [-15% > -10%] Abilities Energy Cost.
- (Pyromancy) Fire Barrage: base damage [8 > 6]. Bonus damage to Burning targets: [+30% > +50%].
- (Pyromancy) Incineration: base damage [13 > 10]
- (Pyromancy) Ring of Fire: base damage [10 > 15]
- (Pyromancy) Ring of Fire: Fire Res. debuff [-15% > -20%]
- (Pyromancy) Excess Heat: replenishes [4% > 5%] Max Energy for each Burning enemy.
- Decreased reward difficulty scaling by 15-20%. Base rewards were slightly decreased as well.
- Slightly increased Wolf Pelt prices since theyre quite savage again.
- Decreased Disenchantment Scroll price.
- Crates and barrels drop less coing, but more often to make breaking them a little more fun.
- Roadcarts now have less generous loot.
[ 2020-02-12 19:56:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed missing texts for Map and Journal hotkeys in Controls menu.
- Fixed container-related crash.
- Fixed Incineration-related crash.
- Fixed "Taste of Victory" not replenishing Energy on kill.
- Heraldic Note now increases reputation with Osbrook and Mannshire.
- ESC now prioritizes cancelling skill usage and closing context menu.
- Removed Golden Candelabrum from Mannshire Castle.
[ 2020-02-11 14:12:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Opening map with a hotkey now stops your character
- Added support for native mouse cursor
- Added 3 new variations of brigand camps
- Fixed cursor collision
- Fixed full inn chests crashing the game
- Fixed Elder-related crash
- Fixed AoE-zone related crash
- Fixed SFX of Take Aim skill
- Fixed not working item type price modifiers
- Fixed Bodypart Damage not increasing from levelling Strength
- Fixed selling certain items for negative prices
- Jonnas starting Willpower is increased by 1 point (so now she has 8 starting attributes like any other character)
- Innkeeper now pays more for alcohol
[ 2020-02-10 13:51:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Since the release of the latest patch weve received many reports about various issues and game crashes when trying to play from old saves. As a result it was decided to disable old saves: we strongly recommend starting a new game. If you want to continue playing as your old character, you can rollback the game to the version without the feature of saving in camps. You can do it in steam game options by choosing the version in the Betas folder.
- Fixed the mistake with displaying old prices when renting a room.
- You can now buy waterskins from innkeepers.
- Changed Fly Agaric stats: -15% Pain +60% Pain Resistance x 90 turns
- Lots of fixes across the games localizations
- Bows basic accuracy has been reduced.
[ 2020-02-09 14:50:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
To begin with, wed like to thank everyone who believed in us and decided to support the development by purchasing the game over these last two days. The amount of players was completely beyond our wildest expectations, and we consider it a great success for our team we will continue to diligently work on the game to repay your trust. We fully understand that the game still has a long way to go. We plan to gradually fix the shortcomings which were pointed out as well as add new content. Thank you all once more -- we are set on doing everything in our power to implement everything weve planned.
After receiving the feedback it became clear to us that the biggest flaw of the game is the lack of the save system. Wed like to assure you, it was not a conceptual decision, designed to make players suffer by losing time and progress. Saving on exit is a fairly obvious QoL feature, which we would implement if we had the opportunity. Unfortunately, due to a combination of multiple factors procedural world generation, huge number of objects in every location, as well as parameters which require saving, this task is impossible to perform from the technical standpoint.
The reason is not GMS2, as it could be misunderstood from the message about engine limitations, the reason is our procedural generation engine. The saves currently used by the game technically differ from saving in any part of the game world they save the seed of visited locations, regenerating the world on each loading, they dont save the state of the world, as it was left by the player. Otherwise, the saves would end up weighting a few gigabytes and take minutes to load. Thats why the saving is done in designated locations which dont contain objects requiring their state to be saved tavern rooms, the archive in the Prologue, the location with Archon etc.
With the addition of a mobile caravan which would serve as a save spot, this problem would disappear on its own, since the player would have a place to save their progress at just a short walk away. However it will take a long time to implement it, and theres already a need for a solution thats why weve decided to add extra save spots to the existing world by reworking the current camp system.
Now the brigand camps, initially marked with a question mark on the map, can be cleared out and then used as a save spot by clicking on bed. Weve changed the algorithm for their generation to spread them more evenly across the map, placing them closer to roads and dungeons. We hope that this measure will make your game experience more pleasant. In the future, as it was already mentioned, therell be even more save spots. Other than the caravan, some random locations, roadside inns, etc. will also be used as save spots.
Thank you!
- Its now possible to save in brigand camps
- Map can now be opened by clicking on corresponding Journal tab or with M hotkey. Initially this was planned for the upcoming global map, but many people were left confused and thinking that map navigation isnt yet available.
- Journal and Map hotkeys now can be redefined.
- Maps were added to Elders stock. You can now purchase the map if you somehow lose your starting one.
- Many text fixes in all localizations
- Weve temporarily added small stock of leather/cloth items to Smiths Apprentice in Mannshire. Initially we wanted settlements to have different distinctive features and craftsmen, but since therere only two settlements and no caravan yet, the lack of tailor in Mannshire ended up being a nuisance.
- Added a hint regarding moving the camera around with MMB to the tutorial sequence.
- Added new brigand camps variation for temperate biomes
- Added new brigand camps variation for Steppes
- Many visual fixes of brigand camps
- Visual fixes of Witchs Hut
- Many visual fixes of equipment
- Fixed missing on-character sprite for Magistrate Gambeson
- Fixed playable characters having wrong corpse spites
- Fixed rare crash upon starting the game
- Fixed Vampiric Rune-related crash
- Fixed unique items droplist resetting on load, allowing them to drop more than once
- Fixed crash on enemy examination
- Fixed Proselyte Apostate attacking from 2 tiles away instead of 1
- Fixed carts generation on locations edges
- Brigand Camps spawns now depend on player level
- Reduced damage of Jorgrims starting weapons
- Reduced damage taken by body parts by 8%
- Proselytes, mid-tier and high-tier brigands were buffed by ~5-10%, as they didnt present much danger to 4+ lvl characters.
- At launch wolves were especially deadly because of their bugged Rend Flesh ability causing two attacks instead of one. Now this issue is fixed, so their health and damage values were reverted to pre-Hotfix values.
- Because of Pain Limit formula changes, passive pain reduction was increased. (-0.1 > -0.13) on >75% Health and additional (-0.15>-0.2) on >90% Health.
- Dungeons dont generate 4th floor anymore. Deep 4-5-floored dungeons will return once we revamp dungeon generation to make their exploration less monotonous.
- Reduced durability of equipment found in Luxurious Tombs.
- Reduced Jewelry drop rates from Crypt urns.
- Increased Golden Teeth drop rates from wooden coffins.
- Antitoxin is now more effective (-20% Toxicity > -25%)
- Reduced Toxicity of Stardust (+30% > +25%). Now its time to reduce toxicity of our Steam discussions.
- Antivenom now provides +75% Poison Resistance x30t.
- Food spoilage rates were increased by 50-100% depending on type.
- Rebalanced secondary attributes of most daggers to make their stats less clogged and more varied.
- Many changes to default price modifier when selling items to NPCs:
- Increased base price modifier for Alcohol (+30% > +50%) it's assumed alcohol should be a valuable trade good to find and sell
- Increased base price modifier for Medicine (0% > +20%) during war times people are more willing to pay for medical supplies
- Increased base price modifier for Beverages (0% > +10%)
- Increased base price modifier for Drugs (0% > +10%) they say drugs are a hot commodity for some people.
- Decreased base price modifier for Scrolls (0% > -10%)
- Decreased base price modifier for Treatises (0% > -10%) no one reads them anyway
[ 2020-02-09 04:05:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Crow Heater Shield crashing the game
- Fixed Archers not using Take Aim when in melee range
- Fixed enemy spellcasters using spells outside of their casting range
- Fixed Lacerate skill (used by Wolves) triggering two attacks instead of one.
- Fixed dual wielded weapons overlapping in a single slot after loading
- Fixed Osbrook merchants name not displaying in the corresponding contracts text.
- Fixed dialogue-related crash
- Fixed wrong description of Geomancy Treatise III
- Salves limb healing increased (12% > 15%)
- Damage values of melee weapons were reverted back to closed beta values (+5-12% increase on the average)
- Decreased armor durability loss to make playing as melee character less penalizing.
- Drastically reduced Fumble chance for weapon active skills to make playing as melee character more consistent and less RNG-dependent.
- Slightly increased gold stock of some merchants and craftsmen
- Fixed overtuned Wolf spawnrate in the Pineforest, wildlife in other biomes became slighlty less abundant as well. Mooses became more rare.
- Contract rewards were slightly increased (~10-15%) to compensate cases of poor loot runs.
- Leg injuries have smaller chance to immobilize now.
- Rebalanced Pain Limit formula. Decreased base Pain Limit from 0 to -25, but the Pain Limit loss from missing health was reduced by 25%.
- Laceration skill (used by Wolves) now deals less bonus Bodypart damage (100% > 75%)
- Damage over Time effects (except Bleeding) now deal set amount of damage each turn instead of scaled to Max Health. Meaning they are much less effective against high health enemies now.
- Decreased bonus Bodypart damage done by traps (200% > 150%).
- Beartrap Immobilization chance increased (85% > 100%).
- Bleeding now gives -30% Healing Efficiency instead of -4% Health Restoration, due to Health Restoration being disabled when taking damage anyways.
[ 2020-02-07 22:54:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! This is our second hotfix, dealing with the most frequent crash reported so far (80% of total reports).
- Fixed the most occurent crash related to renting
- Some visual fixes for morning mist
- Reduced renting price by 60%
[ 2020-02-07 06:55:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Snake-related crash
- Fixed crash happening during trading
- Low-tier enemies had their Damage and Health reduced by 5-10% to have more gradual difficulty curve
- Rebalanced Pain Limit formula and Pain Gain from injuries.
[ 2020-02-06 23:46:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
We'd like to thank all those who've been supporting us all this time. Our game is about to enter into the next stage, and we hope we can see it through together.
You can purchase the game here:
You can learn about the development plan and see answers to the most frequently asked questions in the previous news post.
[ 2020-02-06 18:09:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
As a reminder, its just 3 days until the Early Access release! Thats why wed like to answer some of the most frequently asked questions as well as tell you about the current status of the game, what will happen during the EA, and our plans for the future.
Early Access is just the beginning of the long way, which we are yet to walk with your support. There are still lots of mechanics and content to be added. Well need approximately 2 years to implement everything weve planned.
Lets start with the most important part - the current content. Right now the basic gameplay cycle is pretty much in place. Combat, dungeon crawling, health system, character development, and economy are all functional.
To fully explore all the content with one character, youll need around 7-10 hours, which is roughly translated into gaining 8-10 experience levels.
Currently in-game content includes:
- Two settlements - Osbrook and Mannshire
- Two types of dungeons
- Three enemy factions: brigands, the undead, proselytes
- 16 types of contracts
- 200+ items and 100+ abilities
- Hunting
- Health system
- Economy

Keep in mind that new content and features are not limited to things listed in the roadmap, they only represent high priority targets. The listed dates are an approximation and may be subject to change in the future versions of the roadmap. We may also add or remove features at our discretion.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Supporter pack. It will be available on release for $10 and will include OST along with two unique starting items (they dont offer major gameplay advantage). In the future the pack will be expanded with, among other things, a digital manual and an artbook. These items are granted automatically to every purchaser of the Supporter pack, there will be no need to buy them separately.
- The Prologue. It will be included in the main game, so you wont have to download and play the Prologue as a separate game. It also doesnt matter how you complete it or what items, experience, character build, etc. you acquire there -- these things are part of the story of a separate character. If youve already finished the Prologue, youll be able to start playing in an open world right away.
- Permadeath. Even though the game is balanced around permadeath mechanic, enabling it is purely optional, and youll be able to turn it off when starting a new game. If you play without permadeath, you can resume your game from the latest save.
- Save system. Its only possible to save the game in taverns. To save your progress, you need to find a tavern, rent a room, and sleep for any amount of time. Unfortunately the games engine doesnt allow saving anywhere and anytime when the game is this expansive.
- Progress wipes. Large updates which add new mechanics will likely lead to save file incompatibility. However, if you want to continue playing as a character from a previous version, you can rollback to the previous version of the game via Steam game options.
- Languages. English, Russian, Chinese, German and semi-official fanmade Polish will be available on release. We also plan to add the following languages soon: Spanish, French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese. The work on them will begin soon after the EA release. In the future we also plan to add Korean and Japanese localizations.
- Multiplayer and co-op. They are not planned, the game is an exclusively single-player experience.
- Achievements and trading cards. They are planned, but not for the nearest future.
- The main story is not yet available. For now there is only a sandbox mode, where you can travel between the settlements, fulfill contracts, and explore dungeons. We want to finish the game mechanics and content first before we add the main story as a single large expansion, which will arrive right before the game leaves the Early Access.
- Full keyboard and gamepad support. At the moment the controls are designed for the mouse, but we plan to improve keyboard controls in the future and add gamepad support.
- Mac and Linux. The game will be available for Linux on release. Mac OS support will be added later, the date is TBA.
- GOG release. Its planned, but not for the first few months.
[ 2020-02-03 17:32:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Were here to remind you only 7 days left until Stoneshard launches in Early Access on the 6th of February! For those of you still wondering, the price tag will be $15 for the US / 15 for the EU. To celebrate this, weve just released our launch trailer. Check it out! [previewyoutube=QSkQ9jwvLe4;full][/previewyoutube] In the coming week prepare for more news and updates, including our Early Access FAQ, development roadmap and other interesting things. Cheers!
[ 2020-01-30 22:36:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
This devlog is dedicated to a variety of small tweaks and improvements, which have accumulated over the last few weeks.

Casual cooking is the best way to ease your mind after slaughtering the whole bunch of bandits. Ever since the old Prologue, many players have been complaining that there are no uses for raw meat. In fact, we do have a fairly complex cooking and ingredient system planned, but implementing it is a very complex task, so it wont be coming any time soon. Nevertheless, there is already a need for some option to cook meat acquired from hunting - thats why weve added a small placeholder system, which will allow roasting it. To do it, you will need to find a campfire or an oven, start a fire, and cook raw meat through the context menu. Simple, fast, filling.
Expanded Map and More Dungeons

With the addition of a new village (well tell you more about it in the next devlog), the necessity of expanding the map became rather apparent. As a result, the map is now almost twice as large. Every village is also surrounded with its own dungeons, which are repopulated with enemies after a certain amount of time.
New Items

The amount of available equipment has been increased with the addition of new, regular gear, as well as some special, unique items. Unique items can only be acquired in a single copy and are often gained in a very specific way - during certain encounters or as a rare drop after killing an appropriate miniboss. These are not legendary items, so they dont have any unique properties, but they are generally better than the alternatives of the same level. All preset characters also start the game with two unique items, unobtainable in any other way.
Purses & Bags

During the closed beta, many players complained that inventory space is too limited and is too fast to get cluttered with gold. Weve fixed this problem with the addition of purses - special containers, which can only hold crowns. A purse only takes up two inventory spaces, while being able to hold up to 2000 coins, saving lots of space. Backpacks are equipped in the cloak slot, adding 12 extra spaces, which increases your inventory capacity by almost 25%. Why just 12 spaces? Because thats the exact amount of space taken up by a backpack if you put it in your inventory. We wanted to avoid the situations when players fill their inventories with many backpacks to maximize their inventory capacity. In our game the small inventory size is vital for balance and is an important tactical element, meant to encourage players to plan and optimize their equipment. We dont plan to add item stacks, as they interfere with the sense of size for each individual item. However, we plan to add more bag types for different items, such as tubes for storing scrolls, alchemy pouches for potions and ingredients and so on.
Geomancy Tweaks
Geomancy is the most unique magic school in the game at the moment. However, it had many problems: it was fairly independent from gear, and it could become an absolute weapon from level one if used correctly. Our task was to fix it without affecting other well-loved abilities. As a result, Runic Boulder, the cornerstone of the skill tree, was the only ability which got significantly rebalanced. Its problems included overly strong bonuses, lack of cooldowns, and no adverse effects of using the spell. These factors resulted in preventive boulder spam before each battle instead of placing boulders tactically.

To fix this, weve rebalanced the effect of Runic Empowerment, making it less versatile. Weve also added a small 2 turns cooldown between raising boulders, as well as introduced energy cost for maintaining them. Each boulder now drains 2 energy points per turn. If your characters energy runs out, the summoned boulders crumble. On top of this, boulders crumble if the caster loses sight of them, so its no longer possible to lure enemies into rooms with pre-casted boulders.

Little QoL-improvement. Now you don't need to re-cast boulders to get rid of them. Some other geomancy spells also had their numbers tweaked: for instance, stone spikes and stone armor durations have been reduced. To compensate for that, energy costs for all geomancy spells are lower as well - its now possible to create more complicated spell combinations without running out of energy. Thanks to these combined changes, geomancy now feels way more tactical, while still being very powerful in skilled hands, remaining just as fun to use as before. Thats all for now. Until next time! ==================== Also you can follow us on:
[ 2020-01-27 11:10:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In todays devlog, wed like to share some details about the character selection system.
As some of you may not know, Verren isnt the main character of our game. He only comes under your control in the Prologue. In the main game, however, he is an employer and a mentor figure to your character.
We plan to introduce an option to create your own mercenary, but at the moment the game lacks systems necessary for implementing a fully working character generator. Instead, we added an option to choose from four preset characters. Each of them has their own appearance, portrait, starting inventory, starting attributes, some special dialogue options and also a unique perk, unavailable to other characters.
An important thing about preset characters is that they have affinities, governing which skills are initially unlocked. For instance, Jorgrim is good with melee weapons and can start leveling swords, axes and maces from the get go. But to learn starting skills of the pyromancy and geomancy trees, hell have to find a corresponding treatise first.
We intend to expand this system at the same time as working on the character generator. According to our plans, some heroes will have access to unique content, which cant be discovered when playing as other characters. For now this type of content is represented with unique starting equipment. For example, Arna starts the game with a family cuirass and sword, which cant be obtained in any other way. We also plan to expand the character selection as we add more skill trees.
Some may ask: but what about classes? How do they fit into this system? Yes, at first we did consider adding classes, but as the development went on, it became quite clear that it would be completely redundant. Class abilities came in conflict with our vision for character development, and they werent really working with all possible archetypes, forcing you to play in a very specific manner. We wanted to avoid that. Class abilities also turned out to be fairly generic and boring when compared to common skill trees. As a result it was decided to transfer the best ideas into the existing skill trees and get rid of the rest.
Now let us present you with the backstories and affinities for each character:
Jorgrim, the Reaver

Affinity: Axes, Swords, Maces, Shields Unique trait: Berserker Frenzy (increased Weapon Damage and Crit Efficiency for 10 turns after every kill) Bio: Not so long ago people of Aldor would shake in their boots the moment someone mentioned Tyr the One-eyed, a legendary leader of Fjall brigands. Tyr's band was infamous for their audacious raids on the northern border - even well armed troops of the local lords suffered defeat after defeat from these ferocious dwarfs. Jorgrim was one of them, the best warrior in the band, he hadn't lost a single battle in his life. Yet as time went by, the One-eyed's brutality towards captured settlements became too unsettling even for his own underlings. Jorgrim was the one who despised unnecessary cruelty the most: he always held a belief that violence against the weak and defenseless is unworthy of a true warrior. It's unknown when Tyr crossed the final line, but eventually Jorgrim's patience ran short and the brigand leader's scalp found its place in the dwarf's long list of trophies. Left without guidance, the band fell apart: some dwarfs returned to Fjall, while others, including Jorgrim, decided to go south and try their luck as mercenaries.
Arna, the Maiden Knight

Affinity: Swords, Maces, Shields, Greatswords Unique trait: Vow of the Feat (every enemy within your vision range decreases Cooldowns Duration and Abilities Energy Cost) Bio: Few noble houses of Aldor can boast history as impressive as of the House of der Vyrne. By law, the title of a knight can only be passed down to a man, so it's not hard to imagine the chagrin of Arna's father, when after years of fruitless attempts his long awaited heir turned out to be a girl. To save his house, Arna's father decided to invoke an ancient custom of the northern foothills: Arna was to be raised as a boy. Her entire childhood and youth were dedicated to rigorous training and serving as a page to one of the noble families. When she reached adulthood, Arna was knighted. Over multiple tournaments, she managed to earn herself a reputation as a skilled warrior. Unfortunately Arna never had a knack for the most important skill to an aldorian noble - scheming. Soon after her father's death, Arna lost her fief, her title and her inheritance - the House of der Vyrne ceased to exist. Shaken by these events, Arna gave an oath to redeem herself by a heroic deed and embarked on an endless journey into the lands of Aldor.
Dirwin, the Woodward

Affinity: Ranged Combat, Axes, Maces, Daggers Unique trait: Sharp Eye (every tile between you and your enemy increases Crit Chance) Bio: Dirwin spent most of his life in loyal service to the late king, relentlessly patrolling the hunting grounds of his Majesty. He had great aim, knew the forest as the back of his hand and very few poachers, orcs and monsters survived their encounter with the royal ranger. Over his years of service, Dirwin eradicated countless dangers lurking in the woods, making one notch after another on his bow. After King Etbert's death, the Royal Rangers disobeyed the Council's orders and refused to participate in the fratricidal war. As a punishment, the unit was disbanded, so Dirwin took his weapons and headed back into the woods. During the war he continued to do what he always did: fulfill contracts and bounties, hunt dangerous monsters and help peasants. Common folks rightfully consider him their stalwart protector.
Jonna, the Runaway Sorceress

Affinity: Staves, Daggers, Geomancy, Pyromancy Unique trait: Arcane Lore (each learned spell increases Magic Power) Bio: Since ancient times there is a strong belief in Aldor, that women and magic don't go well together and can only bode ill. Lectors of the Academy fully shared this prejudice, rarely eager to accept women for magic training. However, Jonna's talent for magic was so great, that they decided to make an exception. After completing her training with flying colors, Jonna became a court sorceress to one of the aldorian nobles. Unfortunately her lord had a rather foul temper, something Jonna wouldn't put up with. One morning servants discovered their master's body burned to a crisp. The sorceress' sudden escape didn't leave much room for interpretation. If it wasn't for the war breaking out, Jonna would have likely been caught and burned at the stake, but in the chaos of the Strife she managed to elude the chase by joining a mercenary band. ------------

Just Jonna picking some field herbs. Thats all for now. Until next time! Also you can follow us on:
[ 2020-01-18 17:51:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Ink Stains Games here! Wed like to wish all of you Happy Holidays and to present you the long awaited update for the Prologue as a Christmas gift.
The original Prologue was published in May 2018. At the time it was more of a proof of concept, designed to demonstrate Kickstarter backers our vision of the future game. A lot of time has passed since then, most systems of the game have changed beyond recognition. And at some point the Prologue grew so outdated that updating it became a priority.
Now the Prologue is mechanically equal to the main game and we hope it will make it easier to wait for the February release :)
The list of changes is too expansive to be presented in detail after all, this update includes a year and a half of hard work. The Prologues structure remains the same, but if we are to list the most important changes, here is what you should expect from this update:
- An improved tutorial with detailed advice on main game mechanics.
- Vampires were swapped with Proselytes a new group of enemies with their own set of abilities.
- A reworked boss fight, which now consists of two consecutive phases instead of two parallel outcomes.
- A reworked health, injury and needs system. The old Prologue had it functioning based on RNG. Now its a transparent, deterministic process which you can assess at any time.
- More weapons, equipment and all kinds of items.
- Abilities from the closed beta are now available in the Prologue.
- Destructible environment. Press CTRL to attack environmental objects!
- Reworked Dual Wielding system.
- Lots of QoL improvements: better controls, more hotkeys, item comparison, inventory auto-sorting, pop-up hints and more. Though keep in mind that the game is designed primarily for mouse controls.
- Most of the game art was reworked.
- Dialogues and lore notes were rewritten to better clarify the opening events of the story. New voice-overs for the characters.
- Lots of changed and added mechanics (reworked Attributes, for instance).
- A reworked UI.
- Fullscreen support for 1366768, 1440900, 1600900, 16801050, 19201080 and 19201200 resolutions.
- Added an event log.
- Last Hope and At What Cost? achievements were replaced by The Bitter Beginning and Eternal Hunger achievements. The rest of the achievements were updated to fit with the content changes.
- Enemies learned how to open doors.
Frequently asked questions
Where did the stealth and some other skill trees from the old Prologue go?
Stealth mode was temporarily removed from the game. It will return during Early Access after being reworked. Same for the unavailable skill trees.
Can I launch the game on Mac or Linux?
Unfortunately you cant. For now we cant say for certain when the game will be available for these platforms.
What happens if Ive already got the achievements in the old Prologue?
Dont worry, your progress remains. The achievements were changed, not removed, so you automatically get their changed versions. =================== Merry Christmas and good luck finding your way out of the dungeon!
[ 2019-12-25 19:18:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
In this devlog well tell you what to expect from the updated Prologue which we plan to release this year.
Since the release of the Prologue in May 2018 almost every aspect of the game has changed so much, that the current Prologue will rather confuse newcomers than introduce them to the game. Therefore we decided to put an effort into updating its systems and mechanics so that theyll better reflect the state of the main game.
Its worth mentioning that the Prologue will remain free and will also be included in the main game, where it will serve as a tutorial and an introduction to the story. It means that you can complete it both as a standalone version as well as a part of the main game. Your actions in the Prologue will not have any effect on your main game so dont worry about transferring progress. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you finish the Prologue beforehand, youll be able to skip it in the main game and go straight to creating your character.
The Prologues structure will remain almost exactly the same. Youll still find yourself in a dungeon, escape, complete a tutorial floor and then fight your way through two procedurally generated floors to challenge the final boss. Weve also introduced quite a number of changes to the tutorial. For instance - more visible and descriptive popups, explaining games mechanics. We hope that it will provide a better introduction to the game.
As for game systems and mechanics, everything is now up to date with the current build of the main game. Reworked UI, relevant stats and abilities, new health and injury system, more transparent display of hunger and thirst, better dungeon generation, destructible objects and enemies opening doors it will all be included in the updated Prologue.
Content wise there are many noticeable changes, especially for those who didnt take part in the closed beta test. Since the release of the original Prologue weve added a huge number of new equipment and also changed most of the old stuff, so youll see lots of new items. Weve also changed starting enemies. Now instead of vampires youll fight against a cult of Proselytes, boasting fresh new enemy types and abilities. Other than that, all dialogues were rewritten to better accommodate story and setting changes.
And finally, the boss fight. Its safe to say that it has been improved the most. First of all, the Cursed Chapel was completely remade in accordance with our increased quality standards. Second, weve added a few tweaks to the fight with the statues. For instance half the spells is tied to one statue, while the other is to the second one. Respectively, by destroying one of the statues, youll prevent the Archon from casting blood bolts and puddles or stop him from summoning and healing zombies.
Third, the battle with the reborn Archon which used to be an optional secret, is now a mandatory second phase of the fight. The Archon himself was naturally changed as well, now possessing quite a few new abilities. You should be able to beat him by strategically exploiting his weaknesses. What are those? Youll have to find out yourself.
Thats it for now. Well announce a date for the Prologue very soon, so stay tuned.
Until next time!
Also you can follow us on:
[ 2019-11-17 17:07:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
After an extensive closed beta-test, quality-assurance as well as the reevaluation of the development roadmap, we want to announce important news - Early Access launch of Stoneshard is being moved to February 6, 2020.
This decision was not easy to make. We wanted you to go explore the lands of Aldor as soon as possible. The current quality of the game at this milestone is up to our standards, however we couldnt implement some of the important mechanics that we think are crucial to the first public build yet.
Even though the game in its current state is fun to play, we saw areas where we could make improvements in regards to replayability of ingame content, it ends too fast - we wanted to make the core loop more thorough and thats what we are working on currently.
Right now in the beta there are three categories of enemies (not types), ten skill trees and fully developed first settlement called Osbrook, including its environment, contract system, two types of dungeons and lots of unique equipment.
With more time to improve our systems, February will introduce several new and updated features:
[ 2019-10-16 17:00:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Stoneshard Linux [245.94 M]
Stoneshard is a challenging turn-based RPG set in an open world. Experience the unforgiving life of a medieval mercenary: travel across the war-torn kingdom, fulfill contracts, fight, mend your wounds and develop your character without any restrictions.
- Open World
War always leaves its mark: villages lie in ruins, dungeons are infested with monsters and old roads are abandoned. Travel across Aldor and learn more about its past. - Economy
The wartime economy is ruthless, but it also presents many opportunities: fulfill contracts, hunt for treasure, trade in a variety of goods and travel the land to earn your fortune.
- Character Development
Experiment with 100+ abilities and 200+ equipment pieces without any class or level restrictions. Create your very own playstyle! - Enemy Variety
Take part in intense battles against numerous factions. Brigands, abominable cults, the undead - all of them require a unique approach. - Tactical Battles
There is no hand-holding. Only the thoughtful ones shall prevail - plan a few turns ahead, adapt to your surroundings and fully utilize your character’s strengths.
- Health System
Master the simple but deep health system: cauterize bleeding wounds, relieve pain with alcohol and drugs, practice bloodletting and heal your maladies with various concoctions. - Psyche
Different in-game situations have a distinct influence on your character’s mental condition. High morale may turn the tide in your favor when fighting even the most hopeless of battles, while low sanity brings panic attacks and paranoia. - Permadeath
Do you like risk? Then try out the Ironman mode, where every decision is irreversible and your character dies once and for all.
- New Content
New settlements, including three majestic cities. New enemy factions: the mysterious Deep Dwellers and the ruthless Hive. Even more activities, equipment, enemies and abilities. - Caravan
Gather your caravan: upgrade it, find new routes and recruit followers - their skills and abilities will surely come in handy. Feeling tired? Return to your camp to hear fresh stories or just rest by the fire. - Devotion
Devote yourself to one of the aspects of the enigmatic deity. But remember: every blessing has
its price. Are you ready to make a pact? - Campaign
To solve the mystery of the Stoneshards, you’ll have to visit dozens of exciting locations, make decisions with long-lasting consequences and slay a number of ferocious bosses. - Alchemy & Cooking
Discover new recipes and experiment with potions and dishes by combining different ingredients.
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 or equivalentMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce 7600 512 Mb or equivalent
- Storage: 500 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 or equivalentMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce 7600 512 Mb or equivalent
- Storage: 500 MB available space
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